April 2015 IN PROGRESS.pub


April 2015 IN PROGRESS.pub
APRIL 2015
Nisan—Iyar 5775
Rabbinic Reflections
For Your Seder
(Based on an article by Cantor Jessica Epstein)
Mark Mallach
Senior Rabbi
Cecelia Beyer
Associate Rabbi
Richard Nadel
Cantor Emeritus
Susan Blanco
Tracey Shenker
Executive Director
Julie Bernstein
Early Childhood Director
Beth Sandweiss
JFS Social Worker
Dana Langerman
Ro Dobkin
Administrative Assistant
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
60 Temple Drive
Springfield, NJ 07081
Phone 973-376-0539
Fax 973-376-5478
Over the centuries, our sages have crafted
the Haggadah shel Pesah to be a powerful
learning and experiential teaching tool. We
are to engage through taste and story in a
historical re-enactment of what it meant to
be as slaves in Egypt and to be redeemed.
Built into the Haggadah are devices to engage and entertain our children and the
young at heart. If your Seder is dull and dry,
you have missed the point, and there are
many ways to inject some fun into the
For example, the folksong, “Chad
Gadya” (“One Kid”) is one of the most famous songs in the Haggadah, but often
overlooked because it is the last of the
songs that concludes the Seder. “Even if
we manage to get ourselves back to the
seder table to sing it after the meal, it is a
song that has an obscure text, history and
Our tradition teaches that it is a very significant work with great depth of meaning in its
symbolism. The great rabbi of Prague
known as the Maharal (1525-1609) taught
that the songs sung at the end of the Seder
are part of the Hallel (Praise) service and
have the same importance.
“As for meaning, literally hundreds of explanations have been written on it. The most
common popular explanation goes as follows: the kid symbolizes the oppressed
Jewish people, bought by the father (God)
for two coins (Moses and Aaron). The sub-
sequent animals and people in the song
represent the nations who persecuted the
Jewish people over the centuries: the devouring cat represents Assyria; the dog,
Babylon; the stick represents Persia; the
fire Greeks; the water is Rome; the ox, the
Saracens; the shochet (ritual slaughter), the
Crusaders; and the Angel of Death, the
Turks who subsequently ruled Palestine.
The end of the song expresses the hope for
messianic redemption: God destroys the
foreign rulers of the Holy Land and vindicates Israel as "the only kid."
My suggestion to you is to utilize Chad
Gadya as both a serious teaching opportunity (but keep it brief; a lot of wine has already passed our lips by this point of the
Seder), and then have some fun with it.
What I do at my home Seder and at the
Temple’s Community Second Seder is assign to do special sound effects to each
stanza to either one person or small
groups. The instructions to those around
your Seder table are very simple: each person or group is assigned to create a sound
effect based on the cat, dogI stick all the
way to the Holy One. As the song is sung,
every time the assigned sound effect
“character” is mentioned, those assigned
So this year, bring yourselves back from the
couch to the table, and end your Seder with
a song that energizes the kids, has a wonderful history and meaning, and is just a lot
of fun to sing!
Rabbi Mark Mallach
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael needs you to help assure our commitment to provide a
Daily Minyan, every day, twice each day, 365 days a year.
7:00 am*
9:30 am
8:55 am
*Legal Holidays
9:00 am
7:45 pm
10 minutes past
6:30 pm or 8:00 pm
Our minyan policy is that TBAY members are asked to
attend daily minyan, morning and evening, on the date
of their birthday each month, meaning you would be at
minyan 12 days/year. Having a minyan allows members the opportunity to say kaddish for their loved ones.
There is no dress code for minyan—come as you are,
Page 2
OFFICERS 2015—2016
Susan Blanco
Exec. Vice President Lesley Brooks
Vice President
Brian Margulies
Vice President
Nate Rajs
Vice President
Mark Ross
Vice President
Lois Kaish
Financial Secretary
Keith Biebelberg
Andy Schuyler
Recording Secretary Ilene Shewitz
Corresponding Sec’y Andrea Wohl
TRUSTEES 2015—2016
Aaron Adler
David Biebelberg
Debbie Rogut-Chait
Douglas Chester
Barbara Eglow
Howard Gerber
Matthew Glass
Eugene Gorrin
Larry Greenberg
Seymour Greer**
Beth Hersh***
Logan Himmel***
Linda Lieb**
Elliot Merkin***
Fay Miller***
Debra Neher
Janice Reznick
Tracy Smith
Steve Taub
Paul Teller
Glenn Wohl
Sally Zuckerman
**Honorary Board Member
Esther Avnet
Joseph Babrowsky
Samuel Bauman*
Meyer Biddelman*
Abraham Cohen*
Harold Dennis*
Alvin Eglow
Arthur Falkin*
Richard Falkin
William Feldman*
Marilyn Garlen
David Glass
Jack Goldberg*
Jack Goldman
Sheldon Goldner
Samuel Goldstein*
David Harris*
Reuben Hochberg*
Lawrence Horwitz
Milton Kappstatter*
Mary Koltenuk*
Pam Kornspan
Harold Kugel*
Dorothea Kushner
Bernard Lyons*
Steven Mauer
Rosalie Millman*
Ira Perlman
Paul Peyser
Simon Rosenbach
Jerome Rosenberg
Mark Ross
Howard Schapiro*
Robert Schultz
Richard Schuricht*
Barry Segal
Robert Shapiro
Martin Shindler*
Robert Steinhart*
Phillip Wasserman*
Samuel Weinstein*
Milton Wildman*
Stanley Wolfowitz
Scott Zinberg
Michael Zuckerman
From Our President
This has been a winter that felt like it would
never end. I don’t ever remember Purim
being snowed out! At one point I was having dreams about snow melting. Literally, I
was dreaming of green grass! Added to the
miserable weather were the tough realities
of the personal pain of some of those in
our community. So many of you experienced losses, including our own Rabbi
Beyer. We all received too many emails
with the subject, “with sadnessI” On the
bright side, Rabbi Mallach continued his
recovery, but we were all missing his
physical presence in the building more and
But making sure that there was a safe
building in good standing for all of you to
come both to mourn and celebrate became
a challenge for both the staff and leadership. This extremely harsh winter put a lot
of stress on our physical building. The frequent snow and ice storms quickly exhausted our snow removal budget. So
while the “budgeted” money ran out, the
snow kept falling, saddling us with unanticipated snow removal and salting expenses.
In addition to snow and ice, there was also
the extreme cold, which necessitated the
emergency repair of two burst pipes. Further, three thermostats and our water
heater broke. Oh, and did I mention the
leaky roof in the lobby?
The combination of all these issue has
pushed us over our building and grounds
operating budget and our cash flow is
strained. Consequently, the Board and I
are asking for your help in two ways:
1. If you have an outstanding balance,
please make every effort to pay what
you owe. We have temporarily suspended the credit card surcharge to
make it easier for you to meet your
2. Please consider making a one time
suggested donation of $180 per family
to help us mitigate the additional unanticipated expenses we incurred.
As you read this, Passover is approaching.
I hope you find comfort as we enter this
period of renewal as we move forward. I
know that I will. Chag Sameach.
Sue Blanco
Saturday, April 11
Looking to acknowledge a life cycle event with your Temple family in a meaningful way?
On Milestone Shabbat you have an opportunity to observe a milestone event in your family that occurs in that month: a birthday, wedding anniversary, bar/bat mitzvah anniversary, memorial commemoration, etc. by co-sponsoring a Saturday morning Kiddush.
With your donation of $36 you will be listed in the Shabbat program as a Milestone Shabbat sponsor. You and your family are encouraged to attend services that morning and be
recognized from the bima. You may list as many milestones as you wish. It is $36 for each
Send in your information to the Temple office or contact us by Wednesday,
April 8 to participate on April 11. Milestone Shabbats are also on May 23 and June 6.
What a great way to support our synagogue and
acknowledge important milestones in our lives!
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 3
From Our Associate Rabbi
It’s Happening
at TBAY in
Prepare Ye! Pesach is Coming!
“I was asked to act when I couldn't act. I was
asked to sing ‘Funny Face’ when I couldn't
sing, and dance with Fred Astaire when I
couldn't dance - and do all kinds of things I
wasn't prepared for. Then I tried like mad to
cope with it.” Audrey Hepburn was speaking
about her career, but her words could easily
apply to the approach many of us have to
the Passover season. There is so much to
do, both physically and spiritually, in order to
prepare for the holiday of liberation that we
may never feel prepared, but we may “try
like mad to cope with it.” While we may
know, as Alexander Graham Bell did, that
“before anything else, preparation is the key
to success,” many of us feel that we cope
with, rather than prepare for, Passover.
The Shabbat that follows Purim is known as
“Shabbat Parah.” We read from two Torah
scrolls, and from the second scroll we read
the special maftir for this Shabbat, which
tells of the curious ritual of the red heifer.
The ashes of the red heifer were combined
with water to ritually purify anyone who had
been in contact with a dead body, and were
thus ritually impure. Because only those
who were ritually pure could eat from the
Passover sacrifice, a public announcement
right before the month of Nisan served as a
reminder for those who had become impure
to purify themselves before the pilgrimage to
Jerusalem for Passover.
Coffee & Clergy Corner
with Rabbi Mallach and
Pastor David Knecht
Just as our ancestors needed to purify themselves and prepare for Passover both physically and spiritually, so, too, do we. We
clean our houses physically of any hametz,
or leavened products, and we also do something of a spring-cleaning of our souls, removing the “spiritual hametz,” those bloated,
overblown things about ourselves that stand
in the way of our own personal liberation.
While the physical preparation for Passover
may be daunting – the cooking, cleaning,
shopping, and seder-planning are indeed
intense – it is this spiritual preparation that
must be at the heart of it. Just as we clean
out our closets and pantries and renew in
the spring, so too must we clean out our
egos and our souls, getting rid of that which
is bogging us down, so we can make way for
renewed energy and joy during Passover, a
holiday that celebrates our freedom. What is
bogging you down? What can you let go of
as you empty your home and yourself of
As Passover approaches, if you are feeling
overwhelmed by either the physical or spiritual preparation it entails, or simply have
questions about the “how-to” of Passover
prep, do not hesitate to ask – I am prepared
to help! Shabbat shalom!
Rabbi Cecelia Beyer
Siyyum Ta’anit
Passover Seder
Casino Night
Guess Who’s
Coming to
Yom HaShoah
Jewish Seniors
of Springfield
Lecture Series
Kids Kabbalat
Shabbat &
We sent a Jewish Welcome to the
World package to:
Join us for another round of informal
and enriching discussions on
different topics each month.
Next Meeting: Thursday, April 30
8 to 9 pm
Barnes & Noble, Route 22, Springfield
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Ava Adornato,
daughter of
Allison and Andrew
Adornato and
sister of
Alex and Addison
Page 4
Friday, April 3, 2015
14 NISAN 5775
6:30 am
With Last Chance Bagel
Binge Breakfast
The Fast of the First Born was instituted as a reminder that the first born of the Egyptians were destroyed, but the first born of the Israelites were
spared. However, since the fast was instituted out
of gratitude for having been spared, a method had
to be found in order to rescind the requirement for
Hence the Siyyum, which means the
“closing of a piece of learning.”
So significant was the idea of finishing a tractate of
the Talmud as a community, that a Fast Day could
be canceled. The Siyyum takes place on Erev Pesah,
the14th of Nisan, during the Shaharit (morning) service. A bagel breakfast will follow, and if you have
hametz to be burned after your searching from the
night before, bring it in.
"What Does the Holocaust Say About Our Future?"
Presenter: Dan McMillan, J.D., Ph.D.
Author of How Could This Happen:
Explaining the Holocaust
Sunday, April 19 at 10:30 am - Noon
This powerful program will include the memorial candle-lighting
ceremony (2nd and 3rd Generation survivors are invited and encouraged to participate!), our guest speaker, and will be followed by a memorial prayer in the Holocaust Memorial Garden
(weather permitting).
Description of the talk: Why did the Holocaust happen? What
do its causes teach us about human nature, and about humankind's capacity for moral progress? If the most advanced human society was capable of such boundless depravity, where
can we find grounds for optimism? Historian Dan McMillan will
address these urgent questions. McMillan will approach these
questions from three angles: first, by seeking to explain why
the Holocaust happened; second by asking if one of the world's
democracies could perpetrate another genocide; and finally by
trying to explain why the Holocaust frightens us like no other
historical event. Seeking to do justice to the uniquely horrific
qualities of this event, McMillan also argues that the Holocaust
should not lead us to pessimism about our shared future.
Dr. McMillan is available for book signings following the program. Information about him may be found at: http://
David Graber, Chair
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 5
Friday, April 17
Culinary Institute
The last “Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas?” Dinner
is upon us!
We are glad there have been many TBAY families that
have participated in our “Guess Who’s Coming to
Shabbas?” dinners. We are striving to grow this program
even further.
Friday, May 1
6:30 pm
The Theme is
The Israeli dinner was so popular last
year that we are reprising it this year.
ShabbatAlive! Service at 6:30 pm,
followed by dinner prepared by TBAY
members taking part in the
Culinary Institute.
Adults $15
Children $8
RSVP by Friday, April 24
or until space limit is reached. All previous
dinners have reached capacity, so RSVP now!
973-376-0539, ext. 11 or office@tbaynj.org
All are welcome to the service but an
RSVP for dinner is a MUST. There is no late
service on this date. Yahrzeits are read as
part of the 6:30 pm service.
When we originally started this program, our idea was to
strengthen the synagogue community and help families
build meaningful memories. We’ve had several hosts who
have chosen to host again and several guests who are
now planning to host the next dinner. Our hope is that the
momentum continues as such, with invited guests then
serving as hosts in subsequent months, leading to 100%
inclusion of our members.
Will you consider hosting the next dinner? The minimum
that we will ask is that you light candles, make Kiddush
and say Motzi. We will provide a brochure with the blessings in English, Hebrew and transliteration. Host families
can choose to serve anything from pizza to a more traditional Shabbat dinner. Meals can be dairy or parve and,
for meat dinners, the meat must be kosher and not
served with any dairy items. If guests prefer a Kosher
home we will pair them with kosher hosts.
Following the Shabbat dinner, participants (hosts and
guests) are invited to the bimah for a group aliyah on
Shabbat morning.
So don’t be shy. Let us know if you can host! Please contact one of the program co-chairs, Cheryl Greenwald
(Cheryl.greenwald@comcast.net) or Lesley Brooks
(lbrooks142@comcast.net) if you would like to participate.
Pesah Guide
The Rabbinical Assembly has the answers to all of your Passover-related questions.
Click on this link: http://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/jewish-law/kashrut/pesah-guide
for complete dietary and hametz guidelines.
If you have any questions or need help following the link, call the Temple office at 973-376-0539, ext. 11.
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 6
Have your personal
brick installed in the
entrance walkway to
the Temple and the
path leading into the
Holocaust Garden to
leave a lasting impression on the synagogue
and the community.
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Legacy Society:
Further Legacy Conversations
While meeting with members to explain the value of a
legacy gift to TBAY, a couple of thoughts were mentioned:
It’s too complicated given our family situation.
why there are estate planners. They will set things up to
your liking and at your direction. There are many ways to
accomplish your desires. Your plan doesn’t have to be
complicated, just specific to your objectives. There are several ways to make a legacy gift, but the most common is a
gift in your will, known as a bequest. Other ways exist,
and many don’t even require an attorney, such as a beneficiary designation in your IRA, 401(k) or other retirement
plan. It is possible to pass considerable assets to your heirs
while leaving something to the shul. In the planning process, you can end up with a good feeling inside, knowing
you have made a substantial difference for the future of
TBAY and its congregants.
I’m not sure my children will like the idea of a legacy gift.
It can be very meaningful to engage your children in the
legacy conversation. You can discuss with your family
about how your values have been conveyed through giving to the shul – and why you want to leave a legacy gift.
Many people are pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm
and admiration children have for their parents’ charitable
giving decisions.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Legacy
Society, but are unsure how to make a legacy gift, please
contact me.
Gene Gorrin
Legacy Committee Chair
908-686-7686 or egorrin@comcast.net
Your donation for each 4X8 engraved brick is $180.
Each brick can have up to 3 lines of text in Hebrew
and/or English. Any additional brick dedication after
the first is $136 each.
Your support is greatly appreciated and will
be a lasting tribute.
Many people have ordered
bricks already!
Come to the TBAY lobby
and see some of the bricks
people have ordered.
For more information contact
973-376-0539, ext. 12 or
email office@tbaynj.org.
To order online, go www.polarengraving.com/
season nears we extend congratulations to
those in our congregation who will receive
college or post-graduate
We have a column in the spring issue of the Bulletin that lists the
graduates, but we can only do this with your cooperation. Please
supply the Temple office with the names of those who will be
graduating from college, professional school or other graduate
programs this year.
Send to Bookkeeper@tbaynj.org or call Dana at 973-376-0539,
ext. 12. We need this information by MAY 10 to be included
in the June Bulletin.
Your Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael family will enjoy sharing these
s’mahot with you.
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 7
Early Childhood Program
The flowers are popping up from the
grass and the days are getting
warmer. It’s time to register your child
for Camp Kayitz, an 8 week summer
camp program for children 18 months
to 4 ½ years old.
Spring is also the time when we celebrate the holiday of
Pesah or Passover. It is known as the Festival of Spring
(Chag haAviv). The key event is, of course, the Passover
Seder when we retell the story of the exodus from Egypt.
Some fun and age appropriate things to do with your child
include: making a Seder plate with cupcake holders, decorating plastic goblets for Elijah’s cup. Make some charoset
together. Ask your child about the songs they learned in
school. The Seder is meant to be an interactive event, so
include your young child in your Seder at home.
The 3s and Pre-K classes at the Early Childhood Program
are ready for their Model Seder on April 1 at 9:30 am in the
Ballroom. The 2s classes will have a Seder in their classrooms. The children have been reading stories, singing
songs and creating crafts to make this holiday special!
Thank you to Ahava for the amazing job they did with our
Mishloach Manot fundraiser!! Thank you to all the baggers,
deliverers and the entire Mishloach Manot committee.
The next Kids’ Kabbalat Shabbat is Friday, April 24 at 6:30
pm. Join us!
Please note that the Early Childhood Program will be
closed from April 3 – 10 for Passover.
Julie Bernstein, Director
Well, we have made it through
another Mishloach Manot fundraiser, and we are still smiling!
We hope everyone in the TBAY
family enjoyed their treats and
sweet wishes this Purim season.
Ahava would like to thank all of
those who participated in the
mitzvah of Mishloach Manot, especially those who came
out to help stuff and deliver the festive bags. This was a
very successful year, and we will continue to use the
money for programs such as yoga and our Kids Kabbalat
Shabbat series, among many other things. We even
brought in the hilarious magician, Stretch the Silly Man, to
entertain our preschool families at our Purim parade and
Our parents are working hard on our upcoming Teacher
Appreciation Week. This is a time when we make a little
extra effort to thank all of the great ECP teachers and our
school director, Julie Bernstein, for taking such great care
of our little ones. They all work hard and teach them so
much! We are truly thankful for all that they do in our terrific early childhood program.
We hope that everyone has a very happy and meaningful
Passover! Thank you for your continued support of our
school and our children.
Jennifer Niederhoffer,
Ahava Secretary
The College Connection Committee sends fun
holiday-related small gifts and cards to our college students throughout the year. Our mailings
keep our children connected to our Jewish community and rich traditions. During this school year, we
sent email cards for Rosh Hashanah, window decals for
Hanukkah and sequin masks for Purim. We next plan to
send a gift for Passover. Please notify us or the office if a
student’s address changes or if a student will be studying
We welcome all donations to the TBAY College
Connection Committee Fund so that we may
continue to send our mailings to your children
throughout the year.
Debbie Neher and Amy Roth, Co-Chairs
Fran and Steven Dorsky on the marriage of their
son Seth to Heather Litman
Fern and Jerry Steinberg on the engagement of their
grandson Ari Zucker to Rebecca Bari
Isabell Adler on receiving the Independence Issue
Award from Palm Beach County State of Israel Bonds
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 8
Religious School
Caring Committee
Can it be that we have
gone through twothirds of the school
year together so soon?
My, how time flies when you’re having fun! Last month,
March, was “mad” with activities – our Purim celebration,
a b’nai mitzvah family seminar, a visit from the matzah
factory for our kindergarteners and first graders, and the
“kabbalat siddur” ceremony in which our third graders
received their very own prayer books, with personalized
covers decorated by their families. We now look forward
to Passover, a class Shabbat service with fourth and fifth
grade, our Yom HaShoah observance, Lag Ba’Omer field
day, Yom HaAtzmaut celebration, and more!
The Caring Committee delivered several Purim packages
of sweets to some special members of our congregation
and visited friends at their homes and residences. Thanks
go to Susan Blanco for her generous donation of the
packages. Several committee members volunteered to
assist Rabbi Cece while she observed the shiva period.
Rabbi Cecelia Beyer
Teen Institute
March Madness with TI
Tough Stuff
"Man plans and God
Laughs" TI took a different
turn this past month from
our directed path (i.e. curriculum). We introduced our unit
on Tough Questions Jews Ask by examining different perspectives and attitudes about God.
One element of this that we didn't cover was that we can
plan all we want, and then God alters our plan. So, while
we were supposed to discuss whether Queens Vashti
and Esther were Purim She-roes (heroes from a Feminist
perspective) or rebels, God decided to let Queen Elsa
take over with a snow storm.
And while we were supposed to move forward with our
Tough Questions and elective sessions, we were given
an opportunity to perform a mitzvah for our dear Rabbi
Cece. We learned the necessary Jewish (and secular) life
skill of Nichim Avelim/Comforting Mourners. While it was
necessary to learn the customs and rituals of paying a
shiva call, there is no better way to learn than to have the
opportunity to perform what we learn. We were happy to
be able to support someone who is so supportive of us.
We eventually did cover our first Tough Questions session with the challenging topic of "Why Bad Things Happen to Good People." We examined different suggestions
as to why evil and suffering exist in our world and used
some of Rabbi Harold Kushner's, (author of When Bad
Things Happen to Good People), responses to attempt to
understand this uncomfortable and often painful concept.
Amy Greenfeld Dorsch, TI Advisor
We need your help to continue our work - if you know of
anyone who is hospitalized or in need of some special
attention, please pass along the information to the synagogue office. Shalom and best wishes
April Modlinger, Chair
THURSDAYS at 10:30 am
Dr. Eugene Lieber, Historian
April 23 George Washington ~ Standards for
Presidency ~ Complex Man
Andrew Jackson ~ Jacksonian Democracy ~
Slave Owner ~Indian Killer
April 30 Harry Truman ~ New Deal ~ Cold Warrior
Dwight Eisenhower ~ War Hero ~
Moderate Republican
Dr. Mark Fine, Tenor and Extensive Opera Lecture
May 7 and May 14 “Experience the Wonderful
World of Opera”
Vocal, Visual and Emotional Intro to the 400 year old
World of Opera. Portions of a full opera will be shown
on DVD with explanations.
Tickets are $25 per person for the series.
No single tickets will be sold.
Make Checks payable to Jewish Seniors of
Springfield and mail to
Bobbie Brown, 50 Christy Lane, Springfield, NJ 07081
Come at 10:00 am for
Refreshments and Free Blood Pressure Screening
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 9
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these Donations
Thank you for your
minimum donation of $10
In Honor of
Fern and Jerry Steinberg’s grandson
Ari’s engagement by
Roslyn Feuer
Marilyn and Dan Garlen’s daughter
Amanda’s engagement by
Roslyn Feuer
In Memory of
Belle Resnick by
Ruth and Howard Berkowitz
Jean Berkowitz by
Ruth and Howard Berkowitz
Joseph Romano by Arlette Cohen
Theodore Metz by Arthur Metz
Suzanne Fine by Arlette Cohen
Ruth and Benjamin Kienman by
April and Robert Modlinger
Selma Peyser by
Diane and Paul Peyser
Dora Zeller by Irma Zeller
Sara Miller by Lynne and Howard
In Memory of
Murray Dorfman by Norton Scherzer
In Memory of
Hannah Friedman by Alice Weinstein
Frances Schulte by Alice Weinstein
In Appreciation of
Good wishes on Purim from friends in
the congregation by
Lois and Stan Kaish
In Memory of
Esther Yaches by Linda Bauman
Samuel Bauman by Linda Bauman
Eric Gelb by Julie and Larry Gelb
Frances Preston by
Renee and Lenny Weinfeld
In Memory of
Arthur Falkin by Roslyn Feuer
Bea Frishman by Ruth and Jay Sklower
In Memory of
Sadie Shroot by
Bernice and Sam Davis
In Memory of
Vivian Willner by Gloria Fox
Clara Lipschultz by David Lipschultz
Dorothy Keyman by Shirley Ring
Murray Blum by
Janice Blum-Prefer and Alan Prefer
Irwin Prefer by
Janice Blum-Prefer and Alan Prefer
Sarah Allinson by
Myrna and Jules Wasserman
Jack Diamond by
Arlene and Alvin Tolchinsky
Julius Kessler by Lil Margolis
Hy Kuperstein by Lil Margolis
Frances Preston by Lil Margolis
Jack Leedy by
Cheryl and Brian Greenwald
Norma Leedy
In Appreciation
Nancy and Nathan Rajs
In Memory of
In Memory of
Rebecca Doroson by Bobbie Goldman Charles Beyer
Loen Amer
Rose Wohlfeiler by
Esther Avnet
Glenda and Floyd Jayson
Barnett Barmen
Daniel Roth by Amy and Douglas Roth
and Al Eglow
Ivan Wyden by Lynn Wyden
Donna Bartolomeo
Rose Schwartz by Arthur Metz
Martha and Bernie Flashberg
Harry Linder by Rita Linder
Rachel and Aaron Gary
Beatrice Steller by Rita Linder
Laura and David Goldberger
Frieda Prager by Helen Kuhl
Rose and Sam Goldman
Laurie Gerstein and David Graber
Milton Kappstatter by Bobbie Goldman
Debra and Jared Gutman
Lynn Haliczer
Lois and Stan Kaish
In Memory of
Lynel and David Katz
Rosalie Caro by Julia Gelb
Jane and Jon Lakritz
Susan and Gil Lipper
Anita and Ken Melman
Martin, Dana and Drew Meyerhardt
In Memory of
and Steven Nadel
Susan Malvin by Philip Malvin
Paul Peyser
Harry Malvin by Philip Malvin
Gayle and Simon Rosenbach
Shirley Ross
Julie, Jeff, Max and Sam Scherzer
In Honor of
Norton Scherzer
Isabell Adler’s speedy recovery by
Jackie and Andy Schuyler
Lil Margolis
Eileen and Richard Sherman
Rabbi Mallach’s continued recovery by
Arlene and Alvin Tolchinsky
Lil Margolis
(Continued on page 10)
Rona Zandell
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 10
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael Gratefully Acknowledges these Donations
(Continued from page 9)
Tracy Tyler, Henry Dicker and Family
Sheila and Jack Usdin
Gerald Weiss
Rona Zandell
Renee Sandler by Hyman Kleinman
Claire Diamond by
Arlene and Alvin Tolchinsky
In Honor of
Purim by Margie Appel
Yale Greenspoon for a speedy
recovery by
Margie Appel and family
Isabell Adler for a speedy recovery by
Anita Borrus
Rosalie Perlmutter and Miraim Gershwin
In Memory of
Joseph Beim by David Beim
Kate Marech by Resa Drasin
Meyer Fenichel by Miriam Carchman
Samuel Roseman by Arthur Goorin
Justine Lipkin by Paul Lipkin
Abraham Lazarus by Philip Malvin
Rose Lazarus by Philip Malvin
Harvey Manders by Eleanor Manders
Trudy Mauer by Steven Mauer
Eliezer German by
Lea and Efraim Rajs
Esther German by
In Memory of
Lea and Efraim Rajs
Norton Millman by Roslyn Feuer
Fred Reiss by Helen Reiss
Gloria Schanerman by Mel Schanerman
Rose Wohlfeiler by Sue Greenberg
Bella Pomp by Bobbe and Philip Pomp Joseph Harris by
Julie, Jeff, Max and Sam Scherzer
Jeanette Nifoussi by
Anita, Jeffrey, Alex, Matt and Neubauer Charles Beyer by Edith Stiller
Samuel Pomp by
Sidney Weinfeldt by
Bobbe and Philip Pomp
Phyllis and Edward Weinfeldt
In Appreciation of
Rabbis Mallach and Beyer by
Rachel and Aaron Gary
In Memory of
Emil Gelb by Julia and Lawrence Gelb
Justine Lipkin by
Stephanie and William Lipkin
Martin Hirsh by Marjorie Netkin
Nettie Grossman by Renee Kelner
Rose Woodstein by
Phyllis and Edward Weinfeldt
Ethel Wyden by Lynn Wyden
Ada Block by Lynn Wyden
Martin Lipton by Bella Lipton
Seymour Kopf by Bella Lipton
Charles Beyer by
Goldblat, Cohen and Werner families
Esther Stein by
Sally and Michael Zuckerman
Melvin Klinghoffer by
Lori and Steven Klinghoffer
Rose Kornspan by Albert Kornspan
Estelle Yogman by Philip J. Malvin
Harvey Yogman by Philip J. Malvin
Rose and Philip Kaselman by
Sara Irwin
Irv Irwin by Sara Irwin
Meyer Kelner by Renee Kelner
Paula Kornspan by Albert Kornspan
In Memory of
Ethel Asman by Corinne Jamnik
Pauline Barman by Barnett Barman
Sale of Hametz Proxy
by appointment at other times) to conclude an agreement of
agency appointment.
To assure that you are not in legal possession of any hametz
(leavened) product during the festival of Passover, please return
the form below to Rabbi Mallach no later than Monday, April
14 at 10:00 am. Please note that since this is a legal contract
authorizing Rabbi Mallach to serve as your agent to conduct the
sale of your hametz, it must be accompanied by a check in an
appropriate amount made out to the Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund.
In addition, please allow one hour after the conclusion of the
Passover festival for sufficient time for Rabbi Mallach to conclude the re-purchase transaction, at which time you may legally
re-possess your hametz
------------------------------------------------------I authorize Rabbi Mark Mallach of Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael, 60
Temple Drive, Springfield, NJ to serve as my agent in regard to
sale of any or all hametz that may be in my possession, home or
office, during the Passover Festival. I understand and agree that
any such hametz must be placed in a secured storage area.
ADDRESS _______________________________________
If you wish to perform a ceremony of ritual kinyan (acquisition)
in person, Rabbi Mallach is available after morning minyanim (or SIGNATURE _____________________________________
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 11
In Memoriam
The Congregation extends sympathy
to those who have sustained a loss in their family
Mark Your Calendar for
Friday, June 12, 2015 – 8:00 pm
Stanley Wolfowitz who lost his beloved
brother Aaron Wolfowitz
Temple Installation
Recognition of Legacy Society Members
L’Dor Va Dor Donor Wall Re-dedication
May the spirit of love, which is everlasting, bring solace to the
sorrowing hearts of our congregants and their families.
Watch your mail for more information!
Baruch Dayan Ha’Emet ~ Praised be the true Judge
Co-Presidents’ Message
We hope everyone had a happy Purim and is looking forward to spring after a very long and snowy winter. Happy
Passover to all and we hope you joined your TBAY friends
for the Women’s League sponsored Community Second
Night Seder at the synagogue.
Donor dinner is May 28: The cost is $85 (in either donor
credit or cash/check). You can buy tribute or tapestry
cards, gift cards from ShopRite, Kings, Stop & Shop, and
A&P, or shop at the gift shop to accumulate donor credit.
Board Meeting: Thursday, May 14
On March 15, Women’s League hosted a special combined
program at Congregation Israel with the other Springfield Earn your donor credit:
synagogues. We had a very educational evening hearing GIFT CARDS: We now have Costco and Trader Joe’s in
about some personal encounters with terrorism and its efaddition to ShopRite, Kings and Stop & Shop
fect on the lives of those involved. In addition, the Strength
The Temple Office
to Strength organization led a discussion on terrorism
Irene Goldie-Petras
(908) 964-0998
around the world, how it impacts all of us, and how to disIlene Shewitz
(973) 376-7418
cuss this topic with our children. We enjoyed some snacks,
met new friends and had a lively interaction with the other TRIBUTE AND TAPESTRY CARDS:
participants. Thank you, Ilene Shewitz, for coordinating this
Lori Citrin
(973) 912-8022 (for bulk
and regular cards)
April Modlinger
(973) 218-9174
Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events
Marlene Moss
(973) 379-1788
Friday, April 24 is Women’s League Shabbat. There are
both English and Hebrew selections available and we
would like everyone to participate. Please let Lynn or Beth
know if you’d like a part.
Beth Hersh
bhersh6@verizon.net or 973-564-8130
Lynn Haliczer
lynnhaliczer@aol.com or 973-376-0451
Holiday Gift Wrap
Women’s league had another successful fundraiser in last December wrapping gifts for the holidays at Barnes & Noble,
Springfield. A belated thank you to all the ladies who gave their time to work.
Esther Avnet
Miriam Carchman
Barbara Eglow
Lisa Friedman
Laurie Gerstein
Rose Goldman
Lynn Haliczer
Beth Hersh
Rebecca Hersh
Jane Lakritz
Rita Linder
Debbie Nadel
Ilene Shewitz
Fern Steinberg
Susan Teller
Bernice Davis, Chair
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 12
Women’s League
Judaica Shop
Spring is in the Air!
20% off in stock items!
Women’s League Invites the entire TBAY family to a
Shabbat Dinner
Celebrating Spring
Mezzuzah parchments & memorial lights
are excluded fro sale.
Women’s League Shabbat Service
at 8:00 pm following Dinner
If you have an upcoming Wedding or
B'nai Mitzvah we can order
Tefillin, Kipot & Talit
We need people to lead the congregation in the
service. Both Hebrew and English prayers are
available, as well as singing and reading parts.
Please contact Barbara Eglow to sign up,
aeglow33@verizon.net or 908-687-0106.
Purchases from our Judaica Shop earn
Donor Credit!
(except sale items and mezuzah scrolls)
Adults $18 Children (3-13) $10
RSVP by Friday, April17
Friday, April 24 at 6:30 pm
Send your check payable to TBAY Women’s League,
along with the names of those attending to TBAY,
60 Temple Drive, Springfield 07081
Call Caren at 973
4679058 or
Marlene at 973
Contact Jane Lakritz with any questions.
973-376-8834 or janelakritz@gmail.com
Looking for a Gift Card?
Support a great cause, our Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael, by purchasing gift cards for the
places where you already shop, dine or as the perfect gift for any occasion.
Women’s League offers gift cards to:
How does the program work?
Supermarkets and retail stores offer non-profit organizations such as temples a discount by purchasing
large quantities of gift cards. Women’s League buys gift cards in advance and sells directly to Temple
members. The money we earn will support TBAY programs to benefit the entire congregation.
Gift cards are available in various denominations,starting at $25 and going up to $100. Use a gift card either at the store or online instead of cash or credit card without the fraud risk.
Where do I buy gift cards?
Temple Office 973-376-0539; Ilene Shewitz, ilene29@comcast.net or 973-376-7418;
Irene Goldie Petras, igoldie@earthlink.net or 908-964-0998
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 13
Please call any of these people to Jesse Faber, Father Shep Faber
send Tribute Cards or Tapestry Cards.
Bernice and Mel Katzman
Lori Citrin
973-912-8022 Rabbi Cece Beyer, Father Charles
Lynda Goldman
April Modlinger
973-218-9174 Beyer
Marlene Moss
Marlene Moss
Buy Tribute Cards to mail yourself. Ten
cost $20. Contact Lori Citrin at
RL23RT@comcast.net or 973-912-8022.
Isabell Adler, Speedy Recovery
Lois and Stan Kaish
Rabbi Mallach, Get Well Wishes
Myrna and Jules Wasserman
Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman, Birth of
Helen Cooper
Gus Hodes, Special Birthday
Helen Cooper
Ellen Dreskin, Mother Hannah Miller
Bernice and Mel Katzman
Bernice and Mel Katzman
Myrna and Jules Wasserman
Caren and Richard Manders
and Family
Eleanor Kuperstein, Husband Hy
Marilyn Schwartz
Graifman Family, Mother Carole
Marilyn Schwartz
Bertha Goldstein, Speedy Recovery
Rose and Sam Goldman
Isabell Adler, Get Well
Sally Kaufman
Rabbi Mallach, Get Well
Sally Kaufman
Rona Greenberg, Congratulations on
Birth of Granddaughter
Marlene and Bob Freeman
Rabbi Mallach, Continued Good
Caren and Richard Manders
and Family
Graifman Family, Mother Carole
Rose and Sam Goldman
Bonnie Steir, Mother Suzanne Fine
Caren and Richard Manders
Rabbi Cece Beyer, Father Charles
Ellen and Steven Kolton and
Aimee and Ira Perlman
Cecile Fern
Marlene and Bob Freeman
Aaron Laufer, Mother
Elissa and Yale Greenspoon
Daniel Preston, Mother
Elissa and Yale Greenspoon
Men’s Club
50/50 Raffle: As in past years, we will offer a 50/50 raffle
program to our members sponsored by the Northern NJ
Region of the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs. Be on
the lookout in future Bulletins for more detail.
March Madness (NCAA Brackets Challenge) Event for
Holocaust Scholarship Awards. 3-15-15: Thanks to
Sam Wenocur for chairing this event. The winner receives
50% of the proceeds we collect. The remainder will be
used to support our Men’s Club high school scholarship
awards. Check next month’s Bulletin for the winner.
Yom Hashoah Candles (4-15-15): This year will again
send you a Yom Hashoah candle to help remember the 6
million Jews who died during World War II. Enclosed in the
candle box is suggested prayer for you to recite on
Wednesday night, April 15. This program is chaired by
Bernie Flashberg.
Men’s Club Dues: We will soon send out our final dues
notice for the 2014/2015 fiscal year. Thank you to those
who already joined. For those of you who have not yet
responded, please pay your $30 annual dues now. Your
dues are our major source of yearly income. Without your
dues support we could not sponsor or pay for many of our
programs. If you have any questions or suggestions or
other programs you want us to become involved in, or if
you would like to organize a new program with our support, please call our VP of membership Elliot Merkin at
973-467-8453, or attend one of our meetings to make your
suggestion in person.
April Meeting Date (Tuesday, April 14): The
next Men’s Club meeting is on Tuesday, April 14
at 7:30 pm, with an optional dinner at 7:00. Call
Elliot Merkin for food reservations no later than
the prior Sunday night.
Marvin Bram, David Glass, Ken Melman
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
APRIL 2015
Page 14
Nisan—Iyar 5775
3 Friday
Shaharit Service followed by
Siyum B’khorim
Shabbat Servicce
Candle Lighting
4 Saturday
Babysitting & Blesssings
Minha, Ma’ariv, Havdalah
TBAY Community Seder
Guess Who’s Coming to Shabbas
Shabbat Service
8:00 pm
6:30 am
6:30 pm 18 Saturday
6:37 pm
9:30 am
10:30 am 19 Sunday
6:47 pm
7:15 pm 21 Tuesday
5 Sunday
7 Tuesday
10 Friday
Candle Lighting
6:44 pm
Shabbat Service
8:00 pm
24 Friday
25 Saturday
Milestone Shabbat
Shaharit, with Yizkor
Babysitting & Blesssings
Mini-Minyan & Youth Service
Minha, Ma’ariv, Havdalah
9:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
6:57 pm
Yom Hashoah Program
10:30 am
Religious Affairs Meeting
7:45 pm
22 Wednesday YOM HAZIKARON
23 Thursday
11 Saturday
Babysitting & Blesssings
Youth Service
Minha, Ma’ariv, Havdalah
9:30 am
10:30 am
10:30 am
6:54 pm
Jewish Seniors of Springfield
10:00 am
Kids’ Kabbalat Shabbat
Women’s League Dinner
Candle Lighting
Women’s League Shabbat
Shabbat Service
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
6:58 pm
B’nai Mitzvah of
Brandon & Janna Wohl
Babysitting & Blesssings
Mini-Minyan & Youth Service
Minha, Ma’ariv, Havdalah
9:30 am
8:00 pm
10:30 am
10:30 am
6:54 pm
29 Wednesday Executive Committee Meeting
12 Sunday
TBAY Casino Night
16 Thursday
Yom Hashoah
Torah on Tap
Candle Lighting
30 Thursday
17 Friday
7:45 pm
6:00 pm
7:45 pm
6:50 pm
Jewish Seniors of Springfield
Coffee & Clergy at Barnes
& Noble, Springfield
Oneg Shabbat Sponsors
Thank you to those who sponsored a
Friday evening Oneg Shabbat
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael is proud to
announce these B’nai Mitzvah
Arlette Cohen and April Modlinger
in honor of their birthdays
If you would like to share a simha or just share with your
friends at Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael by sponsoring an Oneg
Shabbat, Contact Executive Director Tracey Shenker at
execdirector@tbaynj.org or 973-376-0539, ext. 13.
10:00 am
8:00 pm
Brandon and Janna Wohl,
children of Andrea and Glenn Wohl,
Saturday, April 25, 2015 at the
Shaharit Service
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
All are welcome to
attend services and
share this simha!
Page 15
Do we Snail Mail a Bulletin to You?
If we snail mail a Bulletin
you feel comfortable with
email OR you are in the
Temple on a regular basis, please help us economize by either receiving your Bulletin via email or
picking it up at the Temple.
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
Page 16
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Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael
60 Temple Drive
Springfield, NJ 07081
FAX 973-258-0334
Rose Widom-Goldman
Women’s League Editor
Lois Kaish
Bulletin Deadline: 10th of each month
Dana Langerman
Layout and Production
Ro Dobkin
Submit articles by email to loiskaish@verizon.net
Temple Beth Ahm Yisrael