utility-scale solar: the path to high-value, cost-competitive
utility-scale solar: the path to high-value, cost-competitive
UTILITY-SCALE SOLAR: THE PATH TO HIGH-VALUE, COST-COMPETITIVE PROJECTS How to Optimize the Economics of Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Facilities In partnership with: i TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents ii Key Takeaways 1 Introduction 2 Utility-Scale Solar Project Costs 2 Implications of Project Design on Levelized Cost of Energy 5 Fixed Tilt and Single-Axis Tracking 5 Economies of Scale 6 Location 8 Project Financing 10 Fixed Tilt System Orientation 12 Putting It All Together 13 Design Considerations for Resource Planners 14 Maximizing Procurement to Minimize Cost 15 Frequently Asked Questions 17 About Recurrent Energy 20 Appendix A: LCOE Price Expectancy Matrices 21 Base Case Financing Assumption 21 Regulated Utility Ownership Financing Assumption 21 Appendix B: Average Capacity Factor by State 23 JOHN STERLING – SENIOR DIRECTOR, RESEARCH & ADVISORY SERVICES TED DAVIDOVICH – MANAGER, UTILITY PLANNING ii TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Key Takeaways 1 Figure 2 - Comparison of State Average Construction 4 Labor Rate Against National Median Figure 3 - Added Production from Single-Axis Tracking 6 Figure 4 - Representative Solar Economies of Scale 7 Figure 5 - NREL Solar Resource Map 8 Figure 6 - Solar Capacity Factors for Phoenix, 9 Jackson and Pittsburgh Figure 7 - Typical Production Curves by Location 9 Figure 8 - Implications of System Orientation on Production 12 Figure 9 - System Orientation 13 Figure 10 - LCOE Potential by Capacity Factor 14 TABLE OF TABLES Table 1 - Breakdown of Solar Build Costs 3 Table 2 - Impact of System Design on LCOE 6 for a 20 MW Solar Project in Phoenix Table 3 - Impact of Economies of Scale on LCOE for a Solar Project in Phoenix Table 4 - Impact of Location on LCOE 11 for a 20 MW Solar Project in Phoenix Table 6 - Impact of System Orientation to LCOE 10 for a 20 MW South-Facing Solar Project Table 5 - Impact of Project Financing on LCOE 7 12 for a 20 MW Solar Project in Phoenix iii KEY TAKEAWAYS Industry news expounding low cost utility-scale solar has been prevalent in recent months, touting prices below $40/MWh in multiple jurisdictions.1 While eye-catching, the reality is that utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) project economics vary widely and are dependent upon a host of drivers (Figure 1). As utilities consider adding solar to their resource mix, understanding these drivers and their implications is necessary for securing high-value, cost-competitive projects. This report will enable utilities to: (1) understand solar cost drivers; (2) recognize the value of solar in their resource mix; and, (3) establish a framework to evaluate solar projects. FIGURE 1 - KEY TAKEAWAYS Solar Pricing is More Economic than Ever Hard and soft costs for solar have declined steadily in recent years and are predicted to decline further through the end of the decade Solar levelized cost of energy (LCOE) can achieve less than $70/MWh in poor solar resource locations, and below $50/MWh in good-to-strong solar resource locations Economies of Scale are Real Large scale solar projects can achieve significant economies of scale across soft cost categories compared to small projects, with as much as 40% build cost savings for utility-scale solar Location Location Location States with strong solar resources can generate significantly more energy than states with sub-optimal solar resources given the same project design Financing Matters Different Designs Meet Different Needs Design Flexibility Can Be Reflected in Resource Planning Tools Streamlined Procurement Processes Save Time and Money Factors such as labor rates can impact solar economics on a sub-regional basis Project riskiness can dictate financing terms, which impacts LCOE Efficient monetization of the ITC can drive LCOE down dramatically West-facing systems may provide additional capacity at peak hours, creating an added capacity value for the project Design strategies that leverage tracking systems can boost capacity factor and lower LCOE, particularly given the decreasing gap in costs between fixed and tracking systems Modeling multiple system sizes, orientations, and designs can allow resource planning tools to better identify “best fit” solar projects Routinely testing the market for pricing can allow utilities to stay on top of the continually declining costs of solar projects Identifying your value proposition in advance and communicating it to bidders can result in more intelligently designed proposals Standardizing templates for key response data translates into less review time and less risk of errors 1 UtilityDive, February 23, 2016; http://www.utilitydive.com/news/cheapest-power-in-the-us-palo-alto-muni-eyes-solar-at-under-37mwh/414372/ GTM, June 30, 2015 http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/cheapest-solar-ever-austin-energy-gets-1.2-gigawatts-of-solar-bids-for-less 1 INTRODUCTION Solar photovoltaic (PV) pricing has steadily declined over the last decade, with significant efficiencies being driven into both hard (modules, inverters) and soft (permitting, labor, financing) costs. The utilityscale development community has worked diligently to turn solar into a cost-competitive resource with conventional fossil-fueled alternatives…in many situations. The caveat in that sentence is important: not all solar projects are equal. Indeed, the old adage that economies of scale drive solar economics is still alive and well; however, there are a multitude of nuances and additional factors that can impact both the nominal economics of the project as well as the value that project delivers to the utility and its customers. The goal of this report is to provide context behind the key drivers that impact the overall cost and value of a solar project. Questions that this report seek to answer include: What drives PPA price differentials between two seemingly similar projects? What impacts do size, location, financing, and system design have on project economics? How does normalization factor into how attractive a project can appear? How should all of these factors get translated into resource planning and procurement processes? Gaining a fundamental understanding of how all of the characteristics of a solar project act in concert to deliver value to the utility will be critical in driving broader adoption of solar by utilities. Translating this increased understanding and subsequently adding more sophistication to how utility-scale solar is modeled will provide utilities with a fuller picture of the true economics of this resource. UTILITY-SCALE SOLAR PROJECT COSTS The cost categories for solar are relatively straightforward and fall into one of two generic categories: hard costs and soft costs. Hard costs represent the capital expenditures (CapEx) related to hardware and other installation components: modules, inverters, racking, etc. For the most part, design and engineering efficiency improvements over recent years have been highly successful in driving savings into those components. Modules, in particular, have seen significant price declines over the last decade, falling from several dollars per Watt to $0.60 per Watt or less on average. 2 Soft costs refer to non-hardware items such as permitting and labor. These cost categories have seen significant reductions for utility-scale solar; however, improvements can still be made. Table 1 breaks down the various cost categories and how they factor into the overall build cost of a typical 20 MW solar project. This table also provides context for how susceptible these categories are to project size. 2 All prices are stated in $ per Watt-dc unless otherwise noted. 2 TABLE 1 - BREAKDOWN OF SOLAR BUILD COSTS COST COMPONENT DESCRIPTION CONTRIBUTION ECONOMIES TO PROJECT OF SCALE COSTS IMPACT MODULE Hard Cost PV panels that convert sunlight to electricity; sold on a per panel basis 30-40% Low impact BALANCE OF SYSTEM Hard Cost All other hardware such as structural and electrical equipment; sold by length of wire, feet of structural material, or quantity 20-25% Medium impact CONSTRUCTION LABOR Soft Cost Workforce expenses to construct system; varies by location 10-15% Medium impact MARGIN AND OVERHEAD Soft Cost Builder profits and overhead expenses 6-12% Medium impact INVERTER Hard Cost Electronic equipment that converts DC to AC; sold on a per equipment piece price 5-10% Low impact SALES TAX Soft Cost Sales tax on system 4-8% Low impact LAND Soft Cost Actual land for the system 3-7% Low impact PERMITTING / ENVIRONMENTAL Soft Cost Necessary local permits and environmental studies; generally a fixed price and not dependent on system size unless system is complex 2-5% High impact ENGINEERING Soft Cost System design; generally a fixed price but can be more expensive for complex systems 1-3% High impact INTERCONNECTION Hard & Soft Cost Cost of connecting to the grid; cost will be locationdependent, driven by distance from and need for additional equipment at interconnection point 1-3% Medium-High impact Separate from these components, solar projects can take advantage of the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) of 30% to reduce project costs. Moreover, some states and municipalities have separate tax exemptions for solar projects that further reduce cost for solar assets. 3 Additional jurisdiction-specific factors can impact the final cost to build a solar project. For example, permitting costs and sales tax can fluctuate from state to state and municipality to municipality. Further, costs for construction labor can vary widely across the country.3 FIGURE 2 - COMPARISON OF STATE AVERAGE CONSTRUCTION LABOR RATE AGAINST NATIONAL MEDIAN Source: US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, 2014 Working in tandem with the raw cost of construction outlined in Figure 2 is the relative maturity of the solar market. States with robust solar deployment such as California and Arizona have a higher density of qualified and experienced solar labor compared to states with little to no solar deployment. In the latter regions, developers would likely need to mobilize a workforce from other regions or work to train local construction labor in solar project construction, increasing overall labor costs initially until the local labor force is trained. Understanding the interplays between your state’s relative costs for taxes, permitting, and labor is important to understand the potential solar project costs. Factoring these region-specific factors together can cause a movement of more than $0.10/Watt (5-10% of total project cost) up or down from the base national average price.4 3 US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, http://www.bls.gov/oes/tables.htm; Data from May 2014. 4 For purposes of this Report, national average solar build costs will be leveraged for simplicity. 4 IMPLICATIONS OF PROJECT DESIGN ON LEVELIZED COST OF ENERGY Project costs only tell one side of the story and can obscure the true economics of a project. As a variable renewable resource with no fuel cost, solar cannot be compared apples-to-apples with conventional gas-fired generation, irrespective of other factors. In truth, a variety of system-specific data points can drive one solar project to be considerably more economic than another. Project size, location, financing, ongoing operations and maintenance (O&M) costs, and system design decisions all factor together to convert project costs into a levelized cost of energy (LCOE). LCOE is a measure (typically represented in $/MWh) that considers the lifetime project costs against lifetime production, and creates a single value that represents the variable payment required to balance those factors (given a set of financing assumptions). This is a much more accurate comparison point for solar against not only other renewable projects but against conventional generation as well. Further, LCOE can be used as a crude approximation of what Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) price could be anticipated under a specific set of circumstances. This section will delve into how a variety of factors—both working individually and in tandem—impact the economic proposition of solar. All economics assume a system located in Phoenix, AZ, unless otherwise indicated. All CapEx pricing is stated in pre-tax dollars, and are representative national average costs for projects commercially operational in calendar year 2016. FIXED TILT AND SINGLE-AXIS TRACKING A primary decision facing utilities and developers relates to the base system design under consideration: namely, whether or not to pursue a fixed tilt or single-axis tracking (SAT) system. SAT systems are designed to physically track the sun’s motion across the sky each day rather than being fixed and pointed directly south (or west). Tracking systems create more production in mid-morning and late afternoon hours, but have historically come with added costs from a more complex engineering design and racking system. 5 FIGURE 3 - ADDED PRODUCTION FROM SINGLE-AXIS TRACKING Source: SEPA, 2016 This has resulted in more south-facing fixed tilt projects being the predominant design adopted nationally, with SAT systems developed in specific regions of the country such as the desert southwest. Increasingly, however, the market appears to be moving towards more SATs rather than fixed tilt due to declining cost differentials between the two system designs. SEPA anticipates that leveraging a tracking system rather than fixed tilt will result in a cost differential of 5% or less on average in the next 1–2 years.5 TABLE 2 - IMPACT OF SYSTEM DESIGN ON LCOE FOR A 20 MW SOLAR PROJECT IN PHOENIX CAPACITY FACTOR BUILD COST LCOE FIXED TILT SINGLE-AXIS TRACKING 30.5% 36.0% $1.60/Watt-dc $1.68/Watt-dc $63/MWh $55/MWh Source: SEPA, 2016 ECONOMIES OF SCALE Economies of scale for solar PV are both obvious and obscure. On the one hand, clearly utility-scale solar projects benefit from economies of scale when compared to rooftop assets. What becomes less clear is just where the natural break points are for utility-scale solar. Generally speaking, solar experiences some natural break points with regards to pricing. The first, for utility-scale solar, occurs between 1–5 MW. On average, SEPA anticipates any non-distributed solar project at 5 MW to be priced at or below $2/Watt in 2016. 5 Exogenous factors such as snow loading impacts will cause this number to fluctuate regionally. 6 The second common breakpoint occurs between 5-20 MW. At 20 MW, SEPA anticipates 2016 pricing at or below $1.60/Watt on average. Lastly, another common breakpoint occurs from 20-50MW. SEPA anticipates 2016 pricing for 50 MW projects to be $1.20/Watt or less. Beyond 50 MW, some additional economies of scale may be gained, but at diminishing levels. These breakpoints occur where the relationship between capacity and specific cost components diverge from where marginal costs apply. FIGURE 4 - REPRESENTATIVE SOLAR ECONOMIES OF SCALE dc dc Source: SEPA, 2016 How do these values translate into LCOE? Under the same assumptions for interconnection, labor, permitting, taxes, and solar availability, the LCOE can still change significantly based solely on economies of scale: 6 TABLE 3 - IMPACT OF ECONOMIES OF SCALE ON LCOE FOR A SOLAR PROJECT IN PHOENIX CAPEX (FIXED TILT) LCOE (FIXED TILT) CAPEX (SAT) LCOE (SAT) 5 MW 20 MW 50 MW $2.00/Watt-dc $1.60/Watt-dc $1.20/Watt-dc $74MWh $63/MWh $51/MWh $2.10/Watt-dc $1.68/Watt-dc $1.26/Watt-dc $65/MWh $55/MWh $45/MWh 6 All LCOEs in this Report reflect monetization of the 30% federal investment tax credit unless otherwise noted. 7 LOCATION While project size and the resulting economies of scale very obviously impact LCOE, project location can have a more subtle but equally dramatic impact as well. This comes about from both the amount, intensity, and persistence of the solar resource at a given location. The map depicted in Figure 5 illustrates how significantly the solar resource can vary across the U.S.7 FIGURE 5 - NREL SOLAR RESOURCE MAP Source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 2012 The solar resource calculation of kilowatt-hour per square meter per day (kWh/m2/day) is interesting but does not necessarily correlate to the electric utility industry; it can, however, be translated into capacity factor. Capacity factor describes the amount of energy that is produced compared to the system’s theoretical maximum.8 For example, a 100 MW natural gas peaking plant that runs at maximum capacity for only a handful of hours a year would have a capacity factor of under 5%, whereas a large nuclear facility that runs as a baseload plant likely has a capacity factor close to 90%. Those two resources are dispatched largely on operating costs that are heavily weighted by fuel. Solar, on the other hand, dispatches at effectively zero cost and is structured to deliver as much energy as possible given existing weather conditions. 7 This and other solar maps are available at www.nrel.gov/gis/solar.html 8 Capacity Factor (CF) = Annual Output / (Nameplate MW * 8760). 8 For comparative purposes, assume three different site assumptions for development of a 20 MW solar project: a strong solar resource location (Phoenix, AZ); a moderate solar resource location (Jackson, MS); and a lower solar resource location (Pittsburgh, PA). FIGURE 6 – SOLAR CAPACITY FACTORS FOR PHOENIX, JACKSON AND PITTSBURGH Source: SEPA, 2016 The difference in just a few percentage points of capacity factor can create a wide discrepancy in both the output the system delivers as well as the overall LCOE, even if the projects are similar in all other factors. For a 20 MW south-facing project, 23% and 41% more energy is produced at the Phoenix site compared to the Jackson and Pittsburgh sites, respectively. FIGURE 7 - TYPICAL PRODUCTION CURVES BY LOCATION Source: SEPA, 2016 9 TABLE 4 - IMPACT OF LOCATION ON LCOE FOR A 20 MW SOUTH-FACING SOLAR PROJECT PHOENIX, AZ JACKSON, MS PITTSBURGH, PA CAPACITY FACTOR (FIXED TILT) 30.5% 24.7% 21.6% LCOE (FIXED TILT) $63/MWh $77/MWh $88/MWh CAPACITY FACTOR (SAT) 36.0% 28.4% 24.4% $55/MWh $70/MWh $81/MWh LCOE (SAT) Source: SEPA, 2016 PROJECT FINANCING Solar project financing has major implications and can swing a project’s LCOE from highly attractive to highly priced. Major variables include: (1) the amount financed by debt; (2) debt and equity return requirements; and, (3) ability to maximize the monetization of the ITC and accelerated depreciation. Impacting items (1) and (2) are factors such as the relative creditworthiness of the developer, the creditworthiness and strength of the counter party backing the project, and the overall risk of production. Strong contracts between highly credit worthy parties can lead to very attractive financing. Conversely, projects facing significant risk, such as those that are highly likely to experience curtailment and lost sales, would be looked upon as riskier investments requiring higher returns to finance. For item (3) above, the treatment of the ITC and accelerated depreciation can have a huge impact on relative LCOE. For regulated investor owned utilities (IOUs), they have the ability to take advantage of the ITC; however, the immediate effects of the ITC only benefits shareholders. For rate making purposes, the ITC has to be “normalized”, or spread across the asset life similar to straight-line depreciation. Why does this rule exist? Simply speaking, the ITC is an incentive to build new capital, as construction projects have historically been good for the economy. And the specific ITC relevant to solar exists to incentivize renewable generation growth to help advance deployment of clean energy. By passing that value on directly to customers, the “incentive” to deploy capital has been dampened for shareholders. To retain that incentive, utilities are required to normalize the benefits of the ITC across the project’s life. Customers still get that benefit – just not immediately. This also ensures that future customers receive the same benefit across the project’s entire life, rather than just customers on day one. 10 Third party developers, though, are not faced with that challenge and are able to monetize the ITC and accelerated depreciation to both their immediate benefit and the immediate benefit of their utility counterpart. Front-loading these incentives, for lack of a better term, significantly lowers the project cost from a net present value perspective, translating into a more attractive LCOE and PPA price. Taking all of these options into account, two specific financing assumptions were created for modeling purposes: Base Case – assumes that the project is equally financed with debt and equity. Debt is obtained at 6%, and the rate of return required for equity is 10%. This case assumes that the project is owned by a third party that can monetize the ITC and accelerated depreciation most efficiently. Normalized ITC – in this final case, the financing assumes that a regulated utility owns the project. As such, they are required to normalize the benefits of the ITC and accelerated depreciation over the life of the asset rather than factor their immediate impacts into the project’s LCOE. TABLE 5 - IMPACT OF PROJECT FINANCING ON LCOE FOR A 20 MW SOLAR PROJECT IN PHOENIX BASE CASE FINANCING NORMALIZED ITC DEBT 50% @ 6% return 50% @ 6% return EQUITY 50% @ 10% return 50% @ 10% return Immediately monetized Normalized LCOE (FIXED TILT) $63/MWh $96/MWh LCOE (SAT) $55/MWh $85/MWh ITC & ACCELERATED DEPRECIATION TREATMENT Source: SEPA, 2016 11 FIXED TILT SYSTEM ORIENTATION Traditional logic dictates that fixed tilt solar projects should be faced south to maximize production. That is, after all, where the sun is most often visible on the horizon. Some utilities, however, have pursued west-facing systems, and that has sizable implications to the production that can be anticipated: FIGURE 8 – IMPLICATIONS OF SYSTEM ORIENTATION ON PRODUCTION Source: SEPA, 2016 A notable trade-off exists: nearly 17% annual production compared to south-facing systems is foregone by facing systems west. These lost sales have a real and measurable impact on the relative LCOE of two similarly situated projects: TABLE 6 – IMPACT OF SYSTEM ORIENTATION TO LCOE FOR A 20 MW SOLAR PROJECT IN PHOENIX SOUTH-FACING WEST-FACING CAPACITY FACTOR 30.5% 25.3% LCOE (FIXED TILT) $63/MWh $75/MWh Source: SEPA, 2016 So why talk about orientation if it causes such a dramatic decrease in production and corresponding increase in LCOE? Because looking at LCOE conceals part of the true value proposition: increased alignment with a typical utility’s load profile. 12 FIGURE 9 - SYSTEM ORIENTATION Source: SEPA, 2016 South-facing solar maximizes production around 12-1pm daily. The typical utility, though, serving a summer peak demand driven by air conditioning load, does not experience its maximum load until around 5pm. At that point in time, a south-facing system’s production is less than 40% of its average 12pm output. A west-facing system, however, is producing at over 70% of its relative peak production at 5pm. This increased availability translates directly into additional capacity value for the resource. For utilities looking to meet peak demand, the increased value of generation at 5pm may offset the lost production during other hours. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER How do these factors all come together to impact a project’s LCOE? As a general rule, the following assumptions hold true: Large projects with favorable financial structures in strong solar resource locations will result in very low LCOEs Small projects with sub-optimal solar resource locations and financing will result in high LCOEs Separate from these, lowest build cost is not always the primary driver; rather, the ability to shift when production occurs, or increase production compared to standard designs, can either lower the LCOE, provide added value in terms of avoided cost potential, or both. 13 FIGURE 10 - LCOE POTENTIAL BY CAPACITY FACTOR Source: SEPA, 2016 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR RESOURCE PLANNERS Translating utility-scale solar from the conceptual to something that can be modeled in a resource planning process is complicated. The following considerations are offered for resource planners looking to more accurately model solar for their portfolios.9 Routinely obtain market pricing Solar costs have declined steadily for some time and are projected to continue declining into the future, albeit at a slower rate than past five years. Utilities that are using solar cost information from one planning cycle ago run the risk of significantly over-estimating the cost to build solar in their territory. Routine discussions with large developers and other organizations can help maintain a fresh outlook on where prices are trending. Consider modeling multiple configurations Many utilities today model either 10 MW or 20 MW, south-facing solar only. While this is a common project size, it may limit how solar can be deployed. Consider how other resources like natural gas generators are modeled. Utilities may model variations around aeroderivatives, reciprocating engines, 1x1s, 2x1s, duct-firing, etc. – a virtual cavalcade of modeling choices for one fuel type. This is much less common with solar. Identifying multiple options around size / economies of scale, orientation, design (fixed vs. tracking), and other choices, including battery storage and its multiple capabilities, 9 Additional details and considerations can be found in: Sterling, J., McLaren, J., Taylor, M., & Cory, K. (2013). Treatment of Solar Generation in Electric Utility Resource Planning. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy14osti/60047.pdf. 14 add complexity in choice to the resource planning tool but not necessarily added complexity to the resource plan itself. And modeling multiple sizes can provide flexibility in meeting needs. For example, a 100 MW west-facing system can solve a different resource need than a series of 20 MW south-facing systems. Understanding those problem sets and options can add depth to the resource plan. Let resource needs define solar design Some utilities are “long” resources today, meaning they do not need additional capacity in the future. For them, least cost pricing is paramount and should point them towards southfacing systems or other designs that result in the lowest possible LCOE. Other utilities show a definite need for new capacity in the future. These utilities should consider modeling westfacing solar or other configurations that are more likely to deliver energy when their system peaks. In any case, modeling more than one type of solar project can allow the resource planning tools increased flexibility in identifying the best fit for the future. Leverage accurate production data Make sure that the solar production curve assigned to each solar resource being modeled is accurate and based on the specific design factors under consideration. In addition, utilities should make sure that the solar resource being modeled matches a production curve that can be expected for their region. Pay attention to risk sensitivities One of the real benefits of deploying a resource like solar is that it comes with no fuel price risk. As utility resource plans increase in complexity, reviewing multiple variable sensitivities and scenarios, it will be important to monitor how solar-heavy portfolios perform from a risk perspective. It is anticipated that these portfolios will experience less volatility associated with uncertain fuel costs, and provide less exposure to future environmental regulation costs. MAXIMIZING PROCUREMENT TO MINIMIZE COST Transitioning from planning for a resource to seeing proverbial steel in the ground requires a solid procurement process, the backbone of which is the Request for Proposals (RFP). An open and transparent RFP that provides clear and concise directions to the industry can go a long way towards identifying the least cost project for the utility. Moreover, streamlining and standardizing processes and procedures can reduce the time required on all parties in the development and review of proposals. The following suggested practices may help meet those goals. 15 Pre-qualify bidders Some utilities have a pre-qualification process, where developers provide their expertise, organization structure, financial standing, etc. This does not have to be an overly exclusive process; rather, it allows the utility to focus more closely on proposals and pricing during the RFP itself. Alternatively, this step could be taken to reduce the number of competitors so that the utility has less review time required on the meat of the proposals, and the developers feel like their time spent on responding to the RFP is worthwhile because they know they aren’t having to compete against dozens of others. Create a scoring matrix and communicate your value proposition to bidders An important step prior to issuing the RFP is understanding just what value proposition you are hoping to achieve in the first place. The developer community will likely assume the RFP is looking for the least cost $/MWh possible and will design and engineer their bids around that idea. If, though, you are going to compare each bid against your avoided cost and you have a need for capacity at 5pm, your value proposition is driven around something slightly different than nominal least cost. Communicating how bids will be analyzed in the RFP itself will result in proposals driven around that value proposition. Standardize Identify ways to streamline and standardize the process for both yourself and the bidders. One concept often leveraged is the creation of a template for responses that standardizes inputs. For example, a spreadsheet template can be provided to bidders that standardizes how they input production, pricing, and other key information. This accomplishes two important things. First, it makes reviewing each bid much easier for the utility as they won’t have to process a myriad of different formats. Second, it minimizes the potential for unintentional errors by the utility when having to make all of those format modifications. Allow for creativity Provide the opportunity for developers to be innovative in solving your problems. If you write an RFP that is overly prescriptive in how the solar project has to be designed, you will get a very narrow range of proposals. If, on the other hand, you state your value proposition and boundary requirements (“must haves”) and allow bidders the flexibility to design around those, you may end up with proposals that are structured in ways you never would have considered but that deliver more value. This includes allowing for multiple bids. For example, you could require a very specific system design as the base proposal, but then allow for one or more alternative designs to be submitted if the developer can identify alternatives worth considering. 16 Find ways to reduce risk Developers price risk into their proposals, and the more you can do to reduce their unknowns the better a set of pricing you will receive. One example is to provide a draft PPA contract as part of the procurement process. This allows the developer to both price in any contract-specific risk as part of their proposal, as well as provide red-lined comments and suggestions to contract provisions that can result in more competitive pricing overall. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Often, utilities consider the same sets of questions as they begin evaluating utility-scale solar. These “FAQs” have been consolidated here to help inform utilities’ decisions to pursue source as part of their resource mix. Q: Solar is highly intermittent. Why would I pursue large amounts of solar? Wouldn’t that have negative implications for my system? A: While solar intermittency is undoubtedly a fact of life, there are ways to mitigate it so that the distribution and/or transmission system don’t “feel” that intermittency. As a general rule, the inverters that connect the solar to the grid have gotten significantly more sophisticated in recent years, and they are capable of providing and absorbing VARs, among other factors. In addition, the ability to forecast production and then monitor conditions in the real time has allowed both utilities and developers insight into system production with the ability – again, via the inverter – to manage output more efficiently. Should this still be of concern, one option that some utilities have considered is building a series of smaller projects that aggregate to a large total installed capacity (i.e., four 25 MW projects rather than one 100 MW project). These smaller projects would get spread around the service territory, minimizing the local impact of weather events on the aggregate production curve. The trade off, though, comes in the form of increased overall cost for the same capacity (via economies of scale). Q: Can I get a lower price overall if I use the same site for multiple stages of a project? A: Not generally. For the developer community, they would still be designing, permitting, and mobilizing a labor force for each of those phases. While leveraging the same land may provide some cost savings, ultimately the phased approach is unlikely to result in the same economies of scale as building the entire project at once. One factor that may help bridge that gap would be guaranteeing a build-out schedule for a single developer. That could allow for lower financing costs or at least a more thoughtful deployment of labor to reduce overall project costs. 17 Q: What prices can I expect for solar in 2020? A: Predicting prices for solar out in time is tricky. This is evidenced by the rapid decline in pricing that we have seen over the last several years, which makes it extremely difficult to keep an accurate price point for even the current year. It can be said, though, that the Department of Energy’s SunShot Initiative has a target of $1/Watt installed for utility-scale solar in 2020.10 Based on pricing seen in late 2015, this value is likely achievable on a national average basis for larger projects (50 MW+) and, potentially, for projects as small as 20 MW; however, the rate at which prices decline going forward is likely to be much slower/steadier than the rapid decreases seen in years past. Q: I’ve seen some solar pricing at or below $40/MWh. Is that feasible? A: It depends. Pricing at that level likely requires a confluence of factors, as has been shown in this Report: (1) a large project (2) sited in a strong solar resource location (3) with very favorable financing. Even with these assumptions in place, it may also require a lower than anticipated return requirement as part of the financing to ensure pricing at that level. As mentioned, though, the capital cost curve for solar continues to decline and projects that do not require delivery for another 1-2 years may very well find themselves with LCOEs at or below $40/MWh under more traditional assumptions. Q: As a utility, owning the solar project is never as good of an economic deal for my customers than getting a PPA, right? A: Again, it depends. It is certainly true that third party developers can monetize the ITC much more efficiently than a regulated utility due to normalization rules. One factor to consider, though, is that an owned system can be used for its entire useful life, which is likely 35 years or more. Most PPAs today are roughly 20 years in length. So when running the economics, be careful not to compare 20 years of ownership against a 20 year PPA – that is surely going to show the PPA being more beneficial. A better comparison would be 35 years of ownership compared to a 20 year PPA and another 15 year PPA (or similar market purchase) to match against the asset life. The assumptions that are used for the second window of time will play a role in whether or not ownership is truly more costly for customers. In addition, a utility-owned project would provide the utility with more control over performance transparency and predictability that a PPA project may not be able to offer. A second option is the idea of a PPA buyout or ownership flip. Under this structure, the developer would own the asset and sell to the utility under a PPA for 7 to 10 years (long enough to most effectively monetize the ITC), at which time the utility would have the option to purchase the project for its net book value. This could provide the “best of both worlds” where customers benefit from the ITC monetization and utilities are able to own the project long term, incorporating it more effectively into their generation fleet. The utility may choose to require extra due diligence specific to evaluating system condition at time of the ownership flip to better predict the long-term equipment performance and financial risks. 10 U.S. Department of Energy, SunShot Initiative, http://energy.gov/eere/sunshot/about-sunshot-initiative 18 Q: How should O&M factor into the equation? A: Developing an O&M strategy prior to design can increase the efficacy of design specifications and accuracy of capital budgeting and the final LCOE. The Electric Power Research Institute’s O&M report suggests developers should budget $10 to $45/kW per year.11 Although O&M is often treated separately from the rest of the PV system delivery process, stakeholders interested in long-term performance predictability should consider their O&M options during plant design and specifications. For example, stakeholders should consider all potential options to optimize system design for longevity, increase performance visibility (i.e., monitoring equipment), account for local environmental conditions, and use top-tier equipment options.12 Q: How can I use this report? A: This report can be used to inform expected LCOE and PPA prices for different geographies and project designs. Appendix A provides reference information to show how the LCOE varies as the factors discussed in the Report are modified. Appendix B provides representative capacity factors for each state for both fixed tilt and SAT systems. By combining the information contained in both of these appendices, it is possible to extrapolate a range of prices that are representative of projects that could be developed in your territory and based upon your own project design preferences. 11 See EPRI, December 2015, “Budgeting for Solar PV Plan Operations and Maintenance: Practices and Pricing.” 12 For more information, see SEPA’s report, “Resource Guide: Asset Management and Operations and Maintenance”, February 2016. 19 ABOUT RECURRENT ENERGY Recurrent Energy, one of North America’s largest solar project developers, is redefining what it means to be a mainstream clean energy company, with utility-scale solar plants that provide competitive clean electricity to large energy buyers. Based in the U.S. and headquartered in San Francisco, Recurrent Energy is a wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Solar and functions as the U.S. development arm of Canadian Solar’s Energy Group. With more than 1,400 MWac/1,900 MWp of contracted projects, over $7 billion in project financing commitments to date, and a project pipeline of more than 3GWac/4GWp, Recurrent Energy has resources and capabilities to deliver solar at any scale. Since 2006, Recurrent Energy has successfully developed and sold approximately 520MWac/700MWp of solar PV projects. These projects have ranged from commercial rooftop arrays to utility-scale ground mount power plants, highlighting Recurrent Energy’s ability to execute on its development pipeline and build clean, renewable generation facilities for its customers. As part of the development of this report, Recurrent Energy verified the reasonableness of SEPA’s pricing assumptions and modeling, and validated the insights and approaches contained herein on how utilities can pursue utility-scale solar in a cost-effective manner. For more information about Recurrent Energy and this report, contact origination_structuring@recurrentenergy.com 20 APPENDIX A: LCOE PRICE EXPECTANCY MATRICES BASE CASE FINANCING ASSUMPTION PERCENTAGE RATE OF RETURN DEBT 50% 6% EQUITY 50% 10% WEIGHTED AVERAGE COST OF CAPITAL 8% • ITC and Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System monetized • 20 year LCOE NOTES CAPACITY FACTOR $1.20/WATTdc $1.40/WATTdc $1.60/WATTdc 16% $97/MWh $108/MWh $119/MWh $130/MWh $141/MWh 18% $86/MWh $96/MWh $106/MWh $116/MWh $126/MWh 20% $78/MWh $87/MWh $95/MWh $104/MWh $113/MWh 22% $71/MWh $79/MWh $87/MWh $95/MWh $103/MWh 24% $65/MWh $72/MWh $79/MWh $87/MWh $94/MWh 26% $60/MWh $67/MWh $73/MWh $80/MWh $87/MWh 28% $56/MWh $62/MWh $68/MWh $74/MWh $81/MWh 30% $52/MWh $58/MWh $64/MWh $69/MWh $75/MWh 32% $49/MWh $54/MWh $60/MWh $65/MWh $71/MWh 34% $46/MWh $51/MWh $56/MWh $61/MWh $66/MWh 36% $43/MWh $48/MWh $53/MWh $58/MWh $63/MWh $1.80/WATTdc $2.00/WATTdc 21 REGULATED UTILITY OWNERSHIP FINANCING ASSUMPTION PERCENTAGE RATE OF RETURN DEBT 50% 6% EQUITY 50% 10% 8% • ITC normalized; no bonus depreciation • 30 year LCOE NOTES CAPACITY FACTOR WACC $1.20/WATTdc $1.40/WATTdc $1.60/WATTdc 16% $145/MWh $164/MWh $183/MWh $202/MWh $221/MWh 18% $129/MWh $146/MWh $163/MWh $179/MWh $196/MWh 20% $116/MWh $131/MWh $146/MWh $161/MWh $176/MWh 22% $106/MWh $119/MWh $133/MWh $147/MWh $160/MWh 24% $97/MWh $109/MWh $122/MWh $134/MWh $147/MWh 26% $89/MWh $101/MWh $113/MWh $124/MWh $136/MWh 28% $83/MWh $94/MWh $104/MWh $115/MWh $126/MWh 30% $77/MWh $87/MWh $98/MWh $108/MWh $118/MWh 32% $73/MWh $82/MWh $91/MWh $101/MWh $110/MWh 34% $68/MWh $77/MWh $86/MWh $95/MWh $104/MWh 36% $65/MWh $73/MWh $81/MWh $90/MWh $98/MWh $1.80/WATTdc $2.00/WATTdc 22 APPENDIX B: AVERAGE CAPACITY FACTOR BY STATE STATE FIXED TILT SINGLE AXIS TRACKING 28.7% Montana 24.0% 27.1% 15.9% 17.1% Nebraska 22.6% 25.4% Arizona 30.5% 36.0% Nevada 30.9% 36.0% Arkansas 24.5% 28.1% New Hampshire 22.5% 24.8% California 27.2% 32.1% New Jersey 23.3% 26.1% Colorado 26.2% 29.6% New Mexico 29.9% 35.1% Connecticut 21.9% 24.4% New York 22.8% 25.7% Delaware 23.4% 26.2% North Carolina 24.2% 27.5% Florida 24.3% 28.1% North Dakota 23.4% 26.0% Georgia 25.1% 28.9% Ohio 21.5% 24.2% Hawaii 26.4% 31.9% Oklahoma 25.7% 29.7% Idaho 25.4% 29.1% Oregon 20.3% 22.8% Illinois 23.8% 26.9% Pennsylvania 21.6% 24.4% Indiana 23.3% 26.4% Rhode Island 22.3% 24.8% Iowa 24.4% 27.6% South Carolina 24.9% 28.6% Kansas 24.9% 28.3% South Dakota 23.8% 26.7% Kentucky 23.2% 26.4% Tennessee 23.6% 27.0% Louisiana 23.6% 27.2% Texas 25.5% 30.2% Maine 23.5% 26.0% Utah 26.0% 29.9% Maryland 23.2% 26.1% Vermont 21.7% 24.2% Massachusetts 22.9% 25.3% Virginia 23.9% 27.0% Michigan 21.6% 24.3% Washington 18.6% 21.0% Minnesota 22.9% 25.6% West Virginia 22.6% 25.5% Mississippi 24.7% 28.4% Wisconsin 22.4% 24.9% Missouri 24.0% 27.5% Wyoming 26.1% 29.5% STATE FIXED TILT Alabama 25.0% Alaska SINGLE AXIS TRACKING Source: PvSyst 23 In partnership with: