
The Magazine for Loyola Academy Alumni, Parents and Friends
Winter 2015
Flying high
at United
The high-altitude career
of Jimmy Samartzis ’94
Robert R. McCormick Foundation
memorial scholarship honors the
legacy of James C. Dowdle ’52
Ellen and Peter G. Leemputte ’75
open doors to the arts for every
Rambler with a generous gift
7 A President’s Dinner Tribute
to Two Men for Others
8 Honoring Loyola’s Legendary Athletes and Coaches
9 Q&A with CCL President
Patrick M. Mahoney ‘90
10 Robert R. McCormick
Foundation Honors
James C. Dowdle ‘52 RIP
10 Class Notes
14 Class of 1964 Celebrates
50-Year Reunion
4 The High-Altitude Career
of Jimmy Samartzis ‘94
16 Ellen and Peter G. Leemputte ‘75 Support Fine Arts Initiative
Celebrating Catholic Education with
Chicago’s New Archbishop
Chicago Archishop Blase J. Cupich shared an evening of faith and
friendship with the Loyola community on January 30 as he wrapped
up his tour of Chicago-area Catholic schools during National
Catholic Schools Week.
As we welcomed Chicago’s ninth archbishop to Loyola, we
also honored our Ignatian educators with a skybox dinner at the
Loyola vs. St. Ignatius Jesuit Cup basketball game. Archbishop
Cupich joined our teachers, staff and board members at the
catered dinner, which marked the culmination of our Faculty and
Staff Appreciation activities held in conjunction with National
Catholic Schools Week.
After sharing food and thoughts about faith with his
Chic ago’s
dinner companions, Archbishop Cupich mingled with the
new Arch
bishop vi
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hundreds of sports fans gathered in our East Gym for the Jesuit
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Cup game. As the game’s start time
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grew near, he led the capacity
ities of
wledge an
d service.
crowd in St. Ignatius’s Prayer for
Generosity. Our Rambler athletes, their athletic
rivals from St. Ignatius College Prep and the fans joined in—–filling
the gym with a profound sense of spiritual harmony and Catholic
faith experienced in community.
Although our basketball team played an inspired game,
St. Ignatius won out by a single point and brought the Jesuit
Cup back to Roosevelt Road with a 43-42 victory.
“Archbishop Cupich truly enjoyed his time at our school
and was very impressed by life at Loyola,” wrote President Rev.
n G omb
Patrick E. McGrath, SJ, in a letter to the school community
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after the visit. “He asked that I pass along his gratitude to all of
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you for living the mission of Catholic education.”
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Jesuit C
> View video highlights of Archbishop Cupich’s visit
Web Extr a
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ
Kathryn M. Baal, PhD
Office of Advancement
Robert O. Miller
Vice President of Advancement
Communications Depar tment
Lynn Composto
Communications Manager
Robin Hunt
Director of Public Relations
O’Donavan Johnson ’00
Campaign Manager and Director of Social Media
Timothy Sassen, PhD
Director of Web Development and Communications
Development Depar tment
Thomas J. Cramer
Principal Gifts Officer
Karen Diener
Associate Director of Database Management
Elizabeth Kadison O’Connor ’02
Director of Annual Giving
Martha S. Ortinau ‘05
Principal Gifts Officer
Joan Schniedwind
Special Events Coordinator
Lesley J. Seitzinger ’88
Principal Gifts Officer
Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90
Director of Alumni Relations
Sandra M. Taggart
Director of Prospect Research
Tammy Tsakalios
Gift Processor
LOYOLA magazine is published twice a year by
the Office of Advancement and posted online
at Please send
class notes, correspondence, address and email
updates and subscription requests to editor
Robin Hunt at or Loyola Academy,
1100 Laramie Avenue, Wilmette IL 60091.
They have
brought their
unique talents
and gifts to
the great
struggles and
dreams of our
world today.
I have yet to find a place in our good world where God hasn’t sent a Rambler or two. In recent
President’s Message
I am fueled by
the stories of
our alumni who
have hit the road
after graduating
from Loyola and
have moved to
the frontiers.
The mission of Jesuits is to reach out to the frontiers. We are
called to be at the places where cultures meet and dividing
lines seem to be drawn. To go to the frontiers means that we
feel comfortable asking questions at those intersections where
faith meets science or where one culture meets another. We
don’t fear these places, but rather we enter into them with the
confidence that God can be found in the midst of these places of
contrast and conflict. And so all of us who are a part of the Jesuit
mission have a role to play on the road in the pilgrimage of life.
We seek to find God and to serve God wherever we might be
sent, wherever the road might take us.
days, in conversations with Rambler alumni and friends all over the world, it has been confirmed for
me how significant and how important our mission is here at the corner of Lake and Laramie. As we
continue to live out the great vision of St. Ignatius of Loyola, I am fueled by the stories of our alumni
who have hit the road after graduating from Loyola and moved to the frontiers. They have brought
their unique talents and gifts to the great questions, struggles and dreams of our world today.
I invite you to peruse this magazine, which highlights Loyola alumni in many parts of the
world—–alumni who have gone on to do interesting, creative, thought-provoking and generous
things. Like them, all of you who are Ramblers have moved on from this place into the next best
steps of your lives. I hope that you have made those moves with a confidence that has been instilled
in you by the education that you received at Loyola. Our task here is not simply to provide an
outstanding college preparatory education. Our mission is to equip young people to take that step
off of our campus onto the highways and byways of thought and intellectual curiosity. We challenge
Ramblers to hit the road and find their passions. We are called to seek out those places where the
world’s needs speak to us most profoundly and then to give of ourselves—–to be women and men
for others who have learned the great wisdom that to find yourself you have to give yourself away.
I thank you for all that you are and all that you do. I am inspired by all of the ways that you have
followed the path of your pilgrimage, applied your gifts and talents and shared yourselves with
a world so desperately in need of hope and light. As always, I invite you to consider supporting
the ongoing mission of Loyola Academy. You can make an extraordinary impact in our world by
investing in the Ramblers of today and tomorrow. By supporting us with your prayers, with your
good words and with your financial contributions, you make our mission possible and help fuel
future generations of Ramblers for the journey ahead.
Know that you and your families are in our prayers here on campus.
Go! Ramblers!
Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ
President, Loyola Academy
W I N T E R 2 015
Reaching for
With environmentally friendly aviation fuels made from algae and
cornhusks, 21st-century customer service innovations and elements of
hospitality borrowed from the hotel industry, United Airlines Vice President
Jimmy Samartzis ’94 is transforming air travel as we know it.
Jimmy Samartzis ’94 has always
been fascinated by airplanes. As a
kid growing up in Chicago, he loved the
high whine of their revving engines as
they gained speed on the O’Hare Airport
runways near his family’s Northwest Side
home. He loved the ear-numbing roar just
before takeoff—–and the spine-tingling
thrill of watching those giant silver birds
ascending into the Midwestern sky.
“Every couple of months, my dad
would drive us to the spot where one
of the airport runways went right over
the road,” Samartzis recalls. “I remember standing outside of the car near
Mannheim Road with my brother, Dino,
and my sister, Kelly, and being completely
awed by the mechanical feat of such large
pieces of equipment becoming airborne.”
Looking back from the vantage point
of 2015, those plane-spotting excursions
seem almost prescient. But, at the time,
no one could have predicted that the
awestruck boy standing open-mouthed
on Mannheim Road would mature into one
of United Airline’s most successful leaders
and innovators.
Not even Samartzis himself. His path
to United was a circuitous one—–a path
that goes back to his Rambler years, when
Doc Aiello’s Honors U.S. History course
and Mike Barry’s A.P. Political Science
course sparked his interest in government
and politics.
After graduating from Loyola, he
headed to the University of Chicago with
plans to get an undergraduate degree
in political science and apply to law
school. But when fellow Rambler Steven R. Dagdigian ’94, who was
studying at Georgetown University,
encouraged him to apply for a summer
internship at the White House, Samartzis
jumped at the chance to pursue his
growing interest in politics. He mailed off
an application and wrote personal letters to
White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta and
Senior Advisor George Stephanopoulos.
Although his application was rejected,
a Stephanopoulos staffer contacted him
two days later with an internship offer—–and
the 19-year-old headed to D.C. to serve
as an intern in the Executive Office of the
President. At summer’s end, when he was
preparing to head back to Hyde Park and
his undergraduate studies, he was invited to
stay on in the West Wing instead.
“I realized that this was an opportunity
of a lifetime,” says Samartzis. “I was seeing
the President and his staff on a frequent basis, and I was pretty sure that I wouldn’t have
an opportunity like that again, so I decided
to put my studies on hold.”
When he returned to the University of
Chicago a year later, he was so inspired to
serve in government and politics that he
the Sky
applied for an internship in Mayor Daley’s
office, where he was involved with Neighborhoods Alive, an initiative launched to
revitalize inner-city neighborhoods. The
internship led to a part-time position in
the mayor’s office, which he held while
completing his undergraduate degree.
Meanwhile, he’d begun to interview with
consulting firms and investment banks, including the New York City-based Goldman
Sachs, but his heart wasn’t in the game.
“I realized that I wanted to have an impact in government and politics, so I shifted
my focus to Washington, D.C., where I got
involved with an initiative called The March:
Coming Together to Conquer Cancer.
That time in D.C. gave me a chance to get
reacquainted with my Clinton administration contacts, which led to an opportunity
to work for the U.S. Secretary of Labor.”
Between 1999 and 2000, Samartzis
went into hyperdrive, pursuing a master’s
degree in government at Johns Hopkins
University by night while working during
the day as a security consultant for SRA
International, where he was involved in the
development of a Y2K national preparedness program for the White House, as well
as the first national plan to protect critical
U.S. banking, finance, transportation and
power infrastructures from cyber attacks.
By 2001, he’d moved on to the Washington, D.C.-based global strategy consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton. As he
moved deeper into the field of international
business, he decided to take a year’s leave
to earn an MBA at Oxford University’s Said
Business School. In 2002, Oxford degree
in hand, he proposed to his girlfriend,
Elizabeth, during a well-deserved vacation
on the southern coast of Spain and then
returned to Booz Allen to spend the next
five years building a successful consulting
He loved the work that he was doing at
Booz Allen, which ranged from the development of an international strategy for the U.S.
missile defense system to the development
of critically needed medical interventions
for U.S. troops at risk of exposure to chemical and biological weapons.
But he and Elizabeth had married in
2003—–and his priorities had begun to shift.
“My son, Stephen, was born in Virginia in 2005,” he recalls. “Elizabeth and I
didn’t have the sense of community that we
wanted in D.C., so I began to think about
moving back to the Chicago area.”
A United Airlines posting for a director
of integrated planning solidified his resolve.
Rambler ascending (left to right): Samartzis
tutoring a child from a low-income family
during his Rambler years; with his brother,
Dino Samartzis ’92, in Athens in 2006;
interning with Mayor Daley in 1997;
discussing innovations in aviation with a
Boeing executive during Chicago Ideas Week
in 2011; with his parents at the White House
in 1996; with his parents at his Oxford
graduation in 2002; gathering for a photo op
after United’s first commercial flight using
an algae-based jet fuel; with Vice President
Al Gore in 1999; leading the Midwest
Alternative Sustainable Biofuels Initiative in
2013; and greeting employees at a new United
terminal in 2014.
He landed the job and, by 2007, the family
had relocated to Wilmette, a community he
remembered fondly from his Loyola years.
“United was just coming out of
bankruptcy, and I was energized by the
transformation that the company was going through,” explains Samartzis, who has
played the role of change agent consistently throughout his career. “I’m not a guy who
is interested in maintaining the status quo.”
By 2010, he was leading efforts to
continued on page 6
W I N T E R 2 015
Samartzis continued from page 5
Loyola taught me how to think bigger to achieve the
change I wanted to see —–whether it was in my community,
—– Jimmy Samartzis ’94
in the environment or in the world.
reduce United’s impact on the environus,” he adds. “One of the first things that
ment as managing director of global
I’ve done in this role is establish what good
environmental affairs. He introduced
service means and roll out new customer
biofuels from non-crude-oil sources such
service standards for our 85,000-person
as cornhusks, industrial waste gases and
workforce: Be gracious, be predictable, be
algae into United’s fleet; spearheaded the
the solution and be the brand. These core
Midwest Alternative Sustainable Biofuels
service principles get to the heart of what
Initiative to promote the use of renewable
our people do day in and day out. It’s about
resources and cleaner aviation fuels; and
inspiring them and bringing into focus
traveled around the world to help
one of the
shape a global agreement to curb
carbon emissions from aviation.
During this period, United
was recognized for its leadership
in advancing global climatechange policy, renewable fuels
and sustainability initiatives. The
airline flew the first commercial
flight using an algae-based jet
fuel in 2011 and signed the
industry’s first deal to buy commercial quantities of lower carbon, renewable jet fuel for daily
use in 2012. By 2013, United
Sam artz is w
ith his wife, E
had been named Eco-Airline of
lizabeth, an d
Rambl ers Ale
xis (5) an d St
the Year.
ephen (9) in
With its environmental initiative
well underway, United promoted
most important aspects of
Samartzis to vice president in December
a customer’s journey with United, which is
2013 and tasked him with a new challenge: the interaction that they have with us. We
enhancing the passenger experience.
are also introducing elements of hospitalWhen he was charged with pulling off the
ity into the airline business. I have hired
company-wide paradigm shift in customer
executives from the hotel sector to inspire
relations, he was 37 years old—-one of the
a different way of thinking about how we
airline’s youngest officers.
engage our customers and create a memo
“Loyola taught me how to think bigger rable experience for them.”
to achieve the change I wanted to see—–
While his Loyola years may have
whether it was in my community, in the
inspired him to set and achieve lofty goals,
environment or in the world,” he reflects.
Samartzis was always ahead of the curve in
“At United, which has a rich history and
terms of his leadership skills.
heritage, I am continuing to serve as a
“Jimmy was a pretty complete package
catalyst for positive change by combining
even during his high school days,” notes
a customer- and service-centric culture
lifelong friend Robert P. Sieland ’94, who
with 21st-century passenger experience
worked with Samartzis on Loyola’s 1994
yearbook. “He was smart, caring, driven,
“As United’s vice president of cusorganized and great at managing people.
tomer experience, I am essentially the
He was also unusually mature for his age,
customer ombudsman—–the person on
with extremely well-developed executive
the lookout for those who journey with
function skills, so he was a natural fit for his
role as the yearbook’s co-editor-in-chief. He
did a nice job of managing what was probably, in retrospect, a pretty challenging group
of smart, ambitious kids. We set a high bar for
a good product and put together a yearbook
that won national awards.”
While his leadership skills may have been
innate, Samartzis’s formidable work ethic was
forged during years of watching his father
(who left his Greek homeland with $200 to his
name) labor long hours to build a new
life in the U.S.
“I remember accompanying my
dad, who serviced and installed HVAC
systems for Chicago-area restaurants, to
his job sites,” Samartzis confides. “I have
vivid memories of the times when his truck
was broken into and his tools and equipment were stolen. Every time it happened,
we’d head over to Maxwell Street to buy
everything back. Those years taught me
a lot about life and what it takes to
get ahead.”
His father’s early hardships also made
Samartzis keenly aware of the need to help
others who were struggling. As a Rambler,
he tutored children from a nearby trailer park
and served the developmentally disabled
residents at Misericordia. Most recently, he
has pursued his passion for serving others
as a board member for Urban Initiatives—–a
nonprofit led by James W. Dower ’98 to empower underserved children to adopt healthy
lifestyles, improve their academic performance and build strong character through
sports-based youth development programs.
“My brother, Dino, and I often talk
about how Loyola inspired us and helped
us become who we are today,” reflects
Samartzis. “I look up to Dino as he improves
people’s lives through innovations in spine
medicine—–truly making a difference in
communities throughout Asia, Europe and
here in the U.S. Our careers are very different,
but the core principles that have shaped both
of our lives are rooted in our upbringing and
in our Loyola experience: never settle, never
give up and push for the change that you
want to see.” 4
A Tribute to Two Extraordinary
Men for Others
Fr. McGrath and the Loyola community
honored William T. O’Donnell Jr. ‘67 with
the President’s Medal for Distinguished
Leadership and Service to Loyola Academy.
A Legacy of Leadership
and Generosity
William T. O’Donnell Jr. ’67 has
never forgotten one of the most
important lessons that his father,
a self-made man, taught him: “It’s
not what’s in your pocket that’s
important, it’s what’s in your heart.”
In O’Donnell’s heart was the
quiet call to
to follow in
the footsteps
of his father
and mentor,
William T.
O’Donnell Sr.
’40, who gave
to support
On November 7, 468 alumni, parents and friends gathered in the Grand Ballroom of
the Hilton Chicago to support Jesuit education while honoring two dedicated leaders in
service at our 57th annual President’s Dinner.
“It is our privilege tonight
to celebrate what’s right with
the world—–and to celebrate
two men who have dedicated
themselves to making the world
a better place, especially for
young people,” stated Loyola
Academy President Rev. Patrick
E. McGrath, SJ.
Fr. McGrath presented the
President’s Medal to William
T. O’Donnell Jr. ’67 for his
W e b E x t r a > View a video of Rev. Michael J.
distinguished leadership and
Garanzini, SJ, receiving the Lord Award in October
at 2015#
service to Loyola Academy. presidentsdinner.
“Like his father before him,”
said Fr. McGrath, “Bill has been a trusted advisor to several Loyola presidents and a generous
benefactor to the school.”
Loyola University Chicago President and CEO Rev. Michael J. Garanzini, SJ, was the
recipient of the 2014 Daniel A. Lord, SJ, Award for Distinguished Service in the Cause of
Youth. Fr. Garanzini received the award on October 21 because he was in Paris on the night
of our President’s Dinner, serving in his new role as secretary for higher education for the
Society of Jesus. Although he was an ocean away—–convening a gathering of Jesuit scholars
at the request of His Holiness Pope Francis and Superior General of the Society of Jesus Rev. Adolfo Nicolás, SJ—–we are sure that Fr. Garanzini was with us in spirit as we celebrated
his service to youth through higher education.
President’s Dinner 2014
T 19 0 9
William T. O’Donnell
Jr. ‘67
Loyola’s mission.
In 2006, O’Donnell (a record-
Dinner Chaircouple
Mary S. and Roger
P. Hickey ’79 (right),
Susan H. and
Thomas E. Gordon
and Fr. McGrath
welcomed the
Loyola community
to our 57th annual
President’s Dinner,
which raised more
than $257,000 to
support Loyola’s
mission of Jesuit
L E F T:
setting quarterback and brilliant
defensive back during his Rambler
years) and fellow football great
Thomas D. “Tim” Foley ’66 made
an extraordinary combined gift
to fund the construction of Loyola
Academy’s Foley-O’Donnell
Athletic Commons, a state-of-theart stadium with a turf football field
and world-class running track.
“Bill has picked up where his
father left off in the many ways
that he cares for the mission of
Loyola Academy,” reflects Fr.
McGrath. “Decades of Ramblers
have benefited from his leadership,
loyalty and generosity.”
> View our 2014 President’s Dinner photo gallery at
Web Extr a
W I N T E R 2 015
I n d ivi d uals
Colin J. Falls ’03
Carl A. Favaro RIP
General Nomination
Terrence D. Glavin ’91
Olga M. Gvozdenovic ’99
Basketball and Tennis
Loyola Trustee Peter C. Lee ’97 (second from left) celebrates his induction with former classmates (left to right)
Christopher M. Wolf ‘97; Michael A. Lowe ‘97, the emcee for the evening; and Thomas G. Cronin ‘97.
Honoring Loyola’s Legendary
Coaches and Athletes
On Friday, October 17, more than 300 sports fans gathered in our East Gym to witness history
in the making as eight individuals and two teams were inducted into the Loyola Academy Athletic
Hall of Fame.
Our Athletic Hall of Fame Weekend is always a feel-good event.
But our 2014 induction ceremony and awards presentation took on a
new dimension as Loyola rolled out an engaging new format, with Fox
News Milwaukee reporter and anchor Michael A. Lowe ’97 serving
as master of ceremonies and
conducting onstage interviews
with the evening’s award
A former Rambler
athlete reflects on the
Former volleyball coach
lessons he learned from
Jennifer A. Morris, who
Coach O’Loughlin
ris and
ifer A . Mor
“Coach O’Loughlin taught us
. Lowe ‘97
Michael A
Excellence in Coaching
how to play hard,
Award, talked to Lowe about her philosophy
how to play fair
of coaching and thanked the outstanding athletes who
and how to play
had energized her and made her coaching career so
through and
live through
John A. O’Loughlin ’59, who received the John E.
Hoerster Athletic Medal of Honor for five decades of service
the past 50 years, John A.
to the Loyola community as a teacher and coach, spoke
O’Loughlin ‘59
he has been a
about what a unique joy it had been to be able to serve
truly remarkable
Loyola’s Ramblers for 50 years.
example of how to live life the
In one of the night’s most emotional moments, the late
right way, with never-ending
Carl A. Favaro was inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame
generosity, compassion, grace
as his family members stood by. Favaro died in May 2014
and dignity. He epitomizes all
after 34 years of outstanding service as a physical education
that a Rambler strives to be: a
teacher and football and wrestling coach for our Rambler
man for others and a champion
athletes. The following day, prior to the Loyola vs. St. Rita
both on and off the court.”
football game, Fr. McGrath dedicated a tree near Hoerster
—– Michael J. Neville ’01, who
Field to Coach Favaro’s memory and blessed the memorial
presented the John E. Hoerster
as Favaro’s family, friends, fellow 2014 inductees and other
Athletic Medal of Honor to
members of the Loyola community looked on.
John A. O’Loughlin ’59
Peter C. Lee ’97
Football and Basketball
Kathleen McCabe ’00
Track and Field
Laura A. Sobieszcyk ’99
Christy J. Williams-Sykes ’02
T eams
1999 Women’s Basketball Team
2001 Men’s Basketball Team
F rank J . A mato
E xcellence in Coaching
Awar d R ecipient
Jennifer A. Morris
J ohn E . H oerster
Athletic M e dal
of H onor R ecipient
John A. O’Loughlin ‘59
Basketball and Baseball
W e b E x t r a S > View
our 2014 Athletic Hall of
Fame photo gallery and
video highlights at
Emcee Michael A. Lowe ’97 interviews
inductee Terrence D. Glavin ’91 (right).
Loyola Academy Athletic hall of fame
In 2014, Loyola Academy Athletic Director Patrick M. Mahoney ’90 was
voted in as president of the venerable Chicago Catholic League (CCL),
which has served Catholic high school athletes in the Chicago area for more
than a century. We caught up with Mahoney in early 2015 to find out more
about his growing influence in the Catholic athletic arena, his commitment
to Catholic education and the Jesuit values that will guide him as he leads
the Chicago Catholic League through its 102nd year.
1 Why are you so committed to leading the Chicago Catholic League?
I believe in Catholic education, and I appreciate and respect the Chicago
Catholic League’s longstanding tradition of excellence in Catholic
high school athletics. I had served on the league’s executive
board for several years, and I felt that the time was right to
step up and expand my involvement. I also thought it was
important for Loyola Academy to have a strong voice and a leadership role in the league.
2 How does your service as CCL president align with
your commitment to Jesuit education?
As a Jesuit educator, I’m strongly influenced by the
Ignatian imperative to be a leader in service. This
position enables me to achieve that goal by serving
Chicago-area Catholic schools and the studentathletes who attend these schools.
3 What are your goals as CCL president?
My goals are to continue to run the league in a
positive fashion, update the league’s constitution
and bylaws, evaluate the league’s financial
operations and create a stronger presence in
social media.
As a Loyola alumnus, do you have any enduring
memories of the CCL from your days as a Rambler
I remember people talking about the Chicago
Catholic League. Everybody knew somebody from
the league or had a great story about someone who
attended a school in the league. I’ll never forget what
a great feeling it was to win the Lawless Award for
most outstanding senior baseball player in the CCL.
I felt a huge sense of pride and accomplishment. The
award, which is presented annually to an outstanding
coach and athlete in each sport, was named after Tony
Lawless, who helped found and develop the Chicago
Catholic League. The CCL played a pivotal role in my
life and in the lives of generations of other Catholic high
school athletes. It is an honor to be able to give back to
the CCL and support its mission to promote excellence
in athletics and academics. 4
Girls’ Swimming and Diving Team
Sports Recap
F all 2 0 14
The Girls’ Swimming and Diving Team made
history when it won Loyola’s first IHSA state title,
scoring 148 points and ending New Trier’s four-year
reign as state champs. Head Coach Michael A.
Hengelmann ’00 was named the Illinois Swimming
Association’s Coach of the Year.
The Girls’
Golf Team
second in the
IHSA championship.
The Girls’
fourth in
Girls’ V
all Tea
S pring 2 0 14
The Girls’ Lacrosse Team defeated New Trier
12-8 in the IHSLA state championship. The 2014
state title is the sixth in a row for the team and the
10th in program history.
The Boys’ Water Polo Team captured the IHSA state
title after a pressure-packed, double-overtime 11-10
win over Fenwick. The title was Loyola’s first since
1978, and the first since water polo became
an IHSA sport in 2002.
ater Polo
Boys’ W
W I N T E R 2 015
S. Joseph Moran published Not All for
Love, a book of six one-act plays available
William M. Plante celebrated 50 years
at CBS News in June. Bill served as the
network’s White House correspondent
during the Reagan, Clinton, Bush and
Obama administrations. Read more about
Bill’s career at
A Tribute to a Giant
in Business and
es C . Do
wdle ‘52
In January 2015, the Robert R.
McCormick Foundation made a
$500,000 gift to Loyola Academy to establish the
C. Dowdle ’52 Memorial Scholarship.
Spearheaded by Loyola graduate parent, retired Tribune Company CEO and
McCormick Foundation Board Chair Dennis J. FitzSimons, the scholarship honors
James C. Dowdle ’52 RIP, who played a key role in the transformation of the Tribune
Company into a major media conglomerate and served on the boards of numerous
schools, charities and foundations, including Loyola Academy and the Robert R.
McCormick Foundation, as well as Cristo Rey Jesuit High School, Junior Achievement of
Chicago, Loyola University Medical Center, Mundelein Seminary and the Big Shoulders
Fund, which supports Catholic schools in the neediest areas of inner-city Chicago.
The James C. Dowdle ’52 Memorial Scholarship will carry on Jim’s legacy of philanthropy and service by providing tuition assistance for Loyola Academy students from
Catholic schools supported by the Big Shoulders Fund. The scholarship will also cover
academic expenses, transportation costs and summer enrichment programs.
“This scholarship is especially meaningful for a number of reasons,” says Loyola
Academy President Rev. Patrick E. McGrath, SJ. “It pays homage to a revered alumnus,
parent and former member of our Board of Trustees, while assisting students who
matriculate to Loyola Academy from Big Shoulders Fund schools. The mission of the
Big Shoulders Fund was near and dear to Jim’s heart, just as it remains a priority for
Loyola Academy and the McCormick Foundation. It is our hope that the McCormick
Foundation’s exceptionally generous gift will inspire others to follow the foundation’s
lead by providing additional funding for this scholarship. Nothing would please me
more than to witness Jim’s wide circle of friends and admirers honoring him by making
additional contributions to increase the impact of this scholarship in his name.”
To contribute to the James C. Dowdle ’52 Memorial Scholarship, please contact
Vice President of Advancement Robert O. Miller at 847.920.2421 or
John A. O’Loughlin completed his 50th
year teaching social studies at Loyola
Academy in June. He continues to teach
a full schedule, including his popular
History of Chicago course. John received
the John E. Hoerster Medal of Honor at
Loyola Academy’s Athletic Hall of Fame
dinner in October
for his accomplishments as a baseball and basketball
coach. See story
on page 8.
John A . O’L
James E. Davitt
oughlin ‘59
was elected
to the Maine House of
Representatives on November 4, after
running against a five-term incumbent.
This was his first run for state office.
See 50th Reunion story on page 14.
Thomas M. Lera, a research chair and
forensic scientist at the Smithsonian
National Postal Museum, received the
Smithsonian Secretary’s Research Prize for
his book, The G. H. Kaestlin Collection of
Imperial Russian and Zemstvo Stamps.
Dennis M. O’Keefe was the recipient of
the Ozanam Award from the Society of St.
Class Notes
Vincent de Paul for his many years
of service.
Peter A. Derenski was honored in
September by his alma mater, Saint
Louis University, with a 2014 College
of Arts and Sciences Award for his
accomplishments in the field of aviation
and public safety, primarily as a Boeing
Technical Fellow in Human Systems
Integration for the past 30 years.
Robert B. Hamilton, cofounder and
former chief executive officer of
Gewalt Hamilton Associates Inc., has
retired after a successful 40-year civil
engineering career. He plans to fill
his retirement days by coordinating
internships for low-income minority
students from Cristo Rey St. Martin
College Prep in Waukegan; offering
free airplane rides to children through
the Experimental Aircraft Association’s
Young Eagles program; and providing
free air transportation for Angel Flight,
an organization that connects volunteer
pilots with patients who are financially
distressed or in a time-critical, nonemergency situation.
Mark S. Seeberg has entered the
blogosphere with his basketball blog, Mark began
compiling notes about the game in
1973, while serving as a coaching
assistant for Loyola’s first sophomore
basketball team. He continued to add
to the collection over the years with the
intention of writing a book—–until he
became intrigued by the immediacy and
interactivity of a blog.
J. Brian Hancock, MD, FACEP, received
the American College of Emergency
Physicians’ highest honor, the John G.
Wiegenstein Leadership Award, for his
extraordinary leadership in emergency
medicine. As chief medical officer of
the Department of Veterans Affairs, Dr.
Hancock provides clinical oversight for
the VA Healthcare Systems in Detroit,
Ann Arbor, Saginaw, and Battle Creek,
James A
. Tracy ‘6
8 (left) an
Richard J.
d fellow R
W it ry ‘68
(center) an
Conrad ‘6
d Charle
4 (right) vi
s J.
ted C aesa
June. The
rea, Israe
trip was o
l, in
the Holy
by the Co
llege of
Michigan; Indianapolis and Fort Wayne,
Indiana; and Danville, Illinois.
Michael J. Murray Jr.’s Christmas
movies, The Christmas Shepherd and The
Tree That Saved Christmas, aired on the
Hallmark channel in November. Michael
wrote the screenplays for both movies,
which were chosen by the New York
Times as two of the top five Christmas
movies for 2014.
Gregory P. Opelka wrote the music
and lyrics for The Beverly Hillbillies, The
Musical, which played last summer at the
Theatre at the Center in Munster, Indiana.
Peter G. Leemputte —– see story on
page 16.
Mary S. Barbera LDM ‘75 and Joseph F.
Barbera ‘72
Joseph F. Barbera and Mary S. Barbera
LDM ’75 (above), opened Aida Bistro
and Wine Bar 12 years ago in Columbia,
Maryland. They were recently named
Entrepreneurs of the Year by their local
chamber of commerce. The restaurant,
named after Joe’s mother, is the second
largest wine bar in the state.
Patrick J. Foley, the voice of the Chicago
Blackhawks, was inducted into the Hockey
Hall of Fame in November and named as
the 31st recipient of the NHL Broadcasters’
Association Foster Hewitt Memorial
Award in June for his outstanding
contributions as a broadcaster.
Anton T. “Tony”
Schirmang Sr.,
president and chief
financial officer
of Skokie Valley
Beverage Company
in Wheeling, was
Anton T. “Tony”
elected to the
Schirmang Sr. ‘77
Board of Directors
of the Associated Beer Distributors of
Illinois for a three-year term beginning
December 2013.
Brian F. Righeimer has retired as an
officer from the Lincolnwood Police
W I N T E R 2 015
Mark A. Rolfes and his wife, Amy, quit
their jobs last March and moved to
Komga, South Africa, to serve as the
co-executive directors of the Open
Arms Home for children orphaned by
the AIDS pandemic. To learn more, visit
World War II veteran Jack Barrett (seated) with (left to right)
John P. Orr ‘14, E. J. Orr III ‘07 and E. J. Orr Jr. ‘79
Edmund J. “E. J.” Orr Jr. (above)
accompanied his father-in-law, Navy
Seabee veteran Jack Barrett, on the
Honor Flight Chicago, along with his
sons, Edmund J. “E. J.” Orr III ’07
and John P. Orr ’14. The Honor Flight
Chicago program honors World War II
veterans by flying them to Washington,
D.C. for the day to visit the World War II
Daniel J. Osman and Dr. Kimberlea A.
Schiro-Osman ‘86 celebrated the birth
of twin girls in October 2013. The couple
and their five children live in Boulder,
Colorado, where Daniel is a police officer
and Kimberly is a child psychologist.
Christopher A.
Baer, executive
vice president
of VIPAR Heavy
Duty Inc. in
Crystal Lake,
Illinois, received
Christopher A. Baer ‘81
Automotive Aftermarket Management
Education Award in November for his
educational advocacy.
Richard D. Wieth, a professional artist,
was profiled in the Aspen Business
Journal. He credited his Loyola
art teacher, Eugene Avergon, for
encouraging him to take art seriously
and pursue it as a career. He and his
family have moved from their longtime
home in Colorado to California. His
artwork was recently exhibited in the
Santa Monica Museum of Art’s
Incognito Show.
John H. Baxter II (below) has joined
the University of Michigan’s Wolverines
football team as the special teams coach.
Pieter C. Devos has relocated to Zurich,
Switzerland, where his company, Credit
Suisse, is headquartered.
Dr. Jeffrey A. Rzepiela and his wife,
Leanne, celebrated the birth of their son,
Matthew Parker, in January 2014.
Senator Daniel W. Kotowski received
the Inspire Award for Community Service
from Presence Holy Family Medical
Center in April 2014.
Christopher W. Helt received the
Chicago FBI Director’s 2013
Community Service Leadership Award
for playing an instrumental role in the
development of the Edwin C. Shanahan
Memorial Post 1920, a charitable
organization that pairs FBI special
agents and other agency volunteers
with young people from Chicago’s West
Side. Christopher received the award in
Chicago in January 2014 and traveled
to Washington, D.C., in April to meet FBI
Director James Comey.
John H. Baxter II ‘81 returned to Loyola in June to speak to our football team about leadership and service.
G. Pres ton Ke
ndall III ‘80
G. Preston Kendall III, a member of
the leadership team that founded the
original Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
in the Pilsen neighborhood and current
president of Cristo Rey St. Martin
College Prep in Waukegan, was honored
by the Ignatian Volunteer Corps in April
at the organization’s annual Evening of
Gratitude event.
Lawrence J.
Mongoven and
his wife, Kelly,
announced the
birth of their
third child, Mark
Mark Thomas Mongoven,
Thomas, in
son of Lawrence J.
Mongoven ‘87
October. Mark
joins his two
brothers, Nicholas and Michael.
Jeffrey J. Balcerzak was promoted to
information services manager for PEER
Bearing Company.
William C. Berghoff married Lyndell
Werling in Founders Chapel at the
University of San Diego in April. Bill is
president of Sportsplex USA.
Loyola’s mock trial team was honored at the Loyola Academy Bar Association Luncheon for its winning
legal maneuvers at the 2014 Howlett Cup Mock Trial Tournament. Named in memory of Loyola graduate
parent Michael J. Howlett Jr. (1948-2014)—–a celebrated judge and law professor who gave generously
of his time to educate and mentor attorneys—–the tournament brought students from Chicago-area
Jesuit high schools together to compete in five mock trials over a two-day period. S hown above :
Howlett Cup founder and tournament organizer Conor J. Heaton ‘96 (third from right), with Loyola’s
2014 Howlett Cup winners (left to right) Coach Martin D. Syvertsen ’00, Patrick E. Dillon ’15, Kelsey
E. Donohue ’16, Andrew J. Kubicek ’15, Davis P. Shugrue ’16 and Coach Mark A. Javier ’97.
Lunching with Loyola’s
Legal Eagles
Newlyweds William C. Berghoff ‘88
and Lyndell Werling
James P. Moorhead
published his first
book, Tenant Leasing
101: The Essential
Business and Legal
Strategies for
Negotiating Your
Lease, which is
available on
In February, Loyola Academy alumni, parents
and friends in the legal profession gathered at the
University Club of Chicago for the second annual
Loyola Academy Bar Association Luncheon.
“We packed the University Club with
close to 200 Rambler lawyers, honored the
Loyola Academy Mock Trial Team for winning
the Howlett Cup and remembered Loyola
Academy parent Judge Michael J. Howlett
Jr., who recently passed away,” reports
Loyola Academy Bar Association Founder
and Chair Matthew R. Devine ’85.
The luncheon—–which included an
Ac ade
and Ch
my B a r
air Ma
invocation and remarks by Fr. McGrath,
A s socia
t thew
tion Fo
R. Div
illiam J
ine ’85
reflections by Phil Andrew ’85 and
. Baue
life and
ight) w
r, who
work o
flec ted
f Loyola
Elizabeth Maddock ’06 and a memorial
on the
l J. H o
te pare
wlett J
nt Jud
tribute to Judge Howlett by Judge
E : Me
William J. Bauer—–was sponsored by Matt
A s socia
of the
tion —– o
Ac ade
ne of L
ac tive
Devine ‘85 of Jenner & Block, Mark E.
my B a r
t and m
r y at th
McNabola ‘77 and Edward W. “Ted”
os t
s —– gath
e Univ
ered in
ersit y C
lub of
McNabola ‘84 of McNabola Law Group,
Chic ag
Joseph B. Carini III ‘81 of Johnson & Bell Trial
Lawyers, Daniel Q. Herbert ‘86 of Daniel Herbert Law Offices,
Richard A. “Dick” Devine ‘61 of Meckler Bulger Tilson Marick and Pearson LLP
and Cezar M. “Cid” Froelic ‘63 and Judge Howlett’s widow, Kathleen F. Howlett,
of Taft.
W I N T E R 2 015
Commemorating a 50-Year Milestone
with a Record-Breaking Gift
Half a century after graduating from Loyola Academy, nearly
100 members of our Class of 1964 reconvened for a weekend of reminiscing
and reconnecting at our Wilmette campus.
The reunion, which took place on the weekend of September 19-21,
“exceeded all expectations,” according to a post-reunion report issued by the
reunion committee, and offered a welcome opportunity to “share stories,
renew relationships and develop new friendships.” It was a weekend defined
by superlatives: a spectacular turnout, glorious September weather—–and an
extraordinary act of collective generosity as class members commemorated
their 50-year milestone with contributions totaling more than $358,000—–the
largest class gift in Loyola history.
We are deeply grateful to reunion committee chairs E. Paul Dunn
and Gerald F. Waldron and their committee members for organizing this
memorable weekend, as well as the members of the Class of 1964 for giving so
generously to provide tuition assistance for today’s Ramblers in need.
Web Extr a
> View our 1964 50th Reunion photo gallery at
Still rambling after all these years —–
f i r s t r o w ( left to right) : Thomas P. Fitzgerald, Richard E. Nugent, Michael
J. Plunkett, E. Paul Dunn, Michael W. Hoversen, Thomas F. White, William J. McDonnell, Thomas L. O’Gara, Franklin J. Bak, Joseph
H. Kiefer, Robert C. Philips, Mel J. Thillens, Anthony J. DeMonte and Thomas J. Mikos. s e c o n d r o w : Douglas R. Kaiser, Charles
V. Lobraico, Daniel E. Sullivan, Richard J. Schinler, Brian F. Crowe, Daniel J. O’Donovan III, Michael C. Conway, Alvin G. Dempsey,
Philip E. Collins, John L. Bassing, J. Patrick Spellman, John A. Baier and James E. Degnan. t h i r d r o w : Brian M. Henehan, Joseph
P. Dunne, James A. Roche, Ronald A. Papini, Michael D. Groark, Michael J. Pettinger, William H. Edwards Jr., William M. Stover,
Barry J. Mitchell, Michael J. Hogan, Alex T. McIntosh, James E. Vahey and Gerald F. Waldron. fo u r t h r ow : Stephen T. Quinn, John
E. “Jack” Liess, Mark S. Pelletier, John P. O’Callaghan, Vincent C. Scully III, John L. Brice, Richard P. Ryan, Kevin W. Rassas, Charles
J. Conrad, John M. Struhar Jr., Richard J. Fleming, David L. Kabat and John N. Gavin. fif t h r ow : Richard L. Krause, William J.
McDermott, Philip J. Rettig, Horst J. Metz, Robert A. Innocenzi, Richard J. Mancuso, James F. Segerson, Allan M. Tumolillo, Dennis
J. Cech and Bob Timm. si x t h r ow : Thomas M. Kennedy, James L. Lubawski, George C. Delaney Jr., Robert D. Leydon, Philip A.
Marineau, J. Peter Maloney, Thomas Kehoe, Robert G. Ratcliffe Jr. and Joseph R. Lentino.
James M. “Jamie” Baisley
launched Frontage Search
Partners, a boutique
national executive search
firm specializing in retained
executive management assignments
for the Fortune 500. The firm focuses on
the industrial, CPG and financial service
sectors. Contact Jamie at jbaisley@
Jay W. Padar, a
Chicago police
sergeant, coauthored the book,
On Being A Cop,
with his father,
retired Chicago
police lieutenant
Jim Padar. Profits
Jay W. Padar ‘92
from the book
benefit the Chicago Police Memorial
Foundation and the Police Chaplains
Mike J. Reed has been named one
of Chicago magazine’s 100 Most
Powerful Chicagoans for 2014. Mike was
recognized for his role in developing the
Pitchfork Music Festival; his experimental
jazz collective People, Places & Things;
and the impressive programming at his
music club, Constellation, a hub for the
city’s avant-garde.
Thomas G. Foley Sr., senior director
of member services and business
development for the Professional
Convention Management Association,
was named one of the Association
Forum of Chicagoland’s 2014 Forty
Under 40 award winners. The award is
presented annually to professionals in
the nonprofit sector.
Michael S. McGrory, a partner in
SmithAmundsen’s Aerospace and
Commercial Transportation Practice
Group, has been named one of
the Illinois Law Bulletin Publishing
Company’s 40 Attorneys Under 40.
Mike also serves on the Board of
Directors for Mental Health America
of Illinois, chairs the Chicago Bar
Association’s Aviation Law Committee
and coaches youth sports.
Mark E. Fi
Mark E. Fitzgerald (above) opened
Butcherknife Brewing Company in
Steamboat Springs, Colorado. He and
his wife, Dana, are the proud parents of
Caroline and Patrick.
er C
. Ma
T her
esa L no ‘98 an
. Ma
riano d
Christopher C. Mariano and Theresa
L. Mariano ‘01 (above) have opened
Kawayan Chicago, a Filipino restaurant
near the Jefferson Park train station on
Milwaukee Avenue.
Kevin C. Rynes, assistant
varsity boys’ lacrosse
coach, and his wife, Kelly,
announced the birth of
their son, Parker Duke, in
Peter C. Lee ‘97 was inducted into Loyola
Academy’s Athletic Hall of Fame in October
for his athletic achievements in football and
basketball. See story on page 8.
Peter C. Lee, a Loyola Academy trustee
and director of wealth and investment
management at Barclays, was named
to Crain’s Chicago Business’s 40 Under
40 Class of 2014. The Yale University
Academic All-American and University
of Chicago MBA graduate–‑–whose
dream of being an NFL quarterback was
cut short due to an injury‑––now helps
professional athletes manage their
wealth and avoid the financial pitfalls that
leave many in poverty after their athletic
careers end.
Henry James Glass,
son of Kasia Krynski
McCormick ‘98
Kasia Krynski
McCormick and
her husband, David,
announced the
birth of their first
child, Henry James
Glass, in October
David E. Walsh Jr. was
r Duke
one of the subjects of
R y nes
sis ter,
and h
is big’s series on
y R y ne
en of K
evin C
the top 10 traits
. R y ne
s ‘98
exemplified by Inc. 500
entrepreneurs. After career stops in the
U.S. Navy and the CIA, Dave now heads
Prescient Edge, a security integration
and technology development business in
McLean, Virginia.
Marc R. Wezowski married Jordan C.
Carqueville, MD, in Naples, Florida, in
April. Marc is an associate specializing in
patent litigation at the Chicago law firm
Leydig, Voit & Mayer.
Cristin McAuley earned her master’s
degree in counseling psychology from
Northwestern University and trained at the
university’s Family Institute. She has joined
the Center for Self-Actualization, a private
practice in
Evergreen Park.
Adrian Guerrero
and his wife
announced the
birth of their
daughter, Elizabeth
Aubrey, in October.
Elizabeth Aubrey
Guerrero, daughter of
Adrian Guerrero ‘00
W I N T E R 2 015
Mike P. Hengelmann, head coach for
Loyola’s Swimming and Diving Team,
was named the 2014 Illinois Swimming
Association Coach of the Year.
Christopher Lentino and Anne E.
(Korajczyk) Lentino ‘01 announced the
birth of their daughter, Grace Dorothy, in
February 2014.
Anthony S. Wallace, a museum specialist
with the Collections Processing Unit of
the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air
and Space Museum, was featured in the
Smithsonian Channel’s presentation of
“Planes, Cranes and Rockets.” The program
documented his efforts to transport a
Vietnam-era F-100 Super Sabre Jet from the
Smithsonian’s Garber Facility in Maryland
to its permanent display at the Udzar-Hazy
Center in Chantilly, Virginia.
Michael Carney ‘02 married Brooke
Ellison in April at St. Ignatius Catholic
Church at the University of San Francisco,
with a reception at the Asian Art Museum.
Michael practices law at Donohue,
Brown, Mathewson & Smyth, LLC,
in Chicago.
Newly we
l C ar ney
ds Michae
‘02 and B
ke Ellison
Michael P. McCourt (opposite page, top
left) married Chrissie Pasquesi in May at
Chicago’s St. Alphonsus Church. Mike is an
associate in the investment banking division
of William Blair & Company in Chicago.
Opening Doors to the Arts
Peter G. Leemputte ’75 and his wife, Ellen,
contributed $1 million to Loyola Academy’s Fine Arts
Initiative in July 2014.
Their extraordinary gift will
support the development of a
comprehensive fine and performing
arts center at Loyola, as well as
expanded programming in art,
design, photography, filmmaking,
architecture, theatrical performance
and production, music and dance.
“Loyola Academy has always
stood for the development of
Ellen and
the whole individual, integrating
Peter G. Le
empu tte
the religious, intellectual, artistic
and athletic abilities of a diverse group of men and
women,” says Peter Leemputte. “Ellen and I want to contribute to that mission
by ensuring that the school’s fine arts facilities are enhanced to a high level
of excellence.”
“The Leemputtes are loyal and longtime champions of Jesuit education,”
notes Principal Gifts Officer Les Seitzinger ’88. “Although their children—–Mary
’04, Peter ’08, John ’10 and Daniel ’12—–have all graduated from Loyola
Academy, their passionate support continues through their scholarships for
students in need, their ongoing participation in events such as our Ramble and
President’s Dinner and their most recent gift to our Fine Arts Initiative.”
“Since the first Jesuit school opened nearly five centuries ago, the Jesuits
have understood that the arts play an important role in the enrichment of the
human spirit and the development of creative thinkers with the potential to
transform society in positive ways,” comments Fr. McGrath. “We are deeply
grateful to Peter and Ellen for their continued generosity, which will give Rambler
artists and non-artists alike the facilities they need to explore the world’s diverse
cultures, the beauty of nature and the presence of God in all things through the
fine and performing arts.”
Elizabeth B. “Ela” Chrzanowska
graduated from the University of
Illinois at Chicago’s
of Pharmacy in
May and is now
completing her
residency at
University Health
Newlyweds Michael P. McCourt ‘02 and
Chrissie Pasquesi
Bridget Carney was promoted to
community engagement coordinator at the
San Francisco Food Bank.
L. Rubly
married Lillian
Melissa A.
married Ryne
in June at St.
Anne’s Church
in Barrington.
Melissa A. (Swanner)
Brackmann ‘06 with her
husband, Ryne Brackmann
Ela C
hr z an
Ryan M.
ow s k a
‘06 wit
r, Barb
h her
ar a Ch
Freedman, who
r z ano
earned his master’s
degree in marine biology from
California State University Long Beach in
2014, has been selected as a California
Sea Grant State Fellow. Ryan, who
studied the
movements of
juvenile sharks
and sport
fish during
his master’s
program, is
currently living
in Santa Barbara
and conducting
research on
shipping lane
Ryan M. Freedman ‘07
traffic and
its potential
impact on whales with other scientists
in the Channel Island National Marine
Sanctuary. He plans to pursue a PhD and
work for a government agency.
William E. “Billy” Kirland,
classmate Thomas A.
Demetrio and a friend have
started a film and television
production company called
Rose Land Trio Entertainment.
Although they have not yet been
able to quit their day jobs, the
trio has written several short and
full-length film screenplays. Billy’s
screenplay, Stan’s Killing Himself,
won Best Comedy at the Woods
Hole Film Festival in Cape Cod.
Gina C. Vrablick is an assistant swim
coach for the University of Chicago’s
NCAA Division III Men’s and Women’s
Swimming and Diving Team. She works
in the Department of Statistics at the
Paige C. Brunett graduated from
Gonzaga University with a degree in
sociology in May 2014. She is currently
working as the coordinator for
AmeriCorps at the university’s Center
for Community Action and Service
Learning, where she oversees elementary
school mentoring programs in Spokane,
Stacy (Delvo) Subida’06 and Joseph C. Subida ‘06 were married in January 2014 at Queen of All Saints Basilica in Chicago. B ack row (left to right): Mark G.
Gameng ‘05, Raquel Zazi ‘06, Adrian Arevalo ‘06, Julie M. Rosendo ‘06, Arthur D. Wanandi ‘06, Sean P. Doyce ‘06, Marc R. Godwin ‘06, Jonathon Frosolone ‘06, Alycia
N. LaPonte ‘06, Drew M. Bryant ‘06 and Jade C. Narrido ‘08. F ront row : Oliver R. Bolusan ‘05, the newlyweds, Katherine M. “Kat” Magdongon ‘06, Nina M. Ottolino
‘06 and Karen A. Gameng ‘08.
W I N T E R 2 015
and Pat Green donated an additional
$200,000 before singing his closing song.
Jeffrey W. Toraason was named most
valuable performer on the Illinois Wesleyan
Men’s Track Team for 2014.
C . Br
une t
t ‘10
back‘10, who
. Griffin
lle e, at
‘10 and
from co
hail d
A . Fit
g Mai, T
a after g
east A si
of Chian
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han t C a
iam Elep
Chang S
Grace L. Carini was selected to make a
documentary film about the Sauganash
Mural Project. Grace studied film and
television at the University of Notre
Dame and is a longtime resident of
Chicago’s Sauganash neighborhood.
graduating from the University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign with a B.S. in
finance. Martin works as a consultant
for FTI Consulting in Chicago in the
Forensics and Litigation Consulting
Colleen A. Fitzgerald (top right photo)
graduated from Georgetown University
with a B.A. in business administration
in May 2014. She studied abroad
for a summer in Barcelona and a
semester in Dublin. Colleen is now a
federal consultant for Deloitte in the
Washington, D.C. area.
Colleen M. Smith was the recipient of
the Yeardley Reynolds Love Unsung Hero
Award for her significant contributions
to the Princeton University Women’s
Lacrosse Team and for bringing joy to
her teammates. She also was named an
Holly A. Hovenac is studying veterinary
medicine at the University of Wisconsin.
Holly A. Hovenac ‘10
Martin T. Griffin (top right photo with
Colleen A. Fitzgerald ‘10) studied
abroad in Dublin for a semester before
Emily R. Collins, a Western Kentucky
University senior majoring in organizational
communications, spent part of the summer
interning at the Junction, a community
outreach group in Derry/Londonderry,
Northern Ireland. She explored the
centuries-old Catholic-Protestant conflict
and supported the organization’s mission
to discourage young people from
participating in paramilitary groups.
Allison A. Pierce accepted membership in
the National Society of Collegiate Scholars.
Brittany M. San Roman and her Indiana
State soccer teammates visited Morocco
last spring, where they met with students
from their sister school, Hassan I University,
and played in the fifth annual Sous le Haut
Patronage de Sa Majeste le Roi Mohammed
VI tournament.
Anna M. Schueler, as a freshman at
the University of Michigan, was the first
player in women’s lacrosse history to earn
postseason recognition when she was
named Lacrosse Conference Second Team
All-American in May.
Alexander J.
Brian G. “Cal” Callahan was
started his
named the J. J. O’Connor
Player of the Year for his
work here
performance on Loyola’s
at Loyola by
Gold Team at the Blackhawk
Alumni luncheon in March.
The award is presented
computers and
annually to the best high
donating them
school hockey player in
to schools
Alex Amato ‘11 (right) with country music
Illinois. At the lunch, Cal
in need—–
artist Pat Green
learned that he had also
chaired his
been named to the Blackhawk Alumni
University of Texas fraternity’s second
High School All-Star Team—–an honor
annual benefit concert, Horns for Heroes,
that included a two-day experience with
funding scholarships for the children
the Chicago Blackhawks. Cal is currently
of our fallen veterans. Alex convinced
playing lacrosse at McGill University in
country music artist Pat Green to
Montreal. 4
perform. His fraternity raised $40,000,
A Day of Golf and Generosity
> View
our 2014 Golf Outing
photo gallery and “All in
My Head,” a short documentary
by Colleen Shaw ’07 about
Patrick Stein’s battle with lockedin syndrome, at
Web ExtraS
The sun was shining, the mood was congenial and the golf clubs were
swinging on September 8 as 128 Loyola alumni, parents and friends convened at the North
Shore Country Club for our 20th annual Ramblers Golf Outing.
The event, which was organized by Ronald E. “Reb” Banas ‘81 and his committee members,
raised more than $14,775 to cover a full year of tuition for a Rambler in need, including books, uniforms
and travel expenses.
These golfers for others also raised $17,500 for the Loyola Academy Needy Family Fund.
The funds will be used to provide nursing care for Patrick Stein ’11, who is suffering from lockedin syndrome, a form of paralysis caused by a brain aneurysm. Patrick is an inspiration to us all as he
continues to face his physical challenges with resilience, humor, faith and courage. We are grateful to
our alumni golfers for giving generously to support Patrick and his family.
Congratulations to our low-gross winners (above, left to right): James R. Sullivan ’88, Timothy
J. Haggerty ’81, Charles K. “Chas” Stevens ’85 and Ronald E. “Reb” Banas ’81. The Peoria scoring
winners were Daniel P. O’Brien ’89, Timothy D. O’Brien ’84, Loyola parent Douglas P. Boersma and
Mark P. Nugent ’80. John J. Waris ’08 won closest to the pin, and John D. Nimesheim ’91 won the
longest drive.
for our 21st annual Ramblers Golf Outing on September 14, 2015.
W I N T E R 2 015
The Loyola Academy
community joins in prayerful
of those who have passed away and offers
condolences to their families.
Julian Abraham, father of Michael Abraham ’86.
Fred Accomando, father of Thomas J. Accomando ’88 and
Ellen Accomando Monson LdM ’78.
Marilyn Edwards Adams, mother of Thomas J. ’67 RIP and
Shawn A. Edwards ’84 and grandmother of Brian T. ’01,
Kathleen I. ’05, Jennifer R. ’10 and Meghan L. Edwards ’10.
Marina Adams, sister of Marko R. Markovich ’82.
Joe Aiello, grandfather of Frank J. Aiello ’12.
Georgia Alexander, grandmother of Kristina M. ’11 and Steffani Alexander ’13.
Jeanne Almeroth, mother of David M. Almeroth ’61 RIP.
Lynn A. Amos, sister of Hon. Mark J. Ballard ’74.
Raymond A. Andrew, father of William J. ’82, Daniel J. ’84,
Philip J. ’85 and Michael J. Andrew ’94 and grandfather of Olivia G. Andrew ’17.
Frank J. Apel ’48.
Joan Therese Arden, mother of John W. Jr. ’72, Peter F. ’74, James D. ’76, Thomas P. ’77 and Patrick C. Arden ’79.
Paula Armstrong, mother of Harrison ’13 and Allyce Armstrong ’16.
Robert P. Austin, Loyola Academy faculty member 1963-98.
Joyce Bailey, mother of Mark H. ’76, Christopher P. ’83, Paul B. ’85 and Richard P. Bailey ’92.
Fred J. Barbara, father of Fred A. Barbara ’05 and Jacqueline Barbara Evenboer ’06.
Edward J. Barrett ’39, brother of Charles V. Barrett ’37 RIP.
Edward C. Bechtold ’61, brother of Joseph A. Bechtold ’52.
James H. Benbennick ’44, brother of Claude ’43 RIP and Thomas C. Benbennick ’46.
Vincent E. Bentivenga Jr., father of Mark V. ’79 and Scott C. Bentivenga ’81 and grandfather of Rachel N. Bentivenga ’14.
Margaret A. Biang, mother of William A. Biang ’73.
Dorothy L. Bohdan, mother of Michael Barry, Loyola Academy faculty member 1981 to present; grandmother of Timothy ’06, Patrick ’10 and Sean Barry ’13; and mother-in-law of Ann Zehold Barry LdM ’79.
Frank L. Bondi Jr. ’53.
Peter D. Bormes ’79, brother of Gregory W. ’82 and James X. Bormes ’80.
Philip J. Bornhofen ’53, brother of Thomas M. Bornhofen ’61 RIP.
Edward P. Bourke, father of John J. ’80, Timothy E. ’83 and Patrick J. Bourke ’91 and grandfather of John J. Bourke ’16 and Nora G. Fabre ’13.
Catherine “Katie” Boyle, mother of, Robert W. ’98, James ’03 and Charles P. Boyle ’06 and Colleen Boyle Konopka ’07.
Sue Brady, wife of Charles A. Brady ’50 RIP and sister of Dr. John R. Durburg ’56.
Joseph J. Bredemann Sr. ’44, father of Joseph J. ’70, John P. ’72, Thomas P. ’76 and Martin J. Bredemann ’80 and grandfather of Kathryn M. ’00, Julie M. ’02, Joseph J. ’05, Bridget M. ’08,
Andrew M. ’09, Elisabeth T. ’10, Brian N. ’12, Mark M. ’14 and
Annie G. Bredemann ’17; Ellen S. ’08, Jack N. ’12 and Grace E.
Richmond ’16; and Sarah A. ’00, Katharine E. ’03 and Mary E.
Travnik ’06.
Martin A. Brennan Jr., grandfather of Eileen E. ’14, Julia T. ’15 and Jack P. Dempsey ’17.
Thomas P. Brennan Jr. ’75.
William H. Bright, father of Frank T. ’79 and Matthew E. Bright ’92.
Jeffrey A. Bronken, husband of Susan Manna Bronken LdM ’78.
Mary Grace Buckingham, mother of Richard A. Buckingham Jr. ’67 and grandmother of Colleen A. ’07 and Charles H. Shaw III ’09.
Gregory M. Bulava, MD, father of Christopher M. Bulava ’12 and stepfather of Jakub Piechnik ’04.
Col. Jerald Charles Burns ’57, brother of James E. Burns ’57 RIP.
Kathleen A. Burns, grandmother of Emily Reynolds Fiorilli ’04 and Molly A. ’02, Sheila B. ’06, Louise ’07, Sherman F. ’09 and Rose Q. Reynolds ’14 and mother-in-law of Sherman F. Reynolds ‘74.
Richard P. Byrne ’59.
Mariellen G. Callahan, mother of Timothy J. ’69 and Charles J. Callahan ’74 RIP.
Dorothy J. Carey, mother of Patrick W. Carey ’67.
Joseph B. Carini Jr., father of Julia Biasco, Loyola Academy staff member 2008 to present and Christian A. ’76, David J. ’79,
Joseph B. III ’81 and Daniel J. Carini ’87 and grandfather of
John J. Jr. ’02, Michael F. ’04 and Daniel J. Biasco ’06; Patrick J.
’07, Frances C. ’09, Grace L. ’10, Kailey A. ’12, Catherine M. ’12
and Joseph B. Carini IV ’14; and Kelly C. Dugan ’97.
Mary Carrigan, mother of Richard E. ’89, Christopher ’91, Kevin M. ’95 and Brian P. Carrigan ’98.
Dorothy Chartier, grandmother of Paul J. Jr. ’04, Anne M. ’06 and
Erin C. Laughlin ’09.
Winifred T. Claffey, mother of Timothy J. Claffey ’70 and grandmother of Timothy E. Claffey ’08.
Peggy Coha, mother of Courtney A. Coha ’09, daughter of James J. Maloney Jr. ’47 and sister of James J. ’77 and Kevin P.
Maloney ’78.
James C. Collonton, grandfather of Megan ’04 and Caitlin F.
Ursini ’08.
Wayne D. Comstock, father of Jon Comstock, Loyola Academy
staff member 2009 to present.
Maureen H. Cooney, grandmother of Patrick ’07, Abigail M. ’10, Siobhan E. ’11 and Maureen T. Cooney ’14.
Edward Corcoran, grandfather of Eddie J. ’16 and Anna M.
Trapp ’18.
William F. Costigan, grandfather of Briggs T. ’11, William C. ’11,
John C. ’14 and Colleen F. King ’18.
Gregory Cotton, brother of Kevin L. ’76 and J. Spencer Cotten ’84.
Seamus T. Coyle, father of Megan Coyle Childs ’99 and Rory T. Coyle ’93.
William D. Creaney, father of Daniel A. ’66 and William J.
Creaney ’71.
Ralph F. Curtis, father of Gregory B. Curtis ’88.
Linda Dahm, mother of Joseph Dahm, Loyola Academy faculty member 1980 to present, and grandmother of Peter J. ’10,
Mary L. ’11 and Jane E. Dahm ’14.
Carol Dann, mother of Michael H. Dann ’67 RIP.
Michael H. Dann ’67.
Mary K. Del Fava, mother of Daniel N. ’68, Richard J. ’71, Don F. ’73 and Raymond M. Del Fava ’82.
Douglas Desherow, brother of Robert “Beau” Desherow ’93, Loyola Academy staff member 2004 to present.
Domenica DiClementi, mother of Joseph H. ’68 and Gene DiClementi ’69.
David D. DiPaolo ’82, father of Hope ’13 and Thalin DiPaolo ’16 and
brother of Dawn DiPaolo Barrett LdM ’84; Debra DiPaolo
Semple LdM ’90, Loyola Academy staff member 2013 to present; and Denise DiPaolo Waltz LdM ’88.
Michael G. Doody ’80.
James C. Dowdle ’52, father of James C. Dowdle ’82; grandfather
of Elizabeth C. ’06 and Sarah O. Burke ’11, Erin E. ’09, J. Charles
’12, Colin A. ’13 and Ryan P. Dowdle ’16 and Conor J. ’07,
Spencer ’07, Patrick J. ’08, Brenden F. ’10 and Patricia A. Dwyer ’13; and brother of Raymond R. ’38 RIP and John A. Dowdle
’41 RIP.
Rosemary Drake, wife of Frederick D. Fix ’51 RIP.
Mary Duffy, grandmother of Daniel P. Gott ’90.
Michael J. Duggan, father of John C. Duggan ’03.
Peter Finley Dunne, father of Mary Jo Dunne Jean-Francois ’00.
Alison Ebert, sister of Christopher A. Ebert ’78.
Lois H. Eckland, mother of Peter T. Eckland ’77 and Amy Eckland Younkman LdM ’76.
John D. Edelman, father of John T. Edelman ’80.
Marie Therese Egan, mother of Robert J. Jr. ’81 and Frank G. Egan ’84, sister of Frank J. Gillespie Jr. ’47 RIP and daughter of Frank J.
Gillespie ’17 RIP.
Kyle C. Eichhof, son of Arnold R. Eichhof ’80.
Michael E. Elisha, father of Kate Elisha ’16.
Donato “Don” Elmi, father of Francesco “Frank” Elmi ’76 and grandfather of Cristin Elmi ’05.
Joan Enright, wife of John J. Enright ’41.
John D. Faber Jr., father of Thomas J. Faber ’72.
Mary Jerome Farrell, grandmother of Emily L. ’98, Donald T. III ’03 and Michaela M. Farrell ’10 and Colleen Farrell Walsh ’99, Loyola Academy faculty member 2005 to present.
Carl Favaro, Loyola Academy faculty member 1980-2014, father of Jennifer Favaro ’09.
Theodore A. Feifar, father of Thomas M. Feifar ’75 and grandfather of Thomas M. ’10, Anne E. ’12 and Brian A. Feifar ’14.
Virginia Flynn, mother of Geryl Cerney, Loyola Academy staff member 2005 to present; grandmother of Brian ’04 and Carolyn A. Cerney ’08 and Lauren Cerney Frye ’99; and mother-in-law of William B. Cerney ’74.
William M. Flynn, father of Geryl Cerney, Loyola Academy staff member 2005 to present; grandfather of Brian ’04 and Carolyn A. Cerney ’08 and Lauren Cerney Frye ’99; and father-in-law of William B. Cerney ’74.
Richard E. Foley, grandfather of Mary C. ’04, John J. ’08, Eileen M. ’10 and Clare E. Waris ’11.
Robert J. Foley, father of Robert J. Jr. ’69, Michael P. ’70, Patrick J. ’75, Timothy F. ’79, Mark T. ’81 and Bryan M. Foley ’83 and grandfather of Katheryn V. Goodrich Calderson ’01; Sean P. ’09,
Grace E. ’13, Micaela H. ’15, Molly M. ’16, Claudia A. ’17 and
Anne A. Foley ’18; Julie M. ’03 and Thomas R. Goodrich ’08;
Margaret Goodrich Hammond ’99; and Matthew R. ’09, Brian J.
’11, Madeline M. ’08 and Thomas J. Hinkamp Jr. ’08.
Phyllis Foreman, mother of John B. ’62 RIP, Robert B. ’64 and
Frederick L. Foreman ’75 RIP.
Edward G. Forester Jr., father of Jeffrey E. Forester ’80.
Ruth Anne Hugo, grandmother of Joshua P. ’03, Maria C. ’05 and Zachary J. Hugo ’08 and mother of Michael V. Hugo, Loyola Academy staff member 1988-2012.
Joan Hybiak, grandmother of Daniel E. Hybiak ’02.
Robert F. Jacks Jr., son of Robert F. Jacks Sr. ’63.
Bronislaw “Bruno” Janus, grandfather of Rene ’04
and David P. Janus ’14.
Edwin P. Janus, grandfather of Scott Janus ’06.
Therese Murphy Jones, wife of Eugene L. Jones ’45 RIP.
Henry M. Juiris, father of Peter C. Juiris ’92.
John R. Keller, grandfather of Lee Anne Keller ’99 and Hayley Keller Ropiequet ’04.
Robert S. Kelling Jr. ’53.
Nancy Kelly, mother of Donald M. Kelly Jr. ’60.
Clifford F. Kennedy Jr. ’44, grandfather of Nate S. ’11 and Gabriel M. Kennedy ’14 and brother of Daniel R. Kennedy ’52 RIP.
Conradine “Connie” Kepner, wife of Robert W. Kepner Jr. ’62.
Patricia Cotter Kiggins, sister of Daniel A. Cotter ’53.
Carolyn Killackey, grandmother of Margaret M. ’93, John E. III ’95, Bridget K. ’98 and Michael B. Killackey ’03.
Dennis J. King, brother of Emmett P. Jr. ’68 and Patrick J. King ’81.
Patricia Klingler, mother of Charles E. ’68 and Alan J. Klingler ’72.
Dorothy Kloser, mother of Cathy Kloser Munoz LdM ’74.
Katherine Kralik, grandmother of Alexandra Kournetas ’04.
Karl Kreiner, grandfather of Karl Kreiner ’03.
Cecilia Kuhlmann, mother of Theodore P. ’96, Thomas P. ’98 and Terence J. Kuhlmann ’01 and sister of John T. Groark ’69.
Katherine T. Kuhn, sister of Philip J. III ’74, Thomas H. ’75, Charles J. ’79 and Daniel W. Kuhn ’81.
Rosemary C. LaCroix, grandmother of Michelle LaCroix Hazenfield
LdM ’91, Matthew P. LaCroix ’89 and Marie LaCroix Maurici
LdM ’86.
Patricia M. Lahey, mother of Mark K. Lahey ’67 and grandmother of Patrick J. ’96 and Timothy D. Lahey ’99.
Patricia J. Lambert, grandmother of Grace M. ’11, Emma K. ’13 and Macklin J. Kerrigan ’16.
Rita Larsen, mother of Richard W. Jr. ’66 and Thomas S. Larsen ’71 and grandmother of Clara A. Ignich ’02.
Gregory S. Laughlin ’92, brother of Patrick K. Laughlin ’88.
Karen M. Leslie, wife of Robert F. Leslie ’61.
Nancy A. Licht, sister of David J. Damm ’77.
Richard J. Linehan II ’56, father of Richard J. Linehan III ’88 and brother of Dennis C. Linehan ’58.
Sam A. LiVacari, father of Gary L. LiVacari ’63 and grandfather of Gary J. LiVacari ’03.
Homer J. Livingston Jr., father of John Livingston ’85 and grandfather of Nicholas J. Howard ’18.
Joseph A. Lo Galbo, father of Manny A. Lo Galbo ’77.
Elaine Lopatka, grandmother of Luke S. ’09 and Lars C. Lopatka ’12.
Louis J. Lovas Jr., grandfather of Michael A. Lovas ’95.
Mary L. Luna, grandmother of Branden C. ’09 and Bryan D. Luna ’10.
Michael W. Lynch II ’78, father of Shannon K. Lynch ’11 and brother of Kevin P. ’84, Sean P. ’85 and Brian D. Lynch ’88.
Terrence J. MacLean ’54.
Margaret M. Marnell, grandmother of John E. ’87 and Carey M. Kenny ’89.
Timothy James Martin, father of Calvin J. Martin ’16.
Josef P. Mayer, grandfather of Evan J. ’10 and Stephanie R. Fay ’15.
Attracta McAleer, mother of Delia McAleer-Degner LdM ’84.
Doris McAuliffe, mother of Jeremiah D. McAuliffe Jr. ’76.
Mary McCauley, mother of Michael A. ’84 and Thomas
McCauley ’85.
Charles B. McCormick ’46.
Charlotte McCourt, wife of James P. McCourt ’42 RIP; mother of J. Patrick ’69, Sean B. ’71, Brian J. ’74 and Kevin D. McCourt ’76; and grandmother of Colin C. ’98 and Michael P. McCourt ’02.
John C. McCurdy, father of Kevin G. ’76, Christopher ’77 and Patrick E. McCurdy ’80 RIP.
Joan M. McDonaugh, grandmother of Sean M. ’02, Matthew J. ’03 and Daniel J. McDonaugh ’08.
Walter J. “Wally” McGovern Jr. ’65, father of Brian J.
McGovern ’96.
Kathryn Frayne McGuinn, wife of Edward B. McGuinn Jr. ’43 RIP; mother of Katy McGuinn LoSasso LdM ’71 and Bart ’73 and Frank P. McGuinn ’80; and grandmother of Emily C. McGuinn ’07.
Walter G. McGuire, father of Selina E. McGuire, Loyola Academy staff member 1994 to present, and Walter G. III ’67, Peter H. ’69, Mark E. ’70, Christopher ’74 and Michael G. McGuire ’81; grandfather of R. Patrick ’97 and Brendan M. Bedell ’98, Aileen McGuire McAnally ’01 and Peter H. Jr. ’96, Brian P. ’00, Mark Jr.
’04, Grace A. ’06, Mark ’06, Mary E. ’08 and John W. McGuire
’11; and brother of John A. McGuire ’35 RIP.
Gerald Frake ’64, brother of Ronald F. ’62, Joseph G. ’68 and Robert K. Frake ’76 and Karen Frake Kolod LdM ’78 and Marlene Frake Reagan LdM’72.
James D. Frederick ’89, son of Edward L. Frederick Jr. ’58.
Pauline Fugazzotto, mother of Joel P. Fugazzotto ’60.
Richard F. Gaeding, father of Linda Gaeding Cook LdM ’82.
Thomas P. Galuppo, father of David W. Galuppo ’87.
Donald C. Gassmere, father of Donald C. Jr. ’88, Timothy F. ’90 and Julie R. Gassmere ’98 and Jo Anne Gassmere Tagliamonte
LdM ’87.
Richard I. Gavin, father of Patrick M. ’73, Thomas J. ’75, Daniel S. ’77, Michael J. ’81 and John R. Gavin ’82.
Eileen T. Gawenda, grandmother of Katie Kelly ’08.
Gilbert A. Gay Jr., father of John T. Gay ’88.
Roberta Gesicki, mother of Glen J. ’88 and Daniel E. Gesicki ’90.
Frank Gesualdo, father of Ralph J. ’75 and Gregory F. Gesualdo
’78 and grandfather of Richard H. ’09 and Vivien G. Fisher ’17
and Francis A. ’01 and Jeneane Gesualdo ’03.
Sharon Ghilarducci, mother of Jon C. ’88 and Todd J. Adams ’90.
Sharon D. Girard, mother of Mark A. ’92, Scott A. ’94 and Timothy
D. Girard ’99.
Dorothy N. Gleason, sister of George P. Bott ’52.
Miguel A. Gomez, son of Charles A. Gomez ’78.
Edward J. Gordon, grandfather of Anne M. ’09, John H. ’12, Michael
H. ’13 and Matthew T. Gordon ’17.
William L. Gorman, grandfather of Lawrence J. IV ’09, Carleigh J. ’10
and John R. Thalman.
William D. Gourley, Loyola Academy staff member 1963-64.
Joan F. Graeber, grandmother of Patrick S. ’16 and Catherine C. Kane ’18 and mother-in-law of Timothy P. Kane ’86, Loyola Academy faculty member 1997 to present.
William A. Graf ’55, Loyola Academy staff member 1960 to 2001, father of William P. ’79 and James L. Graf ’81.
Paul R. Greening, father of Richard P. Greening ’79 and Janet Greening Jackson LdM ’80.
Robert E. Griffith, father of Patricia Griffith, Loyola Academy staff member 1986 to present.
Brian J. Grundei ’86, brother of Robert A. Grundei ’83.
Robert P. Hanrahan, grandfather of Michael A. ’01, Christina S. ’03,
Kaitlin D. ’04, Nikolaus R. ’05, Joseph J. ’07, Robert ’07,
Christopher M. ’11 and Colin V. Hanrahan ’11.
Clara M. Haser, wife of Harry W. Haser Jr. ’49 RIP.
Joseph F. Hayes ’71.
Thomas J. Hebson ’51.
Daniel J. Heffernan ’44, father of Daniel J. Heffernan ’69 and brother of Neal ’39 RIP and Bart T. Heffernan ’43 RIP.
James F. Heinz Sr., grandfather of Patrick J. ’96 and Timothy D. Lahey ’99.
Creighton Robert Helms, grandfather of Robert E. Helms ’10.
Bernard A. Hennig, father of Bernard A. Jr. ’58, George ’61, Richard P. ’63 and Michael J. Hennig ’74 and grandfather of James A. ’88 and Joseph W. Hennig ’99 and Susan Hennig Janquart LdM ’91.
Margaret Herguth, mother of Robert C. Herguth ’88.
Jose Hernandez, father of Salena Hernandez Flint ’97 and J. R. Hernandez ’95.
Erin C. Hickey, granddaughter of Lawrence M. Hickey ’41 RIP.
John “Jack” T. Hickey Sr. ’43, father of John T. Jr. ’70, Michael J. ’72, James P. ’75 and Roger P. Hickey ’79; grandfather of Alison Hickey Girard ’99 and James P. Jr. ’01, John T. III ’01, Ashley E.
’03, Patrick ’04, Caroline L. ’05, Claire G. ’08, Matthew K. ’08,
Irene E. ’09, Katherine ’10, Michael H. ’13, Sara K. ’14, Margaret
M. ’17 and Peter M. Hickey ’17; and brother of Thomas P. ’48 RIP
and Jerome E. Hickey ’55.
Gertrude “Peaches” Hillstrom, grandmother of Amanda M.
Wagner ’96.
Donald E. Hines Sr. ’46.
Donald J. Holbrook, father of John P. ’91 and Scott D. Holbrook ’93.
Thomas J. Holmberg Sr., grandfather of Mary Ann ’06, Hope H. ’07,
Thomas J. III ’09, William F. ’10 and Daniel F. Holmberg ’14.
Joseph Hornback, brother of Peg Culhane, Loyola Academy staff member 1996 to present, and Mary Ann Egan, Loyola Academy
faculty member 1993 to 2013.
James L. Hough, father of Jason J. ’00, Justin R. ’01 and Jessica E. Hough ’06.
Christopher Howe, father of Christopher K. Howe, Loyola Academy faculty member 2008 to present.
Hon. Michael J. Howlett Jr., father of Catherine C. Howlett ’02.
Dorothy Plunkett Hudash, wife of John T. Plunkett ’49 RIP; mother of
John R. ’72, Hugh P. III ’73, Jamie M. LdM ’74 and Mark T.
Plunkett ’77 and Madelon Plunkett Queenan LdM ’79 and
Michelle Plunkett Steen LdM ’84; grandmother of John ’04,
Claire ’07, Hillary ’07 and Matthew A. Plunkett ’11 and Brighid E.
’97 and Brendan P. Reedy ’00; and sister of Robert U. Tuohy ’51.
Loyola Mourns the Passing of
Four Exemplary Jesuit Educators
Robert P. Austin
French and Spanish
teacher from 1963
to 1998
Carl A. Favaro
Physical education
teacher and coach from
1980 to 2014
William A. Graf ’55
Athletic director and
administrator from
1960 to 2001
James G. Serpe
Math teacher from
1963 to 2008
W I N T E R 2 015
William D. McKechney ’67, brother of John M. ’65 RIP and Thomas D. McKechney ’70 and son of William L. McKechney ’33 RIP.
Barbara Ann “Bobbie” McNabola, mother of Thomas M. ’76, Mark E. ’77 and Edward W. McNabola ’84 and grandmother of Molly
C. McNabola ’16.
John F. McNellis, father-in-law of Mark Porcaro, Loyola Academy staff member 2010 to present.
Joan T. McNulty, wife of Thomas J. McNulty ’44 RIP.
Gilinda McPhail, mother of Deantrium King ’13.
John C. Melaniphy, father of John C. III ’77 and Michael J.
Melaniphy ’78.
Benedetta Mentesana, grandmother of Mario G. ’96 and Adriana B. Weber ’97.
Anthony R. Miceli, grandfather of Nicholas W. Miceli ’09.
Iris Y. Miller, wife of Richard N. Miller ’61.
Susan Miller, wife of Loren Miller III ’63.
Ann Ross Minifie, sister of Lloyd H. “Mike” Minifie ’62.
Richard E. Minwegen ’80, father of Christopher P. Minwegen ’18;
son of Peter A. Minwegen ’41 RIP; and brother of Peter A. Jr. ’72,
Thomas A. ’75 and Andrew P. Minwegen ’79.
Mary Colleen Monckton, mother of Daniel W. Jr. ’74 and Mark E. ’80 and Hugh M. Monckton ’81.
Christopher P. Moran Jr., father of Christopher P. Moran III ’72 and grandfather of Grace M. ’12 and Mary Elizabeth Moran ’10.
Edward J. Morley, father of Kathleen Morley McKinzie ’99 and Michael A. ’02 and William E. Morley ’06.
Alan E. Morrill, father of Richard ’67, Stephen S. ’77 and John R. Morrill ’78.
Jennifer Mosher, sister of Richard P. Jr. ’82 and Daniel N.
Mosher ’86.
Germaine Mulvihill, wife of Walter F. Mulvihill ’44 RIP and mother of Michael F. ’71 and Martin J. Mulvihill ’73.
Walter F. Mulvihill ’44, father of Michael F. Mulvihill ’71 and Martin J. Mulvihill ’73.
Hugo H. Muriel, father of William H. ’81, Robert H. ’83 and Michael J. Muriel ’88.
Frank J. Murnane Sr., grandfather of Jennifer Wehmer Lucas ’99 and Edward J. Jr. ’01, Erin M. ’05, Mary Ali ’07 and Christopher
M. Wehmer ’12 and mother-in-law of Edward J. Wehmer ‘72.
Thomas E. Murphy, father of Timothy J. Murphy ’87.
William K. Nash, father of Robert A. Nash ’83.
Doreen L. Neiweem, grandmother of Patrick J. Neiweem ’08.
Daniel J. Nemmer ’71, brother of Alan J. Nemmer ’74.
Leo Newcombe, father of L. Raymond Newcombe ’67.
Nicholas G. Nicolandis, father of Gregory J. Nicolandis ’93.
Lorraine M. Noll, mother of Arthur D. Noll ’75.
Robert Noonan, father of Meris R. Noonan ’01.
Joseph R. Nora, MD, father of Joseph T. ’71, John C. ’74, Michael B. ’74, Lawrence S. ’76, Matthew G. ’77 and Daniel J. Nora ’89 and grandfather of Olivia D. ’14 and Elena F. Gatti ’15 and Andrew D. ’16 and John J. Mullins ’18.
John D. Norcross ’54.
Francis X. O’Boyle, father of Brian F. O’Boyle ’83 and grandfather of Robert F. ’13, Joseph P. ’14 and Claire R. Kummerer ’17.
Catherine D. O’Brien, wife of William P. O’Brien ’63 RIP.
Jean V. O’Brien, mother of John D. O’Brien ’74.
Robert A. O’Brien Jr. ’73.
Robert T. O’Brien ’43, father of Robert T. Jr. ’79, William J. ’80 and John C. O’Brien ’88 and grandfather of Kelly M. ’11 and Kacey E. Anton ’15, Megan C. ’09 and James W. O’Brien ’14.
John E. O’Connell ’55, brother of Philip J. O’Connell ’57 RIP and son of Lawrence J. O’Connell ’22 RIP.
Robert J. O’Connell, brother of Frank T. ’43 RIP and Jerome D. O’Connell ’48 RIP.
Claire A. O’Connor ’05, daughter of William E. O’Connor ’71; sister of Margaret J. ’97, Matthew F. ’99, William G. ’01 and Catherine A. O’Connor ’08; and granddaughter of John B. O’Connor
’39 RIP.
Geraldine O’Connor, grandmother of Sean C. Driskill ’98.
Lorraine P. O’Connor, mother of Francis D. Jr. ’70, Timothy J. ’74 and Stephen M. O’Connor ’84.
Marilyn E. O’Connor, mother of Robert B. O’Connor ’70.
Thomas O’Connor, father of Sarah O’Connor Kutschke ’99, Loyola Academy faculty member 2003 to present; Thomas O’Connor Jr. ’03; and Anne O’Connor Parker ’01.
Bernice E. O’Malley, mother of John James O’Malley Jr. ’67 RIP.
Reneé O’Neill, mother of Jeffrey W. ’70, Timothy F. ’70, Kevin J. ’72 and John A. O’Neill Jr. ’81 RIP.
Donald E. Olson, father of Ragnar R. Olson ’95.
James M. Pabich, brother of Brian T. ’60 and George J. Pabich ’62.
Armando Pagnucci, grandfather of Christopher A. ’06 and Patrick W. Marquard ’09.
Laurence A. Pahlman ’69.
Vasilios A. Papachristos, father of Andrew V. Papachristos ’94.
Rosemary Pattullo, wife of Robert L. Pattullo Jr. ’44 RIP.
Kathryn Pecho, mother of Robert A. Pecho ’80.
Edward J. Perchess, grandfather of Jessica Thunberg ’99.
Harlan Peterson, grandfather of Ryan T. ’02 and Shane Turner ’04.
Patrick Phelan ’56, father of Thomas P. ’80, Christopher J. ’81, Michael J. ’84 and Matthew R. Phelan ’87 and brother of Richard J. ’55 RIP and James C. Phelan ’62 RIP.
Marguerite Phelps, mother of Martin E. Phelps ’78 and grandmother of John A. III ’06 and Paul P. Lambert ’08; Sean P. Owens ’98; and
Clare ’05, Brian T. ’08, Emily E. ’15 and Joseph M. Phelps ’15.
Donna Picchietti, mother of Patrick J. Picchietti ’82.
Harry C. Piper, father of Patrick M. Piper ’85.
John Orteig Plante, brother of Brian M. Plante ’83 and stepson of William M. Plante ’55.
John L. Polelle ’49, brother of Michael J. Polelle ’55.
Lee A. Polk, father of Lee T. Polk ’63 and grandfather of Angela Polk Fogel ’00.
William H. Powell, father of William P. ’62, Thomas J. ’68 and James L. Powell ’69.
Walter J. Powers Jr. ’55.
Sara J. Prouty, grandmother of Carlton F. Prouty Jr. ’98 and Carrie Prouty Smey ’95.
Michael J. Radziewicz ’77, brother of Robert A. Radziewicz ’71.
Claudia Reardon, mother of Emily E. ’02, Katherine ’05 and Margaret Reardon ’07.
John M. Reed ’44, brother of Joseph C. Reed ’42 RIP.
Violet M. Reego, mother of James A. Reego ’80.
Mary E. Regan, mother of E. Quinn ’75 and Sean P. Regan ’77 RIP.
J. Philip Reichmann Jr. ’47, father of James P. III ’74 and Mark G. Reichmann ’77 and son of James P. Reichmann ’20 RIP.
E. Robert Reynolds ’45.
Suzanne Reynolds, wife of Thomas A. Reynolds Jr. ’45 RIP; mother of Thomas A. III ’70, Sherman F. ’74, Timothy C. ’78 and Stephen B.
Reynolds ’80; grandmother of Jennifer R. ’08, Amy C. ’10,
Martha M. ’13 and Susanna K. Hick ’15; Suzanne R. ’06, John
M. ’07, Catherine C. ’10 and Thomas R. Joyce ’13; Peter ’04,
John F. ’05, Clare P. ’07 and Anne R. Lanctot ’10; Robert E. III ’16
and Charles R. Largay ’18; and Thomas A. IV ’95, Kathleen C. ’99,
Molly A. ’02, Sheila B. ’06, Louise ’07, Samantha K. ’08, Sherman
F. ’09, Olivia C. ’10, Timothy ’13, Rose Q. ’14, Isabelle M. ’14 and
Mary Faith Reynolds ’17.
Denis G. Richards ’52.
Edward J. Roberts ’64, brother of Richard A. Roberts ’64.
Ted J. Rudnick, father of Edward J. Rudnick ’75 RIP.
Miriam Stephan Russell, sister of Edmund A. ’29 RIP and Robert F. Stephan ’43.
Carmella Ryan, grandmother of Christine Ryan Dowling ’96 and
mother-in-law of Faye Ryan, Loyola Academy faculty member 1990 to present.
Richard J. Saigh Sr., father of Richard J. Jr. ’80 RIP, Mark W. ’81 and Peter E. Saigh ’87 RIP.
Lazaro “Bill” Salinas, former Loyola Academy staff member.
Edward J. Sanders ’43, father of Edward M. ’70, John P. ’71 and Thomas J. Sanders ’72 RIP.
Wanda S. Sanders, mother of Carolynn Sanders Kent LdM ’72
and Walter C. ’66, Richard T. ’67 RIP and Theodore J.
Sanders ’68 RIP.
Dr. Fern Rusteberg Sanner, mother of Louis A. ’69, John A. ’80 and Joseph M. Sanner ’85.
Barbara Rowe Schaid, wife of Arnold R. Schaid ’48.
Richard E. Scherer, grandfather of Bryan A. ’08, Matthew V. ’14 and Stephanie C. Scherer ’14.
Charles K. Schindler, father of Louise Schindler Rosiere LdM ’72 and William C. Schindler ’72.
William H. Schramm, father of Ellen Schramm Myers LdM ’74 and William H. Schramm Jr. ’75 and grandfather of William
H. III ’03, Margaret ’04, Laura ’07 and Kathryn M. Schramm.
Nicholas J. Scopelliti, son of Joseph A. Scopelliti ’81.
Denise Seng, wife of John Daly Seng ’54 RIP.
Edward J. Senini Sr. ’45, brother of John L. Senini ’51 RIP.
James G. Serpe, Loyola Academy faculty member 1963 2008, father of John S. ’62 RIP and Gerald R. Serpe ’74.
Richard R. Seward, husband of Linda Benthaus Seward, Loyola Academy faculty member 1999 to 2004.
Robert F. Sharp, father of Matthew C. ’92 and Daniel J.
Sharp ’93.
Michael J. Sheehan ’66.
Elizabeth J. Sheridan, mother of Philip H. Sheridan Jr. ’78 and grandmother of Caroline A. Collins ’10; Elizabeth J. ’02,
Daniel ’04, Justin M. ’10 and Meghan G. Pappano ’12; and
Abigail M. ’07, Emily R. ’10, Molly E. ’10, Madeline C. ’13,
Sarah C. ’14 and Nancy C. Sheridan ’17.
Timothy M. Shields ’82.
Richard G. “Dick” Shuma, father of Suzanne Shuma Coffey LdM ’73, Lynn Shuma Evans LdM ’74 and Richard P. ’75, Matthew
G. ’77 and Douglas D. Shuma ’79.
John P. Slattery ’68, brother of James J. Slattery Jr. ’64.
Kent T. Smith, brother of Colleen Smith Bajjalieh LdM ’77 and Kathleen Smith Hahn LdM ’81.
Ottilie Speer, mother of Phillipp M. Speer Jr. ’76.
Martin J. Stich ’66.
John M. Sullivan, father of John E. Sullivan ’89.
Terrence John Sullivan ’84, brother of Leo J. ’81, Michael C. ’82 and Sean P. Sullivan ’87.
Kathleen P. Sweeney, mother of Patrick J. ’74, Timothy E. ’79 and Michael A. Sweeney ’86.
Marialyce Taaffe, grandmother of Maggie M. Taaffe ’17.
Donald A. Tarjan ’67, father of Terra A. ’96 and David E. Tarjan ’98 and brother of Robert W. ’61 and Michael J. Tarjan ’65.
Joseph T. Tedesco Sr., grandfather of Nicholas A. ’10, Stephanie L. ’11 and Natalie Tedesco ’13.
George J. Tennison III ’78.
Robert J. Theisen ’80, son of Robert C. Theisen ’47 and brother of Christopher T. ’82, Thomas M. ’84, William A.
’87 and Michael F. Theisen ’93.
John O’Connor Tuohy ’50, father of John O’ Tuohy II ’80.
Christine Dombrowski Uba LdM’85.
Dusan Urukalo, father of Milan G. Urukalo ’14.
Kathleen Phalen Valenta, grandmother of Sean P. ’01, Amy E. ’03 and Erin K. Babington ’06.
Vera Van Arsdale, mother of Richard F. Van Arsdale ’66
and grandmother of Christopher H. ’00 and Katherine C. Fretland ’03.
Frederick J. Vander Kloot ’55.
Joseph H. Vinci, father of Joann Vinci Ugent LdM ’73.
Walter L. Vitale ’64.
Colleen Pope Vitu, wife of Joseph F. Vitu Jr. ’89 and sister of Matthew R. Pope ’97.
John R. Vukits, father of David G. Vukits ’76.
Kenneth J. Vydra, father of Ellen Vydra Metrick LdM ’88.
Maureen Walsh, sister of James F. ’67 and Stephen P. Walsh ’76.
Richard O. Walsh ’52, brother of Vincent A. Walsh ’54.
Thomas J. Ward Sr., father of Thomas J. Ward Jr. ’83.
Mickee Parent Warnemuende, sister of J. Dennis ’59 and Gerard T. Parent ’63.
Paul F. Weaver III, father of Paul Ford IV ’06 and Alexandra C. Weaver ’08.
Edana Blesius Westrich, mother of Jonathan B. Westrich ’76.
Gloria Whalen, mother of James E. ’73 and Thomas F.
Whalen ’76.
Barbara M. White, mother of Kevin R. White ’88.
Vincent J. White Jr. ’66, brother of Harold J. White ’69 RIP.
Ludmila A. Wiecek, grandmother of Susanne C. Wiecek ’15.
Bernadette Wiermanski, mother of Katherine Wiermanski Ercolano LdM ’78, Ann Wiermanski Halvorsen LdM ’76, Mary Wiermanski Kauper LdM ’71, Richard Wiermanski ’74.
Oliver A. Williams Jr., father of Daniel C. ’78 and Paul A. Williams ’80.
Anna Marie Winter, grandmother of Megan C. ’09 and Jamie W. O’Brien ’14.
Susan Wolf, sister of Raymond A. III ’78 and Steven A. Wolf ’82.
James E. Wolfe ’47, father of John E. Wolfe ’84 and brother of Thomas F. Wolfe ’44 RIP.
Jeffrey T. Woods ’65.
James F. Woodward Jr. ’60, brother of Garry A.
Woodward ’62.
John M. Wozniak, PhD, father of Dr. Robert H. ’62 and John R. Wozniak ’65.
William A. Wrase ’39.
Virginia Yasdick LdM ’76.
Laurence T. Youhn ’51, brother of Richard A. Youhn ’55 RIP.
Jerry Zank, Loyola Academy faculty member 1970-77.
Michael J. Zasiebida ’65, brother of Richard N. ’62 RIP and James E. Zasiebida ’70 RIP.
Mary Margaret Zellner, mother of Paul Zellner ’72 and grandmother of William R. ’90, Thomas J. ’94 and Peter B. Hartman ’96.
John P. Zimmer, father of Katherine “Katie” Zimmer ’07.
As of January 14, 2015
To include your departed loved one, please contact Patricia A.
Griffith at 847.920.2421 or pgriffith
For an alphabetical listing of all deceased Loyola and Marillac
alumni on record, visit
Ramblers Golf
Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Phil Stefani’s 437 Rush Chicago Steakhouse
437 North Rush Street, Chicago
Monday, September 14
We are pleased to
announce that our
updated PrayLA app is now
available as a free download
from Apple’s App Store and Google Play.
The app features a more mobile-friendly
interface, enhanced graphics and an audio
recitation of St. Ignatius’s Daily Examen
of Consciousness featuring the voices of
Rambler alumni and community members.
You can use the app to send prayer
requests and set reminders to pray the
Examen or read the daily reflection.
Join fellow Loyola alumni, parents and
friends for a midday meal and a casual
discussion of shared interests in this
monthly lunchtime networking series
cosponsored by the Loyola Academy
President’s Leadership Council and Phil
Stefani’s 437 Rush.
Prizes and hors d’oeuvres follow.
Thursday, May 28
There’s an
APP for that...
al Re
t 2 0 13
View our 20132014 Loyola
Academy Annual
Report at
Flip through
for the year’s
top stories,
reports from our leadership
and a complete listing of the generous
benefactors who make our mission
Thursday, March 26
Host: Patrick Eilers, Private Equity Manager
and Defensive Quality Control Assistant,
the University of Notre Dame
Thursday, April 30
Host: Jim Phillips, Athletic Director at
Northwestern University
2 0 14
Host: Liz Livingston Howard, Associate
Director at the Center for Nonprofit
Management at Northwestern University’s
Kellogg School of Management
Thursday, June 25
Host: TBA
Admission is free and lunch is on us,
but space is limited. To register, contact
Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 at 847.920.2443
or Find out more at
Ramble 2015:
Inspiring Hearts
and Minds
Saturday, May 2
More ways to
stay connected...
Join our Facebook community of
more than 6,000 alumni, parents and
friends at
to keep your finger on the pulse of local and
global Loyola life.
Tap into our LinkedIn community of
more than 2,700 members at linkedin.
com/company/loyola-academy and
select alumni or parents from our featured
groups to join this growing professional
Join our community of nearly
2,700 followers on Twitter @
LoyolaAcademy (
loyolaacademy). Follow Fr. McGrath at
5:30 p.m. Mass in the Loyola Chapel
6:00 p.m. Cocktails and silent auction
7:30 p.m. Dinner and live auction
See back cover for details.
Reception for
Scholarship Donors
and Recipients
Saturday, May 9
3 p.m. Mass in the Loyola Chapel
3:45 p.m. Reception with hors d’oeuvres
If you’re a scholarship or tuition assistance
benefactor or are considering becoming
one, you won’t want to miss this inspiring
afternoon as our tuition assistance
recipients share their stories and express
their gratitude.
Web Extra
North Shore Country Club
1:00 p.m. Shotgun start
Hit the green to benefit Ramblers in
need at our 21st annual Ramblers Golf
Outing. For more information, please
contact Dennis R. Stonequist ‘90 at
847.920.2443 or
Rambler Reunions
Class of 1965
50th Reunion Weekend
2015 Calendar
Noon is for
Friday, October 9, through
Sunday, October 11
Join us for a weekend of reunion
activities, including the Class of 1965
official reunion dinner on Saturday,
October 10. Sign up for our Class of 1965
reunion committee and help us plan an
unforgettable weekend. Visit goramblers.
org/1965classpage or contact Dennis
R. Stonequist ‘90 at 847.920.2443 or for details.
Reunions for the Classes of 1975,
1985, 1990 and 1995
Saturday, October 24
5:00 p.m. Mass for all four class years
in the Loyola Chapel, followed by
separate cocktail receptions and dinner
celebrations for each class year.
Make a day of it and join us for the
Athletic Hall of Fame football game
at 1:30 p.m., with tailgate festivities
beginning at noon.
Additional reunion activities for the
weekend will be announced soon.
To join your class year’s reunion
committee, please contact Alumni
Director Dennis R. Stonequist ’90 at
847.920.2443 or
Rambler 5K Run for Someone
Sunday, October 25
8:00 a.m. Start time at Hoerster Field
Run or walk in memory of someone
special in your life at our annual 5K run/
walk to raise funds for the John D. Aiello
Endowed Scholarship.
> Visit for additional upcoming school events
and for sporting events.
Non-profit Org
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Our Mission
To form women and men for meaningful
lives of leadership and service in imitation of
Jesus Christ through a college preparatory
education in the Jesuit, Catholic tradition.
Winter 2015
Ramble 2015
Hearts and Minds
Save the date and join us for our 46th annual Ramble—–a celebration of Loyola’s mission
to nurture the hearts and minds of a diverse population of young people and
inspire them to use their skills and talents to build a better world.
Join the Ramble 2015 team.
Our annual Ramble transforms the lives of
hundreds of young people from all over the city
and its suburbs by providing critically needed
support for our Tuition Assistance Program. Your
gifts of time, talent and treasure will help make
these Ramblers’ dreams of a Jesuit education
come true.
Become a volunteer.
To join us, please contact Loretta at or Anne at
Be an event sponsor.
For information about Ramble sponsorships,
please contact Vice President of Advancement
Robert O. Miller at 847.920.2428 or
Be a guardian angel.
Help a Rambler experiencing unexpected
financial need by making an online
donation to our Guardian Angel Fund at
Robert L. Michels ’81 and Anne P. Michels
Francis W. O’Malley and Loretta A. O’Malley LdM ’83
Donate an auction item.
Donate an auction item online at
Saturday, May 2
5:30 p.m. Mass in the Loyola Chapel
Chairs Lo
retta O’M
and Ann
6:00 p.m. Cocktail Reception and Silent Auction in the West Gym
e Michels alley
7:30 p.m. Dinner and Live Auction in the West Gym
Please RSVP by April 15.
Black Tie Preferred
Advertise in our auction catalog.
Promote your business or congratulate a
Rambler on a job well done. Download an
advertising form at
Questions? Please contact Special Events
Manager Meghan Huffman ’07 at 847.920.2429 or