“from the agave i shall get the strength to give it back to my land”.
“from the agave i shall get the strength to give it back to my land”.
“FROM THE AGAVE I SHALL GET THE STRENGTH TO GIVE IT BACK TO MY LAND”. JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 1DON JUAN BECKMANN GALLARDO INDEX BOARD OF DIRECTORS Doris L. de Beckmann CHAIRWOMAN Tere Bailleres ADVISOR Lorenza Dipp ADVISOR Cecilia Elizondo ADVISOR Marie-Therèse Hermand de Arango 4 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRWOMAN 7 MISSION 8 MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISOR Mónica Legorreta ADVISOR Lupita Phillips ADVISOR Pepita Serrano ADVISOR Marinela Servitje 12 CUERVO WORLD. A GIFT FROM MEXICO TO THE WORLD ADVISOR JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION Roberto Delgado Gallart 14 STRATEGIC LINES Sonia Espínola de la Llave 14 EDUCATION MANAGING DIRECTOR DIRECTOR Patricia Contreras Ramírez 21 EDUCATION COORDINATOR Margarita Arana Cisneros COORDINATOR OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ENTREPRENEURSHIP ENTREPRENEURSHIP 30 SOCIAL Ercilia Gómez Maqueo CULTURAL ADVISOR 39 CULTURE Luz Escobedo COMMUNICATION EXECUTIVE Nancy García Corona ASSISTANT TO THE DIRECTION 44 STRATEGIC SUPPORT LIAISON OFFICES UAVI (DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CARE UNIT) Luz Cornejo Arreola 44 COMMUNICATION Marina Ávila Rodríguez 47 TRAINING COORDINATOR RESPONSIBLE FOR SOCIAL WORK Mónica Flores Illan 47 TERRITORIAL MARKETING HEAD PSYCHOLOGIST ANSPAC (NATIONAL ASSOCIATION PRO PERSONAL GROWTH) Alma Patricia Andalón Franco 48 SELF-MANAGEMENT / ISO 26000 VIFAC (LIFE AND FAMILY) 50 HOW CAN YOU HELP? RESPONSIBLE Patricia Contreras Ramírez 51 PREVENTIVE PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM José Montes Esqueda 52 OUR BOARD Emma Martínez Ramírez 54 THE FUTURE TODAY: 2016 RESPONSIBLE HEAD PSYCHOLOGIST HEAD PSYCHOLOGIST |3 BUSINESS THAT TRANSCENDS essage from the chairwoman A REALITY, A CHALLENGE DORIS L. DE BECKMANN CHAIRWOMAN OF THE J O S E C U E R V O F O U N D AT I O N To be part of Tequila and La Laja is a privilege. We have walked a long path of joint work, developing programs and initiatives that the Jose Cuervo Foundation has set in motion and that have only been possible thanks to the enthusiasm, the dedication and commitment of a great team, that day to day makes a special effort in order for personal, educational, social and business growth of these communities to become a reality. At the Foundation, we are certain that strengthening the present of families, especially youths and women, will create solid foundations and give us the drive needed to build a future with greater wellness and security, magnifying this land that has given us all so much. Beyond the gratifying results, the year of 2015 was special because it allowed us to implement a new, inclusive and sustainable, work model as well as growing and consolidating programs that have born important fruits. Additionally, this year we opened new areas of opportunity, faced new challenges, such as the programs “Tequila at 1000%” and “I undertake”, both directed towards giving impetus to the creativity and innovation of the townspeople of Tequila, so their effort culminates in successful businesses. Diverse things give us inspiration, but only one moves us: people. I thank the advisors, institutions, universities, government areas, volunteers and our team for their incomparable work and dedication that allow for the mission of the Jose Cuervo Foundation to become a reality and make Tequila a better place to live. JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 |4 “THE TOURIST MODEL IN MEXICO MUST HAVE AMONG ITS OBJECTIVES INTEGRATING RURAL COMMUNITIES AND SMALL TEQUILA TOWNS, WITH THE PURPOSE OF ELEVATING THEIR RESIDENT’S QUALITY OF LIFE, IMPROVING THEIR ECONOMY, EDUCATION AND HEALTH.” DON JUAN BECKMANN VIDAL, C H A I R M A N O F T H E J O S E C U E R V O C O M PA N Y JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 |5 LETS SUPPORT THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN AND YOUTHS, THEY ARE THE HOPE FOR A BETTER SOCIETY. ISSION TO CONTRIBUTE TO RAISING THE QUALITY OF LIFE OF COMMUNITIES WHERE THE JOSE CUERVO COMPANY IS INSERTED, THROUGH A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM. DORIS L. DE BECKMANN, CHAIRWOMAN OF THE J O S E C U E R V O F O U N D AT I O N C H I L D R E N AWA R DS . JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 |7 MODEL FOR SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT The Jose Cuervo Foundation promotes viable projects that reconcile social and economic aspects; that is to say, financially possible and profitable activities, that in turn promote human well-being. As originally mentioned in the Brundtland Report (UN, 1987), sustainable development is that which satisfies the present necessities EDUCATION without compromising the capacity of future generations to meet their own needs. Thus, the Foundation works with a Model for Sustainable Community Development that demands from the different actors involved compromises and responsibilities regarding the four selected strategic lines: education, social action, entrepreneurship and culture, in order to guarantee an improvement in the quality of life of the towns in which the Jose Cuervo businesses are found. To reach the aforementioned, the Foundation has defined four strategic supports under the determination of long-term objectives and the choice of actions and assignations of the necessary resources to achieve them. COMMUNICATION ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAINING CULTURE SOCIAL TERRITORIAL MARKETING S T R AT E G I C L I N E S JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 S T R AT E G I C S U P P O R T S |8 EDUCATION ENTREPRENEURSHIP SOCIAL CULTURE TELL ME AND I FORGE T, TEACH M E A N D I M AY R E M E M B E R , INVOLVE ME AND I LEARN. A N Y T H I N G T H AT T H E M I N D CAN CONCEIVE AND BELIEVE CAN BE ACHIEVED. SEARCHING FOR THE WELLBEING OF OUR FELLOW MEN, WE FIND OUR OWN. NAPOLEÓN HILL P L AT Ó N C U LT U R E I S T H E S U M O F A L L ART FORMS, OF LOVE AND T H O U G H T , T H AT , T H R O U G H O U T T H E C E N T U R I E S , H AV E ALLOWED MAN TO BE LESS E N S L AV E D . BENJAMIN FRANKLIN ANDRÉ MALDRAUX JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 11 Y E S T E R D AY , 24 D E E N E R O S T R E E T , T E Q U I L A ( 1 8 74 ) , P H O T O G R A P H TA K E N F R O M T H E B O O K “ Y E S T E R D AY ’ S F O O T P R I N T S ” MUNDO CUERVO. A gift from Mexico to the world T O D AY , C A L L E J Ó N J O S E C U E R V O , T E Q U I L A ( 2 0 1 6 ) , STO C K PH OTO G R A PHY. It has been already more than 250 years since the Jose Cuervo company has been present in the life of Tequila, where the “La Rojeña” factory is settled. From its beginnings, the founders of the tequila house already worried for the town’s development through different actions, such as providing support for the construction of the temple and donating lands for the cemetery. Mr Juan Beckmann Vidal, current chairman of Jose Cuervo, and his wife, Mrs Doris L. de Beckmann, continue to support the wellbeing of Tequila, taking up the philosophy of his father, Juan Beckmann Gallardo: “From the agave I shall get the strength to give it back to my land.” With this spirit and commitment towards the country, Mundo Cuervo (Cuervo World) JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 12 was created in 2003 as a tourist project where mexicanity and the pride of being Mexican can be experienced, but also as a gift from Mexico to the world. Since its creation 12 years ago, this development was thought to raise the quality of life in the community of Tequila, it has created more than 600 direct and indirect jobs and increased tourist services in the region. Thanks to the impulse of the Tequila Route, a project funded by the Jose Cuervo Foundation, Tequila receives an estimate of 300,000 tourists annually, both national and international, that leave an economic spillover in all of the population. Back then, the town had a scarce hotel offer; currently there is a capacity of over 277 room nights and more than 15 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 13 gastronomic options to receive the visitors that arrive each year. Tequila additionally has important emblems, such as being part of the Designation of Origin protected by the Tequila Regulatory Council, it has been appointed Magical Town by the Ministry of Tourism and its agave landscape was declared a Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2006. The Jose Cuervo company is convinced that this tourist model is a great opportunity to promote economic and social development in the region, which is why it will continue to work along the inhabitants of Tequila, through the Jose Cuervo Foundation, to find in tourism a great opportunity for raising their quality of life. STRATEGIC LINE DUCATION Education is an essential factor in the improvement of towns and people, which is why the Jose Cuervo Foundation contributes in a decisive manner to promote the integral development of youths in knowing how to be and knowing how to love, through programs that allow them to know themselves, regulate themselves and overcome any difficulty from their environment, so they can be agents of change in their community. Through workshops, conferences and specific projects it opens a panorama of human formation that complements, enriches student learning and aims towards other important formative habits: promotion of reading, sexual education, responsibility towards consumption, as well as other formative options, so that teenagers remain in school, have a better quality of life and visualize a future with more opportunities. Party of the Century Week of conferences directed to youths, focused on explaining the risks to those who expose themselves in parties, and the recommendations to prevent accidents and learn to have responsible consumption. Psychological care in junior high schools in Tequila The Foundation provides psychological care to youths that are in a vulnerable situation, in coordination with parents and teachers. Meeting with junior high school headmasters Monthly, the Foundation works along with headmasters to define strategic actions and find solutions to school issues, in adherence to the program Route of School Improvement, established by the Ministry of Education (SEP, for its Spanish initials). JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 14 C H I L D R E N ’ S AWA R DS . JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 15 LA S E XFUI E AS L TEAD DUECLA TSIIOGNL OP R E V E N T I V E TA L K S , V I FA C . “ S AV I N G L I V E S ” C A M PA I G N . VISIT TO TEQUIL A’S GARDEN CENTER. H A PPY WA LL S PRO J EC T. Results of the POSIT diagnosis The Foundation carries out the POSIT (Problem Oriented Screening Instrument for Teenagers) diagnosis to detect which youths are at risk and to offer them a perspective on their life project. information and communication technologies against harassment, blackmail and deceit and other cybercrimes. Workshops on sexual education for youths Through the VIFAC, the Foundation carries out preventive talks and workshops in junior high schools to provide training and tools that allow them to know and value their sexuality so they can make decisions that benefit their life project promoting the healthy development of youths. This garden center is a project of the Strategic direction of the JB Group to encourage Tequila’s reforestation. Summer courses for youths Each year, the Foundation carries out summer courses to promote reflection and strengthen values and skills in youths through dynamics and games, so they can shield themselves from any risk situation and a successful life plan. Yearly children’s awards Since 11 years ago, the Foundation grants awards to outstanding students in all primary schools in Tequila. Teacher training regarding bullying and cyberbullying In collaboration with the Federal Preventive Police, the Foundation carries out conferences to promote respect and harmonious coexistence, as well as trust and safety in the use of Campaign of responsibility towards consumption The Foundation, in collaboration with the Virtus association, carried out the campaign “Saving Lives” aimed at junior high and high school students, which included talks, workshops, games, accident simulators, videos and documentaries, with the purpose of promoting responsibility for consumption, prevention and awareness about risks. Conference about addictions Conference for parents about the risks of addictions in teenagers, highlighting the importance of schools, institutions and parents working together to orient youths, delivered by Comunidad Terapeútica Polaris A.C. (Therapeutic Polaris Community). JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 16 “Happy walls” project Through the program of internships, an exchange was made with Engineer Julia Anna Hollnaged, of the University of Tokyo, specialist in urban and habitat development, in collaboration with artist Bolla Hiriart, to develop a project where youths use graffiti as a means of artistic expression and promote respect through art in the walls of the city. Visits to Tequila’s garden center The Foundation organizes school visits to Tequila’s garden center and promotes the program “Adopt a plant” to promote environmental education. JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 17 Forum Against Violence Doctor Carlota Tello, Mexican specialist in gender violence, was invited to deliver the conference “Violence is not normal”, in order to sensitize parents about the situation of violence that is lived within Tequila families, to raise awareness about the importance of not remaining silent, of recognizing the warning signs and the timely complaint before putting the lives of women and children at risk. Microsoft Technologic classroom The Foundation offers, thanks to the infrastructure donated by Microsoft, training courses for all of the population regarding the proper management of information technologies (TICs). 14,949 910 CHILDREN 3,000 WORKSHOPS ABOUT RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS YOUTHS ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION CHILDREN’S AWARDS 98 STUDENTS PEOPLE BENEFITED GRADUATED FROM THE MICROSOFT TECHNOLOGICAL TRAINING ROOM 8 CONFERENCES FOR RAISING AWARENESS OF THE SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN TEQUILA 10 HEADMASTERS OF THE SIX JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS WORKING WITH THE FOUNDATION 1,000 IN THE FORUM AGAINST DOMESTIC PARENTS VIOLENCE 1,260 HOURS OF TECHNOLOGY CLASSES 8 PSYCHOLOGISTS PROVIDING SUPPORT THERAPY TO THE POPULATION 2,138 YOUTHS 1,200 2,160 HOURS 80 TEACHERS “KNOW HOW PARENTS TO LOVE” CONFERENCE PREVENTIVE PSYCHOLOGY PROGRAM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE FOR YOUTHS PER YEAR COURSE AGAINST CYBERBULLYING 120 SUMMER COURSE FOR SELF CONTROL YOUTHS AND LIFE PLAN PARTY OF THE CENTURY 5,000 300 CONFERENCES ON RESPONSIBILITY TOWARDS CONSUMPTION STUDENTS FROM TEQUILA STUDENTS FROM MEXICO CITY S T R AT E G I C L I N E O F E D U C AT I O N JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 18 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 19 STRATEGIC LINE NTREPRENEURSHIP The Jose Cuervo Foundation has established strategic alliances with different companies and higher education institutions to promote social initiatives that promote local development, promote empowerment of artisans and microentrepreneurs, and favor Tequila’s vocation as a tourist destination. Thanks to the collaboration with the ITESO, the University of Guadalajara, through the Centro Universitario de los Valles, the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Tequila and the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, it has been possible to create multidisciplinary teams with students and academics that have collaborated for the gathering of information, data processing, needs assessment, elaboration of proposals and projects aimed at raising awareness among residents about the heritage value of their traditions, as well as creating trust in microentrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs to establish, accelerate and consolidate business models aligned with alternative tourist routes, acknowledging an opportunity in this sector for the creation of new jobs and economic wellness. P R O J E C T S O F P R O F E S S I O N A L A P P L I C AT I O N ( PA P , F O R I T S S PA N I S H I N I T I A L S ) O F T H E I T E S O , ADVICE FOR ENTREPRENEURS. JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 20 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 21 Internships In consideration of the research works and realization of projects that entail the improvement of services and products offered by microentrepreneurs, students of different universities have been able to carry out their internships and apply their proposals in real scenarios. Tequila aT 1000% In collaboration with the Tec de Monterrey, a workshop was carried out aimed at 80 youths of junior high and high schools, that stand out for their leadership skills. During three intensive days, youths worked in the proposal of attractive business prototypes, which were presented before a jury that selected the best projects to give them continuity in the “I undertake” diploma course. “I undertake” diploma course This diploma course was delivered at the Tec de Monterrey, Campus Guadalajara. Assistants had the tools to make their ideas become a reality, placing emphasis on discipline, the search for excellence, innovation and generating value; using a model that integrates their expectations with their personal life and the environment. The objective is for these youths to become agents of change, by acquiring from this formative stage a vision that broadens their capacity to undertake actions, reflect and make decisions. Since the commitment to social and business development of the Jose Cuervo Foundation permeated positively in the selected people of Tequila, the Foundation and the Tec de Monterrey committed to give continuity to this project through support, orientation and constant counseling. C L O S I N G C E R E M O N Y O F T H E “ I U N D E R TA K E ” D I P L O M A C O U R S E AT T H E T E C D E M O N T E R R E Y. JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 23 P R O E M P L O Y M E N T F O U N D AT I O N . ITESO 5 MICRO ENTREPRENEURS GASTRONOMIC ROUTE 27 TENANTS RETURN TO THE MARKET “CLEOFAS MOTA” AND “FRANCISCO SAUZA” TEC DE MONTERREY TEC IN TEQUILA CUVALLES 30 20 200 8 YOUTHS I UNDERTAKE DIPLOMA COURSE 320 TRAINING HOURS MICRO ENTREPRENEURS BREAD ROUTE 120 TRAINING HOURS LEADERS WORKSHOP “TEQUILA AT 1000%” BAKERIES BREAD ROUTE 120 21 PERSONS PROJECT FOR THE INCLUSION OF PENSIONED WORKERS OF AGAVE 269 DIAGNOSTIC SURVEYS FOR TRAINING NEEDS PARTICIPATIONS ARTISANS WORKSHOP FOR THE FORMATION OF A MARKETING COOPERATIVE 44 ENTREPRENEURS AND MICROENTREPRENEURS FOUNDATIONS PRO EMPLOYMENT AND WALMART 120 TRAINING HOURS 100 S T R AT E G I C L I N E O F E N T R E P R E N E U R S H I P PERSONS BEST PRACTICES ENCOUNTER VISITS 11 PERSONS SENSITIZATION JOURNEY TO WINE ROUTE 14 PERSONS SENSITIZATION JOURNEY TO SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE “ T E Q U I L A AT 1 0 0 0 % ” W O R K S H O P . Graduates “I Undertake” diploma course: 1 Tequila Hostel 2 Agave handicrafts 3 Agave delights 4 Agave creative confectionery 5 Cultural Xperience 6 My Magic Travel 7 Flor Agave (Agave Flower) 8 La Cocina de Lorena (Lorena’s Kitchen) 9 Nena CAB 10 El Viajero Feliz (The Happy Traveler) 11 Bordando Tequila (Embroidering Tequila) 12 Infontt 13 Fibraz Papel de Agave (Agave Paper) 14 Tequila no sólo es tequila (Tequila is not just tequila) 15 Hotel La Villa 16 Monik Banquetes 17 Fonda Mexicana (Mexican Tavern) 18 Antojitos Mexicanos Nena (Nena Mexican Snacks) 19 Vivir Tequila (Living Tequila) 20 El jabón de agave (Agave soap) 21 TekPak carrier JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 “Undertake” program and business accelerator Through the Pro Employment Foundation and with support of the Walmart Foundation, scholarships were granted to mircroentrepreneurs to train them how to structure a business plan and make their projects profitable in short term. Pro Employment graduates: 1 Avocado producers 2 Producer of agave marmalade 3 Vegetarian tavern 4 Confectionery 5 Cheese producers 6 Uniform factory 7 Maguito Tavern 8 Nena Tavern 9 Dental consulting 10 Leasing of event venues and furniture 11 Barrel furniture factory 12 Cheese and livestock production | 25 13 Seed sprouts 14 Agave fiber craftwork 15 Aquaculture restaurant 16 Organic chicken 17 Confectionery on request 18 Birriería Mariscal (Mariscal Roast Lamb) 19 Preserves and foods 20 Cereals and pastures 21 Office of construction and design E L O L V I D O C O O P E R AT I V E . ENTREPRENEURS OF THE TEQUILA ROUTE. GASTRONOMIC ROUTE, LONCHES LORENA. DIAGNOSTICS FOR THE BREAD ROUTE. Consulting for microenterprises The Foundation continuously gives out advice on patent and brand registry, packaging and product design, marketing techniques and recommendations on points of sale. The visit to a route of successful taverns in Guadalajara by of owners of taverns in Tequila was outstanding. El Olvido Cooperative The Foundation supports this successful cooperative of microcredits that works with rural communities with consulting, resource acquisition and project development. This cooperative is self-sufficient thanks to the organizational skills of the community. erated for new entrepreneurs to invest in this project according to their interests: tourist infrastructure, adjustments, expansion, improvement of kitchen establishments, new transportations, furniture, among others. Through a successful and efficient promotion, the knowledge of the Tequila Route is extending further and further out, creating impact and results that benefit directly each of the municipalities, companies and families involved. Likewise, other routes and strategies are being structured to add value to strategic producers, establishment and shops. pamphlet is being planned to allow tourist to taste typical food from the best traditional dishes in Tequila. Agave Artisans Cooperative The Foundation carried out a decisive role in the construction of this cooperative, through a workshop in which the operating rules were made, the products derived from agave and their markets were redefined, and the link with the Instituto de Artesanía Jalisciense (Craftwork Institute of Jalisco) was established. The establishment of a fair trade shop was also promoted, as well as the participation in expositions and bazaars, and they were offered training, management, logistics and allowances. It is worth mentioning that some artisans participated in the “I undertake” diploma course. Tequila Route The Tequila Route was created in 2006 to contribute to the economic and social development, to promote public and private investment, generate employment, protect and conserve natural and cultural heritage, as well as promote artistic manifestations and thus strengthen the local history and identity. With the support of the Tequila Regulatory Council, the Jose Cuervo Foundation and the Multilateral Fund of Investments of the Interamerican Bank, one of its main objectives was achieved: to be a detonator of tourist activity in the region. Another of the great achievements of the Tequila Route is the trust that has been gen- JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 26 Gastronomic Route Several teams of students of diverse degrees at the ITESO carried out a mapping of the gastronomical family establishments with more than three generations and that are iconic in Tequila. As a result, corporate images and operation manuals of six restaurants were developed, with marketing recommendations regarding tourism. In order to give further impulse for these businesses, the publishing of an information JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 27 “Flavors and knowledge of my land” contest In order to revalue Tequila cuisine, the Foundation organized a calling of typical dishes elaborated with family recipes. The results were very satisfactory which is why there is a plan of organizing a network of women that offer gastronomical services and thus allow them to become part of the productive chain facing tourism. Bread Route In order to recover popular traditions and insert them at present, favoring local businesses and turning them into sources of income and touristic appeal, the Foundation has made the diagnosis and mapping to structure the Bread Route, which was presented to tourist operators in Tequila to establish its viability. Other routes that want to be implemented are the Cheese Route and the Barrel Rout, as well as guided visits to the Agave Paper Factory. 855 PERSONS BENEFITED 74 Back to the market With this project, the intention is to reactivate the two local markets so they go back to being the heart of the community. Students of the NEW ENTREPRENEURS 69 MICRO ENTREPRENEURS SUPPORTED WITH COUNSELING AND TRAINING gathered in multidisciplinary teams, carried out a mapping of tenants and street vendors, as well as a diagnosis of the needs and a proposal of renovation of the stores. In a near future, the development of a plan for architectonic conservation will be managed jointly with the Town Hall and the strategic alliances needed for its execution will be evaluated. ITESO 575 HOURS OF TRAINING 64 STUDENTS DID INTERNSHIPS IN SOCIAL PROJECTS FOR THE FOUNDATION 395,000 PESOS SAVED IN PROJECTS AND COUNSELING, THANKS TO THE SUPPORT OF SEVERAL INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION M E M B E R O F T H E C O O P E R AT I V E , A G AV E A R T I S A N S . JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 28 G R A D U AT E S O F T H E P R O G R A M “ U N D E R TA K E ” , P R O E M P L O Y M E N T F O U N D AT I O N . JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 29 STRATEGIC LINE OCIAL According to the ISO 26000 norm and adhering to the chapter on the promotion of respect of human rights, the Jose Cuervo Foundation seeks to impact positively in the social sphere by promoting actions oriented to strengthening the family nucleus, with an accent in women empowerment and the importance of the place she takes up in the family, the community and productive life. The Foundation offers support and information through its liaison offices, to prevent such risk situations to which the most vulnerable community is faced, such as abuse, domestic violence and femicide; teenagers that for whatever reason are facing pregnancy are supported and free counseling is offered legally, psychologically, through workshops and preventive talks. Simultaneously, it promotes the preservation of the family, communication between parents and children, collaborative work, equity, and changes of habits and values. The main objective of the Foundation is to create a compromised community, that supports the most vulnerable population, working hand in hand with non-governmental organizations that are transparent, and developing self-sustaining guidelines and procedures. “ S P O N S O R A G R A N D PA R E N T ” P R O G R A M . JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 30 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 INFORME FUNDACIÓN JOSE CUERVO | 31 E V E N T O F C H I L D R E N ’ S D AY . O P E N I N G O F T H E V I FA C L I A I S O N O F F I C E . A N S PA C V O L U N T E E R S . SEBASTIÁN ZABALA GARABITO, BL ACKSMITH AND MAKER OF DIBBLING STICKS. Domestic Violence Care Unit (UAVI, for its spanish initials) In 2015 an agreement was made with the DIF in Jalisco to promote the opening of a UAVI office in the facilities of the Jose Cuervo Foundation. This office provides integral services of professional care and specializes in persons that have experienced domestic violence. It aims to curb violence and offer institutional support with alternatives and strategies to solve them. Diverse cases of physical, psychological, economical and sexual violence were detected and cared for. Additionally, through prevention workshops and personal attention, both legal and psychological support was granted to 164 persons. human formation and education on providing care for their children. fruits and an opportunity for personal growth for members of the families of the region. Liaison office with National Association Pro Personal Growth, A.C. (ANSPAC, for Its Forum Against Violence Doctor Carlota Tello, director of Tejiendo Redes A.C. (Weaving Networks) delivered a lecture before a thousand parents with the purpose of raising awareness about the situation of violence lived by Tequila families. They were encouraged to report on time any act and to not put the lives of women and children in danger. ual education of their children, and youths, so they learn how to respect their body, enjoy their youth and sexuality in a gradual and safe manner. Liaison office with Life and Family, A.C. (VIFAC, for its spanish initials) This office, opened in 2015, trains and tends to teenage women in vulnerable state during pregnancy. It channels and attracts women that could be benefited, offering options on lodging, food, medical and psychological care, Spanish Initials) This program of human formation oriented to women has been consolidated through time. Currently, it covers an important number of neighborhoods in the communities of Tequila, where 600 women receive talks about diverse subjects, share experiences and with that generate tools to empower themselves and to know how to face diverse situations. Each of the coordinators trains other interested women, thus having a cascading formation, a successful model of growth and aid for the integration of their families. Psychological counseling for families The Foundation provides an important support in psychological terms, with specialized personnel who tend to and give therapeutic monitoring to every person that approaches and so requires. This effort has born important JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 32 “Know How to Love” Lecture Through the VIFAC office, teacher Judith Turriaga, specialist on sexual education and family relationships, was invited to give a lecture called “Know How to Love” for 1,200 parents. She highlighted the importance of accompanying their children in their education and the consequences that their absence can have, mainly in the emotional life and sexual sphere, two fundamental aspects for the integral development and wellbeing of any person. This lecture has the purpose of providing tools for parents regarding the emotional-sexJOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 33 Talks in the Integral Center for Regional Justice (CEINJURE, for its Spanish initials) Five talks focused on human formation and violence prevention were provided in order for those people who are in a process because of some misdemeanor, are afterwards reintegrated to society with a more positive vision and that they carry out better life practices. Workshop “Growing Together” Thirty couples of Tequila and La Laja came to this workshop where they got subjects and tools to help them solve their conflicts as a couple, to have a more effective communication and renew marriage vows. Golden years The Foundation supports integrally Tequila’s nursing home within its programs for the elderly and each year there is a homage to the golden years, which is an acknowledgement for people who have committed their lives to their work and their community. On september 3rd of this year, within the framework of this event, Don Sebastian Zavala Garabito of 76 years of age was homaged by the Jose Cuervo Foundation because of the legacy and transcendence that he has had over all of the jimadors and farmers in the municipality and Magical Town of Tequila for the manufacturing of his dibbling sticks. Sponsor a child This year, workers of Jose Cuervo along with the Foundation and Human Resources carried out the Cuervoton, where toys, clothing and shoes were collected to support the community of El Reparo, the shelter for children with HIV and the shelter 100 Corazones Niños con Cáncer (100 Hearts Children with Cancer). Children wrote their letters to baby Jesus and the workers of Jose Cuervo fulfilled their dreams. PAIPID Sponsor a grandparent Thanks to the support of Jose Cuervo’s suppliers, hope and a little bit of joy was brought at Christmas to the more than 20 grandparents who live in the nursing home of the community of Tequila; elderly people who have no family or have been forgotten by them. 3,445 Donations The Foundation gives donations to the most vulnerable community in terms of health issues, women, children and elderly people, who need support. • In 2015 support was given to 8 childcare facilities and for working mothers in Tequila. PERSONS BENEFITED 1 MILLION 142,000 PESOS • The physical rehabilitation center Prodislap was benefited with drugs, devices and maintenance to the public healthcare center of Tequila. • Diverse donations to solve health problems of people who required emergency medical care, payment of medical fees, clinical tests, surgeries, prosthetics, among others. • Economic support and institutional strengthening of the nursing home of Tequila. FOR INSTITUTIONS AND VULNERABLE POPULATION OF TEQUILA 94,450 PESOS COLLECTED IN KIND BY EMPLOYEES AND INSTITUTIONS FOR SUPPORTING THE POPULATION OF TEQUILA 3 LIAISON OFFICES: VIFAC, UAVI AND ANSPAC Volunteering Volunteering contributes substantially in projects that are carried out by the Foundation, provides new ideas and a different perspective on the work carried out daily. In this regard, the work of the ladies in ANSPAC is essential, as well as the social service scheme that is made with the Regional High School of Tequila, the University of Guadalajara, the Center of Agricultural Technological High School, the Superior Technological Institute of Tequila and the Regional University of Tequila. “SPONSOR A CHILD” PROGRAM. JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 34 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 35 18 PARTICIPANTS FLAVORS AND KNOWLEDGE OF MY LAND CONTEST 164 PERSONS BENEFITTED 300 THROUGH THE UAVI PERSONS BENEFITTED HEALTH CLINIC 600 WOMEN ASSOCIATED ANSPAC 83 DONATIONS 1,000 INTERNSHIPS TALKS ON SOCIAL REINTEGRATION DELIVERED BY THE UAVI IN THE INTEGRAL CENTER OF REGIONAL JUSTICE OF TEQUILA ASSISTANTS TO POPULATION IN GENERAL TO THE “GOLDEN YEARS” EVENT 19 198 YOUTHS “LIVING MY SEXUALITY” WORKSHOP VIFAC OFFICE ELDERLY ADULTS 10 COUPLES INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING AND ECONOMIC SUPPORT TO THE NURSING HOME 59 CHILDREN’S CHILDREN DAY 130 CHILDREN “SPONSOR A CHILD” EL REPARO COMMUNITY HOMAGE TO THE “GOLDEN YEARS”. 8 DAYCARE CENTERS S O C I A L S T R AT E G I C L I N E JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 36 47 INTERNOS “GROWING TOGETHER” WORKSHOP UAVI OFFICE STRATEGIC LINE ULTURE Culture is as important as education, it provides the development of attitudes and values and allows for broadening of horizons and possibilities of individuals and their community. Culture provides a sense of belonging, of identity and links the members of a community with their history and traditions. Language, food, music, art are ways in which our cultural heritage is expressed, which we must appreciate and preserve transmitting knowledge of previous generations to future generations. Culture is an invisible bond that binds people along with education, it is the epicenter of social transformation. Thus, the Jose Cuervo Foundation calls to work collectively to develop a better life for all and seeks to develop and implement the integral business model of the Cultural Center, establishing objectives and implementing the bases of operation and project startup. Music Academy and Festival in Tequila In 2015, the Cultural Festival of Tequila was renovated and changed its structure to achieve a more complete and coordinated festival along with the Music School. In this occasion, an academy for master classes was created with important musicians of international prestige, coming from Moscow, the United States, Argentina and Mexico, with which, apart from enriching the trajectory of the Music School, an excellent opportunity was provided to musicians and students to take classes and specialized courses with these important teachers. This project was carried out thanks to the strategic MASTER CLASS, MUSIC ACADEMY A N D F E S T I VA L . JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 38 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 39 V L A D A VA S S I L I E VA , C AT H E D R AT I C AT T H E U N I V E R S I T Y O F C O L I M A . alliance with the National Music Conservatory of the INBA (National Institute of Fine Arts) and the Music School of the University of Colima. The Music Academy and Festival was held from the 21st to the 29th of august, 2015. Apart from workshops and master classes, the opportunity to enjoy several free concerts in the town plaza was provided, as well as gala concerts in the Jose Cuervo Forum, with world class stagings such as the opera “The Elixir of Love” by Gaetano Donizetti, and a Mexican Music Gala with a selection of the most beautiful songs from great composers like Agustín Lara, María Grever, Consuelito Velázquez, José Alfredo Jiménez, among others. Music School The school offers guitar and flute lessons, as well as other instruments and music theory to children of diverse surrounding municipalities, and it works as a talent hotbed and agent of change to rescue traditions and build a more harmonious social coexistence. Foundation Choir The Foundation Choir is ever more consolidated and has become the tip of a spear for the talent of the people of Tequila to be projected towards other audiences and artistic venues, in such a way that generates opportunities for professional growth and employment opportunities. Introduction to art A project is being developed with the support of Conaculta for the community of Tequila to have access to diverse art disciplines, apart from music, that has been so far the main cultural engine. J O S E C U E R V O F O U N D AT I O N C H O I R . JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 40 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 41 6,000 SPECTATORS PER YEAR 100 STUDENTS MUSIC ACADEMY AND FESTIVAL 8 MUSIC ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL TEACHERS AND FESTIVAL IN TEQUILA 60 STUDENTS MUSIC SCHOOL 80 STUDENTS JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION CHOIR “WE HAVE BEEN ATTENDING FREE CONCERTS WHERE THE GREATEST MUSICIANS OF THE WORLD, THE MOST ADVANCED STUDENTS OF THE WORLD PLAY. WHEN OUR STUDENTS ARE WATCHING, THEY ARE SHARING EXPERIENCES WITH THEM IN THEIR CLASSES, NOT ONLY ARE THEY MOTIVATED BUT THEY ALSO REALIZE THAT THEY CAN DO IT TOO. IT ELEVATES THE QUALITY OF STUDY AND GENERATES ARTISTIC ACTIVITY FOR THE COMMUNITY.” C U LT U R E S T R AT E G I C L I N E JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 43 D AV I D R O D R Í G U E Z D E L A P E Ñ A D I R E C T O R O F T H E N AT I O N A L C O N S E R VAT O R Y O F M E X I C O Thanks to diverse cultural alliances with the University of Colima, the National Conservatory, the Conservatory of Moscow and Saint Petersburg, the Music Academy and Festival in Tequila in its 2015 version had workshops for musical specialization in violin, viola, cello, piano and singing. Apart from carrying out daily concerts from academy students and teachers and its already traditional galas in the Jose Cuervo Forum. These workshops allowed young students of the Music School to receive instruction and advice from the greatest musicians in the world in an event that raises the quality of study and generates a very special bonding process among students, musicians and audience. The Music Academy and Festival in Tequila is an initiative by the Jose Cuervo Foundation that acknowledges the great importance of artistic training and dissemination among youths; they are talent generating activities and of community development for the people of the town of Tequila. LUSIVE COMMUNITY C N I DE VE E NG LTI N PME LO T 36 00 INT E R E ST G RO TRANSFO KNOWLE DG SU S UP S M ES | 44 CO N JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 LUNTEERING KETING MAR DO C O M M U N I C AT I O N M O D E L | VO EN In adherence to international standards of social responsibility and sustainability, the Jose Cuervo Foundation makes an important effort to carry out a permanent communication strategy in the community of Tequila and La Laja. Using the most efficient dialog tools it promptly responds to expectations and needs that are posed by all interest groups: board, donors, children, youths, parents, microentrepreneurs, municipal authorities, school headmasters and teachers, neighbors, volunteers, workers of Jose Cuervo and its subsidiaries, among others. Along with this labor, the Foundation seeks to have a greater impact and reach to transmit the values, objectives and visions of the Beckmann family for Tequila. All of this has been achieved through the application of diagnosis of needs, dialog organization with interest groups of the localities where Jose Cuervo establishes its development initiatives and the use of diverse communication tools such as the bulletins, magazine, annual report, inserts in the press and social networks. These efforts allow for the information that is generated, as well as the actions carried out by the Foundation, to reach all of our interest groups. C LM ITORIA ARKETING R R TE NY PA OM COMMUNICATION R MA TIO N STRATEGIC SUPPORT STRATEGIC SUPPORT TRAINING In order to have a better performance and to be more prepared to provide real and continuous support to the community, the Foundation carries out a training strategy, both internally and externally, thus generating better programs, more alliances, greater tools and above all, more professional people who are confident about their talents and opportunities. In 2015, familiarization trips were made to successful tourist destinations, such as the Wine Route in Ensenada and the city of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, where experiences exchanges were made to get to know other development models run by the Foundation of the Autonomous University of Baja California and the project of the CASA Foundation, respectively. STRATEGIC SUPPORT TERRITORIAL Marketing The Jose Cuervo Foundation keeps strengthening the tourist destination of Tequila through its different programs, working with different actors of the community and the public and private institutions to sensitize about Tequila having all of the credentials and it being competitive before the best destinations of the world: Napa Valley, Cognac, La Rioja. That is why its objective is to transmit the importance of tourism as a tool to generate employment, attract economic spillover and that its populations see in this a great opportunity to raise its quality of life. JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 46 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 47 CHAIRWOMAN STRATEGIC SUPPORT SELF-MANAGEMENT ISO 26000 Within the framework of the Social Responsibility that has been promoted for 9 years by Jose Cuervo within the company, through the emblem of Socially Responsible Company granted by the CEMEFI, the Jose Cuervo Foundation incorporated in its management model the principles reflected in the ISO 26000 Norm to direct all of its actions in a work system that guarantees its daily application: JOSE CUERVO DIRECTOR VOLUNTEERING 1. Accountability. 2.Transparency. 3. Ethic behavior. 4. Respect for the interests of interested parties. 5. Respect for the principle of legality. 6. Respect for the international behavior regulations. 7. Respect for human rights. DIRECTOR OF THE JB GROUP COMMITMENT OF ALL COMMUNITY In a complementary fashion, the Foundation works in the certification of other international norms and standards of quality assurance and good governance of the organization. 9 CONSECUTIVE YEARS JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 BOARD ENTREPRENEURS INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS C O R P O R AT E G O V E R N A N C E | 48 CUERVO WORLD PERSONNEL How can you help? Volunteering Citizens committed to Mexico or other countries, who donate at least one hour a week of work personally or online. Internships Youths in the final semesters of their college degrees, who donate time and talent to social causes of the Foundation in Tequila and La Laja. Social services Junior high and high school students that wish to carry out their social services in some of the programs that the Foundation operates. Summer volunteering Professional service with a duration of 2 to 4 weeks with an average of 30 hours a week, in a community or institution in Tequila, where volunteers from different nationalities participate in any of our 4 strategic lines. Solidarity shopping in fair trade shops Through the Agave Artisans Cooperative, different products made by artisans of Tequila are offered, made with agave raw materials or reusing organic residue from the production of tequila. With this purchase you favor families in Tequila. Donors of financial resources and/or in kind: Institution: Fundación Jose Cuervo, A.C. Bank: Banamex Account number: 750 218732 Interbank CLABE: 002180075002187324 More information: fundacion@cuervo.com.mx JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 BUSINESS THAT TRANSCENDS In 2015, Don Juan Francisco Beckmann Vidal received the award granted by the Tec de Monterrey to alumni with more than 25 years after graduating that remain committed to the institution and society. The rector of this university, David Noel Ramirez, referred to Don Juan Beckman as a man that bears testimony of the mission of the Tec and highlighted the importance that the future of his work has to do, reflected in successful alumni. This award was given to Don Juan Beckman for his leadership before Casa Cuervo, for his professional excellence and his social commitment. But additionally, for being a working man, for his continuous labor to bring the name of Mexico up high, as well as for his efforts to provide wellness to the people around him. It is worth mentioning that the Jose Cuervo Foundation has contributed to improving the quality of life of over 60 thousand people that live in the communities surrounding the tequila headquarters. Don Juan Beckmann referred to this award as an honor and a matter of great satisfaction; he received it on behalf of his parents, being grateful for having carried out his high school, graduate and masters studies in this university. Source: IntermediaMexico | 50 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 51 DON JUAN BECKMANN RECEIVES F R O M D AV I D N O E L R A M Í R E Z T H E AWA R D . Our BOARD The board of the Jose Cuervo Foundation is comprised of prominent personalities committed to social development and support for the most disadvantaged people of the community of Tequila and La Laja, and contribute to the fulfillment of the purposes and objectives of this Foundation: • Doris L. de Beckmann / Chairwoman • Tere Bailleres / Advisor • Lorenza Dipp / Advisor • Cecilia Elizondo / Advisor • Marie-Therèse Hermand de Arango / Advisor • Mónica Legorreta / Advisor • Lupita Phillips / Advisor • Pepita Serrano / Advisor • Marinela Servitje / Advisor The team of the Foundation, through its chairwoman, Mrs. Doris L. de Beckmann, along with its workers, physicians, psychologists, lawyers, volunteers and of course its board, works day by day to crystallize the hopes and aspirations of all of the population, by consolidating Tequila’s vocation as a tourist destination of excellence. JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 52 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 53 The future today: 2016 The mission of the Jose Cuervo Foundation for this year is to integrate the community to the consolidation of Tequila as a tourist destination, offering them training, education, entrepreneurship and cultural opportunities, in order for tourist activity to become a platform that serves to improve their quality of life. To carry out this mission, the Foundation will follow a Sustainable Community Development Model, that is to say, an integral process that demands commitment and responsibilities from the different actors of society in economic, political, environmental and social matters. The Jose Cuervo Foundation encourages education as the main engine for social and economic development; and as a tool for youths of Tequila to continue to capitalize opportunities and strategic social investments that are carried out for the development of the region and become agents of change. Tourism is an opportunity for economic wellness for everyone. To consolidate and ac- celerate business models in alternative tourist routes and generate employments, it is necessary to offer support and trust to microentrepreneurs and new entrepreneurs; which is why the Foundation will work in the creation of programs that drive professionalization and certification of trades. The Foundation will adopt an integral system of self-management to continue to be a transparent, trustable institution that provides efficient and quality service to the community and actors involved around the tequila industry, and will consolidate its guidelines and procedures through certifications of continuous improvement. Likewise, it will form a community committed to support the most vulnerable population, jointly with non-governmental organizations with transparent and self-sustaining objectives and strategies. Similarly, it will develop and implement an integral business model for the cultural center, and thus granting this project solid bases of operation. Additionally, the Foundation will carry out a communication plan to disseminate clear, concise and assertive information about the development opportunities, personal, economical and educational, that it offers in order to achieve greater impacts and transmit the values, objectives and vision of the Beckmann family. THAT THE JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION BE A TRANSPARENT AND TRUSTABLE INSTITUTION FOR THE COMMUNITY OF TEQUILA 2016 KEY MODEL SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MODEL BOARD, DONORS, CHILDREN, YOUTHS, PARENTS, MICROENTREPRENEURS, ARTISANS, MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES, SCHOOL HEADMASTERS AND TEACHERS, NEIGHBORS, VOLUNTEERS, VULNERABLE COMMUNITY AND JOSE CUERVO WORKERS. EXECUTIVE BOARD GOVERNANCE ISO 26000 ISO 9001 CERTIFICATIONS FUNDRAISING FOR PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS PROCUREMENT OF PUBLIC AND/OR PRIVATE FUNDS STRATEGIC ALLIANCES WITH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONS COMMUNICATION AND TERRITORIAL MARKETING BEFORE THE DESTINATION OF TEQUILA S T R AT E G I C P Y R A M I D J O S E C U E R V O F O U N D AT I O N JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 54 JOSE CUERVO FOUNDATION REPORT 2015 | 55 INTEREST GROUPS STRATEGIC IMPERATIVES GROWTH GENERATORS