Why I Attend The Village Church
Why I Attend The Village Church
THE VILLAGE CHURCH - THOROLD, ONTARIO h c r u h C e The Villag f Doing Churc ay o A Different W h! WINTER 2012 Thoughts from the village Thursday, November 8th is a day I won't easily forget. After 5 years of coaching football, the Thorold High School Golden Eagles won the Niagara Regional football championship! After the final whistle a nuclear explosion of celebration took the field as we hugged, screamed, and high fived each other. The sense of satisfaction is indescribable.... all the weeks of practicing in the rain and cold had paid off. We were the victors.... the champions. The next day, November 9th, is a day I won't forget either. That's the day when one of the football players named Jake found out his dad had been killed in a tragic car accident. I went to visit Jake and his mom the next day and the reality of their despair was evident in the silence of the visit. Life is so fragile, one minute you’re on top of the world and the next minute life bites into your soul and demands grief and pain. Both extremes are a reminder to me of why we planted this church. We celebrate with those who celebrate and mourn with those who mourn.... but in all circumstances we never lose hope. With the coming of Christmas we are reminded of that hope. Psalm 71:14 says “As for me, I will always have hope, I will praise you more and more” . That verse points to the God of hope, no matter what life’s journey brings. This newsletter is our gift to you for helping us in bringing the hope of the gospel to people. Enjoy... and Merry Christmas. Pastor Mike Inside this issue: Why I Attend The Village Church 2 Youth For Christ Partnership 2 Small Groups at The Village Church 3 Community Partnerships Grow Deeper 4 “...And You Will Be a Blessing” 4 Vision Statement “To be a community of faith The Village Church is committed to being a part of the community. One way we do this is by being a part of the annual Christmas Parade. We handed out glow sticks, Hershey kisses, and postcard invitations to worship with us. We also assisted the Parade Committee this year by holding one of the sponsors’ banners! that is dedicated to knowing Jesus Christ, serving others in His name and making Him known throughout our home community.” PAGE 2 THE VILLAGE CHURCH Why I At tend The Village Church BY Julie Wilson I was asked to write a short piece on how and why I go to the Village Church. So after a day of thought and prayer, this is how I started attending the Village Church. I asked my mother to come to church with me and she said “Ok, let’s try this new church someone told me about.” So I said ok and that Sunday we got dressed up and walked into this new church. I was 8 1/2 months along in my pregnancy with our second child. I was feeling self-conscious that I may be judged but I wanted my mom to go to church so I put those feelings aside and walked in with my mom and oldest daughter. To my surprise, the woman who greeted us at the door, (Maria) was just as far along in her pregnancy as me. We took our seats and someone asked us if we would like a coffee or tea. We filled in a visitor card that day. At that moment, I decided to make The Village Church my family. For someone to not know me and to want to pray for me, it touched me in a way that was unexplainable. We left after the service and a few weeks later Sandy (a hospitality team member of The Village Church) called me and said that she had a gift for me and if I was coming back to church she would give it to me. So the next Sunday, just my daughter and I went to church and Sandy came up to me and gave me a small welcome gift. I said thank you and took my seat. That service, the Pastor asked for prayer requests. A man stood up and asked for the pastor to pray for me and Maria; that we have a safe and happy rest of our pregnancy and birth process. At that moment, I decided to make The Village Church my family. For someone to not know me and to want to pray for me, it touched me in a way that was unexplainable. This is one of many reasons why I attend the Village Church and call it my family. Thank you for your time and may God bless you and your day. YOUTH FOR CHRIST PARTNERSHIP BY GLEN SPARKS, DIRE CTOR FOR YOUTH UNLIMITED Back in February/March of this year I met Hilda Vander Klippe for the first time at a breakfast meeting with my fellow staff and two pastors from St. John's Anglican Church, Thorold. It was an exciting conversation for me because we were talking about how we can impact the community, especially struggling teens from Thorold. During breakfast Hilda shared with me that The Village Church was hosting local agencies on Sunday, March 25, 2012. I accepted the invitation that morning during breakfast to attend the spotlight service. I always love the opportunity to share our ministry with churches and service clubs in the community. But to me this morning was different because throughout the morning I noticed a real genuineness from The Village Church, that they wanted deep part- nerships in the community. Partnerships with local churches helps us enormously through volunteer contacts, prayer support, listening congregation and financial support so that we can continue to operate year after year. Since then The Village Church has had a few RAKE Sundays at the 226 Merritt Street Youth Centre that we are developing; the youth center has been the recipient of well over 100 Village volunteer hours removing garbage, cutting grass, shelving/doors removed, new taps installed, general cleaning and many other necessary jobs so that we can move forward. The Village Church has also faithfully prayed for us as we further develop this ministry. My family and I have been attending The Village at least 2 - 3 times a month over the past 8 months. We are truly excited for the friendships that have developed and it brings a real sense of peace in our lives knowing that we have a church that loves the ministry in which we are involved. We also know that we have a church family in Thorold that loves us. Over the coming year or two I would love to see The Village Church youth program further develop where the young people we work with have the opportunity to attend a youth event at The Village Church and over time connect them with the larger church family. When the Sparks family attend The Village Church we feel we are part of a family, we have a voice and we matter; I want our struggling young people to experience that joy as well. “We see the HOPE and POTENTIAL in EVERY young person." WINTER 2012 PAGE 3 SMALL GROUPS AT THE VILLAGE BY DANA BROWN In the fall, The Village Church welcomed Dana Brown and his wife Jane. Dana has been hired to be the Small Groups Coordinator. Dana is excited about creating community within the Village Church. If you asked your doctor, "What is essential to physical health?", she might say "exercise, good nutrition, and an annual check up.". If you asked your pharmacist, "What are the essentials to physical health?" he would probably say "a flu shot and these important vitamins." If you asked your financial planner, “What are the essentials to physical health”, he would probably say “RRSP’s and a diverse investment portfolio." But we at the Village Church believe we are more than physical beings living in a physical world. In fact, we believe we are not simply physical beings hav- ing a spiritual experience; we believe that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. Just like there are essentials to our physical health, there are several things that are essential to our spiritual health. Without these spiritual essentials, we are not living, we are just existing. We are not thriving, we are just surviving. One of those essentials is community. You were made for community. You were made for relationships. As Pastor Rick Warren points out, "the Bible tells us that when God made Adam, He put him in the Garden of Eden which was a perfect environment. No problems, no pressure, no pain. Yet God looked down at Adam in a perfect environment and said it's still not good enough. There's something terribly wrong. And in Genesis 2:18 "God said, 'It is not good for man to be alone.' It is not God's will for you to be lonely. You were made for relationships. I don't care if you ever get married or not. I don't care if you're young or old, a Christian or non-Christian. You were made for other people.” Warren also notes a Department of Mental Health of California study where they discovered that if you isolate yourself from other people, if all you have is acquaintances, no close friends, you have no intimate relationships with other believers, other people, you are three times more likely to die an early death, you are four times more likely to suffer emotional burnout, you are five times more likely to be clinically depressed and you are ten times more likely to be hospitalized for emotional or mental disorder. You were made for relationships. At the Village Church, we believe that one of the key reasons for our small group ministry is to provide a place where people can experience true community. We want our small groups to be a place where people can belong, serve and grow in their love for God and others. We had two R.A.K.E. (Random Acts of Kindness Everywhere) days this fall. Even though the weather was a bit cold and damp, we were able to bless families, ministries, and clean up some parks within Thorold. PAGE 4 THE VILLAGE CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION: Mike Collins - Pastor E-Mail: mike@myvillagechurch.ca COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS GROW DEEPER... Erin Knight - Administrator/Worship E-Mail: erin@myvillagechurch.ca Jeanette VanderWerff - Prayer Coordinator E-Mail: jeanette@myvillagechurch.ca Hilda Vanderklippe - Community Connections E-Mail: hilda@myvillagechurch.ca Dana Brown - Small Groups Coordinator E-Mail: dana@myvillagechurch.ca Phone: 905-227-2525 Website: www.myvillagechurch.ca Ministry Centre Location: 133 Front Street North Thorold, Ontario L2V 0A3 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 47 Thorold, Ontario, L2V 3Y7 Below is a quote from the Manager of the Thorold Community Activities Group, Betty Lou Lynds, on what our partnership has meant to their agency: “Thorold Community Activities Group (TCAG) has been very fortunate to have developed a relationship with The Village Church. I am proud to say that we are “Community Partners”! When I think of what The Village Church means to us, I think of so many things. I would best describe The Village Church with the words “Dedication”, “Family”, “Commitment” , and “Caring”. I feel so impressed and appreciative of all that they do for others. They have a very special way of making everyone feel like a part of their “Family”. Thank you to each and every one of you who has helped TCAG! You are an inspiration!” “...AND YOU WILL BE A BLESSING” As we began the new year, Pastor Mike shared his Ministry Plans for January 2012 to June 2013 and one of the theme verses he shared was Genesis 12:2, “I will bless you and you will be a blessing”. This, of course, was taken from the story of Abraham, when He promised He would make Abraham into a great nation. And as seen above in the note from the Thorold Community Activities Group, we feel that God has been blessing us and we in turn have become a blessing to so many local agencies. We have been able to bless and reach out to our local community and begin new relationships and also deepen others. And people like yourselves have been a vital part of this: you have supported us with your prayers, your notes of encouragement, your donations and your lending of time and talents. So! ‘Tis the season. . . for appeals (and not the ‘pealing’ of bells!). But this is the Village Church - “we do church differently”, and right now we’d like to share with you about one of our newest partners. Youth For Christ (YFC) has recently “moved into the neighbourhood” and we are excited to begin a relationship with them. Among their ministries they have a Youth Centre in Vineland, and one in St. Catharines with youth drop-in activities, mentoring programs, programs for young moms, etc. The St. Catharines Youth Centre, known as The Deck, was offered from a location on Hartzel Road until they needed to leave there. They are currently operating out of a temporary location downtown St. Catharines but a building has been purchased which will give them LOTS of room for all their current activities and more. And, you guessed it, this new location is just beyond the Thorold town limits. Glen Sparks is the YFC Director for this area. He and his wife Melissa and two children have become part of The Village and we are excited about how our relationship with them and YFC is growing. We have helped out with clean up and other activities on our RAKE Sundays (Random Acts of Kindness, Everywhere). And recently Glenn shared his vision for the new Youth Centre, and we became even more excited. And it seems that (God’s) timing is everything, because the District School Board of Niagara, after seriously considering shutting down the Thorold Secondary School, voted to keep it open! This will mean an increased enrolment at Thorold Secondary, which is just minutes away from the new location of YFC! The new YFC Centre on Merritt St. is a large capital project, and requires strong support from all. So yes, this is an appeal - but not specifically for our cause, but really for all of the agencies we are partnering with. Many this year received less funding and support from their local communities and local government and many, like YFC, have big plans for the coming year. WILL YOU BLESS US SO WE CAN BE A BLESSING TO THEM? Thank you again for your continued support and may all of you experience peace and joy in celebrating Jesus this Christmas. The Finance Team of The Village Church, Thorold