Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA)


Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA)
Border Management Programme in Central Asia (BOMCA) - 9th phase
1st issue, December 2015
considerable support in capacity build-
building our integrated border manage-
ing and infrastructure improvement,
ment systems, which definitely are not
and not only.
only about the border line. We develop
Now it’s time for BOMCA ninth phase
to be jointly implemented. I would like
to point out that for the first time in
history the BOMCA Programme implementation is entrusted to the Consortium of the European Union coun-
platforms in a modern inter-linked world
with support of our friends by adjusting
advanced approbated practices of other
countries. I
believe that
gained by the BOMCA 9 Consortium
members and its professional nature al-
Dear readers of BOMCA 9 first
gradually our strategic and institutional
lows us to be confident in the success of
Latvia and Lithuania, and Central Asia
the Programme.
five countries were in a similar situaI would like to wish all of us endurance
Since 2003 the BOMCA Pro-
tion in the last century early 90-s.
gramme has became a consistent
Changes in the geo-political situation,
partner for the Central Asia five
renewal and establishment of inde-
countries in the field of Integrated
pendent states, and border and terri-
Border Management. With sup-
torial issues were only a small part of
port of the European Union the
the challenges we faced about 25
General Normunds Garbars
years ago. Step by step we were
Chief of the State Border Guard of Latvia
and perseverance.
Information: the State Border Guard
Since its launch in 2003, the BOMCA Programme has implemented phases target-
of the Republic of Latvia was estab-
ing capacity building and institutional reforms, developing trade corridors improving border
lished on 7 November 1919. Its func-
management systems and eliminating drug trafficking across the Central Asia region. Every
tions are to ensure the inviolability of
new phase of BOMCA was designed to gradually continue the Actions implemented during
the State border and the prevention
the preceding phases of the Programme. During its earlier phases, the Programme focused
of illegal migration, and management
its resources on creating modern management infrastructure.
of asylum system according to the
competence prescribed by law.
With time the horizons of BOMCA have become broader and the actions of the Programme have expanded to no only target border guards, but also other authorities working
in the area of customs, migration, drug control, agriculture, health etc. the Programme intro-
General Normunds Garbars is the
Chief of the State Border Guard since
April 2009. He started his service in
the State Border Guard in 1992
duced the concept and principles of Integrated Border Management (IBM), with the view to
improve cooperation and communication channels among border agencies.
Building on the success of the previous phases, this 9th phase intends to continue
interventions in the area of institutional development, management of migration flows and
trade facilitation. The 9th phase of BOMCA Programme was launched in June 2015 for 36
months with the total budget of almost 5 mln Euro.
Programme Introduction Missions
From late September to
the beginning of November assessment missions
to all five countries of
Central Asia took place.
The team consisting of
the members of implementing Consortium representatives from Latvian Border Guard, ICMPD and Customs Department of Lithuania,
met the key target groups
in border, customs and
migration agencies of
Central Asian countries.
phasis should be given to.
A series of meetings were
held with representative of
border, customs and migration agencies, Ministries
of Foreign Affairs and Ministries of Agriculture. Also,
meetings were conducted
with international stakeholders present in the region,
Programme of the US Embassy.
The assessment mission
was very important initiative of BOMCA in terms of
first meet with beneficiaries
and presenting the complex structure of the Programme. It gave possibility
to the team to define how
and to which extent Programme activities could be
introduced in Central Asia,
to better understand the
existing needs and to define the best approach for
implementation of activities.
They key objective of
these missions were to
inform the beneficiaries
and partners about the
Programme start, to assess the current situation, analyse and review
data, together with beneficiaries define gaps,
needs and areas where
greater Programme em-
BOMCA 9 Housewarming
On November 25, BOMCA
9 opened its doors for partners and stakeholders in
the heart of Bishkek city.
firmed the importance of
regional office functioning.
“We are proud to celebrate
this office inauguration and
BOMCA 9 start. I would like
to thank the whole team
and wish all of us smooth
and fruitful programme implementation”, he said.
The ribbon was cut by General Garbars, Head of the
State Border Guard of the
Republic of Latvia Mr. Borut Erzen, ICMPD Senior
Programme Manager. Rep- The office will be run by
resentatives of the Compo- regional staff including Renents, namely Riga Technical University, State Border Guard of the Republic
Latvia also attended the
opening and shared the joy
of this important milestone
with BOMCA team.
General Garbars, Head of
the State Border Guard of
Latvia and Programme Coordinator from the Consortium Leading Partner, reaf-
gional manager and his
deputy, National Coordinator and Admin/Finance Officers.
The team coordinates BOMCA implementation activities in the CA region and provides support
to the country offices in
Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan .
The Programme celebrates its official launching
Both BOMCA and CADAP next
“BOMCA and CADAP programmes
namely border security, customs,
phases were officially launched
can play an important positive and
migration agencies, as well as rep-
during the conference, which
constructive role in the region, by
resentatives from the international
took place in Bishkek on 27 No-
stakeholders, such as CA Embas-
tween all five Central Asian repub-
sies, EU MSs embassies and inter-
lics in strategically important areas
national organisations implementing
The core topic of the conference
such as border management, trade
border management projects.
was presenting the next Pro-
facilitation, migration flows. ‘’
By providing opportunities for meet,
Programmes tasks and expected
The Head of hosting Kyrgyz Dele-
discuss and exchange of expertise
results, defining the priorities
gation Mr. Damir Sagynbaev, Dep-
and professional opinions, the Con-
and joint actions at the regional
uty Head of Defense , Law En-
ference was the next step towards
forcement and Emergency Depart-
strengthening regional platform on
ment of the Prime-Minister office,
border management, promoting co-
congratulated the audience with
operation and interaction among
new start of BOMCA and men-
partners and stakeholders.
gramme is considered by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic as
one of the largest EU funded Programmes
“Kyrgyz Republic and European
Union have an ample cooperation
The event was opened with a
experience, based on partnership,
warm welcome to all the partici-
trust and mutual respect”, he said.
pants by Mr. Cesare de Montis,
The event gathered more than one
Ambassador of the European
hundred participants including rep-
Union to the Kyrgyz Republic. In
resentatives of the key beneficiary
Programme implementation plan was
shared with partners
Programme is funded by the European
Union. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the
views of the European Commission.
On November 27, 2015, dur-
nical Latvian University, State
ing the first regional steering
Border Guard of the Republic
group meeting, BOMCA pre-
Latvia and Customs Department
sented its draft work plan and
under the Ministry of the Finance
discussed implementation is-
of the Republic of Lithuania as
sues and areas of focus with
leaders of three thematic compo-
its Central Asian partners from
nents of the Programme. Then
border management, customs
beneficiaries spoke of
and migration agencies.
perience and diverse set of opin-
their ex-
ions, ideas and recommendations from CA countries was expressed as a source of inspiration for programme implementation.
For more information
BOMCA Regional Office
Mr. Raitis Tiliks
Regional Manager
Turusbekova 109/1, Bishkek
Kyrgyz Republic
Tel.:+996 (312) 394074
Mobile: +996(777)527099
The meeting provided an opportunity for greater cooperation,
connectivity and harmonious interaction, including the exchange
of information and experience
During the meeting, the over-
and the identification of best
view of the programme, includ-
practices between beneficiaries ,
ing its objectives , structure
international experts and other
and target areas was present-
relevant stakeholders. Such re-
ed to the main beneficiaries of
gional meetings are planned to
the Central Asia by the repre-
be held once a year in all Central
sentatives of the Riga Tech-
Asian countries.