1 Why do you love Crestview? It may seem like a


1 Why do you love Crestview? It may seem like a
“Looking to Jesus, the Pioneer and Perfector of our faith.”
“The Crestviewer” is published monthly by:
Volume 2015, Issue 10
Crestview United Methodist Church
2245 SW Eveningside Dr. Topeka, KS 66614
Phone: (785) 272-3676 or 272-3702
Fax: (785) 271-9551
Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30a-Noon /1:00p-3:00p
E-mail: crestviewumc@gmail.com
Web address: cumctopeka.org
We are also on Facebook; search for us by our name.
Hebrews 12: 2
October 20, 2015
Senior Pastor: Andy Whitaker Smith
Pastoral Care: De Jones & Winslow
Music Director: Jennifer Bahr
Organist: Connie Roth
Secretary/Treasurer: Terresa Mountain
Custodians: Janice Hopper & Megan King
Nursery Director: Vicki Durr
Nursery Assistant: Katie Walker
Financial Secretary: Michele Turley
Why do you love Crestview?
It may seem like a question which does not need answering, especially for
those who are so dedicated to Crestview UMC, but when was the last time
you thought about why this church is so important to you? Why do you continue to worship/serve/study here versus any of the other dozens and dozens
of churches (including 12 other United Methodist Churches) in Topeka?
What makes Crestview United Methodist Church important and a necessity in your life?
Stewardship is a theme many churches emphasize in November; 1) as a reminder of how we are to
care for that which God blesses us, and 2) to give people of the church the opportunity to pledge what
they will contribute to the church and its ministries for the following year. As I have been thinking
about stewardship and what it means in terms of how we see God, and how do we balance that with
the sometimes more tangible reality of members caring for and giving to the church, the question I
keep coming back to is: “Why?” Why do we give? Why should we give?
A member last Sunday gave me a report which showed the percentage of people who attended a
church/synagogue/mosque in each state on a weekly basis in 2014. Of the 50 United States, only 1
was over 50%—and it was 51%. There was a clump of states in the south that ranged in the 40-45%,
but overall the range was more like 25-35%, with one state at 17%. Add to that people who feel
spread too thin because they have to pay for and move to assisted living, current parents taking care
of their parents, education expenses continuing to rise, people burdened with personal and student
debt, working 50-60 hours a week to stay above water….does the church still fit in the world?
Perhaps the question is: So in the midst of all that…do you still find yourself drawn to a community of
people striving to meet God?
Continued on page 2
Continued from page 1
To those reading this newsletter, does that happen at Crestview United Methodist
Church? Do we want that to happen at Crestview United Methodist Church? And if so…why?
E a c h sm all s te p o f f ai th is a gia nt st e p o f gro w t h .
Knowing the “why” of what we do, how we live, how we see life and the world, how we see God,
is part of what it means to be the kind of stewards Jesus spoke of, that we are to give not as an obligation or a rule, but that in doing so we experience life and share life. In the midst of so many
things which seem to crumble around us, is there something about still pursuing God which drives
us to continue being present at Crestview? Is it a refuge and provider of God’s presence we hope
others will experience, both now and in the years to come?
During the month of November I will preach a sermon series called Living a Legacy, exploring
how God calls us to continue the blessings we have experienced so that others may experience them
as well; not just in what we leave, but what we live. We will hear from people of the church share
what they love about Crestview UMC, and take this time to remember the WHY of our being a part
of Crestview, and of our following God’s call. We will remember how in the midst of life God is
still responding to us; and that in working through us, God is still responding to those we can serve.
If this is part of our “Why,” that is good news worth sharing; because, as it’s been said, “People
don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.”
E p h e si an s 4 : 23
It’s Your Business: Our financial status through September 30, 2015
Bank Balance:
Designated Funds:
General Funds:
$ 44,356.54
$ 47,891.30
($ 3,534.76)
Joys: Oliver James Pardue born Sept. 12th at 12:06am, weighing 6 lbs., 15 oz. and is 19"
long. Parents are Nicholas & Melissa Pardue (Bonita Pardue is Grandma & Betty Lou Pardue is GreatAunt! And for Mickey Christopher Walker, son of our nursery assistant Katie Walker, born Sept. 18
weighing in at 8 lbs., 5 oz. and 20” long!
Death: Sally Powell (10/19/15)
Hospitalized: Norm Peavler (Stormont-CCU 218); Ruth Roberts (St. Francis #707)
Ongoing Prayer Concerns: George Powell & family, Dennis Perry, Shirley Boatwright’s sister
(Audrey); friend of Teresa Tuchscherer & Mary Absher (Brian);
Our Men and Women currently serving in the Military: Rick & Laura Anderson’s son (Matt Anderson); Vera Hrabak’s grandsons (Jared Hrabak, Joshua Roe & Bruce Hrabak, Jr.); Oleta
Schafer’s grandson (Matt Cavanaugh); Glennis Martin’s nephew (Joshua Crippen); Doris Henderson’s grandson (Sterling Williams); Gene & Betty Dunn’s great-grandson (Falcon Murillo);
Colene McConnell’s son and Gary & Sandy Biber’s grandson (Joshua McConnell); Erin (Absher)
Rangel’s husband (Andrew) who is currently deployed to Egypt via Kuwait.
Sunday, November 15th, is the deadline for the December Crestviewer.
Re: Hands on Crestview! Thank you to all those who
helped clean up our Church. Over 13 people worked
on windows and leaf removal in the window wells.
Many worked on the freezer, refrigerator & stove.
Lots of trimming was done along the fence line &
brush was loaded into two trucks & deliver to the
Forestry Dump. We accomplished so much, but there
will be other opportunities to volunteer again. God
bless you for taking care of his creation! Thanks
Janell McKinney Grounds Chairperson
The following volunteers served the noon
meal at the Topeka Rescue Mission on
Tues., October 6: Debbie Basom, Gary &
Sandy Biber, Ila Hewitt, and Bert
Kossler. Thanks for serving and your caring! Our next scheduled time to serve is
Tues., Nov. 3 at 10:30 AM.
From Dotty Mead: Pat has been released from his surgeon's care and is doing very well following his recent
Carotid Artery surgery. We would like to thank all for
their cards, notes, phone calls, thoughts and prayers. We also want to thank the ladies for the prayer
shawl. All is truly appreciated.
Thank you for your prayers. I got a good
report. Nancy Foster
The “Women of Faith
Class” has started a new book,
“O Say Can You See” Biblical
stories about Spiritual Blindness.
We will discuss this book for approximately seven to ten weeks.
Any woman is welcome to
join our class on Sunday morning at 9:40a.m. and we meet in the NW classroom of the north wing.
Lola Bostwick
3415 SW 6th Ave. #134
Topeka, KS 66606-0001
9:00 a.m.
Tim e sp e nt w it h y o u r c h il dr e n i s t im e w is e ly i n v est e d . Psa lm 12 7 :3
Please note: We are refreshing the prayer requests on the white board in the office and in the weekly bulletin & newsletter. Prayer requests will be renewed every 2 weeks with the exception of ongoing critical needs. We hope this keeps us
updated and brings our attention to new requests. Thank you. Pastor Andy
TDC’s—Crestview Learning Center
Thank you to everyone who continues to donate paper products to the center.
The children enjoyed family members coming into read during our Family Reading Day.
All of the children are enjoying taking field trips to the pumpkin patch.
God ’s com m an dm en t s w e re gi ven t o fu l fi l l u s , n ot t o fru st r at e u s .
1 TOOTHBRUSH (MUST be in the package)
Wrap everything up inside the towel and tie securely or put in a plastic bag & place in the
white basket in the Narthex! These will go to Doorstep for their Christmas Store!
2015 Doorstep’s Christmas Wish List
We are collecting items for our Christmas Store benefitting the 250 households of families & individuals we adopt through the Christmas Bureau.
Men’s: Boxer Shorts S - XXL Sweats & Jeans – All Sizes, Aftershave & Cologne Flashlights & Tool
sets, Alarm Clocks & Small Radios Watches Decks of Cards
Women’s: Underwear S — XL, Larger Size Bras, Cosmetics and Jewelry, Jeans & PJ’s - All Sizes
Children’s: Jeans, Underwear & Winter Clothing, (Boys/Girls) ~ Sizes 6-16, Socks & Underwear
Toys: NO STUFFED ANIMALS PLEASE, Puzzles 100-500 pieces and Back Packs, Board Games for
All Ages, Girls Jewelry & Baby Dolls, Soccer Balls, Footballs & Basketballs, School Supplies, Books,
Coloring Books/Crayons, Batteries Always Needed – AAA & AA, CD Players & Gifts Teenage Girls
Household Items: Quilts & Blankets (Full/ Queen), Sheets, Toasters, Hand Mixers, Dishes, Pots &
Pans, Glasses, Other Gifts
Christmas Store Schedule – We Need Volunteers!
Sunday, December 13th Move Items to 1st Nazarene 2pm
Monday, December 14th Sort Donated Items 9am – 4pm
Tuesday, December 15th Sort Donated Items 9am – 2pm
Wednesday, Dec. 16th Escort Clients at Store 8am – 8pm
Thursday, Dec. 17th Escort Clients at Store 8am – Noon
Thursday, Dec. 17th Move Items to Doorstep Noon - 2pm
If you would like to volunteer call the Doorstep office, 357-5341.
Bring Donations to the Church BY DECEMBER 11TH (M-F 8:30a-3:00p)
or to Doorstep at 10th & Buchanan (Monday - Friday from 8:00a-3:00p)
G en esi s 2: 16 -1 7
Brett Basom
Peggy Friesen
De Jones
Helen Arthur
Bill Martin
Terresa Mountain
John Roth
Taylor Smith
Kendra Smith
Connor Smith
Drake Voorhees
Teresa Tuchscherer
Donna Collins
Verne Dow
George Smith
Elizabeth Driver
Nola Polter
Bob Friesen
Joanne Dow
Sue Francis
Laurie Pigg
Shaun Schmidt
Joshua Miller
Thomas Schmidt
Aaron Briggs
Keagan Downing
Sterling Williams
Alice Blecha
Jennifer Ingram
Jenna Felsburg
November 13, 2015
Get to know your Church Library! It is getting a big face life after new organization
over the past couple of years. Late fall and impending winter will give you a chance
to cozy down and read. There are a lot of great books available to be checked out in
our church library. Kathy Singer, head of the library, will explain what has been taking place. Hope to see you for lunch and for this informative program. Make your
reservation with the callers.
Upcoming UMW Events:
November 4th
November 11th
November 18th
9:00a UMW Executive Meeting (parlor)
9:00a JOY Circle (parlor)
1:00p AGAPE Circle (parlor)
6:00p FAITH Circle (parlor)
11:30a UMW Unit Meeting with Salad Luncheon
(fellowship hall)
The Bazaar is coming!!!
It will be held on
December 5th, in the Fellowship Hall. We hope you’re working
on your crafts and items to be donated for sale for this fundraiser event! We will also be asking for cookies / baked goods to
sell either by the pound or to place in the “baked goods”
department of the sale! And check with Janell about “Theme
Baskets” for the Silent Auction! Thank you for all your support!!!
L unch avai l abl e 11a -1 p
Th e Lo r d g av e , an d t h e Lo rd h as t ak e n a w ay ; bl e ss e d b e th e n am e o f t h e Lo rd . Jo b 2 : 10
S e pa ra tio n is t h e l a w o f e art h — r eu n i o n i s t h e la w o f h ea v e n . R e v el at io n 2 1 :3
Mission Munchies are goodies provided on the 1st Sunday of each month, by
members of the Mission Committee. They are for your enjoyment and we are grateful
for your cash donations. The money collected goes to Missions. Check and see what’s
out in the small kitchen window on November 1st!
our "Halloween Fest" will be held
from 10:30a - 12:00p on Saturday, Oct.
31st. This event will replace our usual Trunk or
Treat this year. We'll
have games and a Haunted House and snacks as well more information to follow soon. Invite your family
and neighbors - it'll be a “come and go” event full of
Doorstep Information:
On Sept. 22nd, Julia Marsh delivered a tub of clothing items and 65.1 pounds of food from our
Church collection bins, over to Doorstep. Thank you for your continued support of this ministry.
Report from the Doorstep Coordinators Meeting on Oct. 1, 2015:
Dovetail Shop: September sales $2,177.00. The store is pretty full. Halloween and Thanksgiving items
are out.
Doorstep food needs: ramen noodles, powdered milk, peas, pork & beans, canned tomatoes, mixed vegetables,
spaghettio’s, tomato soup, mushroom soup, macaroni & cheese.
CROP WALK: This Sunday, Oct. 11th, 2:00p starting at Lake Shawnee Shelter House #1. Each Church is to donate 3
dozen cookies that can be decorated, as well as frosting / sprinkles. Cookies & frosting need to be at Doorstep by 2:00p
on Friday, Oct. 9th. Julia Marsh will bake the cookies and deliver all to Doorstep.
Fall Fundraiser: Bierocks and Cinnamon Rolls: Sales are on now until Oct. 18th. 6 Cinnamon rolls for $9.00, 6 Bierocks
for $15.00. Both come frozen and will be picked up Friday, Nov. 6th to be delivered to Church on Sunday, Nov. 8th.
The first week of November is sign-up at the Christmas Bureau for those who cannot provide Christmas for their families. Doorstep will adopt 250 households for the Doorstep Christmas Store. This will be about 700 individuals. Doorstep
needs help with gifts and clothing for all ages, and help to purchase food for each household. Volunteer opportunities :
setting up the store and helping clients with their shopping is December 13—17th. PLEASE Plan to help!!!
Julia Marsh, Crestview UMW Doorstep Coordinator
Advent Study - Saturday, Dec. 12 from 9am - 12pm - sponsored by United Methodist
Women and anyone is welcome. The study is "God keeps His Promises" - during the Season it
is easy to get lost in busyness and the consumer-driven "promises" of our culture, focusing on
the shadow rather than the substance - Christ. God promised to send the Savior, and God
faithfully fulfilled that promise. Amid the fleeting things that fail to save us and fill us, God
comes through on His promises.
Coffee, juice, coffee cake/doughnuts/breads will be provided. We'll meet in the parlor and enjoy a time of sharing, learning and reflecting on the Season of Advent. Guests are welcome and
invited - child care WILL BE provided. Hope to see you there!!
To m ake t h e m ost o f t od ay, k ee p et e r nit y i n m ind .
E c c l es ia st es 3 :11
2245 SW Eveningside Dr.
Topeka, KS 66614-1344
US Postage
Topeka, KS
Permit #875
November 1st!
Remember to set
your clocks back
before heading to
bed on Oct. 31st!
Love is never afraid of giving too much. Ephesians 5: 1-2
Pg. 1 A word from the Pastor
Pg. 2 A word from the Pastor (continued)
Pg. 3 Prayer Concerns
Newsletter Deadline
It’s your business
Thank you’s
Men’s news
New Study Series for Women’s Class
TDC News
Pg. 4 Heath Kit Collection Time
Doorstep Christmas Wish List
November Birthdays
Pg. 5 Keenagers November 13th meeting
Upcoming UMW Events
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Pg. 6 Halloween Fest
Doorstep Report
An Advent Study
Pg. 7 November Calendar
Our e-mail address is:
We do offer our newsletter via e-mail,
if you prefer to receive it that way!
Crestview Church is also on
Facebook and found by searching
for Crestview United Methodist
If you would like to be notified
by e-mail when there are new prayer concerns, or if you have a prayer
concern you would like others to
know about, please call the Church
Office at 272-3676 or e-mail your information to the Church at:
All e-mail addresses will be kept confidential.