- Shepherd Lutheran Church
- Shepherd Lutheran Church
SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH THE SHEPHERD’S CALL 3900 Wyoming Blvd, NE Albuquerque, NM 87111 JANUARY 2012 Phone: 292-6622 Fax: 323-6766 MY RESOLUTION: Website: www.shepherdlutheran.org To worship in my Father’s House more often! It’s New Year’s resolution time again. Never have so many pledged to do so much that has amounted to so little. Perhaps we don’t keep many (or most or all) of our resolutions because they are not important enough to keep. In fact, most good resolutions start too late and end too early! Here is a New Year’s resolution that offers new and exciting changes and challenges to everyone who makes (and keeps) it: With the Spirit’s help, I will spend more time with God in worship at church. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: My Resolution: To worship in my Father’s House more often! 1 This and That 2 OWLS 3 What’s ahead for you in 2012? 3 Pray for Our Military Members 4 January Birthdays 4 News Items 5 On the Parish Calendar 6 Greeter & Usher Schedule 7 Reverend Fun 8 Calendar 9 On their deathbed people don’t wish they’d spent more time on their job; it’s their loved ones they will miss. Time spent in worship will change your life because it will improve your relationship with your heavenly Father. Your heavenly Father loves you dearly. In fact, John sums it up so well when he says: “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” [John 3:16] In your lives of seemingly constant activity, no other Sunday morning activity can match spending time with our Father in heaven. Neither can extra hours of sleep. Our Savior loved being in His Father’s house. When Jesus was twelve years old, He went with His parents to Jerusalem to celebrate the great Jewish feast of Passover. When it was time to leave, He stayed behind. Mary and Joseph were unaware of their son’s actions. As soon as they noticed that He wasn’t with them, they hurried back to the Holy City. After some frantic searching, they found Jesus in the Temple talking with the theological scholars of the day. When they told Him how they had been searching for Him, Jesus responded, “Didn’t you know I had to be in My Father’s house?” [Luke 2:49] This year, if anyone is looking for you on a Sunday morning, let them find you in your Father’s house. There you will hear Him speak in His Word, which can make you wise unto salvation. Let church be the place where you are on Sundays! It will change your life forever because it will keep you close to your Father in heaven and in the company of Jesus, His Son! [Adapted from a short story from our WELS BOARD FOR HOME Worship and Education Schedule MISSIONS.] God’s blessings for a faithful New Year of Christian fellowship and faith! Sunday Worship Services: 8:15 AM & 10:45 AM See YOU in Church! Come and worship your Savior! Bible Classes for everyone: 9:30 AM Pastor George P. Swanson PAGE 2 FROM SEASON TO SEASON ~ The winter of Adam’s discontent came directly after his fall. SOMETHING TO BUILD ON ~ The difference between a conviction and a prejudice is that you can explain a conviction without getting angry. BLAZING THE TRAIL ~ Do not simply follow where the path may lead. Follow the LORD instead, where there is no path, and then leave a trail. WE GATHER TO WORSHIP ~ When we gather together to worship, we are celebrating the most important events in history – the events through which God brings salvation to the world. Through our celebration, these events become contemporaneous to us. That is, the saving and healing power of God becomes available to the worshipping community. How do we do it? We tell the story, we sing it, dramatize and festoon it. In this way we celebrate Jesus’ saving love. To God be the glory, great things He has done! SAM WALTON [Mr. Wal-Mart] ON TEAMWORK ~ “Success is the result of people pulling together to meet one common goal.” WINNING AND LOSING ~ What is defeat? Nothing but the first step towards something better. A CHRISTIAN IS… ~ …one who makes it easier for other people to believe in Jesus. PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD ~ You can accomplish more in one hour with God than you can in a lifetime without Him. AIN’T IT FUNNY HOW TIME SLIPS AWAY! ~ A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. WAKING UP ON NEW YEAR’S DAY ~ A yawn is sometimes a silent shout. PAGE THE OWLS OF SHEPHERD LUTHERAN CHURCH WISH TO EXPRESS THEIR APPRECIATION FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE CONGREGATION IN THE RECENT FUND RAISERS FOR THE EUROPEAN CIVILIAN CHAPLAINCY. THE BAKE/CRAFT EVENT IN OCTOBER AND THE RECENT COFFEE HOUR OFFERING BROUGHT COMBINED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE CONGREGATION, OTHER DONORS, AND THRIVENT MATCHING TO A TOTAL OF $3,790.00. ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE A RECEIPT FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTION, PLEASE CONTACT VERNA POCHOP. THANK YOU SO MUCH! January’s snows fall from above; February finds us with hearts full of love. In March comes spring with flowers breaking through; April’s showers make the grass green and new. We honor our mothers on a day in May; In June we remember dad on his big day. July brings picnics, fireworks and fun; The “dog days” of August bring hot, hot sun. September bells take us back to school; October leaves turn gold and the air turns cool. Thanksgiving Day comes in November each year, And in December we’re filled with bright Christmas cheer! A year full of days is given to you. . . . . Thank God and remember Him in all that you do. THE SHEPHERD’S CALL 3 PAGE 4 Pray For Our Military SSgt Michelle Bronstad 1421 Kimtah Ct. NE Olympia, WA 98516 CTR2 Joshua Swanson Hawaii Capt & Mrs. Jonathan Bearce 11646 East 35th St Yuma, AZ 85367 505-205-1492 PFC Scott G Wells 6633 Mossman Pl, NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 PFC Christopher Coffing 7039D Ormac Circle Ft Stewart, GA 31315 Stationed at Kirtland are: Maj Marty Schweim Lt Col Michelle Tirado TSgt Daniel Stewart Contact the church office at 292-6622 or Eleanor Harris at 235-2291 with any changes, additions, or corrections to the military list. Please submit your articles to Eleanor via email, eleanorkharris@live.com, NLT 8 days to end of each month. january birthdays 2 January—Noel Youngbeck 3 January—Bonnie Upplegger 4 January—Katie Lichtie 5 January—Alea Senteno 6 January—Michael Sievert 9 January—Ann Kaiser 10 January—Emanuel Mendez 16 January—Marcus Baca 18 January—Thomas Gabel 19 January—Gabriel Cuneo 19 January—Carrie Smith 20 January—William Hensley 21 January—Isaiah Sierra 24 January—Nina Roenfranz 25 January—Jeffery Odenbaugh 26 January—Gary Hendel THE SHEPHERD’S CALL PAGE 5 FOR THE INFORMING ~ News n’ notes from the December Council meeting: 1) With disbursements higher than income, the General Fund Deficit rose a bit: <$25,427.57>. 2) Help your neighbors know we have a Christian Day School! Share the special blessings Shepherd Lutheran School can provide. At present we have 10 in Pre-K and 50 in grades K-8. 3) From the Trustees: should you spot anything that needs attention, please contact: John Krueger, Terry Lunsford or Kevin Walker! Emergency repairs were made just before Thanksgiving Day to the water line between the sanctuary and the school. 4) As of 30 November the Building Fund balance is +$256,084 [3-year appeal goal: $421,396]. 5] The Stewardship Committee will propose several studies and stewardship projects to better serve our parish. Lisa Hendel updated the Parish Phone Tree. 6] Discipleship Chairman Dave Kaiser reports that $200,000 from the Building Fund was transferred to L.A.C.E. to realize a better return on investment. The Installation of Officers (new and returning) will take place during services on January 1, 2012. Those elected were: Parish Chairman ..................................................Jeff Odenbaugh Treasurer ................................................................... Chuck Miller Financial Secretary ................................................ Jim Siegmann Board of Elders .............................. Doug Guelker & Eric Verbeke School Board ................................. Mike Cuneo & John Moser III Outreach ..................................................................... Greg Martin Trustee.................................................................... Terry Lunsford God loves a cheerful giver! ~ Financial Secretary Chuck Miller has prepared the 2012 Offering Envelopes for every parish communicant member. May the LORD bless your personal stewardship of time, treasures AND talents with faithful first fruits giving in support of the blessed Gospel of Jesus! To the glory of the LORD! ~ Church Secretary Cathy Holstad has placed the new 2012 Altar Flower Calendar on the back table. Please pick out those dates you’d like to celebrate and/or commemorate. Changes afoot! ~ The DECEMBER Voters’ Meeting provided the opportunity for some lively discussion. The Council recommendation to “balance” the budget through a package of voluntary salary reductions by the faculty, halving the CMO (congregation mission offering) and utilizing already in-place cost reductions was defeated. The voters did resolve to enable those who desire to direct any personal future funds pledged to the Building Fund to the General Fund, to provide debt reduction opportunities AND meet the current crisis by dropping the CMO to $0.00 for the time being. As God blesses our parish through your offerings and donations, we can’t stress strongly enough how important it will be to resume our mission offerings to the Synod. May the LORD enable us to work together to carry out the work He has given us. PAGE 6 ON OUR PARISH CALENDAR EPIPHANY IS JANUARY 6 ~ Epiphany is the Christian Church festival celebrated each year on January 6. Along with Christmas, Easter and Pentecost, it is one of the oldest Christian holy days. The festival was first celebrated in the Eastern Church [ORTHODOX] and was adopted in the Western Church by the 4th Century. Epiphany commemorates the first showing forth or manifestation of Jesus to the Gentiles, particularly the Wise men (MAGI). The Epiphany story is meant to explain that Christ was not just for the Jews, but for non-Jews [Gentiles] as well, anywhere in the world. The eve of Epiphany is called Twelfth Night and relates to the arrival of the Wise Men from the East at the birthplace of the LORD in Bethlehem. ON THE CALENDAR ~ At a time to be determined (but definitely on SATURDAY, January 7), we will be taking down the Christmas decorations in our sanctuary for another year. Watch the Sunday bulletin for the time. AND ONCE AGAIN: many hands make for light work. Won’t YOU help us? BY WAY OF INVITATION… ~ We sponsor the New Mexico Desert OWLS here at SHEPHERD. The OWLS (Organization of Wisconsin Lutheran Seniors) is open to all members ages 55 and over in our parish. You’re welcome to join us at 12 NOON on the second Sunday of the month [next meeting: 8 JANUARY] for a pot-luck meal, general business meeting and Christian fellowship. OUT OF TOWN ~ Pastor has been invited to attend the WELS Military Services Committee Seminar at Fort Knox, KY on MON-THUR/23-26 January 2012 (all expenses paid). Topics include civilian chaplaincy, dealing with PTSD and other service-related issues. Dave Koester will be among the attendees. PLANNING AHEAD ~ The next semi-annual OPA Meeting to set up the schedule of services and activities in our parish for the next six months will be on SATURDAY, January 28, 2011 @ 10 AM. ALL Committee heads are encouraged to attend; others are most welcome to join us! LOOKING FURTHER AHEAD ~ The Arizona Lutheran Academy School Choir [Lezlie España is a member] will be here on SUNDAY 12 February to lead us in our Sunday worship services. We will need to provide housing … the information should be forthcoming. Please watch for it and respond as you are able. Here’s a grand opportunity to show and share Christian hospitality! THE SHEPHERD’S CALL PAGE GREETERS 1ST SERVICE 2ND SERVICE Jan 1 & 8—Greg Sorber Jan 1 & 8—Tom Gabel Jan 15 & 22—Mark Holstad Jan 15 & 22—Marty & Ruth Thieme Jan 29 & Feb 5—Herman & Lorraine Koester Jan 29 & Feb 5—Zian Swanson & Lisa Massimo USHERS: 8:15 SERVICES 10:45 SERVICES KEVIN WALKER AND MARTY SCHWEIM GARY HENDEL AND DAVE STEWART SPECIAL SERVICES: Wed, Feb 22 Wed, Feb 29 Wed, Mar 7 Wed, Mar 14 Wed, Mar 21 Wed, Mar 28 Wed, Apr 5 Fri, Apr 6 Fri, Apr 16 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 1:00 7:00 PM—Ash Wednesday PM—Lent 2 PM—Lent 3 PM—Lent 4 PM—Lent 5 PM—Lent 6 PM—Maundy Thursday PM—Good Friday PM—Good Friday Walker / Schweim Hendel / Dave Stewart Martin / Baker Rodenbeck / Odenbaugh Harris / Holstad H Koester / L. Koester Weber / Daniel Stewart (School students) Nissen / Sorber Subs: Pedro Tirado (292-0546), Ken Widger (281-2754), George Coffman (797-2392), Dave Kaiser (298-3659), Butch Engwell (821-0460), Rick Massimo (884-4909), Earl Roenfranz (292-5032) . If the schedule conflicts with a planned vacation or work schedule, please let Chuck Miller know as soon as possible. If you can’t make a service (ESPECIALLY the Special Services) , it is your responsibility to find a replacement. Please trade with someone or call one of the subs, and let me know about the change. I will try to contact you the week before you are to serve. Chuck Miller, Head Usher ckmille@juno.com 505-821-5935 JANUARY—FEBRUARY CHURCH CLEANING SCHEDULE: January 7 — Odenbaugh February 4 — Karnopp January 14 — Moser, John III & Martha February 12 — Lowinske, Eileen & Lindsay January 21 — Hendel February 18 — Pochop, Liela & Verna January 28 — Harlow February 25 — Schultz 7 www.bing.com Trust in the Lord Trust in yourself, and you will always be disappointed at your level of achievement. Trust in friends, and they may let you down in your hour of greatest need. Trust in money, and you will spend your days trying to protect your investments. But rust in God, and you can rest assured of his eternal presence: “For the Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations“ Psalms 100:5). SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 3 2 NEW YEAR’S DAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY 6 5 12:30 PM Women’s Bible Study 6:00 PM Stewardship Meeting 10:00 AM Men’s Bible Study 6:30 PM L.I.F.E. Meeting Installation of New Officers SATURDAY 7 Cleaning—Odenbaugh EPIPHANY! 6:30 PM Elder’s Meeting 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM Worship Services W/ Communion 8 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM Worship Services 9:30 AM Bible Study and Sunday School 12:00 NOON OWLS 9 9:30 AM Bible Study and Sunday School 12 13 12:30 PM Women’s Bible Study 14 Cleaning—John III & Martha Moser 7:00 PM Council Meeting 7:00 PM Adult Choir 16 17 18 19 12:30 PM Women’s Bible Study 6:30 PM BIC 20 7:00 AM Men’s Breakfast Meeting @ Garcia’s 21 Cleaning—Hendel 7:00 PM Outreach Meeting 7:00 PM Adult Choir 22 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM Worship Services 11 6:30 PM BIC 15 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM Worship Services W/ Communion 10 POO 23 24 25 26 27 7:00-7:45 AM 7:00 PM Adult Choir 6:30 PM Trustees Meeting Pancake Breakfast 28 10:00 AM OPA Meeting Cleaning—Harlow 9:30 AM Bible Study and Sunday School Faculty Meeting Pastor at WELS Military Services Seminar/Ft. Knox, KY 29 8:15 AM and 10:45 AM Worship Services 9:30 AM Bible Study and Sunday School 30 31 GREETERS POO 1ST SERVICE 7:00 PM Adult Choir USHERS 1ST SERVICE 2ND SERVICE Kevin Walker Gary Hendel Marty Schweim Dave Stewart 2ND SERVICE Jan 1 & 8—Greg Sorber Jan 1 & 8—Tom Gabel Jan 15 & 22—Mark Holstad Jan 15 & 22—Marty & Ruth Thieme Jan 29 & Feb 5—Herman & Lorraine Koester Jan 29 & Feb 5—Zian Swanson & Lisa Massimo Electronic Newsletters: www.shepherdlutheran.org