January 2015 - Crestview Local Schools


January 2015 - Crestview Local Schools
Crestview Local School District
January, 2015
Message from the Superintendent
January is School Board Recognition Month! I would like to take this opportunity to
encourage the Crestview Community to take time this month to thank our own local Board of
Education for all that they do for our students and our schools.
School Board members exemplify local citizen control and decision-making in
education. They volunteer hundreds of hours and an immense amount of energy to assure that our
schools are providing the best education possible for the children of our community. Here are some
of the reasons that I encourage you to thank our School Board Members this month:
 School Board members are local citizens whose decisions affect our children - what they learn, who will teach them and
what kinds of facilities house their classrooms.
 Our School Board members are elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for our schools. They represent
you, and they take this responsibility seriously by attending lengthy - sometimes challenging - meetings, conferences and
institutes where they broaden their knowledge about education. They have numerous conversations about our schools and
about the impact of legislation on our children’s education.
 Our school board is one of 719 across the state. Our school board enables us to have local control of our children’s
education, meaning that decisions on school programming are made by are made by our elected representatives who understand
our community’s unique problems, values, culture and circumstances.
 Our School Board is accountable to the public. It is responsible for assuring the public that the money allocated to our
schools is providing a good return on the investment. Therefore the Board oversees regular assessments of the district’s
students staff and programs.
 Most importantly, the Board works closely with parents, staff members and community members to create an educational
vision that we want for all of our students. It formulates goals, defines results and sets the course for an adequate and equitable
educational program for all students.
Too often we forget about the important role that school board members play in assuring local control of our schools. Too often
we are quick to criticize school board members without really knowing all the details that went into a given decision. Too often the
efforts of school board members make to improve our schools go unrecognized. So this month join with me in thanking our school
board for all that they do to keep Crestview “the heart of our community!”
The members of the Crestview School Board and their years of service are:
John Garwood, President
Dr. Ed Miller
James Weikart
Dave Vollnogle
Brayden Tucker
Courtney Hephner
5 years
3 years
11 years
15 years
1 year
Student Representative
John Dilling, Superintendent
The school year has reached the half-way point. This is
a very important time for students of all grade levels.
College bound seniors must be making their selections
and completing financial aid applications. Juniors
should be making plans for their senior year and
scheduling their ACT tests at www.act.org. Sophomores
must be focused on preparation for their OGT test.
Freshman students need to be preparing for their state
standardized tests-PARCC for English and Math and
AIR for Science and Social Studies. Practice material
can be found on the Crestview High School home page
and at www.ode.state.oh.us. Search OGT practice,
PARCC practice or AIR practice. The influence from
home to help your student in their preparations for
school and future decisions is extremely important.
Please do not hesitate to contact the staff for assistance
or information.
Yearbook pictures are due by Friday, March 27, 2015.
Please turn in a baby picture and your senior picture (CD
preferably) to Mrs. Hall, room 210. No tank tops, bare
midriffs, bare shoulders, spaghetti straps, props, or
animals are permitted in the pictures. If you are not
turning in a digital copy, the photo should be a 2 1/2 X 3
1/2 inch colored (wallet size) vertical picture. Please
make sure your name is properly labeled for the
yearbook. Thank you.
Pre-order cost is $50.00 plus tax
Call Jostens Direct Solutions at 1-800-367-4789
Email: jostensdirectsolutions@jostens.com
Set up payment options and reserve your book today!!
Questions: contact Mrs. Hall, Advisor
Abbie Gallagher– Abbie is a hard working student
whose kind and caring attitude is appreciated by all.
EJ Miller– EJ shows excitement and dedication in both
his academics and extracurricular activities.
January 30 - Winter Homecoming 7:00 p.m.
January 31 - Homecoming Dance 7:00-10:00 p.m.
January 31 - Academic Challenge competition at
E. Palestine HS 8:00 a.m.
February 6 & 7 EOWL Wrestling Tournament held
at Crestview - 4:30 p.m.
February 12 - NHS Blood Drive 8:30 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
February 12 - Parent/Teacher conferences
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Dinner for teachers 5:00 - 5:30 p.m.
February 17 - Senior Sports Recognition - 7:00 p.m.
Crestview National Honor Society
will sponsor a blood drive on
Thursday, February 12, 2015 from
8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in the high
school gymnasium. Students must be
at least 16 years old in order to
donate. Students must bring proper paper work and sign
up in room 205 prior to February 12th. Members of the
community are asked to come directly to the high school
gym to donate. All donors must have photo
identification. We need 45-50 pints of blood to qualify
Thank you for your support.
Winter Color Guard participant
sign up is currently being taken.
See Mr. Bable.
Solo Ensemble Competition took place Saturday,
January 17, 2015 at Glen Oak HS. Crestview
students of varying grade levels participated.
Mr. Miller, Guidance Counselor, will hold an
informational meeting for parents and students in 9th,
10th and 11th grades to discuss educational options.
Students who are interested in earning college credit
while in high school by participating in the College
Credit Plus program for 2015-2016 and parents should
attend. The meeting will be at 6:00 p.m. in the High
School cafeteria on February 12, 2015.
All 10th grade students will take the OGT test in
reading, writing, math, science and social studies on
March 16-20, 2015. Junior and Senior students who
have not passed all parts of the OGT will also test. All
current 10th, 11th and 12th grade students must pass
each of the five parts of this state of Ohio mandated
test in order to receive their high school diploma.
Dedicated to educating and motivating all
students to become life-long learners and
responsible citizens.
Congratulations to the following students for
being selected as CMS’s December Students of
the Month! They were nominated for displaying
exemplary characteristics of our Pillars of
5th - Lucy Montgomery - Caring
6th - Arabella Kimble - Responsibility
7th - Brenna Auer - Trustworthy
8th - Justina Willis - Respect
Please update the middle
school office if you have a new
phone number, a new address, or there has been
a custody change in your family. Please call
Mrs. Gates at 330-482-4648 to update the
information or to fill out a new emergency
medical form. Thank you!
This is a reminder that we
will have an Open-Forum
format for the Thursday,
February 12 Parent-Teacher
Conferences from 3:00 p.m. –
5:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. –
9:00 p.m. Parents do not need to register for
individual conferences with the teachers. All of
the middle school teachers will be stationed in
the gym. In the fall we held nearly 800 parentteacher conferences by utilizing this format.
The CMS Spelling Bee first
round for grades 5 and 6 will
be held in their classrooms.
The second round will be on
Friday, January 23 at 8:00
a.m. in the Performing Arts
Center. The final round will
be on Friday, February 6 at
8:00 a.m. in the PAC. Parents
of these students are invited to come and watch
the competition. The top four students and an
alternate will be in the County Spelling Bee on
March 11th at 6:30 p.m. at Lisbon David
Anderson High School.
Beginning this school year, all Ohio schools
must fully implement Ohio’s New Learning
Standards, which include the subjects of English
Language Arts, Math, Science and Social
In addition there will be newly
developed assessments. The State of Ohio has
partnered with the Partnership for Assessment of
Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).
PARCC will be used to deliver the English
Language Arts and Math assessments that will
include Performance Based Assessments (PBA)
and End of Year (EOY) Assessments that will be
given during two separate testing windows.
Ohio’s Science and Social Studies online
assessments will begin this school year. These
assessments will also be given during two
separate testing windows.
PBA Testing Schedule
Grade 8 Language Arts: February 18, 19 and 20
Grade 8 Math: February 23 and 24
Grade 8 Science: March 3
Grade 7 Language Arts: February 18, 19 and 20
Grade 7 Math: March 6 and 9
Grade 6 Language Arts: February 23, 24 and 25
Grade 6 Social Studies: March 4
Grade 6 Math: March 10 and 11
Grade 5 Language Arts: February 26, 27 and
March 2
Grade 5 Science: March 5
Grade 5 Math: March 12 and 13
After School Learning Program to Begin for 3rd and
4th Grade Students
Accelerated Reader
All of our students are encouraged to participate in the
Accelerated Reader program at Crestview. Students can
read books of their choice at their level, then take short
online comprehension tests at school to earn points and
win prizes. Teachers and librarians at our school and at
local libraries can help students to
choose books at their level.
Participation prizes will be given to
students at the end of each month,
with bigger prizes to be awarded to
top readers at the end of the school year.
IXL Math & Reading
The third and fourth grade students have been practicing
new skills in Reading and Math using an online program
called IXL. The program has skill practice questions for
Ohio’s New Learning Standards using an
online format. Students answer questions
and earn prizes for their efforts. Students
can go on IXL both at school and at home.
So far this year, our third grade students
have logged 685 hours on the program and
have answered 141,391 questions and our fourth grade
students have logged 1663 hours on IXL and have
answered 245,552 questions. In total, our students have
logged 2348 hours using the IXL program so far this
school year.
Math Facts are Important, Too!
Why is it so important for children to memorize math
facts? A lack of fluency in basic math fact recall
significantly hinders a child's later progress in math.
This can have a serious impact on a child's overall self
confidence and general academic performance.
Research finds that students who
have not mastered whole number
arithmetic by the end of 4th grade are
at risk of later becoming remedial
students in mathematics. So, what
can parents do to help? Practice
math facts with your child regularly.
There are also many apps that have interactive games
for tablets, cell phones and computers that reinforce
math facts. Finally, your child’s teachers have links on
their websites that include math fact games.
Beginning in early February 2015, 3rd and 4th grade
students will be invited to attend our After School
Learning Program. This program is designed to further
prepare our students for the upcoming paper/pencil Ohio
Achievement Tests in Reading for Grade 3 and for the
new online PARCC tests in Reading, Math and Social
Studies tests for Grades 3 & 4. Students who would
benefit from this extra help will be invited to participate
in the program to work in small groups with our teachers
and on individual computer skills twice weekly to
reinforce the core skills that will be assessed on these
Save the Dates for the New Online PARCC
Assessments, Ohio Achievement Assessment and the
IOWA Tests
As it is January, and we look to upcoming events in
2015, we ask parents to mark the following testing dates
on their calendar. If possible, try to make sure that
vacations and doctor’s appointments are not scheduled
during school hours on these dates:
Grade 2—IOWA/CoGat Tests—March 9-17
Grade 3 — OAA Reading (paper/pencil) — April 22
Grade 3 — Online PARCC Math — February 16—
March 20
Grade 4 — Online PARCC Reading, Math & Social
Studies — February—March for Performance Based
Assessments, and April 13-May 15 for End of Year
Kindness Counts at CES
At Crestview Elementary, we recognize students who
have performed various acts of kindness at school by
helping others, sharing, cleaning up without being asked,
etc. When students are “caught” performing an act of
kindness, their teacher gives them a “kindness counts”
certificate. Students are then
rewarded at the end of each week
with book bag tags—either a
caring heart tag, a good apple tag,
or a helping hand tag. We want
our students to know that Kindness Counts!
Special Thank You to PTO Volunteers
The staff and students at the elementary would like to
thank all of the members of the PTO for their time,
support and dedication in helping with the numerous
activities that take place at our school. Recently, PTO
members have taken an active role in helping with
Cookies with Santa, holiday parties and Santa’s Secret
Workshop. Additionally, they continue to help in the
library, individual classrooms, the HOSTS room, and at
lunch and recess regularly. Our school is made even
better by the generous assistance of our volunteers.
Important Notification - Calendar Change
March 6, 2015
Parents please be aware that there has been a change
in the school calendar.
The staff professional
development day that was scheduled for Friday,
March 6th has been CANCELLED. This will now
be a regular school day for students. Please mark
your calendars accordingly!
Crestview Local Schools is now mobile on
Parents if you are interested to:
SEE the latest school related
documents, photos and more.
MESSAGE any teacher, organization or
parent with individual and group messaging.
RECEIVE up to date push notifications on
your smartphone.
Crestview now offers parents the opportunity to stay
connected with their child’s education with a free
mobile application called Drund. Parents can sign up
for the free Drund application on the Crestview web
page at www.crestviewrebels.org.
School Income Tax Filing Information
As a resident of the Crestview Local School District,
you are required to file a school district income tax
return (SD100) if you file an Ohio income tax return.
Listed below is some information to assist you in the
preparation of your return. If you need a school
district income tax form, the forms can be found
on the internet at: http://tax.ohio.gov/ or we have
some available in the administrative offices. Our
school district code is 1503 and our tax rate is
1% (.0100).
Once again the Board of Education, the staff and the
students at the Crestview Local School District
appreciate your continued support of the 1% income
Fans Don’t Let Fan’s Drive Drunk
As you make your Super Bowl plans, we would like
to remind you to designate a sober driver if your
planning to drink alcohol on Super Bowl Sunday.
Super Bowl Sunday is one of America’s biggest and
most entertaining national sporting events as friends
and family gather to socialize and watch the big
game. It has also become one of the nation’s mostdangerous days on the roadways due to impaired
drivers. Designating a sober driver should be on the
top of everyone’s Super Bowl party list. Impaired
driving is deadly and dangerous. Pass your keys to a
sober driver before the big game begins. The life you
save might just be your own. “Over the Limit Under
Wrestling Tournaments
Crestview High School will be hosting the EOWL
Wrestling Tournament February 6 & 7, 2015. As
described at www.eowlonline.com the Eastern Ohio
Wrestling League (EOWL) is a Northeastern Ohio
High School Wrestling Organization. This premier
tournament includes the league teams from Alliance,
Brookfield, Canfield, Columbiana, Crestview, Girard,
Grand Valley, Howland, Hubbard, Jackson Milton,
Jefferson, Liberty, Poland, Pymatuning Valley,
Salem, South Range and West Branch. There will be
over 200 students wrestling with a large group of
spectators anticipated. Through the hard work of
Head Coach Ron Myers and his coaching staff, AD
Paul Cusick, Wrestling Boosters, Technology and
Maintenance staff and Athletic Boosters, Crestview
has the honor of hosting this tournament. Friday,
February 6th, doors open at 3:30 p.m. with wrestling
to begin at 4:30 p.m. Saturday, February 7th, doors
open at 8:00 a.m. with wrestling to begin at 9:00 a.m.
For the final session on Saturday, February 7th: doors
Open 3:30 p.m.; Parade 4:00 p.m.; HOF 4:15 p.m.;
Finals 5:00 p.m. Admission is adults $6.00, students
$4.00 (no passes accepted). The Crestview Athletic
Boosters will offer customary snacks at the
concession stand & meals in the CHS cafeteria.
Please support our wrestlers by attending.
Weight Room
The weight room is open to the community from
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If
you have any questions contact Dom Perry at
Administrative Offices
(330) 482-5526
44100 Crestview Road, Suite A
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview High School
(330) 482-4744
44100 Crestview Road, Suite B
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Middle School
(330) 482-4648
44100 Crestview Road, Suite C
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Local Board of Education
David Vollnogle, Brayden Tucker,
Student Liaison, Courtney Hephner
John Garwood, Edward Miller, James Weikart.
School Board Meetings are held in the
Performing Arts Center at 7:00 PM on the second
Wednesday of each month.
Crestview Elementary School
(330) 482-5370
3407 Middleton Road
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Crestview Bus Garage
(330) 482-5608
44017 Crestview Road
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
Mission Statement
We are Crestview Local Schools, the heart of our community, dedicated to educating and empowering every
student with the knowledge and skills for success in an ever changing world.
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 22
East Palestine, OH
Crestview Local School District
44100 Crestview Road, Suite A
Columbiana, Ohio 44408
“Change Service Requested”
The Crestview Local Schools do not exclude any person from participating in classes or programs on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or handicap. The Crestview Local Schools hearing officer for
compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, is John A. Dilling, Superintendent.
To file a complaint phone
(330) 482-5526 or write to 44100 Crestview Road, Suite A, Columbiana, Ohio 44408. Crestview Local School District is an equal opportunity employer.

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