Fall 2016 Newsletter - Charlton, NY Historical Society
Fall 2016 Newsletter - Charlton, NY Historical Society
CHARLTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY NEWS September 2016 Volume 25 Number 4 http:www.charltonnyhs.org Fall Programs Put these dates on your calendar and join us for the Charlton Historical Society's 2016 events and activities. Invite your friends and neighbors to join you. "The Music of Jack Williams, An American Treasure” Date: Thursday, September 8, 2016 Place: Harmony Hall, 1401 Peaceable Street Time: 6:00-8:30 Cost: $15 with reservation $18 at door Performer: Jack Williams in concert This evening is being produced by Ray Black as a continuation of his traditional barn concerts at his former home Hickory Hollow on Division Street. Please make your advance reservation (just indicate that you plan to come, no payment now) by sending a note to: eskin@capital.net - for a reduced fee of $15 (or pay $18 at the door.) Usually folks bring a snack or drink to share and arrive around 6:00 - concert begins at 6:30. If you can't bring food, just bring yourselves over for a truly delightful evening. New Charlton Residence Open House Date: Sunday, September 18, 2016 Place: One Room Schoolhouse, 1009 Maple Avenue Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM New Charlton residents are invited to visit the Historical Society to learn about our mission and programs. The museum will be opened. Members are invited to attend to meet new members and to help us with this event. "Culture and Stories about the Iroquois" Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2016 Place: One Room Schoolhouse, 2009 Maple Avenue Time: 7:00 PM Presenter: Kay Olan (Ionataie:was) of the Mohawk Nation, Wolf Clan Program: Kay will share the culture and stories of the Iroquois (Haudenosaunee). PAGE 1 “War on the Middleline” Date: Wednesday, November 2, 2016 Place: One Room Schoolhouse, 2009 Maple Avenue ok "War on the Middleline" which will be available for sale at the meeting. Jim has previously Time: 7:00 PM Presenter: Jim Richmond Program: "War on the Middleline” Jim Richmond will present the story of the Revolutionary war on the New York frontier AFTER the Battle of Saratoga. The talk will focus on the 1780 British raid on Bm his first book "War on the Middleline" which will be available for sale at the meeting. Jim has previously written several articles on his family genealogy and local history. Holiday Party at the Charlton Tavern Our annual Holiday Party is just around the corner, and it is time to put this event on your calendar for an evening of fun, visiting with friends, great food, and entertainment. The Tavern is one of our 5K Race sponsors and Mike and Sue do a great job preparing our party. Date: Monday, December 5, 2016 Place: Charlton Tavern, 745 Charlton Rd Time: 6:00 PM Cocktails and Light Appetizers, Cash Bar 7:00 PM Dinner To continue our festive tradition enjoyed by so many CHS members, we will have our popular raffle, the Victorian Lady, Sue McLane, will tell us about Christmas Past! If you have items to contribute for the raffle, please bring them unwrapped, on the night of the party, and be sure to include the donor’s name. Once again we have asked for a table on which to display the raffle prizes, with smaller items grouped. Raffle participants will be able to put their tickets into cans by the prizes for which they want to compete. More information about the holiday party will be sent in November. Also, visit our web site at charltonnyhs.org for more information about what is going on at CHS. PAGE 2 In Memory of Doris Schaus Stauffer and Catherine Caine Tree Dedication Steve and Jenny Caine Charlton Historical Society would like to express our sympathy to the family and friends of Doris Schaus Stauffer, and Catherine Caine, who have recently passed away. In recognition of this, their families named the Charlton Historical Society as a non-profit to which people could donate in their memory. For this we would like to thank Joe Schaus and Steve Caine. The response has been overwhelming! Donations have come in from all over, for both ladies, and total well over $3,000. One thousand dollars of this was donated by the BH-BL Rotary, to be used towards the planting of a tree and placement of a plaque, in memory of Catherine. Doris was one of our Founding Members, and instrumental in building up our Historical Society from scratch. To honor his Mom’s important roll in our founding, Joe Schaus has placed a plaque in the museum. We also thank our other generous donors who have shown their appreciation for the recent work that we have done to restore the weathervane and maintain both of our buildings. 2016 SPRING ACTIVIVITIES MEMORIAL DAY Our spring activities started with the Memorial Day Ceremony in GidienHawley Park. Many attended to honor Charlton past and present veterans and military service people. Thank you Chuck Latham for planning another thought provoking program. At this time, the new gazebo was dedicated to Frank Lafforthun. PAGE 3 FOUNDERS’ DAY ACTIVITIES The Charlton Historical Society would like to thank the 2016 Sponsors of our 5K Race and ask that our members patronize their businesses. Advanced Aesthetics Dentistry Ainsley Angels Alan Grattidge – Charlton Town Supervisor BHBL Teachers Association Burnt Hills Chiropractic & Rehabilitation Burnt Hills Optical, Inc. Burnt Hills Veterinary Hospital Capital Care of Charlton Capital District Stairs, Inc. CDPHP aka Capital District Physicians’ Health Plan, Inc. Charlton General Store Charlton Septic Services The Charlton Tavern C. T. Male Associates Culligan – water for the race Edward Jones Investments – Burnt Hills office Ellm’s Family Farm, LLC Emerich Sales and Services, Inc. FPI Mechanical, Inc. Gil’s Garage, Inc. Golub Corporation and the Price Chopper Supermarkets KB Engineering & Consulting, PLLC Morris Ford - Mercury, Inc. Odorless Sanitary Cleaners Physical Therapy Associates of Schenectady, P.C. R. F. Herkenham Co. Richard Hopkinson DDS Schrader and Company, Inc. Scotia-Glenville Family Medicine Scott Beatty Agency Stewart’s Shops Corporation Timberland Custom Remodeling PAGE 4 We also wish to thank Bill Herkenham and his race committee for doing another wonderful job to organize this year’s 5K race. We ESPECIALLY thank Bill and Elizabeth Herkenham for their generous donation of many of the race expenses. OurparadeandFarmersMarketwereplaguedbyrain,butinusualCharltonmannerwe persevered.ThePolitiansjoinedtheparadeandpresentedthe“TownofCharlton Founders’DayResolution”and“TheNewYorkAssemblyCitation”honoringourGrand Marshall,TorbenAaboforhisactiveroleinpreseveringandrestoringCharlton’shistoric buildingsandhistory.ThankyouJohnHusseyforhisleadershipinplanningtheparade, TeresaHartforplanningtheFarmersMarket,andtoLisLisforchairingtheArtShow. ThanksgotoSueYorkandtoallwhovolunteeredtomanthemuseumandtheother activities. The parade Grand Marshall Torben and Jean Aabo Welcome New Members The Charlton Historical Society would like to welcome our latest new members. We welcome Jim and Robin Sevinsky who came into the museum on Founders’ Day. A few of us had a very nice visit with them. They now live in the former Hequembourg home, that was once the Zadock Crane home, and they told us the interesting story about their experience in purchasing this historic house. They also made a generous donation that is eligible for the GE Gift Match program, for which we thank them. We also welcome Daniel and Elizabeth Urish of North Kingstown, Rhode Island. They also made a generous donation, for which we thank them. Come to find out, Elizabeth is a descendant of Thomas Brown, who moved his family to Charlton from Monmouth, NJ in 1786. The Freehold Township is in Monmouth County, NJ, and many of Charlton’s founding families came here from Freehold. There is even a historic marker that tells about Thomas Brown and how his property marked the eastern boundary of the Historic District. According to W. Bronson Taylor’s book “Stories and Pictures of Charlton’, the Freehold Presbyterian Church was incorporated in 1786 and Thomas Brown was elected as one of the deacons in the first election that was held in April, 1787. PAGE 5 CHUCK LATHAM’S CHARLTON HISTORY—FACTS and LEGEND Traveling to School—Then, And Now From REMINISCENCES by Winifred McConchie Palmatteer As I was leafning through the pages of a farm magazine the other day, I came upon a picture of a family of children standing in the snow beside a platform loaded with milk cans waiting for their neighbor, who could be seen in the distance with his team and milk sleigh, to come so that they could hop on and get a free ride to school. It brought back memories of the other days and the way farm children used to get to school. I can remember may incidents connected with the trips we used to make to school. I remember the very first day of school when our Mother took my sister and me to school with a horse and buggy and how she had waited there for a while to make sure we were going to be all right. After that we weren’t so fortunate, however. We usually had to walk the mile and seven-tenths each way. The only time we could look forward to rides was when bad weather came up while we were at school, or during examination week in January. Then everybody was expected to be there regardless of the weather and take the examinations which the state put out. There was no postponing them then. Each one was given at the appointed time. Many a time our father hooked up his team and took us to school so we wouldn’t miss those exams. (To be continued) PAGE 6 Charlton Historical Society 2009 Maple Avenue Charlton, NY 12019 • • • The Board of Trustees is delighted to welcome Bill Wehrle as our new curator. Thank you Bill for coming forth to help in this important role. If you wish to donate a founding member plaque for display in the museum, please contact Sue York for the requirements. We have stipulations to insure continuity. Remember that CHS is eligible to receive funds from the AMAZON SMILE FOUNDATION. If you would like to support the Charlton Historical Society with your Amazon shopping, you can log onto Smile.amazon.com and select he CHS to receive .5% of your purchase price and proceed to shop. Board of Trustees President Vice-President Secretary Cor.Sec. Treasurer Curator Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee AliceCrotty JohnHussey NancyBellamy StaceyFenton SusanYork BillWehrle KenCrotty ChuckLatham PatParker CarolynSetzer MarvSchorr 399-4153 399-9789 399-8508 882-6009 399-3797 399-7695 399-4153 384-0130 882-9099 882-9740 399-4161 PAGE 7
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