Inventory and monitoring of Western Burrowing Owls for the
Inventory and monitoring of Western Burrowing Owls for the
Inventory and monitoring of Western Burrowing Owls for the Coachella Valley MSHCP Final Report July – December 2009 J. T. Rotenberry, Ph.D. Project Director K. D. Fleming Field Biologist Q. Latif, Ph.D. Post Doctorate Researcher R. Johnson GIS Specialist C.W. Barrows, Ph.D. co Principal Investigator Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ ii Table of Figures .................................................................................................................................. iii Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1 Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 2 Field Surveys .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Database Development ......................................................................................................................... 4 Niche Modeling ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Habitat variables .................................................................................................................................... 5 Occupancy Modeling............................................................................................................................. 6 Results ................................................................................................................................................... 8 Survey Results ........................................................................................................................................ 8 Niche Modeling Results ...................................................................................................................... 10 Occupancy Models Result .................................................................................................................. 12 Niche Model-Occupancy Model Comparisons ............................................................................... 13 Discussion ..........................................................................................................................................14 Literature Cited ..................................................................................................................................18 Appendix A - Burrowing Owl (Athene cunnicularia) Survey Protocol ..........................................20 Recommended survey protocol ......................................................................................................... 20 Research Questions .............................................................................................................................. 24 Data and Analyses ............................................................................................................................... 25 Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. iii TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1. Burrowing Owl survey locations implemented by the CCB in 2009. Black squares indicate wildland plots, and green lines depict survey routes. ........................................................... 3 Figure 2. Distribution of burrowing owls located during the 2009 breeding season. ...................... 9 Figure 3. Comparison of detection rates (proportion of survey attempts during which owls were detected in sites where owls were known to occur) among three survey methods on two survey routes known to be occupied by burrowing owls during the breeding season. Vertical lines indicate one standard error. ................................................................................................................... 10 Figure 4. Comparisons of survey method effectiveness during winter and breeding season surveys. Graph on the left shows total detections whereas the graph on the right shows only those detections that were independent of detections made during linear surveys. ..................... 10 Figure 5. Mapped representation of the niche modeling results within the Coachella Valley. Areas indicated in pale yellow had HSI values ≥ 0.55, in orange had HSI values ≥ 0.75, and in dark brown had HSI values ≥ 0.95........................................................................................................ 11 Figure 6. Mapped representation of predicted occurrence probabilities from the occupancy model best-fitting breeding survey data. Probabilities are depicted on a scale from beige (low probability) to green (high probability). Brown indicates cells that were not sampled and too dissimilar in environmental space from sampled cells to estimate occupancy rates based on the fitted models. ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Figure 7. Our best performing Occupancy Model (yellow shaded areas) overlain upon our best performing Niche Model (orange shaded areas), HSI/Psi_hat ≥ 0.75. Red circles indicate all documented burrowing owl locations, historic and recent, utilized in this study. ........................ 14 Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 1 INTRODUCTION Western burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia hypugaea) populations that inhabit the southern part of North America from northern Mexico through Texas and California tend to not migrate in significant numbers but instead winter as resident birds (Korfanta et. al. 2005). Burrowing owls are currently classified as a “species of special concern” by the state of California due to losses in habitat and other anthropogenic impacts which have led to its widespread decline through the western United States (James and Espie 1997). Because they are a ground dwelling species, burrowing owls are threatened by extensive anthropogenic habitat modification including annual disking of fallow fields, as well as vegetation and pest management in agricultural flood control channels and suburban development. Other threats include vehicle collisions, predation from domestic pets and coyotes, and off road vehicle use that can collapse burrows. Prior to this study, of the 74 known locations within the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP) area, 41 burrowing owls were previously found within the proposed reserve system (CVMSHCP 2007). Volunteer based surveys conducted by the Institute for Bird Populations during the 1991-1993 years reported at least 9000 breeding pairs in California with the majority located in agricultural areas of the Imperial and Central Valleys. DeSante et al. (USFWS 2003) believed when comparing these numbers to surveys done in the 1980s that burrowing owls had been extirpated from many regions throughout California including the Coachella Valley. Despite premature predictions of their demise, burrowing owls are found in a variety of habitats within the Coachella Valley including adjacent to suburban and urban development, washes, fallow fields, sand dunes, agricultural drains, and creosote dominated landscapes. This generalist habitat character makes it difficult to use any specific vegetation types to classify suitable habitat, especially when compared to other features such as soil types and the presence of occupiable burrows. While broadly distributed in the Coachella Valley, this species is uncommon and the trend in its population is unknown. As such it is among the 27 covered, focal species of the CVMSHCP. The objectives for burrowing owls within the CVMSHCP are to maintain and ensure conservation of occupied burrows on current conserved lands, as well as identify and conserve other lands, minimize harmful effects to the species, and finally to identify and implement monitoring and management to sustain the population within the plan area (CVMSHCP 2007). In support of these objectives, UC Riverside’s Center for Conservation Biology’s (CCB) tasks included: Task 1: Develop a reliable methodology for monitoring burrowing owls throughout the Plan area. These protocols should be appropriate for the multiple scales of resolution associated with Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 2 the distribution of owls throughout the Plan area, ranging from historical or known nesting sites to designated Conservation Areas of widely differing sizes to the regional network of dikes, berms, and levees. Moreover, the methods must be statistically robust, with sufficient statistical power to detect meaningful changes in owl distributions through time or in response to management actions. These methods should be portable to other areas of similar scales, and to other species. Task 2: Use these protocols to document the distribution and abundance of owls throughout the Plan area during the breeding season, initially focusing on the berms, levees, and dikes for which we expect to obtain winter distributional data. Task 3: Develop two complementary types of statistical models describing species habitat relationships: site occupancy models (MacKinzie et al. 2002, 2006) and ecological niche models (Rotenberry et al. 2006). Robust models will allow us to make inferences about potential habitat for burrowing owls in other regions, as well as provide templates for constructing similar models for other species. Based upon these objectives, specific deliverables included: • A burrowing owl survey protocol tailored to the Coachella Valley landscape. • A geodatabase and template for data analyses. • A spatially explicit niche model describing the distribution of potential suitable habitat for burrowing owls in the Coachella Valley. • A spatially explicit occupancy model based on the distribution and detectability of burrowing owls in the Coachella Valley in 2009. METHODS Field Surveys We concentrated our efforts on sampling along 42 routes within the 170,295 ha (420,629 ac.) area of the Coachella Valley of Riverside County, California (Figure 1). To adequately sample across a diverse landscape, routes were identified with lengths between 0.5 km and 40 km along roadways that included rural, suburban, and urban landscapes as well as irrigation/flood control areas. Our surveys were split into periods of winter 08-09 (January – March 2009), breeding season (April – August 2009) and winter 09-10 (September- December 2009). Three survey methods were evaluated on each of the survey routes: linear, point counts and audio- Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 3 playback point counts. Each route was surveyed at least three times to ensure the 95% probability of detection if owls were present, using at least one of the survey methods during the winter 08-09 period (Conway and Simon 2003). During both the breeding season and winter 09-10 surveys, each route was surveyed at least three times, with multiple visits per survey method to each route in each season. Figure 1. Burrowing Owl survey locations implemented by the CCB in 2009. Black squares indicate wildland plots, and green lines depict survey routes. Linear surveys were accomplished by driving the routes at a speed below 20 km/hour (15 mi/hr) while scanning roadside habitat continuously, and stopping only when an owl was detected. Visual detections for these surveys were limited to the line of sight from the roadway, and binoculars were used at locations where owls were observed so as to count the number of individuals at that location. Along certain storm-water drainage routes and riverbeds, where driving the route was impossible, surveys were completed on foot. These routes include Mission Creek, Coachella Valley (Whitewater) Storm-water Channel, Buchanan Street Drain, San Gorgonio River, and the Little Morongo Wash. Point counts and audio point counts were conducted along these same routes at 800 m (0.5 mi) intervals. Data was collected at these established points, where we conducted a four-minute visual search for owls throughout the season. At each stop, the observer would scan the landscape for owls using binoculars for four minutes from the roadside. Audio point counts Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 4 were conducted in the same manner as regular point counts at these same points, only with a field speaker and iPod that looped burrowing owl calls over a four minute playback period. For these, two burrowing owl calls originating from observations at the Salton Sea were downloaded onto an iPOD and broadcast with an amplified field speaker at a volume adjusted to adequately cover a 400 meter radius in all directions from the call. The overall broadcast lasted four minutes and consisted of 12 coo-coo calls (common male call) lasting 30 seconds followed by 30 seconds of silence repeatedly over three minutes. One full minute was then broadcast of the defensive (chuck and chatter) call followed by a full minute of silence for observation. Wildland plot counts were taken by walking along previous established plots within the Coachella Valley Preserve for 10 x 100 meters and recording all tracks, visual, and audio observations that occur along the transect and within visual and audible distance. Database Development Database development for the project provides a record of fieldwork activity and findings and provides support for analysis and reporting. It offers a medium that can incorporate the mix of spatial, temporal, and tabular descriptive information collected during the year. All survey fieldwork locations and owl observation are based on point locations that were manually transcribed from GPS-measured coordinate values. All fieldwork activity and observations include a location, date, and other descriptive attributes that were initially entered in Excel worksheets. These in turn were imported into an Access relational database management system as tables where domain restrictions could be applied to numeric, temporal, and descriptive attribute values. Queries were used to build tabular data subsets based on field methods, observation results, location, and time to meet reporting, modeling, and cartographic requirements. All point locations and their attributes were initially converted to shape files and used as reference for creation of linear transect alignments and the plot area locations (still represented as a point). The tabular data and representative geometry were subsequently imported into an ESRI-format file geodatabase. Niche Modeling We used the Mahalanobis distance statistic (D2) (Clark et al. 1993; Rotenberry et al. 2002, 2006; Browning et al. 2005) to model the distribution of available suitable habitat for the burrowing owl in the Coachella Valley. The Mahalanobis statistic yields for any location an index of its habitat similarity (HSI) to the multivariate mean of the habitat characteristics at the target species’ locations (the calibration data set). This statistic has several advantages over other GIS modeling approaches, the foremost being that only species-presence data are required for the dependent variable. Because only positive occurrence data are required, historic location Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 5 records from museums and field notes can be used, regardless of survey methodology, as long as there is sufficient precision in the site location. This also avoids the uncertain assumption of correct identification of unoccupied habitats (Knick and Rotenberry 1998, Rotenberry et al. 2002, Browning et al. 2005), an assumption that becomes even more difficult to defend when trying to model historic distributions. The Mahalanobis statistic may be further refined by partitioning it into separate, additive components (Dunn and Duncan 2000; Rotenberry et al. 2002, 2006). This partitioning is based on an eigen analysis (principal components) of the variables and observations comprising the calibration data set. The partition or component with the smallest eigenvalue is associated with the combination of habitat variables that has the least variation among locations, often indicating minimum habitat requirements. This approach is based on the assumption that the full range of habitat variation has been captured in the location data, and that variables that have low variance are more likely to represent limits to a species’ distribution than those that take on a wide range of values where a species is present. Identifying the variables that demonstrate the least variability may be more appropriate for modeling potential or historic distributions in changing environments (Dunn and Duncan 2000, Rotenberry et al. 2002, 2006). We calculated Mahalanobis distances and their partitions with SAS code provided in Rotenberry et al. (2006). The calibration data set consisted of 67 burrowing owl locations recorded incidentally by CCB researchers while conducting other species surveys during 2003 - 2008, and from historic burrowing owl locations provided by the Coachella Valley Association of Governments. The relatively low number of historic owl locations was insufficient to randomly extract a subset for validation purposes, so only a calibration data set was used. Habitat variables Independent variables were derived from existing GIS layers, or were calculated from algorithms that convert Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) to topographic metrics and average annual precipitation (normal precipitation 1971 – 2000, ppt_30s_meta.htm, PRISM Group, Oregon State University). To avoid model over-fitting, we maintained a variables-to-observations ratio of approximately 1:10 (one variable per 9 to 10 observations). Forty independent observations were used as a minimum threshold for modeling, allowing the inclusion of at least four independent variables for the creation of each niche model. Only those observations that were spatially independent were included; no more than one observation per 180 x 180 m cell was used to construct the niche model. This spatial Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 6 independence helped avoid biases or over-weighting observations from easy access or especially high visitation areas. Variables used to model burrowing owl suitable habitat included the median terrain slope value for 18 x 18 neighborhood of 10m cells (Slope), mean maximum temperatures in July from 1971-2000 (Max Temperature July), mean annual precipitation from 1971-2000 (Mean Precipitation), median value for 18 x 18 of Sappington analysis results from 3x3 10m neighborhood (Ruggedness 3x3), Sappington analysis for 18 x 18 10m neighborhood (Ruggedness 20x20), slope curvature (median terrain curvature value for 18 x 18 neighborhood of 10m cells), and average soil water content as fraction of volume (Sappington et al. 2007). Variables considered but rejected when their addition failed to improve the model’s median HSI value included percent sand-soil composition, percent clay-soil composition, and vegetation type. Once a model was created, it was used to calculate HSIs for each Mahalanobis distance partition for every cell on the map. Following Rotenberry et al., (2006), HSI was rescaled to range from 01, with 0 being the most dissimilar and 1 being the most similar to the mean habitat characteristics of the target species based on the calibration data set. ArcGIS 9.1 (ESRI 2005) was used to provide a spatial model (niche map) of the similarity to the species mean for each cell. These modeled areas were then screened for anthropogenic changes to the soil surface with GIS layers for agricultural development and urban-suburban to derive an estimate of current suitable habitat availability. Occupancy Modeling We developed single-season, single-species occupancy models (MacKenzie et al. 2002, 2006) with the intention of calculating spatially explicit probabilities of the occurrence of burrowing owls across the Coachella Valley. Generally, models of this class are designed to analyze presence-absence data generated from surveying sites of which some substantial portion are visited more than once, and the probability of detecting a species at a site given its presence (detection probability) is < 1. Underlying assumptions include constant occupancy status of individual sites across surveys and no un-modeled heterogeneity in either occupancy or detection probabilities across sites and surveys. An occupancy model contains both a logistic model describing occupancy probabilities and a second logistic model describing detection probabilities, where detection is dependent on a site's occupancy status. As such, models can include covariates that are explicitly related to environmental characteristics, detectability, or both. Multiple models with various combinations of covariates can be fitted to the data and compared under an information-theoretic framework (Burnham and Anderson 2002). From the Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 7 best-fitted models, one can calculate occupancy rates for both surveyed and non-surveyed sites corrected for imperfect detection and from these infer a species’ range within the study area. We fitted occupancy models to the data collected from surveys for burrowing owls described previously. Within a GIS framework (ArcGIS 9.3), we assumed 540×540km cells (approximately the size of an individual owl’s home range; [Rosenberg and Haley 2004]) to be the “sites” surveyed. The data consisted of either a 0 (non-detect) or 1 (owl detection) for each day for each cell that was sampled by a survey. Occupancy models included the following covariates for detection probabilities: (1) the survey method used, (2) the area of the cell within the detection range of the surveyed location (linear survey=130m, point=400m [based on post-hoc examination of the distributions of distances between survey locations and owl locations], or the plot area intersected with the cell area), and (3) interactions between method and area (Method × Area) Date (day-of-year of surveys) and Date + Date2 (the quadratic transformation of date). We considered 12 environmental covariates of occupancy probabilities: elevation, slope, terrain curvature, maximum July temperature, minimum January temperature, average precipitation, Ruggedness 3x3, average soil water content, road density, % aeolian sand, % development, and % agriculture. Additional variables (described previously) were highly correlated with one or more of these variables and therefore not considered. In recognition of two distinct seasons in the burrowing owl life cycle, we divided the data by season (breeding season = April 1 – August 31; non-breeding season = Winter 08-09 – Winter 09-10). In this report, we only describe occupancy models fitted to the breeding season data (future analyses will consider the wintering range). Initially, we fitted models that included all combinations of detection covariates assuming constant occupancy probability (using Presence 2.0). Subsequent models fitted to the data included all covariates in the best-fit detection model and various combinations of occupancy covariates. These included a global model, which included all 12 environmental covariates, and a model with only the six variables identified as important in niche models (see Niche modeling results; slope, curvature, maximum temperature, Ruggedness 3x3, and soil water content). Additional models either added or subtracted variables from these. To assess the value of occupancy models for predicting burrowing owl occurrence, we conducted a goodness-fit-test on the global model (Presence 2.0), which provides an index of overdispersion of residual count data (c = χ2data/ χ2BS; BS = boot-strapped mean; MacKenzie et al. 2006). Using the best-fit occupancy model, we extrapolated the range of the burrowing owl during the breeding season within the Coachella Valley during 2009. Occupancy probabilities were estimated using model parameters applied to cell-specific scores for environmental variables Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 8 (MacKenzie et al. 2002, 2006). We only estimated occupancy probabilities for non-surveyed cells that were similar in multivariate, environmental space to the surveyed cells. RESULTS Survey Results In 2009 we found 53 locations occupied by burrowing owls across the Coachella Valley, with a majority (65%) occurring within the northwestern valley within the Desert Hot Springs area, especially along the Mission Creek and Little Morongo washes (Figure 2). Based on data from locations where there were multiple surveys and where owls were detected at least once by at least one of the methods, we found no differences in probabilities of detection among the methods. Winter survey 08-09 detectability varied from 0.50-0.66 (proportion of survey attempts during which owls were detected in sites where owls were known to occur) across all survey methods, whereas breeding season survey detectability varied from 0.55-0.56 across methods. Although our detection rates were generally similar across survey methods, some difference in detection rates was measured when comparing methods within individual routes (Figure 3). Also within the breeding season detection rates for the wildland plot counts (0.30) differed from rates for other survey methods, even though winter counts resulted in a similar detection rate (0.60) as other survey methods. Additional criteria used to select a preferred survey method included overall numbers of owls detected and coverage of the habitats included in the Coachella Valley. Our preliminary results indicate that audio point counts and linear surveys detected roughly the same number of owls in winter 08-09 (eight and nine respectively) (Figure 4A), although during the breeding season audio counts appeared much less effective. Linear surveys detected 39 active burrows whereas the audio point counts yielded just nine, only one of which had not been detected with the linear surveys (Figure 4B). In winter the two methods detected different owls with only three of the detections being at the same active burrows. Winter point counts (without audio) yielded just three detections (two of which were not detected by either the linear or audio point counts), as did plot counts (all of which were undetected by any previous method), for a total winter 08-09 count of 19 independent occupied locations. Breeding season point counts also detected nine active burrows (three of which had not been detected by other methods) and wildland plot counts detected five active burrows, all of which were undetected by any previous method. Total detections of independent occupied locations during the breeding season were 48. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 9 These results indicate that linear surveys conducted during the breeding season provide the greatest number of burrowing owl detections (89% of the total detections). Furthermore, since they are continuous rather than point based, linear surveys cover the most area of the four survey methods. Although some of the linear surveys were conducted on foot along flood control levees, the vast majority were conducted using vehicles along passable roadways, allowing coverage of large areas of the Coachella Valley floor. Because wildland reserves are largely roadless, on-foot surveys are necessary in these areas. A previous analysis reported that foot surveys were of minimal value as the owls avoided detection at the approach of people (Conway and Simon 2003). However, our survey protocols allow owls to be detected from their distinctive tracks in loose aeolian sand, so owl avoidance of surveyors was not an issue. Figure 2. Distribution of burrowing owls located during the 2009 breeding season. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 10 Mean Detection Rates at Known Occupied Sites 1 Coachella Valley Storm Channel 0.9 Suburban Desert Hot Springs 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Linear Surveys Audio Point Counts Point Counts Figure 3. Comparison of detection rates (proportion of survey attempts during which owls were detected in sites where owls were known to occur) among three survey methods on two survey routes known to 45 8 40 35 Winter Breeding 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Number of Active Burrowing Owl Locations Detected Number of Occupied Burrowing Owl Locations Detected be occupied by burrowing owls during the breeding season. Vertical lines indicate one standard error. 7 Winter Breeding 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Linear Surveys Audio Point Counts Point Counts Wildland Plots Surveys Audio Point Counts Point Counts Wildland Plots Surveys Figure 4. Comparisons of survey method effectiveness during winter and breeding season surveys. Graph on the left shows total detections whereas the graph on the right shows only those detections that were independent of detections made during linear surveys. Niche Modeling Results A niche model describing the potential suitability of the Coachella Valley for burrowing owl occupancy was developed from historic burrowing owl locations (Figure 5). The best performing niche model, based on the highest median HSI value (0.908), was the model partition that accounted for all the variance in the calibration data set and was comprised of variables that described slope, slope curvature, slope ruggedness, mean maximum July Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 11 temperature, and mean precipitation. Those variables described a multivariate mean condition for historic locations, and included a mean precipitation of 126 mm, a mean maximum July temperature of 41°C (both moderate for the Coachella Valley), two ruggedness variables, slope, soil water and curve, all consistent with a preference for flat terrain on gentle well drained south-facing slopes. All these variable values were consistent with what is known of burrowing owl habitat preferences. The mapped niche model can be depicted as the distribution of cells that have HSI values at or exceeding any a priori value, with the understanding that HSI values approaching 0 have little or no similarity to conditions of owl locations used to create the calibration model, and those approaching 1.0 would be almost identical to the calibration locations. In Figure 5, we show niche models with HSI values ≥ to 0.55, 0.75, and 0.95. The area mapped as suitable with HSI values ≥ 0.55 was 88,800 ha; for HSI values ≥ to 0.75 there were 73,800 ha and for HSI values to 0.95 there were 32,565 ha. Seventy-four percent of the burrowing owls located during the 2009 surveys occurred on lands mapped as having HSI values ≥ 0.55. The lack of a closer fit between owl occurrence and modeled habitat is likely a product of a lack of a strong dependence of owls on the environmental variables available to us for use in modeling. Figure 5. Mapped representation of the niche modeling results within the Coachella Valley. Areas indicated in pale yellow had HSI values ≥ 0.55, in orange had HSI values ≥ 0.75, and in dark brown had HSI values ≥ 0.95. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 12 Occupancy Models Result Selected occupancy models were similar to selected niche models, both in the environmental parameters indicated as important to owls as well as in their reduced precision in predicting owl occurrence. Of models with detection-only covariates, the best-fit model included all detection covariates (∆AIC = -83.9 over a constant detection and constant occupancy model). Of models that included all the detection covariates and occupancy covariates, the best-fit model included most of the environmental parameters contained in best-performing niche models (all except precipitation). These included negative effects of slope, curvature, maximum temperature, and soil water, as well as a positive effect of ruggedness ( ∆AIC =-6.1 relative to the best-fit detection-only model). These results should be considered preliminary since we did not try all possible combinations of occupancy covariates since we limited ourselves to use the variables used in the niche modeling process. Future modeling exercises could produce better-fitting models by examining all possible combinations of covariates. However, also similar to niche modeling results, occupancy models did not provide very precise predictions of owl occurrence. The over-dispersion score for the global model was high (c = 6.5; c > 1 indicates over-dispersion and c > 4 indicates extremely poor fit; Burnham and Anderson 2002), indicating the suite of covariates considered here to be inadequate for developing a reasonably predictive model. Consequently, predictions derived from better-fitting models with unexamined covariate combinations are unlikely to be much more than those of the best-fit model found here. A map of the estimated occupancy probabilities based on our best-fit model is depicted in Figure 6. Of note are the isolated pockets of high probability of occupancy cells (green) surrounded by mid-to-low-occupancy cells (orange/beige). Cells in which owls were observed were always assigned a high-occupancy status, but cells surrounding occupied cells were often dissimilar from the average occupied cell, resulting in the isolated high-occupancy cells. Also, of note is the “ring” of high-occupancy cells surrounding much of the region surveyed for burrowing owls. We are uncertain of whether this phenomenon represents an artifact of model structure or an actual biological process (e.g., owl selection for specific slope, elevation, or ruggedness). Finally, a large portion of the Coachella Valley was dissimilar in environmental space from surveyed areas (depicted in brown). Future attempts to model owl occupancy rates may benefit from surveys of some of these areas. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 13 Figure 6. Mapped representation of predicted occurrence probabilities from the occupancy model bestfitting breeding survey data. Probabilities are depicted on a scale from beige (low probability) to green (high probability). Brown indicates cells that were not sampled and too dissimilar in environmental space from sampled cells to estimate occupancy rates based on the fitted models. Niche Model-Occupancy Model Comparisons The niche and occupancy models utilize different statistical approaches. The distribution of relatively high habitat suitability (HSI/Psi_hat ≥ 0.75) revealed little overlap between the two modeling approaches (Figure 7). Nevertheless the two models combined captured all of the historic and recent locations occupied by burrowing owls and so in that sense they may capture the broad range of habitats in the Coachella Valley that are suitable for burrowing owls. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 14 Figure 7. Our best performing Occupancy Model (yellow shaded areas) overlain upon our best performing Niche Model (orange shaded areas), HSI/Psi_hat ≥ 0.75. Red circles indicate all documented burrowing owl locations, historic and recent, utilized in this study. DISCUSSION Our linear driving surveys, point counts, and audio point counts were limited to accessible (non 4 wheel drive) roads and so with the exception of the flood control channels, nearly all were detected next to roads. Along the wildland flood channels, many nesting sites were at or clumped very near to a road or bridge. This may be due to the high disturbance of soils in these areas, which encourages usage by burrowing animals (a prerequisite for owl nest sites), or may be related to amount of soil water content attributed to more available runoff next to the road. We found very few owls within the vast agricultural areas, and all were clustered near “guzzlers” or private aqueducts. Based our results, we recommend the use of linear surveys, coupled with plot surveys, to best characterize the population of breeding burrowing owls in the Coachella Valley. A proposed survey protocol is described in detail in Appendix A. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 15 Our field surveys revealed 53 independent locations of owls throughout the Coachella Valley. Thirty-seven of those locations (70 %) were found to be within planned conservation lands, leaving 16 locations (30 %) outside the planned conservation area. Although our surveys were distributed across the Coachella Valley, our observations of owls were largely clumped in and around the Desert Hot Springs area. Many of the nest sites found were along Mission Creek, Little Morongo Wash, Hidden Springs (now in development), and other washes, as well as a half dozen nest sites directly adjacent to suburban development. In these areas, many nest sites were observed on the edge of empty development pads, left vacant by the slow in construction during this economic recession. Ground squirrels move in to create burrows in the disturbed soils, and the owls use these burrows opportunistically. The ability of these owls to take advantage of burrows in high proximity to development makes it imperative that future studies and monitoring efforts catalog potential nests in these areas along roadside surveys or environmental analyses for impact reports. The majority of owls nesting within Mission Creek drainage and Little Morongo Wash are within the areas to be incorporated into the conservation of those corridors. Unless managed, off-highway vehicle use, dumping, and domestic animal predations could be threats in these areas given their proximity to suburban and urban areas. The largest accumulation of nest sites found in the southern Coachella Valley was along the Whitewater (Coachella Valley) Storm-water Channel, which ultimately drains into the Salton Sea. These observations were scattered when compared to those found within the Desert Hot Springs area. As in the Imperial Valley, the availability of burrows within the Coachella Valley flood control canals, including the Coachella Valley Storm-water Channel, depend greatly on the intensive management practices of the Coachella Valley Water District and surrounding farms. Most of the burrows within this route were created by water erosion resulting in large crags in the bank, which are usually initially occupied and enlarged by burrowing rodents. The roadside agricultural drains of the Coachella Valley tend to be much shallower than those that provide habitat for the owls in the Imperial Valley. Many local roadside drains are < 1 m deep, while Imperial’s can be up to 9 m deep, providing more protection for the nest sites. In Coachella Valley drains vegetation maintenance and use of tractors to flatten crags challenges the ability of owls to use this habitat. Rosenburg and Haley (2004) found in their studies within the Imperial Valley that the availability of burrows is positively correlated with the abundance of ground dwelling rodent species, and negatively correlated with the intensity of the dredging of canals and drains. In the future, management activities along these sites may wish to include collaboration with monitoring efforts to minimize destruction of nests. Our results differ somewhat from those reported by Conway and Simon (2003) who used driving linear surveys to detect new nest sites and then used those and other known nest sites Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 16 to determine detection rates for point counts and audio point counts. Using previously known nest sites, Conway et al. (2003, 2007) found higher detection rates associated with point counts, especially audio point counts during breeding season. In contrast, our surveys were distributed more generally across the landscape without using previous known sites to guide the creation of our routes. Also, Conway and Simon (2003) surveyed throughout the day during breeding season when on the linear driving transects, and focused their point counts in the mornings, and audio point counts during morning and evening hours during breeding season. Our surveys were conducted throughout the day (0700 – 1600) during each seasons to test the efficacy of each method. Haug and Didiuk (1993) found that using audio surveys among known nest sites greatly increased detectability, but noted a drastic decline in responses, especially by female burrowing owls, after mid-April. Finally, Conway et al. (2003, 2007) recommended using audio surveys late in the wintering period and early in the breeding season to increase effectiveness. The results of these studies correspond to our findings that audio surveys were more effective in late winter 2008-2009 and the winter 2009-2010 seasons. Our efforts to model the distribution of burrowing owls should be considered a useful, preliminary step towards understanding this species’ Coachella Valley range and identifying suitable habitat. The aspect of burrowing owl biology most reflected by our modeling results is that owls are generalists. Because they are generalists, a wide range of areas provide potentially suitable habitat, with one result being the occurrence of owls within this range is difficult to predict based on available knowledge. Unlike other generalist species (e.g., American crow, redtailed hawk), burrowing owls do not occur throughout the range apparently suitable to them, suggesting a lack of habitat saturation. A lack of habitat saturation could occur because a population is recovering from circumstances of the past and is therefore in the process of filling the available habitat, or because unaccounted-for-factors are limiting the population. Given the widespread and continued conservation concern for burrowing owls, the latter is more likely in this case. Additional research aimed at identifying factors that limit burrowing owls is necessary for understanding the observed occurrence patterns. The inclusion of variables reflecting these currently undefined factors in models would likely improve the predictive value of distributional models. Potential un-modeled factors that might improve predictive power of models include local-scale vegetation structure and the presence of burrowing mammals (i.e., California ground squirrels). Additionally, future analyses involving occupancy modeling may result in better fitting models by considering a greater number of variable combinations, as well as transformations of variables designed to improve their normality. Until research is conducted Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 17 that elucidates a more restrictive set of variables defining suitable burrowing owl habitat, the combined niche and occupancy models can serve to identify the broad extent of suitable habitat. In order to better understand the status and persistence of burrowing owls in the Coachella Valley, and to identify key habitat variables, future research on burrowing owls here should concentrate on: • Understanding the movement of burrowing owls: what is their site fidelity, does wintering habitat differ from breeding habitat, where do juveniles go? Color banding should be considered as a means to answer these questions. • Attempt to assess breeding success and a minimum number of young produced. The collection and analysis of regurgitated pellets from around the burrow entrance and surrounding perches would inform our management efforts on which prey species such as Palm Springs pocket mouse and various orthoptera are essential to their diets and increase breeding success. York et al. (2002) suggested that burrowing owls’ breeding success in agricultural areas of the Imperial Valley was reduced due to the lack of small mammal prey available. If the same is true in the Coachella Valley conservation of wildland owls, where small mammal prey is generally abundant, should be the focus. • A habitat analysis should also be made of vegetative cover density and exotic plant species occurrence within occupied areas to understand if there are effects on the owls from occupying burrows surrounded by invasive species. • Creating a niche model for the distribution of California ground squirrels within the Coachella Valley could facilitate the creation of a GIS layer for the squirrels’ distribution. That layer could then be incorporated into future iterations of spatially explicit models for burrowing owls • Finally, research into the effects of land use and management patterns along flood control channels and in suburban areas might provide land managers with better information on annual timing for vegetation control and dredging within these areas, as well as the effects of rodent management and land use disturbances on this population of burrowing owls. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 18 LITERATURE CITED Browning, D. M., S. J. Beaupré and L. Duncan. 2005. Using partitioned Mahalanobis D2 (K) to formulate a GIS-based model of timber rattlesnake hibernacula. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:33-44. Burnham, K. P. and D. R. Anderson. 1998. Model selection and inference - a practical informationtheoretic approach. Springer- Verlag, New York. Clark, J.D., J. E. Dunn, K. G. Smith. 1993. 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Journal of Wildlife Management. 71(5): 1419 -1426 US Dept of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). 2003. California pp. 40-44 in D.S. Klute, L.W. Ayers, J.A. Shaffer, M.T. Green, W.H. Howe, S. L. Jones, S.R. Sheffield, and T.S. Zimmerman (Editors), In Prep. Status Assessment and Conservation Plan for the Western Burrowing Owl in the United States. Biological Technical Publication FTW/BTP-R 6001-2003. Washington, D.C. York, M.M., D.K. Rosenberg, and K.K. Sturm. 2002. Diet and food-niche breadth of burrowing owls (Athene cunnicularia) in the Imperial Valley, California. Western North American Naturalist 62:280-287. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 20 APPENDIX A - BURROWING OWL (ATHENE CUNNICULARIA) SURVEY PROTOCOL Burrowing Owls are widely distributed in western North America, occurring in deserts, grasslands, and shrub-steppe, along with agricultural and suburban-edge modified landscapes. While they are sometimes clumped in their distribution, especially in anthropogenically modified areas, more often they are widely dispersed, even within large, seemingly suitable habitat patches. Site occupancy is likely a complex interaction among soils, slope, vegetation density and height, prey density, predator density, and the abundance of burrowing mammals sufficient in size to provide at least the beginning structure of the owls’ underground burrows. This broad array of habitats, and cryptic factors as to why certain areas are occupied while others are not, along with potentially large distances between occupied locations, challenges the use of any single survey method for determining the owls’ occurrence patterns. The survey protocol described here is designed to meet three objectives: 1. To sample a sufficient portion of the Coachella Valley to accurately characterize the distribution and relative abundance of owls within the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP) area. 2. To enable detection of changes in both the distribution and relative abundances of owls through time. 3. To identify environmental correlates of the occurrence, population size, and changes in demographic parameters. This aspect of the burrowing owl protocol is addressed under “Research Questions”. In 2009 UC Riverside’s Center for Conservation Biology conducted an evaluation of four burrowing owl survey techniques within the Coachella Valley. Those techniques included linear surveys, audio point counts (using recorded calls to elicit detections), point counts (without broadcast of recorded calls), and plot counts using an existing network of plots designed for detections of multiple species occurring within aeolian sand communities. The results of this pilot study informed the protocol proposed for future monitoring of burrowing owls, as well as further research questions that need to be addressed in the future Recommended survey protocol Burrowing owls winter in the Coachella Valley, but the status of these birds is not fully understood; are they the same birds that breed here or are they migrants from further north? Given comparatively low detection rates in winter using any of the methods we tested, we recommend only formal breeding period surveys for burrowing owls. For the breeding period, Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 21 linear surveys along routes within the Coachella Valley provided the greatest number of owls detected. To adequately sample across a diverse landscape, we created 42 routes between 1 and 40 km along roadways that included rural, suburban, and urban landscapes as well as irrigation/flood control areas, mostly along existing roadways within wildland, suburban, and agricultural locations (see map below). Linear surveys are conducted by visually scanning roadside habitat continuously, without stopping the vehicle unless a positive sighting was made, at a speed of no more than 20 km per hour (Conway and Simon 2003, Conway et al. 2008). Visual detections for these surveys are limited to the line of sight from the roadway, and binoculars are only used at locations where owls were observed so as to count the number of individuals at that location. Location specifics are recorded using a handheld GPS. Linear survey routes along with wildland plot counts accounted for 90% of the occupied burrowing owl locations detected in 2009. Linear routes do survey wildland habitats away from roads along Mission Creek, Morongo Wash and the San Gorgonio River wash in the Desert Hot Springs – Snow Creek regions. In addition to these linear surveys, the 100+ established aeolian sand community plots that occur within the conserved wildlands should be surveyed for burrowing owls as well. These involve walking 100 x 10 m plots and recording all tracks, visual, and audio observations, and do not require any additional effort beyond that extended to conduct the aeolian sand species surveys. The current plots survey only a small fraction of the wildland habitat available to the owls and so this approach will likely underestimate presence of burrowing owls in wildland areas. However, to conduct surveys that would cover even 10% of the available habitat would require more than an order of magnitude increase in survey effort. Given the low density of owls occurring in wildland habitats (especially east of Desert Hot Springs), the gain in terms of additional burrowing owl sightings would be very small. We do suggest that all persons conducting property evaluations (i.e. hazardous materials searches), or any natural resource surveys/inventories within the CVMSHCP area be instructed to collect GPS locations for any burrowing owls they encounter. Those locations would then be confirmed by those responsible for burrowing owl surveys and added to a sampling frame of historic burrowing owl locations that would be resurveyed each year. The inclusion of additional survey methods such as point counts and audio point counts could facilitate the detection of additional burrowing owls. During the 2009 pilot study, of sites occupied by burrowing owls detected along roads and levees, 90% were detected using linear surveys alone, another 5% were added using point counts, and 5% were added by using audio point counts. If funding priorities dictate more complete survey of owls during the breeding period, then point counts and/or audio point counts should be added to the recommended Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 22 survey protocol. Those point counts should also be conducted along those same linear survey routes, with data only collected at established points consisting of a four-minute visual search for owls, with each point separated by 0.8 km (0.5 miles). Audio point counts are conducted in the same manner as regular point counts, only with a field speaker and iPod that looped Burrowing Owl calls for 30 sec, and then 30 seconds of silence, then repeated the cycle over a four minute playback period. A loop recording of both the male coo-coo call, and the defensive (chuck and chatter) call are recommended. Binoculars should be used at all audio point count locations to determine any movement of Burrowing Owls. As with the linear surveys each point count survey should be repeated at least three times, and include surveys that correspond to the early, middle and late phases of the owls’ breeding period (April, May-June, July-August). Adding point counts and audio point triples the overall survey effort. We suggest that the addition of point counts to an established network of linear surveys be given a low priority. Based on the results of our pilot study, we recommend linear surveys during the breeding season (April to August) in conjunction with plot surveys in wildland-aeolian sand areas (which will be surveyed for other species as well) as the preferred burrowing owl survey method. Based on detection rates from our results as well as from previous research (Conway and Simon 2003, Conway et al. 2008), each linear survey route would need to be repeated ≥ three times during breeding season for an accurate assessment of occupancy. Due to lower detection rates, wildland plot surveys would need to be repeated ≥ three times (current protocols require six repetitions on these plots). To maximize survey efficiency we propose an adaptive monitoring approach starting with the base set of routes and plots surveyed in 2009 (Figure A). The adaptive component of this approach would be to add new routes or wildland plots whenever there have been new owl detections, perhaps through cooperator reports. Within this adaptive monitoring framework there could also be a stratification of monitoring frequency using a dual-frame sampling approach; for routes where no owls were previously located for three years there would be two repetitions during the breeding season, whereas for routes where owls have been more recently located surveys would be repeated at least three times. Once an owl is located the only further survey required that year would be near the end of the breeding period to confirm whether breeding occurred and if possible get a count of the number of young owls produced. As part of adaptive monitoring and dual frame sampling, we could add additional linear routes in areas previously identified as "marginal" based on niche or occupancy modeling criteria. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 23 ## Y Y Y # Y# # Y Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # ## Y Y Y # Y # ## Y Y Y # Y # Y # Y # ## Y Y Y # Y# # Y # Y # Y # Y Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y# # Y # Y Y# # Y Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y# # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y # Y Y # Y # Y# # Y Y # Y # Y # Y# # Y# # Y Y # Y# # Y # # Y Y Y# # Y Y # Y Figure A. The distribution of linear survey routes (red lines) and wildland plots (red circles) surveyed in 2009. This overall burrowing owl survey effort will require the dedication of one full time biologist between April and September (to accommodate data collection, analyses and report preparation). This would be in addition to the team conducting surveys on the aeolian sand plots where burrowing owls could also be detected. While not lessening the need for a full time biologist for six months, the linear surveys lend themselves to a “citizen science” involvement, using interested public in ride-along support for surveys as well as searches for additional owls not yet on a survey route. Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 24 Research Questions Figure B. Envirogram depicting hypothetical relationships between likely driver and stressor variables that dictate burrowing owl occupancy and reproductive success. The four ultimate causes are in slightly larger font at the top and are connected via the proximate causes in smaller font. In bold are the things that we believe we measure directly or can obtain information on through other sources. There are information needs regarding the persistence and long-term conservation of burrowing owls in the Coachella Valley that will require additional data collection and analysis approaches. Those information needs can be met through addressing the following research questions: • Is the burrowing owls’ breeding success impacted by land use patterns and/or land management practices? • What are the primary drivers of burrowing owl population fluctuations and distributional limits within the Coachella Valley? Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 25 • To what extent are burrowing owls distributed within lands currently conserved, proposed for conservation, or in a “stable” use pattern through zoning or economic constraints? The first research question addressing the owls’ breeding success will require that • Surveys attempt to assess breeding success and a minimum number of young produced – accomplished by conducting late breeding period surveys at all known occupied burrows. • Late breeding season surveys include the collection of regurgitated pellets from around the burrow entrance and surrounding perches, and the pellet contents analyzed. • Land management practices such as vegetation management along flood control levees are documented. • We measure vegetation cover as a co-variate of owl occupancy, especially invasive, exotic species such as Sahara mustard The second research question addressing the drivers of the owls’ population fluctuations will require that • Multivariate models are constructed that incorporate potential co-variates to the owls’ occupancy such as rainfall, vegetation cover, potential prey abundance and composition, land uses including recreation, agriculture (types of crops, fallow fields) and development densities. Many of these variables will be quantified incidental to other monitoring activities, although fields will need to be added on survey data sheets to ensure site-specific data are included. As these variables are not currently available as GIS layers, modeling will be limited to regression or logistic approaches. The third research question builds on the first two, but addresses a fundamental question of whether the burrowing owls occupying lands not destined for conservation such as agriculture and suburban-rural development will persist. Beyond addressing the first two research questions, this question will be answered through the long-term monitoring and tracking of spatial correlates surrounding (500 m radius) burrowing owl locations. Data and Analyses At the end of each field season a geodatabase will be submitted to the CVCC summarizing the findings for that year. Data fields will include: UTM Coordinates for all survey locations UTM Coordinates for all occupied locations Inventory and monitoring Western Burrowing Owls for the CV MSHCP Final Report p. 26 Survey dates Detection Dates Survey Method Person(s) conducting the Survey Land use type(s) – 500 m radius Research specific fields: Breeding success Maximum number of owls observed Proportion of Palm Springs pocket mice in the owls’ diet Proportion of arthropods in the owls’ diet Vegetation cover Sahara mustard cover Subsequent analyses will include occupancy modeling, modeling drivers of population/breeding dynamics