In this issue... - Alliance Française de Tulsa


In this issue... - Alliance Française de Tulsa
Federation Focus
NEWSLETTER FOR MEMBERS OF THE Federation of Alliances Françaises USA|SUMMER 2015
Federation AF USA
Board of Directors
Josette MARSH
AF Hawaii
Vice President
Danielle BADLER
AF Denver
Vice President
AF Greenwich
Vice President
AF Chicago
Marie-Laure ARNAUD
AF Charleston
AF Grosse Pointe
AF Milwaukee
AF Boston
President’s Message
Bonjour tout le monde!
As I look at the drafts for
this issue of Federation
Focus, I’m thoroughly
impressed and inspired
by the events and
activities that are
taking place in your
communities. Whether
on a grand scale or in
smaller, more intimate gatherings, you’re making
an impact by giving people the opportunity
to speak, read, write, dance, dine, and enjoy all
things French. Bravo to all of you for a job well
Organizing and executing successful events
takes teamwork and a well-executed plan. The
Federation Focus team is made up of AF members
who are volunteers in their own chapters, so they
recognize the effort and energy that goes into
all that you do to keep your Alliance Française
chapter thriving. There are many formulae for
success, so let’s “pay it forward.” Let’s do a good
deed for your fellow Alliance and tell us not only
about what made your past events successful,
but what your plans are for the summer, la
Rentrée, the release of Beaujolais Nouveau in
November, and any program or activity that’s
important for your chapter. Sharing successful
ideas and plans could make a world of difference
to another AF chapter, and our raison d’être is to
help all of you connect and stay connected with
one another.
Everything that you do contributes to the
strength of our réseau. Take pride and be
happy with all that you achieve for the Alliance
Française. And most importantly, we love hearing
from you. “Keep those cards and letters coming!”
2015 Convention & Annual Meeting | Oct 29-31, San Francisco
Katharine BRANNING
French Institute
Alliance Française
New York
AF Toledo
photo courtesy of
Marie-France HILGAR
AF Southern Nevada
Join us at our annual meeting at the San Francisco Marriott Union Square
for two days of workshops designed to offer you guidance on creating
programs and events, fundraising, and more.
AF San Francisco
For more information visit
Make your
reservation by
October 8!
Cynthia RUOFF
AF Kalamazoo
Barbara TUCKER
AF Pittsburgh
Larissa Rolley
Directrice des
or 312-431-1880 (tel)
In this issue...
Cultural Events
Educational Programs
Art & Music
Summer Events
French Cinema
Cultural Events
La Fête de la Chandeleur February 7, 2015
According to tradition, if you flip your crepe
© AF Sacramento
Mark St. Mary Louisiana Blues & Zydeco Band
and manage to catch it in the pan, you and
your family will be prosperous for the rest of
the year.
© AF Charleston
Les crêpes : deux mots qui rassemblent toujours
un grand nombre de nos adhérents. Comme
toujours un buffet bien garni grâce a « nos
chefs »: Corinne Mills, Pat Caldwell, John Brea et
Marie Arnaud
Looks like it’ll be
a good year for
Jean Pierre !
© AF Sacramento
Guests dance to the band’s Zydeco music at La
Fête de la Francophonie March 27, 2015
© AF Sacr
© AF Sacramento
Alliance Française de Sacramento members and
friends were given a warm welcome at the home
of Maggie Fraser and Jean-Pierre McGaith to
celebrate la Fête de la Chandeleur
© AF Sacramento
Aziz Bellarbi-Salah, owner of Brasserie Capitale
in Sacramento, serves his delicious desserts.
© AF Institute
in Cincinnati
© AF Institute in Cincinnati
Sweet crepe contest
between El Paso
Community College
culinary students
and members
of the Alliance
Française of El Paso
© AF Sacra mento
© AF Institut©e AF
in Cincinn
© AF El Paso
© AF El Pa
© AF Institute in Cincinnati
Celebration de la Chandeleur (AF Institute in Cincinnati)
© AF Charleston
Le Club de Pétanque a recharge ses
batteries et change son lieu de rencontre. La
Pétanque a lieu maintenant à Mt Pleasant
au bord de la Rivière East Cooper avec une
vue splendide sur le port de Charleston
et les non joueurs peuvent profiter du
piquenique qui présente sur sa table les
talents de chacun.
© AF Nashville
Annual Immersion Day, where we spend the
whole day speaking French, eating French
foods, and engaging in French cultural activities
like Petanque (pictured)
For its annual celebration of le mois de
la francophonie in March 2015, Alliance
Française of Minneapolis and St. Paul
presented Haiti on the Rise, a series of 10
events on Haiti, its culture and its people.
The goal of this focus was to increase
awareness of the richness of Haitian culture
and to offer a positive and optimistic of Haiti,
breaking away from the images of poverty
and desolation often seen in the media.
Haiti on the Rise commenced with a
celebratory performance by Afoutayi
Dance Company, beginning the month in
grand fanfare. Guest speaker, Joëlle Vitiello,
Professor of French and Francophone
Studies at Macalester College, gave an
overview on the history, language and
culture of Haiti. Later in the series, a literary
evening presented Voices of the Diaspora,
with three authors of Haitian descent
sharing their original work and including
Rodney Saint-Eloi, poet and founder of the
publishing house Memoire d’Encrier based
in Montréal. The Ciné Club screenings for
the month offered two of filmmaker Raoul
Peck’s most powerful works, L’Homme sur
les Quais and Moloch Tropical. The series
also included a lesson in Haitian creole,
story-hour for children, and a presentation
with locally-based non-profit organizations
who provide outreach in Haiti. The month
wrapped up with a round-table discussion
asking the question “With Haiti on the rise,
what does the future entail?” Participants
included Haitian community members and
scholars from local universities.
This series was made possible with
generous support from the Organisation
internationale de la francophonie, Institut
Français, the Consulat General of Canada
in Minnesota, the Delegation of Quebec in
Chicago and the Marquette Hotel.
© AF MPLS St Pau
© AF El Paso
Mardi Gras in El Paso
Jean-François Hans Visits Hawaii
Alliance Française Hawaii earned kudos from
Délégué Général Jean-François Hans during
his visit to Honolulu in February. His article
in the Fondation’s Parution Fils d’Alliances
Printemps shares his views on how a smaller
chapter can work well through volunteers
and an active board. Click here and go to
page 27 to find out more.
© AF Charleston
© AF MPLS St Paul
Art & Music
Pierre Lefebrvre, sculptor and
member of the Alliance Française de
Doylestown gave a tour of Rodin’s work
at the James Michener Art Museum
in Doylestown in April
© AF Do
© AF Doylestown
© AF El Paso
Celebrating Jazz Day with local artists.
© AF El Paso
International Jazz Day
© AF El Paso
Sponsored by UNESCO
L’Alliance Française
a toujours été
très heureuse de
participer à l’Office
annuel en Français à
l’Eglise Huguenote.
Sur notre photos nos
deux professeurs de
la Peinte Ecole qui
utilise la maison de
la Paroisse comme
lieu d’enseignement:
Sandrine Wathey et
Myrianne Noyer
© AF Nashville
French band Touchez Pas Au Grisbi played an outdoor concert at Little
Gourmand (une epicerie in Nashville) for AFN members and area
© AF Doylestown
© Office Huguenot
© Russ
ky Ph
s Mez
ofsky P
© Russ Mezikofs
ky Photograph
© Ru
ral Center/Russ
© French Cultu
Mezikofsky Ph
Le Bal du Labyrinthe
French Cultural Center/Alliance Française de Boston et Cambridge
On Saturday, March 28, the French Cultural Center/Alliance
Française de Boston et Cambridge hosted Le Bal du Labyrinthe,
its 4th annual soirée in support of its Mosaïque initiative for
exceptional cultural programming, as well as its Accent on Success
French Language Instruction After-School Program in Boston Public
© French Cultural Center/Russ Mezikofsky Photography
Schools. For the first time in the history of the French
Cultural Center, they opened up the top floors of their
double brownstone mansion for a three-floor party in
true French style, with creative French cocktails, dancing
and a new Daedalean experience in every room!
Ready, Set, Fête
Alliance Française de Chicago
It was an evening of le jazz hot and French joie de vivre as guests
supported the Alliance Française de Chicago at a fundraising
event on Wednesday, May 20 at Cooper Technica Inc. Guests were
transported to a swinging 1930s cocktail party as the theme, Ready,
Set, Fête, provided them with a night of excitement and delight
complete with vintage cars, thrilling live and silent auctions, and
signature cocktails.
David Cooper, owner of Cooper Technica, chronicled the restoration
of a 1937 Delage D8-120 Aérosport Coupe during the VIP-hour.
Performances by the Galaxie Girls kept the party lively and inspired
guests to dance the night away while the Mike Allemana Quartet
played jazz hits!
Guests bid on once-in-lifetime trips to the 2016 Grand Prix
© AF Chicago
Historique of Monaco, the Palais Lamrani in Marrakech, Morocco,
and San Jose del Cabo, Mexico.
Over $145,000 was raised to support our Education and Cultural
AF du North Shore Donates
$1,700 to AATF Chapter
© Frank Steinhart, AF North Shore
Over 100 people attended AF du North Shore’s
trivia soiree
© Frank Steinhart, AF
Primary organizers
Contest: Eileen Wa the French Trivia
lvoord, Tim Rogus,
and Denise Rano
Martha Behlow, AATF chapter president, (left)
receives donation of the AF du North Shore from
Margot Steinhart, AF chapter president (right)
© Frank Steinhart, AF North Shore
The AF du North Shore donated $1,700,
raised from its March 2015 Soirée Trivia, to
the Chicago/Northern Illinois Chapter of
the American Association of Teachers of
French to support the latter’s programs to
benefit students of French. The AF chapter
president, Margot Steinhart, presented a
check to the AATF chapter president at the
AATF’s spring luncheon in May.
At the soirée, co-chair Tim Rogus organized
a tasting of Quebec beers to which the
Quebec Government Office in Chicago
contributed a variety of Unibroue products.
Emcee Denise Rano supplied detailed
answers to the questions, ranging from
current events, history, French products,
geography, and language to sports. Among
the almost 100 attendees were participants
from the Alliance Française de DuPage, the
Palatine Sister Cities Committee, the AATF,
Dominican University, and Elmhurst College.
Local restaurants, Belgian chocolatiers,
and shops with French-themed products
sponsored raffle prizes.
La Vie Parisienne
Alliance Française of Northwestern Connecticut
More than 80 members and friends attended
the La Vie Parisienne fund raising event
which took place in Southbury, CT on May
3 for the Alliance Française of NW CT. Area
businesses, members and friends bought
Program ads, generously donated wine, gift
certificates, original artwork, and other fine
items for the Silent Auction, and Raffle and
raised over $1000 for their French Language
School which opened in October 2014.
Bistro tables, a river Seine book stall and a
flower stand helped guests feel like they
had been transported to the streets of Paris.
Guests enjoyed a delicious Brunch and a funfilled afternoon of entertainment including
a professional mime and a photographer
was on hand to take a souvenir pictures in
front of the Eiffel Tower, while others had
their “portrait” drawn by a professional
The president welcomes guests
AF St. Louis Fundraiser
Draw me a
Four members of the Alliance Française
de St. Louis recently conducted an online
auction to raise funds for improvements to
the AFSTL Library. Thanks to the generosity
of those who contributed items for the
auction, as well as those who purchased
items, the auction surpassed its goal and
brought in over $5500! This money will be
used to purchase new shelves, and more
DVDs, CDs, magazines, and books.
Alliance Française de
Ce Fundraising a
cette année atteint
et même dépasse
nos espoirs. Il a pour
but d’aider de jeunes
enfants dépourvus,
vivant dans le désert
marocain afin de
leur permettre de
commencer leur
éducation en leur
fournissant un
matériel essentiel
: Crayons, Cahiers,
Livres de lecture.
Items featured in the auction included
bottles of wine, books, jewelry, private
lessons, a French dinner for eight, a Country
Supper for six, a bagpipe serenade, and the
use of a Florida vacation home for a week.
Due to the success of the online auction, the
committee has decided to have one a year,
alternating with some other fund-raising
The AFSTL was extremely surprised and
pleased with the outcome of this event.
With no money up-front, a limited amount
of work, and the cooperation of the board,
our members, and friends, our AFSTL Library
will receive some needed renovations.
© AF Charleston
Ce programme a
été mis en route
par le Professeur
Attafi (Collège de
Charleston) et Laura
Bexkstrom ouvre
chaque année sa
maison de Sullivan
Island pour un
Couscous et cette
année nous avons
même inaugure un «
Bazar »
AFUSA 2015 Convention and Annual Meeting
R e g i s t r at i o n
We are offering a reduced registration fee
of $25 to the second attendee per member
chapter. If you are the second person to
register from your chapter, please let us
Please contact the hotel directly to make
your room reservations as soon as possible
as the offer is contingent upon availability.
The Federation cannot make more rooms
Email or mail
San Francisco Marriott Union Square
Download the Word document registration 480 Sutter Street
form to complete and send to the office.
San Francisco, CA 94108
(Addresses are on the form.)
Bonjour! We are pleased to announce that
Make reservations online or call 1 800
we are now accepting registrations for the Online
228-9290 and reference the group rate for
2015 Convention and Annual Meeting in
Or you may register online either as
“Alliance Française Annual Conference.”
San Francisco.
Standard or Patron and you will have
Thursday, October 29, Friday October 30
the option to add the Prix Charbonnier
Deadline to register for the Federation of luncheon. Click your selection below:
and Saturday October 31, 2015 at $189 per
Alliances Françaises, USA Convention and
night. This offer is based on availability
Annual Meeting is October 16, 2015.
• Standard - Convention & Annual Meeting until 10/8/2015.
(early bird $75 by Sept. 16, after $125)
We look forward to having you join us!
This year the Annual Convention will start
($200 includes Patron’s reception on Friday
with an opening reception on Thursday
evening. There will be workshops on Friday evening)
and Saturday, and we will conclude with a
• Opening reception ($45) and/or Prix
reception on Saturday evening.
Charbonnier luncheon only ($95)
© French Cultural Center
© French Cultural Center
© French Cultural Center
70th Anniversary Soirée
French Cultural Center/Alliance Française de Boston
et Cambridge
© French Cultural Center
© French Cultural Center
© French Cultural Center
The French Cultural Center/Alliance
Française de Boston et Cambridge
celebrated its 70th anniversary on May
7. Guests explored the Center’s dynamic
legacy, community impact and historical
highlights through a one-night-only
retrospective exhibition showcasing its
origin as a library of 500 French books in
1945 to the vibrant, renowned cultural
center it is today. Guests enjoyed mingling
with fellow francophiles while enjoying
French hors d’œuvres, champagne, and live
gypsy jazz by Snap Four!
100-Year Commemoration of WWI
Alliance Française de Buffalo
Three French focused organizations:
Buffalo-Lille Association, Alliance Française
de Buffalo, and American Association of
Teachers of French presented an official
commemoration of the human sacrifice
of WWI in a dedication to peace on
November 11th at Forest Lawn Cemetery.
The official symbol of remembrance
of WWI is the poppy. It lies dormant
underground and sprouts a vibrant red
flower when the earth is scoured. Poppies
carpeted the blood soaked graves of
Flanders Fields in
Belgium and France
which saw the sum of
the greatest cost in
human life during the
At Forest Lawn Cemetery,
on November 11th 2014, Buffalonians came
out to honor the nearly 1500 Western New
Yorkers who made the ultimate sacrifice
in World War One. These were young
men, some of them in high school or just
graduated. As tradition dictates, at the
Memorial Statue in Section 19 where
some 1,350 servicemen are buried, a
color guard and high school JROTC
held the flags of France, Belgium, the
United Kingdom, Canada and the
United States of America.
© AF Buffalo
JROTC held the flags of France,
Belgium, the United Kingdom,
Canada and the United States of
© French Cultural Center
Hamburg High school
students who created
attendees to wear
Pascal Soares,
Buffalo’s Honorary
French Consul, gave
as did Judi
© AF Buffalo
Lopez del Moral and
Dr. Jean Gounard of
the BuffaloLille Association. A
commemorative wreath was laid by the
current and former presidents of the
Alliance Française de Buffalo, Evelyne
Harris and Marianne Vallet-Sandre
© AF Buffalo
French and American versions of Taps were
Educational Programs
© AF Indianapolis
Sponsored by the Alliance Française of
Indianapolis, the camp will be held from 9 to
11:30 am daily.
AF Indianapolis FRENCH Summer
Camp July 20 – 24, 2015
For the 6th year in a row, Nadia Sadaoui
and Kristi Kimberlin are offering a French
camp for children ages 5 – 10 years old.
© AF Indian
With their teaching experience, love for the
French language and culture, and excitement
to share and learn along with children, Nadia
and Kristi have put together a program that is
© AF Indianapolis
educational, fun, and entertaining. The camp
includes activities such as yoga, cooking,
reading books, singing songs, puppet shows, themselves and others in French, talk about
games, sports, animal care, snacks, free-play, their environment and be able to express
their wishes and needs; the camps are led
and acting...all in French.
by Madame Caroline and Madame Florence
Cost is $75.00 per child and includes a snack this year – two of our regular teachers who
each day. A sibling discount is available. For also teach adults and children throughout
more information, contact Kristi Kimberlin at the year.
908-0541 or
AF Sacramento French for Ados in the
AF Sacramento Start French at an early age! summer
Our two Summer Camps for children ages
4-7 and 8-12 offer a French immersion
program that gives children the opportunity
to learn and interact in French through a
variety of fun activities: stories, role-play,
songs, art & crafts, and games. The program is
designed to teach children how to introduce
For 10 lucky high-school kids, Madame
Caroline offers students of French 1 and 2 a
review of grammar, conjugation, vocabulary,
and sentence structure combined with
conversation. Classes are for two hours,
two days a week for three weeks: July 21 to
August 6, 2015.
Educational Events
An Evening with Patrick Deville
French author Patrick Deville visited the
French Cultural Center/Alliance Française
de Boston et Cambridge on Thursday, April
30 to share his bestselling novel Peste &
Choléra. A multiple award winner in France,
this fictionalized biography
of French microbiologist
Alexandre Yersin takes the
reader through world wars,
epidemics, colonialism, and the
fascinating life of a man who
discovered bubonic plague.
Guests and members were
delighted to meet Mr. Deville and
have their books signed by this
renowned author.
ltural Cent
© French Cu
© French Cultural Center
© French Cultural Center
L’Alliance Française d’El Paso a participe
au Concours des Timbres de l’Orthographe
Pour cette 5e edition du concours, Lorant
Deutsch etait le parrain.
(On recommence l’annee prochaine avec
plus d’eleves. C’etait tres motivant et tres
bien organise. On a beaucoup aime!)
© AF El Paso
© AF El Paso
© AF El Paso
© AF El Paso
Dernier jour de l’ecole et Remise de Diplomes
aux etudiants des classes d’enfants,et une
demonstration culinaire, les deliceuses crepes
de notre professeur de francais, Rosa.
© AF El Paso
© AF El
Educational Outreach “Award Towards
and Concordia Language Villages during the
The Educational Outreach program is a
partnership between the Alliance Française
de Chicago and Chicago Public Schools.
Students come weekly for after-school
immersion and enrichment in French
language and culture. The program
serves 50 students a year. At the end, a
select number of students are awarded
scholarships for immersion trips to France
Over 90% of the students in the Award
Towards Excellence Program go on to
university study.
The program concluded with a graduation
ceremony on Wednesday, May 28.
Educational Outreach in Chicago
Inifinités Plurielles: Exhibition & Vernissage from April to June. Photos of 30 of the
women featured hung in the salon and in
They might be astronomer, biochemist,
the school. The exhibit was free and open to
neurobiologist, geo-physician or radar
the public.
engineer… but what the 140 women
This program is possible thanks to the
featured in Infinités Plurielles have in
common is being women and trailblazers in Jean Bodfish Brown Fund and is part of
the field of science and innovation in France. the French Innovation Week.
Commissioned by the Ministère de
l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche,
Infinités Plurielles was a special exhibit
hosted by the Alliance Française de Chicago
Inifinités Plurielles in Chicago
En partenariat avec le ministère de
l’éducation nationale de l’enseignement
supérieur et de la recherche
Olivier Lebleu est historien, auteur et
référent historique du dessin animé «
Zarafa » (2012).
Du 23 au 27 mars 2015, l’Alliance Française
Silicon Valley l’a invité à présenter son livre,
“Les Avatars de Zarafa, première Girafe de
France – chronique d’une girafomania 18261845” (2006, éd. Arléa) (en anglais: “Zarafa
The Giraffe. A True Story”) dans des classes
de francais de lycées locaux de la Silicon
Valley (Monta Vista High School, Mountain
View High School, German International
School of Silicon Valley).
© AF Silicon Valley
© AF Silicon Valley
Lectures in French by Olivier Lebleu on Zarafa the giraffe In Silicon Valley high schools’ French classes
1er prix: Aller-Retour en France et un mois
logé et nourri dans une famille d’accueil, ou
un prix de $1,500, au choix.
Examen de français annuel destiné aux
lycéens de Santa Clara et de Santa Cruz
25 avril , 37 participantsçaise-de-silicon-valleyevolue-et-se-transforme-en-bourse-devoyage
Les lauréats 2015:
Yash Sinha, du lycée Lynbrook à San Jose
Chloe Sales, de l’école Castilleja à Palo Alto
Shivani Reddy, du lycée Homestead, situé à
Cupertino, Sunnyvale et Los Altos
Pour sa vingtième année, l’AFSCV a apporté
des récompenses exceptionnelles :
First place winner Yash Sinha
12 St. Louis hosts Jean-François Hans April 13-15
Françaises in disseminating the French
language and culture throughout the world.
He stressed the importance of teaching the
French language.
The Alliance Française de St. Louis had
the honor of hosting the Délégué Général
des Alliances Françaises des États-Unis
et Mexique, Jean-François Hans, and his
assistant, Carlos Tabernero. Their visit began
on Sunday with a scenic drive and an
architectural walking tour of Union Station,
City Hall, nearby fountains and parks, and
the statue of Pierre Laclede. Mealtimes gave
us a chance to discuss ideas and concerns
with our guests.
© AF St. Louis
The morning presentation by Jean-François
focused on the role of the Alliances
The afternoon sessions were broken into
two groups: teachers met with Carlos and
board members met with Jean-François.
Some of the main points made during the
presentations and discussions were: 1) The
main focus of an AF should be on teaching
language and culture; 2) We need to be
professional in everything we do.
Teacher Education: Colloque 2015
French Teacher
Dominique Denis
led a workshop on
“Using Songs in the
French Classroom”
on Wednesday,
March 25, 2015.
© AF El Paso
© AF El Paso
© AF Charleston
Cours de cuisine: Chez Marie
Chaque mois environ 14 personnes se
retrouvent un dimanche soir « chez Marie
» pour une classe de cuisine montrant
comment réaliser une cuisine simple, mais
de bonne qualité, dans des délais courts.
Mais la meilleure partie : la dégustation
bien sur
© AF Cincinnati
In Cincinnati the intermediate level class
celebrated the end of the Spring session at
a Moroccan restaurant where they practiced
their French and discovered another aspect
of the francophone world.
© AF Louisville
AF de Louisville launched its first of three
Speakers Series this year with “The Art of
Making Fondue’” which was a sold-out
Institute Director Martine Verbesselt greets the
new students at AF Cincinnati
Sports: Team France Americas
C’est aussi avec une grande joie que nous
vous annonçons la création au début de
l’été du programme “Équipe de France
Amériques de Baseball 16U”, un projet sans
précédent dans l’histoire du sport Français.
Cette équipe sera composée des 18
meilleurs joueurs de baseball de moins de
16 ans de nationalité Française vivant sur le
Continent Américain, dans les Caraïbes ou
en Amérique Latine (pour plus d’information
sur le projet EFA, merci de visitez les pages
dédiées sur Facebook:
AmericasDelegationBaseballSoftball et sur
notre site
Notre équipe portera haut les couleurs de la
France lors de compétitions de haut niveau
de la zone Amériques, en plus de préparer
nos athlètes à rejoindre notre Équipe
Nationale lors des grands rendez-vous
Petanque & Pastis,
June 14 from 4 to 6 pm
Summer Events
Alliance Française Hawaii is once
again collaborating with the
Honolulu Museum of Art on two
events this year
Alliance Française de Minneapolis/St. Paul
The Young Professionals Group of AFMSP,
known as Jeunes Cadres Dynamiques, offers
young professionals of the Twin Cities a way
to share their love of the French language
and culture with like-minded individuals.
Most of these events are off-site, including
wine tastings, karaoke, apératifs. This month,
the group will be celebrating the beginning
of summer with the traditional provençal
sport, pétanque. The event will be held at
Nomad World Pub, and members of the
Minneapolis Pétanque club will be present
to teach the sport to beginners. In true
provençal fashion, there will be pastis served
for a discounted price. JCD hopes that this
event will bring many new and familiar
faces as we learn more about the provençal
traditions. This event will be the first of its
kind, but JCD is hoping to repeat this event
in the future.
The first is Family Sunday on August 16th
sponsored by the Bank of Hawaii, and the
theme for this event is Auguste Rodin.
Family Sunday offers activities for children
and adults and is free to the public. Plans
are in the works for a do-it-yourself Mardi
Gras mask workshop, a mini French lesson
on how to order food and wine, and a
demonstration on how to make crêpes to
name a few activities.
The second event is a Piaf concert on
September 18th performed by L’Escargot
at the museum’s Doris Duke Theater
celebrating her 100th anniversary. All
proceeds will benefit AFH.
Kayaking Tour du Mississippi
en français, Friday, July 17
from 6 to 8 pm
2nd Festival of French Classical
Music in Silicon Valley
Alliance Française de Minneapolis/St. Paul
Alliance Française de Silicon Valley
Bay Area musicians perform works of French
composers from the 19th and 20th century
will be performed in Mountain View.
On June 19: “Three summits of French
chamber music” features artists from
Ensemble San Francisco.
On June 27: “Jewels of French Music” will
focus on more and shorter masterpieces,
performed by major virtuoso established in
the Bay Area.
This “appealing startup festival” as wrote
Music Critic Richard Scheinin, was intitiated
in 2014 by Mark Starr, conductor, and
Isabelle Chapuis, flutist, and is organized by
the Alliance Française of Silicon Valley.
© AF Hawaii
145 Broadway Avenue in downtown Buffalo
from 3-6 p.m.
Fête de la Musique, the brain-child of
Maurice Fleuret, began in Paris in 1982.
Thirty two years later the spirit getting out
on the street and creating a democracy of
Fête de la Musique
music has spread to more than 460 cities
Alliance Française de Buffalo
and 110 countries including every continent
AF Buffalo’s annual musical celebration takes except Antarctica. Fête de la Musique is a
symposium of genres that brings out both
place on Saturday, June 21st in tandem
amateur and professional musicians to the
with celebrations world-wide. Three well
city streets where all can enjoy it.
known Buffalo musical groups will perform
at the historic Colored Musicians’ Club at
For more information, click here.
Manu Gullur from Above the Falls Sports will
guide a tour, in French, of the Mississippi
River in Minneapolis. Focusing on the French
historical aspects of the area, Gallur will
lead the tour from the perspective of Father
Hennepin, Nicollet, and La Salle, leading
up to modern-day French influences. The
tour will take place around sunset, and is
sure to offer amazing views of the city. The
event is part of AFMSP’s efforts to offer more
programming with an active element, giving
our members a new environment in which
to experience the French language.
Djeuns des Villes Jumelles: St.
Paul Saint’s Game, Saturday,
August 22
Alliance Française de Minneapolis/St. Paul
The Teen Club of AFMSP offers a fun way for
high school students of all levels of French
to practice their speaking, discover French
culture, and to meet others interested in
French. This summer, the club has been
recharged, and given a new name, “Djeuns
des Villes Jumelles.” In August, the club will
attend a minor league baseball game at
the new, outdoor CHS Stadium in St. Paul.
Bastille Day Celebrations
14 baseball game will be a change from
our usual, French-centered events, but will
engage teens of the Twin Cities, and give
July 14, the French national holiday commonly
them an opportunity to practice their French known as Bastille Day, commemorates the
anniversary of the Fête de la Fédération, a
before they go back to school.
AF New Hampshire’s Festival
D’été 2015
Members and friends are invited to
participate in the Centre’s Festival D’été
-- 4 major events that celebrate summer as
those of French heritage do best…
Fête de St. Jean Baptiste
June 26, 2015, St. Anthony’s Church in
Manchester. Québec’s national holiday,
provides the backdrop for a sumptuous
dinner event. As this holiday is also a key
event for Franco-Americans, it serves as an
opportunity to recognize this year’s “FrancoAmerican of the Year” – His Eminence, Gérald
Cardinal Lacroix, Archbishop of Quebec.
Cave Aux Vins
Where but in France can you claim such
names as Champagne, Bordeaux and
Beaujolais? This gala wine tasting event
on July 17, 2015 in Davison Hall at Saint
Anselm College in Manchester features a
range of French wines to toast to Bastille
Day, France’s national holiday.
Halfway to Mardi Gras
Celebrating the thrill of Mardi Gras once
a year just isn’t enough! A mid-summer
(August 11, 2015) celebration of Acadian
music and Cajun food reminds us of the
Joie-de-Vivre for which Louisiana and
Acadia are renowned. N’Awlins Restaurant,
Manchester, NH.
Tournoi de Golf
Francis Ouimet, a New Englander of French
Canadian heritage, is frequently known as
the “father of amateur golf” in the U.S. This
celebrated tournament on August 21, 2015
at Passaconaway Country Club in Litchfield
brings together members and friends from
around the region in one of the Centre’s
biggest annual fundraising events.
© AF Indiana
The Waiters’ Race is a popular Bastille Day
celebratory feast held one year after the storming
of the Bastille in 1789. The storming of the
Bastille—a fortified prison in Paris that stored
arms and ammunition—is one of the events
signifying the start of the French Revolution.
AF Cincinnati Bastille Day July 11 at Swaim
Park, Montgomery from 5 to 10 pm.
Music for everyone, games for the children.
Bring one of your favorite dishes to share.
Free for AF students and members, $10 for
everyone else.
Carnegie Museums
of Pittsburgh and
Alliance Française
de Pittsburgh
Present The
2015 Bastille Day
Pittsburgh, PA—
Celebrate Bastille
Day at Carnegie
Museum of Art on
Tuesday, July 14.
The popular event,
featuring all things
French, will be a fête
you won’t forget!
From 6 to 10 pm,
guests will enjoy a strolling supper, wine,
live music, dancing, a silent auction, a
commemorative photo booth, hand-drawn
caricatures, and much more. We are also
pleased to announce a cake competition
among Pittsburgh’s local bakeries. Guests
will sample the sweets and vote for their
Proceeds benefit Carnegie Museums of
Pittsburgh and AF Pittsburgh.
Business casual, festive, or 18th century
French court attire.
Bastille Day Celebration in Indiana
On Saturday July 11, the sixth annual
Indiana Bastille Day will be celebrated in
Fortville, Indiana, from 11 a.m.- 11 p.m.
The free family festival will have live music
from authentic French band Frenchaxe as
well as other singers and choirs. Vendors
will feature artisan food, a beer, wine and
cider garden and arts & crafts. A traditional
pétanque tournament will take place along
with a Waiter’s Race, a marionette show, a
children’s fashion show, a lantern parade
and demonstrations from the fire and
police departments. Costumed characters
will also roam the festival offering various
reenactment skits. A laser light show will end
the night on a 30-foot screen.
© AF Chicago
Bastille Day in Chicago
This summer, the Alliance Française de
Chicago will celebrate the Fête Nationale on
Tuesday, July 14 at Daley Plaza. There will be
music by French rock band La Jarry. In our
new children’s corner, a juggler will perform,
delighting audiences of all ages. The very
popular Waiter’s Race makes a comeback
this year. We also have a special Bastille Day
Raffle: tons of prizes to enjoy the French joie
de vivre in Chicago!
Bastille Day in the Twin Cities
Saturday, July 11 from 2 to 8 pm
This year, we are
partnering with the
Dakota Jazz Club
and Restaurant to
bring the Twin Cities
an exciting Bastille
Day Celebration! The
© AF Minneapolis St. Paul
event will take place
on the W 7th Place
pedestrian mall in downtown St Paul from 2
pm - 8 pm. Attendees will enjoy live music,
food and drink, kids activities (like crafts and
facepaint!), artists’ marketplace, pétanque
games, Citroën car rides, a mime, a French
book sale, and more! An evening program
will follow at the Dakota’s new venue on the
mall: The Vieux Carré. We look forward to
celebrating all things French with the Twin
Cities in downtown St. Paul.
French Cinema
Federation Focus on Film - Starting this
summer, the Federation is partnering with
the Cultural Services of the French Embassy
in order to provide the very best of French
Cinema from around the world to Alliance
Française chapters.
Three programs are currently available for
AF chapters with The Best of 3D Animation
arriving in the Fall of 2015.
Currently available to all Chapters (and soon
to be up on site under Cultural
is composed of nine best French short
animated films from the 2014 Festival.
Between November and March of each
year, the Annecy International Animation
Film Festival receives over 2,400 films
(shorts and feature films, animation for TV,
commissioned films, and graduation films)
from around the world. Around 230 films
are shortlisted to take part in the official
selection. Here is a sample of the very
best among those extraordinary works recommended from age 8 - 88!
Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2014 Selection
Curated by Marcel Jean, artistic director of the Annecy International Animated Film Festival,
this program is composed of nine of the best French short animated films from the 2014 Festival.
lifestyle and art invites the audience to
discover the depth and creativity of French
non-fiction productions.
From Brigitte
Bardot to
the Nuclear
Nightmare, from
Angkor to Lacan or
Basquiat, discover
the best of Arte
All films are available with English subtitles.
Films are available on DVD or digital files for
screening in classes, film festivals or special
event and affordable screening rights
have been pre-negotiated for ARTE Docs
participants (free to $250).
This is an exceptional opportunity to see
Created by: Pierre Bassil, Perrine Bayssat, Yannick Boireau,
Isabelle PIolat, Mansoureh Kamari
Running time: 1:00
Password: french animation
A program of UniFrance Films in partnership
with the cultural services of the French
Embassy, Young French Cinema aims to
bring French films with no US distribution
to the Alliance Française network, art house
cinemas, film societies, and universities.
Young French Cinema offers a selection of
today’s best French films and film makers
focusing on rising talents in France, from
high profile independent works, to powerful
documentaries and quirky discoveries. Most
of the films selected in this program have
premiered in the US in 2014 in one of the
top US festivals, but do not yet have US
distribution. The list will be updated in 2016.
Click here for more information.
Created by: Inès Sedan
Running time: 8:30 (Silent/nudity)
Synopsis: A woman is forced by her husband to be silent forever.
But when she listens to nature she finds her own song and hopes
for a new life.
Password: french animation
Created by: Calvin Antoine Blandin
Running time: 12:40 (English Subtitles/nudity)
Synopsis: Perceptions of reality are sometimes beyond belief. A
childrelives a dramatic event that had been buried for a long time.
Password: french animation
2014 rtoon
Gold ard
Created by: Éric Montchaud
Running time: 6:00 (English / Dubbed)
Synopsis: Anatole is always dragging his little pan behind him. It fell
on him one day, for no reason. Ever since, it gets caught everywhere
and prevents him from going forward.
Password: french animation
Created by: Augustin Clermont, Gilles Cortella, Marthe Delaporte,
Clément de Ruyter, Maïlys Garcia, Gaspard Sumeire, Pierre Rutz
Running time: 2:30 (Silent)
Synopsis: A wealthy lady and a young knight are frolicking in the
forest when they come across Excalibur, which leads them into a silly
game of seduction.
Password: french animation
Created by: Jean-Claude Mbotti Malolo
Running time: 14:30 (Silent)
Synopsis: Chloe and Louis are secretly in love with each other.
Their gestures replace words. When they dance, each word is
choreography. One evening, Louis invites Chloe for dinner, she
brings some lost kittens. Allergic to cats, Louis has trouble relaxing..
Password: french animation
non-distributed (for most of them) French
documentaries in the United States! Please
click here or contact Mathieu Fournet
Created by: Jean-Jean Arnoux
Running time: 2:30 (Silent / nudity)
Synopsis: A man frees himself from his social constraints during a
liberating dance.
Password: french animation
Created by: Jean-Claude Rozec
Running time: 11:30 (Silent)
Synopsis: Slowly, the steel jaws devour the old tower. A previous
owner rushes into the rubble, chasing unwary children. Then begins
a strange journey into the heart of this “house” which shelters so
many memories...
Password: french animation
TOTAL TIME: 66 minutes
All the shorts are French productions
that reflect the diversity and excellence
of French animation, although none of
them are in French (the majority are
driven by the music).
Screening rights for each animated
short film in the program were
acquired by the Cultural Services of
the Embassies of France in the United
States and Canada for the year 2015.
Any institution offering noncommercial screenings in the United
States and Canada.
DVD, Blu-Ray or DCP
Created by: Dahee Jeong
Running time: 7:00 (Korean version with English Subtitles)
Synopsis: A film that seriously questions one’s existence while it
only shows animated pictures drawn by me... Am I not a picture
drawn by someone else?
Password: french animation
High resolution images available at:
Password: french animation
Pervenche BEURIER,
Program Officer, TV & New Media
Tel: (212) 439 1453
The Cultural Services of the Embassy of
France owns the rights for non-commercial
screenings until January 2016 and has
invited AFUSA members to enjoy this
resource. To watch these films, click here and
enter the password “french animation” after
making your selection.
Coming this Fall 2015 - The Best of French
3D Animation and Best of French Schools of
Learn more French this summer with French
Best of French 3D Animation in partnership
with two programs of 3D short animations
or films:
1. Special Young Audience (4-12 year-old)
including “Mr. Hublot” which was awarded
the Oscar for the best animated short film in
Following the success of the program of
short animated films, Annecy presents the
New Faces of French Animation. Organized
by the Cultural Services of the French
Embassy in Canada in 2014, it was decided
to extend this initiative to the United States.
A new program was developed by Marcel
Jean, artistic director of the Annecy
International Animated Film Festival. It
The Cultural Services of the French Embassy,
and ARTE, the European cultural TV channel,
are thrilled to offer ARTE Docs USA, a list of
documentaries, for American universities,
non profit institutions, schools, and Alliances
The selection of 47 documentaries on
society, global issues, history, science,
2. Carte Blanche to Courant 3D (Angoulême
3D festival)
Best of French Schools of Animation -presenting 11 animated shorts of most
prestigious schools incl. Les Gobelins
(Paris), La Poudrière (Bourg-lès-Valence),
Les Arts Déco (Paris), EMCA (Angoulême),
Supinfocom Rubika (Valenciennes).
Jordan Hamons, an AF member from Cincinnati, is a classicallytrained chef and a seasoned traveler. In June 2014, she launched
The Hungry Traveler blog where she writes about globallyinspired cooking and food-driven travel.
Visit Jordan’s blog at
The following is an
excerpt from her
“Paris is one of the most challenging
cities to prioritize. There are so many
things to eat in Paris that it would take
years to be able to experience them all.
While overwhelming, it’s good to go in
with some sort of a plan otherwise you
may miss out on favorites and end up
eating mediocre meals (yes, even Paris
has bad food).
© The Hungry Traveler
“Foods to Eat in Paris
“This list of my favorite foods to eat
in Paris includes some of the meals,
snacks, and restaurants that I look
forward to eating each time I visit
Sister Cities: Besançon - Charlottesville
Paris. The list is not exhaustive and I
anticipate updating it with every trip. If
you feel I am missing anything, please
let me know!
“If you’re looking to learn more about
Paris, you may be interested in the
release of my first e-book this summer.
I’ll be publishing The Hungry Traveler’s
Guide to Paris filled with advice to help
a food-focused traveler planning a
trip to the City of Light. The guide will
cover hotels, transportation, navigating
the city, tips for stress-free travel,
sightseeing, side trips, and of course,
lots and lots of eating. You can sign up
here to be notified with the The Hungry
Traveler’s Guide to Paris is released.”
The Alliance Française of
Besançon: Charlottesville’s
Charlottesville is excited
Sister City:
to continue this tradition
in welcoming Loic Mazet,
Come join us for an
a 22-year-old student in
unforgettable chance to
International Trade from
engage with a true “local” of
Montbeliard, France. Loic
the region and discover the
will be in Charlottesville
similarities between Besançon
for two months as
and Charlottesville.
the recipient of the
Loic will tempt your tastebuds
Charlottesville Sister
intellect with presentations
Cities Commission Grant
to give presentations at
The City of Charlottesville is an active
and activites
the Alliance Française de
member of the Sister Cities International,
Charlottesville and local
a nonprofit citizen diplomacy network
schools in order to foster relationships and
that creates and strengthens partnerships
promote the Sister City mission.
between U.S. and international
These informative discussions will not only
communities. This network strives to build
allow you to discover our Sister City in
As host to Loic, the Alliance Française of
global cooperation at the municipal level,
depth, but also prepare you for a future trip
Charlottesville is offering his presentations
promote cultural understanding, and
to France, perhaps to Besançon!
for FREE every Monday from 12-1pm and
stimulate economic development.
Thursday from 5:30-6:30 at the Alliance’s
For more information, contact Emily Martin,
A Sister City Agreement was signed between offices located at 700 Harris Street, Suite 105., (434) 260-0640
Charlottesville and Besançon, France in 2006
and exchanges between the two cities have
been taking place for a quarter of a century.
One Book, One Federation Choice for 2015: Le chapeau de Mitterand
The Federation of
Alliances françaises
USA is pleased to
announce our choice
for the 2015 “One
Book, One Federation”:
Le chapeau de
This prize-winning
French bestseller is a
charming fable about the power of a hat
that takes the reader on a roller-coaster
ride through French life during the
Mitterrand years.
Dining alone in an elegant Parisian
brasserie, accountant Daniel Mercier can
hardly believe his eyes when President
François Mitterrand sits down to eat at the
table next to him. After the presidential
party has gone, Daniel discovers that
Mitterrand’s black felt hat has been left
behind. After a few moments of soulsearching, Daniel decides to keep the hat
as a souvenir of an extraordinary evening.
It’s a perfect fit, and as he leaves the
restaurant Daniel begins to feel somehow
. . . different. Has Daniel unwittingly
discovered the secret of supreme power?
For two years the iconic item of headgear
plays with the lives of the men and women
who wear it, bringing them success that
had previously eluded them. The story
Other Good Reads
Les Avatars de Zarafa
Dès 2004, Olivier
Lebleu s’intéresse
à la dépouille
naturalisée de la
girafe qui habite le
palier du Muséum
d’histoire naturelle
de La Rochelle
depuis 1931 : il
s’agit de la première girafe arrivée vivante
en France. Les Avatars de Zarafa, première
Girafe de France – chronique d’une
girafomania 1826-1845 est publié fin 2006
(éd. Arléa, 200 pages, 110 illustrations).
is set in the mid-1980s, a time before
smartphones and multi-channel TV, when
people searched for lost possessions
and missed connections in the classified
pages of newspapers rather than on social
media as in our technology-driven world
of today.
Published on the eve of the French
presidential elections of 2012, Antoine
Laurain’s fourth, fairytale-like novel
was acclaimed by critics, readers and
booksellers, who awarded it the Prix
Landerneau Découvertes. It also won the
Prix Relay des Voyageurs, a prize which
celebrates the enjoyment of reading. The
novel has been adapted for television in
France. It has also been translated into
English as The President’s Hat.
The French is very accessible and is
suitable for B1 and B2 language students.
The book was selected for its simple style,
straightforward vocabulary and plot line,
and will, as such, reach a wide audience of
Alliance Française members. This book can
be used in a book club setting or as the
basis for a course around the era of France
in the 80s, filled with such events as the
new pay TV channel Canal+, the Minitel,
the arrival of the Left to power, Les Grands
Travaux, “Touche pas à mon pote” and the
fashions of Jean-Paul Gaultier.
A complete study guide will be available
on the One Book One Federation
Facebook Page in October. It will include a
synopsis, biographical material, discussion
questions, vocabulary lists, as well as
some material for the creation of a course
around the book and France in the 1980s.
You may visit the website of MEP/
Schoenhof’s Books to order this book and
benefit from the special One Book One
Federation price of $6.
“ Hats off to this c l eve rl ystruc tured and fa s t - p a ce d
novel brimming w i t h w i t
and st yle!”
--Katharine Branning and Yann Carmona,
FIAF Library, New York.
The program, “One Book, One Federation,”
sponsored by the Federation supports French
literacy throughout the United States. By
encouraging the reading of one book by all
chapters during a single year, the Federation
is able to assist in the creation of a reading
guide and encourage the formation of
reading groups.
Alliance Française
de Westchester
The Alliance
Française de
Westchester received
a generous School
Development Grant
from the Federation
of Alliances
Françaises to help fund the installation
of a SmartBoard and projector. This will
allow them to have a more professional
approach to teaching with more dynamic
and interactive classes and to use more
of the quality audio, video and interactive
supports that are available in conjunction
with the textBooks and more generally
Please visit grant page to
see all of our grants and deadlines.
The Federation of Alliances Françaises
USA must advise its member chapters
to not reply to requests to share names
and contact information of its students,
members, and beneficiaries. Each chapter
must consider its own privacy policies
as an obligation to their students by not
sharing or distributing their personal
contact information.
Programme de professionnalisation
Du 25 au 27 juin s’est déroulée à l’Alliance
Française de Denver (dont la Présidente
est notre Vice-Présidente : Danièle Badler)
une formation au marketing des centres de
langue organisée par la délégation générale
des Alliances françaises aux Etats Unis : Jean
François Hans et Carlos Tabernero avec l’aide
précieuse d’Oxana Rosemberg dans le cadre
du programme de professionnalisation
impulsé par la Fondation Alliance Française.
Cette formation financée par la fondation
Alliance Française, animée par Michel Boiron
et Cecilia Brassier-Rodrigues du CAVILAMAlliance Francaise de Vichy a accueilli, pour
leur très grande satisfaction, plus de 30
directeurs et responsables marketing des
Alliances des Etats-Unis.
L’ensemble des participants à la formation devant l’Alliance Française de Denver.
Cela a permis, en outre à Isabelle Morieux
(Déléguée géographique de la Fondation)
de montrer l’investissement de la fondation,
de rappeler nos grandes missions, de
présenter l’état de la réflexion sur le chantier
du numérique et de répondre aux questions
et préoccupations des participants.
Notre Présidente Josette Marsh avait fait le
déplacement à Denver et a pu participer à
une grande partie des travaux et réflexions
menées. Elle s’est en particulier entretenue
avec Madame Bénédicte de Montlaur,
Conseiller de Coopération et d’Action
Culturelle qui était venue présenter les
remarquables programmes réalisés par les
services culturels de l’Ambassade de France
aux Etats Unis.
Josette Marsh, Présidente de la Fédération des Alliances Francaises des Etats-Unis, Danielle Badler,
Présidente de l’Alliance Francaise de Denver et Vice-Présidente de la Fédération, Philippe Marsé,
Directeur de l’Alliance Francaise de Denver qui vient de recevoir le garde de chevalier de l’ordre des
palmes académiques des mains de Benedicte de Montalur, Conseiller de Coopération et d’Action
Culturelle, Jean François Hans, Délégué General des Alliances Francaises aux États-Unis.
Isabelle Morieux, Déléguée géographique de la Fondation Alliance
Française entourée de Diane Gervais, Alliance Française de Austin,
Fanchon Gérardin, Alliance Française de Pasadena, Marie-Ange Wood,
Alliance Française de Seattle, Aurelie Champvert, Alliance Française de la
Nouvelle Orléans
Jean François Hans, Délégué général des Alliances Françaises aux EtatsUnis, Carlos Tabernero, Délégué général adjoint des Alliances Françaises
aux Etats-Unis, en charge de la pédagogie, Isabelle Morieux, Déléguée
géographique de la Fondation Alliance française (Paris) qui ont permis
l’organisation de cette formation.
France Today magazine (part of the France Media Group) is delighted to partner with The
Federation of Alliances Françaises USA to offer exclusive subscription offers for Federation
of Alliances Françaises USA chapters and members. These offers will be available until the
end of 2015.
For Individual
AF Members
For AF Chapters
$53.50/yr ($21.45 savings)
$59.50/yr plus f re e g i f t
or $99/t wo years ($51 savings)
About France Today magazine
With an expert team of journalists based
throughout France, France Today is the luxury
(vs the regular newsstand rate of $75)
To subscribe, go to
ft-afc and use offer code: FT-AFC.
From the subscription rate paid, France
Today magazine will credit $10 to the
member’s AF Chapter.
title that offers you our unique insider’s
To subscribe, go to
ft-af and use offer code: FT-AF.
perspective, or our timely, insightful—and
delightful—coverage of French travel and
Or call toll-free 001 800 428 3003 and
using offer code FT-AF.
Published six times a year, every issue
is packed with beautifully written and
illustrated stories on French travel, food &
wine, culture, design, shopping, real estate
and much more. With insightful editorial and
photography, every issue brings you inspired
Details about the offer: Members will be prompted to include their Chapter details during the online
and/or telephone order process. Unfortunately, France Today magazine will not be able to offer the
Chapter’s $10 credit without this information. The $10 credit will be forwarded to the applicable chapters
within 8 weeks of the subscription-processed date, along with confirmation of Members’ details.
Should you have any additional questions on this partnership offer, you can contact: Ben
Stephens, Publisher, France Today Magazine, Email: or Michaela
Sillick, Marketing, France Today Magazine, Email:
Stay tuned for Sorteer
The platform that unites Francophone and Francophile events in the US., Sorteer will be released in the late summer. It’s an easy to use, quick way
to help your Alliance Française chapter learn about fun and interesting events in the francophone and francophile communities near you.
How does it work?
Why use it?
SORTEER is a platform that regroups
events of interest to chapters in
communities across America (concerts,
seminars, art, film...)by facilitating
access to event information and pinpointing events that appeal to each
specific profile. Events are in English as
well as French and a language level is
listed for each event. Chapters and AF
Chapter members will submit a form to
fill in regularly and information will be
posted on SORTEER. (Any photos, text
of links would be greatly appreciated.)
It’s a great way to recruit new
members in your community and
educate Chapters and the public
about local events.
As we all know, after English, French
is the most common language in the
US, with 2.1 million Francophones
living in the USA.
More than 1.2 million American
children from elementary through
high school are enrolled in French
language courses.
There is no charge to post events on
Who do I contact?
Send your information to:
Contact: Michelle.larroche@sorteer.
Website: http//
Like Sorteer on Facebook and Twitter!