Deutsche Bahn becoming an eco


Deutsche Bahn becoming an eco
Deutsche Bahn
becoming an eco-pioneer
set ourselves this target because we
take corporate social responsibility
seriously and want to contribute to
the international emission reduction
targets set in Paris.
03 Foreword
Dear Reader,
04 DB2020+ strategy
06 Becoming an eco-pioneer
26 Air quality control
07 Our targets at a glance
30 Nature conservation
08 Climate protection
In addition, we want to cut rail traffic
noise by 10 decibels by 2020, thus
cutting perceived noise levels in half
for those exposed to them. To this
end, we are retrofitting our freight
car fleet, building noise barriers and
implementing additional measures.
16 Noise reduction
34 Environmental protection
is DB's mission
22 Resource efficiency
35 Further information
Deutsche Bahn wants to be an eco-­
pioneer. To reach our climate protection goals, we are focusing on two
factors in particular for the coming
years: reducing our CO₂ emissions
and powering DB's rail transport
services with more green electricity
than the average. By 2020, we want
to reduce our specific CO₂ emissions
by 30% as compared with 2006 levels
and increase the proportion of renewable power we use to 45%. We have
This broschure will also show you
what we are doing with regard to air
quality control, resource efficiency
and nature conservation, and what
our plans for the future are in each of
these areas.
Enjoy the read.
Ronald Pofalla
DB2020+ strategy
Sustainable action
Deutsche Bahn's enhanced DB2020+ strategy brings three
­dimensions – economic, social and environmental – into
­harmony with each other, with an emphasis on customer focus
and quality. To implement this strategy, we at DB have set
­ourselves ambitious targets: we want to be a profitable quality
leader (economics), a top employer (social) and an eco-pioneer
(environment) by 2020. Our customers should be ­offered topclass, eco-friendly mobility and logistics solutions made possible
by dedicated employees and digital expertise.
Dimension of
Economic dimension
Profitable quality leader
Social dimension
Top employer
Environmental dimension
Becoming an eco-pioneer
Our targets at a glance
DB protects the environment in everything it does
On our way to becoming an eco-pioneer,
we at DB want our products to set standards for the efficient use of available
resources. That is why we are
concentrating on five
environmental areas,
with climate protection and noise reduction receiving special
DB's binding environmental targets
Environmental protection, with a focus on climate protection and noise control, is
hardwired across the DB Group and backed by measurable targets for 2020. The
measures to achieve these targets are being implemented at the DB business units.
In climate protection we want
to reduce CO₂ emissions through
high energy efficiency and the
use of renewable energy. The
measures we carry out on our infrastructure and rolling stock will
improve noise reduction, and recycling and reduced consumption
will improve resource efficiency.
With the use of modern, low-emission
rolling stock, we contribute to air quality
control. When planning and operating rail
installation and property, we are mindful
of nature conservation, working to preserve the habitats of plants and animals.
Reduction of specific
CO₂ emissions as
compared to 2006
Renewable energy
in the DB-traction
current mix
Cutting rail noise
in half as
compared to 2000
–10 dB(A)
Our targets for climate protection
Climate protection
More renewable power: We
also want to further increase
the share of renewables in the
traction current used by our
own carriers to 45% by 2020.
Reducing CO₂ emissions
High energy efficiency, energy
savings and the use of renewable
energy have made it possible
for us to achieve our climate
protection targets ahead of time.
Now we have set new ambitious
targets for climate protection.
New target for CO₂ emissions:
30% lower specific CO₂ emissions worldwide by 2020 compared with 2006. This is a 50%
increase on the original target.
Climate protection pioneer:
With a 24.5% reduction in specific CO₂ emissions in 2015 and
a share of renewable energy in
our traction current of 42%, we
surpassed our original targets
(20% lower specific CO₂ emissions and 35% renewable energy
in traction current by 2020)
ahead of time.
Rail operations in Germany:
Between 2006 and 2015, we
generated absolute CO₂ emission savings of 10 million metric
tons in rail operations in Ger-
many. This is equivalent to the
annual CO₂ emissions of a city
the size of Cologne.
The highest score for climate
protection: In 2015 the rating
organization CDP awarded
DB the highest possible score of
100 A, recognizing it as the
world's most climate-friendly
rail company.
Our measures for climate protection
Traction current mix procured by DB Energy¹
in 2015 (preliminary figures)
6,0 %
Natural gas
6,1 %
Brown coal
0,1 %
30,0 %
Black coal
42,0 %
Expanding the use of renewable energy
Share of renewable power:
In 2015 the share of renewable energy in
traction current in Germany rose to
42.0%, following a rise to 39.6% the previous year. The main source is hydropower.
Green long-distance transport: DB Fern­
verkehr in particular has made a major
contribution to the high share of renewa10
bles. Of the roughly 3,700 gigawatt hours
of renewable energy in traction current in
2015, some 1,500 gigawatt hours was
­ordered additionally by DB Fern­verkehr
specifically for its green products
(see page 14).
15,8 %
Nuclear power
¹ The traction current mix includes traction current for rail companies supplied by DB Energy, including all
additional electricity procured for DB's green products that use 100% renewable power (for example
S-Bahn Hamburg, BahnCard,, Umwelt-Plus and Eco Plus products). The data provided for
2015 includes findings and estimates available as of February 2016.
Our measures for climate protection
Reducing energy consumption
at stations and depots
Energy-efficient driving
Training in energy-efficient
driving: For ten years now, DB
has been training all its train
drivers in energy-efficient driving. Careful driving techniques
can cut energy consumption by
up to 10% per route. Bus and
truck drivers also receive training for energy-efficient driving.
Modern rail vehicles "recycle"
electricity: Three-phase current
systems transform part of the
train's kinetic energy into electricity when it brakes and feed
that electricity back into the catenary wire.
Rise in traction energy recovery: In 2015 our use of brake
­energy recovery cut energy consumption by some 1,220 gigawatt hours in Germany, raising
the recovery rate to 13%.
Play and save energy: Ever
wanted to be a train driver? Now
you can download our train driving app, "DB Train Simulator,"
and try it out. Now available at
App Store and Google Play.
Lower energy consumption at
stations: Absolute primary energy consumption at DB's stations has fallen by almost 17%
since 2010. A development
made possible by the use of LED
bulbs in light fixtures and signage and by improvements to
HVAC systems.
Eco Warehouse: DB Schenker
opened a carbon-neutral logistics center in Lower Austria in
2015. The center uses modern
LED lighting and has its own siding to connect it to the ecofriendly transport network.
CO2-free stations and depots:
With the Kerpen-Horrem station
now complete (see photo), our
second carbon-neutral station
in Lutherstadt Wittenberg is expected to be finished by the end
of 2016. The first carbon-neutral ICE maintenance depot is
being built in Cologne.
Our strengths in climate protection
With DB's eco-friendly passenger
and freight transport, all our
­customers can be eco-pioneers.
Our green products also serve
to further extend our lead in climate protection.
Green long-distance transport:
Since April 2013, DB has been
using 100% renewable energy to
transport its 5 million BahnCard
holders, holders of monthly and
annual passes, DB employees and
corporate customers on ICE, IC
and EC trains in Germany. This
puts our long-distance trains
ahead of all other modes of transport, at an average of 12g of CO₂
emitted per person and kilometer.
S-Bahn Hamburg: Customers using the S-Bahn in Hamburg have
been traveling with 100% renewable energy since 2010.
Crafting the mobility chain
Umwelt-Plus: Our green product "Umwelt-Plus" lets all other
long-distance passengers travel carbon free for a small extra charge.
Green freight service: With
their Eco Solutions, DB Cargo and
DB Schenker offer eco-friendly
freight transport and logistics
solutions for every mode of transport. Optimized solutions to shift
traffic – from the roads to the rails,
for example – already cut CO₂
emissions by up to 80% per route.
And Eco Plus, with its 100% green
power supply, offers completely
carbon-free rail freight transport.
Smart integration of transport
modes creates forward-looking
and environmentally friendly
solutions for mobility and logistics in DB's passenger and
freight transport segments.
E-mobility for carsharing: With
cars available in more than 300
European cities, Flinkster and
its partners offer the largest free
floating carsharing network in Europe in terms of area. Its fleet of
some 6,000 vehicles includes 700
electrically powered cars. More
than 3,000 free floating carsharing
vehicles provided by car2go can
also be reserved on the Flinkster
Calculating environmental footprints: An online calculator lets our
customers calculate the environmental footprints of passenger and
freight transport and compare them
with other modes of transport:
Destination Nature: DB promotes
sustainable tourism in collaboration
with the BUND, NABU and VCD environmental associations. Together
we campaign for environmentally
friendly mobility along the entire
travel chain in 22 natural sites in
Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Zero emissions by bike:
Some 10,000 rental bikes
from Call-a-Bike, including
100 e-­bikes, can be used in
more than 50 cities.
Our targets for noise reduction
Noise reduction
Halving rail noise
DB aims to cut rail traffic noise in
half by 2020 compared with the
year 2000. We take noise control
measures along the line and in
Noise control along the line:
3,700 of DB's 33,400 kilometers
of network are subject to particularly high noise emissions. Noise
control measures have been
­carried out along more than
1,500 km of line, and this figure
will rise to 2,000 km by 2020.
"Silent" freight cars: Composite
brake blocks (K and LL blocks,
also known as "whisper brakes")
reduce the rolling noise of freight
cars by half. A total of 50% of
DB Cargo's freight cars in Germany will be equipped with modern brake technology by the end
of 2016, with the rest of the
64,000-car fleet of DB Cargo in
Germany to follow by 2020.
Government funding for noise
reduction: The German government earmarks some 150 million
euros annually for noise control
measures. A large share is invested in noise control along the
line. Part of the funding is also
available to support work to retrofit freight cars with whisper
brakes and to implement special
programs, such as protection of
the Upper Middle Rhine Valley, a
UNESCO World Heritage site.
Our measures for noise reduction
Noise reduction measures
Active (traditional and innovative techniques)
Sound-proof windows
Noise barriers
Acoustic ventilation
Improving noise control
along the line and on the trains
Noise control measures taken
so far: Between 1999 and 2015,
DB put noise control measures in
place along nearly 1,500 km of
track. This included noise barriers for more than 610 km of
track and noise control measures
for some 55,300 apartements.
Freight cars with whisper
brakes: Ever since 2001 DB has
made whisper brakes obligatory
when ordering new freight cars.
By the end of 2015, some 12,700
existing freight cars had been
retrofitted with whisper brakes
(mainly LL blocks). In total,
some 21,000 silent freight cars
were in use.
Noise reduction on bridges
Rail web damping system
Low noise barriers
Wheel lubrication system
New limits to reduce noise:
From 2016 on, new limits for
noise reduction measures apply.
The former nighttime limit of
60 dB(A) for residential areas
has been lowered by 3 dB(A) to
57 dB(A). These stricter limitations must now be implemented.
brake blocks
(LL or K blocks)
Additional measures along the
line: The area around Koblenz,
Bingen and Rüdesheim, which is
particularly affected by rail noise,
will receive extra damping on infrastructure – such as noise barriers and rail web damping systems
– for some 63 million euros over
the coming years. The valleys
along the Elbe and Inn rivers will
also see additional measures.
Our measures for noise reduction
More information for residents
Infomobile Noise Prevention:
This specially adapted truck provides information for local residents on the effectiveness of noise
control measures and freight car
Noise control information
center: In early 2015, the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin
opened an exhibit that lets visitors experience for themselves
how effective DB's noise control
measures are. A 180 degree
­panoramic projection and
140 speakers create a virtual
­reality that allows visitors to
­experience noise control first
Measurement stations in the
Upper Middle Rhine Valley: The
measurement stations put up in
the UNESCO World Heritage site,
provide representative readings
for the entire Middle Rhine Valley.
More informations: Visit the
noise protection portal (only
­german) and check out our measurements results:­
Our targets for resource efficiency
Resource efficiency
High recycling rate
To ensure to use resources
efficiently, we at DB want to
maintain our consistently high
recycling rates. Additionally,
we will be using more recycled
materials and will extend the
service life of our rolling stock
and other assets.
The DB Group's global target:
With 97.2% of materials recycled
in 2015, DB once again met its
global recycling target of 95%.
This was mainly due to the large
amount of construction waste, of
which the vast majority is recycled. We do not consider incineration to be recycling.
Construction waste accounts
for the largest share: In 2015
a total of 11.8 million metric
tons of waste (as compared with
6 million metric tons the previous year) was recycled, including
11.2 million metric tons of construction waste. The large increase in the total was mainly
due to the Stuttgart–Ulm construction project.
The challenge remains: In the
future, we want to maintain our
recycling rate at this high level.
One objective is to raise rates for
other, non-construction types of
waste as well.
Our measures for resource efficiency
Recycled paper: We use only recycled printing and copy paper
in our offices – that is a total of
roughly 600 million recycled
sheets every year. Our marketing
departments also use recycled
paper for their printed material.
Using recycled paper saves valuable resources compared with
virgin fiber paper, cutting energy
consumption by up to 70% and
water by up to 60%, as well as
using next to no wood.
Use of recycled materials
and increases in product service life
Recycled ballast and ties: In
2015, some 20% of the ballast
used (783,000 metric tons) and
some 9% of the concrete railroad ties used (251,000 units)
were recycled.
Redesign for an extended service life: We regularly modernize our passenger trains. This
saves up to 80% of material
compared with buying new
trains, and also extends service
life of our vehicles. In 2015,
S-Bahn Rhein-Main had 100 light
rail vehicles refurbished.
Resource-saving washing facilities: Most of our train washing
facilities reclaim the washing
water. At new facilities, such as
the ones in Cologne and Münster, some 40% of water used for
washing is reclaimed. At some
bus washing facilities we have
biological water treatment systems to enable us to reuse the
water more than once. These facilities now consume only some
100 liters of water per wash, instead of 500.
Recycled ballast
and ties
Recycled paper
Our targets for air quality control
Air quality control
Fewer pollutants
by high standards
Modern rolling stock and a high
degree of electrification reduce
the emission of air pollutants.
High European emission standards ensure reduced air pollution
in road transport.
Our new target for clean air:
Between 2010 and 2020 we
want to reduce the emission of
particulate matter by our trains,
buses, trucks and cars in Germany by 55%.
Reduced particulate ­emissions:
With 41.7% lower absolute particulate emissions from our road
and rail vehicles by end of 2015,
we are on schedule.
High standards for truck emissions: 95% of DB's trucks employed for long-distance transport fulfill European emissions
standards V and VI. And all of
DB's cars meet the highest emissions standards.
49% of buses also meet the Euro
V and VI standards.
High electrification rates: Some
90% of DB's rail transport is powered by electricity. This means
that there are no air pollutants
emitted by the vehicle itself. The
only source of emissions is the
traction power generation –
­unless, of course, renewables
are used.
Our measures for air quality control
Modern vehicles for clean air
Diesel particulate filters: Since
2014 DB Cargo has been using
130 Gravita switching locomotives equipped with particulate
filters. These filters trap more
than 97% of soot emissions.
Low-emission diesel engines in
passenger transport:
DB is already using the first
22 diesel-electric TRAXX locomotives in regional and long-distance transport. Four separately
controlled engines reduce energy
consumption and noise emissions. Particulate filters and catalytic converters minimize the
emission of pollutants.
Modern exhaust gas cleaning:
DB Regio operates 113 new
­Alstom-Coradia LINT diesel
­multiple units with SCR exhaust
gas cleaning. Thanks to the SCR
(selective catalytic reduction)
technology, NOx emissions are
reduced as far as technically
Clean refueling stations:
DB Energy operates 15 new
­AdBlue® filling stations in Germany. Here, diesel locomotives
can refuel with a urea-based
­liquid that is very effective in
­reducing NOx emissions during
exhaust aftertreatment.
Innovative hybrid technology:
DB has partnered with researchers from the German state of Saxony on the EcoTrain project to design a hybrid drive system for a
diesel electric train. Additionally,
an environmentally friendly CO₂
air conditioning system is being
developed for the train.
Environmentally friendly
buses: Internationally, DB Arriva
operates some 200 natural gas
buses and some 500 hybrid
buses. And in the Netherlands,
the company operates the
world's first zero-emission electric bus line, powered by renewable energy.
Our claims for nature conservation
Nature conservation
Protecting animals and plants
We build and operate rail installations and lines in accordance
with conservation requirements,
helping to protect the habitats of
plants and animals.
DB property for more nature:
We want to remediate land that is
no longer in operational use. As
part of a pilot project in Bavaria,
we have identified eight plots of
land that can be considered suitable from both an environmental
and an operational point of view.
We plan to offer them to environmental associations and trusts.
Protecting birds on catenary
wires: An average of some 3,700
short circuits on DB infrastructure
are caused by birds and small ani30
mals each year. We are working
with environmental groups to
come up with rules to make catenary wires safer for birds. In pilot
projects we test the effectiveness
of innovative protective solutions.
Studies on vegetation management on rail lines: We are currently carrying out two studies on
environmentally friendly vegetation management on rail lines and
areas under catenary wires to create valuable ecosystems for
plants and animals. Our partners
in these studies, which are supported by the German Federal
Agency for Nature Conservation,
include German Environmental
Aid (Deutsche Umwelthilfe) and a
various network operators.
Our measures for nature conservation
cally approved herbicides must
be applied for lack of alternative
Environmental restoration:
When constructing and operating rail systems, we try to avoid
or minimize environmental degradation. In areas where this is
not possible, we carry out a variety of environmental restoration
measures. For example, in the
Stendal–Uelzen project, we created new brooding and foraging
areas for cranes on 6.5 hectares
of land owned by DB.
Designing and bulding
for the future
Mechanical vegetation management generally: Signals need to
be kept visible, and the track
needs to be prevented from becoming overgrown. We thus regu32
larly remove plants from tracks
and track installations. On rail
embankments, we generally use
mechanical processes to remove
plants. In the track bed specifi-
Digital documentation: With
our new FINK conservation and
restoration information system,
we are consolidating all relevant
environmental restoration data
at our company. Some 900 projects with a total of 3,900 measures, more than 500 of which
deal with species conservation,
were entered into the system
through the end of 2015.
Further information
Environmental protection
is DB's mission
For further information on environmental protection, or to order additional
copies of this broschure, contact:
At the DB Group, some 300 employees are
responsible for organizing environmental protection work. They are actively involved in consolidating our position as an eco-pioneer.
Deutsche Bahn AG
DB Umwelt
Potsdamer Platz 2
10785 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 297-60611
The Sustainability Competence Center steers sustainability management within the Group, while the
Group Committee on the Environment works with
the business to select the environmental measures
to be implemented.
The central department responsible for organizing
environmental protection measures at the Group
is called DB Environment. Within this department,
employees offer environmental services and work
with the business to develop environmental targets
and measures.
Environmental coordinators and environmental
units within the business units drive environmental
protection measures there. DB's international companies are responsible for the global integration
of environmental protection into their employees'
daily work.
Further information:
Photo credits: Max Lautenschläger / DB AG (4), Volker
Emersleben / DB AG (4), Rico Emersleben / DB AG, Pablo
Castagnola / DB AG (3), Michael Neuhaus / DB AG, Christian
Bedeschinski / DB AG, Uwe Miethe / DB AG, Smilla Dankert /
DB AG (2), Ralph Winn / DB AG, Fotolia, C3 Visual Lab
This print product is "Blue Angel" certified.
Using recycled paper saves valuable resources, cutting electricity by up to 60%
an water up to 70% as well as using next
to no wood.
SU 2
Published details
Deutsche Bahn AG
Potsdamer Platz 2
10785 Berlin, Germany
No liability for errors or omissions
Last modified in May 2016