August Messenger 2016
August Messenger 2016
A N EWSLETTER FOR M EMBERS & F RIENDS OF M OUNT O LIVET L UTHERAN C HURCH Believing, Belonging, Becoming FEATURES 6 News & Updates View the latest senior pastor call committee update, Eileen Scott retirement reception details, and more on page 6. 7 Upcoming Programs Check out the sidebar columns for information about Adult, Youth, Children & Family Ministry programs. 7 Reformation 500: Grace Changes Everything Learn what “all the fuss” is about on page 7. 14 Stewardship It is time to make your Stewardship dinner reservation, consider your 2017 pledge commitment, and select your choice for how to give. See page 14 for details. AUGUST 2016 VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 PHOTO: THE VIEW FROM THE CATHEDRAL OF THE PINES CAMP CHAPEL. Summer’s End Means New Beginnings Yes, the calendar says August. August means getting in final vacation days, readying for the coming school year, purchasing supplies and new outfits. Our graduates soon will be off to college or technical school or to a new job. Fall will bring many changes in households. Nostalgia for what has been and excitement for what lies ahead coexist in our hearts. Your pastors and staff are putting energy into Rally Sunday when our children are back in Sunday School, choirs will be restarting, and our worship numbers will grow again. I hope you have some anticipation for that. As the Psalmist wrote when going up to Jerusalem to see the Temple, “I was glad when they said to me, ‘let us go to the house of the Lord.’” His anticipation caused him to say, “My feet are already standing within thy gates.” Maybe you never missed a summer Sunday, but if you have, soon your feet will take you to the sanctuaries of Mount Olivet to find your familiar seating, and see familiar faces. Here you will have an encounter with the Holy One, the Gracious One. The One who gladdens hearts, the One who renews and Continued on page 3 ... WOR S H IP @ MOU N T OL I V E T AU GUST 2016 Join Us for Worship! MINNEAPOLIS CAMPUS 5025 KNOX AVE S MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55419 612.926.7651 WED, AUG 3 SUN, AUG 28 Prayer & Praise, Communion MPLS 10am SUN, AUG 7 The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Nursery 9, 10am Holy Communion 8:30am MPLS 9, 10, 11am Sermon: Pastor Bakken Music: Dana Donnay, oboe WEST 9, 10 am Sermon: Pastor Youngdahl Music: Teresa Elsbernd, mezzo soprano WED, AUG 10 Prayer & Praise WEST CAMPUS 7150 ROLLING ACRES RD VICTORIA, MN 55386 952.767.1500 The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost & Cathedral of the Pines Camp Sunday Nursery 9, 10am Holy Communion 8:30am MPLS 9, 10, 11am Sermon: Pastor Kalland Music: Genevieve Kalland, soprano WEST 9, 10 am Sermon: Pastor Hammersten Music: Zach Spirov, tenor WED, AUG 31 Prayer & Praise MPLS 10am MPLS 10am SUN, AUG 14 The Thirteeth Sunday after Pentecost Nursery 9, 10am Holy Communion 8:30am and Sunday School resume RALLY SUNDAY, Sept 11 MPLS 9, 10, 11am & 12noon WEST 9, 10, 11am MPLS 9, 10, 11am Sermon: Pastor Hammersten Music: Justin Staebell, baritone WEST 9, 10 am Sermon: Pastor Youngdahl Music: Anna Shevik, soprano Summer Coffee WED, AUG 17 Prayer & Praise, Communion | MOUNT OLI VET MESS ENGER | A UGU ST 2 016 SUN, AUG 21 2 The Fourteeth after Pentecost Regular Worship Hours MPLS 10am Following all worship services in the Mpls lower narthex and West narthex. Hosted by the Board of Life & Growth. Everyone is welcome to join the fellowship! Nursery 9, 10am MPLS 9, 10, 11am Sermon: Pastor Enoch Music: Justin Nellis, tenor WEST 9, 10 am Sermon: Pastor Cornils Music: Diane Loudon, cello WED, AUG 24 Prayer & Praise MPLS 10am RADIO/ONLINE Go to or tune to WDGY 740AM at 11am for the radio broadcast of the Mpls Campus Sunday morning worship and the Faith Alive program with Pastor Terry Morehouse. Continued from front cover ... strengthens his people. Anticipate it. Membership is a privilege and “membership has its privileges.” Yes, you get to love, you get to give, you get to serve. You get to be a partner with the Creator of the Universe in shaping your life and your future. You get to build up your church – an institution that will be here after you are gone. You are a Kingdom Builder. During the past few years, we have used a covenant when receiving new members. It is a simple reminder of what the church will do for you and what you may do for the church. We will be using that during September worship services for all members, reminding us of the privileges we have in our life together. We are going to have a great year. I hope you had a great summer that included time away and refreshment. Carol and I enjoyed time with family and we had a wonderful week at Cathedral of the Pines! Come September, I will be renewed, refreshed, and ready to serve. “Put me in coach, I’m ready to play.” Hoping you are, also! Pastor Dennis J. Johnson Interim Senior Pastor P.S. Please read about the upcoming year of celebrating our Lutheran Heritage with our Reformation 500 worship and events, and about the allimportant Stewardship effort with its theme, “Grace Changes Everything.” B E G I N N I N G S O O N ! Reformation 500: Grace Changes Everything! NGES EVE HA R C UN N 5 00 G MO T IO CE HIN GRA June 17 - July 14 Baptisms Benjamin Allan Beltz, son of Emily & Robert Henry Alan Bohline, son of Sarah & Benjamin Caroline Grace Cohen, daughter of Sandra & Andrew Silas John Dietenbach, son of Sally & Keith Owen George Doerr-Olsen, son of Sarah & Dennis Sheila Lynn Enoch Hailey Marie Gubrud, daughter of Barbara & James Jordyn Joan Koenig, daughter of Stefanie & Tyler Pierce Ronan Koenig, son of Jessica & Preston Mallory Elizabeth Kutny, daughter of Laura & Evan Michael Paul Oliver Dahlia Jane Ramlet, daughter of Avery & Garrett Georgia Rose Roberts, daughter of Chelsie Vivian Ann Schaan, daughter of Anna & Lucas Maya Evangeline Truax, daughter of David & Erin Miles Kirby Vigen, son of Carrie & Michael Weddings Babs Johnson & Colin Martin, June 18 Ashley Psyhogios-Smith & Chad Kingbay, June 18 Kendall Dole & Ryan Peterson, June 25 Molly Hagen & Daniel Tousignant, July 1 Stephanie Rigdon & Matthew Czarniak, July 2 Cheryl Bolin & William Jenkins, July 9 Deaths MOUNT OLIVET MESSENGER Teena Anema, 1920 - 2016 Gary S. Christensen, 1937 - 2016 Louise C. Engelke, 1944 - 2016 Lorrie Holt, 1915 - 2016 Matthias Rau, 1925 - 2016 Robert C. Ulsaker, 1925 - 2016 Barbara S. Weiby, 1939 - 2016 AU GUST 2 016 | YT As you already may have heard, in the coming year, Mount Olivet will host a wide variety of special events and activities leading up to the 500th anniversary of Luther posting his T O 95 Theses to the Castle Church MA LIV ET R E F O R door in Wittenberg, Germany, and beginning the Protestant Reformation. It all begins in September as we lift up the 2016-17 Stewardship theme “Grace Changes Everything.” For more on that, see PAGE 14. Look, too, on PAGE 7 for at least a partial answer to “Why all the fuss?” And next month, watch for the special Reformation 500 calendar of events! Life & Growth | 3 | IV IN G NG MOUNT OLI VET MESS ENGER THI | AC RY AR 4 The summer storms remind me of the story of Jesus on the Sea of Galilee calming a storm. Jesus, tired from a long day of teaching and healing, asks the disciples to take him across to the other side of the Sea of Galilee; other boats were with him. A great windstorm arose, and the boat was being swamped. It must have been some kind of storm, because these seasoned fishermen were panicking. Meanwhile, Jesus is in the back of the boat, asleep on a cushion. The disciples do the smart thing and go to Jesus, wake him up and plead with Jesus … “don’t you care…?” (Ever had one of those prayers?) Jesus calms the storm with a word. There is a dead calm. He asks them a question, “Why are you afraid?” Do you have any storms or anxiety in your life? It’s easy to become discouraged amidst the storms of life. I think the story encourages us to go to Christ, especially during those times in our lives when the storms are raging. And don’t feel too badly about yourself – if the disciples who were right next to Jesus were frightened, it’s normal for us to be frightened, too. As we pray, seeking discernment for God’s will and wisdom in our lives, Jesus is with us even if it appears that he’s asleep in the back of the boat. The truth of God’s love for us in Christ Jesus is clear, even if our ability to understand is imperfect. Oh, and at the end of the story, the people ask the question about Jesus, “Who then is this that even the wind and sea obey him?” Who do you say he is? See you in church. – PASTOR KALLAND One of the things we always have appreciated about Mount Olivet is the opportunity it gives young people to serve and develop leadership skills. From being a member of Cathedral Choir to counseling for God’s ANGES E CH VE E Kids Sing, Summertime Players!, Vacation Bible School and Cathedral of the Pines, the list goes on and on D SH G IP 2 0 17 with opportunities that our kids have to serve others. Through these programs they are learning and experiencing the true joy that comes from giving of our time and our talents. This year we are encouraging that same purposeful giving with their monies. With the rise of “GoFundMe” and “Kickstarter” fund-raising accounts, we know that people appreciate the opportunity to give purposefully to areas that interest them. So this year we are establishing four “Giving Sundays” for our high-school-age youth. The purpose is to help plant the seeds of consistent giving and to allow them the opportunity to incorporate meaningful financial giving into their faith journey. Just prior to and on these Giving Sundays, at Cathedral Choir and Hi-League, we will highlight these areas that are part of the General Fund, so they understand more about what their gifts help support: • Infrastructure (Things We Need) 9.25.16 Highlighting that the “things” of church cost money: robes, music, donuts, youth staff salaries, Confirmation curriculum, supplementing big events like the Cathedral Choir trip, Fall Camp at COP, etc. • Pastoral Care (Caring for Our People) 11.20.16 Highlighting the importance of being there for all our members through things like the prayer shawl ministry, homebound communion, and pastors praying with and guiding the highschoolers and their families during times of need. • Mission & Service (Outside Ourselves) 1.22.17 Highlighting the importance of giving outside ourselves to programs like Africa Jam, Guatemala, Jamaica, Redeemer, Kids’ Café, etc. • Counseling Center (Mental Health Help) 3.19.17 Highlighting how valuable it is to have a place where members and non-members can go to get help with mental illness issues, to get help in times of crisis and with ongoing needs. We are so grateful for the youth of this congregation, givers in so many ways. We look forward to these additional giving options – these Giving Sundays – as great reminders to them, and to us all, that all our gifts come from God, and we are to give back with gratitude and joy. STEW A UGU ST 2 016 Jesus is with Us Youth Stewardship Giving Sundays GR Devotions – DR. BEVERLY CLAFLIN, DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP & MUSIC; BILLY JOHNSON, YOUTH DIRECTOR; KATIE STEVENSON, DIRECTOR OF STEWARDSHIP; AND PASTOR STEPHEN CORNILS, PASTORAL ADVISER TO STEWARDSHIP T H I N K I N G W I T H . . . PA S T O R Y O U N G D A H L Eternal Victory With summer coming to a close, I think back to my high school days when I mowed lawns with a friend. We would wake up every morning at the crack of dawn and manicure lawns until dark thirty at night. Each day presented us with what seemed to be an endless amount of grass to be mowed. In Luke’s gospel, Jesus says that “the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Jesus isn’t talking about mowing lawns, though I wish he would have sent a few more laborers to help with my cause! He is speaking of the mission work that awaits us as we live out our faith. Jesus says that when we enter the mission field, it will be like “lambs in the midst of wolves.” It might be discouraging. There could be danger or discomfort. We will meet resistance along the way. But he also says that all things are made possible with a true laborer’s faith. Our faith is enough to make the mission a success. Too often we judge our successes based on wins /losses or on revenues /expenses. The harvest is not about that. We do not need to have a perfect record, but instead we need to faithfully accept our calling. When we trust and have faith in Jesus, our eyes are opened to the reality that the true victory lies with Christ in his conquest over death. This is the Good News that we share as we work the mission field. This is the invitation that we extend to others, that they too might find eternal victory with our Lord. – PASTOR YOUNGDAHL Devotional Booklet This year’s devotional booklet shares thoughts on the theme One God. One Faith. Our prayer is that the readings will inspire you in your walk with Christ. The booklet is not date specific, so it may be used anytime of year. Booklets are available at the Mpls & West Campus offices and info desks. 1 1 Peter 2:24 By His Wounds 2 Luke 18:42-43 Praising God 3 Genesis 4:7 IF You Do or If You Don’t 4 Romans 5:8 God’s Love 5 Ephesians 1:7 The Riches of God’s Grace 6 Mark 11:25 Forgive Them 7 Psalm 103:12 Removed Our Transgressions 8 Romans 10:9-10 Believed and Justified 9 Proverbs 19:11 Overlook an Offense 10 Lamentations 3:31-32 Unfailing Love 11 Psalm 119:28 Strengthen Me 12 Habakkuk 3:17-18 Will Still Rejoice in the Lord 13 Isaiah 33:2 Gracious to Us 14 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 Encourage and Strengthen You 15 Psalm 147:3 Heals the Brokenhearted 16 James 1:2-4 Pure Joy 17 1 Corinthians 13:12 Only a Reflection 18 James 1:27 How to Do It 19 Romans 1:17 Live By Faith 20 Revelation 3:21 Victorious 21 John 8:12 Light of the World 22 James 2:17 Action 23 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 Weak Then Strong 24 1 Chronicles 16:10 Seek and Rejoice 25 Isaiah 6:3 Full of His Glory 26 Habakkuk 3:3-4 Filled the Earth 27 Zechariah 2:11 Sent From the LORD 28 Revelation 1:7 Every Eye Will See Him 29 Psalm 19:1 The Heavens Declare 30 Job 38:4-7 Where Were You? 31 Genesis 12:2-3 Blessed Through You MOUNT OLIVET MESSENGER Mount Olivet members serving in the military are invited to send information for a bulletin board of support located outside the pastoral care office. It is our desire to keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers on a daily basis. Please send the following to Amanda Herman (jaherman@q. com): your name, branch in which you are serving, and where you are stationed. We’d also like to have a 4x6 photo (mail to Mount Olivet, Attn: Andrea Brown, 5025 Knox Ave S, Mpls, MN 55419). Attn: Military Members August 2 016 FROM PASTOR KALLAND AU GUST 2 016 | If you’d like prayers for yourself, family, or friends, make your request using first name(s) only at 612.767.2300 or at Prayer Ministry Daily Readings | 5 News & Updates Can I Get a Witness? | MOUNT OLI VET MESS ENGER | A UGU ST 2 016 Mount Olivet representatives at the 2016 Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly held May 6-7, 2016, were: Clyde & Lois Allen, Doris Buerkle, Martha Carlson, Curt Hokanson, Ken Jarcho, John Johnson, Paul & Mary Knutson, Gwen Ludwig, Bob Neuman, Peter Rodosovich, Les & Marilyn Sharpe, Pastor Gretchen Enoch, and Pastor Dennis Johnson. Mary Knutson shares some of her thoughts from the Assembly. 6 It was a privilege to attend the Minneapolis Synod Assembly, with the theme, “Can I Get a Witness?” The opening worship focused on taking care of God’s creation. Each congregation processed with jars of water from their respective watersheds and poured it into the baptismal font. Bishop Ann Svennungsen gave the sermon on John 4 and speakers presented on the need to tell our stories, just as the woman at the well told her story to others. The Minneapolis Synod is made up of 150 congregations in the greater Minneapolis area and is one of 65 synods in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). There were exhibits and displays about what is going on in the ELCA. It’s inspiring to know that the ELCA is reaching out to the refugees and is a real presence in other countries. More information is at where you can watch the video message shared at synod assemblies across the ELCA. The ELCA Churchwide Assembly will be August 8-13, in New Orleans. I will be attending as a voting member and our congregational observer is Paul Knutson. – MARY KNUTSON, DELEGATE TO THE 2016 MINNEAPOLIS SYNOD ASSEMBLY AND MEMBER OF MOUNT OLIVET SINCE 1989. MEMBERS OF THE MOUNT OLIVET SENIOR PASTOR CALL COMMITTEE (L-R): NATE SLINDE, DEBRA PAGE, DORIS BUERKLE, DEB KIND, JOHN KAPANKE, GARY WERT. NOT PICTURED: DAVE KROOG. Call Committee Update The senior pastor call committee continues to be very busy. Just like everyone else in the congregation, the committee wishes that the process could go faster. Our new senior pastor needs to understand our culture, our core values, where we’ve been, and where we want to go. We know that God will help us find that person that “gets it,” – that can maintain our traditions and also give us new energy and ideas for growing as a congregation. As we study other pastors and congregations, we are reminded again of how unique Mount Olivet is in terms of size and complexities. The bar has been set very high for the senior pastor at Mount Olivet. Our goal, of course, is to maintain that very high standard. There are good candidates out there who have the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual capacity we are looking for. God will help us find that person. We continue to ask for your patience and prayerful support. Pastor Youngdahl Moving to Texas Pastor Eric and Lindsay Youngdahl and their family are relocating to Houston, TX, in the coming months. Lindsay has accepted a position as Athletic Director at a Houston high school. Pastor Youngdahl has a great love for Mount Olivet, values his work here and will remain at Mount Olivet through August, possibly into the fall, as he actively seeks a call in Houston. Pastor Youngdahl will remain until he (a) he receives a call or, (b) Mount Olivet determines it is in the best interest of the congregation to move forward. It is not anticipated that a call to a replacement pastor would be offered until the new senior pastor is in place. This is a great opportunity for Pastor Youngdahl to take all that he has learned at Mount Olivet into a new ministry. We will have time to thank him for his work among us during the past 10 years. Retirement Reception for Eileen Scott Sun 8/21, Between Services, Mpls Campus Lounge. Please take a moment to wish Mount Olivet home economist / kitchen coordinator EILEEN SCOTT a blessed retirement and thank her for her 45 years of dedication to Mount Olivet and her important work of hospitality. NGES EVE R GRA N 5 00 Adults T O IO G HIN UN MO CE YT A CH LIV ET R M EFOR AT Reformation 500: Why All the Fuss? MOU NT OLIVET MESSENGER • Walk with a Pastor Upcoming walks: PASTOR CORNILS (8/9 Mpls 5-6pm), PASTOR MACLEAN (8/23 Mpls 5-6pm). You are invited to join one of our beloved pastors and other friends for friendly conversation, good exercise, and a slice of serenity. MPLS route: Begin / end at the Youngdahl Chapel, complete one circuit of Lake Harriet. WEST route: Begin / end in the church sanctuary and walk along the LRT trail (3 miles total). We will start with devotions and end with a time for personal prayer or reflection. Rain or shine. No cost. • Hi-er League BBQ (18-22yrs) Tue 8/2 6:30-8pm, Pastor Monica Hammersten’s Home. PASTOR MONICA is throwing you a BBQ. This is a great chance to see your church friends before everyone leaves for near and far and to welcome you into Hier League. Like Hi-er League on Facebook to get updates on events through out the year! • Flying Solo: Midweek Worship (Singles 40s-50s) Wed 8/3 5:30-8pm, Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center. Come for relaxation, time with friends old and new, and time with God. PASTOR ENOCH will be preaching, dinner ($10) 5:30pm-6:30pm, nature class 6:30pm7pm, worship 7:15pm. Meet us at the Retreat Center or catch a bus ($5) leaving the Mpls Campus at 4:30pm. Register: or 952.469.2175. • Young in Heart & Friends: Afternoon at the Movies Thu 8/11 1:30-3:30pm, Mpls Fellowship Hall. Join us for an afternoon at the movies. Enjoy the musical classic, “Singing in the Rain,” complete with movie snacks. Cost: $3. Register: 612.926.7651. Questions: Ann LaBree 612.767.2288 AU GUST 2 016 | | Who was this man after which the Lutheran church was named? And why would we have a year focused on him, his teachings, and the Reformation he began 500 years ago as of October 31, 2017? Born into a prosperous family in Eisleben, Germany in 1483, Martin Luther was headed for life as a lawyer until in 1505, a thunderstorm changed everything. Caught in the violent storm, he almost was hit by lightning. Afraid for his life, Luther vowed that if God kept him safe, he would become a monk. True to his vow, he left the study of law and entered an Augustinian monastery a few days later. Though life as a monk was rigorous, Luther managed to continue his studies, receive his doctorate, and become a professor of biblical studies. Never would he have imagined, however, that he also would become one of the Western world’s most significant people because of religious and secular changes he would set in motion that affected not only the Christian church, but art, music, education, politics, government, and more! What sparked these changes? Luther’s desire to hold an academic debate over 95 “theses” or statements/questions addressing the teachings and authority of the Catholic Church at the time. In particular, Luther felt that (1) the church had abandoned the Bible as its primary authority and (2) that the church’s teachings that people could “work” or buy their way to salvation was completely unbiblical. The Bible’s message, Luther argued, is clear: Only God’s free gift of grace can and does save us. While the 95 Theses that Luther posted on the door of All Saints Church (“Castle Church”) in Wittenberg was not the first time some of them had been proposed, Luther’s drive to fight for correction came at a time ripe for change. The result was over 130 years of reformation movements throughout Europe during which thousands of people died defending the right to form churches with different beliefs and teachings – a right we hold dear yet today. In the coming year, you’ll learn much more about the enormously talented Luther, his teachings, his accomplishments, and also his flaws. Why all the fuss? For many reasons, including the changes he set in motion that reverberate in our lives yet today, his reminder that the church must be vigilant in protecting the truth of the gospel, and most of all, for his revolutionary insight into the true nature of God’s grace – grace that does indeed change everything! UPCOMING EVENTS 7 Adults UPCOMING EVENTS • Redeeming Time: Finding Freedom from Overload Wed 8/24 7-9pm, Mozza Mia. Before fall’s frenetic agenda kicks in, let’s recharge our batteries and set up our systems. Join LIZ OTTESON, STEPHANIE ZAHRBOCK, and guest speaker MARK WALLACE for an evening of fellowship and learning about how we can “find freedom from overload.” This session focuses on the causes of overload, busyness, and distraction, and then provides specific, practical tools and strategies for overcoming these pitfalls. Cost: $10 plus beverages off the menu. • Fall Dinner: Good News From the Inner City Tue 10/4 6:30pm, Mpls Fellowship Hall. Speaker: MARK- VP of Outreach for Urban Ventures. Urban Ventures is breaking the cycle of poverty through innovative programs and social enterprises that empower families to take control of their futures. Join us to hear all about this neighboring organization. Cost: $15 nonrefundable payment required with registration. Register 9/1-9/30: www. Ticket assistance available Sun 9/18 between services, Mpls & West. | MOUNT OLI VET MESS ENGER | A UGU ST 2 016 PETER LUNDQUIST, 8 • Flying Solo: Stewardship Dinner (Singles 40s-50s) Thu 9/22 6-7:30pm, Mpls Fellowship Hall. We will have a table reserved for our group this night. Make sure to RSVP and join us at the table! • Homebound Communion Sat 10/1 11am-2pm, Mpls Fellowship Hall & Sanctuary. Homebound Mount Olivet members and companions are invited to a Holy Communion service followed by delicious food and fellowship. Invite a friend or family member. Transportation available upon request. Register: Ann LaBree 612.767.2288 12th Motorheads Show and Blessing of Motors & Drivers Tue 8/9 6pm Show, 7:30pm Blessing of Motors & Drivers, 8pm Awards & Free S SHOW Raffle, West Campus, 7150 ORHEAD T O M th 12 Rolling Acres Rd, Victoria. Bring 6 TUE 8.9.1 your car, boat, tractor, truck, motorcycle (anything with a motor), or just come to view the show, enjoy dinner, jump in the moonwalk, and listen to Rd, Victoria the Nordic Surf Band! No cost lling Acres us, 7150 Ro West Camp & Drivers et s liv or O ot nt M Mou for spectators or exhibitors, but sing of 30pm Bles 7: | ow 6pm Sh donations are encouraged and appreciated! EXHIBITORS: Visit www. for free no-obligation preregistration of vehicles by 8/7. Spectator registration: None. Raffle donations: Pastor Kalland 612.767.2269. SAVE THE DATE: Mount Olivet Homes’ Auxiliary Annual Gala M O U N T Annual Ga Tue 10/18 5:30pm, Golden Valley Country Club. This fun evening 5: 30 PM , TU E, O CT 18 | G O LD EN features VA LLE Y CO UN TRY CL UB family-style dining, live entertainment, silent auction, live auction with FRANK VASCELLARO, and more! Attire is “dressy casual.” Registration opens in September. Proceeds benefit Mount Olivet Home, Mount Olivet Careview Home, Mount Olivet Day Services, and Mount Olivet Rolling Acres. O L I V E T H O M E S ’ AU X I L I A RY la International Mission Trips Jamaica Info Meeting Mon 8/8, Guatemala Info Meeting Wed 8/17, 7pm, Mpls Rm 482-86. See how God is alive in the world and how you can be part of it. Join us on one of our upcoming international mission trips: AFRICA JAM (Dec 31, 2016 to Jan 14, 2017), GUATEMALA (Feb 3-13, 2017), or JAMAICA (a family experience!, Apr 1-8, 2017). Contact: Pastor Drew Bakken 612.767.2261 Adults ONGOING Joyous Light of Heavenly Glory Midweek Summer Worship 2016 Location: Times: PASTOR ENOCH A Visit to the BWCA 7500 York Bus 4:30pm, Mpls Bus 5pm AUG 10 NATURE TALK PASTOR SCOTT Creating a Pollinator Paradise West & 7500 York Bus 4:30pm, Mpls Bus 5pm • Friends Forever English Center Volunteers (50+) Tue 7/19, Wed 7/20, or Thu 7/21, 9:30-11am, Our Saviors English Learning Center. Assist with mock interviews with students participating in ESL classes. Training provided. Contact: Dawn Dahlberg 952.361.5593 • Blood Drive WEST 8/1 3-6pm, MPLS 8/8 2-6:30pm. Please consider this life-saving gift. WEST Campus Appts: Julia Beauchaine 651.332.7164 julia.beauchaine@ MPLS Campus Appts: Debra Ahlers 651.332.7170 debra.ahlers@ Other questions: Andrea Brown 612.767.2209. • Community Emergency Services: Bonus Fridays 1900 11th Ave S, Mpls. Help serve needy households through the free produce and food line. Show up any Friday at any of the times listed below. Ask for Jacob or Melanie. Questions: Melanie 9am-12noon 12noon-1pm 1pm-3pm 3-3:30pm Sort /organize food for afternoon distribution Lunch is served for all volunteers Greet clients and distribute food Assist in clean-up MOU NT OLIVET MESSENGER AUG 3 NATURE TALK SERVICE AU GUST 2 016 | 7984 W 257th St, Farmington See Below for Bus Schedule Dinner Served 5:30pm Nature Class 6:30pm Worship 7:15pm Bus Leaves Retreat Center 8pm Cost: $10 adults, $5 children 3-11yrs, $5 bus (optional) Register: 952.469.2175 Worship will feature liturgies from Evening Prayer “Vespers” and Compline “Prayer at the Close of the Day,” led by each of our Mount Olivet pastors. With the support of KRAIG WINDSCHITL and special musical guests, we will feature new hymns as well as some familiar favorites. • Book Group: Midday 3rd Tuesdays 11:30am-1pm, Mpls Library. Facilitator: CHELLE URABE. Upcoming book: “The Aviator’s Wife” by Melanie Benjamin (8/16). • Energy Healing 2nd & 4th Mondays 6-9:30pm, 1700 Chapel Lower Level. • Parents Share Wednesdays 9:30-11am, Mpls Lounge. Join MARILYN SHARPE, Mount Olivet member and parent educator, and other parents for great conversation. No cost. Childcare available in nursery. • Spiritual Oasis MPLS Tuesdays 7am-7pm, Youngdahl Chapel, WEST Thursdays, 9am3pm, Sanctuary (starting in Sept). Be still, think uninterrupted thoughts, and have a quiet conversation with God. • See More Ongoing Groups on page 15. Visit for details. | 9 Welcome Back to Mount Olivet Youth Summer is winding down, and what an awesome summer it has been. It’s almost back to school time. And back to all things church related. Hi-League, Chancel Choir, Cathedral Choir, Confirmation, Circle of Friends, Adopt-a-Grandparent, Kids Café, Tuesdays with Rolling Acres, Junior High Alive!, and more will be starting up soon. Here is what you can expect and what we promise ... Cathedral of the Pines is a camp located on Caribou Lake in Lutsen, MN. A typical camp day includes Bible-centered Christian living classes, swimming, paddleboating, nature, hiking, sports fundamentals, arts and crafts, large and small group games, and, of course, delicious food! Each day at Cathedral of the Pines begins and ends in the chapel overlooking beautiful Caribou Lake. Please Send Letters To: (Name of Recipient) Cathedral of the Pines 760 Caribou Trail PO Box 159 Lutsen, MN 55612 Note: We do not accept “care packages.” Have questions about camp policies, what to bring as a camper, or life at COP? Please refer to the Camper Handbook located at | MOUNT OLI VET MESS ENGER | A UGU ST 2 016 Questions? 10 Bus Hotline Phone Number: 612.767.2304 Worship at COP: Evening Chapel Services at 7:30pm. Sunday Morning Worship at 10am. Camping Schedule: 8/1-8/6 8/6-8/10 8/10-8/14 Confirmation Camp 3rd & 4th Grade Camp Hi-League Retreat 1. A place where you will meet Jesus. Not literally of course, but that would be cool and good for attendance. That said, we want you to experience the presence of God, his son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. We don’t have all the answers here, but we want to walk with you on your faith journey. 2. A place with adults who care about young people. We all need caring adults and mentors in our lives. You will find those caring adults here at Mount Olivet. 3. A place where all are welcome and all belong. Mount Olivet is a place where any young person can feel at home. Bring your friends. 4. A place to serve others. We are called to love our neighbors. We will give you opportunities to serve people in our community and around the world. 5. A place to encourage and to be encouraged. There’s enough negativity and tearing one another down in our culture. We strive to be a place where people are building one another up, naming gifts, and encouraging one another. 6. A place to have fun. We have fun, we laugh a lot, and we are rooted in the joy that comes from being in relationship with a loving God. We need you around. We want you around. Be there. – BILLY JOHNSON, YOUTH DIRECTOR An Open Letter to Mount Olivet Even after 4 years, I am speechless. I have had more than 1460 days in your youth program and still I cannot fathom how it has truly changed my outlook on life. When I was younger, I’d hear all of the seniors speak of this profound sorrow when they leave their last choir and now I understand. As I left the loft for the last time as a Cathedral Choir member this past Sunday, my heart broke. Leaving it all behind suddenly became all too real. If you are reading this and are in these programs at Mount Olivet, go to them. Pour your heart into them. You will meet the people you will be friends with your entire life and the mentors that will guide you through the darkest valleys and the deepest seas. There is nothing comparable to the experiences you have given me, so thank you, Mount Olivet, for giving me the best 4 years I’ve ever had. I’ll make you proud. – ANNIKA JOHNSON (IN PHOTO WITH YOUTH DIRECTOR BILLY JOHNSON) Thank You COP Staff! The awesome 2016 Cathedral of the Pines Camp staff (photo below) is finishing another fantastic summer serving God and campers of all ages. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with us! Youth Visit to register for these youth programs ... AU GUST 2 016 | MOUNT OLIVET MESSENGER • Bunker Hills Wave Pool (7th & 8th Gr) Sat 8/6 10am-4pm, Drop-Off / Pick-Up at Mpls Campus (NO West Bus). Join us for a fun day in the summer sun! Enjoy the slides, pools, and water attractions that Bunker Hills has to offer! Cost: $30 includes transportation and admission to the park. Bring your own lunch or extra money to purchase lunch. Contact: Zach Spirov 952.767.1583 • 8th-Grade Leadership Retreat (8th Gr) Tues 8/23 1:30pm to Wed 8/24 10am, Mount Olivet Conference & Retreat Center, Bus from Mpls & West. A classic retreat at the retreat center for 8th-graders who love church and will be leaders for our junior high program next school year! We will have fun playing games, hanging out, and also have meaningful worship in the chapel. Cost: $50. Contact: Geoff Arenson 612.767.2212 • Next! Audition Workshop (9th12th Gr+) 8/23-8/25 Daily 6-9pm, Mpls. Musical theater professionals will share their experience with the audition process, assist participants with song selection and interpretation, movement and monologues /cold readings. Cost: $200 includes a 30-minute private lesson. • Valleyfair! (7th & 8th Gr) Thu 8/25 9:30-4pm, Drop-Off / Pick Up at Mpls & West Campuses. Join your junior high youth staff for a day trip to Valleyfair! Take advantage of one of the last days of summer. Cost: $30 (ticket and transportation). Be sure to bring money to buy lunch! Contact: Zach Spirov 952.767.1583 • 7th & 8th Grade Confirmation Now Registering at education/confirmation. | 11 Children & Family | MOUNT OLI VET MESS ENGER | A UGU ST 2 016 Families with infants through 6th-graders are invited to explore faith, develop friendships, and serve together through Children & Family Ministry programs! Visit www. for details and registration. 12 Sarah Kleppe, C&FM 612.767.2245 sarahk@ Amber Kuntz, Mpls Sunday School & Events 612.767.2285 amberk@ Josh Nelson, Mpls & West Events 612.767.2284 joshn@ Tasha Holifield, West Sunday School & Events 952.767.1504 tashah@ Amy Porthan, Mpls Nursery & Babygarten 612.767.2224 amyp@ Hillary Patz, West Nursery 952.221.9614 hillaryp@ Linda Healy, Mpls Preschool 612.767.2216 lindah@ • Baptism Class: “We Bring this Child” 3rd Sundays, WEST 8am Lounge, MPLS 9am Bride’s Dressing Room. Register one week prior to class: Pastor MacLean 612.767.2230 • Musikgarten (Infants to 3yrs & Caregivers) Mpls Campus. Experience the benefits of music and movement in the development of your child. Registration: Questions: Colleen Roess 612.767.2258, • Babygarten (Infants to 3yrs & Caregivers) Mpls Campus. A weekly faith-based program that provides preliteracy skills for children in a faith-focused environment. Facilitator: AMY PORTHAN, early childhood educator and Mpls nursery coordinator. Register: • Mount Olivet Preschool (3-4yrs by Sept 1, 2016) Mpls Campus. For over 40 years, Mount Olivet has offered a fun, Christian preschool experience filled with age-appropriate language, art, music, math/ science and physical activities. Register: Vacation Bible School We had a wonderful time GOING WITH GOD! June 20-23 at Vacation Bible School! Thank you to all the volunteers who shared their many gifts with us as we learned that God is always with us, no matter where we are. We also learned about the many ways we can help our neighbors near and far. If you see someone in a red SQUAD shirt, give them a high-five – They are wonderful young leaders in our congregation! Overheard at VBS: • “Thank you so much for an awesome week at VBS! [My sons] loved it and are already excited for next year :) The girls and boys helping in the red shirts were so sweet and friendly! It was a perfect introduction to preschool in the fall for [my son].” – PARENT OF VBS CAMPERS • “I loved it! It was so fun and I can’t wait to do it again.” – SQUAD VOLUNTEER • “I really liked working with the kids and having fun with them! I ♥ VBS!” – SQUAD VOLUNTEER WE WELCOMED PASTORS EACH DAY FOR A CHILDREN’S MESSAGE AT VBS. Camp S.O.A.P. (Summer of Awesome Programs) Campers entering 5th & 6th grade spent four days serving others by volunteering with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District and Feed My Starving Children. Campers and volunteer counselors also had a blast swimming, tie-dying shirts, having our own chapel service, and having a lock-in at the West Campus. VOLUNTEERING AT FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN. Family Work Week and Family Camp joined member families at Family Work Week to prepare Cathedral of the Pines Camp for the upcoming season. In addition to volunteering to clean cabins and bathrooms, mow, plant, and wash the chapel windows, families enjoyed devotions on the North Shore, exploring Grand Marais, and playing games together. Children & Family PASTOR KURT KALLAND PASTOR ERIC YOUNGDAHL welcomed families to Family Camp over 7/2-7/5. Families spent the holiday weekend following a typical camp schedule that included fellowship, games, activities, chapel, and lots of fun! Visit for details and registration for these programs ... • FunDay: Geocaching 44.91,-93.30 (Mpls), 44.87,-93.64 (West)! (3rd6th Gr) WEST Tue 8/2 8am-4pm, MPLS Thur 8/4 8am-4pm. Join Tasha and Amber to hang out and see who has found our geocache. Cost: $40 includes activities, snacks, crafts. • Camp Cheer! (K-2nd Gr) 8/2-8/4 9-11:30am, Mpls Campus. Rah! Rah! Rah! Mother/daughter team AMEE & BETTY LIABRAATEN invite all kids entering K-2nd grade to learn cheer basics, create crafts, play games, and perform a routine for your families on the last morning! Betty is a cheerleader at Edina and Amee is a Physical Education teacher in the Edina Schools; both have volunteered as Sunday School teachers for years! Their cheerleading friends will help lead this fun and faith-filled camp. Cost: $30 includes crafts, t-shirt, and pompoms. Register: A FAMILY GATHERS ON THE SHORE OF CARIBOU LAKE. Get Ready for Fall Tue 9/6 6-7pm, Mpls Rm 190 Wed 9/7 6-7pm, Mpls Rm 190 Thu 9/8 6-7pm, Mpls Rm 190 | • Rally Sunday is Sept 11! Mark your calendar for another great year of Sunday School. We look forward to seeing you each week! IF YOU SEE SOMEONE IN A RED SQUAD SHIRT, GIVE THEM A HIGH-FIVE – THEY ARE WONDERFUL YOUNG LEADERS IN OUR CONGREGATION! MOU NT OLIVET MESSENGER 9am Classes 10am Classes 11am Classes AU GUST 2 016 | • Sunday School Volunteer Kickoff WEST Sun 8/14 11am-1pm, Center for Faith in Life Bldg; MPLS Wed 8/17 5:30-7:30pm 1700 Bldg. • Preschool Open House 8/29, 8/30, or 8/31, 8am-3pm, Mpls Rm 261. • 3-Yr-Old & Pre-K Sunday School Open Houses @ Mpls An opportunity for students and parents to meet teachers, explore classrooms, and familiarize themselves with the Mount Olivet Sunday School program! Classroom and teacher assignments will be sent in late August. Questions: Josh Nelson 612.767.2284 13 A UGU ST 2 016 | ING G MOUNT OLI VET MESS ENGER R HIN | NGES EVE YT A CH IV G RD A For additional important disclosure information, please visit disclosures. DINNERS | PLEDGE | GIVE W 14 Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents / producers of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. STEWARDSHIP STE Mon 8/22 2-4pm, Mpls Rm 482/486. Wondering how – and when – to take Social Security? There are hundreds of options to Bruce Ensrud consider. This you seminar will show ways to maximize your benefits. Hosted by Thrivent Financial representatives BRUCE ENSRUD, CFP Mark Morton and MARK MORTON, FIC. While many financial firms see money as a goal, we see it as a tool to help the people, causes, and communities you hold close to your heart. No products will be sold at this event. RSVP by 8/17: Libby Buckley 952.475.9700 | Believing, Belonging, Becoming O L I V E T CE Savvy Social Security Planning Seminar M O U N T GRA Generosity SH IP 20 17 STEWARDSHIP DINNER DATES Date Mon 9/12 Tue 9/13 Wed 9/14 Mon 9/19 Tue 9/20 Wed 9/21 Thu 9/22 Fri 9/23 Sun 9/25 Wed 9/28 Thu 9/29 Time 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 6pm 12noon 5pm 6pm 6pm Location Mpls Mpls Mpls Mpls Mpls Mpls Mpls Mpls Mpls West West ADVANCED RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR ALL DINNERS You are invited and encouraged to attend a STEWARDSHIP DINNER where you can make your 2017 pledge and giving plan to Mount Olivet. Come and share a meal with your pastors, staff, and fellow members! Come and learn about the transformative power of GRACE! Make your dinner reservation ONLINE at, by PHONE at 612.926.7651, by returning the invitation POSTCARD, or AT CHURCH! You also may give anytime online at MYMTOLIVET.ORG. Thank you! I live in grace. Therefore my whole life serves God. – Martin Luther AUG U S T 2 016 EVEN TS & A C T IV IT IES SPECIAL EVENTS Date Time Location COP Confirmation Camp Aug 1-6 Blood Drive Aug 1 3pm Fun Day Geocaching 44.87,-93.64! Aug 2 8am Camp Cheer! Aug 2-4 9am Hi-er League BBQ Aug 2 6:30pm Hammerstens Midweek Worship Aug 3 5pm MOCRC Flying Solo: Midweek Worship Aug 3 5pm MOCRC Fun Day Geocaching 44.91,-93.30! Aug 4 8am COP 3rd & 4th Grade Aug 6-10 Junior High at Bunker Hills Wave Pool Aug 6 10am Blood Drive Aug 8 2pm Walk with a Pastor Aug 9 5pm 12th Motorheads Show Aug 9 6pm COP Hi-League Retreat Aug 10-14 COP COP Bunker Hills COP 5pm MOCRC SCS Volunteer Kickoff Aug 17 5:30pm Thrivent Social Security Seminar Aug 22 1pm Confirmation Camp Make-Up Aug 23 10am 8th Grade Leadership Retreat Aug 23 1:30pm Walk with a Pastor Aug 23 5pm NEXT! Audition Workshop Aug 23-25 6pm Confirmation Camp Make-Up Aug 24 5pm Redeeming Time: Finding Freedom ... Aug 24 7pm Mozza Mia Junior High at Valleyfair Aug 25 9:30am Valleyfair SUNDAYS Frequency Time Location We Bring this Child: Baptism Class 3rd 8am Holy Communion Every 8:30am We Bring this Child: Baptism Class 3rd 9am Sunday Worship Every 9, 10, 11am Sunday Worship Every 9, 10am Nursery Every 9, 10am MONDAYS Frequency Time Southwest Women's AA Meeting Every 10am Spiritual Oasis: Guided Session 2nd 11:30am Energy Healing 2nd & 4th 6-9:30pm Quilting Every 6:30-8:30pm 11am MOCRC Lounge Rm 114 Location 1700 Lower Level Rm 196-98 7:30pm Al-Anon Meeting Every 7:30pm TUESDAYS Frequency Time Spiritual Oasis Every 7am-7pm Support Group: Loss of Spouse To Aug 30 10am Counseling Ctr Book Group: Midday 2nd 11:30am-1pm Library Men's Al-Anon Group Every 12noon Spiritual Oasis: Guided Session 2nd 12:30pm Prayer Shawl Ministry 3rd 1pm Support Group: Balancing Emotions To Aug 30 5:15-6:15pm Counseling Ctr Support Group: Loss of Anyone To Aug 30 6:30-7:30pm Counseling Ctr Support Group: Divorced & Separated To Aug 30 7:45-9:15pm Counseling Ctr WEDNESDAYS Frequency Time Nursery Open for Parents Share Every 9:30-11am Nursery Parents Share Every 9:30-11am Lounge Prayer & Praise Worship Every 10am Book Club: Evening 2nd 7pm THURSDAYS Frequency Time Support Group: Loss of Anyone To Sep 1 6:30-7:30pm Support Group: Divorced & Separated To Sep 1 7:45-8:45pm FRIDAYS Frequency Time NAMI Connections Every 6:30pm NAMI Spouse/Partner Support 2nd 6:30pm NAMI Family Support 2nd 6:30pm MULTIPLE DAYS Days Time Chair Holy Yoga M, W 12:15-1:15pm 1700 Lower Level Musikgarten M, T, W, F Varies* = Mpls = West * View days and times at Location 1700 Lower Level Location Lounge Location Location Location MOU NT OLIVET MESSENGER 1:30pm Every A UGU ST 2 016 | Midweek Worship Aug 10 Yount in Heart and Friends - Afternoon at Aug 11 the Movies SCS Volunteer Kickoff Aug 14 AA Meeting | 15 PERIODICALS U.S. POSTAGE PAID TWIN CITIES, MN Mount Olivet Messenger USPS 365-500 Published monthly by Mount Olivet Lutheran Church 5025 Knox Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55419-1095 Periodicals postage paid at Twin Cities, MN POSTMASTER Send address changes to Mount Olivet Messenger 5025 Knox Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55419-1095 M O U N T O L I V E T | Believing, Belonging, Becoming STEWARDSHIP DINNERS | PLEDGE | GIVE GES EV ER SH 20 ING G GRA HIN CE YT C N HA A G W RD IV STE It is time to make your Stewardship dinner reservation, consider your 2017 pledge commitment, and select your choice for how to give. See page 14 for details. IP 17
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