3rd Qtr - North Country Trail Association


3rd Qtr - North Country Trail Association
3rd Quarter 2014
CHAPTER MEETINGS - Meetings are at 7:00 PM at the Barry
Township Hall at 155 East Orchard Street in Delton the second
Wednesday of each month, and are open to the public. Meetings
through the Third Quarter of 2014 are July 9, August 13 and
September 10. An exception: The August meeting is our
annual picnic at 6:00 PM. Prior to the meetings in Delton, join
us for dinner at 5:45 PM, at the Grove Street Café on the north
side of Delton, located at 370 N. Grove Street (just across from
intersection of Delton Road and M-43). If you wish to be added
to the email distribution list of the meeting agenda and
minutes, please let me know.
Upcoming Events
July 9: Chapter Meeting Speaker:
Wally Miars, Author of “Alone Together”, his adventure on
the Appalachian Trail.
Wally (aka Silver Streak) lives in Charlotte, MI, is an electrical contractor, an avid outdoorsman.
He has hiked thousands of miles, is married with 4 children and several grandchildren, and they all
enjoy outdoors activities. He will talk about his experiences on the Trail, and the relationships
along the way.
July 12: Chapter Workday: Yankee Springs Recreation Area Puncheon rebuild
Originally scheduled as a hike date, we canceled the hike due to lack of hiker commitment, and have
instead scheduled this date to work on the puncheons we are rebuilding at Yankee Springs Recreation
Area. This project has taken longer than anticipated, and we can use your help! Join us at the Norris
Road West trailhead at 9:00 AM. Breakfast is on your own. The trailhead is just south of Gun Lake Road,
where Yankee Springs Road from the north turns to Norris Road. Look for the big brown “North Country
Trail” signs coming from either way, followed by a slightly hidden driveway on the west side of the road.
July 29: (Was July 22, now rescheduled) No Family Left Indoors; Middleville
As part of a multi-month program initiated by Pierce Cedar Creek for Barry County youth, we are
participating in the No Family Left Indoors program. We are included in this week’s program,
which will be in Middleville, and we will do a program on Backpacking 101, an introduction to
backpacking. We will be followed by the Thornapple Watershed Council hosting a fishing session.
The entire program will be between 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Meet at the pavilion in Stagecoach Park.
July 26: Chapter Workday: Yankee Springs Recreation Area Puncheon rebuild
More puncheon work, same info as our July 12 description above.
August 1-2: Homer Summerfest; Calhoun County
We are hosting a table at Homer Summerfest. Stop by and see us if you are in the neighborhood.
Everyone is welcome to join us at meetings, hikes, or workday events sponsored by the
Chief Noonday Chapter. For more information, please contact Larry Pio at 269-327-3589 or
nalcoman1@aol.com, or see our web site for other contacts.
3rd Quarter 2014
More Upcoming Event Details
August 2: Hike Maher Sanctuary to Crane Road; Barry County; 8 miles (or less)
We will hike from the Maher Audubon Sanctuary (near our Chapter’s northern limit) down to the
Crane Road trailhead. There are some earlier exit points for those who do not wish to hike the
entire 8 miles, and if the weather is hot, that may be most of us. Breakfast will be at 8:00 AM at
the Big Easy at 126 E. Main Street in Middleville. By the time we position cars, it may be close to
9:30 AM before the hiking begins. If you are not able to join us for breakfast, please let Larry Pio
or Mick Hawkins know you plan to be there, and we will be looking for you. Bring your friends.
August 13: Chief Noonday Chapter Annual Picnic
Our annual picnic will be held at the shelter behind Barry Township Hall in Delton at 6:00 PM. We
encourage everyone to attend, and specifically we would like to invite all the land owners and
land managers who host our trail to join us. Families are welcome. Please bring a dish to pass,
your beverage, and table settings.
August 16: Chapter Workday – Details to be Announced
Hopefully our efforts in Yankee Springs Recreation Area will be complete, and we can tackle some
other projects, but stay tuned to our web site for updates.
August 21 - 23: Minnesota Hiking Celebration – Duluth, MN – only 630 miles from Delton
In the absence of the Annual Conference this year, the four Chapters of Minnesota are hosting the
Minnesota Hiking Celebration in Duluth. This will include lots of hiking opportunities (including a
chance to hike with Luke “Strider” Jordan (Luke is also banquet keynote speaker)), opportunities
to visit local attractions, and also includes the first ever Duluth Hiking / Outdoor Exposition,
which will host booths with equipment suppliers, outdoor retailers, and environmental /
conservation groups. Trail building opportunities are scheduled before and after the Celebration,
so bring your work clothes too. For more information on registration, lodging, the schedule and the
Duluth area, check out this web site: http://northcountrytrail.org/trail/states/minnesota/duluth/
September 2: Outreach at WMU
We are planning to host a table at Western Michigan on the first day of classes. Stop by to see us
in the lower level of the Bernhard Student Center.
September 10: Open Mike Night at our Chapter Meeting
Our Chapter meeting will begin with “Open Mike Night”, for up to one hour, where the opening
presentations will be on the subject “My Closest Call”. Other presentations may follow, time
permitting. Bring your presentation, or come and enjoy the presentations of others. Our open
mike nights are always interesting, as we hear about the variety of experiences of our speakers.
September 13: Outreach at Barry County Outdoor Recreation Youth Day; Charlton Park
We will host a table at the Barry County Youth Day in Historic Charlton Park on September 13.
This event is intended to give experiences in outdoor activities for the youth attending. Bring the
kids and grandkids. Admission is free. For more info, check out their Facebook page:
September 20: Chapter Workday: Details to be determined.
3rd Quarter 2014
September 27: North Country National Scenic Trails Day Hike; Yankee Springs Recreation
Area; Norris Road to Hall Lake
The NCTA Board of Directors has proclaimed the 4th Saturday of September to be “North Country
National Scenic Trails Day”, which coincides nicely with Michigan Trails Week and National
Public Lands Day. Our hike begins at 9:00 AM at the Norris Road West trailhead, and head to Hall
Lake. We can tailor this hike for our participants, by ending the hike at Hall Lake, extending it to a
different end point, or returning to Norris Road. Weather will be a consideration, along with hiker
input. Breakfast will be at Stickmann Baeckerei Old World Bakery and Bistro, located at 11332
W. M-179 Highway, near Gun Lake, just west of the Shell Station on Briggs Road at 7:45 AM.
October 11: Boy Scout Hike: Fort Custer National Cemetery to MSU Kellogg Farms
We are hosting a 12 mile hike for the Boy Scouts through our Kalamazoo County section of trail on
October 11. Keep this one on your calendar, as we will need plenty of hike leaders.
Chief Noonday Chapter Annual Meeting, and Officer Elections held in May
As required by our bylaws, at our May meeting, our Chapter will be reviewed past
accomplishments, began reviewing our goals, and also elected Chapter Officers and Directors.
Elected for the next two years:
President: Larry Pio
Vice-President for Administration – Ron Sootsman
Vice-President for Trails – Jeff Fleming
Secretary – Jane Norton
Treasurer – Eric Longman
Directors: Mick Hawkins, Mary Rebert, Linda Wilkey, Dave Cornell, Mike Wilkey, Linda
Sootsman, and Jim Bronson.
Modifications to our 1 year and 5 year goals were completed at our June meeting.
Optimum Location Review (OLR) Committee
Our OLR committee is working on establishing potential routes through southern Barry County as
one of their primary current projects. Dave Cornell, Ron Sootsman, Mary Rebert, Kingery
Clinginpeel, Jim Bronson, and Larry Pio work on this committee.
June Open Mike Night highlighted by visit from Ed Talone, the first NCT thru-hiker
Our open mike subject was “My Most Historic Hike”. One historic hike was presented as we had
a visit from Ed Talone, who was the first ever thru-hiker to complete the entire North Country
National Scenic Trail. Ed is again hiking in Michigan, and happened to be very close by, so it was
a great visit. Ed talked a great deal about his long time hiking companion, Sue Lockwood, who he
had met on the Pacific Crest Trail, and who was blind. A very impressive story, which is expanded
in this article written by Ed: http://www.gordonsmith-hikerauthor.com/pdf_files/2010%20%20Article%20in%20American%20Hiker%20by%20Ed%20Talone%20%20Sue%20Lockwood%20'A%20Hiker%20Like%20Anyone%20Else.pdf
REMINDER: For updated information on chapter events, especially toward the end of the quarter, please
visit our web site: www.northcountrytrail.org/cnd/index.htm at the “Events Calendar” link. We also have
detailed Hike Plans noted on this calendar for each hike with more information than is shown above.
3rd Quarter 2014
Event Recaps – Workday and Event Volunteers–Thanks for an outstanding job.
April 5: 7 hikers participated in Middleville on the Paul Henry Thornapple Trail, including the new section
coming north of downtown. Cal Lamoreaux showed us the planned route for the new section.
April 9: Mark Weaver, NPS Superintendent of the North Country National Scenic Trail, spoke at our
Chapter meeting. Mark talked about his history, what he is working on now, and for the future.
April 12: Our workday involved installing display posts at trailhead locations, and also chainsawing from
Peets Road to Graves Hill. Thanks to our crew: Charles Krammin, Jeff Fleming, Mick Hawkins and
Steve Hicks.
April 16: Tom Funke presented “2000 miles on the North Country Trail” at the Augusta library.
April 26: We hosted a table at the Woodpecker Festival in Middleville. Mick Hawkins, Jeff Fleming, Jean
Lamoreaux, Cal Lamoreaux, and Rick Moore were all involved.
April 26: In Battle Creek, Mike Wilkey and Linda Wilkey hosted a table at the Family Fun Fair fundraiser
for Woodlawn Preschool. .
April 27: In Augusta, at the Sherman Lake YMCA, we participated in the Interactive Family Health Fair,
with Eric Longman and Larry Pio hosting a table.
May 3: We had 15 hikers at our wildflower hike in Fort Custer Recreation Area, but probably not that many
varieties of wildflower. Another late spring.
May 5: We had an impromptu workday to clear downed trees in the Barry State Game Area between
McKibben Road and Norris Road. Thanks to all who came out: Mick Hawkins, Jeff Fleming, Mike
Wilkey, Larry Pio, Charles Krammin, Bill Russell, Tom Powell, Al Wiseman, and Marcia Mellen.
May 22: We gave a presentation at Lee’s Adventure Sports as part of their annual House on your Back
May 30, May 31, June 1: We began our rebuild of the puncheons at Yankee Springs Recreation Area for 3
long days. Thanks to all of these folks for getting us off to a good start: Ron Sootsman, Jeff Fleming,
Larry Pio, Eric Longman, Steve Hicks, Jim Mellen, Marcia Mellen, Mick Hawkins, Mike Wilkey, Linda
Wilkey, with Charles Krammin, and Linda Sootsman providing onsite guidance.
June 6: Eleven hikers hit the trail in the Barry State Game Area, and were pleasantly surprised to see two
new resting benches built by Larry Rebert, Tom Norton, Paul Nimz, and Art DeFields. Thanks guys, this
is a great addition. See photo in Email version PHOTOS section.
June 14: Ron Sootsman, Jeff Fleming, Eric Longman, Mary Rebert, Steve Hicks, Mike Wilkey, Linda
Wilkey, Bob Cooley and Mick Hawkins continued the work on the puncheons at YSRA. Steve Hicks also
mowed additional trail before arriving. Linda Sootsman supported.
June 21: Ron Sootsman, Marcia Mellen, Jim Mellen, Mick Hawkins, and Mike Cnossen continued work
in YSRA on the puncheons.
Adirondack Plan Released for NCT in New York
A long time coming, but a plan has been released for comments, for North Country National Scenic
Trail through the Adirondacks. For a look at the complete plan, see:
http://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/lands_forests_pdf/ncnst002.pdf Take a look at the folks who
contributed to this plan, and among them are a who’s who of NCTA and NPS employees and
volunteers, including some who haven’t been with the NCTA for quite a while. Mary Coffin reports
they began working on this in 1982, and finalizing trail layout since 2007.
North Country National Scenic Trail Adjustment Act Introduced
A new effort is proceeding through Congress to get the Minnesota Arrowhead route approved, and
the extension of the NCNST through Vermont to the Appalachian Trail. Bill H.R. 4736 includes
both Republican and Democrat cosponsors. Here is a link to that bill:
Perhaps our Congressional representatives can join in with their support, at your urging.
3rd Quarter 2014
Chief Noonday Logo Patches Now Available
We are offering Chief Noonday Logo patches that can be ironed onto a shirt, cap, etc. for only
$1.00 at any of our Chapter events. The patches are 2 ¾ inches wide and 2 ¼ inches tall, with
blue edges, and sewing them on improves the attachment.
2014 Chief Noonday Hiker Challenge Standings
Our Hiker Challenge promotes getting out to hike different sections of North Country Trail, and only
counting each section once each year. It is a great excuse to get out of your area, and hike in new
areas. The winner receives the Chief Noonday Hiker Challenge Cup, and there are prizes for the
top 4, and a random participating winner. Tom Ackerman is our current leader and holds the alltime CND HC single season record, after thru-hiking the Lower Peninsula in late Spring. See his
very interesting blog at: http://www.trailjournals.com/entry.cfm?id=460923 Congratulations, Tom!
Our current standings, with the limited info we have so far:
Tom Ackerman: 600.3 miles
Larry Pio: 131 miles
Ron Sootsman: about 130
Jeff Fleming: 65 miles
Check our web site for the rules. http://www.northcountrytrail.org/cnd/hikerchall.htm
Thru-Hiker Updates – Please help if you can
Here is the latest on thru-hikers that we are aware of. Some info on each:
 Thru-hiker Gail “Chosen Hiker” Lowe has hiked through our area, is now west of Marquette after a
detour that had her hiking in Ohio for a while. Follow her progress via her video blogs on her
Channel: www.youtube.com/user/NatureNymphLLC. She is hiking in memory of her daughter, who
died of breast cancer last year.
 Thru-hiker Amy Kwiatkoski, and her dog Faith, have begun from the Michigan / Ohio border,
heading south. Follow her progress on her web site: www.hikingwithfaith.com. She is hiking to call
attention to senior dog rescue efforts. In her latest posting, she is off the trail healing.
 Chief Noonday Chapter’s own Tom Ackerman has completed his hike from the Ohio border to the
Mackinac Bridge. His blog: http://www.trailjournals.com/entry.cfm?id=460923
 Chris Latta, a Grand Haven ultra-runner, is planning an Ohio to Mackinac run, over weekends, at a pace
of 80 to 100 miles per weekend. See: https://www.facebook.com/ChrisLattaExpeditions So far it’s
not clear how he is doing.
 Tim and Nancy Van Nest of Kent City were forced to halt their attempt to hike 600 miles from Milford,
OH back to Kent City, due to knee injury. http://www.trailjournals.com/entry.cfm?trailname=16797
 Check out latest sections of Luke “Strider” Jordan’s journals of last year’s Thru-Hike of the NCT
at: http://stridernct.com/Journals.html
New Members
We welcome these new members to the Chief Noonday Chapter up to the end of the 2nd Quarter. We
appreciate your support, and hope you quickly find ways to become involved:
Jeffrey Landon – Kalamazoo
Jay and Candace Bouwkamp –
Bill Russell – Delton
Anthony Corrie – Whitmore Lake
Regina Alleman – Kalamazoo
Dennis Wilde – Battle Creek
Kathleen Smothers – Kalamazoo
Sharon Battaglia – Otsego
Rebecca VanTiem – Portage
New Chapter Brochures for Eastern Calhoun County, and Western Calhoun
County, including Battle Creek Linear Park and Calhoun County Trailway
We have now completed these two new brochures, and copies are available for distribution. Please
see them at: http://www.northcountrytrail.org/cnd/brochcnd2014hbp-litchfield.pdf and
3rd Quarter 2014
Upcoming Events – more details on pages 1, 2 & 3, and on web site
July 9: SPEAKER at our Chapter Meeting: Wally Miars, Author of “Alone Together”.
July 12: Work day puncheon rebuild at Yankee Spring Recreation Area
July 29: No Family Left Indoors program on backpacking; Middleville (previously 7/22/14)
July 26: Work day: puncheon rebuild at Yankee Springs Recreation Area.
August 1 and 2: Homer Summerfest booth
August 2: Hike Maher Sanctuary to Crane Road; Barry County, 8 miles (or less)
August 13: Chief Noonday Chapter Annual Picnic
August 16: Workday – details to be determined
August 21-23: Minnesota Hiking Celebration – Duluth,MN
September 2: Western Michigan University table at Bernhard
September 10: Open Mike Night at our Chapter Meeting.
Starting topic: My Closest Call
September 13: Table at Barry County Outdoor Recreation Youth
Day at Charlton Park
September 20: Workday – details to be determined
September 27: North Country National Scenic Trails Day Hike in Yankee Springs Recreation Area
“Like” the North Country Trail Association, Chief Noonday Chapter on Facebook – we are up to
235 friends. This is a great way to keep up with the schedule, and see what our Chapter is working on.
Receive the Chief Noonday Chapter newsletter via email only, and save costs. OUR EMAIL VERSION
ALSO INCLUDES PHOTOS. Contact Larry Pio at nalcoman1@aol.com. Forward your newsletter to a
friend, and tell someone about Chief Noonday Chapter and the North Country National Scenic Trail.
North Country Trail Association
Chief Noonday Chapter Newsletter
2409 Woody Noll
Portage, MI 49002
The rest of the hike and event schedule for 2014 (so far):
November 1 – Hike new Calhoun County Trailway section, including Ott Preserve to Historical Bridges Park
December 6 – Hike Battle Creek Linear Park from west to downtown
January 1, 2015 – Shoe Year’s Day Hike
3rd Quarter 2014
Our new brochure for Western Calhoun County, including the Battle Creek Linear Park and the Calhoun
County Trailway (currently under construction).
Our new brochure for Eastern Calhoun County. These new brochures were supported with a Field Grant from
the NCTA, and will help us tell the story of our trail in these areas.
3rd Quarter 2014
Start of the April hike, at Irving Road in Middleville. No snow in April, right?
At the groundbreaking for the Calhoun County Trailway section, we see Ron Sootsman holding the right
shovel, and Tom Garnett, who kept this dream alive, in the front row to the far right.
3rd Quarter 2014
NPS Superintendent of the North Country National Scenic Trail, Mark Weaver, answers questions at our April
meeting. Then Mark presents Andrea Mack with her Hiker Challenge 2013 award, featuring our new logo
3rd Quarter 2014
Great day for hiking for our May wildflower hike. Not so great for wildflowers.
3rd Quarter 2014
Our impromptu crew cleaned up all the
downed trees in Barry State Game area
between McKibben and Norris Roads.
Thanks to all for responding to the call.
Below, Jeff Fleming finished all these
posts that we started during our January
workday. Then he went out and
installed those that we were ready for.
Thanks, Jeff.
3rd Quarter 2014
Thanks to our local trail angels for all
the help to Gail Lowe, and also to Ed
Talone. Gail thanks several of them in
her Facebook entry to the left.
Below, Ed Talone encounters our early
trail crew preparing for the YSRA
puncheon rebuild.
3rd Quarter 2014
Our June hike took advantage of these new benches, a project taken on by Larry Rebert, Tom Norton, Paul
Nimz, and Art DeFields. Thanks guys.
3rd Quarter 2014
A sample of Tom Ackerman’s blog – the last day, so it is a little longer than most of his entries. A great read.
3rd Quarter 2014
A quick taste of our puncheon rebuilding project in YSRA. We are upgrading about 240 feet. We still need
your help, with two workdays scheduled in July.