Description of Garment: Pink Leather Jacket Manufacturer: Maxima
Description of Garment: Pink Leather Jacket Manufacturer: Maxima
Description of Garment: Pink Leather Jacket Manufacturer: Maxima by Wilsons Leather & Suede RN#: 69426 Care Label Instructions: Dryclean by Leather Method Problem: The leather hides are coated with a resinous finish. When this garment drycleaned in perchloroethylene, hydrocarbon or silicone solvents, the coating dissolved, causing it to peel from the hide. Responsibility: The manufacturer’s. This jacket failed when drycleaned in accordance with the care label instructions. Recommendation: We have contacted Wilsons, and have informed them as to the defective nature of this jacket. If this garment proves to be unserviceable when drycleaned as instructed by the care label, it should be returned to any Wilsons Leather and Suede location for a refund or exchange. Drycleaner: Since there is an issue with the serviceability of this jacket, the customer should be advised of the potential problem. This jacket should not be accepted for processing without a signed release of liability. © Any reproduction or re-printing of this material is prohibited without the prior written consent of The National Cleaners Association
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