Blades of Blue - Swan River Rowing Club


Blades of Blue - Swan River Rowing Club
Blades of Blue
Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
25 Aug 2011
Inside this Issue
Winter Season
Curtin Regatta
Youth Cup
Junior World Champs
U 23 Worlds Champs
Swan’s Regatta
UWA Regatta
Family Friendly
Fund Raising
School Girls Rowing
World Masters
Who’s Boots
Contact Us
2 The Esplanade
Mt Pleasant WA 6153
(08) 9316 8812
Ian Boserio
Club Captain
Peter Doyle
Hilary Smale
Newsletter Editors
Nancy Lyche
Barbara Outhwaite
Volume 1, Issue 2
Winter Regatta Season
We are coming to the pointy end of the
regatta season with only the Bunbury
and the State Championship left. We
had been making a steady climb up the
points ladder, but after our lacklustre
performance at the Curtin Regatta, we
find ourselves just barely holding on to
third place in the standings. UWA is
nipping at our heals to take over 3rd
At the Curtin Regatta our sub junior
members kept the club from dropping
out of third place with their stellar performances. However, given the overall
results, we have some work to do as a
club. To finish the 2011 Pennant Regatta Season in the top 3 clubs, your
input is needed, so it’s time for everyone to step up!
With the 3 regattas left in the season
we can get there with your help. We
need each and everyone of you to sign
up for as many races as you think you
can do at the regattas. Most of all we
need you to turn up to the races.
Swannies has gained quite a reputation
for the large number of scratchings and
“did not starts” at the recent regattas.
Each one of the scratchings and “did
not starts” costs the clubs not only in
points, but in dollars as well. At the
Swans Regatta we were the lowest performing club, with only 69% starts from
our registered races.
On the positive side, the Swans Regatta
went off without a hitch. There were
many volunteers on
the day and many
thanks to those who
pitched in to help. A
special thank you to
Hillary Smale who organised all the cater-
ing for the regatta and even had time
on the day to row as well as spend
time in the commentary booth. Also
thanks to Mike Hinsley who organised
all the races on the day on his own.
That is no easy feat. We received
very positive comments throughout
the day and a 10 out of 10 from the
officials for our organisation and performance of the regatta. Well done
Can you put a face in the shed to one of
these ugg boots . Answers on page 12.
25 Aug 2011
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Blades of Blue
Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
Curtin Regatta - 13 Aug 2011
Blades of Blue
25 Aug 2011
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Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
Curtin Regatta - 13 Aug 2011
Women’s E Double Scull - Lane 1: Jenny Watson Vanessa Pieruigi
and Lane 2: Jess Fitzgerald and Tess Hillard
Men’s Sub Junior Scull - Declan Thornton
Blades of Blue
25 Aug 2011
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Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
2011 Australian Youth Cup
The 2011 Australian Youth Cup
Championship was held at the Penrith Olympic Rowing Centre 8-10
July. The Youth Cup is for under 21
rowers. The aim of the Youth Cup
is to create a ‘stepping stone’
event in the athlete (and coach)
development pathway, that bridges
the gap between the International
Junior and U23 teams.
Each of the States, plus the ACT,
New Zealand and Vanuatu brought
a team to the championships. This
was the first international event for
the Vanuatu team. It was quite an
experience for most of the Vanuatu
rowers. Many of the rowers had
never been on an airplane before
and the course they train on is only
400m long. This was the first time
their rowers rowed a full 2000m
for WA.
Alex and Dave both took home 2
silver medals. They won silver in
the Men’s Coxless Pair Division 1
and Men’s Coxless Four. They lost
out to New Zealand for the gold in
both races. Who invited New Zealand to the Australian Youth Cup
anyway? The New Zealand National Team took out the overall
Cup for the weekend.
The Penrith course was impressive
and provided an opportunity for the
rowers to row at one of the best
facilities in the world.
The early morning weather was a
bit of surprise for some of the rowers, especially on Saturday morning
with sub zero temperatures. If you
think the Australian rowers were
cold, just think of the poor Vanuatuan rowers who may have never
Each State’s men’s and women’s
been in anything colder then 20 C
team consisted of 6 open class
before. That morning there was ice
rowers, 3 lightweight rowers
on the boats and the pontoons had
(including a reserve) and a cox.
to be hosed down to remove the
Each member of the team rowed in ice.
a small boat, quad/four and an
All in all it was a good weekend of
racing and competition and a time
Caine Bristow, Alex Lyche, Dave
to make new friendships and reWatts, and Kate Woodall reprenew old ones.
sented Swans at the Championship
Men’s Coxless Four—Silver Medal
Dave Watts (Stroke) and Alex Lyche (2 Seat)
Women's Coxless Quad
Kate Woodall (3 Seat)
Men’s Eight
Caine Bristow (3 Seat), Alex Lyche (5 Seat)
and Dave Watts (Stroke)
Ice on the Boats in the
Blades of Blue
25 Aug 2011
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Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
2011 Juniors World Championships
The Junior World Championships event is the
highlight of every year for Australia's talented crop
of junior rowers as they battle it out against the
world’s best. Australia’s program has focused on
the same boat classes in the last couple of years
and it is a structure that Rowing Australia believe
will reap dividends both now and in the future.
Women’s Junior Coxless Four
Natasha Gay (3 Seat) and Lilly Tinapple (2 Seat)
The Junior World Championships were held in Eaton England this year. Two Swanies, Natasha Gay and Lilly
Tinapple, represented Australia. Both rowed in the coxless four trained by Swannies own Jamie Jones.
After completing a week of preparation in the rain at the
Sydney International Regatta Centre, the team moved on
to Eton for a final week of training before the Champion-
The regatta also gave London the chance to
showcase its Olympic venue and everyone involved was excited to be part of the official test
The girls crew finished 1st in the B Final, after a
heart breaking 3rd place finish in the repechage.
Their finish was especially painful, since their
time in their repechage would have placed them
in first place in the other repechage.
A bright spot on the Australia Junior team was the
Men’s Coxed Four team, who took home the gold
2011 Under 23 World Championships
In the opening ceremony for the event, parachutists flew through the skies, canons exploded and
athletes were welcomed, it was a evening to remember for rowers and fans alike.
Men’s Coxed Eight
Brendan Murray (Bow) and Tom Gatti (2 Seat)
The Under 23 World Championships were held at the
Bosbaan Regatta Course in Amsterdam this year. Two
Swanies, Brendan Murray and Tom Gatti, represented
Australia rowing in the Men’s Eight. Both Brendan and
Tom have been living and training in Adelaide since the
selection trials in April getting ready for Amsterdam.
The rain came in fits and starts, but still all were
warmly welcomed to the Bosbaan Regatta
Course. One athlete from each country carried an
oar, and paraded in front of the crowds to symbolise their participation in the World Rowing Under
23 Championships. Following this, three parachutists fell through the skies to land in the Bosbaan lake, carrying a FISA flag, the national flag of
The Netherlands, and the flag of the Dutch National Rowing Federation.
The Men’s Eight finished first in the B final. The
medal winners for Australia were the Women’s
Quad with a bronze medal, including new Swannies member Alex Hagan.
25 Aug 2011
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Blades of Blue
Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
Swans Regatta Results - 23 Jul 2011
Blades of Blue
25 Aug 2011
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Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
Swans Regatta Results - 23 Jul 2011
Manning the BBQ: Bill Tinapple, Alan Nicoll
and Serge Gay
President and Barista – Ian Boserio
Amazing Sight: Champion Lakes Boat
Breaking in Half Near the Finish Line
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Blades of Blue
Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
UWA Regatta - 25 June 2011
Blades of Blue
Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
UWA Regatta - 25 June 2011
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Blades of Blue
Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
Rowing Australia Gets Family Friendly
The national federation announced
that it would spend $300,000 over
the next two years to help the partners and children of athletes and
coaches join them at the Australian
Institute of Sport's European training base in Varese, Italy, during extended training camps.
The money will come from the Federal Government's Green and Gold
Project, funds designed to maximise
the Australian medal tally at next
year's London Olympics.
But instead of spending the extra
funds on coaching, equipment,
competition or sports science, rowing will pay for family reunions.
However contrary to first appearances, Rowing Australia and the
Australian Sports Commission reveal that this is a hard-headed decision designed to keep mature athletes in the sport and help them
manage the competing commitments in their lives.
"We have such mature athletes - 28
is the average age of a gold medallist - and a lot of them have kids so
they have family pressures," Rowing
Australia CEO Andrew Dee said.
"In the past we have lost many talented rowers who have been unable to continue their careers in
rowing as they started families. We
have never had a mum go to the
Olympics so we think we are falling
short of what we can do in a performance sense to help them reach
their ultimate peak.
"It's really about sustainability. We
put so much time and effort and
money into turning them into elite
athletes that the longer we can keep
them in the sport the better return
we get on our investment."
"It sounds like a lot of money but in
the context of an investment in a
four or eight-year cycle it's not much.
And we can do this in Varese where
it won't compromise the training environment."
Six senior rowers are parents, including Swan’s Sarah Tait.
The Australian team will spend three
months in Europe training for this
year's world championships, and
another three months in Varese next
year in the lead-up to the London
Olympics where it is targeting three
gold medals.
The sport's guardians are convinced
that this program will make a bigger
difference to its ultimate performance in London than throwing extra
money at more traditional training
Although Cricket Australia has regularly allowed players' families to join
them at points during long international tours, rowing is the first Olympic sport to introduce a formal program to address their athletes'
needs in this area.
"I think we in Australia have reached
a level of sophistication where we
recognise that they are human beings, not just athletes," Fiona de
Jong, Australian Olympic Committee
sports director said.
"If this prevents people from dropping out of the system it's a worthwhile measure. Any time an athlete's
career is extended it's a better return on investment from a funding
Beijing gold medallists Drew Ginn and
Duncan Free are parents
Australian Sports Commission executive Andrew Collins predicts
that other sports who rely on mature athletes will follow suit in future years.
"The feeling in rowing was that
they weren't getting full value from
their athletes, so this is a really
strategic approach to retaining
athletes in the system," Collins
said. "It may become a more
mainstream approach in years to
come. I'd be surprised if more
sports didn't look at this, particularly those in which longevity is an
important component of success."
Blades of Blue
25 Aug 2011
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Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
Steak Night—Fund Raiser
The club held a special fund raising
Steak Night on Tuesday 5th July to
help raise monies for junior development and our young rowers going to the Word Championships
and the Youth Cup. There was
great turn out on the night with
over 100 people and the atmosphere was electric. In addition to
the great steak dinner the group
enjoyed a video following these
rowers training for their big events
and a video to launch the new
Swan’s web site.
Natasha Gay and Ross Brown each
spoke to the crowd to give us a wonderful insight into the strength, determination and dedication it takes
Auctioneers Jack Fischer and Mike Scott
these athletes to compete at the
world level.
The highlight of the evening was an
auction that brought in just shy of
$3,000. This was topped off by an
incredibly generous donation from
Accenture of $7,500 for our young
BBQ’ing Steaks - Mike Hinsley & Alex Lyche
Swan’s School Girl Rowing
School girl rowing has come to a
close for another season with the
running of the Girls Head of the
River (HOR) on August 20th.
Swans is the home to Perth Modern and Rossmoyne rowers.
The Swan’s Perth Modern School
(PMS) girls did well on the day with
the Senior A Quad taking out an
impressive first place. Natasha
Gay rowing for PLC took out first
place in the Senior A Single Scull
and Ash O'Reilly took out third in
the event for Rossmooyne.
Perth Modern 2011 Girl’s Squad with their
Coach Steve Mann
PMS A Quad 1st Place HOR - Zoë Thornton, Lilly Tinapple, Lauren Schillaci, Ashleigh Blechynden, and Katie Fowler (c)
PMS B Quad - Ruby Gulland, Vivienne
Horley, Amy Lowe, Anyi Mai, Kate Kimberley (c)
PMS 1st VIII - Zoë Thornton, Lilly Tinapple, Ashleigh Blechynden, Lauren Schillaci, Gemma Kimberley, Ruby Gulland, Vivienne Horley,
Anyi Mai and Katie Fowler (c)
Kate Kimberley - Freshman’s Single Scull
Blades of Blue
25 Aug 2011
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Swan River Rowing Club Newsletter
World Rowing Masters Regatta
Good luck to those Swannies going
to World Masters Championships in
Poznan, Poland 8-11 September.
Those from our club competing include Lorraine Ironside, Alan Nicoll
Mike Scott, George Xouris, Nicky
Cato, Marian Robbins. They are
coached by our masters coach
extraordinaire Vanessa Grant.
Participants in the Championships
compete for themselves - there are
no country delegations. Beyond the
age requirement and membership
in the sport's governing body, there
are no competition qualification
our very own Swan River Rowing
Club who raced in two races.
The large number of races means
that each race starts at just threeminute intervals on the 1,000m regatta course. On top of this, at any
one time, there can be up to four
races on the course.
As the race format includes only
heats, medals are presented to the
winner of each heat. In this atmosphere of rowing enormity, a medal
giving ceremony is held every three
minutes in front of a ready and appreciative crowd in the grandstand
Picture a regatta with a boat park
full of 1600 boats, 470 races and
over 10,000 seat entries and you
have a picture of the World Rowing
Masters Regatta. The regatta will
attract 3,500 rowers from around
the world.
The oldest participant at the last
Championship was Dr Charles Eugster of Switzerland who at 91 years
rowed in three races. On the
women’s side, the oldest participant was Nelly Brandsma, 84, from
Swan River Rowing Club
Club President
Ian Boserio
Vice Presidents (3)
John Boardman
Michael Hinsley
Brian Nash
Ian Clairs
Hilary Smale
Captain of Boats
Peter Doyle
Vice Captains (3)
Cameron Brewer (Men’s)
Ash Rowe (Women’s)
Roger Gaskin (Boats)
Our Masters Rowers, Marion Robbins,
Nicky Cato and Lorraine Ironside
Committee Members (5)
Serge Gay
Nancy Lyche
Who’s Boots Where Who’s?
The order of the owners of the ugg
boots from Page 1 from left to right
are: Lauren Schillaci, Kate Kimberley, Ashleigh Blechynden, Gemma
Kimberley, and Anyi Mai.
Not to confuse you, but the order
of the girls in the photo on the right
are Anyi Mai, Lauren Schillaci,
Gemma Kimberley, Ashleigh
Blechynden, and Kate Kimberley.
Alex Thornton
Alan Stewart
Phil Young