around the pound classified ads


around the pound classified ads
Page 6
Holidays and Your Pets
The Animal Shelter donation dog houses are managed by the La Porte
Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association. All the money is donated to the shelter to help save the lives of animals by purchasing
vaccination’s for the animals. When you see the Dog Houses at various businesses around town, drop some coins in and help our 4 legged
It’s that Holiday season again and things can get a bit hectic during these next few months. La
Porte’s Animal Control officers would like to point out that our pets feel these same stressors and
are subject to the changing conditions as humans. Some guidelines residents should remember are
to ensure that outdoor pets have plenty of food and water as well as adequate shelter with bedding
to help protect against the cold. Indoor pets need to have a watchful eye in case they dart outside
in the elements and put their lives at risk.
Household items like plants, holiday decorations, and lights are items that can make you pet ill,
injure them, or possibly lead to their death. Be sure you have handy your family Veterinarian’s
contact information, animal “Emergency Rooms” locations, and animal poison control. Making
your home Pet safe, you insure that everyone has a safe and happy Holiday season.
La Porte’s Animal Control representatives want to wish you a great holiday season and a Happy
New Year. Remember “Keep our Loved Pets Safe”. The La Porte Animal Shelter Staff is available
for any questions at 281-842-3700.
Norma Winter is holding a new arrival to the animal shelter. This white
and black terrier mix is available for adoption, along with other good
pets, by visiting the Shelter at 1201 South4th Street between hours 6-6
Mon – Fri or 7-3, Sat & Sun.
as much as 22%
on our Friday Discount
Vaccination Package Day!
The number of based aircraft at La Porte Municipal Airport was 167 in 2008.
The airport is projected to have 194 based aircraft by 2030.
---Houston-Galveston Area Council, 2040 Regional Aviation System Plan Executive Summary
home, Fairmont Park area,
provided, Newborn to 12
years, Mon-Fri 7 am – 5
pm. 281-470-7381
Huge Garage Sale- Dec. 1,
2, and 3rd, then Dec. 15, 16 and
17th. Furniture, household items,
children’s clothing and toys
-“little bit of everything”- 10833
FOR SALE: 1999 Chevy ½
T, 2dr PU with a/c, am/fm radio,
long bed - $3000.. Call 281-4718549
For sale: 16’ lowboy trailerfold down removable rampsgood tires- surge brakes- great
condition, only $1600. callJim
Sycamore North, LP.
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