the Putley Press
the Putley Press
Nov - Dec 2011 Issue No. 49 the Putley Press VILLAGE CONTACTS CHURCH Team Vicar: Rev. Howard Mayell Churchwardens: Benjamin Pardoe Wayne Kippasto Organist: Hilda Hawcutt VILLAGE HALL MANAGEMENT: Nigel Sweet (Chair) 01531 670610 Josephine Felton (Secretary) 01531 670425 07906 841893 07813 358113 01531 634050 Parochial Church Council: Sue Tyrrell (Chair) 01531 670580 Elizabeth Hunter (Secretary) 01531 670980 Sam Rolinson (Treasurer) 01531 670264 Ray Hunter (Assistant Treasurer) 01531 670244 PARISH COUNCIL Kay Harris (Chair) Nigel Rolinson Graham Blandford Dermot Daly Jake Herbst Jackie Denman Elena Beaumont BROWNIES: Annette Embrey 01531 670771 GUIDES: Pam Park 01531 636089 WI: Irene Rogers (Chair) 01531 890254 Melissa Hawker (Secretary) 01531 670420 DARBY & JOAN CLUB: Judy Deane Anne Blandford 01531 670020 01531 670274 COMMUNITY SUPPORT OFFICER: Alison Dore 07970 602338 01531-670778 01531-670783 01531-670274 01531-670248 01531-670315 01531-670544 01531-670783 NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH: Josephine & Simon Felton 01531 670425 PUTLEY VILLAGE WEBSITE: Clerk to the Parish Council: Rex Gardner 07879 430346 Please note: to guard against identity fraud, this magazine will not publish individuals’ home addresses. The Putley Press is published jointly by Putley Parish Council and Putley Parochial Church Council. It is published and delivered once every two months. We welcome all news (space permitting), and we rely on you, the readers, to provide items of local interest for your magazine. Please send the editor ( any items of interest, achievements, or news of Putley events and activities for publication issue no.50 Jan – Feb 2012 by 15th December 2011 - with prior notice in case of last minute items. (Submissions by email only, please - pieces of paper get lost!) Advertisers should please contact the advertising manager (email, tel: 01531 670537) to enquire about rates or place adverts. 2 Editors Voice T this service then can really work for our community. Fireworks will be bountiful this week. If you are planning to have fireworks please consider others, inform your neighbours so that they can minimise the trauma that small children and animals can be subjected to at this time of year. As always, this is your press, I would love to hear from any of you who wish to contribute, be it a story, poem, recipe, memories, and celebrations. I would like to write an article about Putley common, so any memories or stories about life on the common would be fantastic. Best wishes to all, have a wonderful Christmas and healthy New Year. Kay hank you so much for the lots of positive feed back I received after the last edition. Have you guessed what the dot-to-dot is yet? I thought it might entertain old and young alike one wet winter’s day! The competition inviting children’s pictures to go on the front cover had two entries, so both Arthur Harris and Andrew Walker well done and thank you for participating. I know I said they could go on the front cover, but as they are printed in black and white I thought they would be better suited to be included inside the Press. They make excellent outlines for all you artists out there to do some festive colouring-in. The children’s pages have disappeared this issue but they will return in the next. There has been plenty going on in the background and sometimes in the foreground to provide activities for our children. There is also talk of including news for Putley’s Young People (P.Y.P) on facebook. So exciting times ahead. Congratulations to Dragon Orchard and Once Upon A Tree on their recent successes with the Pomona awards and Winners of Flavours of Herefordshire “Drinks Producer of the Year” 2011! Read about their successes on page 12 and website I am not sure how many of you are online or interested in broadband but pages 10 and 11 explain market research that is currently being organised by Borders Broadband. They need your responses to demonstrate to superfast broadband suppliers that it is worth investing in rural areas. You will be receiving literature through the post very soon. Because we live in a beautiful rural area does not mean we should settle for second rate technology. So read the information and be pro-active. While you are at your keyboard take a look at and register, so OBITUARY In September we said goodbye to BRIAN HAWCUTT. Yes you could say that Brian wasn’t a resident of Putley, but nevertheless he was a much loved figure in Putley Church. He was the husband of our wonderful and loyal organist Hilda, and sang along side us as a tenor on ‘special’ occasions at Putley Church, and on many ‘non-occasions’ as well. His voice and presence will be much missed. As well as many other talents and great supportive personality, Brian was a fine craftsman cabinet-maker and has left tangible legacies in our church. The organist’s bench and our internal noticeboard were both made by Brian. We have been greatly blessed by Brian Hawcutt and will miss his cheery presence among us. SUE TYRRELL Chairman, Putley Parochial Church Council 3 4 Notes from our Community Support Officer Motorists are reminded that they need to take extra care on rural roads during this time and just because they feel they know the road, the conditions and presence of other vehicles changes every day. Vicki Bristow, Communications Manager at the Safer Roads Partnership in West Mercia, says: “We appreciate that during this time of the year farmers are having to increasingly use the regions roads to transport their crops around but we are reminding them that debris and mud left behind on the roads can present a significant road safety issue for other motorists. We would also like to remind motorists that extra care should be taken during this time of year and that they should be aware that more agricultural vehicles will be using the roads. Herefordshire Council has a leaflet available highlighting issues regarding farming and the public highway. Copies can be obtained by contacting Herefordshire Council road safety team on 01432 260946. Any drivers of agricultural vehicles who need to report debris on the road or anyone wishing to report any issues regarding mud on the road can contact Streetscene on 01432 261800 for advice. Please feel free to chop it up if it is too long. Regards, CSO Alison Dore Ledbury Rural Local Policing Team West Mercia Police Mobile No: 07970 602338 Putley has a majority of winding lanes where typically the visibility is poor, and yet we continue to have reports of speeding throughout the area. I understand that farming contractors work to deadlines and the pressures to complete may cause drivers to exceed speed limits or perhaps make errors in their driving, but they are not alone and many local drivers continue to ‘put their foot down’ on familiar routes and in the process take unnecessary risks. To this end I attach words of advice from West Mercia which are particularly relevant at this time of year. WARNING FOR DRIVERS ON RURAL ROADS The Safer Roads Partnership in West Mercia is reminding motorists of the dangers that may be present during this time of year as farmers are using the roads more when harvesting and moving their produce. Agriculture is one of Herefordshire’s major industries and harvesting a wide variety of crops at this time of the year sees an increase in agricultural vehicles on the road. The Partnership is also reminding farmers that leaving mud and debris on the road is an offence under the Highways Act and is a potential hazard to other road users. Excess mud on the road is a danger to cars, motorbikes and cyclists and can change the way a vehicle handles causing skidding, especially in wet conditions. Farmers and contractors have a duty to ensure that their vehicles are cleared of any mud or debris before entering onto the public highway. Drivers of agricultural vehicles are also being urged to consider other road users whilst they undergo their work and to pull into lay-bys or safe places to allow other vehicles to pass safely, avoiding traffic build up and unsafe over taking manoeuvres. Failure to do so may lead to prosecution of the driver for careless or inconsiderate driving. If communities are concerned about speeding in their area then they should raise concerns in the first instance with their Parish Council, via their Local Policing Team or through the PACT (Partners and Communities Together) process. Parish Councillors can then make a formal request for speed enforcement to the Safer Roads Partnership in writing to PO Box 446, Worcester, WR2 4YR or via email at info@srpwestmercia. 5 Our Vicar Writes... D ear Friends regular services, perhaps a bible study and or a prayer meeting in the week would have seemed more than adequate by way of expression of their faith and love in Jesus Christ. Irene never did things by half measures, commitment to Christ was total, she became involved with the Farmers Christian Postal Service and in the fullness of time becoming their secretary – she was Baptised in Water 1962, Baptised in Holy Spirit 21st September 1972 and a year later was called to Prayer Ministry 1st September 1973. In 1970 with changing circumstances she began to take in Foster children – More than that she had a gift of attracting and helping the waifs and strays of this world, she was a magnate to those in need. At her funeral the hearse had an escort of bikers, some of the many she helped over the years. It was the year I arrived in Ledbury that I first came across Irene and regularly over the next two years shared in a Wednesday morning prayer group in the house that she was then living in ‘Mizpah’ in the Homend; she had a real passion for peoples souls and well being; she never had much but what she had she shared with a generosity that few can equal. Like many I will miss Irene, but I know that in the scheme of time and eternity this will in truth be only for a very short time for as Isaiah wrote a thousand years is but a day unto God. As I contemplate Irenes life and her impact on so many people over the years it raises the question in my mind of just where people stand with God; you for example as you read this letter, are you a committed Christian? Perhaps Do you recall the parable Jesus told of the woman who lost one of her coins, how she swept the house until she found it again! Some years it feels as though to many things altogether are lost, and there is then a feeling of wanting to turn the clock back for all sorts of reasons. This year has been for me a time of loss [though in this case only a temporary one] as a number of good Christian friends have died; the temporary nature of this is of course that I will at some time in the future catch up with them in the Kingdom of Heaven. Each of my friends have had an impact for the good on the communities in which they lived and worked; and of course I would expect that from those who walked in close communion with Jesus Christ, for it is His goodness, love and compassion that shone through them. This week I took the funeral of one of these friends; Irene Clegg. Irene was by any standards a remarkable lady who in her eighty two years experienced many ups and downs, hardship, heartbreak and joy; from as a child being evacuated from home at the beginning of the second world war to a return to London to be bombed out of home having before that endured being strafed by an enemy fighter plane when out for a walk with her mother. After a good deal of moving about Irene ended up in Herefordshire living at Woolhope at a time when they had no electricity or running water. It was in Woolhope that despite or perhaps due to personal struggles that she came at the age of thirty three to know Jesus Christ. For many the ensuing life of worship and fellowship in the church/chapel would have been enough, the 6 not, you might just be exploring the possibilities of a life of faith in Christ, or then again you might be a semi bored visitor to the church out for the day and ‘doing’ the sights of our ancient Market Town how do you react to the call to know God, to daily come close to him in prayer and adoration. If you take the steps that Irene did in her thirties then you will find a wonderful loving God who saves you from the consequences of all the many mistakes that you have made through life to date. You will also discover that you have brothers and sisters around the world, all those who make up the family of God so why not make a positive decision today to come closer to Him. With the approach of Christmas, a time when we contemplate the wonder of a loving God incarnate in our world; as we recall that Jesus was born into poverty, became a refugee, and lived out his life in the service of others it encourages us to do the same; Irene certainly walked in His footsteps. So I encourage you to do the same, to live a life full of Love and Compassion for those around you that transforms their situation by the things you do and say. Make their Christmas and yours full of the presence and love of God. Yours in Christ Jesus Howard 7 8 DELIVERY OF THE PUTLEY PRESS PUTLEY PARISH HALL This is the 49th edition of the PUTLEY PRESS to have been delivered to your door! The PUTLEY PRESS is free to all those resident in the Parish of Putley, but as we all know, nothing really comes for ‘free’ and the PUTLEY PRESS is jointly funded by the Putley Parochial CHURCH Council and the PARISH Council. It is delivered by a (to date) unnamed band of volunteers, who turn out in wet weather or fine to make sure that you get your copy. Our thanks go to:ALI HAYDON-JONES (6 copies) SHIRLEY WALTERS (12 copies) ALISON SMITH (10 copies) GRAHAM BLANDFORD (13 copies) JOSEPHINE FELTON (7 copies) NORMAN STANIER (15 copies) PAM TREHERNE (16 copies) ANDREW PUTNAM (12 copies) and DAVID PEALING (whose Company now produces each issue for us) (8 copies) SUE TYRRELL receives the box of copies from the Printers, sorts them, and takes them out to the deliverers and also delivers (18 copies) Our thanks go to all those named above, without whom Putley would be a much poorer place. Please note that any spare copies are left at the shop at Dragon Orchard Shop and at the back of Putley Church. Harvest Supper and Ceilidh This was well attended and everyone said how delicious the food was. Many thanks to all those who cooked and sent puddings - at least a dozen of you! Also to those who printed tickets, set up, served, washed up and cleared up afterwards. The refitted kitchen worked a treat and it was much easier to keep food hot with all the new (second-hand) equipment. When the final reckoning is done there should be about £350.00 each for the Church and the Hall. Whalebone Theatre This isn’t until 11th February 2012 but do put the date in your new diary. “An evening of rootsy, folky, funky acoustic music” with input from the audience actively encouraged.” Full details will be in the next Putley Press. Hall improvements Thanks to a generous donation from Putley W.I. there are now better outside security lights illuminating the car park and front of the building. This should make access on dark nights less hazardous. Hall caretaking - Rubbish !! May we remind you, very politely, that the hall does not have a general rubbish collection, though it does have recycling bins which you are encouraged to use. We ask that all hirers remove their rubbish, however small, please. Also we are having problems with “doggie dos” in the outside bin again. Dog walkers, please take your little filled plastic bag home to your own bin. It is an unpleasant job for our volunteer helpers to have to empty the bin and dispose of the contents. Use of kitchen Please take your own rubbish bag and also tea-towels if you wish to use the kitchen. 9 PUTLEY VILLAGE WEBSITE What we need are members to make the whole thing worthwhile. Less than 20 people have joined so far. If a decent number of the village population join, then the site can become really useful. More members means more web interest and more stuff going on the site, to make it a proper useful resource for the village. And if you do look at the site and have any suggestions to improve it, please let us know. I do hope you’ll consider registration and I’m pleased to answer any questions, email is probably best: Robin Jones, One of the Putley web team The village has had its own website since 2009. It is modest, but only costs the village £100 a year. However it does provide some useful information, including issues of the Putley Press which you can read onscreen as a magazine. There’s a small group of volunteers who look after the site. If you go to the site you can see it all, and you can register as a member. This means simply giving us your name, address and email - takes only a couple of minutes. And this information is kept private to the Putley website, promise! As a member you will automatically receive emails about new events and news items. You can if you want have a small website of your own as part of the site (free). There is also a small ads section for members which you might find useful. This has started but nobody has advertised, as yet. Borders Broadband information to all householders and businesses Dragon Orchard open Wednesdays to Sundays 10-3. From here the responses will be returned to the Borders Broadband Team If you require help or more information contact Kay Harris 01531-670778 Online versions of both the residential and business survey questionnaire are available at If you need any further information about the Borders Broadband project, please visit Nadine Kinsey Borders Broadband Team Tel: 01432 260706 Residential questionnaires will be posted to Hereford city households during the week of 31st October and to most other households during the week of 7th November 2011. The results of the questionnaire will be used to demonstrate to any potential supplier that there is the demand for Broadband within the county with the opportunity to have a return on their investment. How can you help? Fill in and return either the on-line or postal questionnaire as soon as possible. For postal responses you can take them to the Post Office on Mondays between 1-3pm or to Once Upon a Tree shop at 10 Borders Broadband Key Messages October 2011 areas of both counties in 2018. Who Commercial telecoms suppliers are currently tendering for a contract to deliver the level of infrastructure required in the shortest time and for the best value. The contract will be awarded in late spring 2012 with work on the broadband infrastructure starting in the Forest of Dean and south Herefordshire soon after. Budgets That the project is seeking major private sector investment and other public resources to supplement central Government funds of £14.4m for Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. Outcome Once the wholesale network is in place, people living and working in rural areas will be able to select from a choice of internet service providers (ISPs) to access high-speed broadband. Residents and businesses will be able to access a wider range of services on-line, improving efficiency and reducing costs. Note from the Editor: This article has been edited for the full information visit and see Putley notice boards. Why The Government’s minimum level of acceptable broadband service of 2 Mbps (megabits per second) is currently not available to 23.8% the households in Herefordshire and 17% in Gloucestershire. NGA Broadband is not available at all in Herefordshire and only 35% in Gloucestershire NGA Broadband is seen to be increasingly critical to the economic and social sustainability of rural areas. What Borders Broadband is working with communities and businesses to encourage commercial telecoms suppliers to invest in the infrastructure needed to access high-speed internet services across rural Gloucestershire and Herefordshire. How A single wholesale provider will be contracted to deliver the infrastructure roll out/ upgrades. To reduce the demands on public funds, it is essential that Borders Broadband demonstrates as much demand for highspeed broadband among rural communities as possible. Where A supplier will be selected on the basis offering business and residents a minimum service of 2 Mbps throughout the Forest of Dean and south Herefordshire by the end of 2013, extending it to other rural communities in Gloucestershire and Herefordshire in 2015. The supplier will also be expected to enable internet service companies to offer business and communities access to high-speed broadband (30 Mbps) in the Forest of Dean and south Herefordshire in 2015, extending access to these speeds across other rural 11 Year in the Orchard Events at Dragon Orchard and Once Upon a Tree D the harvest and autumn, more about how it went in the next issue. The Cider-making Day is on Saturday 5th November. You can see the press in action, and hear all about the cider-making process. The Little Cider Press Company will be here to offer a juicing service – bring your own apples or buy some from us. Contact me for details of prices and to book a time-slot. And our last event for the Year in the Orchard will be a Christmas Decorations from the Orchard workshop, on Saturday 10th December. espite some rainy weather, our Children’s Orchard Activity Day in August went well. We had lots of entries for the photography competition, which was judged by visitors to the orchard, and I’ve included the winning and runner-up photos in the under 10 and 10-16 categories at the end of this message. Congratulations to all who entered. The winners and runners up for both age groups are opposite. There is another childrens day October 27th, full of planned activities reflecting Dragon Orchard wins prestigious Royal Horticultural Society Pomona Award I “We’re delighted to receive this recognition from the RHS”, explained orchard owner Ann Stanier, “we take huge pride in running Dragon Orchard in a sustainable manner, maintaining strong community links through our Cropsharers Scheme and with great care for the environment and wildlife within the orchard and its boundaries.” The orchard grows top quality cider and dessert fruit, welcomes visitors to the orchard and run its own Community Supported Agriculture Scheme and Shop. With its sister company Once Upon A Tree they have developed a fantastic range of apple juice, cider and perry and other produce using the fruit from the orchard. Dragon Orchard is a great example of a Herefordshire Rural Business that links People, Place and Produce in a creative and innovative way. n 2011 the RHS in conjunction with Herefordshire Year in the Orchard held a competition to determine the best orchards in the county. Entries were received from a large number and wide variety of orchards and these were whittled down to a shortlist of 14. These were visited by a panel of experts including representatives from tree nurseries and wildlife groups, as well as orchards and the environment. The finalists were then judged by RHS apple expert Jim Arbury and the results announced at Hergest Croft, the home of the first ever female president of the RHS, Elizabeth Banks on Sunday October 16th. When presenting Norman and Ann Stanier of Dragon Orchard with their Silver Gilt medal, Mrs Banks remarked that the orchard was an outstanding example of a family business run with great enthusiasm. 12 Winning Entries for the Photography Competition at Once Upon A Tree Children’s Day, August 4th 2011 13 Putley Parish Council Clerk’s view September/October 2011 P For those who use the buses, I have now received the long-awaited updated bus timetable update. This takes effect from 23rd October 2011. You can find it at transport/public_transport/3194.asp Finally, a brief but important item for you to keep this VERY interesting article brief: As you will see in another article from Alison Dore – your Community Policing Officer – there have been some complaints about excessive speeding in the Parish. These, like my home Parish of Woolhope, are narrow lanes with no “safe” pavements, so children, walkers, householders, dogs and other animals etc. etc. may well be on the road. PLEASE TAKE CARE on the lanes, especially approaching bends, and keep your speed down. Farmers please tell your contractors too. My role as Clerk takes up a lot more time than I expected, so I apologise for not getting the web-site up to date with approved minutes. I will try harder very soon! It’s YOUR Parish and YOUR Council working for you. Draft meeting minutes are available on the notice board, and the approved minutes will be loaded up in the Putley web-site available at www.putley. . Any issues you want to raise with your Council should be sent either to me by e-mail at or by letter. NOT by ‘phone, please, as those messages can get distorted in the retelling (Chinese whispers!!) arish Council meetings took place as expected in September and October. Hectic times lie ahead for your Councillors. There will be a few changes taking place in the not-too-distant future in the way local authorities act and the authority they carry on your behalf. More on those in future issues. Firstly, though, I know I introduced the Parish Councillors in my May/June report, but now that I know them all better perhaps this is a good time to tell you what responsibilities they carry on the Council. Bear in mind that these are voluntary positions, and none of them get paid for the time they put in on behalf of the Parish. Selfless devotion, which is what small local communities are all about, and Putley in particular is very good at including outside of the Parish Council. Here they are – your Parish Councillors again, and what role they play: Kay Harris: Chairman, Planning Committee, Putley Press, Queen’s Jubilee Nigel Rolinson: Vice-Chairman, Emergency coordinator, (now known as Parish Resilience) Elena Beaumont: Planning Committee Graham Blandford: Planning Committee, HALC Executive rep, Lengthsman Administrator, Sandbags storage Dermot Daly: Financial Monitor, Winter salt/ grit storage Jackie Denman: Footpaths Officer Jake Herbst: Childrens’ Initiative, Parish Hall rep, Parish Plan reviewer In addition, of course, we mustn’t forget another important person who also attends most meeting when time and workload permits, and is our main link to higher levels of Government: Patricia Morgan: Herefordshire County/Ward Councillor 14 Report from County Councillor Patricia Morgan October 2011– Putley would be of the view that it will not be long before high speed Broadband is seen as an essential service. Many would argue it already is. Local Development Framework There is further consultation on the above important planning paper. Further details are available at under spotlights or ring the planning policy team on 01432 260386. Key proposals • To maintain an active working population it is proposed to build on average 825 houses per year over a 20 year period. These new homes will mainly be focused on Hereford and the market towns. • A Western relief road around Hereford and measures to increase bus use, walking and cycling within the city. • Slightly more housing in rural areas (approx. 265/year) to tackle issues of rural affordable housing and to support local services • Regeneration of rural economy will be encouraged • Our Unique local environment will be protected and enhanced If you would like to take part in this consultation please do so before the end of November. Kind regards, Patricia Broadband It feels that it is sometime since I have written about Broadband. This is absolutely no reflection on the amount of work that has been on going to resolve this problem and the mission remains to ensure that all of Herefordshire has a high speed broadband service as soon as possible. Further information is available at www.herefordshire. and look under spotlights. I understand that the service in Putley is perceived to be broadly adequate but we should recognise that some parts of the country receive speeds of 30 to 50Mbps! There are two strands to the project to improve the situation Procurement of supplier of Broadband using the grant funding awarded to Herefordshire/ Gloucestershire from BDUK. This will start in the south of the county and be rolled out as soon as possible to other areas. Herefordshire is well ahead in the national race for fast rural broadband. Demand stimulation. This is essential to prove that there is sufficient demand within the area to ensure infrastructure providers feel there is commercial sense in providing a service. You will all be receiving a Broadband questionnaire through the post. You can also fill this in online at www. This is really important to indicate that there really is demand for a better service. Encourage your friends, family etc. Many of us have got used to coping with an inadequate service and there is an element of not missing that which you never had, but it is truly unacceptable that Herefordshire has such a poor service. I 15 It,s been all go with the WI Putley Common Wildlife Survey P T utley WI enjoyed a walk along the old canal in Dymock during July. August we did not meet as it is holiday month. September we had a fascinating talk from Rachel Hicks of Just Rachel on her Ice Cream business and enjoyed tasting ice cream and puddings. October we had a talk from Brenda Drake from Hereford on Associated Country Women of the World. Or AGM is in November and Christmas Dinner in December. Our new programme starts in January so watch this space. New members are always welcome and the person to contact is Melissa Hawker 01531 670420 Happy Christmas to you all he survey by the Ledbury Naturalists Field Club of the wildlife of Putley Common has been going on all summer and has found some very interesting and rare plants, including Adder’s-tongue Fern. Adder’s-tongue Fern is a small, unusual fern that grows in old grasslands, along woodland rides and on sand dunes. It usually appears between June and August, spending the rest of the year underground as a rhizome. It is considered a good indicator species of ancient meadows. Putley common is registered as a Special Wildlife Site and an extract from the Herefordshire Putley Common and surrounding woodlands Special Wildlife Sites Register statesPriggles, Commander’s and Mains Woods. Bulls Grove. Putley Common. Whitfield Coppice. Slade Coppice. There is a small area of grassland on Putley Common which has a very rich flora, including abundant orchids. The surrounding woodland is ancient. Whitfield Coppice and Slade Coppice are still semi-natural, the latter mainly consisting of coppiced wych elm. The rest of the woodland has been interplanted with conifer. Oak is dominant and the ground vegetation includes abundant orchids, the rare violet helleborine and a rich variety of fungi. We are lucky to have such rich wildlife areas in our Parish and a full report from the survey will be available in early 2012. Parish Litter Pick O nce again I would like to organise a clean –up for Putley and the surrounding lanes. Please could as many people as possible join me for a litter-pick on Sunday 27th November. Meet at the Village Hall at 10am.Please wear bright clothes, or ideally fluorescent vest for safety and bring gloves . Litter pickers and bin bags provided. If you cannot make that date but can help, please phone Kate –670834, and let me know where you can litter pick on another day. 16 17 Film Shows in Putley Church Operation Wallacea H S i. My name is Cara Rhodes and in July 2012 I will be participating in a two-week Conservation project with Hereford Sixth Form College as part of Operation Wallacea. This organisation operates biological and conservation management programmes in remote locations around the world. I shall be travelling to the Mexican research project in the vast Mayan forest that covers some of the Yucatan peninsula and across the border to Guatemala. In the first week I shall be helping research academics monitor animals and their environment. The second week will involve monitoring the coral and reef fish communities and participating in surveys for counts of juvenile turtles. To raise money for this expedition I shall be organising some events. A Jazz evening is booked for Saturday 21 January2012. My dad is also selling hand-chopped kindling sticks for £5 per bag. If you would like some or more information about the expedition please contact me: 01531 670015 Many thanks, Cara aturday 12 November (5:30 pm). To mark Remembrance Day: The Cruel Sea (cert. PG, 2 hours). The classic black & white World War II film, based on Nicholas Monsarrat’s novel, about the crew of the Compass Rose, a small escort vessel used to guide and protect convoys travelling through the Atlantic. Before the film there will be a short reading of poetry written during World Wars I and II (5:15 pm). Saturday 3 December (5:30 pm). A family film for Christmas: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (cert. PG, 1.75 hours). Lucy, Edmund and cousin Eustace join King Caspian and a noble mouse named Reepicheep aboard a magnificent ship bound for mysterious islands. Soon, they confront mystical creatures and reunite with the mighty Aslan on a mission that will determine the fate of Narnia! Entry and refreshments are free, including hot chocolate and marshmallows at the Christmas film. Blankets and warm clothing are advised. Family service on the Sunday morning after the Christmas film (10:30 am). Owing to rising costs and dwindling audience this will probably be the last film show for some time. Thank you to one and all who have attended any of the 32 films shown over the last four years. Tim Parkman and John Rhodes Putley Church Conker Championships T he winner of the annual conker championships held on Sunday 2 October and new holder of The Conqueror’s Cup for 2011-2012 is Alex Kippasto. 18 Light up a Life 2011 NEWS FROM ALEXANDER PARK A lexander Park opened its gym, swimming pool and spa in February 2011, while wedding and conference facilities are also now open. Next year it will unveil a championship golf course as well as a host of other top class facilities, ranging from a fine-dining restaurant to overnight accommodation. “We are not a mass market gym but offer bespoke fitness plans, top quality exercise equipment and classes and a relaxing experience in our spa and swimming pool areas.” Putley Press readers wanting to take a free tour of Alexander Park – situated just off the A438, near Pixley – should call Craig Woolass on 01531 671141. ‘Light up a Life’ services are held worldwide at Christmas time to remember and celebrate life. Each light is dedicated to a loved one, whether in memoriam, to celebrate the gift of friendship or to mark a special occasion. The lights lit by St Michael’s Hospice are also beacons for everything that St Michael’s stands for: giving care and support to local people with life-limiting illnesses and to their families and friends, in Herefordshire and the surrounding counties. This year services are being held at 27 locations around the county, which we hope will allow people to remember their loved ones at a venue closer to home. The Hospice website has full details of all Light up a Life services taking place between Saturday 19th November and Monday 19th December: Dedication forms can be obtained from any St Michael’s Hospice charity shop, the venues hosting a service and the Hospice itself. For further information contact the Fundraising Team on 01432 85100. 19 Ashperton Parent & Toddler Group at Ashperton Village Hall on Fridays 9:15-11:15 During term times £2.00 per parent and child, 50p per sibling to include snack and juice and a well deserved cup of tea/coffee for parent Looking forward to meeting you 20 21 22 LAST POSTBOX COLLECTION TIMES (Mon-Sat only) Putley Green 3.15pm (Sats, 10am); Putley Common 10am (Sats 7.15am); Putley Court 9am (Sats 8am); Pool End 9.15am Mon-Sat. POST OFFICE service is available at the Village Hall from 1pm to 3pm on Mondays BUS TIMETABLES Between PUTLEY and LEDBURY Schooldays only, dep. Putley 8.02am. arr. Ledbury Market Ho 8.25am also Tuesdays & Saturdays only: dep. Putley V’ge Hall 9.58am., Putley Common 10.01am. arr.Ledbury Market Ho 10.15am dep. Ledbury Memorial 12.45pm. arr. Putley Common 12.59pm, Village Hall 1.02pm Between PUTLEY and HEREFORD, Wednesdays only dep. Putley Village Hall 10am., Putley Common 10.08am. arr. Hereford Shire Hall 10.45am dep. Hereford Shire Hall 1.20pm., arr. Putley Common 1.57pm, Putley Village Hall 2.05pm Buses from POOL END to HEREFORD and LEDBURY Minor changes to Mondays to Fridays daytime service. Winter timetable introduced on Sunday service and will operate between Hereford and Ledbury only. depart to Ledbury Mon-Sat am. (7.53 school hols only), 8.58, (9.23 Sat only), 9.43, 10.43, 11.43 pm. 12.43, 1.43, 2.43, (3.43-3.53 school days), 4.43, 5.43, 6.13, 7.43, 9.43, (11.43 Fri & Sat only) Sun am. 10.21, 11.21, pm. 12.21, 1.21, 2.21, 3.21, 4.21, 5.21, 6.21 return from Ledbury (Memorial) Mon-Sat am. (8.25 not Sat), 9.40, 10.10, 11.10, pm. 12.10, 1.10, 2.10, 3.10, 5.10, (5.40 Sat only), 6.40, 8.10, (10.40 Fri & Sat only) Sun am. 9.15, 10.20, 11.20, pm. 12.20, 1.20, 2.20, 3.20, 4.20, 5.20 depart to Hereford Mon-Sat am. (7.00 not Sat), 8.05, (8.35 Sat only), 9.50, 10.20, 11.20, pm. 12.20, 1.20, 2.20, 3.20, 5.20, (5.52 Sat only), 6.50, 8.20, (10.50 Fri & Sat only) Sun am. 9.30, 10.30, 11.30, pm. 12.30, 1.30, 2.30, 3.30, 4.30, 5.30 return from Hereford (Shire Hall, stand 3) Mon-Sat am. 8.32, (9.02 Sat only), 9.22, 10.22, 11.22, pm. 12.22, 1.22, 2.22, 3.22, 4.22, 5.22, 5.52, 7.22, 9.22, (11.22 Fri & Sat only) Sun am. 10.02, 11.02, pm. 12.02, 1.02, 2.02, 3.02, 4.02, 5.02, 6.02 For further information on public transport in Herefordshire: trains from Ledbury station: - public transport 23 Putley Perpetual Calendar Month November 2011 Date Event 1st Community Communion – Village Hall 7.30pm 5th Cider making day – Dragon Orchard 5th Ashperton Firework Display – Bonfire 6.30, fireworks 7.00pm. Behind Ashperton village hall Contact Hannah Day 670263 WI AGM December 2011 January 2012 February 2012 15th Cake and Craft 7.30pm – Village Hall 17th Christmas Fayre at the Feathers 5.309.00pm 20th The Cruel Sea – Film in Putley Church. 5.30pm 21st Remembrance Day 3rd Ashperton School Christmas Fayre 3rd Voyage of the Dawn Treader 5.30pm at Putley Church 10th Christmas Decorations from the Orchard 18 Putley Carol Service 3.30pm th Hannah Day 670263 Hannay Day 670263 24th Putley Crib Service 3.00pm 12th Open meeting to discuss Putley’s celebrations for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Kay Harris 670778 21st Jazz evening at the Village Hall Cara Rhodes 670015 11th Whalebone Theatre Musical Night at the village hall Josephine Felton 670425 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 Blossomtime June 2012 The Queens Diamond Jubilee Celebrations July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 Printed by Severnprint Ltd.