Rabbinic Reflections - Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael


Rabbinic Reflections - Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Tishrei—Heshvan 5776
Rabbinic Reflections
(Sermon Story from Rabbi Stephen Weiss)
Mark Mallach
Senior Rabbi
Cecelia Beyer
Associate Rabbi
Richard Nadel
Cantor Emeritus
Susan Blanco
Tracey Shenker
Executive Director
Julie Bernstein
Early Childhood Director
Beth Sandweiss
JFS Social Worker
Dana Langerman
Ro Dobkin
Administrative Assistant
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
60 Temple Drive
Springfield, NJ 07081
Phone 973-376-0539
Fax 973-376-5478
The guru laughed. That started their discussion;
and they sparred back and forth as the guru tried
to teach “that religion is not the Truth.” With neither side conceding to the other, the Hasid suddenly switched gears. He asked, “What did your
mother call you when you were a child?” Tears
came to the guru’s eyes. My name was Avraham; my mother called me Avrimka.
In 2008, near Hardwar, India, an incongruous
scene unfolded. Amidst the long line of pilgrims,
two Hasidic men approached the ashram of guru
Swami Vijayananda. Would they even be permitted to enter? After a few minutes, the guru noticed the two Hasidim. He gestured to his attend- The Hasid continued to probe: “Do you rememants to block the line. Then the guru beckoned to ber your mother’s Shabbos table?” The guru
closed his eyes. Then, from out of hazy depths
the Hasids to approach.
he started to sing “Eishet Hayil, A Woman of
The Hasid’s question was different than those of Valor.” With tears streaming from his closed
the devotees who asked about the purpose of eyes, he sang the entire song. The attendants,
life. The Hasid asked the guru, “I heard that who had never before seen their guru cry, beyou’re a Jew. Is it true?” The guru smiled. Yes, came afraid. They moved to eject the Hasids,
he had been born into a Hasidic family in but the guru opened his eyes, and waved the
France, but in his twenties he abandoned Juda- attendants away.
ism. He told them about his Holocaust experiences, and about how he gave his tefillin away The Hasid pulled a Hebrew Bible out of his backpack and presented it to the guru. The guru told
because he wasn’t using them anyway.
him, “I already have one, and I’ll tell you from
“Why did you come to India?” The Hasid asked where. An Israeli came to me with a dilemma.
him. The guru related that he was on a ship The Israeli had been a soldier and became traubound for Israel. A woman on the ship asked matized by the ceaseless warfare in Israel, and
him why he was going from one war to another. decided to sever all connections with Israel and
“Where should I go?” he asked her. She sug- with Judaism. He became a Christian, but he
gested India, a place of peace, with no anti- was unsatisfied and unsettled. So he came to
Semitism. Looking at the Hasids he then said, India and started to practice Hinduism. But here,
“There are 2 levels of spirituality: a lower and a too, he felt unsatisfied. Coming to me, he comhigher. The lower is religion; the higher is the plained, “Maybe the reason I can’t get rid of this
recognition that everything is one.”
Jewish feeling is that I still have my Bible from
the Israeli army. Is it proper to throw it away?”
The Hasid replied: “There are two levels of love:
a higher and a lower. There is love for every “No,” the guru replied, “don’t throw it away. Give
person in the world, and there is love for your it to me.” He proceeded to tell the ex-soldier the
own spouse and family. If you’re not able to love story of Rabbi Akiva, who, as the Romans were
your own family, your love of the whole world is flaying him alive, recited the Shema. Akiva statfake.” I agree, nodded the guru. “So, you’re Jew- ed that all his life he had yearned to get to the
ish; before you go out and love the whole world, place of serving God with his very life.
you should practice loving those who are closest
“I told him,” related the guru, “Do you know the
to you, the Jewish People.”
(Continued on page 3)
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael needs you to help assure our commitment to provide a
Daily Minyan, every day, twice each day, 365 days a year.
7:00 am*
9:30 am
9:00 am
*Legal Holidays
9:00 am
7:45 pm
10 minutes past
6:30 pm or 8:00 pm
Our minyan policy is that TBAY members are asked to
attend daily minyan, morning and evening, on the date
of their birthday each month, meaning you would be at
minyan 12 days/year. Having a minyan allows members the opportunity to say kaddish for their loved ones.
There is no dress code for minyan—come as you are,
Page 2
OFFICERS 2015—2016
Susan Blanco
Exec. Vice President Lesley Brooks
Vice President
Brian Margulies
Vice President
Nate Rajs
Vice President
Mark Ross
Vice President
Lois Kaish
Financial Secretary
Keith Biebelberg
Andy Schuyler
Recording Secretary Ilene Shewitz
Corresponding Sec’y Andrea Wohl
TRUSTEES 2015—2016
Aaron Adler
David Biebelberg
Debbie Rogut-Chait
Douglas Chester
Barbara Eglow
Howard Gerber
Matthew Glass
Eugene Gorrin
Larry Greenberg
Seymour Greer**
Helen Jenys***
Linda Lieb**
Elliot Merkin***
Fay Miller***
April Modlinger***
Debra Neher
Janice Reznick
Tracy Smith
Steve Taub
Paul Teller
Glenn Wohl
Sally Zuckerman
**Honorary Board Member
Esther Avnet
Joseph Babrowsky
Samuel Bauman*
Meyer Biddelman*
Abraham Cohen*
Harold Dennis*
Alvin Eglow
Arthur Falkin*
Richard Falkin
William Feldman*
Marilyn Garlen
David Glass
Jack Goldberg*
Jack Goldman
Sheldon Goldner
Samuel Goldstein*
David Harris*
Reuben Hochberg*
Lawrence Horwitz
Milton Kappstatter*
Mary Koltenuk*
Pam Kornspan
Harold Kugel*
Dorothea Kushner
Bernard Lyons*
Steven Mauer
Rosalie Millman*
Ira Perlman
Paul Peyser
Simon Rosenbach
Jerome Rosenberg
Mark Ross
Howard Schapiro*
Robert Schultz
Richard Schuricht*
Barry Segal
Robert Shapiro
Martin Shindler*
Robert Steinhart*
Phillip Wasserman*
Samuel Weinstein*
Milton Wildman*
Stanley Wolfowitz
Scott Zinberg
Michael Zuckerman
From Our President
It’s Happening
at TBAY in
The one thing you can count on is change!
Back in the 80’s this synagogue took a significant step toward
reinvention. Facing a decline in young new members we
opened up a nursery school. And it worked. Not only did we
start seeing younger members join the synagogue, we also
found ourselves with an additional source of income as the
nursery school was profitable. Win-win. The nursery school program was successful for many years.
By the late 1990’s though we saw a change in needs. In order to
keep up, we offered families extended hours, though for families
with two working parents, the hours were not enough. In recent
years our competition stopped being other synagogues and instead became daycare centers. While many families still wanted
a Jewish program for their preschoolers, our part time program
with limited hours and holiday closings did not offer the coverage
and convenience they needed.
So after years of seeing our enrollment decline, this summer we
reinvented ourselves again and made the move to offer full time
child care in addition to our preschool educational program.
With extended hours, and a limited number of days closed, our
program now runs 51 weeks a year (we close for one week at
the end of August to deep clean our classrooms).
We are off to a great start. Our program opened on September
1 with 13 children in the full time program and more starting later
in the year. Not bad for something we only started to promote in
June. Further, we did not spend a dime on print advertising.
We got the word out about this program through social media
and word of mouth. Change again. In years past, these programs would have been advertised in the Jewish News and the
Springfield Leader.
But this is just one example of how we are reexamining not only
how we meet the needs of our community, but also how we do
business. You can expect us to reexamine the way we operate
the synagogue. For some help with this, several of our Board
members, committee members and myself will be attending
workshops held by United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
(USCJ) this coming month. Topics include: Alternative Dues
Models, Building Use, and Responding to Changing Family Priorities. Interested in joining me? Let me know. Otherwise, watch
this space as I report back on what we have learned.
See you in shul!
Sue Blanco
Women’s League
Autumn in the
ECP Sukkah Dinner
Sukkah Dinner
Shemini Atzeret/
Yizkor & Simchat
Torah Service
Religious School
Pizza in the Hut
ECP Back to
School Night
Torah on Tap
Women’s League
Clothing Drive
Religious School
Tallit & Tefillin
“A Conversation with
Mariska Hargitay”
AARP - 55 Alive
Driving Course
Miriam, Midrash &
Coffee & Clergy at
Barnes & Noble
Adult Education
Men’s Club
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 3
From Our Associate Rabbi
Through the month of Elul, leading up to the High Holy
Days, through Hoshanah Rabbah on Sukkot, twice daily,
at shacharit morning and at the ma’ariv evening service,
we recite Psalm 27. There are many beautiful lines, about
dwelling in the house of Adonai and other such sentiments
that are apt for the season. But one line in particular struck
me this year, which our Siddur Sim Shalom translates thus:
Though my father and my mother leave me, Adonai will
care for me.
This year, after the death of my father in February, and
nine years after losing my mother, this line hit me in the gut
in a way it had not before. I had always understood the
first half of this line as an abstract inevitability: the humans
in our lives must leave this world, for that is the way of
things. And I’ve always understood the second half of this
line as a deliberate contrast, intended to highlight God’s
eternalness … But this year, as it became a little less abstract, something about the line stayed with me all month.
Every translation is in itself an interpretation, as words are
imprecise, and our siddur’s translation is lacking something
of the nuance of the original Hebrew. The Hebrew states
“Adonai ya’asfeini.” The verb comes from the root for “to
gather,” or “to collect.” So it is more than just that God will
care for us, even after all those who care for us are
gone. Rather, I would say something more along the lines
of “God will ‘gather me close,’ or ‘collect me.’”
And this is what struck me this year. This line is not just a
juxtaposition of the transience of human life against the
eternal nature of The Holy One. It is a statement that even
at those times where we may feel alone, bereaved, and
thus scattered, God will collect our scattered, disorganized,
disoriented, and disheveled parts back together.
In these past few months, where the loss of my parents,
and the life that once was, where I was in part defined as
their daughter, has been particularly disconcerting and unsettling, it is this line that gave me comfort. I may be scattered, and the pieces of myself may be all over the place,
but God is there to “gather me in” and help put my pieces
back together. And this has provided me much comfort
during both this fragile time of year and this fragile time in
my life.
May each of us, whenever feeling scattered, know that God
will gather us in and help us put ourselves back together
Rabbi Cecelia Beyer
Rabbinic Reflections
flesh and blood, but rather the emotions, the rationalizations, the
temptations that hold us back. Sometimes the attendant is fear,
difference between Rabbi Akiva and us? After all we went through sometimes distraction, sometimes egotism, sometimes complawe asked, ‘My God, my God, why have you abandoned us?’ Rab- cency.
bi Akiva understood that his suffering was not a punishment but
rather a path to the highest spiritual state of complete unity with God repeatedly sends messengers into our lives. They come in
God. I don’t know where he is now, but I think he must have come diverse costumes: sometimes a stranger who utters a portentous
statement; sometimes a wake-up call in the form of a tragedy or
back to Judaism after what I told him.”
near-tragedy; sometimes a bountiful blessing; sometimes an unThis was The Hasid’s opening. “Maybe it’s time for you, too, to likely encounter with a rabbi or teacher, a colleague or friend, a
come back to Judaism; God loves every Jew, and wants every shopkeeper or even a stranger. Our interaction with them ignites
Jew to return to Judaism.” At that the attendants got agitated and our pintele yid and excites our yearning for Torah and God. We
angry. “You’re trying to take our guru away from us,” they said, think maybe we can do more, we want to do more. But the attendand they evicted the two Hasids.
ants step in to dissuade us: “You don’t have time to go to that
class.” “You’re too old/established/comfortable to start changing
My dear friends, every Jew has what is called a pintele Yid, a now; don’t become a fanatic.”
Jewish soul-spark that can never be snuffed out. No matter how
far Jews stray, repudiate their Jewish roots, ignore their Jewish It takes courage to banish the attendants, to realize that rather
soul or immerse themselves in a different religion, the Jewish than protecting us, they are holding back our greatest potential for
spark is always there, waiting to be ignited anew. All of us have growth, stopping us from being the best that we can be. The Jewthat pintele yid inside that is pushing us to seek a closer relation- ish spark, the pintele Yid, in each of us, is waiting to burst into
ship with God, to try to raise ourselves up, to take on new mitzvot, flames of joy, love, and fulfillment. My prayer for you this Rosh
to serve God better through tzedakah and chesed. Our soul Hashanah is that you nurture it and help it glow brightly.
yearns to be close to God,
Rabbi Mark Mallach
But each of us is also flanked by “attendants” who work to keep
the pintele Yid from being ignited. Our attendants are often not the
(Continued from page 1)
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 4
Coffee & Clergy Corner
Looking to
Immerse, Interact, or Imbibe?
‘a i Mark Malla h a d
Pastor Da id K e ht
Join Rabbi Cece for
of Hol Cross Luthera Chur h
Joi us for our th YEA‘
of i for al a d e ri hi g dis ussio s
ased o difere t topi s ea h o th.
We el o e ou to o e to the e ire series
or to stop i he ou a .
Bar es a d No le, ‘t.
Miriam, Midrash, and Mojitos
A Modern Women’s Torah Study!
Wednesday, October 21
7:45 pm
, Spri gield
(No need to RSVP)
Thursday e e i gs, fro
- p
2015: October 22, November 19
Join us at TBAY’s major fund raising event on
“A Conversation with Mariska Hargitay”
Star of
Benefactor Ticket - $ 8 per person
includes cocktail reception, reserved seating and preferred parking
General Admission Ticket - $ per person
You received your invitation.
RSVP promptly. We expect a full house!
How is our synagogue community recognizing this?
At Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael this year we are recognizing this month as never before! It is not by accident that
we host Mariska Hargitay in October. It was planned that way because of her connection to victims of domestic
violence. The mission of Ms. Hargitay’s Joyful Heart Foundation is to heal, educate and empower survivors of
sexual assault, domestic violence and child abuse. In addition, we are partnering with Rachel Coalition, our local agency that provides services and support on a non-sectarian basis to help improve the lives of victims of
domestic violence.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Tracy Smith, Lois Kaish, Lisa Lindauer
Co-Chairs—A Conversation with Mariska Hargitay
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 5
Sunday, October 4 at 7:00 pm—Vodka, A Pickle & A
Shtickel of Pumpernickel. Help us kick it up lots of
notches for Erev Simchat Torah. Come dance with the
Torah for Simchat Torah, hear Rabbi Mark Mallach
read an entire Torah scroll in 18 minutes or less, and
enjoy a candied apple. We also have soda for those
who do not want vodka.
Monday, October 5 at 9:30 am—HATAN v’KALLAT
HATORAH. Shemini Atzeret v`Simchat Torah – includes the Yizkor service.
The first installation in our TBAY Pave The Way Campaign on the front walkway of the Temple is complete!
It’s never too late to get your own brick in the walkway in
this ongoing program. This is a unique opportunity to
leave a lasting impression on the synagogue and the
community as well as have a positive impact on the financial well-being of our
Your donation for each
4X8 engraved brick is
$180. Each brick can have
up to 3 lines of text in Hebrew and/or English. This
is an ongoing project and
we hope additional bricks
will be dedicated in the
future. Any additional brick dedication after the first is
$136. Your support is greatly appreciated and will be a
lasting tribute.
You can order your brick on line by following this link.
http://www.polarengraving.com/TBAYPaveTheWay, or
contact the Temple at 973-376-0539, ext. 11.
To order online, go to
Todah ‘a
We e press our si ere appre iaio to A dy S huyler
for his skill, dedi aio a d efort i i stalli g the Pa e
the Wa Ca paig ri ks i the fro t alk a . This
as a efort a o e a d e o d the all of dut a d
ade possi le the
o pleio of the irst
phase of this o goi g
proje t
efore the
High Hol Da s.
A dy,
tha k you,
tha k you,
tha k you!
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 6
Adults $10
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Children & Seniors $5
Page 7
Tikkun Olam Committee
We have several fun events
planned for Tikkun Olam for the
coming year!
 Oheb Shalom Food Pantry—
school year.
Members prepare groceries for
needy families at a temple in South
Orange. This event occurs on a
monthly basis throughout the
 Shabbat in a Box—The first Shabbat in a Box pro-
gram is Sunday, November 22 at TBAY. This is a
Friendship Circle program in which members assemble Shabbat boxes and their contents. Once assembled, the boxes will be delivered to the Friendship
Circle in Livingston which then distributes them to
three local hospitals. Another Shabbat in a Box is expected to take place in the spring. This program is
appropriate for all ages. The Friendship Circle is a
non-profit organization that provides help to children
with special needs and their families.
 Friendship Circle Walk—October 25 at noon in West
Orange. We are currently enlisting a large group to
support Team Goldy. Team Goldy represents our fellow TBAY teenage member Matthew Goldstein for
this event. For more information contact me at Cheryl.greenwald@comcast.net.
Cheryl Greenwald, Chair
Please welcome our newest members!
Daniella and Edward Hurtares
and their children Gabriel, 2,
and Sarah, 6 months
Allison and David Weitzman
and their children
Olivia, 7, and Asher, 4
Create a Jewish Legacy:
Our Future, Your Legacy
When you include a gift to the Temple in your will or codicil, or designate the Temple as a beneficiary of your life
insurance policy, retirement plan assets (such as a 401(k)
plan) or individual retirement account, you give voice to
your philanthropic values, guaranteeing that your gift will
be used as you intend.
You also enjoy important benefits:
 Your assets remain in your control during your
 You can modify your gift at any time if your circumstances change.
 You enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that your
gift will benefit the Temple tomorrow as you intend it today.
Legacy gifts provide future support for the Temple. They
are flexible and diverse. They are valuable estate planning tools. They become part of your lasting legacy – as
well as the foundation supporting the Temple for years to
come. By making a gift from our estate to the Temple we
get the best of both worlds – the satisfaction now and for
the rest of our lives of making a gift to an institution we
love, and the ability to postpone the transfer of assets
until the time we can no longer use them. Please create a
legacy for the future by making a legacy gift to TBAY.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Legacy
Society, but are unsure how to make a legacy gift, please
contact me.
Meredith and David Schnur
and their children
Samantha, 8, and Alexis, 7
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Gene Gorrin
Legacy Committee Chair
908-686-7686 or egorrin@comcast.net
Page 8
Religious School
Early Childhood Program
Happy autumn! We have been in
school for one month already!
The transition to preschool that
had many of you worried (or in
some cases relieved, after a long
summer) is but a memory.
The children have made new friends or become reacquainted with old ones. We’ve learned about Rosh
Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot and now Simchat Torah.
Class rules are becoming routine. Each Friday, our
friends are singing their favorite Shabbat songs and
learning some new ones.
Our themes for October are Community Helpers and, of
course, things for fall. October is especially fun as the fire
truck comes for a visit. The children are always amazed.
Some of the children will be “apple picking” while the others will see a “pumpkin patch.” We also hope to have a
seeing eye dog and an EMT with the ambulance visit the
This year, Back to School night is Thursday, October 15.
Along with our annual bake sale, which is always a huge
hit, I invite the parents to decorate a Shabbat place mat
for their children.
Julie Bernstein, Director
Welcome back! While our first
month back may have been
short on time due to the holidays, it definitely made up in
content! We started the year
together with an amazing opening assembly featuring a concert
by Jewish music superstar Peri Smilow. All of our Shorashim students sang, danced, and cheered us into a happy new year.
Our theme this year is “Hesed,” or loving-kindness. Together we will explore the different ways we show kindness to ourselves (shmirat haguf), our families (kibud av
va’em), our communities (v’ahavta l’rey-acha kamocha),
our animals (tza’ar ba’alei chayim), and our whole planet
(bal tashchit). We look forward to sharing with you how
these Jewish values shape our lives and help make the
world a kinder place.
We’ve also had a great month of Tishrei, celebrating
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur together with exciting
youth and family services, shaking our lulavs and eating
pizza in our sukkah (which we decorated!), and we look
forward to dancing with the Torah on Simchat Torah. We
are anticipating all that the new year will bring!
Rabbi Cecelia Beyer
Welcome to a brand new year
of USY and Kadima!! A bit
about me, your new Youth
Advisor. My name is Rabbi
Helene Kornsgold—please call
me Rabbi Helene. I moved to NJ a little over a year ago
from California. While in California I worked as a Religious
School principal. Every week I had the opportunity to
spend time with the USYers and Kadiminicks while they
were having fun hanging out with each other.
tions and anything else which you want to contribute to
make the TBAY youth groups a huge success!! Whether
you want to help with programming or just attend the
events is fine with me. My goal is to have as many people
involved and attending events as possible. There are already a few people who have expressed interest in working
with me and we have openings for more to join us!
It was great to see you at the opening Kadima event on
Sunday, September 27. Stay tuned for more information
about coming events and also information about registraI am extremely excited to be working at TBAY and I look tion.
forward to meeting all of you! This is going to be a fabulous, fun and functional year for both groups, but I can't do
Rabbi Helene Kornsgold, Youth Advisor
it without your help!! If you would like to help plan programs
and connect with others to form a close group of friends,
please reach out to me. I want to hear your ideas, suggesTemple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 9
Commemoration Speaker
8: pm
Janet Kirchheimer
Generation Holocaust Survivor
Join us for this moving program
Teen Institute
It’s a brand new year of Tichon:
the Teen Institute at Temple Beth
Ahm Yisrael, and we have lots of
incredible things coming your
way! First, we’d like to introduce
you to our new Tichon co-leader, Rabbi Helene Kornsgold,
who also happens to be our new Kadima and USY advisor! She’s an incredible person with a passion for Judaism, and an energy to match our teens! Here’s what she
has to say:
gether. We had a good time getting to know each other and
studying different topics in Judaism which were relevant to
their lives. I am extremely excited to be working at TBAY
and looking forward to meeting all of you! This is going to
be a fabulous year for TI. I have a couple of ideas for our
curriculum this year, but I want your input as well. I want to
hear the things you are interested to learn about!
When you come to the first class bring your suggestions for
topics to study. I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, October 13 at 6:15.
My name is Rabbi Helene. I moved to NJ a little over year Chag Sameach and have a festive Sukkot!
ago from California. While in California I worked as a Religious School Principal. Every week I had the opportunity
Rabbi Cecelia Beyer
to spend time with the Hebrew High students learning to-
How to Make Hospital and Home Visits:
the Art of Listening and the Do’s & Don’ts
Thursday, October 15, 2015, 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Federation Building, 901 Route 10, Whippany
Joint Chaplaincy Committee
Cecille Asekoff 973-929-3168, casekoff@jfedgmw.org
If you are interested, whether or not you can attend,
call April Modlinger at 973-218-9174
Oneg Shabbat Sponsors
Thank you to those who sponsored a
Friday evening Oneg Shabbat
Falkin Family on the
occasion of the
Bernard Lyons plaque
dedicated in honor of Arthur Falkin
If you would like to share a simcha or just share
with your friends at Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael by
sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat, contact
Executive Director Tracey Shenker at
or 973-376-0539, ext. 13.
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 10
Jewish Seniors of Springfield,
Temple Sha’arey Shalom Renaissance Group,
Congregation Israel Senior Set and
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Hazak
Temple Sha’arey Shalom
78 South Springfield Avenue, Springfield
B ’
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael is proud to announce
these B’nai Mitzvah
Matthew Mlawski, son of Liz and Neil Mlawski,
Saturday, October 3, 2015 at the 9:30 am service
BEN NELSON - “The Story of Noah” - October 12
Samantha Biton, daughter of Rachel and Haviv Biton,
Saturday, October 17, 2015 at the 9:30 am service
JIM DELGIUDICE-“Images That Define Us” - October19
Brief History of American Photography
BEN NELSON - “The Story of Jonah” - October 26
EUGENE LIEBER - “Controversial Elections” - November2
EUGENE LIEBER - “Dynasties in Politics” - November 9
Series Ticket $30 ~ NO SINGLE TICKETS SOLD
Make check payable to Jewish Seniors of Springfield and
mail to Bobbie Brown, 50 Christy Lane, Springfield 07081
In case of inclement weather call 973-379-5387, ext. 32
The Temple family extends hearty congratulations to these
families on their recent life cycle events and other special occasions
All are welcome to attend services and share these s’machot!
College Connection
College Connection of Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael sends
fun holiday-related small gifts and cards to our college
students throughout the year. Our mailings keep our children connected to our Jewish community and rich traditions. Last year students enjoyed receiving Rosh Hashanah cards, Hanukkah window decorations, Purim masks
and Passover placemats.
Please remember to sign up your student to receive our
mailings in college for 2015-16. Thank you for your support!
A happy and healthy New Year!
Debbie Neher and Amy Roth
Jill Aroeste on the engagement of
her son Ian to Lisa Russo
Rochelle and Brad Denning on the engagement of
their son Jon to Noa Haase
Marilyn and Dan Garlen on the engagement of
their daughter Amanda to Mark Seiberling
Helen Jenys and Peter Schvarcz on the marriage of
their daughter Arielle to David Eckfeld
Anita and Jeffrey Neubauer on the engagement of
their son Matt to Natasha Nanus
Tuesday & Wednesday, October 20 & 21, 2015
9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Make checks payable to AARP and
send to Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
60 Temple Drive, Springfield, NJ 07081
Attn: AARP Driving Course
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 11
Congregational Nurses
Have you ever heard the expression
“When life gives you lemons, make
lemonade?” Try applying it to yourself and your life as you begin this
new year. As each less than perfect
event occurs, open your mind and think of three ways you
can react. Then choose the reaction most positive for the
due yet,” “Why are you always rushing me?”, or “I'm working on it now and trying to do a really good job.”
Example: Your mom calls and after chatting a little mentions that she has a very bad pain in her shoulder. Responses could be “Just rest it a little,” “Oh, you always
complain about everything,” or “When did the pain start?”
If you thought before you spoke, you could have a happy
child, perhaps a satisfied boss, and a mother who gets attention for what could be a major symptom (heart attack).
Example: Your child falls and skins a knee. Three responsWhat these examples suggest is that making lemonade
es could be “Why are you so clumsy?”, “Now we'll be late
from lemons requires adult comprehension and control as
for the party,” or “Here, let me help you wipe it off so we
well as being open with a positive attitude. Not bad qualican leave.”
ties to practice to sweeten the year.
Example: Your boss asks for a project report that isn't due
Jaclyn Herzlinger, RN & Andrea Cook, RN
and isn't finished. Responses could be “You know it is not
973-376-0539, extension 27
Caring Committee
Bikur cholim literally means visiting humanity, as well, emulating the Godly attributes of compasthe sick. This text comes from the sion and lovingkindness.
website of the Jewish Board of Fam“The Talmud makes references to scholars and disciples makily and Children Services:
ing visits to the sick. The local Bikur Cholim Society was one
“Bikur cholim, visiting the sick, in of the principle institutions established by Jewish communities,
Hebrew, is a term encompassing a the first one formed at the time of the Middle Ages.
wide range of activities performed  Because people need to feel connected to the community,
especially when they are ill or homebound.
by an individual or a group to provide comfort and support to
people who are ill, homebound, isolated and/or otherwise in  Because bringing the community to the bedside lifts the
spirit of those who may feel forgotten.
distress. Bikur cholim can include such activities as visiting
patients in a hospital, rehabilitation center or nursing home;  Because studies have shown that social contact and support positively influences those needing and receiving
visiting people who are restricted to their home because of
physical or psychological impairment or social isolation;
providing telephone contact and reassurance to those who are  Because visiting and caring activities help build community and character.
ill or homebound.
Because we are acting in a Godly way when we visit.”
“The act of bikur cholim is a mitzvah, a moral and spiritual obligation incumbent upon all Jews to perform. The Bible tells us The Caring Committee of TBAY would like you to help us in
that human beings are created in the image of God and in- our mission. If you can spare a half hour a month to call
structs us to aspire to be like God by emulating God’s ways. someone on the phone or write some notes that would help us
The Talmud teaches us that "As He [God] visited the sick, so fulfill our mission. The Jewish Federation is sponsoring a training day on Thursday, October 15 at the Federation in Whippashall you visit the sick…"
ny. The flyer for the session is in this Bulletin on page 17. If
“Bikur cholim…reflects the primary Biblical value, "And you you are interested in working with our committee to perform
shall love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18). By ful- tikkun olam, healing the world, please contact us. If you have
filling this role, we deeply enrich both our lives and the lives of interest but are unable to attend the session, we would still
those we visit. When we visit we attain a spiritual dimension love you to join us on this journey.
that goes well beyond a simple personal expression of caring
and links us with generations past, present and future. Indeed,
April Modlinger, Chair
we are linked not only to the entire Jewish people, but to all
973-218-9174; modlinger@verizon.net
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 12
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these Donations
Thank you for your
minimum donation of $10
In Memory of
Rachel Romano by Arlette Cohen
Judith Romano by Arlette Cohen
Neil Beim by Harriet Beim
In Memory of
Fanny Heyman by Norton Scherzer
Clarisse Scherzer by Norton Scherzer
Louis Friedman by Helen Scharf
In Memory of
Esther Greenblatt by
Babe and Sy Greer
In Memory of
Claire Todres by
Cunningham Family
Young Family
Janet and Robert Capone
Barney Spielholz by Kathi Spielholz
Adam Kappstatter by Bobbie Goldman
Joseph Bayroff by
Andrea and Glenn Wohl
In Memory of
Murray Rogow by Roberta Rogow
In Memory of
Max Sherman by Rosalie Conte
Laura Holland by David Green
In Honor of
Martha Lefkowitz by Lillian Margolis
Sally Kaufman by Lillian Margolis
In Appreciation
Nancy and Howard Wenocur
Anita and Joel Millman
Peter Levine
Karen and Abba Cargan
Arlene Weil
Marsha Taback
In Memory of
Phyllis Nathanson by
Nancy and Mitchell Bookbinder
Betty Eisenberg by
Ilene and Louis Perl
Goldie Tolchinsky by
Arlene and Alvin Tolchinsky
Annice Stettner by
Rose and Sam Goldman
Albert Shroot by
Bernice and Sam Davis
Larry Steinberg by
Rosalyn Bernstein Charnes
Lee Bernstein by
Rosalyn Bernstein Charnes
Gertrude Falk by Amy Lebovitz
Miriam Silverman by Ruth Chaiet
Lena Brumer by Lillian Margolis
Margaret Barnes by
Sadha and Robert Barnes
Claire Todres by Lillian Margolis
Annabel Klein by Lillian Margolis
In Memory of
Leonard Rogoff by
Anita and Joel Millman
In Honor of
Marriage of Helen Jenys and Peter
Schvarcz’s daughter by
Gayle and Simon Rosenbach
Lois and Larry Horwitz
In Memory of
Rose Babrowsky by
Geri and Joseph Babrowsky
Mollie Moncher by David Beim
Rose Davis by Bernice and Sam Davis
Harriet Fischbein by
Ellen and Stephen Fischbein
Robert Fish by Yeda Fish
Harriet Flashberg by
Martha and Bernie Flashberg
Max Flashberg by
Martha and Bernie Flashberg
Steven Drayer by Roz Feuer
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Bernard Sanders by
Susan Goldberg and Justin Horowitz
Jack Goldberg by
Susan Goldberg and Justin Horowitz
Else Neugass by
Susan Goldberg and Justin Horowitz
Berthold Neugass by
Susan Goldberg and Justin Horowitz
Emily Hammer by
Rhoda and Jim Gladstone
Joseph Goldblat by
Elise and Robert Goldblat
Annabel Klein by
Fern and Jerry Steinberg
Gina Russomanno and Ron Silver
Faye Spergel by Rona and Al Lehner
Leo Lehner by Rona and Al Lehner
Martin Stern by Kate Stern
Family of N. Springut by
David Werdiger
Family of S. Mandel by
David Werdiger
Sidney Robinson by
Sally and Michael Zuckerman
Sally Linker by
Marilyn and George Zapolitz
Claire Todres by
Deb Magiera
LuAnne Simon
Gussie Cott by Marilyn Schwartz
Max Sherman by
Eileen and Richard Sherman
Barbara Gray by
Eve and Samuel Dower
Mary Koff by Bella Lipton
Rebecca Helfand by Bobbie D’Angelo
Jerold Stern by
Marilyn and George Zapolitz
In Memory of
Frimi Rose Shroot by
Bernice and Sam Davis
Rhoda Chester by
Isabell, Leslie and Aaron Adler
Annabel Klein by
Isabell, Leslie and Aaron Adler
Evelyn Denner by Iris Segal
Page 13
Co-Presidents’ Message
Shake It Off UP! Shake It Off UP!
We are shaking it up this year at
Women’s League - rebooting our
programs to suit a variety of interests. We are even changing the
days of our programs so they will
be on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays to
better suit your calendar.
Like to go to the movies? Join us for the fall Jewish film
festival on Tuesday, October 15, Wednesday, October
28, Monday, November 2 and Tuesday, November 10.
Films are at the Rialto Theater in Westfield. Watch for fliers
for details about this great film series sponsored by the
Central Jersey Y. Several members attended the series
last year and thoroughly enjoyed the films.
Like to bake? We will be having a guest pastry chef teach
us to make hamantashen in March so you will be ready for
Gift cards are always available at the synagogue office for
ShopRite, Costco, Kings, Trader Joes and Whole Foods.
Call Ilene Shewitz at 973-376-7418 if you need other gift
cards. Gift cards are available for nearly every chain retailer.
Women’s League Gift Shop has new stock, so be sure to
stop by and pick up needed items. Judaic articles are for
every family member.
Tributes and Tapestry Cards are a great way to honor or
memorialize a friend or family member. Send them in lieu
of a Hallmark greeting card. Just call one of the individuals
below and she will send out your card. You will be billed
later, $3 for tribute and $5 for tapestry card.
For tributes contact:
Lori Citrin 973-912-8022
April Modlinger 973-218-9174
Marlene Moss 973-379-1788
Lynda Goldman 973-467-0919
Like to read? We had a book club meeting in July and will
Torah Fund Pins are a beautiful way to support the Jewish
be having another in February.
Theological Seminary, which educates our clergy, Jewish
Like to party? (Who doesn’t?) We will be having an Israeli educators, and social workers. You will be purchasing a
themed celebration for Israeli Independence Day in May piece of custom designed gold jewelry with your donation
of $180. Contact Esther Avnet at 908-964-3468 for more
with Israeli food and folk dancing.
This is just a taste of what we have cooked up for this year.
Finally, thanks to all our members who have been hard at
work this summer to gear up for the 2015-16 year. Kudos
Here’s your briefing for upcoming events
to Ilene Shewitz and Lois Kaish for putting together the
Sunday, October 18—Clothing Drive - Bring your weara- Women’s League calendar, and to those who worked hard
bles and FABRIC household items (e.g. sheets, blankets, on soliciting ads: Jill Aroeste, Esther Avnet, Paula Gerber
etc.). It is in the synagogue parking lot from 9 am to 12. and Sally Zuckerman.
This is a fundraiser for Women’s League, so do us all a
favor and clean out your closets! CHECK the flyer in this Jane Lakritz and Sharon Kornspan developed our program
Bulletin, following, to see what items are acceptable and for the year and Julie Scherzer put a new face on our membership efforts by reaching out to new members and rewhat are not.
engaging our current membership.
Wednesday, November 18—Paid-Up Membership Dinner - Pay your membership dues and join us for dinner, May this New Year bring you and your families many blesscatered by Exquisite Affairs Caterers. Always a good time ings.
to chat it up with friends. Please come so we can get to
meet you. Women’s League is able to provide significant Contact either of us with questions or suggestions: April:
benefits to the synagogue because of your participation. 973-715-3457 or modlinger@verizon.net; Helen: 973-467Please support us so we can help support the synagogue! 9739 or hjenys@comcast.net.
New synagogue members are automatic members of
Women’s League for this year and are welcome to join us
Helen Jenys and April Modlinger
for the dinner.
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 14
WOMEN’S LEAGUE NIGHT AT THE JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL The rebellious teenage daughter of ultra-
Orthodox Jewish parents, Rebecca Abarbanel
journeys into the secular world. She is an only
11th Annual Jewish Film Festival of Central NJ at the Carmike Rialto Theater,
child, living a cloistered existence in Jerusalem
250 East Broad Street, Westfield
with her strictly religious Sephardic parents.
Unhappy with the restrictive traditions of home
and community, she secretly breaks taboos and
Directed by Matti Harari, Arik Lubetzky, Israel, 2014, Hebrew with English subtitles
attends dance classes where she forms a relationship with a secular kibbutznik. Suspicious
MOVIE TICKETS - $10; $15 at the door
and angry in the face of Rebecca’s growing acts
Bring your spouse and/or friend!
of rebellion, her strict father reacts by setting in
motion a pre-arranged marriage to an older
widower. After Rebecca runs away from home,
the family conflict culminates in a moment of
truth, forcing them to confront their beliefs and
Mail check, with your name, phone, number of movie tickets and
one another. Nominated for three Israeli Acadenumber of dinner reservations to
my Awards, Apples from the Desert is a timeHelen Jenys, 4 Jade Meadow Drive, Springfield NJ 07081 by Oct 5. less and moving tale of tradition versus moderhjenys@comcast.net (http://www.jccnj.org)
nity as well as love and reconciliation.
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 at 7:30 pm
Apples fro
the Desert
Irving Tiss, Wife Elaine
Rhoda and Jay Horn
riage of Son Ari
Lori Citrin
Linda and Marty Lieb and Family
Linda and Marty Lieb and Family
Lynda Goldman
908-378-5168 Shelley and David Kaplan, Marriage of Marilyn Garlen, Mother Annabel Klein
April Modlinger
973-218-9174 Son Jason
Linda and Marty Lieb and Family
Marlene Moss
Rose and Sam Goldman
Linda and Marty Lieb and Family
Esther Avnet
Sally Kaufman, New Apartment
Buy Tribute Cards to mail yourself. Ten
Laurie and Scott Zinberg
Rose and Sam Goldman
cost $20. Contact Lori Citrin at
Lynne and Howard Guss
Rhoda and Jay Horn
RL23RT@comcast.net or 973-912-8022.
Marlene Moss
Marlene Moss
Allen Todres, Mother Claire Todres
Marilyn Schwartz, Birth of Great
Linda and Marty Lieb and Family
Granddaughter Hannah
Renee Todres Schwartz, Mother Claire
Rose and Sam Goldman
Audrey and Ziggi Wilf, Birth of Grand- Todres
Josh Weisberger, Speedy Recovery
Linda and Marty Lieb and Family
daughter Hannah
Bobbi and Jack Matalon
Chester, Mother Rhoda
Joan and Gary Fox, Engagement of
Esther Avnet
Mr. and Mrs. Brett Tanzman, Birth of
Son Matt
Jill Aroeste
Daughter Hannah
Barbara and Al Eglow
Bobbie Pomp, Sister Claire Todres
Rose and Sam Goldman
Gloria Fox, Special Birthday
Esther Avnet
Caren and Richard Manders, EngageBarbara and Al Eglow
Seth Hammer, Grandmother Emily
ment of Daughter Courtney
Esther Avnet
Rose and Sam Goldman
Hammer, Mother Emily Hammer
MarMarilyn Garlen, Mother Annabel Klein
and Marty Lieb and Family
Babe and Sy Greer
Bernice and Mel Katzman
Esther Avnet
Barbara and Al Eglow
Jackie Wasserman, Father
Dr. Irwin Hammer, Mother Emily Ham- Sandy Engel, Get Well
Jill Aroeste
Esther Avnet
Hammer Family, Mother and
Estelle Dienstag, New Home
Cargan Family
Grandmother Emily
Jill Aroeste
Dr. Seth Hammer, Grandmother Emily
Sally and Michael Zuckerman
Cargan Family
Dr. Douglas Chester, Mother Rhoda
Barbara and Al Eglow
Aimee and Ira Perlman
Please call any of these people to Golden
send Tribute Cards or Tapestry Cards. Gayle and Simon Rosenbach, Mar-
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 15
Men’s Club
Steak and Scotch Dinner On Sunday October 25, from
4:00 to 8:00 pm, we will host our now annual Steak and
Scotch Dinner. Join us to watch the Giants take on the
hated Dallas Cowboys. We will also grill some nice juicy
rib steaks and sample some premium scotches. The cost
is $40 per person. All are welcome. For reservations,
contact Matt Glass at 908-414-2116.
Other Events
12/6/15 Jewish Heritage Night with the NJ DevilsFun for the whole family.
Sunday, 2/7/16—9:00 am FJMC World Wide WrapBreakfast and speaker on Jewish Gangsters
this event. Contact David Glass to participate.
Sunday, 4/3/16—NCAA Final Four Finals and Wrap-up
of our annual Brackets Challenge
Men’s Club Dues – New Year: We have been very busy
setting up a schedule of events for this coming year; However, we need your support now. Without your dues of $30
annually, we could not sponsor or pay for many of these
programs. Please send in your dues this month..
October Meeting Date: This month our Men’s Club meeting is Sunday, October 18 at approximately 9:00 am, following minyan. Bagels and spread will be served. Call
David Glass to reserve so we get an accurate food count.
Marvin Bram, David Glass, and Ken Melman
NOT TO BE MISSED!!! Volunteers are needed to work on
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 16
Steve Taub will be honored as our Men’s Club Man-of-the-Year on Wednesday, November 4
at 6:00 pm at our Temple. We will be joined by 20 other temples representing their own Men’s
Club Man-of-the-Year honoree. Come out and show your support for our own honoree Steve
Taub. Any questions, please contact Elliot Merkin (908-884-4754).
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Expanded Cocktail Reception 6:00 PM
Ma’ariv, D’var Torah, Award
7:30 PM
8:45 PM
$54 per person
Deadline for reservations is October 27, 2015
Please mail to TBAY, Men’s Club Man-of-the-Year, 60 Temple Drive, Springfield, NJ 07081.
Check payable to TBAY Men’s Club. Contact Elliot Merkin (908-884-4754) with question.
Pardes Beth Ahm Yisrael ~ The Grove of Beth Ahm Yisrael
A Cemetery on the Grounds of the
Menorah Section of East Ridgelawn Cemetery in Clifton, New Jersey
Other Cemetery Pricing*
Beth Israel $ 3,500
Mt. Lebanon $ 3,500
King Solomon $ 2,300
B’nai Abraham $1,800 – $ 2,300
* For comparison, prices as of April 2015
Member Prices
Non-Member Prices
Plot $ ,
Plots $ ,
ea h
to Plots $ ,
ea h
or More $ ,
ea h
Plot $ ,
Plots $ ,
ea h
to Plots $ ,
ea h
or More $ ,
ea h
those of the Jewish faith as defined by the Conservative movement may be buried
in this cemetery. Final determination for eligibility is under the direction of
Rabbi Mark Mallach at Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael.
For more information or to obtain an application contact
Tracey Shenker at ExecDirector@TBAYNJ.org or or 973-376-0539, ext. 13.
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 17
Women’s League Judaica Shop
Hanukkah begins
Sunday evening, December 6
We have some beautiful menorahs, dreidels, candles and more!
Caren Manders (973) 467-9058
Marlene Moss (973) 379-1788
Support Women's League, and Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 18
Tishrei—Heshvan 5776
1 Thursday
2 Friday
3 Saturday
Hazak Meeting
Women’s League
Wine & Appetizers
1:00 pm
7:00 pm
ECP Sukkah Dinner
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Service
Sukkah Dinner
5:30 pm
6:19 pm
6:30 pm
7:30 pm
Shacharit Service
9:30 am
Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Mlawski,
son of Elisabeth and Michael Mlawski
Babysitting & Blessings
10:30 am
Youth Service
10:30 am
Mincha, Ma’ariv, Havdalah
5:09 pm
4 Sunday
Erev Shemini Atzeret &
Simchat Torah Service
7:00 pm
5 Monday
Shemini Atzeret/Yizkor &
Simchat Torah Service
9:30 am
7 Wednesday
Temple Board Meeting
7:45 pm
9 Friday
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Service
6:08 pm
8:00 pm
10 Saturday
Shacharit Service
Babysitting & Blessings
Mincha, Ma’ariv, Havdalah
13 Tuesday
Teen Institute—1st Day
6:15 pm
Men’s Club Meeting
7:00 pm
Women’s League Board Mtg. 8:00 pm
9:30 am
10:30 am
4:58 pm
15 Thursday
ECP Back to School Night
Torah on Tap
7:00 pm
8:00 pm
16 Friday
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Service
5:57 pm
8:00 pm
17 Saturday
Shacharit Service
Babysitting & Blessings
Youth Services
Mincha, Ma’ariv, Havdalah
18 Sunday
Religious School—1st Day
9:00 am
Women’s League Clothing Drive 9:00 am
Mariska Hargitay Event Call for Details
9:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
4:47 pm
20 Tuesday
Religious Affairs Committee Mtg. 7:45 pm
21 Wednesday
Miriam, Midrash & Mojitos
8:00 pm
22 Thursday
Coffee & Clergy at
Barnes & Noble, Springfield
8:15 pm
23 Friday
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Service
5:47 pm
8:00 pm
24 Saturday
Shacharit Service
Babysitting & Blessings
Youth Services
Mincha, Ma’ariv, Havdalah
9:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
4:37 pm
25 Sunday
Men’s Club Steak & Scotch
4:00 pm
28 Wednesday Executive Committee Meeting 7:45 pm
30 Friday
Candle Lighting
Shabbat Service
31 Saturday
Shacharit Service
Babysitting & Blessings
Youth Services
Mincha, Ma’ariv, Havdalah
5:37 pm
8:00 pm
9:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
4:27 pm
Torah on Tap
with Rabbi Mallach
7:45 pm
October 15
Join Rabbi Mallach
for Torah study in a
relaxed and casual
Come each month for Torah on Tap
on the third Thursday of the month!
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org
Page 19
♦ “hort-Ter Reha ilitaio Ce ter ♦
♦ “killed Lo g-Ter Nursi g Care ♦
♦ Hospi e & Palliai e Care ♦
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ith Assista e ♦
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Tra sportaio
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West Orange, NJ 7 5
Call for a Tour Today:
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Barry Cohen, MD
John Farry, MD
Robert Fishberg, MD
Steven Furer, MD
Sidney Glasofer, MD
Michael Lux, MD
Robert Mich, MD
Expert care,
one heart at a time
David Powell, MD
Sanjiv Prasad, MD
Roberto Roberti, MD
Steven Sheris, MD
Elliott Stein, MD
Michael Tighe, MD
Vance Weber, MD
Michael Weinrauch, MD
211 Mountain Avenue, Springfield, New Jersey
wwwaicdheart.com 973-467-0005
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
60 Temple Drive
Springfield, NJ 07081
FAX 973-258-0334
Support TBAY by purchasing gift cards for the places where you already shop or as the perfect gift for any occasion.
Temple Oice
; Ilene Shewitz, ilene @comcast.net or
Irene Goldie Petras, igoldie@earthlink.net or
Rose Widom-Goldman
Women’s League Editor
Lois Kaish
Bulletin Deadline: 10th of each month
Dana Langerman
Layout and Production
Ro Dobkin
Submit articles by email to loiskaish@verizon.net
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
973-376-0539 tbaynj.org