March 27, 2016 - Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church
March 27, 2016 - Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church
EASTER SUNDAY PAGE 1 MARCH 27, 2016 Our Lady of the Lakes Waterford, Michigan We welcome those listed who have received the sacraments noted at the Easter Vigil, Saturday, March 26, 2016. Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation Jacob Antonio Maximilian Bombardo Angela Cealest Angela Collins Kegan Michael Michael Collins Chelsea Meghan Anne Foerster Lucas James James Kropinak Jiahua Joseph Zhao (January 26, 2016) Baptism and First Eucharist Lisa Mary Ann Collins David Larry Hubert Cottrell Theresa Lee Anne Gliha Jennifer Marie Joan Jex Rachel Marie Elizabeth Ann Tague Confirmation Kaylen Marie Catherine Wilson OUR LADY OF THE LAKES PAGE 2 WATERFORD, MICHIGAN Through a Glass Darkly FR. BRIAN’S BLESSINGS HAPPY AND BLESSED EASTER – This incredible day is a joyous celebration of God’s great love. The resurrection of Jesus completely changed the created universe. For the first time since creation, someone died and then was raised from the dead. If creation began with a big bang, then Jesus’ resurrection was a gigantic bang. Why do you seek the Living One among the dead? Luke 24:5 But not only has the immensity of creation changed, but each individual was changed and, continuing forward, every individual is changed. In the past when sins bore down on people, there was nothing to lift the burden. Now we know that we are forgiven. Jesus rose from the dead to prove that everything he had said about God’s mercy and forgiveness was true. Mercy is ours for the asking. Not only mercy and forgiveness, we will never die! Again, Jesus’ rising from the dead meant that all of us will live forever. The body may die for now, but we will live forever. Alleluia! Fr. Delonnay Priestly Vocations DISCERNMENT OVERNIGHT A Discernment Overnight offers a young high school man (Freshman-Junior in high school) a unique opportunity to experience the seminary and learn about the priesthood. We host two Overnights each academic year and you’re encouraged to attend both. There’s no better way to learn about life in the seminary then from a current seminarian! You’ll hear presentations, pray, eat and recreate with them. There is also time for quiet reflection. Take the “leap of faith” and consider an Overnight visit at Sacred Heart Seminary so you can better discern your vocation. For more information or to register OLL PRAYER REQUEST LINE 248-623-0274 ext 120 Touch “Prayers” in our Parish App visit Happy Easter! He is risen. He is risen indeed! May the joys and blessings of Easter (which lasts not for a day, week, or month, but for 50 days!) truly fill our hearts. We trust that God will fill our hearts and lives which have been so emptied out by the days of Lent. Journeying through the desert of Lent to the hill of Calvary, we have emptied ourselves of all sorts of things. We have emptied ourselves of food and drink in our fasts and disciplines. We have emptied ourselves of pride and self-reliance as we have leaned on the Lord in prayer. We have emptied ourselves of our money, time, and worldly goods by remembering the needs of others in our almsgiving. On Palm Sunday we heard in the readings and the Passion how Christ emptied himself and how God greatly exalted him. Today, we celebrate best of all empty things, the empty tomb. Alleluia! The tomb is empty! Death does not have the last word. Death is completely silenced by the Word of God and the name above all names, Christ Jesus. Christ is triumphant! Christ reigns! As Christians, we believe that if we die with him—die to all those sins, thoughts, words, and deeds that separate us from God—we will truly live with him. Not only do we live with him, we reign with him. Welcome home to our extended Laker family gathering for Easter or to any other guests and visitors. What great work the Holy Spirit has done to bring us all together as one to celebrate the joy of Easter. May you find in our parish a warm and inviting home where the love of God is lived out in love of neighbor. I would like to extend a most heartfelt congratulation to our catechumens… I mean elect… that is neophytes (our new Catholics!) from the RCIA program and their sponsors. A huge word of gratitude goes as well to Artha Horowitz and Ann Marie Chambers (and their families!) for the amazing and immense work done in preparing the RCIA for this day. Thank you also to the whole parish community for making my first Easter as a priest incredibly special, grace filled, and memorable. God is good! 50 days for our delight for Christ is ris’n as all things tell—Good Christian, see ye rise as well! Fr. Brian 248-623-0274 x126 PANCAKE BREAKFAST The Knights of Columbus are hosting a "Pancakes for Priests Breakfast" next Sunday, April 3rd, from 9am to 1pm in St. Joseph Hall. There is no set price, only donations and all proceeds benefit seminarians. EASTER SUNDAY PAGE 3 MARCH 27, 2016 ACROSS THE PARKING LOT Choose Our Lady of the Lakes for an Exceptional Catholic Education One of the most important decisions you will ever make for your children is their education. Since our founding in 1956, Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Parish School has provided students with the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God as disciples of Jesus Christ. Recognizing that discipleship touches every aspect of our students’ lives, our school brings into focus the spiritual, human, intellectual, and pastoral dimensions of the Christian life. Our Lady of the Lakes is proud to be the only parish school in Oakland County to offer preschool through 12th grade on one campus. Our rigorous academic curriculum, complemented by music, band, art, drama, Spanish, physical education and a recently implemented one-to-one iPad technology program, aligns our students with the skills necessary to be successful in the 21st century. Not only do we take pride in what our school has to offer in the areas of education, but we are also proud of what we have to offer in relation to the shared morals and values of our Laker families. When you join Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Parish School, you become a part of this unique family. The tone and feel of our school community is exceptional with God at the center. We pride ourselves in family oriented values, faith, and a sense of community. Join us and commit to be anchored in faith, foundation and future. Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School is now accepting applications for enrollment for the 2016-17 school year. To schedule a tour or shadow day for your child or to start the admissions process please contact the Ad m i s s i o n s Office at or (248) 623-0340. Visit us at to find out more. With spring upon us, what better way to celebrate than to come out and play! The NEW Our Lady of the Lakes ‘Little Lakers’ program is designed to be a fun, social opportunity for moms (or dads, guardians, daytime caregivers) and their children aged four and under to participate in fun, informal activities with others from around the community. Ranging from play in our gym to an art project in one of our classrooms, there will be something for everyone and even coffee for the adults! No need to preregister, just stop by! Join us for these FREE ACTIVITIES on Wednesday, March 30 from 8:30-10:00am in the OLL School Gym! Our Lady of the Lakes presents The 12th Annual Our Lady of the Lakes ANCHORS AWEIGH AUCTION April 30, 2016 We welcome our parish members and friends to attend a wonderful evening at The 12th Annual Our Lady of the Lakes, Anchors Aweigh Auction held in St. Joseph Hall. This annual event serves our parish school in providing our children with an excellent cutting edge Catholic education; one that prepares our students to be future leaders for our church and community. The monies raised go directly to Our Lady of the Lakes School to propel it forward in achieving its current and future goals. Please consider attending and/or supporting this event by making a donation or becoming a sponsor. Tickets start at $45 per person for the event. School Website: Along with the auction, there is an Anchors Aweigh Raffle. Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing or selling raffle tickets for this great cause. For questions or for sponsorship opportunities please contact us via e-mail at OUR LADY OF THE LAKES PAGE 4 WATERFORD, MICHIGAN Mass Schedule MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016 ACTS 2:14, 22-33 MT 28:8-15 9:00am…Khaled Elbadawi requested by David & Cathy Robertson TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 ACTS 2:36-41 JN 20:11-18 9:00am…Eleanore & Gerald Westbrook requested by OLL Students & Staff WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 2016 ACTS 3:1-10 LK 24:13-35 9:00am…Zora & Joseph Zdunic requested by their Family THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 2016 ACTS 3:11-26 LK 24:35-48 7:00pm…Int. of Jared Dickow requested by his Mom & Dad FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 2016 ACTS 4:1-12 JN 21:1-14 9:00pm...Al Serra requested by his Family SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 2016 ACTS 4:13-21 MK 16:9-15 5:30pm...Ethel Moss requested by the Whalen Family 5:30pm...Int. Gabriella Radziewicz requested by her Family SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 2016 Sunday of Divine Mercy ACTS 5:12-16 RV 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19 JN 20:19-31 8:00am...Glen Blust requested by Carol Borys 8:00am...Matthew Hull requested by Patrick & Michael Hull 9:30am...Barry Kulick requested by Mom & Dad 9:30am...Parish Family of Our Lady of the Lakes PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL WO2 Jacob Beno Army † Jenna Beno died 10/15/12 Capt Kelsey (Riise) Beno Army LTJG Laura Bis Navy AMN Stewart Blaquiere Air Force † PFC Damian Bushart died 11/22/03 SSGT Francisco Cantu Caceres LT Patrick G. Carraher Navy Eddy DeRocher Nick DiMercurio SFC Scott Emanuel SSGT Wesley Frankurt Army SSGT Dennis Haskins, Jr. Army EM2 Kyle Haines Navy Jackson Jones Army TSgt Justin Jones Air Force Matt Koetting Marines Robert Maher & Crew Navy LC. Myles Maze Marine SPC James McDermott Army 1st LT. Sean McMahon Marines CPT Matthew McNeill Army † PFC Joseph Miracle died 7/5/07 Army LCP Derek Monday Marines Amanda Paczynski Army PFC Christopher Polidan Army Capt. Adam Renkiewicz Army Capt. Matthew Richards Army Katie Rounds Sgt. Gerald Sanchez Marines Anthony Schmidt Marines LCDR Nick Strelchuk Navy SSGT. Jack Thompson, Jr. Army Cory Vaught Army LSC Colleen E. Ward Navy James Whitlow Navy Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Army Marines Iraq Bahrain Iraq Korea Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Iraq Afghanistan Korea Korea Afghanistan Iraq Bahrain Afghanistan Iraq Iraq Middle East Iraq If your son, daughter or grandchild is serving us in troubled places, please let Fr. Delonnay know. Just drop him a note in the mail, e-mail at, fax him at 248 623-2723, or call him at 248 623-0274. 11:00...Dennis Dechamplain requested by his Wife 11:00am...Int. Rick Kulick requested by Mom & Dad 12:30pm...Marie Marthe & Louis Nader Attié requested by their daughter, Francoise Stanford 12:30pm...Buffy Lucas requested by Mary Lucas SUNDAY HOMILIES Our Sunday homilies are available on the parish app and on our website: Our app is available for both Android and iPhone by going to the app store for your device. Search for MyParish or text the word APP to 88202. EASTER SUNDAY PAGE 5 MARCH 27, 2016 OUR PARISH LIFE TOGETHER WELCOME REST IN PEACE Please welcome to our Christian family: Jason and Cristina Blazer and their daughters, Addison and Tinley; Janet Schloff; and Bryanna Williams. Remember those who have gone before us Remember to introduce yourself to new faces in church. We want everyone to feel welcome at Our Lady of the Lakes. MARK YOUR CALENDARS Our Lady of the Lakes is offering an informational night regarding End of Life Decisions and Funerals from a Catholic perspective. Have you been putting off having conversations with your family about these matters? Come and ask Fr. Meldrum questions and get information. Join us Thursday, April 7th at 7:30pm in the Parish Hall. If you have any questions, contact Cindy Webster at 248-6230274. Brady Lund Frank Unitis “Happy are those who have died in the Lord; Let them rest from their labors For their good deeds go with them.” Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Lund Unitis LECTORS NEEDED THANK YOU! THANK YOU! To all the Knights, Lady Knights, Confirmation Candidates and friends for helping to make the Tootsie Roll Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday a delicious success. All of the crew worked very hard and it was very much appreciated by everyone. PRAY FOR OUR SICK Please keep in your thoughts and prayers this week the sick members of our Parish: Suzanne Manus, Mary Noonan, Nick Kotz, John Alfes, Kevin Dalley, Mary Ann Newcombe, John Dondanville, Spencer Lawhorn, Terry Grupe, David Comerford III, Spencer Lawhorn, Barbara Ward, David Fulcher, Paul Barron, Scott Hakim, Cathy McGowan, Angela Phul, Frank Smith, Frank Murphy, Corey Huizenga, Harry and Barbara Fluegel, Baby Collin Holman, Duane Bills, Ruth Brueck, William Svavas, Edward Wolowiec, Tina Cribbin, Kathy Gortva, Marina Manalo, Malou Short, Faye Elpedes, Margaret Russell, Roberta Blust, Jerry Moore, Patrick Timulak, Kaylin Place, Debra Appleby, Pat Whalen, Bruce Brendle Sr., Ed Moore, Chevy R., Stephen Swillum, Anthony Centofanti, Crystal Fowler, Clint Beloungea, Karen Aepelbacher, Carol Raymond. May they find peace, strength, and comfort in God’s care. Have you thought about serving your parish by being a lector? We have openings for 8:00am and 12:30pm Mass time. If you are interested please call Phil Nickerson at 248 -930-5073 or Dave Strong at 248-673-9445. DIVINE MERCY On Divine Mercy, April 3, 2016, The Divine Mercy Image will be venerated in the vestibule of the church after each Mass. There will be free brochures available to all. ST. VINCENT de PAUL FEBRUARY UPDATE During the month of February, Our Lady of the Lakes St. Vincent de Paul spent $11,934.20. We made deposits of $5,759.93. We made 3 home visits, had 11 interviews in the Parish Center, made 93 phone calls and helped over 115 individuals. We helped one single mother of 5 children. She was recently divorced, had health issues, was not able to work and was trying to make ends meet on a very low income. Her income should increase in the future. We helped her catch up on back rent. This stopped the eviction for her and her children. We are able to help because we are supported by our parish family. Thank you for your generous support. This ministry would not happen without you. OUR LADY OF THE LAKES PAGE 6 WATERFORD, MICHIGAN STEWARDSHIP CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS If you require a 2015 contribution statement for income tax purposes, please fill out the form below and return it to the Delaney Center or you can call 6230274, fax it to 248-623-2723 or by e-mail at and request one. Statements will be ready by the end of January. NAME:____________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________ __________________________________________ ENVELOPE #_____________ EASTER FLOWER FUND If you would be interested in helping to defray the cost of our beautiful flowers in church please drop a check in the collection with “Flower Fund” in the memo line or contribute electronically using WeShare by going to STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT Today’s Easter readings joyously focus on our risen Lord and Savior — we are recreated to new life in Christ through this Easter miracle and our Baptism in the Lord. His death and Resurrection pave the way to eternal life for all those who seek salvation. As faithful stewards, we stand in awe and gratitude for this tremendous gift and exclaim, “The Lord has risen. Alleluia!” In gratitude, pause this Easter Sunday to thank the Lord for His tremendous gift of salvation. Thank you for supporting your parish! CSA MINUTE EASTER Easter is a time of great joy when we are reminded that the Lord walks beside us on our journey of faith. We witness Christ’s living presence in many ways, one of which is through our support of our local communion of faith through the Catholic Services Appeal. Our annual CSA supports the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, which brings new members into full communion during the Easter Vigil. The CSA enables us to reveal Christ’s presence not only to our sisters and brothers with whom we share the Eucharist, but also to those who do not know Christ. Gifts to the CSA show that Christ is present and active in our world. Indeed, He is risen today. Alleluia! For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs and services, please go to FINANCIAL REPORT Monthly Stewardship Report 2015 February (4 weeks) 2016 (4 weeks) $55,442.86................ Envelopes .......... $72,954.14 $11,682.11................ Loose ................. $16,504.01 $11,282.70................ Mail & EFT ......... $14,048.55 $78,407.67................ Total ................. $103,506.70 Special Collection $6,086.46 Again we wish to thank all of you who continue to give so generously to our Parish. May God bless each of you for your gift of sharing. EASTER SUNDAY PAGE 7 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY In 2001, Pope John Paul II announced that the Sunday after Easter would be Divine Mercy Sunday. This announcement was the culmination of Jesus appearing to St. Faustina and asking her to instill a day dedicated to His Mercy. On this Sunday, a Plenary Indulgence can be received. On April 3, 2016, Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron will celebrate the Feast of Divine Mercy at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, where there will also be a procession of the Divine Mercy Image and veneration of a St. Faustina relic. Mass begins at 11:00am. After Mass there will be an opportunity to take the Holy Door of Mercy pilgrimage. All are welcome. 10TH ANNUAL PROLIFE YOUTH CONFERENCE Archdiocese of Detroit Sponsored Prolife Youth Conference Unconditional Love- It’s Worth Celebrating! MARCH 27, 2016 CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES COLLECTION Thank you for your generous support of The Catholic Relief Services Collection. Through your generosity, families will be reunited, valuable life skills will be taught to those seeking a better life, and many will have vital humanitarian needs met. Please visit catholic-relief to learn how your donations make a difference and help Jesus in disguise. ST. MARY’S DAYTIME LOSS/GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP The St. Mary’s Loss/Grief Support Group will start on Thursday, March 31st and will meet from 10:30am12:00pm every Thursday morning through May 19th. There is no charge for the support group. Registration is not required; however a call would be appreciated in order to have the handout material ready. If you have questions, or are in need of additional information, please contact Marisa Vitali at 248-676-0885. St. Mary Parish is located at 1955 East Commerce, Milford. Saturday, April 9, eighth grade through college age students will gather together for an extraordinary day to celebrate LIFE. Planned for the youth by the youth, cosponsored with the Archdiocese of Detroit, this conference promises the opportunity to meet and learn about tough issues with the perspective of compassion and truth. Registration begins at 12 noon. Dynamic and inspiring keynote speakers including Brice Griffin and Rebecca Kiessling share God’s unconditional love and mercy, along with offering a variety of breakouts sessions and personal testimonies for students to choose from. Christ will be present in adoration with opportunity for confession. Praise and worship will begin at 5:00pm led by Adam Trufant from Asheville, North Carolina, followed by Sunday Vigil Mass with celebrant Fr. Ryan Adams at 5:30pm. Catered dinner to follow and the day wraps up with live Concert & DJ music, dancing and refreshments. Cost is $20 or $15 for groups who pre-register. Concert only tickets are $10. We even give you a gnarly t-shirt. Register at PILGRIMAGE TO FRANCE WITH FR. TIM BIRNEY We’ll be visiting: Lisieux, Lourdes, Omaha Beach, Chartres, Versailles, Rouen, Paris and more! Daily mass will be celebrated at Basilicas & Shrines throughout France. August 26 – September 5, 2016. To request a brochure, questions or register: 313-868-7045 or $4,260 (all inclusive). Hope you’ll be able to join me! Space is limited. WWME – A Weekend of Discovery… A LIFETIME of LOVE!! EASTER SPECIAL You deserve to treat yourself to an upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. The 2016 dates are… April 8-10* - Sacred Heart, Grosse Ile June 24-26* - Shrine H. S., Royal Oak August 19-21*- St. Lawrence, Utica Sept. 23-25 - Holiday Inn Express, Troy Nov. 4-6* - Gabriel Richard H. S., Riverview *In Parish Weekends, Couples go home at night. To apply and more information: Call: 888-322-9963 OUR LADY OF THE LAKES PAGE 8 WATERFORD, MICHIGAN NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS RIGHT TO LIFE-LIFESPAN ST. BENEDICT’S CARD PARTY RESOURCE BOOK Wednesday April 20th As the date for LIFESPAN’s annual Celebrate Life Dinner with comedian David Dean approaches, (May 3) so is the opportunity to have your business, church, or family appear as an ad in our Resource Book. We strongly encourage our membership to patronize our pro-life businesses and your ad will put your name where they will see it. The cost of the ad is tax deductible. For more information please call the LIFESPAN office, 248-816-1546. 12noon — 3:30pm $7 Raffle and Door Prizes Enjoy a delicious lunch of salads and bread St. Benedict Church is located at 80 S. Lynn St., Waterford, MI (M-59 and Voorheis) Call 248-681-1534 for more information 34TH ANNUAL HUNGER WALK Saturday, May 7 Walk begins at 10:00am New Location! Wisner Stadium Track 441 Cesar E. Chavez Ave., Pontiac 48342 Join us as we walk to end hunger...One step at a time. COME, ENCOUNTER CHRIST! If you missed "Come, Encounter Christ!" at our parish or wish to encourage family and friends to attend one in their area, the next few missions are listed below. All missions start at 7:00pm. April 4-6, Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Temperance Fr. William Promesso & Fr. Phillip Ching Music: Mercy Project April 11-13, St. Therese of Lisieux, Shelby Twp. Fr. Steve Mateja & Fr. Michael Suhy Music: Mike Roth April 24-26, Sts. Peter and Paul West Side, Detroit Fr. Steve Mateja & Fr. Craig Giera Music: Keir Ward & John Thome May 2-4, St. Ephrem, Sterling Heights Msgr. Robert McClory & Fr. Tim Birney Music: Mike Roth For more information, visit: A family fun 5k walk/run with live music, food, entertainment, and more! Register online at For event info email EASTER FRIDAY PILGRIMAGE OF EIGHT DETROIT HISTORIC CHURCHES On Friday, April 1st, you are welcome to join Prayer Pilgrimages as we are scheduled to visit, with guided tours: the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament (with special Jubilee Year Holy Door Indulgence), Assumption Grotto, Immaculate Conception Ukrainian, Ste. Anne de Detroit, Ss. Peter and Paul Jesuit, St. Josaphat, Sweetest Heart of Mary, and St. Joseph Churches with closing 7pm Mass. All of these churches will be specially decorated for Easter. Scheduled deluxe motorcoach, local departures from Oakland Mall in Troy, Levagood Park in Dearborn, Sears Lot in Lincoln Park, Kmart Lot in Farmington Hills, Former Best Buy Lot in Novi, and St. Patrick Church in Brighton. Total cost per person, including catered full course meal, is $50. To reserve, times, and more information: Michael Semaan at (248) 250-6005 or EASTER SUNDAY PAGE 9 MARCH 27, 2016 FOR THE WEEKEND April 2/3, 2016 Time Presiders Servers Lectors Captains Sat: 8:00 pm Fr. Delonnay Deacon John TBD Sun: 8:00 am Fr. Meldrum TBD Dan Webster Mark Blaszkiewicz 9:30 am Fr. Delonnay Deacon John TBD Jon Horowitz Jim Bruso ALTAR HELP John Arzenti Barb Radziewicz WEEKEND 3/27/16 Pat Roselli, Patt Polidan, Monika Donohue, Sheliah Denne Volunteers Needed 11:00 am Fr. Meldrum TBD Evelyn Clark John & Evelyn Clark 12:30 pm Fr. Delonnay Deacon John TBD Katie Geary Bev Armstrong OUR LADY OF THE LAKES 5481 Dixie Highway Waterford, Michigan 48329 PASTOR Rev. Lawrence J. Delonnay ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Brian Meldrum PERMANENT DEACON John Schulte PERMANENT DEACON Stephen Talbot PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Cindy Webster Parish Center..................................................... 248-623-0274 Fax .................................................................... 248-623-2723 Business Office [Dawn Stoutenburg] ................. 248-623-0275 Parish Office [Kathie Harroun] ........................... 248-623-0274 Religious Education Office [Artha Horowitz] ...... 248-623-0291 Christian Service Office [Cindy Webster] ........... 248-623-0274 Music Director [Tim Smith]................................ 248-821-8443 Asst. Music Director [Jenna Fuller] .................... 248-623-0274 Facilities Manager [Mike Artley] ......................... 248-342-2299 Web Site ................................................. E-mail ........................................... Prayer Requests ............................. SCHOOLS High School Admin.[Richard Vanden Boom] ....... 248-623-0340 Middle School Administrator [Kathy Lewis] .......... 248-623-2201 Elementary School Administrator [Lauri Hoffman] 248-623-0250 Admissions .......................................................... 248-623-0340 Athletic Director [Mark Smith] .............................. 248-623-0274 BULLETIN DEADLINE Mondays, 9:00am at the Parish Center; Kathie Harroun, Editor Project Rachel Post Abortion Ministry...1-888-722-4355 National Domestic Violence Hotline...1-800-799-7233 WEEKEND 4/3/16 Suzanne Grimminger, Dianne McMillan, Marilynn Golding, Cynthia Kherker To volunteer to become an Altar Server, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Cleaner or Sunday Counter please call the Parish office at 248-623-0274 and leave your name & number and we will give your info to the appropriate coordinator. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Parish Council meets the last Tuesday of every other month at 7:00pm in the Delaney Parish Center. Dennis Strelchuk, President...248-297-5959 Linda Pietrzak, Vice President...248-623-9117 Tim Tomezak, Secretary...248-933-4841 MASSES Saturday Evening....5:30pm Sunday.....8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am, 12:30pm Weekdays: Thursday evenings..... 7:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.....9:00am BAPTISMS: Sundays at 2:00pm. Parents must pre-register and attend a Baptism Class. Call 623-0274 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays from 4:00 until 5:00pm EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION: 3rd Tuesday of every month followed by Rosary and Benediction at 7:00pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Ages 4/5: Sundays 9:30am and 11:00am Tuesdays: Grades 1-7— 6:15pm Sundays” Grade 8—6:30pm RCIC – 6:15pm - RCIA — 7:00pm Wednesdays: Grades 1-8 — 4:30 and 6:15pm WEDDINGS Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance. Couples must attend the Pre-Marriage Workshop. REGISTRATIONS: All families must register personally at the Delaney Center. Please notify the parish when moving in or away 623-0274.