Jan. 14, 2016 - La Porte Independent School District


Jan. 14, 2016 - La Porte Independent School District
January 14, 2016
La Porte Independent School District
Every Student’s Success Is Our #1 Priority
La Porte ISD trustees recognized during School Board Recognition Month
January is School Board Recognition
Month, and La Porte ISD joins other
districts across the state in thanking
locally elected leaders for their
dedication and willingness to serve.
Our trustees serve as advocates for the
more than 7,700 students in the district.
“Super-Heroes for Schools” is the
theme of this year’s School Board
Recognition Month, and members of the
LPISD Board of Trustees were honored
by students and staff from the district’s 12 campuses at the Jan. 12 regular meeting
of the Board. The Board Room was decorated with posters signed by students at
LPISD schools, and trustees enjoyed many cards, letters and posters depicting their
work as “super-heroes” in many ways.
Members of the LPISD Board of Trustees include Lee Wallace, president, who
has served on the Board since 2010; Dee Anne Thomson, vice president, who has
also served since 2010; and Charlcya Wheeler, secretary, who has served since 2004.
Other trustees are Kathy Green, who was elected in 2004 and has served as Board
president for seven of those years; Phillip Hoot, who was elected in 2014; David
Janda, who was elected in 2012; and Lois Rogerson, who was elected in 2013.
Eleven students graduate during Dec. 17 DeWalt commencement exercises
December 2015 DeWalt School graduates, from left, James Villanueva, Arika Monteilh, Dennis Outlaw, center, teacher at DeWalt, congratulates Mary Noel and Amber Tidwell on
Madeline Arnold and Shelby Ballard prepare for the ceremony backstage at the Sonja Angelo their achievements.
Theater at La Porte High School. They were among 11 fall graduates at the campus.
Debbie Stewart, left, principal at DeWalt School, and Brad Paschal, right, DeWalt teacher,
present Mary Noel with the $1,500 Charles Emich scholarship. Photo by Strawbridge Studios.
DeWalt teacher Robert Wiederhold visits with graduates Jordan Lopez and Autumn Reynolds
prior to the commencement ceremony, which was held on Dec. 17.
Eleven DeWalt High School students received their diplomas during the Dec.
17 commencement ceremony held at La Porte High School’s Sonja Angelo Theater.
Eight of those honored were early graduates.
The event began with the processional performed by Lisa Davis and presentation
of the colors by the La Porte High School JROTC. Betsy Selby, DeWalt Teacher of
the Year, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Assistant principal Barbara Farmer introduced faculty and guests as well as the
early high school graduates and those who have already been accepted to college or
the military.
La Porte ISD Board of Trustees President Lee Wallace and Superintendent of
Schools Lloyd W. Graham addressed the students, as did Debbie Stewart, DeWalt
DeWalt teacher Brad Paschal presented the Charles Emich Scholarship to
Mary Kathleen Noel. Emich was a DeWalt teacher who passed away in December
Committee planning La Porte ISD’s 100th Anniversary celebration activities
Those who are interested in working on the committee may also call the LPISD
Communications Office at 281-604-7001.
Additional information about upcoming events will be included in The Leader
and posted on the district website at www.lpisd.org when details are finalized.
District Rodeo Art Show to be held
Jan. 14 at Sonja Angelo Theater
There’s cause to celebrate in La Porte ISD!
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the formation of the district, and
La Porte ISD will celebrate with a number of activities throughout 2016. These events
will culminate in a community-wide block party celebration during Homecoming
weekend. The date will be announced as soon as the 2016 football schedule is
determined in mid-February.
The 100th Anniversary Committee would like to hear from current and former
students, teachers, parents and community members about their favorite LPISD
memories. Please send your comments to Terri Cook, director of public relations, at
cookt@lpisd.org. The committee plans create a memory book from these submissions.
La Porte ISD’s annual
Houston Livestock Show and
Rodeo Art Show is scheduled for
Thursday, Jan. 14, in the Sonja
Angelo Theater at La Porte High
School. The show, which features
award-winning work from all of
the district’s schools, will be held
from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
Winners from the La Porte
ISD show will advance to the
Houston Livestock Show and
Rodeo Art Show this spring.
LPHS music and theatre departments get ready for 2015 musical Oklahoma!
Set crew volunteers Lee Chavez, Donald Ladd and Russell
Adams work on a set for the side stage during a recent
Oklahoma! troupe members Trent Spears, left, and Brennan Barclay Jonathan Flores, who plays Mr. Carnes, and troupe member
practice a dance during a break.
Christian Veloz are among the students rehearsing a scene
from Oklahoma!
Warren Winters, in front, as Curly, and Casey Boriskie, as Aunt Eller, perform during the Trace Spears, Hunter Knapik and Soul Schillaci strike a pose during a recent practice for
“Cowboys and Farmers Should Be Friends” number. Behind them are Soul Schillaci, who Oklahoma! They portray Slim, Ike and Will, respectively, in the show.
plays Will, and head dancers Kailyn Jackson, Samantha Harrison and Cassie Allred.
McCabe, Laurey; Hunter Knapik, Ike; Trace
Spears, Slim; Soul Schillaci, Will; Jason
Barron, Jud; Lindsey Witt, Ado Annie;
McCade Fletcher, Ali Hakim; Samantha
Beacham, Gertie; Jonathan Flores, Andrew
Carnes; and Donovan Going, Cord Elam.
Core Singers include Marlyn Beltran,
Gentry Blagg, Emma Bradstreet, Tristan
Brown, Darius Brown, Carson Buck,
Maureen Gallington, Amanda Hernandez,
Jonathan Humphrey, Tiffany Klein, Paloma
Nava, Corey Roehrick, Rebecca Salinas and
Savannah Stein.
Head Dancers include Cassie Allred,
Samantha Harrison, Kailyn Jackson, Hunter
Knapik, Woody Martinez and Trace Spears.
Girl Dancers include Sabrina Baca,
Chad Adams, in foreground, teacher at La Porte Junior High School, choreographs a number for Oklahoma! leads, dancers and troupe Heleina
Chaplin, Cassie Lambard, Aspen
and chorus members. Adams is among the many LPHS alumni who return to help with the production each year. Assisting him are Jeannine
Lozano, Saige Kalichman,
Watson and Angela Zelaya, who are also LPHS alumni and LPJH teachers.
Brookelynn Lopez, Blaine Miller, Natalie
Nix, Alexis Pelfrey, Olivia Robles, Jauslynn Sanchez, Brynn Williams and Laural
On a rainy Friday evening, more than 100 La Porte High School students
gathered in the Sonja Angelo Theater. Many congregated on the stage and side stages
Boy Dancers are Zachry Anaya, Gentry Blagg, Darius Brown, Tristan Brown,
as they learned a dance. Others practiced their lines in the foyer. Backstage, crew
Carson Buck, Johnny Buentello, Gaby Canizales, Justin Castillo, Ashton Cole, Rhett
members and adult volunteers hammered sets, painted drops and sewed costumes.
Cook, Abraham DeLeon, Dylan Duggan, Jacob Edwards, Andre Ford, Blake Gamez,
It was a typical January weekend at the theater as LPHS students, teachers and
Braulio Garza, Hunter Hebert, Jonathan Humphrey, Chris Leagan, Juan Luzardo,
volunteers prepare for the opening of the 2016 LPHS musical, Oklahoma! Each
David Mora, Seth Murray, Hayden Mundy, Jonathan Rivera, Corey Roehrick, Miguel
year, the entire community looks forward to the production of the LPHS theatre and
Serrano, Mason Staes, Chase Stegall, Reece Thompson, Seth Yancey and Bryan
music departments that brings together several hundred students, onstage or behind
the scenes, to make the show a success.
Heads of the Boy and Girl Troupes are Mason Boyd, Emma Bradstreet, Zoey
Performances are scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 28; Friday, Jan. 29; Saturday,
Garner, Angel Mascarenas and Rebecca Salinas.
Jan. 30; Thursday, Feb. 4; Friday, Feb. 5; and Saturday, Feb. 6. Thursday and Friday
Girl Troupe members are Vanessa Acosta, Alyssa Agerton, Brianna Allen, Mia
shows begin at 7:30 p.m. On Saturdays, two shows are scheduled for 5 p.m. and 8:30
Arcangeli, Alyssa Banda, Marlyn Beltran, Madeline Blagg, Kaylie Clausen, Aleya
Cook, Gaviel Erskine, Alexis Foose, Maureen Gallington, Kalyn Garcia, Tiffany
Tickets are $12 and will be sold in the foyer of the Sonja Angelo Theater
Goodin, Amanda Hernandez, Bryanna Guerra, Taylor Hutton, Esperanza Jauregui,
weekdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. beginning Monday, Jan. 25. The box office will also
Tiffany Klein, Grace Lassetter, Hannah Orrego, Sarah Raymundo, Madison
be open 30 minutes before each show time.
Riggenbach, Paloma Nava, Jazmine Saiz, Alondra Segovia, Kimble Steadman,
The cast includes Casey Boriskie, Aunt Eller; Warren Winters, Curly; Sara
Savannah Stein, Rya Sweatt, Adela Torres, Monique Valenzuela, Mikayla Wheeler,
Tess Wilson, Georgia Zaborowski and Kendal Zemanek.
Boy Troupe members are Garrett Baugh, Mason Boyd, Nolan Cook, Antonio
La Porte Independent School District
Cantu, Tahir Erskine, Adrian Escareno, Jared Gulledge, Nick Higgins, Eric Land,
1002 San Jacinto Street
Dylan Limas, Kyler Ofczarzak, Jimmy Mascorro, Zachary Morales, Dee Jay Murray,
La Porte, Texas 77571
Michael Palacios, Mason Peres, Jose Perez, Carson Rannals, Dylan Rashell, Trent
Spears, Luke Torres, Zach Twomey, Christian Veloz and Travis Walker.
Head Chorus members are Amaya Hernandez, Alyssa Lindsey, Ashley Motley
and En Jane Taylor. Other Chorus members are Emilee Anderson, Isabel Bu, Jessica
Buentello, Trinity Burnett, Natalia Cantu, Jazmine Castaneda, Natalie Chavez,
The Leader is a publication of the La Porte ISD Communications Department.
Ashlee Cole, Bailey Cox, Ashleigh Cramer, Erykah Delgado, Kelly Dodson, Paisley
The newsletter is published bi-weekly for the La Porte ISD community. Inquiries
Fernandez, Mila Love Fontes, Lily Gonzales, Tori Guerrero, Mackenzie Holliday,
should be directed to Terri Cook, Director of Public Relations, at cookt@lpisd.
Madison Huie, Mariah Infante, Lauren Jenkins, Lexie Maddoz, Arianna Mendiola,
org or Kimberly Culver, Communications Coordinator, at culverk@lpisd.org.
Sydney Otwell, Lauryn Palestro, Kasey Reynolds, Josie Rodriguez, Alyssa Ruiz,
Tristan Runnells, Catherine Saenz, Victoria Schmidt, Chloe Sievers, Vanessa Solis,
Lindsey Sonnier, Daniela Tello and Gabrielle Williams.
Look for more information about Oklahoma! in the Jan. 28 issue of The Leader.
La Porte High School senior selected to Texas All-State Band for second time
La Porte High School senior Charles Johnson was selected to perform in the
Texas All-State Band following auditions at Seven Lakes High School on Jan. 11.
This is the second time that Charles has earned this prestigious honor; he was also
named to the All-State Band as a sophomore in 2014.
Over 60,000 students initially entered the All-State competitive process, with
860 selected to perform with the All-State Concert and Jazz Bands next month.
Charles, who plays the bass clarinet in the LPHS Band, is the son of Chad
Johnson and Maria Luna. He will perform with the Texas All-State Band in San
Antonio on Saturday, Feb. 15, at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center as part of
the 2013 Texas Music Educators Association (TMEA) Clinic/Convention.
He is a student of Mark Harrell and plays at La Porte High School under the
direction of Mark Nichols, who is a member of the TMEA, an 11,000-plus member
organization headquartered in Austin.
All-State students participate in three days of rehearsals directed by nationally
recognized conductors during the TMEA Clinic/Convention. The All-State concert
schedule and conductor information are available at www.tmea.org/ convention.
LPHS hosts first “Bring Your Own Rig” welding competition Jan. 8
La Porte High School agriculture mechanics teacher Kurt Marek, second from left, offers
guidance to members of the LPHS welding team at the “Bring Your Own Rig” competition.
From left are team member Austin Fiala, student Bradley Mills, and team members Ryan New
and Jacob Hanson. Not pictured is team member Kyle Kaminski.
The La Porte High School FFA held a “Bring Your Own Rig” welding competition
on Jan. 8 at the Lomax Arena. The event, which included 12 teams from schools all
over Texas, was also a fundraiser for the FFA to send its agriculture mechanics team
to competition in San Antonio later this year.
Each team of four students was given a sheet of metal and the plans to create
a fire pit. Participating FFA programs included East Chambers, Magnolia, Liberty,
Rockdale (which had two teams), Sterling (Goose Creek CISD), Barbers Hill,
Lumberton, Anahuac, Rice Consolidated and La Porte. A total of $16,000 in
scholarships, in addition to a variety of other prizes, were awarded to the top teams.
Tulsa Welding School provided a $4,000 scholarship ($1,000 scholarship to each
team member) for the grand champion team, with $2000 for the reserve champion
team and $1000 for the third place team. Elite Pipe Welding Academy also presented
a $6,000 scholarship ($1,500 scholarship to each team member) for the grand
champion, with $4,000 for the reserve champion team and $2,000 for the third place
Liberty FFA earned first place, followed by Rockdale FFA in second place,
Magnolia FFA in third place and Sterling FFA in fourth place.
Sponsors who provided other prizes were Frontier Feed and Apparel, Oates
Industries, Ferguson Plumbing Supply, Gas Supply, Bayside Plumbing, Chick-fil-A,
Celanese, Kuraray, Elite Pipe Welding Academy, and S & S Supply Solutions.
Agriculture mechanics teacher Kurt Marek coordinated the event.
La Porte High School agriculture students who helped with the “Bring Your Own Rig” welding
competition stand behind the prizes that were donated for the event. From left are teacher
Dustin Fisher, students Blake Dean, Bradley Mills, Caitlin Disiere, Hailey Haas, Courtney
Williams, David Nowetner, Wade Burt, Gavin Lehew and Payton Suggs, and teacher Kurt
LPHS Bulldogs earn top honors at
annual football banquet Jan. 9
Members of the La Porte High School Bulldogs football teams earned top honors
at the annual football banquet held in the LPHS Physical Education Center on Jan. 9.
The event was sponsored by the La Porte High School Football Booster Club.
Logan Jackson and Casey Motley were named as the Top Offensive Linemen,
with Austin Upshaw selected as the Top Offensive Skill Player. Eric Kendzior was
announced as the Top Defensive Lineman for the second year in a row, and Vince
Chachere was selected as the Top Defensive Skill Player.
Foster Hilborn and Sergio Calvillo shared recognition as the Special Teams Most
Valuable Players. Terrel Bernard was chosen as Best All Around, also for the second
year in a row.
Austin Upshaw, Eric Kendzior, Casey Motley and Terrel Bernard were awarded
the Captains’ Plaque. Seth Murray won the Todd Schoppe Academic Award for
having the highest grade point average, and twins Dominic and Demitri Rosas earned
the John Black Fighting Heart Award.
Terrel Bernard was also named Most Valuable Player. On the sub-varsity teams,
Most Valuable Player honors went to Julio Clarke, Freshman White; Trent Soltes,
Freshman Orange; Hector Martinez, JV White; and Shariff Mohammed, JV Orange.
LPISD District Calendar
1/14/16 - Thursday
Bayshore Elementary - Campus Oral Spelling Bee - 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM
College Park Elementary - Family Math Science Night - 6 PM - 7:30 PM
Heritage Elementary - Oral Spelling Bee - 9 AM - 10 AM
Heritage Elementary - Family Fitness Night - 6 PM - 7 PM
Jennie Reid Elementary - Spelling Bee
Rizzuto Elementary - Campus Oral Spelling Bee - 9 AM
Baker - History Fair Open House - 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM - Multipurpose Room
LPJH - Campus Spelling Bee - 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM - Cafeteria
LPJH - 7th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Deepwater - 4:30 PM
LPJH - 8th Grade Boys Basketball @ Deepwater - 4:30 PM
LPJH - 7th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Bonnette - 4:30 PM
LPJH - 8th Grade Girls Basketball @. Bonnette - 4:30 PM
LXJH - 7th Grade Boys Basketball @ Fairmont - 4:30 PM
LXJH - 8th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Fairmont - 4:30 PM
District Rodeo Art Show - 5 PM - 6:30 PM - LPHS Sonja Angelo Theater
1/15/16 - Friday
End of 2nd Nine Weeks - Elementary
College Park Elementary - Mid-Year A/R Skate Party - 10 AM - 12 PM
- Skate World
Rizzuto Elementary - Muffins with Mom - 7:20 AM - 8 AM
LPHS - Bulldogs Basketball vs. Beaumont West Brook - 7 PM
LPHS - Lady Bulldogs Basketball @ Beaumont West Brook - 7 PM
1/16/16 - Saturday
LPJH - 7th Grade A Girls Basketball - Pearland Tournament
LPJH - Girls Basketball - Space Center Intermediate Tournament - 7B & 8B
LPHS - UIL Orchestra All-Region Concert - Kingwood Park High School,
4015 Woodland Hills Dr., Kingwood
1/17/16 - Sunday
LPJH - 7th Grade A Girls Basketball - Pearland Tournament
LPJH - Girls Basketball - Space Center Intermediate Tournament - 7B & 8B
La Porte Elementary honors its
Leopards of the Month for Nov. & Dec.
La Porte Elementary announces its students of the month for November & December. They
include pre-kindergarten students Kaylie Sanchez-Alvarez and Eleana Lewis; kindergarten
Logan Powers, Julyssa Garcia and James Harlow; first grade Edynn Dunn, Cameron Wright
and Karleigh Schultz; second grade Patricia Solis, Miranda Sanchez-Alvarez, Karissa Allen
and Sarah Torres; third grade Joseph Vitales, Codee Shaw, Ian Gaul and Persilla Walker;
fourth grade Dominic Aguirre, Aaron Newberry and Elvis Garcia; fifth grade Victoria Fey,
Madison Guidry, Destiny Ward and Pedro Garcia. Principal Carol Williams and assistant
principal Laura Haug are pictured with the honored students.
Bayshore Elementary announces its
Bobcats of the Month for December
1/18/16 - Monday
Student Holiday/Staff Development
1/19/16 - Tuesday
Beginning of 3rd Nine Weeks - Elementary
LPHS - Bulldogs Basketball @ North Shore - 7 PM
LPHS - Lady Bulldogs Basketball vs. North Shore - 7 PM
1/20/16 - Wednesday
College Park Elementary - 4th Grade Science Club - 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM
- Science Lab
Rizzuto Elementary - Math Vocabulary Parade & Dress up day
LXJH - 7th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Pearland South - 4:30 PM
LXJH - 8th Grade Girls Basketball @ Pearland South - 4:30 PM
1/21/16 - Thursday
College Park Elementary - Drama Club - 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM
Jennie Reid Elementary - I Have A Dream Family Night - 5:30 PM - 7 PM
Rizzuto Elementary - Math & Science Night - 6 PM - 7:30 PM
LPJH - 7th Grade Boys Basketball @ Deer Park - 4:30 PM
LPJH - 8th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Deer Park - 4:30 PM
LPJH - 7th Grade Girls Basketball @. Deepwater - 4:30 PM
LPJH - 8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Deepwater - 4:30 PM
LXJH - 7th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Pearland South - 4:30 PM
LXJH - 8th Grade Boys Basketball @ Pearland South - 4:30 PM
1/22/16 - Friday
Jennie Reid Elementary - Student of the Month Breakfast - 7:30 AM - 8 AM
Rizzuto Elementary - Donuts with Dads - 7:20 AM - 8 AM
Baker - Club Day
Bayshore Elementary announces its students of the month for December. They include prekindergarten students Genesis Martinez, Jaylynn Mathias and Jace Wright; kindergarten
Jose Aguirre, Andrew Guzman, Klayton Rager and Jimena Vela; first grade Brailee Bradley,
Lilah Pieper, Isabella Rodriguez and Consuelo Velasquez; second grade Juan Arellano,
Eric Canales, Angelina Davila and Evan Halbardier; third grade Jonathan Gamez, Noah
Longoria, Cheyanne Sanders and William Thompson; fourth grade Ashley Guajardo, Tatum
Jordan, Brandon Knight and Haley Soileau; fifth grade Cameron Castillo, Fernanda Garcia
and Ashlyn German. Principal Vickie Gentile and counselor Cindy Martin are pictured with
the honored students.
Lomax Elementary announces its
Lions of the Month for November
1/25/16 - Monday
Bayshore Elementary - 2nd Nine Weeks Awards
Lomax Elementary - 1st Semester Awards Kinder, 1st & 2nd grade
Rizzuto Elementary - Science Vocabulary Parade & Dress up day
LPHS - Musical tickets on sale - 11 AM - 1 PM - Sonja Angelo Theater lobby
LPHS - CPOC Meeting - 4 PM - 5 PM - Library
1/26/16 - Tuesday
Rizzuto Elementary - Bullritos Family Night
LPJH - Math and Science Academic Night - 5 PM - 6:30 PM
LPHS - Musical tickets on sale - 11 AM - 1 PM - Sonja Angelo Theater lobby
1/27/16 - Wednesday
College Park Elementary - 3rd Grade Science Club - 3:10 PM - 4:30 PM
- Science Lab
LXJH - 7th Grade Girls Basketball @ Deer Park - 4:30 PM
LXJH - 8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Deer Park - 4:30 PM
LPHS - Musical tickets on sale - 11 AM - 1 PM - Sonja Angelo Theater lobby
2016 Summer Program Expo (Exposición del programas de verano)
5 PM - 7:30 PM (Rice University - Rice Memorial Center)
This is the calendar information that is available at press time. Please refer to the La Porte ISD district calendar at www.lpisd.org for changes
and additional information.
LPISD Substitute Cafeteria
Workers needed
3 hrs. per day as needed. Permanent positions to be filled by substitute
workers when available. Pay is $9.25 per hour sub and permanent is $9.75
per hour. Apply by completing a manual trades application at www.lpisd.org.
Contact Debbie at 281-604-6951 (LPISD School Nutrition) for details. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Lomax Elementary announces its students of the month for November. They include
kindergarten students Aaliyah Hodges, Adelyn Lozano and Kandance Thompson; first grade
Johanna Bernal, Channing Miramontes, Joshua Gutierrez, Evan Bernal and Isiah Vazquez;
second grade Zippora George, Baylee Pugh, Abigail Searls and Jesse Ortega; third grade
Mason Fuson, Gabriel Porter, Logan Elledge, Breanna Perdue and Alex Molina; fourth grade
Noah Ayala, Nicole Herrera, Laurie Livingston, Lauranh Nguyen and William Woodruff; fifth
grade Austin Haskins, Ariana Perez, Tyler Gabrilska and Kandance Lynch. Principal Dr. Alicia
Upchurch and assistant principal Linda Hyde are pictured with the honored students.
The La Porte Independent School District does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, color, national origin, sex or disability in
providing education services, activities, and programs, including vocational programs, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and
Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The Title IX Coordinator is Isela Montes, Executive Director of Human Resources, 1002 San
Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Telephone (281) 604-7110. The Section 504 Coordinator is Cynthia Anderson, Executive Director of Special
Programs, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Telephone (281) 604-7034.
El Distrito Independiente Escolar de La Porte no discrimina sobre la base de edad, raza, religión, color, origen nacional, sexo u incapacidad
para proveer servicios educacionales, actividades y programas, incluyendo programas vocacionales, de acuerdo con el Título VI del Acta de
Derechos Civiles de 1964, como fue enmendada; Título IX de las Enmiendas Educacionales de 1972; Sección 504 del Acta de Rehabilitación
de 1973, como fue enmendada; y el Título II del Acta de Americanos con Incapacidades. La Coordinadora del Título IX es Isela Montes,
Directora Ejecutiva para Recursos Humanos, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Teléfono (281) 604-7110. La Coordinadora de la
Sección 504 es Cynthia Anderson, Directora Ejecutiva de Programas Especiales, 1002 San Jacinto, La Porte, Texas 77571, Teléfono (281)

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