Weekly Announcements - DEER PARK CHURCH............... A United


Weekly Announcements - DEER PARK CHURCH............... A United
The Spirit of Deer Park UMC
Sunday, May 31, 2015
John Moxley
Darlene & Bill Francis
Mike Broyles
Kim Jordan
Eluria Downs & Donna Gayhardt
SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES (Sundays, 9:45 to 10:45AM)
Children’s classes are on break for the summer, resuming on September 13
Bible Basics (Pastor Pat’s) Class .............. Conference Room
Seekers’ Class .............. Room next to the Library
Women's Bible Study
"Gideon: Your weakness. God's STRENGTH."by Priscilla Shirer
On hiatus -- resuming in September (date TBD)
Monday, June 1 @ 7PM in the conference
TRUSTEES - No meeting in June.
YOUR HELP IS NEEDED -- Saturday, June 6 at
9AM, we will be decorating for VBS, “G-Force-God’s
SISTERHOOD MEETING - Thursday, June 4 @
Love in Action”. We have wall decorations to hang,
7:00PM in the Social Hall. All women are invited to
items to dangle from the ceiling, class room doors to
join us for our annual birthday celebration. In lieu of
decorate, entrance ways to make inviting, posters
gifts, please bring a non-perishable item for Carroll
that need put up and window decorations. Everything
County Food Sunday. The theme this year is "Purses"
but the actual altar area will be decorated that day in
so bring your favorite one! Please let Kathy Browning
anticipation of VBS. There is a sign-up sheet in the
know if you plan to attend or have any questions.
narthex if you can help. If you have any questions,
SAFE SANCTUARY TRAINING – the final session will be held in the Conference room
on Tuesday, June 9 @ 7PM, please see the sign-up sheet in the narthex. Anyone having
contact with the kids during VBS needs to take the training. Yearly training is required by
the Church's Safe Sanctuary Policy. Thank you to everyone who is responsible for making this year's VBS a super success! Mary Newcomb
THANK YOU - to God & the team serving the "Feed My Sheep" lunch in Eldersburg on Thursday. This
fantastic team serves the hungry & lonely neighbors. Thank you to the United Methodist Women for
sponsoring this meal. May God richly bless these servants of the Lord, Ruth Myers.
GRADUATES! - Do you know of anyone that will be graduating from High School or College this year? If
so, please let Kathie Browning know as soon as possible.
JOB OPPORTUNITY - Sandy Mount United Methodist Church in Finksburg is seeking a Custodian/
Maintenance Specialist to maintain cleanliness and general repair of their facility. A complete detailed job
description is available in the narthex.
HELP NEEDED FOR FIVE ALIVE! - This year there will be four services in the
pavilion: July 11, 18, 25 & August 1. We are in need of volunteers to assist with the
• Sound equipment set-up (assist Keenan Hudson).
• Chairs & equipment set-up beginning at 3PM.
Volunteers do not need to commit to every Saturday. A sign-up sheet is in the
narthex. Thank you for your help with this community outreach!
Cindy Davis for the Worship Team
HELP WANTED - The UMW is planning to have a Bake Table at the Dog Walk in the Park on Saturday, June
13. If you could help us out it would be appreciated. We need cookies, bars, muffins & brownies, individually
wrapped & priced. Drop off Saturday, June 13 at 9AM. Please no creams or meringues. Contact Lynn Spencer for more info 410-857-9882.
VBS – June 22–26 (Monday-Friday), 6:00-8:00PM. “G-Force: God’s Love in Action” where children 3
years old thru middle school will discover how to "fuel up" and move through life with God. A light meal will
be offered at 5:15PM each evening. Registration forms, letters & flyers are available in the narthex. Questions, see Kathie Browning.
AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE - Monday, June 29 at Deer Park UMC from 2PM-7PM, in the social
hall. Please call Judy Marsiglia 410-751-8898 to schedule your life saving donation or Gary Saylor 443-4651023. Thanks for saving a life!
Father’s Day (June 21) will soon be here. Remember your father and have his
name in the bulletin. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Envelopes
marked Flower Fund are available in the narthex. The money will be used to purchase flowers for the altar throughout the year. Please place your order in the
offering plate or give to Ruth Shipley by June 14.
GIVEN IN MEMORY OF __________________________________
GIVEN IN HONOR OF ____________________________________
GIVEN BY _____________________________________________
Deer Park United Methodist Church
There will be one service at 9:30 AM during the months of
July and August
On June 13th Deer Park UMC is providing the use of our field for a yard sale to benefit Animal
Advocates of CC. DPUMC will provide a hamburger and hot dog lunch and have a bake table.
If you are able to commit to helping with the lunch it would be appreciated!
The article below explains what this group is all about!
There will be a 5K Run/Walk, Pet Portraits, Prizes, and Blessing of the animals. Here is a link
to the online registrationhttp://www.eventbrite.com/e/2015-3rd-annual-animal-advocates-of-carroll-coun
The Animal Advocates of Carroll Co., MD, Inc. is a non-profit organization formed to promote the humane treatment of animals, responsible pet ownership, shelter pet adoption and
pet spay and neuter, all with the goal of increasing the live release rate of animals from our
local animal shelter.
 All activities are performed by volunteers. Reducing the intake rate at the shelter also reduces the number of pets that need new homes. To accomplish this: We offer advice and assistance to owners to help them keep their pets, if they can, and help them re-home the pets
themselves, if they can't. Assistance to pet owners could include pet food, pet confinement,
training, assistance with veterinary costs, etc.
 We encourage people to get their pets altered (unless they are going to be shown, or
thoughtfully and deliberately bred) and tell them about low cost options to get that done.
When funding allows, we offer financial assistance. We also help with transportation to the
clinics, if the pet owners are unable to get the pets to the clinics, themselves.
 We assist with the trapping of feral kitties, have them vaccinated and altered, and release
them back where they live. We attempt to help lost pets get home, through the use of the internet and social media, and by posting fliers where the lost pets were found. To increase the
live release rate, we promote the adoption of the pets from the shelter. We do this by: Posting
pictures of the adoptable pets in local businesses, and on the internet, and social media.
 We occasionally offer special incentives to people who adopt from the shelter, such as gift
baskets, or reduced price adoptions. We attend events in our community, and set up a booth
with a display of the pets available, and discuss with people the importance of adopting from
their local shelter.
 Eventually, we hope to be permitted to take the shelter pets out to these events with
us. One of our future goals is the development of a Humane Education Program, to reach the
youth of our community with our message of compassion towards animals.
We all pray...some, but wouldn't we like to
pray...more? Better? Stronger? with more fire,
faith & fervency? Read Max Lucado's Before
Amen. Join Max on a journey to the very heart
of biblical prayer & power unleashed with 6
simple lines.
If you are on vacation or away from church during the
summer, please remember to keep your giving current!
Please pick a caring act and select as many people you feel are manageable to:
Send a Card, Call, Take Food, Visit and always Pray.
It will bring a smile to their face, knowing you care.
At Home:
Tracy Gist (Madeline Jones’ daughter) – 3708 Singer Street, Hampstead, MD 21074
John Hall – 1533 Green Mill Road, Westminster, MD 21157
Irma Kuhn – 2138 Arrington Road, Marriottsville, MD 21104
Bud Lindsay - 1905 Galaxy Drive, Finksburg, MD 21048
Dorothy Wheeler – 2201 Old Washington Road, Westminster, MD 21157
In Care Facilities
Julia & Norman Pickett – 271 Montpelier Court, Westminster, MD 21157
Wally Bosman - Lorien Mt. Airy, 713 Midway Ave, Mt. Airy, MD 21771
Away at School Our students are back at school – please keep them in your prayers.
In the Military
Alex Bosman – Marines
in electronics school
Jesse P Karaffa– Marine reservist stationed at Quantico, VA (Barbara Michaelian’s son)
1008 Neal Drive
Rockville, MD 20850
SA Moynihan – Navy (Dylan is Pastor Dols’ grandson)
304 N McCarthy Ave. Ste 117
Eglin AFB, FL 32542
VISITOR CARNATIONS - are provided every other week by Bowman’s Home & Garden
FACEBOOK – Check out Deer Park UMC. Any questions or to have something added contact Kara Pereira; kepereira79@aol.com or 410-857-9467.
CARDS – Bring your used birthday/holiday cards to church, to be taken to ARC, where
they’ll use them to make tags, etc. Look for the pink & blue gingham box in the narthex.
COFFEE N’ CHAT – Check out the sign-up board in the narthex. This very important part of our church
provides time for us to fellowship after services. To be successful we need you. Please consider signing
up, just once a quarter would be great. The coffee is supplied; all you have to do is supply a few goodies.
Thanks for your support!
UPCOMING EVENTS – Upcoming community events are posted on the easels by the 2 entrance doorways. Please take a look.
PRAYER REQUESTS - The power of prayer is a gift we can share. The “Prayer Request Basket” is in the
narthex where you can put a prayer request at any time. These requests can also be given to an usher.
CARROLL COUNTY FOOD SUNDAY - Please continue to add FOOD SUNDAY to your regular grocery
shopping list and pick up one or two extra non-perishable food items for the FOOD SUNDAY shopping cart
in the narthex. Your generous contributions are appreciated by our neighbors in need. Thanks
SOUP LABELS AND BOX TOPS - Please continue to save and bring in Campbell's Soup labels (UPC only)
and General Mill's Box Tops. Collection box and informational flyers are in the Narthex. These items benefit the Board of Child Care. Thanks for your support.
The master name and address directory is on the church office computer.
All additions or changes should be directed to Cindy Saylor in the church office.
Building use calendar website is http://calendar.yahoo.com/dpumccalender.
To schedule an event, please contact Cindy Saylor at the church office on 410-848-2313.
Please submit bulletin announcements by Thursday, 11:00AM to the Insert Typist:
Annie Aldridge (annette_aldridge@hotmail.com) 443-293-2863 (cell)
Prayer Chain: Shirley Miller (Coordinator) 410-861-8292
Chain I Kate Gorsuch 410-876-2745 / Chain II Brenda Six 410-756-2507
Bulletin Copying: Debbie Muse
Flag raising & lowering: Gary Saylor
Your editor could use a little help. People used to ask me from time to time why there
are no pictures of our events in the newsletter or on the website. Well, the answer is that
although I see photos being shared here and there, rarely does anyone send me any to
use. If they are not wanted to be included on the website for any reason, they could still
be available to the membership in the “Spirit” weekly announcements. you like to see
some of your fellow members “doing their thing” during some of our skits, special occasions, FiveAlive, etc? All it takes is an email to communications@deerparkumc.net and
we all can share the occasion.
An old dollar bill and an even older $20 arrive at a Federal Reserve Bank to be retired.
"I've had a pretty good life," the $20 says. "I've been to Vegas, the finest restaurants in New York, and
even on a Caribbean cruise."
"You did have an exciting life!" the dollar says.
"Where have you been?" the $20 asks.
"Oh, I've been to the Methodist church, the Baptist church, spent some time with the Lutherans..."
"Wait," the $20 interrupts. "What's a church?"
Pastor: Rev. Patricia Dols -- phone: 301-509-6299 -- pastorpatd@gmail.com
Director of Music: Justin Klaverweiden -- bringme2life927@aol.com
Nursery Care Provider: Randi Carlisle
Administrative Assistant: Cindy Saylor -- csaylor@deerparkumc.net
Church Office Hours: Mondays 9AM-1PM / Tuesdays & Thursdays 11AM-3PM