Fully functioning laboratory capacities - M


Fully functioning laboratory capacities - M
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation
Potential of M-ITI through Human-Computer Interaction and
Design Innovation
D4.1: Fully Functioning laboratory capacities
Deliverable No: D4.1
Contractual Date of Delivery: 31/01/2016 (M21)
Actual Date of Delivery: 01/02/2016
Title of the Deliverable: Fully Functioning laboratory capacities
Corresponding Work-package: WP4
Relevant Task: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
Dissemination Level: PP
Partner Responsible: M-ITI
Authors: Chris Csikszentmihályi (csik@m-iti.org), José Freitas (jose.l.freitas@m-iti.org), Catia
Jardim (catia.jardim@m-iti.org)
Reviewers: Nuno Nunes (njn@uma.pt)
Project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme
for Research and Technological Development. Funding Scheme: Coordination and
Support Action. Call: FP7 – ERAChairs-Pilot-Call-2013
Grant Agreement nº: 621413
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
1. General Description of the Lab / Shop & Objectives.............................................................. 2 2. Achievements so far .............................................................................................................. 4 3. Partnerships ......................................................................................................................... 13 4. Goals for the future .............................................................................................................. 14 5. Hurdles................................................................................................................................. 14 6. Equipment ............................................................................................................................ 15 7. Events .................................................................................................................................. 25 7.1 ERA Chair public Kick -off ................................................................................................. 25 7.2 Visit of the President of the Portuguese Republic ............................................................. 27 7.3 Visit of the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos
Moedas ................................................................................................................................... 28 8. Annex I – The European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos
Moedas to M-ITI .......................................................................................................................... 31 1. General Description of the Lab / Shop & Objectives
WP4, D4.1:
“This deliverable focuses on offering the ERA Chair and the M-ITI research team the
opportunity to enhance the existing research labs with new equipment for world class HCI and
design innovation research. This equipment will be used to develop test beds that can be used
not only by M-ITI members but also by European Institutions and local industry. These test beds
will play a key role in raising the visibility of the research teams and increasing their
competitiveness in the Horizon 2020 programme. This work package will address the current
lack of in-house and large-scale deployments and help further to aggregate and retain the
critical mass. The development of M-ITI’s living lab infrastructure is a key action of LEAPFROG
to support the further development of M-ITI’s research capacities under the strategic direction of
the ERA Chair holder in the key identified application areas. The acquisition of state-of-the-art
equipment will make M-ITI more competitive and a convenient partner due to the uniqueness of
our infrastructure. “
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
M-ITI’s background is primarily as an HCI / Computer Science institute. While some of its
outputs took the form of installations and physical demonstrations, the culture has not revolved
around physicality or embodiment. Because the H in HCI stands for humans, and humans have
bodies, HCI often does (and always should) have a physical component. M-ITI has not been
well situated to pursue this. While it had a few tools, researchers have not had access to a
shop or fabrication facilities. Most premier HCI programs (CMU, MIT, UC Irvine) are based in
University environments where HCI researchers have been influenced by, and able to draw
upon, the knowledge and resources of other departments like Art, Design, Physics, Material
Science, etc. Many initial HCI prototypes were developed in conjunction with these other
centers. MITI has no similar proximal facilities.
Another point to note is that Madeira is extremely physically remote. Its distance has many
implications for supply chains; common materials and supplies for research that might be found
elsewhere -- or speedily delivered -- are not locally available, and may take weeks to arrive.
One faculty member who recently left the institute cited his frustration that “You can’t get
anything in under two weeks!” Iteration and spontaneity in research are less likely to occur.
For these reasons, the ERA Chairholder put a strong emphasis on building basic fabrication
facilities. This is a prerequisite to the work of the ERA Chair team, but also a strong and lasting
contribution to the institute as a whole. We call the facilities a Lab / Shop, because it must allow
for research of the ERA team, but also leapfrog the institute as a whole. The emphasis is on
manual, traditional tools (metal working, wood working, electronics fabrication, casting and
laminates) and industrial-quality CNC tools. We have to some degree eschewed the more
recent tools of the “maker movement.” By focusing somewhat upstream of where many
institutes settle (3d printers, laser cutters) the hope is that M-ITI will be able to derive lighter and
more recent tools by simply making them. As importantly, by not concentrating only on the most
state-of-the-art tools, we can draw on a richer history of invention and manufacture, which ties in
well with our approach of Critical Technical Practice.
In addition to renovating the shop spaces, specifying and acquiring the tools, we have also hired
two staff who largely work to maintain and improve the shop. One postdoc is a PhD in
mechanical engineering with an emphasis on systems engineering and microfluidics. Another
staff researcher is an MS in electrical engineering. These staff is actively engaged in research,
but also in teaching and training, and working to define shop policies and culture that prioritize
research but include pedagogical activities. The new facilities have dramatically increased M-
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
ITIs power, are hubs of activity, and are constantly growing.
2. Achievements so far
Projects are being carried out in the Lab, making maximum use of its increasing capacity over
the last few months.
In particular the lab has supported the development of ProBot, a social activism autonomous
robot that can be used for demonstrations and protests. It operates on its own, can be operated
remotely, and has a low speaker connected to sound system.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 1 - ProBot- a social activism autonomous robot
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Another key project enabled by the lab is RootIO (roots radio), a loosely-integrated, contentagnostic “solution stack” for peer-oriented radio networks. The project aims to mix communities,
telephony, networking, and radio to create new models of community information. RootIO
crosses the best parts of community radio, broadcast networks, and peer production into a
vertically integrated platform, gluing together existing technologies and creating new ones
where necessary. RootIO grew out of the recognition that despite the wonders of mobile
telephony and the Internet, radio is still a vibrant medium, and in many places it is where most
people get the bulk of their information. It doesn’t require literacy, a personal device, or much
power, it is transmitted free of charge, and it comes built in to many of the phones used around
the world. But radio is a broadcast medium, and has yet to benefit from contemporary
advances in peer networks and production. The radio prototype has been developed in the lab.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 2 - Rootio - peer -oriented radio networks solution
Supply chain data analysis
The image below shows the beginning of a project involving supplies chain targeting Madeira.
Where complete can help us improve points in Madeira. The red and orange icons are the
colors of some Madeira companies (Grupo Girao and Terra Madeira) where the color of their
lines represent the export of goods to other places (like United States and Indonesia). The blue
icons are companies outside Madeira (Italy and United States) have been importing goods to
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 3 - Supply chain data analysis platform
HCI for Energy
The lab has supported the development and integration of a HCI project, for EEM, the regional
energy utility company.
Deployed in a 7’’ android tablet:
Feedback on household consumption
Real time electricity consumption information
Historical consumption aggregated by day, week and month
Feedback on island electricity production
Household consumption disaggregated based on its origin (e.g. wind, thermal, solar)
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 4 - HCI for energy project
A multimedia display, where you can see the different Power sources (thermal, hydro, solar,
wind) used for the instantaneous power production (coloured tubes).
PRSMA startup
The lab (and via the ERAChair Business Ignition Lab) helped a startup to emerge from the
energy R&D area, PRSMA (www.prsma.pt). PRSMA created a product called Enerspectrum,
and was recently awarded and H2020 SME contract for developing the business plan.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 5 - Prsma company - first startup from ERA Chair Business Ignition Lab
The Enerspectrum box is the first commercial venture of a research team expert in the
development and deployment of eco-feedback systems. The sensing system is capable of
disaggregating home energy consumption using a low-cost and effective non-intrusive
approach. The sensing system is coupled with a middleware web system that supports novel
eco-feedback strategies that are meaningful and compelling for families and households.
Health & aging well
Several projects in the area of Health & aging well have been using the lab facilities to develop
and integrate components. One example is the work performed on neurorehabilitation, where
Augmented Reality systems are helping to rehabilited people who suffered strokes.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 6 - Demonstration of Health & aging well projects
Entertainment - Gaming
December 16th Madeira-ITI hosted the Playtest session, the lab a big part in the setup of the
event. Students from different programs (Master of Engineering Informatics, Bachelor in
Interactive and PhD in Engineering Informatics ) had been working together in teams to develop
interactive experiences as well as traditional games.
The general public were welcome to come and experience our games.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 7 - Entertainment and gaming projects developed at M-ITI
Fabrication outreach
M-ITI promoted the fabrication Lab concept and our in house capabilities to the general public, in the
event 'Ciência no Mercado', promoted by ARDITI, under the Week of Science and Technology in
Funchal. Some of the equipment, like the 3D printer, was taken to the Funchal traditional market and
demonstrated to the general audience.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 8 - Demonstration of projects developed on M-ITI’s lab at the local market
3. Partnerships
Partnerships have been developed with EDP power utility (http://www.fablabedp.edp.pt/pt) and
Vitruvius Fab Lab @ ISCTE University in Lisbon. M-ITI had an official visit from DRQP Direcção Regional de Qualificação Profissional, Madeira's main vocacional trainning, and
agreements on support to maintenance activities, and sharing resources, been achieved.
Through our R&D cooperation, M-ITI has also been connected to the University Lisbon Fine
Arts School (FBAUL), and further work is expected in the fabrication context. After a visit to
FabLab Lisboa (Lisbon City Hall FabLab, http://fablablisboa.pt),
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
M-ITI was invited to participate FabLabs National Encounter on January 29 / 31, two lab people
will attend.
The laboratory is already having an effect on regional development; the mayor of Funchal has
partnered with us to develop a major innovation space (over 10 000 m2) with similar
Next steps include a public launch with regional and european guests, and making the
laboratory and current research directions public through enhanced web representation.
4. Goals for the future
As machines come online skills grow within the community, we expect
• a significant increase in the volume of M-ITI’s research output, as we can build more, better,
• a positive change in the status of that research output, allowing it to more successfully
contribute to top-tier venues
• a change in the nature of M-ITI’s research, to better address the humanistic components of
HCI by drawing on the traditions of art, design, and craft
• increased interest from and collaboration with local and international industry
5. Hurdles
One major prior obstacle to research in Madeira has been that its remote location creates
excessive difficulty in obtaining goods and materials. This has impacted the speed and ease
with which we can acquire infrastructure. Even the simplest purchase can take upwards of two
Early on during the configuration of the shops, M-ITI switched its institutional status, meaning
that major purchases had to pass through a public procurement process. This slowed down
acquisitions significantly for a period. The code (CCP- Código de Contratação Pública) has
been thoroughly followed in all necessary purchases.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Cash flow is an ongoing problem for M-ITI; this has also impacted our speed of development.
This month we instituted a major new initiative, a line-of-credit that will hopefully prevent future
such delays.
6. Equipment
Some important tools and systems of the laboratory / shop facilities include:
Machine Center
Portal CNC
Router Machine
Vertical Machining Center;
20" x 16" x 14" (508 x 406 x
356 mm), 40 taper, 15 hp
(11.2 kW) vector drive,
10,000 rpm, 1200 ipm (30.5
m/min) rapids, high-speed
10-station automatic tool
changer, coolant pump, 1
MB program memory, 15"
color LCD monitor, memory
lock keyswitch, USB port,
rigid tapping and work light.
Three-phase power only.
Drive: 3 brushless brand
stepping engines with 4,5
ampere; Possibility of sliding
through long and up to
120mm high materials, no
belt drive at the end of the X
axis! ;Linear guide on the X
and Y axis by HIWIN / THK !
Z-axis diameter 16 mm
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
round-linear guiding, all
smoothened and 61hrc
surface hardened. ;Multiple
ball-bearing ball-screw
spindle on all axes,
proprietary brand! ;Rapid
traverse max. ca. 12.000
mm/min; Operating speed
max. ca. 8.000 mm/min.
7 inch WVGA (800X480)
Active TFT Colour Display
34 automated
measurements; Dual
window FFT, simultaneously
monitors both the time and
frequency domains; Built-in
waveform limit and trend
plot testing; Dual channel
frequency counter; Zoom
Function; Automated,
extended data logging
feature; Autoset and autoranging functions; Built-in
context-sensitive help;
Multiple-language user
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Drill Press
Drilling Cap in steel;32mm
Sleeve travel:120mm
Spindle taper:MT3
Spindle speeds rpm:1502700
No. of speeds: 12
Automatic drilling feed:no
Working range:255mm
Table size: 470 x 420mm
Drilling table swivel:+/-45o
Column diameter:90mm
Motor power
Total height:1750mm
Net weight:120Kg
Hand Grinder
Grinding wheels (Ø x
thickness x bore):8 x 1 x 1
1/4 mm
No-Load Speed: 3570 /min
Rated Input Power: 600 W
Output Power: 360 W
Breakdown Torque: 21 inlbs
Extraction nozzle, internal
Ø: 1 3/8 "
Weight: 36 lbs
Cable Length: 2/7 mm
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Manual Band
Belt & Disc
Versatile bandsaw of GBS
series to cut of small and
medium batch production
either mechanics or light
steelwork up to 45° right and
60° left
Vice with adjustable guides,
free to move alongaide the
worktable with fast clamp.
Wide and pre-cutting
worktable at 0°,45° left/right
60° left with graduated plate
to identify different angles.
Blades guides with hard
metal pad additional bearing
for blade alignment.
Safe push-buttom start on
the handle, warning light for
the correct functioning,
minimum tension coil, for
thermic & magnetic
Belt Size: 152 x 1220mm
Belt Speed: 730m/min
Diameter of Disc: 305mm
Dust Extraction Outlet:
65mm x 2
Model BDS-612: Nett
Weight 61kg
Overall L x W x H: 780 x 420
x 740mm
Power: 0.93kW 230V 1ph
Rating: Trade
Table Size, Belt:305mm x
Table Size, Disc: 400 x
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Input Power: 230 VAC (1
Rated Output:
MIG:180A/35% ID@23.0V
Stick:170A/35% ID@26.8V
TIG:180 A/35% ID@17.2V
Max Open Circuit Voltage
MIG:35 V Stick:65 V TIG:65
Voltage Range (CV mode)
Amperage Range (CC
237 x 365 x 548 mm
16 kg
Triple Process
Capacity: 5l ; External
Height: 380mm; External
Width: 400mm; Operating;
Plug Type: Euro, UK
SVHC: No SVHC (15-Jun2015)
Tank Type: Processing
Voltage Rating: 240VAC
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
UV Exposure
Depth: 102mm
Length: 438mm
Light Source: Plug
Type: Euro, UK
Width: 184mm
Working Area: 159mm x
Degassing Kit
A welded mild steel
chamber measuring 244mm
internal diameter and
300mm high.The chamber
wall thickness is 4mm with
an additional 4 mm
reinforcing band at the top
of the chamber. The
resulting 8 mm thick top
edge is machined to
produce a flat and smooth
seal face resulting in a very
leak tight chamber. The
base is 4 mm thick to
prevent distortion under
vacuum pressure.
Powder coated in gloss light
grey RAL7035.
Side mounted 1/2" BSP
Weight 15kg.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Hand Tools
Miter Saw
Blade Diameter: 10-1/4"
(260mm); Crown nested
capacity: 6 5/8" (168 mm)
Cutting depth 90°/90°: 12" x
3 15/32" (305 x 88 mm);
Dimensions (W x D x H): 28"
x 19 3/4" x 18 1/2" (713 x
500 x 470 mm); Dust port:
(27/36 mm); Left 45°/45° 8
15/32" x 2 1/8" (215 x 55
mm); Left/right 45°/90°8
15/32" x 3 15/32" (215 x 88)
Max. working width (with FS
Guide Rail)
27-9/16" (700
Max. workpiece thickness
(with FS Guide Rail) 31/16" (78 mm)
Table dimensions
9/16" x 30 7/16" (1157 x 773
Weight 62 lbs (28 kg)
Work space 43 3/8" x 28
1/4" (1102 x 718 mm)
Working height [folded
down] 35 7/16" [7 3/32"]
(900 mm [180 mm])
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Circular Saw
Arbor size
.787" (20
Bevel cuts
0º - 45º
Cutting depth on guide rail:
1 15/16" (50 mm) straight
down and 1 7/16" (37 mm)
at 45°
Cutting depth without guide
2 1/8" (55 mm)
straight down
Power consumption 1200
watts / 10 amps 120 v AC
Saw blade diameter 6-1/4"
(160 mm)
Saw blade speed
- 5,200 rpm
Weight 9.92 lbs. (4.5 kg)
Dust extraction connection
36/27 mm
Power consumption:2200 W
Idle engine speed
- 22000 min ¹
Collet dia.
6 - 12.7 mm
Routing stroke 80 mm
Routing depth fine
adjustment range: 20 mm
Max. cutter diameter: 89
Weight 7.8 kg
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Dust extraction connection
dia: 27 mm
Power consumption: 720 W
ROTEX rotary motion
speed: 320 - 660 min ¹
Eccentric motion speed:
3300 - 6800 min ¹
Sanding stroke
5 mm
FastFix sanding pad dia:
150 mm
Weight 2.3 kg
Hand Drill
Battery voltage: 18 V
Gears 4
Idling speed, 1st gear/2nd
gear: 0-400/0-850 min ¹
Idling speed, 3rd/4th gear:
0-1850/0-3800 min ¹
Max. torque, wood/steel:
40/60 Nm
Drilling diameter :
wood/steel) 50/12 mm
Chuck range 1.5 - 13 mm
Li-ion battery capacity 5.2 Ah
Weight with Li-ion
1.8 kg
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Mobile dust
Power consumption 350 1200 W
Max. volume flow
Max. vacuum 24000 Pa
Filter surface area
Rubber-insulated mains
cable 7.5 m
Container/filter bag capacity:
36/34 l
Dimensions (L x W x H): 630
x 365 x 596 mm
Max. appliance socket
connected load: 2400 W
Weight 14.4 kg
Length 1050 mm
Width 362 mm
Height adjustable
545 785 mm
Size of square hole pattern
9.2 x 9.2 mm
Inner hole distance of
square hole pattern 38
Weight 10.2 kg
Table 1 - List of equipments on the ERA Chair Lab
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
7. Events
During the past 12 months when the ERA Chair Lab / Shop was starting to get on track, several
dissemination actions took place at M-ITI. These included visits by the Mayor of Funchal, the
President of the Autonomous Region of Madeira, and the President of the Republic of Portugal.
Each of these events culminated in demonstrations in the Lab / Shop.
Raising visibility on both local/national and international level is of key importance for the
Leapfrog project. We fully acknowledge that the lab provided with state-of-the-art equipment
will serve to unlock our research potential allowing for innovative and novel creative approaches
for our application areas. Therefore, the equipment and the resulting cutting-edge research are
key elements to position strategically M-ITI to be competitive in ERA and beyond the project
scope. On the regional level, is also our intention to create the conditions and help creating the
right mindset for students to integrate lab practices into their current projects and research.
7.1 ERA Chair public Kick -off
On the 10th of October 2015, M-ITI organised a public event to disseminate the ERA Chair
project on a local/regional level.
The ERA Chair public Kick-off provided informative presentations by the ERA Chair team
members about their profiles and backgrounds and launched new ideas on what they expect to
accomplish at M-ITI.
Before the public speaking there was an open visit to M-ITI which included demonstration of
projects, including the ERA chair lab.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 9 - ERA Chair team presenting at the launching event
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
As main guest of the event were the regional Secretary for Education, the Chairman of Funchal,
the Rector of the University of Madeira and several representatives of local companies.
Figure 10 - The regional Secretary for Education and guests of the ERA Chair Kick Off
The ERA Chair Kick-off was covered by several local newspapers and was also featured in the
regional news channel.
Following this link it’s possible to visualize about the ERA chair public presentations at M-ITI:
https://youtu.be/mYUDxMlYrRw .
7.2 Visit of the President of the Portuguese Republic
As part of the 7th Day of the Roadmap for a Dynamic Economy, the President visited in Funchal, the MITI - Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, part of the University of Madeira.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
After a brief presentation by the President of the Institute, President Aníbal Cavaco Silva toured several
rooms where researchers made the statements of their projects.
Figure 11 - The visit of President of the Portuguese Republic to M-ITI on the 17th November 2015
7.3 Visit of the European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation,
Carlos Moedas
The European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, Carlos Moedas is
scheduled to visit M-ITI on February 18th, as part of “Road for Science” journey to Madeira.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
In the agenda, dedicated to the research, science and innovation, the commissioner will
visit Madeira-ITI among other companies and institutes with “recognized value and with high
levels of investment in innovation.”
M-ITI has prepared a visit program that includes demonstration of all projects, many funded by
the European Commission under different frameworks and a special emphasis on the
leapFROG - ERA Chair project led by Christopher Csikszentmihalyi.
Figure 12 – Poster for dissemination of the commissioner visit to Madeira
Attached to this report is the detailed program of “Presentations and Demonstrations” for the
Commissioner’s visit.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Figure 13 – Communication, on the social networks, of the Commissioner visit to M-ITI
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
8. Annex I – The European Commissioner for Research, Science and
Innovation, Carlos Moedas to M-ITI
(in Portuguese)
Visita do Engº Carlos Moedas, Comissário Europeu da Investigação, Ciência e Inovação
no dia 19 de Fevereiro de 2016.
Painel à saída do elevador a personalizar conforme indicado:
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Slides apresentados no corredor sobre o M-ITI.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Por: Professora Valentina Nisi e um investigador
Apresentação do sistema na parede no corridor e interface móvel.
Por: Athanasios Vourvopoulos
Feita no laboratório 7
A PRSMA é a primeira empresa que resulta do novo Business Ignition Lab (BIL) do Madeira-ITI
suportado pelo financiamento do projeto ERAChair. Esta spinoff do Madeira-ITI foi uma das
cinco selecionadas em Portugal para financiamento do programa Horizonte 2020 para
empreendedorismo e inovação (SME Instrument)
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Por: empreendedores Filipe Quintal / Mary Barreto / Lucas Pereira
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Feita no laboratório 7
Introdução do mestrado em HCI, por Professora Valentina Nisi
The Human Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) at Carnegie Mellon University and the
University of Madeira offer a professional Masters dual degree in Human-Computer Interaction
under the CMU/Portugal agreement and with the cooperation of the Information and
Communication Technologies Institute (ICTI).
Pitch de aluno Joel Rodrigues
Pitch de aluna Rachel S. Ng.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Feita na sala de mestrado.
6 – Alunos de Doutoramento do MHCI com a CMU
Visita à sala de doutourandos, conversa com um aluno.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
No Fabrication Lab (FabLab) Laboratório #4
Apresentação da cátedra ERAChair FP7
O Professor Chris Csikszentmihalyi (http://edgyproduct.org) foi selecionado para assumir a
ERAChair com o objetivo de promover a investigação e a inovação na área do Design e
Interação Humano-Computador. Com mais de dez anos de experiência no Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) em Boston, onde liderou o “MIT Center for Future Civic Media” e o
“Media Lab Computing Culture Group”, o Prof. Chris Csikszentmihalyi é um líder mundial na
aplicação de tecnologias em contextos culturais e políticos de escala global.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
A sua ambição é ajudar a criar em Portugal e na Madeira um centro de design e tecnologia
para as mudanças globais, em conjunto com o grupo interdisciplinar de cerca de quarenta
investigadores de mais de doze nacionalidades diferentes que constituem o Madeira-ITI
(http://www.m-iti.org). O contracto ERAChair representa um financiamento de
aproximadamente 2,6 milhões de euros para um período de cinco anos, englobando de uma
equipa de investigadores, de recursos humanos de apoio à equipa, bem como a aquisição de
material de laboratório e equipamento, e deu origem ao Business Ignition Lab (BIL).
Apresentação do projecto rootIO
A key project enabled by the lab is RootIO (roots radio) for Uganda, a loosely-integrated,
content-agnostic “solution stack” for peer-oriented radio networks. The project aims to mix
communities, telephony, networking, and radio to create new models of community information.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
RootIO radio for Uganda
Apresentação do ProBot
The lab has supported the development of ProBot, a social activism autonomous robot, that can
be used for demonstrations and protests. It operates on its own, can be operated remotely, and
has a loud speaker connected to a sound system.
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute
leapFROG – Enhancing the Research and Innovation Potential of M-ITI
through Human-Computer Interaction and Design Innovation
GA: 621413
Por. Professor Christopher Csikszentmihályi e investigadores
Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute