March 2016 - Crestview Local Schools


March 2016 - Crestview Local Schools
Crestview Local School District
March, 2016
Message from the Superintendent
This month, the Ohio Department of Education released the second half
of the 2014-2015 District Report Card. A copy of the Crestview District Report
Card can be found on the Ohio Department of Education website at . Although this year’s report card is definitely not
where we want it to be, the data in the report card has provided us with some very clear indicators of where
we should focus our efforts to improve student achievement.
Over the next several months, our teachers will be meeting with their building principals to develop
strategies that will guide our improve plans. At the center of our attention will be improving student math
skills. In addition to purchasing new math textbooks, staff will also be seeking additional strategies that
will allow students to apply their math skills to real world problems. Staff members realize that in addition
to having students understand the principles of math, it is also important that they understand the practical
applications of math. It is for this reason that programs like S.T.E.M. are so important and will continue to
be developed in our curriculum.
Although improving student academic success will be a significant factor in all of our building
improvement plans, providing opportunities to develop the whole child will remain as the central theme of
all of our strategies. It has always been the goal of our schools to ensure that every child is healthy, safe,
engaged, supported and challenged. To this end, a fundamental approach to developing our district
improvement plans will be to provide every child expanded opportunities in the arts, physical education,
student leadership and citizenship.
As the Crestview Schools continue to grow and thrive, it is more important than ever that our
parents and community stay involved in our children’s education. I encourage you to continue to be
involved in PTO, booster organizations and parent advisory committees. It is critical to the success of our
schools that you continue to volunteer your time and services whenever possible. Together, we can keep
Crestview an excellent school district for all of our children. Together we can keep Crestview Schools the
Heart of our community!
John Dilling, Superintendent
Hopefully spring weather will be coming soon. With the
anticipated warm weather it is important that students be
reminded of the value of being in school each day. Good
school attendance is important for academic achievement.
Parents should call the school to report their child absent. In
order for the absence to be excused a doctor’s slip or parent
written excuse must be turned into the office within TWO
days of the child returning to school. Please remember that
unnecessary absence from school, tardies and vacations
hinder a student’s learning process.
This spring Crestview High School will
be performing the musical comedy
Anything Goes. The music and lyrics
are arranged by Cole Porter. The book is
by Guy Bolton, PG Wodehouse, Howard
Lindsay and Russel Crouse with a new
version by Timothy Crouse and John
Weidman. Performance dates are April
15th, 16th at 7 PM and Sunday, April 17th at 2:00 PM
in the Crestview Performing Arts Center. Tickets will be
sold at the performances-Adults $8.00, Students $5.00,
children 4 and under are free.
CHS Art Show student exhibits will be in the PAC lobby
during musical. April 15, 16 & 17th.
The prom will be held Friday, May 13, 2016 at the Links at
Firestone Farms. Reservations will be taken from April
11th-22nd at the high school. There are a number of
guidelines regarding Crestview prom attire. Crestview
juniors, seniors or their guests who wear revealing or
inappropriate clothing will not be permitted to enter the
Grand March or Prom. This includes inappropriate suits,
tuxes, hats, undershirts, midriff gowns, revealing strapless
gowns, gowns with cutouts. Dresses must be at least midthigh in length. No sunglasses or facial piercings are
permitted. If you have any questions, contact Mrs. Mercer.
Guests must be at least a high school freshman, no older
than 20 years of age and complete a verification sheet from
Mrs. Mercer.
Pre-order cost is $55.00
Call Jostens Direct Solutions @ 1-800-367-4789 OR
Set up payment options and reserve your book today!!
Seniors: Remember to turn your senior pictures and baby
pictures into Mrs. Hall. Electronic format please.
9th Grade-Natasha Salmen
10th Grade -Josh Cooper
11th Grade-Jacob Scheller
12th Grade-Morgan Hudson
2016 Winter Homecoming
Senior Class Attendants: Lydia Ash, Avalon Mascher,
Fabian Kessener, Tyler Stratton
Junior Class Attendant: Madison Dallies
Sophomore Class Attendant: Haley Derringer
Freshman Class Attendant: Katie Graham
End of 3rd 9 weeks grading period March 24, 2016
Report cards April 1, 2016
AIR testing April 18-May 5, 2016
Choir/Band Concert - May 1, 2016 at 2:00 PM
The following students have participated in the Columbiana
County Honors Band and Choir. The performance was held
March 12 at Salem High School. Congratulations on a great
performance: Dawson Bennett, Olivia Channell, Caleb
Dew, Jamie Diem, Nick Finch, Nick Holsinger, Noah
Horne, Sara Kauffman, Alyssa Kordecki, Tessa McClish,
Kade Meredith, Noelle Nolker, Dante Pelino, Hunter Pyatt,
Calie Sherrill, Hudson Straney.
The Crestview Music Department would like to invite
anyone in the Crestview community to participate in a
performance of the Hallelujah Chorus from George Frideric
Handel’s “The Messiah” at our high school Spring Concert.
Participation is open to anyone in the community that is
interested. You do not need to be an alumni or currently
have children attending Crestview. If you are interested
please visit the Crestview Music Department website to complete the registration
form under the Alumni Tab. There will be one rehearsal on
Sunday, April 24, 2016 from 2:00-4:00 PM. Questions
contact Eric Bable
Dedicated to educating and motivating all
students to become life-long learners and
responsible citizens.
The eighth grade girls basketball
team won the ITCL basketball
tournament. The seventh grade
girls basketball team finished
second in their ITCL basketball
Congratulations to our CMS
spelling bee winners who
competed at the County Spelling
Bee on March 9th at 6:30 PM at
Lisbon David Anderson High
School Auditorium:
Wood, Jamison Hoffer, BilliJo Dewell, Shayne
Scragg and alternate Hank McNicol.
Yearbooks will be on sale through
April 22, 2016. The cost will be
$20.00. Order forms were sent
home with students.
Crestview Middle School met 9 out of the 11
indicators on the 2014-2015 Ohio School Report
Grade Levels and Subjects Tested were:
Grade 5: Reading, Math and Science
Grade 6: Reading, Math and Social Studies
Grade 7: Reading and Math
Grade 8: Reading, Math and Science
Kent State University’s Rural Scholars Program
offers first-generation college-bound students,
who attend Crestview Middle School, the
opportunity to participate in a college access
program. The year-round academic enrichment
workshops focus on STEM subjects, college
preparation, and financial literacy. The goal is
for every student in the program to receive a
college degree. Each year three sixth grade
students are selected from Crestview Middle
School to participate in this worthwhile program.
Congratulations to the following students for being
selected as CMS’s Students of the Month! They were
nominated by the CMS staff for displaying exemplary
characteristics of our Pillars of Character.
5th - Meredith Hart - Trustworthiness
6th - Kendra Greaves - Citizenship
7th - Cole Kerchofer - Respect
8th - Josh Barr - Fairness
Under the direction of Mr. Herman Miller and
Mr. Matt Evans, the following students
participated in the Math Counts competition at
Youngstown State University: Seth Oliver, Jadon
Chidester, Josh Black, Mackenzie Mackall,
Harley Jack, Marissa Patrone, Kirstin Mills,
Mercedes Sevacko, Taylor Mellington, and Alec
CES - Kindergarten Registration 2016-17
Mark Your Calendar for Remaining
Grandparent’s/Special Person’s Luncheons
Grandparent/Special Person Luncheons for each grade
level are under way and will
continue through the next few
weeks. On these days, a grandparent
or other special person is invited to
come to school to eat lunch and go
to recess with their favorite students.
An invitation and reservation form
has been sent home. Please mark your calendars for the
following dates:
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
Thursday, March 17
Thursday, March 31
Thursday, April 7
10:45 AM
10:45 AM
10:45 AM
It’s a Wild Reading Safari for
Family Literacy Night!
All Crestview Elementary students
and their families are invited to
attend Family Literacy Night on
March 31 at 6:00 p.m. in the
Performing Arts Center. The event
is free and will feature a visit from
Outback Ray with some of his
animals along with reading related
fun activities for students to enjoy.
Students who plan on attending should send in their
Upcoming Events at the PAC
Please mark you calendars with the
following dates for upcoming events
that are scheduled at the Performing
Arts Center:
Kindergarten Musical Show - Wednesday, March
16 - 7:00 p.m.
Elementary Talent Show & Art Show - Tuesday,
April 26 - 6:00 p.m.
Grade 3 Musical Show - Wednesday, May 18 7:00 p.m.
Grade 4 Recognition Program - Wednesday,
May 25 - 7:00 p.m.
Kindergarten registration will be held at the elementary
on Thursday, June 2, 2016 from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Children must be five years old prior to September 30,
2016 to be kindergarten eligible. State law requires
kindergarten experience prior to attending first grade.
Please complete the form below and return to the
elementary office. Parents will receive a registration
packet in early May with a scheduled appointment. You
may call the elementary with any questions at (330) 4825370. Mailing address: Crestview Elementary School,
3407 Middleton Road, Columbiana, Ohio 44408.
Child’s Name (First, Middle, Last)
Mother’s Name
Father’s Name
□ Married
□ Single Parent (never married)
□ Divorced
□ Shared Parenting
Name of Custodial/Residential Parent (s)
Street Address
Zip Code
District of Residence
Birthdate M/D/Y
Sex M/F
Child’s Social Security #
Child’s Birth City
Mother’s Maiden Name
Name(s) of siblings attending Crestview
Crestview High School
Cheerleading Try-Outs
Immunization Requirement Changes
2016-2017 School Year
Meningococcal Vaccine and Tdap Vaccine
The Immunization Law of Ohio requires all students
to be effectively immunized against specific diseases.
Students entering the 7th grade will be required to
receive one dose of the Tdap (Tetanus, diphtheria, and
acellular pertussis) vaccine. This is a booster dose for
students who have completed the initial series.
Beginning with the 2016-2017 school year, all 7th
and 12th grade students MUST HAVE proof of
having been given Meningococcal vaccine (shot) in
order to attend school.
Students entering Grade 7 in 2016 must have 1
dose of meningococcal vaccine. They will be
required to get a booster at age 16.
Students entering Grade 12 in 2016 must have
- 2 doses of meningococcal vaccine with the
booster dose given on or after age 16
- 1 dose if your child’s first dose was given on
or after age 16
Parent/Guardians are required to give the school an
immunization (shot) record that shows their child has
received, or has appointment(s) to receive the required
vaccine(s) in order to attend school. This record can
be from a health care provider or the health
Please contact your health care provider to make sure
your child has what they need to attend school this
fall. If you have questions or concerns about
immunizations, please contact school nurse, Janet
Crestview High School Cheerleading try-outs for this
coming 2016-2017 football and basketball seasons,
will be held on Saturday, April 23, 2016. Anyone
interested in trying out, and who is currently in grades
8-11, must have a valid physical form on file in the
high school or middle school office prior to April 15,
2016. Sign-ups and forms for try-outs will be located
in your school office starting March 14, 2016, and
must be turned in no later than Friday, April 8, 2016.
STEM Classes
Students taking STEM classes this year have been
collaborating using the Project Inspire curriculum
from the Columbiana County Educational Service
Center to explore the relationship of mathematics,
physics, design and application.
This program
emphasizes 21st century skills and increases critical
thinking. Crestview students have the opportunity to
work with other students from different grade levels
to explore these rich educational lessons. Students
from third grade have worked with high school
students to create keychains of their own design on
the 3D modeling software. As well as, students from
the fourth grade worked together with the middle
school to extend their STEM knowledge.
Play and Learn Preschool Registration
Registration for the Play and Learn Preschool located
in New Waterford for the 2016-2017 school year will
be held on Wednesday, March 30th from 6:00 - 7:30
p.m. at the preschool. Your preschooler is welcome
to attend with you. Hope to see you there! For more
information, please call the preschool at (330) 4572163 or Sally Guy at (330) 457-7182.
Crestview Rebels
300 Club
Crestview has a strong tradition for athletic excellence. Join our exclusive 300 Club and be a part of
Crestview history.
For a one-time tax deductible donation of $1,000, you will receive:
 One linear foot (sideline to sideline) of sponsored turf
 Included in our Fall Sports program as a 300 club member
 Invited to the field opening ceremonies
 Your name will be prominently and permanently displayed on a plaque at the stadium recognizing your
Please complete the form below and become a member of the Crestview Touchdown 300 Club:
Name (as you would like it to appear on the plaque in 50 characters or less):
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________
Phone #:_______________________________________________________________________
Email: _________________________________________________________________________
Checks can be made payable to Crestview Touchdown Club and mailed to:
PO BOX 560, Columbiana, OH 44408
Please email us at to discuss these opportunities. A member of our campaign
committee will personally contact you with more information.
Administrative Offices
(330) 482-5526
44100 Crestview Road, Suite A
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview High School
(330) 482-4744
44100 Crestview Road, Suite B
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Middle School
(330) 482-4648
44100 Crestview Road, Suite C
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Local Board of Education
James Weikart, Brayden Tucker, John Garwood,
Dr. Edward Miller, Dave McGoogan
School Board Meetings are held in the
Performing Arts Center at 7:00 PM on the second
Wednesday of each month.
Crestview Elementary School
(330) 482-5370
3407 Middleton Road
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Bus Garage
(330) 482-5608
44017 Crestview Road
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Mission Statement
We are Crestview Local Schools, the heart of our community, dedicated to educating and empowering every
student with the knowledge and skills for success in an ever changing world.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 22
East Palestine, OH
Crestview Local School District
44100 Crestview Road, Suite A
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
“Change Service Requested”
The Crestview Local Schools do not exclude any person from participating in classes or programs on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap. The Crestview Local Schools hearing officer for
compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is John A. Dilling, Superintendent.
To file a complaint phone
(330) 482-5526 or write to 44100 Crestview Road, Suite A, Columbiana, Ohio 44408. Crestview Local School District is an equal opportunity employer.

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