extended day - Espiritu Santo Catholic School
extended day - Espiritu Santo Catholic School
PARENT/STUDENT SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2014-2015 Updated 7/31/2014 Espiritu Santo Catholic School 2405A Philippe Parkway Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Telephone: (727) 812-4650 Fax: (727) 812-4658 www.escschool.org 1 ESPIRITU SANTO CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2405-A Philippe Parkway Safety Harbor, Florida 34695 Telephone (727) 812-4650 Fax (727) 812-4658 July 12, 2014 Dear School Families, Welcome to another year of excellence in Catholic school education at Espiritu Santo! To follow is the School Handbook which includes the policies and procedures of our parish school. The development of these rules and regulations by our school staff and administration provides the structure for a successful school year. All year staff members are encouraged to keep notes in their school handbooks in an effort to address every concern before the next school year. As members of the school community you are encouraged to do the same. Please feel free to discuss any of the policies with me or other members of our leadership team or keep notes, ideas, and suggestions in the back of the book to submit to the administration at the end of the year. Many changes have been included in this School Handbook. Every family is urged to review the pages throughout the book with their children and complete the “Compliance Agreement” form. This is found on the last page of the handbook. Please return it by August 15, 2014 at the Back to School Bonanza or prior to the first day of school, August 18, 2014. Children who do not have a “Compliance Agreement” form on file will not be permitted to enter class. The handbook will also be available in electronic format. Please be sure to take the time to review this information and discuss the importance of following the rules with your child. Your support is essential to creating a safe and positive Catholic learning environment for every person at ESCS. Please note the some of the important changes to the handbook this year: New staff members New assignments for current staff members Athletic policy on game day Attendance and tardy policies regarding excessive unexcused absences and tardies Diocesan policy on anti-bullying Shoe requirements and especially physical education footwear School uniforms policies for girls and boys Inappropriate attire, dress down days Changes for arrival of Pre-K students and parents School uniform for VPK students We no longer have a “No Homework” policy on HSA Meeting nights May God continue to bless you, your family and our parish school community! In His love, Mrs. Penn 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ESCS FACULTY AND STAFF 2014-2015 pages 6-7 MISSION MEMBERS ESCS SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD page 8 MISSION MEMBERS ESCS HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION 15 pages 9- MISSION MEMBERS DAILY ACTIVITIES 24 pages 15- ARRIVAL DISMISSAL REGULAR DAY DISMISSAL SPORTS DISMISSAL EARLY DISMISSAL EXTENDED DAY REGISTRATION PICKUP PRE-K FULL DAY REGISTRATION PICKUP COMMUNICATION SCHOOL WEB SITE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL YEARBOOK CHANGE OF ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND/OR OCCUPATION CUSTODIAL PARENTAL/GUARDIANSHIP CONFERENCES BIRTHDAY PARTIES/GIFTS INVITATIONS GIFTS 3 ATHLETICS ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES ATHLETIC POLICY ATTENDANCE ABSENCES (EXCUSED/UNEXCUSED) MAKE-UP WORK APPOINTMENTS TARDIES PARTICIPATION IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLINIC CORNER ABSENCES (DUE TO ILLNESS) PANDEMIC RESPONSE PROCEDURE HEAD LICE MEDICATION HEALTH DEPARTMENT FORMS RELIGIOUS OBJECTION TO IMMUNIZATIONS ACADEMIC/BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS pages 25-33 ACADEMIC HOMEWORK ACADEMIC INTEGRITY SCHOOL COUNSELOR STUDENT SUPPORT FLORIDA VIRTUAL SCHOOL PARTICIPATION ASSESSMENT/STUDENT RECOGNITION REPORT CARDS STANDARDIZED TESTING GRADING SCALE HONOR ROLL POLICY PROMOTION/RETENTION POLICY TUTORING STUDENT RECORDS BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE STUDENT BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES BEHAVIOR STUDENT CONDUCT CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES DIOCESE OF ST. PETERSBURG HARASSMENT POLICY ESCS STATEMENT REGARDING SOCIAL ISSUES DOSP/OCSC ANTI-BULLYING POLICY DISCIPLINE DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS SCHOOL-WIDE RULES MANAGEMENT OF STUDENT CONDUCT PLAN (4-8) STEPS 4 APPEALS PROCESS PROCEDURES FOR AN APPEAL ESCS UNIFORM EXPECTATIONS pages 33-38 STANDARDS OF DRESS FOR STUDENTS STANDARD SHOE REQUIREMENTS GIRLS BOYS INAPPROPRIATE ATTIRE PICTURE DAYS DRESS DOWN DAYS SPIRIT DAY DRESS CODE PRE-K3 AND PRE-K4 DRESS CODE MIDDLE SCHOOL PRIVILEGES PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES pages 38-40 ADMISSION POLICY ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS BY AGE FOR ENTRANCE INTO SCHOOL TUITION AND FEES RE-REGISTRATION GUIDELINES TUITION FEES EXTENDED DAY FEES TEXTBOOKS GUIDELINES FOR COVERING TEXTBOOKS SUGGESTIONS CHRISTIAN SERVICE HOURS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION pages 40-41 NO SMOKING POLICY FIELD TRIPS EMERGENCY DRIVERS CHAPERONES LOST AND FOUND TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (AUP) MEDIA CENTER SCHOOL LUNCH SCHOOL-WIDE LITURGY VISITORS/VOLUNTEERS 5 ESCS VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK 2014-2015 COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT FORM page 48 Make notes here to discuss with Mrs. Penn for the 2015-2016 school year: 6 MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Espiritu Santo Catholic School, under the guiding gifts of the Holy Spirit, is to pass on the beliefs and teachings of the Roman Catholic Faith, to encourage students to reach out to others in a caring, Christian way, and to offer students an enriched, academic, Christ-centered education in a disciplined environment. ESCS FACULTY AND STAFF 2014-2015 Administration/Subject Area Teacher Assignments Department Administration Administration Administration School Counseling Student Support Student Support Technology Office Office Office Office Office Office Office Technology/ Fine Arts Fine Arts Fine Arts Physical Education Health & Wellness Media Center Foreign Language Foreign Language Middle School Middle School Middle School Middle School Middle School Middle School Middle School Middle School Position Pastor Principal Assistant Principal School Counselor Director/Specialist Grades PK-3 – Grade 3 Specialist Grades 4 - 8 Technology Director School Secretary/Registrar Secretary/Receptionist Business Manager Facilities & Activities Coordinator Registered Nurse Extended Day Supervisor Extended Day Front Desk Technology Teacher/ Performing Arts Director Art Teacher Music Teacher PE/H/W/ A.D. Girls Sports PE/H/W/ A.D. Boys Sports Media Specialist Spanish Teacher Gr. 4 - 8 Spanish Teacher PK-3 - Gr.3 Math / Gr. 5 - 8 Religion / Gr. 6 - 8 Language Arts/Reading Language Arts/Reading Science Social Studies Math / Gr. 5 – 8 Language Arts Gr. 6 Faculty Member Rev. Leonard Piotrowski Mrs. Margaret Penn Mrs. Becky Clark Ms. Laura Eliason Ms. Darlene Lanza Ms. Dawn DeMarinis Mr. Matthew DeNote Mrs. Mary Mansour Ms. Justine Mullaney (PT) Mrs. Michelle Ishman Mrs. Kathy Toomey Mrs. Karen Maiello Mrs. Kim Jacke Mr. Chris Carbonaro Mrs. Kim Jacke Mrs. Bonnie Whitehurst Mrs. Mikki Wickett Mr. Ryan Daily Mrs. Susan Salesses Mrs. Ana Maria Citro Mrs. Adely Lopez (PT) Mrs. Karin David Mrs. Kathy Sheehan Mrs. Kathy Preble Mrs. Leah Nesci (PT) Mrs. Barbara Bivens Mrs. Jane Forbus Mrs. Nicole Schawang Mrs. Michelle Melone 7 Homeroom Teacher/Staff Assignments Grade Level PK-3 PK-3 (PT) VPK VPK Kindergarten Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 8 Teacher Assistant/Extended Day Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant Teacher Assistant Teacher/Staff Member Mrs. Cris Miller Mrs. Paola Cruz Mrs. Janet Milne Mrs. Dana Cerullo Mrs. Holly Downing Mrs. Karen Maiello Mrs. Heather Boychuk Ms. Lindsey Ijjas Mrs. Angela Brock Mrs. Erin Miller Mrs. Lori Vosen Ms. Juli Harper Mrs. Jeannette Rawlings Mrs. Kim Silverwood Mrs. Kathy Irizarry-Sanchez Mrs. Michelle Melone Mrs. Karin David Mrs. Nicole Schawang Mrs. Ana Maria Citro Mrs. Jane Forbus Mrs. Kathy Preble Mrs. Kathy Sheehan Mrs. Linda Smith Mrs. Laura Focaracci Mrs. Maureen Ruel Mrs. Noreen Lobo Mrs. Monica Hayworth-Marth Mrs. Cathy Corollo Mrs. Linda Risola Mrs. Linda Fucci TBA Additional Support Staff Department Facility Dining Room Dining Room (PT)=Part Time Position Plant Manager Dining Room Manager Dining Room Assistant Staff Member Mr. Bill Cornell Mrs. Susan Honey (SLA) Mrs. Linda Zolezzi (PT) 8 ADVISORY BOARD The school advisory board serves as a consultative body to the pastor and school principal to provide counsel on policy and planning matters. School Advisory Board responsibilities include: To carry out the mission statement, develop goals and future plans To assist in formulating policies that provide general direction To review and evaluate financial matters, specifically the annual budget 2014-2015 School Advisory Board Members: Dave Fritz Christine Gallo Dave Harvey (727) 796-0455 (727) 330-6419 (727) 712-3124 davefritz68@gmail.com cgallo512@gmail.com dharvey781@aol.com Carol Klovekorn Margaret Krivchenia Emmett McMahon (727) 945-8862 (727)789-5887 (727)784-9133 sklovek@msn.com mwindsong@tampabay.rr.com ejebmcm@att.net Kerry Moore Carol Purcell Mary Beth Toland (727) 796-5656 (727) 791-3902 (727)934-5221 jmoore2209@tampabay.rr.com cpurcell5@tampabay.rr.com mbt@twinstaroptics.com Additional School Advisory Board Members Rev. Leonard Piotrowski, Pastor Tom Heironimus, Parish Business Manager Mrs. Penn, Principal Mrs. Clark, Assistant Principal 9 ESCS HOME & SCHOOL ASSOCIATION All parents of students attending Espiritu Santo Catholic School, as well as Faculty and Staff, are members of the Home & School Association (HSA). The purpose of the HSA is as follows: To establish a partnership between parents and teachers and to further the Mission of Espiritu Santo Catholic School. To assist in developing and providing activities for spiritual advancement of the members. To assist in developing and providing activities for service in the school. To assist in obtaining and distributing funds for the advancement of the scholastic needs of all students of Espiritu Santo Catholic School. The 2014-2015 Executive Board members are: Kelley Miller, President Phone #: (319) 431-1309 E-mail: kelleyamiller@gmail.com School Board Liaison, Administration Liaison, Membership General Meetings, Membership Reporting, Gift Shop Tracey Burns, Vice President Phone #: (727) 420-5701 E-mail: traceynova94@yahoo.com Benefit, Golf Classic, Box Tops, SCRIP, Online event payments, registration & ticket sales Jennifer Galligan, Volunteer Coordinator Phone #: (727) 773-8988 E-mail: jjgalligan@verizon.net Uniform Closet, Room Moms, New Family Staff Appreciation Committee, Moms in Touch, Loving Hands, Family Fun Events, Dining Room and Catholic Schools Week Contact Jen with any volunteering questions. Kimberly Kushner, Secretary Phone #: (813) 749-6256 E-mail: kimberlykushner@hotmail.com Father/Daughter Dance, Mother/Son Event, HSA Calendar, Membership Communications Contact Kim to add your event to the HSA calendar or to get on the agenda at an HSA general meeting. Nilza Foy, Treasurer Phone #: (646) 641-2092 E-mail: nil101@hotmail.com HSA Budget, Event Finances & Cash Management, Concessions, Trunk or Treat, 8th Grade Fundraising Contact Nilza to submit expense reimbursements. STAFF BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. Penn, Principal Mrs. Clark, Assistant Principal TBD, Faculty Representative The HSA Executive Board is responsible for the oversight and management of HSA’s fundraising activities, community-building ministries, as well as Room Parent and classroom support. The HSA Executive Board and works closely with ESCS Administration to ensure that 10 all HSA events and ministries are aligned with the mission of Espiritu Santo Catholic Church & School. Board members are elected to a two-year term; elections for open positions are held each spring at the General Meeting in May. Member Responsibilities ESCS depends on each family to share their time, gifts and talents with our school community. The support our families provide enriches our students’ experience and keeps our community connected. HSA responsibilities for members include: 1. All families are required to contribute dues of $35 2. All families are required to complete at least 20 Volunteer Hours 3. All families are asked to make a Financial Commitment that will help us reach our financial goals for the year 4. Attend at least two General Meetings during the year 1. Dues Dues are collected by the ESCS registrar with registration fees for the upcoming school year. New families entering school outside of the re-registration period can forward a check for $35 (payable to “HSA”) to the HSA Treasurer via the School Office. 2. Volunteer Requirement (Christian Service Hours) Each family is called to give at least 20 hours to volunteer service to our school (Volunteer Requirement). 10 hours are required for single-parent families. Families with only a PK4 VPK student(s) are exempt. Grandparents are welcome to help parents earn their hours. Parents who are employed by the school are exempt. *****All Volunteers must have documented Safe Environment Training and pass a Level II Background Screening before they can volunteer in the school.***** Volunteer hours are tracked in an online system called Volunteer Matters (VM). Information for registering on VM, updating your existing contact information and tracking your hours may be found here: http://www.escshsa.com/volunteers/volunteerresources.html Volunteer opportunities (shifts) can be found by logging onto Volunteer Matters (VM) and browsing through the calendar – click on the desired activity to sign yourself up! These volunteer shifts are posted periodically (as needed) by the appropriate Committee Chairperson or Room Parent. If you complete volunteer hours with qualifying activities that are not already posted as shifts on VM, please email your Room Parent or the HSA Volunteer Coordinator, and they will post the hours to VM. Additional volunteer resources are also listed on the HSA website: www.escshsa.com. Volunteer Hours May be Earned by: Participating in one of the Christian Service Hour Committees or Events. Volunteering in the classroom, dining room, media center, art room, or music room. Completing any parent volunteer activity requested by the administration to assist 11 our school. Completing any parent volunteer activity requested by your teacher. Completing any parent volunteer activity requested by your room parent to assist your classroom. Coaching for any ESCS athletic event, along with any other parental assistance needed such as working the scoreboard, helping with concessions, etc. Volunteering for specialized school activities such as Junior Achievement, middle school dances, graduation preparations, etc. Home & School Association Committees & Ministries Event/Committee Home Room Parents Annual Benefit Box Top$ Gift Shop Golf Classic SCRIP 8th Grade Graduation Trip Fundraising Book Fair Catholic Education Week Concessions/Athletic Booster Dining Room Family Fun Outing Father/Daughter Dance International Peace Day Loving Hands Description Works with homeroom teachers to coordinate classroom volunteer opportunities and parent support for individual homerooms. A wonderful way to get to know our teachers and your fellow parents. Application required. (All Year) Dinner/Auction/Dance event held in November – our school’s largest fundraiser and always a ton of fun! (Saturday Nov. 15th, 2014) Collects, sorts and submits coupons for manufacturer’s redemption programs such as Box Tops and Labels for Education. (All Year) Volunteers work as Cashiers in our Parish Gift Shop, located in the Church. The Gift Shop is managed and operated by HSA. (All Year) Golf tournament held annually in memory of Anthony Benkovic. (April) Coordinates this retailer rebate program through Great Lakes Scrip – volunteers process orders & distribute gift cards weekly. (All Year) For parents of 8th graders to help our graduating students get to Sea Camp! Volunteers help set up inventory, help students make selections, and man the cash register. (Fall & Spring) Committee works with the administration and faculty to create the CEW calendar and coordinate various activities in celebration of Catholic Education! (January) Helps supply, operate, and staff volunteers for the concessions booth (open during sporting events). (All Year) Volunteers assist teachers in monitoring the lunchroom during meal time – students love seeing friendly faces! (All Year) Community-building event for Espiritu Santo that the whole family can participate in, such as group tickets to a Clearwater Threshers game in the spring. (TBD) Committee plans a fabulous “date night” for Dads and daughters with dinner, dancing and games. (February) Coordinates the beloved Food Court during ESCS’ International Peace Day celebration. (June) Delivers meals to families in our community who need support. 12 Media Center Moms in Touch Mother/Son Event New Family Welcoming Committee School Supplies Sports Banquet Staff Appreciation Committee Trunk n’ Treat Uniform Closet Yearbook This important ministry helps provide comfort in times of need, whether joyful ones (like an addition to the family) or trying ones (illness). Volunteers help our Media Specialist sort books and aid younger classes in selecting books during their media time. (All Year) Members of our school and parish meet weekly to pray for those in need. (All Year) Committee plans a fun afternoon of games & activities for Moms and their boys (February / March). Matches up current families with incoming ones to provide a more personalized contact and resource for new families welcome event at beginning of year. Organizes the sale of pre-packaged school supplies – kits distributed at the Back to School Bonanza (Summer) Volunteers aid in setting up a banquet for athletes and their families (Spring). The SAC showers our faculty & staff with love through monthly breakfasts, CEW and back-to-school lunches, and the Cookie Jingle. Volunteers bake and/or purchase food and supplies or these events. (All Year) ESCS & Religious Ed families trick-or-treat through the school parking lot. Committee organizes the haunted bus, games, and RSVP forms. (October) Maintains “closet” of donated uniforms that families can “borrow” when they need a new size or a replacement. (All Year) Coordinates publication of the yearbook – works with Room Moms to gather pictures and lay out pages. (All Year – concentration in late fall/winter months) *Note for parents who need to volunteer during non-business hours - the following events all take place on weekends or off-site: Benefit solicitations, set-up, decorating and event night; Golf Tournament raffle solicitations, set-up and event day; Father/Daughter Dance; Mother/Son Event; Staff Appreciation cooking and baking; Box Top$ preparation for redemption; Gift Shop cashier shifts. With the exception of The Gift Shop, the HSA does not oversee any volunteer activities for our Parish church; therefore volunteer hours that benefit the Parish specifically are not included in the VM system. If you do not see a specific volunteer activity listed in our HSA Committee and Ministries list and are unsure whether it qualifies for your hours of VM time, please contact HSA’s Volunteer Coordinator for clarification. Special Information Related to Girl Scouts / Boy Scouts: Girl Scouts, Brownies & Daisies are organizations that fall under the Charter of the Girl Scouts. Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts are chartered under Espiritu Santo Catholic Church. The ESCS HSA has no oversight of these activities and limited access to the verification of hours, volunteer credentials, etc. Therefore, there are a limited number of volunteer hours available for activities which fall under scouting of any kind. Volunteer Hours given for scouting activities are as follows: 13 A maximum of 2 hours for leading a troop meeting A maximum of 6 hours per family, per school year, related to all scout activities (excluding troop leaders) A maximum of 12 hours per family, per school year for troop / den leaders. Volunteer hours are not given for working on fundraisers related to scouts, or for chaperoning overnight field trips for scouts off campus. Activities with specific hours assigned: Serving as Chair of an HSA Committee or as a Room Parent automatically fulfills your Volunteer Commitment – you will receive a credit for twenty (20) volunteer hours for that school year. Cooking for any one SAC event equals a credit of two (2) volunteer hours. (SAC events include the Cookie Jingle, CEW Lunch, monthly staff breakfasts and others!) Donating an item valued at $25 or more to any fundraising event (such as the Benefit or the Golf Classic) equals a credit of one (1) volunteer hour. Providing a meal for the Loving Hands ministry equals a credit of two (2) volunteer hours. In certain cases when Loving Hands is asked to provide gift cards in lieu of a home cooked meal, volunteers are limited to earning two (2) hours per event, regardless of the dollar amount donated. Overnight Field Trips: six (6) volunteer hours may be credited per day, per family, with a maximum of 12 hours per trip. All families receive one (1) volunteer hour for attending an HSA general meeting. Buyout Option / Hours Not Completed Families who choose not to contribute 20 volunteer hours to our school community can “buy-out” of the Volunteer Requirement ($400). Buy-outs can be completed online at www.escshsa.com or via check made payable to “HSA” and are due at registration along with the Time, Talent & Treasure Election Form. Families who do not complete the required 20 hours of volunteer service will be billed for the value of hours not worked at a rate of $20/hour. 3. Financial Commitment Each year, the HSA makes a commitment to fund a portion of the school’s operating budget. These funds are critical to paying ongoing operational expenses (such as teachers’ salaries) and helping keep tuition at a more affordable rate. HSA’s commitment to the operating budget for the 2014-15 school year has been set at $60,000. These funds are raised through a series of fundraising activities, such as the annual Benefit, Gift Shop operations, Box Top$ and SCRIP. To ensure that we meet this $60,000 fundraising goal, each family is asked to contribute to HSA’s fundraising efforts in some way by making a selection on the Time, Talent & Treasure Election Form when they register their students for the upcoming school year. Activities which fulfill the Financial Commitment for the 2014-15 school year are: 1. Amigo Package for Annual Benefit ($500) 2. Birdie Sponsorship for ESCS Golf Classic ($600) 14 3. SCRIP - $250/month (average) of Scrip gift card purchases 4. Volunteer on a Gift Shop Team (work one Cashier shift every three weeks from 8/16/14 – 6/7/15; hours worked also fulfill your Volunteer Commitment) 5. Fundraising “Buy-Out” ($400) Complete details are included on the Time, Talent & Treasure Election Form, which can be found on the HSA website: www.escshsa.com. Unique Support / Buyout Option / Commitment Not Completed In a few cases, an ESCS family may already be supporting the HSA and/or school in a unique way which could possibly qualify as fulfilling their Financial Commitment. In these cases, please contact your HSA President with details to open dialogue regarding whether or not this support satisfies your family’s Financial Commitment. Parents who are employed by the school, as well as families with only a Pre-K4 VPK student enrolled, are encouraged to support HSA’s fundraising activities, but are exempt from the Financial Commitment. Single-parent families are required to fulfill only half of the Fundraising Commitment (so, potential options are: half of the monthly average of Scrip purchases, half of the total number of hours required at the Gift Shop, or half of the Fundraising Buy-Out). Families who choose not to complete their Financial Commitment can “buy-out” of the requirement for $400. Buy-outs can be completed online at www.escshsa.com or via check made payable to “HSA” and are due at registration along with the Time, Talent & Treasure Election Form. Families who do not contribute in any way to HSA’s fundraising efforts by the end of the school year will be billed for the value of the buy-out ($400). 4. General Meetings HSA holds periodic General Meetings for our members to conduct HSA business (such as electing new officers) and to keep our parent community updated on school and Parish events. For the 2014-15 school year, please plan on attending the Orientation Night meeting and at least one of the other two scheduled meetings (listed below). Additional meetings may be scheduled as necessary. Orientation Nights: Wed., August 13, 2014 6:30 pm Grades PreK - 3 Thurs., August 21, 2014 6:30 pm Middle School Wed., August 27, 2014 5:30 pm Grades 4-5 (HSA meeting will coincide with your student’s orientation) Financial Update Meeting: Thurs., January 29, 2015 6:30 pm (conducted by ESCS Administration, ESCC Parish Business Office, and School Board) General Meeting: Thursday, May 14, 2015 6:30 pm (board elections, year end financial review) 15 Home and School Association Communications The HSA will communicate with parents regularly via e-mail. Depending on the frequency of upcoming events, you can expect to receive our e-newsletters 2 to 4 times per month. We will provide you with information on all of our upcoming activities, fundraisers, etc. You will also receive information regarding online ticket sales for events, volunteer opportunities and any other information we need to communicate to you. The e-mails will come from this address: escshsa@gmail.com, so be sure to add that to your “Safe Senders” list in your e-mail application. You may sign up for these e-mails at any time by going to our homepage: www.escshsa.com and scrolling to the bottom for the sign-up form. The HAS also posts all of our news, events and general business information on the Home & School Association web page: www.escshsa.com. You can also go there to buy tickets to any of our fundraising or community events. DAILY ACTIVITIES ARRIVAL As a courtesy to our working parents, supervision of students by an employed staff member begins at 7:15 a.m. Students arriving between 7:15 - 7:30 a.m. will be supervised in Padua Hall. Students arriving between 7:30 -7:50 a.m. should proceed directly to their classroom. Please do not ever leave a child prior to staff supervision being in place at 7:15 a.m. Car-line ends, the doors close and school begins at 7:50 a.m. Please have your child on campus before the bell rings at 7:50 a.m. Adjusting your morning routine to ensure your child arrives prior to 7:50 a.m. will save you from having to walk your child into the school office to sign him/her in and receive a “tardy pass.” Children may not walk into the front office unescorted for a late pass. Parents must take responsibility for arriving late to school and sign their child in “late.” Being late to school puts every child at a disadvantage for starting their day positively and on task. All children, arriving on time, are to be dropped off in front of Padua Hall. When arriving, students must exit on the passenger side of the car only. Drivers, please have children ready to disembark from the car prior to pulling up to the curb. Parents, please do not get out of your car. After the children disembark, please do not drive forward until instructed to do so. If you are transporting a project or an over-sized item for your child, DROP YOUR CHILD OFF FIRST. You may park in the parking lot and carry the project to the front office. Pre-Kindergarten students: The Pre-Kindergarten students have three choices for drop off. The Pre-K has a designated door on the east entrance of the Padua Hall foyer. This is called the “Pre-K Welcome Door.” From Monday, August 18th to Friday, August 22nd, parents of Pre-K3 and VPK students may escort their child in to the classroom. 16 1. Parents may park their car in the church office parking area and walk their Pre-K child along the sidewalk to the “Pre-K Welcome Door” on the east side of Padua Hall. 2. The Pre-K student may use the car-line between 7:15 a.m. – 7:50 a.m. (Supervision in Padua Hall is from 7:15 a.m. – 7:30 a.m.). Students arriving in car-line are escorted into Padua Hall by a staff member. 3. A Pre-K student may be escorted to the Pre-K classroom by their older sibling. Kindergarten students: Parents of Kindergarten students may walk their child in on the first day of school on Monday, August 18th. Please park in the church parking lot. DISMISSAL REGULAR DAY DISMISSAL A car-line is utilized every full day afternoon for dismissal. Children are dismissed at the following times: 11:50 a.m. Grades PK3 & VPK 2:30 p.m. Grades PK3 – Grade 3 3:10 p.m. Grades 4-8 and younger siblings* *Due to the high volume of car-line traffic during second dismissal, only families (who have children in Pre-K through grade 3) who have permission from the principal may be permitted to pick up his/her child during second dismissal. PLEASE arrive promptly to pick up your children at the designated dismissal time. A late fee, per child, will be assessed for any students not picked up by 3:30 p.m. Only children who live in very close proximity to the school may take advantage of walking or riding their bikes to/from school. These children must have prior approval, sign out each day and will be dismissed through Padua Hall. A request form is available in the front office. If a child needs to be picked up for an appointment, or if the parent is volunteering on campus, the parent must sign the child out through the main office. Your child will be called from their class to meet you in the main office. Children are NOT allowed to be signed out of a classroom or from Padua Hall at regular dismissal time. Please refrain from signing your children out from 2:00 p.m. - 3:10 p.m. This is a critical time for undisrupted learning. Such an exception to the dismissal plan should be reserved for EMERGENCY purposes only. Thank you for supporting the emphasis of undisrupted academic time for all our students. SPORTS DISMISSAL Students (and their siblings) participating in after-school athletics held off campus will be escorted to the church circular entrance off Philippe Parkway at 3:00 p.m. Parents should plan on picking up their children by arriving at 2:45 p.m. and forming a car-line. Any children not picked-up by 3:15 p.m. will be escorted back to Padua Hall for second dismissal. Dates for Sports Dismissal will be determined by the Athletic Directors and communicated to parents. If a student is taking an assessment, they must stay and finish prior to dismissal. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all missed classwork and homework (due to sports dismissal) by the next class day. 17 EARLY DISMISSAL The only two days in which we will have a scheduled early dismissal are: last day before Christmas vacation and the last day of school. On both of these days, students may be signed out of the classrooms at the time designated by the administration. EXTENDED DAY The ESCS Extended Day program is designed to provide students a safe environment after school from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. in the event their parents work outside the home and do not have child care available. Mrs. Karen Maiello (Kindergarten Teacher) is the Supervisor of the Extended Day Program. She can be reached at (727) 812-4650 ext.149 or by e-mail at kmaiello@escschool.org EXTENDED DAY REGISTRATION A completed application for extended day must be signed by the parent/legal guardian and will be kept on file in the school office. Applications are available in the main office. EXTENDED DAY PICKUP Parents are to park and report to the school office. After parents have signed out their children, they will be dismissed from their classrooms and will meet parents in the school office. For more information regarding hours and late fees, please refer to the TUITION AND FEES section. PK3 and Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten (VPK) FULL DAY PK3 and VPK full-day is designed to provide a safe environment and social interaction for students. A nap mat must be purchased from the school. The staff is comprised of certified teachers and ESCS assistants. VPK full-day includes an enrichment activity schedule. FULL DAY PICKUP 2:30 p.m. car-line or transition to extended day program (if registered) COMMUNICATION Communication with your child’s teacher is extremely important and highly encouraged. If you have a concern about your child, your first contact should be with his/her teacher. If, after speaking with the teacher, there is still a concern; a conference may be scheduled with the teacher, school counselor and/or an administrator. Please note that same day conferences may not be possible due to staff member’s schedules. Conferences should not be scheduled during dismissal time. Many of our staff members are also parishioners; we ask that you refrain from calling them at their home, contacting them through social media outlets and/or discussing school-related issues after Mass or outside our school facility. Please help maintain our level of professionalism by calling staff members by their last names and refraining from discussing adult matters regarding school personnel in front of your children. Many times children are privy to adult cellular phone conversations and become confused regarding the partnership they have come to rely on between their home and their school. 18 While at school, only emergency messages will be delivered to students. Students will be permitted to call home with permission from the administration only. Please refrain from calling the school with non-emergency messages. School personnel cannot be responsible for the exchange of communication between individual families. Please do not send any correspondence, especially funds, from volunteer organizations to the school to be delivered through student backpacks. (Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, etc.) The Home and School organization (HSA) accepts communication from parents to the main office where a basket is provided. SCHOOL WEB SITE www.escschool.org ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATION As we continue our pledge of good stewardship to the environment and our financial responsibility, paper copies of announcements and newsletters are rarely distributed. When your family registers, be sure to include your e-mail address to receive all electronic communications, including individual progress reports. It is the responsibility of the school parents to check e-mail messages from school frequently to keep abreast of current information. SCHOOL DIRECTORY (Electronic) The information contained in the School Directory is confidential and may not be used for solicitation or provided to anyone other than ESCS families currently enrolled. Solicitation includes personal businesses as well as personal agendas and opinions regarding dissatisfaction with ESCS and/or parish and the personnel employed therein. SCHOOL YEARBOOK Each year a school yearbook is published with all of the currently enrolled students and staff. This includes highlights of school/parish activities throughout the year creating memories that last a lifetime. Consent must be provided by parents/guardians in order for students to be included in the annual yearbook. A “Promotional Media Release Form” (on-line) must be submitted for each child. Yearbooks are sold to offset the cost of printing. Parents of eighthgrade students traditionally purchase a personal advertisement congratulating their graduate. Please be on the lookout for this very important information and pay careful attention to the deadlines for submitting your information. The yearbook is a treasured reminder of ESCS! Any student who writes or draws in another child’s yearbook in a distasteful fashion will be responsible to replace at full cost. CHANGE OF ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER AND/OR OCCUPATION Every change of address, phone number, cell phone number, employer name, work phone number and e-mail address should be reported to the school office immediately. Up-to-date records are essential in handling emergency situations. CUSTODIAL PARENTAL/GUARDIANSHIP In accordance with the directive from the Diocesan Office of Catholic Schools and Centers, parents must submit to the school office copies of parenting plans when time-sharing of children is concerned for the well-being of the child/ren. Please make every effort to coordinate your time-share meeting location away from the school premises. Sharing this information with your child’s teacher may assist in providing the best possible nurturing school environment. 19 CONFERENCES Parents/legal guardians are required to attend a parent-teacher conference scheduled at some time during the school year. Students in grades 2-8 are required to attend with their parent. Additional conferences may be scheduled whenever a parent/legal guardian or teacher feels the need to further discuss a child’s progress. Teacher’s schedules vary; therefore, parents/legal guardians are required to contact the teacher to schedule a parent- teacher conference. Scheduled conferences are as follows: October 3, 2014 and February 13, 2015. Please note that only VPK will be in session on February 13, 2015. BIRTHDAY PARTIES/GIFTS INVITATIONS The school is not responsible for the distribution of party invitations. Please do not send your child to school with invitations. Each class is provided with a class roster and invitations are to be mailed to each student’s home address. GIFTS Students are not allowed to receive a special “take out” lunch, delivery of balloons, flowers or other gifts sent during the school day. Middle school students may decorate the outside of a friend’s locker for his/her birthday. Only one sheet of paper (8½ X 11 inches) may be used to decorate the locker for the birthday. The message must be Catholic school appropriate. Eighth-grade students may enjoy the privilege of celebrating a friend’s birthday during the lunch period provided the student has enough dessert for everyone in the class. (Pinellas County health Department guidelines prohibit distributing any food that has not been prepared in an approved, licensed kitchen.) Please do not send in food (cakes, cookies, etc.) for celebrating a student, teacher or staff member’s birthday. A flower from each student is an appropriate way for room moms to coordinate recognizing the teacher or staff member for their birthday. ATHLETICS ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES The following athletic activities are available in grades 1-8 to the students of ESCS: Boys’ Varsity Baseball (7-8) Girls’ Varsity Basketball (7-8) Boys JV Baseball (5-6) Girls’ JV Basketball (5-6) Boys’ Varsity Basketball (7-8) Girls’ Varsity Softball (6-8) Boys’ JV Basketball (5-6) Girls’ JV Softball (5-6) Boys’ Varsity Volleyball (7-8) Girls’ Varsity Track (7-8) Boys’ JV Volleyball (5-6) Girls’ JV Track (5-6) Boys’ Varsity Soccer (7-8) Girls’ Varsity Soccer (7-8) Boys’ JV Soccer (5-6) Girls’ JV Soccer (5-6) Boys’ Varsity Track (6-8) Girls’ Bowling (5-8) Boys’ JV Track (5-6) Girls’ Cheerleading (5-8) Boys’ Bowling (5-8) Girls’ Varsity Volleyball (7-8) Co-ed Intramural Hockey (3-4) Girls’ J. V. Volleyball (5-6) Co-ed Golf (6-8) Co-ed Track (1-4) 20 Espiritu Santo Catholic School belongs to the Pinellas Youth Conference. ESCS, as well as the Pinellas Youth Conference, is in compliance with the Diocesan Task Force Guidelines for Athletics. All participants adhere to the principles of good sportsmanship and shall exemplify Christian behavior during every practice and game. Playing on an athletic team at ESCS is regarded as a privilege and not an entitlement or a right. The reputation of a school is often judged by the decorum of its athletes and spectators. It is the expectation of Espiritu Santo Catholic School that our athletes will conduct themselves with the highest moral character and respectfulness. A completed Athletic Participation Form must be signed by a licensed physician before a student may participate in any sport or activity. ATHLETIC POLICY Every Tuesday, the Administration and the Athletic Director will review each student’s academic standing. Students must maintain a 65% or better in each academic subject, and/or conduct with a passing grade in essentials and exploratory classes each week. Students earning a grade below 65% in any academic subject area will be placed on academic probation. A player participant on academic probation may participate in the sport or activity while working towards improving his/her grade. A player/participant on academic probation may participate in all practices, games, rehearsals, etc. If, after two weeks, the student has not improved his/her grade, he/she will be removed from the roster/activity. If a student receives a grade below an “S” in conduct, or is suspended from school, he/she will be placed on social probation, and may be removed from the team/activity at the discretion of the administration. All final decisions regarding participation in school-sponsored athletic teams/activities will be at the discretion of the administration. Any student trying out for a sport must attend every scheduled tryout session unless an excuse is accepted by the coach/advisor. Any student who does not partake in physical education class may not participate in after school sports that day. If a student is involved in another ESCS sport, club, and/or activity, he/she must satisfy membership responsibilities to each organization. Where feasible, coaches will accommodate students who participate in concurrent or overlapping ESCS sports, clubs, and/or activities. Any student with three unexcused absences from a practice or two unexcused absences from games in one season will be dismissed from the team. Unexcused absences will be determined by the Athletic Director, administration, and/or coaches. Students who miss a scheduled practice or game without the coach being informed may be benched the following game. All benched players must attend practices and games. 21 Students who are absent on the day of tryouts, practices, or a game may not participate in the event unless the absence is a result of injury. Students who arrive to school after 10:00 a.m. and/or stay for less than 3.5 hours are not permitted to participate in practice or a game that day. Students who arrive late for a game will not be permitted to participate in the event unless permission is granted at the discretion of the coach. Athletes should remain at the event as a teammate and not be taken home because playing time has been revoked. Any athlete exhibiting unsportsmanlike conduct or disrespect toward adult authority will be immediately benched and prohibited from attending games and practices and/or will be dismissed from the team depending upon the severity of the situation at the discretion of the administration. Athletes and their families are ambassadors of Espiritu Santo Catholic School. Students participating in athletics will be required to pay a one-time per year athletic fee of: $50 for one sport; $100 for two sports and $150 for three or more sports. This allocation is used to defray the costs of referee fees, tournament fees, equipment, uniform rental, etc. This fee will be collected prior to the students’ participation in each sport and is non-refundable. Athletes are responsible for the proper care of their uniform. Any student damaging a uniform due to negligence or misplacement will be required to purchase a replacement uniform. Parents are our primary means of transporting children to and from games and activities. Transportation for games and activities held off campus is the responsibility of each school family. The school staff is not responsible for arranging transportation and/or transporting of children to and from games. If a game or practice is cancelled or postponed, parents will be notified as soon as possible to coordinate alternate transportation plans. Parents and students will be notified as soon as these games are rescheduled. All siblings must be actively supervised by a parent or an adult approved by the parent to accept responsibility for the siblings during the entirety of the athletic activity. It is expected that athletes and parents abide by the above-mentioned guidelines regarding membership and participation in our athletic programs. Should the contrary occur, membership and participation may be forfeited. Every student agrees to uphold these policies. The student and parent signature on the compliance agreement form accompanied with this handbook ensures that the parent has discussed these athletic regulations with their children. 22 ATTENDANCE ABSENCES If your child must be absent from school, please call the school nurse at (727) 812-4650 or email ktoomey@escschool.org by 8:00 a.m. and indicate the reason for the absence. Any student who is absent due to illness for three (3) consecutive days must have a doctor’s note in order to return to school. Students who are absent due to illness, injury, or death in the family are considered excused and must provide the school with this information via a phone call or e-mail to the school nurse. All other reasons for being absent will be considered unexcused unless administration decides otherwise. Excessive unexcused absences will result in disciplinary action. This may include privileges being revoked, such as free dress days, after school sports, clubs, chorus and guitar, middle school dances, etc. at the discretion of the administration. Students must arrive at school by 10:00 a.m. and be present a minimum of 3.5 hours to be counted present for the whole day. Any student who is absent may not participate in school-affiliated extra-curricular activities, including athletics, school dances and school performances, for the day that they are absent. If your child is going to be absent and you communicate this to the homeroom teacher, please also send a copy to the clinic so the nurse will not call your home. If a call is made to the homeroom teacher, please also call the nurse. MAKE-UP WORK In the event a child is absent from school, the assignments missed will be provided upon the student’s return to school. The teachers are not expected to prepare the absent student’s work on the day of his/her absence for pick up. Students who are absent from school should not return to the campus to retrieve their work on the day of their absence. Time allowed to complete missed work is as follows: The number of school days allowed for completing missed tests and school work is two days following a student’s return to school. A student with a total of 10 or more absences is subject to a possible failure for the quarter in that subject and a mandatory parent conference. If a teacher assigns a project to be completed in 10 or more days and has a posted deadline, the project is due on that day unless otherwise approved by the teacher. APPOINTMENTS Daily attendance and punctuality are essential to successful spiritual, academic and social development of students. Parents should make every effort to schedule medical and dental appointments at a time other than school hours. In the event that this is not possible, please send an e-mail to the classroom teacher and nurse specifying the time and reason the student is to be excused. Parents must report to the school office to sign their child out for appointments. Students will be called from their classroom to meet parents in the main office. The child will be called upon parents’ arrival at school. The student must remain in class until the parent arrives at the main office. Students returning from appointments must be signed in at the main office by a parent or legal guardian. Please do not schedule any appointments for your child on Wednesday mornings during our weekly scheduled Liturgies. 23 TARDIES The school day for students in grades Pre-K-8 begins at 7:50 a.m. Late-to-class students are students who arrive into homeroom after the 7:52 a.m. bell. These students are considered tardy and will be marked accordingly by the homeroom teacher. Students who arrive to car-line at the last minute for arrival and drop off at 7:50 a.m. will undoubtedly be tardy for school. Students who are tardy due to medical/dental appointments are considered excused and must provide the school nurse with a “Return to School” slip from the physician/dentist to be considered as such. All other reasons for being late will be considered unexcused unless administration decides otherwise. Late-to-school students are required to be escorted by a parent to the office and signed in. The number of tardies will be recorded on the students’ report card. Three unexcused tardies in one quarter will result in one unexcused absence. Excessive or continuous tardies will result in further disciplinary action. This may include a parent conference with the administration, consequences, and/or dismissal from school. It may also include privileges being revoked, such as free dress days, after school sports, clubs, chorus and guitar, middle school dances, etc. at the discretion of the administration. CLINIC CORNER Every day we are striving to maintain a healthy, safe environment for our students and staff. If your child becomes ill or seriously injured during school hours, you will be contacted immediately. Please be sure to keep your emergency contact numbers updated, as we will expect that you arrange for your child to be picked up as quickly as possible after receiving a call from the clinic. PLEASE SEE THE ATTENDANCE SECTION OF THE HANDBOOK FOR A COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTENDANCE POLICY. Please do not send your child to school if your child has any of the symptoms listed below: · Vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours · Fever of 100° or higher within the past 24 hours (even if it is controlled by medication) · Rash · Rash of unknown etiology · Persistent cough, chest congestion, or greenish-yellow mucus from the nose · Sore throat · Red, itchy eyes · Head lice/nits Your child should return to school as soon as the signs or symptoms are gone or when your physician provides a written statement indicating your child is ready to return. If your child has a communicable disease, please call the clinic and tell us the nature of the illness and when we can expect the child to return to school. The following are some examples of illnesses that should be reported to the clinic: head lice, chickenpox, strep throat or scarlet fever, pink eye, ringworm, fifths’ disease, and impetigo. 24 HEAD LICE Espiritu Santo Catholic School has a no-nit policy regarding head lice. If you suspect your child has head lice, please contact the nurse for guidance regarding treatment options. Upon return to school, you must accompany your child directly to the clinic for a “head-check.” Only nit-free children are readmitted to the classroom. MEDICATION Students are NOT to carry medication of any kind. If it is necessary for your child to take a prescription or over the counter medication during school hours, the parent/guardian must bring the medication to the clinic in its original container. A medication permission form must be filled out at that time and signed by the parent/guardian. No medication will be dispensed from the clinic without the proper labeling and complete documentation. Students may carry cough drops provided by the parent with a written note. Topical ointments will only be dispensed if parental permission is indicated on the Health Emergency form that is completed on-line. Middle School students may carry inhalers with administration approval and upon completion of Authorization to Self-Carry form. HEALTH DEPARTMENT FORMS Must be complete, current and submitted to the school nurse prior to the first day of school. All Pre-K/VPK, Kindergarten and students new to a Florida school must have a complete physical examination within one year of the school start date. All age appropriate vaccinations must be completed and documented (HRS-680 certificate of Immunization form) Pre-K/VPK must have one dose of Varicella or documented history of chicken pox Incoming seventh-grade students must provide documentation of the tetanus booster on HRS-680 certification of immunization form Pre-K/VPK health forms (physical & immunization) may expire during the school year. An updated form must be received by the school nurse prior to the expiration date or the child will not be permitted to attend school. RELIGIOUS OBJECTION TO IMMUNIZATIONS The Catholic Schools in the Diocese of St. Petersburg do not recognize a religious objection to immunization. This policy was effective beginning in the 2012-2013 school year. 25 ACADEMIC/BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS ACADEMIC Espiritu Santo Catholic School is committed to the goal of academic excellence. The administration and faculty strongly believe that homework is an important component in a students’ academic formation. Homework reinforces the lessons taught in class, requires organizational skills, promotes problem-solving skills, and allows for creative expression. Homework may be in the form of daily written work, completing classroom assignments, reviewing class work, reading and/or completing research projects. Since homework is so important to the learning process, it is the students’ responsibility to complete homework neatly and to turn it in on time. HOMEWORK The following guidelines have been established regarding homework: Grades K-8: Assigned homework is designed to be an extension of concepts taught in the classroom. Homework is expected to be completed by the student as directed by the classroom teacher. Time consumed in extra-curricular activities is not an acceptable excuse for incomplete or missing homework. Students in grades 2-8 will be assigned a special homework planner. This planner will serve as a means of communication and organization for students, teachers and parents. In addition to the student planner all teachers maintain a class web page with additional information about homework, tests, etc. While actual work time may vary, the diocesan requirement average amount of homework is: K-Grade 2: 20 minutes per day Grades 3-4: 40 minutes per day Grades 5-6: 60 minutes per day Grades 7-8: 90 minutes per day If a student is absent the day before a long-term (10 or more days) project is due, that project is still due on the date assigned unless arrangements have been made with the teacher. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The following guidelines have been established for cheating and/or plagiarism: If it is interpreted by a teacher that a student has cheated or plagiarized his or her work, a zero shall be recorded for the assignment with no opportunity to make up the assignment. Cheating and plagiarism are defined as extreme infractions and may result in out-of-school suspension and disciplinary review by administration. If cheating or plagiarism is repeated, this may be grounds for dismissal from school. The parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted and may be asked to come in for a conference with the teacher and administrator. 26 SCHOOL COUNSELOR Espiritu Santo Catholic School provides a Guidance Program designed to meet the individual needs of students in every grade level. Individual and group counseling techniques are used in conjunction with conferences with parents, faculty and appropriate agencies to promote optimal conditions for personal growth of the individual students. Parents and students are encouraged to contact the school counselor when educational, personal, or social difficulty arise at home or at school and is interfering with the students’ ability to work at his/her potential. Please contact Ms. Eliason at leliason@escschool.org STUDENT SUPPORT The student support teacher will work closely with the teacher and parents in observing the children’s “age appropriate” development throughout their tenure at the school. The teachers will attempt to help the students, parents, and teachers by gathering information about the student’s abilities, behaviors and achievements, so that appropriate decisions about educational instruction can be made. The instrumental role of the teachers is to help each and every child capitalize on their individual strengths and reach higher levels of development. The goal of the Student Support program is for each child to reach his/her potential. This year the Student Support Staff Includes: Mrs. Darlene Lanza Student Support Director, Specialist Pre-K3 through Grade 3 dlanza@escschool.org Ms. Dawn DeMarinis Student Support Specialist, Grades 4 through Grade 8 ddemarinis@escschool.org FLORIDA VIRTUAL SCHOOL PARTICIPATION Espiritu Santo is pleased to be an affiliate of the Florida Virtual School. This program provides on-line classes for students in grades K-12. For the intents and purposes of ESCS, participation in Florida Virtual School classes will be for supplemental and/or remedial work, and will not take the place of core classes offered at ESCS. Grades earned in on-line classes will be listed on students’ transcripts but will not replace grades in core classes, or factor into decisions regarding honor roll or valedictorian/salutatorian selection. ASSESSMENT/STUDENT RECOGNITION REPORT CARDS Quarterly report cards are distributed electronically within two weeks after the close of the grading period. PK3 and VPK students are assessed three times per year. STANDARDIZED TESTING As directed by the Diocese of St. Petersburg, standardized testing is administered to students in grades 2-8. The tests include the CogAT, (Cognitive Abilities Test), IA (Iowa Assessments) and the ACRE (Assessment of Catholic Religion Education) for grades 5 and 8. Test results indicate strengths and weaknesses. This information is of great value when planning the instructional program for our students. 27 E V L N GRADING SCALE Academic Grades Grades K – 2 = Excellent Performance = Very Good = Learning in Process = Needs Improvement Christian Development Grades K – 2 E = Excellent Performance V = Very Good L = Learning in Process N = Needs Improvement Academic Grades Grade 3-8 A = 90 -100% B = 80 - 89% C = 70 - 79% D = 65 - 69% F = 0 - 64% Essential Grades Grades K-8 S=Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement U=Unsatisfactory Conduct Grades Grade 3 A = 90 -100% B = 80 - 89% C = 70 - 79% D = 65 - 69% F = 0 - 64% Conduct Grades Grade 4-8 S=Satisfactory (0-3 points per quarter) U=Unsatisfactory (4 or more points per quarter) HONOR ROLL POLICY Students in grades 6-8 are eligible for the school honor roll each quarter. Honor Roll consideration is based on a student’s grade point average and satisfactory participation in all essential classes. Students will not earn Honor Roll with anything less than a “S” for essentials and “S” in conduct. Principal’s Honor Roll – All As’ that are 94% or higher First Honors – All grades that are 90% or higher Second Honors – All grades that are 80% or higher with an average grade point of 90% or higher Students will receive Honor Roll Award Certificates in their classrooms Quarterly Honors recipients will be recognized electronically NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY (NJHS) Established in 1929, the NJHS honors students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of character, leadership, scholarship, and citizenship. Qualifications for continued membership include, but are not limited to: Maintaining good academic standing Being free from excessive disciplinary action Fulfilling all requirements of volunteerism and stewardship of the Chapter Attending, and contributing to all required meetings, including the installation of new members. 8TH GRADE GRADUATION/AWARD RECOGNITION Information will be shared with the 8th grade students and their parents at the meeting on August 21st from 5:30 p.m. -6:30 p.m. 28 PROMOTION/RETENTION POLICY GRADES K – 3: Students are required to master math and reading skills necessary for success in the next grade. Please see individual grade level expectations for more specific information. GRADES 4 – 8: Students are required to achieve at least a “D” to pass a subject. A grade of “F” in a major subject will require remediation through private tutoring or enrollment in an approved summer course. Students failing two major subjects for the year may be considered for retention and/or remediation. Students failing three or more major subjects will be retained. Major subjects include: Reading/Language Arts, Religion, Math, Science, Spanish and Social Studies. Students needing remediation must have tutors and/or programs pre-approved by the administration. Upon completion of remedial course work, students are required to provide documentation of mastery of material. TUTORING Employees of the Catholic schools in the Diocese of St. Petersburg may not tutor students for money who are in their current classes or students that they may presumably teach in the future. Employees may not tutor for money on the school premises unless they fulfill all of the stipulations of an independent contractor including insurance coverage and have the authorization of the principal and pastor where applicable. BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE Espiritu Santo Catholic School makes every effort to provide an atmosphere where students can grow and develop to their fullest God-given talents and abilities. Christian self-discipline and growth toward emotional maturity are carefully nurtured. Children are trained in prayerful and loving dependence on God while learning to take responsibility for the choices they make in their own lives. Respect, concern and consideration for others as brothers and sisters in Christ are emphasized and encouraged. STUDENT BEHAVIOR EXPECTATIONS All students are expected to: Take responsibility for your words and actions. Treat others as you would want to be treated. Represent Espiritu Santo Catholic School with respect at all times, both on and off campus. Respect school property and the property of others. Follow the school uniform policy at all times. Be ready for school each morning by arriving on time and having all assignments and materials needed for class each day. PARENT RESPONSIBILITIES All parents are responsible for the following: Teaching respect for self, others, property, and both school and church personnel. Teaching and modeling respect for the privacy of other students and families. Confidentiality of our students and families is of utmost importance. Please do not repeat information you may have inadvertently heard on a field trip, etc. Please do not question faculty about another student or family. 29 Encouraging your child to have a positive attitude toward school. Working together with the teacher to have successful school year. Bringing your child to school on time and respecting the attendance policy. Please respect the teachers’ personal time. Do not ask about your child if you see your child’s teacher in public, and do not call them at home. Please make an appointment to discuss your concerns. BEHAVIOR STUDENT CONDUCT Students at Espiritu Santo Catholic School are expected to maintain Christian behavior while on campus and during school–affiliated events, activities, and field trips. Each teacher establishes his or her own classroom rules with which the student is expected to comply. The teacher will implement consequences for any infractions of classroom rules. A student will be sent to the administration if his or her behavior is disruptive to the learning environment, interpreted as insubordinate or disrespectful to those in authority. Any student possessing a weapon will be immediately expelled from school. Espiritu Santo Catholic School reserves the right to report suspected involvement with weapons to the local police authorities. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES Espiritu Santo is committed to providing a safe school environment. There is a zero-tolerance policy on controlled substances on campus and during school-sanctioned events, activities, and field trips. A student possessing, ingesting, under the influence of, selling, using smoking materials, alcohol, or other illegal or controlled substances will be immediately expelled from school. Espiritu Santo Catholic School reserves the right to report suspected involvement with illegal substances to the local police authorities. DIOCESE OF ST. PETERSBURG HARASSMENT POLICY Espiritu Santo Catholic School, Safety Harbor, Florida, strives to establish a Christian, professional, and supportive educational community for administrators, faculty, and staff, parents and students. The Diocese of St. Petersburg has adopted and promulgated a harassment policy for its schools that addresses behaviors that interfere with the schools’ mission. We at Espiritu Santo Catholic School condemn any form of harassment and will address all credible allegations in accordance with the Diocesan Policy. ESPIRITU SANTO CATHOLIC SCHOOL STATEMENT REGARDING SOCIAL ISSUES Espiritu Santo Catholic School, Safety Harbor, Florida, reserves the right to gather information regarding claims of social issues concerning students, parents and staff members which adversely affect the parish school community, regardless of whether they take place on or off campus. DIOCESE OF ST. PETERSBURG Office of Catholic Schools and Centers ANTI‐BULLYING POLICY The Office of Catholic Schools and Centers of the Diocese of St. Petersburg (herein referred to as the “DOSP”) and each school within the DOSP (herein referred to as the “School”) are committed to promoting a safe, healthy, caring, spiritual, and respectful learning environment for all of its students. The DOSP and each School is committed to protecting its students from bullying and/or harassment. As such, bullying and/or harassment is strictly prohibited, will not be tolerated and shall be just cause for disciplinary action. Therefore, this anti‐bullying policy prohibits any unwelcome physical, social, electronic, nonverbal, verbal or written conduct 30 directed at a student by another student that has the effect of: (1) physically, emotionally, or mentally harming a student; (2) damaging, exhorting or taking a student's personal property; (3) placing a student in reasonable fear of emotional or mental harm; (4) placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to or loss of personal property; or (5) creating an intimidating or hostile environment that substantially interferes with a student's educational opportunities of the Catholic mission of the school; or (6) disrupting the orderly operation of a School. I. Definitions a. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Bullying results in physical hurt or psychological distress of an individual. Bullying is unwanted purposeful written, verbal, nonverbal, or physical behavior and/or actions, including, but not limited to teasing, name‐calling, slurs, rumors, jokes, false accusations, intimidation, threatening, stalking, innuendos, demeaning comments, pranks, social isolation, gestures, public humiliation, theft, destruction of personal property, physical violence, cyber‐bullying and cyber‐stalking. b. Harassment means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific student, which causes emotional distress to that student and serves no legitimate purpose. c. Cyber‐stalking means to engage in a course of conduct to communicate, or to cause to be communicated, words, images, or language by or through the use of electronic mail or electronic communication, directed at a specific student, causing emotional distress to that student and serving no legitimate purpose. d. Cyber‐bullying is the willful and repeated harassment and intimidation of a student through the use of digital technologies, including, but not limited to, email, blogs, texting on cell phones, social websites (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.) chat rooms and instant messaging. Cyber‐bullying includes the following misuses of digital and/or electronic technology: teasing, intimidating, or making false accusations about another student by way of any technological tool. e. Course of conduct means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, which evidences a continuity of purpose. f. The definitions hereunder apply to any student who either directly engage in an act of bullying and/or harassment, or who, by their behavior, actions and/or conduct, support another student's act of bullying and/or harassment. II. Scope/Expectations: The DOSP and each School expects students to conduct themselves in keeping with their levels of development, maturity, and demonstrated capabilities with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students and the educational purpose underlying all School activities. As such, the DOSP and each School prohibits bullying and/or harassment of any student: i. that occurs on school premises at any time; ii. during any educational program or activity conducted by the DOSP or the School; iii. during any school‐related or school‐sponsored program or activity; iv. that occurs on any bus or vehicle as part of any school activity; or v. through threats and/or other communications made outside of school hours, which are intended to be carried out during any school related or school sponsored activity or program; vi. though an incident of alleged bullying and/or harassment may occur off of the School’s campus and may not entail threats of acts to occur during school hours, if a 31 student’s ability to receive an education or a School’s ability to provide an education is significantly impaired, as determined by the School and/or the DOSP, disciplinary sanctions may be issued. III. Reporting Complaints a. Each student, parent and/or any other members of the School’s community has a duty to immediately report any incident of bullying and/or harassment to the School administrator. The administrator will provide the reporting party with the Bullying Complaint Report Form which must be completed, dated, and signed by the reporting party so that the School may initiate further inquiry and investigation, when appropriate. IV. Disciplinary Action a. Concluding whether a student’s action, conduct, behavior or a particular incident constitutes a violation of this policy requires a determination based on the facts and circumstances of each complaint, followed by the determination of disciplinary sanctions. Any student found to have violated this antibullying policy will be subject to the appropriate disciplinary action, which may include, but is not limited to, temporary removal from the classroom, loss of privileges, detention, counseling, parent conference, suspension, expulsion, and/or notification to appropriate authorities. The disciplinary action may be unique to the individual incident and may vary in method and severity based on the School’s and/or DOSP’s sole discretion. False reports or accusations of bullying and/or harassment also constitute a violation of this anti‐bullying policy and will subject the offending party to appropriate disciplinary action. Sexual Harassment – Sexual Harassment is any embarrassing or hurtful behavior of sexual nature that is unwanted, offensive, and makes another individual feel uncomfortable. It is repeated even after the victim has asked the offender to stop. Sexual harassment can be boy-to-boy, girl-to-girl, boy-to-girl, or girl-to-boy. It can be either verbal or physical. Verbal harassment can be jokes, comments about the body, whistling, and name-calling of a sexual nature. Physical sexual harassment can be suggestive body language, touching, or invading ones’ personal space. Harassing remarks delivered orally, in writing, electronically via e-mail or text messaging will be cause for immediate action by the administration. Cellular Phones/Personal Electronic Devices– Cell phones and/or electronic devices (e.g. iPods, e-readers, tablets, laptops, etc.) may be brought to school by students for educational purposes. If the supervising teacher is not incorporating BYOD (Bring Your own Device) in their lesson, it must remain in the “All off” position and kept in the backpack or locker between 7:10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Cell phones are not permitted for use during Extended Day. Electronic devices may only be permitted during Extended Day with the verbal permission of the supervisor on duty. No cell phones/personal electronic device may be used for picture taking at any time, including school dances and social events. Cell phone use, by a student, will not be permitted on school-sponsored field trips. Any exceptions will be addressed by the supervisor on duty. Inappropriate use of the cell phone/electronic device will result in confiscation and review of contents by the administration. Parent pick up will be required. DISCIPLINE Listen, Obey, Respect, Do what’s right (LORD) 32 DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS Any student who fails to meet academic standards, who exhibits inappropriate behavior, who fails to cooperate, or whose parents fail to cooperate with staff or comply with school policies may be dismissed or asked to withdraw from the school. ESCS SCHOOL WIDE RULES: 1. Respect myself, others and things 2. Contribute positively to the learning environment 3. Follow classroom procedures MANAGEMENT OF STUDENT CONDUCT STEP 1- Initial Verbal Warning– Teacher redirects student’s behavior Student signs classroom Behavior Log (Date, rule broken, signature) * Depending on the severity or repetition of the offense, a teacher may by-pass the verbal warning STEP 2- Communication At the end of the school day, teacher e-mails parents, cc: administration and school counselor. STEP 3- Conference Depending on the severity of the behavior infractions, a parent conference will be held with teachers, administration and/or school counselor. A behavior contract may be formulated and implemented. Consequences may include possible loss of privileges, in-school suspension (ISS), out-ofschool suspension (OSS), or expulsion from school. Examples of misconduct that may lead to immediate teacher redirection: Chewing gum, candy or eating at inappropriate times Causing classroom disruptions Possession or evidence of use of electronic equipment Inappropriate behavior Examples of misconduct that may lead to immediate parent communication: Disrespect Inappropriate language or disrespectful comments Dishonesty Inappropriate behavior in Church or in community Inability or refusal to work/ play with peers Inappropriate use of computer technology Examples of misconduct that may lead to immediate administrative action: Fighting Stealing, damaging or destroying the school or another’s’ property Bullying or harassment of any kind Cheating (action, which is interpreted by the teacher as cheating, including plagiarism) Forging a parent signature Serious disobedience by word, action or gesture Any action, which might cause harm or injury to one’s self, classmates, teachers, volunteers, etc. Conduct grades will be earned per quarter. Students receive points based on the severity of the misbehavior, as determined by the administration. Four or more discipline infraction points will result in an “Unsatisfactory” conduct grade on the report card. 33 APPEALS PROCESS It is the policy of the Diocese of St. Petersburg that Catholic schools establish an appeals process for students with serious disciplinary issues. ACADEMIC ISSUES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THE APPEALS PROCESS. PROCEDURES FOR AN APPEAL ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. A written request for a hearing must be sent to the administrator within five business days from the official date of notification of the disciplinary decision. Failure to request a hearing within the five business days forfeits the right to a hearing. 2. The serious discipline committee meets to review the circumstances and speak with the student and parent/legal guardian. The committees’ decision and action plan is documented and placed in the student file. Within five business days of the completion of the hearing, copies are sent to the parent/guardian and the Office of Catholic Schools. 3. Parents who wish to appeal the serious discipline committee’s decision must submit a request in writing within ten business days from the official date of notification from the committee. A copy of the written request must be sent to the school administrator and one to the Office of Catholic Schools. The Catholic Schools Office will not proceed until written requests are in place. 4. The Office of Catholic Schools will conduct an internal review of the committees’ decision. There is no hearing at this level. 5. A decision by the Catholic Schools Office will be sent in writing within ten days from the receipt of request for a diocesan level appeal. Copies will be mailed to parents/guardian, student and school administrator. The decision of the Superintendent in the appeals process is final. ESCS UNIFORM EXPECTATIONS The school uniform is a long-standing tradition among Catholic schools promoting equality and pride among students. The uniform is designed not to distract from the learning environment. Students in grades PreK-4 through grade 8 should always present a clean, neat and wellgroomed appearance. Appropriate uniform wear, jewelry and grooming standards are provided below. The only vendor we use for school uniforms is: Risse Brothers School Uniforms 1603 Sunshine Drive Clearwater, FL 33765 Telephone: (727) 448-0357 Fax: (727) 448-0367 34 STANDARDS OF DRESS FOR STUDENTS Espiritu Santo Catholic School Jumper/Skirt “Mass Attire” Plaid jumper white Peter Pan blouse (short or long sleeve) N/A Regular (Non-mass day) Maroon polo (updated logo only) Jumper Khaki pants shorts or skort PE Shirt PE shorts/sweat pants (all black/no stripes or logo) PE uniform (grades K7) GIRLS: Kindergarten – Grade 5 2013-2014 Formal Pants/bottom Shoes All black shoe or sneaker. Must have strap or laces All black shoe or sneaker. Must have strap or laces Appropriate PE sneaker Socks Outerwear Belt White crew must cover ankle Maroon fleece (updated logo only) N/A White crew must cover ankle Maroon fleece (updated logo only) Black or khaki (grades 2-5) White crew must cover ankle PE sweatshirt N/A GIRLS: Grades 6-8 “Mass Attire” Regular (Non-mass day) PE uniform Maroon, gray, or pink polo (black not permitted with skirt) Plaid skirt Maroon black, or pink polo (gray not permitted with khaki) Plaid skirt or khaki pants or shorts PE Shirt PE shorts/sweat pants (all black/no stripes or logo) All black shoe or sneaker All black shoe or sneaker Appropriate PE sneaker White sock crew or ankle (must be visible) th 8 : any color low sock White sock crew or ankle (must be visible) th 8 : any color low sock White sock crew or ankle (must be visible) th Maroon fleece (updated logo only N/A th 8 : class sweatshirt Maroon fleece (updated logo only Black or khaki th 8 : class sweatshirt PE sweatshirt N/A 8 : any color low sock *8th grade may wear choice of appropriate length PE shorts and t-shirt Shirts must always be tucked into skirts, pants or shorts so that belt is visible at all times Hemline cannot be shorter than the top of the knee for skirt and/or shorts Gray polo may be worn with plaid skirt only (do not wear gray polo with khaki shorts/pants). Solid white or black tights may be worn on cold weather days (no leggings) 35 Espiritu Santo Catholic School BOYS: Kindergarten – Grade 5 2013-2014 Formal Shirt/Polo Pants/bottom Shoes Socks “Mass Attire” Maroon polo (updated logo only) Long Khaki pants All black shoe or sneaker. White crew must cover ankle Regular (Non-mass day) Maroon polo (updated logo only) Khaki pants shorts All black shoe or sneaker. White crew must cover ankle PE Shirt PE shorts/sweat pants (all black/no stripes or logo) Appropriate PE sneaker White crew must cover ankle PE uniform (grades K-7) Outerwear Maroon fleece (updated logo only) Maroon fleece (updated logo only) PE sweatshirt Belt Black or khaki (grades 2-5) Black or khaki (grades 2-5) N/A BOYS: Grades 6-8 “Mass Attire” Regular (Non-mass day) PE uniform Maroon, gray, or pink polo (gray not permitted) Long Khaki pants Maroon black, or pink polo (gray not permitted) khaki pants or shorts PE Shirt PE shorts/sweat pants (all black/no stripes or logo) All black shoe or sneaker All black shoe or sneaker Appropriate PE sneaker White sock crew or ankle (must be visible) th 8 : any color low sock White sock crew or ankle (must be visible) th 8 : any color low sock White sock crew or ankle (must be visible) th Maroon fleece (updated logo only Black or khaki th 8 : class sweatshirt Maroon fleece (updated logo only Black or khaki th 8 : class sweatshirt PE sweatshirt N/A 8 : any color low sock *8th grade may wear choice of appropriate length PE shorts and t-shirts Shirts must always be tucked into pants or shorts so that belt is visible at all times Only white short-sleeved undershirts are permitted underneath polo shirt STANDARD SHOE REQUIREMENTS Uniform Shoe Requirements – An all black school shoe is required for K through Grade 8. Girls in K-3 must have a strap or laces on their shoes (no ballet type slipons permitted). No boots, sandals, backless slip-ons, open-toed, high top or “fad” shoes are allowed. All shoes must be worn appropriately worn. Shoe heels should not exceed 1½” high. Students in grades K-3 may wear an appropriate athletic shoe (this is an athletic shoe that does not have wheels, fur, lights, sounds or are considered high tops) with their PE clothes. A totally black sneaker (must be totally 36 black) may be worn as a uniform shoe and a P.E. shoe in grades K-8. PE shoes, which are carried to school by students in grades 4-8 for use at PE, may be nonblack. Dress-Down Day Shoe Requirements – Sneakers, shoes or sandals with a back strap will be permitted on dress-down days. No flip flops, high heels that exceed 11/2” or backless shoes or sandals without a back strap may be worn. INAPPROPRIATE ATTIRE Students are not permitted to wear jackets in class or any other sweatshirt/sweater other than ESCS uniform sweatshirt/sweater, sweat pants under uniform jumper/skirt, tank tops, ripped jeans, costume jewelry, bracelets, rings, dangling earrings, ankle bracelets, body piercing, tattoos (temporary or permanent), nail polish, artificial nails, oversized head pieces/ribbons, or “fad” hairstyles such as: pony tails for boys, beaded/wrapped hair braids, hairpieces, razor letter/number engraved in hair, bleached or colored hair, etc.(natural colored highlights are permitted for grades 6-8) Boys are not permitted to wear earrings. Older boys are to be clean-shaven. Girls are only allowed to wear a single earring on each earlobe. All students are permitted to wear one small religious cross or medal on a chain. No chokers with crosses are permitted. No oversized or fad jewelry is allowed. Earrings worn by girls should not be larger than a penny. HAIR MUST BE NEAT, AWAY FROM THE EYES AND NO LONGER THAN THE TOP OF EYEBROWS. Light make-up with a “Natural Look” is permitted for eighth-grade girls only. Boys may not have hair that falls below their back collar and longer than the bottom of their earlobe. Headbands with scarves attached and over-sized bows or flowers will not be permitted for girls and young ladies. The teachers/staff determine what appropriate attire is for your child at school. Inappropriate attire or dress code non–compliance during each quarter will result in privileges being revoked, such as free dress days, middle school dances, etc. at the discretion of the administration. PICTURE DAYS Fall Picture Day – Formal Mass Day Attire (Please see page 30-31) Spring Picture Day – Church Attire (Shirts and blouses must be worn below the waistline/belt. The following may not be worn: jeans; shirts with inappropriate material; excessively baggy pants; extremely tight skirts/pants; spaghetti straps; short shorts; hats; and flip-flops.) Sneakers and sandals with a strapped back will be permitted. DRESS DOWN DAYS On special occasions indicated by the administration, students do not have to wear the school uniform. It is the responsibility of the student to dress neatly and in appropriate attire for a learning environment that reflects Christian moral values. Students who do not participate in the dress down day attire are to wear the regular school uniform. Shirts and blouses must be worn below the waistline/belt. The following may not be worn: torn/ ripped jeans; tank tops, shirts with inappropriate material; excessively baggy pants; extremely tight skirts/pants; spaghetti straps; short shorts; hats; and 37 flip-flops. For girls, shorts and dress/skirt length must meet uniform length requirement. Sneakers and sandals with a strapped back will be permitted. SPIRIT DAY DRESS CODE In order to participate in the spirit day events, students must wear their P.E. shorts or long-legged jeans or pants with regular uniform socks and shoes with a spirit shirt or P.E. shirt. No high socks are permitted. Spirit shirt may not be tied at the bottom or altered in any way. Spirit shirts may be purchased at the Back-to-School Bonanza. PK3 DRESS CODE Students enrolled in PK3 wear play clothes each day. Girls may wear dresses with shorts underneath. Velcro shoes/sneakers with socks are required. VPK DRESS CODE Uniforms are optional for VPK students. There is an ESCS Pre-K shirt available at Reese Brothers. On Wednesday, or Mass and Chapel day, students may wear formal uniforms (long pants for boys and jumpers for the girls with shorts worn underneath). PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITIES ADMISSION POLICY The open admission policy of the Diocese of St. Petersburg Catholic Schools’ Office states that no person can be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national or ethnic origin when seeking admission to a Catholic School. ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS by AGE FOR ENTRANCE INTO SCHOOL PK3 Students – Must be three (3) years old by September 1 and toilet trained PreK-4/VPK Students – Must be four (4) years old by September 1 Kindergarten Students – Must be five (5) years old by September 1 First Grade Students – Must be six (6) years old by September 1 TUITION AND FEES RE-REGISTRATION GUIDELINES The school establishes a time-line for the re-registration of current students based on the annual budget planning process. These due dates are necessary to adequately prepare for the following school year. The re-registration will be completed on-line. Each family will receive a link, per student, to verify and confirm existing data and to provide updated information as needed. Re-registration intentions and tuition information for the subsequent year will be requested in the link. Current families who are tardy with returning registration information and required fees will be assessed accordingly. PLEASE communicate with the Registrar if you are concerned that your re-registration information will not be submitted on time. 38 In the event your child is not returning to ESCS, written notification to the administration is required and all outstanding obligations must be met before the student account is considered closed and transcripts are processed. Next year’s family re-enrollment forms will be accepted if the current year’s tuition payments are current and all other liabilities are paid. This includes tuition, instructional fees, graduation fees, application fees, background checks, sport fees, etc. Student slots will not be guaranteed for the next school year until payments are received and accounts are current. TUITION There are two ways to pay tuition at Espiritu Santo Catholic School. Pay in full or pay through the FACTS program. Costs for the 2013-2014 school year are: Rate per family: Parish Students attending K-8: Non-Parish Students attending K-8: 1 CHILD 2 CHILDREN 3 CHILDREN 4 CHILDREN $ 7,320 $ 13,570 $ 19,040 $ 24,840 $ 9,000 $ 16,685 $ 23,415 $ 30,560 Rate per student: Students attending VPK (5 days): Half-day Full-day $ 2,464 $ 5,090 Parish Students attending Pre-K3 (5 days): Non-Parish Students attending Pre-K3 (5 days): Rate per student: Parish Students attending Pre-K3 (3 days): Non-Parish Students attending Pre-K3 (3 days): Parish Students attending Pre-K3 (2 days): Non-Parish Students attending Pre-K3 (2 days): $ 4,510 $ 5,050 $ 7,135 $ 7,675 Half-day Full-day $ 3,410 $ 4,985 $ 3,819 $ 5,395 $ 2,745 $ 3,074 $ 3,795 $ 4,124 **Parish Students attending Pre-K through Grade 8: Must be registered, contributing members of Espiritu Santo Catholic Church. Rev 6/25/12 FEES Additional fees that are required for admission to Non-VPK programs at Espiritu Santo Catholic School are: Application fee for new students: Family re-registration fee for current families: (includes $30 H.S.A. dues) Instructional Fee (per child) K-8: Instruction Fee (per child) Pre-K 3: Graduation Fee (8th grade only): Level II Background Screening Fee (per volunteer) $ 75.00 $350.00 $550.00 $330.00 $170.00 $ 55.00 The preferred method of payment of fees is through FACTS. However, these fees may also be paid by cash or check to the school. Espiritu Santo Catholic School will hold the parent responsible for all charges incurred due to returned checks. If a family has more than 2 returned checks, they will be required to pay all future fees by cash or cashiers’ check. 39 Upon a student’s voluntary or involuntary withdrawal, parents are responsible for the full month’s tuition and Extended Day payment. (Families on a twelve month tuition schedule will need to adjust final payment to accommodate for the additional two months program.) EXTENDED DAY FEES AFTERSCHOOL EXTENDED DAY RATES: Pick up by 4:00 pm $ 760.00 per year Pick up by 5:00 pm $ 1,520.00 per year Pick up by 6:00 pm $ 2,280.00 per year Payment Options: Pay in full, 2 payments,10 payments or 12 payments Adjust FACTS tuition account to reflect tuition plus extended day Open FACTS tuition account for extended day payment only (If tuition is paid in full) Families that are delinquent with their financial obligations regarding tuition will forfeit the use of extended day. STUDENT RECORDS Student records are the property of ESCS. In the event that it becomes necessary for a parent/guardian to view a student’s permanent record file, a 24-hour notice must be given to the Registrar. An administrator must be present during the viewing of file. The documents contained in the file may not be altered or removed under any circumstances. When a student transfers to another school, records will be sent directly to his/her new school upon receipt of a formal request from that school. All teacher recommendations are coordinated through our school registrar. Records MAY NOT be carried by hand. TEXTBOOKS Students and parents are responsible for the care of all instructional materials. Textbooks are the property of ESCS. Instructional fees cover the cost of textbook leasing throughout the school year. Textbooks are distributed during the first week of school, along with a textbook condition form. Students and parents will be held financially accountable for any damaged or missing books. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to complete the textbook condition form and note any defects. GUIDELINES FOR COVERING TEXTBOOKS 1. All hard-covered textbooks must be covered using the following procedures: a. You must first use paper. (Brown grocery bags work best.) b. You may then use clear or colored contact paper. c. A book sock may also be used over the paper cover. 2. All books must have students’ name and subject clearly written on the cover and binding. 3. All folders must have students’ name and subject clearly marked. SUGGESTIONS 1. Color coordinating subjects can make it easier for students to identify the correct books. 2. Review the textbooks, workbooks, composition books, and folders with your child. This helps them to identify them during the first few weeks. 40 3. Write the subject on the paper sides of composition books. This cannot be done on the hard-cover textbooks. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NO SMOKING POLICY Smoking is prohibited within 400 feet of the school property. Violation of this policy is a major safety hazard and may result in disciplinary action. FIELD TRIPS Class trips are encouraged if they are educational and directly related to the instructional program. All safety precautions will be taken. Buses will be used for as many K-8 field trips as feasibly possible. Students must demonstrate satisfactory conduct in order to participate in field trips. An alternative educational opportunity may be provided to students who do not meet the minimum conduct requirements. The school will have the written permission from parents for children to attend a class trip. /VPK students travel to field trips in private vehicles only and must be accompanied by parent/guardian. When a parent or guardian is driving or chaperoning, he/she must have an approved Level II background screening application on file in the school office. Also, any parent/guardian driving, chaperoning or volunteering must have completed the Safe Environment Training course. The driver must meet the required insurance limitations. A copy of the drivers’ registration, insurance information and drivers’ license must be on file in the school office along with the completed signed insurance coverage form annually. Drivers must only travel to and from the destination listed on the permission slip. EMERGENCY DRIVERS Each class trip is required to have one emergency driver. When a parent follows the bus in his/her private vehicle, no students are permitted to ride with the driver. This includes the child/children of the driver. If an emergency situation arises, only the student involved and the driver will be permitted to ride in the private vehicle. Emergency drivers must carry insurance Volunteers must have copies of the following on file in the school office prior to serving as a designated emergency driver: o Level II Background screening o Driver’s license o Vehicle insurance card o Vehicle registration 41 o Safe environment training certificate Drivers for field trips must be at least 25 years old. CHAPERONES All chaperones must be at least 25 years old. Parent chaperones are not permitted to bring younger children on field trips. To properly chaperone the school children on field trips, full attention must be given to them without the added task of caring for younger children. Chaperones must have the following on file in the school office prior to chaperoning a field trip: o Approved Level II Background screening on file o Safe environment training certificate on file Children may not be chaperoned by an unapproved volunteer unless it is the child’s parent. LOST AND FOUND Items found are turned in to the office. Any item marked with a students’ name will be returned directly to the student. Each month unclaimed items are donated to charity. Please mark your child’s name on his/her clothing and other items. TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY (AUP) The purpose of Internet access is to enhance instruction and support learning in a manner consistent with the mission of Catholic schools. The Internet offers unique resources to students that allow them to access electronic libraries, search topics in almost any field, and obtain information otherwise not available on a local, immediate level/format. Student usage of the Internet shall only be for educational purposes consistent with the curriculum of the school. Usage for entertainment or recreation is prohibited at all times. Inappropriate use of the Internet may result in cancellation of privileges and students may face disciplinary and/or legal action including, but not limited to, criminal prosecution under local, state and federal laws. The following regulations must be followed: All computers and computer equipment belong to the school and all files, storage data, or other data, may be accessed by the school at any time at its sole discretion. If applicable, students will be issued their own user account and password. Use of the school issued account and password shall only be used by the student to whom the account has been assigned. The use of the Internet is strictly for academic purposes. The transmission of material, information or software in violation of school policy, or local, state and federal law is prohibited. The changing of Windows/Mac platform settings (desktop, screensavers, etc.) is prohibited. The downloading of software or plug-ins is prohibited. The use of web-based e-mail accounts is prohibited. Chatting or any instant messaging is prohibited. 42 Purchases made via the Internet are prohibited. The installation of any software by a student is prohibited. Software can only be installed by the school, using software purchased by the school and appropriately licensed by law for use on school computers. Information contained on the school websites regarding teachers and students is confidential and may not be copied and used in any other forum. The copyright laws for materials from electronic resources are to be observed at all times. Privacy and network security is to be observed. Students may not access personal files belonging to others, software or areas of the network which are not designated for their use. Cell phones and/or electronic devices (e.g. iPods, e-readers, tablets, laptops, etc.) may be brought to school by students for educational purposes. If the supervising teacher is not incorporating BYOD (Bring Your own Device) in their lesson, it must remain in the “All off” position and kept in the backpack or locker between 7:10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Cell phones are not permitted for use during Extended Day. Electronic devices may only be permitted during Extended Day with the verbal permission of the supervisor on duty. No cell phones/personal electronic device may be used for picture taking at any time, including school dances and social events. Cell phone use, by a student, will not be permitted on school-sponsored field trips. Any exceptions will be addressed by the supervisor on duty. Inappropriate use of the cell phone/electronic device will result in confiscation and review of contents by the administration. Parent pick up will be required. BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE CONTRACT (BYOD) Many students today possess devices that give them mobile access to information and resources 24/7. Outside school, students are free to pursue their interest in their own way and at their own pace. The opportunities are limitless, borderless, and instantaneous. In an effort to put students at the center and empower them to take control of their own learning, there will be certain times where Espiritu Santo Catholic School will allow students the privilege to use personal digital learning devices in school for educational purposes. When abused, privileges will be taken away. When respected, they will benefit the learning environment tremendously. Students wishing to participate must follow the responsibilities stated in the ESCS Acceptable Use Policy as well as the following guidelines: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Any student using a personally owned electronic device within Espiritu Santo Catholic School must read, sign, and submit this agreement. The student will use their device for educational purposes only. The student takes full responsibility for his or her device and keeps it with himself or herself at all times. The school is not responsible for the security of the device. As we are working to use resources wisely, printing from personal devices will not be possible. The school reserves the right to inspect a student’s personal device if there is reason to believe that the student has violated policies, administrative procedures, school rules or has engaged in other misconduct while using their personal device. Students must comply with teacher request to shut down the computer or close the screen or otherwise cease using the device. 43 7. Personal devices shall be charged prior to bringing it to school and shall be capable of running off its own battery while at school. 8. Posting or transmitting recorded images or video shall be limited to ONLY that which is related to school assignments and projects, and shall only be done in accordance with the Acceptable Use Policy. 9. The student will use the ESCS Public wireless network. Use of 3G & 4G wireless connections for accessing the Internet or creating a wireless tether or hot spot is not allowed. 10. The devices may only be used in the classroom setting and must be turned off when in the halls, locker rooms, lunch rooms, restrooms, etc. One of our technology goals is to ensure that each User’s interactions with technology contribute positively to the learning environment both at school and in the community. ESCS supports the positive use of technology for the purpose of enhancing and supporting learning at any time of the day. It is therefore expected that users will comply with ESCS AUP rules, act in a responsible manner, and will honor the terms and conditions set by the classroom teacher, and the school. Failure to comply with such terms and conditions may result in temporary or permanent loss of access as well as other disciplinary or legal action as necessary. Failure to comply with all the rules described in this guide will result in the following consequences. Any violations that are more serious or violate other rules of the school may warrant skipping steps listed or including other consequences up to and including expulsion and or legal referrals. 1st offense – student’s device will be remanded to the office and parent will need to come in and retrieve. 2nd offense - student’s device will be remanded to the office and parent will need to come in and retrieve o user’s device will be blocked from the WiFi network for 1 week/assignment 3rd offense - student’s device will be remanded to the office and parent will need to come in and retrieve o user’s device will be banned from the WiFi network for the remainder of the school year. Every student agrees to uphold these policies. The student and parent signature on the compliance agreement form accompanied with this handbook ensures that the parent has discussed these regulations with their child. MEDIA CENTER This mission of the Espiritu Santo Catholic School Library Media Center is to help reinforce the beliefs and teachings of the Roman Catholic faith and to serve as an integral part of the philosophy, theology, and curriculum of Espiritu Santo Catholic School. In order to achieve this mission, we will strive to help children develop the skills they need to be self-directed learners who can access information using all types of media, gather and analyze the information accessed within the context of a Catholic environment, and share their findings through multiple representations of concepts. The Library Media Center strives to inspire the love of reading and the excitement and self-satisfaction of becoming an independent learner with strong spiritual values. Books are checked out to students for a two-week loan period and may be renewed one time. Students in grades 2-8 will be taught to check out materials independently. Students in 44 kindergarten and first grade will be assisted with circulation. Overdue notices will be generated by the Library Media Specialists and sent to teachers whose students have books overdue for one week or more. These students will not be allowed to check out books again until their overdue books are returned. The Library Media Center does not charge fines for overdue books, but lost or damaged books which are reported to the family at the end of the school year must be paid for prior to receiving check-out privileges when the new school year begins. Students in grades Pre-K3 - Grade 5 attend classes in the Media Center on a weekly basis. The Media Center operates on the open library concept, which means students are welcome to come to the media center at any time during the class day if they have a pass from their teacher. This enables the Media Specialist to provide more personal assistance to each student. SCHOOL LUNCH Espiritu Santo Catholic School offers a hot lunch to all students by our vendor, SLA Management. A monthly menu is available electronically. Contact: http://www.slamgmt.com/ Students are not allowed to receive a special “take out” lunch at any time. If not purchasing a lunch from SLA, please have students come to school with their homemade packed lunches. Please do not pack fast food items in your child’s lunch box. This creates an awkward situation among their peers. SCHOOL-WIDE LITURGY K-8 students participate in a weekly Mass (VPK students join later in the school year). This is an integral part of the Catholic school experience. The expectation is that all students attend weekly and arrive to school on time. Please do not schedule appointments on Wednesday mornings during mass time. Grades 3-8 share the responsibility of leading the Mass and many students are engaged as prayer partners. Formal uniforms are required on Mass days. See uniform guidelines. Students in grades K-2 share the responsibility of planning school-wide prayer services once a month. Parents and families are always welcome to celebrate the Sacrifice of the Mass or the student-led prayer service with us! Please make plans to be there! VISITORS/VOLUNTEERS In the interest of security, all parents, visitors and others need to sign in at the main office on the School Check-In computer. Printed name tags must be worn by all visitors and volunteers while on campus. It is also necessary to sign the Volunteer/Visitor Log. Visitors must remain in the area they specified upon sign in. Classes may not be interrupted for unscheduled visits or conferences. Official conferences must be pre-arranged with the teacher. All tours during the school day must be supervised by school personnel. ESCS VOLUNTEER HANDBOOK Volunteer Policies – A Diocesan background check and Safe Environment Training is mandatory for all volunteers in a student supervisory position. 1. Philosophy of the School – (see the Parent Student Handbook) 45 2. Safe Environment Course - Successful Completion Documentation 3. Level II Background Screening 4. Benefits of Volunteer Activity to Students, Families, Staff, and Role of Volunteer – Volunteers in the Catholic Schools/Centers of the Diocese of St. Petersburg and Espiritu Santo Catholic School add a great dimension and enrichment to the life of the school. Volunteers benefit students as they enhance student-adult ratio in areas such as: library aides, emergency drivers for field trips, classroom aides, etc. Volunteers are valued members of the school community. Under the direction and supervision of the Administrator and the school staff, volunteers assist in the provision of educational and other services to students, faculty, and staff. 5. Appropriate Selection of Program Activities for Volunteers – Volunteers are involved in a variety of activities that span many programs within a school. The volunteer should carefully consider his/her special skills, interests, and talents when choosing a volunteer position. It is important that, prior to accepting a volunteer position, the volunteer clearly understands the requirements and responsibilities of his/her assignment. 6. Description and Routine(s) of Specific Volunteer Activities – The coordinator of each area will instruct the volunteers in that area about specific requirements and routines. 7. Confidentiality – In the course of volunteer work, information, confidential or otherwise about students or teachers may be learned. This and any other information must be kept private and shared only with the supervising teacher if necessary, avoiding unnecessary gossip. This information must remain confidential in any setting inside or outside the school, just as one would wish his/her own privacy rights to be respected. At times, the volunteer may come into possession of information about students that may need to be conveyed to the volunteer’s supervisor (teacher or administrator). If information is appropriate in the judgment of the administrator, other persons on a “need to know” basis may be advised of it by the administrator. This includes, but is not limited to, parents/guardians, and pastor. 8. Supervision of Volunteers – The Administrator is responsible for the total school operation. The Administrator supervises all who serve in any capacity in the school and in official school-related activities. The Administrator may delegate the supervisory role to a designated member of the school staff for specific activities. Volunteers will be expected to review and adhere to Policies and Procedures contained in the Parent/Student Handbook. 9. Behavior Management – it is the goal of Catholic schools to instruct students in the formation of a Catholic conscience so that they will choose behaviors which foster responsibility. In order to accomplish this, volunteers should manage students in positive and constructive ways while they uphold the school Code of Conduct. This can be accomplished through intervention and encouragement techniques and strategies which are administered through proximity, eye contact, and privacy. In addition to supporting the Code of Conduct, volunteers are expected to support the decisions of administrators and teachers. A volunteer may not employ corporal punishment as a means of controlling a student who has misbehaved. Volunteers are prohibited from using any physical contact in directing and/or disciplining a child, e.g. pulling, grabbing, etc. Volunteers should dress appropriately and refrain from wearing clothes which are not in keeping with the decorum of a Catholic school. 10. Health Emergency and Safety Procedures – All situations should be dealt with individually with prudent, adult judgment as the primary response to any illness or injury. Simple scrapes, small cuts, bruises, etc., will be taken care of in the school clinic. If the injury is of a more serious nature, the parent will be notified and the office 46 will call 911. Serious injury such as a possible broken bone, severe bleeding or allergic reaction should be dealt with immediately and with caution. DO NOT MOVE THE CHILD. DO NOT LEAVE THE CHILD. Send to the office for assistance. Remove other students from the proximity of the situation as soon as possible. Keep the affected child as still and comfortable as possible until help comes. Never dispense any medication (not even aspirin), to any child. All volunteers are encouraged to undergo first aid and CPR training. 11. Child Abuse – Chapter 415.504, Florida Statues protects children from abuse and/or neglect. Abuse is defined as including any non-accidental injury, sexual battery, financial or sexual exploitation or injury to the intellectual or psychological capacity of a person by the parents or other persons responsible for the child’s welfare. Neglect is failure to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, and health care or needed supervision. Under Florida Law, anyone who suspects child abuse is obligated to report that abuse. It is the volunteers’ responsibility to inform the school administrator of any suspicions of abuse. The administrator will assist the volunteer in making the report. The child abuse hotline number is 1-800-962-2873. 12. Scheduling of Volunteers – Volunteers are scheduled by the coordinators of each of the volunteer areas according to the needs of the school and the desires of the volunteer. Remember to sign the “Compliance Agreement Form” on the next page. (Page 40) Please return this form to the main office on or before The Back to School Bonanza on August 15th. This space is also available for notes throughout the school year. Please share your concerns /comments/suggestions with Mrs. Penn in May of 2014 when we make changes. Thanks! Notes: 47 2014-2015 Parent/Student School Handbook Compliance Agreement Form Your name below signifies you have read and reviewed the school handbook and agree to comply with the rules and regulations. Family Name: ____________________________________ Please print student’s names in grades PK3-Grade 3 Please have students in grades 4-8 sign their name Student/Grade: ____________________________________________ / _______ Student/Grade: ____________________________________________ / _______ Student/Grade: ____________________________________________ / _______ Student/Grade: ____________________________________________ / _______ Parent Signature: ________________________________ Date: ___________ Student Signature: _______________________ (Grades 4-8) _______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Students who do not have a signed Compliance Agreement form on file in the school office by the first day of school will not be permitted to class. 48