Sport-a-Month - Noarlunga Leisure Centre
Sport-a-Month - Noarlunga Leisure Centre
Registration Form – January 2012 Registration Form – January 2012 Registration _________________________________ RegistrationForm Form––January January2012 2012 January 2012 _________________________________ Full Name:________________________________________ FullName:________________________________________ Name:________________________________________ ______________ Postcode: ________ Full Address: _________________________________________ Full Name:________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ _________________________________________ Address: Address: _________________________________________ Age: ____________ _____________________________ Postcode: ________ _____________________________ Postcode: ________ ________ _____________________________ Postcode: _____________________________ Postcode: ________ Phone: Age: ____________ _________________________________ Phone: Age: ____________ Phone: Age: Phone: Age:____________ ____________ Email: ___________________________________________ atic Sports Session No: _________ Email: ___________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ t about SAM? Come and___________________ Try Aquatic Sports Session No: _________ How didand youTry find out about SAM? ___________________ Come Aquatic Sports Session No: _________ Come and Aquatic SportsSession SessionNo: No:_________ _________ Come and TryTry Aquatic Sports How did you find out about SAM? ___________________ How did you find out about SAM?___________________ ___________________ How did you find out about SAM? Risk waiver robics/AquaFit is an activity that can result in I Risk am aware that Aquaerobics/AquaFit is an activity that can result in waiver owledgepersonal that by participating in this activity there in this activity there Risk waiver Risk waiver injury. I Aquaerobics/AquaFit acknowledge that by is participating I am aware that an activity that can result inin I am aware that Aquaerobics/AquaFit isan anactivity activitythat thatcan canresult resultin I will sustain personal injury; however I choose I personal am that Aquaerobics/AquaFit is is an aware inherent risk that I will sustain personal injury; however I choose injury. I acknowledge that bybyparticipating ininthis activity there personal injury. I acknowledge that participating thisactivity activitythere there personal injury. I acknowledge that by participating in this tivity into any event. By signing this authority, I participate in this activity in any event. By signing this authority, I is is anan inherent risk that I will sustain personal injury; however choose inherent risk that I will sustain personalinjury; injury;however howeverII Ichoose choose is an inherent risk that I will sustain personal agree that no liability confers onto the organisers and I also agree to onfers onto the organisers andinIinalso agree tosigning to to participate ininthis activity any event. By this authority, I participate this activity any event. By signing this authority, toagree participate inliability this activity in onto any event. By signing this authority, ItoI Marrickville Council and the participating clubs andagree that nono confers organisers and I Ialso Councilindemnify and the participating clubs and agree that liability confers onto the organisersand and also agreeto to agree that no liability confers onto the organisers I also agree associations from any legal action as a result of any injury, death, indemnify Marrickville Council and the participating clubs and indemnify Marrickville Council and the participatingclubs clubsand and egal action as aMarrickville result of Council any injury, death, indemnify and the participating damage or loss that may be resultant from this activity. associations from any legal action as aaresult ofofany injury, death, associations from any legal action resultof anyinjury, injury,death, death, ay be resultant from this activity. associations from any legal asas afrom result any damage or loss that may beaction resultant this activity. damage or loss that may be resultant from this activity. damage or loss be resultant this activity. I understand thatthat mymay photograph may from be taken whilst participating in Council's a Month activities and in and printinin hotograph maySport be that taken whilst participating inpublications I understand my photograph may be whilst I understand that my photograph mayused betaken taken whilstparticipating participating Imedia. understand that my photograph may be taken whilst participating in If you do anot wish activities toactivities have your taken please speak Council's Sport and used ininpublications and Council's Sport aMonth Month andphotograph used publications andprint print h activities and used in publications and print Council's Sport a Month activities and used in publications and print tomedia. one ofIfthe organisers attaken the start of the session. taken you dodonot to your photograph media. Ifphotograph you notwish wish tohave have your photograph takenplease pleasespeak speak sh to have your please speak media. Ifofyou do not wish to have your photograph taken please speak to to one the organisers one of the organisersatatthe thestart startofofthe thesession. session. s at theto start ofthe the session. one of organisers the start of the from session. The information that is at being collected you in this registration form is information personal that information the purposes ofinin the Privacy and The collected from this registration Theinformation thatisisbeing beingfor collected fromyou you this registration The information that is Protection being collected from in the this registration form is ispersonal information for ofof Privacy s being collected from you in this registration Personal Information Act The supply of and the form personal information forthe thepurposes purposes the Privacy and form is personal information for the purposes of the Privacy Personal Protection Act supply ofof and by you is voluntary. participating club provide the Personal Information Act 1998. 1998. The will supply the rmationinformation for the Information purposes ofProtection theThe Privacy and The Personal Information Protection Act 1998. The supply of the information byby you isisvoluntary. The club will the information in this form to Marrickville Council of 2-14 information youregistration voluntary. Theparticipating participating club willprovide provide the Protection Actby 1998. The supply of the club information you is voluntary. The participating will provide the information form Council 2-14 Fisher Street,inPetersham NSW 2049. By signing the registration information inthis thisregistration registration formto toMarrickville Marrickville Council ofof form 2-14 voluntary. The participating club will provide the the information intoPetersham this form Marrickville of 2-14 Fisher Street, NSW 2049. signing registration form Fisher Street, Petersham NSW 2049. By signing theCouncil registration form you consent theregistration participating clubtoBy disclosing this information to Fisher Street, Petersham NSW 2049. By signing the registration form gistration form to Marrickville Council of 2-14 youconsent consent the participating clubdisclosing disclosing this information information to you totothe participating club this to Marrickville Council. Council is collecting this information from you in you consent to the participating club disclosing this information am NSW 2049. By signing the registration form Marrickville Council. Council collecting thisinformation information from you youto Marrickville Council. isiscollecting this inin order to collate the Council participants in Sport-a-Month. The from information Marrickville Council. Council is information collecting information from you be in order collate the participants Sport-a-Month. Thewill information order toto collate the participants inin Sport-a-Month. The information provided will be stored bythis Council on a this database that only articipating club disclosing to order to collate the participants inison Sport-a-Month. The information provided will be stored Council onaadatabase database thatand willwill only be provided will be stored bybyCouncil that will only be by authorised personnel, subject to privacy only ouncil accessed is collecting this information from you in provided will be stored by Council on a database that will only be accessed authorised personnel, iswas subject privacy and will only only accessed byby authorised personnel, subject totoprivacy will be used for the purpose for which itis collected. Anyand information participants in Sport-a-Month. The information accessed byfor authorised personnel, to privacy and will used the purpose which itsubject wascollected. collected. Any information bebeused for the purpose forfor which was Any information provided by the participating club toisitCouncil can by accessed by only you d by Council on athe database onlycollected. be provided participating clubwill Council canwriting byaccessed accessed by you you be usedstandard for the purpose forthat which itCouncil was Any provided byby the participating club toto can by by during office hours and updated by or information contacting duringon standard office hours and updated by writing writing contacting provided the participating club to updated Council can by accessed by you d personnel, isby subject to privacy and will only during standard office hours and by oror contacting Council 9335 2222. Council 9335 2222.hoursAny standard office and information updated by writing or contacting Council 9335 2222. se for during which itonon was collected. Council on 9335 2222. Get active and learn more Get active and and learn more Get active and learn more learn more Get active and learn more about sports clubs in your local about sports clubs in your local about clubs in your local sports clubs in your local about sports clubs area in your local area areaarea area Tell us about your experience Sport-a-Month Feedback Survey Sport-a-Month Come and try Come and try Come and try Come and try pating club to Council can by accessed by you Signature: ____________________________ e hoursSignature: and updated by writing or contacting Signature: ____________________________ ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Name (print): ____________________________ Name(print): (print): ____________________________ Name ____________________________ Name (print): ____________________________ (Parent/guardian’s signature and name required if participant (Parent/guardian’ssignature signatureand andname namerequired requiredififparticipant participant is(Parent/guardian’s under 1616 years of of age) ____________________________ is under years age) (Parent/guardian’s signature and name required if participant is under 16 years of age) is under 16 tick years of age) Please if you would bebesent ____________________________ Please tick you wouldlike liketo sentaaamonthly monthlySport-aSport-aPlease tick if ifyou would like totobe sent monthly Sport-aMonth brochure. Month brochure. Please tick if you would like to be sent a monthly Sport-aMonth brochure. signature and name required if participant Month brochure. age) u would like to be sent a monthly Sport-a- Sport-a-Month Sport-a-Month Sport-a-Month Sport-a-Month Come and try Aquaerobics and AquaFit For more information information contactCouncil’s Council’s Recreation For more more For information contact contact Council’sRecreation Recreation Officer on 9335 2191 or to view Sport-a-Month For moreon Council’s Recreation Officer 9335 or aaaSport-a-Month Officer oninformation 9335 2191 2191contact or to to view view Sport-a-Month calendar visit Council’s Council’s website at: website at: Officer calendar on 9335 visit 2191 or to view a Sport-a-Month calendar visit Council’s website at: calendar visit Council’s website at: For more information contact Council’s Recreation Officer on 9335 2191 or to view a Sport-a-Month calendar visit Council’s website at: ForFREE FREEinin in the month of For the month ofof For FREE the month For FREE in the month of January2012 2012 January January January 2012 2012 For FREE in the month of January 2012 Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre Here is your chance to try Petersham Park Swimming Pool opened to the public in September 1962. In 1999 it was renamed the ‘Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre’ to honour the Olympic swimming legend and champion of women's rights. Aquaerobics / AquaFit for FREE throughout January 2012 at Here is your chance try martial arts Here your chance to trytoBADMINTON for theisHere Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre is your chance to try FREE throughout August 2011 at for FREE throughout APRIL 2010 at Here is your chance to tryone (Aquaerobics) and Annette Kellerman Marrickville PCYC. of Marrickville’s martial arts schools. Aquaerobics / AquaFit Aquatic CentreAquaerobics (AquaFit). / AquaFit Simply choose which ONE session you would choose which sessions would like forSimply FREE throughout January 2012 at2012 Simplyforchoose which sessionyou (eg AquaFit FREE throughout January like to attend, call Marrickville PCYC to register attend, call the contact number listed for the at thetoSession Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre One)Fanny you would like to attend, call the the Durack Aquatic Centre your name, complete the registration form on session to bookand and Annette on day bring a drink contact number listed for the the session to register (Aquaerobics) Kellerman (Aquaerobics) and Annette Kellerman the back of this brochure and then hand it in on bottle, comfortable clothing and your completed and hand your(AquaFit). completed registration form in Aquatic Centre Aquatic Centre (AquaFit). registration form. the Please keep in mind that places are onday. the day. Simply (eg AquaFit limited! choose Simply which choosesession which session (eg AquaFit Come and try martial arts with: Session One) you would like to attend, the call the attend, It’s thatSession easy. One) you would like tocall contact listed for the session to register Come number and try badminton with: contact number listed for the session to register and hand and yourhand completed registration form in form in your completed registration Martial Arts Academy on ■ theAustralian day. on the day. Ph: 9591 6614 or 0414 444 606 It’s that easy. It’s that easy. Email: Web: We get young people active in life people to develop their skills, character and leadership When: Every Tuesday in April (6, 13, 20, 27) 2010 • 3-5yrs: We reduce 4.00pm and prevent crime by and against young people 6-8yrs: 4.00pm • Session (Choose • Times We work withOne): young 9-12yrs: 6.00pm7pm - 8pm (adults) Adult Sessions (Choose ONE Free Session Where: Australian Martial Arts Academy Only) Studio 35, 142 Addison Rd When: Marrickville NSW 2204 Who: Time: Everyone welcome Where: . Each Friday in August 2011 6:00pm – 7:00pm Marrickville PCYC Debbie and Abbey Borgia Centre 31 Illawarra Road Marrickville NSW 2204 ■ Marrickville Karate Club Come andTraining try ‘Aquaerobics/AquaFit’: Bring: Ph: 9558 5139 orshoes, 0414 appropriate 600 439 clothing and a water bottle. Email: Aquaerobics Web: About Badminton: Come and try and ‘Aquaerobics/AquaFit’: When: Every Wednesday in January Come try ‘Aquaerobics/AquaFit’: ’ Badminton is9.30 similar toFun tennis. The court – 10.30am Session 1: Karate Fitness, and Discipline for All has a net andFanny players use Aquatic a racquet to hit a Where: Durack Centre When: Thursday 8 and 22 April, 2010 Aquaerobics ‘shuttle’ to each other. While keepingStreet you fit, Aquaerobics Petersham Park, Station 5.45pmPetersham (Under 12 2049 yrs) NSW Badminton will- 6.45 finepm tune your reflexes and When: Every Wednesday in January Every in January Who:When: Open to all.Wednesday 7pm – 8pm (adults) keep you mentally alert. 9.30To – find 10.30am 9.30out – 10.30am more and register call Where: Tempe Public School,Aquatic Centre Where: Fanny Durack Where: Fanny Aquatic Centre 9565 1906 Durack Did you know that badminton isSt, also world’s Park, Street Unwins Bridge Rd &Station Union Tempe. Park, Station Street What: CnrPetersham Tea Petersham and Coffee will be provided. fastest racquet sport with the shuttle being Petersham NSW 2049 Petersham NSW 2049 Who: Everyone welcome Who: Open toOpen all. to– all. hitAquaFit at Who: over(All 400km per hour! Welcome Limited places) To find out more register call call To find outand more and register 9565 1906 9565 1906 Session 2: Karate Fitness, Fun and Discipline for Kids When: Session One: and Coffee will be provided. What: What:TeaFriday andTea Coffee will be provided. 20April, January When: Monday 12 and 19 2010 2011 Coach Hill Yuen 6.00 - 7.00pm 5.45pm -continuing 6.45 pm (Under yrs) Badminton isSession to–12 be very places) popular AquaFit (All Welcome Limited AquaFit (All Welcome – Two: Limited places) with Inner Sydney sites. Active 7pmWest – 8pm (adults) Friday 27 January 2011 After When: Session One: When: Session One: Schools coach, Hill Yuen, has more than 33 –School, 7.00pm Where: Tempe 6.00 Public Friday 20 January 2011 Friday 20 January 2011 years’ experience playing and coaching Where: Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre 6.00 - Rd 7.00pm Cnr6.00 Unwins Bridge & Union St, Tempe. - 7.00pm Enmore Park, Black Street badminton. Hill first started playing socially Session Two: Session Two: Who: Everyone welcome Enmore NSW 2042 with friends then trained in the sport in Hong Friday 27 January 2011 27 January 2011 Who: Hill Friday All Welcome 6.00 – 7.00pm Kong. enjoys coaching children and has 6.00To – find 7.00pm out more and register call Where: Annette Kellerman Aquatic Session 3: Karate Fitness, Fun and Discipline for All a strong passion for passingAquatic on hisCentreCentre Where: Annette Kellerman 9565Enmore 1906 Park, Black Street Enmore Black Street badminton knowledge and When: Wednesday 7Park, and 21 Aprilskills. 2010 NSW 2042 EnmoreEnmore NSW 2042 5.30pm – 6.30pm (under 12 yrs) Who: All Welcome Who: All Welcome To find out more and register call 7pm To- 8pm find(adults) out more and register call 9565 1906 9565Hall, 1906 Where: Church 151-153 Constitution Road, Dulwich Hill. Who: Everyone welcome Session 4: Racquets Karate Fitness, and Discipline for All Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre and Fun shuttlecocks Fanny Durack Aquatic The name change was suggested to Council by historian Petersham Park Swimming Pool opened to theCentre public in provided. When: Saturday 10Swimming and 24 April, said: Petersham Pool2010 opened the public in September 1962.Park InMary 1999Haire, it was who renamed the to ‘Fanny September In 1999 the it was renamed the ‘Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre’ to honour Olympic 2.00pm –1962. 3.00pm (under 12 yrs) swimming Durack Aquatic Centre’ to women's honour therights. Olympic swimming To register: Call: (02) 9559 7722 legend and champion of "Fanny spent the last years of her life at Douglas legend and champion of women's rights. Street 3.00pm – 4.00pm (adults) Stanmore which is very close to Petersham Pool. And Fanny does notwas have a pool named after by herhistorian in Australia, Church Hall, TheWhere: name change suggested to Council The name changeShe was suggested to Council historian which is scandalous. for women and by their rights. Mary Haire,fought who said: Mary who said: Constitution Road, Women 151-153 were banned fromHaire, swimming competitively. It was considered immoral and immodest but she campaigned for Hill. "Fanny spent the last years her life atthe Douglas StreetStreet years to Dulwich swimming associations It was "Fanny spent the last of years ofand her life authorities. at Douglas Stanmore which is very very close to Petersham Pool. And important." which is very close to Petersham Pool. And Who:Stanmore Everyone welcome Fanny does have pool anamed after her in her Australia, Fannynot does nota have pool named after in Australia, which iswhich scandalous. She fought for women and their is scandalous. She fought for women andrights. their rights. Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre Women were banned from swimming competitively. It wasIt was Women were banned from swimming competitively. considered immoralimmoral and immodest butCentre she campaigned for The Annette Kellerman at Enmore Park for considered andAquatic immodest but she campaigned yearshas toyears swimming associations the authorities. It was been into and a new, state-of-the-art facility to redeveloped swimming associations and the authorities. It was very a 50 metre(Choose pool,important." learn-to-swim and Session leisure pools, a very ONE important." Kidswith Sessions Free café, multi-purpose room, Wellness Centre (including Only) fitness and gym facilities), and improved seating, changing Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre and administration facilities. The Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre at Enmore Park Park The Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre at Enmore When: Each Friday in August 2011 th has It been redeveloped into a new, beenafter redeveloped into astate-of-the-art new, state-of-the-art ishas named Annette Kellerman, who in thefacility earlyfacility 20 with a 50 metre pool, learn-to-swim and leisure with a century 50 metre pool, and leisure pools, aHer a was onelearn-to-swim the most famous women alive.pools, café,tomulti-purpose room, Wellness (including Time: 5:00pm –one 6:00pm café, multi-purpose room, Wellness CentreCentre (including journey becoming of the world’s highest earning fitness and gym facilities), andstage improved seating, changing fitness and gym facilities), and improved seating, changing entertainers, on the vaudeville and in silent movies, and administration facilities. and administration facilities. began in Silver Street Marrickville. She was also an early Where: Marrickville PCYC feminist and a popular role model for health and fitness th th It is named after Annette Kellerman, the 20 early 20 and Abbey Borgia Centre It is named afterDebbie Annette Kellerman, who inwho the in early century was one the most famous women alive. Her century was one the most famous women alive. Her To learn more about the facility and available programs 31 Illawarra Road journey to becoming of the world’s highest earning journeyvisit: to becoming one of one the Aquatic world’s highest earning Annette Kellerman Centre website at Marrickville NSW 2204 entertainers, on the vaudeville stage in movies, silent movies, entertainers, on the vaudeville stage and inand silent began in Silver Street Marrickville. She was also an began in Silver Street Marrickville. She was also an early early and a popular role model for health and fitness feministfeminist and a popular role model for health and fitness Who: Ages 8 to 12 years learnknow more about the facility and available programs there areavailable more than five you To Did learnTomore about the: facility and programs visit: Training Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre website at Bring: shoes, appropriate visit: Annette Kellerman Aquatic Centre website at martial arts organisations operating in clothing and a water bottle. Marrickville? Come along and try a class during andmartial shuttlecocks April and Racquets discover the artist within! Visit provided. for more information. To register: Call: (02) 9559 7722