Bubb 13-14 SARC - Mountain View Whisman School District
Bubb 13-14 SARC - Mountain View Whisman School District
M Benjamin Bubb Elementary School )BOT"WFOVFt.PVOUBJO7JFX$"t ountain View Whisman School District Cyndee Nguyen, Principal Serving Grades Kindergarten through Five CDS: 43-69591-6047955 District Address 750-A San Pierre Way Mountain View, CA 94043 (650) 526-3500 District Administration Craig Goldman cgoldman@mvwsd.org Superintendent Cathy Baur Assistant Superintendent, Education Services Karen Robinson Assistant Superintendent, Administrative Services Terese McNamee &KLHI%XVLQHVV2I¿FHU Board of Trustees Chris Chiang Greg Coladonato William Lambert Steven Nelson Ellen Wheeler cnguyen@mvwsd.org http://bubb.mvwsd.org/ 4DIPPM"DDPVOUBCJMJUZ3FQPSU$BSE SARC Information Every school in California is required by state law to publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC), by February 1st of each year. The SARC contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. Under the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) all Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are required to prepare a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which describes how they intend to meet annual schoolVSHFL¿FJRDOVIRUDOOSXSLOVZLWKVSHFL¿FDFWLYLWLHVWRDGGUHVVVWDWHDQGORFDOSULRULWLHV$GGLWLRQDOO\GDWDUHSRUWHGLQD LCAP is to be consistent with data reported in the SARC. )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW6$5&UHTXLUHPHQWVVHHWKH&DOLIRUQLD'HSDUWPHQWRI(GXFDWLRQ&'(6$5& webpage at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/ac/sa/. 9LHZWKLV6$5&RQOLQHDWWKHVFKRRODQGRU/($ZHEVLWHV )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKH/&))RU/&$3VHHWKH&'(/&)):HESDJHDWKWWSZZZFGHFDJRYIJDDOF )RUDGGLWLRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQDERXWWKHVFKRROSDUHQWVDQGFRPPXQLW\PHPEHUVVKRXOGFRQWDFWWKHVFKRROSULQFLSDO RUWKHGLVWULFWRI¿FH Principal’s Message Bubb School is a wonderful place to learn and grow. Our mission is to be a safe, engaging, results oriented, standardsEDVHGOHDUQLQJFRPPXQLW\ZKHUHHYHU\RQHFROODERUDWHVSHUVHYHUHVDQGWKLQNVFULWLFDOO\:HDUHFRQWLQXDOO\EXLOGLQJ LQFOXVLYH SDUWQHUVKLSV ZLWK DOO JURXSV LQ RXU FRPPXQLW\ :H PDNH HYHU\ HIIRUW WR FUHDWH D VDIH FKDOOHQJLQJ DQG engaging environment while communicating high expectations clearly and frequently. The Bubb School staff is committed to offering an exemplary program for all students. It is hoped that the information provided in this report will clarify any questions you may have. &RPPXQLW\6FKRRO3UR¿OH6FKRRO<HDU %XEE(OHPHQWDU\LVORFDWHGLQ0RXQWDLQ9LHZDVXEXUEDQFRPPXQLW\RIDSSUR[LPDWHO\PLOHVVRXWKRI 6DQ)UDQFLVFR,WLVSDUWRIWKH0RXQWDLQ9LHZ:KLVPDQ6FKRRO'LVWULFWZKLFKVHUYHVDERXWVWXGHQWVLQVHYHQ elementary schools and two middle schools during the 2014-15 school year. Bubb Elementary draws its students from a diverse socio-economic population in apartments, multiple family units, and private homes. 6FKRRO$WWHQGDQFH(QUROOPHQW6FKRRO<HDU Regular daily attendance is a priority at the school and is an important component of academic achievement. Attendance, tardy, and truancy policies are clearly stated and consistently enforced. The chart illustrates the trend in enrollment for the past three years. 3DUHQWV DUH DGYLVHG RI WKHLU UHVSRQVLELOLWLHV LQFOXGLQJ SURSHU QRWL¿FDWLRQ RI ZKHQ DQG ZK\ VWXGHQWV DUH DEVHQW Attendance is monitored very closely with follow up phone calls made daily by the school secretary. Parents are advised of excessive absences through letters and, if necessary, parent conferences. Those students who continue to exhibit excessive absences are directed to the appropriate authorities, including the local Student Attendance Review Board (SARB). Enrollment Trend by Grade Level www.mvwsd.org Benjamin Bubb Elementary 2011-12 2012-13 K 101 97 69 1st 102 100 101 2nd 110 102 101 3rd 92 100 93 4th 100 90 88 5th 77 92 85 1 2013-14 Published: January 2015 Enrollment By Ethnicity Or Student Group 6FKRRO<HDU 7HDFKHU$VVLJQPHQW 7KHGLVWULFWUHFUXLWVDQGHPSOR\VWKHPRVWTXDOL¿HGFUHGHQWLDOHGWHDFKHUV This chart shows information about teacher credentials. This chart illustrates the enrollment trend by ethnicity or student group. Teacher Credential Status Enrollment by Student Group School 2013-14 13-14 14-15 14-15 Fully Credentialed 25 24 24 244 Without Full Credentials 0 0 0 0 Working Outside Subject 0 0 0 0 Percentage African American 1.7% American Indian - Asian 15.1% Filipino 1.1% Hispanic or Latino 30.0% District 12-13 0LVDVVLJQPHQWV UHIHUV WR WKH QXPEHU RI SRVLWLRQV ¿OOHG E\ WHDFKHUV ZKR lack legal authorization to teach that grade level, subject area, student group, etc. 3DFL¿F,VODQGHU 0.2% White 38.5% Two or More 13.4% 7HDFKHU YDFDQFLHV UHÀHFW WKH QXPEHU RI SRVLWLRQV WR ZKLFK D VLQJOH GHVLJQDWHGFHUWL¿FDWHGHPSOR\HHKDVQRWEHHQDVVLJQHGDWWKHEHJLQQLQJ of the year for an entire semester or year. - Misassignments/Vacancies None Reported English Learners 30.4% Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 27.7% Students with Disabilities 6.9% Conditions of Learning State Priority: Basic 12-13 13-14 14-15 Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners 0 0 0 Misassignments of Teachers (other) 0 0 0 Total Misassignments of Teachers 0 0 0 Vacant Teacher Positions 0 0 0 ,QVWUXFWLRQDO0DWHULDOV6FKRRO<HDU The SARC provides the following information relevant to the Basic State Priority (Priority 1): The school district held a public hearing on September 18, 2014 and GHWHUPLQHG WKDW HDFK VFKRRO ZLWKLQ WKH GLVWULFW KDG VXI¿FLHQW DQG JRRG quality textbooks, instructional materials, or science lab equipment pursuant to the settlement of Williams vs. the State of California. All students, including English learners, are given their own individual standards-aligned textbooks or instructional materials, or both, in core subjects for use in the classroom and to take home. Textbooks and supplementary materials are adopted according to a cycle developed by WKH&DOLIRUQLD'HSDUWPHQWRI(GXFDWLRQPDNLQJWKHWH[WERRNVXVHGLQWKH school the most current available. Materials approved for use by the State are reviewed by all teachers and a recommendation is made to the School Board by a selection committee composed of teachers and administrators. All recommended materials are available for parent examination at the GLVWULFWRI¿FHSULRUWRDGRSWLRQ 'HJUHHWRZKLFKWHDFKHUVDUHDSSURSULDWHO\DVVLJQHGDQGIXOO\ credentialed in the subject area and for the pupils they are teaching; 3XSLOVKDYHDFFHVVWRVWDQGDUGVDOLJQHGLQVWUXFWLRQDOPDWHULDOVDQG 6FKRROIDFLOLWLHVDUHPDLQWDLQHGLQJRRGUHSDLU +LJKO\4XDOL¿HG7HDFKHUV6FKRRO<HDU The Federal No Child Left Behind Act requires that all teachers in core subject areas meet certain requirements in order to be considered as ³+LJKO\ 4XDOL¿HG´ 0LQLPXP TXDOL¿FDWLRQV LQFOXGH SRVVHVVLRQ RI D %DFKHORU¶V 'HJUHH SRVVHVVLRQ RI DQ DSSURSULDWH &DOLIRUQLD WHDFKLQJ credential, and demonstrated competence in core academic subjects. For PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ VHH WKH &'( ,PSURYLQJ 7HDFKHU DQG 3ULQFLSDO 4XDOLW\ :HESDJHDWKWWSZZZFGHFDJRYQFOEVUWT The table displays information collected in November 2014 about the quality, currency, and availability of the standards-aligned textbooks and other instructional materials used at the school. NCLB Compliant Teachers % of Core Academic Courses Taught By NCLB Compliant Teachers % of Core Academic Courses Taught By Non-NCLB Compliant Teachers School 96.2% 3.9% District 98.3% 1.7% High-Poverty Schools in District 99.6% 0.4% Low-Poverty Schools in District 97.0% 3.0% District-Adopted Textbooks Grade Levels Subject Publisher Adoption Year 6XI¿FLHQW % Lacking K-5 History/Social Studies Scott Foresman 2006 Yes 0.0% K-5 Mathematics Scott Foresman 2013 Yes 0.0% K-5 Reading/ Language Arts Houghton 0LIÀLQ 2010 Yes 0.0% K-5 Science FOSS 2007 Yes 0.0% Note: High-poverty schools have student eligibility of approximately 40 percent or more in the free and reduced price meals program. Low-poverty VFKRROVKDYHVWXGHQWHOLJLELOLW\RIDSSUR[LPDWHO\SHUFHQWRUOHVV Benjamin Bubb Elementary 2 Published: January 2015 6FKRRO)DFLOLWLHV6FKRRO<HDU Bubb Elementary has one of the largest elementary facilities in the district. The school is located adjacent to Bubb Park and the school playground is used extensively by the community during the evenings and on weekends. All permanent facilities at Bubb Elementary were completely renovated in 7KHFDPSXVLVFXUUHQWO\FRPSULVHGRISHUPDQHQWFODVVURRPVHLJKWSRUWDEOHFODVVURRPVRQHOLEUDU\RQHVWDIIURRPRQHPXOWLSXUSRVHURRP one computer lab, three playgrounds, and a large grassy park. Cleaning Process The principal works daily with the custodial team to ensure classrooms, restrooms, and campus grounds are kept clean, safe, and well-maintained. Maintenance & Repair School Facility Conditions 'LVWULFWPDLQWHQDQFHVWDIIHQVXUHVWKDWWKHUHSDLUVQHFHVVDU\ to keep the school in good repair and working order are completed in a timely manner. $ZRUNRUGHUSURFHVVLVXVHGWRHQVXUHHI¿FLHQWVHUYLFHZLWK emergency repairs given the highest priority. At the time of publication, 100% of the school’s restrooms were fully functioning. Deferred Maintenance Budget 7KH GLVWULFW SDUWLFLSDWHV LQ WKH 6WDWH 6FKRRO 'HIHUUHG Maintenance Program, which provides matching funds on a dollar–for–dollar basis, to assist school districts with expenditures for major repair or replacement of existing school EXLOGLQJFRPSRQHQWV7\SLFDOO\WKLVLQFOXGHVURR¿QJSOXPELQJ heating, electrical systems, interior or exterior painting, and ÀRRU V\VWHPV 'XULQJ WKH VFKRRO \HDU WKH GLVWULFW allocated $15,000 for the deferred maintenance program. This UHSUHVHQWVRIWKHGLVWULFW¶VJHQHUDOIXQGEXGJHW The chart shows the results of the most recent school facilities LQVSHFWLRQ:KLOHUHYLHZLQJWKLVUHSRUWSOHDVHQRWHWKDWHYHQ minor discrepancies are reported in the inspection process. The items noted in the table have been corrected or are in the process of remediation. Date of Last Inspection: 07/24/2014 Overall Summary of School Facility Conditions: Good Facility Component System Status Items Inspected Good Fair 'H¿FLHQF\5HPHGLDO Actions Taken or Planned Poor Systems (Gas Leaks, Mech/ HVAC, Sewer) X Interior X Cleanliness (Overall Cleanliness, Pest/Vermin Infestation) X Electrical X Restrooms/Fountains X Safety (Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials) X Structural (Structural Damage, Roofs) X Classrooms 17-20: Repair areas under rear roof area at the right side of the building. External (Grounds, Windows, Doors, Gates, Fences) X Playground: Playground is safe, but some of the rubber cover is worn off. Pupil Outcomes State Priority: Pupil Achievement The SARC provides the following information relevant to the Pupil Achievement State Priority (Priority 4): 6WDWHZLGHDVVHVVPHQWVLH&DOLIRUQLD$VVHVVPHQWRI6WXGHQW3HUIRUPDQFHDQG3URJUHVVDQGLWVSUHGHFHVVRUWKH6WDQGDUGL]HG7HVWLQJDQG Reporting Program); 7KH$FDGHPLF3HUIRUPDQFH,QGH[DQG 7KHSHUFHQWDJHRISXSLOVZKRKDYHVXFFHVVIXOO\FRPSOHWHGFRXUVHVWKDWVDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUHQWUDQFHWRWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI&DOLIRUQLDDQGWKH California State University, or career technical education sequences or programs of study. &DOLIRUQLD6WDQGDUGV7HVW6FKRRO<HDU The California Standards Test (CST), a component of the STAR Program, is administered to all students in the spring to assess student performance LQUHODWLRQWRWKH6WDWH&RQWHQW6WDQGDUGV6WXGHQWVFRUHVDUHUHSRUWHGDVSHUIRUPDQFHOHYHOV$GYDQFHGH[FHHGVVWDWHVWDQGDUGV3UR¿FLHQWPHHWV standards), Basic (approaching standards), Below Basic (below standards), and Far Below Basic (well below standards). 7KHWDEOHGLVSOD\VWKHSHUFHQWRIVWXGHQWVDFKLHYLQJDWWKH3UR¿FLHQWRU$GYDQFHGOHYHOPHHWLQJRUH[FHHGLQJWKHVWDWHVWDQGDUGVLQ(QJOLVKODQJXDJH DUWVPDWKHPDWLFVDQGVRFLDOVFLHQFHIRUWKHPRVWUHFHQWWKUHH\HDUSHULRG127(&67ZDVODVWDGPLQLVWHUHGLQ California Standards Test (CST) Subject School District State 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013 English/Language Arts 72 77 80 64 68 67 54 56 55 Mathematics 80 84 85 65 68 71 49 50 50 * * * 57 56 58 48 49 49 History/Social Science *Scores are not disclosed when fewer than 10 students are tested in a grade level and/or subgroup. For detailed information regarding the STAR Program results for each grade and performance level, including the percent of students not tested, see the &'(67$55HVXOWV:HEVLWHDWKWWSVWDUFGHFDJRY Benjamin Bubb Elementary Published: January 2015 &DOLIRUQLD$VVHVVPHQWRI6WXGHQW3HUIRUPDQFHDQG3URJUHVV6WDQGDUGL]HG7HVWLQJDQG Reporting Results California Education Code Section 60640 authorized the replacement of the Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program with a new assessment SURJUDPUHIHUUHGWRDVWKH&$$6332Q0DUFKWKH86'HSDUWPHQWRI(GXFDWLRQ('DSSURYHG&DOLIRUQLD¶VZDLYHUUHTXHVWIRUÀH[LELOLW\LQ assessment and accountability provisions of Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Science assessments include California 6WDQGDUGV 7HVWV &67V &DOLIRUQLD 0RGL¿HG California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Assessment (CMA), and California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA). Subject School District State 7KH ¿UVW WDEOH GLVSOD\V WKH SHUFHQW RI VWXGHQWV DFKLHYLQJ DW WKH 3UR¿FLHQW RU $GYDQFHG OHYHO (meeting or exceeding the state standards) in science (for grades 5, 8, and 10), for the most recent three-year period. Science 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 86 80 94 69 72 79 60 59 60 California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress 7KHVHFRQGWDEOHGLVSOD\VWKHSHUFHQWRIVWXGHQWVE\JURXSDFKLHYLQJDWWKH3UR¿FLHQWRU$GYDQFHG level (meeting or exceeding the state standards) for the most recent testing period. Subgroups Subject $FDGHPLF3HUIRUPDQFH,QGH[6FKRRO<HDU The Academic Performance Index (API) is a score on a scale of 200 to 1,000 that annually measures the academic performance and progress of individual schools in California. The state has set 800 as the API score that schools should strive to meet. Statewide Rank: Schools receiving an API Base score are ranked in ten categories of equal size (deciles) from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), according to type of school (elementary, middle, or high school). Similar Schools Rank: Schools also receive a ranking that compares that school to 100 other schools with similar demographic characteristics. Each set of 100 schools is ranked by API score from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest) to indicate how well the school performed compared to similar schools. Note: For 2014 and subsequent years, the statewide and similar schools ranks will no longer be produced. The table displays the school’s API ranks and actual API point changes by student group for the past three years. API School Results Science District 79 School 94 American Indian * Asian 100 Black/African American Filipino * * Hispanic or Latino 83 3DFL¿F,VODQGHU * White 97 Males 95 Females 92 Socioeconomically Disadvantaged 81 2011 2012 2013 Statewide 9 9 10 English Learners * Similar Schools 5 8 9 Students with Disabilities * Migrant Education * Two or More Races * Group 10-11 11-12 12-13 All Students at the School Actual API Change -21 38 -1 45 -7 19 -4 *Scores are not disclosed when fewer than 10 students are tested in a grade level and/ or subgroup. Hispanic or Latino Actual API Change -27 White Actual API Change -13 Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Actual API Change -43 78 -10 52 - English Learners Actual API Change -36 State Priority: Other Pupil Achievement The SARC provides the following information relevant to the Other Pupil Outcomes State Priority: 3XSLORXWFRPHVLQWKHVXEMHFWDUHDVRI(QJOLVKPDWKHPDWLFVDQGSK\VLFDOHGXFDWLRQ 3K\VLFDO)LWQHVV6FKRRO<HDU In the spring of each year, the school is required by the state to administer a SK\VLFDO ¿WQHVV WHVW WR VWXGHQWV 7KH 3K\VLFDO )LWQHVV 7HVW PHDVXUHV HDFK VWXGHQW¶VDELOLW\WRSHUIRUP¿WQHVVWDVNVLQVL[PDMRUDUHDV6WXGHQWVZKRPHHWRU H[FHHGWKHVWDQGDUGVLQDOOVL[¿WQHVVDUHDVDUHFRQVLGHUHGWREHSK\VLFDOO\¿WRU LQWKH³+HDOWK\)LWQHVV=RQH´+)= Percentage of Students in Healthy Fitness Zone 2013-14 Grade Level Four of Six Standards Five of Six Standards Six of Six Standards 5 14.1% 31.8% 42.4% *Scores are not disclosed when fewer than 10 students are tested in a grade level and/or subgroup. Benjamin Bubb Elementary 4 Published: January 2015 Engagement State Priority: Parental Involvement Noon duty supervisors provide supervision during lunch. Students may be dropped off and picked up from the front of the school where a crossing JXDUGLVDYDLODEOHWRDVVLVWVWXGHQWVWRFDPSXV9LVLWRUVPXVWVLJQLQDWWKH RI¿FHZHDUDYLVLWRU¶VEDGJHDWDOOWLPHVZKLOHRQFDPSXVDQGVLJQRXW upon leaving the school. The SARC provides the following information relevant to the Parental ,QYROYHPHQW6WDWH3ULRULW\3ULRULW\ (IIRUWVWKHVFKRROGLVWULFWPDNHVWRVHHNSDUHQWLQSXWLQPDNLQJ decisions for the school district and each schoolsite. Other SARC Information The information in this section is required to be in the SARC but is not included in the state priorities for LCFF. 3DUHQW,QYROYHPHQW6FKRRO<HDU %XEE (OHPHQWDU\ EHQH¿WV JUHDWO\ IURP WKH LQYROYHPHQW RI SDUHQWV DQG local community partnerships. There are several avenues in which parents may become involved: Parent Teacher Association (PTA), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), School Site Council, and volunteering in classrooms and school events. )HGHUDO,QWHUYHQWLRQ3URJUDP6FKRRO<HDU Schools and districts receiving Federal Title I funding enter Program Improvement (PI) if they do not make AYP for two consecutive years in the same content area (English/language arts or mathematics) or on the same indicator (API or graduation rate). After entering PI, schools and districts advance to the next level of intervention with each additional year that they GRQRWPDNH$<3)RUGHWDLOHGLQIRUPDWLRQDERXW3,LGHQWL¿FDWLRQVHHWKH &'(3,6WDWXV'HWHUPLQDWLRQV:HESDJHKWWSZZZFGHFDJRYWDDFD\ tidetermine.asp. The school enjoys many partnerships with community members and organizations. CSMA provides arts and music instruction, Avenidas senior FLWL]HQV YROXQWHHU WKHLU WLPH WR UHDG ZLWK ¿UVW JUDGHUV WKH &RPPXQLW\ Health Awareness Council (CHAC) provides assistance to students with their emotional needs, and the YMCA provides physical education. Contact Information Federal Intervention Programs Parents or community members who wish to participate in leadership teams, school committees, school activities, or become a volunteer may FRQWDFWWKHVFKRRORI¿FHDWRUYLVLWWKHVFKRRO¶VZHEVLWH http://bubb.mvwsd.org for more information. School District Not in PI Not in PI First Year in PI - - Year in PI (2014-15) - - # of Schools Currently in PI - 0 RI6FKRROV,GHQWL¿HGIRU3, - 0.0% Program Improvement (PI) Status State Priority: School Climate The SARC provides the following information relevant to the School Climate State Priority (Priority 6): 3XSLOVXVSHQVLRQUDWHV 3XSLOH[SXOVLRQUDWHVDQG 2WKHUORFDOPHDVXUHVRQWKHVHQVHRIVDIHW\ Class Size Discipline & Climate for Learning The table indicates the average class size by grade level or subject area, as well as the number of classrooms that fall into each size category. 6WXGHQWVDW%XEE(OHPHQWDU\DUHJXLGHGE\VSHFL¿FUXOHVDQGFODVVURRP expectations that promote respect, cooperation, courtesy and acceptance of others. Parents and students are informed of school rules and discipline policies through the parent handbook. Throughout the year, behavior and GLVFLSOLQHSROLFLHVDUHUHYLHZHGLQWKHZHHNO\:HGQHVGD\EXOOHWLQV Class Size Distribution Classrooms Containing: Average Class Size The suspensions and expulsions table illustrates total cases for the last three years, as well as a percentage of enrollment. Suspensions are expressed in terms of total infractions, not number of students suspended, as some students may have been suspended on multiple occasions. Expulsions occur only when required by law or when all other alternatives are exhausted. 12 11-12 Suspensions Suspension Rate Expulsions Expulsion Rate 12-13 K 25 19 23 1 25 20 2 23 20 3 23 13-14 4 5 District 13-14 11-12 12-13 6 10 3 255 214 120 1.0% 1.7% 0.6% 5.1% 4.3% 2.4% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 12 13 14 12 33+ Students 13 14 12 13 14 - 1 - 4 4 3 - - - 20 - 1 1 5 4 4 - - - 20 1 1 1 4 4 4 - - - 20 23 - 1 - 4 4 4 - - - 29 30 29 - - - 5 3 3 - - - 31 31 28 - - - 2 3 3 - - - School Leadership Leadership at Bubb Elementary is a responsibility shared between district administration, the principal, instructional staff, students, and parents. The 2014-15 school year marks Principal Cyndee Nguyen’s tenth year at Bubb (OHPHQWDU\EXW¿UVW\HDUDVSULQFLSDO 6DIH6FKRRO3ODQ6FKRRO<HDU The safety of students and staff is a primary concern of Bubb Elementary. The school is always in compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to hazardous materials and state earthquake standards. The School Site Safety plan is reviewed and updated in the fall by the School Site Council, parents, and faculty. The school’s disaster preparedness plan includes steps for ensuring student and staff safety during a disaster. Fire and disaster drills are conducted on a regular basis throughout the school year. Students are supervised before and after school by staff. Benjamin Bubb Elementary 14 21-32 Students By Grade Level Suspensions & Expulsions School 13 1-20 Students Staff leadership opportunities at Bubb Elementary include goal teams comprised of ELA, math, school climate, grade-level teams, and the School Site Council. The School Site Council is made up of staff and parents that serve as the governing body. Both the group and the entire staff have involvement in the School Site Plan that sets the goals and focus for Bubb Elementary School. 5 Published: January 2015 &RXQVHOLQJ6XSSRUW6WDII6FKRRO<HDU Curriculum Development All curriculum development at the school revolves around the California Common Core Standards and Frameworks. Teachers align classroom curriculum to ensure that all students either meet or exceed state SUR¿FLHQF\OHYHOV)DFXOW\VXEFRPPLWWHHVWKH6FKRRO6LWH&RXQFLO3DUHQW Focus Groups, ELAC, and the principal evaluate Bubb Elementary’s curriculum continuously using testing data, district benchmarks, maps, and assessments. All students have access to the core curriculum. Bubb Elementary provides everything from interventions to enrichment opportunities. Student progress is monitored through ongoing assessment and is conveyed to parents on report cards. It is the goal of the school to assist students in their social and personal development as well as academics. The school gives special attention WRVWXGHQWVZKRH[SHULHQFHDFKLHYHPHQWSUREOHPVGLI¿FXOW\FRSLQJZLWK personal and family problems, trouble with decision making, or handling peer pressure. The table lists the support service personnel available to students at Bubb Elementary. Counseling & Support Services Staff Number of Staff Full Time Equivalent Librarian 1 0.75 Nurse 1 As Needed Occupational Therapist 1 As Needed Psychologist 1 0.5 Resource Specialist Program (RSP) Teacher 1 0.5 RSP Aide 1 0.5 SDC Aide 3 1.0 Special Day Class (SDC) Teacher 1 1.0 Speech/Language Specialist 2 1.0 Group assessment data is shared with the staff to both support students and help determine school needs and focus. The principal and individual staff members also discuss student’s assessment data as needed and appropriate. Extracurricular & Enrichment Activities Students are encouraged to participate in the school’s additional academic and extracurricular activities, which are an integral part of the educational program. Bubb Elementary offers the following after-school activities for its students: &KHVV&OXE /HJR&OXE &KRUXV $UW&OXE %DVNHWEDOO+RRSV :L]ERWV 3<73OD\LQDER[ 7HQQLV 6SDQLVK&ODVV%HJLQQLQJDQG,QWHUPHGLDWH )UHQFK&ODVV%HJLQQLQJDQG,QWHUPHGLDWH Note: One Full Time Equivalent (FTE) equals one staff member working full time; one FTE could also represent two staff members who each work 50 percent of full time. 'XULQJWKHVFKRROGD\VWXGHQWVPD\SDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHIROORZLQJHQULFKPHQW activities: Library Information %DQGJUDGH 0XVLF $UW Bubb Elementary’s library, staffed by part-time librarian, is stocked with more than 25,000 books that are available for students to check out. Students visit the library on a regular basis with their class and can access the library during recess and lunch. The school’s library also contains twelve computer workstations for student use. Recognition Programs It is Bubb Elementary’s goal to recognize students for their good work and to reinforce those behaviors which contribute to a positive learning community. Bubb Elementary offers the following recognition programs for its students: Classroom Perfect Attendance and End-of-the-Year Perfect Attendance. Classrooms are recognized at the Monday morning assemblies. Computer Resources Each classroom at Bubb Elementary contains a projector and document camera to bring the internet into the classroom. The school has 125 FRPSXWHUV LQ WKH FODVVURRPV 7KH VFKRRO¶V FRPSXWHU ODE FRQWDLQV FRPSXWHUVDSURMHFWRUDVFUHHQIRXU,3DGV&DUWVZLWKDQGZLWK 26), and two Chrome carts. *$7( Additional Internet Access/Public Libraries :LWKWKHLPSOHPHQWDWLRQRIWKH/RFDO&RQWURO)XQGLQJ)RUPXODWKHVWDWH RI &DOLIRUQLD QR ORQJHU SURYLGHV VSHFL¿F IXQGLQJ IRU *LIWHG DQG 7DOHQWHG (GXFDWLRQ*$7(&RQVHTXHQWO\WKH'LVWULFWQRORQJHUIRUPDOO\DVVHVVHV LWVVWXGHQWVIRU*$7(TXDOL¿FDWLRQ1HYHUWKHOHVV09:6'LVFRPPLWWHG to providing challenging and inspiring opportunities for gifted and talented VWXGHQWV(DFKVFKRROVLWHUHFHLYHV'LVWULFWSDUFHOWD[IXQGLQJWRVXSSRUW enrichment and extra-curricular activities designed to challenge any VWXGHQWZKRLVPRWLYDWHGWRSDUWLFLSDWH$GGLWLRQDOO\WKH'LVWULFWFRQWLQXHV to maintain a GATE Advisory Group made up of parents, teachers, and DGPLQLVWUDWRUVWKDWVXSSRUWV'LVWULFWDQGVLWHHQULFKPHQWDFWLYLWLHV For additional research materials and Internet availability, students are HQFRXUDJHG WR YLVLW WKH 0RXQWDLQ 9LHZ 3XEOLF /LEUDU\ ZKLFK FRQWDLQV numerous computer workstations. Staff Development The staff development plan is coordinated by the district Educational Services department in accordance with district and site priorities. Six professional days are planned annually to update and extend adult learning. The emphasis continues to be the implementation of the Common Core State Standards: knowledge of each grade level’s CCSS, and instructional strategies that ensure building and applying knowledge in all content areas. To provide additional targeted support for the implementation of CCSS, the district has funded three release days per grade level which is facilitated by the site’s full time Instructional Coach. The Coach provides support on a daily basis and professional development presentations to the entire staff. Each site also has two, half-day professional development GD\VWRZRUNRQWKHLUVLWH¶VVSHFL¿FSURMHFWV Individualized Instruction Special Education students receive support from a Resource Specialist 7HDFKHU DQGRU $LGH 6SHFLDO 'D\ &ODVV 7HDFKHU DQGRU $LGH DQG D psychologist, as determined by their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Teachers and assistants work with the special education students on a pullout basis as well as within their classrooms. Students are mainstreamed whenever possible. English Language Learners English Language Learners (EL) receive specialized services and instruction in an environment conducive to maximizing English learning. Benjamin Bubb Elementary 6 Published: January 2015 6WXGHQWV DUH SURYLGHG PLQXWHV RI GDLO\ LQVWUXFWLRQ LQ OHDUQLQJ JURXSV GH¿QHGE\WKHLU&(/'7OHYHO ([SHQGLWXUHV6HUYLFHV)XQGHG)LVFDO <HDU Data Sources The table provides a comparison of a school’s per pupil funding from unrestricted sources with other schools in the district and throughout the state. 'DWDZLWKLQWKH6$5&ZDVSURYLGHGE\WKHVFKRROGLVWULFWUHWULHYHGIURP WKH 6$5& WHPSODWH ORFDWHG RQ 'DWDTXHVW KWWSGDWDFGH FDJRYGDWDTXHVWDQGRU(G'DWDZHEVLWH'DWDTXHVWLVDVHDUFKHQJLQH PDLQWDLQHGE\WKH&DOLIRUQLD'HSDUWPHQWRI(GXFDWLRQ&'(ZKLFKDOORZV WKHSXEOLFWRVHDUFKIRUIDFWVDQG¿JXUHVSHUWDLQLQJWRVFKRROVDQGGLVWULFWV throughout the state. Among the data available, parents and community PD\ ¿QG LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW VFKRRO SHUIRUPDQFH WHVW VFRUHV VWXGHQW GHPRJUDSKLFVVWDI¿QJDQGVWXGHQWPLVFRQGXFWLQWHUYHQWLRQ Expenditures per Pupil School Total Expenditures Per Pupil From Supplemental/Restricted Sources (G'DWDLVDSDUWQHUVKLSRIWKH&'((G6RXUFHDQGWKH)LVFDO&ULVLVDQG 0DQDJHPHQW$VVLVWDQFH7HDP)&0$7WKDWSURYLGHVH[WHQVLYH¿QDQFLDO demographic, and performance information about California’s public kindergarten through grade twelve school districts and schools. Mid-Range Teachers $67,874 $64,101 Highest Teachers $86,488 $82,044 Elementary School Principals $112,943 $104,336 Middle School Principals $116,451 $107,911 - $102,488 $196,000 $155,309 High School Principals Superintendent 38.0% 41.0% Administrative Salaries 6.0% 6.0% From Basic/Unrestricted Sources $4,690 Percentage of Variation between School & State -29.2% 'LVWULFW5HYHQXH6RXUFHV)LVFDO<HDU ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR JHQHUDO VWDWH IXQGLQJ 0RXQWDLQ 9LHZ :KLVPDQ 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW UHFHLYHV VWDWH DQG IHGHUDO IXQGLQJ IRU WKH IROORZLQJ FDWHJRULFDO special education, and support programs: 7LWOH,,3DUW$7HDFKHU3ULQFLSDO7UDLQLQJ5HFUXLWLQJ 7LWOH,,,3DUW$(QJOLVK/DQJXDJH$FTXLVLWLRQ/DQJXDJH(QKDQFHPHQW and Academic Achievement Act) 6FKRRO6DIHW\9LROHQFH3UHYHQWLRQ Salaries as a Percentage of Total Budget Teacher Salaries 89.5% For detailed information on school expenditures for all districts in &DOLIRUQLD VHH WKH &'( &XUUHQW ([SHQVH RI (GXFDWLRQ 3HUSXSLO 6SHQGLQJ :HE SDJH DW KWWSZZZFGHFDJRYGVIGHF )RU LQIRUPDWLRQ RQWHDFKHUVDODULHVIRUDOOGLVWULFWVLQ&DOLIRUQLDVHHWKH&'(&HUWL¿FDWHG 6DODULHV%HQH¿WV:HESDJHDWKWWSZZZFGHFDJRYGVIGFV7RORRN XSH[SHQGLWXUHVDQGVDODULHVIRUDVSHFL¿FVFKRROGLVWULFWVHHWKH(G'DWD :HEVLWHDWKWWSZZZHGGDWDRUJ 2012-13 State $1,752 Percentage of Variation between School & District Supplemental/Restricted expenditures come from money whose use is FRQWUROOHGE\ODZRUGRQRU0RQH\GHVLJQDWHGIRUVSHFL¿FSXUSRVHVE\WKH district or governing board is not considered restricted. Basic/unrestricted expenditures, except for general guidelines, is not controlled by law or donor. Average Salary Information $41,535 From Basic/Unrestricted Sources State Teachers - Principal - Superintendent District $3,320 District This table displays district salaries for teachers, principals, and VXSHULQWHQGHQWV DQG FRPSDUHV WKHVH ¿JXUHV WR WKH VWDWH DYHUDJHV IRU districts of the same type and size. The table also displays teacher and administrative salaries as a percent of the district’s budget, and compares WKHVH¿JXUHVWRWKHVWDWHDYHUDJHVIRUGLVWULFWVRIWKHVDPHW\SHDQGVL]H 'HWDLOHG LQIRUPDWLRQ UHJDUGLQJ VDODULHV PD\ EH IRXQG DW WKH &DOLIRUQLD 'HSDUWPHQWRI(GXFDWLRQ¶VZHEVLWHZZZFGHFDJRY $46,871 $137 From Basic/Unrestricted Sources $YHUDJH7HDFKHU$GPLQLVWUDWLYH6DODULHV )LVFDO<HDU Beginning Teachers $3,457 6FKRRO6LWH7HDFKHU6DODULHV)LVFDO<HDU State law requires comparative salary and budget information to be reported to the general public. For comparison purposes, the California 'HSDUWPHQW RI (GXFDWLRQ KDV SURYLGHG DYHUDJH VDODU\ GDWD IURP XQL¿HG VFKRRO GLVWULFWV KDYLQJ IURP WR DYHUDJH GDLO\ DWWHQGDQFH throughout the state. The table illustrates the average teacher salary at the school and compares it to the average teacher salary at the district and state. Average Teacher Salaries School & District School $65,353 District $65,300 Percentage of Variation 0.1% School & State All Elementary School Districts Percentage of Variation Benjamin Bubb Elementary $67,289 -2.9% Published: January 2015 !"#$%&'$()'*+(,-'./&$(01-""2(3'.%4'1%( 5*6'.%4&%'"$(789:;9<( Open Enrollment 2015-16 January 26 – February 27 (Registration is by APPOINTMENT ONLY) District Kindergarten Information Night Castro Elementary School 505 Escuela Ave Thursday, January 15 Spanish: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm English: 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm School Information Nights and Site Visits throughout the month of January and February. For more information and to schedule an appointment please visit our website: www.mvwsd.org IMPORTANT: Open Enrollment only applies for new student registration. Our currently enrolled students will complete an Online Student Intent Survey, sent via email. Mountain View Whisman School District www.mvwsd.org 750-A San Pierre Way, Mountain View, CA 94043 (650) 526-3500 Mountain View Whisman School District (MVWSD) 750-A San Pierre Way, Mountain View, CA 94043 / (650) 526-3500, ext. 1044 / www.mvwsd.org HOW DO I REGISTER MY CHILD FOR THE 2015-16 SCHOOL YEAR? WHEN? Open Enrollment is from January 26, 2015 – February 27, 2015. General Enrollment is ongoing throughout the year. VERY IMPORTANT!! REGISTRATION is by APPOINTMENT ONLY. Go to the district's website to sign up for an appointment time available December 2014: www.mvwsd.org, For Parents tab, Enrollment Page, Book Now tab (Genbook) District Office will be CLOSED for the following holidays: February 16-17, April 10, May 25, July 4 WHERE? Mountain View Whisman School District Office 750-A San Pierre Way, Mountain View 94043 (cross streets are either Middlefield Road or Montecito Avenue) 650) 526-3500, ext. 1044 / www.mvwsd.org HOW? Step 1: Bring the required documents (see checklist) to your registration appointment at the District Office: A) Proof of Age; B) Proof of Immunization; and C) Proof of Residency. If all required documentation is met, move on to Step 2. Step 2: A Snapcode or password will be issued to you in order for you to go online and complete the online registration forms. In order to qualify for the 2015-16 Open Enrollment Period (January 26-February 27) the registration forms must be submitted no later than midnight (Pacific Standard Time) on March 1, 2015. Registration outcome will be provided to parent via US mail. FREE COMPUTER ACCESS: If you do not have computer access at all, listed below are some available locations: MVWSD School District Office 750-A San Pierre Way District Office Hours Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM Assistance available by Appointment Only Mountain View Library 585 Franklin Street Library Hours Monday - Thursday: 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Friday - Saturday: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday: 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Assistance NOT available Foothill College, Middlefield Campus 4000 Middlefield Rd, ROOM I (cross street San Antonio Road) Middlefield Campus Hours Monday - Thursday: 12:00 PM - 9:00 PM Assistance NOT available WAIT LIST ACCESS The Enrollment Timeline will be adhered as closely as possible. The Enrollment Timeline IS subject to change without notice. Please be patient. You will receive notification via US mail. To view activity on the wait list (April 1, 2015 - Onward), go to the District website, parents can go online to view what number is next on the wait list for a particular school/program and grade level, instead of calling the District Office for status updates. Thank you for your cooperation. !MVWSD cannot guarantee placement in the neighborhood school due to continued high enrollment. For further information regarding enrollment, please refer to MVWSD Board Policies and Administrative Regulations 5115 and 5116. CONTINUED DOCUMENT CHECK LIST (parents can use this as a Check-Off Sheet) ! Proof of Age Provide ONE of the following: a) b) c) Birth certificate (cannot be an abstract) Valid passport Baptismal record To be eligible for Kindergarten in 2015-16, a child must turn five (5) years old on or before September 1, 2015. To be eligible for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) in 2015-16, a child must turn five (5) years old between September 2, 2015, and December 2, 2015. ! Proof of Immunizations Provide up-to-date and documented immunizations at the time of your registration appointment. For full immunization requirements, please go the district's website and refer to the documents: Immunization Notice and Immunization Requirements by Grade. ! Proof of Residency 1) ! Complete the form, Statement of Residence (separate form) AND 2) ! ONE of the following, Parent/Legal Guardian's picture ID: a) b) c) d) Current State Driver's License Current State ID Card Valid Passport, Consulate issued picture ID or Military ID Voter Registration Card AND 3) ! ONE of the following ORIGINAL documents with parent/guardian's name and address (showing the Mountain View address). Utility bills or phone bills WILL NOT be accepted. a) b) c) Current valid Vehicle Registration State or Federal Tax Return filed within the past 12 months with W-2 form attached (Business returns do not meet residency requirements) Current bank statement issued within 35 days from the date of registration AND 4) ! ONE of the following ORIGINAL documents with parent/guardian's name and address (showing the Mountain View address): a) b) c) Current Property Tax bill with parent/guardian's name, and property address, indicating Homeowner's Exemption Current Lease-Rental agreement on company printed forms which include parent/guardian's name; student's name; manager or owner's name and phone number (Military housing residents need to provide "Assignment to Quarters" form from the Base Housing Department.) IF APPLICABLE: District policy requires valid proof of residence for all students. In order to comply with residency requirements, parents/guardians who cannot provide the required proof of residency must complete the Affidavit of Parent Residence (separate form) !. In addition to the Affidavit, the registered resident must provide either the Property Tax Bill in their name or the Lease-Rental Agreement in their name. THE FOLLOWING, IF APPLICABLE: ! Proof of Health Examination (separate form) This is for entering 1st graders only. Not required for kindergarten entry. The Health Examination form is available on the District's website. This form is to be taken to the doctor/clinic and they fill it out. ! Special Education Services If your student receives additional services for a learning disability, such as special day class, resource, or speech, etc., it would be extremely helpful if you provide a copy of the most current IEP at the time of registration. ! Any Legal Matter/Custody/Orders, etc. To clearly define custody, restraining orders, etc., provide a copy of the court order that has been filed with the courts at the time of registration. ! Request for Cumulative Records (Grades 1-8) (separate form) This is for students entering grades 1-8, coming from another school, in order for the MVWSD to request records from the former school. A signature is required on the hard copy form, which is available on the District's website. MOUNTAIN VIEW WHISMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT 2015-16 Enrollment Presentations District Enrollment Information Presentations This is a good opportunity to learn about registration requirements and enrollment information. Locations Presentations January 15 (Spanish) @ 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM January 15 (English) @ 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM CASTRO 505 Escuela Ave School Information Nights and Visitations This is a good opportunity to learn about the specific schools and/or specific programs. Locations BUBB Information Nights Day Visitations January 21 @ 6:00 PM January 22 @ 8:30 AM 525 Hans Ave. 650-526-3480 CASTRO 505 Escuela Ave. 650-526-3590 Dual Immersion is a CHOICE program that needs to be requested at time of registration. HUFF Kindergarten Information Night January 21 @ 6:00 PM Castro Traditional Program January 22 @ 8:30 AM Dual Immersion (DI) (English/Spanish) Program: January 28 (Spanish) @ 6:30 PM January 28 (English) @ 6:30 PM Dual Immersion (DI) (English/Spanish) Program: January 9 @ 9:00 AM January 16 @ 9:00 AM January 26 @ 9:00 AM Coffee Night: Peet’s Coffee at Castro Street January 27 @ 7:00 PM Special Events: Film Screening – Speaking In Tongues January 16 @ 7:00 PM January 21 @ 6:30 PM January 22 @ 8:30 AM January 21 @ 6:30 PM January 22 @ 8:30 AM January 21 @ 6:00 PM January 22 @ 8:45 AM 253 Martens Ave. 650-526-3490 LANDELS 115 West Dana St. 650-526-3520 MONTA LOMA 460 Thompson Ave. 650-903-6915 SLATER SPECIAL ED PRESCHOOL The Role of the IEP in Transitioning to Kindergarten January 12 @ 6:00 PM N/A 220 N. Whisman Rd. 650-526-53530 STEVENSON 750B San Pierre Way 650-903-6950 Information Nights: January 7 (English) @ 6:30 PM January 13 (Spanish) @ 6:30 PM PACT is a CHOICE program that needs to be requested at time of registration. Informal: Peet’s Coffee at Castro Street January 28 @ 7:00 PM THEUERKAUF January 22 @ 6:00 PM January 20 @ 9:00 AM February 5 @ 9:00 AM January 23 @ 8:30 AM 1625 San Luis Ave. 650-903-6925 Transition to Sixth Grade This is a good opportunity to learn about 6th Grade for the 2015-16 year. Locations CRITTENDEN Information Nights 2014-15 MVWSD 5th Graders will visit the middle schools in (late May or early June) TBD. February 3 @ 6:30 PM 2014-15 MVWSD 5th Graders will visit the middle schools in (late May or early June) TBD. 1701 Rock St. 650-903-6945 GRAHAM 1175 Castro St. 650-526-3570 Day Visitations February 3 @ 6:30 PM ! Education for the World Ahead Mountain View Whisman School District 750-A San Pierre Way Mountain View, CA 94043 (650) 526-3500 / www.mvwsd.org ENROLLMENT HIGHLIGHTS 2015-16 INFOSNAP • Infosnap is a company that assists school districts in providing online registration solutions that are highly secure and reliable. • The district will have computers available at the District Office for anyone who does not have access. • Online registration for New Students and Annual Parent Notifications. • Online Student Intent Survey and Annual Parent Notifications (for currently enrolled students). ELIGIBILITY AGE FOR KINDERGARTEN • To be eligible for kindergarten 2015-16, a child must turn five (5) years old on or before September 1, 2015. TRANSITIONAL KINDERGARTEN (TK) • TK will be offered to children whose date of birth falls between September 2, 2010, through and including December 2, 2010. ATTENDANCE BOUNDARY • For further information, refer to the Street Directory and MVWSD AR 5115(a). THIRD DAY, NO-SHOW RULE • All students: If you are not present by the third day of school, you will be automatically withdrawn from district enrollment and any district wait list. POOR ATTENDANCE ON AN APPROVED TRANSFER • All students: If you are on an approved transfer (MVWSD resident) and your student is consistently absent or tardy from school for reasons that are not excused, your student may be reassigned to another school. ENROLLMENT PRESENTATIONS • Refer to 2015-16 Enrollment Presentations for specific dates, times, and locations. CENTRAL REGISTRATION/OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD-January 26-February 27, 2015 a) NEW FAMILIES • Registration for new families for Open Enrollment is BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! • Go to the district's website: www.mvwsd.org (For Parents/Enrollment) to schedule an appointment now. b) CURRENT TK FAMILIES – OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD-January 26-February 27, 2015 • An email with a password (snapcode will be emailed to ALL currently enrolled TK students with a link to the Student Intent Survey. • You will be required to complete the Student Intent Survey for your child. • Transfer requests will be made online in the Student Intent Survey c) RETURNING K-7th FAMILIES – RESERVE YOUR SPOT FOR 2015-16 • March 23-27, 2015 an email with a password (snapcode) will be emailed to ALL currently enrolled K-7th grade students with a link to the Student Intent Survey. • You will be required to complete the Student Intent Survey for each child. • Failure to do so will result in automatic withdrawal from the district. • Transfer requests for returning families will be made online in the Student Intent Survey. d) MORE INFORMATION REGARDING INTRADISTRICT TRANSFER REQUESTS Complete an Intradistrict Transfer Request: • If you were a forced move to another school other than your neighborhood school for 2014-15 year and you would like to try to go to your neighborhood school for 2015-16. • If you want to request a school or program other than your neighborhood or attending school for 2015-16 year; • Transfer requests are accepted: o New Students and Currently Enrolled TK Students during Open Enrollment January 26 – February 26, 2015 o Returning Student during the Student Intent Survey ONLY March 23-March 27, 2015 • There will be no exceptions outside of this timeframe! • Intradistrict Transfer Requests are processed on a lottery basis, according to board policy enrollment priorities, and space availability. MARCH 1 - ONWARD REGISTRATION • Registration for new families is BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! ! TRANSITION TO SIXTH GRADE • Evening presentations to be held at each middle school on February 3, 2015. EXTENDED SCHOOL YEAR (ESY) SUMMER 2015 SURVEYS • ESY Surveys will be part of the Student Intent Survey and Annual Parent Notifications. • March 23-27, 2015 you will be required to complete the Student Intent Survey. • Confirmation letters will be mailed to families at the end of May. DTP, DT, or DTaP • If your child will be in seventh grade for 2015-16, 1 dose Tdap Booster is required. • It is due by the first day of school. CHANGE OF RESIDENCY • If you have a change of residency and you have not notified the district yet, you must provide updated proofs of residency immediately. • Refer to the Statement of Residence for requirements, which is available on the district's website. • Bring residency proof to the District Office. SHARED RESIDENCY • RETURNING FAMILIES: If you provided an Affidavit of Residence (a shared residency) during the 2014-15 year, it is good for only one school year. If you will continue to share a residency for the 2015-16 school year, you will need to provide an updated Affidavit of Residence. • The form is available on the district's website. • It is due by the first day of school. • Bring residency proof to the District Office. MEAL PROGRAM • Free- and Reduced-Lunch Program information and applications will be available June 2015. BUS TRANSPORTATION • Bus Transportation information and applications will be available June 2015. STUDENT CALENDAR • The 2015-16 Student Calendar is expected to be adopted by the Board of Trustees in February 2015. MOUNTAIN VIEW WHISMAN SCHOOL DISTRICT Educational Choice Programs for Elementary Schools CASTRO DI/DUAL IMMERSION Give your child the gift of a second language! Families from across Mountain View enroll in this unique enrichment program at Castro Elementary in which students learn to read, write, and speak in both English and Spanish. In the DI Program, native English-speaking students and native Spanish-speaking students are united in the same classroom, where they learn both languages. Research about brain development shows that the most opportune time to learn a second language is before age 10. In the DI Program, your child will: attain fluency and literacy in Spanish and English; achieve State curriculum standards; enjoy a strong sense of community and highly involved parent support; be stimulated by academic challenge and the richness of a bilingual environment; be better prepared for the diversity of a multicultural world. The program extends from kindergarten through 5th grade. Students entering kindergarten are eligible to enroll. Students entering 1st grade are eligible on a case-by-case basis. Bi-literate students may enroll in grades 2nd-5th. School visit and language assessment is required for all candidates. Contact Castro Elementary at (650) 526-3590 or www.castro.mvwsd.org. STEVENSON PACT/PARENT, CHILD, TEACHER Stevenson aims to engage all students and ensure they realize their full potential as independent thinkers, life-long learners and responsible citizens. Teachers and parents collaborate extensively to deliver a rigorous, hands-on education. Parents spend an average of two hours a week in their children’s classrooms, yielding many instructional benefits such as small group hands-on math lessons, guided literacy circle discussions, and inquiry based science experiments. We seek to go beyond traditional academic topics by including integrated hands-on projects based on California Content Standards such as cooking and Arts Focus. We understand that learning happens beyond the walls of the classroom and make a concerted effort to plan experiences on regular field trips and in our outdoor classroom. If you are interested in playing an integral part in your child's educational experience and value a school that focuses on the whole child, enroll at Stevenson today! Contact Stevenson Elementary School at (650) 903-6950 or www.stevenson.mvwsd.org. ISP/INDEPENDENT STUDY PROGRAM Independent Study Program ISP is for those families committed to home schooling their children in order to provide instructional strategies that respond to individual student’s needs and learning styles. Through this program, families work in compliance with California State guidelines. ISP provides curriculum, instructional guidance, special enrichment classes and field trips. Contact the ISP director at (650) 567-9757. Education for the World Ahead To learn more about Dual Immersion, a Tuition Free K-5 Choice program in the Mountain View Whisman School District (MVWSD), please join us at the following events: Dual Immersion Information Night Classroom Tours Listen to a presentation about the Dual Immersion Program and speak to the Principal, teachers and parents. *Childcare provided Wednesday, Jan 28, 2015 (in SPANISH) (English and Spanish) 6:30 - 8:30 pm Tour the Castro campus and observe some Dual Immersion classrooms. Please come to the Multi-Use Room (MUR) to sign in. 6:30 - 8:30 pm Friday, Jan 9, 2015 Friday, Jan 16, 2015 Monday, Jan 26, 2015 Castro School Multi–Use Room (MUR) Wednesday, Jan 28, 2015 (in ENGLISH) Castro School Multi–Use Room (MUR) 9:00 - 10:15 am 9:00 - 10:15 am 9:00 - 10:15 am Children welcome Both sessions will take place on the same night Special Event Friday, Jan 16, 2015 Coffee with DI Parents Meet current DI parents to ask questions and learn more about the Dual Immersion Program. 7:00 - 8:30 pm Film Screening - Speaking In Tongues This San Francisco based documentary follows four diverse students on a journey to become bilingual. Tuesday, Jan 27, 2015 7:00-8:30 pm Peet’s Coffee and Tea, 1032 Castro Street Additional Information Join our Dual Immersion Prospective Parents email list. To subscribe, send an email to castro-DI-Prospective-subscribe@yahoogroups.com st The Dual Immersion Program is open to any student entering kindergarten or 1 grade in MVWSD. ! The Dual Immersion Program Mariano Castro Elementary School 505 Escuela Avenue, Mountain View castro.mvwsd.org 650-526-3590 Stevenson Elementary School (PACT/Parent, Child, Teacher) Mountain View Whisman School District Mission: Stevenson PACT Elementary cultivates a life-long love of learning by educating the whole child (socially, emotionally, and intellectually) in a collaborative community. Vision: Through a developmental approach and a rigorous hands-on education, Stevenson PACT will engage all students and ensure they realize their full potential as independent thinkers, life-long learners, and responsible citizens. Stevenson aims to engage all students and ensure they realize their full potential as independent thinkers, life-long learners and responsible citizens. Teachers and parents collaborate extensively to deliver a rigorous, hands-on education. Parents spend an average of two hours a week in their children’s classrooms, yielding many instructional benefits such as small group hands-on math lessons, guided literacy circle discussions, and inquiry based science experiments. We seek to go beyond traditional academic topics by including integrated hands-on projects based on Common Core State Standards such as cooking and Arts Focus. We understand that learning happens beyond the walls of the classroom and make a concerted effort to plan experiences on regular field trips and in our outdoor classroom. If you are interested in playing an integral part in your child's educational experience and value a school that focuses on the whole child, enroll at Stevenson today! Stevenson 2014 – 2015 Information Presentations Each year, we organize a daytime school tour, information nights, and an informational parent coffee evening. We make an effort to include an Arts Focus tour and at least one tour with Spanish translation provided. If you are considering progressive education for your child(ren) at Stevenson, make sure you attend at least one daytime school tour and one evening event. To reduce the number of classroom interruptions, we do not offer one-on-one tours. Please make every effort to attend one of the following events. Daytime School Tours Information Nights Information Parent Coffees Stevenson School Gather at front gate 9:00 - 10:30 am Stevenson School Multi-Use Room 6:30 - 8:00 pm Peet's Coffee & Tea 1032 Castro St., MV Begins at 7:00 pm January 20, 2015 (Tuesday) January 7, 2015 (Wednesday) In English *February 5, 2015 (Thursday) *Arts Focus Tour January 13, 2015 (Tuesday) In Spanish January 28, 2015 (Wednesday) Stevenson Elementary School: 750-B San Pierre Way • Mountain View • CA •94043 | T: [650] 903-6950 | F: [650] 903-6951