February 2015 - Crestview Local Schools


February 2015 - Crestview Local Schools
Crestview Local School District
February, 2015
Message from the Superintendent
With the arrival of February, students at Crestview and other schools
throughout the county are busy preparing for the state mandated tests.
Although in recent months there has been many questions raised about
standardized testing program, student assessment remains at the very heart of
education. Teachers use test scores to gauge how well students understand
the content of their lessons and to determine student’s strengths and weaknesses. Parents can use test
scores to help determine if their child is ready for the next grade level or if the child may need some
additional help or remediation. The results from standardized tests provide the community with
information about how schools are performing. Student test scores are now the foundation of Ohio’s A-F
school and district report cards. In recent years, state mandated testing are also used as a basis for teacher
Although standardized testing is the core of our student assessment and represents a commitment to
higher academic standards and district accountability, I understand the apprehension and stress testing can
cause students and parents.
I assure you that both teachers and administrators at Crestview strive to
provide a testing environment that is relaxed while at the same time encouraging students to do their very
best on each of their tests. If you have specific questions about the specific grade level test for your child,
please contact the building principal.
Federal and state law requires all districts and schools to test all students in specific grades and
courses. Failure to administer the test could result in severe consequences for students, teachers
administrators and the district. Specifically, according to Ohio Revised Code 3317.03 and 3314.08 a
failure to administer the tests would result in a loss of funding for the district. Crestview is very proud of
our student’s rich tradition of academic achievement. It is our goal to continue to work with our parents
and our community to provide the best possible education for all of our children. We look forward to
continuing to keep Crestview Schools the heart of our community!
John Dilling, Superintendent
The high school only will operate under a 2Hour delay schedule during the week of
Buses will run at the regular times.
Students who are not involved in the testing will
be permitted to arrive to school on the two hour
delay schedule with a signed permission slip
from their parent or guardian.
All sophomores, juniors or seniors needing to
take the OGT and other students who need to
use bus transportation will arrive on the buses at
the regular time.
Students taking the OGT test will be assigned to
classrooms with teachers proctoring tests, bells
will be off.
Students not taking the test who must ride the
bus will be provided alternative, supervised
activities (which includes tutoring) for the twohour time period.
At the end of the two hour test block, the school
will operate on the established delay schedule.
All students will have the opportunity to be in
every class period during the week.
Students must pass the OGT test in order to receive
a high school diploma in the state of Ohio. The
altered school schedule will provide a quiet setting
for students. They will be encouraged to take their
time and concentrate without the disruption of bells
or other students in the hallway.
The importance we place on this test and our
encouragement for positive student achievement
will transfer into better test scores for our
students. Students who are behind in their class
work or need extra help with assignments should
take advantage of the 2 hour tutoring time
available during the week of March 16-20, 2015.
Students who are not taking the OGT test can come
to school at the regular time for the opportunity to
catch up on class work, labs and tests or to receive
tutoring. It is an excellent time for students to focus
on success in their classes.
Congratulations to all of the students who
participated in the OMEA solo and ensemble
contest on Saturday, January 17, 2015 at Glen Oak
High School. Thank you to all of
the students for their hard work
and preparation for the contest.
Nice job!
February 17 - Senior night at the basketball game
Paige Bable – Paige brings a quiet dedication to her
school work and classes. Her politeness and
consideration to everyone sets an excellent example
for other students.
Nathan Stelts – Nathan is a very active senior with
an excellent work ethic, who is involved in the arts,
athletics and community service while maintaining
top grades in his classes.
The prom will the held Friday, May 8, 2015 at
Avion on the Water in Canfield, Ohio. Prom attire
is formal and must be appropriate for a Crestview
function. Crestview juniors, seniors or their guests
who wear revealing or inappropriate clothing will
not be permitted to enter the Grand March or Prom.
This includes inappropriate suits or tuxes, hats,
undershirts, midriff gowns, revealing strapless
gowns, gowns with cutouts. Dresses must be at
least mid-thigh in length. No sunglasses, ball caps
or facial piercings are permitted. If you have any
questions, contact Mrs. Mercer at 330-482-4744.
Guests must be at least a
high school freshman, no
older than 20 years of age
and complete a verification
sheet from Mrs. Mercer.
Dedicated to educating and motivating all
students to become life-long learners and
responsible citizens.
Your child will be taking the Ohio Online
Assessments on the following dates:
Grade 8 Language Arts: February 18, 19, 20
Grade 8 Math: February 23 and 24
Grade 8 Science: March 3
Grade 7 Language Arts: February 18, 19, 20
Grade 7 Math: March 6 and 9
Grade 6 Language Arts: February 23, 24, 25
Grade 6 Social Studies: March 4
Grade 6 Math: March 10 and 11
Grade 5 Language Arts: February 26, 27 and
March 2
Grade 5 Science: March 5
Grade 5 Math: March 12 and 13
Please do not schedule any
appointments during the school day so
that your child is at school every day
to complete these tests. Also please
be sure that your child gets enough
rest each night and has eaten a healthy
breakfast at home or at school each morning.
Encourage your child to do his/her best on these
tests. Results of these assessments will be used
for placement in next year’s classes at both the
middle school and high school.
The interim reports for the third nine weeks were
sent home on Friday, February 6th. Students
received an interim report in each of their current
subjects. Your child’s grades can also be
accessed on the school district’s website under
forms & links using the Progress Book link.
Please update the middle school
office if you move to a new job,
change your phone number or
address, or if there has been a
custody change in the family.
Simply call the school at 330482-4648 to relay the information to Mrs. Gates
and fill out a new emergency medical form.
This is just a short reminder for all
parents and guardians. In addition
to calling your child off school by
telephone (when he/she is ill), we
would like to remind everyone that
we need a written excuse turned in
as well. The excuse must be
turned into the office no later than two days after
the absence or it will count as unexcused.
This year, as part of our Countdown to
Excellence program, Crestview Middle School is
offering an after school program to enhance
Math and Reading skills. Not only is the school
providing tutoring for those wanting to achieve
proficiency, but the program will also be
providing enrichment to those students who are
already achieving at a high level. The tutoring
will be from 2:35 p.m. - 3:35 p.m. on Tuesday
and Thursday afternoons from January 27 to
March 26.
Congratulations to the following
students for being selected as
CMS’s Students of the Month!
They were nominated by the
CMS staff for displaying
exemplary characteristics of our
Pillars of Character.
5th – Cody Cope - Fairness
6th – Janie Chlebus - Responsibility
7th – Amelia Montgomery - Respect
8th – Jude Riffle - Citizenship
Upcoming Student Testing Dates
Below are the dates of upcoming achievement tests
that students will be taking this spring. Our
students are working hard each day to prepare and
we are confident that they will do well on the tests.
Parents can help too by giving your child
confidence and encouragement.
Ohio Achievement Assessment
Grade 3 Reading – Wednesday, April 30
Math – Friday, May 2
Grade 4 Reading – Tuesday, April 29
Math – Thursday, May 1
IOWA/CoGat Grade 2 – March 10-18
Family Literacy Night
Mark your calendars now! Families
with children in Preschool through
Grade 3 are invited to attend Family
Literacy Night on Tuesday, March 4
from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. in the
Performing Arts Center on Crestview Road. During
this evening, we will see Sleeping Beauty performed
onstage by the Illusion Factory. Students will also
complete various hands-on reading activities about
fairy tales. Reservation forms and more information
about the event will be coming home with students
Cold Weather Tip #1—Keep Reading!
One of the best things that your child can
do on a snowy, cold winter day is to read,
read, read! Everyone knows that we have
missed quite a bit of school this year due
to the winter weather, but we can keep our
students on track by encouraging them to read for
pleasure each day. This will pay off for your child
in the present, as they collect Accelerated Reader
points for prizes, and in the future, as they become
successful learners.
Kindergarten Registration 2015-16
Kindergarten registration will be held at the
elementary on Wednesday, June 3, 2015 from 8:00
a.m. to 3:00 p.m. To be eligible for Kindergarten
your child must be five years old prior to September
30, 2015.
State law requires kindergarten
experience prior to attending first grade. Please
complete the form below and return to the
elementary office.
Parents will receive a
registration packet in early May 2015 with a
scheduled appointment time. You may call the
elementary with any questions at 330-482-5370.
Mailing address: Crestview Elementary School,
3407 Middleton Road, Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Elementary School
Registration Form
Child’s Name (First, Middle, Last)
Mother’s Name
Father’s Name
□ Married
□ Single Parent (never married)
□ Divorced
□ Shared Parenting
Name of Custodial/Residential Parent (s)
Street Address
Zip Code
District of Residence
Birthdate M/D/Y
Sex M/F
Child’s Social Security #
Child’s Birth City
Mother’s Maiden Name
Hosts Family Needed
Exchange Students
The Rotary Club of Salem Ohio is searching for a Host Family
for an incoming exchange student for the 2015-2016 school
year. The exchange students are between 15 and 18 years of age
and may come from Europe, South American or Asia. If you
have teenage children, the extra living space and financial ability
to add a member to your family for several months, consider
becoming a Host Family. The exchange student will arrive in
August and remain for the 2015-2016 school year. Rotary
suggests that the exchange student live with two or more host
families during their visit to the U.S. the length of time each Host
Family provides for the exchange student is negotiable (usually
at least 3 months.) This is a wonderful experience not only for
the exchange student but also for the entire host family. It
provides an insight to another culture and many families bond
with their exchange student and become friends for life. Please
contact William Dawes at WilliamD@FairwayMC.com or (330)
207-5707 for additional information.
Save The Date !!!
Witness History - Remembering Emmitt Till
When fourteen-year-old Emmett Till left Chicago to visit family
in 1955, no one ever thought he wouldn’t come home. Although
Till fell victim to the rules of a society characterized by prejudice
and hate, his death was not in vain. Till’s death was the event
that sparked the most important movement in our nation’s
history. The Crestview Local School District will be hosting
cousins of Emmett Till, Wheeler Parker and Simeon Wright,
author of Simeon’s Story. The Traveling Emmett Till Exhibit
will also be on display. This event is free and open to the public
on Thursday, March 26, 2015.
If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Mercer at (330)
482-4744 or jmercer@crestviewlocal.k12.oh.us.
Academic Challenge Team
Clinches First Place
Columbiana County
Crestview High School claimed first place over other county
schools in the ESC sponsored Academic Challenge match held at
East Palestine High School. After a day of winning all matches,
the team faced East Palestine who was also undefeated. After
falling behind at the beginning of the match, the team following
the lead of senior Nick Finch claimed victoy. The team will now
compete at the Regional Ohio Academic Competition in Lodi on
April 18. Congratulations to team members Josh McGoogan,
Valerie Kalinowski, Nick Finch, Tyler Deidrick, Danny Moore,
Joey Mellinger, EJ Miller, Kayla Bowyer, Lucy Baer and Coach
Dawn Moore. The team credits its success with staying calm and
collaborating well especially during bonus questions.
2nd Nine Weeks
High School
Freshmen - Erika Brooks, Lauren Cook, Joshua Cooper, Jeffrey
Feo, Mitchell Lindsay, Daniel Moore, Lawson Rodriguez, Paige
Sophomores - Preston Cope, Whitney Cope, Jacob Crawford,
Emily Ferris, Trinity Gamble, Alexis Gates, Kassandra Seabolt,
Courtney Smith, Edward Tatta
Juniors - Lucy Baer, Kayla Bowyer, Taylor Coblentz, Morgan
Cox, Spencer DeSalvo, Madison Ewing, Nicholas Finch, Joel
Fitzsimmons, Alexandria Smith, Jacob Wick
Seniors - Holly Baer, Zachary Chuey, Brianna Cope, Abbie
Gallagher, Tobin Goss, Lauren Harrold, Courtney Hepher,
Tristan Huff, Alexis Jayne, Derek Kozlowski, Joshua
McGoogan, Joseph Mellinger, Angela Mossor, Nicholas Pelino,
Lauren Reese, Alexa Roberts, Sarah Simpson, Nathan Stelts
3.00 to 3.99
Freshmen - Alissa Baer, Jacob Baker, Jillian Beard, Tyler Biser,
Jonathan Black, Trinity Boston, Olivia Channell, MacKenzie
Daub, Tyler Deidrick, Haley Derringer, Caleb Dew, Corey
Ensell, Allison Hall, Andrew Hardenbrook, Caleb Hill, Rebekah
Klem, Kassity Miller, Scott Murray, Carly Price, Daniel Rambo,
Ashley Rance, Jeffrey Roberts, Costen Santelmo, Kyrah Schultz,
Calie Sherrill, Alisha Steeves, Cheyenne Trump, Reimi Vrabel,
Abigail Whaley, Luke Wickline
Sophomores - Jessica Andrews, Analise Ashby, John Beilhart,
Dawson Bennett, Sydni Bowker, Brandon Chuey, Taylor Cope,
Leah Cox, Kaitlyn Dewell, Sydney Durbin, Elizabeth Farmer,
Caitlin Fitzgerald, Tyler Fitzsimmons, Mitchell Genova, Erica
Gilkinson, Hope Halas, Kyle Hart, Rachel Hart, Taylor Jessop,
Rachel Kaufman, Kasey Landsberger, Jonathan Lissi, Lily Marr,
Dylan Mathes, Jordan Murphy, Alexandra Murray, Taylor
Oliver, Samantha Pallotta, Makenna Perorazio, Wilhelm Rosell,
Emily Savage, Jacob Scheller, Morgan Sebastian, Codi Sherrill,
Chayton Watkins, Danielle Yanssens, Kevin Yash
Juniors - Lydia Ash, Emma Bailey, Joshua Batchelor, Maura
Belding, Rebecca Blankenship, Alexandra Caudill, Breanne
Dallies, Anthony DeSarro, Jaden Diem, Bethany Genova,
Rebecca Good, Andrew Gorby, Brooke Harper, Zachary Hicks,
Morgan Hudson, Jarred Jones, Valerie Kalinowski, Hailee
Kiddon, Autumn Lindsay, Avalon Mascher, Maleena Matulja,
Elijah McCallum, Aaron Muntean, Sierra Rance, Holden
Rhodes, Dylan Rothwell, Brandon Schmitt, Matthew Seabolt,
Malachi Sevacko, Tyler Stratton, Vaughn Unger, Brandon
Veiock, Chad Veiock, Dustin Wickline
Seniors- Gina Addicott, Paige Bable, Lindsey Balmenti,
Benjamin Basinger, Evan Beachler, Samantha Biser, Mason
Cozza, Elizabeth Cusick, Carlie Deidrick, Levi Dew, Tawnya
Diem, Dana Drinnon, Brittany Gilbert, Samantha Graham, Tyller
Guzman, Kevin Hall, Jacob Henderson, Corey Kissinger, Eric
Lloyd, Zachary Marr, Edward Miller, Morgan Nery, Brooke
Ritterspach, Noah Roberts, Morgan Taubert, Kennedy Wacht
Middle School
5th Grade- Olivia Bender, Caroline Channell, Cody Cope,
Cameron Dickey, Ashley Diem, Ashley Edgar, Ryan Emch,
Kyndal Fletcher, Grace Forinash, Trinity Miller, Lucy
Montgomery, Karsyn Moore, Zachary Peters, Jessica Rose,
Catherine-Isabella Rothwell, McKenna Schultz, Maci Shaffer,
Kaedyn Sutton, Alyssa Withers, Matthew Wollet, Isaac Wood
6th Grade- Raven Bennett, Travis Diem, Chloe Downey, Molly
Emch, Shawni Firmstone, Drake Golden, Mara Halas, Jamison
Hoffer, Connor Hughes, Delaney Kacenski, Rachel Klem, Steven
Lloyd, Kamden Miller, Krista Perry, Elijah Riffle, Megan
Shaffer, Braden Urmson
7th Grade- Joshua Black, Alexa Bregar, Haleigh Brooks,
Stephanie Dickey, Tanner Hoffer, Harley Jack, Tayla Jones,
Madison Lindsay, Mackenzie Mackall, Dale McGoogan, Taylor
Mellington, Kirstin Mills, Amelia Montgomery, Tess Neville,
Emma Norris, Marissa Patrone, Stephanie Petrycki, Mercedes
Sevacko, Justin Steiskal, Preslyn Wolfe
8th Grade-Isabella Bettura, Candis Booker, Laurel Brothers,
Julia Chappelear, Justin Coppersmith, Judith Crawford, Emily
Emch, Haley Eskra, Mark Gallagher, Taryn Gilbert, Hannah
Hephner, Gavin McCloskey, Jeremy Miller, Natasha Salmen,
Taylar Thomas, Devin Turvey
All A’s/B’s
5th Grade- Samuel Ables, Mitchell Auer, Carter Blakeman,
Allison Borchardt, Alexa Brodigan, Samuel Campbell, Ethan
Carney, Zachary Chizmar, Colt Crane, Madelyn Crowl, Ellie
Derringer, Benjamin Elenz, Daniel Fitzgerald, Kendra Greaves,
Emily Hill, Kaitlyn Hill, Ashton Hughes, Kingston Kissinger,
Max Knutson, Ellena Kuhlman, Francis Lewis, Lauren Mackall,
Naudia McCoy, Lainey Mercure, Aubreigh Milhoan, Mitchel
Muntean, Kaiden Nagel, Shelby Rambo, Shayne Scragg, Araya
Shaffer, Alexis Smith, Ethan Tatta, Heather Tucker, Austin
Withers, Collin Wonner, Jack Yerkey
6th Grade- Wyatt Babik, Keith Berger, Matthew Billingsley,
Madison Borchardt, Emily Boyarko, Janie Chlebus, Anna Foor,
Derek Frank, Bryce Halverstadt, Kendall Hancox, Joseph
Hawkins, Reagan Heater, Payton Huff, Jonathan Jones, Julianne
Kallas, Michael Marki, Anna Marr, Kain McIntosh, Emerson
Milhoan, Ryan Nixon, Colton Novak, Kaden Paskevitch, Ethan
Powell, Trevor Poynter, Allysa Rance, Avery Robb, Chelbey
Trump, Breanna Tucker, Adeline Whaley, Brandon Yanssens
7th Grade- Brenna Auer, Joseph Bable, Kayla Best, Samantha
Carlson, Autumn Chuey, Cassandra Cope, Morgan Cresanto,
Hayden Dattilio, Tanner, Daub, Cory Dewell, James Dunham,
Aden Eno, Reece Gholston, Alec Hancox, Hailey Heck, Emma
Horne, Jarred Kalina, Conner Leetch, Blaine McCurdy, Alexa
Millhorn, Alexandra Mills, Madison Moore, Seth Oliver, Emilie
Peters, Dalton Rothwell, Amber Salem, Kobe Scragg, Dakota
Shaffer, Lydia Smith, Levi Stear, Lily VanKirk, Jordan VanPelt,
Abylin Watkins, Taylor Watson, Madison Wick, Ethan Wood,
Celeste Yash
8th Grade-Alexa Baker, Allison Beight, Baylie Bettura, Austin
Brodigan, Cheyenne Brown, Eva Channell, Aubryn Crawford,
Mitchell Crawford, Jacob Dean, Deanna Easley, James
Fitzgerald, Anna Gorby, Jason Hill, Dylan Huff, Allyssa
Ippolito, Charles Lindsay, Peri Lissi, Daven Manley, Tessa
Marki, Macee Mercure, Jayce Meredith, Daniel Morgan, Brooke
Murphy, Carly Mustake, Dante Pelino, Dominic Perry, Isaac
Ricketts, Jude Riffle, Nicholas Sherrill, Olivia Strank, Christina
Todd, Benjamin VanFossan, Jacob Wickline, Roy Wonner,
Andrew Yanssens
Elementary School
All A’s
2nd Grade- Sarah Baer, Arlo Bell, Jonathan Best, Natalie
Blakeman, Aidan Bowyer, Abigail Boyarko, Olivia Brown,
Lydia Campbell, Caitlin Champ, Chance Cope, Joshua
Dragovich Abbey Emch, Jameson English, Jocelyn Koontz,
Makayla Lopshansky, Eliza Mason, Athan Mays, Karagin Miller,
Myer Miller, Asher Moore, Evan Neff, Brooklyn Reidy, Nathan
Rice, Dylan Russell, Haley Styen, Aubrey Unkefer, Georgia
3rd Grade- Grace Auer, Owen Bacon, Katelynn Barefield,
Avary Boano, Cayden Booth, Andrew Bucey, Devon Burcham,
Ella Carano, Ethan Feezle, Caleb Hall, Katie Lissi, Tristan
Milhoan, Katrina Schmucker, Dylan Turvey, Lillian Urmson,
Ryan Whittenberger, Preston Willis.
4th Grade - James Baer, Madalyn Black, Bryce Blower, Logan
Boyd, Ashlei Brown, Leeann Brown, Brianne Campbell,
Madison Cope, Mason Greathouse, Cade Hancox, Hayden
Hayes, Ashleigh Hodge, Olivia Ippolito, Ayden Leon, Amelia
Limpose, Matthew Lindsay, Adriana Marki, Jesse McKee,
Kirkland Miller, Wyatt Miller, Tyler Millhorn, Ava Patrone,
Jacob Rhodes, Victoria Robbie, Lucas Schmucker, Alyssa
Smotherman, Makenzie Smotherman, Madison Stacy, Kip
Stewart, Jazlynn Westfall, Joanie Wood, Emma Wyant, Dominic
All A’s/B’s
2nd Grade - Brayden Aratari, Aanna Athey, Kailey Baker, Alexis
Blower, Amelia Blower, William Boyer, Kiersten Burton, Noah
Chizmar, Cory Chlebus, Mason Cowan, Zachary Davis, Zachary
Elenz, Henry Fetty, Brenna Figley, Madison Frantz, Trista
Griffith, Logan Haldiman, Maxwell Hawkins, Kyler Hoon,
Savannah Justison, Madilynn Kreps, Benjamin Leetch, Mason
Limpose, Drake Mercer, Chase Nelson, Hayden Patrone, Alli
Robinson, Chance Roessler, Madison Rudebock, Colin Russell,
Emma Snyder, Kaiden Stewart, Phoenix Taggart, Owen
Trocheck, Jacob Wainwright, Rylee Wine, Emma Woods.
3rd Grade- Nicholas Ables, Christopher Alvarez, Kaitlyn
Black, Brooke Brubaker, Jazmine Bryan, Joshua Crespo, Andrew
Dattilio, Cameron Dobbins, Emily Downey, Caden Doyle,
Thomas Farley, Dominic Finley, Garrett Flick, Natalie Foutts,
Caleb Guerrier, Sean Hillman, Lucas Horne, Alexa Huff, Caleb
Hughes, Sonja Leverknight, Andrea Marin, Kaitlyn Mazanowski,
Justin McKee, Lelan McQuistion, Tyler Mellott, Christian
Miller, Gabriel Morgan, Leianna Nulf, Colten Proctor, Ashley
Sandy, Mara Shaffer, Karli Stacy, Maci Vignon, Landon Ward,
Bailey Wonner, Selena Zuti.
4th Grade- Zachary Altman, James Best, Roclen Bettura, Cody
Burbick, Stephanie Coburn, Alex Coppersmith, Aubrey Craig,
Madison Davis, BilliJo Dewell, Zachary Edwards, Laney
Ericson, Ella Golden, Haven Hancox, Dalton Hart, Meredith
Hart, Drew Heiland, Breanna Henry, Russell Hetrick, Britney
Hughes, Samantha Hurd, Deryck Inderbitzen, Samantha Kallas,
Sophia Kerchofer, Poem Manley, Trenton Mathes, Gavin
Mattern, Cory Mills, Daniel Mossor, Caden Mustake, Trystin
Nelson, Nicholas Novak, Elizabeth Ricketts, Caitlyn Robb,
Alayna Schuster, Kaydis Smith, Adam Sneddon, Lindsey
Steiskal, Matthew Strank, Dominic Styen, Hannah Styen,
Meagan Tenney, Cassidy VanKirk, Zachary Wellman, Pierson
Wolfe, Delaney Wollett.
Administrative Offices
(330) 482-5526
44100 Crestview Road, Suite A
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview High School
(330) 482-4744
44100 Crestview Road, Suite B
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Middle School
(330) 482-4648
44100 Crestview Road, Suite C
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Local Board of Education
David Vollnogle, Brayden Tucker,
Student Liaison, Courtney Hephner
John Garwood, Edward Miller, James Weikart.
School Board Meetings are held in the
Performing Arts Center at 7:00 PM on the second
Wednesday of each month.
Crestview Elementary School
(330) 482-5370
3407 Middleton Road
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Bus Garage
(330) 482-5608
44017 Crestview Road
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Mission Statement
We are Crestview Local Schools, the heart of our community, dedicated to educating and empowering every
student with the knowledge and skills for success in an ever changing world.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 22
East Palestine, OH
Crestview Local School District
44100 Crestview Road, Suite A
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
“Change Service Requested”
The Crestview Local Schools do not exclude any person from participating in classes or programs on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap. The Crestview Local Schools hearing officer for
compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is John A. Dilling, Superintendent.
To file a complaint phone
(330) 482-5526 or write to 44100 Crestview Road, Suite A, Columbiana, Ohio 44408. Crestview Local School District is an equal opportunity employer.

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