2010 - Cornerstone Family Programs


2010 - Cornerstone Family Programs
Changing Lives...
2010 Annual Repor
... for Nearly 200 Years
from Our President & Executive Director
In 2010, we saw how the combination of continued unemployment, lack of
health insurance, reduced household incomes, and the emotional trauma of
wartime have impacted the health and well-being of everyday families. When
families on the edge of despair come through our doors, we give them hope.
We help our families see beyond the immediate crisis so that they have the
resources they need to overcome adversity. As leaders in the field, we worked
hard to counter these forces through innovative, cutting edge programs and
as a result, for the first time in our agency’s history, we have served more
Joe Longo
than 7,000 children, families and seniors in need. This year we successfully
developed model programs to address the mental health complexities of
pre-school children and introduced anti-bullying workshops to help young
children learn appropriate ways to cope with conflict. We have introduced
intensive mental health assessment, outreach and community linkages for our
frailest, at-risk seniors who have heretofore been overlooked or fallen through
the cracks. We have also expanded our Military Families and Veterans Outreach
Program with a focus on the children of deployed parents and the challenges
faced by caregivers of veterans. This level of program growth and expansion
is unprecedented in our organization’s history and stands as a testimony to
Patrice Picard
Executive Director
a mission which is rooted in a sincere and fundamental belief that we can
successfully change lives.
Our story has continued on through nearly two centuries. It is still about serving those who are determined to achieve
the independence and resilience needed to overcome adversity and provide for themselves and their families. We invite
you to experience our stories and achievements on the pages that follow. First and foremost, we extend our deepest
thanks to our FSMC Board of Managers, staff, volunteers and our partners who have invested so generously in our
mission. Together we have done remarkable work.
FSMC Annual Report
It is an honor and a privilege to serve our community in partnership with you
“A family in harmony will prosper in everything.”
Chinese Proverb
Our Mission:
With a mission of strengthening the community by
empowering individuals and families to overcome
life’s challenges, FSMC offers over twenty innovative
programs that provide counseling, education, advocacy and support to over 7,000 children, families
and seniors.
Our Vision:
To be recognized as the premier social service
agency in New Jersey.
Our Strategy:
In fulfillment of our mission, we concentrate on prevention and early intervention in four strategic areas
to make an impact in our community:
Giving children the best start in life with
programs that focus on improved social and
emotional well being, parenting, early childhood
education, grief counseling, family support and
Keeping older adults independent and in
their homes through social day centers, caregiver
respite, in-home case-management, financial literacy
and programs for the blind and visually impaired;
FSMC Executive Committee – Tom Bintinger, Christine Myers, Kathy Parker,
Joe Longo. Not shown: Mark Reffner and Kirsten Hotchkiss
Building and maintaining healthy families
by helping them cope with everyday challenges of
stress, anxiety, parenting concerns, marital issues,
and the unique concerns of military families;
Preventing substance abuse in families and
communities through education.
Joseph M. Longo, President
Mark L. Reffner, Vice President
Thomas Bintinger, Treasurer
Kirsten A. Hotchkiss, Secretary
Board Members
Kathleen Adamik
Mark Byron
Kathy Heher
Carol Heller
Betsy Hollo
Kathleen Kader
Dan Ligorner
Gerald P. McBride, Jr.
Tom McLaughlin
Donna McNamara
Virginia R. Ranger
Hector H. Mislavsky
Christine Myers
Kathleen Parker
Patricia Santen
Ann Stachenfeld
Sharon Toriello
Mary Ann Tralka
Elizabeth Vandeveer
Robert K. Ward
Member Agencies
National Alliance for Children & Families
Family Service Association of New Jersey
New Jersey Association of Mental
Health Agencies
Licensed by the Division of Mental
Health Services
Editorial, Design
and Project Management
The 2010 Annual Report
was written and produced by the
FSMC Development Department:
Janet Horowitz, Director
Pamela DeMassi, Associate Director
Helga Markowski, Development Assistant
Marian Schlegel, Executive Assistant
Our sincere thanks to former FSMC Board
member, Andy Bittman and Vision Creative
Group for their generosity in donating the
graphic design and layout, and to Don Terwilliger and Digital Color Concepts for their
donation of the printing of this annual report.
We want to hear from you!
We welcome your comments
and opinions. Please direct questions
and requests for information to:
FSMC Annual Report
Focusing on the BIG Picture
Giving Children
the Best Start in Life
Building emotional resilience
for the youngest members of our
Family Service of Morris County embarked on an
innovative, county-wide initiative to strengthen
the safety net in publicly subsidized preschools
through the development of the FSMC Early
Childhood Mental Health Intervention Program. This
initiative views the preschools as an ideal setting for
addressing early childhood mental health given both
the length of time young children spend at school
and the unique opportunities that the preschool
environment provides for identifying potentially
problematic behaviors. We know that many mental
health problems initially present themselves in
early childhood, therefore this is an optimal time
for intervention. Our experience has proved that
early intervention, particularly in this age group
may lessen the severity of mental health problems
later in life. Families and preschool teachers were
supported through education, coaching and parent
skills training. More than 200 of the most vulnerable
children participated in the nationally recognized,
benchmarking initiative, Devereux Early Childhood
Assessment (DECA).
FSMC Annual Report
Aggression Prevention Anti-Bullying
Workshops for preschoolers were introduced
as a powerful intervention to foster empathy
and promote interpersonal problem-solving and
conflict resolution skills. Children in preschool
struggle with their feelings, and the only way they
can communicate is often through behavior. The
ability of young children to control their emotional
and cognitive impulses, it turns out, is a remarkably
strong indicator of both short-term and long-term
success, academic and otherwise. In some studies,
self-regulation skills have been shown to predict
academic achievement more reliably than I.Q. tests.
Our goal is to introduce these skills to
young children when we know we can have
the greatest impact.
Parenting Tool Kits
A growing number of parents don’t just want
information; they want advice on what to
do and what the best approaches are to
effective parenting. These customized kits
were designed for quick, easy access to help
parents understand developmental stages and
the types of behavior to expect from their
young children. Best practices tips are offered
to help parents choose among free or low-cost,
age-appropriate materials including books, games,
music and interactive family activities. With grant
funds, 150 Tool Kits were created in English and
Spanish and distributed to our pre-school families.
Got Junk? It’s fun Going Green!
Transforming Trash to Toys – Now in
its fifth year, our FSMC Play Connections,“Valuing
Play as Curriculum” series has introduced to early
childhood educators the concept of open-ended
play and the economic incentive of utilizing scraps
and discards donated by local business. Our Play
Connections “Play Closet,” our so-called permanent
life-sized re-cycling bin, contains the donated,
From Left:
1. P reschoolers attend Anti-Bullying workshop.
2. A
ssorted stones, donated pieces of marble, granite and
other scraps are the perfect medium for abstract sculpture
created by these artistic preschoolers.
3. F SMC Parenting Tool Kits Assembled by
Morristown High School student volunteers.
4. H
ouse Calls: Bringing the care home for our most
vulnerable seniors: Dina Glen, FSMC with Ronnie
Rappaport of Florham Park.
The Senior Explosion:
The Future of Vulnerability
According to the United States Census Bureau, the
world’s 65-and-older population is projected to
triple by midcentury, from over 516 million in 2010
to 1.53 billion in 2050. This shift in the age structure
of the world’s population poses considerable
challenges to society, families, businesses, health
care providers and policymakers to meet the
needs of aging individuals. From recent census
data, Morris County has recorded 88,000 seniors
65 years of age and older who make up nearly
20% of the total population. At FSMC, more than
200 active seniors are enrolled in our FSMC Adult
Day Centers; 81% have been diagnosed with
Alzheimer’s disease and other related dementias
and 100% are with chronic illness. More than ever,
this data supports the need for comprehensive,
affordable adult day care and respite services for our
seniors and caregivers in Morris County.
FSMC Annual Report
reusable trash that
has literally
been transformed
into toys. What
better way to teach
young children about
recycling, creative
thinking and artistic
expression than using these scrounged materials
for creative construction and “open ended” art,
play and learning. Our Closets now contain a
myriad of donated materials from local business
to include plastics, wood, rubber, foil, yarn, fabrics
and styrofoam which have been transformed by
the teachers, parents and children into toys and
learning tools. This year, a total of 175 preschool
teachers participated in these groundbreaking
educational workshops. We would like to especially
acknowledge Braunschweiger Jewelers, Glassworks
Studio, Wilson’s Interiors, Morristown Lumber and
Enjou Chocolatiers, Inc., for their donations and
ongoing support for this Program.
Keeping Older Adults
Independent and In
Their Homes
FSMC Annual Report
The Promise of
Hope: Redefining
Community Care
for Our Most
Vulnerable Seniors
The economic downturn,
limited financial resources, budget cuts, increase in
senior population, extension of longevity, all have
resulted in a dramatic rise in population aging that is
a palpable challenge for our County. To address this
need, FSMC was selected by a thirteen-member
Advisory Council of community service providers
to lead the initiative that has defined how elder care
services are now delivered to poor, disenfranchised
and seriously mentally ill seniors in Morris County.
In the first year of operation, the FSMC Senior
Collaboration and Geriatric Case Management
Program funded by the Grotta Fund for Senior
Care, successfully demonstrated how bringing true
collaboration and expertise among constituent
organizations and geriatric providers can significantly
improve healthcare outcomes and advance the
system of care. Through a holistic approach, our
team addressed a host of problems associated with
mental illness, substance abuse, hoarding, extreme
dementia, suicidal and homicidal ideation, and
self-neglect due to Alzheimer’s disease and helped
over 57 at-risk seniors and their caregiving families.
Maintaining Healthy
It is no surprise that our mental health professionals
are on the front lines every day helping our families
from every walk of life. As many try to cope amid
this lingering recession, the need for a communitybased, subsidized mental health program is even
more apparent. We see our role as the safety
net to provide affordable, community-based
mental health counseling and connecting families
to other basic services such as credit and financial
counseling, rental assistance and other community
services to help them during these uncertain
financial times. This past year, FSMC Family Mental
Health Counseling Program provided over 2,500
counseling sessions to 195 families. More than 80%
were placed on a sliding scale fee arrangement due
to their personal financial hardships. This represents
a 20% increase in sliding scale applications over the
previous year and illustrates the growing demand for
low-cost, mental health treatment programs close
to home.
Photo courtesy of
the Daily Record
From Left:
1. H
oliday Cheer Delivered Right to Your Door: Mary Joan Kelly of Randolph enjoys her Thanksgiving basket
donated by our corporate partner, Normandy Real Estate Partners, LLC and their tenants.
2. Hats Off to our guests at FSMC Adult Day Centers!
3. U
nited in Grief: Parents take a stand against teen suicide
4. C
ommunity Covenant: FSMC Executive Director, Patrice Picard joins with business leaders to sign
the U.S. Army Community Covenant which calls upon the community to build partnerships that support the strength,
resilence and readiness of soldiers and their families.
5. Angels on Location: Wells Fargo helps our families in their own backyard
6. Getting Families Connected: Alejita Ortiz, FSMC, with the Vega Family of Morristown
When tragedy comes to our neighborhoods, FSMC
plays a critical role in helping families find courage
after loss by our Certified NJ Disaster Response
Crisis Counselors (NJDRCC) in a joint initiative of
The Mental Health Association of Morris County
Disaster Response Network. Several community
tragedies involving murder, suicide, a flood disaster
in Bound Brook, NJ and local Haitian families who
lost loved ones following the earthquake in Haiti,
called upon our trained counselors. As the County’s
leading mental health first responders, we mobilized
our team in the community to provide grief
counseling and therapeutic support in the schools,
parks and housing developments where these
incidents occurred to help community members
heal in the aftermath of these traumatic events.
The Challenges of Military Families:
Facing the New Normal
2010 marks our Country’s engagement in nine
years of wartime on multiple fronts. During this
time, we have learned that when our soldiers go
off to war, their families face enormous challenges
in coping with multiple deployments and the
A Safety Net for our Community
Getting Families Connected
FSMC assisted with 330 referrals connecting families
to valuable community resources for free or lowcost options to help supplement basic needs and
included Interfaith Food Pantry, Recycling Ministry,
JCP&L Heat and Energy Assistance Program, Dress
for Success, VITA free tax preparation services and
child-care sponsorships.
FSMC Annual Report
– From Tragedy to Triumph
emotional scars left
from the battlefield.
For many, the life they
once knew together
has profoundly
changed. FSMC has
been widely recognized as a leader in our local
community, working on a united front to help our
bravest families cope with the formidable challenges
that lie ahead. Since its inception in 2008, our
program offers a holistic approach to the soldier’s
re-entry and reintegration into the community
with an emphasis on the mental health needs
of the veteran and family. Intensive counseling,
therapeutic support and assistance was provided to
22 military families. We have taken a special interest
in working with children of deployed parents and
helping caregivers cope with the obvious stressors
associated with caring for a veteran.
Preventing Substance
Abuse in Families
through Education
FSMC and the Morristown
Community Soup Kitchen and
Outreach Center: Perfect Together
Overcoming the barriers to recovery is the first
step to sobriety. There are many complex factors
that can contribute to the disease of alcoholism
and drug addiction. Sometimes it can be the
loss of a job, an illness or prolonged social or
psychological issues. When left unattended, these
problems can spiral out of control leaving one in
dire straits that overshadow the will to successfully
embrace sobriety. Oftentimes, homelessness,
financial difficulties, lack of transportation or
support from family and friends can be barriers to
treatment when not addressed. The FSMC First
Step Program, in partnership with the Morristown
Community Soup Kitchen and Outreach Center
offered support and encouragement helping 120
Morristown Community Soup Kitchen guests
overcome these stumbling blocks to seeking
treatment. Through our newly introduced casemanagement program, we successfully managed
client cases from referral to medical detox,
inpatient and outpatient treatment programs, AA
and on to recovery.
FSMC Annual Report
NJ DUI Laws: Tough on Drinking
and Driving
NJ is one of the strictest states in the country
when it comes to drinking and driving and in
Morris County FSMC knows first-hand, the cost
to one’s reputation, family and employment.
Additionally, depending on the blood alcohol level,
the financial costs are exceedingly high. In fact,
the costs associated with a first-time offense, e.g.,
license suspensions, fines, insurance, legal fees and
mandated community education, can easily exceed
$10,000. As the designated Intoxicated Driver
Resource Center (IDRC) for Morris and Warren
Counties, FSMC counselors provided more than
3,200 client days of court-mandated educational
programs on the impact of alcohol and drug use to
over 1,600 people convicted of a DUI.
Rasheedah Riddle, FSMC Outreach Worker, assists Soup Kitchen guest through
the recovery process
Building a Healthier Future through
Community Education and Professional
At the Morris County Conference for Not-for-Profit Organizations:
“Strengthening Our Community through Collaboration,” FSMC
Executive Director Patrice Picard moderated a distinguished
panel of experts on “Collaborating to Help Military Families and
Veterans.” Panel participants included Colonel Steven F. Cummings
(Army Reserve) Picatinny Arsenal; Military Family Member and
Novartis Military Affinity Group, Donna Araneo; FSMC Peer
Counselor, Jack McFadden; Carl Blum, Tip of the Arrow and Susan
Visser, Vice President of Veteran Services, Community Hope.
Morris County preschool teachers participated in extensive training
led by FSMC and the Devereux Early Childhood Initiative (DECI)
to learn how to assess and promote social and emotional
well-being and resilience for young children.
Finding Pathways through
our Spiritual Roots
When we think about success:
When in crisis, clergy are often the first line of
support for those who have been thrust into a
caregiving role. Caregivers need not only spiritual
support, but guidance to navigate the complex
system of eldercare. Our Caregivers and Spirituality
Conference sponsored by FSMC in collaboration
with Freedom Eldercare offered valuable support
and community resources to area clergy and parish
nurses to better serve their congregations.
FSMC Recognized for Exemplary
Workforce Practices
FSMC was selected as the recipient of the prestigious
Alfred P. Sloan Award for Business Excellence in
Workplace Flexibility in the greater Morris County
area. Congratulations were extended on behalf of the
When Work Works national team, the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce’s Institute for Competitive Work Force
and the Twiga Foundation. This award recognizes
model employers of all types and sizes across the
U.S. for their innovative and effective workplace
practices for both employer and employee. FSMC
ranks in the top 20% of employers nationally in terms
of its programs, policies and culture for creating an
effective and flexible workplace.
Raising the Bar for Excellence
in Geriatric Care
New Jersey Celebrates Infants and
Toddlers at the Coalition of Infant/
Toddler Educator’s 25th Annual
Conference. June Trueax, MA, FSMC
Early Childhood Education Specialist,
presented, “Strategies for Early Language and Child
Development for Infants and Toddlers.”
FSMC joined
the Alzheimer’s
Foundation of
America (AFA) for Care Connection, a free
telephone support network for caregivers of
individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and related
illnesses. Hosted by educational facilitator, Ask Dr.
Jamie, caregivers had the opportunity to listen
to a professional guest speaker and participate
in an informative and interactive discussion.
Polly Cranwell, RN, MSN, presented “Avoiding
Hospitalization: How Caregivers Assist and Why
it is Important.” Marianne Terry, LSW, presented,
“Activity Ideas and Suggestions to Make it Through
the Day. For a complete list of broadcasts, visit Dr.
Jamie’s website, www.askdrjamie.net.
Dementia Care Professionals of America (DCPA), the
membership and training branch of the Alzheimer’s
Foundation of America, awarded the A.C.E
(Ability, Compassion, Excellence) Awards, an
honor for individuals who demonstrate the
highest qualities in delivering care to people
affected by Alzheimer’s disease or related
dementia. This year, this prestigious honor
was awarded to our very own, Paulette
D. Cranwell, RN, MSN, FSMC Nurse
Consultant, FSMC Adult Day Center.
Paulette Cranwell, RN, MSN
Diane Janne, Patrice Picard, Lucille Deutsch, Christine DeFalco.
FSMC senior care professionals were awarded
Certificates in Aging from the Institute of Geriatric
Social Work at Boston University. ◆
FSMC Annual Report
Conference Presenters: Amy Matthews, Alzheimer’s Association Greater New Jersey
Chapter; Lucille Deutsch, FSMC Geriatric and Caregiver Outreach; Janet Pincu,
Freedom Eldercare
Financial Report
Government Grants & Contracts
United Way
Friends of Family Service Annual Campaign
Special Events
Other Contributions & Support
FSMC Funding
FSMC Expenses
FSMC Annual Report
Leadership Giving
We want to express our heartfelt
thanks and deep appreciation to the
following individuals, organizations,
companies and foundations who
give so generously to Family Service.
Your generosity ensures that FSMC
can continue to successfully meet
the challenges of our families and
our community. We are honored to
recognize the following contributors
who give so much of themselves to
enrich the lives of others.
Above: Tom McLaughlin and Alex Cafaro of Morristown
with FSMC President, Joe Longo
Left: Support Our Veterans: Tammy Rosenthal, FSMC.
accepts donation from Robert Kraemer, Family Assistance
Center, Morristown Armory (center) and Joe De Vita,
Knights of Columbus, Passaic County
Our Family of
$5,000 - $9,999
Pfizer Inc
Patrice and Denis Picard
Bayview Fund of the
Community Foundation of NJ
F. M. Kirby Foundation
Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation
Joanne and Tom Bintinger
C. R. Bard, Inc.
Robert and Joan Dircks Foundation
Grotta Fund for Senior Care
The Ranger Family Foundation ◆
Ginny and Tom Campion
$25,000 - $49,999
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Donna and Jim Chambers
R.M. Ellis Foundation
Mary Jane Robertson and James Clark
Sweetie Pig Foundation ◆
Grace Culbertson
$2,500 - $4,999
Day Pitney
Alliance for Children and Families
Mark Reffner and Audrey Went ◆
Digital Color Concepts
$10,000 - $24,999
John Bickford Foundation
Ralph Engelsman
Allyn Family Foundation
Jodie and Joe Carfagna
GE Real Estate
Chubb & Son
Johnson & Johnson Group
of Consumer Companies
Community Foundation of New Jersey
Pam and Joe Longo
Deluxe Corporation Foundation
Longo Electrical-Mechanical, Inc.
Normandy Real Estate Partners
Judy Martinez and Hector Mislavsky
Mollie and Gray Rogers
Max Cure Foundation, Inc.
The Walsh Company, LLC
McCarter & English
Vanech Family Foundation
Donna McNamara and Lawrence Cohen
Jockey Hollow Foundation
Provident Bank
Wells Fargo Insurance Services
New Jersey Fund of
the Community Foundation of NJ
Connie and Bob Wood ◆
Lisa and David Welsh ◆
Shade and Steve Grahling
Kathy and Greg Heher
Carol and Jeff Heller
Anne and Paul Krump
Lawyers Title Insurance Corporation
Ginny Moriarty
Princeton Running Co.
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
FSMC Annual Report
The Power
behind the Mission
$1,000 - $2,499
Marylyn and Tom McLaughlin
Barbara Costa
Liz and Chris McReynolds
Chris and Bob Cox
Alexandra and David Mead
Donna and Paul DiAntonio
Monica and John Micera
Judie and Chuck Dickerson
Morris County Bar Foundation
Maureen and Bill Diehl
Christine Myers and Stanley Gorski
Drinker Biddle & Reath
duBROW’S Nurseries, Inc.
New Jersey Natural Gas
Anne and John Duffy
Nisivoccia & Company LLP
Rich Eastman and Jean Aspen
Norma Paige
Cathy and Chris Engel
Kathy and Jonathan Parker
Cathie and John Eyre
Katherine and Chris Plunkett
Kay and Frank Failla
Virginia and Mike Ranger
Brett Featherston
Pratibha and Ravi Reddy
Eileen and Peter Fitzpatrick
RegentAtlanticCapital, LLC
Ginny and Rodney Frelinghuysen
Libby Richards
Cheryl and Chip Grabowski
Richards Barry & Joyce
Rotary Club of Madison
Gross Family Fund of
the Community Foundation of NJ
Patricia Santen
Alix and Jason Grossman
Nancy and Nelson Schaenen
Jim Gunning
Ellen and Stephen Smith
Betty and George Hardy
Olga and Mike Soriano
Sue Claire Harper
Ann and Bruce Stachenfeld
Healsa Partner Medicine
Berit and Greg Stover
Ann and Mark Horan
Larry Taber
Lynn and Howard Horowitz
The MCJ Amelior Foundation
Kirsten Hotchkiss and Rob Steidlitz
Joan Thuebel
Kathy and Paul Hughes
Sharon and Tony Toriello
Jack Brothers Associates, L.L.C.
Toni and Fred von Zuben
Linda and Ken Johnson
Carol and Glenn Head
Joan and Bill Johnson
Nancy and Chuck Heller
Kim and Finn Wentworth
Stephen Jones
Betsy and Tom Hollo
Wolff & Samson, PC ◆
Debbie and Dave Kaplan
Allen & Overy LLP
Paul Amrich
Travis Anderson and Betsy Harvin
Area Property Partners
Michele and Buff Blanchard
Bleakley, Dwyer, Schwartz
Cooney & Finney LLC
Liz and Blair Boyer
Build-A-Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundation
GarWood Burwell
Barbara and Mark Byron
JM Capozzola Foundation, Inc.
Center for Spiritual Living Morristown
Children’s Home Foundation
Construction Risk Solutions, LLC
Cookie Jar Foundation
Ellen and Mike Crowe
Cushman & WakeField of New Jersey
Trisha and Pat Duval
Eastdil Secured LLC
Joseph Fortunato
Stephen Getty
Goodwin Procter LLP
Lou Ann and John Gregory
Hardin Family Fund of
the Community Foundation of NJ
FSMC Annual Report
Marcia and Peter Hunter
Bobbie and Kim Kimber
Sue Idleman
$500 - $999
Integra Krauser & Cirz, Inc.
Advance Realty
J.D. Carton & Son, Inc.
Marilyn Althoff and Samuel Redick
Jones Lang LaSalle
Susan and Steve Andrzejewski
Kathleen and William Kader
Carol and Les Armour
Cynthia and Peter Kellogg
Jim Babcock
Mary Jane Kenny
Basking Ridge Country Club
Karen and Jeff Kirby
Best Way Electric Company, Inc.
Barbara and Bob Klein
Sharon and Andy Bittman
Ginger and Jim Kutsch
Jocelyn and Jon Brayshaw
Wendy and Robert Lazarus
Steve Brisgel
Lindabury, McCormick,
Estabrook & Cooper, P.C.
Adam Buchsbaum and Mary Fernandez
Trish and Kevin Luing
M&T Bank
Patricia Macisaac
Andrea and Michael Magner
Alex and John Cafaro
Mary Anne and John Callahan
Judy and Jon Chester
Cordaro Family Fund of
the Community Foundation of NJ
Lanca Charitable Fund
Brigitte and Alexandre Lebeaut
Nicky and Paige L’Hommedieu
Madeline and Joe Longo
Meister Seelig & Fein, LLP
Marianne and Robert Mohr
Pam Mondelli and Paul Pazniokas
Carolyn and Tom Mulligan
Tom Muscarella and Deb Doherty
Mutual of America
Paul Nash
NK Architects
Kathleen Owens and Morse Wilkenfeld
Bobbie and Mike Phillips
Portfolio Evaluations, Inc.
Ken Pressman and Kathy Walsh
Michael Putnam
R & R Construction Co. Inc.
Lisa and Mike Kelly
Joshua Avidan
Darlene and John Reid-Dodick
Mary Ann LoFrumento and John Hallacy
Elizabeth Bacot-Aigner
Riker, Danzig, Scherer, Hyland & Perretti
Kay Lyall
William Barnes
Deirdre and Michael Rothpletz
Bill McCaffrey
Fred Bartenstein
Braden Schipke
Cindy McCollum
Brent Beene
Sylvia and Warren Schlumpf
Kathleen and Robert Mittermaier
Deborah and Joseph Belfatto
Kathy Seabrook and Michael Furgueson
Barbara and Farley Moran
Barbara and Frank Benedict
Pheo and Myung Shin
Morristown Democratic Committee
Wanda and Bruce Smith
Louise Murray-Hoffman and Thomas Hoffman
Bessin Family Fund of
the Community Foundation of NJ
Sally Muscarella
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bitar
Ann and Don Terwilliger
Pat and Mark O’Dell
Chris Blankenship
The Garibaldi Group
Peapack-Gladstone Bank
Aimee and Joe Bloom
Tammy and Ed Thomas
Persimmon Engineering, LLC
Bill Bobo
Betty and Stirling Tomkins
Prudence and Terry Pigott
Linda Bohrer and Mark Shearman
Mary Ann and David Tralka
Myla and Doug Pridgen
Karyn and Steven Bolland
Valley National Bank
Quail Hill Foundation
Vickie and Dan Brindell
Geralyn and Bob Ward
Realogy Foundation, Inc.
Faith and Edward Broderick
Bonnie and Tom Welsh
Leslie and John Reed
Ryan Brown
John White
Suzie and Tim Reilly
Donna Brown
Pat White and Daniel Flatley
Trudi and Peter Richardson
Mary Jo and Gary Buchanan
Leigh and Dave Wohlfarth
Tammy and David Rosenthal
Donna and David Buchner
Helen Wronski
Sam’s Club
Diana and Art Wynne ◆
Bret Sharretts
Bugen Family Fund of
the Community Foundation of NJ
Shirley Albanese
Kathy and Joe Atencio
Danielle Baker
Martha and John Barilla
Laurie and Larry Baruch
Laurie and Dan Becker
Mary Ann Bogdon
Laura and David Bolson
Megan and Greg Brozowski
Cathy and Jerry Clark
Pat and Mitch Davis
Tinny and Ron Davis
Lexie and Peter Demirali
Mr. and Mrs. John Dewees
Cuong Do and Lori Rickles
Cathy and Mike Eckert
Veronica Somarriba
John Sonneborn
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church
Brent Teubel
The Benjamin-Knox Family Fund of
the Community Foundation of NJ
Anne Burris and David Lucas
Eileen Byrne and Jill Ashley
Doreen and Glenn Byrnes
Patti and Jorge Caballero
Suzanne and Daniel Caputo
Brian Carcaterra
Tracy and Scott Carruthers
Pat and Bill Thompson
Naomi and Mitchell Carter
Lynn and Ed Walsh
Chip Carver and Anne DeLaney
Jill and Julian Wells
Teresa and Lou Castaldi
Audrey Wells
Patsy and Marvin Chirls
Welsh Chester Galiney Matone Inc.
Bob Chorney
Prudence Wiedemann
Minda and Al Chu
Muriel and Jack Windolf
Florence Cocino
Jennifer and Tom Woodward
Jan and Gary Colby
Jane and Robert Wowk ◆
Mary Jo Conley
Stacy Crawford
$100 - $249
Kathy Franco
Nancy Adamczyk
Susan and Frank Gately
Kathy and Craig Adamik
Gensler and Associates Architects
Marvin Adler and Barbara Soo Hoo
Elaine and Tony Grillo
Rhonda and Peter Allen
Bernie and Bob Grohol
Marie Archer
Hope House
Nancy Arluna
Independent Thrift Shop
David Ashraf
Joan and Peter Irish
Arlen and Martin Avidan
Lucy and Jerry Crotty
Tom Curtin and Molly Stranahan
Teresa and Edmund Degler
Pamela and Robert DeMassi
Lucy and Gary Deutsch
Sid Dillon
Doris Dippman
Eleanor and Ed Doda
Cathy and Ron Dolecki
Nancy and Brian Douglas
FSMC Annual Report
$250 - $499
Suzan and Erik Sletteland
FSMC Annual Report
Lesley Draper
Elisabeth King
Lynn and John Rathgeber
Matthew Durso
KMC Mechanical, Inc.
Amy Reich and John Pracher
Brenda and Craig Eisenhart
Marge Kwiatkowski
Ruth and Steve Reichenstein
Louise and Bob Elsholz
Santa La Russo
Marie and Peter Reilly
Sally Epstein
Edward Landsman
Gregg Rentko
Noel and Kim Foley
James LaRocca
Melinda and Richard Richardson
Marla and Phil Folz
Bernadette and Louis LaValle
Maureen and David Rogers
Kathleen and Paul Forde
Carolyn and David Lawrence
Claire and Eric Rolin
Michael Foxx
Doreen and Charles Levine
Natalie and Bob Rooke
Steve Foxx
Sylvia Lippe
Judy Ross
Joan Frey
Julie and Bill Lupatkin
Lloyd Schaefer
Karen and Mitchell Friedman
Kim and John Mahoney
Jean and Larry Schillings
John Furka
Nancy Mantone
Mariann and Greg Schlegel
Connor Gaynor
Helga Markowski
Dan Schreck
Kerry Gaynor
Jan and Bill Marshall
Susie and Barry Schub
Judy and Jim Gazzoli
Susan and Bob Massengill
Shula and Lou Schwarcz
Grace Glass Terwilliger Charitable Fund
of the Community Foundation of NJ
Megan and Stewart Massey
Roberta Schwartz
Dwight Massey
Kathy and Joe Grano
Judith Segers
Bea and Bob Mastracchio
Jennifer and Jeff Gronning
Andrew Sharts
Patrice and Stephen McAuliffe
Donna and Dave Guiariglia
Kathy and Dave Shepperly
Ched McConnell
James Guiheen
Janet and Peter Simon
Kathleen and Daniel McDermott
Stephanie and Charles Halpin
Kurt Slazik
Jane and Jim McKenna
Kristin Harris
Janice Smith
Jeremy McKown
Tim Harvey
Raline Smith Reid
Suzy Moran
Beverly and George Hays
De and Randy Snook
Jane and Mike Myers
Beth Hegberg
Wendy Somerville
Lisa and Tom Nagel
Bill Heim
Susan Sperling and Martin Birnbaum
Carol Nembrotti
Sally and Tom Henderson
William Spina
New World Van Lines
Lee Henig-Elona
Jill Stanley
Mara and Jeff Newman
Elayne and Norton Herrick
Robert Stolar
Ken Newton
Helen and Ed Hintz
Bobbie and Eric Stone
Nancy Niemann
Hollister Construction Services
Nancy and Edward Stuart
Joanne O’Connell
Janet Horowitz
John Swift
John Ollom
Stanley Horowitz
Colleen and Rich Szuch
Laurence Orlans
Beverly Horstmann
Alice and Larry Szycher
Paula and Dan Pacicco
Jeanne and Ed Jaeckle
Mr. and Mrs. Thayer Talcott
Joann and Alan Painter
Susan and Ken James
Karen and Pete Tarricone
Marie Palumbo
Penny Jentsch
Pat and Vic Tebbutt
John Pappadopoulos and Patricia Fiore
Elizabeth Johnston
Teen Pride, Inc.
Julia Peet
Penny and Tom Jones
Marianne and Bob Terry
Bob Pendergrast and Karen Dye
Marina Jovanovska
Gabrielle and Roy Peterson
The Allan and Barbara Newcomb Fund
of the Community Foundation of NJ
Robin Petty
Louise and John Thomas
Carolee and Stan Kallmann
Phoenix Loss Control Services Inc.
Nancy and Donald Thomson
Alice and John Kandravy
Judy Pierce
Hally and Jeff Toia
Daniel Kanter
Ginny and Bob Pierson
Helen Townsend
Anthony Kastanas
Mary and Larry Prendergast
Therese and Gary Tully
Anne and Bill Kearns
Margaret Prentice
Maureen and Bill Tully
Bill Keefauver
Eileen and Les Quick
Douglas Turnbull
Mary and Joe Killian
Cathleen Rahlfs
Union Baptist Church
Karen and Michael Valentino
Valley National Bank
Victoria Mews Assisted Living
Maureen Waterbury and James Lawentman
Susan Weissman
John Wicklow
Andrew Wigg
Joan Wigg
Peggy Wittekind
Jeannette and Tom Yackeren
Amy Yorkanis ◆
Gifts In Kind
Allan Industries
Barrett Roofing
The Bartholomew Family
AMPM Billing
Bayer Healthcare LLC
Joanne and Tom Bintinger
Above: 2010 Spring Ball Honorees, Len Muscarella (in Memoriam) accepting the Community Partnership Award,
his wife Sally Muscarella of imedia inc., and David Welsh, Normandy Real Estate Partners, LLC, (center)
standing with Joe Longo, FSMC President and Patrice Picard, FSMC Executive Director
Kimberly Bush
Bobbie and Mark Byron
Cassidy Cleaning
Robert Chorney
Cifrodelli Landscaping
CKO Kickboxing & Fitness
Dot Colquhoun
Costco Wholesale
CSI International
Kathy Daboul
Digital Color Concepts, Inc.
Patricia DiMeo
Don Jose Mexican Restaurant
Karen Dubel
duBrows Landscaping
Energy Options
Enjou Chocolatiers, Inc.
Gabanti Salon & Spa
The Garden Club of Morristown
Hanover Lanes
Kelley Harris
Kathy and Greg Heher
Carol and Jeff Heller
Hilton Garden Inn
Betsy and Tom Hollo
Janet Horowitz
Kirsten Hotchkiss and Rob Steidlitz
Hyatt Morristown
Marie Reilly
Elana Iaciofano
Riker Danzig Scherer Hyland & Perretti
Susan and Ken James
Tammy and David Rosenthal
Kings Super Markets, Inc
Kathleen Saldana
Kathleen and William Kader
Patricia Santen
KF Mechanical
Ann and Bruce Stachenfeld
Kraft Foods
The Heinrich Team
Ladies Town Club in Boonton
Sharon and Tony Toriello
Liberty Elevator
Mary Ann and David Tralka
Pam and Joe Longo
Vision Creative Group, Inc.
Donna McNamara and Larry Cohen
Vision Electric
Cindi Marrero
Geralyn and Bob Ward
Mendham Jewelers
Wells Fargo Advisors
Westmount Montessori School ◆
Hector Mislavsky and Judy Martinez
Morris Hills High School Staff
Montville Reformed Church
Morristown Lumber
Christine Myers and Stanley Gorski
Nisivoccia & Company LLP
Normandy Real Estate Partners
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
Marie Palumbo
Kathy and Jonathan Parker
Paper Perfect
Haydee Raimondo
In compiling our list of donors, Family
Service has tried its best to recognize
all those who have so generously made
gifts this past year.
If there is a mistake or an omission,
please advise Janet Horowitz, Director
of Development at 973-538-5260
ext. 310 or jhorowitz@fsmc.org.
FSMC Annual Report
Lillian Caruso
Putting their time and talent to work
FSMC volunteers are the lifeblood
of our organization, giving their
time, talent and treasure to make a
difference in the lives of our families.
Last year, more than 200 volunteers
including corporations, community
groups, advisory councils and
individuals worked in partnership
with FSMC providing hundreds of
volunteer hours. We are deeply
grateful to all those who show their
passion and commitment in helping us
accomplish our mission.
Clockwise From Left:
1. Military Families and Veterans
Outreach Advisory Council
2. United Way Day of Caring
3. Former Board Member,
Alexandra Mead
4. Winning team, RegentAtlanticCapital,
LLC at the Third Annual FSMC Young
Professionals Bowl-a-thon
Corporate Leadership Council
Dave Albright
Paul Boudreau
Morris County Chamber of Commerce
Steven K. Brisgel
Morgan Stanley
Anne S. Burris, Esq.
Lindabury, McCormick, Eastabrook & Cooper
John W. Celmer
Investors Savings Bank
FSMC Annual Report
Third Annual FSMC Young
Professionals Bowl-a-thon
and The Winning Team:
RegentAtlanticCapital, LLC
The FSMC Young Professionals,
a group of young volunteers and
philanthropists representing key
corporations and other businesses in
Morris County, gathered at Hanover
Lanes for a showdown of bowling
prowess in a corporate challenge
that raised over $25,000 for FSMC.
For the third consecutive year, the
FSMC Young Professionals have
engaged hundreds of young, corporate
professionals in the Annual Bowl-AThon Fundraiser to raise awareness
and support our mission. BASF of
Florham Park remained the highest
scoring team for the second time
around and RegentAtlanticCapital, LLC
of Morristown, won the trophy again
this year for the team that raised the
most money.
John M. Connell, III
Merrill Lynch
Kieran Flanagan
Hollister Construction Services
Rick Klauser
Nestle Infant Nutrition
Monisha V. Khadse
Ernst and Young
Paul J. Krump
Chubb & Son
Wendy M. Lazarus
Joseph M. Longo, CLC Chair
Longo Electrical-Mechanical, Inc.
Robert Malone
Guy Vanterpool
Veterans Center, Bloomfield ◆
Left: 2010 Spring Ball
Below: 2010 Spring Ball
Student Volunteers
Senior Collaboration and
Intensive Geriatric Case
Management Advisory Group
Laurie Becker
Morris County Department of Human Services
Cathy Boccard
Hope House
Michelle Borden
NewBridge Services
Joan Bruseo
Morris County Office of Temporary Assistance
Lynne Chandler
Saint Clare’s Health System
Ophelia Cruse
Morris County Division on Aging, Disabilities and
Valerie Olpp
Peapack-Gladstone Bank
Ernie Osle
Bernstein Global Wealth
Jesse Canella
CEO, Honor Vet
Gary J. Tully
Wells Fargo Insurance Services Northeast
David Cathcart, MA
Veterans Center, Secaucus
Elaine Vincent
Barbara Flynn
American Red Cross, Colonial Crossroads Chapter
Robert K. Ward
Massey Quick & Co., LLC ◆
Corporal Emerson Crooks, Retired
Marine Corps, Vietnam Combat Veteran
FSMC Young Professionals
Advisory Committee
Megan Brozowski
RegentAtlantic Capital, LLC
Christopher Hawkswell
M&T Bank
Nicole Martin
Somerset Medical Center
Carol DeGraw
United Way of Morris County
Denise Dickinson
Picatinny Arsenal, Army Community Services
Lt. Colonel Richard Eastman, Retired
Morris Chamber of Commerce, NJ State Readiness
John Hales
NJ National Guard Family Assistance Center
Karen Memory
Charles Jurgensen
Department of Senior, Disability and Veteran
Braden Schipke
Robert Kraemer
NJ National Guard Family Assistance Center
Joseph Visaggio
Novartis ◆
Clarence Lacy, MS
Picatinny Arsenal, Relocation Readiness,
Other FSMC
Advisory Volunteers
Audit Subcommittee
Natasha Crossan
Community Member
Dori Lorsch
Community Member ◆
Military Families and Veterans
Outreach Program
Gordon Lorig
Morris County Habitat for Humanity
Charles Maltbie
American Red Cross of Northern New Jersey
Jacqueline McGlade, Ph.D.
College of Saint Elizabeth, Veterans Program
Arlene Parsons
Picatinny Arsenal, School Age Services, Youth
Dr. Michael Renahan
College of Saint Elizabeth, Veterans Program
J. Michael Armstrong, MA, MBA
Community Hope, Hope for Veterans Program
Eric Simmons
Morris Regional Public Health Partnership
Amanda Balas
National Guard Family Assistance Center
Ann Talmage, LCSW
Veterans Center, Bloomfield
Linda Csengeto
Morris County Office of Temporary Assistance
Theresa Davis
Morris County Division on Aging, Disabilities and
Carol DeGraw
United Way of Morris County
Linda Durney
Madison Welfare Department
Susanne Graham
Saint Clare’s Health System
Robert Parker
Lori Rizzuto
Morristown Memorial Hospital
Robert Schermer
Morris Regional Public Housing Partnership
Rebecca Shippey
Morristown Memorial Hospital
Jane Shivas
Jersey Battered Women’s Service
Diane Silbernagel
Hope House
Eric Simmons
Morris Regional Public Housing Partnership
Arlene Stoller
Morris County Office of Health Management
Phyllis Tonnesen
Morris County Office of Temporary Assistance
Andrea Wasser-Malmud
NewBridge Services
Julia Wimmer
Mental Health Association of Morris County ◆
FSMC Annual Report
Andrew O’Conner
A.J. O’Connor Associates, Inc.
Senior Cents Advisory
John W. Celmer
Investor Savings
Monisha Khadse
Ernst and Young
Hector H. Mislavsky
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
John Prokop
RegentAtlantic Capital, LLC
Mary Joan Sheridan Kennedy
Schenck, Price, Smith & King ◆
Senior Cents Money
Management Program
Kathy Adamik
Linda Bacha
Betti Baldan
Tom Burtnett
Giomar Cruz
John Driesse
Orrin Judd
Julie Goldsmith
Joanne Goodford
Barbara Hamilton
Karen Lavin
Ming-Yuahn Lee
Mary Lovely
Susan Mulholland
Ann O’Donnell
Rona Olechnowich
Dawn Ortell
John Reilly
Jean Sabella
Susan Sher
Vincent Stewart
Francine Teitelbaum
Stephen Tyburski
Lorrie Vece
Shimone Walker
Leo White
Gary Winkler ◆
FSMC Annual Report
Friends of the Blind
Ken Aloisio
Bill Anthony
Penny Bird
Cynthia Bowyer
Peter Burton
Jodi Carfagna
Joseph Carfagna
Bonnie Cattano
Catherine Coloff
Mary Conrad
Catherine Crisologo
Allison Dalziel
Patricia Davis
Donald Denneau
Cherylann Dorsey
Cathy Dorusak
John Eyre
Lily Fabricante
Margie Ferrari
Marilyn Ford
Michael Gibbons
Eileen Heacook
Harry Jessell
Millie Jones
Marie Lettier
Judy Martinez
Michelle Maxson
Elizabeth McGrath
Nelly Mehta
Janet Miller
Kathy Nielsen
Joyce Paladino
Peggy Samuelson
Anne Saunders
Joan Schaible
Barbara Schatz
Joan Shaughnessy
Andrea Strack
Nadine Sutcliffe
Sue Tilak
Ann Marie Van Geuns
Teneick Walker
Karen Witt
Susan Worsfold ◆
Community Volunteers
Jamie Allen
Monica Alvarado
Brookside Bells Women’s Club
Marie Archer
Pat Aussem
Maria Bochenek
Chancellor Avenue School
Clara Charters
Steve Cohen
Tess Degginger
Karen Dubel
Julie Goldsmith & Family
Beverly Hart
Kayla Hastrup
Head Start
Martin Kuner
Johnson & Johnson
Jersey Cares
Junior League of Morristown
Caroline Kraska
Jessie Mislavsky
Ally Misthos
Moderately Bright Four
Morris County Juvenile Detention Center
Morris County Master Gardners
Morristown High School
Laura Munoz
Laura Naranjo
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Richard Nyquist
Peck School
Rose City Songsters
Roxbury Women’s Club
Sarah Sedevic
Jack Simmons
Rachel Stevens
Summer Tencza
Starr Terrell
Lisbeth Trevisan-Stille
United Way of Morris County
Elizabeth Wade
Wells Fargo
Adam Yackeren
Clyde Zukswert ◆
The Story behind
the Headlines: FSMC
in the News
We’re making great strides every day to
keep our community informed through
website enhancements, FSMC e-News,
local Patch.com stories, professional
journals, television and radio broadcasts.
We invite you to visit our website to read
our stories and link to feature articles
about FSMC services and programs.
Alliance Plays Key Role in Effort to
meet Needs of Military Families:
Survey of members finds interest in
providing services
within this niche. FSMC
has joined the ranks
of Alliance members
nationally who are
serving the needs of
military families.
See the feature story and our photo
in the Alliance for Children & Families
Magazine Issue 4-2010, or go to
Check out Family Service feature
articles on Patch at: http://morristown.
or read the stories on our website,
Leaving a Legacy
Leave a Legacy to your Community with a Planned Gift to FSMC
and learn how it pays to be Charitable!
By making a planned gift to FSMC, you will be welcomed into the 1813 Legacy Society, our recognition society for
Planned Giving benefactors. The 1813 Legacy Society members have made an important commitment to continue to
build the long-term future of FSMC and our ability to help change lives. Won’t you join us to impact our next century?
1813 Society Members
Becoming a member of the 1813 Society
Kathy and Joe Atencio
Shade and Steve Grahling
Mary Jo and Gary Buchanan
Robert L. Klein
Stephanie and Sal Cicale
Rosemarie and Dewey Clark
Ralph Engelsman
Henrietta Thomas
Membership benefits allow us to thank and recognize
you. Your gift will inspire others to give. Benefits in
the Society include quarterly updates from the FSMC
Executive Director and private invitations to select FSMC
professional seminars. To ensure that we properly record
and acknowledge your planned gift, please provide the
Development Office with a letter from your attorney
describing the gift or a copy of the documentation
establishing the planned gift.
Log on to our website for program
information, volunteer opportunities,
articles and links, event registration and
online donations.
Your feedback is important to us as we
continue to explore ways to communicate
our mission. Please visit our website and
click on “contact us” which can be found
on the navigation bar.
Many thanks to Sally Muscarella,
FSMC Annual Report
imedia inc. and her staff for their support
and generosity in hosting our website.
Changing Lives
for Nearly 200 Years
62 Elm Street
Morristown, NJ 07960
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