Annual Report - New Zealand Planning Institute


Annual Report - New Zealand Planning Institute
Annual Report
for the year 2013
Promoting Planning Excellence
Welcome from the Chair 4
Our Board 6
Our Officers 7
The Year In Review 8
Award Winners 12
Annual General Meeting 2014 16
Minutes to the
2013 NZPI General Meeting 17
Financial Foreword 18
Financial Statements 19
Auditor’s Statement 20
Budget for 2014 28
Member Directory 29
Our History 43
New Zealand Planning Institute
is the home of the planning profession.
Our Vision
To be recognised and respected as the voice of planning in New Zealand.
Our Purpose
Achieve a better future for New Zealand by championing the planning profession, promoting excellence
and supporting its members.
welcome from
the chair
NZPI – The Home of Planning in
New Zealand. A warm welcome
to readers of the NZPI’s Annual
Report 2013.
Headline Achievements
In early 2013 the Board heard the memberships call for
a greater media and public presense and responded
by engaging Wright Communications, to develop
a communications strategy. The comprehensive
Strategy was subsequently endorsed by the Board
NZPI’s new strategic direction, a restructured
governance framework and greater engagement and
alignment of effort between the various parts of NZPI
combined to generate considerable organisational
and cultural change in 2012. This led me and many
members to perceive it as a year of transformation for
and its implementation is well underway. The results
In contrast, 2013 could best be described as a year of
‘consolidation’ as the changes wrought in the previous
year have become embedded in the way that NZPI
serves its members.
NZPI’s efforts to raise the profile of planning and
Guided by the NZPI Strategic Plan 2013-2016 and
supported by a collaborative effort from Board members
and the Planning Advisory Committee, 2013 has seen
NZPI make an unprecedented investment in advocacy,
profile raising and organisational change.
for the Environment on the changes to the Resource
to date have been promising with NZPI gaining an
unprecedented profile in both electronic and print media
during the year under report.
NZPI’s Voice being Heard
planners in both the public eye and media have been
underpinned by extensive policy work. That stream of
work has included numerous submissions to the Ministry
Management Act, an extensive submission on the Draft
Auckland Unitary Plan and the development of three
position papers on; Managing Urban Growth, Water
Quality and Heritage.
Continuing Professional Development
Restructuring our resources
Delivering a quality, accessible, affordable CPD
Following endorsement of a new strategic direction in
2012 the Board initiated a capability review of NZPI
resources in early 2013. The independent consultant
who undertook the review was asked to explore
any gaps that could jeopardise delivery of the new
strategic plan and recommend appropriate strategies
for filling those gaps. In September 2013, after long
and thoughtful deliberation, the Board asked its CEO to
progress consultation with staff on the proposed new
organisational structure for NZPI. Members can read
more of the restructure in the following pages.
programme is perceived by the Board to be fundamental
to empowering planners and promoting planning
excellence. With that in mind NZPI brought together a
number of senior planners to draft a CPD strategy in
2013. The CPD strategy has been informed by previous
NZPI membership satisfaction surveys and NZPI’s
strategic plan. Members should begin to feel the impact
of that strategy in 2014.
Promoting planning excellence
Quality Planning
In keeping with its commitment to “promoting planning
excellence” NZPI took up the task of designing and
constructing a new, more user friendly Quality Planning
website in 2012. One year on and the rejuvenated
website has proven to be popular, experiencing over
56,096 visits and attracting 780 new subscribers. NZPI
Finally, on behalf of the Board and all members of NZPI a
warm thanks to all of those who have worked so hard in
the interests of NZPI over the past twelve months.
These collective efforts have contributed to a truly
transformational year that saw NZPI deliver on its
aspiration to “Empower Planners and promote planning
continues to contribute strongly to the Quality Planning
Partnership that guides the content of the site.
Ensuring the quality of education for planners through
its accreditation role is a key way in which NZPI can
influence and promote planning excellence. In 2013
Bryce Julyan, Chair
NZPI, ably led and guided by Professor Rob Freestone
and the Accreditation Panel, completed an interim
review of Auckland University and a five year review of
Lincoln University. Both universities were successful in
their applications.
Members First Annual Conference
The 2013 NZPI Conference, held in Hamilton
proved highly successful. Not only did it break all
previous records in terms of attendance with over
650 enrolments, it was also a significant success in
generating profit for NZPI and the local branch.
Celebrating our heroes
NZPI recognises how important it is to celebrate its
heroes, both within and beyond the planning community.
It did this through the presentation of ten national
awards, one scholarship and four Distinguished Service
Awards. You can read more of the winners in the pages
that follow.
our board
Chair, Bryce Julyan
Deputy Chair, Andrew Willis
Hon Secretary/Treasurer, Julie Bevan
Jane Douglas
Keith Hovell
Dr Caroline Miller
Robert Schofield
Todd Whittaker
our officers
From left – right
Membership Liaison Officer, Manfred Lee
Policy & Research Advisor, Christina Kaiser
Chief Executive Officer, Susan Houston
Office Administrator, Savana Carroll
Communications Officer, Melissa Hubbard
2013: The year in review
2013 has seen many unprecedented successes for the NZPI from its Annual
Conference to its media profile. Guided by its new Board and a refreshed
Strategic Plan (2013 - 2016), the institute has begun to reap the rewards of that
transformation while increasing its investment in advocacy and communications
as well as improving the structure of the organisation to better serve its members.
New Offices for NZPI
In September NZPI moved its new offices to the central
business district of Auckland. The catalyst for the move
was a continual leak and health risk at the Khyber Pass
Road premises and a desire to host Auckland CPD
events on site, thereby saving considerable venue costs
throughout the course of the year. The fitout costs of the
new premises were expended in the 2013 year by NZPI
which will be recouped through a discounted rent over the
next three years.
business and administration support, as well as
outstanding learning programmes and events.
Events Manager – This role encompasses the
delivery of the NZPI Conference, which will undergo
a step change in the future, YP Congress and the
Environmental Compliance Conference as well as the
logistics around the CPD workshops around the country.
Learning Manager – This role will lead the growth of
the CPD programme and changes to the programme
New structure boosts
NZPI capability
based on feedback from members.
The need to increase the NZPI’s capability and capacity
to deliver on its strategic goals and meet the needs of a
growing membership led to a comprehensive review of
NZPI resources carried out in 2013.
new structure brings with it great opportunities for the
Over the past five years the NZPI has grown extensively.
Membership has increased more than 20 per cent, CPD
programmes have almost tripled in number and the
NZPI conference has attracted an increasing number
of attendees. All this has led to increased expectations
from members and greater demands on the NZPI team.
emphasis on stepping up to the plate to deliver improved
Operations Manager – This role will support the CEO
by managing the organisation’s operational tasks.The
organisation and signifies an exciting future for the NZPI.
Communications Strategy &
In line with our Strategic Plan and the wishes of members,
the NZPI has invested significantly in communications in
2013, commissioning Wright Communications to develop
and implement a comprehensive communications
In order to deliver on the NZPI’s strategic plan the Board
considered and endorsed a new structure to better
serve members. The new structure increases NZPI’s
capacity to deliver more services to members.
The communications strategy has been developed
Within the new structure we have created three new
permanent roles – Events Manager, Operations Manager
and Learning Manager. These roles will deliver significant
benefits for members and signal the organisation’s
social media, communications with NZPI members and
to help enhance the profile of our institute and the
planning profession. It covers areas such as media
relations, issues management, online communications,
stakeholder communications. The strategy was informed
by interviews with NZPI staff, members and stakeholders
as well as with members of the media.
Its implementation has already led to the NZPI increasing
its profile in print, electronic and broadcast media, with
highlights including an interview with NZPI Chairman
Bryce Julyan on TV3 and the publication of an op ed
piece on Auckland’s Unitary Plan in the New Zealand
Herald. There has also been a significant increase
in the number of NZPI media releases and op ed
pieces released and a review of the institute’s weekly
newsletter Planning Focus which will see improvements
continue in 2014.
The new role will grow the CPD programme. The
Learning Manager will be charged with achieving the
NZPI’s strategic objective of improving the quality of
planning practice within New Zealand through relevant,
timely and accessible CPD. The focus of the role will be
the development of learning pathways and content based
on an in depth analysis of members’ learning needs
throughout their career.
The programme will have a new look and feel within the next
12 months and it will be more targeted and accessible to
Submissions & Policy Positions
members and non-members.
NZPI has continued its important advocacy and
Annual Conference –
thought leadership roles by leading the development
of submissions and position papers on a range of key
planning issues.
The NZPI led the development of submissions with full
membership on:
•Resource Management Reform Bill (February)
•Ministry for the Environment’s Freshwater Reform
The 2014 Conference will be held
in Queenstown with the theme of
“Mountains to the Sea”. It will focus
on 3 main threads – Water, Land Use,
2013 and Beyond (April)
•Improving our Resource Management System
discussion document (April)
• Draft Auckland Unitary Plan (May)
•Ministry for the Environment’s Discussion Document
on A National Monitoring System for the RMA 1991
During the year the NZPI led the development of position
papers on:
•Managing Urban Growth
• Water Quality
Beyond the development of submissions and position
papers, NZPI has recently had very productive
meetings with Ministry for the Environment about closer
engagement in the future and all the signs point to the
NZPI playing a role in the Ministry’s new way of working.
Continuing Professional
Continuing Professional Development remains a priority
for the NZPI and its members and 2013 was a notable
year with the completion of 36 courses with 902
enrolments, the completion of the CPD Strategy and the
establishment of the Learning Manager role within the
organisation’s new structure.
Planning Advisory Committee
Distinguished Service Awards
The Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) completed its
second year since its inaugural meeting in Blenheim
conference 2 May 2012. The NZPI constitute mandates
and generally defines the role of PAC. Like all great
initiatives there have been challenges, always positively
handled, establishing and supporting this team.
Membership changed as a few branch chairpersons
stepped down, including departing Gary Rae, William
Watt, Richard Osborne and Vicki Jones to be replaced by
Andrea Harris, Mandy Bishop, Andrew Henderson and
Luke McSoriley. The commitment of all PAC members
is appreciated given the large additional work and time
required to attend the quarterly meetings, participate on
working groups and respond to requests for comments/
input of a wide range of NZPI documents.
The announcement of four NZPI Distinguished Service
Awards as well as events around the country and even
in World Town Planning Day on November 8, as Kiwi
planners join thousands of their counterparts and sister
institutes in more than 30 countries and four continents
to celebrate and recognise the role of planning and
Highlights included NZPI events in Auckland, Wellington,
Hamilton, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson and London.
Auckland planner Penny Pirrit’s leadership of the
Auckland’s controversial unitary plan development saw
her headline the list of four planners honoured in the
2013 Distinguished Service Awards.
She joined fellow Aucklander John Childs, Hamilton’s
Dave Burton and Dean Chrystal from Christchurch as
2013 award winners.
The Distinguished Service Awards recognise individuals
who have made a significant contribution over many to
the image and practice of planning, undertaken original
research which has advanced the theory and practice
of planning in New Zealand and overseas, made a
major contribution to the affairs of the NZPI, or achieved
national or international recognition as a leader in the
planning profession. All four 2013 Award recipients are
leaders in their fields and deserving winners.
Satisfaction Survey
The NPZI’s membership satisfaction survey is fast
becoming an invaluable tool for revealing insights into
how we deliver to our members.
The survey’s ability to highlight our successes as well as
pinpoint areas for improvement will continue to guide
our business planning and improve our service delivery,
as has been the case since the survey was initiated in
Results of the 2013 survey included:
• An increase in satisfaction level with the contact
members had with their regional NZPI Board member
• A desire for a stronger media presence expressed by
68% of members
• A 12% increase in the number of respondents who
felt the NZPI’s contribution to policy had improved
Green Party Co-leader Russel Norman opened the
conference with an address on the theme of “Clean and
Green”. Keynote speakers included Brad Dannefaerd
from CERT Systems (“The ‘contact professional’ and the
‘social contract’ – The relationship between compliance
staff and society.”) and Environment Court Judge Craig
Thompson (“View from the bench”).
Auckland Student Planners Gain
World Wide Recognition
Ying Liu and Yuqing Zhou, both student planners
studying at Auckland University were two of many
entrants who participated in the International Federation
of Housing and Planning competition. Entrants from
student teams around the world illustrated their visions and
design proposals for reinterpreting Garden City principles for
the challenges of the 21st Century.
Ying and Yuqings entry was selected as one of the 3
final prize winners from the world wide competition.
The prizes were announced and presented during the
Opening Ceremony of the Congress in London. NZPI
has recognised and applauded the work of Ying and
Yuqing as a meritorious achievement and has presented
them with a cheque for $1000 to contribute to their
travel cost to London.
Congratulations Ying and Yuqing.
• Opportunities for improvement were identified
following services: CPD and Conference Programme.
As the survey was carried out in 2013 a number of areas
for improvement identified in the results have already
been or are being addressed as part of NZPI’s drive for
continuous improvement.
NZPI Growth
The NZPI’s membership grew by 4% in 2013 which is
consistent with the previous year.
The 2013 increase has contributed to a 21% jump
in membership from 1652 members to over 2000
members over the past five years.
Environmental Compliance
NZPI once again coordinated the Environmental
Compliance Conference, held in Wellington in November
2013. The event was attended by approximately 150
compliance officers and others from around the country.
award winners 2013
Announced by NZPI Chair of the Awards Panel Andrew Willis at the
NZPI Conference in Hamilton.
Nancy Northcroft Supreme
Best Practice Award
Best Practice Award: Excellence in
Integrated Planning
Te Mana o Ngati Rangitihi Trust, Bay of Plenty Regional
Council and Boffa Miskell Ltd for their development of
the Ngati Rangitihi Iwi Environmental Management Plan.
The Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuilt Team,
Environment Canterbury, Christchurch City Council
and Beca for their work on the SCIRT Collaborative
Approach to Global Consenting Framework.
Rodney Davies Project Award
Best Practice:
Strategic Planning & Guidance
Napier City Council and Harrison Grierson for their work
on the Maraenui CPTED Assessment Project.
Best Practice Award: Excellence in
Consultation and Participation Processes
Porirua City Council, Greater Wellington City Council,
Wellington City Counci and Ngati Toa Rangatira for their
collaborative work on the Porirua Harbour & Catchment
Strategy & Action Plan.
Auckland Transport and Beca for their work on the
Khyber Pass Rd Corridor Management Plan.
Best Practice Non Statutory Planning
Wallace Ross Graduate Research Award
Te Mana o Ngati Rangitihi Trust, The Bay of Plenty
Kerry Mattingly for “Housing and Transport Expenditure:
Socio-spatial Indicators of Affordability in Auckland”
The NZPI Distinguished Service Awards recognise
individuals who have made a significant Contribution
over many years to the image and practice of planning,
undertaken original research which has advanced the
theory and practice of planning in New Zealand and
overseas, made a major contribution to the affairs of the
NZPI, or achieved national or international recognition
as a leader in the planning profession. There were four
Regional Council and Boffa Miskell Ltd for their work on
the Ngati Rangitihi Iwi Environmental Management Plan.
The NZPI Awards Panel received a high quantity
and quality of Award nominations in 2013. Indeed
it proved to be a difficult exercise to separate some
of the nominations in terms of quality. For that
reason, the Awards Panel has chosen to confer three
‘Commendations’ in 2013.
Award recipients in 2013.
Best Practice – District Planning
Palmerston North City Council for the Palmerston North
City Sectional District Plan Review Proposed Plan
Change 1: Central Business
Integrated Planning
Christchurch City Council and its work on developing
the Christchurch Transport Strategic Plan under very
challenging circumstances.
Commendations: Good practice in Strategic
Planning and Guidance
Auckland Council for its work on The Auckland Plan
Winner of a Best Practice Award
Winners of the Nancy Northcroft Supreme Best Practice award
NZPI distinguished service
award recipients
Penelope (Penny)
Penny has played a
leadership role in Auckland
local government
planning over many
years. Throughout her
career at Auckland City
Council and Auckland Council she has been a thought
leader in planning practice and innovation, including
the areas of community engagement, spatial planning,
placemaking and the Auckland Unitary Plan. She has
led the development of place-making practice which
emphasises an integrated approach
to planning, designing and building places
with communities.
John Childs
John is well known and
highly regarded as a
planning consultant in
Auckland. He has been
involved in town planning,
resource management
and related fields since
1970. His career includes the position of Principal
Planner at Auckland City Council from 1976 to 1987. In
recent years he has served as a Planning Commissioner,
often as Chair, on more than 200 planning hearings.
One of his most significant roles was being part of the
Britomart development hearings panel for the Auckland
Regional Council.
William (Dave)
Based in Hamilton, Dave
is a planning consultant
who works primarily
across the central North
Island. His public and
private sector planning
career has touched on many high profile projects
including geothermal power station developments near
Taupo, the Mokauiti and Wairere dams, aspects of the
Waikato Expressway, quarry consenting and gold mining
developments within the Hauraki District. He has also
been a planning advisor for both the Waikato District
Health Board and Wintec (Waikato Institute
of Technology).
Dean Chrystal
Now based in
Christchurch, Dean’s
25-year planning career
includes roles in the United
Kingdom and around New
Zealand. He has worked in
planning roles for a number
of other local authorities in both the North and South
Islands overseeing plan change and resource consent
hearings and decisions, including wind farms, rural
residential development and district-wide landscape
provisions. Recent highlights include involvement in the
Te Rere Hau Wind Farm, the Darfield Milk Powder Plant
and Christchurch City’s Retail Distribution Strategy.
Reginald Hammond Scholarship: Liam
The Reginald Hammond Scholarship is awarded
annually for the final year of study for an accredited
planning degree at the undergraduate or postgraduate level in New Zealand. The scholarship has a
value of $4,000 and has been established to support
a worthy recipient in their final year of study.
This year’s winner of the Reginald Hammond
Scholarship is a young man who not only excels
academically but manages to do so whilst funding
his studies through twenty hours a week of paid
employment. His academic achievements are
The Auckland Branch of
the NZPI is delighted to
announce that the
2015 NZPI Conference
will be held in
Auckland on
14-17 April 2015.
A conference theme of
“Back to the Future”
focuses us on
the emergence of new technology and its influence
on the planning profession. The conference will be a
celebration of the exciting change that is underway
in New Zealand’s largest and fastest growing city. The
conference will look to the future and consider the role of
planning in shaping the city’s form.
At the same time, the conference will celebrate our
history and its lessons that will help shape our future. The
conference will be held on the 100-year anniversary of
the protection of the city’s iconic Volcanic Cones and the
ANZAC centennial.
There will be plenty of opportunities to enjoy the sights,
sounds and tastes of cosmopolitan Auckland, so put this
event in your diary in big bold letters!
The winner’s academic referees had this to say:
“This young man is one of
the top students I have ever
taught. He will make a major
contribution to the profession
in the future”.
We look forward to you joining us
in Auckland in 2015.
annual general meeting
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will b
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Minutes a
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Annual Re
Annual Ac
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Budget fo
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Draft Minutes of NZPI
Annual General Meeting
2 May 2013 at 5.15 pm
Claudelands Event Centre, Hamilton
Present: Chair, Bryce Julyan, Deputy Chair, Andrew Willis, Hon Treasurer/Secretary, Julie Bevan, Jane Douglas, Todd
Whittaker, Jan Crawford, Colin Diprose, Elizabeth Aitken Rose, William Watt, Keith Hall, Greg Phillips, Ben Farrell,
Romae Calland, Jenny Harrison, Juliet Hickford, Graeme McCarrison, Paula Hunter, Dave Burton, Perri Duffy, Christian
McDean, Paul Waanders, Donald Sangster, Kataraina Belshaw, Gary Rae, Andy Ralph, Nick Williamson, Stuart Bracey,
Namouta Poutasi,Christine Ralph, Susan Houston, CEO.
Apologies: Keith Hovell, Dr Caroline Miller, Mike Foster, Clare Piper, Reg Proffit, Hamish Rennie, Leigh Auton
Welcome by Chair, Bryce Julyan.
Draft Minutes of AGM 2012
Jane Douglas/
Keith Hall
Annual Report 2012
Donald Sangster/
Kataraina Belshaw
Annual Accounts 2012
Paula Hunter/
Graeme McCarrison
Annual Budget for 2013 – it was noted that the Board has planned a
deficit of $78,600 for 2013.
Julie Bevan/
Ben Farrell
Nominations for 2016 Conference called for.
Nominations from Christchurch for the 2016 Conference received.
Nominations from Wellington received for the 2017 Conference.
Staples Rodway and Hayes Knight nominated respectively as NZPI
accountants and auditors for 2013.
The Chair advised of NZPI’s intent to raise subscriptions in 2014. Majority
of attendees indicated support for increase in subscriptions.
Kataraina Belshaw extended congratulations to Board and officers of NZPI
on the performance of NZPI in 2012.
Andy Ralph asked that NZPI consider bringing NZPI Awards back into
main conference programme, instead of a separate event. The CEO
advised that this will be considered in light of the feedback provided by all
Conference attendees through the Conference survey.
William Watt asked that NZPI consider its written acknowledgement to
those members who retire from NZPI.
Paula Hunter asked that the Conference coordinator re-establish the
requirement that all Conference abstracts be accompanied by the
companion papers.
Elizabeth Aitken-Rose articulated her disappointment at NZPI’s lack of
media profile.
Julie Bevan/
Jane Douglas
Paula Hunter/
William Watt
financial foreword
March 2014
NZPI was successful in exceeding budgeted income by $185,260 in 2013. That increase in income was
attributable to all major revenue streams including Subscriptions, Conferences, and our Situations Vacant
service. The exception to this trend was experienced in the CPD programme which fell in line with the
general market tightening on discretionary spending.
In 2013 the Board indicated at the Annual General Meeting that it intended to implement the first year
of the 2013-2016 Strategic Plan and that as a result of that it projected a deficit for 2013 of ($78, 600).
That deficit increased to ($115,583) before tax as a result of a number of unanticipated expenses. Those
expenses included the cost of shifting premises due to leaky offices that had become a health hazard and
also the legal costs of restructuring.
The Institute remains in a healthy financial position with working capital of $1,113,411. With most
of the anticipated structural changes completed, the budget for 2014 indicates a return to surplus and
maintenance of the asset base.
Julie Bevan
Hon Secretary/Treasurer
Financial Statements
For the year ending 31 December 2013
Staples Rodway Limited
PO Box 3899, Auckland
Mark Kingsford
Hayes Knight Audit NZ
PO Box 9588, Newmarket, Auckland
ANZ Bank of New Zealand
We have audited the financial statements of New Zealand Planning Institute Incorporated on pages 21 to 27
within the Annual Report which comprise the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2013, and the
statement of financial performance, statement of movements in general funds for the year then ended, and a
summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Executive Committee’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements
The Executive Committee is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in
accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand and for such internal control as the
Executive Committee determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor’s Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our
audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand).
Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgement, including the assessment of
the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk
assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the
financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the
purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes
evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates, as
well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
Other than in our capacity as auditor, we have no relationship with, or interests in, New Zealand Planning
In our opinion, the financial statements on pages 21 to 27 present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of New Zealand Planning Institute Incorporated as at 31 December 2013, and its financial performance
for the year then ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand.
18 March 2014
Hayes Knight Audit NZ Chartered Accountants Level 1, 1 Broadway Newmarket Auckland 1023 New Zealand PO Box 9588 Newmarket Auckland 1149 A N I N D E P E N D E N T M E M B E R O F M O R I S O N I N T E R N A T I O N A L A N D T H E H A
T +64 9 367 1656 F +64 9 366 0323 E W E S K N I G H T G R O U P
Statement of Financial Performance
For the Year Ended 31 December 2013
Branch Income 52,806 32,718
Conference Proceeds 350,892 301,051
CPD Income 272,197 350,766
Situations Vacant 99,035 77,119
Subscriptions 464,009 450,539
Quality Planning Website 30,000 51,700
Interest Received 65,426 24,225
Sundry Income 58,895
Total Operating Income 1,393,260 1,374,618
Accountancy Fees 11,505 21,700
ACC Levies 1,807 1,889
Amortisation 8,566 16,474
Audit Fee 10,756 10,750
Bad Debts Written Off -
Bank Fees & Charges 6,119 6,356
Branch Expenditure 35,935 45,914
Computer Support & Expenses 28,941 26,648
Consultancy Fees 13,910 -
Conference Expenses 260,098 199,999
Council Expenses 14,948 23,422
CPD Expenses 212,185 245,630
Depreciation 8,966 9,965
Expenses NZPI re branches 22,545
General Expenses 4,721 3,994
12 12
Institute Awards 18,397 16,321
Insurance 6,868 5,788
Late Payment Penalties –
Legal Fees – Deductible 4,529 3,112
Loss on Disposal of Investments –
Loss on Sale of Fixed Assets 705 –
Membership Costs 606 3,059
Office Accommodation 49,221 42,450
Office Expense 17,514 6,893
Planning Quarterly 60,138 89,274
Photocopier 18,811 17,514
Postage 3,469 2,531
Promotional Expenses 9,374 2,680
Provision for Doubtful Debts –
Publications Other 7,981 8,746
Quality Planning Website Expenses 3,462 –
Relocation Costs 4,358 –
Restructuring Costs 62,635 –
Salaries 531,343 491,458
Special Projects 26,180 17,601
Staff Training and Expenses 2,777 5,136
Subscriptions & Licences 3,080 12,278
Telephone & Tolls 9,330 10,087
Travel Expenses 27,065 18,565
TOTAL Expenses
1,508,843 1,377,558
Deficit before Income Tax (115,583) (2,940)
Income Tax Expense (2,941) (4,415)
(118,524) (7,355)
Net Deficit Statement of movement in general fund
For the Year Ended 31 December 2013
Net Deficit (118,524) (7,355)
Total Revenue and Revaluations (118,524) (7,355)
General Funds at the Beginning of the Year 1,310,779 1,318,133
General Funds at the End of the Year 1,192,254 1,310,779
Statement of Financial Position
the Year Ended 31 December 2013
General Funds
Retained Earnings 1,192,254 1,310,779
Total General Funds 1,192,254 1,310,779
Bank - Cheque Account 52,575 143,400
Term Deposits 859,808 823,041
Bank - UDF Account 34,906 36,035
Branch Bank Accounts 51,681 44,406
Branch Bank Term Deposits 163,007 143,930
Trade Debtors 47,551 70,315
Prepayments 12,967 6,362
Sundry Debtors 21,895 29,949
Income Tax Receivable 18,730
GST Receivable 38,500 12,251
Total Current Assets 1,301,620 1,320,019
78,843 47,536
1,380,463 1,367,555
Sundry Creditors & Accruals 81,583
Trade Creditors 106,625 42,638
Total Liabilities 188,209 56,776
Net Assets 1,192,254 1,310,779
Director Date
Represented by:
Current Assets
Non Current Assets
Property, Plant & Equipment 12
Total Assets Current Liabilities
Notes To and Forming Part of the Financial Statements
For the Year Ended 31 December 2013
1. Statement of Accounting Policies
Reporting Entity
New Zealand Planning Institute Incorporated is an
Incorporated Society under the Incorporated Societies
Act 1989 and is a reporting entity for the purposes of
the Financial Reporting Act 1993.
The financial statements of New Zealand Planning
Institute Incorporated have been prepared in
accordance with the Financial Reporting Act 1993.
(c) Property, Plant & Equipment
Property, Plant & Equipment are recognised at cost
less aggregate depreciation. Depreciation has been
calculated using the maximum rates permitted by the
Income Tax Act 2007. Gains and losses on disposal of
fixed assets are taken into account in determining the
operating result for the year.
Office Equipment 9 – 80.4%
The principal activity is that of an incorporated
body representing the professional planners in New
Zealand. The Society represents the planners interest
in the furtherance of planning, practice, maintenance
of professional standards, dissemination of planning
information and attending to the welfare of members.
Website Costs 48 – 60%
Leasehold Improvements 11.4% – 20%
Statement of Compliance and Basis of
The Financial Statements of New Zealand Planning
Institute Incorporated have been prepared in
accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting
Practice in New Zealand (NZ GAAP).
The society qualifies for differential reporting as it is not
publicly accountable and is not large as defined in the
Framework for Differential Reporting. The society has taken
advantage of all available differential reporting exemptions.
The accounting principles recognised as appropriate for
the measurement and reporting of financial performance
and financial position on a historical cost basis are followed
by the Society.
Specific Accounting Policies
The following specific accounting policies which materially
affect the measurement of the Statement of Financial
Performance and Statement of Financial Position have been
(a) Revenue
Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable
that economic benefit will flow to the entity and that
revenue can be reliably measured.
(b) Trade Receivables
Trade Receivables are recognised at estimated realisable
(d) Income Tax
The income tax expense recognised in the Statement
of Financial Performance is the estimated income tax
payable in the current year, adjusted for any differences
between the estimated and actual income tax payable in
prior years.
(e) Goods and Services Taxation (GST)
Revenues and expenses have been recognised in
the financial statements exclusive of GST except that
irrecoverable GST input tax has been recognised in
association with the expense to which it relates. All
items in the Statement of Financial Position are stated
exclusive of GST except for receivables and payables
which are stated inclusive of GST.
(f) Changes in Accounting Policies
There have been no changes in accounting policies. All
policies have been applied on a basis consistent with
those from previous financial statements.
Notes To and Forming Part of the Financial Statements
For the Year Ended 31 December 2013
2. Income – Continuing Professional Development
This income is shown in the financial statements as gross income and related expenditure.
The amount attributed to non members is as follows:
2013 ($) 2012 ($)
Gross Income 117,181 167,491
Less Related Expenditure
(91,346) (117,289)
25,835 50,202
Total Income 3.Branches
The financial statements include the income, expenditure, bank funds and deposits of the New Zealand Planning
Institute Incorporated branches.
4. Tax Reconciliation
2013 ($) 2012 ($)
(115,583) (2,940)
Less Income Received from Members (962,636) (885,740)
Add Expenditure Related to Members 1,039,230 905,488
(1,000) (1,000)
1,705 –
Total Permanent Differences 77,299 18,747
Timing Differences
Holiday Pay Last Year (1,800) (1,840)
Holiday Pay This Year 13,090 1,800
Provision for Legal Fees 37,500 –
Total Timing Differences 48,790 (40)
Taxable Income 10,506
Tax Expense at 28% 2,941
Income Tax Expense 2,941 4,415
Operating Deficit before Income Tax Permanent Differences
Less Exemption for Non-Profit Organisation Other Tax Adjustments
Notes To and Forming Part of the Financial Statements
For the Year Ended 31 December 2013
5. Obligations Under Leases
2013 ($) 2012 ($)
Lease of Building
32,920 42,450
Non-Current 52,215 130,888
Total Obligations Under Leases 85,135 173,338
2013 ($) 2012 ($)
17,928 17,928
2,918 20,846
20,846 38,774
Lease of Equipment
Current Non-Current Total Obligations Under Leases 6. Related Party Disclosures
Board members and relatives of board members were involved in conducting some of the CPD courses offered with
New Zealand Planning Institute during the course of the year. These transactions were performed at an arms length.
7.Auditors’ Remuneration
2013 ($) 2012 ($)
Amounts paid to or due and payable to the auditor for:
Audit of the financial statements 10,756 10,750
Total Auditors’ Remuneration 10,756 10,750
2013 ($) 2012 ($)
Remuneration Paid to Directors 137,500 136,635
Total Directors’ Remuneration 137,500 136,635
8. Directors’ Remuneration
This remuneration is paid to Susan Houston, a director of New Zealand Planning Institute Incorporated
Notes To and Forming Part of the Financial Statements
For the Year Ended 31 December 2013
9. Provisions
The Society has recognised a provision of $37,500 in relation to costs associated with the restructuring of the
management team.
10. Capital Commitments
The Company has no capital commitments as at 31 December 2013, (2012 Nil).
11. Contingent Liabilities
The Company has no contingent liabilities as at 31 December 2013, (2012 Nil).
12. Property, Plant & Equipment
Cost Depreciation Accumulated Closing Book
$Charged$ Depreciation$ Value$
Property, Plant & Equipment 2013
Office Equipment 88,967 6,387 66,203 22,764
Website Costs 48,592 8,593 39,285
Leasehold Improvements 62,130 2,552 15,358 46,772
199,689 17,532 120,846 78,843
Total Cost Depreciation Accumulated Closing Book
$Charged$ Depreciation$ Value$
Property, Plant & Equipment 2012
Office Equipment 100,812 9,089 77,574 23,238
Website Costs 48,592 16,527 30,692 17,900
Leasehold Improvements 19,204 823 12,806 6,398
168,608 26,439 121,072 47,536
2014 annual budget
Interest Paid
Ordinary Income/Expense
Legal fees $10,000.00
All Refunds/Reimbursements
Guide to Consultants –
NZPI Conference $340,000
CPD Income 2014 $270,000
Situations Vacant Service $95,000
Guide to Consultants
QP Website $35,000
Miscellaneous $20,000
Planning Quarterly $20,000
Subscriptions NZPI
Total Income
2014 Annual Conference Exp
2014 CPD Expense
Board Expenses
CPD Development Fund
Promotional material and brochures
Policy Advisor Expenses $3,000.00
CEO Expenses $8,000.00
Salaries and PAYE
Situations Vacant –
Reginald Hammond Scholarship $4,000.00
Staff training, hiring and reviewing
Special Projects proposed are: $1,000.00
Review YP Strategic Plan
Staff Training $5,000.00
Stationery general $6,000.00
Planning Quarterly
Audit Fees $13,000.00
Publications $5,000.00
Accountancy Fees
Photocopier $16,000.00
Accreditation Reviews
Bank Charges $6,000.00
Computer support and Expenses
General Expenses $16,000.00
Depreciation NZPI Awards Insurance 28
Communications Strategy Implementation$30,000.00
Loss on Disposal
Postage and courier
Subscriptions to others Office Accom
Kiwisaver $5,000.00
ACC $3,000.00
Telephone & Tolls
Travel $10,000.00
Total Expense
Net Surplus $5,500
Full Memberships
Alistair Aburn
Roderick Ade
Nicholas Aiken
Elizabeth Aitken Rose
Linda Albertyn
Ernest Albuquerque
Wayne Allan
Bronwyn Allerby
Matt Allott
Charlotte Almond
Alan Anderson
Denise Anderson
Donald Anderson
Hamish Anderson
Helen Anderson
Ree Anderson
Jack Andrew
Penelope Anson
Paul Arnesen
Mark Ashby
Justine Ashley
Fiona Aston
Orchid Atimalala
Kirsty Austin
Emily Auton
Ella Bacher
Russell Baikie
Marc Baily
Bruce Baker
Mary-Anne Baker
Nathan Baker
NZPI Fellows
David Hinman
Harry Bhana
Jenny Dixon
John Childs
Leigh Auton
Michael Foster
Michael Gunder
Paula Hunter
Robert Schofield
Sylvia Allan
William Robertson ONZM
Wendy Baker
Karl Baldwin
Max Barber
Bill Barclay
Peter Barnes
Philip Barrett
Jacquiline Bartley
Joseph Bartley
Lloyd Barton
Aimee Barwick
Craig Batchelar
Mark Batchelor
Karen Baverstock
Wendy Baverstock
Terry Baxter
Ian Bayliss
Simon Beale
Rebecca Beals
Lee Beattie
Laurence Beckett
Diana Bell
Jacqueline Bell
Janine Bell
Karen A Bell
Karen S Bell
Mark Bellingham
Tracy Berghan
James Bevan
Julie Bevan
David Bewley
Stephen Bigwood
Gulab Bilimoria
Mandy Bishop
Rosemary Biss
Jane Black
Karen Blair
Scott Blair
Jeremy Blake
Richard Blakey
Robyn Blewett
Kevin Bligh
Fiona Blight
Ian Blundell
Rebecca Blyth
Richard Bollard
Carolyn Bonis
Matt Bonis
Terence Boylan
Andrea Brabant
Stuart Bracey
Giles Bramwell
Justine Bray
Kylie Brayshaw
Nicole Bremner
Marc Bretherton
Grant Bridgwater
Elizabeth Briggs
Robin Britton
Chanelle Brodie
Jeremy Brophy
Jeffrey Brown
Marilyn Brown
Philip Brown
Katrina Brunton
Nigel Bryce
Dianne Buchan
Murray Buchanan
Antony Bullard
Owen Burn
Shyrel Burt
William Burton
Dennis Bush-King
Angelene Butler
Pam Butler
Craig Cairncross
Romae Calland
Murray Cameron
David Campbell
Michael Campbell
Phillipa Campbell
Lisa Capes
Nicholas Carroll
Vicki Carruthers
Anna Carter
Dana Carter
Janice Carter
Jennifer Carter
John Carter
Jennifer Carvill
Christine Caughey
Crystal Chan
Bruce Chapman
Edward Chapman-Cohen
Anne Cheng
Rhys Chesterman
Robert Chieng
Mark Chrisp
John Christensen
Dean Chrystal
Jenny Clafferty
Catherine Clarke
Jim Clarke
Mark Clews
Gillian Cockerell
Valerie Cole
Richard N Coles
Aaron Collier
Andrew Collins
David Collins
Stephen Colson
Colin Comber
Philip Comer
David Compton-Moen
Peter Constantine
Full Memberships
John Cook
Karl Cook
Kathryn Coombes
Peter Coop
Karl Cooper
Nicholas Cooper
Zoe Cooper
Christine Coste
Brian Coutts
Clare Covington
Ian Craig
Angela Crang
Jan Crawford
Brian Croad
Sarah Cronwright
Bain Cross
Stuart Crosswell
Barry Curtis
Jonathan Cutler
AnaMaria d’Aubert
Janet Davey
Treena Davidson
Evan Davies
Cecilia Davison
Christopher Dawson
Sarah Dawson
Rosalind Day
Lindsay Daysh
Stephen Daysh
Joel de Boer
Russell De Luca
Gary Deeney
Andrew Deller
David Derby
Blair Devlin
Steven Dietsch
Rachel Dimery
Sharon Dines
Colin Diprose
Leonard Dissanayake
Rod Dissmeyer
Glenda Dixon
Sonia Dolan
Gavin Donald
Neil Donnelly
Henrik Dorbeck
Katherine Dorofaeff
Richard Douch
Melissa Douche
Dion Douglas
Jane Douglas
Janette Dovey
Sarah Dreadon
Kathryn Drew
Maree Drury
Sarah Duffell
John Duffy
Richard Dunbar
Helen Duncan
Max Dunn
Janan Dunning
John Duthie
Mark Dyer
Catriona Eagles
Joanne Easterbrook
Anna Eatherley
James Ebenhoh
Grant Eccles
John Edmonds
Hywel Edwards
Jennifer Edwards
Sarah Edwards
Peter Eman
Fiona Eunson
David Falconer
Janine Fallwell
Herbert Familton
Brett Farquhar
Ben Farrell
Tim Faulkner
Matthew Feary
Louise Feathers
Andrew Feierabend
Christopher Ferguson
Shirley Ferguson
Jonathan Ferguson-Pye
Tim Fergusson
Scott Figenshow
Alex Findlay
Robyn Fisher
Sarah FitzGerald
Lynley Fletcher
Stewart Fletcher
Melanie Foote
Richard Forbes
David Forrest
Julia Forsyth
Adam Fort
Christine Foster
Adam Fraser
Renee Fraser-Smith
Claire Freeman
Chris Freke
Keith Frentz
Craig Friedel
James Fuller
Jenny Fuller
Tsz Chiu (T.C.) Fung - Stanley Feng
Megan Gaffaney
Anna Gardiner
Richard Gard’ner
Pamela Gare
Michael Garland
Trevor Garnett
Mark Geddes
Hester Gerber
Richard Gibbs
Ken Gimblett
Bruce Glavovic
Sarah Glen
Louise Gobby
Stephen Goeldner
Jennifer Goulding
Emily Grace
Timothy Grace
Robert Graham
Matthew Grainger
Nicholas Grala
Kirsty Graveling
Rebecca Greaves
Gareth Green
Jennifer Green
Martin Green
Emily Greenberg
Claire Gregory
James Griffin
Jenny Grimmett
Kerry Grundy
Andrew Guerin
Phil Gurnsey
Andrew Gysberts
Sarah Haarhoff
David Haines
Peter Hall
Rod Halliday
Bruce Halligan
Lee Halligan
Brent Hamilton
Mohammed Hannif
Christopher Hansen
Reuben Hansen
Colin Hardacre
Kim Hardy
Paul Hardy
Amanda Harland
Jim (Philip) Harland
Andrea Harris
Timothy Harris
Jenny Harrison
Patricia Harte
Shane Hartley
Stephen Havill
Bruce Hawkins
David Hay
Tracy Hayson
Timothy Hegarty
Andrew Henderson
Ewen Henderson
Ralph Henderson
Susan Henderson
James Hendra
Catherine Heppelthwaite
Full Memberships
Ivy Heung
Jeffrey Hextall
Juliet Hickford
Stephen Higgs
David Hill
Gregory Hill
Simon Hill
Richard Hills
Jane Hilson
Craig Hind
Rupert Hodson
Brendan Hogan
Matthew Holder
Ross Holland
Patricia Holm
Bryce Holmes
Brett Hood
James Hook
David Hookway
Franziska Hooper
Kathryn Hooper
Lesley Hopkins
Abu Hoque
Chris Horne
Bevan Houlbrooke
Keith Hovell
Jenny Hudson
Glen Hughes
John Hutchings
Alyson Hutton
Gavin Ide
Ben Inger
Aaron Ingoe
Poul Israelson
Alice Iuli-Tay
David Jackson
Sarah Jenkin
Lesley Jenkins
Richard Jenkins
Campbell Jensen
Alastair Jewell
Richard Johnson
Pam Johnston
Angela Jones
Paul Jones
Susan O Jones
Vicki Jones
Bryce Julyan
Bruce Junor
Megan Justice
Barry Kaye
Evan Keating
Terrena Kelly
Gavin Kemble
Colin Kemeys
Jeffrey Kemp
Martin Kennedy
Jillian Kennemore
Steven Kerr
James Kilbride
Patrick Killalea
Anna Maria King
Geoffrey King
Katja King-Borrero
Stuart Kinnear
Yvette Kinsella
Murray Kivell
Peter Kloosterman
Gregory Knell
Veena Krishna
Karyn Kurzeja
Vijay Lala
David Lamason
Tracey Lamason
Nathaniel Landingin
Cherie-Ann Lane
Campbell Larking
Emma Larsen
Nicola Laurenson
Adam Lawrence
Graeme Lawrence
Ian Leary
Gregory Lee
Hugh Leersnyder
Raewyn Legge
Mark Leggett
Ursula Lehr
Aaron Leith
Tim Lester
Maciej (Mitch) Lewandowski
Anna Lewis
Joanne Lewis
Annejo Liang
Rob Lieffering
Mark Lile
Brent Limmer
Amelia Linzey
Claire Liousse
Dougal List
Karen Long
Cushla Loomb
Gail Lorier-May
Alastair Lovell
John Lovett
Fiona Low
James Low
Kewwa Low
Paul Lowe
Donald Lyon
Jane Macartney
Tony MacColl
Roger MacCulloch
Wendy Macdonald
Barry MacDonell
Dawne Mackay
Kate Mackness
John MacLachlan
Andrew MacLeod
David MacPherson
Kate Madsen
Craig Magee
David Makani
Craig Mallett
John Mandemaker
Geoffrey Mansell
Bruce Manson
Steve Markham
Lee Marr
Andrea Marshall
Phillip Marshall
Phillip Martelli
Kathryn Martin
Blair Masefield
Garry Maskill
Alan Matheson
Peter Matich
Nicholas Mattison
Tracey-Lee May
Ian Mayhew
Ian McAlley
Stephen McArthur
Sonya McCall
Graeme McCarrison
Gerard McCarten
Andrew McCarthy
Robert McClean
Rachel McClung
David McCorkindale
Christian McDean
Philip McDermott
Roger McDonald
Damien McGahan
Craig McGarr
Patrick McHardy
Sherie McHardy
Philip McKay
Melanie McKelvie
Angus McKenzie
Steven McKenzie
Stewart McKenzie
Helen McLean
Ainsley McLeod
Iain McManus
Bill McMaster
Heather McNeal
Fraser McRae
Luke McSoriley
John McSweeney
David Mead
Julie Meade Rose
Full Memberships
Rachael Megee
Lisa Mein
Ali Memon
Franica Mikulicic
Caroline Miller
Malcolm Miller
Richard Miller
Haden Mills
Rakesh Mistry
Phil Mitchell
Ross Moffatt
Elizabeth Moncrieff
Tamzin Moore
Alice Morris
Glenn Mortimer
Russell Mortimer
Barry Mosley
Alan Moss
David Mountfort
Jenneke Mulder
Richard Munneke
Ian Munro
David Murphy
Renee Murphy
Daniel Murray
Simon Mutonhori
Kim Nathan
Stefanus Naude
David Needham
Peter Neeve
Forbes Neil
Alison Newbald
Daniel Newcombe
Ann Nicholas
Robert Nixon
Brad Nobilo
Shelagh Noble
Matthew Norwell
Denis Nugent
Lauren O’Byrne
Mary O’Callahan
Burnette O’Connor
Leslie O’Donnell
Kylie O’Dwyer
Luke O’Dwyer
Russell O’Leary
John Olliver
Helen Oram
Suzanne O’Rourke
Brett Osborne
Greg Osborne
Leonie Osborne
Richard Osborne
Helen O’Shaughnessy
Matthew Paetz
Jeffrey Page
Philip Pannett
Matiu Park
Jennifer Parsons
Susan Parsons
Michael Parsonson
Ewen Patience
Megan Patrick
Dave Paul
Rebecca Payne
Carey Pearce
Marguerite Pearson
Robert Peel
Hayes Perkins
Rebecca Perrett
Michele Perwick
Belinda Petersen
Richard Peterson
Gregory Phillips
Peter Phillips
Keith Phyn
Vernon Pickett
Aruna Pillay
Nesh Pillay
Penelope Pirrit
Bryce Pomfrett
Namouta Poutasi
Graham Power
Jane Price
Samuel Price
Claire Price (Forster-Pratt)
Andrew Purves
Brian Putt
Tony Quickfall
Gary Rae
Christine Ralph
Andrew Ralph
Deepak Rama
Rajiv Raman
Vanita Ranchhod
Neil Rasmussen
Peter Rawson
Catherine Reaburn
Peter Reaburn
Natalie Reeves
Marilyn Regnault
Nick Regnault
Phillip Reid
Hamish Rennie
Jane Rennie
Catherine Richards
Shannon Richardson
Tania Richmond
Andrea Rickard
Brian Rickard
Vivien Rickard
Andrew Riddell
Richard Ritsma
Leigh Robcke
Graeme Roberts
Nick Roberts
Shane Roberts
Jeffrey Robertson
Michael Robinson J
Daniel Rodie
Deanne Rogers
Paula Rolfe
Katrina Roos
Joanna Ross
Mark Ross
Deborah Rowe
Miles Rowe
Philip Royle
Marje Russ
Grant Russell
Kathleen Ryan
Paul Ryan
Nicola Rykers
Douglas Sadlier
Donald Sangster
Rowan Sapsford
James Saunders
Wendy Saunders
Norbert Schaffoener
Michele Schitko
Robert Schlotjes
Josie Schroder
Robert Scott
Christopher Scrafton
Kim Seaton
Kelly Seekup
Erica Sefton
David Serjeant
Rochelle Sewell
Julie-Anne Shanks
Ian Shapcott
Craig Sharman
Deryck Shaw
Neil Sheerin
Paul Sheldon
Laurence Sherriff
Eryn Shields
Aimee Simons
Heather Sinclair
Karyn Sinclair
Timothy Sinclair
Dhirendra Singh
Sukhdeep Singh
Ian Smallburn
Alistair Smith
Berin Smith
Casandra Smith
Chris Smith
David Smith
Melinda Smith
Vaughan Smith
Maximus Smitheram
Full Memberships
Jarrod Snowsill
Paul Sousa
Cate Southworth
Janine Sowerby
Andrew Sowersby
Graham Spargo
Suzanne Speer
Doug Spittle
Kristen Spooner
Fiona Sprott
Mark St Clair
Debra Stan-Barton
Bill Stevens
Mark Stevenson
Sarah Stevenson
Elizabeth Stewart
Philip Stickney
Brendon Stone
David Stringer
Stephanie Styles
Dayle Sutherland
Caleb Sutton
Rebecca Sutton
Jamie Swan
Laura Swan
Gina Sweetman
Piotr Swierczynski
Kenneth (Ken) Swinney
Darryl Sycamore
Alistair Talbot
Mark Tamura
Carmen Taylor
Graham Taylor
Louise Taylor
Neil Taylor
Neil C Taylor
Glenn Teal
Kirsten Tebbutt
Michael Theelen
Paul Thomas
Alastair Thompson
Alison Thompson
Bruce Thompson
Gerard Thompson
Michelle Thompson-Fawcett
Emily Thomson
Ivan Thomson
Jacqueline Todd
Urlwyn Trebilco
Ken Tremaine
Chloe Trenouth
Luke Troy
Amber (Sze Wan) Tsang
Michael Tucker
Christopher Turbott
John Turnbull
Diane Turner
Richard Turner
Cameron Twigley
Matthew Twose
Jennifer Valentine
Hans Van Kregten
Robert van Voorthuysen
Peter Vari
Garry Venus
Frank Versteeg
Tim Vial
Mark Vinall
Jennifer Vince
Melissa Vining
Carey Vivian
Greg Vossler
Leslie Vyfhuis
Paul Waanders
Brian Waddell
Louise Wai
Alistair (Alex) Wakefield
Theresa Walsh
Sacha Walters
Brian Warburton
Cynthia Ward
Jason Ward
Vernon Warren
Bill Wasley
Alan Watson
William Watt
Lynda Weastell-Murchison
Helen Webb
Peter Webb
Michael Weir
Elizabeth Wells
Craig Welsh
Hamish Wesney
Jane West
Andrew Wharton
Alistair White
David Whitney
Pauline Whitney
Todd Whittaker
Jane Whyte
Paul Whyte
Andrew Wilkinson
Linley Wilkinson
Roger Willard
David Willetts
Euan Williams
Andrew Willis
Gerard Willis
Laura Willoughby
Grey Wilson
Kaylee Wilson
Paul Wilson
Rodney Witte
Lolisi Wolfgramm
David Wong
Kevin Wong-Toi
Michael Wood
Clare Wooding
Alan Worthington
Carolyn Wratt
David Wren
Stephen Wynne-Jones
Antony Yates
Simon Yates
Yu Yi
Sabrina Young
Adrienne Young-Cooper
Clare Abbiss
Hanna Afifi
Michal Akurangi
Mike Alebardi
Matthew Allan
Bridget Allen
Caroline Ammundsen
Peter Anderson
Robert Anderson
Helen Andrews
Mark Apeldoorn
Joshua Arbury
Mark Arbuthnot
Maheeka Ariyapperuma
Heather Ash
Helen Atkins
Ravi Teja Ayyagari
Edita Babos
Matthew Bacon
Julia Baker
Megan Balks
Dana Bambery
Timothy Barnard
Gary Barnsley
Jonathan Barrett
Lorelle Barry
Kathleen Barry-Piceno
Ezra Barwell
Joshua Baylis
Jonathan Begg
Cathy Begley
Russell Benge
Kelsey Bergin
Natasha Berkett
Susanne Bernsdorf Solly
Simon Berry
Sarah Bevin
Rachel Birrell
Phillip Blackwood
Jacqueline Blake
David Boersen
Neda Bolouri
Richard Brabant
Dallas Bradley
Dirk Brand
Carel (Wayne) Bredemeijer
Robyn Broadhurst
Emma Brosnahan
Jessica Brown
Jonathan Brown
Stephen Brown
Patrick Buckley
Quentin Budd
Catherine Buick
Trudi Burney
Jeremy Butler
Helen Caley
Scott Cantley
Michelle Carmine
Andy Carr
Victoria Caseley
Alia Cederman
Reza Chalabianlou
Susan Chapman
Christine Cheyne
Emma Christmas
Gareth Clarke
Julie Comfort
Gavin Court
Ian Cowper
Hamish Crawford
Naomi Craymer
Allan Cubitt
James Danby
Neeta Deo
Kerstin Deuling
Jonathan Dick
Amy Dickens
Tanya Dickey
Damienne Donaldson
Micah Donaldson
Wayne Donovan
Andrew Dooney
Alan Dormer
Jocelyn Douglas
Lee Dove
Julie Drabsch
Retha Du Preez
Richard Duirs
Michael Dunphy
Monique Dyer
Scott Edgar
Geoffrey England
Mark Ensor
Timothy Ensor
Sven Exeter
Douglas Fairgray
Richard Falconer
Sue-Ellen Fenelon
John Ferguson
Grant Finn
Andrew Fitzgerald
Megan Fletcher
Nicola Foran
Ruth Foxon
Kristina Free
Michele Frey
Corinne Frischknecht
Peter Fuller
Jo Fyfe
Jeannie Galavazi
Wendy Gallagher
Christina Gawne
Xiaoxiao (Megan) Geng
Mark Georgeson
David Gibson
Brett Giddens
Tristan Gielen
Rosanne Given
Dean Glen
Fiona Gordon
Sean Grace
Ian Greaves
Jonathan Green
Nicola Green
Kim Grindley
Pauline Hadfield
Anthony Hall
Michael Hall
Daniel Hames
Sarah Hamilton
David Hampson
Natalie Hampson
Ella Hardman
Rochelle Hardy
David Harford
Richard Harkness
Brett Harries
James Hassall
Milan Hautler
Barry Hayes
Lisa Hayes
Wayne Hayson
Helen Heard
Philip Heffernan
Stacey Hikairo
Mary Hill
Donna Hills
Joanna Hodgson
Matthew Hoggard
Rebecca Holden
Jemma Hollis
Jessica Hollis
Russell Hooper
Karyn Hopkins
Stephen Howard
Alisha Huijs
Michelle Hutchins
Russell Ibbotson
Mansor Ibrahim
Rebecca Inwood
James Jacobs
Carl Jenkins
Anna Johnson
Helen Johnson
Cameron Jones
Jason Jones
Susan Jones
Karen Joubert
Rebecca Jull
Karen Jury
Amos Kamo
Sharyn Kashyap
Leon Keefer
Nathan Keenan
Claire Kelly
Gerry Kessels
Pete Sorachet Keyanonda
Karleen Kingsford
Deborah Kissick
Christopher Kissling
Peter Kouwenhoven
Jennifer Lancashire
Nicholas Lau
Michael Lawrie
Penelope Lemon
Peter Linde
Matthew Lindenberg
Kirstyn Lindsay
Brigid (Biddy) Livesey
Kim Logan
Jeffrey Loo
William Loutit
Tony Lovelock
Anna Lunjevich
James Luty
Richard Lyons
John Maassen
Joao Machado
Malcolm MacLean
Andrew Maclennan
Rachel MacMurray
Kirsty Mahoney
Tabitha Manderson
Thomas Marchant
Laura Marra
Ragan Mason
Julia Masters
Ivana Matich
Rachelle McBeth
Greg McBride
Sarah McCarter
Nicholas McCool
Sarah McElrea
Nigel McFadden
Andrew McFarlane
Heather McKay
Jade McKean
Harriet McKee
Claire McKeever
Katherine McKenzie
Portia McKenzie
Matthew McLachlan
Gregor McLean
Jaime McLellan
Renee McMillan
Sara McMillan
Jeffrey McNeill
Anne McNoe
Fraser McNutt
Hannah Meads
Kobus Mentz
Andrew Metherell
Shanan Miles
Gregory Milner-White
Christine Mitchell
David Mitchell
Vrinda Moghe
Helen Montgomery
Louis Morell
Craig Moriarty
Michael Morris
Ashwita Murphy
Johnina Murphy
Stephanie Murphy
Sandhira Naidoo
James Newell
David Newey
Lynley Newport
Lawrence Njoku
Clowance Nolan
Katrina Norgart-Lee
Paul O’Brien
Jolene Oldman
Claudine Osborne
Katherine Overwater
Claire Owens
Baylee Pakau
Scott Paton
Sara Pattison
Hamish Peacock
Claire Penman
Reuben Peterson
Claire Phillips
David Phizacklea
Anthony Pickard
Helen Pickles
Emma Pilkington
Diana Plesovs
Dylan Pope
Daniel Pouwels
Erin Pritchard
David Pullar
Karla Putt
Andrew Rabbidge
Caroline Rachlin
Marius Rademeyer
Anne-Marie Radford
Christopher Randell
Emma Reed
Dory Reeves
Janet Reeves
Elisabeth Resl
Clare Revell
Ben Rhodes
Helena Rigg
Susan Robb
Mark Roberts
Rebecca Robertson
Michael Roche
Kellie Roland
Scott Rose
Tanya Running
Stuart Ryan
Lillie Sadler
Daniel Sadlier
Peter Savage
Barry Sayer
John Scheele
Nicola Scott
Nicola Sedgley
Sonya Seutter
Martin Sharp
Niamh Sheehy
Matthew Spiro
Kristin Spyve
Joanne Stapleton
Kathryn Stapleton
Rebecca Steenstra
Karen Steer
Campbell Stewart
Louise Strogen
Nicholas Swallow
Mark Swartz
Jeremy Talbot
Christine Tarr
Belinda Taurua-Hill
Aimee Taylor
Alicia Taylor
Simon Temple
Emma Thomas
Graham Thomas
Paul Thompson
Shelley Thompson
Daniel Thorne
Jason Tickner
Vicki Toan
Katie Treadaway
Jeremy Trevathan
William Trusewich
Lucia Tugaga
Warren Ulusele
Suzanne Vallance
Victoria van der Spek
Hettiarachchige Don Vattala
Anaru Vercoe
Jamie Vinton-Boot
Mark von Dadelszen
David Wallace
Ian Wallace
Pip Wallace
Jane Walsh
Timothy Walsh
Pauline Webby
Judith Weggery
Mark Weingarth
Cindy Weir
Owen West
Michelle Whitaker
Elizabeth White
Lauren White
Alan Wilkinson
Charles Wilkinson
Jeremy Williams
Rowan Williams
Sarah Williams
Callum Williamson
Nick Williamson
Alina Wimmer
Claire Wingfield
Gabi Wolfer
Adam Wood
Louise Wood
Nicholas Woodley
Jacob Woodward
Jerome Wyeth
Jill Young
Paula Zinzan
Grad One
Simon Andrew
Charlotte Belsham
Aslam Bhikoo
David Birch
Sarah Brownie
Anthea Clarke
Kirsty Clement
Luka de Jong
Megan Dever
Deanne D’souza
Averyll Edgar
Aaron Edwards
Samuel Foster
Abbie Fowler
Grad One
Nicole Gowing
Aaron Hakkaart
Harry Halpin
Jonathan Hartnett
Adelle Henderson
Joseph Henehan
Georgina Hodges
Hsin-Hua (Sandy) HSIAO
Matthew Kerr-Ridge
Rhedyn Law
Rhezza Layco
Emily Leslie
Sarah MacCormick
Claire MacDowel
Tammy McMahon
Vincent Murphy
Rebecca Nind
Heather Osborne
Luke Place
Marion Read
Marcus Roy
Steven Sanson
Daniel Shao
James Sirl
Melissa Spearman
Georgia Stillwell
Yasmin Tapiheroe
Melanie Taylor Xinyue (Melody) Wang
Elsa Weir
Penny Weng
Lihua Xie
Eva Zombori
Grad Two
Sarah Akers
Karl Anderson
Carine Andries
Niall Baker
Rose Bayes-Powell
Bethany Bennie
Anthony Blomfield
Felicity Boyd
Rochelle Braithwaite
Catherine Bryant
Adele Burbidge
Tsz-Ning Chung
Katrina David
Simone Drew
Loek Driesen
Kimberley Edmonds
Katrina Ellis
Marilyn Ford
Aimee Fowler
Laura Galt
Susannah Goble
Susan Graham
Eleanor Halcrow
Manini Hallikeri
Shaun Hamilton
Gemma Hayes
Rachelle (Pui Chuen) Hui
Sarah Hunt
Joseph Jeffries
Jethro Joffe
Caitlin Kelly
Richard Kemp
Anita Kulasic
Keaton Lane
Jacob Lawrence
Claire Lindsay
Juliette Lovett
Tommy Ma
Jordan Macann
Joshua Maitland
Samantha McCloy
Hugh McCullough
Sheena McGuire
James McKibbin
Alison McLaughlin
Kirsty Pringle
Susan Rawles
Oliver Richards
Georgia Sanders
Pamela Santos
Sid Scull
Jaimee Semmens
Wayne Wing Ho Siu
Rory Smeaton
Alana Standish
Nathan Stocker
Yi (Wayne) Wang
Mary Wong
Grad Three
Kelly Andrew
David Badham
Sonya Baird
Suzanne Blyth
Katie Bowdler
Leslie Breach
Abbie Bull
Larissa Clarke
Rachael Cook
Mark Davey
Alice Xinyue Ge
Jan Grabowsky
Brendon Harper
Erin Hawke
Deborah Hill
Elizabeth Hovell
Emma Howie
Adam Jellie
Stephanie Kane
Jasmin Kaur
Nancy Latham
Sam Le Heron
Adrienne Lomax
Julia Lovelock
Ruth MacIntyre
Godwell Mahowa
Sarah Mako
Hannah Murphy
Georgina Neumann
Kate Pascall
Michelle Perrott
Sarah Picard
Ciaran Power
Rory Power
Injoo Prentice
Sian Pushon
Christina Ragle
Katherine Randell
John Raven
Chris Rendall
Lauren Roberts
Katherine Round
Suzienne Slegers
Courtney Smithers
Marina Spasovska
Richard Sutherland
Lynette Trewavas
Jessica Urquhart
Cameron Wallace
Janine Weaver
Hannah Whittle
Peter Wilson
Hannah Windle
Tammy Wooster
Nardia Yozin
Grad Four
Jinyu Zhou
Jotham Alex
Cameron Aplin
Solomon Brett
Lucy Brophy
Jennifer Chivers
Baris Chung
Linda Conning
Sara Cook
James Coutts
John Cranfield
Cozy Cui
Tom De Pelsemaeker
Christopher Donnelly
Perri Duffy
Michael Duindam
Jeremy Elley-Brown
Nick Endeacott
Emma Fergusson
Ruth Gravatt
Arna Green
Paul Harrington
Shaun Harvey
Kirsten Hauschild
Emma - Jane Hayward
Tara Hotop
Emily Ip
Alisha Maxwell
Haylee Minoprio
Kimberley Morete
Rachel Morgan
Jokaveti Nakabea Bai
Josephine Orange
Benjamin Ormsby
Lisa Perry
Monique Robertson
Kylie Rusk
Chyi Sim
Simon Stewart
Kerstin Strauss
Alexandra Strawbridge
Matthew Thode
Jessica Tuilaepa
Anna Turner
Tania Utley
Ashleigh Vivier
Hayden Wadams
Scott E Williams
Jimmy Zhuang
Alison Adams-Smith
Ben Addington
Vanessa Addy
Lee Ah Ken
Clive Aim
Toakase Akoteu
Rodney Albertyn
Howard Alchin
Kathleen Alo
Marzan Amera
Panjama Ampanthong
Jane Anderson
Sonia Anderson
Thomas Anderson
Robert Andrews
Venessa Anich
Murray Arnold
Sean Audain
Jeff Baker
Simon Banks
Anthony Barnes
Craig Barr
Maylene Barrett
Clare Barton
Andrew Bashford
Rachael Bason
Judith Batchelor
Julia Bates
Daniel Batley
Jane Bayley
Elizabeth Bayly
Emma Bayly
Natalie Bedggood
Andrew Beer
Brad Bellamy
Kataraina Belshaw
Simon Bendall
David Bishop
Mark Bishop
Nicola Bishop
Neil Black
Selwyn Blackmore
Lezel Botha
Douglas Bray
Kylie Brewer
Michael Briggs
Laura Burton
Sonja Bury
Christopher Butler
Andrew Calder
Keith Calder
Amy Callaghan
Anna Cameron
Antoinette Campbell
Dougall Campbell
Richard Campion
Rachael Carruthers
Catherine Carter
Vishal Chandra
Mark Charlesworth
Scott Cheng
Allan Chesswas
Nita Chhagan
Glodia Choi
Ching Chow
Jym Clark
Mary Clay
Jonathan Clease
Tony Clow
Shaun Collins
Terry Conner
Evan Cook
Ross Cooper
Nicola Cordner
Rosalind Cowen
Sean Crocker
Shae Crossan
Trevor Cullen
Andrew Cumberpatch
Darren Cunningham
John Curtis
Thomas Cuthbert-Ashmore
Maurice Dale
Peter Daly
Michael Dance
Alexander Daniel
Ila Daniels
Gyanendra Datt
Keri Davis-Miller
Farida Dean
Scott Dickson
Marian Dissanayake
Shane Dixon
Philip Doole
Genevieve Doube
Cameron Drury
Charlotte Drury
Jason Drury
Andrea Elgie
Trevor Ellis
Catherine Elvidge
Rebecca Eng
Emma Ensor
Susan Ensor
Jennifer Esterman
Jenna Fincham
Ailsa Fisher
Michael Fisher
Hayley Fitchett
Bridie Fleming
Samuel Flewellen
Rosie Flynn
Karen Foster
Cara Francesco
David Francis
Clinton Fraser
Tony Fraser
Benedict Free
Paul Freeland
Richard Frizzell
Sarah Gathercole
Kerry Geange
Lisa-Maree Gibellini
Adonica Giborees
Paul Gibson
Brett Gilmore
Ross Goodman
David Grant
Jennifer Gravatt
David Greaves
Ayvron Greenway
Rachael Gresham
Michelle Grinlinton-Hancock
Anke Habgood
Kylie Hall
Sarah Harris
Joanna Hart
Alister Hartstone
Anna Heasley
Matthew Henry
Tim Herbert
Bridget Herries
Anne Hessell
Genevieve Hewett
Sherilyn Hinton
Irene Ho
Sarah Ho
Deborah Hogan
Tania Hood
Graham Hooper
Colin Hopkins
Megan Howard
William Hung
Katrina Hunt
Caroline Hutchison
Nicola Jackson
Rebecca Jarman
Letitcia Jarrett
Sisira Jayasinghe
Alexandra Jepsen
Timothy Joll
Jacqueline Jolliffe
Stephanie Jowett
Julia Kennedy
Peter Kensington
Aidan Kirkby-McLeod
Maree Kleinlangevelsloo
Keita Kohere
Angela Koppel
Charlene Kowalski
Vincent Kuo
Sheena Kwan
Kathryn Lacey
Tommy Lai
Jessica Laing
Swastika Lakhan
Maggie, Mei Ling Lam
Joy LaNauze
Stephanie Lawlor
Romel Layco
Shannah Leamy
Bronwyn Lees
Joanne Lester
Fleur Lincoln
Callum Lindsay
Kerrin Lithgow
Andrew Long
Marie Long
Carl Lucca
Craig Lunn
Michael Luong
Lisa Lyons
Scott MacArthur
Matthew Mackay
Kate Mackenzie
Stewart MacPherson
Kate Magill
Raj Maharjan
Ella Makin
Jon Maplesden
Karen Marjoribanks
Laura Marriott
Katie Martin
Yvonne Masefield
Carolyn McAlley
Ian McCabe
Sue McCaw
Torrey McDonnell
Shane McGhie
Kristy McGiven
Bayard McKenzie
Kate McKessar
Craig McKibbin
Clarke McKinney
Fiona McLeod
Christine McMillan
Julie McMinn
Jacqueline McNae
Andrew McPhee
Kristina Mead
Tanya Mead
Christopher Miles
Louise Miles
Emma Miller
James Minehan
Nicole Mistal
Jasmine Mitchell
Amanda Moran
Sarah Morrison
Sarah Mossman
Mary Muller
Gavin Murray
Sonya Nicol
Michael Nielsen
Jane O’Dea
Cole O’Keefe
Ryan O’Leary
Sarah Oliver
Paul O’Shaughnessy
Kirsty O’Sullivan (nee Morris)
Kay Panther Knight
Anna Papaconstantinou
Rebecca Parish
David Parkinson
Gareth Pasfield
Rachel Pawson
Sarah Peterken
Jeremy Phillips
Rebecca Phillips
Rhys Phillips
Jill Pierce
Clare Piper
Nicholas Pollard
Astrid Powell
Lisa Poynton
Reginald Proffit
Rachael Pull
Rachel Purdy
Lindsey Rea
Samantha Read
Matthew Richards
Philippa Riddell
Natasha Rivai
Christina Robertson
Sally Robins
Ann Rodgers
Devon Rollo
Kevin Ross
Rashida Sahib
Cushla Salt
Rebecca Sanders
Gemma Sands
Nathanael Savage
Gregory Sawyer
Charlotte Sayer
Kathryn Schicker
Kate Searle
Gurv Singh
Natasha Sitarz
Robert Skinner
Fiona Small
Chloe Smith
Janelle Smith
Shifani Sood
Emma Spalding
Christopher Staite
Stephanie Steadman
John Stenberg
Gael Stevens
Angela Stewart
Carol Stewart
Abigail Stowell
Rebekah Stuart-Wilson
Joanne Sunde
Zita Talaic-Burgess
Fion Tang
Kahurangi Tapsell
Nathaniel Te Pairi
Blair Telford
Kasuni Thewarapperuma
Mark Thode
Lisa Thomas
Hannah Thompson
Campbell Thomson
Hannah Thomson
Stephen Timms
Allison Tindale
Simon Titter
Emily Toh
Sarah Totty
Kenneth Tuai
Louise van der Voort
Anne van der Walt
Kirsty van Reenen
Marina van Steenbergen
Rachelle Voice
Brenna Waghorn
Siani Walker
Clare Wall Shaw
Christopher Walsh
Justin Walters
Nicola Webb
Jason Welsh
Scott Wickman
Lahiru Wijewardhana
Timothy Wild
Geoffrey Wilkinson
Vanessa Wilkinson
Nicola M Williams
Sonja Williams
Kent Wilson
Halley Wiseman
Fritha Witton
Celia Wong
Jason Wright
Yeungjun Yoo
Jo Young
Benedict Yu
Sean Zieltjes
Keryn Zimmerman
Joseph Zou
Overseas Assoc.
Anna Mackenzie
Murray Miller
Emma O’Neill
Christopher Pellowe
Nadine Perera
Lisa Ringleff
Vanessa Scott
Steven Summers
Susannah Tait
Gillian Wadams
Lyndon Westlake
Kirsty Woods
Overseas Full
Tanvir Bhamji
Tom Bland
Trisha Brice
Che Bun Anderson Chan
Irene Clarke
Charlotte Crack
Alistair de Joux
Chris Dillon
Graeme Drake
Adam Flynn
Matthew Griffiths
Keith Hall
Elizabeth Halsted
Andrew Hammond
Kim Harding
Grant Harris
Wendy Harris
David Hewetson
Lynette Hughes
Phil Hughes
Toni Kennerley
John Knaggs
Grant Kneebone
Penelope Laurenson
Cathy McNab
Patterson Ngwira
Jo Rosier
Christiane Sargent
Darrell Sargent
Mark Simpson
Hamish Sinclair
Tanya Stevens
Josephine Tam
Andrew Tester
Andrew Tilling
Melaina Voss
Duncan Whyte
Grad Four
Tessa Mitchell
Simon O’Connor
Bonnie Parfitt
Sarah Westoby
Nicola Albiston
Heleana Crombie
Katie Crosbie
Lucy Deverall
Sally Elford
Ruth Evans
Claire Gray
Chenglin He
Rachel Lawson
Mable Lok
Adele Radburnd
Janine Speedy
Chi Wah Szeto
Vivian Wan
Jessica Ward
Recent Graduate
Kelly Parekowhai
Kimberley Rolton
Bernadette Aperahama
Jeanette Arnold
Michelle Baker
Helen Brosnan
Sally Clarkson
Elva Conroy
Dominique Cornford
Andrew Cumming
Sarah Hart
Lauren Hawken
Anna Jennings
Monique Kimber
Amanda Kong
Kym Lewis
Rowena Macdonald
Jane Masters
Marijke Ransom
Rachel Ritchie
Angela Smith
Manea Sweeney
Bryan Bang
John Betts
Dirk Bolt
Alan Bradbourne
Hugh Briggs
David Chandler
Jagdish Chandra
Peter Crawford
Hester den Ouden
John Dryden
Ross Dunlop
Kathryn Edmonds
Derrick Edmondson
Lindsay Gow
Joy Grant
David Grove
Rex Hannam
Robert Hayles
Donna Hipkins
Bennick Hudson
Robert Lang
Gordon Macfarlane
Keith Mahony
Laurie McCallum
Graham Miller
Kevin Morris
Kenneth Nairn
Anthony O’Connor
Alex Parton
William Pringle
David Pronger
Marinus Reynders
Robert Riddell
David Sheppard
John Sholl
Warren Stace
David Stewart
Helen Tobin
Tony Town
Chris van Tonder
Eileen von Dadelszen
Michael Wearne
Ted Wells
Alan Withy
Robert Wyber
Nicki Ablitt
Mary-Rose Aislabie
Brad Allen
Ghazala Ambreen
Conrad Anderson
Danielle Bailey
Ben Baird
Lynette Baish
Kathryn Barrett
Hayley Beard
Victoria Bell
Jean Berry
Thijs Blokker
Catherine Bonifacio
Carlo Botha
Jessica Bould
Moana Boyd
Georgia Brown
Sarah Burgess
Alice Burnett
Ana Campbell
Ashlie Carlyle
Sebastian Clarke
Jane Clunies-Ross
Amanda Coats
Megan Couture
Julia Crossman
Michaela Davidson
Matheson Day
Angela Drake
Kelly Durham
Sally Dymond
Karren Edlin
Sophie Elliott
Jessica Esquilant
Claire Fell
Alexandria Fraser
Kimberley Freeman
Samuel Fuchs
Holly Gardiner
Stewart Genery
Rebecca Gibson
Alex Gifford
Joanna Gilroy
Wayne Godfrey
Matthew Gouge
Kelly Governor
Katrina Gray
Aaron Grey
Tina Gudsell
Andrew H C Gysberts
Oliver Haarhoff
William Hall
Charlotte Hamilton-Pama
Ana Hancock
Isabel Hand
Sheryl Hansford
Rereata Hardman-Miller
David Harnett
John Harold
Hamish Henderson
Brendon Hewett
Keith Hornby
Alice Hosted
Kai Xin Hu
Tian Xu Huang
Aaron Hudson
James Imlach
Beatriz Iriarte Marrero
Kahlia Jemmett
Ruth Keeling
Jaydine Keenan
Michelle Kennedy
Thomas Kennedy
Nathan Keyte
Raheel Khan
Alexandra King
Alice Kranenburg
Reina Kumar
Rikash Kumar
Stephanie Lam
Teryll Lepper
Anthony Leung
Li Li
Ashrita Lilori
Ying Liu
Sophie Lord
Robert Love
Alexandra Mabin
Ruth Markham-Short
Sarah Matthews
Kerry Mattingly
Amy Maxwell
Antonia McClean
Melissa McGrath
Alyce Melrose
Xiangzheng Meng
Adam Mercieca
Lisa Miers
Hayley Millar
Katharine Moody
Amanda Moore
Helen Neale
Judith Neilson
Luke Nelson
Grace Ng
Catherine Nichol
Stella Norris
Jessica Parulian
Sunit Patel
Ashleigh Pearce
Jessica Rainford
Imogen Reid
Nicole Reid
Michelle Ruske
Karyn Sands
Michael Scott
Jessica Severinsen
Sarah Shand
Heather Shannon
Daniel Shaw
Andrew Shen
Stelios Smilas
Sasha Smith
Anna Solomon
Tim Solomon
Erin Stagg
Barbara Stevenson
Teresa Stevenson
Stacy Tahere
Ashley Tan
Jun Tang
Michael Treacy
Penelope Tucker
Adam Tung
Jason Van Niekerk
Brent Vyle
Kathryn Wasley
Jay Whitehead
Anne Wilkins
Sophie Wilkinson
Grace Wilson
Timothy Wilson
Kristen Wing
Liam Winter
Mikayla Woods
Anna Woodward
Emma Wright
Zhong Yu (John) Yan
Angela (Ya-Chun) Yang
Hui Yin
Tianxi (John) Yin
James Young
Carmen Yuen
Jim Zhan
Li Zhang
Yuqing Zhou
Yi Wei Zou
Arnold Turner
Bernard Forde
David Sheppard
Keith Berman
Miriam Paxie
Ronald Harvey
Malcolm Douglass
Robert Batty
David Bridges
Ralph Broad
our history
The peak planning association in New Zealand, like the planning profession it serves
has evolved over many decades and so too has its name; ranging from the Town
Planning Institute of New Zealand between 1931-1946, to its current name of the New
Zealand Planning Institute Incorporated from 1969. Throughout its various guises (five
in all), the organisation has been lead by 44 esteemed planners. In 2012, the title of
‘President’ was replaced by that of ‘Chair’. The current Chair is Bryce Julyan.
Past Presidents
H F Johnson 1931
D J Edmonson 1970-1972
C K Grierson 1931-1932
M M Latham 1972-1973
S Blackley 1932-1935
K G Dobbie 1973-1975
A W De R Galbraith 1935-1936
F W Norton 1975-1977
H F Butcher 1936-1937
R J P Davies 1977-1979
M G C McCaul 1937-1940
M E Jones 1979-1981
E H Andrews 1940-1942
W D Ross 1981-1984
A J Baker 1942-1943
W A Robertson 1984-1986
R B Hammond 1943-1944
D D Hinman 1986-1988
A H Bridge 1944-1945
John Childs 1988-1990
J W Mawson 1946-1947
Sylvia Allan 1990-1992
R B Hammond 1947-1950
Lance Leikis 1992-1994
C E H Putt 1950-1952
Leigh Auton 1994-1996
F C Basire 1952-1954
Jenny Dixon 1996-1998
F W O Jones 1954-1956
Robert Schofield 1998-2000
A L Gabites 1956-1958
Michael Foster 2000-2002
J W Cox 1958-1960
Paula Hunter 2002-2004
D G Porter 1960-1962
Cheryl Cleary 2004-2006
I B Reynolds 1962-1964
Michael Gunder 2006-2008
I G Dunn 1964-1967
Hester den Ouden 2008-2010
N Northcroft 1967-1969
Jane Douglas 2010-2012
P W T Bagnall 1969-1970
Bryce Julyan 2012-current
New Zealand Planning Institute
PO Box 106-481, Auckland City 1143
New Zealand Planning Institute
L9, 52 Swanson Street, AUCKLAND
PHONE 09 520 6277
FAX 09 520 3686