Our Savior`s Voice - Our Savior Lutheran Church
Our Savior`s Voice - Our Savior Lutheran Church
January 2016 Our Savior’s Voice Our Savior Lutheran Church 505 South Main Street Thomaston, CT 06787 Phone: 860-283-8480 Our OfficeOurSavior@optonline.net Savior Lutheran Church Office Email: 505 South Main Street Website: Thomaston, OurSaviorThomaston.org CT 06787 Fax: 860-283-1651 Phone: 860-283-8480 Reverend Wayne P. Gollenberg PastorGoslc@optonline.net Pastor’s Column “Epiphany Observations” The Magi who came to worship the Redeemer were led by a star. There is so much we don’t know about them but where there is an absence of fact there are layers and layers of tradition and conjecture that have been added to the story. The Bible is silent when it comes to how many Magi there were or what their names may have been. However the Scriptures tell us plainly that they came a distance, they came to worship the newborn King of the Jews, and they came to offer gifts. The visit of the Magi is celebrated on Epiphany, January 6th. Sadly, in our congregation as in most these days the “celebration” of Epiphany slips silently by. It’s not a big enough holy day to rate a special Worship service. How many Epiphany Cards do you send out? Worship Liturgy of Holy Communion SUNDAY - 10:15 AM Pastor: Reverend Wayne P. Gollenberg Parish Administrator: Eileen Finer Organist/Choir Director: Jennie Kerney And so we may quietly read a devotional page on January 6th that hopefully mentions the Magi. And we reflect on their visit. And maybe we wonder about the things we travel to see... the people we hold dear enough to visit... the priorities we have that are wholesome and noble... our journey to the manger and cross that reminds us that the One who was born was given gifts that remind us of His mission in this world for us. “As with gladness men of old did the guiding star behold; as with joy they hailed its light, leading onward, beaming bright; so, most gracious Lord, may we evermore be led by thee.” Come and Worship the Savior born for you! Pastor Gollenberg 10:15 AM—Liturgy of Holy Communion! Second Sunday of Christmas January 3 Baptism of Our Lord January 10 Second Sunday after Epiphany January 17 Third Sunday after Epiphany January 24 Fourth Sunday after Epiphany January 31 January 6th, Epiphany, Colossal Puppets, 7 PM, at Saint Michael Episcopal Church, Litchfield (Liturgy of Healing) EPIPHANY: Revelation, Revealing, Insight, Wonderment! “Then the star appeared again, the same star they had seen in the eastern skies. It led them on until it hovered over the place of the child. They could hardly contain themselves...They entered and saw the child in the arms of Mary, his mother. Overcome, they kneeled and worshiped him.” Matthew 2:10,11 The Council of Our Savior Lutheran Church President: Jack Kearney Vice President: John Vergauwen Treasurer: Rachel Foster Secretary: Diane Elwood Financial Secretary: Karen Ligi Karl Buckley, Marty Rajcok, Bev Sabia, Robin Zordan, Allan Howard, Jennie Kerney, Betsy D’ Amico Beside Our Manger... not only are Mary and Joseph there, not only are the angel and a few shepherds there, not only are animals around, not only are candles burning and poinsettias adorning, there is also “wheat” that was planted on the Third Sunday of Advent, December 13th, Saint Lucia Day, and following the Hungarian custom this “wheat” symbolizes the Bread of the World born for all... The Bread of Life coming to us in the Holy Eucharist. Thanks be to God for His Miracle among us! “Thank you so much for the lovely shirt... I’m touched and honored... It was lovely to read the notes written on the card your Sunday School put together... And I liked the shirt a lot... What a clever design... And what a rich topic to delve into...I hope your discussions yield many compelling reasons to “bother.” I wish you a wonderful Christmas!” Debie SENIOR COMPANION PROGRAM The Friendly Visiting Program, sponsored by the Senior Companion Program of Waterbury, is looking for those who are 55 years or over, who are compassionate and able-bodied, to participate in this federal program. As a stipend volunteer what’s required is visiting the disabled and elderly living alone at home thus reducing the burden of caretakers of elderly persons. No housekeeping is involved. Companions perform at least 15 hours of service per week. Benefits include an hourly $2.65 tax-free stipend plus reimbursement for travel cost and free supplemental insurance. Training of volunteers will start January 26th at New Opportunities Inc –3rd floor. For more details call Lesley West, Program Director (203) 575-4214. Food of the Month for January is..... PASTA PASTA PASTA PASTA Let’s fill the bucket many times over! Official Acts of Our Savior Lutheran Church in 2015. Baptism: Luke Garrett Bisso: 1-11-2015 Lyla June Johnson: 8-16-2015 Affirmation of Baptism: Confirmation: 11-01-2015 Jacqueline Grabherr, Heather Turrell, Jonathan Markham, Emily Gillotti, Joshua Gillotti, Haley Steyer Marriage: 9-26-2015: Martin Rajcok III and Kadie Allegrini 10-3-2015: James Shewan and Kristen Smith Funerals: 6-13-2015: Richard O’Brien 7-1-2015: Charles Smith 9-9-2015: Edwin Druckenmiller 9-29-2015: Grace Anderson Ordination: 9-19-2015: Brian Richard Rajcok Reception of New Members: Frank & Norma Meleschnig Transfer Out: 10-2015: Rev. Brian Rajcok Pastor G. and Ellie are sincerely grateful for your offering of Christmas cards, gifts, and family pictures during these Holy Days. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated! Our Advent and Christmas “Introductions” were presented by: Rosanna Varanko (on very short notice!) Zachary Steyer Carolyn Brau Della Jette Sue Cheatham “Thank You” for helping to open our hearts to the message of the season and to welcome The Child into our lives! (PS The “wheat seeds” that Carolyn planted on Saint Lucia Day are near the manger in the narthex) The Liturgy of Healing will take place on Sunday, January 31, 2016, during our Worship at 10:15 AM. ...It Is An Early Lent This Year day is March 27th!). It seems too early for Lent, but Lent begins February 10th, Ash Wednesday (and Resurrection Sun- So, we’ll box up the Alleluia on February 7th and we will practice our Lenten Disciplines anticipating the glorious events of Holy Week. Colossal Puppets will be “visiting” Saint Michael Episcopal Church, Litchfield, on Epiphany, January 6, 2016, at 7:00 PM. Come and See and Celebrate Epiphany! When There’s Snow and Ice and you are wondering if there is a cancellation... three places you can find out: ~ Television—NBC30 ~ Voice Mail at the office (860-283-8480) ~ Facebook page Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning For Epiphany Notes: Bishop Heber orig“Brightest and best of the sonsa of the morning; inally wrote this Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid; image-filled hymn Star of the East, the horizon adorning, for the Feast of Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid.” the Epiphany, January 6. It was first published in the Christian Observer in 1811, but did not appear in hymnals until after Heber's death. At the time of composition, the author was vicar of Hodnet, the family estate where he served for 16 years. The precise circumstances of its creation are not known. Details of his life are found in this biography: Bishop Reginald Heber. Among the many tunes which have been set to this hymn (Professor Studwell estimates more than 20), the "Morning Star" setting by James P. Harding (1859-1911) is among the best known. He was for 35 years the organist at St. Andrews Church, Islington, London, and composed a considerable body of church music, especially music for children's festivals at Islington. For many years, he was engaged in work for the Civil Service, dedicated to the material and spiritual well-being of the poor. According to Studwell, it was composed in June, 1892. Words: Bishop Reginald Heber, 1783-1826 Music: "Morning Star," James Proctor Harding, 1892. On the Fourth Sunday of Advent prayer shawls, blankets, hats, and scarfs adorned our chancel as the Knitting and Crochet Ministry offered to God, and all who will be receiving them, the gifts they have been working on for the last several months. God is glorified by the offering, children and adults will be comforted and warmed, and we pray God’s Spirit will work through yarn and stitches to bring hope to those who receive them. JANUARY 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the all-powerful God, who was and is and is coming!” Fri 1 2 10-11:30 AM Pageant Rehearsal 8 9 Revelation 4:8 3 2nd Sunday of Christmas 9:00 AM “Coffee & Conversation” 10:15 AM WORSHIP with Pageant ~ Sending Ministers of Holy Communion from the Assembly 10 Baptism of Our Lord 9:00 AM “Coffee & Conversation” 10:15 AM WORSHIP with First Holy Communion ~ Worship Committee 17 2nd Sunday after Epiphany 9:00 AM “Coffee & Conversation” 10:15 AM WORSHIP 24 3rd Sunday after Epiphany 9:00 AM “Coffee & Conversation” 4 5 at Hickox Funeral Home 6:00 PM “TNSS” PM Colossal 7:30 PM Choir 7Puppets at St. Rehearsal Michael, Litch- 11AM Betty Knyrim Memorial Worship 7:15 PM Mutual Ministry 11 12 9:00 AM “Coffee & Conversation” 10:15 AM WORSHIP with Healing Liturgy 7 13 7:00 PM Confir- 6:00 PM “TNSS” 7:30 PM Choir mation Class Rehearsal 11 AM Memorial Worship for Rev. Dagmar Rosenberg at First Lutheran in New Britain field 1-6 PM Red Cross 9:30 AM Water/Oak Blood Drive Clergy 12:30 PM TACA 14 15 16 Agenda and Reports due 7:00 PM “TNSS” Planning 18 19 20 7:00 PM Confir- 6:00 PM “TNSS” 7:00 PM mation Class 7:30 PM Choir Council Rehearsal Meeting 21 22 23 25 28 29 30 26 27 6:00 PM “TNSS” 7:30 PM Choir Rehearsal 10:15 AM WORSHIP 31 4th Sunday after Epiphany 6 Epiphany Sat “TNSS” stands for “Tuesday Night Sunday School” and everyone is invited to come for dinner (pizza, salad and dessert) and singing and learning. It’s for all ages... it really is! January Worship Assistants Jan Usher 3 10 17 24 31 Communion Assist Acolyte M. Rajcok B. Ouellette M. Mazaik G. Talbot A. Howard Allan Howard Heather Neidt Beth Ouellette Haley Steyer J. McCorkle B. D’Amico R. Foster J & C Vergauwen Karl Buckley Michael & Eileen Finer Lector Crucifer Fellowship Hour Counters Sacristan Zachary Steyer Carol Lizotte The Altamiranos Sandy Talbot Jennie Kerney C. Chesto J. Kerney Ellie Gollenberg Beth Ouellette The Vergauwens The Dudas E. Gollenberg Zachary Steyer Jennie Kerney Haley Steyer The Kearneys Betsy D’Amico Cindy (AM) Vergauwen Emily Gillotti Diane Elwood Karen Grabherr Eileen Finer Rachel Foster Angela Varrone, Robin Zordan Carol Lizotte Barbara Howard Diane Elwood Jack Kearney Diane Elwood Heather Turrell Lynne Kearney Beth Ouellette The Steyers The Grabherrs Carolyn Chesto, Joel McCorkle R. Varanko E. Finer R. Varanko E. Finer B. Chouinard