2016 06 Jun Messenger Final Low-Res
2016 06 Jun Messenger Final Low-Res
A N EWSLETTER FOR M EMBERS & F RIENDS OF M OUNT O LIVET L UTHERAN C HURCH Believing, Belonging, Becoming JUNE 2016 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 6 Time to Celebrate! s orship ServOicSeSING W r e ft A 5 e n Ju E CR by MONRO ST RY COA Lot, Music MPLS Parking Entrance, Music by BARBA ND Front SHOWBA WEST Outside IELAND DIX June is a month of celebrations, graduations, and the beginning of our beloved Cathedral of the Pines camping season. There is much to celebrate at Mount Olivet, and with nearly 1500 youth signed up for our summer programs already, it is clear that God is up to something good at Mount Olivet. On June 5, we will celebrate the mission and ministry of Mount Olivet. Your pastors and I look forward to gathering with you between services as we give thanks to the many people who share their time and talents throughout the year to make the ministry of Mount Olivet possible. Festive music, mini-donuts, and great fellowship between services make this a great weekend to invite a friend or neighbor to experience all that Mount Olivet has to offer. The entire staff will be on hand to greet you or answer questions about what’s happening in and around Mount Olivet. And, speaking of what is happening around Mount Olivet, I’m often asked “What is happening with our capital campaign?” Continued on page 3 ... JUNE 2016 WORsHiP @ MOU Nt OL iv Et Join Us for Worship! MiNNEaPOLis caMPUs 5025 KNOX avE s MPLs, MN 55419 612.926.7651 WEst caMPUs 7150 ROLLiNG acREs RD victORia, MN 55386 952.767.1500 WED, JUNE 1 The Right of Ordination with Holy Communion For Seminarian David Bjorklund MPLs 10am, Reception Following, congregation invited SUN, JUNE 19 SUN, JUNE 5 MPLs 9, 10, 11am sermon: Pastor MacLean Music: Julie Johnson, flute WEst 9, 10 am sermon: Pastor Hammersten Music: ian snyder, violin The Third Sunday after Pentecost & Volunteer Sunday Nursery 9, 10am; Holy communion 8:30am MPLs 9, 10, 11am sermon: Pastor Johnson Music: Monroe crossing WEst 9, 10 am sermon: Pastor Youngdahl Music: Barbary coast Dixieland showband Nursery 9, 10am WED, JUNE 22 Prayer & Praise MPLs 10am coffee & cookies, 10:30am, Mpls Lower Narthex SUN, JUNE 26 WED, JUNE 8 Prayer & Praise The Fifth Sunday after Pentecost & Communion Sunday The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost MPLs 10am coffee & cookies, 10:30am, Mpls Lower Narthex SUN, JUNE 12 The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost Nursery 9, 10am; Holy communion 8:30am MPLs 9, 10, 11am sermon: Pastor cornils Music: amanda Jenkins, soprano WEst 9, 10 am sermon: Pastor Youngdahl Music: Julie Johnson, flute Nursery 9, 10am; Holy communion 8:30am MPLs 9, 10, 11am sermon: Pastor Bakken Music: carah Hart, soprano WEst 9, 10 am sermon: Pastor Enoch Music: amanda Jenkins, soprano WED, JUNE 29 Prayer & Praise MPLs 10am coffee & cookies, 10:30am, Mpls Lower Narthex Lake Harriet Bandshell Worship | MOUNT OLIVET MES SE NGER 10am sermon: Pastor Kalland Music: cathedral choir 2 Summer Coffee WED, JUNE 15 Prayer & Praise, Communion MPLs 10am coffee & cookies, 10:30am, Mpls Lower Narthex Begins on Sunday, June 12, following all worship services in the Mpls lower narthex and West narthex. Hosted by the Board of Life & Growth. Everyone is welcome to join the fellowship! Continued from front cover ... I am pleased to report that $13.5 million has been received to date with over $9.4 million of that amount expended to build the new front entrance, elevator, parking lot, and kitchen renovations at our Minneapolis Campus; for preliminary East and West addition expenses; and for the Redeemer partnership. Many thanks to all whose generosity made this possible and to those who continue to pay their pledges. We are most appreciative. As to next steps, here is a recap of what I recently told the staff ... The process and timeline for moving forward are as follows: In conversation with the personnel and finance committee, I have agreed to write a “white paper” outlining the facts as we know them pertaining to both the West Campus and Mpls Campus James Avenue additions. This will be presented to the Congregation Council in June and will include estimated construction costs. The plans for the James Avenue addition are completed, and the plans for the West Campus addition are still under development, but that task force is working diligently. Both plans will be submitted for approval by the Congregation Council at its September meeting. The number one priority for congregational dollars remains our annual stewardship effort – these gifts are foundational and support mission and ministry. Capital dollars always are sought as gifts beyond regular giving. We give annually out of our earned income. Giving to capital purposes is either extra giving out of income, or out of accumulated assets, or through estate planning. Because both our affiliated organizations and our church depend on strong year-end giving to meet budgets, the drive for capital purposes would begin after January of 2017. We will be doing much planning for the capital campaign, talking with potential donors, enlisting leadership, and doing research. We estimate the total expense for both projects will be over $20 million, and we already have $10 million in pledges and gifts both paid and outstanding. In the meantime, costs go up about 4% per year. We can see a path to success, but it will take the generosity of many, many households. We need our members who did not participate the last time around to join us in this transformative effort. To those who have already given to the campaign, we extend our sincere thanks and hope you will continue to support with an extra gift. Estate gifts continue to bless our congregation, and there are several estate gifts that have not yet been designated. Some portion will need to be put into the Foundation (previously called the Endowment Fund) for the future, a portion will be needed to meet annual expenses, and another portion will be used for the capital campaign. We continue to encourage one capital campaign embracing the concept of “one church, two campuses.” We also know that donors have passions for certain projects, and they will be able to designate where their gifts go. These are exciting times for our church. Thank you for your partnership. April 19 - May 16 Baptisms Samantha Louise Baker, daughter of Meredith & Chris Anders Thor Bentzien, son of Laura & Kyle Elodie Kristine Betts, daughter of Gretchen & Tom Addison Jane Bray, daughter of Carlene & Michael Harrison Joe Buch, son of Brittany & Jeff Sophie Kay Chucko, daughter of Lauren & Kristopher Charles Timothy Cox, son of Stephanie & Stephen Elijah Steven Duke Johnson, son of Erin & Eric Emmett Thomas Dunker Theodore Walter Dunker, sons of Kristen & Shane Charles Dana Ideen, son of Sarah & John Lucas Steven Larsen, son of Brianne & Troy Theodore William Larson, son of Abby & Michael Gabrielle Marie Mader, daughter of Anne & Matthew Radley Max Marben, son of Jennifer & Zac Francesca Rose Mediate, daughter of Jessica & Rocco Benjamin David Melroe, son of Yvonne & Gregory Brier Ellison Pappenfus Emerson Reese Pappenfus Isla Grace Pappenfus, children of Aimee & John Asher Richard Tedesco, son of Rosy & Rick Saylor Jonathon Wood, son of Kathryn & Cameron Henry Christopher Wynveen, son Elizabeth & Paul Edward Olaf Zavadil, son of Miranda & Josh Weddings Vicki Braegelmann & Reed Nystrom, May 14 Bailyn Johnson & Phillip Johnson, May 14 Deaths Lois M. Ahlbom, 1924 - 2016 Bret L. Betterman, 1977 - 2016 Robert J. Cabillot, 1926 - 2016 Dorothy M. Freeberg, 1926 - 2016 William C. Johnson, 1924 - 2016 John F. Kapacinskas, 1966 - 2016 James W. Klevin, 1942 - 2016 Phyllis A. Long, 1939 - 2016 Bernice Spande, 1913 - 2016 Genevieve Swenson, 1921 - 2016 Angelina E. Vinje, 1933 - 2016 Laurel A. Zieman, 1951 - 2016 JUNE 2 016 | Pastor Dennis Johnson Interim Senior Pastor Life & Growth 3 Devotions | MOUNT OLIVET MES SE NGER It Is God Who Makes It Grow 4 During the spring time I am always drawn to the tractors out in the field, whether they are tilling up the land or planting the corn in the field. Maybe it is because my grandparents grew up on the farm. But whatever the reason I wonder how the field will do. Then after a few weeks, I am amazed at the dotted rows with new green growth breaking through the dirt. Each time, as I watch the corn grow taller and taller, I am reminded of St. Paul when he said, “I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth” (1Cor. 3:6-7). Every farmer will tell you the moment after you plant the corn it is all up to God. You can make sure that the crops are watered and fertilized, but it is up to God to make it grow. In our own lives are we any different? We can eat healthy and exercise, but without God we are nothing. It is God who makes us grow in order to achieve our full potential – to care for God’s creation and to care for one another. It is God’s grace and forgiveness that was given through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross that gives us the chance to shed the sins we have committed and grow stronger. Thanks be to God, that our rock of our salvation is the foundation from which we gather our strength. God will not leave us but make us stronger each and every day. Now go out and enjoy God’s creation and see that God is good. – PastOR BaKKEN Mount Olivet Celebrates Volunteers & Ministry June 5 Afte r Worship S Sun 6/5 After Worship MPLS Park ervices WEST Outsi ing Lot, Music by MO de Front En Services, Mpls & West. trance, Mus NROE CROSSING ic by BAR DIXIELA BARY C ND SH Visit the tables OAST OWBA ND representing the various Mount Olivet ministry programs to learn about volunteer opportunities and receive a thank-you gift for your support. Special music: MONROE CROSSING at Mpls and BARBARY COAST DIXIELAND SHOWBAND at West. Yes, there will be mini-donuts! God’s Kids Sing! This summer marks the 19th year of God’s Kids Sing!, a fun-filled creative arts camp. In my lifetime, I have been a camper, a counselor, a college assistant, and a GKS! staff member. I have loved it all – from tie-dying our performance t-shirts as a camper to leading songs and games and teaching young children about music and the love of Jesus Christ. This year, I look forward to serving as the camp coordinator alongside my fellow music educator, Justin Nellis. As a person who grew up at Mount Olivet, my faith has always been an integral part of my life. GKS! provides the opportunity for me to share the compassion and kindness of Jesus with open-hearted children. I am also an elementary music teacher and I value the arts and the skills this camp helps children discover. I am grateful for programs like God’s Kids Sing! that create environments where children can discover and embrace their creativity while feeling safe and loved. Children in first grade through sixth grade spend their days singing, playing instruments, drawing, painting, dancing, and learning about the works of Jesus. They are encouraged to explore, discover and create on a daily basis. They also see modeled for them the kindness and compassion of Jesus Christ. They learn how to work with each other, how to treat each other with kindness, and how to love one another, just as God loves each and every one of them. It is programs like GKS! that teach children how to be loving people. I am grateful for this camp and all it has brought to my life and the lives of many others! Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! I hope to see you at GKS! – caRaH (cLaFLiN) HaRt, sHOWN iN aBOvE PHOtO ON LEFt as a GKs! caMPER ciRca 1998. tHiNKiNG WitH ... Pa s t O R c O R N i L s God of day break, God of shadows, come and light our hearts anew. – ELW #561 Summer Planning: Measuring the Results Management master Peter Drucker famously encouraged mission-driven organizations to manage by objectives, urging managers to “focus on results.” As mission-driven members of families and managers of our households, we are wise in planning our personal and family summer activities based on the objectives and results we hope to achieve. Imagine the possibilities in considering, “Attentive to God’s gracious purposes for me and my loved ones, my /our mission for this summer is …” If measuring the results of your summer planning resonates with you, I encourage you and your family to pivot off what I am prayerfully planning to achieve: to experience a deeper awareness and sharing of God’s love; the Holy Spirit creating a renewed heart within me – a deeper love for God and for my loved ones; a loving spirit that extends to those around me through all I say and do. Consider markers leading to meaningful change … • Pray the Psalms at the beginning and /or close of the day. Need some encouragement? Search “Bono and Eugene Peterson the Psalms” on YouTube. • Plan to worship every Sunday wherever you are “live” at our two campuses, on radio at 11am via WDGY 740AM, or as part of our virtual congregation at www.mtolivet.org. When vacationing on the North Shore remember you are welcome to worship at Cathedral of the Pines nightly at 7:30pm and Sundays at 10am. • Add spiritually nutritious midweek worship at “a holy place apart”– Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center, Wednesdays, June 15 through August 10. It may seem a daunting exercise establishing God-pleasing objectives in your summer planning, and none of us can expect perfection. However, be assured the Holy Spirit will guide us and grace us in planning for a summer unlike any other. – PastOR cORNiLs VBS! Vacation Bible School (4yrs-2nd Gr) June 2 016 FROM PastOR KaLLaND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Hebrews 10: 19-20 Revelation 3:5 John 12:25 2 Corinthians 4:17 Job 19:25 John 14:6 Proverbs 10:7 John 3:16 Isaiah 56:5 John 15:13 1 Chronicles 16:12 Isaiah 46:9 Psalm 77:11 1 Peter 4:14 Malachi 3:10 Proverbs 3:9 Acts 3:6 Matthew 6:21 1 Samuel 2:6-7 Revelation 3:17 1 Corinthians 16:13 Joshua 1:9 Ephesians 5:25 James 1:20 Isaiah 40:31 Joshua 24:15 Psalm 16:8 1 Timothy 6:17 Galatians 5:1 Isaiah 61:1 Confidence Dressed in White Keep It Momentary I Know Inclusive or Exclusive? Righteous Love Endure Forever Greater Love Remember There is No Other Of Long Ago Are You Insulted? Bring It All Honor the Lord Walk Where is Your Treasure? Humbles and Exalts Do You Realize? Be On Guard Wherever You Go Husbands Careful Renewed Strength Choose Where are You Looking? Where is Your Hope? Freedom Proclaim Good News JUNE 2 016 6/20-6/23 9-11:45am Daily, Mpls & West. Featuring Bible stories, music, story time, games, crafts, a special skit, and more. Cost: $40 includes t-shirt, CD, snacks, materials. VBS VOLUNTEERS (7TH-12TH GR+) Required 6/19 training 11am-1pm, Mpls & West Youth Centers. Daily Readings | 5 News & Updates World Hunger Sunday Food Drive Sun 7/17 Mpls & West Parking Lots. At the Mpls Campus we will be partnering with Urban Ventures to have their “farmers market” food truck on site, which features CityKid™ food grown on the Greenway in Mpls. 100% of proceeds from CityKid Markets fuel Urban Ventures’ programs. Plus, your purchase gives teens a first job experience and allows for people in “USDA Food Deserts” to have access to fresh, pesticide-free produce. You will be able to purchase fresh produce to donate to the food drive, which will benefit VEAP, and to take home for yourself. To learn more, visit http://urbanventures. org/citykid-markets. Of course we still will accept non-perishable food and monetary donations! Food and monetary donations collected at the West Campus will benefit Bountiful Basket of Eastern Carver County. Questions: Katie Shepherd kshepherd@mtolivet.org. MEMBERs OF tHE MOUNt OLivEt sENiOR PastOR caLL cOMMittEE (L-R): NatE sLiNDE, DEBRa PaGE, DORis BUERKLE, DEB KiND, JOHN KaPaNKE, GaRY WERt. NOt PictURED: DavE KROOG. Call Committee Update The senior pastor call committee continues to meet regularly and at the time of this printing was in the process of reviewing candidate names. Each name is carefully, prayerfully, and confidentially vetted through research by the call committee. Once the list is affirmed by the committee, interviews will commence. Prior to interviewing a candidate, the call committee puts forth considerable effort and work, listening to sermons, researching references, and visiting congregations. “We recognized the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout this process,” said committee member Nate Slinde. “The candidates go through their own discernment process, and just as the Holy Spirit is at work in them, we pray the Holy Spirit will continue to guide us.” “We remain grateful for the continued thoughts and prayers of the congregation,” said committee member Gary Wert. Your Purchase Made a Difference! Sign Up for Weekly Emails Visit www.mtolivet.org to sign up for This Week @ Mount Olivet emails delivered directly to your inbox. Mount Olivet School of Music Summer Session Begins the Week of June 13! | MOUNT OLIVET MES SE NGER Summer is a great time to learn a new instrument or brush up on your skills! Private lessons for students of all ages and abilities. 6 Strings • Voice • Piano Brass • Woodwinds • Guitar To register or for more information: Rebecca Mason 612.767.2262 mosom@mtolivet.org The Mount Olivet School of Music is a featured school of the Yale Institute for Sacred Music,and school staff have served as presenters for its Parish-based Music Schools Workshops. In addition to the great spiritual sustenance they provide, sales from Rev. Terry Morehouse’s Traveling Home and other books have now netted $3,500 for ELCA World / Hunger / Disaster Relief! Included among the efforts helped are the Syrian Refugee Crisis, the Ecuadorian Earthquake Disaster, and ongoing World Hunger needs here and all around the world. Thank you! Your purchase made a difference. Books continue to be available for purchase at the Mpls office and West information desk. Devotional Booklet This year’s devotional booklet shares thoughts on the theme One God. One Faith. Our prayer is that the readings will inspire you in your walk with Christ. The booklet is not date specific, so it may be used anytime of year. Booklets are available at the Mpls & West Campus offices and info desks. If you’d like prayers for yourself, family, or friends, make your request using first name(s) only at 612.767.2300 or at www.mtolivet.org/care/prayer-ministry. Prayer Ministry No “Ommmmmms” About It! Meditation is growing in popularity. It’s on the radar of doctors, journalists, self-help enthusiasts, pain sufferers and serenity seekers. More and more people are pursuing the “state of profound, deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert,” as www. freemeditation.com describes the practice. And with good reason. The benefits of meditation are myriad. It can improve concentration and keep the brain nimble, foster positive emotions and help us be more accepting of ourselves. Meditation can reduce stress and anxiety as well as boost our cardiovascular and immune health. In a nutshell, it helps us relax – mentally, physically, and emotionally. When we practice Christian meditation to focus on God’s word, character, and presence, we reap all these benefits and get the added bonus of growing closer to God. So then why aren’t we all meditating all the time? As compelling as the benefits are, it’s not an easy practice to build. Our culture pushes us to GO! and DO! Stopping to simply be in God’s presence goes against the grain. If you need a supportive, distraction-free place to develop your Christian meditation practice, we offer Mount Olivet’s Oasis. Here you’ll discover a sacred space that encourages you to lean into God, slow your thoughts, and listen with your heart so you can be filled with God’s grace. Stop by for as long as you like. You won’t have to pretzel your legs or sound out a long “Ommmmmm.” Just start by sitting comfortably and inviting God’s presence. Christian meditation is a form of prayer – one that doesn’t rely on words as much as turning our hearts and minds toward God. If that sounds too open-ended, we have available printed devotions, prayers, and Bible verse meditations to inspire your time with God. When we follow the direction of Psalm 46:10 to “Be still, and know that I am God,” we learn to hear God’s voice more clearly. In a world with so many competing voices continually upping their volume and frequency, hearing God more clearly – sensing God’s love, peace, and grace – is something we all can benefit from. Visit the Oasis MPLS Tuesdays 7am-7pm, Youngdahl Chapel (starting June), WEST Thursdays, 9am-3pm, Sanctuary (starting in September). A space where you can be still, think uninterrupted thoughts, and have a quiet conversation with God. Walk with a Pastor MPLS Tuesdays 6/14, 6/28, 7/12, 7/26, 8/9, 8/23 5-6pm; WEST Mondays 6/20 & 7/18 6-7pm. You are invited to join one of our beloved pastors and other walking friends for some friendly conversation, good exercise, and a slice of serenity. MPLS route: Begin / end at the Youngdahl Chapel, complete one circuit of Lake Harriet. WEST route: Begin / end the church sanctuary and walk along the LRT trail (3 miles total). We will start each walk with devotions and end with an opportunity for personal prayer or reflection. Rain or shine. No cost. PASTOR BAKKEN PASTOR YOUNGDAHL PASTOR JOHNSON PASTOR ENOCH PASTOR YOUNGDAHL PASTOR HAMMERSTEN PASTOR MACLEAN Tue 6/7 6:30pm, Minnetonka Drive-In, 4658 Shoreline Drive, Spring Park. All car @ MTKA enthusiasts DRIV are invited to 6:30pm Tues, E-IN June 7 this classic 50s-style restaurant that features car hops, burgers, and cool cars. At 7:30pm, PASTOR KALLAND will lead devotions at the picnic table area on the hill behind the restaurant. Cost: Food ordered off menu. No registration needed. cOUNsELiNG sERvicE We are imperfect beings living in a complex world. Stress, tension, and change add to the complexity. It takes courage and maturity to acknowledge a problem and do something about it. Our professional staff is available to work with you. GROUP and ONEON-ONE sessions take place in Mpls (1804 W 50th St) or at the West Campus Gym Building (7150 Rolling Acres Rd, Victoria). Cost for group sessions: $10 per session MO members / $20 non-members. Cost for counseling, psychiatric services, and prescriptive medication sessions: $40 per session MO members / $80 non-members. Appointments: Anne Lied 612.927.7335 annel@mtolivetcounseling.org. • Mpls Groups Tues 6/21-8/30 LOSS OF SPOUSE * 10-11:30am BALANCING YOUR EMOTIONS 5:15-6:15pm LOSS OF ANYONE SIGNIFICANT * 6:30-7:30pm DIVORCED & SEPARATED 7:45-9:15pm • West Groups Thurs 6/23-9/1 LOSS OF ANYONE SIGNIFICANT * 6:30-7:30pm DIVORCED & SEPARATED 7:45-8:45pm *These groups are closed after second session. | PASTOR CORNILS MPLS 5-6PM WEST 6-7PM MPLS 5-6PM MPLS 5-6PM WEST 6-7PM MPLS 5-6PM MPLS 5-6PM MPLS 5-6PM 8th Motorheads @ Mtka Drive-In JUNE 2 016 JUN 14 JUN 20 JUN 28 JUL 12 JUL 18 JUL 26 AUG 9 AUG 23 Adults 7 Adults | MOUNT OLIVET MES SE NGER iNtEREst GROUPs 8 • Book Group: Midday 3rd Tuesdays 11:30am-1pm, Mpls Library. Facilitator: CHELLE URABE. Upcoming books: “The Boston Girl” by Anita Diamant (6/21), “The Beautiful Mystery” by Louise Penny (7/12 one week earlier than usual), “The Aviator’s Wife” by Melanie Benjamin (8/16). • Book Group: Evening 2nd Wednesdays 7pm, Mpls Lounge. Facilitators: MARIE MACNALLY and MARY SLINDE. Upcoming book: “Life After Life” by Kate Atkinson (6/8). • Energy Healing Mon 6/13, 6/27, 7/11, 7/25, 6-9:30pm, 1700 Chapel Lower Level. Learn how prayer, God’s power, and the natural energy paths within the body can bring comfort and healing. No cost. • Flying Solo LAKE HARRIET BANDSHELL CONCERT Sun 6/26 Meet at 5pm, Concert Starts at 5:30pm, Lake Harriet Bandshell. Join us to hear the Hornucopia Band. Meet us in the grassy area, so we can sit together. TWINS GAME Sat 7/30 6:10pm game. Join us for a night at the ball park to see the Twins play against the Chicago White Sox. We will be seated in Section 331, rows 2-4. Cost: $30 (ticket only). Register beginning 6/1: www.mtolivet. org. Pick up your ticket(s) the week of the game in the Mpls Campus office. See you at the ballpark! • Holy Yoga (Chair) M, W 12:151:15pm; F 8:30-9:30am; 1700 Lower Level. Taught by certified instructors, chair holy yoga provides a great physical and spiritual boost to your day, while not requiring you to get down and up from the floor. Cost: $5 per session. No registration is needed. • Holy Yoga (Mat) F 6:45-7:45am, 1700 Lower Level. Taught by certified instructors, mat holy yoga provides a great physical and spiritual boost to your day. Bring yoga mat and wear comfortable clothing. Cost: $5 per session. No registration is needed. Is An International Mission Trip in YOUR Future? While at times the food may be strange, communication difficult, and accommodations less than luxurious, the hugs are huge, the smiles heart-melting, and the satisfaction soul-deep. You will see God shining in the hearts of those you help, expand your perspective of the world and what’s most important, find new spiritual friends and return a changed and happier person. What does all this – an international mission trip! Currently, Mount Olivet has three such opportunities coming up in the coming year. Read about each one below and then give prayerful thought to whether this is one way God is calling you to reach out in love. Have questions or ready to sign up? Contact information is provided below. • Africa Jam Youth Camp This faith-based program has features similar to Cathedral of the Pines Camp, allowing participants to be part of expanding Mount Olivet’s successful camp ministry to some of the most economically disadvantaged youth of Cape Town. Estimated individual cost for Dec 31, 2016 to Jan 14, 2017: $4500. Contact: Billy Johnson williamj@mtolivet.org 612.867.1805 or Cindy Johnson craigcindyjohnson@gmail.com. • Guatemala Mission: Augustina Lutheran Church in Guatemala This is a very special opportunity to work with the global Lutheran family, as you help to bring hope and support to a young, growing Lutheran church that ministers and serves poor and marginalized fellow Christians in Guatemala. Estimated individual cost for Feb 3-13, 2017: $1900-2000. Contact: Pastor Drew Bakken drewb@mtolivet.org. • Mission Jamaica While this program revolves around two service opportunities – Habitat for Humanity and West Haven Orphanage – most volunteers tend to work at the orphanage, which serves large numbers of children with physical and mental disabilities. Estimated individual cost for Apr 1-8, 2017: $2400. Contact: Pastor Drew Bakken drewb@mtolivet.org. Friends Forever: Summer Retreat (50yrs+) Fri 7/15 2pm to Sun 7/17 1:30pm, Lutsen Resort. Join PASTOR and Friends Forever for a weekend of fun, fellowship, and faithbuilding while exploring the ideas of “Life Reimagined” by Richard Leider and Alan Webber. There is no need to read the book, but we encourage it. Cost: $90 per person, must be paid in advance, includes Friday evening pizza, Saturday morning continental breakfast, and Saturday evening dinner. Register: www.mtolivet.org or send payment to Gayle Jenni at Mount Olivet. Lodging costs and reservations are your own responsibility. A block of rooms at Lutsen Lodge (800.258.8736) have been reserved (2 night min). Questions: Sue & Sam Larsen 612.866.1174 suelarsen3@gmail.com. CORNILS Adults Midweek Summer Worship 2016 Wednesdays 6/15-8/10, Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center, 7984 W 257th St, Farmington, 4:30pm Bus Leaves 7500 York, 5pm Bus Leaves Mpls Campus, 5:30-6:30pm Dinner Served, 6:30-7pm Nature Class, 7:15pm Worship, 8pm Bus Leaves Retreat Center. Join us as we lift up the theme “Joyous Light of Heavenly Glory” and celebrate 40 years of retreat ministry at our Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center. Worship will feature liturgies from Evening Prayer “Vespers” and Compline “Prayer at the Close of the Day,” led by each of our Mount Olivet pastors. With the support of KRAIG WINDSCHITL and special musical guests, we will feature new hymns as well as some familiar favorites. Each evening also includes an outstanding meal and a fascinating nature class. Upcoming preachers: 6/15 PASTOR CORNILS, 6/22 PASTOR MACLEAN, 6/29 PASTOR BAKKEN. Cost: $10 adults, $5 children 3-11yrs, $5 bus from Mpls (optional). Questions and registration: 952.469.2175 www. mtolivetretreat.org. MOCW Holiday Boutique Exhibitors Wanted! SAT, NOV 5 2016 9AM-2P,M MOUNT O sERvicE • Heavy Lifting Help Needed Pastor Scott is in need of anyone that can help with lifting of heavy furniture – picking up donated items, loading up items at church, or dropping off items to people in need. Any amount of time is needed and appreciated. Contact: Pastor Scott 612.721.2588. • Community Emergency Services: Bonus Fridays 1900 11th Ave S, Mpls. Help serve needy households through the free produce and food line. Show up any Friday at any of the times listed below. Ask for Jacob or Melanie. Questions: Melanie mlapointe@cesmn.org. 9am-12noon 12noon-1pm 1pm-3pm 3-3:30pm Sort /organize food for afternoon distribution Lunch is served for all volunteers Greet clients and distribute food Assist in clean-up JUNE 2 016 | Exhibitor applications, LIVE 5 025 KNTOMPLS CAMPUS for the Mount Olivet X AVE S Church Women’s EXHIBITO APPLY AT R Holiday Boutique WWW.M S WANTE TOLIVET.O D! RG JUNE 1- 30 to be held Sat 11/5 9am-2pm at the Mpls Campus, will be accepted 6/1-6/30 at www.mtolivet.org. Cost: $25 non-refundable registration fee, plus 15% of your total sales collected immediately following the event. Exhibitors will be accepted through a juried selection process based on the following: Mount Olivet membership status, past exhibitor status and sales, exhibitor experience at other events as proxy / product type, originality of product, creativity, marketability, and the general appeal / quality of products. Exhibitors will be notified no later than 8/1 of their acceptance. Questions: Sarah Graff 612.743.7400 sarah_graff@icloud.com or Julie Wicklund 612.868.2902 hoganwicklund@gmail.com. • MObile Faith Discussion Wed 7/20 7-8:30pm, Cocina Del Barrio Restaurant, 5036 France Ave S, Edina. You’ll get the most out of the discussion if you complete the “Animate Faith 3” course before our gathering. But don’t let a few missed lessons get in the way of joining us. Cost: Food ordered off menu. • Parents Share Wednesdays 9:30-11am, Mpls Rm 394-36. Join MARILYN SHARPE, Mount Olivet member and parent educator, and other parents for great conversation. No cost. Childcare available in nursery. • Prayer Ministry Meeting Dates Vary, 1-2pm, Mpls Lounge. Participants set aside time each day to pray for specific prayer requests whether they be personal or for the work of the church or the world. • Prayer Shawl Ministry MPLS Mon 8/8 10am, Lounge; WEST 3rd Tuesdays 1pm, Admin Bldg. • Quilting Mondays 6:30-8:30pm, Mpls Rm 196-98. We make little quilts for Pastor Scott’s On-Call Ministry. Instructions and materials provided. Learn new skills, have fun, and serve. • See More Interest Groups on page 15. 9 Confirmation Camp at Cathedral of the Pines Youth Please Send Letters To: (Name of Recipient) Cathedral of the Pines 760 Caribou Trail PO Box 159 Lutsen, MN 55612 Note: We do not accept “care packages.” Have questions about camp policies, what to bring as a camper, or life at COP? Please refer to the Camper Handbook located at www.mtolivet.org. Questions? Bus Hotline Phone Number: 612.767.2304 Worship at COP: Evening Chapel Services at 7:30pm. Sunday Morning Worship at 10am. Camping Schedule: | MOUNT OLIVET MES SE NGER 6/2-6/5 6/14-6/19 6/20-6/24 6/24-7/1 10 Hi-er League Weekend Family Work Week Summer Starter 7th & 8th Grade Week 1 nds ) and her frie ond from left ec (s el ch ei R p. Avery the Pines Cam at Catheral of Each year on the last night of Confirmation our current 8th-graders attend a service called “What I am promising.” At this service, a current 9th-grader speaks about Confirmation Camp and their experience at Cathedral of the Pines Camp. This year Avery Reichel spoke at the Minneapolis Campus. Here is her message ... “Hi my name is Avery Reichel and I’m in 9th grade at Southwest High School. I will not be afraid. This is sung over and over as we leave the chapel every morning and night. I will look upward and travel onward and not be afraid. This is a great reminder that God is always there and we shouldn’t worry because he will guide us. I want you all to think about this as you go to 9th-grade Confirmation Camp. Camp is the happiest place I’ve ever been. I can feel the positive energy around me. Camp is where I am the very best version of myself. I’ve had the fortune of going to camp every summer since I was going into 3rd grade. Two or three of my school friends and I always went together, but in 6th grade that changed when I found out they weren’t going anymore. I had no idea what to do. My mom decided to sign me up for a week with her friend’s daughter. I was so nervous and I told her there was no way I was getting on that bus. But I went, and the people I met that week are some of my closest friends today, and I have no idea what my life would look like if I hadn’t got on that bus. I understand that some of you are nervous. I’ve been there. But I want to let you know that camp isn’t a place you should be afraid of. It’s a place where you can strengthen and create relationships with new people and God. It’s a place where you can be at peace; it’s serenity. At 9th-grade week (Confirmation Camp), this idea expands immensely. You dive deeper into your relationships and of course have some fun in the process. Confirmation Camp may be the shortest, but it was by far my favorite, because it’s just your grade up there. This creates a more comfortable environment, so you don’t have to think about being cool or impressing anyone, you can just be yourself. Distinct friend groups just sort of merge together and by the end of the week, you have an incredible bond with everyone there. Going into the week I didn’t expect to make as many friends as I did. People seemed unapproachable, but that was all in my head. Everyone there is kind and caring, and I’m so grateful for the wonderful community that camp has to offer. This is a special opportunity because it creates a strong foundation for the relationships you’ll have at church. 9th-grade week is also a blast. There are more extravagant theme meals, crazy intense games with the whole camp, and dances so fun they’ll make your legs sore the next day. I will never forget going on nature hikes with Geoff, rushing to the education building when the dance bell rang, singing songs with Billy at Solitude, looking out at beautiful Caribou Lake, and making wonderful memories. I made so many new friends and I know you all will too. I fell in love with Cathedral of the Pines the minute we drove through the gates, I hope your experience there is just as amazing as mine has been. Thank you.” – avERY REicHEL Counselors Needed! Visit www.mtolivet.org to sign up to counsel for these fun programs ... • God’s Kids Sing! (1st-6th Gr) 6/13-6/17 9am-4pm Daily, Mpls Campus (Bus from West). GKS! COUNSELORS (9TH-12TH GR+) • Vacation Bible School (4yrs-2nd Gr) 6/20-6/23 9-11:45am Daily, Mpls & West. VBS VOLUNTEERS (7TH-12TH GR+) Required 6/19 training 11am-1pm, Mpls & West Youth Centers. • Camp SOAP (5th-6th Gr) 6/27-6/30 8am-4pm Daily with an Overnight on Wed, West Campus. SOAP VOLUNTEERS (7TH-12TH GR+) Required 6/12 training 12:15pm-2pm, West Campus, lunch provided. • King’s Kids Day Camp (3rd-4th Gr) 7/11-7/14 8am-4:30pm Daily, West Campus (Bus from Mpls). KK COUNSELORS (9TH-12TH GR) Required 6/12 training 12:15pm-2pm, West Campus, lunch provided. • King’s Kids Day Camp (1st-2nd Gr) 7/18-7/21 8am-4:30pm Daily, West Campus (Bus from Mpls). KK COUNSELORS (7TH-12TH GR+) Required 6/12 training 12:15pm-2pm, West Campus, lunch provided. Junior High Summer Social Sat 7/9 10am-4pm, Drop-Off / Pick-Up at West Campus (NO Mpls Bus). We’re breaking the halfway point with a fun day of activities. We will head to the Arboretum for a tour of the wonderful outdoors, and afterwards we will head to Big Stone Mini-Golf. Invite your non-member friends too! Cost: $30, bring extra $$ for snacks. Contact: Zach Spirov 952.767.1583 zachs@mtolivet.org. (7th & 8th Gr) Bunker Hills Wave Pool Sat 8/6 10am-4pm, Drop-Off / Pick-Up at Mpls Campus (NO West Bus). Join us for a fun day in the summer sun! Enjoy the slides, pools, and water attractions that Bunker Hills has to offer! Cost: $30 includes transportation and admission to the park. Bring your own lunch or extra money to purchase lunch. Contact: Zach Spirov 952.767.1583 zachs@mtolivet.org. (7th & 8th Gr) 8th-Grade Leadership Retreat Tues 8/23 1:30pm to Wed 8/24 10am, Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center, Bus from Mpls & West. A classic retreat at the retreat center for 8th Graders who love church and will be leaders for our junior high program next school year! We will have fun playing games, hanging out, and also have meaningful worship in the chapel. Cost: $50. Contact: Geoff Arenson 612.767.2212 geoffa@mtolivet.org. (8th Gr) Valleyfair! Visit www.mtolivet.org to register for these fun summer programs ... • Summertime Players! Musical Theater Camp (7th-9th Gr) 7/12-7/15 & 7/18-7/22, 9am-4pm except performance day 7/22 until 8:30pm, Mpls Campus. Sing and dance to songs from musical theatre and pop music and put on a full-length musical revue. Afternoon activities: bowling, swimming, mini golf, and more! Cost: $275. • Team STP! (10th-12th Gr+) 7/11-7/15 & 7/18-7/22, 8:30am-4pm except performance day 7/22 until 8:30pm, Mpls Campus. Join this fun group that mentors STP campers and works behind the scenes to put on a full-length musical revue. Cost: $160. • Summertime Players! 2 (10th-12th Gr+) 7/11-7/15 & 7/18-7/22, 12noon-4pm except performance day 7/22 9am-8:30pm, Mpls Campus. The high school version of STP! Sing and dance to songs from musical theater and pop music and put on a full-length musical revue. Cost: $250. • Summertime Players! Band (10th12th Gr+) 7/11-7/15 & 7/18-7/22, 12noon-4pm except performance day 7/22 9am-8:30pm, Mpls Campus. Be a member of the on-stage band for the Summertime Players! musical revue. Cost: $250. • Next! Audition Workshop (9th12th Gr+) 8/23-8/25 Daily 6-9pm, Mpls. Musical theater professionals will share their experience with the audition process, assist participants with song selection and interpretation, movement and monologues /cold readings. Cost: $200 includes a 30-minute private lesson. JUNE 2 016 | Thu 8/25 9:304:00pm, Drop-Off / Pick Up at Mpls & West Campuses. Join your junior high youth staff for a day trip to Valleyfair! Take advantage of one of the last days of summer. Cost: $30 (ticket and transportation). Be sure to bring money to buy lunch! Contact: Zach Spirov 952.767.1583 zachs@mtolivet.org. (7th & 8th Gr) Youth 11 Sunday Morning Nursery Summer Hours Children & Family Families with infants through 6th-graders are invited to explore faith, develop friendships, and serve together through Children & Family Ministry programs! Visit www. mtolivet.org for details and registration. Sarah Kleppe, C&FM 612.767.2245 sarahk@ mtolivet.org Amber Kuntz, Mpls Sunday School & Events 612.767.2285 amberk@ mtolivet.org Josh Nelson, Mpls & West Events 612.767.2284 joshn@ mtolivet.org Tasha Holifield, West Sunday School & Events 952.767.1504 tashah@ mtolivet.org Amy Porthan, Mpls Nursery & Babygarten 612.767.2224 amyp@ mtolivet.org Hillary Patz, West Nursery 952.221.9614 hillaryp@ mtolivet.org Linda Healy, Mpls Preschool 612.767.2216 lindah@ mtolivet.org | MOUNT OLIVET MES SE NGER My Mt Olivet: Keep It Simple! 12 My Mt Olivet is an online resource for one-click registration, instant access to what’s available for your family, online giving, and more! Getting connected with My Mt Olivet is easy. Simply log in on your computer to www.mymtolivet.org and follow the directions. To connect with My Mt Olivet on your mobile device, download the Mt Olivet app from the App Store or Google Play and login to the app using your My Mt Olivet password. Questions: Call Member Records or the Finance Office at 612.926.7651. Children 6wks-3yrs are invited to join us in the Nursery this summer during the 9 and 10am at the Mpls & West Campuses. Paid staff and volunteers look forward to meeting your little ones! Staff are CPR / First Aid certified. Confirmation students, high school students, and adults interested in volunteering are encouraged to contact our nursery coordinators: MPLS Amy Porthan 612.767.2224 amyp@mtolivet.org, WEST Hillary Patz 952.221.9614 hillaryp@mtolivet.org. services Baptism Families interested in scheduling a Baptism are encouraged to attend a one-time, one-hour class with Pastor MacLean at our Minneapolis Campus or Pastor Youngdahl at our West Campus. Families may schedule a Baptism during a worship service or privately, according to the family’s and officiating pastor’s schedule. Baptisms are offered on the 2nd or 4th Sunday of the month, during worship services. Baptisms are available at MPLS at 12noon (11am June thru August) or at WEST at 11am (10am June thru August). Upcoming Baptism Sundays are June 12 & 26, July 10 & 24, August 14. The pastor who is scheduled to preach officiates the Sunday morning Baptisms during worship. Private Baptisms are available at each campus. For more information, please visit https://www.mtolivet.org/about-us/ life-events/baptism. Questions: Mary Lindberg 612.767.2267 maryl@ mtolivet.org. Musikgarten (Infants to 3yrs & Caregivers) Our Musikgarten program offers a comprehensive, sequential plan for the musical development of your child from birth to three years. Your child will have the opportunity to sing, dance, and play simple instruments such as rhythm sticks, jingles, shakers and drums. Families can also use the classroom CD at home to enhance musical learning. Our certified Musikgarten teachers will help your child develop listening skills, focused attention, imagination, creativity, and self-expression. Check www.mtolivet.org for class dates /times and registration. Questions: 612.767.2258, colleenr@mtolivet.org. Babygarten OUTDOORS! (Infants-3yrs & Caregivers) Thursdays 6/16-7/21 9:45-10:45am, Mpls Campus. More than a playgroup or storytime – Babygarten provides pre-literacy skills for children in a faith-focused environment. Facilitator: AMY PORTHAN, early childhood educator and Minneapolis nursery coordinator. Cost: $72 for 6-week session. Register: www. mtolivet.org. Questions: Amy Porthan 612.767.2224 amyp@mtolivet.org. Students Serving Others Children & Family Ministry staff and volunteers joined the Youth staff for a Junior High Alive! preview/service event on Saturday, April 30. 6th-graders and 8th-grade assistants from Mpls and West volunteered at Feed My Starving Children, packing 107 boxes with 23,112 meals to serve 63 children for a year! For more student opportunities to serve our community, join us this summer for Camp SOAP (Summer of Awesome Programs) or Vacation Bible School! We need your help! Join the King’s Kids Tradition! For almost 40 years, King’s Kids Camps have welcomed Mount Olivet young people to a camping experience close to home. Held at our West Campus in Victoria this year, we look forward to outdoor games, local adventures, exploring our faith, and much, much more! Camps available for kids entering 1st & 2nd grade, 3rd & 4th grade, and 5th & 6ths grade. See right for dates and register at www.mtolivet.org. Children & Family Visit www.mtolivet.org for details and registration for these programs ... • Fun Day: Geocaching Parks (Mpls) and Schutz Lake (West)! (3rd-6th Gr) MPLS Fri 6/10 8am-4pm, Youth Center; WEST Tue 6/14 8am-4pm, Fellowship Hall. • God’s Kids Sing! (1st-6th Gr) 6/13-6/17 9am-4pm Daily, Mpls Campus (Bus from West). GKS! COUNSELORS (9TH-12TH GR+) • Babygarten OUTDOORS! (Infants3yrs & Caregivers) Thursdays 6/16-7/21 9:45-10:45am, Mpls Campus. • Vacation Bible School (4yrs-2nd Gr) 6/20-6/23 9-11:45am Daily, Mpls & West. VBS VOLUNTEERS (7TH-12TH GR+) Required 6/19 training 11am-1pm, Mpls & West Youth Centers. • Camp SOAP (5th-6th Gr) 6/27-6/30 8am-4pm Daily with an Overnight on Wed, West Campus. SOAP VOLUNTEERS (7TH-12TH GR+) See page 11 for training. • King’s Kids Day Camp (3rd-4th Gr) 7/11-7/14 8am-4:30pm Daily, West Campus (Bus from Mpls). KK COUNSELORS (9TH-12TH GR) See page 11 for training. • Preschool Summer Sampler (3-4yrs) 7/12-7/14 9-11:30am Daily, Mpls Preschool Classrooms. • King’s Kids Day Camp (1st-2nd Gr) 7/18-7/21 8am-4:30pm Daily, West Campus (Bus from Mpls). KK COUNSELORS (7TH-12TH GR+) See page 11 for training. • Summer Fun Day (K-2nd Gr) MPLS Tues 7/26 8am-4pm, Gale Woods Farm WEST Thurs 7/28 8am-4pm, Crayola Adventure, Mall of America • Fun Day: Geocaching 44.91, -93.30 (Mpls), 44.87, -93.64 (West)! (3rd-6th Gr) WEST Tue 8/2 JUNE 2 016 8am-4pm, MPLS Thur 8/4 8am-4pm. • Camp Cheer! (K-2nd Gr) 8/2-8/4 9-11:30am, Mpls Campus. • Cathedral of the Pines Camp Lutsen. Contact: Kris Ericksen 612.767.2207 krise@mtolivet.org. | 13 Generosity | MOUNT OLIVET MES SE NGER Memorial and Tribute Gifts Make a Difference 14 Mount Olivet Lutheran Church and its six affiliated ministries are grateful to receive support, both designated and undesignated, through memorials, tributes, and general gifts. These gifts provide much-needed financial support for specific programs that enhance the lives of many people and for budgeted operating expenses. Memorial gifts are a wonderful way to remember family members and friends who have died. Making a gift is a meaningful way to express our feelings as we deal with the grieving process. Gifts given in honor of someone are a great way to celebrate special occasions like baptisms, weddings, and anniversaries. The tribute makes the people involved feel very special and pleased that the gift benefits a Mount Olivet ministry. Every gift given “in memory of” or “in honor of” is acknowledged through a thank-you letter from the receiving organization. Donor requests to notify someone of their gift are always fulfilled. Envelopes for gifts are available in the offices at Mount Olivet’s Mpls & West Campuses and from each affiliated ministry. The entire Mount Olivet family thanks the many donors who give so freely and generously. Your gifts represent your love of Christ and the ministry we share. You have demonstrated what it means in 1 Peter 4:10, “Like good stewards of the manifold grace of God, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.” Call Mount Olivet’s development office at 612.821.3151 with questions. Thank you, donors! Summer Giving to the General Fund Every Sunday during worship, we take a couple of minutes and invite people to financially support the mission of our church. The reason why is not to put pressure on people, it’s to encourage people to move from spectators to participants in the vision. We are SO GRATEFUL for all the things your gifts allow us to do! Now here we are in the month of June. Minnesotans embrace summers, and who can blame us – the snow is gone, kids are out of school, adults get vacation time, and many of us head for our favorite summertime activities: cabins, RV trips, pool-time, and more. We enthusiastically soak up precious sun and precious time together away from our usual lives. But the usual life of the church does continue, and continues to need your support. We know nobody says, “I just don’t feel like supporting the mission of the church this summer.” It’s because people forget. They’re out of town. There’s a lot of other stuff going on. The sun is shining, Minnesota! Still, Mount Olivet remains active and alive, with music camps, children and family events, midweek worship services, special music every Sunday for worship, and more. We also are deep into planning for Rally Sunday, Advent, and beyond. All this requires continued giving. So I invite you to give today and to continue giving this summer to the General Fund, which supports the day-to-day programs and needs of the church’s ministries, assuring dynamic worship and music, responsive pastoral care and programmatic opportunities for all of us, members and friends, from birth to the end of life. Your support helps extend gospel outreach throughout the community, nation, and world. One convenient (and appreciated) way to give is through mymtolivet.org, particularly if you will be away periodically this summer. You can set-up recurring payments (or one-time gifts) online or through the app (along with listening to sermons, registering for events, and more) so you never are really “away.” You can keep in touch. If you prefer, the finance department would be happy to help you set up automatic payments (612.767.2255 amyn@mtolivet.org). You can send in your offering envelopes or drop off your gifts whenever time allows. However you give, please know your pastors and staff will work diligently to be good stewards of your gifts. Thank you so much for your support of Mount Olivet and its ministries. Enjoy summer, be present however you can (see Pastor Cornil’s article on page 5), and know that you are a blessing to Mount Olivet! – KatiE stEvENsON, DiREctOR OF stEWaRDsHiP J U N E 2 016 even ts & a c t iv it ie s SPECIAL EVENTS Date COP Hi-er League Weekend Jun 2-5 Time Location TUESDAYS Frequency Time COP Men's Breakfast Group Every 7am Spiritual Oasis Every 7am-7pm Support Group: Loss of Spouse Jun 21 - Aug 30 10am Counseling Ctr Library Location Richfield VFW MO Celebrates Volunteers & Ministry Jun 5 9:30am Motorheads @ Mtka Drive-in Jun 7 6:30pm Fun Day: Geocaching Parks! Jun 10 8am Book Group: Midday 3rd 11:30am-1pm Lake Harriet Bandshell Worship Jun 12 9am Men's Al-Anon Group Every 12noon God's Kids Sing! Creative Arts Camp Jun 13-17 9am Spiritual Oasis: Guided Session 2nd 12:30pm COP Family Work Week Jun 14-19 Prayer Shawl Ministry 3rd 1pm Fun Day: Geocaching Lake Schutz! Jun 14 8am Support Group: Balancing Emotions Jun 21 - Aug 30 5:15-6:15pm Counseling Ctr Walk with a Pastor Jun 14 5pm Support Group: Loss of Anyone Jun 21 - Aug 30 6:30-7:30pm Counseling Ctr Midweek Worship Jun 15 5pm MOCRC Support Group: Divorced & Separated Jun 21 - Aug 30 7:45-9:15pm Counseling Ctr COP Summer Starter Jun 20-24 COP WEDNESDAYS Frequency Time Vacation Bible School Jun 20-23 9am Nursery Open for Parents Share Every 9:30-11am Nursery Walk with a Pastor Jun 20 6pm Parents Share Every 9:30-11am Rm 394-96 Midweek Worship Jun 22 5pm MOCRC Prayer & Praise Worship Every 10am COP 7th & 8th Grade Jun 24 - Jul 1 COP Book Club: Evening 2nd 7pm Flying Solo: Lake Harriet Bandshell Jun 26 5:30pm Lk Harriet Bandshell THURSDAYS Frequency Time Location Camp SOAP June 27-30 8am Men's Breakfast Group Every 7am Chanhassen Perkins Walk with a Pastor Jun 28 5pm Support Group: Loss of Anyone Jun 23 - Sep 1 6:30-7:30pm Midweek Worship Jun 29 5pm MOCRC Christ in Your Recovery To Jun 30 SUNDAYS Frequency Time Location Support Group: Divorced & Separated Jun 23 - Sep 1 7:45-8:45pm We Bring this Child: Baptism Class 3rd 8am Holy Communion Every 8:30am We Bring this Child: Baptism Class 3rd 9am Sunday Worship Every Sunday Worship Mtka Drive-In COP 7-8:30pm 1700 Lower Level Location Lounge 1700 Chapel FRIDAYS Frequency Time Mat Holy Yoga Every 6:45-7:45am 1700 Lower Level Chair Holy Yoga Every 8:30-9:30am 1700 Lower Level 9, 10, 11am NAMI Connections Every 6:30pm Every 9, 10am NAMI Spouse/Partner Support 1st 6:30pm Nursery Every 9, 10am NAMI Family Support 1st 6:30pm MONDAYS Frequency Time MULTIPLE DAYS Days Time Spiritual Oasis Every 9am-6pm Chair Holy Yoga M, W 12:15-1:15pm 1700 Lower Level Southwest Women's AA Meeting Every 10am Musikgarten M, T, W, F Varies* Spiritual Oasis: Guided Session 2nd 11:30am Energy Healing 2nd & 4th 6-9:30pm Quilting Every 6:30-8:30pm AA Meeting Every 7:30pm Al-Anon Meeting Every 7:30pm YAM Pick-Up Basketball Every 8pm Lounge Rm 114 Location 1700 Lower Level = Mpls Location Location = West * View days and times at www.mtolivet.org. Rm 196-98 JUNE 2 016 Gym | 15 PERIODICALS U.S. POSTAGE PAID TWIN CITIES, MN Mount Olivet Messenger USPS 365-500 Published monthly by Mount Olivet Lutheran Church 5025 Knox Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55419-1095 Periodicals postage paid at Twin Cities, MN POSTMASTER Send address changes to Mount Olivet Messenger 5025 Knox Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55419-1095 Sunday, June 5, 2016 After Worship Services MPLS Music: Monroe Crossing WEST Music: Barbary Coast Dixieland Showband Yes, there will be mini-donuts! June 5 After Worship Services MPLS Parking Lot, Music by MONROE CROSSING WEST Outside Front Entrance, Music by BARBARY COAST DIXIELAND SHOWBAND
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