St. Paul`s at Midweek


St. Paul`s at Midweek
St. Paul’s at Midweek
Where Grace happens & All are welcome
Whoever you are, and wherever you find yourself on your journey of
Faith, we welcome you to our inclusive faith community.
The Episcopal
Church Welcomes
2216 17th Street, Bakersfield CA 93301
July 23, 2014
Saint Paul’s
Episcopal Church,
a part of the Anglican
Camino Media, south of CSUB, and east of
the Edwards Theaters. The "Lunch Bunch"
meets the last Sunday of each month.
The Sundays after Pentecost
The Seventh Sunday
July 27, 2014
Proper 12
If you have not yet signed up
for something to bring, call Philip Holt at 4128517. You may bring a main dish, a side dish
or a dessert. Everyone brings their own
beverages (sorry – be creative). Although there
is no swimming pool there will be plenty of
activities for the kids and lots of yard.
Sidewalk chalk, hula hoop, bad mitten and
other fun things will be available. Barbecue is
5 to 8 PM. Please arrive at 5 o'clock for some
social time. Dinner will be served at 6:00.
Philip’s address is: 12702 Eversham Drive,
93311 (at the gate enter 358).
This Sunday at Noon the
BUNCH gathers. You
are invited to join others
Lengthwise Brewery
Lengthwise is near Haggin
Oaks and Camino Media,
north of Ming Ave; off
Holy Eucharist
Summer Activity
Packets are available
for any children who
would like to work with
one during worship.
"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that
someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest
of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest
of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the
air come and make nests in its branches."
This Sunday’s 10am Service:
Celebrant & Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Tim Vivian
Eucharistic Ministers: Martin Brown & Dee
Lectors: Robin Paggi & Randy Schultz
Verger: Philip Holt
Altar Guild: Darren Blackwood & Martin Brown
Crucifer: Angelika Ruelas
Pianist: Jason Sliger
Greeters: Robin Paggi, Desiree Giffard & Becky
Readings for Sunday
1 Kings 3:5-12
Romans 8:26-39
Psalm 119:129-136
Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
In the Communion of Saints and all holy men and
women, we remember the week of July 27:
 Mon, July 28 - Johann Sebastian Bach, 1750, George
Frederick Handel,
1759, and Henry Purcell, 1695, Composers
 Tue, July 29 - Saints Mary, Martha, and Lazarus of Bethany
 Wed, July 30 - William Wilberforce, 1833, and Anthony
Lord Shaftesbury, 1885, Prophetic Witnesses
 Thu, July 31 - Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Priest and Monastic,
 Fri, Aug 1 - Saint Joseph of Arimathaea
 Sat, Aug 2 - Samuel Ferguson, Missionary Bishop for West
Africa, 1916
Diocesan Prayer Cycle - We pray for the work and
ministry of the Diocese of Haiti and, in our Diocese,
the congregation of St Nicholas Episcopal Church,
“Between the Wednesdays”
at Saint Paul’s
Thursday, July 24
9:30am Food Pantry Co-op; Grace Hall Stage
Friday, July 25
5pm Parish Barbecue;
see front page for details
Sunday, July 27
8am Holy Eucharist; the
10am Holy Eucharist with Childcare
11:15am Coffee & Goodies; Grace Hall
Noon LUNCH BUNCH; Lengthwise Brewery &
Pub at the Marketplace (near Haggin Oaks and
Camino Media, north of Ming; off Camino
Media, south of CSUB, and east of Edwards
1-3pm Food Pantry Co-op; Grace Hall Stage
6pm Youth Group (EYF); Youth Room. Dinner
will be provided. Jason and Alison invite you to
come join us for fun and fellowship! Please call
Alison at 432-631-0465 if needed. Looking
forward to seeing everyone there!
Monday, July 28
5pm Stewardship Committee; 12702
Eversham Drive, 93311 (at the gate enter
6:30pm Budget & Finance; 12702 Eversham
Drive, 93311 (at the gate enter 358)
CHURCH OFFICE HOURS . . . Monday-Friday
from 9am to 1pm. The office phone is 661-8691630. Rev. Deb is away from the office beginning
Friday and throughout next week. Tim’s Office
hours this summer are 9-11 on Thursdays.
For further information on all things “St. Paul’s”, go
to our website:
http://www.stpaulsepiscopalbak OR
Coffee and Community
8 a.m. Sunday is Moving —
to Dagny’s!
Beginning Sunday, August 3rd, the
“8 a.m. service” will move to
Dagny’s Coffees (20th and Eye). We will not have
regular worship but will rather have Sunday’s
readings available for discussion and discussion can
go anywhere.
Plan to have breakfast
at St. Paul's the first
Sunday in August,
August 3rd. Breakfast
is served at two times:
8:45 - 9:30 am and
11:30 am - 12:15 pm.
Holy Currencies offers
this pancake breakfast to raise money to
fund new ministries at St Paul's. There is no
charge, but donations are welcomed and
appreciated. Come join us in Grace Hall
every first Sunday of the month. For more
info: Elaine Berg at:
St. Paul's
Jesus was an Episcopalian
(and you can be one too!)
St. Paul’s
If you’re new to St.
Paul’s and/or the
Episcopal Church and
wish to be baptized, confirmed, or received (or have
your child baptized or confirmed) --or want a
refresher course--we will have a class this summer
on Thursday evenings continuing tomorrow
night, July 24 and through August 28th. All
meetings will be in the Forum at St. Paul’s at 7pm.
July 24 Chapters 4 & 5 – Dee
Daughters of the King – Dee
Two of St. Paul's family are on the move –
and need your help!
Miki is Moving and needs our help Saturday!! 
Please consider joining us to send off our Sister in
Christ with lots of love (and a bit of muscle).
Did you hear the sad news Sunday?? Miki Hall lost
her job at KMC through budget cuts.
The good news ..She was offered a job in Santa
Maria at the VA.
She has to move
quickly though!
Because of her
mom's and sister's
health challenges
she needs our help
loading the U-haul
this Saturday
morning (July 26th).
It shouldn’t take
more than a couple
of hours. Coffee and breakfast pastries will be
Please arrive at 9:30 am (or a bit before for some
coffee). We plan to start loading at 9:30 am. The
address is 2308 Eric Way, Unit C, 93306 (Near the
corner of Mt Vernon & Columbus). Telephone:
Poppy is working towards further
independence in his life by doing a
trial run of living independently in his
own one bedroom apartment. The
apartment is a duplex and his sister
Gina lives in the apartment next door.
This is a slow process but the landlord
is extremely understanding as we
navigate through paperwork to coordinate his
independent status with things like his special day
program. (NAPD). etc. In the meantime he will need
to start from scratch to furnish his new digs. If you
have any extra living or bedroom furniture please
keep Poppy's needs in mind. Also please pray for
Poppy as he prepares for his new life path.
St. Paul's Children's Art Class is
growing!!! We are adding a second
class of younger artists from ages 3-6.
Potty trained is a requirement.
The class will be from 1 pm - 2 pm on
Saturdays. Suggested donation is a minimum $5 to
cover art supplies for the kids. The two art classes are
not drop- in babysitting spots. They are well planned
and designed art classes with projects, so please
contact be boswell, the lead instructor by the
Wednesday night 7pm prior to the Saturday class to
let her know your child will attend. Her contact info
is: (661) 319-0487 or She
shops for supplies on Thursdays so if you don't
reserve a place for your child, there will not be
supplies for him/her to make their project. There is a
class size limit of 6 for be and the second instructor,
Louise Cooper, who is a retired teacher and is
currently one of our Icon artists.
****Don't forget the class for older kids, 7 and older,
is continuing. The rules are the same for reserving
space. This established class meets on Saturdays from
11 am - noon. Those who currently participate
absolutely love this experience.
Be sure that the kids of all ages wear clothes that
are art and craft project friendly.
Backpack and School Supplies Drive
It’s that time again – the advertisements have already started for Back
To School! That means that St.
Paul’s is once again sponsoring a
backpack and school supplies drive
for kids at the Homeless Shelter.
We are collecting new and gently used backpacks
and all manner of school supplies to be distributed
at the Homeless Shelter as school starts up again.
It’s worthwhile to remember that families come and
go at the Homeless Shelter throughout the year and
what may not get used as school starts in August
may be just what is needed for a student who arrives
there in November.
Please drop off backpacks and supplies at
the church, either in the office or in the narthex on
Sundays. If you would rather make a monetary
contribution, that will work, too. Just put it in an
envelope and label it Backpack Drive. You can
leave it in the office or in the offering plate or see
Anne Giddings.
Worship Survey
This summer we will have
bulletin inserts that elicit your
feedback on worship at St. Paul's, specifically about
Sunday's worship, and worship more generally at St.
During July, please fill out a survey once, and
place it in the offertory basket. – Tim
meetings between presidents and religious figures have,
on occasion, helped shape history.
One such time came when an Episcopal Church
bishop traveled to Washington from Minnesota to try to
persuade Abraham Lincoln to make wholesale changes
in the corrupt and brutal ways the federal government
treated Native Americans. The entreaty may well have
saved hundreds of Dakota Indians from execution —
and the nation from a huge injustice.
Bishop Henry B. Whipple, a
native of upstate New York, was an
unlikely advocate for Native Americans.
A missionary priest in Chicago until he
was elected Minnesota's first Episcopal
bishop in 1859, he didn't even know a
Native American until he was 37 years
In Minnesota, however, Whipple not only met
Indians he respected, he also saw firsthand how the
federal Office of Indian Affairs conducted itself, and he
soon concluded that the agency was corrupt and that its
agents were mostly political hacks who cared little about
those they were supposed to serve.
He also came to regard the traders licensed to
do business with Indians as a problem: greedy, dealing
illegally in liquor and abusive of Indian women. And, as
with so many other social reformers through history,
Whipple regarded the situation not only as an injustice
but as an offense to religious principles that demanded
For the rest of the article, see:
Monty Python LIVE (sort of)!!!
They're here! Get yours today!
St. Paul's bumper stickers are in!!!!! They are $7 each. Buy
one from Elaine in Grace Hall on Sunday!
How a bishop moved Lincoln,
and saved 265 Dakota Indians
Think religion has no place in politics?
It's a good thing Lincoln didn't agree.
The Founding Fathers had good reasons for
explicitly barring government from inserting itself into
matters of religion. But nothing in the Constitution
forbids a president from consulting with clerics, and
Two reprises of
“Monty Python Live (Mostly)”
will screen at 7:30 at Edwards Marketplace
 Wednesday, July 23rd
 Thursday, July 24th
Plan to join the St. Paul’s Pythoners
on Wednesday, July 23rd
at Lengthwise at 6pm.
From thence we will repair to the theatre for
laughs, larcenies, and just plain silliness.
Please send your information to all three of
-by Jack Hernandez
Jack Hernandez is a local poet and Professor
Emeritus of Philosophy and English at Bakersfield
College and Director of the Norman Levan Center
for the Humanities, Bakersfield College. He has
published poems in Midweek before and has
published poetry in a variety of journals and books,
including the Anglican Theological Review.
Through many days I have learned
That everything has its season
And every word and work its time
I have mourned in the morning
and danced at night
Have scattered dreams
and gathered hope
Have embraced voices
and closed my heart
Have long sought truth
and lost belief
Have loved like wind and rain
and taken shelter
Have uprooted, carelessly discarded
and mended what is torn
I was born to laugh and weep
And feel the seasons of my life
My grasping moments under the sun
Please send announcements,
corrections and pictures to
 Melinda Hill at for
Midweek at Saint Paul's
 Fr. Vern at for the
weekly bulletin
 Lori Toia at for the
Three friends from the local congregation were
asked, "When you're in your casket, and friends
and congregation members are mourning over
you, what would you like them to say?"
Artie said, "I would like them to say I was a
wonderful husband, a fine spiritual leader, and a
great family man."
Eugene commented, "I would like them to say I
was a wonderful teacher and servant of God who
made a huge difference in people's lives."
Al said, "I'd like them to say, 'Look, he's