NPS leader: sequester cuts could get worse


NPS leader: sequester cuts could get worse
$ 00
Local man
arrested for
Quincy truck theft
The town of Coulee Dam
cancelled its regular meeting of
Wednesday, July 24, because town
officials stated that there wasn’t any
business to transact. The council’s
next scheduled meeting is Aug. 14,
at 6 p.m.
by Roger S. Lucas
A Quincy farmer, who had offered a $2,500 reward for information that would help him recover
his stolen truck and trailer, could
pick up his own reward after
spotting them just outside Grand
Kevin Weber, of Weber Farms
in Quincy, a pilot, flew around the
countryside Saturday in his private plane, trying to find his truck
and trailer, which had been stolen
sometime between Wednesday
night and Thursday morning.
He spotted them near Grand
Coulee in Lincoln County and
alerted the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office.
Lincoln County deputies, as-
Grant County Sheriff Tom Jones
is warning the public to be on guard
for a person calling and seeking
donations for the sheriff’s office. It’s
not real – it’s a scam.
“The Grant County Sheriff’s Office does not phone people asking
for donations,” said Jones. “We also
don’t solicit donations over email or
social media.”
Jones said a Moses Lake-area
citizen received a call from a man
saying he was from the sheriff’s office and asking for a donation.
“The truth is the call was just
another attempt by a scam artist to
separate a citizen from their money,”
Jones said. “Because there are
always scams circulating around
the globe, citizens are targeted and
victimized daily via phone, email or
social media.”
He said people should contact
their local law enforcement agency
if they believe they have been the
target or victim of a scam.
Friday, Aug. 9
Solar Observation: 1-3 p.m. at
Spring Canyon
Stargazing: 8:30-11:30 p.m. at
Crescent Bay.
Aug. 10
Solar Observation: 1-3 p.m. at
the Visitor Center at Grand Coulee
Stargazing: 8:30-11:30 p.m. at
Crescent Bay.
WSP: avoid the
needless death
of a child
The Washington State Patrol is
urging adults to never leave a young
child alone in a car — especially in
the sun.
In 2013, at least 19 children
nationwide have died after being left
unattended in motor vehicles during
sunny weather, none in Washington,
the WSP says.
Even with the windows cracked
two inches, the internal temperature
of a motor vehicle can exceed 125
degrees Fahrenheit in a matter of
minutes. On sunny days when the
outside temperature may be in the
60s, the internal temperature of a
motor vehicle can still exceed 110
degrees within one hour.
Heatstroke is caused when the
internal temperature of the body
exceeds 104. A child’s body will
heat up three to five times faster
than an adult’s. When the child’s
body temperature reaches 107,
damage to the cells and internal
organs will occur.
sisted by Grant County deputies
and Grand Coulee Police, found the
stolen 1997 Peterbilt dump truck
and Beall pup trailer, and also
found a utility trailer stolen from
Weber Farms, on property along SR
174, the highway to Wilbur.
Deputies suspect the owner of
the property was attempting to
dismantle and obscure the stolen
vehicles from view, the release
Deputies were aided in the
search by Grand Coulee police.
While sheriff deputies were investigating the scene, Heeb drove
up and was recognized by Grand
Coulee officers as the suspect.
Heeb was taken to Lincoln
County Jail on theft charges.
School district
increases budget
by a million
coming up
A National Park Service program
will give people a chance to take in
a little astronomy next month.
You can find out what the sun
looks like using solar filtered telescopes and solar glasses for safe
viewing of the nearest star during
“Solar Observation” events during
the day, then take in “Stargazing
and Sky Tours” at night, plus watch
for meteors in the Perseid Meteor
Showers, which should peak August
12-13 but are visible even now just
before dawn.
The events are free to all and will
only be cancelled in case of cloudy
JULY 24, 2013
by Roger S. Lucas
Will to win
A contestant in Sunday’s events at the Ridge Riders’ Junior Rodeo wears the intensity of competition on her face as she
rounds the last pole in the senior girls’ event. The two-day rodeo, which featured a full list of rodeo events, drew 125 contestants from 18 years of age down to the 5-and-under crowd. No admission was charged, but the club “still made a little
money on it,” said President George Kohout. He estimated another 700 people accompanied the athletes into town. “That’s
good for the whole community,” he said. — Scott Hunter photo
NPS leader: sequester
cuts could get worse
Still wants to
improve Lake
Roosevelt NRA
by Roger S. Lucas
Dan Foster, the new superintendent of the Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, is learning
how to do more with less.
And it may be only an omen of
things to come.
He told chamber of commerce
members last Thursday that he
is operating with 6 percent fewer
resources than what were available the year before, and if the
sequester problem at the national
level isn’t solved, the next year it
could climb to 12-13 percent.
Foster said adjustments this
Dan Foster, NPS superintendent
season have included such things
as mowing less frequently and
cleaning restrooms less often.
Mainly, the cutbacks have affected
part-time employees.
However, any additional cut-
backs, if they occur, will mean the
furloughing of full-time, permanent employees next season. The
new fiscal year starts in October.
Foster came to Lake Roosevelt
from he Niobrara National Scenic
River in Nebraska, a 76-mile-long
free-flowing river recreation area.
He assumed his duties here in
Speaking at the weekly Grand
Coulee Dam Area Chamber of
Commerce luncheon at SunBanks
Lake Resort, Foster traced his
career from time with the State
of Utah to stints at Wind Cave
National Park to a time with the
Nez Perce at Spalding, Idaho, a
place from where he had his first
contact with this area.
He is a ranger’s ranger, having
See FOSTER page 2
Plant poisoning suspected
by Roger S. Lucas
Jerry Beierman, a Grand Coulee
resident known for raising recordsized veggies, thinks someone
doused several of his plants with
some kind of poison, he reported
to police Saturday.
On Monday, Beierman said that
three tomato plants, two bean
plants and one cucumber plant
were killed, along with an area
of his lawn. He also said another
plant had died, he thought from a
separate incident.
Beierman said he was concerned
that others might suffer the same
type of vandalism, and he was
afraid that someone might still eat
vegetables from poisoned plants.
When the Grand Coulee resident saw his damaged plants, he
gave some of the beans and green
tomatoes to neighbors. But after it
was determined by a local master
gardener that the plants had likely
been poisoned, Beierman called the
neighbors and told them not to eat
the vegetables.
“They said they hadn’t, and I
was relieved,” Beierman said.
The plant soil was sent off for
evaluation and Beierman awaits
word on what the culprits used to
kill his plants.
The Grand Coulee Dam School
District board passed its 2013-14
budget Monday night after a public hearing on the matter. No one
showed up to question the $9.5
million budget.
The new budget exceeds the
one for the 2012-13 school year by
more than a million dollars.
Superintendent Dennis Carlson
said the increased revenue comes
largely from the way the state is
funding education.
The state Legislature has responded to the Washington State
Supreme Court’s ruling that Washington is underfunding education
and will pay districts about $7,000
per student for the next two years,
compared to the $5,600 per student previously paid.
Of further benefit to the district
here is that the state is funding
all-day kindergartens. Prior to this
next year, the local district funded
the second half-day because the
school board felt it important to
give the young students a strong
start. The state-funded all-day
kindergarten will save the district
about $160,000.
This next year, the district will
have three kindergarten classes,
three first grades and will also
start a pre-school for non-special
education students.
The board learned Monday
night that some 14 have indicated
The state has given teachers,
non-certificated employees and
administrators back the cut made
to their salaries two years ago.
Teachers and non-certificated employees were cut 1.9 percent and
administrators 3 percent.
After a closed session Monday
night, the school board extended
Carlson’s contract for another year.
Carlson just completed his third
year at the end of June, and is
now under contract through June
30, 2015.
The board wanted to have him
continue through the opening year
of the new K-12 school complex.
The schedule, at this point, indicates that students will occupy the
new school sometime in October,
For the school year just completed, the district budget was
$8.277 million.
Man arrested
for break-in
by Roger S. Lucas
A Nespelem man was arrested
and booked into Okanogan County
Jail Monday after being identified
as the person who broke into the
Galaxy Smoke Shop last Thursday.
Police stated that Michael
Stead, 26, was identified through
security cameras on site.
After Stead was identified, police learned through a phone tip
that the suspect was at a trailer
residence in Elmer City. Police
found Stead there, standing out in
the yard with a piece of foil in his
hand. He later told police he used
the foil to smoke a pain pill.
An employee said that she
thought eight packages of cigarettes were taken, but Stead
admitted to taking only four
packages of cigarettes, according
to police, but he said they were no
longer in his possession.
Surveillance videos from seven
cameras showed Stead walking
around the back side of the business, then yanking open the front
door and entering the store, police
said. The video showed Stead, officers said, going behind the counter,
taking something and then leaving
through the front door.
The door jam and trim were
damaged when entry to the building was gained.
The forced entry was noticed by
an employee who saw the damage
when she arrived for work. She
called 911 to report the burglary.
Stead faces charges of burglary
in the second degree, and theft
in the third degree. Coulee Dam
Officers Joe Lauseng and Adam
Florenzen were involved in the
Page 2
The Star • JuLY 24, 2013
Northwest Native Development kicks
off annual Native Business Awards
Northwest Native Development Fund
(NNDF) has launched a state-wide competition and search for three “native business”
• The “eagle” will go to a native business
of the year.
• The “bear” award will go to an outstanding
advocate of native business, and
• the “salmon” award will recognize a business or organization that has made an effort to
patronize native-owned products or services.
“Businesses in Indian Country are growing,
and we believe it is time to recognize three very
important aspects of the business environment
in Indian Country,” said Ted Piccolo, executive
director of the NNDF.
Nominations are being accepted now and
will stay open until October. Winners will be
announced at the first annual Native Business
Network gala to be held on Nov. 21 in Airway
Anyone interested in nominating a person,
business, organization or municipality for any
of the above mentioned awards are encouraged
to contact the Northwest Native Development
Fund by email to request a
nominating form.
In June, the NNDF held the second Native
Business Network single-day “lunch and learn”
event at Northern Quest Resort with more than
60 participants for the full day event at which
NNDF unveiled a new searchable database for
businesses certified as Indian-owned.
The NNDF is a certified Native CDFI (Community Development Financial Institution)
that serves Eastern Washington. The NNDF
provides technical assistance to small businesses as well as small business financing.
Piccolo says the NNDF has provided over
$600,000 in financing to local native entrepreneurs in just over two years and has saved
tribal members over $400,000 through Voluntary Income Tax Assistance sites (VITA).
Young artists
invited to join
PUD’s contest
Moon set
A full moon sets over Jones Bay on Banks Lake as the sun rises over the
opposite horizon Tuesday morning. — Scott Hunter photo
Tribes to build
new Omak casino
The Colville Tribes has announced plans to construct a casino on property purchased four
years ago along SR-97, south of
the Rodeo Trail Road near Omak.
The Tribes wanted to start the
project earlier but when workers
dug on the site back in 2009, they
found human bones, and it derailed the project until now.
Joe Pakootas, executive director
of the Colville Tribal Federal Corporation made the announcement
last week.
It’s the second major project
announced by the Tribes this past
year. Earlier officials announced
plans to build a new $40 million
complex to house the Tribal administration offices on the Colville
Indian Agency grounds.
President of the Colville Business Council, Michael O. Finley,
said that work on the administration building would begin soon,
from front
been involved in all the traditional
activities and resources of National Park Service.
He has had experience working
with leasing, agreements with Indian tribes, research and resource
While he speaks of the chance to
unfold the opportunities of a lake
area with several hundred miles of
shoreline, he also focuses on such
down-to-earth topics as safety and
resource protection.
You can make his day by enjoying a safe camping experience
along the lake and leaving the area
as clean as you found it.
There are new opportunities for
the new superintendent. The Ice
Age Floods story has been poorly
told in this area, he said. That’s
part of his agenda — to tell this
story so people visiting can not
only enjoy the area but stand in
awe of how it was formed.
at the
according to a story in the Omak
Chronicle. The existing administration building will be torn
Taylor Woodstone of Bloomington, Minnesota, was picked to
build the casino complex, which
will include the casino, a hotel,
restaurants and possibly casino
offices, it was announced.
It was anticipated that work
would begin on this project before
the first of the year.
The Tribes already operate
the Okanogan Bingo Casino just
a couple of miles from the new
building site. Officials stated
that the Okanogan casino would
remain open until the new casino
was operable.
Tribal officials had announced
plans for the casino in 2009, a
$24 million project and a 58,000
square foot facility. They had purchased the land for $2 million, it
was reported at the time.
Grant PUD invites children age 12 and under to participate in its
special 75th Anniversary art contest. Participants create a work of
art with the theme “How my family uses electricity,” using the PUD’s
contest form.
The forms can be downloaded from, picked up at a local office of the electric utility or at
several local libraries.
The forms, with the completed artwork, can be turned into a Grant
PUD local office in Ephrata, Moses Lake, Quincy, Grand Coulee, Royal
City or the Mattawa City Hall. The forms can also be taken to Grant
PUD’s booth at the Grant County Fair from Aug. 13 to 17.
Everyone who enters will receive a free nightlight and be entered
into a random drawing for a boat tour. The winning contestant and
three members of their family will tour along the Wanapum Reservoir
section of the Columbia River.
For more information, see, call (509) 754-5035 or email Contest forms and crayons will also be
available for young artists at the PUD booth during fair week. Tuesday,
Aug. 13, is Free Day at the fair, sponsored by Grant PUD.
Puppy back
with its owner
by Roger S. Lucas
The story of a puppy that was
taken by some people from Poulsbo
had a happy ending.
A man reported to police that
while he was in Safeway shopping,
someone took his little white female Husky pup named “Sage.”
A review of a security tape
showed that the dog jumped out
of the back of a vehicle and went
underneath it. Two people coaxed
it out, and then took it.
An Electric City woman reported that she saw the people earlier
in the day at the veterinarian’s office. After reviewing the tape, the
officer stated in his report that he
had seen the couple earlier at a
local restaurant.
The officer pursued the incident
and found that the party had used
their credit card at the restaurant
and also found the type of vehicle
they were driving.
The officer returned to Safeway
and was met by a woman who told
him that she had got her puppy
back. She said she confronted the
couple coming out of Safeway and
got her dog with the curly tail and
a little bit of brown on its ears from
the couple who took it.
She said that the couple drove
away and that she didn’t want to
press charges.
Law Office Of
Tena Foster
is moving to
17 Midway, Suite 17C
Grand Coulee, WA 99133
Taking cases in all
surrounding counties and tribal court
Criminal Defense/Civil/Family
Wills/Tribal Law
CCT Spokesperson - Mykel Parker
Free Ice Cream Cones!
Friday, July 26, 11 am - 2 pm
North Cascades National Bank
Summer Special
Open a new FREE checking account
and get a box of checks FREE!
The Delight Ice Cream Truck is Coming!
We will be scooping your choice of 10 delicious flavors of premium hard ice-cream.
It’s our way of Celebrating Summer. Stop by for a free cone!
Member FDIC
North Cascades National Bank
608 Midway, Grand Coulee
(find us by the 4 corners)
Page 3
The Star • JuLY 24, 2013
Letters to the Editor
Thanks for rejuvenating the home town
I would like to take a moment
and compliment the community
in which I grew up. I have had the
opportunity to spend quite a bit of
time in my home town this summer and have noticed several area
I don’t have enough room to list
them all, but the little things like
North Dam Park, LRHS football
field, local business fronts and
just general appearance of the
I watched the community fall
from once (in my eyes anyway)
proud and engaged, to full of disrepair. Only visiting on occasion, I
am unsure of what the nature of
the change was, but over the last
couple of years I have watched
the local area become beautiful
I am proud to call the Coulee
Community my “home” and thank
all the residents who are going out
of their way to create a community
we all can call “home” (even if from
Chris Heizer
Museum would provide way to save history of locals
History was made 80 years ago,
July 16. Thousands of people gathered at the Grand Coulee Dam site
in 1933 as Gov. Clarence Martin
oversaw the groundbreaking for
the dam. With a sledge hammer in
hand, Martin promised that Grand
Coulee Dam would deliver cheap
power and millions of gallons of
irrigation water to a country upended by the depression.
It took more than eight years to
build the dam. The hard work and
hot, dry climate claimed 77 lives
but helped millions of people. The
Grand Coulee Dam stands as a
monument to hard-working people.
On July 16, 1933 the history of the
Grand Coulee Dam area changed
forever, but there are several other
events and people that are a part
of the history of this area.
The Coulee Pioneer Museum
group is working to provide a
way of preserving the history of
the people, places, business of
the locals of the Grand Coulee
Dam Area. The museum will be
an avenue for the community to
display the heritage of the area
in a common way before it is lost.
Pioneers are passing every day and
taking the historical stories with
them. The Museum group has a
logo, address, bank account, just
applied for a 501 (c) 3 non-profit
status and hopes to start gathering
video histories.
The number one challenge at
this time are funds and a home
for the Coulee Pioneer Museum.
Things seem to be moving at a
Are we proud of our new Electric City
arsenic plant and brown water?
Our answer is NO!
On June 12, 2013 an article in
The Star said the Electric City officials claimed the water was OK
to drink.
Do you notice a lot of chlorine
in your water?
Does you water run brown at
Does your icemaker make brown
Has the inside of your dishwasher turned brown?
Does your toilet sometimes look
like it needs flushed again?
Are your white clothes not so
white anymore? Brown water!
Do your dark clothes look like
they have been subjected to bleach,
You have probably showered in
brown water and not known it!
If you have a water filtration
system in your house, you might
have not seen the brown water.
Your filters may be plugging up
faster than normal.
Does your garden drip irrigation
system plug up faster when there
is brown water?
We DO NOT DRINK Electric
City water at all any more. Even
our dogs will not drink it!
We have saved several sterilized
containers of the brown water. It is
not only brown but there are suspended particles of SOMETHING
in it!
If you get brown water, save
some of it in a clean, clear container, look at it after it has settled
On July 1, 2013 we all got a
water rate increase.
This is to pay for the near
$2,000,000.00, that is MILLION,
This doesn’t seem reasonable
for water we can’t, won’t or should
not drink!
Who is going to PAY US for all
snail’s pace, but we know in time
all the efforts of the volunteers will
pay off. With a home of some kind
we can organize the information
that we have gathered the past
five years. The community would
have a place to donate material,
stories, etc.
If you would like to be a part
of this dream, help with grant
writing, gathering stories, writing
articles, photo captions and much
much more. Monthly meetings
will be held the first Wednesday of
the month at the Art Room at the
Senior Center at 1 p.m.
One of the unique attributes of the Coulee is that
Birdie Hensley when you return to this area after a long departure,
Chairman of the it appears that nothing has changed. It is the same
Pioneer Museum as when you left. I have heard this hundreds of
times from people who have left
this area after high school and
returned as adults. I think that
is kind of a cool way too look at
our area. On the other hand, that
can also have costly retributions
as well. I think we could find a balance of growth and keep the small
the extra water we have to run town atmosphere, if we all come
Jesse Utz
down the drain until it clears up? together and work for a common
Are we also paying a share of all goal of an economic environment
the water they run out of the fire that benefits all that live here
hydrants to try to flush the brown and visit.
Things are changing. For one,
water out of the system?
when I used to drive the fire truck
On July 10, 2013, the Wa. State in the parade I knew 75 percent of the people along
Department Of Health ordered the parade route. Now, I’m lucky if I know half. I have
the Electric City arsenic plant run into people that I thought were just visiting, only
to find out that they have been living here for five
shut down
until the brown water problem years or longer.
New blood is coming to the coulee but not all are
can be taken care of.
staying. Why? Well a lot of reasons are given by these
They state that the brown water commuters going elsewhere to work and dwell. But
that was SAFE TO DRINK ON the outstanding number-one answer for leaving is
June 12, 2013, IS NO LONGER that there is nothing here for kids and spouses. As
a matter of fact, the largest employer in the area
If any of this alarms you, call says the reason for such high turnover and for their
Washington State Dept. Of Health- number-one candidates for a hire is lack of shopping
Eastern Wa. Drinking Water, Spo- and being so far from larger cities. Now we can’t do
anything about the latter, but we can do other things
kane- 509-456-3115,
to cultivate a desirable place to move your family.
call our district state Reps. Brad
Other changes, well, we already have a new hosHawkins, 509-662-5733, or Linda pital, we will have a new school very soon. A few new
Parlette, 509-663-9702.
businesses have popped up, and at least three new
eating establishments have or will sprout up shortly.
Jay and Lil Sooter We have a Disk Golf Course at North Dam Park and
Electric City, Wash. a Roller Derby Team now calls us home. We also will
have new faces in key positions around the com-
shut up!
Re: “Voters to choose from three mayoral candidates”
I think Greg Wilder would make
a great new major. Quincy has
done a good job for many years.
Coulee Dam needs someone
more in tune with younger families and their priorities now. The
city council could probably use a
burst of new energy, as well. Greg
is well educated, has a wide range
of experience, is very articulate,
personable, enthusiastic and well
liked in the community.
With a fresh outlook on old and
new issues concerning Coulee
Dam, I don’t think we could ask
for a better candidate!
Carol Schoning
Critical of tribal government reorganization
The token gesture towards solidarity through recent council committee delegations for the coming
year was indeed too little too late
... my own doubts linger as madam
queen left no loopholes.
Her throne was shaken, yes, but
it is still in place. Her penchant to
evil/corruptness is still wide open
to play out.
WITNESS: Sneena was successfully maneuvered/manipulated
into the tribal gov’t chair! Is he not
totally c7g? Is he not ‘in madam
queen’s pocket, at will under her
control? Is not ‘tribal gov’t’ the
committee unto which primary
contact must be made in any/all
anti-council action...(referendum,
petition)? Along this line of think-
ing Sneena is/will be her up-front
snitch towards any anti-council
In my view, once again--not good,
not good. Another cohort, another
partner in crime of last year’s
council, and now another informant for madam queen in development projections which can then
necessarily be maneuvered to Joe
P direction, for, once again, madam
queen control through c7g Joe P.
WITNESS: Management &
Budget -- Billy Nicholson ... one
more time! Not good. BN ... shades
of madam queen, a sneaky snake ...
shades of the puppet chairman; he
will ‘white lie’ you, to make himself
look good. Again here — up front
informant for madam queen towards imminent budgetary/fiscal
In closing, merely regurgitation of my opinions that the vicechair is truly the power position
council-wise, the go-to person, the
get things done person. And WHO
but Sneena in this position? What
a joke. Mr. c7g, totally the madam
queen advocate/follower. Need I
say more?
We must remain vigilant or,
figuratively speaking, “the wool
will remain pulled over our eyes!
baaa aa baaa ...
In Colville spirit, by the peoples,
for the peoples ... limlimpt
Truman Covington
The Star
Three Midway Ave., P.O. Box 150, Grand Coulee, WA 99133 (509)633-1350/Fax
(509)633-3828. Email:
Consolidated with the Grand Coulee News-Times and the Almira Herald.
The Star Online -
The Star is published (USPS#518860) weekly at Grand Coulee, Wash., and was
entered as Second Class matter January 4, 1946. Periodical Postage paid at Grand
Coulee, Wash. 99133
© Star Publishing, Inc.
Subscription Rates: GOLD Counties $24; Remainder of Washington state $33;
Elsewhere within the United States $37. Single copy price $1.
Scott Hunter ............................... Editor and Publisher
Gwen Hilson................................ Production Manager
Change is already
happening; get on board
Roger Lucas.................................................. Reporter
Linda Morgan............................................ Proofreader
Ten Years Ago
munity, and a growing community outcry for more
change continues to echo within the granite walls that
surround us. A community block party has started,
and I encourage others in their own neighborhoods
to do the same. The Chamber of
Commerce and the Ridge Riders
have taken the position of growing and changing and have been
successful so far.
So what can the average Joe
do? Well to start with, try to shop
locally as much as possible. Even
if it means spending a little more
than we would driving somewhere
else. Welcome newcomers, make
them feel at home. Volunteer. I
know that can be a dirty word to
some of you; you have had bad
experiences, but I would ask you
to reconsider.
Give these groups another chance. It’s the only
way to give longevity to some of these programs and
activities. When they disappear for lack of involvement it can be a heart breaking sight. The biggest
thing is to use your voice. If you don’t like something
or want to see something happen, make it known.
Write letters to the editor, go to council and school
board meetings, visit with business owners, come to
a chamber of commerce meeting. There is much that
can be done.
I’m sorry if this sounds like a rant from someone
who’s frustrated or mad; it’s not. But I have grown up
here and I see the potential that is sometimes put on
the back shelf for a pure lack of willingness to change.
I love the coulee and I cherish each of its residents.
I just don’t want to take the back seat on a trip that
has all the potential of being a success and make
our beloved area better just to realize that someone
needed to be up front and navigating.
Let’s make the Grand Coulee Dam Area a more
desirable place for us and others. Embrace it and
grow it into something awesome.
Coulee Recollections
A fire once again hit the
Colville Indian Reservation last
week as flames charred more
than 2,000 acres and threatened
several homes.
Due to the overload on the
town’s water pump, caused by the
hot weather, the town of Nespelem
is asking residents to restrict
their outside water use to the
cooler parts of the day - from 6-9
a.m. and 6-9 p.m.
Basketball filled the minds of
many young players last week as
they learned the fundamentals
of the game at the Raider Nation
Basketball Camp. Lake Roosevelt
High School Basketball Coach
Brad Wilson said approximately
60 kids attended the skills camp
held in LRHS’s gymnasium from
July 14 to July 17.
Twenty Years Ago
“Survival time” is the way Superintendent Dennis Przychodzin
characterized the financial picture
for the GCD schools during a work
session Monday night.
State funds will increase and
federal funds will decrease for the
Nespelem School District for the
1993-94 budget year.
More than 200 junior cowboys
and cowgirls participated in the
annual Ridge Riders Junior Rodeo
last weekend. Among the local
winners were Jesse Palmer, Kelly
McClure and Jackie Jackson, all
of Nespelem.
Thirty Years Ago
All four council positions in
Electric City will be up for election
this fall. They are: position 1, Orie
Francis; position 2, Eldon Brewer;
position 3, Dennis Clinkenbeard
and position 4, John Erwin.
Thousands upon thousands of
visitors found plenty of activities
in the Grand Coulee Dam area
over the weekend with the Fiftieth
Anniversary Celebration here.
Brett Dickey, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Michael Dickey of Coulee
Dam, poses with his new minivette. Brett was the lucky winner
of the Rotary Club sponsored lottery for the mini-vette.
The oldest engineer to revisit
the project during the 50th celebration was Bert Hall. He is 90
years old and worked at Grand
Coulee Dam from 1934 to 1957.
Forty Years Ago
A large group of young people
worked out at Spring Canyon last
week in order to qualify as aides to
the coming swim program. Those
that will be instructors will be
Carla Scallen, Linda Snyder and
Dorothy Boyd.
Major Matthew H. Pachosa,
United States Army, has been
transferred to an assignment at
Fort Baker, Calif., near San Francisco. He will assume the duties of
Adjutant General, 6th Regional.
Irving L. Seekins received
a Career Service Certificate in
recognition of his 31 plus years of
federal service.
Belinda Morger, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morger, Elmer
City left July 20 for a Japanese
exchange trip which will end August 23.
Fifty Years Ago
Herbert A. Bird, fireman, USN,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Bird
of Electric City, is serving aboard
the heavy cruiser USS Los Angeles
which recently returned from a
seven-month cruise with the Seventh Fleet in the Far East.
Keith Fish was one of 37 candidates who graduated from the
NCO Academy of the U.S. Army at
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
The contractor is proceeding
with work on the parking lot and
ramp at Steamboat Rock Park,
according to representatives of the
local chamber of commerce.
About 245 children and adults
have been enrolled in the swimming lessons being held the last
couple of weeks at North Marina.
Sixty Years Ago
Ross Nelson, superintendent
at Millersylvania State Park of
Olympia, has been appointed to the
newly created position of district
supervisor of state parks in the
Columbia Basin Area.
Over 300 persons attended
the special meeting called by the
Coulee Dam advisory council last
Wednesday at the community
building. The meeting was called
to discuss the recent town survey
of Coulee Dam relative to the sale
of the townsite to the citizens.
The Star • JuLY 24, 2013
Page 4
Boyd Galbraith
earns doctor degree
Veronica Lou Tatshama
Veronica Lou Tatshama went
to meet her Creator Friday, July
12, 2013, at Sacred Heart Medical
Center in Spokane,
Ve r o n i c a w a s
known by family
as Babe; friends as
Ronnie and co-workers as Veronica. She
was the oldest of
her brothers and
sisters; daughter of
Richard and Sophie
(Bluff) Stensgar.
Born August 23,
1958, she grew up in
the Westfork area of
the Colville Indian
Reservation, in the
beautiful San Poil Valley. Early
education was St. Mary’s Mission
near Omak, in Republic early high
school years, later Marycliff High
School in Spokane, finishing in
Riverside Indian School Anadarko,
In the early 70s, Veronica
worked in the fire lookouts, transferring later to clerical work in
Nespelem for the Bureau of Indian
Affairs in various capacities. She
excelled as a people person over
the years, in social services, community services, BIA leasing and
administrative secretary for the
BIA superintendent. It was in this
early period she met her husband
of 38 years D’Arcy Tatshama.
In all work endeavors it was
observed her professionalism and
commitment to doing her best
at any area. Working and studying while raising four children,
she earned her B.A. degree from
Eastern Washington University,
Cheney. Veronica retired in 2012
after many years of dedicated service to the people
of the Colville Reservation. She liked
to travel some and
vacationed whenever possible, her
favorite being Jasper National Park
in Alberta, Canada,
which she said was
the most beautiful
place on Earth. Veronica also enjoyed
a memorable trip
to Hawaii.
Veronica was diagnosed with cirrhosis in late May
of this year, and
would have wanted it mentioned
she was a non-drinker. She fought
a courageous battle to stay with
her children Sophia, William, Levi
and Davis and husband D’Arcy.
The Nespelem community was
saddened by the loss.
She is survived by brothers:
Richard, Lawrence, Henry, John,
Patrick and Dennis; sisters: Elizabeth and Mary and her immediate family; grandchildren: Pesha
Latesha, Patricia, Kane, Dylan,
Veronica Beatrice and Davis II and
numerous nieces and nephews and
her Aunty Woody.
Although raised Catholic, Veronica followed her husband in
the Seven Drum Long House religion. An open denomination wake
service was held Monday, July 15.
Washat services were held July
16. She requested to be buried at
the Little Bob Cemetery overlooking the Jackson Sundown Rodeo
Grounds in Nespelem.
Aaron Boyd Galbraith was
awarded a degree of Doctor of
Medicine recently from the Geisel
School of Medicine at Dartmouth
University in Hanover, N.H. Galbraith is the son of Allan Galbraith
and Lorena Boyd of Wenatchee and
the grandson of Larry and Gerry
Boyd of Coulee Dam.
He earned his bachelor’s degree
in biology from Lewis-Clark State
University in 2008 and volunteered
for AmeriCorps prior to starting
his medical studies. Galbraith is
continuing his studies through a
3-year residency in internal medicine at the University of Colorado
Medical Center in Denver.
Aaron Boyd Galbraith M.D.
Ray and Helen
Boyds celebrate
50th anniversary
Chuck and Dodie Boyd recently celebrated their Golden Wedding
Anniversary at the home of their son and wife Jeff and Jennifer Boyd
in Spokane. A beautiful family dinner was held with family members
including son Jeff and wife Jennifer and his kids Lily, Camille and Liam;
daughter Brenda and husband Frank Wolf and kids Caleb and Delaney
and Frank’s parents Dennis and Beatie Wolf.
Chuck and Dodie were united in marriage in the living room of
Dodie’s mother Naomi Manzer Johnson’s home, 4 Stevens Street, Electric City, on December 8, 1962. Clea Lacey Pryor served as matron of
honor and Howard Smith as best man. The ceremony was performed
by Judge Felix Ray of Ephrata. Also in attendance were brother of the
bride Fred Manzer, mother of the groom Anna Boyd and other family
and close friends.
The Boys have lived in the coulee area since the late 60s. Chuck taught
industrial arts and coached at Lake Roosevelt High School retiring in
1998. Dodie worked in the library at Lake Roosevelt High School for 27
years and, since retiring a few years ago, works part time at the Grand
Dam Community Church, 509 Coulee Public Library.
Central Drive in Coulee Dam.
Register through your local
church or by contacting Coulee
Dam Community Church at 6331790, by email at or on the Coulee Dam
Friday, July 26
Community Church Facebook
page. You can also register in
7:00 p.m.
person Monday morning, August
405 Center St.
5, at 8:30 a.m.
Community Vacation
Bible School:
SonWest Roundup
Calling all kids ages 3 through
middle school for a great week of
Vacation Bible School. Kids will
have a fantastic time with music,
crafts, games and stories as they
learn about Jesus!
School will be held MondayFriday August 5-9, from 9 a.m. noon. Brought to you by the local
churches and hosted at Coulee
Please join us to celebrate the
50th Wedding Anniversary
of our parents Ray and Helen
Saturday, Aug. 3, 2013
1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon
Grand Coulee Eagles lodge
Hosted by Brian Gilman and
Barry Gilman and famiy
No gifts please
John Nilsen
At the library
Some upcoming activities at the Grand Coulee library are:
July 26, 11 a.m. - NCRL Puppet Show.
August 2, 11 a.m. - Renowned NW author / illustrator Eric Brooks
August 9, tba - Dig into Archaeology.
August 16, 10:30 a.m. - SRP Gala -games, crafts, food, FUN!
Summer Reading Program participants will also earn prizes after
they have read a total of ten hours. Lots of drawings and prizes throughout the summer.
This summer an opportunity to participate in summer reading on
the internet with Online Summer Reading being offered. Go to www. to join.
Online Summer Reading will allow you to share book reviews, keep
track of books you read, link your information to your Facebook page,
and automatically place you in a raffle for cool prizes.
Senior menu
Wed., July 24 - Dinner
Sara’s Birthday Meal, Pork
Roast, Cheesy Potatoes, Harvard
Beets, Seasonal Fruit Platter, Tapioca Pudding w/Dollop of Jam.
Thurs., July 25 - Dinner
Crab Louie, Crackers, Garlic
Bread, Fruit Medley. Shopping &
Errands with Sara.
Fri., July 26 - Breakfast
Camp Hash w/Breakfast Meats,
50 Years
Onions, Green Peppers, Potatoes
& Eggs, Toast, Bowl of Fruit, Orange Juice.
Mon., July 29 - Breakfast
Diced Ham Scramble, Pancakes, Seasonal Fruit, Orange
Tues., July 30 - Dinner
Tuna Casserole, Salad &
Fruit Bar, Cheesy Biscuits, Fruit
Grand Coulee
The Grand Coulee United
Methodist Church invites you
to join us again this year for an
outstanding piano concert by
internationally acclaimed concert
pianist John Nilsen. As part of his
outreach for God, John performs
in churches throughout the
Northwest, sharing his faith and
music for a love offering.
Come enjoy an evening of musical entertainment
and an opportunity to meet and share
a refreshment with John.
Dental Clinic
Grand Coulee Dam
Senior Center, 203 Main St.
Grand Coulee
August 1st
time by appointment
WHO is eligible: age 60 +, limited income, have no dental insurance
and have not been seen by a dentist for over one year (excluding emergency dental procedures).
No cost, but DONATIONS are encouraged
to enable more seniors to receive services
Registered Dental Hygienist Services will include:
• Visual assessments for tooth decay, gum disease and oral cancer
• Scaling and polishing (“cleaning”)
• Topical Fluoride treatments
• Dental referrals as necessary
Welcomes you
Everyone’s invited.
Pastor Adrian Harris
2 miles east of Hwy 155 on Hwy 174
Sunday Worship............................. 10 a.m
Community Youth Group
Sundays 4-5:30 p.m. at GCD Middle School.
For middle school/high school students
Church office 633-2186
Church Website:
Presbyterian (U.S.A.)
Saturday Bible Study............................. 9:30 a.m.
Children’s Bible Story Time................. 10:00 a.m.
Saturday Worship Service....................11:00 a.m.
All Church Fellowship.......................... 12:30 p.m.
Midweek Bible Study Wednesday............. 6 p.m.
Modeling our ministry after the New Testament
405 Center St., Grand Coulee
Certified Lay Ministers
Tom Poplawski & Monty Fields
Church Office 633-0980
Worship Service................................ 10:00 a.m
Join us every 3rd Sunday for brunch
and fellowship following worship service.
348 Mead Street, Grand Coulee
Church 633-2566
Coulee City Bible Study........................ 8:00 a.m.
Coulee City Worship............................. 9:00 a.m.
Zion Worship........................................11:00 a.m.
Bike Tour Picnic, Aug. 5, Spring Can.... 5:00 p.m.
To Schedule an appointment call your local
AACCW office at: Moses Lake (509) 766-2568
or Toll Free at 1-877-380-5787
Funded with Older Americans Act
& Washington Delta Dental Grant through:
A Healthy Mouth is Important for Healthy Eating!
Seventh-day Adventist
Welcomes You for Worship & Praise
Worship Service.................................... 10 a.m.
Nursery Care Available
509 Central Drive, Coulee Dam
Church: 633-1790
Call the Church Office 633-1244 to find out
about other regular scheduled meetings.
Come Worship The Lord!
Sunday School, all ages............. 9:30 a.m.
Coffee Fellowship..................... 10:30 a.m.
Morning Worship...................... 10:45 a.m.
Evening Worship........................ 6:00 p.m.
Prayer............................. Wed., 11:00 a.m.
Bible Study.............................. Wed., noon
103 Continental Heights, Grand Coulee
Church (509) 633-3030
Offers You a Warm Welcome!
A Foursquare Church
16 Grand, Electric City
Sunday Morning Service:.......................10 a.m.
KIDS’ Church and Nursery
25 School Avenue, Electric City, 633-0670
Affiliated with I.F.C.A./N.I.C.E.
Pastor Bill Williams
Everyone Welcome!
Nursery Available • NEED A RIDE? CALL 633-2566
The Star • JuLY 24, 2013
Meetings and
Chamber to Meet
The Grand Coulee Dam
Area Chamber of Commerce
will meet this Thursday, July
25, at noon at Sunbanks. New
manager at Safeway, will be on
hand to give info on the local
Safeway store.
Grant County Fire Dist.
14 to Meet
Grant County Fire District 14
will hold its regular monthly meeting Monday, July 29, at 7 p.m., at
the Electric City Fire Station.
TOPS Meetings
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter meets on Tuesdays at
9:15 a.m. at Grand Coulee Senior
Center prior to the exercise group
gathering at 10 a.m. Come and join
for the health of it.
TOPS#WA1490, Coulee Dam
meets on Wednesdays at 6:30
p.m., meeting following weigh in
downstairs in the ground level
fellowship hall in the Coulee Dam
Community Presbyterian Church,
509 Central Ave., across from the
Colville Tribal Museum. TOPS
(Take Off Pounds Sensibly) is a
non-profit weight loss organization.
Eagles #2577 Meetings
The Eagles #2577 Aerie meets
on the second and fourth Tuesday
of every month. The next meeting is
August 13, at 7 p.m. The Auxiliary
meets the first and third Tuesday
of every month. Next meeting is
scheduled for Tuesday,August 6.
Free Pinochle at the
Free pinochle is offered at
the Grand Coulee Senior Center
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
beginning at 1 p.m.
Care and Share Food
Bank Open
The food bank at the Church of
the Nazarene normal operating
hours are every Monday from 2 to
4 p.m. It is located at the Church of
Nazarene, hwy 174, Grand Coulee.
The bank still can use clean plastic
grocery bags.
Local AA Meetings
Confused in the Coulee AA
meetings are held on Mondays at 7
p.m., Friday at 6 p.m. and Sunday
at 9 a.m.. at the Vets Center in
Electric City. Call Paul 633-3377
days or 633-3345 evenings. New
Hope Group meetings are held
Wednesday at 7 p.m. at the Vets
Center. For more information call
John 633-2448. These are open
and non-smoking.
In Nespelem the group Bound
and Determined holds its meetings
Monday evening at 7 p.m. at the
Catholic Church. Contact Myrna
634-4921 for more information
Page 5
GCD School Briefs
Learning and fun combined
The school board Monday night approved a field trip request from
SHARP Kids and Summer Rocks to go to Moses Lake. The trip will
include a stop at a pea farm, and at Soap Lake to conclude a unit on
water testing. While at Moses Lake, the group will stop over at the
Moses Lake Surf’n Slide park for two hours of swimming. The trip is
planned for Aug. 1.
Class of 2003 Reunites
this weekend
The Lake Roosevelt Class of
2003 will be holding an informal
get-together for its 10-year reunion on July 26 and 27. Friday
night will be at the Electric City
Bar and Grill and Saturday at
Spring Canyon all day and then
either Electric City Bar and Grill
or SunBanks Cantena Saturday
night. No RSVP will be required.
Lunch prices up a little
School lunch prices are going up this fall, but only 10 cents.
Breakfast for kids and adults is up a dime, with kids paying $1.60,
and adults, $2.10.
Lunch at Center Elementary will be $2.20; at the Grand Coulee Dam
Middle School, $2.45; and at the high school, $2.50.
Adult lunches at all schools will go up from $3.40 to $3.50.
Class of 1993 to
Celebrate 20 Years
Personnel changes made
The Lake Roosevelt Class of
1993 will be holding its 20-year
reunion the weekend of August 2
and 3. Friday evening the group
will meet at Electric City Bar &
Grill. Saturday at 11a.m., a visit to
the high school is planned followed
in the afternoon with a barbecue
at Spring Canyon followed by
meeting up Saturday night at the
Electric City Bar & Grill/Banks
Lake Pub.
Coulee Dam Class of
1968 to Hold
45th Reunion
Coulee Dam Class of 1968 will
be having its 45th class reunion on
August 2-4. All friends and family
of the class are invited to join them
at Spring Canyon on Saturday to
visit and renew old friendships.
Class of 1983 to
Celebrate 30 Years
The school board approved two hires and accepted two resignations
for positions in the district at its Monday night meeting. Hired were
Mohammed Anegbeode as special education teacher for the Grand
Coulee Dam Middle School and Lake Roosevelt High School and Janet
Black as assistant cook. Anegbeode comes from the Highline School
District. Resignations for John McNeil, STEM Grant tutor at the high
school and Kim Stanger as LRHS Native American Club advisor were
Service agreements made
The school board accepted a number of agreements Monday night.
The board agreed to continue with its contract with the North Central
Washington Educational Service District for financial services; the
Pateros School District to share the psychological service salary of
Holly Weston; and with the Nespelem District to share the services of
counselor Casey Clark.
Rewards for
John McNeil, of the Masonic Lodge, tells kids at the Grand Coulee Library about
two bikes the group donated as a giveaway reading contest for the library. Kids
who read for at least 10 hours can qualify for a drawing for the bikes. The Masons have similarly donated bikes for reading challenges at Center School for
several years. — Scott Hunter photo
Golf and Bowling Scores
The Lake Roosevelt Class of
1983 will be celebrating 30 years
August 2 and 3. Friday night an
informal meeting will be held
beginning at 7 p.m. at the Siam
Palace. On Saturday a get-together at Spring Canyon followed
by drinks in the evening at the
Electric City Bar & Grill. There
is a facebook reunion page if
anyone wants to post questions
or comments
7/10 TOT Standing
Eagle Cove 34
Bobby O’s
Hometown 35
Larry W. 108/318; Leo L. 170/474; Pat
Z. 204/531; Ray D. 171/455; Bob S.
200/533; Jesse V. 200/561
Us Out
Me Up!
NCW Youth
Sign Ups
Thurs., Aug. 1 • 6-8 p.m. • LRHS
Cost - $80.00
$50 per additional family member
Questions call Tera 631-4652
3533A Hwy 155, Coulee Dam
Hot Summer Buys
Peaches, Cherries, Apricots, Donut Peaches
Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Corn, Cucumbers
Zucchini, Huckleberries - limited supply,
Fresh Cold Apple Cider
HOURS: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. daily, 7 days a week.
June 30 th
August 18,
Free T-Sh
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plies last
Celebrate with us Coulee Dam Casino’s 18th Anniversary!
Win your share of over $18,000.00 in cash & prizes!
Stop in August 18th and WIN our Final Big Money
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COULEE DAM CASINO ▪ 515 Birch Street, Coulee Dam, WA ▪ 800-556-7492
Star 3x9 CDC 18th Anniversary.indd 1
6/21/2013 4:25:57 PM
Page 6
Deadline for Advertising is Monday at 5 p.m. • 509-633-1350 • FAX 509-633-3828 • email
The Star • JuLY 24, 2013
Cost is $6.15 for first 15 words; 10¢ for each additional word - Yard Sale ads are $8.00 for the first 15 words, includes two free neon yard sale signs.
person at Trail West Motel, Grand Coulee.
DRIVERS -- Tired of Being Gone? We get
you Home! Call Haney Truck Line one of
best NW heavy haul carriers. Great pay/
benefits package. 1-888-414-4467. www.
DRIVERS -- Inexperienced/Experienced.
Unbeatable career Opportunities. Trainee,
Company Driver, Lease Operator,
Lease Trainers. (877) 369-7105 www.
Nespelem School District
Bus Drivers& Substitute Drivers
The Nespelem School District is accepting applications for a Bus Driver
position. Hours will be 4 or 4.75 a day,
pay $15.02 per hour.
Please see the following qualifications:
Submit a Nespelem School application,
Resume’, Pass a background check, All
Certifications (ex: CDL)
Training will be provided and paid for
by the Nespelem School for those that
do not have the credentials for the position.
Please call 509-634-4541 for an application or go to the Nespelem School
website @
NCNB is seeking full time teller. We are
looking for someone who is friendly and
professional. Our tellers are responsible
for providing exceptional customer service
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through face to face contacts. Successful
candidate will have strong communication
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handling experience. Problem solving
skills and ability to follow procedures are
a must. Great attendance and flexibility in
schedule are critical. Computer literacy,
basic math skills and attention to detail
required. Previous banking experience
preferred. Please send cover letter, list of
work references and resume to: Human
Resources, NCNB, 614 N Mission St,
Wenatchee, WA 98801 or to hr@ncnbank.
com. EEOE (N7-17-4tpp)
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Available! Consistent Miles, Benefits,
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available 7 days/wk! Call: 866-725-9669
Senior Center
has a website
check it out.
Wheatland Bank, consistently awarded
the highest superior 5-Star rating by
BauerFinancial and noted as one of the
strongest banks in the country, is
currently seeking
a part-time
CSR/Teller in our Wilbur branch. This
is a temporary 3-month position and oncall thereafter.
We are seeking an upbeat and
energetic individual with outstanding
customer service skills to perform a
variety of teller services such as
greeting customers, processing
deposits and withdrawals, customers
account maintenance, and cross selling
bank products and services. Must have
cash handling experience; previous
banking experience a plus.
Ken Doughty, Owner
Free Estimates
Over 25 Years Experience
Licensed & Bonded • KDPA1**026LN
633-1332 • Electric City
An alley you can play in…
Riverview Lanes
Tues. 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.* Wed. Noon - 10 p.m.*
Thurs.: 3 - 10 p.m.*Fri. 3-10 p.m.* Sat. 3-10 p.m.*
* depends on business
515 River Drive, Coulee Dam
HOURS: Monday-Friday
9:00 a.m. to 1 p.m.
2 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
416 Midway, Grand Coulee
in Coulee Hardware
Full service nail salon
308 Spokane Way
Grand Coulee
Focusing on healthy nails for
both women and men.
Manicures, pedicures and all
artificial enhancements
Tammy Morin,
Like a good neighbor,
State Farm is there.®
James Heuvel
Since 1928 - Three Generations of
Our Family Serving Your Family
“Neighbor Helping Neighbor”
– Complete Pre-Planning
Grand Coulee • 509-633-1111
Wilbur • 509-647-5441
Swedish Massage,
Therapeutic Massage,
Nutritional Response Testing (NRT)
Esther DeRusha, LMP, LPN
Angie Blanco, LMP
State Farm Insurance Companies
Funeral Homes
& Cremation Service
Coulee Hardware
Best Rental Center
Do it
416 Midway, Grand Coulee
Ryan W. Gunn
Attorney at Law
(509) 826-3200
7 N. Main St., PO Box 532 • Omak, WA 98841
Massage Therapy
Balancing Body, Mind and Spirit
Tasha Enochs, LMP
Now located at 411 Fortuyn Rd.
Professional Bldg. A - Grand Coulee
Quality Chiropractic Health Care
Brought to Your Home,
Office or Workplace
J.D. Scharbach, D.C.
NEW NUMBER 509-721-0384
Construction Inc.
is now delivering concrete in your
area. Discounts for ordering 3 or
more days in advance. For questions
or to place an order - Please call
Did You Know…
Keller Clinic is Open
to both Non-Tribal &
Tribal Members, for
Medical & Dental.
•Sliding fee available•
WANTED – Rabbit hutch large enough for
one rabbit. Call 633-3676. (R5-29-tfn)
Cars - Trucks Farm Equipment
Buying Aluminum
Jeff’s Towing
Coulee City
Will Pick Up
Locally owned
Rosenberg Resource Services
Great Service - Great Rates
Instant Quotes Available Online at:
309 Midway, Grand Coulee
for details!
Remodel - New Construction
Tractor Hoe - Roofing - Flooring
Sprinkler Systems - We Do It All!
633-8238 • 631-0194
Hwy 155, Electric City
Young’s Welding
C.J.’s Mini Storage
Various Sizes Available
Grand Coulee & Electric City
633-8074 or 631-1222
Cell - 509-528-9224
12x35 - $82 10x14 - $57
General Contractor
Call for free estimate on any
type or size of job. Pole Building
Remodel Homes, Additions
Backhoe Services Available
(509) 633-2485
Cell 631-0135
Wed 4-8 Tacos
Karaoke w/Paul & Tabby 7-11
Sat., Steak Night
Rod’s Cooking
The family of Thelma Hakola would like
to thank the many friends and famiy who
helped celebrate mom’s life.
Since mom didn’t know a stranger it is
impossible to single out a few.
We would like to say how appreciated
the medical attention was to us. From the
ambulance crew to those who greeted us
as we walked in; you could not have been
more generous and kind.
Dr. Chaffee and team, thank you for all the
years of concern and care.
The Banks Lake Bible Church opened their
doors and gave us the use of their church
and a wonderful meal as well.
John’s flowers
of Seaton’s Grove
Greenhouse, decorated the church and
were beautiful. Thank you
ANNOUNCE your festival for only pennies.
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Come see
what I have!
17 Midway Ave., Suite 17C, Grand Coulee
Debbie Vancik - Independent Consultant
509-631-4220 before 2 p.m.
Robin Sanford LMP
Now Accepting
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Office 633-0545 • Home 633-3553
Grand Coulee Dam Area
Pruning & Lawn Service
Small Engine Repair
Everett Leishman, owner 633-2507
Joshua F. Grant, P.S.
Attorney at Law ~ since 1975
For ALL Your Heating &
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ROB BRUCE, owner/operator
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Real Estate Sales Closings
Member, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Hanson Building
6 SW Main Avenue
Wilbur, WA 99185
Tire Repair All Bikes
Tuning Service • Parts
Performance Engine Work
Specializing in Harleys
By Appointment Grand Coulee
Sand & Gravel
Excavation • Remodels
Pole Buildings
Concrete Work
Call for estimates
New Construction
Remodels - Repairs
Mon. - Tues. - Thurs.
4-7 p.m. Call 633-0162
for more information
Tena M. Foster
Wayne Fowler
12’x40’ & smaller
Interior light & power
JACKSON I Can Help You!
Roofing & Siding Specials
(509) 633-2425
Shawn Deckwa
Gary Haven
• Excavating • Clearing • Hauling
• Septic Systems
• Sand & Gravel Products Delivered
• Heavy Equipment
• Concrete Work
• All Underground Utility Work
• Home Site Prep
• Experienced Crews & Quality Local
Concrete Products Used
Grand Coulee. Call 631-0194. (N2-27-tfc)
Remodels - Concrete Const.
Pole Buildings • Fences
Decks • Excavations
Free Estimates
Your Fulltime, Quality,
Experienced Local
Concrete Supplier
Concrete IS Our
For superior
concrete call us
17 foot, I/O, excellent condition, $4,000
Firm. 633-3151 or 631-0462. (T7-17-2tp)
(509) 237-2124
Open 7 Days A Week
52-foot houseboat. Sleeps 10. Barbecue,
fireplace, full kitchen, furnished, slide.
Ready to go. $33,500 or trade for nice car
or truck. 509-647-0117. (Mc-7-10-tfc)
Wheatland Bank
Attn: Human Resources
222 N Wall Street, Suite 308, MB 12
Spokane, WA 99201
Electric City • Across from the Post
Office next to Changes
We are Washington
State Department of
Transportation Certified
Equal Opportunity Employer
1985 GMC 4x4 1/2 ton pickup. Good
condition, crate engine with less than 50K
miles. $3,500 OBO 509 631 6121. (H7-38tpp)
Reference “Wilbur CSR” in your subject
line and send resume and references in
Microsoft Word or PDF format only, if
submitting via email.
Starting at just $5.75 per week (must run 4 weeks)
633-1350 or
Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m.
• New & Remodel Construction
• Concrete (Slabs, Footings & Walls)
• Framing •Roofing • Doors & WIndows
• Siding • Decks • Pole Buildings
• Excavations
JACKSCL988CA • Electric City
~ Create Beauty in your yard
~ Plan and plant your garden
~ Beautify your flowerbeds
~ Thorough & masterful pruning
Gayle Swagerty
Owner & Master Gardener
Coulee Gardens and Design
Landscape design, renovation and maintenance
Office: 633-8375 Cell: 509-680-4969
3 Rooms For
Replace Garbage Disposals,
Water Heaters, Faucets,
Drain Cleaning
Serving Grant County Over 10 Years
(509) 633-1531
Facility Maintenance Services:
 Carpet Cleaning Services
 Floor Maintenance and Refinishing
For appointments and ask
 HVAC Duct Cleaning
 Windowabout
Washingother services
 General Cleaning Services
 Lawn and Ground Maintenance
 Weed Control Spray Services
 Construction and Rental Clean up
The Star • JuLY 24, 2013
All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject
to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based
on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status
or national origin, or an intention, to make any such
preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status
includes children under the age of 18 living with parents
or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18.
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any
advertising for real estate which is in
violation of the law. Our readers are
hereby informed that all dwellings
advertised in this newspaper are
available on an equal opportunity
FROM OUT OF TOWN? Clean newly
remodeled 1 Bdr, fully furnished
kitchen, laundry on site. Walk to dam,
shopping, restaurants. Come check this
one out. $650/mo. First, last and $500
damage deposit. Electricity, cable, Internet
renter responsibility. 633-3167. (W3-27-tfc)
Columbia View
Apartments, One and two bedroom
apartments for rent. 1201 River Drive,
Coulee Dam. 509.429.9674. (G7-3-tfc)
Professional Building on Burdin Blvd.,
across from the hospital. 633-0496. (S515-tfc)
3 bdrm., 2 bath mobile home $700 per
month, downtown Grand Coulee near Main
Street. Call for more information 633-2485.
Other rentals available (F6-5-tfc)
3 bdrm., 2 bath Wilbur, appliances, pets
okay, $595 per month. Also 2 bdrm., 1 bath
on the lake $395. 509.647.0117. (Mc6-12tfc)
FOR RENT – Elmer City 1 bdrm. house.
Utilities paid $500 month, $500 deposit,
available now. 633-2008 or 633-3208. (E626-tfc)
TWO BEDROOM, one bath duplex in
Coulee Dam, 1000 Civic Way, $500 per
month. More rentals available. Call for
details 633-2485. (F 7-3-tfc)
Home for Rent with Lake View - Lakeview
Terrace Park - Space 86. 2 Bed 2 Bath.
$750 monthly, first and last plus $500
deposit.360-689-3127. (Z7-24-4tpp)
TWO BEDROOM, one bath basement
apt. on Seaton St., in Grand Coulee, $550
per month. Call for details 633-2485, more
rentals available. (F7-3-tfc)
AVAILABLE AUGUST 1 – home available
for rent in Coulee Dam, 2 bdrm., rent for
$550. 1-866-395-7767. (D7-24-1tp)
apartment at 334 Banker,
Grand Coulee, $525 per month. Call 6332485, more rentals available. (F7-3-tfc)
REALTOR – Duplex in Electric City, 3
bedroom, 2 bath, carport. See at 40 Park.
$800 per month. Sorry no pets. Call
509.633.0895. (B7-3-tfc)
$1200 – West Coulee Dam, 3 bdfrm., 2
bath, washer/dryer, large fenced back yard.
Luxury finishes. Call 509-338-0990. (E710-tfc)
FOR RENT – 3 bdrm., on a quiet corner
lot in Almira with appliances. $495.
509.647.0117. (Mc7-10-tfc)
FOR RENT – 3 bdrm., 1 bath house in
Electric City $550 + utilities, first and last.
509-633-0194. (N7-10-tfc)
2 BDRM. HOUSE, Coulee Dam, $500 +
deposit, 633-2008 or 633-3208. (E7-10-tfc)
LARGE STUDIO for one. Ideal for out-oftown worker. Completely furnished. Month,
w/cable and high speed internet. 631-0301.
One Bedroom Units
Rent based on Income
by the
by Grand
the Senior
211 Continental, Grand Coulee, WA
509-633-1190 or contact the
Housing Authority, 1139 Larson Blvd.,
Moses Lake, WA
(509) 762-5541
Perfect for Out of Town Worker: Furnished
Studio Apt: $450/Mo Including All Utilities Grand Coulee - (509) 631-0124. (P7-24-tfc)
apt. including washer & dryer. Quiet
location overlooking Columbia River. For
information call 633-3315. (N7-10-tfc)
30x30 shop for rent,overhead storage,
two different sized bay doors, bathroom
and wood stove for heat. Water/garbage
included 301 Electric Blvd space#4, $395,
509-217-2456. (D7-24-1tp)
Almira 2 Bedroom House - Large
livingroom, kitchen and laundry with
washer/dryer,off street parking, no pets.
$400/mo (first, last & $400 deposit due at
move in) 639-2665. (F7-24-2tpp)
Low Income • HUD Housing
(509) 633-3481
for short or long term
starting at $300.
Also space for doublewide.
509.633.2169 L10-31-tfc
HOME FOR SALE: 420 Roosevelt Drive,
Grand Coulee, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, utility,
basement, one car garage, partially fenced
yard. Call 633-2485 or 631-0135. (F1-30tfc)
57862 Cardinal Road, Delano, clean 2
bedroom 14 X 60, two bath, large shop 40
X 60. Call 633-2485 or 631-0135. (F1-30tfc)
FOR SALE – 2 bdrm. house, totally
remodeled, located at 801 Pine St., Coulee
Dam, $149,500. Call for details 633-2485
or 631-0135. (F1-30-tfc)
FOR SALE – 120 E. Grand Ave., Electric
City. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, deck, lake view,
fenced yard, sprinker system, 30x36 shop,
garage, tool shed, carport, appliances,
$179,900. 633-8338/631-4131. (F7-17-1tc)
COZY 2+ BDRM., 1 bath, private back yard
with garden, shed, storage garage, nice
landscaping, 803 Cedar St., Coulee Dam,
$75,000. 633-8338 or 680-4882. (F7-241tc)
Looking for a clean upscale neighborhood?
1800 sq. ft. rambler with stunning views,
landscape in and home is in move-in
condition. Upgrades thru-out. For showing
please call owner 425-210-1184, $249,000.
Geostar Drive. (H7-17-2tp)
CENTRAL DRIVE - Extensively remodeled
home, 4+ Bedrooms, 3 Bath, Family Room,
Living Room, Finished partial basement,
Utility room, Large kitchen, stainless steel
appliances,heated tile flooring in kitchen
and large dining room. Central air, high
efficient vinyl windows, detached garage,
additional covered boat parking. Sprinkler
system,fenced back yard with shed, patio.
2600 sq. ft. plus detached garage Reduced
price $220,000. 509-633-2115 (H), 509631-0282 cell (Jim), 509-481-0809 cell
(Debbie) (V7-24-1tpp)
A complete listing of our properties can be found at our website
#2390 Road U NE, Mansfield
#2390 Road U NE, Mansfield, WA. Cute 2 bedroom home out in the
country on 21 acres. Appr 17 miles Northwest of Grand Coulee, just off of
Highway 174 in Douglas County. The home is appr 1,075 s.f. on the main
level and has had a number of recent updates. Home has Hardie Board
lap siding, metal roof 200 amp cb service, and shared well. There is a
32’ by 36’ quanset hut shop/garage, plus a huge hay barn for additional
storage. List price is just $129,500.
#46120 Geostar Dr. N, Grand Coulee, Hard to find Custom Quality 3
bedroom 2 bath home nestled along Lake Roosevelt with unobstructed
panoramic views. You won’t find a more picturesque setting than the one
offered from this property. The home is appr. 2,200 square feet and all
on one level, but designed to draw in the outdoors. Built in 2003, it has
hickory cabinets and hardwood, Wood double pane windows and doors,
Hardy Board lap siding and over appr. 750 s.f. of composite decks. The
living room has vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace and a number of built ins.
Large 3 car garage that is appr. 1,150 s.f. in size and has lots and lots of
storage as well as rough ins for an additional bath. The property is .63
of an acre and is beautifully landscaped with concrete curbing and auto
sprinkler system. List price is just $395,000.
#209 Columbia Ave, Coulee Dam. A truly one of a kind home located
in historic West Coulee Dam along the Columbia River. As you walk
through the front door, the spaciousness and elegance are readily
apparent. The 22 foot vaulted ceilings, The floor to ceiling windows,
the hardwood flooring, and the huge gourmet kitchen with granite
countertops. The home has 3+ bedrooms and 4 bathrooms and over
3,600 square feet of finished living area, plus another 600+ square feet
downstairs. The home has two Central FA with HP systems, Copper
Plumbing, 400 amp electrical service, gas fireplace with antique mantle
and a 10 person hot tub. The property is just over 20,000 s.f. in size and
the grounds have mature landscaping, a huge deck, as well as a gazebo
overlooking Grand Coulee Dam. The home has been operated as a
very successful B&B in the past. List price is now just $330,000 with
$7,500 closing cost credit.
#122 Williams Ave, Electric City, If you are looking for a newer home,
come take a look at this property. This ranch style home was built in
2005 and has 1,530 square feet all on one level. It has a formal living
room, A large Family room with gas fireplace, Arch tab roof, Central H &
AC with a Heat pump and Super Good Cents Energy Standards. Fenced
yard with patio, auto sprinkler system and a kennel for the puppy. There
is plenty of off street parking & 420 square foot garage. The property
is appr. 75’ wide by 110’ deep and has alley access as well. Average
monthly electric bill is $86. List price is just $189,500.
#46538 Sunny Hill Lane N, Grand Coulee, Located just 7 miles from
Grand Coulee is this 3 Bedroom – 2 bath Manufactured home on 6.18
acres overlooking Lake Roosevelt. The home is just under 1,050 s.f.
in size and was built in 1982 by Skyline. It has Central Heat and Air
conditioning, copper plumbing, 200 amp circuit breaker service and
medium sized deck. But the best part is the wonderful view of Lake
Roosevelt. List price is just $99,500 and the seller will pay up to
$5,000 of buyer’s closing costs.
55676 Bay Area Dr. NE, Electric City
55676 Bay Area Dr NE, Electric City, Beautiful custom built 3
bedroom 2 bath home with the property set up for horses. The home
was built in 2004 and has appr 1,700 square feet that is all on one
level. Home has Vinyl lap siding, dimensional Comp roofing, Gas
Fireplace, Central Heat & AC with HP, and vaulted ceilings. There is
a detached garage/workshop with tack room and hay storage. Corral
for the horses and three separate pastures that are all fenced, so
you can rotate your grazing. Beautifully landscaped and wonderful
sunsets. The property is 5 acres in size all together. List price is just
#54 Jackson Ave., Electric City, 2 Bedroom 1 bath home with
a number of recent renovations. Home has recessed wall heat,
updated vinyl 2 pane windows, updated floor coverings, and recently
painted throughout. Home has appr. 1,000 s.f. on the main level,
and the property is 100’ by 160’ or 16,000 s.f. in size. If you would
prefer a smaller lot, property can be subdivided to create an extra
building lot. Property is fenced and includes a detached garage &
storage shed. List Price is just $87,500.
#710 Fir Street, Coulee Dam, 2 Bedroom 1 bath home in East
Coulee Dam. Home has just over 1,000 sf. on the main level, plus
and additional 16’ by 16’ storage room downstairs. It is conveniently
located within walking distance to downtown shopping and services.
The home has metal lap siding, Comp 3 tab roof, galv plumbing and
200 amp cb service. Property is fenced and includes several fruit
trees. It’s possible to convert back to a 3 bedroom home without
much cost if you prefer. List Price is $79,500 with $2,500 buyer
#53 Front St., Elmer City, Pretty spot to watch the River flow
by. 1979 Manufactured home with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths and
almost 1,350 s.f. all together. The home has Central Heat and Air
Conditioning, Metal roof, large covered deck with extra storage.
Master bath was recently renovated and has new tiled shower. The
property has appr 30,000 s.f. of ground and has a couple small sheds
used as chicken coops. List Price is just $77,500 and includes a
$2,500 closing cost credit to buyer.
mobile home located at 540 Seaton Ave.,
Elmer City. 3 bedroom, 1 bath fixer-upper
sold “as is”. Asking $18,000 or best offer.
Call the Coulee Dam Federal Credit Union
and ask for loyce or Dar 1-800-572-5678 or
509-633-0830. (C7-24-tfc)
CLEAN 2 bedroom 14x60 mobile home for
sale in Delano, 57862 Cardinal Road, 2
baths and large shop, $125,000. Call 6332485 or 631-0135. (F12-19-tfc)
Mobile Home in Elmer City - Older Mobile
Home located at 540 Seaton Ave. Elmer
City. 3 Bedroom 1 Bath fixer upper. Asking
$18,000.00. Call The Coulee Dam Federal
Credit Union and ask for Loyce or Dar
1-800 572-5678 or 509-633-0830 (C7-24tfc)
Manufactured Home for Sale with Lake
View. Lakeview Terrace Park - Space 86.
2 Bed 2 Bath. $10,999.360-689-3127 (Z724-4tpp)
ESTATE SALE – Sat., July 27 and Sun.,
July 29, 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. 130 Washington
PL. Lots of furniture and household items.
YARD SALE – Sat., July 27, 8 a.m. – 1
p.m. 611 Cedar St. Lots of kids gently used
clothing, all ages, and lots more. (R7-241tpcc)
ESTATE SALE – Fri. & Sat., July 26 and
27, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 118 Washington Place
St. (E7-24-1tpp)
MOVING SALE – Sat. & Sun. 9 a.m. Kreb’s
residence in Belvedere. (K7-24-1tp)
Summer of 2013
June 1 - Sept. 7
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Coulee Blvd., Electric City
Donations 509.846.3762
3 Family Garage Sale - Some tools, some
antique, house hold items, treadmill and
new paint sprayer. Beautiful boat for sale.
July 26 and 27th 8:00 to 3:00. 4315 Plum
Point, (Sunny Hills) turn off at Lakeview
Terrace Mobile Home Park, watch for
signs. (R7-24-1tpp)
to $350,000, 2 lots discounted. Spring
Canyon Ridge in Lincoln Co. only one mile
from Grand Coulee. Call 633-2485 or 6310135. (D10-3-tfc)
on real estate equity. I loan on houses, raw
land, commercial property and property
development. Call Eric at (425) 803-9061.
Lake View Acreage - 1.99 acre lot
w/water & power on site.Contract
Avail. $70,000./ $63,000 Cash; 11. 4
acres, power on site, no well, 1310
line frontage, hillside $130,000 Cash;
Old Liquor Store building
1 Spokane Way $165,000.
509-631-0209 Marvin (P5-1-tfc)
It takes the courage and strength of a
warrior to ask for help… Emotional Crisis?
Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), press 1 for
WARM, FUN Professional couple eager
to provide your child love and happiness
forever. Expenses paid. Ann and Peter. Call
or go to
CONSULTANT-- Specializing in Removing
Negativity from your love life, Career,
Finances & Personal Conflicts. Specializing
in Love Spells. Free Consultation: 877-7755393 Mr. Laveau
$175 with children. No court appearances.
Complete preparation. Includes custody,
support, property division and bills.
BBB member. (503) 772-5295. www. legalalt@msn.
LOST - 3 person tube.
Sunday, July 21 between
the Coulee Dam Fire Dept.
and the football field.
Was son’s birthday gift.
Please return. Reward????
Call 633-3236
Need Color
Copies Fast?
We can do
them for you.
Star deadline is
5 p.m. Mondays.
Place your yard
sale ad for $8 and
get two neon yard
sale signs FREE.
For Sale: 40 acres with well, paved access,
near golf course, panoramic views, near
airstrip, recreational water, beautiful site for
home, development, etc. $390,000, OBO.
509-775-3511 or 509-641-1003 (Mc5-1-tfc)
22+ VIEW ACRES – Great Lake Roosevelt
view, paved county road, 3 min+/- to the
lake. 7+/- to boat launch at Spring Canyon.
Best price in the area. Subdividable, power
across street. Easy terms. 0 down, $99,000,
425-210-1184. (H7-17-2tp)
Sat., July 27 Only
8 a.m. to ?
Downsizing two homes!
Furniture, TVs, Antiques, Craft Items, Bolts of Fabric,
Boxes of Silk Flowers, Boxes of Different Colors
of Gossimer Fabrics, Wedding and Party Supplies.
All Clothes - FREE, Tons of Jewelry, Nic Nacks, Books, Glassware
and Dishes, 77 Boxes of Puzzles.
201 F St., off Bridgeport Hwy,
above Hospital, Past Canal.
Watch for “EPIC” SIGNS
Shopping and
junking in
the coulee
by Frankie Delano
Hello shoppers! Did you miss
me? Detective Frankie D. here
at The Star again after taking a
break for summertime activities
like broiling up some hamburgers and hot dogs and hanging out
on Lake Roosevelt. The truth of
the matter is, and the matter in
this instance is braving the high
temperatures to be in the first
wave at 8 a.m. yard sale start
times, it takes a little bit of effort
to get going on Friday or Saturday
mornings. But like always the hunt
for those bargains waiting to be
snapped up and finding the good
stuff makes it all worth while.
So now that you’ve waded
through that profound lead in, let’s
get on to some really important
news about recent Coulee Country
yard sales and a word or two about
junky stuff.
Last weekend, Mary, of Coulee
Dam, hosted a two-day sale in her
front yard, where ladies purses
and DVDs brought in some bucks
and were her best sellers. Out
near beautiful Rebecca Lake off
highway 155 was one of those
memorable super sales where
brand new clothing, purses and
hats were presented a la boutique
style with other goodies like cosmetics, jewelry, shoes, home decor,
furniture, stuffed animals, toys,
some furniture, and men’s clothing
in the mix.
This sale was a one-stop shopping paradise, thanks to Brianna’s
hard work to put it all out in her
front yard. The gal shoppers who
made the drive to shop there went
home with some choice, bestselling stuff — clothing, jewelry
and purses. Did Frankie D. buy
any thing at this sale? Yes, Ralph
Lauren perfumes for $3 and $5
each. These high-end perfumes
were nearly new and such a sweet
deal, normally selling at $80 and
more for a bottle at Macy’s.
Have you heard the sales pitch
— to the walls? Well, that usually
means that a sale, similar to a
store going out of business, and
frequently called an estate sale,
can be a huge undertaking where
everything displayed in a house,
garage and other outbuildings is
up for sale. The goal is to have
nothing left when the sale is over.
If you like shopping at yard sales,
you’ll also find some great bargains
at estate sales here in the Coulee,
where getting there early is a
good idea. A recent estate sale in
Electric City was swarming with
shoppers who took a look at all
kinds of household items, some
furniture and collectibles. The
volunteers helping at that sale
were great too.
So let’s wind this up with a
quick reference to junky stuff. Is it
true that junky stuff is out there in
the world of yard and estate sales?
Yes. But get this: Junky stuff has
turned into something else — not
great stuff but cool stuff. So when
you shoppers see a sales pitch that
claims the stuff is cool, you’re in
luck; some of the stuff could be really be what we all want — other
people’s rusty junk!
#21202 NE Lakeview Ave, Electric City, Looking for a Lake GetA-Way? Here is the perfect little fishing cabin, just a hop, skip and
a jump away from Banks Lake. The home has a nice sized living
room with wood fireplace and is appr. 650 square feet in size. There
is 1 bedroom and the possibility of a 2nd Bedroom as well. There is
a detached 18’ by 30.5’ deep garage, perfect for parking a boat. The
property is 50’ by 75’ in size. List Price is just $65,000.
#310 Highland Ave, Elmer City, Looking for a fishing cabin or rental
property or maybe just a reasonable place to hang your hat? Take
a look at this property. Home was built back in the 1930’s but has
updated insulation, copper plumbing and updated electrical. There is
a place for a woodstove in the living room and there are 2 bedrooms
and 1 full bath. There is a one car built in garage with storage. List
price is just $39,000
Looking for Land? We have a number of lots and building sites available both in and out of town. Prices start at $13,500 and
go up from there. A complete list of properties for sale can be found on our website at, or give us
a call at 509-633-0410.
Page 7
Foisy & Kennedy
more listings at
309 Midway Ave., Grand Coulee
Gerry Hanson, Broker ~ 509.647.2107 ~ Wilbur •
2 bdrm, new kitchen, great condition. Super location. . ......................................... $60,000
3 bdrm, 2 bath, bonus room, good condition, basement, HUGE yard. ................ $149,000
4 bdrm, 2 bath, parlor, living, full bsmt. Partial finish, garage. ...................... $147,900
3 bdrms. 1 bath, wainscoting, large rooms, garage. . .............................................. $69,900
3 bdrms, 2 baths, all new remodel, hot tub, outbuilding, privacy .................... $149,000
3 bdrms, 2 baths, spacious, sprinklers, fenced yard............................................... $130.000
4 bdrms, 2 baths, remodeled kitchen, garage, shop. . ............................................... $72,000
CRESTON – 2 bdrms, 1 bath, good condition, HUGE lot. . ............................................. $82,000
CRESTON – 4 bdrms, 2 baths, bonus room, att. Garage.............................................. , $90,000
ALMIRA – 2 bdrms, 1 bath up, lg. living, garage, full bsmt. Corner lot . ........... $150,000
ALMIRA – 4 bdrms, 2 baths, plank floors, great kitchen. Garage..................... $139,000
CALL FOR APPOINTMENTS! Lots of great bargains.
See these and other properties for sale at or give us a call at 647-210
Page 8
Compiled from
police files
Grand Coulee
7/16 - A woman reported that
she found in a ditch a Bureau of
Reclamation envelope that contained a number of cards.
7/17 - Police received a report
of a woman walking in the street
yelling at herself. Police found
the suspect and asked her to stay
out of the roadway. She agreed
to do so.
- A business owner requested
that police help in getting a person to leave her establishment. It
was reported that the person, a
woman known to police, had been
outside disturbing customers. Police found the woman inside the
business in the restroom with the
door open. When asked to leave
the woman told the officer that
she had a dollar. Police told her to
leave and that if she returned she
would be arrested for trespass.
- A man who was found in a
Hill Avenue apartment was arrested for violating a no-contact
order and taken to Grant County
Jail. The woman told police that
she was going to go to court the
next day to have that court order
- Police checked on a report of
a woman lying in the grass near
the public library. The woman
said she was OK when questioned
by the police.
- An Electric City woman told
police that she had heard that a
woman she had befriended and
her boyfriend planned to break
into her house, steal her drugs
and kill her dog.
7/18 - An officer, at Washington
State Patrol’s request, checked
on a motorcycle accident near
milepost 8 on SR-155. The officer learned that the motorcycle
had swerved to miss a deer and
wrecked, possibly injuring both
parties on the motorcycle. An
ambulance took the two to Coulee
Medical Center and the accident
scene was turned over to a State
Parks Department official.
- A Portland doctor advised
police that he thought a patient
who resides here was having a
stroke and requested that police
check on him. Police checked on
him at his room at a local motel
and found that he had passed
out. The man explained that his
medication had been changed. He
refused medical attention. Police
reported back to the doctor.
7/19 - Police assisted getting
an injured man from a boat into
an ambulance at Sunbanks Lake
Resort. The man had jumped
from what was described as a
60-foot cliff into the water and
apparently struck the rock face
of the cliff on the way down. The
injured man complained about a
leg and hip injury. He was taken
to Coulee Medical Center.
- Police responded to a call
from Kelso Avenue in Electric
City where a woman said that a
man was driving in a threatening
manner after arriving to pick up
his children. Police found the man
at Coulee Medical Center, where
he explained that his wife was in
labor and he was trying to get her
to the hospital when he got a call
to pick up his children.
- A woman told police that
her son, who had a mental disorder, had gone to get a latté
several hours before and hadn’t
- A Safeway clerk called police
to state that two young shoplifters, one 13 and the other 14, had
taken something from the store
without paying for it. The clerk
caught the 13-year-old who stated
that he didn’t know the other boy
had taken anything. The boy, from
Omak, was turned over to his
uncle and was told he was banned
from the store. Officers were looking for the other boy.
7/20 - An officer had to make
two trips to Coulee Playland on
noise complaints. After the second
warning, the owner of the camper
was told that he would be cited if
the officer was called again. He
said the group was going to bed.
- Police got a call that there was
possibly a drunk walking along
the highway near Coulee Playland. Police found the man, who
stated he was walking home to his
residence on Electric Boulevard
in Electric City after being at the
Wolf ’s Den bar. The officer gave
the man a courtesy ride home.
- A woman with a new vehicle
had stalled it on Federal Avenue
and SR-155. An officer was called
and, upon checking, it appeared an
animal had chewed through the
wire to the alternator. The officer
and another person patched the
wire together and gave the vehicle
a jump start.
- A woman reported that she
had lost her 2-year-old white
English Terrier named “Stella”
at Crescent Bay. She said the dog
could be returned, if found, to the
old Sage Restaurant.
7/21 - An officer had to resort
to a tricky maneuver on a noise
complaint. The officer went to a
residence on 1st Street, where
loud music was playing. After
pounding on the doors and walls
he couldn’t get anyone’s attention
because the music was so loud, so
he went to the back of the residence where he tripped the main
electrical breaker. The officer got
the attention of the homeowner
and told the woman she would be
cited if he had to return.
Coulee Dam
7/16 - A Central Drive resident
may have a serious problem with
her dog. A man reported to police
that the woman’s dog approached
him as he was walking, baring its
teeth, growling and acting like it
was going to bite him. He said he
tried to go to the other side of the
street and the dog followed him
and made several passes at him
attempting to bite him. He said
when he got to the other side of the
street, the dog left him alone. The
dog, medium size, chocolate brown
in color with dots above both eyes,
acted aggressively toward the officer when he went to the door of
the house. The officer is going to
have his chief determine whether
the dog should be declared dangerous.
7/17 - A man on Camas Street
was advised that he couldn’t park
his trailer with expired tabs on the
parking strip in front of his home.
He said he would update the tabs
so the trailer was compliant.
7/18 - An official at Lake
Roosevelt High School reported
a broken window in the art room.
The officer found a six-inch size
rock used to break the window.
7/21 - A man who drives a bus
for Northwest Stage Lines who
was conducting a tour told police
that a pickup with a fifth wheel
had sideswiped his bus. He said it
left a dent in his rearview mirror
and a scuff about a foot long near
the rear of the bus. He said neither
vehicle stopped.
Legal Notice
Official Newspaper
The City of Electric City is calling for bids to designate a newspaper
of general circulation within the city which meets the requirements of
RCW Chapter 65.16 as the official newspaper for the purpose of publishing all official notices, announcements and documents in connection
with the conduct of the City’s official business. Please submit bid to City
of Electric City, PO Box 130, 10 Western Ave., Electric City, WA 99123
no later than 10:00 a.m. August 2, 2013.
Jacqueline M. Perman
(Publish July 24, 2013)
Earth adventures
for teens to do
Are you a teenager and looking
for something fun and exciting to
do to wrap up your summer? Have
you ever sailed on a boat? Here’s
your chance to learn while sailing
around the San Juan islands on
a 52 foot sailboat with WSU 4-H
EARTH Adventures! We are offering a 5-day sailing experience
August 5th-9th for teenagers 1318 years old. You will learn to set
the sails, to navigate and even
steer the vessel from our experienced captain. We will camp on a
different island each night where
you will learn about this special
eco-system, create new friend-
The Star • JuLY 24, 2013
ships, and build skills of being on
the sea, all while having FUN!
For more information and to
register go to http://county.wsu.
edu/chelan-douglas and click on
Earth Adventures. For questions
and details contact Kevin Powers
at 509-667-6540 or kcpowers@
in the
An information meeting is
scheduled for July 31, 2013, at 8
a.m., at the Coulee Dam Community Church, 509 Central Avenue,
Coulee Dam, across from the
Colville Tribal Museum (double
red doors at South end of the building – no steps). TOPS, a nonprofit
organization, is eager to share
their messages of weight-loss support and wellness education at a
time when people are resolving
to live a healthier lifestyle. The
object of this meeting is to see how
many are interested in a morning
TOPS Chapter in Coulee Dam.
Our weight-loss journey is ongoing. TOPS provides the motivation and educational programs
that keep members on track. For more information call Vivian
Dugan at 509-633-2164 or Jerry
Anderson 633-9944.
TOPS Club, Inc. (Take Off
Pounds Sensibly) is a nonprofit,
weight-loss support and wellness education organization with
thousands of associate chapters
in the United States and Canada.
Members (about 180,000 worldwide) attend weekly meetings
and learn about nutrition, portion
control, food planning, exercise,
motivation, and more. Weigh-ins,
group feedback, and support help
members achieve their goals and to
maintain their losses. Founded in
1948, TOPS is the original weightloss support organization and its
International Headquarters is
located in Milwaukee, WI.
All are welcome.
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window style
Take advantage
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currently underway!
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