March 2015 - St. Paul`s
March 2015 - St. Paul`s
The Epistle The Monthly Newsletter of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church March 2015 Holy Week and Easter Services Sunday (3/29) - Palm Sunday 8am & 10:45am Wednesday (4/1)—Holy Eucharist: 12 Noon Maundy Thursday (4/2)—Holy Eucharist with Foot Washing & Stripping of the Altar: 7pm Good Friday Liturgy (4/3)—12 Noon and 7pm Easter Sunday Services, April 5 7:00 a.m.—Holy Eucharist with Lighting of the Paschal Candle 9:30 a.m.—Family Eucharist and Flowering of the Cross 11:15 a.m.—Festival Eucharist Palm Crosses Altar Guild members and all other church women are needed to help make crosses for Palm Sunday. Join us at 9:00 a.m. in the parish house on March 28th for an hour of fellowship. Easter Garden If you would like to donate to the flowering of the church in memory of or in honor of a loved one for our Easter services, the cost will be $15.00. Please make your check payable to St. Paul’s and designate it “Easter Garden.” Please include written information you wish in the bulletin and place in offering plate or drop by the church office. Deadline is Palm Sunday, March 29th. Easter Egg Hunt Flowering of the Cross Easter Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Service St. Paul’s annual Easter Egg Hunt will take place Saturday, April 4, at 11 a.m. Br ing a basket, a sandwich and a blanket. Drinks and cupcakes will be provided. Special note to Parishioners: Please bring plastic eggs filled with candy that will not melt to the Parish Hall kitchen or the church office by Friday, April 3 (Sticker s ar e another eggstuffing option.) The tradition at the Family Easter Eucharist is to flower a cross and, at the end of the service, process with it to the most recent grave. Parishioners are asked to bring flowers to the church and place them on the cross (outside near the front door) prior to the service. Bring enough flowers for yourself and some to share. There will be a basket for the extra flowers. 1 Saint Paul’s of Beaufort has very “Broad Shoulders”. Whether through your time, your talent, or your financial gifts, you touch many lives through our Outreach missions….. Broad Street Clinic Five years ago, Mary Ann (not her real name) moved to Carteret County to care for her elderly parents. She had to leave a waitress position with health insurance that allowed her to manage her diabetes. Caring for her parents was her first priority. Her own health care coverage was sacrificed. Through a family member, she heard about the Broad Street Clinic. When she became a patient at the Broad Street Clinic, her A1c (glucose or blood sugar level) was 11.3. The American Diabetes Association recommends a target goal A1c of 7. The Broad Street Clinic has been able to provide Mary Ann with regular visits to a physician, diabetic education, and medications to work toward her goal. Her A1c is now 6.8. She is able to test her glucose on a daily basis with testing strips provided by the Clinic, and make adjustments to her insulin based on those readings. The clinic also provides Mary Ann with mammograms, gynecological appointments, eye exams, and dental care. Thanks to your gifts and the gifts of others to the Broad Street Clinic, Mary Ann is able to provide care for her parents, work a part time job, and maintain her own health. The “Broad Shoulders” of Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church in Beaufort was there to help carry the weight. This is just one of the many lives you touch. March Outreach — Thompson Child and Family Focus Thompson has a long history of Episcopal ministry and St. Paul's Beaufort has a long history of positive involvement in this ministry. Thompson has evolved into a leading provider of effective clinical and behavioral treatment, development education and proactive care for at-risk children and families. The Thompson Saint Peter’s Lane campus in Matthews provides an array of services including intense clinical residential treatment; day treatment programs that combine strong therapeutic intervention with individualized classroom academics; off-site, specialized treatment and support for families experiencing attachment disorder issues; and foster/adoptive placements. The Thompson Child & Family Services Center located in East Charlotte provides School Based Intervention Therapy, foster/adoptive placement, community support services, refugee services, family education, and clinical therapy outpatient services. The agency’s early childhood center in North Charlotte, Thompson Child Development Center, provides developmental and preventive programming for young children and their families through a variety of educational and therapeutic resources. The Center is five-star state licensed and accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). To make a monetary contribution to this cause, you may use an outreach envelope (found at the back of the church) or simply drop your check in the plate during the service. Please make checks payable to St. Paul's Church and write “outreach” in the memo line. Checks may also be mailed to the church. 2 Carry the Water Campaign At the 132nd Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of East Carolina our Bishop, The Right Rev. Rob Skirving, and Millennium Development Goals Committee Chair, The Rev. Michael Singer, encouraged each parish and individual to participate in the 75th Anniversary Carry the W ater Campaign, sponsored by Episcopal Relief and Development to celebrate its 75th year of mission and ministry on behalf of the Episcopal Church USA. Their goal is to raise $7.5 million dollars by the end of 2015. The Campaign is committed to ensuring that safe and clean water is accessible even in the most rural communities. “Our water programs are part of an integrated strategy that focuses on preventing the spread of disease while promoting community health and well-being.” Did you know that… •More than a billion people around the world do not have access to clean water. •Every 15 seconds a child dies from a water-related disease. •Pollution and scarcity of this precious resource is an even greater challenge in parts of the world where women and girls bear the primary responsibility for finding and collecting water. •Often, young girls can’t go to school because they have to walk for miles to find fresh water for cooking, bathing, drinking and other basic needs. If you wish to share your resources to help this wor thy cause, ther e is a large white bucket at the back of the church, which will r emain ther e until Easter Sunday, for you to deposit your coins, bills or checks. Our group donation will be sent to ERD during the Easter Season. The bucket was carried by a delegate of St. Paul’s during the Convention as a reminder and to show solidarity with the more than 1 billion of our brothers and sisters worldwide who do not have daily access to clean water. For more information see https:// Vestry The February vestry meeting was rescheduled from February 18th to February 25th due to Ash Wednesday services; the February minutes were not yet available when the Epistle was finalized. The April Epistle will include the minutes for both February and March. Thank you. Rich Chadwick Ilsa Englehardt, Bedford Smith Sam Williams 2015 Vestry Members George Eastman, Jr. Warden Jack Gardner, Sr. Warden Donnie Lee Sylvia Wheatly George Dill, Treasurer 3 Sandy Brock Deborah Van Dyken, Clerk Mary Duane Hale Walter Phillips Parish Family March Birthdays 3 4 7 8 9 12 14 Patti Otten Walker Harris Catherine Stephenson Meredith Brooks Rich Chadwick Milena Glancy Doris King Jim Searl 16 Diane Becker 18 Steve Boone Julie Young 19 Dick Brown Bryan Goodwin Mary Taylor Mosier 21 23 25 26 Camie Sweeney Thomas Porter Diane Meelheim Toly Ehlers Kay Salter 27 Donnie Lee 28 John Teare 29 Patricia Taylor 30 Sandra Howarth Anne Searl Sharon Fulcher 31 George Wooten Michelle Lasky If you don’t see your name listed under your birthday month, the church office doesn’t have your birth date. Please call the church office with the date. Eternal rest grant them, Lord Our sympathy to… *The friends and family of Lucille Roberson Phillips, the mother of Josephine Prytherch (and husband Herb). *The friends and family of Floyd Dufore, the father of Cathy Brandt, grandfather of Caitlyn and Caroline Brandt. Please keep these sick and suffering in your prayers: Shirley Babcock, Martha da Silva, Rachel Chaplain, Herb and Dottie Sieker, Therese Page (sister of Madeleine Schaw), Josh Gillikin, Allen & Nancy Moore, Wanda Divita (mother of Suzette Deaton), Isaac Parker, David and Katje Cundiff (friends of Steve Boone), Justin Bryan (Lewis Bryan’s grandson), Marilyn Marx, Mary Clyde Bugg, Beau Steichen (family member of Jimmy Pake), Janet Robbins (Pam Phillips’ mother), Doris King, Michael Noe, Holly Fryar, Butch Simmons, Joyce Wheatly, Wanda and John C. Gaskill, Ann Carter, Katy Bradley (Marnie Park’s niece), Pete Sapundjieff (nephew of Jack Gardner), Duke Daugherty (brother of Teresa Daugherty), Sadie Alexander & Denard Harris (sister & brother of Sylvia Wheatly), Alice Simmons (friends of Susan Smitherman), Darnell Hester & his grandson Kamari, Penn Flournoy, Jean Griffin (mother of Sherri Smith), Jean Temple (mother of Kim Porter), Jim Smitherman, Bruce Birdsey, Kay Babcock, Josephine Prytherch, Karen Westbrook (friend of Patti Dill), Carroll Snuggs (relative of Jim Smitherman), Millard Smith (Bedford Smith’s father), Bill Beam (brother of Pati Elmore), Al Sheppard, Claud Wheatly, Dave Willis (son of Ralph & Carol Willis), Sallie Lee, Chuck Wilson (son of Mamré Wilson), Frank Rock, Thelma Carlisto, Laura West, Hal Henriksen (friend of Sam & Lee Barnes), Hobart Gambill (friend of Dick Brown), Jimmy Brown (brother of Dick Brown), Eula Parkin and Tom Murphree. Thank you for keeping this current by informing us of people who no longer need to be on the list. Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper a Success! The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper was once again a wonderful evening due to the cooperative efforts of so many. The Men's Sunday School Class provided a delicious meal of pancakes, sausage and baked apples. The men have been cooking for many, many years for this evening and have it down to an art. Crosswinds youth helped set up, served meals and cleaned up - it was a great turnout from the youth. Fr. John presented a short program and service with the help of Rick on the piano. And of course, we "buried" the Alleluia! Thank you to everyone who attended and your contributions to the Glory Ridge trip - and for those who were not able, please join us next year. It is a wonderful way to kick off Lent. -The Fellowship Committee 4 St. Paul’s Gatherings & Other News The Bible Sharing Group meets fr om 10:45-12:00 noon in the Parish House on Wednesdays. Everyone is invited. The Daughters of the King meets the 2nd Sunday of each month immediately following the 10:45am service. The meeting for this month is March 8th. March Altar Flowers *March 1-Barbara Nicholson *March 8-Scott & Chrissy Brooks *March 15-Joe & Nancy Smith *March 22-Nick Becton *March 29-Kay Mease Dear St. Paul’s Church Family, I want to thank you so much for the prayers, flowers, calls and cards made by the Sunday School kids while I was sick! All of you are very special to me! Love, Babs Run For God The 5K Challenge is a practical guide to running and a 12-week training plan aimed at running a 5K, but with a Christian focus. The primary goal is to learn to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ while understanding the parallels of endurance running and enduring faith. This course is for everyone! In fact, it is designed for those who have never run. Be ready for your first 5K road race in just 12 weeks, and learn how this sport relates to the practice of faith in process. When: Thursday, March 5th at 5:30 pm (and every Thursday for 12 weeks) Where: First Baptist Church, Beaufort Who: Individuals from churches in Beaufort and those in the community that want to participate! (Don’t be intimidated – we may have 2 groups – 1 group may be walkers who just want to improve their time) Cost: Free unless you want to purchase the book Contact: Kelly Stainback 252-422-0281 for questions & sign-up (call or text) Snug Harbor Visit There will be a Eucharist at Snug Harbor in Sea Level on March 12th at 11am. Please call the chur ch office if you would like to assist. PRAYING FOR OTHERS On Wednesday, March 4 from 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., an intercessory prayer service will be held in the church. Our time together will end with the Service of Compline. Everyone is welcome. This prayer service is sponsored by the Daughters of the King. If you have any questions, please call Deborah Van Dyken at 5046262 or email her at Let us pray for all merchant mariners and service men and women: Jordan Brandt, Aaron Osborne, Case Wilson, Brandyn Norwood, Joshua Seiben and Charles David Wilson And also those who are preparing for childbirth: Virginia Cuthrell, and Nancy Monroe (granddaughter of Lewis & Barbara Bryan). Five Loaves mission meets every Monday at First Baptist Church. We can use volunteers from 57:30pm and servers from 6-6:45pm. It is an ecumenical outreach between St. Paul’s and First Baptist Church’s members serving a hot supper to anyone needing a meal and fellowship. Contact Nancy Ustach, 252-728-6811. Two Fish Café is a ministry that helps needy people with meals at Calvary Baptist Church at 6 pm on Thursday evening. St. Paul’s is responsible for cooking and serving the meal on the 4th Thursday. There is a sign up beside the kitchen on the bulletin board. Contact Bitsy Dudley, 252-728-4066. 5 ECW BUSINESS MEETING Our ECW met briefly on Sunday, February 1st, to approve the budget for 2015. A large group attended to hear our Treasurer, Mary Duane Hale, present the new budget. Income for the year consisted of $17,350 from our Fall Bazaar, and $2000 from the Old Homes Tour luncheons. That $2000 was donated to Broad St Clinic. Therefore, our expenses totaled $17,350, and it was also voted on and passed that our special giving project this year of $5000 would go to the diocesan Episcopal Farmworkers Ministry ‘Harvest for Hospitality’ fund. This money comes from our Savings Account mainly from cookbook sales and is used annually for large projects in the church, community or diocese. Ginny Poindexter, President, introduced the other Officers and Committee Chairs. They are Vice-President, Tricia Phillips; Secretary, Barbara Harding ; Treasurer, Mary Duane Hale; and Past President/Advisor, Lynne Eastman. Committees and Chairs are Bereavement Baskets, Pat Gallo; Sunshine, Helen O’Neal; Scholarship, Tricia Philips; UTO, Patti Dill ; Bazaar, Michelle Gregory and Ruth Daniel; OHT Luncheon, Bitsy Dudley; and Cookbook Sales, Ginny Poindexter and Mary Duane Hale. Ginny also announced plans for the Lenten Retreat in March (see following article!) Congratulations again to those who chaired our fund-raisers, Lynne Eastman and Michelle Gregory, Bazaar, and Bitsy Dudley, OHT Luncheons, and to EVERYONE who helped in any way to conduct these events. ANNUAL ECW LENTEN RETREAT Plans have been finalized for our Lenten Retreat to be held on Saturday, March 21st at Trinity Center. We will gather in the St James Room at 9:30 for Coffee and Registration with our program beginning at 10 am. Lunch will be served and the day will conclude by or before 3:00 pm with Holy Eucharist. We are so pleased to have as our Facilitator/Leader The Rev. Dena Bearl, Rector of St Paul’s, Wilmington. She comes highly recommended and is very excited to join us for a day of fellowship and spiritual ‘stirring’. She is bringing her guitar and we may even sing! The fee is $20 and there is a sign-up sheet in the Parish House. The deadline is March 12th. Please make out your check to St Paul’s ECW. We are again inviting St Andrews and St Francis ECW’s so we will need a definite number by March 12th. For questions or more information, please call Mary Duane, 723-3601 or Ginny, 728-7171. ECW Scholarships Available The ECW values its students and all the work they do for St. Paul's. If you are a graduating high school senior, a member of St. Paul's, and planning to continue your education we invite you to apply for a $1000.00 ECW scholarship to help with your education. The application is in the Church office. Please complete and return it no later than May 1, 2015. If you have any questions, please contact Tricia Phillips at 252-241-6363 or 6 Thank You For Your Contributions! The Crosswinds Youth Group has been very blessed this year. I wanted to take the time to say, “Thank You” for all of your contributions to our Super Bowl Sub Sale and the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, and for wanting to sponsor youth to go to Glory Ridge. At the Super Bowl Sub Sale we raised just over $1,800, which surpassed the amount raised last year. We also raised over $350 from the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. As it has been mentioned, this money that we have raised is going to go towards the supplies that we will take to Glory Ridge with us to help repair damages that have taken place there. If you would like to know more about what takes place during that week, feel free to ask some of our youth that have gone in the past. They are very passionate about the work they have done there and the spiritual growth they experience. Glory Ridge Information Coming This Month Everyone has been asking, and I have recently been in contact with Father Caleb about our trip to Glory Ridge. Information will be coming out this month so be on the lookout for that. Many have asked about the cost of the trip and the total cost will be $275 per person with scholarships available. We will be sharing the space with Father Caleb’s congregation at Grace Episcopal Church, Charleston. For this reason, spaces are limited and spots will be held on a first come, first serve basis. At the beginning of the month, look out for the Registration Forms and a paper with more information. I am extremely excited about this trip and can’t wait to see how God works through the youth of St. Paul’s. Calendar for Crosswinds March 1- Cr osswinds goes to the Movies! Happening #65 March 8- Regular Cr osswinds Meeting March 15- Regular Cr osswinds Meeting March 22- Regular Cr osswinds Meeting March 29- Regular Cr osswinds Meeting Meals for Crosswinds If you would like to be on the email list to provide meals for the youth during their time at Crosswinds, please email me at I will be creating an online document that will allow people to sign up easily while also seeing what meals others have signed up for. Thank you all in advance. 7 More News and Notes St. Paul’s Acolytes and Parents of Acolytes The 2015 6th Annual Diocese of East Carolina Acolyte Festival is fast approaching! NOW IS THE TIME TO CONFIRM YOUR SPACE! All St. Paul’s Acolytes ar e invited. However, please note space is limited. We are staying in a 4-story oceanfront beach house in Nags Head, which is already reserved. Therefore, time is of the essence; registration is on a first come first serve basis. Confirm your spot now! Rich Chadwick, Ashley Simpson, and chaper oning chur ch member s will be taking Acolytes to Nags Head to be part of this spirit-filled event. We will depart the afternoon of Friday, April 24th and return Sunday, April 26th. Tr anspor tation is pr ovided by St. Paul’s. To confirm your spot, please call the church office at 728-3324, contact Rich Chadwick at 336-7037706 or contact Ashley Simpson at 252-661-0287. The all-in cost for the event is $60 per person, payable to St. Paul’s. Please mail or drop off your check at the church office. Scholarships are available. To inquire about the scholarships please speak with Father John 725-7252 or Ashley Simpson 252-6621-0287. THE DEADLINE TO CONFIRM IS FRIDAY, APRIL 1 st. Call Rich Chadwick (336-703-7705) with any questions! SAVE THE DATE FOR VBS! JUNE 15-19 CHURCH PERIODICAL CLUB Church Periodical Club is changing the world, one book at a time! The Church Periodical Club is an independent, affiliated organization of the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church, dedicated to the worldwide Ministry of the Printed Word and to the Promotion of Christian Mission. It is the only organization in the Episcopal Church dedicated solely to providing free literature and related materials, both religious and secular, to people all over the world who need and request them and who have no other source for obtaining them. Prayer Books, books for Seminarians, educational materials, medical textbooks, agricultural manuals and books for those in local and global mission are some of the publications the CPC provides. The CPC is funded by voluntary contributions from all levels of the Church by people in the pews. CPC is supported by the prayerful concern, time, talents, labor and money of those who believe in the Ministry of the Printed Word. This year CPC gave 4 seminarians $500 each for their educational books and supplies as well as $1500 to the national CPC. The Diocese of East Carolina has set this year's designated Sundays and Sunday, May 17 will be CPC Sunday. There will be envelopes in the bulletin for May 17. Patti Dill CPC Coordinator Diocese of East Carolina 8 Partnering with Family Promise of Carteret County Building communities, strengthening lives. Newsletter of the St. Paul’s Family Promise Program Thank you to all who have assisted with our Family Promise program. We could not do it without you! Our next dates for Family Promise are April 26th-May 3rd. If you would like to assist please contact Norma Gardner at 252-728-5058. Food Pantry The food pantry is in need of Peanut Butter, Jelly, Vienna Sausage, Mayonnaise, Canned Tuna, Canned Ravioli/Lasagna/Spaghettios, Canned Chicken & Dumplings, Beef Stew, Canned Chicken/Spam/Treet, Small & Large Juices, Pancake Mix, Pancake Syrup, Canned Fruit, Applesauce, Instant Mashed Potatoes, Jello Mix, Canned BeanieWeenies, Cereal, Saltine Crackers, Powdered Milk and Hot Chocolate. We also appreciate any cash donations if that would be an easier option than shopping. Thank you! Support the Harvest for Hospitality Campaign The Episcopal Farmworkers Ministry has been an important part of our Diocese for thirty-three years, ministering to seasonal and migrant farmworkers residing in Johnston, Harnett and Sampson counties in Eastern North Carolina. There are many new things happening with this ministry in cooperation with the Diocese of North Carolina. A resolution was passed at Convention in 2014 asking each Diocesan household to contribute $50 toward the Harvest for Hospitality Campaign - this amount represents the average farmworkers' labor to harvest two tons of sweet potatoes (12-14 hours). At this recent Convention, Bishop Skirving and his wife announced they will donate $50 to the campaign for every Parish that provides 3 gifts. We have 241 households at St. Paul's so our goal is $12,000. The news just keeps getting better though. St. Paul's ECW recently pledged $5,000 to the Harvest for Hospitality campaign. We are well on our way to raising the necessary funds to sustain this ministry for years to come that meets the physical, social, economic and educational needs of the poorest, yet hardestworking people in our region. Please make your check payable to St. Paul's and write "H for H' in the memo line. Thank you in advance for your suppor t. 9 March 2015 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 2 *Core Sound Friends 1:30pm *5 Loaves1st Baptist 6pm *Crosswinds to movies 8 9 *DOK 11:45am *5 Loaves1st Baptist 6pm 15 16 *Core Sound Friends 2:30pm TUESDAY 3 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 *Bible Study with Fr. John, 12:30pm *Snug Harbor 11am 18*Bible 19 20 21*ECW *New Beginnings # 50 Lenten Retreat 27 28 *Bible Study with Fr. John, 12:30pm 10 17 Study with Fr. John, 12:30pm *5 Loaves1st Baptist 6pm *Vestry 7pm 22 23 24 *5 Loaves1st Baptist 6pm 25 26 *Bible Study with Fr. John, 12:30pm *2Fish CaféCalvary 6pm Sunday Schedule 29 30 *Palm Sunday *5 Loaves1st Baptist 6pm SATURDAY 8am Holy Eucharist, Rite I 31 10 9:30am Sunday School 10:45am Holy Eucharist, Rite II 5:30pm Crosswinds 9:30am3:00pm *Palm Crosses 9am Wednesday Schedule 10:45 The Bible Sharing Group 12noon Eucharist 12:30pm Bible Study 7:00pm Choir Sunday Servants for March 2015 Altar Guild – Allison DuBuisson, Mary Duane Hale,, Dale Wooten Mar 1 Mar 8 Mar 15 Mar 22 Mar 29 Acolytes Other Servants 8:00 Nicky Lee EM: Barbara & Allan Harding Greeter/Bread: Eva & Tom Higgins Ushers: Dick deButts, Helen O’Neal, Joe Smith, Tom Higgins Coffee: Lynne Eastman, Sylvia Wheatly 10:45 C George Rose T Ellie Rose T Ashley Porter C Alyx Goodwin 8:00 Vicki Morris 10:45 C Emily Bulla T Chris Samojedny T Tom Samojedny C Louis Daniel 8:00 Susan Stumbaugh EM: Mamré Wilson, Susan Smitherman Greeter/Bread: Anna & Dick deButts Ushers: Jeanette Holland, Gary Mercer, Jack Sweeney, Dale Wooten Coffee: George & Patti Dill 10:45 C Ashley Domke T Ashley Porter T Anatoly Ehlers C Elsa Ehlers EM: Dick Brown, Pat Schaaf Lectors: Pat Schaaf, Scott Sherrill Greeter/Bread: Jan Carlisto Ushers: Jack Gardner, Rob MacArthur, Frieda Menzer, Chris Schoden Coffee: Saundra Heet 8:00 Mitchell Brooks 10:45 C Jake Robertson T Andy Huang T Jillian Murphy C Louis Daniel EM: Sarah Jo Safrit, Susan Stumbaugh Greeter/Bread: George & Dale Wooten Ushers: Lynwood Daughtry, Jim Smitherman, Jeff Vinton, Sandy Brock Coffee: Elaine & Dick Barber 8:00 Len Gilstrap 10:45 C George Rose T Sam MacArthur T Sarah MacArthur C Duncan Englehardt EM: Deborah Van Dyken, Walter Phillips Lectors: Charles & Tricia Phillips Greeter/Bread: Sandra Howarth Ushers: Charles Hale, Steve Mehan, Joe Ustach Coffee: Bitsy Dudley, Anne Searl EM: Susan Stumbaugh, Marianna Hollinshed Greeter/Bread: Margaret & Sandy Brock Ushers: David Clawson, John Sewell, Ellen Sewell, Dick deButts Coffee: Saundra Heet EM: Julia Hamilton, Allison DuBuisson Lectors: Walter Phillips, Sarah Jo Safrit Greeter/Bread: Joe & Nancy Ustach Ushers: Tip Noe, Birkett Howarth, Tom Samojedny, Jane Gordon Coffee: The Bailey Family EM: Walter Phillips, Dick Brown Lectors: Rick & Sherri Smith Greeter/Bread: Sylvia Wheatly Ushers: Jack Gilstrap, Ed Nelson, Shelvey Lloyd Coffee: Dick & Roberta Brown EM: Charles Phillips, Patti Dill Greeter/Bread: Jeanette Holland Ushers: Phil Morris, Bill Rawls, Helen Rawls, Helen O’Neal Coffee: The Hale Family EM: William Moore Davis, Ashley Simpson Lectors: Sonya Stanley, Mamré Wilson Greeter/Bread: Saundra Heet Ushers: David DuBuisson, Jim Searl, Pennylloyd Baldridge Coffee: Deborah 11 Van Dyken The Epistle March 2015 Edition The Epistle is available on our website at Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Beaufort, NC 28516 Permit Number 15 St. Paul’s Episcopal Church 215 Ann Street Beaufort, NC 28516-2103 (252) 728-3324 The Rev. John Carlisto, Rector - cell (252)725-7252 Renée Luther, Parish Administrator Lee Barnes, Parish Secretary Rick Smith, Organist/Choirmaster Stephen Hauman, Sexton E-mail addresses for the church : Fr. John— Rick Smith - Renée Luther, Parish Administrator: Lee Barnes, Parish Secretary: Church office— *March 20-New Beginnings #50 *March 21-ECW Lenten Retreat *March 29-Palm Sunday *April 2-Maundy Thursday Service-7pm *April 3-Good Friday Services-12Noon & 7pm *April 5-Easter Services-7am, 9:30am, 11:15am *April 6-10-Office will be closed The Epistle is the monthly parish newsletter for St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Beaufort, NC. The deadline for submission is the 20th of each month. For address changes or other information, please contact the church office. Office: (252) 728-3324 Fax: (252) 728-1904 Email: 12