Trust In The LORD With All your Heart, And Do not lean On


Trust In The LORD With All your Heart, And Do not lean On
in the LORD with all your
“ Trust
heart, and do not lean on your
own understanding. In all your
ways acknowledge Him, and He
will make straight your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6
The Faciane Family
Laura Leigh, Christy, William, Ky, & Lilibeth
With full confidence that God’s vision has been
lighting the path on our journey, your Pastor Search
Team is honored to introduce to you our candidate
for Senior Pastor, Ky Faciane, and his family.
Dear BBC Family,
It is with great joy that that the Pastor Search Team (PST)
presents to you the man we unanimously agree God is
calling to be our next Senior Pastor! Pastor Ky Faciane
has been invited to preach at the morning worship
service on July 26 in view of that “call.”
In preparation, and in accordance with our church
Bylaws, we are presenting to you the candidate’s
background information to help you start getting to
know Ky and his family.
We are truly excited that Ky also trusts he is being called
to bring his family to become part of our Bannockburn
family. We continue to request that you pray for
Bannockburn, the staff, and now for the candidate as
you prepare your hearts to meet and hear him preach.
Additionally, we wanted to take this opportunity to
thank you for engaging, walking, praying and trusting
in God’s sovereignty to take nine people elected to
represent a fellowship of over a thousand and bring us
to this time and place. Since the team was selected by
the church and hosted its first meeting on September 2,
2014, we have been filled with great assurance that God
would bless the faithful.
Now that the PST has served its role in assessing and
presenting the person we agree God is calling to lead
Bannockburn and “do life with us,” the final step in the
process requires 75% affirmation by the voting members
of the church body. This will take place after the Sunday
morning worship service on July 26.
We are truly excited about what God has in store for
BBC in the days to come.
Thank you.
In His Service,
Pastor Search Team
Bannockburn Baptist Church
Simon Garza, Steve Prichett, Dawn Martinez, Steve Beatty,
Sharmon Coleman, Bill Hayden, Melonie Elequin, Linn Strock, and Debi Short
Your Pastor Search Team began last September, under
the leadership of the Holy Spirit and empowered by the
prayers of the BBC congregation, to find God’s man to lead
our church as Senior Pastor. After collecting feedback from
the BBC family, the PST spent many months developing a
process to guide us to find God’s man for equipping BBC
to impact our city, state, country, and, ultimately, the world
for Christ. Through the revelation of the Holy Spirit, we have
reached the end of our search. We are eager to share with
you some of the key attributes of Ky Faciane.
Preaching is one of Ky’s greatest gifts. His expository style
of preaching relies solely on God’s Word as Truth.
Ky is a communicator whose purpose is to
challenge his congregation with God’s Truth
and how it is applicable to them.
Ky’s preparation for his sermon is his priority. Not only does
he find joy in preparing his sermons, he understands that it is
his duty to discern what message God has for his audience.
Ky’s delivery style is engaging, and he speaks to his
audience in the world in which they live, complete with
the brokenness and challenges, yet full of hope.
All generations will identify with Ky’s preaching.
Ky loves and desires to care for people in
his flock. Ky is a good listener.
Ky understands and embraces his spiritual
duty to “watch over the flock.”
Ky is a “people person” and enjoys connecting with all people.
Ky’s leadership style is collaborative; he seeks to empower
and inspire staff to lead in their respected areas.
Ky has years of varied and detailed experience leading large
staff sizes. He leads a staff of 54 in his current church.
Ky is successful at both casting vision and implementing vision.
Ky is purpose-driven in his vision. His primary
goal is to lift high the name of Jesus!
Ky’s principles that guide him in leading a church: Respect
the Past, Move Slowly, Love the People, Be Myself, and
Preach the Word. He believes these consistent actions will
allow the church to evaluate, pray and make appropriate
adjustments in order to make the biggest impact for Christ.
Ky agrees with our Pastor-led, Deacon-served,
Team-functioned, and Congregation–approved
model. He commented, “Healthy churches are
led by people who are servants of Christ, willing
to sacrifice for the welfare of the church.”
Ky says that there are four main
indicators of a healthy church:
• Are they teaching the Word?
(Sound Biblical doctrine)
• Are they seeking to align their lives to this doctrine?
• Are they effectively fulfilling the Great Commission?
• Do they seek to fulfill the Great
Commandment of loving one another?
Ky’s philosophy for equipping the Body of Christ:
• Preaching ministry
• Small Group community (Growth Groups)
• Competency - Hebrews 5:11-14 - develop
believers “who are practiced“ in their
faith and live lives of impact.
Ky’s guidance for church vision and direction is based
on Holy Spirit leadership through constant prayer.
Ky embraces the Acts 1:8 model of missions.
Ky understands that the church must be prayerfully
strategic and intentional about reaching new believers.
Born and raised in Pensacola, Florida,
Ky (pronounced Key) was raised in a
Christian home. He says of his father,
“He made me a man — to value work,
honesty, integrity, faith and discipline.”
Like so many of us, Ky was distracted
by the things of this world, primarily
sports ­— baseball to be specific.
Ky says, “I love all of the three main
sports and can’t understand hockey or
soccer.” He played baseball all the way
through college and into the minor
leagues, where he was following the
crowd rather than the Lord. Through a
series of orchestrated “God moments,”
attempts at being good and living a
moral life, Jesus’ call on his life was
relentless — and Ky surrendered his
life to Christ in 1997 in the living room
of his soon-to-be father-in-law’s home.
Afterward, his love for the Word, the
Church, and his burden for the lost
became overwhelming.
Newly married and with a new
purpose in life, Ky and Christy moved
to Dallas to join Prestonwood Baptist
Church, where he was ordained for the
ministry and acted as their Minister of
Sports Outreach. It was during this
time that Ky’s passion for evangelism
blossomed. Through the prompting
of the Holy Spirit, and a desire to fear
no man, Ky set out to preach on street
corners and at the Texas State Fair
Grounds. God’s anointing on his life
continued, and in 2001, he joined First
Baptist Bossier in Bossier City, Louisiana,
as their Minister of Evangelism and
I amhedoing
new and
now itevery
up; in the
other Sunday
executed evangelism
Service,” with an average of
for the church throughout the year.
Isaiah 43:181,700 in attendance. Ky says his fatherin-law has had the most influence in
The Faciane (pronounced Fa-Shawn)
his ministry. “He led me to Christ,
family began to expand with the birth
baptized me, licensed me to ministry,
of their first daughter, Laura Leigh,
ordained me to preach, and I served
who is now 14 and going into the
by his side for twelve years.” In 2005, Ky
9th grade. She loves to sing, dance,
joined the Board of a Christian school
act and perform. In 2004, Lilibeth was
with 20 students. Over the next seven
born. She is a very sweet-hearted,
years, under his leadership, the school
soft-spoken ten-year-old who loves
relocated to a 27-acre campus, raised
soccer, softball and anything else her
funds and built an $8 million facility
big sister loves. She has a wonderful
that today operates with nearly 500
sense of humor and is always taking
students, kindergarten through 10th
care of her little brother. Through a
grade, with no debt and $600,000 in
supernatural set of circumstances
the bank.
in 2010, God brought them a son,
William. On a typical day, checking
In 2013, Ky was called to Central Church
his mail, Ky overheard a conversation
in Memphis, Tennessee, where he
between two women about a twocurrently serves as Ministries Pastor,
year-old boy who needed a home. He
overseeing a staff of 54 with a $5.7
interrupted the conversation by saying
million budget. He preaches about
they would be willing to take the boy.
every 4th Sunday to a congregation of
Thirty minutes later, Will was in Christy’s
nearly 2,000. Central Church has added
car, and he has been with them ever
over 300 new members and baptized
since. Will is absolutely amazing. He
over 300 people in the last year.
looks just like Christy. He is incredibly
Ky is a LSU fan. Fortunately for him, and
smart and, like his mother, has never
all of us Longhorn fans, God’s grace
met a stranger.
extends beyond our college affiliations.
During his time at First Baptist Bossier,
Ky completed his Masters of Divinity
from New Orleans Baptist Theological
Seminary. He then became the
Teaching Pastor, where he assisted the
Senior Pastor, Dr. Fred Lowery, also his
father-in-law, with managing the staff
and operations of the church. Ky also
While attending the University of Mobile on baseball
and cheerleading scholarships, Ky and Christy met
and later married in 1998. Christy earned a Business
Communications Degree and later fulfilled her dream
and earned a cosmetology license. Christy loves her
work because it offers her many ministry opportunities.
Ky graduated with a Business Degree from Louisiana State
University Shreveport. Their daughter, Laura Leigh, was
born in 2001 and was followed by Lilibeth in 2004. In
2010, through a set of miraculous circumstances, God
brought them a son, Will, whose adoption was finalized
in October of that year. The Facianes love to spend time
together and enjoy a very active lifestyle. Their family’s
favorite scripture verse is John 10:10, and they feel they
have been blessed abundantly.
Ky credits his wife’s family, including his father-in-law, Dr.
Fred Lowery, with nurturing not only his love of God and
people, but also with an enduring belief in the power of
God’s Word and the ministry of the local church.
Ky’s hobbies and interests include: sports, coaching his
kids, golf, and college football. Christy enjoys the gym,
girlfriends, women’s Bible study, Pinterest projects, and
entertaining. Their children are involved in music, theater,
soccer, football, and softball; they also love their church
youth events.
The Faciane family is also involved in their community
through the Chamber of Commerce, Parent Teacher
Association, the PCA school board, and coaching their
children’s team sports. They never miss a neighborhood
block party and participate in opportunities to minister
to their city through Backpack Outreach, Orange Mound
serve days, Arise Memphis, and Jesus Loves Memphis
Serving our City. The Facianes have spoken at the local
Rescue Mission, ministered to cancer patients, fed the
homeless, and provided free haircuts.
“See I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”
Isaiah 43:18
Bannockburn Baptist Church (BBC), born in May 1973 in
what was then considered “far” South Austin, is now a
key center of Austin activity. In 2012 BBC developed its
multi-site church campus expansion strategy with the
initial opening of our Dripping Springs campus, and later
our Manor Campus in 2013.
Bannock – what? BBC took on the name of its adjacent
subdivision. Providentially, in their Scottish origin,
“bannock” and “burn” respectively mean “bread” and
“small stream” – BBC seeks to make famous the Bread of
Life and Living Water through the Person of Jesus Christ.
Reach other “centers” of need throughout our Nation
through our adult and student ministries to the homeless,
the broken, the desperate.
Reach the Nations through investment in our continual
global missions initiatives in India, Guatemala, Dominican
Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Scotland, the SBC Cooperative
Program, and much, much more!
The founding congregation of 137 people set the tone
early for a church that would be based on Biblical
preaching, expectant prayer, and Spirit-led ministry.
Bannockburn has experienced the leadership of only two
previous Senior Pastors: Jim Abington (30 years) and Ryan
Rush (10 years) – can you see Ky Faciane as the Senior
Pastor the LORD has chosen to launch Bannockburn’s
next chapter for the City, the Nation, and the Nations?
Pastor Ky Faciane has deep experience in reaching and
loving the City, the Nation, and the Nations.
He can lead Bannockburn to:
Reach the City, including over 10,000 apartment residents
and economically-challenged neighborhoods within
blocks of our South campus, as well as the unchurched
in the Dripping Springs and Manor communities.
Together Called to
Make Jesus’ Name Famous
. . . in the City
. . . in the Nation
. . . and in the Nations
Bannockburn: A body of Believers, multi-site and
multi-generational worshippers, committed to joining
God where He is working . . .
Several months ago, I received a voicemail from the
Bannockburn Baptist Church Pastor Search Team, and I
immediately thought of the many trips we have taken to
Austin over the past fifteen years to see family and experience
all the unique (ok, weird) attributes of that wonderful city.
Through the process with the Search Team, we have
developed a deeper love for Austin and, more importantly,
we have come to love the people of Bannockburn. We
learned that Bannockburn is a very special place with a rich
heritage of faith and a great reputation. It is evident that God
has done, and is doing, great things through you. Thank you
for loving God’s Word and standing strong on Biblical truth.
I love preaching God’s Word, and I love people. It has always
been my desire to preach in a city outside of the “Bible belt”
and pastor a church that loves God’s Word, loves each other,
and is committed to seeing lives transformed by the Gospel.
In our discussions with the team, we learned that
Bannockburn has had two great pastors you deeply love.
We also saw your willingness to sacrifice in seeking to impact
other areas of Austin through a multi-site strategy. We saw
your commitment to the global mission of God in the world
through international missions.
Bannockburn is the kind of church I have dreamed of
pastoring and in a city I love. It is the kind of church Christy
and I want our children to grow up in. Most importantly,
after weeks of prayer, Bannockburn is the kind of church I
believe the Lord is leading me to pastor. To be presented to
you as the Pastor Search Team’s recommended candidate
for your pastor is an honor and a source of great excitement
and gratitude.
“It has been my privilege to know Ky and Christy Faciane for
15 years. After serving on our team here at Prestonwood, Ky
followed Christ’s call to serve wonderful churches in Louisiana
and in Tennessee. You are a getting a pastor who is full of
integrity, faithful to the Word of God, and passionate about
seeing those far from God reached with the Good News of Jesus
Christ. Ky is above all a family man who loves his wife and
children. You are a blessed congregation to have him as your
pastor, and it is our prayer that Bannockburn Baptist Church,
under the servant leadership of Ky Faciane, will continue to grow
and be a source of hope for all in the Austin area in the days
ahead.” ~ Jack Graham
“I have had the privilege of knowing Ky and Christy for over
15 years, serving with them on staff twice and seeing up close
and personal the character and quality of their lives. Ky is an
amazing preacher, leader and someone I consider one of my
closest friends. I couldn’t be more excited for Bannockburn and
how God is going to use Ky to help equip and lead your church
in its Kingdom purposes in the coming days!” ~ Matt Surber
Senior Pastor Castle Hills Baptist Church, San Antonio, Texas
Senior Pastor Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas
“The hand of God is clearly on the life and ministry of Ky Faciane.
He is a gifted preacher with a passion for leading the Church
and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It has been an honor
and a blessing to serve alongside him. I look forward to seeing
how God uses him in the next phase of his life and ministry as
a Senior Pastor.” ~ Gram Johnson
“Ky Faciane has a phenomenal grasp of God’s Word and
preaches Biblical truth with clarity and passionate love. As my
Associate Pastor for several years, Ky did an amazing job of
leading the staff, preaching in my absence, and co-preaching
with me in various series. In addition, Ky is a gifted leader and
has incredible ability to motivate people and get them excited
about doing God’s work. In our church, the young families
flocked to him and the older people adored him. I’m excited
for BBC and the Facianes.” ~ Dr. Fred Lowery
Central Church member and Connect Group leader
Vice President of SBC, President of SBC Pastors Conference
“What a great joy to commend my dear friend Ky Faciane to you
as Pastor. I have known Ky to be a man of God with integrity,
character, and humility. His heart for Christ, his wife and family,
along with his deep love for the church makes him a precious
commodity to the body of Christ. You will be led well with this
dear brother.” ~ Dr. Johnny Hunt
“I am thrilled that Bannockburn is hearing Ky Faciane in view of
a call. He and Christy are a great couple who will demonstrate
the godly Christian family every church needs in their pastor’s
family. Ky is a skilled preacher of God’s Word with the heart of
a true shepherd. It doesn’t get any better than that! Praying for
a great day!” ~ Jimmy Draper
Senior Pastor First Baptist Woodstock, Woodstock, Georgia
Former President of the SBC
President Emeritus of Lifeway Christian Stores
“I’m excited that Ky Faciane is a candidate to become the
Senior Pastor at Bannockburn Baptist Church. For a long time,
I have been aware that God has been preparing Ky for such a
position. Included among his ministerial gifts are discipleship
and leadership. In two churches where he has served, I have
witnessed his amazing work in the area of discipleship —
hundreds involved in teaching and learning Christian disciplines.
And he is a great leader of men and women — the people of
Bannockburn Baptist Church should get ready to move out in
Jesus’ name to advance the kingdom in Austin, TX, and around
the world!” ~ Dr. Rex Butler
“Ky is a great communicator of God’s truth. Whether from the
pulpit or one-on-one, he leads by example and motivates those
around him to be more earnest followers of Christ. He is an
encourager and has a wonderful vision for what our church
and families can be. Serving under his leadership has been a
true blessing.” ~ Arlon Duke
Central Church member and Connect Group leader
in the Young Adult Department
Professor of Church History, New Orleans Baptist
Theological Seminary
Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our website at: