The Shepherd`s Voice - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


The Shepherd`s Voice - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
The Shepherd’s Voice
Our mission is to be more visible, to become more connected, and to draw closer, with Christ as our center.
June 2016
Shepherd’s Pantry
Prayer List
Council Highlights
Garden Help Needed
Do Christians, like Christ, have something to say about
this life in this world (polis—the political)? “Sufficient, Sustainable
Livelihood for All” is the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s social statement on economic life. The statement expresses
ELCA teaching that economic activity is a means through which
God’s will is served for the thriving and well being of humankind
and the care of the earth. It recognizes that even though sin distorts human activity, we are called to practice economic activity
justly and with special concern for those who live in poverty.
In this work, the church is guided by the biblically
grounded imperative of “sufficient, sustainable livelihood for all.”
This means creating a local and national government that gives
attention to God’s concern (for all) the means by which we produce and make our money (livelihood), what is needed
(sufficiency not consumptive bloat or great disparity between
haves and have-nots) and a long term vision (sustainability). We
are to make choices and decisions as St. Paul says “with fear
and trembling.” That is, seeking what God wants for all in our human society. Read or download the full social statement on
“Economic life…” at
That all may have bread, that all may have peace,
Community Supper
Lutheran Home Fair
Palestinian Cooking Class
Summer Worship Schedule
Blessing of Gardens
Book Club
Finance Committee
Church Worship & Picnic
Are you graduating?
Vacation Bible School
Happy Birthday
Treasurer’s Report
The Shepherd’s Voice
On Sunday, May 1, 2016 we warmly welcomed the Lindsay family (Carly, Scott,
Donna, Christopher). Good Shepherd is
blessed by their presence and participation.
On Sunday, May 15, 2016 during the 10:30 a.m. worship service, we welcomed the
following young people to adult membership at Good Shepherd through the Rite of
Confirmation: Maggie Dixon, Zoe Helmke, Keegan McDonough, Megan Pelella,
Christopher Tveter.
On Sunday, May 15th during the 10:30 worship service 62 quilts were blessed
and on May 20th 61 quilts were sent on their way to Lutheran World Relief for
delivery to needy people around the world.
The quilt raffle provided funds for shipping and quilting supplies. The winner of the
raffle was Lisa Pelella. She selected a beautiful quilt. Congratulations to Lisa and
thank you to everyone who supported the fundraising effort!
We are taking a break for the month of June and will resume quilting in July, ready
and refreshed!
We need:
Cooking oil
Salad Dressing
Canned Pasta
Pancake Syrup
The Social Ministry and Community Outreach Committee invites you to contribute items to the
Shepherd’s Pantry located in the narthex. The items are delivered to the Monroe Food Pantry
once a month. The Pantry also accepts Big Y coins (gold and silver) which can be put in the
basket that has been placed on the Shepherd’s Pantry shelves in the narthex. If you have any
questions, please speak with Diane Hensel.
The Shepherd’s Voice
Members: Diane Hensel, Bill Serrano, Lil Tesoriero, Ron Haven, Bob Carlson, Eileen Remlin, Miriam Kursawe, Brian Amado, and Sarah Mora.
The Prayer Requests Notebook is on the counter in the narthex. If you would like to add a loved one to
the list, simply write the name in the book. If you would like a prayer card sent to your loved one, please
include the full name and address. Prayer requests may also be made by email or phone and will be included in the notebook by the church office. Should a loved one need prayers for longer than three
months, simply add their name to the list again. To keep the list current and up to date, only the names
recorded in the Prayer Request for Family & Friends Notebook will be listed on the prayer list. If
you have not recorded a loved one’s name, please do so.
Family & Friends of Members: Elaine, friend of Lil Tesoriero; Carolyn, friend of Becky & Walt Bills; Don,
cousin of Vic & Ellie Noll; Joyce, cousin of Eileen Remlin; Karl, uncle of Donna Duessel; Carolyn, daughter of
Lil Tesoriero; Lynne, friend of Vic & Ellie Noll & Sam Barate; Frances & family, friends of Pastor Doug and
Noelle; Dave, friend of Joan & Ray Doherty; Gloria, friend of Janet Szulga & Sarah Mora; Antonietta, friend of
Barbara Dembin; Keith, friend of Janet Szulga; Mary, neighbor of the Hollerans; Dorothy, aunt of Susan Chin.
Special Prayers for Armed Forces Personnel: Ben, Teddy, Phillip, Ryan, Brian.
Our deepest sympathy and prayers to:
The family and friends of + Margaret Riddell +.
The family and friends of + Mildred Wilson +, sister of Becky Bills.
The family and friends of + Joanne Carlson +, wife of Bob Carlson.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147 vs. 3
Should you be in need of pastoral care, please contact Pastor Doug Ryniewicz by cell
phone (860-595-9560—text if you like!) or by his email address (
The Shepherd’s Voice
Highlights from Your Church Council
May 16, 2016
Attendees: Pastor Doug, Bob Carlson, Cindy Carlson, Marc Carlson, Susan Chin, Donna Duessel, Billie
Flaherty, Donna Hoffman, Eileen Holleran, Karen Jackson, Charlie Simon, Jessica Thom and David Wang
(Vic Noll, guest)
Flat Roof Replacement - The closing date for refinancing the church mortgage has not yet been set but will
likely be in the next three weeks. Once that occurs, the flat roof replacement will be scheduled.
Worship Space –Michael from The Glass Source brought the unfinished bowl to GSL and W&M and others
previewed it in the sanctuary. Michael is going to make some minor modifications to the bowl.
Finance – The giving is behind what was budgeted. Statements have been prepared for January through
April and will be sent out (or placed in the narthex so that people can pick them up).
Thanks – Council thanks and congratulates Veronica Lenzen for leading Sunday School and graduating with
an advanced degree from Sacred Heart. Council also thanks Ellie Noll and the quilters for their continued
quilt ministry. Special thanks to Nina Furnes for organizing the shipping of the quilts.
Next Council Meeting – June 20th 7:30 pm
Respectfully submitted, Donna Duessel, Council Secretary
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with a council member or Pastor Doug:
Walt Bills
Bob Carlson
Cindy Carlson
Sue Chin
Donna Duessel
Billie Flaherty
Donna Hoffman
Eileen Holleran
Karen Jackson
Eric Lee
Charlie Simon
Jessica Thom
Dave Wang
Marc Carlson - Youth
God’s work. Our hands.
Do you want to help feed people in need in the town of Monroe? We welcome volunteers of all ages to help weed and harvest the garden we planted at the Monroe Food Pantry. We
can also use help with weeding and watering the flower gardens at church. Sign up on the bulletin board or call the
church office. If you have questions, please speak with Dave
Wang, Larry Black or Donna Duessel about the Pantry garden
and with Bob McFarland about the flower gardens.
The Shepherd’s Voice
Community Supper - June 1, 2016
at Golden Hill Methodist Church, Bridgeport
Cooks and set up crew needed. We start at 2:30 -3:00 p.m. If you haven't already signed up and would like to help,
please put your name on the list in the narthex. We can discuss car pooling if you want to. Any questions, please
speak to Peg Wesche, Cathryn Lee or anyone who has attended a supper before. Thank you!
Lutheran Home of Southbury Annual Strawberry Fair and Tag Sale is
Saturday, June 4th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Items are needed for the fair booths—handmade craft items, cards, toys,
plants, books, clean vintage linens, boutique items, and baked goods.
Proceeds from the fair are used funding parties and entertainment for the
residents. Two boxes marked “Southbury Lutheran Home” are in the narthex for your donations.
Come help or stop in and enjoy the booths. Stay for lunch (sandwiches or
hot dogs), fresh strawberry shortcake, ice cream and entertainment.
If you are donating items for the booths or baked goods please have
them at Good Shepherd by Thursday, June 2 or you can deliver them to
the home yourself early Saturday morning June 4th or before.
If you have any questions, please speak with Dot Kaiser, Bob McFarland
or Peg Wesche.
Palestinian Cooking Class
Interested in learning more about Palestine and Palestinian cuisine?
Want to learn to cook and then enjoy a classic Palestinian meal?
Come Saturday June 4th to a cooking class at Good Shepherd and
learn how to make traditional Makloube or “upside-down,” a Palestinian meal of rice, chicken and vegetables. We will also make salads
and dessert. A great chance to share and learn in new customs, culture and in stories and pictures from Clare McElaney’s YAGM year.
Come hungry! Kids, families welcome!
When: Saturday June 4th, 4-7pm
Donations encouraged at the dinner will go to pay for the food and
the ELCA’s Young Adults in Global Mission program.
Sign up in the Narthex today.
The Shepherd’s Voice
Summer Worship Schedule
begins Sunday, June 5, 2016
with a single service at 9:00 a.m.
Blessing of the Gardeners and Gardens
Bring your garden gloves, trowels and other implements on
Sunday, June 5th. We will bless the gardeners and gardens and give you an opportunity to get the gardens at
Good Shepherd off to a good start for the year. Enjoy
breakfast after 9:00 am church in Gibiser Hall and then help
with specific tasks around the church such as mulching,
replanting, cleaning out the back corners of Gibiser Hall,
and washing windows.
Sunday Night At Good Shepherd
In September we began to celebrate a 5:30 p.m. Service of Holy Communion. Gathering twice a month (for
now) the addition in worship opportunities has proved helpful to families with sports commitments, those
who work on Sunday mornings and those whose only day in months to catch up on sleep happens to be
Sunday! You may find that teens also do better at that time of day!
The Service has a setting of calm, reflective, slowing down presence and is held in the Narthex area or the
Lounge. Various musical guests come to lead us in song. Even if you do just fine with Sunday morning worship, come and join us for a visit to experience worship in a different style and at the hour of Vespers, sundown and "the lighting of the lamps."
June Schedule: June 5 and June 12
July Schedule: July 10 and July 24
The Shepherd’s Voice
The next Book Club meeting will be held on Tuesday,
June 7, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. (please note the time) We
will discuss “The Little Paris Bookshop” by Nina
Kathy Goulet is delighted to answer any questions you
may have about the book club and looks forward to
having you join in the discussion.
Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 7th at 7:00 p.m. If you have an interest in finance we
invite you to attend the meeting. If you have any questions, please speak with any member of the committee:
Vic Noll, Tim Carlson, Peg Wesche, Roy Remlin.
Annual Church Picnic and Worship Service
This year the Annual Church Picnic will be Sunday, June 26, 2016 at Wolfe Park in Monroe. Plan to come
to about 9:30 a.m. to talk to your friends, put your chairs in place (please bring your own lawn chairs), and
prepare for the special outdoor morning worship service. The Outdoor Worship Service will begin promptly at
10:00 a.m. and be followed by a picnic and outside games. In the case of inclement weather, we will have the
worship and picnic at Good Shepherd. Relatives and friends are welcome!
The sign up sheet is in the narthex with a list of some of the foods we would like to have at the picnic. If you
would be able to bring some of these, sign up for them. The planning committee will provide the beverages,
hot dogs and hamburgers.
Come for an inspiring worship service, a delicious picnic, fun games and great fellowship!
Are you graduating?
We love to share good news! Please tell us about it!
Email us at We will include it in the Summer newsletter.
The Shepherd’s Voice
The Shepherd’s Voice
Rob Uhde
Madison Troesser
Stephen Bespuda Sr.
Marc Carlson
Debra Kaza
William Noll
Ava Vojtek
Scott Stockman
Susan Chin
Megan Tveter
Kaylee Jackson
Bill Helmke
Sarah Harrison
Nancy Gennette
Amy Turner
Tyler Calhoun
Thomas Behn
Tricia Bobowick
Arlene Juliano
Janis Mahoney
Sonny Mackey
Ronald Basala
Rachel Baron
William Fischer
Keegan Mc Donough
Rachel Lilly
The current month’s birthday listing is posted on the bulletin board outside of the Pastor’s office. If
your birthday is not listed, please contact the church office and the files will be updated. We do not
want to miss anyone’s birthday.