Untitled - Media Consulta International
Untitled - Media Consulta International
Brainpower for Your Investments Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success “Global trends in business are changing and the link between talent and knowledge, especially in emerging markets, has become ever more explicit.” John Micklethwait, Editor-in-Chief The Economist Head of Economist Education Emerging Markets programme 4 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Emerging markets are puzzling ecosystems: fast pace, low risk avoidance and chaotic patterns. This is what generates and allows the exponential opportunities within. Media Consulta International l 5 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success The only reliable constant in such entropic environments are PEOPLE. “Managerial leaders function in well defined and mature markets. But in emerging economies only entrepreneurial leaders can navigate” (Oxford Business School, Management Research Module) 6 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success How much is a Personal Brand Worth? Media Consulta International l 7 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Personal brands are very strong in such markets and are built over time. They require thoroughness, authenticity and hard work. “An emerging markets entrepreneur can never rest one his (her) laurels. There are continuous opportunities to build out of chaotic patterns, but this requires strong self discipline and permanent hard work.” Mihai Craiu, CEO MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL 8 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success As an interdisciplinary emerging markets entrepreneur MIHAI CRAIU activates at crossroads of: BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LOBBY & FOREIGN AFFAIRS MEDIA MANAGEMENT EDUCATION MARKET INNOVATION The impactful value of entrepreneurship in emerging markets is “looking beyond a simple count of entrepreneurs, and placing an emphasis on the contribution they make in their societies”. (GEM Global Entrepreneurship Survey, 2011) Media Consulta International l 9 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success How entrepreneurs make the vital difference in such environments 10 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Bill Clinton travelled to Romania in 2007 to launch his famous autobiography, My Life, following the invitation of Saptamana Financiara, with Mihai Craiu as General Manager. Mihai Craiu, EMBA CEO Business Development & Exclusive Media Sales Founder Strategic Negotiations EMBA Media Consulta International l 11 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MIHAI CRAIU, ACTIVITY PILLARS MEDIA MANAGEMENT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL LOBBY 12 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success INTERNATIONAL LOBBY Media Consulta International l 13 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success 14 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Placing Romania on the map of one of the most important geo-political international groups: Bilderberg Viscount Étienne Davignon, Chairman, Bilderberg Group and Former Vice-president of the European Commission, and Mihai Craiu, CEO MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL, prior to the National Bank conference: “The European Union after the sovereign debt crisis.” Bucharest, 14.10.2011. Media Consulta International l 15 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success October 14th, 2011 was a unique moment in Eastern Europe: Two of the most influential and powerful global geo-political leaders, Viscount Étienne Davignon, (President of Bilderberg Group) and Mr. Richard Haas, (President of the Council of Foreign Relations) have attended the conference: ‘The European Union after the sovereign debt crisis.’ hosted by the Romanian National Bank. Viscount Étienne Davignon and Mr. Richard Haas, have accepted to hold the conference at the invitation of Mihai Craiu (representing MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL) together with the Romanian newspaper Puterea and the Romanian News channel Realitatea TV. “The European Union after the sovereign debt crisis”, conference. Bucharest, 14.10.2011 16 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International l 17 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Viscount Étienne Davignon, Chairman, Bilderberg Group and Former Vice-president of the European Commission Mihai Craiu, CEO MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL Viscount Étienne Davignon, Chairman, Bilderberg Group and Former Vice-president of the European Commission Mihai Craiu, CEO MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL Richard N. Haass, President Council on Foreign Relations Adrian Thiess, Founder PUTEREA Newspaper 18 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Richard N. Haass, President Council on Foreign Relations Viscount Étienne Davignon, Chairman, Bilderberg Group and Former Vice-president of the European Commission Mugur Isarescu, BNR President Mihai Craiu, CEO MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL Richard N. Haass, President Council on Foreign Relations Adrian Thiess, Founder PUTEREA Newspaper Media Consulta International l 19 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success 20 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International l 21 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Mihail Gorbatchev visits Romania for the first time in the 21st year after the fall of Communism In 2010 Mihail Gorbatchev visited Romania 20 years after the fall of communism. Gorbatchev attended the most spectacular publication launch: ‘Puterea” newspaper. The first edition has been brought by helicopter and handed to him right on the landing lawn. Mihai Craiu was involved in the organization of Mr. Gorbatchev’s visit with PR, Lobby and Project Management Services through his entrepreneurial activity with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL. 22 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International l 23 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success E-GOVERNMENT GLOBAL FORUM. A two days "Davos of Communication and Technology". The 2010 Edition of the e-government GLOBAL FORUM hosted over 300 attendees at the Marriott Grand Hotel Bucharest with the following key opening speakers: His Excellency, Mr. Traian Basescu, President of Romania, Mr. Christian Rupp, Federal Executive Secretary eGovernment Austria, His Excellency, Mr. Emil Boc Prime-Minister of Romania, Mr. Gabriel Sandu Minister - Ministry of Communications and Information Society. 24 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Mihai Craiu welcoming His Excellency, Mr. Traian Basescu, President of Romania for the opening of the eGovernment event. Media Consulta International l 25 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success "The benefits of this type of Government (eGovernment) apply to all Romanian socio - economic actors: companies are now able to easily pay their bills, state authorities can control the procurement better and apply the process faster and more transparently. In this context, I recommend and raise a flag to state owned companies to use the electronic tenders system for all public tenders they are deploying. “stated His Excellency, Mr. Traian Basescu, President of Romania during the opening session of the eGovernment Forum, special guest at the event by Media Consulta International and ComputerLand. “My dear friends, First of all, I take this opportunity to thank you for the invitation to the Romanian eGovernment Forum today. Really, it was a well organized event, even more so with the presence of H.E. Mr Traian Basescu, President of Romania. Please receive my congratulations for this event and I wish you and your team best of luck in the future business.” Your sincerely, Yacub Yousif AL HOSANI Ambassador of UAE to Romania 26 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International l 27 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Romanian Successful Brands The most important business event of autumn 2006 28 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success A country branding initiative aimed to promote the most successful (traditional and modern) Romanian brands first within Romania and then to the rest of the world. The event was the journalistic initiative of Saptamana Financiara magazine (headed by Mihai Craiu as General Manager) and supported by MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL (with Mihai Craiu as PGD) with the long term goal of supporting Romanian Values and becoming a strong communication channel for our country brand. Nowadays, six years after, MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL is still loyal to that long-term goal: promoting the Romanian values both within and outside the country. Media Consulta International l 29 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success 30 l MEDIA MANAGEMENT Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International l 31 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success For the past 20 years Mihai Craiu orchestrated the launch and development of some of the most important Media Channels of the Romanian market. He held various Editorial, PR, Sales and Management positions. Thus his style of management reconciles both the editorial and commercial sides of the media business and makes the most out of this convergence. In his past experience he headed Business Development for the main TV channels: PRO TV, Antena 1, Antena 3, Antena 1 Constanta. During 2001 – 2008 Mihai Craiu orchestrated the positioning of Jurnalul National daily magazine as Number 1 on the Romanian daily quality newspaper market (in terms of readership, circulation and reputation). In 2004 he was one of the three founders of the Business Magazine Saptamana Financiara; which he transformed (as General Manager and Shareholder) into the Business Press market leader dethroning the previous 15 years old leader, Capital. He was the first to innovate within the media industry and turn the crisis upside down. In 2009, a year when all media producers were facing the peak of the financial crisis Mihai Craiu launched Realitatea Barter Deals. Following its success, all Media Sales for REALITATEA TV and Romantica TV have been outsourced to MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL (the full service business consultancy firm that Mihai Craiu founded seven years ago). Innovation, challenging the market and swimming against the current when vision dictates, is a part of his DNA: 2011 was a time when all media producers looked mostly to protect their investment and felt threatened by the uncertain economic times, coupled with the fast pace of the technological development. Yet Mihai Craiu reframed the industry again, by founding two more challenging media products: Realitatea Constanta (the main territorial TV channel in Dobrogea) and the Television School ‘Tudor Vornicu’, a New Media Lab at the forefront of fusion journalism, with focus on Social TV. 32 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success “Success in Media Sales is interdependent with Product Development, and the entire Marketing and Business Strategy” Media Consulta International l 33 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success REALITATEA TV GROUP 34 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MEDIA INNOVATION: THE BARTER BANK. Turning the crisis upside down During the challenging economic crisis years of 2009 – 2010, Mihai Craiu has set-up Realitatea Media Barter Deals (RMBD) as the first Romanian Barters Bank in order to transform the financial crisis’s threats (lack of media investments) into a relevant opportunity (media barter) and make good use of the new market’s needs (media consumption with different, easier and more flexible payment options). RMBD is managing investments for clients in the following fields: Auto, FMCG, Retail Banking, Insurance, and Travel. Since 2011, Mihai Craiu is also handling REALITATEA Group’s Media Sales operations. Media Consulta International l 35 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MEDIA INNOVATION: THE BARTER BANK. Turning the crisis upside down 36 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success BARTERED PARTNERS: AUTOMOTIVES IT&C INSURANCE TRAVEL REAL ESTATE FASHION MEDICAL OPTICS FMCG CONSTRUCTIONS Media Consulta International l 37 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success REALITATEA TV CONSTANTA. I strongly believe in the touristic and business potential of the Southern Romanian Region. We intend to empower it with the most important News and Business analysis regional channel” 38 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success REALITATEA TV CONSTANTA fulfils a need in the Southern Region of Romania for a niche TV channel: the News, Analysis and Business Information Television. “I believe in the strong touristic and business potential of the Southern Region of Romania and I know that at the present time news and analysis programming were supplied by the general content TV channels. However, there is an important need on the market for a dedicated News Television” (Mihai Craiu) The TV Channel is equipped with the latest British technology and it is also the first local channel to produce local TV Debates and Shows. The Media Sales services are managed by MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL‘s Sales Division and provide an estimated 150 000 EUR per year income. REALITATEA TV CONSTANTA is an addition to the other Media business lines launched by Mihai Craiu to enhance the holistic approach of MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL’s Services at the forefront of the Media market: The Media Sales Department, the Social Television School (TV), and the Barters Bank (RMBD). Media Consulta International l 39 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success 40 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International l 41 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success 42 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MEDIA INNOVATION: The Social TV School. Scoala de Televiziune Tudor Vornicu (TvF). “The web is impacting our most personal daily activities. Media consumption and particularly TV has been completely redefined by the technological fast pace innovations. As an active player on the Romanian TV market, I believe in a new TV business model: The Digitally empowered Social TV..” (Mihai Craiu) IT’S TV JIM, BUT NOT AS WE KNOW IT Forming the first generations of TV professionals for the media products he is heading is Mihai Craiu’s main objective for TvF. The school is preparing well rounded media specialists: digital natives with strong traditional media background. Being at the forefront of media transformations and the new media business model, the need for media professionals for the post digital world is higher and higher. Thus TvF estimates a market demand of around 600 – 900 students per year. Mihai Craiu owns 75% of TvF with an initial investment of 500 000 EUR, out of which 220 000 equipping the school with the newest technology and the remainder invested in Marketing Services. Media Consulta International l 43 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success 44 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International l 45 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success 46 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International l 47 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success PRINTED MEDIA. Business Model Innovation. Saptamana Financiara. 48 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Together with his media experts team Mihai Craiu was the first to initiate as part of the aggressive but smart marketing editorial strategy for Saptamana Financiara the most important media innovations within the Romanian printed media market: lifestyle supplements, business supplements, books series, DVD series, travel guides. All these integrated efforts contributed in establishing Saptamana Fiananciara as the indisputable leader on its market soon followed and copied by several other media products. Media Consulta International l 49 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success PRINTED MEDIA. Business Model Innovation. Jurnalul National. “A heart ache, a pain in the back and a continuous challenge” 50 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Mihai Craiu headed Jurnalul National 2001 - 2008 as a General Manager. It has been his main challenge to make Jurnalul National (on the fifth position at the time) the Number one Romanian newspaper (among quality press). “Jurnalul National was a heart ache, a back pain and a continuous challenge! Together with Marius Tuca, the Editorial Manager we wanted to make it the newspaper Romanians and Romanian culture identify with. The most Influential, Trustworthy and Loved. We were permanently thinking how to attract more readers while keeping our guiding values” In the summer of 2005, when the SNA (The National Bureau of Readership Auditing) results clearly stated that we had reached 1 Million readers, we knew it was not the finish line at all; it was just another beginning of another heart ache, another back pain. We knew we had now an even bigger challenge: to permanently meet the expectation of those 1 Million readers and even always exceed them.” Media Consulta International l 51 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success EDUCATION. “What is Harvard Looking For?” As a Harvard Business School Alumnus, Mihai Craiu has organized yearly Harvard induction events to inform the Romanian candidates about the opportunities of such a prestigious institution as well as about its expectations and requirements. 52 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT l 53 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success 54 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL. Business Model. After over 15 years of supporting the Business Development of large media groups, Mihai Craiu decided to harness all this expertise into a company of his own. MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL, the company he started in 2003 registered, in 2011, a 15.000.000 EUR turnover. The agency provided business consultancy services to clients as Reiffeisen/ Merill Lynch and provided marketing and communication services to clients such as: ARDAF, Member of Generali PPF Investments Group ASIROM, member of VIG Insurance Group, Petrom, McDonald’s Romania. The agency also has a strong public tenders department by which they managed to secure and provide outstanding services to state-owned clients such as: Transelectrica, MDTR, The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR), and The Ministry of the Environment, The Ministry of Labour, Bucharest Municipal Council, The University of Bucharest, and The Brokers’ Association. Media Selling, Planning and Consultancy are an important part of the agency’s services. Through its high class media specialists MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL manages exclusively the advertising inventory of: Realitatea TV, Realitatea de Constanta, Romantica TV, Taraf TV, and Etno TV. Together with his Consulting Team, Mihai Craiu managed to keep the firm among the Top Five Independent management consulting firms, with a stable 18% profit margin through the past six years. For the past four years, MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL has been certified under the ISO 9001 Quality Management System. The firm is part of the International Advertising Agencies Association in Romania (IAAA Romania) and of the Romanian Association for Audience Measurement (ARMA). Media Consulta International l 55 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL. Main Clients by field of activity 56 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL. Clients. ADEPLAST AIG UTI Grup Antena 2 ARDAF ASIROM VIG Berlin Wasser International &AG BDOBC BLUE AIR Bucharest City Hall Concordia SA Currie&Brown London Datacom Computer Associates Delta Cons Tulcea SA Digicom “Dimitrie Cantemir” University Energy Holding Eurom Bank SA ETNO TV Eximbank FNGCIMM Harvard Business School I.D Group Impact Institutul Cultural Roman Iulius Group Kondiment Solutions LA FANTANA Mc Donald’s Romania MFA Mizil National Geographic Romania Ness Romania Oil Terminal Constanta OMNIASIG Pasteur Institut Pneurom PNUD - Scholarship of Romanian Government Policlinica Puls Porsche BanK Prefabricate Vest Prodal ‘94 Raiffaisen Leasing / Merill Lynch Ramplast R.A Nuclearelectrica REGIO Robstone Products Saptamana Financiara Siveco SNP Petrom SA S&M Computers Timis General Office of Finance Transelectrica UNICREDIT Walmark Romania Wiener Stadische Austria 2011 NEWLY GAINED CLIENTS THROUGH THE PUBLIC TENDER DIVISION Media Consulta International l 57 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL. Investments. Apart from Business Consultancy, Mihai Craiu manages Real Estate investments together with the British Consultant MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL Real Estate portfolio also includes two office buildings downtown Bucharest, with a tangible value of aprox 4Mil. EUR and a market value of aprox 6Mil. EUR. 58 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MIHAI CRAIU Business Card. Mihai Craiu holds an EMBA in Strategic Negotiations and Deal Making for the Long Term from Harvard Business School, Boston, USA. He graduated with a Major in Political Studies from the National School of Political and Administrative Studies. Over the last 20 years he permanently attended professional trainings in Client Relationship Management and Negotiations (ex. as a scholar with the Soros Foundation and The Ministry of Education in Madrid, Spain, or as a CODECS Student: The Clients Relationship Management). He is Board Member of the Centre for European Studies, Romania and Romsoft shareholder. He publishes Industry Reports for the most important domestic and European Business magazines and is an active militant for the Lobby Activities on the Romanian market. Media Consulta International l 59 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success 60 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success TESTIMONIALS VALENTIN NICOLAU Vice-president (Chairman) EUROPA FM Project manager for Lagardere Group Former TVR President I am aware of MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL’s accomplishments in the last several years now and I can say with no hesitation that everything achieved during all these years is defined under one word: quality. Even when it worked with companies that had almost no potential, speaking in terms of publicity, MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL succeeded in finding the appropriate resources and transformed them into successful media. When it comes to Europa FM Radio Station, which has a specific target that has never been valued, I am sure that if MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL would take over the sales department it would succeed in short time to induce the necessary means for a public radio in order to develop projects specific for the broadcasts station. When speaking about MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL, one speaks about Mihai Craiu. He is the founding member of this successful company and in my opinion Mihai Craiu represents success and is the guarantee of achieving the best results on the media market. The company can deliver a well built in concept which brings important income for a media channel. GABI VRANCEANU FIREA Manager of SAPTAMANA FINANCIARA General Manager of the Weekly Magazine FELICIA “As an editing manager of Saptamana Financiara I have constantly worked with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL and personally with its General Manager Mihai Craiu. I could say a lot of words about this co-operation that has been very successful but I will stick to one, only: Professionalism. Together with promptness, creativity, a permanent source of inspiration, correctness. In a business co-operation all these aspects are vital, also honesty even though people with whom we collaborate place this characteristic among the last ones. As a General Manager of the magazine Felicia I worked and will work as much as possible with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL. We have great results even though we are at the beginning, we are working as if we had years of experience. We also partnered with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL for the event organized at the Romanian Athenaeum: “Most Successful Romanian Brands”, we launched the Romanian Successful Brands Catalogue which is now in libraries and it has a significant number of sold copies. But above all these results, which one may count as being financial in nature, for me personally the essential fact is that I received congratulations from the business environment.” Media Consulta International l 61 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success BORIS SCHNEIDER HORIA IVANOVICI CEO ASIROM VIG General Manager of the Weekly Sports Magazine FANATIK ASIROM is the largest insurance company in Romania. Our professional partner is MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL since they proved to be very fast, very professional and very creative. This is a requirement for an insurance company: to react to the market very fast and very professionally. As an Austrian, I am used to high quality and professionalism therefore when it comes to IMC I will stick with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL. A few days ago I was present at the event Most Successful Romanian Brands which took place at the Romanian Athenaeum. There I heard Dan Voiculescu saying: Mihai Craiu became a BRAND and created MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL which is a Successful Brand. We have also been working with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL for over two years and I can say they are excellent people to work with. And indeed, here, people and high quality prevail. MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL is a name like any other name but the company is formed from of hard working creative people, guided by a leader: Mihai Craiu. He is also my friend and I can tell Mihai Craiu is a person that breathes Sales. RADU PETRIC Official representative of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC in Romania We collaborated with Media Consulta in a very creative manner in sales. Mihai Craiu convinced us he will bring new clients and as we were a TV station at the beginning in media sales on the Romanian market we have looked for collaborators who could introduce us to this market. Fortunately this happened through Media Consulta. There were numerous situations in which we talked about the ideal viewers profile for our TV Station and Media Consulta was a real help and showed us the means to do this so that we can bring clients to start this business. We practically started this business with the help of Media Consulta. Mihai Craiu knew the media market, we where new and his experience for us was essential in starting the business and now National Geographic is among the best TV Stations and is on the same level with Discovery Channel. This is a much better positioned TV station than the one that came 3 years ago in Romania. We thank him for offering to us through his help the possibility to catch up with the best TV Stations and now to even compete with them. 62 l IOAN NICULAE President INTERAGRO Speaking from the point of view of the manager of a group of 23 companies, some of which are quite big and with national impact, I have to admit that our partnership with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL, turned out during the years, extremely efficient in communicating precise, strong messages regarding our services and our corporate activities. Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success ALEC MACRI FLORIN VASILICA General Manager MACRI PRESS Founder of Medicina Naturista Vice-President (Chairman) MERRILL LYNCH I own the publication Medicina Naturista and I have been working with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL for the last three year. At that time we didn’t have a brand so I turned to Mihai Craiu. He promised he will help me and I must admit at first it was not an exclusive contract, it was just a gentlemen agreement. However, now I have a strong exclusive contract with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL as they brought me Advertising incomes that I haven’t been even hoping, even dreaming. The people here are doing their homework, are well prepared, they form an excellent team and this is how they manage to bring ROI. LIVIU TUDOR President PREFABRICATE VEST I know Mihai Craiu for over 7 years and at the same time I work with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL; we have a very strong partnership based on trust and efficiency. I recommend them to every company that needs professionalism and efficiency. MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL has proved that is a very dynamic company capable to develop a very strong PR campaign in a market that is very difficult and provided the greatest solution for financial product that was not been done so far in Romania. We are very pleased with the co-operation with them and I recommend them to others. MICHAEL PETER LLOYD former CEO BANEASA INVESTMENTS As one of the largest REAL ESTATE developers in Romania we work for many years with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL and I have always found them very effective, incredibly creative, always producing some of the most impressive media and marketing material. I highly recommend them to you. NICOLAS BUzOIANU Chairman ENERGY HOLDING I say MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL and I say it with great satisfaction due to our two years partnership. What I can express concerning this company is that it has a lot of experience, know-how and professionalism. That is why we are so pleased to work with them. Today Energy Holding communicates professionally with the help of MEDIA CONSULTA Media Consulta International l 63 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success MIHAI CRAIU In the News. 64 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success Media Consulta International l 65 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success The Story Goes On… 66 l Media Consulta International Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success International Lobby Initiatives Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, the famous American investigative journalists are coming to Romanian to discuss with the Romanian Media their most impactful Investigative efforts: reporting on the Watergate scandal. Their works led to numerous government investigations, the indictment of a vast number of White House Officials (such as H.R. Haldeman, John Ehrlichman, Charles Colson, and John Mitchell) and the eventual resignation of President Richard Nixon. Their visit to Romania comes as a positive response to the invitation of Mihai Craiu, with MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL organizing the event. Romania is one of the countries with high entrepreneurial potential within the Eastern Europe and high entrepreneurial expectations. Also, when it comes to internationalization, Romania and Croatia are at the high end in the Region, selling to customers outside their economies. On an average, entrepreneurs here sell outside their national borders to one third of their customer base. (Source: GEM Global Entrepreneurship Survey 2011) Media Consulta International l 67 Leading Emerging Markets, the Radiography of a Success BRAINPOWER FOR YOUR INVESTMENTS 68 l “However, while in emerging markets the rate of entrepreneurial start-ups is much higher than in mature economies, the rate of failure is high as well. Navigating through such environments implies a higher risk rate and involves. Being prepared to work more, harder and smarter. Knowing when to take radical decisions. Being permanently aware of the results one’s actions have on the business and being able to take responsibility for one’s entrepreneurial decisions. A successful entrepreneur in such markets is a 24 out of 24 hours job”. Media Consulta International Copyright @MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL 2012 MEDIA CONSULTA INTERNATIONAL 89 Emanoil Porumbaru Street, 1st District, Bucharest, Romania www.mediaconsulta.ro
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