Fitz Bitz 1965 May 14
Fitz Bitz 1965 May 14
Y 1o 18 l{o" May 1l+, 1965 FT,IZFERTLD IIOUSN O.U. 1 'Rilsrur5 DtH rur ililil}[[il|lil ,:p l1sy 6ih ff-tr afliln on ltay 12th ::Ir":;""1on nectln:'s of tirs Fl"ta* -..,1;l Ilor,sE Cosrurltteo're-s rallqd by . 'llr''p lh*tr::an Ken ,ltvr,r* The aLtend* rt:r i;.*. t,*e$P ngetln.'S ltaS 8l:,t)tt nLL" t ' ^F "-o l"e r:e'"!:ers of FXtzgenal,d ' ' ,iSe har..e 6,x'ir'er:eC An lntenr'5tr ln ra.; flpplr1l' the com:: ittee lt ls do rbtf,rrl I :et lt rrtll lre rer:etlvatei. A tlo'tse Con'lttee ean be a nepy' valutble thl-g to a 'lorn anC 1ts resirantsr &s ,ras :rroven t ts part snnester" If y'ou ar4 r-r,ie-estod fou should contaet llead R*:tlent Dave Le'.rls or Ken slver. ,'ertraps enottgh soptlgtg eo'rLJ bc nttsle to recctlvate the eonr.lltee. ihould, lre ,.'lve it one nn-e go? ftts tf't to YOll" '\rT,t coultcll }{Ei./s The Dorrnttg,l'y Counel$ 1s back fn res.'lnn fon tho suffler sc:lester, At lhelf ftrst ne^ttnll ti:e foll.o'*in1 n{"'tce's werg e].ected; Cary Du:st, ''!".'r;ldentr, ton Volflgr Vtce ")-es:. lent1 rrd ll'rfa YOneLls rseeretary-tr"^,.lt3U.,ef ; j'he rpetlnns of the eo'r'rcll ;jre open *r.l all a''c urf-d to at'.cnd evepy Tlilrrslay at 5:30 i,.11" 1n tile 0akland Cpnterr r'F€tillpnt Gary Dur.stn rriro ':ils vlee o-esldent of tiie co:rneLl last ^onester, relortn<l on hls trlp to I'rrlnan, 'ia:l:ln-ton to a Dornttory lo :nc i I Convcnt ton " itt66c3?I0r or Ti{x i.,EEK ff Chaneellor Vaner lrants to lteop t;re faerrlty and sturlents on thclr ln^'s [g shOtfld f' the url-naLs :i'!x lneites" ffiIX{,.$$C lHG ttT"f,ZT"n I'i :CA:}rr$X he of Ff te illte snri'rri lil:e to take tftts oFpr'rtunlL'r t1; 1:elscne ihp neue t nf tlre Fttz stiff, Ttez.'ls Kteapoux. lfeazfle ls our Rew Poet* tn-Resldence? replaclnfl Last se.mest€prs poet, Lanaf * ezzle was & drop*6ut of Sheiugnosh Hlgh Sehool" IIe was lrlr-,edletoly aeeepted lrere at Oakland, and. was gtven a four year full t:rltlon sehoLarshln. lle comes to us htghly roeonrnen{ad fronn varlous $ourees, all who rlrllh to remsln anonynCIu$B llls poetry uhteh has been ';ubllsheC ln sev*ral Fotlodlcalg (afl of vhleh are nolr defunet)r utll be apnearlng ln eaehr lssue of Flta BLtz" fem sure hls deep noetlc Lneltes r.rtll ad 1 a neu dlnerslon to our paper? and thct lleszle :dll beeone a valued part of our unlverslty menber Llfe. 0Ce, on a teaf by l{earle Kleaporrr ,;tr$nge, lt reall.y sesns that Io no! ln l"aurels leafy llei ttiough l{ave heard of the qrass so rreen lilt,h Knorvl"ecge""{oS tne tree, f nean)o 0f gr"apos that grow trfhen sflu ered r}o flow Aloni the grasr treslde the broak l,{tth a favor of r;€/.r€rt to rook, 0f sveetncss ln the hLlls that Lts Behlnd the htl.l" f '..roniler r.rh:y I rnust be ordered from tho sticks Fy the long and nai"'rfrrl l:leks, Of a r-U,-t;t, i,':r,l'lit.i," I i:b).:tri, 11y .r.!rr"if ti Tz ':ttTZ lla.y 14, 1965 ilrrge 2 Inqutnn$ ReporTer; fit3'; t{TiKf s n's -TIO}I* fs your uvula long aicl sLender or short and fat? (In ease you donct know vhat a ruvrrlan le the rltctlon;ir.y ra.yg; wulat r:r'ralll fleshy nroeess hanglng hannlng tl. Ro. t the r:r'rall" fror thq soft palate abovr: tile baelr of t,he tongueJ anii fntn n 1?2r rlongrllnder AqN'E KI1UUA1R 2L?r wl':at eondli!. I tlnns?n J(llil '3f.f,DrIsLD 221, rr donrt l:now. rt never rets ln nY way uh*n I [:raneb lOlT TN!{AII kl.rg"F Ral RAISf,n 218, nlVo ttranl: forun IIFIY l:i; i:l{tER 1X9r rI dldnst thlnk I had nng.n finA:Tr $rm llArfiT:n n0!r1 ny hpsvenr! What t""111 th€y ask next?r Th rra arc no blg b*rnr or tllos on Nilr Egrlend farnr, besnutre thr llvertoch st,rf6 outaldc all ysiro Jlnnler you twned ths 1.1''n l,rst nlght" Itrs my turn rtor{e Cone on lN6 l\ltffils\Ljr "cl1 IrZ BITZ F F IT ZG FRA UU HOUSE OAKLAND UNIVERSIT/ ROC H TSTER, 11 ICH I 6R N fitz Bitz Stqm xFx{ sryil ri:lr.lCf, "riGE$ i),,"8 'i:r . ?t l'{ ::l1ITH 0A?Es ruLli:Rtclf i;!.;ZlIE TICA:'fIIX :; Irt llltffiJmnRr r lllfA 0ItrI{SEBERRI - Wtll ansr,'er AIL stlons eoneernlng eollefe 1.1fe, ]mt: personal llfa and ger" l{o lorrger nerI you faee those enbarrasslng dlr:ussl,ons wlth l{urse Cartnell" ltrltarc sx enlenee at Vassatr and Radeltffe flrly quallfy her to Ceal '..rlth your llorrt Lnttnate problerrs. If yotr have pr.r b; nns that need, that wann and pe: sonal toueh that only Nlta ean glrret ur -te to $flta Dlnkl"eberitJrr Box 219r qu, Fl,.zge-ald llousa. Edlt+;r & Reoo,'ter ielorter .'" ?lnt ot 11quor utll dehden patn" Artlst & Repor.ter Another p!-.t wllL Ceaden bratno $aehem Poet Alvlee Coh:nnlrt IDID YOTJ K.'01d t'ct p.anftsters tr,r're f,aini,..i lre{ bllllnls ofi l'1-}s st*tuns of Ant:FoITUS T|{AT3 FITZ TO TfiJNT [dtte and her honc^.r;:5.,iens in the c-rr.,lr1d1 iof the Counell of].'g',.: ln T,,'""':ir';iir { ::p71;.:nd o