iron chef camporee! - Roosevelt
iron chef camporee! - Roosevelt
Volume 2, Issue 6 February, 2016 UPCOMING MEETING DATES District Commissioners Meeting: Mon. March 7th 2016 @ 7:45pm Mon, April 4th, 2016 @ 7:45pm Council Service Center, Massapequa Pequott District Roundtable Mtg. Tue. March 8th, 2016 @ 7:45pm Massapequa H.S. Cafeteria District Committee Meeting: Wed. February 24th 2016 @ 7:45pm Wed. March 23rd 2016 @ 7:45pm Council Service Center, Massapequa Order of the Arrow – Wulihan Chapter Our OA Wulihan Chapter normally meets the third Wednesday of the month. BUT the next meeting is Wed, February 24th at Island Rock in Plainview. Join your fellow Brothers for a fun night. Adults & Youth are welcome! Questions? Contact Chapter Advisor Brian Sarant, 37th Pequott Aquatic Meet Pequott Buccaneers It was a great day at Chaminade High School Teams competed in serious swim events & fun ones too. Great opportunity to swim in the winter! Mark your Troop calenders and be there next time! The results are: 1st. Place Troop 5 2nd place Troop 776 3rd place Troop 690 Since the dawn of time scouts have been looking for someone to step forward with a good meal. I give you… IRON CHEF CAMPOREE! May 13-15 at Schiff Scout Reservation While the event isn’t for a few months, the boys can start with the patch design competition. The winning design will become the Official Patch Design and the Scout submitting the winning design will receive a Special Prize Award. All entries earn 2 points per scout entry for their unit. DEADLINE EXTENDED. Designs must be submitted no later than February 26th, 2016, in person, by mail, or by email to: Bruce Brickmeier, 120 Ohio Avenue, Massapequa, NY 11758 Designs should be in color and indicate the proper shape and size; however, a design may be submitted in Black & White if a complete color key is included. Each design must include the words: 2016 Pequott Camporee, “IRON CHEF” and have the BSA fleur d’lis symbol located on the patch. As a Special Bonus, the winning Patch will also have the initials of the Scout who designed the patch, together with his unit, embedded onto the patch. It is Re-Charter Time THANKS to all the units that handed in their charter. ALL THE CHARTERS ARE IN! If any units are holding on to applications please get them in to the Council office ASAP. Merit Badge Workshops at TRC TWO Saturdays each month, 9am-1:30pm there’s a Merit Badge Workshop at the TRC Headquarters. The upcoming offerings are: Feb 20th - Game Design, Emergency Preparedness, Chemistry and Art. March 5th - TBD You must register at the council website : . The fee is $25 and you can choose one badge. Don’t wait! Space is limited! THEODORE ROOSEVELT COUNCIL OPENS FIRST BSA STEM CENTER The Grand Opening Celebration was on Saturday, February 6, at the Theodore Roosevelt Council. Congressman Peter King cut the ribbon to welcome over 1000 youth to see interactive displays and exhibits relating to a variety of STEM fields. New programs and STEM camps will be offered, including during the upcoming President’s Week break from school. TRC STEM HOLIDAY CAMP The NEW Vacation week Camp Program is open to Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. Cub Scouts will work on the STEM NOVA award for their particular rank -Wolf, Bear, Webelos and Arrow of Light. The Boy Scouts will have time to earn Citizenship in the Nation, Geocaching, Animation, Inventing, Robotics and Scouting Heritage Merit Badges. It will take place from 9 AM to 5 PM Tuesday - Friday and participation is required all 4 days in order to meet the requirements to get the badges that they will be working on. Scouts are asked to bring their own lunch. - $150 fee Register at: Bluenose 2016 Expedition EVEREST Sat Feb 13th - Mon Feb 15th At Onteora Scout Reservation, Livingston Manor, NY The search for the Yeti dates back as early as 326 BC and continues today. Klondike Derby, Cooking Contests, Igloo & Quinzee construction, Snow Sculptures, sledding & snowshoeing. FUN! $25 early registration ends Jan 31. $30 fee for registering from Feb 1. Register your unit at: If you are planning or have scheduled an Eagle Court of Honor please notify our District Chairman, Tom Cleary of the date and time at: or 516-707-9675 SUMMER CUB CAMPING PROMOTIONS Schedule a Date For a Cub Camping Promotion In your Unit! Take advantage of the Three Season Camping Program That our Council offers! Contact Steve Innerfield with a date at your Pack Night Feb 20th BALOO Cub Leader Training at the Council HQ 8:30am-2pm Introduces Cub Scout leaders and parents to the skills needed to plan and conduct pack outdoor activities, particularly pack camping Pine Tree Training at Schiff Many sessions coming soon for Webelos & Boy Scouts. Most $4, Fishing $6, Cooking $9 Please pre-register! Archery 4/9, 5/7 BB Gun 4/23, 5/21 Cooking, 4/2 Fishing 4/23, 5/14, 5/21 Orienteering 12/5, 4/9, 5/21 Check the Council online calendar for detailed info & times. Buckskin Lodge Hosts Lodge Leadership Development Upcoming Training Opportunities Youth Protection Training for Adults Must be renewed every two years in order to maintain your BSA membership. If yours is expiring soon, take it again at:, under E-Learning. This is a 2-day course February 26-27 at Schiff Scout Reservation. Program begins Friday night and will conclude Sunday. For those seeking a lodge leadership position (Chapter Chief, Lodge Secretary, Lodge Treasurer, Lodge Vice Chief, Lodge Chief) this Training is required. Registration is $15 and includes food and materials, register online today! Tread Lightly! Master Tread Trainer Course March 5th & 6th at Schiff Scout Reservation. This is a one day course offered on two dates. (You only need to attend one day for this course.) Limited to 10 participants per day. Deadline Feb. 12. Open to BSA registered adults only. $160 fee includes meals, 1 year membership to TREAD Lightly!, TREAD Trainer polo shirt, manual & flash drive, and the ability to teach responsible outdoor recreation – Priceless! Register at: NRA Rifle, Shotgun and Basic Instructor Training (Rescheduled from January) March 18-20 at Schiff Scout Reservation. The course will start with BIT training on Friday which must be completed within 12 months of becoming a certified instructor in any of the NRA Disciplines. Rifle Instructor will take place on Saturday followed by Shotgun Instructor on Sunday. Each discipline will require time on the range. After completing the course you must join the NRA ($50/2yrs) to record your certification. $180 fee Register online at: Pinewood Derby Season is Here! Please contact Mike Assande (District Derby Director) and Noelle Bloom with your Pack’s Derby Date & Time. Mike wants to be there & Noelle wants to alert the media. Troop Committee Training Sat March 19th 7:30am-9am, $2 fee While focused for Troop Committee Chairs & Committee Members, Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters are encouraged to take this training to learn the functions of the committee and how the committee can best support your program.Wantagh Memorial Congregational Church, 1845 Wantagh Ave. Scoutmaster Fundamentals Training Sat March 19th 9:30 am – 2:30 pm, $10 fee Learn how a troop operates to help you provide better program support. Committee members are also encouraged to take this training And even JASMs are now permitted to take this training Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills Training April 2-3 at Schiff Scout Reservation Great for Webelos and Boy Scout Leaders! You will learn about and practice basic outdoor Scouting skills -- and everything you learn can be brought back to teach your Scouts! Deadline 4/1(But Don’t Wait!) – Fee $37 Registration & more info at: Contact Course Dir: Frank Fox (516) 659-1219 It’s Always Recruiting Time! Upcoming Events Contact the Pequott District Membership Chair, Noelle Bloom, at to request your recruitment flyers. Just send your event date, time and location, along with the contact information needed on the flyer, and what schools you would like your flyer sent to. Please give her at least 2 weeks lead time so she can get school approval. If you would like anything in the local newspapers about your unit, contact Noelle. She will help you with that as well. SAVE THE DATES! BE THERE! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DISTRICT PROVIDED PROGRAM FOR YOUR PACK & TROOP! Religious Activities Jewish Committee Cub Emblem Activity Program Fun, Games, Activities to prepare for Maccabee or Aleph Emblem Jan 7 & 21, Feb 4 & 25, Mar 3, 7:30pm at Temple B’nai Torah, 2900 Jerusalem Ave., Wantagh, NY 11793 $15 fee Contact: Len Aberman at - 516-781-5899 Boy Scouts seeking the N’er Tamid award meet 6:30-8pm Sunday evenings, Jan 3, 21 Feb 21, Mar 13, Apr 3, May 1. Contact Dave Schuster at - 516-731-3930 Contact Noelle Bloom about Eagle or Service Projects: All of the area Herald Newspapers ( Bellmore, Merrick, Seaford and Wantagh ) are anxious to report on our district's boys. Let's take advantage of it! They ask for the name of the boy, his parents/guardians, and the scoutmaster’s name and contact info. They normally send a reporter the day of the project and do a full page on it. They have also shown interest in publishing photos sent to them with a description. The more scouting is in the paper, the more boys will join. It can be a cool den meeting or an awesome trip. Cubs, Boy Scouts and Venturers, they want it all! They sell papers, we recruit more boys. It's a winwin! Noelle Bloom Pequott District Pinewood Derby & Cub Carnival Sat. April 2nd Centerpoint Church 98 Jerusalem Ave, Massapequa Top racers from every pack will compete for glory! Come to the carnival, play some games, win some prizes! Contact Mike Assande Scouting for Food 2016 Saturday, March 19, from 12:00pm to 3:00pm Drop-off at Massapequa Train Station or Garden City Key Foods Register your contribution at: Order of the Arrow 5K Run Saturday, April 3rd from 9am to noon Join us for the 5th Annual Order of the Arrow - Arrows for Charity 5K Run/Walk. This year's race will have all proceeds given to Long Island Veterans and Island Harvest. Register today, and join us at Eisenhower Park!!! More info & registration at: Future Dates - Mark your Calendar March 12th Amazing Race CANCELLED March 19th – Troop Committee and Scoutmaster Fundamentals training April 8-10 All Faith Weekend April 9-All Faith Retreat April 15th-17th Cub-O-Ree April 29th-May 1st OA Spring Weekend May 2nd – Cub position specific training May 9th, 16th & 23rd – Cub supplemental training May 20th-22nd Webelos Woods June 18th - Pequott District Dinner Eagle Project Opportunity There is an opportunity for a potential Life or Eagle Scout project at the Bellmore Senior Center. They’re interested in renovating their Shuffle Board area to include benches and a canopy. Contact Anne Thompson (President) on Tues,Wed, and Thurs from 10am to 2:30pm at 516-221-9696 The project does not need to be done right away. Venturing Crew 577 Pasta Dinner Fundraiser Saturday, March 5th, 5-8pm at St. Frances de Chantal in Wantagh. $10.00 Gets you Pasta, Salad, Bread, Drinks, and Dessert. Come down and dig in! Contact Crew Advisor: Mike Sarlo 516-785-8276, with any questions or advance ticket purchases. Pequott District’s Cub Cake Wars! Congratulations to all who participated at the January Roundtable. Enjoy your Door Prize Ticket to Cub Carnival. Extra congrats (and a totem for your Pack flag and Cub Carnival ticket books) go to: 1st prize: Gather ‘round the Campfire: the team of Pack 776& Pack 339 2nd prize: The Rocket Ship: the team of Pack 206 & Pack 283 (our friends to the north) 3rd prize: Paw Pals: the team of Pack 123 and Pack 189 Cub Scout Pack 96 of Wantagh hosted their annual Pinewood Derby recently at the Wantagh Memorial Congregational Church. There were 25 participants in the 2nd - 5th grade division, and five racers in the 1st -grade division. Each car ran six races and the cars with the shortest combined times won. Josh Berlin took home the 1st place prize followed by Anthony Marullo and Lucas Immel. The 1st -grade winner with the best time was Matthew Como. Cub Scout Pack 776 hosted their annual Cub Scout Pinewood Derby on Friday, January 29th. Jack Riley, a Webelos Scout, took 1st place with his "Highway" car! The boys did a fantastic job creating their cars and cheering their peers on. A great night was had by all. Pack 239 had their Derby at Seaford Manor School on Friday Jan 29th. with two dozen Scouts taking part. The firstplace winner was James Price, second place was Anthony Flores and Luke Donovan finished third. Members of Venturing Crew 577 are leaders at the Area 2 level. On February 6, 2016 they participated in the Northeast Region Area 2 training/planning event at Seton Scout Camp, and spent time with Christine Luczka, the Northeast Region Venturing Advisor State Senator Michael Venditto, State Assemblyman Joseph Saladino, Nassau County Legislator James Kennedy, and Town of Oyster Bay Councilman Joseph Pinto all took time out of their busy schedules to stop by Massapequa Cub Pack 590’s Annual Pinewood Derby on Saturday, February 6th. The Pinewood Derby, which took place at Lockhart Elementary School, is one of the highlights of the scouting year. Pack 590 Cubmaster Bill Leisen. Said, “I’d like to thank all our elected officials who came down to the derby, it really meant a lot to the Pack to have their support.” Judging from the cheers, smiles, and applause, a good time was had by all! Webelos II from Pack 776 completed their craftsman badge Saturday January 30th at Central Tile, 1129 N Broadway, Massapequa. Mr. Pat Antonacci was kind enough to donate his knowledge, time, materials and the use of his store to teach the boys how to set and grout tile. The boys created several projects using different compositions. Those projects included building a cork trivet, a belt loop display, string art and models out of clay. The boys give a big "BULLY" to Mr. Pat Antonacci for his generosity and kindness. EAGLE SCOUTS IN THE NEWS 2011, while attempting to apprehend a robber at a pharmacy. .Levy is a senior at Seaford HS. Matthew Furlong of Wantagh Troop 189 of Temple B’Nai Torah was honored at a Court of Honor on Jan 17th. His Eagle Project helped the food pantry at St. Frances de Chantal. The 2015 graduate of MacArthur High School is presently attending the Island Drafting and Technical Institute in Amityville Randy Licata of Seaford Troop 239 was honored at a Court of Honor on Jan 17th at the Seaford American Legion hall. His Eagle project beautified the grounds at Seaford Manor Elementary School. The 2015 Seaford High School graduate is now a freshman at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Cory Levy of Seaford Troop 239 received Scouting’s highest honor in a ceremony at the Seaford American Legion on Nov. 28th For his Eagle project, Levy constructed a gazebo at Washington Avenue Park, in memory of Senior Special Agent Capano, who was killed on Dec. 31, Sean Bennett’s vision of becoming an Eagle Scout, came through at a Court of Honor ceremony on Jan. 10th at the Seaford American Legion Hall. His project helped people improve their vision, by the collection of eyeglasses throughout the community. Bennett is a 2015 graduate of Seaford HS and is a freshman at Nassau Community College. This is our 17th issue of the Pequott Charger! Please share it with the Leaders and Parents of your units. It is available in print form at the monthly Roundtable meetings and will also be e-mailed to all who request to receive it. Send your e-mail address to: and put Pequott Charger in the subject line to make sure not to miss any Pequott District News.