

A 1st Cycle Experience
By Re nato Ca rv alho
Lis bon, 28th No vem ber 2008
Madeira’s Context
Madeira’s English Teachers are used to teach
concerning the Portfolio Methodology;
This Portfolio is divided in three categories:
• Biography;
• Passaport;
• Dossier.
This Project!
A 1st Cycle Experience
portfolios to ePortfolios
•11 1st Cycle Teachers;
•1 2nd Cycle Teacher;
•12 Classes;
•251 Students.
•Madeira Island;
•12 Schools.
This school year...
Hard Work;
Great tecnological facilities;
Previous developed ICT Competencies;
A free LMS Plataform - Moodle;
A Portuguese Tool - RePe.
For what?
Use a new tecnological tool with great potential;
Use tecnhology with some goals.
The goals...
“The Assessment for learning turns day-to-day
assessment into a teaching and learning process
that enhances (instead of merely monitoring)
student learning.
The goal of assessment for learning is not to eliminate
failure, but rather to keep failure from becoming
chronic and thus inevitable in the mind of the learner
The goals...
"electronic portfolios are much more than innovative resumes or scrapbooks...
eportfolios show "reflection, evolution of thought, and professional
“An electronic portfolio provides an environment where students can: collect
their work in a digital archive; select specific pieces of work (hyperlink to
artifacts) to highlight specific achievements; reflect on the learning
demonstrated in the portfolio, in either text or multimedia form; set goals for
future learning (or direction) to improve; and celebrate achievement through
sharing this work with an audience, whether real or virtual. When used in
formative, classroom-based assessment, teachers (and peers) can review the
portfolio document, and provide formative feedback to students on where they
could improve”
The core?
The core...
“An eportfolio can be a web-based information management system that uses
electronic media and services. The learner builds and maintains a digital
repository of artifacts, which they can use to demonstrate competence and
reflect on their learning. Having access to their records, digital repository,
feedback and reflection students can achieve a greater understanding of their
individual growth, career planning and CV building.”
some metaphores...
Toothbrush - A habit of mind, something you do
every day.
Caterpillar (or Acorn or Seed) - An emerging
form... undergoing metamorphasis through personal
growth... from a caterpillar to a butterfly; from an
acorn to a tree; from a seed to a flower or plant.
some metaphores...
Kaleidoscope - E-Portfolio as Kaleidoscopic Process: Reflective View
from Self to Global Society
Just as a kaleidoscope needs light to view the endless possiblities of
visual combinations of the colored glass, an e-portfolio provides the
illumination for the learner to view the endless possibilities of the potential
views and connections of her/his learning experience from self to global
Confessional - "A place where the student can quietly and privately
recount acts of commission and omission and confess such to a selected
audience. It is a place of catharsis and refreshment. Upon leaving this
sanctuary the student is inspired to new levels of enlightenment and
endeavour." (contributed by Ray Tolley, ICT Education Consultant
some metaphores...
A Constant Companion - "People often work best at the strangest of
times or places. We are not all constructed like robots to think only
between the hours of 9 to 5 at our office desk. The e-Portfolio is a
companion or familiar friend to whom we can turn at any hour of the day
or night, anywhere, anywhen." (contributed by Ray Tolley, ICT
Education Consultant Maximise-ICT)
Digital Theatre - It is my digital theatre - where the audience is by
invitation only. (contributed by Ray Tolley, ICT Education Consultant
The practice?
The practice...
The LMS Plataform Moodle http://eportfolio.educatic.info
The practice...
The RePe Tool:
The practice...
The LMS Plataform Moodle http://eportfolio.educatic.info
Can we,
when we explore their world,
resist the urge to make them just like us?
Thank you!
eMail: renatocarvalho@iol.pt
eMail: renatocarvalho@iol.pt e renato.a.carvalho@madeira-edu.pt
SREC: http://www.madeira-edu.pt/
Dre: http://dre.madeira-edu.pt
Projecto ePortfolios na RAM:http://eportfolio.educatic.info/
Ferramenta RePe: http://moodle.crie.min-edu.pt/course/view.php?id=395
Barbas, Maria (2005). e-Portfolio: instrumento pedagógico de empregabilidade
Coutinho, Clara P. (2005). Percursos da Investigação em Tecnologia Educativa em Portugal: uma
abordagem temática e metodológica a publicações científicas (1985-2000). Monografias em Educação.Braga: CIED Universidade do Minho.
Coutinho, Clara Pereira (2003) Percursos da Investigação em Tecnologia Educativa em Portugal: uma abordagem temática
e metodológica a publicações científicas (1985-2000). Tese de Doutoramento. Braga: IEP - Universidade do Minho.
ePortfolio Australia (n.d.). What is an ePortfolio. http://www.danwilton.com/eportfolios/whatitis.php (Última consulta
no dia 11 de Outubro de 2007)
Lorenzo, G., & Ittleson, J. (2005). An overview of e-portfolios.
http://www.educause.edu/LibraryDetailPage/666?ID=ELI3001 (Última consulta no dia 11 de Outubro de 2007)
Darling, L. F. (2001). Portfolio as practice: The narratives of emerging teachers. Teaching and
Teacher Education,
Orland-Barak, L. (2005). Portfolios as evidence of reflective practice: What remains 'untold'.
Educational Research,
Barrett, H. (2006) "Using Electronic Portfolios for Formative/Classroom-based Assessment." Publicado no “Connected
Newsletter”, June 2006
Barrett, Helen C. (2005). White Paper – Researching Electronic Portfolios and Learner
Engagement. http://electronicportfolios.com/reflect/whitepaper.pdf (Última consulta no dia 11 de Outubro de 2007)
Stiggins, R. J. (2007), “Assessment Through the Student's Eyes “, Best of Educational Leadership 2006-2007 Pages 22-26
Barrett, Helen C. (2007). Role and Implementation of Electronic Portfolios: Digital Stories and Web 2.0
http://electronicportfolios.com/portfolios/Japan2007-Day1.pdf (Última consulta no dia 11 de Outubro de 2007)
Intervencoes/20070723_ME_Int_Plano_Tecnologico_Educacao.htm (Última consulta no dia 11 de Outubro de 2007)
http://www.escola.gov.pt/ (Última consulta no dia 11 de Outubro de 2007)
http://www.danwilton.com/eportfolios (Última consulta no dia 11 de Outubro de 2007)