The Shepherd`s Voice - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church


The Shepherd`s Voice - Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
The Shepherd’s Voice
Our mission is to be more visible, to become more connected, and to draw closer, with Christ as our center.
Summer 2016
Council Highlights
Happy Mid-Summer!
Thank You
Prayer List
Something Different Sundays - Let's do a couple this month.
Summer has a nice, laid back feel to it. We hold one Worship
Service and it's fun to change things up a bit.
So on July 10, I will distribute the time used for a sermon to do a
teach-in on Worship. As we pray and sing together I'll take a bit
of time to explain each part of the Service, what it is, why we do
it, how it relates to scripture based faith, what some of the current thinking is on each part of worship. We love something or
someone more deeply as we grow in knowing and understanding of the other. This is my hope in offering this on July 10.
On July 17, also a Something Different Sunday- I"ll dedicate the
sermon time for a "ASK ANY QUESTION YOU WANT" about
Christian belief or practice. We will listen and respond to each
other's questions and ideas. So, start thinking about questions
you've always wanted to ask and remind yourself that "the only
stupid question is the question you don't ask."
Book Club
Quilting News
Pantry Garden
Finance Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Shepherd’s Pantry
Community Supper
Usher & Greeters Needed
I hope that these summer Sundays will be useful and enjoyable
for you. Invite friends to church!
Lutheran Home Fair
Food Pantry Help
Eat some tomatoes. Sit by water. Wear sunscreen. Experiment
safely with gin. Come to church.
Church Picnic
Vacation Bible School
Happy Birthday
Summer Reading
Lay Ministry Schedule
The Shepherd’s Voice
Highlights from Your Church Council
June 20, 2016
Attendees: Pastor Doug, Walt Bills, Bob Carlson, Cindy Carlson, Marc Carlson, Susan Chin, Donna Duessel,
Donna Hoffman, Eileen Holleran, Karen Jackson, Charlie Simon, Jessica Thom and David Wang (Jeff Jackson, Clare McElaney - guests)
Synod Convention – Pastor Doug, Karen and Jeff Jackson, and Clare McElaney provided a summary of
what went on at the NE Synod Convention. The theme of the convention was No Reservations Required – A
Place at the Table for Everyone. Ending hunger was the focus. The future of seminaries was also discussed.
The Synod has created a Fund For Leaders with the goal of being able to provide seminary education without
cost. The Council decided to use the July meeting to figure out how Good Shepherd can contribute to the
Fund for Leaders and support our own seminarian, Clare McElaney.
Flat Roof Replacement - Refinancing the church mortgage is complete. The details of the roofing contract
are being worked out and the flat roof replacement will be scheduled soon.
Worship Space – The new baptismal bowl has been placed in the sanctuary. Please do not try to pick up or
move the bowl because it is adhered to the font. Moving the bowl will break the seal. Bob Carlson is working
on under-lighting the bowl.
Finance – The giving continues to be behind what was budgeted.
Thanks – Council thanks Karen & Jeff Jackson and Clare McElaney for attending Synod Convention on our
Next Council Meeting – July 18th – details to follow
Respectfully submitted, Donna Duessel, Council Secretary
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak with a council member or Pastor Doug:
Walt Bills
Bob Carlson
Cindy Carlson
Sue Chin
Donna Duessel
Billie Flaherty
Donna Hoffman
Eileen Holleran
Karen Jackson
Eric Lee
Charlie Simon
Jessica Thom
Dave Wang
Marc Carlson - Youth
Thank you!
Our gracious thanks to Eric and Cathryn Lee and Jeff Jackson for trimming the
trees around the parking lot and the exit to Lover’s Lane.
The Shepherd’s Voice
Members: Arlene Juliano, Don Juliano, Lil Tesoriero, Ron Haven, Bob Carlson, Eileen Remlin, Miriam Kursawe, Brian Amado, and Sarah Mora.
The Prayer Requests Notebook is on the counter in the narthex. If you would like to add a loved one to
the list, simply write the name in the book. If you would like a prayer card sent to your loved one, please
include the full name and address. Prayer requests may also be made by email or phone and will be included in the notebook by the church office. Should a loved one need prayers for longer than three
months, simply add their name to the list again. To keep the list current and up to date, only the names
recorded in the Prayer Request for Family & Friends Notebook will be listed on the prayer list. If
you have not recorded a loved one’s name, please do so.
Family & Friends of Members: Arlene, friend of Dagny Hassinger; Marge, friend of Dagny Hassinger; Debbie,
friend of John & Ray Doherty; Ann, friend of Miriam Kursawe; Mary, neighbor of Eileen & Howie Holleran;
Elaine, friend of Lil Tesoriero; Don, cousin of Vic & Ellie Noll; Joyce, cousin of Eileen Remlin; Carolyn, daughter of Lil Tesoriero; Karl, uncle of Donna Duessel; Lynne, friend of Vic & Ellie Noll & Sam Barate; Frances &
family, friends of Pastor Doug and Noelle; Dave, friend of Joan & Ray Doherty; Gloria, friend of Janet Szulga
& Sarah Mora; Antonietta, friend of Barbara Dembin; Keith, friend of Janet Szulga.
Special Prayers for Armed Forces Personnel: AJ, Matt, Kenny, Ryan, Brian, Phillip.
Our deepest sympathy and prayers to:
The family and friends of + Ron Basala+, husband of Elaine Basala, father of Lynn Kusinski & Kristen Cavaliere.
The family and friends of + Gladys Kearney +, sister of Arlene Juliano.
He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
Psalm 147 vs. 3
Should you be in need of pastoral care, please contact Pastor Doug Ryniewicz by cell
phone (860-595-9560—text if you like!) or by his email address (
The Shepherd’s Voice
The next Book Club meeting will be on Tuesday, July 5th at
1:30 p.m. We will discuss “ “A Man called Ove” by Fredrik
Kathy Goulet is delighted to answer any questions you may
have about the book club and looks forward to having you
join in the discussion.
Quilting News
Please join us on Saturday, July 9 and 16, August 6 and 20, 2016
from 9:30 a.m. to noon as we sew, iron, cut and assemble quilts for
the needy. Feel free to come and go as you need. If you have questions, please speak with Ellie Noll. No experience is needed just your
willing hearts and hands.
Sunday Night At Good Shepherd
In September we began to celebrate a 5:30 p.m. Service of Holy Communion. Gathering twice a month (for
now) the addition in worship opportunities has proved helpful to many! The Service has a setting of calm, reflective, slowing down presence and is held in the Narthex area or the Lounge. Various musical guests come to lead
us in song. Even if you do just fine with Sunday morning worship, come and join us for a visit to experience worship in a different style and at the hour of Vespers, sundown and "the lighting of the lamps."
July Schedule: July 10 and July 24
God’s work. Our hands.
Do you want to help feed people in need in the town of Monroe? We
welcome volunteers of all ages to help weed and harvest the garden
we planted at the Monroe Food Pantry. Sign up on the bulletin board
or call the church office. If you have questions, please speak with
Dave Wang, Larry Black or Donna Duessel.
We also need volunteers to weed and water the flowers at church.
They are a cheerful and welcoming sight to visitors and those passing
by the church.
The Shepherd’s Voice
Finance Committee Meeting
The Finance Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. If you have an interest in finance we invite you to attend the meeting. If you have any questions, please speak with any
member of the committee: Vic Noll, Tim Carlson, Peg Wesche, Roy Remlin.
We need:
Bbq sauce
Peanut butter
Baked beans
Hamburger rolls
Hot dog rolls
Vegetable oil
The need is great! The Social Ministry and Community Outreach Committee invites you to contribute items to the Shepherd’s Pantry located in the narthex. The items are delivered to the Monroe
Food Pantry once a month. The Pantry also accepts Big Y coins (gold and silver) which can be put
in the basket that has been placed on the Shepherd’s Pantry shelves in the narthex. If you have any
questions, please speak with Diane Hensel.
The Shepherd’s Voice
Community Supper - August 3, 2016
at Golden Hill Methodist Church,
Golden Hill Street, Bridgeport
Cooks and set up crew needed. We start at 2:30 -3:00 p.m. If you haven't already signed up and would like to
help, please put your name on the list in the narthex. We can discuss car pooling if you want to. Any
questions, please speak to Peg Wesche, Cathryn Lee, Amanda Lee or anyone who has attended a supper
before. Thank you!
Vacation Bible School August 8-12, 2016
The talented counselors from Camp Calumet will once again be here at Good
Shepherd to run a fun, faith-filled week of Vacation Bible School. Contributions of
dinners, breakfast foods and snacks are needed. GSLC has also committed to
having as much adult presence as possible so please consider spending a few
hours here in the air conditioning with a good book in the unlikely event the Calumet counselors need an adult church member to turn to. To contribute and/or help
out, please sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex or speak with Veronica
Lenzen. Thank you!
Registration is now open! See the form on page 10 to register for this wonderful
week for children ages 4-14. New this year: for ages 4-5 camp is a half day; for
ages 6-14 camp is a full day.
As in the past, we’d like to ask your help in providing backpacks for our Covenant to Care
kids as they head off to another year of school.
The last two years, we experimented with a choice of two drop-off dates to accommodate
vacation schedules and it worked out well, so this year there are again two dates for leaving your backpacks - August 7th or August 14th. Backpacks will be picked up on August
Since Vacation Bible School will be taking place from the 8th through the 12th, be sure to
leave your backpack in the narthex toward the front wall (street side) of the church to keep
them out of the way. Names will be in the narthex on July 17th. As usual, most of the kids
are high school age.
Thanks for your continuing generosity!
Jane Fieberts
The Shepherd’s Voice
Ushers and Greeters
Do you enjoy being greeted at the door with a smile and a “good morning”? Can you
help welcome people to church on a Sunday morning? Right now we have 4 teams
with two people on a team. With your help, we can continue this wonderful ministry!
Would you be willing to help usher during the worship service? Ushers hand out the
bulletins, collect the offering, bring the gifts to the altar, lead people to communion,
count the worship attendees and collect the worship guides after the service. We
have a limited number of ushers and generally schedule you once every two months.
Please call the church office or send an email to If
you have any questions, please speak with Howard Holleran.
Amber Serrano graduated with a bachelors degree in human performance and has been accepted into a
master degree program for higher education counseling with Central State University.
Kelly Turner graduated from Northeastern University with a Master’s of Science Degree in SpeechLanguage Pathology .
Morgan Turner graduated from the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Allied Health Sciences and will attend the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences as a
student in their Physician’s Assistant Master’s program beginning this fall.
Sydnie Chin graduated from Masuk High School and is going to Susquehanna University, where she
plans to study Graphic Design and has been accepted into the Honors program as well as the orchestra.
Hannah Lee graduated from Masuk High School. She will attend Manhattan College dual majoring in
education and special education with a concentration in Spanish. She received a music scholarship and
will participate in music ministry and sing with the Manhattan Singers.
Brian Lilly graduated from Masuk High School and will be attending University of Delaware, and will major in Bio/Chemistry.
Joseph Pleva graduated from Trumbull High School and will be attending Roger Williams University in
More graduation news will be in the September newsletter.
The Shepherd’s Voice
The Southbury Lutheran Home Fair on June 4, 2016 was a great success. You may recognize Bob
McFarland, Dottie Kaiser and Peg Wesche from the Plant Booth Team! The fair offered many items for sale
and included great entertainment. Thanks to all who supported the efforts to raise funds for the residents of
the home through your donations, time, and attendance.
Monroe Food Pantry
Wendy Jolls, Food Pantry Coordinator is in need of adult volunteers to help at the Monroe
Food Pantry on Wednesdays and possibly one Saturday a month. If you are willing to help
out or have questions, please contact her at 203-452-2817.
The Shepherd’s Voice
On Sunday, June 26, 2016, The Annual Church Picnic Worship was held at Wolfe Park in Monroe with beautiful weather, wonderful fellowship and delicious food! Special thanks to Zac Chin
and Ben Lee - grilllmasters, Jeff Jackson grill owner/supervisor, David Wang - grill transporter.
The Church Picnic group photo will be coming soon! Thanks to Dagny Hassinger for her photography talent and Donna Duessel for the above photos!
The Shepherd’s Voice
The Shepherd’s Voice
Linda Pleva
Gordon Cleland
Elaine Basala
Janet Reck
Tammy Crews McDonough 9-Aug
Roy Remlin
Jessica Hoffmann
Ellis Hensel
Doris Schwarz
Brian Lilly
Cindy Carlson
Robin Hoffmann
Victor Noll
Catherine McElaney
Lillian Thiede
Jackson Thom
John Carlson
Vic Johnson
Edward Kusinski
Walt Bills
Leslie Forte
Mark Schwarz
Stephen Bespuda
Seth Boland
Anthony Cavaliere
Nora Paquin
Carly Lindsay
Lynn Kusinski
Garrett Uhde
Renee Shoop
Paul Schwarz
Megan Aubrey
Clare McElaney
Sandy Troesser
Bill Serrano
Amy Wood
Joshua Smith
Brigette Vojtek
Ronald Stockman
Dylan Dembin
Ken Lee
Brian Immel
Adele Buck
Beth Noll
Danielle Noll
Thomas Wheeler
Scott Lindsay
Kathy Goulet
Amy Lee
Callie Rubin
Jerry Onofrio
Erin Schwarz
Kaitlyn Rogg
Linda Gorman
Lisa Schmidt
The current month’s birthday listing is posted on the bulletin board outside of the Pastor’s office. If
your birthday is not listed, please contact the church office and the files will be updated. We do not
want to miss anyone’s birthday.
The Shepherd’s Voice
A Prayer
May the Lord who made the majestic mountains,
the tenderness of tear drops,
the raging rivers,
the innocence of a child,
the fiery sun and the cooling wind,
give us ears to hear His word,
eyes to see His glory,
tongues to sing His praises,
hearts to know His grace and mercy
and a will to follow Him
all the days of our lives.
Special thanks to Lil Tesoriero for sharing this with us.
Summer Reading
Looking for something to read this summer? We have lots of books!
Check out the large selection in the narthex. If you see something you
would like to read, we ask you to donate 50 cents per book to the Hunger
Fund and help us feed the needy. Proceeds go to the Monroe Food Pantry and to ELCA World Hunger. There is a container for your donations on
the book cart.
The Shepherd’s Voice

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