June 2016 Reporter - Crestview Baptist Church
June 2016 Reporter - Crestview Baptist Church
IT'S NOT TOO LATE. You can still participate in the experience of Camp Crestview. There is nothing that we do together that involves as many people as this annual event. If you really want to know the heart of this church for people, you just have to get involved in one of these camps. Even if it is only making it to the program on one of the Friday afternoons of the two weeks of camp, at least you could see a glimpse of the magnitude of this event. Several hundred children singing praises on the platform is a sight to see. I always have to remind myself that there are two other groups that we have worked with each week who are not in that program. Those groups are the preteens, numbering around 150 students, and the preschoolers, who have their program at a different time on Friday. One of the greatest things about this event is that men have taken vacation time to help and a good number of working and retired men work in the camp. In a day when many churches do not have a daytime Bible school because they cannot staff them, this is a phenomenon worth noting. The reason people serve is that they understand that we are sharing the gospel with many families with limited or no contact with any church. I have never seen a children's event that so consistently touches unchurched families as does Camp Crestview. A recent illustration comes from the family of one of last summer's students. At Easter time this year, a dad in a nearby town whose son had been deeply touched by Camp Crestview was picking his son up at school. The son said to him, "Dad, we don't have to come to school tomorrow. It's Good Friday!" Dad replied, "What's good about it?" The boy said, "Jesus died for your sins, dad. I would say that is pretty good." The dad was speechless and called his mom in Georgetown to tell her. Let's plant some more seed. CAMP CRESTVIEW 2016 June 13-17 and June 20-24 All Adult and Student Workers should plan to attend the meeting this Saturday, June 11 at 9:30 a.m. in the Gym. This is the final information and prayer time before Camp begins and it is critical you be there. You will be contacted regarding any additional meetings related to your service area. Join the Camp Crestview Prayer Team Pick up a Camp Prayer Guide in the foyer or church office to use as a tool as you pray for God to move in mighty ways as we reach out to our community with the Good News of Jesus Christ through Camp Crestview. You can also pray by name for a specific class of campers and leaders. Contact Mary Beth James for a list of names. Please join us in the mission of covering each camper in prayer. Cookies Needed!!! Welcome! On June 5th, the church voted overwhelmingly to call Robert Stephens as our new Associate Pastor! Please pray for their family as they begin to transition to the Georgetown area and Robert as he begins this new season of ministry. His first day with us will be 6/13/16. Robert holds a Master of Divinity, Pastoral Studies from Logsdon Seminary as well as a B.S. in Agriculture and Human Science from Tarleton State University. Robert is a Chaplain, Captain in the US Army Reserves and has served as Lead Pastor in a local church plant as well in Student, Collegiate and Cell Groups Ministry. He is married to April and has two girls, Allie and Kate. Be sure to welcome their family to the Crestview fellowship! Thousands of cookies are needed for Camp Crestview. Please drop off your donations (store bought or home made) in the church kitchen or office. (No nuts or peanut butter please!) Your Servant for His Sake, Pastor Dan The Stephens Family Scholarship Opportunities Divorce Care– a Biblical, Christ-centered divorce support group. WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY Worship Service Deaf Interpretation provided Bible Study Worship Service ALIVE Contemporary Service Iglesia Nueva Vida Spanish Worship WEDNESDAY Prayer Service 8:30 am 9:45 am 11:00 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm BIBLE STUDY ATTENDANCE April 3 736 May 1 735 April 10 710 May 8 727 April 17 707 May 15 745 April 24 761 May 22 773 Apr. ’16 Avg. 729 May 29 719 Apr. ‘15 Avg. 767 May. ’16 Avg. 740 May. ‘15 Avg. 699 Both classes meet Wednesdays 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. through July 27th. Please contact Autumn Hibner (Autumn@peoplesharingjesus.com) for more information. Reaching boys and girls with the Gospel of Christ and training them to know and serve Him. There are three separate age divisions/ clubs for children: 3 & 4 years old, Kinder - 2nd grade and 3rd -6th grade. This is a joint ministry of Crestview and First Baptist Church and meets at First Baptist. $268,240 $15,640 $21,803 $2,700,000 $1,125,000 $1,056,405 $68,595 $99,557 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.POSTAGE PAID GEORGETOWN TX 78628 PERMIT NO 95 $225,000 2016 ANNUAL STATISTICS Annual Budget Needs Budget Needs YTD Budget Received YTD Income under Budget Needs YTD Gifts to Building YTD Divorce Care for Kids– is a safe, fun place where your children can learn skills that will help them heal. Fall semester begins Wednesday, September 7th. REGISTER NOW by going to our website, http://crestviewbaptist.church/ ministries/children/. Spaces are limited. Contact the church office for more information. MAY 2016 CONTRIBUTIONS Budget Needs Budget Received Designated Received Building Fund DEADLINE TO APPLY IS FRIDAY, JUNE 26 Call the church office for more information. 2300 Williams Drive Georgetown, Texas 78628 2300 Williams Drive Georgetown, Texas 78628 Phone (512) 863-6576-Fax (512) 930-1037 peoplesharingjesus.com E-mail: crestview@peoplesharingjesus.com If you have been a Crestview church member for a year or more and are planning to attend a Baptist University in the fall, we invite you to apply for a scholarship to assist you in this endeavor. Applications are available in the church office.