Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church 15 Francis Street PO Box 264 Jamestown, N.Y. 14702 716-483-0022 Website: Email: Newsletter Sponsors If you would like to advertise in the newsletter, please contact Father George pesonally Live Your Orthodox Faith August/September 2014 Stewardship List O THEOTOKOS, YOU ARE VERY BLESSED The third Ecumenical Council had the task of explaining the Christian truth regarding the Incarnation of Jesus Christ by the Panaghia Mariam. At this particular council, a Bishop named Nestorius claimed vehemently that Jesus Christ was born with only ONE nature – Divine. He bolstered his position through the medium of songs, poetry, writings and other means, and it’s still a point of confusion in discussions with the Oriental Orthodox Churches. At this Council, the Fathers quoted the part of the Nicean Creed which we recite today at all our Church services “Who for us men and for our salvation, came down from Heaven and was incarnated of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary and became man.” These Fathers inspired by the Holy Spirit said that the everVirgin Mary gave birth to the Son of God and to Jesus – perfect, sinless man. Thus, He is our Savior and Redeemer. The Father further said that the Son of God was and is fully divine and Jesus was and is fully human. And He had and has two distinct natures and each one is separated from the other: unconfused and unmingled. One example of Jesus’ humanity is that when He was told that His friend Lazarus had died, He shed tears (John 11:35). He displayed His divinity when He foretold of Peter’s forthcoming denial, protesting three times that he did not know Jesus (Mt. 26:34). It was understood and taught at this Council that Mary, the mother of Jesus, had become the new Eve and Jesus the new Adam. It was this sinless Jesus who washed away our sins when He was crucified on the Cross. Sin, which is the destructive nemesis of humankind, was conquered. Nestorius and the Monophysites’ heresy was correctly condemned by the Fathers of the third and fourth Ecumenical Councils. The Panaghia was proclaimed as the Theotokos – the Greek word meaning “she who gave birth to God,” accomplished through her nine-month pregnancy. O Theotokos, you are very blessed and because of you we, your spiritual children, are very blessed and grateful to you for all you have done and continually do for us. Thank you! THE DORMITION OF THE THEOTOKOS When the glorious all-holy Panaghia was about to die, the Lord Jesus miraculously transported each of the twelve Apostles from wherever they were to her deathbed. They talked with her, they prayed, they sang hymns, and they cried for she was greatly loved by them. Upon her death, her soul was immediately taken by her Son into Heaven as the Icon of the Dormition depicts. Her body was placed by the Apostles in a tomb on the hillside of Gethsemene. Three days later, her immaculate and unspoiled body was transported by the Angels into Heaven where today she stands to the right of her divine son, Jesus Christ, the son of God as Psalm 44:9 states. “The Queen stood on our right, in a garment inlaid with gold and arrayed in various colors.” We come to the Divine Liturgy in her honor on Friday, August 15th to join with the Apostles and angels in singing, praising, and praying for her help, protection, and guidance in our life. On August 1, 4, and 8, we will sing hymns to her in the Service of the small Paraclesis at 10:00 am. come and join us. This is a special season – the first fifteen days of August or “Dekapentavgoustos.” “Through the prayers of the Theotokos, O Savior save us.” “Tes presvies tis Theotokou, Soter, Soson imas.” (Sung at every Divine Liturgy.) Father George Zervos, Economos as of 7/17/14 • Total Pledged: $62,127• 94 Stewards Alexander, Dan G., MD. Anderson, Greg & Christina Anderson, Tim & Rachel & family Bechakas, John & Toula Bechakas, Michael & Heather Bechakas, Terry & Soultana Beers, Mary Bertrand, John & Victoria Bruner, Kenneth & Helen Cheronis, George Cheronis, James, Christine & Allie, Christian Christ, James W. Sr. & Children Christ, Terry & Joanne Constantine, Athena Constantine, Terry Coustenis, Theodore D. & Virginia Crandall, Chad, Brittany & James Cretekos, Kathryn Cummings, Bryan Cummings, Virginia Decker, Jim and Kathy Deppas, Deborah & Chelsa, Joshua, Anthony Deppas, John Deppas, Lou, Melissa & family Dimas, George & Dorothy Dimas, Louis & Thomaidha Dimitri, Adam & Szymanowicz, Kelly Dimitri, Athena B. Dimitri, John & Julie Dimitri, L. Michael & Jo Ann Elia, Mark & Vanessa Enserro, Ethel Goller Fanaritas, Magdaline Feell, Theodora Frederick, Elizabeth S. Gedz, Basil G. Giopulus, John & Shirley Giopulus, Peter Harter, Jude & Ashley Hastas, Mary Hennas, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Hill, Louise H. Hunter, Ashley Jamesson, Kaliope Johnson, Mark J & Sara Jane Juvelis, Nicholas G. & Martha Kianos, Robert & Michelle, Frank, Ricky, Paige Kianos, Violet Kioumourtzis, Dimitrios Kum, David & Wendy (Kassie, David, Triston) Louis, L. Terry Lundmark, Jason Marano, Maria & Kim Marano, Anthony S. & Nancy C. Matjoulis, John Sr. Matjoulis, John Jr. Michos, Alexandra Michos, Crist & Robin Michos, Elizabeth Mignoli, Connie Morrison, Heath & Kathleen Newburg, Elizabeth & Jerry Noni, Ordella M. Panteli, Pantelis & Linda Pappas, Elizabeth “Betty” Petro, Harriet G. Piaschyk, Damian & Sabrina Psychos, Constance Rafael, Presvytera Claire Raptis, Jim & Demetra Rigas, John & Doris Rigas, Michael Rigas, Tim Riolo, Mary M. Ross, Anna P. (Dean & Peter) Ross, Ethel Saines, George Saines, James Searls, Robert “Ted” & Loretta C. Silo, John & Barbara Singleton, Todd, Alexis & Family Spanos, George & Mary Ann, Pano, Thoma, Teo Spirdon, Dean P. & Linda K. Stanton, Dean & Maria, (Ashley) Theofilactidis, George & Kathy Theofilactidis, Lazaros & Courtney Tsitso, Christine Tsitso, Evdoxia (Evelyn) Tsitso, Nicholas Tsitso, Spiro L. Turner, Angie & William VanGinhoven, Mary Jane Verleni, Nicholas & Helen Voulgaris, Tony & Helen Zorich, Ron & Voula, (Jimmy) People that have donated to the GA Letter as of 7/20/14 GA Letter Donation $1,250 Alexander, Dan Bacalis, Nicholas Rev. & Vivian Bechakas, Terry & Leia Cheronis, James & Christine Coustenis, Virginia Havale, Peter & George Mary Jane VanGinhoven Piaschyz, Eric & Olga Zervos, George Rev. & Anne Ecclesiastical Calendar Internet Ministries by Sabrina Piaschyk Are you concerned about safety and privacy of the internet, social networks, computer, mobile, and gaming devices that your children are using? The Greek Orthodox Archodiocese of America (GOA) and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has created a Faith and Safety Technology Safety through the eyes of faith website. This site is an attempt to give you some simple, straightforward advice and tools on how to navigate this digital world with your family. Each article and section has been designed to be a self-contained reference. Check out this great resource at; Family As Church Your Family, a blessed gift from our Heavenly Father, is called by God to provide love and security, to nurture faith and hope. To do this, He has provided your Family with the Church, a place where true relationships with God and one another are fostered and sustained. In fact, the attributes of the Church that guide the community to life and salvation are essential to the wellbeing of your Family. As the Church gathers to worship God as a community of believers, your Family needs to gather for worship in the home. As the Church offers a witness of the presence of Christ in our world, your Family is called to reveal His love in your relationships. As the Church reaches out to serve those in need, your Family is led by our Lord to offer service in your community. As the Church teaches the true Faith, your Family needs to be a place where each member grows in spiritual knowledge and understanding. As the Church is a place of fellowship in Christ, your Family can and should be characterized by friendship, trust, and respect. Thus, "Family as Church" affirms that the attributes of the Church, which have been revealed to us by God in Holy Scripture and through the local parish, can help you to know what it means to be a Family, a healthy Family that lives in faith and love. For more information go to: Inspirational Thoughts Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there - Will Rogers What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us - Morrow Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see - Mark Twain The secret of contentment is the realization that life is a gift, not a right - Benjamin Franklin The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it - Anonymous August September Sunday August 3 Sunday Divine Liturgy, 10:00 am Monday August 4 Small Paraclesis, 10:00 am Wednesday August 6 Divine Liturgy for the TRANSFIGURATION OF CHRIST 9:15 am Grapes to be brought and blessed Friday August 8 Small Paraclesis, 10:00 am Sunday August 10 Divine Liturgy 10:00am 40 Day Memorial Service for George Cheronis Father George and family will be gone on vacation from August 11-August 22 Friday August 15 Divine Liturgy for the Falling Asleep of the Theotokos. Father Stephen Gousios of Buffalo will celebrate the Liturgy. Please come for this important day in our Church Life. His Presvytera will chant the Liturgy. Make them welcome. Sunday August 17 Divine Liturgy 10:00am Celebrated by Father Stephen Saturday August 23 Wedding of Panos Spanos to Teodora Cristea Sunday August 24 Divine Liturgy 10:00am Father George will be back August 22-24 and leave again on August 25 for Sofia’s annual check-up in Alabama, returning August 30. Sunday August 31 Wednesday Sept 3 Ladies Erene Society Mtg 7:00 pm, Fellowship Hall Sunday Sept 7 Divine Liturgy 10:00am Sunday Sept 14 Divine Liturgy for the HOLY CROSS 10:00am First Day of Sunday School All Children are to participate in the Procession around the Church Wednesday Sept 17 Parish Council Mtg 6:30 pm Sunday Sept 21 Divine Liturgy 10:00am Sunday Sept 28 Divine Liturgy 10:00am WEEKDAY LITURGIES IN SEPTEMBER Monday Sept 8 Divine Liturgy in honor of the birthday of the Panaghia 9:15 am Wednesday Sept 17 Divine Liturgy in honor of Saint Sofia & her three daughters Faith, Hope, Love 9:15 am TO BE ANNOUNCED Saturday Bible School event featuring arts and crafts, practice for a play to be presented to the Congregation, games and hymns Wendy Kum thanks everyone who came to the twins’ graduation party on July 20th. The family was overjoyed. Divine Liturgy 10:00am Prayer List Please keep these Church Members on your prayer list: Helen Bruner Christian Cheronis Virginia Cummings - now at Greenhurst Tomaida and Louis Dimas Athena Dimitri Helen Douvlos Teresa Duro Sophia Gianas Stephanie Lampropolos Tony & Nancy Marano Jimmy Saines Loretta Searles Helen Verleni Sofia Zervos Jessica De Jesus Joanne & Terry Christ Anthony Voulgaris Please let us know if we have missed anyone. Church News WEDDINGS Adam Dimitri was married to Kelly Ann Szymanowicz on June 7, 2014. The Koumbaro (best man) was Aaron Dimitri Memorials for August 2014 In memory of R. Ted Searls Virginia Cummings Stephen & Sara Cummings James Cummings & families Charlie & Valerie Heggarty & family Athena Dimitri In memory of Dr. Thomas Verleni Athena Dimitri Bryan Cummings was married to Victoria A. VanBuskirk on July, 19, 2014. The Koumbara was Brittany Crandall. FUNERAL Mr. George Cheronis fell asleep in the Lord. His funeral was conducted on July 2, 2014. He was interred in Oakland Cemetery in Warren, PA. May God rest his soul. Christina Hollobaugh passed away on July 26, 2014 in Kane, PA. GRADUATION PARTIES Everyone was invited and had a great time! Donna Turner: Sunday June 22, 2014, Conewango Country Club, Warren PA Nicholas Christodoulou: Sunday July 13, 2014, Fellowship Hall David & Kassandra Kum: Sunday, July 20, 2014, Fellowship Hall DIVINE LITURGY The Divine Liturgy for Saint Elia was performed on July 20, Sunday. Parishoners from our sister Church of Saint Elia joined us in worship in honor of the namesday of their Church. Also with us from Philadelphis, was Deacon Andrew Roumbas who co-celebrated with Father George. Not only was it a Holy Day, followed by a lovely party for our graduates but it was the 48th anniversary of Fr. George’s Ordination in Detroit, Michigan. DIVINE LITURGY, OLEAN NY On Saturday, July 26, the namesday of Saint Paraskeve (patron saint and healer of the eyes) was celebrated at St. Stephens Church in Olean, NY. Father George annointed all present with the Holy Water from St. Paraskeve Shrine in Greenlawn, NY. In memory of Elaine Johnson Theodora Plumpis Feell In memory of Aphrodite Silo Mary Riolo In Memory of Eftihia Kioumoutzis Dimitri Kioumourtzis Voula, Ron & James Zorich Afrouls, Bill & Victoria & William Snell Crump, Sandy, Steve & Jonathan Harter, Ashley & Jude In Memory of Goldie Gioulekas Bitchakas, Nora Bitchakas, Peter Cooke, Argery & families In Memory of George Cheronis *All donations made to the Johnson Scholarship Fund Dimitrios Kiou Mourtzis The Zorich Family The Snell Family The Crump Family Bechakas, Toula & John Bechakas, James Enserro, Ethel Dimitri, Athena Riolo, Mary Turner, Loretta & Dan Vicello, Debbie & Jim Nancy J. Shattuck Real Estate Associates Speta, Kimberly & Dale Thomas, Dr Sunny, Siby & Joscelyn Verleni, Nicholas, Helen & Nicolette Christ, Joanne & Terry Titso, Spiro & family Stanton, Maria & Dean Council Corner Dear Fellow Parishioners, The parish held a Special Assembly on June 1st. The meeting went very well, with a number of proposals being approved by the parishioners. The first topic was the replacement of the 50+ year old boiler system. That investment was approved at a cost of about $16,300. I’m pleased to report that the boiler is now installed and operational. Council also received approval to repair any existing pews that need maintenance, and also to install pew cushions with the total cost of that project not to exceed $8,000. Finally, we also received approval to complete the landscaping of our church grounds. That project will be initiated after we address the nagging issue of leaking in the stage area. This has been a problem that we thought was solved, but moisture is still coming in and damaging the stage. There is a plan in place to excavate the area outside of the church and to install French drains to channel the water away from the building. Other projects we are working on include the installation of a new video security system and the replacement of the Narthex flooring. Some people have been questioning the fundraising letter that was sent out recently asking for donations for these projects. The thought is, “well, if we just had a Yassou Festival, and if we have money from the Goumas inheritance, then why are we being asked to donate more money?” The answer to that, my fellow parishioners, is that the Yassou Festival income supports our annual operating expenses; it is not “extra” money that can be used for special projects. Also, Goumas funds were indeed used last year (over $80,000) to improve the church, as well as for the above projects. However, if we were to rely only on the Goumas funds and Yassou Festival income, then the church would find itself in poverty within two years if it weren’t for the financial support of our parishioners. Thank you for your support of our beloved St. Nicholas parish, both spiritually and materially. Finally, the council is planning to have a Fall Picnic on Sunday September 7th. We hope that our parishioners will come out to Divine Liturgy that morning and then join the fellowship of that event afterwards. With love in Christ, Jim Cheronis, Council President Erene Society Submitted by Athena Constantine, President Choir Corner Ride for Roswell Yassou Festival Update This will be the fourth year that a group of people from Warren, PA have formed a team (29 members) for the Ride for Roswell Park. This year’s team raised over $20,000 for Roswell Park. An astounding 10 members of the team rose over $1,000 individually. Three of these members are a part of the St. Nicholas parish family; James and Kathryn Decker (not pictured) and Sabrina Piaschyk. Graduate Section kassandra kum Graduated from Jamestown High School. She will attend JCC for 2 years, then transfer to Damon College for forensic science david kum Graduated from Jamestown High School. He will attend JCC for 2 years, then plans to transfer to a formal art college. Fr. George, Alex Dimitri, Kelsey Tsito, Kassandra & David Kum. Missing Nicholas Christdoulou nicholas christadoulou Graduated from Jamestown High School. He will attend JCC Dora Christine Turner Graduated from Warren Area High School. She will attend the University of Pittsburgh’s main campus, majoring in pre-medicine biology Kelsey Rose tsitso Graduated from Jamestown Community College and is transferring to SUNY Fredonia. My name is Kelsey Tsitso. I’m currently in my junior year in college studying at SUNY Fredonia, majoring in Social Work. I’m active with helping out during the Yassou Festival and with Sunday School. Alexander Dimitri Graduated from Fredonia High School with Honors, with an Advanced Regent’s Diploma. He will attend Fredonia State, majoring in Biochemistry and has been awarded a Presidential Scholarship in science and math from SUNY Fredonia and a Johnson Scholarship from St Nicholas. Alex is the son of John & Julie Dimitri. During his high school years he was involved in Symphonic band, Student Government, Model United nations and the newspaper. He is a member of The national Honors Society as well as Key Club. He earned the Baush-Lomb Honorary Science Award, Rotary Student of the Month and the John Phillip Sousa Award for his band performance. Mother Teresa