View - the Hanover Area Parrot Head Society
View - the Hanover Area Parrot Head Society
JollyMon E-T mes A Newsletter for The Hanover Area Parrot Head Society Monthly Socials: SCOZZARO’S STEEL CITY PUB 4797 York Rd, Rt. 30 W. New Oxford, PA 3rd THURSDAY: February 19 March 19 April 16 OLIVIA’S RESTAURANT 3015 Baltimore Pk. Gettysburg, PA 1st WEDNESDAY: February 4 March 4 April 1 Coming Events: JANUARY 23 - 25: Mid-Winter Meltdown Manassas, VA January 24: Cabin Fever Reading, PA FEBRUARY 8: Monetary Bingo, Relay for Life Griest Park, 1pm FEBRUARY 15: Frost on the Fins II Brookmere Winery FEBRUARY 22: Margarita Bunco, Relay for Life Griest Park, 1pm FEBRUARY 27 - MARCH 1: Cabin Fever Pittsburgh MARCH 7: Beach Bums & Bar Stools Regional Club Leaders Mtg. Roanoke, VA MARCH 14: Leprechaun 5K Run/Walk Relay for Life Griest Park, 9am APRIL 3: Freeze with Breeze Olivia’s Parrot Island Deck April 11: Road Clean Up Staub Residence, 11:00 am January 2015 EL PRESIDENTE’S PODIUM V2.0 2014 CHILI COOK OFF REPORT Hi Kids, welcome to 2015! As I set here in the 10 degree Pennsylvania winter at 5am, I need to keep reminding myself it will be Spring in a few weeks. That means lots of Parrot Head events! With an active club this size we have lots of activities. The good news is we have something for everyone, but we do need help to pull everything off successfully. Please look over the calendar of events and if there is anything that appeals to you let someone on the board know, the help will be greatly appreciated. Speaking of the board, thanks for serving another year. A special thanks to the new board members, Angie Muller (Vice- President) and Bill Blackwood (Parrot Head at Large)! We are already hard at work planning events and improving the club as best we can. One change is the web site, please check it out when you can and let us know what you think. The web address is We will be making additional changes in the near future so stop back often! My truck is finally warmed up enough to drive to work and I’m late with my article so I better send this off to John! Stay warm and stay safe. If you get tired of the cold stop by a meeting and drink a warm beverage with us. Until next time, Bobby, El Presidente v2.0 RAIN? WHAT RAIN? A “little rain” and a Buffett concert in Hershey could not put a major damper on The Hanover Chili Cook Off! The Cook Off Committee is pleased to announce the beneficiaries of the 19th annual event. Checks totaling $45,000 were presented to this year’s beneficiaries: The HART Center Guthrie Memorial Library Friends of Codorus State Park Hanover Council of Churches York County SPCA Habitat for Humanity, Hanover Build Penn Township Volunteer EMS Team Hanover Aerial Fire Truck Fund These donations will touch more lives in Hanover than cups of chili were served on August 31. The Committee sends thanks to all Sponsors, Donors, Volunteers and Chili Cooks for their efforts and to all who enjoyed this 100% Volunteer driven community fund raising event and mud slide! I may have become the public voice of the Cook Off but without BeanMon, Bill & Bridget Seidler, Scott Pivoris, Jason Miller, Tom Huffnagle, Matt Shamer, Dorrie Miller and Lisa Kane this event could not happen. This day would not be successful without all involved, especially our trusted volunteer Captains. Thank you all CHILI JOHN OUR THAPHS.NET Our Web Master, Dustin Muller has been rebuilding The Society web page. Pull it up a take a look at the new presentation. Hats off to Dustin for this effort! Also, Kent has our Coming Events and many of our member musicians gigs listed online. Click the “events” tab on the new homepage to view them all. MEMBERSHIP DUES It’s time to ante up! Membership dues must be paid to retain your membership in good standing. Dues are $15 per individual or $25 for a couple. See Treasurer BeanMon in person, send a check to PO Box 605, Hanover or pay online using PayPal. If there have been any changes, please update your contact information. WHAT WE GIVE Be proud you members of THAPHS, be very proud! Over the recent years our goal has been to make small donations every month. Below are the donations The Society has made recently. Adams County Rescue Mission Zonta Walk, at Meeting of the Minds Youth for Christ Red Cross Survivors, Inc. Toys for Tots Stephanie Ranker Medical Fund Keifer Kuhn Medical Fund Wreaths Across America Parrot Heads, put one arm over your shoulder and give yourself a pat on the back for deeds well done! FOR DUES If you have not yet paid your dues, annual membership renewals can now be paid online using PayPal. Go to THAPHS.NET and click the “Membership” tab. Applications can be filled-in and used for both renewals and new memberships. Thanks, Dustin Muller Officers for 2015: PRESIDENT: Bob Staub VICE-PRESIDENT: Angie Muller SECRETARY: Dottie Trostle TREASURER: Ron Bean Members at Large: Bill Blackwood Christina Dubs Deb Zartman Committees: PARROTPHERNALIA: Sandi Calvert NEW MEMBER WELCOME: Dottie & JT Trostle CONCERT: Breeze-Mon, Bob Staub VETERANS / MILITARY: Ringo Lombard, Lori Staub ROAD TRIPS: Deb Zartman, Lori Eberly ROAD CLEANUP: Spook & Smalley Staub Good Will & SPCA: Lori Staub RELAY FOR LIFE: Dottie Trostle, Kim Shull Angie Staub, Deb Zartman Joyce Miller, Kelly Beck REVOLUTION BASEBALL: BeanMon FINANCIAL AUDIT: Nickie James, Ron Bean WEB MASTERS: Dustin Muller, Kent McCoy ZONTA WALK: Lori Staub, Kim Walton JOLLYMON TIMES STAPH: Chili John, STAPH IN REMISSION: Peggy "Pegarita" Hellyer Cabaña Boy: Curley GUEST AUTHORS: PirateMon Wayne Lori Staub Angie Muller Ringo Lombard Skip Crowther Relay For Life: July 10 - 11 SUPERHEROES is the theme for Relay for Life 2015 and we are off and running like FLASH. The event will be held on July 10 - 11, from noon to noon at the Southwest High School. Our Relay WONDER WOMAN, Dottie reports that we have five teams with 54 registered walkers. To date, we have $6,845 turned in between the teams. If you would like to walk with us, you need to go to the Relay for Life of Hanover, Pa website and register. Click on “sign up” and join our LEAGUE of EXTRAORDINARY CARING PARROT HEADS! There is no fee to participate, except all that your heart can give! Out Team Captains, Lori, Dottie, Kim, Deb and Angie are part of the Relay of Hanover Committee and again will be coordinating the entertainment activities during Relay as well as chairing the Luminairia preparations and Ceremony. Check the front page for fundraisers scheduled. Come out and support this fight and become a TRANSFORMER of lives! What is your “Super Hero” name? I plugged “Chili John” into the fun site: My Super Hero name came out as: The Wonderful Angel – “You were a powerful archangel among the host of Heaven until a mysterious conflict saw you fall to Earth! Now, with only a fraction of your previous powers, you must battle evil!” I can work with that. Loose During the bleak and cold Pennsylvania Winter there is a bright warm spot that will shine through, it’s Frost on the Fins in support of Relay for Life. What an amazing time we had last year! This year will be bigger and better with more musical acts including club favorites James Jackson and Dennis McCaughey headlining the event. Frost on the Fins II will be held at the new Brookmere Wine and Tasting Room, Rt. 194 Abbottstown, Pa. and we welcome Boneyard BBQ to provide the food that’s included with your $20 admission ticket. Doors will open at 11:30am, with the music beginning at noon. The day will end with a special guest speaker from the American Cancer Society, Ms. Jenna Klunk. For more information about this event or any other American Cancer Society or Relay for Life inquiries please contact me, Dottie Trostle or Angie Staub. PirateMon Wayne (EdNote: The performance schedule for Frost on the Fins can be found on recent Social Agendas, Social Minutes and the Society FaceBook page.) WELCOME 2015, FROM YOUR NEW VICE-PRESIDENT! Hello and Happy New Year! Thank you Parrot Heads for letting me serve this year as the 2015 Vice-President. We had our first Executive Committee meeting this week. Thank you to the Pro’s, Bob, Ron and Dottie for showing me the ropes and Jane for your hospitality! I’m looking forward to working with you all this year. As Vice-President one of the main jobs is to keep track of all the club members’ points. I thought it would be a good time of year to review these again so everyone is aware how the points system works. For every meeting and club event you attend, points are given. Here is a summary on how to earn points in 2015, for 2016 rewards. Service points are the tool used to apportion membership awards to members and establish a fair and equitable distribution of concert tickets that may become available for purchase through The Society’s association with Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. Tickets will be offered to members with the highest points and progressing in decreasing order through the membership order. In lieu of taking the ticket for your points earned, you may select a onetime per calendar year monetary deduction on in stock merchandise. Your deduction is based on your points, $1 per point, up to $25. It may be used anytime throughout the year, but only once. You may purchase more than one item at that time, but you cannot exceed a deduction of $25. Use of the deduction will remove you from the concert ticket list. Points may not be bought, sold, traded or given to another person. Points Earned: 1 – Attend a meeting or event 2 – Extra Bonus for working the whole day at Apple Harvest 3 – Set-up event, working an event, Clean-up after event 5 – Committee member 10 – Committee Chairperson 15 – Member At Large on Exec Committee or appointed officer 20 – Elected Officers So when attending meetings and events look for the sign in sheet, to ensure you are receiving the points your service earns! I’m looking forward to serving as your VP and proud of all the great things our club does to help others! Thank you, Angie Muller One COOL plate, somewhere in PA! WREATHS ACROSS AMERICA ARLINGTON NATIONAL CEMETERY – DECEMBER 13, 2014 On a fairly warm December Sunday afternoon, Kathy Robinette and I attended Wreaths across America at Arlington National Cemetery. Although I raised more than $550 for the Ft. Indiantown Gap WAA event, I wanted to come to the WAA event in Arlington because a close family friend passed this fall and I wanted to lay a wreath at his marker. The massive acreage of tombstones in Arlington, all adorned with wreaths is an awesome sight, and then again, you just cannot think of the waste of lives. This event is a great tribute to our veteran heroes here in Arlington and around the Nation on this day. The main promise of WAA is to REMEMBER, HONOR, and TEACH. REMEMBER the fallen, HONOR those who serve and their families, and TEACH our children the value of freedom. The volunteer wreath layers in attendance, encompassed a variety of factions, Youth Civil Patrol groups, Jr. ROTC groups, I saw about every foreign military uniform there is, and of course, families with kids. This is also a very emotional occasion. There are three specific areas in Arlington designated for the soldiers killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan. It is heart wrenching to see a young Mom and her kids sitting on a picnic blanket visiting her lost hero, too many to be seen. My personal heart break came when I noticed a small picture frame laying against a tomb stone. I went over to look at it, and on one side was a birthday invitation to the soldier’s daughters first birthday, on the other side was an envelope with “I Miss You Daddy!” Ouch. This is the first year Arlington National Cemetery is completely covered with wreaths ! And with Kathy Robinette in attendance...we had to do some Geocaching in the cemetery!!! Geezz! Tell you the truth, it was cool. I’ve coming here for forty years to visit my Grandfather and Grandmother and various friends, one of those “stop, say hi, leave flowers” and take off. This is the first time I have actually walked around and toured. We saw the Changing of the Guard, and visited the JFK and RFK plots. I noticed many famous military names, including Audie Murphy and Abner Doubleday. Kathy and I stopped to visit the Space Shuttle memorials which had some clues we needed for a Geocache location. Once again, Wreaths across America is a wonderful way to honor our Veterans and I am very happy it is now part of my life. Pete Lombard (EdNote: The Society owes Pete a huge debt of gratitude for intimating our involvement in the Wreaths across America movement! Thanks Ringo, we are all enriched from your efforts! And Lori, thanks for your help with the replacement wreaths in Hanover.) MT. OLIVET CEMETERY – DECEMBER 13, 2014 A few months ago, my friend Kathy Edwards, a past THAPHS member and a current member of the Blue Star moms asked me if the Parrot Heads would be interested in making a donation towards the Wreaths across America event being held at the Mt. Olivet Cemetery in South Hanover. Special thanks to Ringo, Spook and Smalley for talking about and sharing their experiences with this deserving charity. What an honor to help make their hard work for this charity get a little bigger this year. On December 13, 2014, I met Kent McCoy, Linda Moorefield, Skip Crowther at the Giant parking lot. After driving over to the cemetery, Kim Walton and Doug Zartman were waiting to join us. It was a cold, breezy day. The crowd was starting to gather for the noon start of the ceremony. About 10 minutes before the program began; there was a rumble in the air. The God Bless America Motorcycle Color Guard rode into the cemetery. Each motorcyclist carried a flag from one of the military branches. They have quite a presence and gave me goose bumps. The ceremony was very moving. There was a Youth Military group, motorcyclists, musicians, singers and speakers and well over 150 people from the community to honor the fallen soldiers. After the ceremony, all were welcome to help place the Wreaths. Each grave was previously marked with an orange flag to designate military service so we knew where to place the wreaths. Our group decided to go to the far side of the cemetery, there were boxes of wreaths strategically placed throughout the cemetery. They advised as we placed the wreath to read the marker take a moment to thank that person for their service and then place their wreath. Making sure to straighten out the bow then pull out the flag when finished. It went pretty quick, but for some reason there didn’t seem to be enough wreaths. When all the wreaths were placed we contacted one of the cemetery workers to see if more could be brought to our location. The worker left to bring more wreaths but came back with none. We left the cemetery confused and disappointed, not knowing why there weren’t enough wreaths. Later that afternoon we found out why. There were 72 missing wreaths, eight boxes of wreaths were stolen. After hearing the sad news of the theft, we rallied together at The Society Christmas party and raised $392.00 to help purchase additional wreaths. Along with Something Wicked Brewery and other members of the community we raised over $1,700 within 24 hours. Last I heard, all of the missing wreaths were replaced. All collected money will be donated for next year’s event. Special thanks to Skip Crowther who went back out on the second round of wreath placement. Lori Staub One day you will wake up and there won't be any more time to do the things you've always wanted. Do it now! Paulo Coelho THE CAPT TONY YEARS TROPICAL SOUL THE WORLD WAS HIS OYSTER, AND HIM IT'S PEARL New member Dennis McCaughey will be doing some shows in our area. Get out and dream about the beach. Jan 23 - Bridges Golf Club - 5:30 - 8:30 Jan 31 - Underside at the Altland House 7- 10 Feb 13 - Underside at the Altland House 7 - 10 Feb 20 - Bridges Golf Club - 5:30 - 8:30 Feb 27 - Underside at the Altland House 7 - 10 Capt Tony Years. "The World was his Oyster, and him it's Pearl" This is an appropriate quote that describes the salty soul of our favorite Key West Icon Capt. Tony Terracino. Any Parrot Head that makes the trip to Key West feels the pull of the dive bar on Greene Street that was the original location of Sloppy Joe's and once you walk into the bar the history just hits you like a tidal wave, from the human skeleton behind the bar to the Key West hanging Tree growing through the roof, to the graves below the pool tables that were never moved. Like me when you are not in Key West and at Capt. Tony's your mind and spirit longs to be sitting at the bar and consuming a Capt. Tony's Amber. Now thanks to a new DVD that was premiered at the Tropic Theater in Key West and made available on the Capt Tony's Years Facebook Page you can now get the experience of sitting at home and listen to our hero. This DVD is a collection of intimate interviews and stories and songs with and videos of places we have all rode our bikes past time and time again. In Capt. Tony style the stories are peppered with his salty language that is told so well that it would even bring a smile to the Popes face and when you are watching it you feel that Capt. Tony is there talking right to you. No subject is off limit to The Capt. when he talks about politics, to music, to Hemingway and his long fabled sex life, and even reveals his time running guns and running from the mafia, just to name a few topics on here. This DVD is a must for anyone that has traveled to or is planning their first trip to Key West. PirateMon Wayne MARGARITAVILLE: THE MUSICAL On the November 26 Tony Kornheiser radio show on ESPN 980 AM, from Washington, DC, movie and TV producer Greg Garcia announced that planning for Margaritaville, the Musical on Broadway had begun. Mr. Buffett is on-board for the project that will feature some of the old standard songs and some new ones written by Jimmy. We all know about Jimmy’s fun but short lived musical adaptation of Herman Wouk’s novel Don’t Stop the Carnival with some of my favorite Buffett songs about Norman Paperman’s version of Bill & Steve’s island bar! Listen to the full interview here, it’s at about the 19 minute mark: =3778243 No timetable for when the opening curtain will be raised has been announced. (EdNote: Would whoever borrowed my copy of the Don’t Stop the Carnival, CD please return it to me! Loose) When you volunteer, you are not paid in money or recognition, you are paid in love. Unknown CABIN FEVER IN READING Our region is in a deep freeze, and we can't think of a better way to "shake it off" (apologies to Taylor Swift!) than having you all join us at the Berks County Parrot Head Club's Cabin Fever in a few short weeks. The date to remember is Saturday, January 24, and we'll be partying in the Crowne Plaza in Reading, PA. Tickets are just $15 for members; $20 for non members when bought in advance (prices go up at the door.) Proceeds benefit the Epilepsy Foundation of Eastern PA. Get your tickets now so you won't be left out in the, well, cold! Visit for all the details, and we'll see you there! (EdNote: When Peggy & Curley were in the 717, they attended this event for a number of years and had nothing but great times. Head on over and support one our neighbors.) WHERE “WWW” MEANS “WRETCHED WRITERS WELCOME” Elizabeth Dorfman of Bainbridge Island, WA, is the 32nd grand prize winner of the Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest. The contest challenges entrants to compose bad opening sentences to imaginary novels and takes its name from the Victorian novelist George Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who began his Paul Clifford with “It was a dark and stormy night.“ Although Lytton did not originate the line, he exploited its familiarity to begin his novel, as have several other writers who followed. In keeping with the bignitude, high dignity, and general importance of the competition, the Grand Prize Winner receives a pittance about $150. Grand Prize Winner: When the dead moose floated into view the famished crew cheered – this had to mean land! – but Captain Walgrove, flinty-eyed and clear headed thanks to the starvation cleanse in progress, gave fateful orders to remain on the original course and await the appearance of a second and confirming moose. Kerfuffle – There I said it, just because it’s a funny word! SKIP CROWTHER IS PLAYING! MEETING OF THE MINDS: 2015 THANKS BREEZE! There’s no better way to spend a summer’s evening then to be sitting on the Parrot Island deck at Olivia’s, Malibu Bay Breeze in hand listening to DJ Breeze-Mon spinning Buffett tunes. That’s exactly what I was doing when I felt someone tapping me on the shoulder with a clipboard. What’s this? “It’s a sign-up sheet” Piratemon Wayne explained. “Breeze is looking for acoustic acts to open-up for his deck parties on Thursday nights,” “Sounds great” I said. “But why are you handing it to me.” Wayne said, “You play don’t you? Sign up, it’s only for an hour, it’ll be fun.” I used to play in a past life. Once when I was sixteen then again after my daughter was born back in ’75. Since then, I’d pick up the guitar every now-and-then. Mostly just to see if I still could. “Sure, I’ll play” was all I could say. That’s when it all started. I asked Kelly Beck if she would join me (mostly because I didn’t want to be “up there” by myself) and I was back in the “Biz,” We started playing on the deck at Olivia’s, Adams County, Moondancer, and Brookmere wineries, and even did a Christmas party for the Lions Club. Since opening for Breeze in June of 2012, I’ve played more than 85 dates, more than 22 of them with Kelly. Some of the most fun I’ve had has been playing with all of the other musicians in the club at open mics at Bay City, Jam Fest, and at Bean Stock. I’ve had the pleasure of sharing the stage with James Jackson, Mike Mangum, Chris Sacks, “Crawdaddy” Crawley, Dennis McCaughey, and with Piratemon Wayne at the Rum Barrel in Key West. It’s been a blast. I have to say that none of this would have happened without the encouragement and the support of The Hanover Area Parrot Head Society. You guys have been there every step of the way. I am still amazed when I get asked “Where are you playing?” Still getting used to the idea that people actually want to hear me play. About a year ago I was asked “When are you going to make a CD?” Honestly, that had never crossed my mind. But the more I tried to promote myself the more I realized that club owners were not going to hire me without hearing me play. So this past spring I went into the studio and recorded my first CD. I had never worked with studio musicians and I have to tell you that was very intimidating. These guys knew what they were doing. I knew how I wanted the CD to sound. But getting there was another story. I explained to Ken Matson (my producer and engineer at Sound Works Recording Studio in Hanover) exactly what I wanted and then I left it up to him to deliver. And he did! The recording has the TropRock sound that I was after, but with an early seventies feel that expresses my musical roots. It’s getting some air play on internet radio and sales are international. (I can say that because I’ve actually had sales in the UK and Australia) Thanks mostly to Parrot Heads, sales are going well at home too. If you haven’t picked up your copy of Sail On, please do. I have them at gigs and on my web site (, CD Baby, and for download on and I-Tunes. Hope to sea ya soon. Skip SKIP’S UPCOMING GIGS: Friday, January 16: 7 to 10pm, Altland House Friday, January 23: 7 to 10pm, Altland House Friday, February 6: 7 to 10pm, Altland House Friday, February 13: 5:30 to 8:30, Bridges Golf Club Saturday, February 21: 7 to 10pm, Altland House Friday, March 13: 5:30 to 8:30, Bridges Golf Club A SALTY PIECE OF LAND Registration for the 24th Annual Meeting of the Minds “A Salty Piece of Land” is open!! Bookmark this brand new link! The wheels are in motion for another great event in 2015 in sunny and warm Key West! 2015 promises to be great year with all the music and fun you have come to expect at Meeting of the Minds. I am going to go ahead and make an announcement. Book your room at the Casa Marina early!! Why? Several reasons. It WILL be the place to be again this year as it always is for MOTM! Here is another great reason. For the third year running, if you register for MOTM and book your room at the Casa Marina Resort prior to June 30th 2015 you will be put into a drawing for FOUR NIGHTS FREE in a Casa Marina OCEAN FRONT 2 BEDROOM SUITE! Don’t forget we sold-out the Casa Marina again last year so don’t delay! For those of you who left your reservation requests with the front desk at MOTM 2014 you should be getting calls from the Casa Marina confirming your reservations in the coming weeks! Please note that the online link to the Casa Marina for our event should be online by the second week of January. I will send another email once that link becomes active. That information will also be added to our new host hotel page at: In the meantime, YOU CAN BOOK ON THE PHONE on JANUARY 1, 2015 and the special code for our Parrot Head Rate is: ZZPAR7. You must mention this code to the special Parrot Head rate. The Casa Marina phone numbers are: 888-3035717 or 305-296-3535. The 2015 MOTM dates are on the PHiP web site for use in booking your rooms right now! More announcements will be coming soon and the excitement is starting to build. I can’t wait to share all the details of this year’s event! With that I will close out 2014 with a few lines of the song that inspired the 2015 event name “A Salty Piece of Land.” I was listening for answers That I could not really hear When the words of a wise old Indian Put a conch shell to my ear And I took off for the ocean I was searching for the coast Painting pictures of my vision With the words from grandma ghost Hiding from the dragons Riding for the sea Singing ballads from my childhood "A pirate's life for me" Survivors seem to function best When peril is at hand With a song of the ocean Meets a salty piece of land Until next time, I’ll see you, down the road--Andrew Talbert Parrot Heads in Paradise PHiP Director of Conventions MARGARITAVILLE AT SEA HISTORY LESSON NORWEGIAN ESCAPE TO HAVE WORLDS FIRST THE EPIC AUSTIN MUSIC HISTORY CHRONICLES PHOTOGRAPHY & WORDS OF SCOTT NEWTON "Jimmy Buffett used to hang around Austin a lot. This was in 1974, at Liberty Lunch. It had been the old Calcasieu lumberyard and still had lots of their stuff around. This wasn’t the day he wrote “Margaritaville” [which, according to legend, happened one afternoon at an Austin bar], but it was supposedly the same trip. The guy to his left is Roger Bartlett, who Buffett invited to join his band that day. He said, 'You can be my first backup guy, my first Coral Reefer.' He’d clearly given this a lot of thought. I sent Buffett a copy of this photo to sign for me, and he wrote, 'Hide this photo.' I realized, of course, that now he’s got his own brand of beer." Photo by Scott Newton MLAMBERT@MIAMIHERALD.COM Norwegian Cruise Line’s next ship, which will be based in Miami, will have Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville restaurant and the 5 O’Clock Somewhere Bar on board, the company announced Thursday. Margaritaville will be a complimentary restaurant on the Norwegian Escape, which will debut in Europe next October and begin week-long Caribbean cruises out of Miami starting Nov. 14. The 5 O’Clock Somewhere Bar will be an outdoor bar on the ship’s Waterfront Zone and will feature live music nightly. Norwegian’s port at Harvest Caye, Belize, will have a Margaritaville when it opens next fall, and a 5 O’Clock Somewhere Bar will open next year on Norwegian’s Great Stirrup Cay in the Bahamas. Margaritaville eventually will be expanded to the rest of the THAPHS GOODIES THE NORWEGIAN ESCAPE fleet, but details haven’t been set yet, said Vanessa Lane Picariello, Norwegian’s director of public relations. “I always wanted a navy,” Buffett said. “If you see me out on my little 26-foot sailboat, please do not run over me.” Sheehan also said, with obvious relish, that another cruise line had been “in the throes” of negotiating with Buffett and that “one of our competitors is going to be so pissed.” Sheehan did not elaborate, but cruise writers said there had been rumblings that Royal Caribbean had been talking to Buffett. “You can take those rumors with a lost shaker of salt,” said Rob Zeiger, VP and global chief communications officer at Royal Caribbean. “We don’t get into rumors.” Vance Gulliksen, spokesman for Carnival, said to his knowledge, that line had not been in talks with Buffett. Shake off your winter blues and sport your Parrot Head colors when taking in some of the great music events in the area. Plenty of these available for $35.00. A list of other Society “goodies” is on page 10. #1 ON THE CHARTS “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” from the finale of Monty Python’s Life of Brian is the #1 song on the music charts in England, for funerals that is! TAX DOLLARS AT WORK As of January 15th in New York State, it is illegal to take a “selfie” with a lion, tiger or other dangerous animal Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. Albert Camus 39 SECONDS ER CHARTS Yep, that’s right. The Hershey Bears scored just 39 seconds into the game and the teddy bears began to fly at the annual teddy bear toss game. Some of the 30 or so members had not even found their seats after a stop at Tröegs Brewery and repeated “pat downs” by our favorite Hershey Security staffer. A minor league hockey record 17, 295 stuffed toys hit the ice that night, The Society brought over 500 to the party, all to be cleaned and given to children in the Hershey Hospital system. We were even recognized on the scoreboard, when Jarred Weaver won the drawing for a Bears autographed puck! A CTUAL SENTENCES FROM HOSPITAL CHARTS. SOME OF THESE ARE SERIOUS CONDITIONS: Examination of the genitals reveals he is circus sized Discharge status: Alive but without my permission Patient refused autopsy Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch Patient was alert but unresponsive She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life until she got a divorce Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation Lab tests revealed normal lover function Pelvic exam was done later on the floor Patient has two teenage children but no other abnormalities The patient was to have a bowel resection but took a job as a stockbroker instead Santa Crawl Some of the crew during the Gettysburg Santa Crawl BEACH BUMS & BAR STOOLS Parrot Heads of the Blue Ridge are proud to announce this year’s Beach Bums & Bar Stools fund raising event. This is a great value, your $50 admission includes a three hour open bar, dinner and music by the Tsunami Wave Riders. So far, at least ten members will be making the trip to Roanoke to represent The Society at the Mid-Atlantic Regional Parrot Head Leaders Meeting and then showoff some PA pride at the party! Check out the band: ON THE AUTOBAHN A cool photo from Kandie and Joanne’s autobahn excursion gives a whole new meaning to fins to the left, fins to the right! HOLLYWOOD SQUARES Q. When you pat a dog on its head he will wag his tail. What will a goose do? A. Paul Lynde: Make him bark? If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito. The Dalai Lama E-Cycling TROPROCKIN MAGAZINE After the holidays, many of us have old electronic equipment taking up space since we got that new flat screen HD TV or notebook computer. Your municipality has access to a, now mandatory, electronics recycling program. York County residents, businesses, non-profits and institutions can participate from 9 am to noon on the first and third Saturday of every month by bringing items to the Authority’s York Waste Transfer Facility on Flour Mill Rd. Examples of electronic equipment accepted in this program include answering machines, compact disc players, fax machines, computer hard drives, laptops, mobile phones, modems, microwave ovens, pagers, personal computers (CPU, monitors, keyboards, mouse, and peripherals), printers, printed circuit boards, radios, remote controls, stereos, tape players, telephones and telephone equipment, televisions, and VCR’s. Residents are responsible for removal of any personal data contained on electronic devices and computer hard drives. Check: for more information. Penn Township collects from all York County residents at the new Penn Township Recycling Drop-off Center at 1020 Wilson Ave. from 8:00 to 4:15 Mon. to Fri. and 8:00 to 3:00 Saturday. The Adams County Rescue Mission, 2515 York Rd, Gettysburg has drop-off collections Mon. to Sat. from 8 am to 4 pm. Did you know that a personal computer can contain as much as 8 pounds of lead? Trop Rockin’ Online Magazine celebrates the people, places and adventures of the Trop Rock lifestyle. We love our laid back attitude with a tropical twist and Trop Rockin’ Online Magazine is the spot where we gather with like minded friends. Our goal is to provide a hub for all things Trop Rock: music, travel, events, entertainment, food and more! Sit back, grab a cocktail and enjoy the adventures. Even better, be a contributor! Who better to illustrate the Trop Rock lifestyle than those who are living it? I LOVE A PARADE We place 4th in the float competition at this year’s Santa parade! TEXTING FOR SENIOR PARROT HEADS Jimmy and his fans are growing older and text messaging has become very popular, here is a short course on some useful text abbreviations: ATD: At The Doctor's BFF: Best Friend Farted BTW: Bring The Wheelchair CUATSC: See You At The Senior Center DWI: Driving While Incontinent FWIW: Forgot Where I Was GHA: Got Heartburn Again HGBM: Had Good Bowel Movement IMHO: Is My Hearing-Aid On? LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out OMSG: Oh My! Sorry, Gas. ROFL... CGU: Rolling On The Floor Laughing... Can't Get Up SGGP: Sorry, Gotta Go Poop WAITT: Who Am I Talking To? WWNO: Walker Wheels Need Oil GGLKI: Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In Ready for a COLD Winter? GRAND THEFT AUTO: MARGARITAVILLE On January 9 th Jimmy’s Mercedes Benz was stolen from the driveway of his Palm Beach home. The culprit traded the car for $200 of crack cocaine. Using the internal GPS system, police were able to track the auto’s movements and make an arrest. Jimmy left his keys in the car! A local minster was charged with shoplifting for stealing a book on ethics! HAPPY BIRTHDAYS: January 14: Zack Staub 16: Doug Kelley 16: Kris Martin 16: Dave Landis 18: Tammie Edgecomb 18: Buzz Hood 19: Chris Heller 21: Mike Dewey 22: Heather Weddle 24: Al Scholz 25: Ron Albright 28: Doug Zartman 28: Jeff Hill 30: Gerry DeGroft 30: Martavis Washington 31: Mandy Walton February 3: Kelly Beck 6: Smalley Staub 8: Bill Smith 11: Angie Staub 12: Dave Hoffman 19: Jessy Weaver 20: Jeff Beard 22: Dani Smith March: 8: Sally Thoman 8: Mis Mahone 8: Stephanie Gellatly 9: Michele Greaves 9: Dani Hoy 10: Wayne Beck 12: Kim Gross 16: Steve Buenzow 16: Broc Gregory 18: Mary Morris 20: Curly Reid 21:Deb Miller 23: Tina Redding 23: Dale McCoy 24: Jen Little 25: Ginger French 28: Megan Bortner 30: Dennis McCaughey Apri: 1: Dan Feeser 3: Lori Eberly 4: Bob Orendorff 4: Joanne Shorb 4: Karen Blackwood 6: Bill Miller 9: Joe Carver 14: Lori Shatto 14: Bill Blackwood 16: Michelle Shamer 16: Sandi Calvert 17: Tammy Gobrecht 18: Kim Shull 19: THAPHS GUMBO QUIZ: SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW KEY WEST? Jimmy Buffett and Jerry Jeff Walker arrived together in Key West back in 1971. Jimmy settled there for several years, writing and performing some of his greatest hits, making some people and places in that southernmost key famous to his listeners. Here’s some trivia about the place that best captures Jimmy’s carefree island persona. How well do you know Key West? Created by Lou Mancano, as published in the Berks County PHC Parrot Poop newsletter. 1. During the Civil War, which flag flew over Key West ? a. Union b. Confederate c. Spain d. it’s own (independent) 2. Key West is the southernmost city on the U.S. mainland. Which of the following cities is closest? a. Miami, FL b. Havana, Cuba c. San Juan, PR d. Kingston, Jamaica 3. The sand on Key West came from where? a. Local limestone erosion b. Caribbean islands c. Hawaii d. Miami 4. Currently, what time does Happy Hour begin at the Schooner Wharf Bar? a. 7 AM b. 10 AM c. 12 noon d. 4 PM 5. All of the following motion pictures were filmed on Key West EXCEPT which one? a. PT 109 b. License to Kill c. Running Scared d. Cocktail 6. U.S Highway One runs from Mile Marker 0 in Key West to where? a. Providence, RI b. Fort Kent, ME c. Albany, NY d. Boston, MA 7. Ernest Hemmingway’s House is a tourist attraction in Key West. Most of the forty or so cats living there have what unusual genetic feature? a. They don’t have tails b. They are four-color calicos c. They are lactose intolerant d. They have six toes 8. In protest of the U.S. Border Patrol’s check points in the keys, Key West, as the Conch Republic, briefly seceded from the United States in which year? a. 1962 b. 1972 c. 1982 d. 1992 9. Two of Ernest Hemingway’s uncashed royalty checks hang on the wall at which Key West establishment? a. Sloppy Joe’s b. Captain Tony’s c. Green Parrot d. Margaritaville 10. The first international flight in 1927 from Key West to Havana, Cuba was run by which airline? a. Republic Airlines b. Pan American c. Delta d. Eastern Airlines If you can’t find Key West on a map, the answers can be found on page 10 with a Bonus Bowl question. GUINNESS GINGERBREAD EdNote: This recipe had me at Guinness and fresh grated ginger! I served this, with a ruminfused butter cream topping, at my family Christmas to rave reviews! Loose INGREDIENTS: • ¾ cup Guinness (or oatmeal stout) • 1 cup molasses • ½ teaspoon baking soda • ¾ cup packed brown sugar • ¼ cup sugar • 1 ½ cup flour • 2 tablespoons ground ginger • ½ teaspoon baking powder • ½ teaspoon salt • ½ teaspoon cinnamon • ¼ teaspoon nutmeg • ¼ teaspoon black pepper • Pinch cardamom • 2 large eggs • 1/3 cup oil • 1 tablespoon fresh ground ginger DIRECTIONS: 1. Preheat oven to 350° Grease and flour 8” x 8” baking pan. 2. Bring stout to a boil in a medium sauce pan over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and stir in baking soda. Once foaming is over, stir in molasses, brown and white sugar until dissolved. Set aside. 3. Whisk together flour, ground ginger, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, black pepper and cardamom in a large bowl. 4. Transfer stout and molasses to a large bowl. Whisk in eggs, oil and grated ginger. Slowly whisk the wet ingredients into the dry mixture, adding only a third at a time, stirring until smooth after each addition of wet mixture. 5. Transfer the batter to the prepared pan. Allow to rest and tap on counter a few times to dislodge any air bubbles. 6. Bake for 35 to 45 minutes, or until top of the cake is just firm to the touch and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool in pan on a wire rack about 1 ½ hours. NOTE: This will be more of a thin “batter” but will bake-up to an amazing moist cake. ON FACEBOOK If you want to keep up with the latest doings in the Parrot Head world, you can read about a lot of events on the THAPHS and Parrot Heads in Paradise official Facebook pages. Find and “like” the pages on Facebook to read about events, club doings and what’s up in the Parrot Head universe . If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you. THAPHS P.O. Box 605 Hanover, PA 17331 OUR MISSION: To provide a social environment for those kindred spirits who enjoy the sounds and perspectives of Jimmy Buffett’s music. In doing so it is The Society’s goal to bring a little bit of paradise to the Hanover area through participating in community service activities and supporting environmental causes. A CHARTERED MEMBER OF: SOCIETY LOGO MERCHANDISE ☺ Cup Koozies for your red solo cups: $3.00 ☺Bag Chairs in orange, pink, green & purple: $25.00 ☺ Green "work" Shirts: $10.00 S thru 3XL ☺ Wide variety brand name men’s and women’s shirts, a few long sleeve a few wind shirts: S, Med, L and XL $20.00 to $30.00. ☺ Long sleeve T-Shirts, S, M, L, 3XL $15.00 ☺ Polar fleece scarves, black only $10.00 ☺ Ball Caps in many colors: $10.00 ☺ "Sun Burst" style tie-dyes in green, yellow and purple: $15.00 S, Med, Lrg and 3XL ☺ Society logo auto plate: $10.00 ☺ Orange "hoodie" sweatshirts $20.00 S to 3XL ☺ Wind shirts: $20.00 L, XL ☺ Orange sweatshirts 3X: $20.00 ☺ Fat Chuck Bumper Stickers: $2.00 ☺ Yellow "work" Shirts: $10.00 S thru 3XL ☺ Society Logo beer mugs: $15.00 ☺ Blue & Orange logo “aloha” shirts $35.00 Welcome to our Newest Members: Sue & Dennis McCaughey We’re glad you joined our FUN! Laissez les bons temps rouler! THE BREEZE-MON Our Founding Member and Nominee for the DJ Hall of Fame, DJ BreezeMon just announced the first deck party of the year! April 3: Freeze with Breeze Turning Good Friday into a GREAT FRIDAY at Olivia’s on Parrot Island! Stay tuned for information about OC PhunFest in March, summer-long deck parties and other show information. GUMBO QUIZ: KEY WEST ANSWERS Scoring, we all wanna’ know how: 9-10 - You “seceded” where others failed! 7-8 - You have the “keys” to knowledge! 5-6 - One too many at Irish Kevin’s? 0-4 - Cayo Hu - - - what???? Extra Bowl Credit: Can you sing the national anthem of the short lived Conch Republic?
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