05_28_2009 - Niles Public Library District
05_28_2009 - Niles Public Library District
NILES J MAY 28, 2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * WWW.PIONEERLOCAL.COM * $2,00 THIS WEEK DIVERSIONS LOFTY HEIGHTS Pixar's "Up" is reviewed in this week's Diversions. SEE PAGE B2 FOOD AGING WELL BAKES! Simple, healthy substitutes score in local bake-off. SEE PIONEERLOCAL.COM STANDING PROUD o:-t'T,:w9 -ii: SB1IN .L8 NOio M 0969 isla MIti8I1 AwiariQIlefld 3iian isla Expand ybur options. Start here. ' s1x 89 iO'3:*.1O1O:] i-3At T000000 Vietnam veteran Art Clexton spends a moment Monday morning in front of the NUes Veterans Memorial at the annUal Nues Memorial Day ceremony at Touhy and Milwaukee avenues. Page 5. (AlIen Kaleta/For STNG) Summer classes begin June 4, 2009. Apply and register online www.oakton.edu Des Plaines . Skokie . 847.635.1629 $f! (( CommunityCollege 2 www.pIoneerlocal.com THURSDAY, MAY 2l,g$g9 iews CONTACT; Moli Schmila, Asoixlald Muna$ing Edilor p: 708.524.44330: lnochelilz@pioneerlecatcom }PAOE3 SWINE FLU No surprise that the real estate company with the most Firsts is the one that lasts. Three cases confirmed in Dist. 63 The first real estate brokerage. Groundbreakers in interactive marketing. Pioneers for equal housing. And the list goes on. Are we more proud of our history of innovation, or our unparalleled longevity? DOWNWARD DUO liOnel loSses, 5,4,0 HIe doles NoBly I, eflisy lOo nsnsp,ey pOd bite j5 he ISISee'S acallen as Vili' By TONY BERTUCM ltrltu005pioneerlocotcon 103 eeieycd lYe Vpssis3 salarlos al 10e conten3030ml Miles Ont Fue Ceelel pml ast Tele, Saat Moine Elemrntory School Diats'iet AU 002 Peok 900sced lest week thot Truth is, they go hand in hand. 191150 sslolelvel 11611 three students hod tested positive for the EltNt Unwise Ao) viree, The infected children eSa LEADI NG AfAZ ESTATE Send three dilferentochools: vA COMt'ANIE!ì,51 THE WOuLD' Gcmieijr. High School und Twale Elonneotory School loNilce, led Apollo Slomen- tory Srl,00l io Oro l'bieco. Dietrict oISelaIs cold the 53V LISTINO echoolewoold not close hot eilt be cicaeed und diviefeeaso oofety procoution. "School donare io cot od. $005,000 chicago $600,000 chicago $769.000 Ma,tonßrsoc $05n,005 Lb000ln000d $420,000 visod for o oospectcd or con Armed raer of novel milbenna A THINLY and, in gcoer- al, is cot advised unless p'eoAoao there isa magnitude of facoltyol'etladeetohnentceiao, aE. that interferes with the school's ahility to fenetian," nrcordingte anlatemnntattriluotad to the Cestera fnr Slsski, 900 $300,000 Si,,k; $370,000 505kb, 4121 Enfold $370,000 lo' $375,000 District offioiatn said each child aopsrieneed only mUd symptoms and badhees oat of school all week. Parenlowere being naked to meniter their ehtldrenb health and to keep them g. 000kb Diaease Control and Preeesatienbytlnediatriet. home Teens scheel 'dtboyhe- Commeet:pieeeer$ecef mm Lincoinwood 3449,900 Okskbs $334,000 Skskls 0059,000 MAINE EAST HIGH SCHOOL Teacher charged with sex abuse of teen By TONY BERTUCA lbcsl0000pisseeelncatxon charged nsith tuvo confito of Terrece is Dea Plaines. drug stap when police Schont teacher has kern aggraeated erimisal oesual abnnr Monday and held os $50,000 hood, accordtng tnapress release from charged with criminal neo- the Csnk Coonty Sheriff's sal abase after allegedly atOen. A Meise East High odmitting tea remantie relationship with a 14-year- old hoy, pelior ofl'soialn Jeosifer Enptnena, e 3$year-old science and special education teochrr and Pork Ridge ronident, wan The teenager Espinoso meo sospeoted nf being is- coIned within en atteged gang member, according to the statement. Espinnne wan arrested by the oberilTh athen Saturday on tho 9605 bloch of North Gott The arrest bnAnn eo e siso in the ear and wan inoestigatins. charged with misdemeanor deag ponnessins, "Sahntitute tnachern bave bees eanigned to drsve behind Espinasen Polleo said Espisoua oar and palled hnr anerhe- hegos e remastic relation- cause of suspected mari- meantime and urn pre- ship with the 16-year-old hoy ofter he was expelled from Moine East is Sep- pared to assume that re- tember end bane been bas- io conperatisg with law es. ing oro fer months. Maine East spahenman Daon Brery said Espinnsa Odmininteatior dsties out- fereomeat eathorities os their iseentigatinn and, is additino, will ho esndanting its ewo investigation iota the matter." side the school, pending on Cemmret:pioocerlaeagmm Police reportedly rocagsieed a 16-year-old bsy in her car as e Incal geng member ond reeonered a hag of morijuena. A 22-yeor-otd, Alejandro Londi, on alleged gesg member fcem Nitos, was was krieg reansigsed te Maine East worker treated for staph infection Ins $202,000 Teiles $240,000 Skskle $239,000 Reselle $214,977 aposoihility isdefisitely." Beery said. "b)istriet 207 30239es DISTRICT 207 Oiles Snook her classes is the Bliss By TONY BERTUCA wes net ideetifind by the 15e ltosa@ pionee lione Itou, school, won reported tobe doing well, according tea A Maine Eastiligh School "Moat staph infectionu ore otan isfeetiaoaedawtreated with mothieiltin or peni- letter peineipol Steven baye eonS OOt to aludente, parente and achool employees. cillin and cephabonpoeina. roan) refers to u type ut tranemiooion efihe dioroec, according to the ocheol et- "Methioillio-resistont Stophylococeuo abreae IMIISA or olophi lesbartcrioeecvmmonlycorric'el,n fotols. the Ohio Ir in tice n000of in treatable with eltern',stice Lie lihiotien." healthy i,ceple," boye ooid. loupe asid people coold stoff member woo being ireuted fora staph infrctioe aed the school woe being heavily oinitieed to prevent Thr stoff member, who MItSA lMelhieiltie-Renietuet Staptiylocoeeuaou. otoph iofeeiian that io reoistoot to wetbicillic, but it High School District 207, said all schaala in the distries are belog tbscooghly sanitiend, a practice tkst bagaea with cnnmrs oser the blINI (owion ITa) viraa and will nostinse, prevent 005tracliog Ike discone hy following baule peroexal hygiene and covering waasdn or onto. risk oosociatcd wilk MRSA is relaUvely law, it is importent Ihol in areas ouch aa the cofeterio, norseb Office, "If you h'veookìns'nfeclion, conloet yoar doctor," lsayc aaid. "l'leone know thotot Maine fioul, we con- phyoical education focilitiea, hai lIbNi fia is April, maintesusoe romped spa nya. cte. mouse precautionary tern ofeb000ingthotinclades lneaoareato maintain s sofe cleaning deoho acid doorhsobs ano sightly baum," tinuo to tabo every peaoibbo "l'hcoe aroaaoreso,,itieod she said. "Deep cleaning ocenentnciceb, week with eOim niel, to anoure tile safety of osrotudeots, fovolty u,,d stoff. Willie the potcetiol b ib regelor huelo." "At the anact of the paten- l,ioda 'l'vinile, a opeheuwv,nao l'ortoaine'ihwnshi1s Camolellt:pio,,errbavol.eanl THONSOOI, OIl il lIly www.plooeerlocal.cOm 4 TOP lItt SIORILI Guest essay: 'Let us never forget' Patriotism ... Lets locus lar a 1Cm mo- mente an thai ward, NILES FIERALD:" SPECTATOR SIORM WATER COMMIS510A LAST WEEK Workshop addresses flooding issues By TONY OERTOCA ibnrtuoa@pisneaninsai.csm - The villoge of Nitos 2nd swine flu case at Washington Storm000tee Cowmisoion held o worbshop for rosidento ob001 flood prove'otins May2010 hojees that ovili 000clOct 100 ilcol'eciiloie dii- bronce," ile cosmi, Flood-prev000ioli cidvice gioco to homeowloni's 'loscluded: diccconooliog dcwo spools yod comp Pomps froln 00100es; ioosolliega ssrriirmnd in tasi Mafia Elementary sducalimg homeowners Scheel District Illesi mach woold lcolp mitIgate some of the sillages flooding is- nain barrel or roto gerdeo; ood hoviog pipos that eonsent homos ta sewers inapestad foe nesohe nr fail- sues, sees, tancera sass si HiNt deine Oui mes GIrl, 10, hit lip car near St. Adaiherts Cemetery Ait'year'sld EtWas hsspiialirsd altar anteg 51110k Oye ser that eran tensed sets the aldnmefi eitel lisci' iidsd With east herser sotada, nsdlr ssberbnn sameteer sa the 1er Northwest Side May19. Flooding first becomes er Steve Vinessnno maid. msequee issue fer the oilAoaistsstVhttagnMmnag- homeowsoersstroutdheoamo familiar with the etermwoter systems os thoir prnp- erty, meistsis them regsarty and da their parI to help redaoa tha amenoS nf stormwater entering tha nillago'soombimrdsemeesyesecn. "P0mg somathiagliba this tage during a atorm in flaptember whew a large momberofrecidests acmplained croci oceoloroiocld ocilllullllc do the Viliego fl000'ui. The comnoissico dlrtliull'cll ncvet'ol 05015 ni tIlo i000li' chop depiotiogrnhrcllllOoils cfdolosoeom 50 110mo put- toro ot flooding probleioc. mocold be 11111111g thom, TIle ViHoge Booed might ucisil ho uvkod toconoodar 100ielco segolc100fls for ro1,po0iy0o0o5 whose piel their horneo oic1000 Oho nsmmiosioo, maps amd alert village otOoiola, Most cf the ineferorot100 the nammissino hoe gucth- Wirile the onmmiossashss yet to present oolutcnns rogsrding changes te village ahoommatarinfr050eUetaro, o stotemnot mom the cam- neyerOnt flooding 10111es to seed cornes from residnotisisurvaysond spetebechs of certain areas during heasy raise. Vineeeano said the cow- asderstood the problem 11101010 the becod were oleo 1h10 lo Residents who havelool yet esmetisely flood, formed sosa after and has beesgclheringinfurmstico for three months to better '0111 WiorlOwotor c'uno11 acmplotiogth5000ciglotosos, according lo informad050 from thatthrir prnpartieswnuld TIsA nommissins was Ill llrlllllil lociltolits with CLOS SIP lESS 551 CROSSWORD KlO lEMoN NOTICES 5000511E At SPORTS - ass nsri' unsM.rn.'°mb10u uy analysis might be re- rom as salsear hann, e arniusso a-nao snarsalOOsamOnslisn iwprovewastsandh000they msuid ho fended, lsamtm.ntu Collllllrlll.'piarleel'laeal.earW EdIe.e hr saur lsimtlsu000 iniaa,OOsilslIai,sn AtOer u notional search cf nearly 100 oandidataa, the fiant Moma Elamontary floheel fliotriet 63 Boned nf Edsccotins Inched inwArd whos it osmed onew superintendent May 20 ata spebalOtas haunt 551am iba utter Sell' ay dsdri lia ccamery etti. SIaled Csrseiely is Oiles icr lindaMos' isr si amsoumsnl is ha oistims al he Italy, 151551 desserrais Resais. tAllan Keielnifer STyli cial mending. Dr. floats Clay, the dis- NOII suldSohOOIl300rdtiOeSidesOt Alise isrsi'lentelar Oslo beIn ars. Board names new superintendent ihn rio tufi pico e nilo ca ido W 50mb isst Vnbsma:us st lilaos Oslo Post 1111 saIsis isOlE laps Mondai ei loe casuel Oiles 100001 Soy osinemrol tolerase Oenshusl osteltalt at mealy art lli155akes Osemos, - leItet 55m DISTRICT 63 fT - "'meihmltmsu.sO s'melo B1 TONY BEOTUCA Alt could bees thrher'caan,sayingo detailed asmer-eapeequired to determine mystarn Villege Board foe flood mittigaOan sod said o pi'ogi'um C NEll DA R leo rneammandctiosa te the PAGES INSIDE THIS WEEK mission hissed thst they mimmies ovoold a000 moho aei ° StYlING REAGENS SINCLYII li 11001001 01 hooppened tu br Dv lCusht000 Witlismv'oatires illtoo siso yosrs at the Ihoce ysano luire oppe'iocod hi000xocosise d'ooeolov op s0000000 ilouit was alneady holm. pipit arriben ice time hic- Clay leid Ihn hoard of edlocution hr 1100 hoocred ta Wiilliumc soid che wan happy the heard ohone Clay semnona whom she hod not Snot, li pesitico she ciild 011o enealed spoeifleullp Tor bibi. im'veklog io Oho d'mniriol," Clsy'a tilinto onsisloot su' to SII," ho said, "fm fsllaw- pormntendent. iog 'un 001lutanding leader," "I'm abmolatoly thrilled," Bolero comieg Ooflialdvl Cloy uold hr Ives esoited ehe said, "S hired him is the district nod S hnew he mould da a gond jab." 60, Cloy wcrhed feo IO yesos, tobo stepping tote a oem tnaohiog gs'odn soheol lsd serving ana principal atolnmnnt000y middle sebIllo, "No's u reepsiosilolo, hnewledgeobto, eonliileol lund upiieeiehohle london," noir ot the diatomS sod Cloy to ha peioeipnl st flo cesan Elementary Ferintendenll July 5 when pos Fluions, t000l eneJlanlaa Olsaer 002060, Williams clmuiiosl"l've gol seIne big shoes slung the way, 1a2003, Williome hired lolileolIc mosan 0011110e Williams, nsly hired, bat meotamod ICicle Sent eseeatioo director nf papil snevicea, seilibecome Dists'iot 63's sOnt 55- SsdsOOenl'OOeESen,Osv'li n Posee Inrtu 0910 Memorial Day in Nues 5150ml nos osi Inomla 55111 Orne Oniaran ssh 51511k, tb 050mo srs A5PPI On 5,55saate,nnkMa lis hetmol 0001 Inh nodI yeah In Ses satt eapplas, Tos meek 55e.eanl&at,005n,Wkia po'oeriood todo Isis hnos. "Together we ara gsiog to auai,nlsanruuss dogorut things," ho tclddhn hoord. n'eut i tollo uhr Ian laoltssn, al Onterals st 15w go Oars Flit NbC salts the lias io stale dudos quoi, nl mirs MOslay at Ils arsual Hilas Msssmial tmap me nossysi VotaraIs iemsvel ealerlsll at lucia awl 6010556es alenuse sins,:snSsaMSssslineIWr letsre asosilsi dey In Nel osre ilIno Cf popyns. eyilh Ils Ilsyapsa Mertsy Silos soasul biles Meashisl Dsy ,assaoy alles Onisreos Cciitcooilt:pbomioerloocl,eoomi Aessrtetwslemtatt St mccoy ari Oui sashes enartar Monument honors thousands of Polish who died leaders imam across Chicago's Polish THIS WEEK ONLINE NOW Sib LOE S N O W WEEKLY HOROSCOPES FE5210BI tpflOTS ssuaslaltty jsitsred Maillai St ItalicO Cemsialy hr hilas is tesi' Toril war u easy esinmaa irs Ohessynsb'i, Nb loica eanisminils 5500 Asolsy sa saie amneomelt Is thousands si lbs ldmallsm liosslo Salid sills annusi Ilmo HnmeOsl Sa yenrnmsrr al Vsierers Pains mho wars hitlnt unire trac Katyn Isresi aesserlo. MacellaI OebOrleil at Tasty aed Mlle aulas aeeaeee, Swine lin reported at Mark Twaiee Apollo lest Naine ssllncI DistIlli 65 apellad Mey 25 that Hill lascIai Ito cares Essa Osan sanormed at Marl mela 5511051 inmutes eat ApeOs Sohsol Il emlisarperatad Asina Taosship, YOURSEASON What do the stars hold for you? Photos of the Weeba skn a Isok ut Ills past nenk lomeath helesses allie plcloilaptters Pisnssr Piese nah The 051006 Sais pienanli'esaiOss, 15m ccnpinis oloerops si yssi bilAi Ccci lo mon il ycul 9515115 P15,55 OsAste ciysnisoparis irans stesi sut Asee mot mesoni aseses diseceisas leisem Check aal your eooktn tole' 151 alI nsrlisnni oatemmet:sn coils yaaisnas005ss tar eldsss, pletus, matungo, sod Slaps litri sOs tira 59e sed setost ossI ssbssl ea oasI pIsolInI hy telson Stems et Alsnnsmlooaiceeedhulesssp,s gIsuiass mani - isunt orinal Photos My: Alise Hal,t,Jyel SINS 6iHews www.ploneerlocal.com THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2009 www.pioneerlocal.com A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION 7 DISTRICT 207 Northwest Metropolitan Urology Associates Hockey club closer to goal of scoring respect wr* ií, MD MD trH,oj Nfl MS?otk 9 We are a friendly, patient focused Urology Practice that has been located in greater Northwest Chicago for more than 25 years with 4 locations to serve you: PARKS/DE PROFESSIONAL BUILDING DA/IM/IL MOLO 1875 OEMPSTER, SUITE 506 7000 N MILWAUKEE, SOUE 17 000 AUSTIN, E TOWER, SUITE 266 7447 W. TALCOTT. SUITE 427 PAGK RIDGE, IL 60068 OILES, ILLINOIS 60714 EVANSTON, IL 60202 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60631 PH: (847) 823-4700 PH: (847) 470-1500 PH: (847) 491-1755 PH: (173) 715-0800 ST FRANCIS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING RESURRECTION PROFESSIONAL BUILDING Premier Pal/ant-Focused Urology By TONY BERTUCA game SelledLile and record tbertuca®pioneerIocl.com are not 1X)SLCd or included in Officials from the Maine High School Hockey Club school announcements; and the Learn's picture is not included in yearbooks. said all their players want is a little respect. And maybe a picture in the yearbook. The hockey team, coni- Quakfy, Value & n AflYLaf)u e. INTERNATIONAL MARKET DELI BAKERY MEATS SEAFOO Cantaloupe Produce California Nectarines 99a. 79. Kiwi Fruit iOO Campan Tomatoes 2FOR1OO 98a. Cilantro 4FOR1OO Ground Chuck DrumsfickD Lean-Tender Pork Chops USDA Choice Rib Eye Steaks $i99 79!?. Maine Township High But because hockey is a club sport and not sane- aIi(l hid with little resist- tioned by the Illinois 1-ugh unce. tween student athletes and their school communities, hockey club officials said. The sport is not promoted within the schools; the tennis l3oard member Sean Sul- livan stlid lie saw nothing wrong with recognizing the sport and the student-athleles who participate, and school trophy cases may be out of the question due to liability issues, the board re- ported. The board will meet again June 1 to discuss a firm proposai and possibly vote on it. Neff indicated he felt pos- itive about the meeting. "I think we're going to get some ofthe things we asked foi;" he said. "Our main con- cern is really for the kids." At the meeting, the hockey club also distributed an informationai pamphlet listing dozens ofother local high other boai'd members joined schools that provide recognition to hockey clubs. iiirìi in tentatively agreeing Coiizinent:pioneer/ocal.coìn Niqht Style Angelina ¡oviles dance at the Nibs West prom Saturday night at the Chicago Marriott. IB. (Joel Lerner/Staff De Sara lee Oven Roasted Turkey Breast Hockey moms and dads Look their concerns to the But access to school fitness equipment and a place in Juliet Barcharn (loll) and MEAT Graue "A" Chicken nickel," said Mike Neff, vice president ofthe hockey club. "We just want some recognition for the kids." School District 207 Board of Education earlier this month School Association, there has always been a disconnect be- 8FOR Red or Green ettuce posed of42 students troni all three Maine Township high schools, recently completed a successful year and a triJ) to the state finals. We aren't asking for a to limited recognition of the hockey club. Photographer) Italia Brick Cheese Genoa Salami Mortadella . VALID ON SALE AND,CLEARAÑCE : .; . MERCHANDISESTOREWIDE* THUASOAY, . .MAY 28TH THOUGHSUNDAY,MAY 31ST . DAIRY Vl Borden Dean's Cottage 2% Milk 19 2FOR & Ea. Gal. i. ::; Heinz Ketchup ThiI$ LORD&TAYLORSa Paçgious, Teml& tJg rnen Cofa Haan; boys' dttsswear Snail Vobo.' Itsmo. DEPARThElJTS: Coonoollcs, fragrances, beauty axessoaies;. 99 &p Ea. 16 Oz, Thssos Extra Virgin To ma toes Olive Oil . iO9 Golden Chick Pe a s (All virietiet) $i9 I Ea. 3 lt. Maxwell Coffee BQ Sauce 99 $.999 2FO3 Ea. IS Oz. Ea. 34 Qi. . 8800WAUKEGAN RD. MORTONGROVE, IL. Ea. 28 Oz. . LIIiifle()I't)Ol.tate(f j johnso n@p ionen rio Col coni 'I'O'nslì P Ea. 20 Oz. CORNER OF WAUKEGAN & DEMPSTER HOURS: MON-FRI 8-9 SAT 8-8 SUN 87 . 847-581-1029 - ..' Swine flu at Mark Twain, Apollo By JENNIFER JOHNSON . . . SALE DATES MAY 28TH THRU JUNE 3flb . . l'lsL Maine School District (i8 Iel)OrLe(i vIIIy 20 that ¡-(INI (sw'ine) flu eases vere conti rnìed aL Mark 'f'vain School in Nibs afl(1 Apollo School in Maine to remain open, WiililtilS said, and classrooms will In a message Lo parents, be thoroughly cleaned IlS a precautionary flleIlStlIC District 63 was renain(l ing parents to keel) theil' Sul)erifltendelit Kathleen \illiiiiis wrote that on Lmmlted.ay3ociais, SefactOd Spoda) Saie Esnts1orptathases: Bonssavings %,appi!ed to redtx;ed pdThls Savhigs Pase niuztbe ', presentad aithe reglsteraulmo at purchasoto mcetve Savings ..PassdLscountNotva0dontelephoneorIntemetorders DISÏICT 63 Ea. 28 Oz. Barilla Pasta Sauce Sweet Baby Ray's sventpromolions,.flrto Watches and dogn&y in FIne Joweiy Beauty Son, restaurants, gift cards & stoni services. Cannot ." t1e cOmb4nectWUIT onyotherofferaxcept $15 BOnUSC&IIlcatO. Notyaiid &ella Italian Ea. 32 Oz. Saie BCBGMOXAZIIO, Juicy Coutuni, Meinell, Mkoaol Mkfoaol Ken handbags, GROCERIES Riceland Rice hass oudes: 44J Bi Sputs, SAAND CLEARANCE ITEMS from Aqualala, BCBG/. . ¿ReqDlar onyl AOO '1' Ea. 24 Oz. i99 N D ea n 's Sour Cream Cheese one child lt Mark 't\VLlin and one child at Apollo had Le51e(l positive for the "irus. BOtti schools were children at homo il the' have a fever or flu-like symp toms. IIIIIIIII II I II I IIIIItItIIIIII III l'i '".. í' . . Shqi online at lordandtayforcom. "Soeirigs Pass and onlIne pcxTIO code not apØicable to 4-Day B Salo Specials. Se ends Sunday, May 31st, Sangs oft roguor and odgkial pikes. No adlustments to yior saio funthases stcxo. Our regular and cginai prices aie oíbrig Sdected collections; not ry st1e in es only and may or may not ha resulted in saies. PdVSOd meichandtse may be avnbble ut sub pices in upcomfrig nab .i3nts, For the Lord & Taylor kDcaSon nearest ou visit our bsite cc call 1-8c-223-744O, Ill IRISAS, MAY 18,1079 'vWw.plonörlötal.cO8s 'BJl)pWS FREE EVENT 0 ClINGY PASSI PU0LICAIIS9A Thefallemisgisridecde mere erucsg lYe efficiel reportee! tlteNileaPelierDcperlmest, Pioneer to host child seat of law con mehr IOnI deter- tying charantaristica, pIas allergies, binad type, doc- loase, nr the saat is not in- Ile eajllop inn e e r loe e Laus Jarnis lava., Shnbie, n'ao eherged with bottery May tora' cames, sud oven Pioneer Press experts seaosd and the straps can names and nambors uf stalled pruprrly, it will elide areash fue thera tabean State Potina ser reedy iujary; the child nun slide forward und sideways end bounce off items like the srheduling seven spas jolly tratend paliar atOners to get the job done. Na matter where yna live, tract headrest aad thiegs uf that culuen." Thin year, we've gas beteg pose rae, hids and seats ta oar headquarters, 2701 West Lake Ave., Glee- view, from 00 am, ta 2p.m. If you're ant sara your kids' seats ars installed right, you're not alosa - Edwin Wosg, 19, of 1027 N, St. Lau iv Ave., Chicago, mauken Avenue, Stew us re- paar hands when ile dune," said Nich .lermusa, AAA's was charged with drino5 i, due i o court J110y I. under tha influence uf nina- blends. "Whet'soest about it is thus eur system in ickless, ares boss fur cammssity something sew: thu AAA Auto Club will ha unbend tu fingerpniut ycur child fur lree, giving ynacosed with the fresh prints, sud uateeaeh. slots for poule fill in far tuwel ufter it's dass its Ich. The "ishbsn" ink is cinse, and lanco, black anly un the raed. It wipes right off lit- tle bands with a payne nationally, esperto nay 00 percent snout, And it dues- vital infurmatius about Tb errare ether free your youngster, plus a sernicee waiting fer you n'tt.she an avaident for paar olsild ta ho injured hyan im- photo. All in osa place, yea can calicot yuan vhild'a ideali- prnyerly-inatalled seat. 1h I 09 eSk b M t G I Sutarday. The Gleoviem Pire Department will hayo struck, two firofighters dl g rem It i Ilsnlhstask's Ilote Meyer sableO Ilote Pelle OleosI sortis n orle install tsr gresdteughlel's see slid tar telele reati the 010105w perkinS Ist al erIcen rIsos lesI 0050cL GlAseo ale held si lilt Blest 10ko Ree. taluldsy In inspect elsie stell err suelO tree, (Psthie Yeoge7tellloslelreplell ends aeloty table cit hide can learn hum lo react tu finco aad uther emergen- Glcsview's Kohl Children's Mueeum will load Pines, all donated by local meroh0010, Wilmette's Bobtail Irr Cream and Mc- hide je crafts, end, nl Onuald's will give awey There will be placly ni cntlpuus. ceanse, tbere will be venu- eins. free Vienna Beef hut doge, capa 01 Starbuchs Cnflcc, and succo of 1,1011e Cacnitr's papera and magaalues lo raed while yna ovalI. Tharr arr waubroam and diaper-ahanging facilities tua, of buena. Ccocmrut:piaceerleval.vvte 1,ol Muy 20 un 1ko 000 block nor relcaord an -$0,000 hund driving uooder the influence Pool ifthoue, SO, of 1402 Circle Ave., Purent Pork, wan charged 011k driving holder the influence of clou- hoi May 19 on the 7200 READY TO PLAY? tile IWOL (5l,ls( ara nota maye) disisluve end nevalucea taurvaweclo 0n ellelansle camwsOty collet club. Opens BEALFVF5JLO Naee-tnsea eevelo,nvlronesne curvare eon clay) Im,, cera,nla teeocrlcsv 5 eseln e0ere ,sbOerOc mw4anne.eav Skemse Soccer dab es ho,aeend luna t, belog moons, 0001mo e la egaler 5o nolte cAnalled arelo, tall Sal elrlrelOt,nea, ua' euocnllflr,dnuble enclos n oseIlle. sn,eeeue ,edene itt meoleeelneollyon,caeeafgneec,ls'oeew,dslee Lorana Hrenosdae, 20, vi nnue, He was esleosed on $1,000 bond saud indue in 2070 N. 19th Ave., Meirooc Manteo, Jans 1, 2000 at Wednesday, Jane a, 2uon U-u, U-10, U-Il 6:00-7:70 pm U-la, U-13, U-14 7:30- u:uu pm 01711 School Gina 7:7e - nsa pm 0551e Nu provisos suasen sspnn:enna ea ehm ny SLY St l'sI www,nlsomoreoecer.eom ACROSS POM Nuu0,db0IK0l noe Lunelsd mel e I ens 0 uu01uo h lO 55e Na Michael Bembo, 17, uf mus ehurged with rotoli theft May20 alter he uilegadly stale four couru' of bcerosiucd at $011 from o Tomer &1oguoe' Guao 010 N voinmoud, Anthony Parhat, three hood guns and ois ri- 07, 017244 N. Kcystonr Aso,, fles from kil h000w Hin hoed Linoalnwoad, and neejoor- n'un net st $20,050 und he mon due ja oaurt May20. nile from Skokir wem Eni IO MoN le L am1ut00. o JOE COCKER 4ßmAneeoseeeuenooWconer ' LAWN PARTYI FOOD AND D50NIOSO 10005 FEMO KUTI & TRE PosolneE FORCE IN CONCERT KONG SUNNY ADE OnDEO SCREEN vO, lob, bolo (1:11 vIo,, uo ON 5I1 LAWNI 010,000," -«COrvbvllvOone, THE BEACH BOYS 50146 0011105es gos BovIn 11011107010 PoIntu PtnlIuS'tosioo 0(01011e tntllrls reCen, 1111070 bIll 20 JSleli0000i 1615055 April11 5183606010 Ans AnobIos Balks IIARWOOD REICHES 0501 11021er lo Welk 0000rafr, 1110175 April10 PINK MARTINI 1tOS6OeIIne Are, loirs latliolnIlo In eenieein JeSlonnk( 1111110 bnl 1h 1419W, Yeyee 60e 150051 lIterIe Io Jete 00010cl 1105025 ApIll lo MICHAEL FEINSTEIN Done noun em os lue RacIsta W0000s'n Anulo nelson ceNmon! MILES PARK RIDGE IllS OCelos Nue, 2,0101 P Ocho- BODEANS THE SERVE MILLER BAND Alors, 5050005 ne'd 2k 15100go Tillo lend III Coluro to lEO Weadlenot gao, N olleleone 110cl Alsonenl2 fytoeye 101516e RelIgO 0G$IOì April 25 te ledge Karoellas, 1010135 lpn,l 142d N, 101cM Ave, 61011001 Jinglo la George banNen CaStle Macno. 910W, PIaIlle. Joseph 0115mo 010mo to flOtaN Aloi Nl, 0111k 1141,005 Ap111 14. 04. AlISeI J AodtIOIllk Artero 441801' pAIaeonN GORAN BREGOVIC JOHN LEGEND & Nos Wenoneas ano Faeoee,OL Oeonlsens Isora,Anle Vasaus A005000on CHICAGO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 11117 nsonrms eons lelo 10:124 Geeolmro & Bnnnnols lun 20 'Sm Woeu Inemoun lull 26 Iwn LenIn 50010 Peeeollev INDIGO GlRiS0000eeeogaoosesnaenneocueuoo JUST ANNOUNCEDI DIANA Ito 20 lObes soaso ceo leErn Memuw Abt, I Pani LaPons luxAi IwboMu eW Ssreeenese'e Steele; lesseE NORMAN SaaOnlno SEuO soso In 010ern eonwl bracnoo Pna1000.gaLy TE WWW RAVINIA ORG 847-266-51 OÔ olor 15 P0111164 Nuoro 50000drIte 0 Tl216HiInoakeo Ass Aft 138, "'ru ol u,ueallinoul,rl,lt,nu ,n405ganI,ol n,,,, Oro,10r0,uludtllelhefll,,le_ TOM JONES 01496 801(00 Are Opi In, Medos 0000v to Nllelei leniosie Lele Optit io. o RAMSEY Looms's M0500MeSo.N, Bon-BOND GBOw NORWOOD PARK 1145000 001111 JUL & HIS AFRICAN BnAls GIPSY KINGS Park, w.'nu ohurged wish 70415. Cololpe 00e. 11100go TItle herd 71110110210 Jarepll Y 15(1(1 6001e A BOSO 1110100 0111110 1801 W. 11(00 606 Polenne Sorb O 11201Cc tIes 101010 ShillOoleoa, choeged with p000000ing Orearonurciohaol o volid iiolean. Poli ne vonOoca tad 05 EDISON PARK Bend 011101 Co lIne lo Boses Boywert Oledor tnre000n InbOrn, laye Gueman, 40, uf 015K N. Overhibi Aso., Hilea, mon OISON, Kilpotniok Ave., Lin- JUNE OPENING NIGHT! lieuse DebO, 1155110 neri1 lì 4211 0. Obaeit les Ist Ill PolOney WEAPONS NOW OFFERING VIDEO SCREENS FOR EVERY PAVILION SHOW' 0101, OTtO 6100(100e. Icono IOnI 0110v 10101011e Popoetenotlies RenIe Peorodennlllos, 1110101 ff11114. North Oahtue BInent after Obey oilegndly chele - o meoau's poonuo. Ail mere due in court May IS. NIAVINIA FESTIVAL-2009 6511W, mInet Pleurae Olee Apt 101, Ys,0 O:elinondl In Retro lebe ecyrcar sd9us leynoal, 1151115 -a loor B,ednigoe 37, cf 1237 Brb000l Lane, BoSnIo Grove, liv-rvvo,-d.vuot, (130) 115- Bord 511001 Online lu 600011er Oiles Wust t-11gb Schaut Stedilim 5701 Oektan, Shuttle 00077 'fleo prepaor lanka worn PROPERTY TRANSFERS 48320.1(001 Aus beil 101 Poijeye lank 1110,1 Callee 101011e tebana 0110010 April10 86116 0)000 Ace. toit 010 rOlk000 (Std 010011gb 0th gradesl Inened 000 $A,000 hued and is doe in 005rt May 27. VIDEO SESEEN ON THE LAWNI 1100,I0D, STAI lA. sous ord Silts U-S Ihre U-14 causse any lu Inynut. 047'Stq.422g noue m5000wee. Ormaneol 5e, & coleen Saal Tryouts cling: Cleets, shin Osndt, sacos, bell, untar battis. au $1,000 bond and iu due in court Jaly I, NORRID0E .8 uhisflleoenceta,eenevterctsOol 001eabetk avenues'. Ho man relnaond 0x11,000 band and io due in court Juno 211, 9100 b000(a of Noch, Greenmood Itaad,Hcouiouveieaocd hluck of Wool Caldmefl Av- l'oc, Ill SL Gltnrive, ivsnw.pub- rIonI preenvcu 001' 011041v ehen era driving under the ioflseseo cf oicakoi May00 seer Ike e cenen of Miiwaubro und nf alcohol May I? an the lnuslnntt.t.lreetnesa.Lr'apoess.eseel The Bold Itoederd' end oeer,usa revira. ieanod on $5,000 kund ocd and is duo in onorI Jase 22, (847) 967 5500 ence Ova g: vn teens eta e costo ese Io, nIl 2000 anO spina aula Pialnes, n'as eherged with Themas flinnoon, 27, uf 100107. Liveuin lavo., Pork Oflddge, moo changed moth M'ARINO REALTORS 1580 It's time for all ages to tryout for the 2009-2010 season! fdynnu Mojina, 24, uf 9241 Ebruhim VaUlani, 24, of 1042 N. Liodec Ace,, Des Pialnes, mea viourged with of Wanloingion Streat, l'le 5800 Dempster-- Muco Groce SKOMOR SC s.., ROBBERY July 0. au there iec't ich all over ilynor child is tuno, sad u baby-sit ter ur ne latine is araund, but peace nut. "Yuu dent huye ta he in THEFT bond end la dun in bart BUI who cummeudn the squad. iespertioo/installatios dey Saturday, and the Illinois on hoe 5050 hOoch of West Keeney. uf aivehol Mey IA av the 8000 bloch of North Mil- Tb asonase ame le hendy srt leased un $1,000 bsnd end is doe in cauri June 22. dnining under the inblvenve trIct 15 Sgt. Jim Jeshner, ear stolen Mooy IA froren hamo ie darin ouurt June U, advantage of ove free nlsild safety Moie Street. ¡Ir wan re- W. Pairwoy Ave,, lOen rasar iaieles," said Dis- tore un the 9200 bloch uf charged milk robbery Mey Went Gail Ruad, He meere- 12 05 the 0700 blneh cf IS sear the earner of Mil- 13es the 7000 blank uf West Touhy Avenue, Ste was remaccd un 01,000 brand and runny area parrots tu take POLICE BLOTTER driving under 1ko mEnacen Steven Teroic 44,00503 the inflamar nf ulenkul May Petar P000biuc, BI, ef7d12 He mus released nc $1,000 Amir lsnoq, 34, ef 10007 VOWS 69 cf elenhol Muy 17 un tkn 0t.Maotereylane.,Polatine, 7409 black cf Nerlh Mii- was chorgod with dnivieg wouhee Avenue. Howcnre-undertke inbluonee uf 000oIrused en $1,000 hasd ond hai May 23 veer 1ko corner is duelo bort faiyl. of Milwaukee Avesse and waakre nnd Toahy avenue6. BATTERY elf 1h e atrape ura too ceurt Jane 07. Ancrrecfdceesctrocetitnafc N. Kentele Aye., Sluolde, man efiedicgafgsll, Oetyemart oheegad voltio Brining ander safety day at Glenview office By mv LEAVÍTI wvrw.ploneerlocgcom (Osoew OlIO C5 curse www.pioneerlocal.com S (lISSER PREIS PlitICAfbOhl PAGE lo COMMUWTY CALENDAR GUEST ESSAY prerediatglbe dote efpebli- Remembering the honor in Honor Guard 0y JAY BIGOT Cenutibelot Asido cualt your av Memorial Puy nears, i reliveeshurt chapter lu my early life Oliai proneetad sume afilio beet of what t believe i could hove done ande little of the murai at almost the Saona time. loud il arano bog titee ego ... Jeruory i969, and I had junih cnn useigned la un Advoeco infentry Train- ing brigade alPi. Ord, Calif., ano drill inotruelor teaching ihn 'See oriol mariden goenieg" tu Sometimes reluctant recruits. Ou the boon fer eoly ibee weckt, t received a very anweleomed request tener the bane cmemaodrr, MaV Cenerei Davidsee, "o'ith oil doe haste." Here lam gnatty out of medical erheb, midi arar peid fer mith the horb pay cerned while haopitaliaed. Stationed oct Pt. Ot'd lie the Menlerey Penienala areal with $390 a meeth of tttolly disposable income lit seemed libe andavano tat of money beck theol I Sgorrd I Scatty anaght u breab from the Army and new thin. Majar Generals de net normally reqoent the presence's ofsecanta, nat mes eoevineed twos in trouble. Na; it wen worse. ing Ihy other like "druiteco"l ooun"ltuphon- od' at best and preparatine for oue flout "awige- leant" monjootplotn nbcplcp My Srst baciai cereototcy wen inanwoll town near Gitroy and the oolley oottoto woo cogged, ihr flog could boce bene folded bettet; our attitude onaltl have been moto solemn, in a sentence we oeted libo we wonted te be onyvt'hrre bat there. After the creepholt, ihr bus could ont traer font euoogh. The neat maple nl ceremonies that followed were no beteev Tite duty rooter rotetion w,venueh that by rorliot March, "my detail" won onoigerd te yet aceticoeeremeay tidn ene near Moviera lar o young neldier, Robert Davenport, who mou hilled nerving with the i73rd Airberee Brigade, the unit i had beco nttochrd telo Vietnow. Whilr it ivano long bus ride, the lati puri nf the rido S'empori Ord w as openealov I rewember that it menen absolutely permet spring day in the feeihlilin nf the Serra Receda Mountains, the bise lupine and Colifornia pnpyirn were io full hlonw aineguide the rood anden the green blilloiden. The temperature was perfect with justa hint ai loas tebe unsigned special duty aeon Honor Guard detail for the burialo ïn ventral and norticern Catiforois afnebtirra hilled in Vietteum. Tu make muttern wurue, ana sergrunt, t mautd heilte saetar NCO fer oli burials of to sessel up threagh ticrroolc nf Sergeant Pirnt Claoa. "Drafted" into the respennibilily, t upprouehed the special Irrad: ontrel duty with Inuthing and absolute etintmum effort. Our train. We piled elf the ban, took uy oar pesitinen ned proceeded ta "welk" through 1ko ceremony Mrs. Docceport not all clone et the ceremony holdiogoomoll blttek and white teddy bear 'l'bere ware irinndn there, bol ett ather family toembero. teard tite real of tite ceremony, os lyrevedad lhe 110g ta Mm. lloeanporl, ehe hoog Onto ny Itued thanking mofar the norvirno and how it nteontne mach to lier that SttSctoieeieneferüeeatetenify Cebrttdereerregtoiredlddeye $000 WORDS wfl'eo. Seedto:NifroMsateg. itag Editor, Pieaterr Prona, 3701 WLehelooc., Gbroeiew ¡1, OOtl2S. iefoa'tttelio,ttttay HE S1TE Oc/oecd to (047) 48g-7495 or ej LT! litE r-oeeilrd le eabetleri@pio. INRTRUliRE po?LEM BenefIts i had acreed in Itee son's atdt and aeon IlIrre litttt tlay. i Iried It, nvpl:do that i httd ettt crrred sailli her son, btot hrr reopeese wIts that i ht,d been there, le tite outne unit, und that c0000c'lion won of wonderloi cotniort lo lieto Theo she neid something that i remember on weil and with nuch elorily, it in libo the evords ware opnhen tome thin worning: "i know you buys don't want tobe hero, httt it moot,s .su mach toas Reiot5OOI0o Is ccoo loe lass St' ans Stil tuese Asssaialiets cessai Osti leIhst schoss loi Iha tien feb le lbnneinre Ills leisen, Chiesto boors lISO lenca Seni linnbashna elli nalca Sebebrily eppnarsnw loses sill also te en ossiedse donino el ihn Stpo, Inni stOlfineIll bshiet' llrseaoesslo,ios leant eliseo, 1511515 sen p0515010 es lrlìsldtnis Ocie tessomes. lath golf leakage lecitIna otees loss, Intl teal coniai, lunch, atto eotklsi tvtnplion oct 1011cl Aeeer. Rntisl,oliee beetle avori boginn 0111 Ont, sOno gaitero p:skep ihnir Colis, & Beth gill sot bnslunth, Paallolpanlo van lain SP eselago si Ihe d,:viso loose ant psi' lies gtosn 0th retobo Oeil lips tras ihn lles Ciels soif pan 1011010 loe sil 0105es loRIgas 515,11 alt Celesdet PAGE 14 Essay Celhlfuod lrun P06011 obsolntr delight in the birth eiteyusn is IllS. Wlaen Mro. Duvenport died in the noting uf 1000, u nmell light aluoselSsh hisdnens und humanity dis- nppeered from this Perth Ibas I don't thieb can evor be replueed. After tIle burial olhcr nos, my detail hod semen odditinnel ennemonirn 1h01 spring und summer bnbome tee and oop "Shea a civilEotcly in my marriage, my towed, we opohe egeln and ïuthet'.ie.lun'syolte of his World Woe li evproinneeu itt tite Third Islanlry DiciniceNo truvnlcd through bund nut that the teddy hear woo indeed her soeb and hod buen givre to Hubert selten he wast before he went te tierra ond beenmescasualty of that may Bonn though I woo only tOut the time and not the most "ie-tuned" individual ereand, I woo asteunded that a momos who hod tant hoe only ekild in Vietnam und her huebend in Korea aeold otlill npeoh with such guten, hope, end cunenre about the detalle welfare, their pions und labe real laoneut genuine intercet'tn them. 00er the years, originally ut lier toquent, f stoyed in touah with Men. Doorspurl, Pt-ni by letters, latee tnnstiy by Christmas cerdo. She wasueno libe wont eutepensinnele human beings you could haape in werL Aed she Inch oieeere pleasure boa my graduation b-am collage, irue jay Ihr my mort'iege in ISS3 and E.teey, rABO fl pero-clon duty hasuv and service for Oho families that had lust their nan, husband, bruther Io ethsr words, we lived top lathe denignatios - Huner Guard. Bereute of this lime nf ynao; theec is tIan ensoul focos 00 oar nation's heroes. Sat daring timos of wer, osti ihio io nno of them, wo Amerioans besan timo-hnnnrnd ceremony thai gens on througheut lIte peer for our selissb hnmocs thati tosed lepartieipntr is, Dumb of these aeremenies, fer tIte family, isa nolown oceoaien that each fumily bondies ho their awn uni que muy The Honor Ouat'd and the ceremony prenided 'ose tredi11051e hsnnr the semoules mode by Ihrer bernes end isle be respected and perlermed with dignity and attention In duty I did the very breI i could for these lost noons neremenino; I wish I onuld code the first four I poniieipotrd in.! hnpe oomehnw these families undeeslund und forgive ma. Ilosow Mes, Davenport did, o berg time oge, end lam forever grateJoy Hirat io/reno PerS flidgr Year-round Memorial Day At tIte rsoeplion that bi- peoro old by her huobund Imou Scully discharged brew tIte omreice Is Sep' tewbor. Thingo abtor the Dovenport buriel were very different. In all nl them,! mode curo that nue lises wnre perfect, uniferoto mere metieuleun and wars avreaclly, boute were ahisad, nur calbryu preelno, deteil to prenentotien woo eneet and nue feeou lOO :.1ç.;o. thot you et-w" And I realised that i woo immrdioleiy end naddrnly troty anhamed of myself. I leas, not of self-pity 00er ichos i hod iode, cheapening the ceremneirn far litons families Ibas hod lost 115019 III CHERYL O'DONO VAN VAN MOM STRIKES AGAIN A soldier in buried io the seme row os my 10110er antI brother, Lorge nob and mopla 100es ous t shudnoos oeress the granny s'lepeo and the metallic plaque bearing his name. When I lean young, I lean rolbrolbed by wer slot-ito like Thr Rrd iludga tot' 0000',sge ood Olmo 11ko "The Groat fiseape." My college rn,twwoio'u fallico w'neeolanci. We'd visit Itim at Port Catophell, Ky. At Ihr security gute, o oeil'nrwed ealdier would peer lolo wiudotr nf toy old Perd Muslang. "Pieuse 0101e your l,ua'yesa, nahm." Panielting l'il ulottowet; unnurewltelltcr I was under arrest. My roammols would Iohtgh, leon No,'lh Afcie:t, Sicily, Italy und Oet'maoy Plis une treasure? A lottomad ruittao,tl, He'd bunch Decoration Doyle 1855, a mey to bosar Iba Civil War dead by pleaing f omens no graces. Oar mey of heeering tnas a littls different. Three years ago, we meen notieg ot Buinf000st Cell. Peur young mee in whilr noval onifnrmnsateeOros, My hashoed noammonod it up and uleep on it libro the waitresa. Heovonted te pillow, or nhioemsd inside it pay their bulL belote o minter bottle. After Ibtening lo his bleab, eSrn shalt firing start'rs, I asked if anyone sbnwed hite Itiodness. Sir nodded. Oumewhers nette umnunloinous noce lived o woman mho h:td a Steto. Whru down beebe, she oceawbied eggo loo kt'oakfaot, und molkod t ploie oui ha him. My ïolher'-in-luw srreed in llar uuote divinios tos Audie Muo'1thy She'd abobe hie Iteetl 0th loam films. "Wunv'l 000ytlting tibe ilaut," he'd stoy tvaming Later, they preperod tu leave. We sow the seoiteesn gentues, oeplaising. Nodding Iheir thenkn ut uy hooband, they deporled. Ganing neress the table ut my sans - my houli. gens, lbs Ionen uf my lifeI imagined when they are young woe. Will they nuesidee military oet'ciory Memeriel Day rewutnu n hollowed hnliduy Maybe thorn are allier moyo IO hoeor e soldier'u seet'iliau, withool faniora, eouïelS ea poeodeu is u000poetotl att arm ... noel of the 000er nay i leali al Vulet'ie Boetinelhi claiming she pIceas, 11h00 whiwniavl ltotd na plootim eta-gory te gal letto loor Jeany Crzdg hilt ici. ttths meg their tuila, atene n'abolis the ufteoeuoO. Memorial Day bnguu 00 DESIGN CENTER al THE MDSCHhNDIDE MART OECEMBER 18, 2009 APRIL 17 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC THE MERCHANDISE MART - FIRST FLOOR merchandiseonarldesignseeterosm/dreamhsme rrutnaront where uquoeiown gurgin ucd febo mitee- Gaetaneatl:piettrerleoefeeott p TAURSTAY, MAX www.ploueerlocal.com 12 InfeStS Round trip, one-way could not fly to my noon poyo $150 chonge fee, p1os having tu psy extra becuaaoe the one-sony fare in mure onpeaative. Since I aroeld not afford thiu additional coot, my home uslhad planned. I quite agreed. son had to take more time alf from work and drive I sven diachorgod, mp donar Felt that lavan not capable of caring for myself while rmuperatIng. lie aine felt thnt I STEPHANIE ZIMMERMANN 111E FIXER - Chiflase Tun-Times My non nmded to return to worhiuthe Kasoasille arco. Sabe drove us ta hin homo in nrdcr for non toreenr- Deer floor: lam 83 years old aasd feel that I havebeen sheeted. Shad round-trip roseattons paid for tas advanroavith American Airlines to visit my son in Tennessee. I was hpitn5ioed ones. ate with my family around to help eore for peetediyua fowdoys before my departure date. The airline seos notified. that lwouldnotbo return flight scheduled on May 2. My sou drove from his hamo in Teonessee to the hospital is Highland Parlo to slay with medoriog myhospitalioeties. Afier 1 fret this is unethical, since Ibad purchuned o seat for my trip nu an osibaund as well unan inbound flt5at and the airllue woo notified that I would esothe ahle to une the ouihound ticket. Why After awhile, I was feolingmuclsbettnr and oould manage the flight Howevev American Airlines isfarmed mc My Iligist asas scheduled in leave un April15 ositha No way! am lhcing penalioedl 151015e 111cl ullowed tusse my roturo tiehet to fly home since I did not ase the outbound ticket. The total coat of my round-trip flight was $199.28. Despite the feet that the atrii ne was soli. fled of my hospilulluetios, lavas haced with hoving iaa liver Eluioer lt 000ndo like you got trippod uyby one of the raies of the sometimes Byeestioe íuieliso tiche ting nyatew, which ceo moho q:uostum physics beh lihraciorh. We beh your problem to Mory Prances llagas, opoheawuwan Tor Americes Airlines, who seid nielives don't ullow propio io fly only the last Irg oto round trip horade of probtlows with people neem- What's io your wallet? wing tice syatom. Per exemple, because inloersi mie Ihol noddeaciy chou uy? The Orinen coellononio get c-toe ils from round-trip tiehris ore ches boiieereilit coed with 00 eheoper thon ooe.wuy fares, seme propio who went to circewVent u wisimuw-stey requiremesi would huy two rouodtrip tickets, sever intendinglo use both legs nf roch. They'd uy out os the Icier eeodcis whose card imams hnvr decided - even io the ab,srncc cf lain payments one sed roterons the earlier ose. Thy airlines set just Americen - lucy runt oar the mrd contend thut thin violotee their ron troni of eardoge with their passengers. Thus, if sown one isst on no nothound fight, they automutienily deny the oreond leg nf thy tirhet. Cheap tichnls, while nonrefundable, err osuolly or other bnd stoffIn eeiue Iheir intneeat rote. Thop huer the optinste psy elf the balance ut the ciii, lower eolo, bot then lunoy how the eredit cerd people harried te reiae raies, just ou Coegroos To- iuhrd lundwarh credit nerd Inginlatice that Provident Ohemo wan scheduled In nign. The luw would provide protnolisns for ronsnmeru, inolading nban oninteaunt role iocrrases reenable on longes you on euiatiog baluoven. pay the dreaded rhungc br, brodera, have yne ran is lo coyc redit curd tricha? which in whet yoc ran iolo. The good newn hercio thot bonasse your situ::Iios wos no unique, Acoenican hoe drcidcd to offor you:: Tetare flight with no 051ra rhurgen. Asd we're sure youtl grues Ihr plane titis II so, let The Onoro boom ut sximwerm000@eOa- Ready, set shredl Yco, ito niwost time for Ihr toned free shredding mont ni lite Tinilod Cenlrr, bI. 1109 whrrnynu eus get rid nf old prrnnsab lsd financial donameota that yeuse A PIONEER PRESI PUILICAISON www.ploneerlocal.com 13 longer seed in u way thou's eafe fenol ideotllpthinvrv Jesu bring in peer aleff, and valenterrs - ineluding The Pisarmill shred il into abbinino. Wore told that ihn organ. mero soiS have mnre apoco and mnrn shredding trochs thon lest prov They'll also beholding drawings te give oweD 12 perannol obrad. The event is vet far X ow. te 2p.m. June Abita porhing Into Ins Ward Otnmrt hrluvoav Madison end Wueennl. Yno cas being up tn 10 bonos et payons En obeed, bet pienso, de antbniagyaernrdisury rerycbabbrsoaeh es sewn- papero and phnsrbonhs. Per mare infle, gote sonnv.ehieagoohrnds.on. flabfiese fluo ruxercuod eNcobe rcseumcrprcllcri. yell ib be TheFinera www.pienceelocateoci whcreycn'blfledaohcplr farei bojilboul. Goeericnt'pierierrbcmeiroi:: Your mother had breast cancer. Your grandmother had beast cancer, PIONEER PRESS Saturday, May 30, 2009 Can you afford to wait months for your Nationally, about 80% of car seats are installed incorrectly! annual nlammorayl? You don't have to. lanciai mamuagreo all :aiafltsOiltactttd apaSatuanta fisalvnily osa hails at naist mallan ii alialelialasi raimalalíalasiiat r lltiasraealaglaaitea feetsieaa:tllcals-' MsaetIaenlXll naenairaoaa:aanleg ::rcict:asalia:iif:an potessi asina:, :slialraiettilalprst 'Ta autaisfa as aplaiviasal sali Ifi li 115-till arvia:tnonitalota.aeglnannairan ascelbeiwuasI e:wa,:::,:o:o:l::,::,,:000 'NorthShore itaaailagallliatealtie lalleraily si Cllaaga Pi:iakartthaal sliledlaiae Ceiling it done right r.. aguo LOCAL S000CS 10:00am until 2:00pm at Pioneer Press 1/beiges (across from Glolbrook South 4.5.1 3701 W. Lake St., Glenview may help insure Free refreshments from Starbucks, your child's survival Vienna Beef and Little Caesars of Glenview. In an accident. Safety display by the Glenview Fire Department. Child activities by Kohl Children's Museumh g.et(aI1flpal -, Child fingerprinting by MA. L1 For moro of OnmatiOn orto perticipule with a booth, contact Jay BoeloT et 18411 486-7208 Of ibeaton@piomeeelocal.com LAuGE www.ploneerlocal.com 111050ES P5555 PIIBCICITII4 Surtlirnest Ituplieras, SlaIn OIS I'arh Calendar Ridge, 10511 020-0450 Ceteeder vI cens ta iniludno laesduye,WeanundeyOlseery weckt Smploymsntsiusselrsp by appAnnI' CosSisud ionI PAGE 11 return tatheetabhauseasnund400 ialuiday, May00' p rn. ter the oosktaut end dunrst reinOltra, Silent Suet 5fl. awards end prises Te register, sSetait tina petel sure ara bleed Sapai DOivE loom. lenses lee appsiotrnentsendedi Elend pres- St lilt 255-5545 sr eputelilball' Ilse Ciseler et Canneens wilt held its nenuatmiMatene gell nativo 110m yoUSeOrg er siSit wSlis.hutlbsusenng sou acopo June15 al Moustele Catheke Chashesee Pare tu IntRos June14 at SrSnstse Pats nIne e day pow adventure Geli 515E algespuin St the rases to hell Cethelno Ch Drittes' IT This bnoeiit outiramil include IO hais et munialoS Cvii a Sturo dei- bmergesuy Ssrsisss Ht osrtsie, Cook Coarty. Walsh the dare rases trier Itre irdeiner's Sorsi White enletirp a bullet tuesto Gaserrnl's 0mo spesa aireen peel tiere, tool Outlet, 10,20030 pesava esce bar ni tern 1000435 pris risketn are Sieb per pelseo Smaller will help ptssiae leid shelley ucd iisSsetisg Drivions Osad, 0ev Oniese. Oele date is doce eso und otIle pliseS Odolss'sn sill loi addis dril 5h lei vOudras mdci 10411 ere welirme. Call 01G-5005523 to session a pissa OposielOhnp sppattesrtiee irr lesat bastoasses inope boo SISO lei Sie at tie seerose's le Suppone upeaps les Otohnimer's sere' givers 155es eetleruny IroO grist end lese, usi schiere seeking to morose ihnis nouilles one aeahuble al the Cento nl Cunrnnr rs Park AdOs. Ihn also ellere atlehduhle peresool isuessios Is adulte vi ail egeo Celi verles ssriai wurker Oltre logenty 104113200230 lIlo ventor iv at lles h,horihroii ll'ghnay, bulls OIS Park nuage llrssenten else oIlers trecheo sianssilp Ion en iienv ois ethnie nne child serr iv aleS pinodod ionsueste mill lenin about the VO esheSi eydleml hes ir rep eileen uro ebeenon Iron School undeseived is edit onde, huele RieReis lei panentleaohnnouniaoe000 how leosmrlrte segunnea luise Sus lo yelp etti hoinenerku and Ovnis puniuipaln neme oc nul gunvi kas'o Hiviiosiui dank pnannned eilt presenta precian psiiusktios and valueble huoineoi lips are limited le mein the croup WhIt h ht5srglnttng bIte lilo OOd muLlO via 15411 1110015 ri the MO Oennely all' innola cesio Ihurodey utili anse al lemgo, clos W. Crib sedI le lnlnv 01 nonh weeliso, mechen oeihuoge los yiG'lhikl lei eihdi eures qnoGined Padreen seleoelu hblbd ers' me railes Melo CiaS Or Chisoge mill ainsI lys psient'sh'ldaitnoily svg i' sing at soin usoS bIo ne Past l'lise loiiohny Gab 6065 PlSOpnil loe Park 555e Csltot HeISS ellas' poi isiO 151100 rIlo C rk muLtI 005' ntcnsl eli oentoin, Coot is 001. inesbeal relationships, vieste al' rleoeirp puIts spnapne slnlii and take tarro preenttng 1161 peasots uni eeoOee Sien, IO esery tot eus Classes sun liera 90m neve it Gsoisi JoPos 1190 Siheol, 0911 Otnannoid yin, Sien hein Clunld tri the hssiebuu due4 eel' enDes 500sitseitien O the eltuse and 'n the Geld lus enti ievtellahioe lunnheSe begin Inarn elena, soolevi Senat Hessao, Cartee Oboist, vivad StarS al I'GI 10161005145V, Sriehnoonaviel,poe, Fon dollils en Ceno Stdl Orisobbi, TOil e. 1010011 Oen Cyme MeiR letti Hanlelaee, 10401 01v-010 she CesterO hi monthly newsletter The e.eesoM Mele end ltosseeg'C PSIt aid annaal lepen, balido to beretit luttwtas Caretat Ceoster euoneeiskoeni alas are usayubie endino ovdilissei sain gendens letal' tiro, Pail'otpants y00000r000hsvetv COlidieRe ttoapitet aed ether isepdel Pip 5050 eqsune'lnet. More loan S020550ae raised threegh esanla si proitouvesy is spouSing Fienntt end Stil 011ndno Cull 11101 EVi'OOOn mntiudssalyvse spneheir eI lbs boo S Clvloeuhienael llullan-lengvSge die' Vencen Hi le. eepistsution begins at ti ta beip elupible eSPerte apply loi liii' soie Onail hrsakel pta0525 lacre' tisi gravie aid beFos-piule dis reedS illierie CeleS tslptessriplieti' aeddarailose to pas lin tRia pIntent anionS ubtereeted le peil'ltpotirg le guapa 40 westheisbil dend Siete' polios Psspnsd bye-neil vnond Ils eder el eolO svnih et ara, nith eallet tuesto eilt anis nlret' irog nlnilssrei,ltrnuneiir'siiuusnn thu 0000idsOHuhesom os nuIt 10021 100- cae Steil el lOOper 000ttiee oro' real -estate Ian esemptise orni deles' sessI may veniSsi OSsrslusl WI lage Masager Oleden Vinossess ni lesi, vilest sIstine and dieces wit he lion S'lOS pm Spolseisnip cOperta n'tini are aseulohleu sal Mali Esili. 15411 123-0144 Enlister si weeadse' ielehaettlrsser/ast/valerdsrfundeoitiai taiitnessoorsillssnlae aasaesmeel Ireeve, andine beDtime sorupant' hsmeewnnl plapeilp-taseeemptiro Empia meni ieunsekig ucd helenabuen et itoSe nulla end i rabin ovoero olalirrsvy tri 500110 iare usa popeily vIva ara dsuilaale lier to theen ehe reed lItera etset, Ca lt piopiame te doler St mite beer Ros Galt CIah, 255 WeSt Creeps FaiSeur, Ceso ter on o es eran Ilse twisteD ut Correeros, Iseo 5. Offering hope lisien nl 1090W Isatis Ren. Irom 0' 5pm Moyos. Ihn welk leeluies 410 pelvises Eotsnas 005V a suetarrurt un Oso HOnni to esesiun' using the lenpoage loan lolormol lot' el nuEve Oient 05515g asinircsi. 4001,51 tire pinvedung aSeles 10411 515-OsOT VIsit ssmr000iiegsSm la teats msre chest lIte piStolE Ilse te Saeoueuu D'eoveloeat ihn NaOnrai aultnptn Ostenoeu 1edet'c Jnsnómaosnp will teetunean tuo tItuBee gOmItaSOAeteotCO500sAanllerlh Ovarivao Masisis OsunoS MIesi gin' sided ouyv let membrs le help sIS ciato lb e commue'liv ehila tiling be inlovO Reis 100110 aol opnnn leal mento slCiSpn Orion vene. Cell Osh iulaesI, 10411 Iva'onOo la nnaob 1116E kervtsotrr Sseb Mead Pionreob this ivaoerosl eses op stososereatuse in lattas The Teno MoeeetsupJoodoMMetiotollub is assnptirnpeennnmbeto.The OSSO lounded in 110 eOrly 19006 IR russe or ihR brood aepnsis slauilsln snei mentingioull 0e dann II Cull peniormanie and ornee le Dorio lIa Gehn nl u, 18411 551 eSse, sr vuhiasal blei si Ihn Jewish summast y. Call Loire Oluw, 0411 lIS-5150, or e'snahb lslanocakiprsdr. Asvdotwre SeeOete dl Paik Sulle enebset 11101W the lautlmn Ihotsdoy el the monlh in Ihn 1150mb Pink Panlsnieh'p nih iaktert Ceomunily CemnuVts Cnolnn 0151 Gaston 21, Criloge, us dIonea Iren Family Lutera ieClapves os Outsider messunpo lrvtlloon,tookekne Oniveentihun ish'tstrhinusnuviohvo sew Loop Leemr050eai a buoueeos set' a snhuns stqastsolinn, rsnontly 0000sd coso brui olielten mc orolnvsnns tat elevI sautupiw Ivinreonvusueel- also 5k tugs w IndiC sslrsrk en up- in addiction Complehenoive oervices: Inpatient medical detoxification, medical otabilizatioo residential, partial hospitalization day Cand evmninff ootpatient Specially trained staff in Substance Abuse inclodes Physicians, Psychiatrists, Nurses and Certified Counselors Medicaid, Medicare aod moot PPO/HMO plano accepted Free confidential assessments hfmw.eemhmoelph.erg Reco pety at 87-298-9355 ftt 50a0,000i 500000iSuee000eieÍn The Nues Chamber of Commerce Reminds you to Shop Locally. lo annerooboi sei 0th insOlad as Sill h neceo Isis. ln5ieier loI oil cire wreke nlcoepladlio sedIno Sun he cIstI meek Iren, Solos CyaN - Thin vbesC loi oses I'll ellI leech Ailennyt Ireiniop Ievh' oiguesud ad lasouepebtiar oenn' mIno Rn quliemoito oie. lOO 'yell oily etepsoiebbng aed a legali' sIseo Chapter lnoeioovtele medIa al lIn em IS ssossnn i and cullI tlndrnodnle ob 105 510015 aI the Mnr lee Eusse , vIlO Unosln Aso Mnnbese lease Sobs lu IonI oonbnrlehio wed h esnenilsont Oreen loikiic 14 an os' iuuooe CO I 10511 StO 9355 Isuevlybe,150-yerd bockotrrin, 00' bid binaeiclrskc end SS'IOsd lip tOO Noilir Rsvos Rood 23mo Plomen Healele Corm 0G al 9555001e tsihcron Gocenal Sor pilaI 1110 550001es SI cleiged Sep ssC lIonne Say is dose Purl SIdos IllS loO h valseurs o tsaihno psnitoi' punIs Ion lo mongoles arcneno Ins bresiliing find sondi Sn onnngonyeale killoolnoed 1h15h51 osi bocio pio' il' Childrunis los in Loes I eed Sor' oil drIles lu neluobo ait 0h11h50 gain W0000nd e Jans 15-IO,lbsers ois alberne ondin ploy alees. Pen luSSO AttI. COIS Oeod BOOM Salo te dunn S'il ai nocileldOld Oichard In 05,4' io The ssnelio lion, Seiapt oprelnp elghCloen b, cOws e 20 dunaliar In 05111e los pnoblen-ssbslep lime erse' dIse Sings lelbnill br er Soil IV iSooJ050l le 10e Leles nod 5e' I msbCroble nie eIern 01 Iulyesec breolul Iluspilal 1210 Onwpstsnoi.. Pall sidae Cost nl tI 500sicris SSO P05505 ala Coil boul 5 dsison, l'SII' 003-solo undo le sola Boeluo udo050be sI riveoaln W 1015011 lOe,Cblc000 011015 lIlo lob' latInise Goneral Hospilal oliere 150w blood- gn5050raodlcaelngo oasI menlb st limo h500ibolu Polioni Sn' scunne Scelsi, etso W Oemnpolci lussI. SIles bastuva 110010e hoson toll 10110411 1031011 SocI dImen' 1ko eothitios lOPiOC Il as Ir suoI souTh le be ponpesad 0012305 evenly g ob lain, seilo. bImbo sed lac' Sulleun-Spo.Juool eedll,lg 0000lohaalthusm bu rng'dlnnu ondo is os. e p w. Jonc bi IO a en '5 0m. OSlO. nl I be Or Ihn mein otopr tIre eneA Oli 01 ihr luLl JeOelV 1500001' 150 I ass 5555 II 15e OvinO uhee I on' June10, lImp Ponen obI lIS Greihoondi I Peru Juno 15u 595er rosera pnlu June IO Oowetemn cbiy-euking liso b'S on. Nel 5.10e JonelOandli Sono dolAis 01 mswLiliIcC isRooSolul000s. The CNLdOlnth Eshoaeebiee SeparI- 155m 9 eu, lo 0 p,w. June IS nei Avopileb u 5110110g a 1515w-loas 51555 b bd Jonc V The F055ws,ioo Iecdbeoo CaroM isny lb o OSI 0001550 559 ni I 5e Seid s ha hnaunlrrn Oliisn oh Lolheioe GenaloI Hsaplet 1110 Oempoldi 01. Polk 050IlnOd ion seupics odponlinga noi' Choie n'li nllor bier kudnoy sed ita' I eels SIS I 01enero bOnh011i nannem' Goat ler000 sienes t0505er b bes ei laos p515650 aIe On, condeno IA, Sired S'lIpo. Ivole edilicIo lino is Pesgan In Ssnslml aissi sinned thnoogloal tin l000ilsl 230 051e v'il coleo Faulty lobeen Conter, 101 ness usi insllleltiognetnhnlio lea tubettsçn , 40101es, bnonebeto Psis Ceolen On vibeS, 10511 SOS-1011 isle n IO IS doline glI Inumsi ng lisos 00511 eslelst g'llcÁnodyhuic, 5001cl n bal t und lInon 50510 505 Io Ensslsp a lusod, 01100g boiS paon, Cactie O Casen Ciulsegos ha bSSns nl le laS ngnenOiensorolan necklaces teullen 0505v 5011v OnO smite Cell 11411101 kISS nne Niiez Pas000ss Checas Geiler ob lsr000ruao 05115 1500cv sOIlli is n sIr Opi 1h 011010 PinI Ichs, 11001 bol Spoils Pu In, Onsi-Tartin IonI hulls Vai 00er n lun, 0111 Puy isis BIlbao1 levs Oh laIn rarkals incluSa pdoole 2010110m, i II O blab loiYnI gicles sod 1h iIi. on000ieoiren pl holing con ruons moth ohalbe g sSS 5006 011I dolol Pc ty IonI lo load aotinnmliss, Inlsnnnrdnoio boo dlaon J boo p5150501 sod soSo SIS oundlsv n,d pusuh', obi vsrs'ns umnisili uscivi moloblnc 01111 grIdS SeOo Ion insil' same, 555e esa Steel V IP mIaula lobas Orli 01151 I Irntroosn Ovvi. in n 101ungnGI aIr lotIes, erO rse 011511' bio ore Foss bon resta rIso Fili Panlola orinas cr01119 slinlolb n sg, bIbs I 55 HCenilobn IsolIons Cl lb 151551 rn000ns'in rabo PObO 15510110 vIonnostruelbil t snot 55500w II nbnluullbwlnnl' oisir,itsni di hunonisla I prIllI rl 105511 150 lick 10 uniI Illesi inn 55150 I islitilis il suoI ng S O ir I lnunahw0015 loins I Pleostso lIsIs lur I heisvuumusti I IIi blinI VIO ns liarlo 511150 VuarnnInnialslnboull Wibee penile niOneoo Pelts olIsili stininlc Ist ernedialolo nlovIled loo 0100cr PidOILO in 1111 lande Iwniol oh Pilalrn lObo 1145 sor cesdie o asee', 111g heed O isl005ii I mucEs Till 16m inubnnrlsn Stirn i Sloe loud Sieri eta ilS. oernOeno oid SII, nrnmembeie Mlle plias anO Stied Fuotis Illness Cesio pneseet os glilnisoliuntivsui ioloosdoiolsinlsoik Ill laIts binshlyrvopnlubsn Oueosi Sookelsahl oltntthwosn PIlO ihr oses i'i4, ihn comp will Siflrcrerclnntisg neolanins, lIsp plyunnhnilc kisk000 floor SPOJ somlirotuons with vlrwitnlb Ilote la 505 hunihnq Slab-ma Iisg 011111, it hoSni no, delnns ce boodomenlalo Itoish nIb h rois nonS nsJ 01101111 tettcel als loId001ied 1000 C000ly lo 4 cinc lot I lIn laco osi pinI oui s pIelgo 101m, loo ei Io endehbenoioa pniniplsupuyeresn I gonne PeOeOOSBt Includes u miv oh polIripsIsinI-snI Ons-sonL000S don s, andan olino, Islloeoi ht nl nnacus 15111510 a00055I all 1001 as wall av rari suo flg'OEdOliOGiOIdP011bisbi team the Colean Astil lue 1955 0e any Onoabop 001040V nenlsi end m050ulosdisnogbh GasSed InI age 6 O odults localI 55ml lin duleiiies si Maolm knstruilus Oar Cl rl 11051 Ir- OelslnsnnlIl n.b, , inaal n leorLe005101e5iIec005nIb os ISO Isp hostIl ItnuoinSioinndilI ultIrlamuleee000becaldsonun 051 lv lIts CV 10510115 Osi Itoioliss 15111 berecl 01 01e, lnloetnPiIue PnIe tnalnsur ho old 10601001 vives Iinnuc000gncatl:BOam Sea Ion Cl Il 151501 ni000lOs'c 10151 slrlllI000 Inurneoto lISOS ni 524 kill nsn005hnun hes, e 00001 sI 0010e- OdnuelnL raceaey RuAnt Pl oinnnbo rl 11101er- 01 05 Srolreaus SIclo Giosinnos gruphed los-iwo eli simaluled lIa0t cegoavocs dollIed liso tEs mentol ello 1501cl unO haul vnlb-dobwson doc good tnsvsiuhsn toe beoni, bunS ISO ti loe lee laines 010 loandoliolbo Mnrndniohnp sonnes 000510115 ongunnsls ob vs'aht-bnauninp ond ove eeont Rote mp & Paoopt Gel leali sais spwtlh this oulbnly vi hiiph'lnlsovis bsmrmpustcandiensdvaiu nu' (847) 268-8180 Youth CesOie Danois evo vaco 1014 beiL ltse'nsea rinse SInne noaninty dilolnegue o kid lnuwsdly encline' 0111 ell010sns ouciir os a bol-1010e, InOl'onss a Savin nnundsnllihln oto 0100mleol nolkcul loisnrbni 01410 VoodonaevisguiraJ, aconlalsot line 0n155 0cm high inlorsIlyl odiohiso kas inolude Meise Iseeslip mill SlId Inoonlial hoOsIer labIlIty loll eslk body Isedisisol"Cio oleo LaSo Sislilgeni" 10015g elI uS and bell oiioegihon- ordssn I scold lIlian, toi a Osoon GIboneS OsaI On050bi ClOne 5eboyo lita baoc bond, epenlasalon otees el Lohn M nOIOsi sod ths Glttlepn iky moo., conpllmoniars 0000aageo, ans InI Pci 091imS Cull 18411 POP' 11111140 Oho Norlh5idn Cumnounisy Bunkl day, uok 0-5 pm SIG ehiro pen dut. Comp lean vn lesi oie, bulb Iimn:, ene vtiuopblnco cv aSk ihr nest neck lIsp lolersol leleneod ele Insdsaoned. 'I Save Up to 75% on Over 3,000 Items! .ent Sale Starts Frday, May 29 4:30pm - 8OOpm The Wilton Tent Sale continues thru June 16 Saturday & Sumdoty: 8sm - 6pm Mmondmy thru Friday: 9Am - 8pm 'iii' j00 on, OIS edscntionsl aed e500cssn preniawe Cali 15011 0150511 110101 parttsupwsidsegtslas belnin Jose e. The NIleo Fesnlly manco Cceten'o ldWO5s Camp pncgrsr luI egaL S'PI on done 1510 Son iO rctnnded loop houic urn l's am. 50 ostia per Culoitdog PAGE Tb seonpuc 050 patioet and 100111 SOlds' cok eLect CanIl BhA Spesiebu Il litro sod mono H dula 01095w sI Slay Ob, lisrisole 1W nl nubbI23 l'ITT' lS1'403b. Bel000000t BeSasS rnnuul Childbnel 11001111 la i lion danIel and sismo odleerIngs 154 tIno 1051m noellis, lIne cateS, Seablb uni nnilvw00 00 ago OSI OIS' nflspe ge O lOin 100 5sep01 the tigli aga'sol 01G lJno 0001151 disacirI by oidedna bis lesas'S"Ostleaiy CruSade GRedal.' Pnnuaodd nus- I le'Calmeei y Siusude' '0111 stile olmi suppuri dc solito ne Nausee CosIta, e erb-lsi'plolnl psoluden si woolS hOallh and coos' colino denotone n Pulk 500e und 8060 Oakton Street Ing l-liI-T5I'OOOh Goulet Orno Sea SI deublhy Lie s5 sr 'to ineny 115050e Joie tOS 011a hop Votum bablul und laco, lieldlnteg mils a sooa hosed 01151011 isp. loOmed te lintermedmOls Step. sn50000 u sn000tbhb Ills ulnp iluso 51151e san Sty lien neck to wad One mens le Otep n Ib IS nun' oteo nl ounduo dtIIiO ISiluwed by tono le vere lay 25, 12V regloisi by Sali' Plsounn OlInO is pnilicipot- 1nov oil hedor ossole OcnStt'boning bogiconi Io lsbanmnineir tite & FOC Petlaol ion lOe octane uOulC lIens at 1001 nno pesB'O somhnration si lon-impuot sutIl sono cI devin inllud ng lins danno, hp PS Sssuullnon a 01551501 eoao, 5am. New Products Added Every Day! Icesikil Otlil Irelcohiu In onnss leo nurinuL n inisiilnnbuvnibl g Ii iiitessIli nlnp orno tIssue i a u vi Coon Is In betoud'talu Candlu F050001 Cani Osassiuler 001v- lenisa henblh pie arenso Hnp lno'PeiI Procinle Osreeiing'Pai I Ou Thé Tent Saleis Back... BIGGE The Fasus Onveo's S550niet Icon dalton 55500mo Is ans ei 1h ea tri bIc Cops Is he lIsIO Jonc Ial n rrinsrs, Glninuvemnnminnv slrotihandwsnk 101000e Siosenl Neodeocewtlsoe MeNsch Ceste, 0455 siliCa Op oevene d Ss lye 101011e Sedo G eoItsiinoon leoredosle Glenn Consten losroase bbesiOIOIy Wont 01 Sdseoule Latlonon Peocial br lounuinood cg hoWlS 5m. to O pos J5PO O nl Soll Mill OloppOp Conten. P51101 000ilel, Rcnelne aid Seplish a gnrnon I ondoSO np dhilln, 'Morveloso 55110150' 5 lb ha 511505 1105 5 0w. Call bOGS 313-16001 ni bist onwousi' Call the Chamber office for referrals ors businesses in the area IResurrururticace Fkedvheoisno 09 InionlIch Id IFS 1 noorir on t 5m la I pnndone a osi ags n JoeS S'il peu lune 5,10 ho-r Onu Lssr CendIe'rnleisul instn'oa melI vede lb Visit us at our new location neya. Sors ils sindond ledA Ial sel the Imolcan Rodlron oller l'pio hillS 15011e moIns prcppancs notritlos labon and 0050nO pnactoal Oeaneusve Ganso oros k-Il man pet oolurios end umprsce cnbl cenlidonre www.nijeschamber.com pIned 01101cl CeNno Atesase O,allsenono Oeseeeel heepn 2259 11051 duce 1014 05 lIn parioh grnsndo , Gioanwuih end Ilermel es' neueS Ibw lollen'ngestnstomnnernl litolodas Spoils, uetdeOi nomdo, leId Holy Family Medical Center loosen SII lei Wooheso Stil nom si Clu005 Ian biss Io londemA masIs toot Camp lot ages IO-Il' ' Imomiloble 24 hours o doyl, Cubi 15551 PIngan 15411 009'OOtS. bOOSt 6005059 or d.dsm0500em- Cream Ovnieiatlpm.utloeoaalos Hmlpin9 patients recover since 1991 1v Jeb tbe Caenuetn Wodsoen'enenieg Leegau or Ledisu SOil lut at Cbeso'p 00mb, poSS esakepan Leap sollen Grueb 05510515 per coot, SII Skill leenluwsi050n. Cull Onunne gioiti si Tetti IotaS Iaaendog Coneniseeseiey, un overcoming Cal/Keys uoeebrltpson, Sni"Iy al 00m Way line ilirios' Choto Sb ossmnsia den a n nie's p ligO melee' 0th hnld ito aenoal idsnilblun'Fadt Pnuseeoes Fat m'Ceneeil, niB lite' ruvsse' Ilusdun 5 Prophensn Ihn les Pelsiob lvamao Seiler's Matute imiriluul ly' lei tine Ihosur derive Leo Bavant, u soslhly Irannoshvon esel eniup rath monI ai P00 sen dorso lui duesni aed senverol'ten at Slop i Stoistots This 65 mlvute stop rscolerppest'llnol dayo pnieeek Ose Lady of Rnecee PanicO, ShIed, 111151 IlS 1h14 tolto will noplere hew too dimsn' unnavb bIdon end prdphrah 00m' piemehi usi lvisrpehetrutn ene ae otpen in Seil on's ile ero aed mala h'eumobel lei aear000bels ils Ostsee ten lieu relee 1055551es lIte pisriolnel ipoinorehup beispiv instate suona al lhcenant aid de oskeunledosient io OOek, SIlO, wenboo er SiGO, ers' ta iepnnnesied by enD 5003es le pie- CuoIo ens inotled Call A. les-InrI, mvnalvleoonsvplish lsn'ilb ensIerA CoiwelomOy ee0onceeo and salegar' den dsnnrn sull wok tngslhns In ne Stall oliese li si tire olee pain beiden le'tiabe CelInO FerSotsi ow sed 01101e' nieod, GOrdIS 01 elI sown ore eelsemn, lelia vhaptas, nash hounoosel60sï eri ob diopets Cell recele Surhr TIC ilsoitvs t011 0015131. encInar Rood, 150510e Giese, Soils Iren log seing mnoeliR makinSolaires ein en, oenMda9l, Call 14411 i552000 Chee nneesosolnbl y Cull Phil ennpai, sont oniiiuoleslielnrevtlononwoa inne, your osnonlitino oaeeelì lv 5dm ni asvilebla Ins einildinn rays ris acecine aVoidable hsasrsp, progrese denugied lo present Osoelnoanno in hoeD FaaltIl puri iaiorralo, 11105115 51MWh 015 1555111V, MAE 24,2509 www.pioneeiiocai.com I4IphiOltdS 1h00 sEslInnI esmnallle leni linkoto 1010 rol 001 Enter for a chance to WIN a GE Profile Range! Pnmfilll orroedeoOp the great indoors' suPiiic1000saC0000ry eensbsauoole e2tSW.wbOSOosnWeodhdae,lLu0000 . emoo,ntlueasm . Nnoen40010uOeaorloavseeini rond gimumuys and rallias Ion ydunusinrd 90m io noon May 00; 0000nos rogloiration Id AlU ted uppolntmentu am raOuInod for deolni and Violon osreeni090 200mo moor ooronring rano tnmnnlo for 0000010 lesbien by 0,111051 077-717-0626 EbOny Nil,, P06110 Ebony 6060110,1100 SI. 11171 600-1204 or on 00 at ym a. n p i a s lidia or. s ro linon, CIMa loI nono 62012 usually mento InnI noi and third Saturdays dl nodI morid 000dropir dudo. loyola, Township MoIsIe 100nosnlnipn niod (Pilando in osilalarol'! pro gram oponsomod by 160 1,0111(1 Iba slholomshp progrom lla0000koy ollhom000bh, 500l-Ihn-pol lingo at Iba !allGoe foomeulloo Ceo- ginning oboeS IdolI 00050004m- NIl,, Pant 06,50101 nrmgyt legorIego P10051051 megisbralton Io son- trOd 1090 mnlnO 1h00 mes rol h,oa Ihn ra000rcos lodosa eO 1101m OnO 5,190ml, Spant,: 1151 00010 500110 sate LeSSOrS Parent 6101 10000160 000100 10m lIlo 0000 lO 514001 0001. 1106005m lolos 6000e lOI 09615 pro9 ramo a no npnda noam lo alisO Pro-350001 Swim orn also 000110010. 40165- onO y-0001510 progloms 010 0110109 lOare are o sorinl9 0101,00 lined lo Smog sari aus 000110 and oSe w. Sllerod 010 50001,1) lou 00000010000 Spolia O ynpls programo. art. 505king und untobios. Look Ion ton 000160e ml nary Outings 1000000 nIe 10004101 IlaL000 Poni leI laOlfllOg iaaohnl 10016110, de- 115000 lIndulalotO and nrgnnmsdllos kytbali I000id 000 bOsar niassul. 1100,10071 947-6630. motion Isar 000aniuros und inn Inn doit Oupiotnol nr begros oRso NOS,, Pork 01,001,5 mV sell os pool 1000010 lo preMIo nlormationel moloros n Ihn nonIo 1113010 len (earl np Proprom [yERGO 5100 OsliolIn Slop 04100 !nldman Or bon Pals PeornOl 00 Conloro Is 0010110. 1h15 00050n 0000 un: Campino Con- times anO iol,llors 7mm 06:16 Io 01000e 0,gistrol or willow 000epind al honorO bidule Centeo 6616e n y io dion a oar sly 01 rsornalion adlisiluno Ida summer sousor sfIdo dniunoim 01111e broohorn 0,00-Olios Valons Oso P101005 Voll Mann LesoS- mile, PonIn 01,16011V ottotino adsolor doit Cuoio tilo sommer lar egeo rinde 00000001 driooro 1,00000 od p1007 st outs 005ranrn TOO proVIso nngurournoiaanloio mod hemnddn, or Vn o dio lu u on u cone or walknr. 71714 sIso 0060 1h01 npporrimnnio On sol 16000 sr morn du rs in odoanooto bacone asoluotnOr 0110,1 sali SO Okan. iSOli 606-0761 Tosohadoin a rOo 01 fOr inlormaliar 0,11 11111 soul dinator Sor n llapaR (05712072610 IPSO Solfuro 6500 Call 111m 1100010 Veinure Cantor lar ,doill000i rolorma- - nndna. Molido GroIn 6100. Pulk sana and 550km lornonlOn asnos000l brudhone. arid oftel supponi br 1nov o mild Sons ul lends IRontorlenriog 001110171 nod-Sold Nil,, ariosi mon oh000n low much lima (hoy misIl Io anoola. Reis nno lIsio- laolotar CampaIs nIl estor swim- lo Own" 100000 nro gram Solilninp iS 0040mO loI lone IS. 7h10 Pl0A oh idrae 01011 lascio and 06111,06e- ming 00061e 001011176 arIo ans oralls ond oporto, 0001 00000 doblo Julo 0. Cali lOITI 147-VISO nommer nana iobln M-5604 071000 Aeonl, Willi gtiydnoi ano nrnr101 olIailonges. bsr,oior and learn sg Oisonhooning und 01100 mon mento dem aad emotional divadrsllnn an epporlo- ooiuntonr 611000 io pror de Issi000lo ins naflannar 6000i00000rp Vol- 611,0 Polo 01,5Mal wItais alnado 0,016,000, Parlo Ssbrlol is lohny Ion Inno Se000ond liai9 (sinne aloi Iron trono700lniion 10mal oui ladi- 14071147-6600 (,'loIre CerIOS 0016w llneuld II to lonewpnpemmnbrl000000ml. to iho pablo 1100 119011101 ;55 kiosk Fr010000 from Ihn lain nI 0511060001110 astIl lomo Iho Raurnul Onu ae00005i 61000km u oms sOi dran Ihn oppolbu011y regiobm000n lori boat' end lOo 5017 50)00 Park 0111111 beso 9,emmee CaMp 10m k'obemgoriao rsaoidil,uslil ail closonS Oc y0r0154 doao,0Sn0i0S10100l bhmough oOIh-grudals imIt0005 tpo to Cal 10071 947-6630 and gameo, amts 000 5maI16 pos- Ana, ana lsnL000 poni 0417 RaI oro load, Slop in lbs Anna d leiuuro Cen- 0011 MaIn, lime Gale-MaIn, Paolo 01,5000 rareeguMolorpomnled 001mo momIO 001iheor mors 01000 and 000bselot 01Sf 600e 00113m sonoarsallor end aS almo Lo 010ilahia brooms 05h n loi used pork, omimmimp and nora. 0001 Iwo' 011o will 01ml 0 000110410 CIII may nook 50551005 Oro ollareO bogmonlng 60 putoh050d at Osldmon Pulk, 0000 domo 00.400mo ñ1 Oiles. s 05600mo 500loloOr005ll Palor lana. OlIno, 1mm 0105m lo p.o. OcIare and allem romo 5h' O soro papar pisduols loI ren050nç 01 FOld- 010 pm Call 10111 SOl-1200 mon 7016. lOSO Pathm lamO 061100 The Gal! M,i,, PAIl 0101 51011010 Ihn ssAmos'ity 00 opporlumly tore- POeGoIm,OIr 001 0 1091011011 00 is o- lOo loll 500m sanresler O Ono'day pool pass. Cali 11471147-6600 lam 50550,8er Sull Coursa 000 reopened Ion Ile loon Season 0114 loiS rotad a middar 0000101 donor Coil Program, 0000 nato Rol lessons. (ISO o.n 10010 s also ooa 1,610 Regiulam 001(9 10m lISbonler 601 C00100 lO 10002nd 0-ro 7(1ro 010,0 mill Snoelop Ion 70ml- nI 4700 1100511 il, (Ill) 565-0745 Setk d'lolliot 11011 m'I 00611 105 dents labos 01 Ihn gama 010011 tot deqin- NIle, Paolo Dbete000 Pionrel Pork 6,0 respenad tor the 7001 000000 7h10 in oni10000 oeh'olns Fr000115 1601 5m OdiltOt Oonalormal 6100000 Oltre nolmiop 010910m ond a loom-don sl1010S00 preplan omm ollerod tor chit' Ion TOldO,fl Polk *000000104 dram lors 094 years oid by 000m mom ihn lnur-wnnk n000inr rano led ity hOI an Il yole mrnngo l san be droppod sIl or rnsrclinb o sode lenspoocro mogar ned olI s, 1500, oeur (ho tornar 01 Wootomn 90- loon Vondsys, dunn n-So, 110m 0106 p.m 050rss and samo balling COIPO dod A P0100 10101036 molI arO e000ldpoO 0000 and 00101 Loon 71000110 1h01 CnSak,t' Sor Fars Pon has 0011ko) 01611-1 p.m olIdo 511510g PongO, lobero, coloreo p0401 000 shlOddnd sor Ia relysInd io Il o sont oben oloda: nowsoopols m0900rOd ollon popor lIaI sod solo) srnpo'img s010Idos, molI all 000el070s, sulo101d plIsO bel mill 0010001 loI 000 lOts Slay 0,0 nOla ,000anal 000is run sor000n'or oband. Parlas und lundraioeio ora also ana 1041e P00001 701610 (noalad 017115M. ilanlom Ale. SpninS Onoro urn 5-12 pm Mondays lOm000h FddoyS' 10100m toboSO lo dors 1010101 popan and 0410 Oled 101100w 001lwobieo (Cobol, 8800 CarIer 7077 MilmsVOnn Son, soon p.o. SV101Oo9a and V0000ys. Call 006110110 largar loads. The Gay Malee PeOR 5101101 000 10104 lore lows blsrkopothoblntl Oar 00-7000 and 71 from il am. 106 p.m Fui Se005r hours deOlO June 6 1007) 0000146. losen 000m000'naosOlseappr000S popor lbsggedt no 001060011 or pnono 00060 OIl mInor maisod cull Ng,, Pant 01,0600 OIlers Anide 00 01010109 mol 4-loaded 10000 br Iba 1000 bbs 011o 0100 pprsgmuo, al on' Owe 7015,01 bIla oolwerwlloe sel from 110m, Ion prr.000day tu moblar. 110m 010m. FrIdays, add r Ply of sommaI 00ml 010810010 10m 0010 000 sp sodi g mho cold or osi preschool age tItsuOhlmssmlen 01011110900100 dIstIllI 011011 000 lob st Oreo In 011000 nommer comp and 11h01 prooromo Call 10471 097 VALUE DAYS nOpal 1160go. 0m lOturdard Marlo nod June07 pork dislrist 01011 ni be 0110101er 4016110m 010000m io FIRM Road ow Wosboto Aswwltoi 4,10101 Colorrdmr, PAGE lt RVìHIX Thmodrn, 027 Noynn 00., Ooomslon, Cnpdoim ob 7,30 p.m. 'l'hormdoy.Sobordoy; Naethnn,t Symphony PURCHASE! Family Popo Coocerdod 0150 p.m. MoySO in Ihm 1oÑsi'( TIln0090 for She Performing fowls od Moins Wnm000gh Orhool, 1755 S. Wolf Igoad, Sos Plomeo. $S0.$2O. ChiP ds'oo ander age 14 are odmitdrd (roe when oepnmpunied by o paying adulI. enmilirul 00000 srl 899 StOO p.m. Sondoy $S3.$54. 18471 A66-804O nr r000'ro.pirpnoheodro,org. Br010estmprnonmdm ido .4oU70 699 eon Heribogo Ce000r, 4625 N. Knox Ass., Chirago. $20. 17031 082.7035 or mnoow.iriohomho.rom, Ihroogh Moy 0101 Pilon FREE GIFT WITS-I 7ro Muy 15015ko Irish Amori. Stoebea By 616,1,8 GagaS." rl a#iSai r4RO0Ornoorn VodoOQ70 1.100e Goblin City RAmAlees pronpoo hollods and Irish folk moIsir 617,00 p.m. 2. 'Dbsappeaeie AsNal 599! LUXURY Orar 51020 beso of The Sub s COy OonbelO ceo om000ilndillly S-loir 00e Oilhn POoh 0101111 01(000 (Lo!! for ii l'reo 1400ko! Anolpoin 1147-674-9797 PLUSH 1050001 001101mo his sra-son llape scow 'PSnLSoLS I opmng Coil ho park dsIlicl Thinking of SELLING Your Home? 1l OOirOPg. ro!m7m22n JOn Posts °Meek 90116005 PAN 61,06" 8p.m. May 29.30 Morton Gnomo. 7297 Wesn Golf Road 011ao 847-966-9988 Sf001100, 9332 560kb Bomlomoed (NEW LOCA110NO) 647-933-1400 001101 lIlo nlnro 10010 tIro n,050.200.00mLm .01001(001 moL tool ©00050ym000nipriotoir rginnlrOtOornRP000m0000rl Ssoui010lordlr000 llanto Mmd Abf Looglelitg onsl 2p.m. Moy 01 md dho Okokiro Thonsos, 0924 Lincoln Ave., Okokim. lISis mmn4000iao, 4m dorm oo.O 0050 00000,0000a40id00501006 Vdvanoo; $50 at tAon donor 1847) 877-7751 or ro',n'co.aknkipbhealro.pom, Amreiroin Oho 12000 ond o rogolar perbvrmnr no "The Od Sullivom Ai'id Shawn Colvin to Frank Sinatra, JC Slob." Tile farewell tour marks M0000'o foal Ceotm Dont engogement. Thin dado io arevohodolr from April 27-22 ondin ow sole now. Cmndrr EnsO hou ,'inmvuored lbs 2000-2010 201k Amnivmrnory oe000n, whirh begins SopI. 25 and clrupo up odoy 05. Coedrs 000110 dehooing 0mo new sosies, Oinger/000grorilre Ser-Leo, oponoored by WXRT, frobuning Shrem hod noonrmporaryariiodn, "IF YOU GIVE A PIG A PANCAKE & OTHER CaDDY BOOKS' - FAMILY Saturday 0cL 24,b&Sp.m. '$00 Theabr000rhoUSA rnlorm with dhnir hiludouo 500nsival booed os orlen popular mhildremb kooks, inrludieg Loom Numomllb 'IbYmu Silo A Piga Penrahn," Babero ond Ihr "1m ihr Heodliors" nprakmr ooeioo, ohomsoning Ihrer dknughl. provoking jooronlisla. The Munoeh'o "Tise Paprr Bog Pdnmess" nod Mmlinda Lang'm Singnr/Songorurmnrr Senso hicks vif SopS. 25 ovith Morohall Crenohom; fnitownd by Shown Colvin OId. 21; sod nnding widh Brocee Hoenoby P0o1'll. Thr spook en aerien beginn Jan.38 211db jooroohisl Bob Wood. mord; r005inuno wiLh The New "Howl Becamo o Pirole? SHAWN COLVIN - MUSIC Salurday OrO. 248p.m.. $49. $35 Hop kit niogbe "Scoop Cone Home" rorhnd Ike Billboard mbarto and earned Iwo Grommyfowordm. Now fxlh'pop 010rytnllor Shown Colvinbdngn her bind meboolim, inhimasnipriro, nod snfoog000ob!e York Times' oommrniobor Bandy Cohno Myrrh IS; ond sodo mush humeriod Dove Soeey Apoll 10. Suborriplions000nnoole 00w Io donors and ouborribors and mill he nvailoble to dho poblir beginning June10. Singlo tinknts go 0000le late Summor 200) at o dola 10ko unnoanoed. Perfurmunren Lobe piare at dhe NorSb Shore Crntrr for dha Performing ArIa in Shnhim, OSOS Shohir Blvd. Coil 18471 403' 8300 or visit oorornrnordhshoecren' bloW. 1000rn.00rdhwpslsyoosplo. $999 Not Just Mode, MadA Jost 6or You.'"° 1h00 JIoiSei AmbIcIe Veo ovaubbem, Omap Oedreml Volares his melahi005ldp comode PoO,C p01100110 emosme shIlla sposa for oysn paper pr060cis O rasngmdlaolo glnan-000'ooliOlr 1001e nd osi000d 7400 Valdoni Ann. iopiotroi nela al Inward labore CenIno 6474W. lon010 St Coil iOni) 001-2134. k qoartet of activities he coming week. pm0051 oOtlO(i105 1,010 11100, spram 05ml Ooy sod J 0000 006ne005ys 00(0000 035 pm 0501005 0W. lino usa star010iulo playnto lu sold Centre East has Ed Asner to Bob Woodward AlsO) fIllol 150.0.-O gro, OrsI pusses for rye loor posi o,a500 ut Suolo Por CanInI, 7fl 0.6 1000600 Ino, 46761m Honoro 01,10 Pul00010 a CnNgAnl: Jon05!01 bhoman, Mdio$ing Editog ta: (41.456,7350 e: jlhomos®ploneeilooal.gom ,3IPAGEBI 555001go 0001050900 0140 NOah hod conraIl IlaoroSOnOl lIght 6000 10m laie MdsnrNilnt MnnnOIOAlnnn ob Opes ai Continued 710m PAGE lE layo. Coil Saals Walenperk 10511 9614640, 01260 llenerO Veinure Contuo 056th gladato lo fl-day and hnlI doy nanp 100110 lamo 100605 andIn 0601 ng sonos Slop On yonord loam. Inn pm gatordayu and Sun- Pants Calendar 70V 050. iyL0021y, MAy 2, 2009 www.pioneerlocal.com 16111 (IWO MARSHALL CRENSHAW - MUSIC Friday, Brpd. 25, 8p.m.' $20447 Morshall Crnnnhow hooks through In odlicul and commeeciol orcluim milk bio 1982 orif-Oltlrd debut olkom and ido inca-droning pop kils "Somoday, Somswny" ond "MolT Aone." Crroolsow briolgo bio waem vaoolo end pivoting guitar work to his rorluniom Chloogo oreo engogomrnb in nupporb nf lolo now album, "Joggodlond." 900-0000 001101mo 14e [oropeuo I000lolsol 01910 aedualsemal lanpuage sI oiOwbns Snook NATTA tao,, theateo - DANCE Solurdoy, SopI. 26,8 p.m.' $30 ldolyo Donne Thealeo in 000000 be dho Oros U.S. compunyto appeorud Nom S'orlsb prasdigi000 World Monis t055itube. bot bobeo dken Slory bring their gerot nlami' rol doom forms of Indio do Oho ConIno BonO mtnge. ED ASNEA 00 "FHA" - THEATER Fddoy, Sot. 2,8 p.m.' $5M Cd AonIo, best boson for hin mies ua Lou Grant on"The Mary '(plow Mnore Show" und Cuptaim bonnd upon rorilor/slirondor Dore Srhaeoh '[boy Awanb.sviooing bit "Sundseat Campohello." This one' mus show takes am Ihroogk FDR'u White Hoaoe yeaum inolading The Deprawion, She otapo Iradingup te WV0lI and Ihr war ycoen. Speriol 00000t Audiosco mewbera 00411 ho trootrd In a pool' ohow 200h Anniversary Cainbrabinn rnenplion. JACKIE MASON "No Holds pad0 COMEGY Friday, Oot. IM & Suluoduy, GoL Sanies, from tOle m'mi'oorioo "Roolo," mokea Ida CroIra Soot 07,8 p.m. $55'$72 '(bio mkbi.Ssroed.nomodiaso rose debadim 'PDO," asola penfarmanre to ho one of dho holdout comioo in veicolo Contre Boot in o opmiai ooloa0000die prrformaneo thoL ieteronoovmo dimlog o'angieg from dho very pemnemi te the bilao'iosss, AN EVENING WITh GREG BEHRENDT - COMEDY Ootosnlap, Nov 7,Bp.m.' $45 Co.oulhnr of The New York Times Boot SpSrr "Doe's JaOt Not That Indo You' iokimhww 00m made indu u klneb.booter movin! and eonoablamt to 0050m 'Ses and the City," Greg lOmknendt ohoreu mono rip.rouring sdories ehrst negobiooing the Oroarkeroum motors of romantic orbotiowbipo. \O(Lo(e mod wddimgpsetnaeAmiiro BusSola. Bebrassdt tains Somos lara sight mf utmigkt talk oad 500gb love, Contre, PAGE OtO B2l www.pioneerloCal.Com THURSDAy, SAH VI, DODO SHOWTIMES FILM CLIPS OPENING lion r lho'usshal'ny" business- IlIrIa l's rari yrstossion le glruolisli and dlsrepstab o 'n ho estrarne. lilo DEPARTURES liso ly sloane ng soipses illuso! 01 the drparledn lourd 0000 und pIso' ng them roo Ootlis tor oiematior ** ** A tailed 001101 bous ltsutorrs fsmaoekit, ollo turns sullo boa soulful oosntsr otitis craft tArAs Sr war born Indo tilo work hod Da go Daino 'o saur'luon nds Ort shy ola dittorart soit r 1h o yrimly conio» nul silinrntnly baoS no- dIaria troni Jopan IHlirn Osino I040shiro dens fed it deeply satlotyirA Unfortunotely just annul sonry' srs risa nolodirn h's gosnielly as' sommsdnt ng wife Avaho Hissent, Motehil returns in failure to his hometown, he has tooshlo trod ng work until he's molly alternd a posi' toros" lwhislr doss seer darnorssofy t owurd sshrnsltn from timo to Omet s ils detorm notion ont is settle tor rimen, darlin somrc laughs, It's o) tan os y 1505y, bal il's also a soil' sus vontnmplatisn of modality and o eolebwtrsn of life end nIval. Wiener st tIrs Hoodemy Deard for er 'our ra UatiOn a es 'ow \Ve'ear Yomr Hnoeslngauuaraerra Fisoto'n'w u Rari senesI oo'wrste ssdd restsd 00 ANY PARTY CAKE.1 ho homor, 193 minI Rated POIS for 501150505101 horror uiolsere, error, 0r. diet OrtUng iorsgeo and language - 055ie.rs,euue' S ir'n.SunO,ef.tu The msrriagn oto ysuag, upper' orust Orn ishman fou glamsi555 6189 N. Csohotd Od, Ctsisogo, IL sD6bl 773-774-0440 bmsrioes with e sliglrily500ndslouo reputetisr iJnsdoa Dell dssn est iipERf Ecl 'SUMMER ENTERTAINMENT, law lImbs and diredsr Ron homard hone lopped The DVjnui Code pInos, her 059 pro nor moth srio' low Iloistie Duoit Ihomaot. Dtnpfiar EIlst '15e ndsaoturos of Prrssil a, Dosen st the Daonrt'l so'wrete and dirnotad ills ooerody. Ifa mirs) Rolsd is every way irsag Ingb iei a poise paundittg hrtIIeItajep'bpatnalng nut p71040 POil toe vessel oontent, bilai redini nuoty and omoking thrsuglrost UP Agrlmpy old rese end a young sionawsy ser the wand iou house a lifted by a large number of bai' 100es ir tHis an mated family adone' turn troni Pince ItoH Storoi "Plod' sg Remo '°Sall'E'h 196 oriol Toted Pl tar some ystiso end peril Re' slowed in this section lISP 5 I e 1..1111 U5;se ditoh 111035v Heep woch'nes from mipreg out meehind. IllS orirnl nated o sillon and Ootios, and ianpsogr ** 17 AGAIN yard to heiSse tie 'irsaby irr day" inspired nsb'qenre oboe) ue Sappy oiddimapers raIsing fUHr torn years io baok anon, hot maybe nomo thirgs are juni tao stubborn - or stupid - to dim 55510f Ihr 00m' db IO labored Ist 1559es Seseos iLl. Dangle from 'Teno PIll io Omas' equo hin King lard host nerd les' tunee dio nom olaaemaiea 00lire yiduoa 01 ohasyty, 1111 Oltre) Balad P011 sr langsage, ssmesso' sal motoriol sed tsar partying silk 11151ER! i sssI t iiIhiltlSEhhiI!ijEI SEISdEElIlN IRHEITH I ISbi RE I dhII '15 h1dtCSl I CHECK LOCAL IASTANGS FRS THEATERS AND SHOWTIMES Olees pop 010114 sy Cyrsol loisIrs to lier runsi mismo lowe to moosnsest will 15e AmpIe things in Ile motan ClrAocw direcled the big' sornes oeroisn 5f tAs mnsga'ycpular honey 1V chow, ODD esimi Rolad O. mall Jsdy Hill "The Font FyI Voy') mnafe ond diwofed lbs IlmA sowsdy 1S6 miob Rated R Ion pew000e Inn puage, gneplris nudity, dreg ose, ses' Real siso he has os orn Io ssk lo OBSESSED 150100e Iowp iPi tolleri ulalboo topp tymauried fieasoial moragon lenual including sorIo nsggestise dra' 1000e, sieksnne and ihwwla)o osoteli be Ihn Isst macal lis esddh5 O prose PosI RoIdi sosntn n new besl'bii005'1cr00,1 habe 000011 John hambuiq l'o org Lame PdlIy"I wrote asd dinested the os000dy Pal ed 9101 paleador InsgaaAe inolUd' ieq diode and sesualmelonenoan. H AN GO EMENT * * lit V melanoholy nod semi'distunbmng romoslscamody thaI ooncldnnn the up nido el sta Sng When sahausbed oorporaie'orl sales nap Jecnilen Orls)ss oSsoks Into a un'dono mo' bound Ionen illegal bonder ofnodog. In Opnnlsh Witt oubftlea. 1011106 miSI PobO R ron siale100, lanqaape end some noaual 500tenb des IJamil P5553 who lines sii Ihn alwal -10101111 dreamS efe lola mao 000tsol oppeahioW lbieugh and penbonmanse al Wall Dinwey 0000ell winds up rompieg mith hies in the Hall hneolnd hy Joe SrighI i"Plonomoal 'Vlan misi yabyd Pl' tam ins, Sunratod tep Jomes [eri Jones, fO mrrulPaledo when they are soistukonly strippyd to tire Smithsonian in thin soqeel to the Sit brolly ooraydy. 1100 mie7 80144 PO for wild ontiac and Suet lori' SUMMER HOURS Alter the death of luye mothog EVERY LITTLE STEP us tras loss, arO so henos an Of' wanied nnoln'oouslny pansuit, In a tale allwo lonsly peuple mho are ublsrlyslualosn Vrlss lt comes to neehlyng that dtsltlan, pinycor)ght' turned sor000wnitol DIOpSOS Ial' A Pmednsay neniepl al 'OChsron hon's dlreotorlal dabst ra strangely Lire" is Se selling in hhlddaoamym touslIng al times, buI it also gonna Ihm so furie snannh cI whimny THE SOLOIST lo neponfer bPahenl Downey Jolie Los Angalea befotenda a brilkanl bol psysholsglnaily dislumbod ossi' Ib Ion ISemalio n)nmnwlrn 008e doug son and lany0090 STATE OF PLAT * * * Ill Ruaseli Cromo elena io n amad, nenpnnsnfsl psïllsa) iliHilaf misst o eewspapol reporten lIvIng le pro' lesI a boinnd tIer Alinoki In 000' the seonoh fer snow sent aod amia' tory of ills 055w 196 mirI Rsbod PO' and Wachiness lot cae point the grena while shoeing douer a story 01 osoapinosy nod moednr, 1121 m'noI Poled POlO for nome alalenoe, Ian gouge ineludino soaso) seferowsern fnostroted kike sInos Paddhisl sed blieb drag 000lawl, lb fan nomo 51100g lasguagr kuolud' monssleryt god seit ng up Woody any fora bebllnd'thc'nsanea look al InTl finn nrO 0105 o no's cOEcoO-lmoS'fluO II TI fluors, IO IDO IllicO 05 hob's onI,00rdoID la GRAO ME TO HELL IPG-13l lni'IhO rl100'010'Sla'7Jf'901 yros'fauio 020410722 EVERY LITTLE STEP IPUnbhl F 'sonollO'yoo'l'ga'mel Hon'lnuro,021 100100 IS ANYBODY THERE? NO-131 OlSon 00051DliS'910 60014400 lIb 000 1,10 MOUNT PROSPECT NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM Z IPPI TERMINATOR SALVATION SPA13) nrr'Tisuo io ro 0 VI'S IDIllIO 30 esosnh to find that I tIlo ht st Ira' Mike, mearebrila. lIco desrdss lIrio eresloucolda dulloclon lilo Pos ini Tuo a,D5'O'll'1,D0'A,0b -Reloemm Op 810001011001 Oun'Onuls 1102520-OlD ANGELS & DEMONS IPO-I3) lni'Ihoro OD'S 106 035,00 STAR TREK IFS-13) lui'lflurO IDIS'lOO'SOD'B2T SKOKIE HUrridpm Gardens 1-A 0520 lulIsw Ann, 00000 InhibId Influer 11051 dOl 0022 10011 6104115 OerdemS 7-13 PARK RIDGE a lISIO Irolurd IonIen" 10011 0b5'DIIl Pickoicla TI mrvoy,ct 10071 iTO 2010 PP IPOS n III'OOI 050050 ANGELS & DEMONS (P51031 brIllons lID 0:20 0,22 STAO TUER (PC-131 Fi'lhsrfl 010'P'OO'IDO'ObO NIGHT AT TOR MUSEUM II (POI luilSor020D 001000915 ewe amcihsalrerlom YIIIO5H Cronsino l5010500sclnr Anas InfilI 070 '0006 WILMETTE WihmmlRg lili tenlosi Oso lOflbl101'bOil ROS EMO N T NILES 847-647-8282 jj lOWS N. Miloneibee SUMMER ROARS INRS stOny 01100e 05 the nun ir soslsm poromy Sealso "Sin Sombre' deosy eps two parallel piole - o tne0000 Inflen, Asfurbiop mages and fIre' matis malerial rindrled rom Ihn opesfosdol SIC soma "Planet Earth" feliowiny Ito mionatlar patteriro nl liras an msi Ello OrAse 100'fl,oO 0,521 DI'S Dl noo ed, produood end perfsrmed is this parody al dares esmanso movies, NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM! HATTIE OF THE SMITHSONIAN Sight metehsrao Paf Itillof et' tempts to esoso s couple of the lid' ELK GROVE VILLAGE TRE BROTHERS BLOOM IPO-13P OrSon 0100 Ill 00 naO 455'ltOrO 1500 V'bO 11111010 oighlly dl050nsertlng nf slussie Hnlly005d in this series VOlite C506s"l wrote, lire0t' laundry room helsln Oshung hack of ISs rand 10011 OdI fIli lui OnOto 005 10011 rye yioe Illese lohn)- mho pesters luneto EARTH 1710 AbOis 05e 04Dnolton501naouool and unifas 150er on a Ibm R EASY VIRTUE IPOI3I * * * 1hz isole weird sight menagen Hike him )snsh Iren bonboido il heil prom' 15e to qn cosy 10100er TIle's losely i 'Tonos Fi HandhorSt Ori fnsr Condures heads tana bet' ton l'lo io America mill lye Ia)her she's necor RIsos sedo yssng gong member violently nyjesln test life asd rosI sItIO 010 wilh ou' Asun ISago io wondanosa AIl101i - loprlahhont 0o Ccootn000cior, Poroioa Pnivcse Ennoies mIll OID'blOD Fri bou 12001 Dl'DbO'lbl SIN NOMBRE ouilod info help noise the mysiely Raw Howard dliloied his fa) aesop fo "The Da Aloi Codn" 11DB orni Paled PO'Ib for aaqsyrlses alois' Ills polsI Where she 00100010 leI CIV eSOS these ii,og 020 ¿15415 lidumn [1h00 Paled PO'lb Ion sassaI nsa I LOUE TAO NAN 005 Cesirel Oso Irisas lOO 030110 hog 6a5'lSOrS, 145 PIlIlO UP 3D IPG) sal ossleol end sisierse, Pebert Langdcw 110m HonInlms luane, NOW PLAYING P bipolaf Weçelomaniaoalsessmn woeful Icod nV shwottracln unan' dent admirer ir lIn formol Ihn pup' peinhly outs and nsl'quile'lrightrw' Mq Sytsrlual fquoes io his 041e ph * * * 112 Rslreoraot Dinooro Wclldiog &Aeniocnscrp Rolo plions InnI aol so Esanalum CemIor/ OOSEOVE AND REPORT btiomrsn Higlelend Paela 11011 f001100 rnpbOsIiOIhoe bss .rc,, 000ibolosiom b°,onnios Rmeaissaooe Place aod mid langoaga. s0000) coulent ihnouoh050 sawn peo'sIlyotms Sn's wpeaisdlp amaI' ping Dfrsoi yod there are escupe olees wsmenla when Ellos os' ISOlI 105'DllO row outer spose. 19419101 Rsted Pl fon sfi'fl 011100, sown vIudo Sonor nnMl'irIn dnlnAisn IRsy betfal cher e flasher angela lila obappers al ho MURNAU HONTANAr TRE MOVIE Arlhegtae Theeters boot Ihn [alfIl dnrtrgaris500oo 1H yuafd 110th bogewb slanhoc ellho esse Ithiohon lain rohes oleo! ARLINGTON HEIGHTS team cl fninodly marslnsoit es pro' Valoro 'Mece D Ini driadted lire norsahscoflieby yalod 7013 Ion 105gbps est a drug Iotrrsnde A teotsre'iengtl dssomestany hiSIIIhSt!LlihhbiIl 11555 51 IRE manne rol Ebe010wr Scrooge, Aarh npnpr SperAvI Orcorhom Pu°oRTIES HIGHLAND PARK 011, 500nOnoen DI lire1 iarmsafi uppeers to he throat' coing Ihr Valioso, boyard symboisl 005lwst throughout, OsO longsagm 9 111th f( jOli Ht 511111 hlIhIllIlEll POIrIER! EllilEhl SEir o':'IhiEtSl lIST Aa)bfem McCcnaugSey stars aso eomon'sng toshins pholograplon oho gsls hIs comeuppesse in lye TERMINATOR SALVATION the leader st the humar revis)' Outed 0fb toe orude and anasal ANGELS&DEMONS n Idi mie! lo MPOV 011cl *5* OF GIRLFRIENDS PAST MUNSTERS VS. ALIENS f msnalel'fel lilt n girl Sn pon toi na dood'erd Sung sr oso'mole Vaniouosombinalisns of the Rayana brothnrs Itho "Scary Rocio" lIdI! Ill tIn lheotnn IsI inlsrmalos loa lIttle told botole seriosniy 1111 lob minO Paled Abon iarssogm ANGELS & DEMONS DANCE FLICK TOM %I'NKS to proside Mike With a nawan)uo lies torAs tors koushloc lpllroqsmnuuut Selon bw scure! brciherheod el STILL PLAYING n drawn in fransir with solfias jilt P013 bar int005e sequences cl sorti EASY VIRTUE Tsluml heucrnos inoolcoil in Hew GHOSTS DRAG MEDO HELL pourri Ithe 'Osi) Dead" and "Stdddr' ayo 725 leAlI shooed Send and loins et)nokdogol "Drag Mets bell' db with demonio sonnesiiono Sem hirs' 1h10 meson DImos alnnsoliedsles ara nohiasf to chango lles lotings arm pneoidnd, please sal sosos end hr el etnoog lesgsOgR O snore, Oberino Berlino ara erare Per'ert moot decide mActhee io lenp sr sell her oauoiry Sosse and to' mous ort noi nutren D mill gryayao I Ilma VopO orde sed Aneobed tire mortgage sslension st a ittle old la POei'stodoyo asese Isosday ploane rol, thaI Ihn go Ints sfili sporte e Antans' lbleihl0000 IrgtI seilseelos, a ene three 4f somelbing sib) eve tJsielte loon Lohmanl oats earn 0509 PaP' seek when she disapprouss thy forMi Sgssooisal Oeeana'om rsakura horned yogurt magnate rawsd Jse on I cm0000er. IDO molo) laled PO' miri bated P0th tor thematic moats' nwansympsthato loss clOser lvi RIen IO wkh500rrso 1111001e Howordl Best Foreign Lafguaga rim. IBII 1130 House of Cakes bbOlfelscP anon na'ponk colon FIGHTING Oyeunpccsntnile'ton )Cflnring rrsotrseardirp tOrrO shosl Dopar' GLEN VIEW yodo liions ale ailostmos fridey and alo sswpilrd 115m lelonmalion avail' 00510-0 rslurynons. Ill VerSIONI 1B3 WWW4I1OflRHEIOCDI.CHIM il PIANOlA PARDI PUPIICATIOS WHAT 00ES OP IRS Fli'10a15'l)O'I D011s Rosom0000 1H 5500w PlaGe 12 SIll niyo AnSI 005 bOl 001f Oui Ceslsr 10111 1101104 01000 10011 0511020 RoSemeuat 1H Premier silleros Aemi Oso laOli 001.1010 MERRY GENTlEMEN IR) bri'Ihors:lbI 610100 ROCKY HORROR PICTURE GRAM TOO 001 po NiOb WwW.pieet1eerIocaI.Com THURSDAY; 11S? 00, 2079 What to do. This week and beyond. AMI $19Q1. ob TOS p.m. lNoroday'SoIuodoR SuDS Fr00005 000021, pieyerioht and CrI- 1h00 SOTOl lIrr, Too prauran will ir- Per, Osr004, metelo: tos 000 leo oisdocto sod 00010,0, lO4TI 8M-0049, te',a"is tuttedea 00e-mon usr-i lkrillohPrrboreaoses 0000bnpo.SnI- lasco In ro 0 0 rana booed on Ills dio ny oslo Teoutro 1600056 JuncO al the ou Entries moot be typnd. We're 551T19, bot we COT') take it u st otter 000no a nisying Rraadmay and Chitos, osos. mulots psruhosed of o i,traliar. tie pioN osebi000 to lt and 1501009 IstrIl ISO tale slatiruler 0500010e irIs Depot, 655 Main St,, oser the telephone. We plebI e-mail osbmissioTs, please. 09 Joiy IO ore 014; StD lar Sf01501 RI 0 :52 p termed io Nr Ins Lilh550ka, du o' Suturdeyu;OpesSuodoyssth500 Ire SnoS t bio 10 aro 210 ont Alt Flor l0 ICe HoIcrani Us Solo' SOT; toR tsr seniordIi5051,tbobsrulu000tr_Coll 154T1 491-7005 sr oisif nnosilaooIi' 000iarsi SIS otudosls owl oldldres Coli bn4nlalN-0109 OOtis',twpeipis' odo ussion br childroO IO s Od U Odas For l'I 10,10 end inborwalinu so lino ,anso0, loll 15471 056' Soro or 104T1 ou By mallo go. o/o Pi0000T PT050, 3701 W. Lake Ase,, Slossiaw onms,omloilco.0.rrm b0000ntru kyJoessNukI000eoe005' On-----tiara Psppins'Sooth Pasts." lime, date, addTeus, pTiCe sTd phose Tombel, a 0100ko SonOro 00 Oa15505, np os: Oro se ioIrosa0005a, milk pur' pobIlUalioT. ou go. listings are Irre. ITCI549 bliel desoTiptioT of the esosi, (847) 967-0606 IL 60026. E-moli: goI@pioTeeTloCdl.COm. P06:1849) 486.7401. aos-goik iu9 22, 4 sm Silts cOOS ei Coaqrogaliap004itolnodsoroalrery,a TIME yAololE PROCLAIMS °°A TRIUMPH. ONE OF THE MOST SATISFYING OF THE YE°g' 50005torl'o 2209 Shrug ht Consort to' riel too turro tree correrlo on reAct îr o r roy ont ltur000r rOefliflyrl nl IT lire0051, 000uneuyyotl:3Dpn rs, brrr oonsrrt. sonoro arr Jomes Pork 512529e ArenoeatMul0r0owls rank! Along Ihr lokotrant, SkerItso of Souls Pori 809181 018160 Clout s IsomerI JuneTilpanlCetert000r- IrosklsloowsoPori.Pup25l000id lostdsnati500an000lodotronisoe- roo s 00es 1go rl-O lt oir curly ra soin ut grurir p1090 oruglnol 000105 tel SUOnI Jomes Pork June23: Snort esulerurd issir suONI ut gowns ParK. vert to deneAt Nibs 000rotip fo 0 Pontry 000ttra'Needlest4amito si Juneg9?and Ito dtolorroes 119670 bibI al lanco Psrk.J000 501 arrt Irrpsysrrdnta msoinl at Jamos Pori July Tir loon 00001151 tory South 01 hanSon Park JulylAuwsno BrOthrlOstJ000s Osepoor lIre01 ori 702go Osonus;oni Pori JJ9ylll0000lrssarldluoslot DoweoPari.Jotygprltrrltrrealsat souls Of Demeurer tiroot Rain oiles ore Ire len Center, 000 Dodge, tor Jamb und fluoro nork ont tIlo liceiwood -Jourdatr Cee Irr 1605 Foot or SI, oorto io the Park 61.10 15m OsOsos509101 Proosni POri 0001101 serrer st Orrinorund Marne 200r505, 010101- oler st Trug go Pork, Jul46 AllO pool- 4 ro 2 ol Cru ro i Streor; Trig go Por i. or NO lorI Po rk east of CO rol ans io 01 Si006U000dPortluiirsrrotrsoCorl- It treo oout 002 iii rl Porirort Pari. slrosPrrOmCulliosTiUtFUfao.Jkwo CV lE ou tor fIlbert O rd To gus g or 50, UT-10- Oug.&gra Iurnaosthotlorposnsat- 201e 011e fl lormot ion ro avril02 to st 106go Park 555,111 Trod Uoderree Trio - Ilorrer Pari Puoiluoe. 6050 Se005ler, at lbs ovIlI sod 01 Ito IbId 0011506 or- the Muslo loo Alote nl Ceruos,t000 Chitdlon ant Collt000by 0,011100 0511500 Soro, 0000515 r, 03 0: 5 01 0e Sl0O STAGE 150 pn'FIidaru atOAn.; lolsrdsyo 010:50mm OadOgm;Slrdoeuall'OO 0340 ernisllme005roqusbsetnro N alltoosle ru Ur'uoaod Ir 50 ciento, Coil recolle te Pnerioa Pars IL Hillonebum mo on2Tpm be5000t AuN SI und lune 11,110-004 $10 tsr obuoonts Coil Jun06 '000,5 boo Ihn Oiles." 10511 05445kO Ceolno,t049 DORSO 0oioo,R000stum Audrtln,oO, 550 emerson st., OiD tONTI 4R'TSAl. Evanston Pari,rffioe504 att pm Jure lIard It and O n n. J000 b IT-lo Slice. RtOnrtOru (loll 8605055 0000hitOgophulhSr000,s ,nsSSO' cati ens elIte Juno 050 Ougosllr- ISSfIiTl-kSOO orAs,teetassrbi- The CtiaoiS PSilh000e,00io Ors000toa 0451009. perfon000tlnm 000royu 01NOV' Ti 1105e 01000 HJOIO, proneplod 09 5101go, Coenorl 1101100 Ita Nuolh005t' mowuuTaleslflo.P000a000, present' ttnkntu'.UsRSltaolSasroroar, 00ko 000000lriiO,IltOp.m,Jueeta, 1805219.0 Rw,ostl.00 pn.Ju000 tisOn 50f, 045000 500 bOO Ihe OOl400p SSs 515 fon nlsdentu Roy 0: " 6005,1 Aosb000nrki," Ieatef,rg 0510010 Osar' nelle s bnl FluIr. 415115 lisIo ens Colis, Nsli-pr,oe fur ovos Ob ucd yusng nr Coil mitt lIsio on Io Ist Jost Oerkeo rl esE aol SS, uedoyw. Jun02 al dsCrsnk' 18011660-6520 nr sloe nrlw,ïshtopnr' Mssarl'sOuunlot io Eliot loI Yarn, Als' ro Middle Oshuot StOOL PluirIr 0506 gioito oro io sdeaosr. 010 01 tOo les,; '000400 71,00 meC ore triIefC' Us loo s slid ren iS a rd u soro, VIoli The Unimeomity .°AN EPIC SHDWDDWN. su licols; StO Old roSs, Cori 10101 ToS- aways Julo Dl;P-Sonq.JuleSeI r ro, Poor Faadso,a500rbosslraotou-oo,lowilltrnoflrosLoel5005hipF500 lis Iwo suolas sod ColIn 0,11 lotIon. 55000 gr0000tod tooslurlou' wily 501451 JsrOl000 tore, Oleeth llora Conserlo lar Sabir. Pruon und Bolos 515 1,00 00m ysul5 0020mm 000 Moolk Sh400 0000cl SnnIoty snusolto aro momo Ourro9s at ny, P0,105 100106 01 Sdrl 1065. 011 hirmO, Ont, -í S0000ban.5t2'550 10011115-OSUber onnlnsrth000000Sursi 009 MoO SI "EtSenoOitioht."nitS Ouest oen005lor Oosrd 020110111 Ihr PrO 0100 metIdAs 001ko 00 Cr5,101 Fanno, 500gb Pooh' 000i050andounlnn laulb0500 0000hnhsre Censori tond porfnrms el 3pm. S50009s 01 Prok'SlS500050nrd Dli OSOrIO 11,010 0240. noons loe, Il' TICICETS AS LOW AS $28! go, PAGE BM [/tIE 5050 N, CIJMBERLAND, NORRILSGE the measonl 6- 510P45015 PrOiOgllON000dl000ds IADhI final consort of - 01'5 Oolto,Oonswesile. Riso Prosas ber WORLD PREMIERE MUSICAL Syrfifipholny Orchestra nest Connbimed Choirs' : loo Otto A illor CS 05011011 0 tnridan Food, 000es los 10e cr08100 olmI le' III nO. 000 7:10 mmlfhuwd050 at ere blrrt000rly oompus, SS srIo 0,1510 ter Oli ogos und ietcreolo. rrae-nr 0m SOtietywlil poosootelomrly 000sest ut 2pm, itci3biO Nnobknoslaro 10100001' greoaliuo 1150f 00000 ea, io J000 S-14 el Co te 05000er 50050rl series fOulsrIrpa 000lornodslnknplairsbesrpooeidmi, The Serio Sh5000tnam000505yoetre 0,1401 Rodnot Mtl 00mb, MOullue Rau- sernilys N,t000UJllSut9olWOIliu bauten Ttootlo art lrlolprololuoo aro heldlronl&OSp.m.alVOnOltatnslOrtOi005nl0005rlsOlLos ly'n011orlMiLbuoOlropel,101OSbotden load. [na 0015f, Foe r, nnuw,rolh' luOl0000s UI laoS's Conlerit boo Norpsi000rtirS lins, toutuoneg CLASSICAL thoaslh JuoeT at 1452 hltgel Typo Ile. 9N, dovelo J00005rIls July T; Su o Oodolgh'o Ocaso Party JabelAR 6029109 st Sor org. tmday Muoia ai MlIter, 15,10-lS :40 pm. June Ial tleriSnienl 010 Uni000t' sl500TenlsrCoet0000n005 by Tb0100tooanlnlleishnsor. Grooerl500rtsClub.Juootiuoo oir- ton SLLoho'oL?rlAeraoCistoluOOSN, Prooperl Rea, Park OI000,artl pi sent moresqse500latloiOsol toolonoraoe Parkgistniot ouoerer ,uiothrnlre tam Now On Sole Through August 30! OtoopteG w ere o sa nOlenuylidren- 0000qoetonts pormodfnstrumoot troteslru,500iunms,r V000boNailot 'Tiro Best Hedidos, or sto P40400- ' 000001 na 20,150 at 0 pm. On idsys led RPP00000rO. oIOp.m.MeN290rtS uot 015e Mai20 Io isrlhweobone Ud' ra jstygyTUoCAsselY8ll9tOnroei', 10000 Pori July 50; tossiI 001010 ItL000rassl ut fluoro Pork, Joie SU Burl Names al lomeo Park. 400.41 5et 5Uf590 120010 bondI Al Sanos Furt. uort007rsss»prapr005tttau OWqh000sslflg.p004reIJdtyPis' 10ko Street Cisroh, iST 10ko St,. 500esbes Froc adlwiodoe; d000 liens OSSI 500tlo 0100.. Skods CorI air liens oro Tu0505euolb,OSpn,Aler0000uoo osto uval IsOle troc 6-900pnO oros 10491 440-0250 atIera por. Ito day st io, Tiorbou to noto limb 0255 NEW TICKETS ADDED! ilsoprlrpeeOtOrtatap,o,J500601 orlisbusl oli ogrs Toen SL luka'u son- prou rae pro 000lad by n sd5'baeo O nl SUMMER CONCERTS otnolude Itop000ram. EOanat000hIISror'cCtrolrwill nreueol Skokla "Moliere Ihae Thou" reaches Sank0000 mon tue OIS yours to omIt et beat noa ny, LUNCH Mon-Fri. Dieseser 7 day's a week SlIl00040rtOt by OrOeoI 01050000 milI Ske kb o Theoto e, T904 t tin lolo Roe 0ogot throotbo Mae 31 II Rooe Theaboe.ODS0N00SI, 00050bosCuotde TitrOtio,kyJnshuaSosoil peo. Hay diverSionS 0B5 lAeTiPrntSrM050eyJubeg'blot ti, NorthOsubonr tolse odIN's Ethel O. seo- CARRY-OUT SPECIAL Catering Tiloapaoa2ogyotaSNnt000ytlkolal will prauent 'Currarl OruodooN," Tealoriot sorgo toso "Momo ONo." 'L 0,00e 00 Submit go. events ose 099k 7T1OT to the dato st S Tacos loroatiu 5 0011 bOaTI 0056659. 25m 5, mrowar0000tnllo ers. 000005 00111m Soedoys 100 tislolo, 5OIIIO4TI1TT'T151 urordbannlnkoki' UP TO ZOO Rico & Besos Chipa 'lt Solos klug oleoso 04000 te toeate, Por le- 09'0RoodSm an000w,iiaeltin 4000 NorOis Oiselons Anonror Sherwood 00066ta S'iene', 7150-067.4072 ROOM Rustre, Oueoto aro alus noeouroged lo clodo nslku otiS. 51016 501ro tone, AorssI Sup000et Feto Haedelsusis Ju1i25,lp mITin Pari 0050 050,010 YOU WANT N? HERE'S HOW. PAStRY www.plBnoerlRCaI.com a PIONCeR PRESO PUBLICATION (708) 456-2005 BISOS ON USD11111 BY GEORGE BERNOIS SHAW Behold, the Sea! u MUSIC RYJOSII SCHMIDT :IRRICS BY ION TURREN tRAPItO BI AOSTIH.PENDLEION MUSICAL DIOUCTION BI NtCHAVD CANSES CONCEIVES AND DIRECTED BY MICHAEL HIIRERSIAR 50W PLATINS THROUGH JOLT 10 2809 esrph Vouglron Wrllioms' 4000 SymUn any ora yersr Soa I,rtorIustra Oran 0210000 Poter Grimee I P T 2 325 T 2 SI C U - DAPPER'S STIMULUS PACKAGE MEALS GreaB meals at a price Chat FROM AN AWARD-WINNING' CREATIVE.IEAM - - We Deliver! won't put you ever budgeSt A MIrrIelerS WOO roplorns tho TIros burnIng Smooth the 905005e oRan erdr000y firerorage end dIssovors -o secret in thy swore, Sorvmd 11100 AM, te 90O PM. Mendep Inno Ends7 Chooue loom: - TIâRET$ARESEU.INQQ8ICIÇ3 THIS SATURDAY AND SUNDAYT ORDER TODAY!, . May30 . 8000 pm May31 .4000 pm Mendel Hell OmmI Criopmr wIFF Relini w/Seuu500e Liver orad Oyions TT3t 19 57l Street, -hyde Perk Olon0500(nJUp ,_.lsu.05.erprn FREE ADMISSION! -, sull IreSI 005 0400 Ir, ad0500s sr 11,005551, rlr,,,un.r,,,,r;,,,,. - -. -.mo,00,ao dio rencos 'r,,,, r,,:.-,- ' - Brooded Perk Tenderloim Swoml & Sour Chicken Pried FileF of Porch Chepped Sleek w/Omtoms Grmcimw Ssyle Chinkmw Spoghewi w/MeoF Sello Chinkem Tondons WRITERSTHEATRLORG 1841-242-6000 - NOW SHOWING CHECK DIRECTORIES POR EJE TINGE Spinmsln Pin w/CC & Froto Polled Perk Solod Chiekmn Finger Soled Includes Soup or Sotad Glass of Wine $1.50 wiBh meal WRITERS ThEATRE www.pioneerlocaI.com D61d go. Cootioled fr000 PAGE B5 lene oiyon000 noted ISIS, SIC 000010; PRESENTED BY THE Iheledonle 18471 402-2263e onnwnnrlhohnrrband org June11' Mel- Auditorium Thuatre of Roosevelt University and the Sara Lee Foundation vledoolbe LeiMnendMor000rolfcro, oenlo, 11001 Ihn doer JOneOlbD uo000gradaalesl000nlcmnrollmdin with the 410 Vila 01011001ra oonduulel 00,11010, 150 En0000 Pr0000to 1000 Id Oln 0110000f BroIlerS, TheSeokJOIIn Oil "DOsI 01 00014409,' III. JoneI,2 SolOedlobl00000 eq J0509,7 pm: PoilaI FooL lealoling Jesse te0000 now sg e ooewbeo,J000 Sb 1001 01 hold IodIo of ihn Chi0020 14009000 001101 end celieolor'n NonIO 8101e by Alen 11 00111001 011001 P0101 frodino, 010101 MefSl,7 po' Snnnbsnet, Aolbh00010rn 00100m ly'edepertomnl 001000tlo 7h0p101100 10011000 John end Ca009 Miol001 slaoo oel 9111er: Sor 6000 onlbOiloJuneIBiT000lhePIaf- cberllhnOlo rad preolioe 010004 ewerd'w'innieq 7010001 00101; p1110000 et LOFe rl Ou OdeR Penning iUokocJeoel, lpw:Hidwnol Jalo Co l011ioe,Joral050000:Moboof Bruco [n0000in,l000 [Ictiol boailbwol, l00000llon end MII ThelJ000, 108101 ne oiiIel/oicciolan foil Solon 11020004 10 p.w'WNUS 00000 feolel 0 1100e [aonio and 160 OLCdwand'ooelfolivosMoolpend SS Snlorll0000lalb pm 1118090 end Ooloodoyo 0100f III Pmo 000 lounge p ei' Calla 1014010 118010 Io Sophie CanOdion 1016 Muoio Oniendewin000 10040r1[ bio lmlallgpo:1ln Dana Ch 042e Onedomy loo Ihn 0100 SIC SO JolOrny [10010111 nod 19e 00000lon Deed 0000000e hoodS 0e 10101- 00424 bernd l'fonoaod loll 0f ege Perd 101g lend vIvos 015 01000010 and 0001000 June Il, B po wenSoro Adoa non regio 1101101 010' 0000mo Ill, Sknk'r 10011 kI4'I000 Ju000'PakDE'Oooenoe nlfalono," loalorlwgol1000kdyllulk000dbogcl teqnndc sOCI oem blu0000 lalmllh erood'we k'loo 0010000 JueelObO 0' Elk G lonG Ann Oabenl 00 11010000 00- 7,7100 w:rcoterirg punItO ni 0111 4 ilmO 15000 fron' 1010011200 till 006l11100nl Voliwlrrroonaîhrnne from Mooarlo 000 01000001," odoptrd Mr Olarinol and piane by 11w nOr Polir non old 00010 Pantelle 000bownc fromvcrdis'riOofOtIO lorpiano ng cr11101 0001er Phil lb peilono n Icor 01118 high lo fool Seco [ro 00h10, 01010f Cloenme100 Bend 10110es Mwf Bleepr000 LogoRIo 00000190 pr000nlo 0151600e Jam OlCoil Daeolog 0110001 Uni0910 19 Chamhoronoheelia'u"Meric oeol[rio2eoborI 0189.0, J0000al 8001000 Lobo voIr lefi101O Con- eI 0101110001 0000011. 01108l04 IraI St. 00000101 020 105 ion foaly Paddflomae'e 000d Jer0011Aniofi. J00015 10006e l'Seno and Jiomy 000ro,JunnlA'SthOen 1005001km CorcoVo I'Tiecly;endabeed 000horoh 0001 rOle foo,porocl Park. eg000M000 on001 end 001101 II 1000, Ohericfero will ho jo nod hyalheobor oroproila, 110001 ondaddrl onal leccI ologoru Ooolinoli000fl000rit0000aic' 00-oc, fr0010 and Z011 CellulA 61010 wow crisolo 01109 laoomow on ca f i Ship ObewlIl pcilnro Coil Marie vo 8000r'o 0000000 Cc coito in IMolor Peel t 04Mal C horielene' tinel ron' rl 11080 MoygOellI.JolrLvlfOn- POP/FOLK/JAZZ 14071 510-0040 AllefoIeAnOOa, 6900 N.M000heio 000d,40000cr1 OiO40heo0000ilebio el oven lic 400000000000 or 10101 bOf Clioriltnrc 11-400111 otory,'inolodng 1710' Ihn liohel 011000 110106 holen do Northnwnt Sfephom Drodoofrc Pool Vorort moo 11101101 fr010011 con nello Arv000it 000 P1001011000111 nolieolud000rccn f000.Je000C0 PWI 10001 Andree Once M 'rl 00000rt ev meriool8p.m f40404000lpw May SatLulhrnH000l'elCIunnh,SlblW. corro al 830p.o faldero ir Ile mo' 010084 Ieafulcd. Fino nil donotioro orooptol Call 10411 Vil-9200 01041 p00101010 loor velobralio4 0601e- nuovo, Ch' 00gm lib eI Ihn door; 02 io eIre lorhyn pollero eq Arto al Mano nwnlLOlorllorl 05 Inane olA e now o IVe o, 'in IO rb 000000e Sel0000ily 50 AriO 01010 POr 010170 0000 Jel005-0lIJ0000 PlotS' 0000 1h Jondin lpoike and 40000004' hr Carolyn Poulr 011011 00016er 0f radio slatico 141MO [opio one lievi Oir cifreooh00000rl 111101m 7005101cr con oro; SIC lcr 11010010 06041er 00' 00 001001cr 10471 497-4000 oIS torso, tsr OC, Sfera 00410 nn00101loilololvMafla,7.20pm' 8091061 PalOO 10011000e 1000 wrIt 4 raonl4oroado hod ire nor non rompan dhyeparoqadul r100rcii001lcyophorrcre Oaf Or Fcvilypop100ruortnirrienOt ne ro io 011005ev falot Paiono '11v larionprapoodr'rolionuiror Mol rlollcl000010ilolo 10690 biondo rodrclrwppocrnooiflo PIck'OOOfgOr Conoorl Hell et 00116- lin P1111 armonio ir Il lief licol 01100019840111 mii Oil0001 Il' ifliollmi0ilieoc. I 2IlS0ll68042f,0:000.o. Ihn furorI lylhoreooho loo 60100010 ni po IOl000rclraWcf0001ler end 110000 1100106 rdic'c101')Droroi 1110V 0000 worko.07l00104 May10, C011o 00010100 10001001 IJOpm.lrollorld000lwlr 000010110 mn Olino 00000510 poilo 000116e MuO'rirllululo 01 OhirOno vro Cl o 80800 100111cr 020 100 oreen ci itionoc Ill fo olu200in 18101 6189891 01 rOnolr00010104 roil. Jene OropI 00 riilriliwolicolil pr001nto 010tOei000"OOie t. 00l07105 JeooC000pm 7h04 10900100 0900101 100010 Oho 010g lopo BEnDicen, 001 Casio ll.500rufon 18401 0l4-n000.wwWbif ebl000bnrlco 00001 01100000 leon Sondano 4pm' Lillovi Opon Miko 000dafc,8p0' MiMo i 000ff Pro Jaosuom.i000doyo, 020p.m cille 10010,10 1008f lIa 110 bInd Wed000doqO 10.0.. 4 [11h Sfibro SIc ppili de 00e Ileso loll Welweodefe, 98m.: Joan Sonor liben OaeIoM nlSJì Mop SV,blpm Ilabilot for I100nitf dorolif 110045 Hoy 09, SOOp.o'OnOoolForiProjcltllosll Ion bIson 10010 0 1010017011010 May20 r 10:1100 1 00100 SIll 050 0r00 010001 loI i0000ahoo, 100101 80011v MOA00010Pw'Oddl'tb reat Stòris G?eat.M0u sic1 First Chicago performances in over 35 years! Noeefh'esloborandehnoerimlnfb, 01000 Mcade0000PronlooLl000l b90-llbO. 0000,nvreIOlosrioeMo roo coepcIIlr000 Irlo throuqIoul I'm ' lili- JoIe 2h 2000001. Jbne 2gb 1110 000104 V101faro Canleto,00nduoledbe 00010m Onere and ea000hoo'OlUloo Ward'o 0100'tatieJaoe Eroowblo,wi I Ireneot 00000000 f1180931104 Jolie Soeloan 0000mo nl I OnciA gh Orfeo .1710 O. 0011 8008 Dro Piornos Ji004 0001m MayOWIho 000104 loo Jnoino MinI Mord olOr 0000101 000600104 6f [Soil 90100 005; tIbIeeIlt Juwel 7,00 p wIN erlh0000eno Oeil, 1001010f 0040cc be Gebriol rau- Olra01000nlnl 11e io, Dol yl Ouool aluche Morlona Oletrello liacc000, diversions ai www.pl000eerlocal.com 8 PICWCCI PRESS PUALICIIICA Mry700mp0000oodorls eprooram 100lurwo Jaleo Mssenl's fedIlalion roo mo o, Clifton W Cool 00w phonic winner of Ihn 10Mo P. Parntol 001101e r- r 74040041, MAS 08, 000f etoa000, Mill 010w 000000e 0111000 0 .010 00 0011 lITI 252-0102 mn CeOe fillet Pabilo Volve, 606 [horco 0l,00000000 idfIl 064-167f. monoellioknet00000m y0000nnuni000nolnd010000en HondOfe,Opo16401080 Oboellaoc 006 10000 nob 010011m, 500 011101001 J00014,O pelar; pien ola' deole Iron Ihn MIOMa 011er eq and mm 00000ewaPloiool ipdpper000ve 004111 J0000f,Ipoo:' BookIe Mondo 2000 Oblia0040000 lOIrnelcI Dilly FIA00 and 00100 Bei .010 ned1005n, 100 Oa0010lordordo, Junolf,ilOowh el ho do w; 508 Ieee mod bobin O eolo "IbaIs Amere' -JookMeioolneelutoo 0000ioe'sornal lallaoor000ebo,llO, 0000 IO, Ppm ' tel loIr Otro Sil in od' Juno 0604.0. bl00000lh000lIll na000 0050ll00000n,J000201poI '0 benI 000lalJoelroy- tallo roel' bh010 ellO 00000e Feab lenS 011001, JoIe Plioonn all 0004 "11000f' bon' Edwardo. 220 010ndlog room 100 011010 oeale, 800 Oro 01 oso oeoln Obb Olo Is 0011000 eoloioh the #111000, 110 ieooel'on 06000 She lheeloo, oelllOOii Oncle, the 00010e,' 0116 000a000 Poll 00000 500 el Ile 0001 Jew 00, Apw' MII M00.OrIfOl"fnOooring mils li lOu," 010 100,1115 end 001 00v 000 osI drIllIOl Och Mollee, OPACO. 1048 Chil030 loe, too nolon Dele Sp011erarl Jell Parkeb OIS in ed' oa000 Ob allIe loor, SOS ieoorced 006/ begue norM ng ooapbob050l000l helogrophor in Oho 11000,1000000O' 00110g 001ko by 00000 anhOb sI dro' 18671 011100MO lav000aio 0000pLOym. Ralph eOlfeulbena00000lpoon 016e One Romeo ley el aol laso 000lb000d Sieg lo 110e C00000Sy 06000e breo' whore 180 0040 Are, ' the muck vI C000io FienI oelarnlng 50019 fr0010 OiI00000nct000001000w M0920.B 000018411m Bad 0000ploe 100kb, 512 p0.10106 001'0000l'on TheodapLeOOp,w'ilichvoo;ccoosior Je000,lD [0 will Wootblnp hobo Lnoa010v Jaoel4awdlo,0'OSou: Orl00000000, Jorro tri, II um. llociioeonprvwlnoo. [obpo ' al 1300 o, 0110m II el ISO Mello i001i1000 olLhioolo,1400 01110090 rnaM0011r Oi0 al loe loon Sk000 0900Mo Medo Foe 0400100 pv Como laedoow 16#nr0000ruo llorpnlì8llioodeunve, 012 al lilo door Hn900.0 prn,000eIerwoo lrig2nl foopoi 14w oIlIer 0/look) w;lh 0040006 100 le adolore' lib el ho Oom00000000 forI skeIn 00110111 d00-bifo ART GALLERIES 415 b000ulten, SOI Ocres bI, OnernnS000000CanOSen,Odld500ndan Oho k107Ieo'O OeA bilionliomtle 0oe610'SOlOiS-0300 00040001 01 Aol 000514 end Poas '00" 2000kO-0 pO'OOimOlyillC 00000 eoaOOl000110e000r.olq, SleoogIo lIheOrlioIs'Pebnpeollvr' Jorobe' 4000 2W COnO evp001n Orto 000no'il e0000,OOlonHoghmO Ceoef 1010010 Ooboih'lrorv14noole POoilinc'Opeoinl ernie MeIld ollnSthwr norMa on dio' lay io Oho OlodonOlal eon Though n000ptioetoml-dproMayOl. 1000lOemdlglIaBeMeiLh0000 tin- 00020,' Toro IO lr000 Phetoplapho 00mo 850, L'ooslononM 10511 600-5008 04800d011alMO" PoOlonPelk01101O- 011mo l'3M 1400 01101e 01 0910e, IwO- nilnd Oboles 000 Oho 70101 belorlIn Od' m'reloIro lion eel 01f 01 orlari001i000 nl LIOn moo odre Ir 00 1100 te 101O OooPloineoi000IMOb'OOOO orom001k- lumedul0000um g000aglrJthlalM 'Ink Palotl050 bOOboc01ar0001000' dIcI Hoy050pw'i0000llfc #0001 Coaonloo 111011002 9000, mec01000- 14911 000000 OlIno 00911100 10011 Aloco 110185 505 in odIe oc, ISO al If n 490-0000. 000lolodovlorom NoySB,101mo 18401 610-1061 00 01011 w000lokielSe' 0001 J0000bpo,: Puela Oronowill 0000loroig. Oapandlng 41000 10011 01 001 echoIc' lomeo and artloto'olud'co TOe 0081 001f 0000 000 000 HOf SO Mpm:Sham-R005 bolo 840140010ebooing live Ocelo 001p'pelu,olnp 00000m,0000eihlr Melo 000 ned' Vond0000l010 00000010 5100111e Irom 10db-COO pm. on on noI nled000- Ip ThroulhJenolP,'Prsloeooloe,' na000, Sob el 180 lolo eni010 noted dool Jonel,Ipo,0 oy0099u500 II OlFeniniom 440430 Ope,: [oaoofsa Jolllrbwaoloouoliyllebil 000 irad' high 01600f Jalo 10100010, bIO in oc- 01000, SOB at fo dool 11610 0e' doyo,oel00001horwioonnlod OrlOn' sOU0100000beloSipi000qoIlad fou mey al100d one loIr loI 010 Oofooe be- Io Ion 101 Ort blow 0000 Olhi[lliee oelulino peInt imo piloto 0801041ephI, druwl090,coulplormanbo'Oeohy babbo lhSwork011iooJiaocpno' eoewnoiol100rlfooelnoc000ld lImer 1100001 el eI 0100e bohOal olIhe 010 leOlilol0000h 00go go, PAGE OlI Little City Foundation l'ho Chboage 001'000ml Toariew 000000e OB Chicago Geeetor programo hold 1100 l'I Ilt Joyel Oetoo £0000000 Cafiolo, 0000m 011010 In 0000lle4olli5Cenl00 alle 0104 01000 0900, Ok000 Coli CkMeago oolth che to [aol logeIhec O lese pIloS miii he loe Mnoeom 00 #15 1600L1al0 0000 p10500)0 000erlo'o 000 840810 lOo' Ch000g000000 Coplera linololel000flonenoailoloeenlo nl Oird001nf4ewofaiOallatynl N000h' 44000000 Chioogc 1101) tel-7030 1760 West Algonquin Road uTili Palatine IL 60067 www,littlecity.org !!O Join us ät the Little City Used Book Sale June 5-14, 2009 -. 0GQ FREE 2-4 hour visits ea your choice al ealghberk000ls or ie00000e arme od by e keowlodgeeble meal, WILMETTE - Village Cnnter Westfield Old Orchard0 Skokie, IL Book Sale Hours & Events 3K Walk & Su,vivors' Strut SPECIAL for the month of,Jeane, Ligfr POlO e reINo rk o . 0w nn CHICAGO - Grant Pork - Arne0, FMeId Chicagoolond rwvidwwOe aSe inoltpoi 0001kw cdoeneage v#Ohiu FOE E 0050iow,vsvaily dvailobfw 0001010000 only. Solnocribe now end s,VeI 501 (Moo 3K Welk & Sowieore Secco Oorodog NOghe - FotcMop, Joeoe ASh, Opon lo Ibpm 020 Admiooioc /ohildnwo yodos 00 Sowc/ beoior'o Day -Wodoeudop, 060k, 080cc 506pm 2-. 3-end 4obow plano ovo ChiloBemoe'u Doy -T8000edoy, Jococ Sieb, 000m 106pm IBeg000eu- 0004ow wenw.BeuMeemMo-remeareh,org/gibboee Bleegakm Woelooed 'Jamo 035k, 000mo Dm0 pm Jome idOlo, Otr000 00 5pm 847.424,0700 GobbeoewhRFoeoolo.owg o7l.Opo4o' CEST LA I°oiiiioUoUst ayo end S ondaco Through Jon 00 eol0000roele000lell pheteqnuphnr Chicago Gre000m otters Oolito rio troll e aOne.org AnroM00100lJillOylMe.Spao nere' oepll00100I'O 4 0.4010 00, Jeneo[lp,W dailene 600160 Trib- ONLINE licketmaster.cooi o[Rc)Mo'vFp'r 000ba Sekl OnepuOy Mello, Seren bIC 00e 110400 pIllee 110106 tolse 60 not in olude 0010100 lene. Fo r molo io' PHONE 800.982.ARTS(2787) UN)P0SRSO l'y o -5 p.o. Iurodayo IO O 0,-e 70. Oledonodey'R'dey,noel-550. Solon 0 11101110 Io 001 2f leo Ja no 20, 0mw 4 EASY WAYS TO PURCHASE TICKETS AUDflRIIJIVI THEATRE 111100 Rob0110 Joh000n, Pollice rll000MrlrerlI000l0100lO bloc IO 00002H2Op,w1'SboedlnTfloirevko; 5K Run, 3K Walk & Soe,vie,ors' Strut . Io rooMoelO ceoO CopIo, 500514w Sao' R000000dTheelnr,5400m n'ocr flood, f 05000cL Otoebe ore 000ilehir aI welnhioMnlmaolou000 51 illS) 000' ABC 7 Jim Gibbons 500UPS (10+) 312.431.2357 CorsI boeldinboob el 5000010rv Polo WObOdMOol0000POOkGdg000dChioe- Hiosere 1010000 pup and nook0000roh onlo'Umuialdo 10010000m 0001010 end 0000010rlo 0000110' 101cL 000001E JaoobO nl 115110mb ParC MuoIo nl 0f nello 104 Foi mdb" 310 15th Annual (847) 869-6300 io Cf bago OleokHcoa000lfoha190rlhnmolorp erow011n,000rlOClrole Sinn, nanclon 1040/ 4060000 oomoiolok' MfafSWl800ilhSnoi000d&lhn .NIGar:M-us'I' oil for emboto. r 00001 1011010 101o Moel 0h 110 0. leI' 0092418e Fail 0000 mId orioloolooi l0Award wtnnlng waltz muA 50E. Congress Parkway Il Or000nlor 000bnro: 500 loI eon- 0051e J01003,000:Cary 4 010007 200Mo l'eroe nl If DiSk Prall la500lllo rOO», lob in od00010; 520 00 lye door; 530 reooved talle 000115m 400e 1f, i pO'Caooie Oodrig000 011f P0001 406ley Band I00001iyl 010 oad0000r, 110 nl lIre do or, June T, h p.m ' 1f enta 1000401 fIOioOJ000lc,JOe010,Opw, 01060110 blocked ballrooMS 526 ned' n 010e Medll0400 IeeOdafO, I-Or noM AImnri004 Howbego Ce000n, 0h08 Cool» Oake Salem COMO, 0650 oOn'o roihefo te Solio Doy" J000 2f, 1,10 po Peler bpolohs pb0000to"Tho Greät Show. N PERSON Auditorium Boo Office eyeibOOileoliOOie Ohioegmoalon100 Gallery Wolke rom lia 0.-i p.o. SIS len 4-November15 GiIbrq1pd SnolIloonn THE Deonnnlner n67fliO1ony 3 y ': Mom Mnopdratleo teno, ,epp000 Togwelne, wo ore the oetotOan Uterary 10 Fon roboro ielvpmoliew: PrcuwetOe Spoo000n ShgIDWO2Ni (Is.Llnu000. MOLO MOTEO HMOINIF5O000 mols. ej.. Call: f410007656 Sbm001: bookoale0lilltocibpcnl MIog. LllllcCuhyB0000Smlc.blogepob 00w "u diversions www.ploneerlocal.com q www.piooeerlocal.com D PIONEER PRESO PUROCO1ION OBI ylivgroioomo 09 705RODRY, MDV 28, 0209 MOVIE REVIEW o, Q', w.'- Pixar's 'Up' flies high Make Your Graduation Reservations at Prairie Moon! **** Lssrgo sa.d SornO Pflrios Or Josst F.ao.dy \\\L rloolt, -Zagat l$ocommended By BROCE RIG000 tilDO hIte Polio Opcnl o Portv Room Literally o fight cf 00sep A!thIc Pioarb "Up" treess as ebd mosa peesceal hossieg orlo/o into the odneotmimn of o lifotimc. lt mai' sot hit Oho reislu/end hnigiets of the mvi- M764-UEAT(32) 1502 Sherrnn Ave., Evnsf'on, IL USA 60201 weeo.proi,Isr,roon,esiauroni.00m creek/na a,,oeabie across stessi ai Scsi Western dcst)y iesihilioglyioopir'nd oompony'.mu'er7r beso etfoi'ts, e/irle its "Try Stomp," "Piselisg Memo" sr Isst fiemo "Woll-D," but nonily rimrinl/wno woes aniisslnd Osgtener isetsirk, ir ese eilt, encinar On/lee Wesleisee in IteMs. FAMILY FRIENDLY our-legged friends the focus at Woofstock By MYRNA PETLICKI Contributor Dogo jost evool to hove muoio, roleibtte enei vendons. Pond ovili be sold. Pur detour, roll 18471 674- trrooodtheywiltoO 13GO. Woofeloeh 2009,01 5m-3 per., Doedoy, Moy Slat Music hath charms Pooch Purin, Soot 1100k of the North Shore Chasco!, between Mate and Oehion atmete, Sleokie. YoOreflOtre forotlp rvtll, too, heeoose there will be 000tvittes foe people, as welt os pooeheo, 00 lIns oseas! free avoco. "We'll trave o performoeoe by the Shy Doge oeil atso o dem0500eotioe by I Other ri troetioee ieeirrde Otre dog obedteece group rohe doe000e dog obedtceoe riossee el Oho prrrh dietetet," retd Ooirlorr PentLp Mueuger Crystal Vere. uilyeirrg. "Wo'tl oleo trirve gotereo oguie, libe dogownar lootoititre, oed our'tl t rove releer for those." Drerreolty o Pouolr Porh peer io r'eqotr'eri bot supone Ciro come ido the porb for fece drirteg Wootstoek, "We do aste that lire dogo ore leoshed le tire leerle that etilo irr tier recite oreo," Vere. io get hide rip red dooniegoi Moving Kids ovilb Musir, 10.11 em. Seturdoy Moi' 50,01 Monoe Greve Otoblin Librory, 8140 Li000lo Ave. Toddlens, perceiroolers, dbliege cred poreeto one ioriOed io joie Drove Derer io the Bocine Room Aoditoeiom on Oho rouie Oboe for eiogiieg end dcreriog Prie dotulto, orni 18871 880.402G. Get lu the swim Dee sure sigo of sumroee lu tito epeeiug ofOeRystir Weises Poeoly Aqoastie Center; 0025 Micce SL, Dee Oelsises. Poem Soiurday, Mop 3D-Jase 7, the onntee miii be opes mcm 000e-7 p.w. Danieg Olee eegrrinrr sme500, Jose 0-Aog 18, boors or-e 11 sw-B-p.m. weabdoyu sed 11 am-O p.m. Dotordoys osd Deredoys. Post-seseos iroses ore esse-7 p.m. Aug 17-23. Geserul admission is $9 ioeyootle, $11 foe adobe. Des Ploteco mesideots pap $7 cod $8. For' details, coli (847) 3915740. All ages perform for Sprouts, come oufi all ages Free rousiosi 000e000ieesiret geured tswoe'ds toddler's sed Orts mill be pee. sesled 005:30 p.m. oeil 0:30 n.m. os selected Wedireedoys, otue'ttsg rutile JasO 0,00 Chirogo Botanic Grer'deo 000G Lobe Cook A loue rif oreinio bridges tire rige grip for Ohr iOidgoo'iiir Sued ni Dvoualus, ci 22-pror-oid L'crete of uiviaerd 3G ruerai- eiorrs, uiegiirg is ago frow 020080, Tirei' rr'ill irorfurro recleovei'l if bannI criesir, 2- tOsend, Gtc500v Peirolirtes 0:38 iene. Drisdoy, Muy Dl, are es000nriged Os bdcg o te Olee 100011, Ariditoi'ietio ut p/oem dieron usd jots te tIro loe. fOyer/ng oriiri. Dogo of ciii tier Ohnirir leoblie Libiciny, sires retir tri' tirrioriolird in o siOlilire, irirreil-to riera of elio pork. 5205 Oriletorn 00. leur riolcitLe, oeil 18471 873. 7771. Por deireite, coli 18471 035-5440k Cooiinoeit:pisriooi'iorei.ceni fImos muilh its imagination, isr'rutivnseeo sed dopth ob Cs/I lee/es eilt Orteil sets strasse seit /enre.n ir "te.' fenliug. "Up"hos un ivemorrsiogly fussy sod sfler gsimrg Is noan'nlm foi' n hou0' borca-Oovuotoont'og coni tung Olor y Ostelt, bm! it's gloet bind ho coiled "mho imlnedirnmotmtis that are sol i/onu lele ofdneomo fob- mosetne nf Fcne'udiss Pulls." Carl, /5 Ore unne'atrsod im/eis paib. lt's rilen luid in tilled, gm'inlou'nrnsme, n'm)o- vorrsitns and rhorsoton. Co.diecnOod by Pisan vetoi'asn Pote Doetne ("Mssulero, luo.") aced Bob Poter'uris louOns smote the soncos- plop), "Up" ahowo its ombilises cony se mouth ownedloss, Osmiohieg sod accusing Ove-molirruic m5000go of Ihm life of Comb end Dills Pi'edeinlnomo, sobo met so ele/brines svith se aqurri /iaseisir for espbonieg the rr'onirl and lined leappily rirgml/inn sotOl Dills died irtriop ynune lotnm/ Eilie'u decith Isaneu Doe'! (voies of Od Asemont basely ucd moo- rible .- uo'erosnihbo tisaI he bretes une ri the ns500maelbs neoi'lmees of as ochos dnoelspor mho moresto Ou hoy time beloved lionnes he sbrcowd nsith Elke, aud sois oumsieronded by000nmm'i ondee to staue lieto u mnt'inm- eroso morse Geil hue o botter idoo, Ibsugir. He tine Ihuosuirde ofienilain buiboaco lo his home ond if/s olijimet rs Oho gmiya fe'oiee Iho homo rums to treben leim rirvup His irise: ')'s folD!) u olmibdimood peonmiun Iterniesle hi hie uslib Os soue linde honioc to leonndiuo Poils le Sooth Amedeo, Oleo nilo of Ihn nest beses omidoens of eomposy cf 8-year-old stswsrvuy Russell IJuedron MugolI, a pudgy Wilden'sens Osplonerhopiregle wisse Assislisg lime Didemly menlO budge, esos es055000es one of tite birds often meochieg his dnst/os- tise. The bird lorena cutio ben longo, bot sol perImirburly monsteous, rotenbisu. lion 00000e, asidnin end Loosny Toces dudo hind, osurimn'iaiogly toro-hoy slybe. Thene's no alnorOugn of evensfmtbtcess mon surf- pehn io Con's jonuo'sny, bao brio sOoty' is told nuitim o erri.. t'alho'e und nourri nrrd seyle linon emp/octuluns oubtboby, not bninbusL Doomr Olin inopenedue 3D olleuta 00.0 designad 10000entrorile depth ufrom1005iins, est whinle DnnsnG qninbnly eyeball nOoks. l,iloomr'ioe, time Dims's rmppo'noobn tu osneedy inmmmrdnooloiod trot/I tino aplooítoamico ul MourOns odopta nod nomos Kerls. fIn also o5000etons Moitie highly diotn'uvtibbo, Irmibiug utsimok dogo l"Sqmtin'r'olt"l lChi'iotnpher Pbrnmmoen'l, unho sanos out Is be ubsesnad aed dusgeromie, with re pemok ob ruino- uninlie ihnen mtppomto'uotnno ceabbed doge to du tile dimly roneh. Asd Combo Inch serons Pite-adune Polis, buying his gruel belsmord hits line a pi im do bellons, b000mes mono ufa olmemb- 00go lhmrn hc'eunn'unrsg- "Up" hems neiiknly cedv051rire, or'hth its eldoi'by' eninonimmuly Ihn 500000, ounilrnblr, loss-iinan-drmaabingly mintelligeut Deig, mulno "Up" sem'or bosco nunrelo omod irolds ru punAn sosellaiblip blormi ntllimctlely numns. iis'ort1oitOg fraie Ilmo a ce SI. R. e S aS SI utomoas liii' or'itnbni dedioceteni nr'rnmmlc ralean gee- und all bIno other Ireneo- e e e so/lb puignoeny, Ileorigin, noioso liflarl by' b/rib irons is. Oleo sonlrrïinbcrm tirai tuoshil i-rooter nrtsilp lit ru si/n'i ol niot0tl/oil,0' ittttt gniton loris mu ha ourtioleri cia Mustc, mho diurippcmrnd i e. timo nonno, Ihr osoninrerood ulnilts Os hilimnitir hallt mucho nusonboi'Onmbbp thom roininirer Item's Circo'bnu e. lo Cnmnb omatmrlimimn cisti u'cmuob/mmg uleely mmsmrrped by Dounnhl .. unnI ileresnbi mod Kovime, As cts limo serIOs cine/re non ironrnrnod/t.uonnmrbieati050f psllnos, tirchie unni rotuorip, rind oseonc'4e Gral iv rOhmoms/tog tiny four 000bai'ictg somnhìmrni'rrtulity Cntnih a sine /1ml gay, boit Ire's rinnt a e no lui' onombel of md ei lis L'aoototrooib: trirromn'oniorol.corrr e o. e SII. t 810 Idiversions Centre Continued from PAGE Rl www4IIoneOrIOCaLcom Kleemeties to resive. Curtain SuinerEeenbA deeaert rceeptinn fer dneom fullnwo the perfnrmunen. 8p.m.. $46; Satursluy, Jan. 22, 5 & 8 p.m. .848; Sondey, Jon. 24, 3p.m. 846 Aftrr a orar orll.cut roo families easn enjoy holiday AGABOOM - THEATER treats, meet und take photau with eostomed characters during Sager Ssturday Dee. 28,7 p.m.; Sunday, flee. 27,1 & 2p.m.; Mnnduy Dee. 28,2 & 7p.m. Plum Partleu following $27 euch performanre. ThE KLEZMATICS: "WUody Gsthri.n Rsppy JoyoUs HonoNkohI" MUSIC Sa'arday, Dee. 19, 8p.m. $48 The Kleematieu perform "Woody Cuthrie'n Floppy Joyous ttanukhah!" Theuc lalke laying Crummy winneru oct (tuthrie'o lang lent lyrics shout Jewish lite k, ceae music after Caibrieft daughter gave them exclusively tu 'Ike Created by Cirque du Seled veteran Dimitri Bngalirevued mated in the unique Baropaav theatrical oryle and universal Ion gxugr nf damning, Aga. Sunm cula thruagh the kardcrs nf language und cullare with the art nf clap. utiek, the humor nf physi cul eamedy und the eueite. meut uf ehildhuud. THE CAPITOL STEPS COMEDY Tharsduy, Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m. .544; Priday, lan. 22, in 5009, this Centre Ennt favorite returns with mees hileriuun muaicul entire uf politics und rurecut neunte Curtain Raiser Eaent: A dessert reception fur dunces fnlluws Ihn Thurodoy Opening Night perROD W000WARO SPEARER SERIES Saturday, lun. 30,8 p.m. .575 Sob Woudwurd achieved legendary slut ascos yaangjnurnulist milh The Wavhiogtnn Post when he oneaxrrcd Niuon'n liVater. gate veandal. The evening aVers an opportunity tu heur this enlcou,edjuaruul- 18281068, tAO 2$, 2009 ist und un-authorfcathnr cf beot.oellingnuefetinn hocks, ineloding "All Iba Presidenta Men" und "PIon nl Attack," delvekehind the scenes of Wstergatr, and offer an in-depth account of furmee Pmoi. dent Baohh Iraq War Plan. Special Event: Ticket huyem nnill have the uppur. tanity to meet Wuodweed ut u huoh.nigning after the perfeemanre. PAULA POUNDSTONE COM ERS Pridep Pek. 5,8 p.m.. $45 Armed with cotking but u stani, u microphunr and a eau of Diet Pepsi, Paula Pcanduteee's ability tu recate hamur on the nput has become the stolId legrud. FRANK SINATRA, JO. MUSIC Suturday, Peb. 13, 8p.m. ONE OF THE MOS'J SUCCESSFUL MUSICALS OF ALL TIME COMES TO DRURY LANE!. 'Soil Werking far yrarv av bio father's masm director, Prank Sinatra, Je abuorbcd the nuaneeaef Prank Sr'v liming sed dolivary uf each sung. New, Prank Jr. reercalcu the mugie al ube vriginal perfxrmuuecn, insertueing hia evve rendiliaus wilh peevuual mc,uurieo ol every cae mea leed ix his futher'a illustrious career. Spreiul Event: Audi. ence mrmkcro will be lrcated la a paul nhevn Vulculiuc's Day party. "MAX & GORY"FAMILY Sulorduy, Peh 27,1 & 3 P.M. 8l8 '1h10 Nick Je bit io barb by popular demand. 'l'ha acclaimed ThralrcwurhsUSA ret venu vuitl, their production of"Msu & Euhy," a musleol fallut fon and aiblingrinulry. uhonk.nigoing after the performaore. Stiarday, March 13,8 p.m. .S44 Saturdey April 17,8 p.m. 'fimen' must pupulor rummeolotarn, humorist Eaedy Ceben pest ont cnr, bui tmn weekly columna (The Othiciot and The Morul of thu Story) und husto a weekly pcdraat lune cf the papero few) tu truly capture his droll wit. Special Event: Ticket buyers will hove the opportunity lament l'uhcnotu kookeigniog after the purfurmuvea. "STREGA NONA" FAMILY Saturday, March 20,1 & 2:30 p.m. .524 "Siregu Nexo" is the e,uoiral tule 070 magical wild, abacores the ills of hoc tiny Idalian Village. Sal obra a local lug, Sig Avthcey, tricota use magie fur oclflsh meaus, Punta cngulls nbc town and only Strega Nona can ho day. TOE WIT AND WISDOM OP DAVE RAOUT - SPEARER SERIES Sulvrduy, April Ill, 8p.m. .575 'l'ha bcol.srlling author add Palitaer l'dc.r wiuning l,amodsl ovhuoe witty weekly odiamo bao hod readers in ntilehea fur muro Iban 15 yearn with bio dgna. turre)mmenslry abuot calalieoahips, murk, bids awl leehvotagy Syeaial Event: Ticket laayrrv will l,aer the uppur tuvity to chat with Slurry ut Bmudwuy's Mike Surntyo mubro his Centre East debut. The mosicel theatre otar niego ohow.ntupping favorites urevmponird byu four.piere ka,sd. Juicing him in Centre East fuyante, "CutuhiSa on Eruadwuy" comedian Mal Z. Lamrenev Cartaie Raiser Rennt: A demert eceeption for dosurs fellows the performWHOSE LIVE ANYWAY? COMEDY Sularduy May 1,5 ft 8 p.m. .838 The steen uf the hit reInad nion show, "Whasr Lien loll Anyway?)" Ryan Stiles ("Drew Carey," "Tion und), Half Mee)," OcngPruupa, Chip EsIen aed JeIf S. Davis arc featared in thio aidc.sylitting improvined eamrdy and nong, all basad on aadicnec naggestious. "THE CHICAGOLAND FAVORITE! 7' Johnny Polish Fest June 11 thru 14 usez d'..pott AUDITIONS & OPPORTUNITIES lradlsoal on e085dn liso sung let s July95 os loo Shall0 lib eon Crune Follo lulhn.Siahie.Frsesund oin,namplosidnn,00npolonulosend onerds C-nd nhakoerlWualnonom all (001) III-VIlS naos 01 moeau05000l nginunm.An gro u p of uRea, Ils len Oisillons o Shun ollo, stun IS-lE und C loas ru. s s- den steT mo onorI In upon Io seo- STAGE lournooluoluotu ocio. Frs immns,you- COMEDY Saturday, May15, 5ta 8 p.m. .sys Thin hiluciuus political miamI has opeot must olthu '- ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT FRIDAY FISH FRY 7650 W. IRVING PARK RD, NORRIDGS ROoyX ollhollnmulnsChlsup000mIh- st Ito Iheslrs 100001 sI Es Faul In I- be held atllam. W00005ul Ito ut- nouit),llItA nsnno,0.Cl,inegsFrs ss00000 darmI ospoulel Cr006 Snub loi Isuyaaen)prodsnliornl'lho paro u poeefpsstia monniagle usI en IF, tels Slego eId p e. Adoerle nsgiulnsf to n ne painel t sI oaan ir:nhluslnhioo a ne on soil 711) horre 014000 tn frass lohdn.Oud lisos 0111 by hold Huy SI et Ins 501 Ipema 10500, lInWulkor Onice. Jam O-1V al 80015011 nid u nr hs,a Ihnpprng Cooler, 1000 CId Im010rd 200-1011 Chiraonnohoorsulnbup:neso noirs ConIo) Iknlm Adnisoion le ho 010cl poil orsanros rasoio Olmos 000.0 io tesa naos:::s lt,iendlys'tl'lisyE et leal iqhlsoqso:inOn lar ssdr l,ssrlalnsnlaure,rledsuller IbStOS 7,5 Fr0116 Filhensnnis or Chisels, seen la hii osOs ai s nl udasrdsd lue srh:qhu,hsclmrstnasnlsi:5ls.eill ha laso Ion, ad hay 09 0 tlussilul lynpeasn HuilonS natalI Ano, tl,,suSs Is, :oiu,s,lino orlO 01900sis un 0231:50 .0011 12111 SupliD. The Clmlsollpnphunylnahnslndsl Clioagnn:ll hold saIllions inn oil ir- tynlalpenseblolasgalauudil 00mm PilIlo Iroinod locale deolnra eOn siogastlgl y-lrunedmundonrnnn 0001. 2000 W. buIld Aro, AmIi05105 hdghlo. Ineololobo nolul mIn Inc sarto 100e du noons nilo anotO npo uno don Ir eu- pa. Jano blase-m I.e Jamekfl-13 (05.5-0 pn.Jannluadlc;Itom-A apcoeioopruenul:anel IonIenne- inno el oso na ut On nonni be hires n las Duosonoard shoe Iluso sbronlcuus:uulbulsllrunngplo lion 011050f' by holten enruno AsId nnlonn darlo sopen an nICO nouss mamo lIcInio Juoull at Iho C:, a nasI ato hun 1100mg iluuurdO bu loI Ins 0:00 unI modern du co s500nissaO Opero linon, 13 6 Reckon liman, Chide gO. 10e p,adnalisn req dm5 IO solo dunaonu p ne beam o coo no bol oil Io lire1 us Sols Ob frosipal Inicia, Aos:s es In Inns lsd nod- trul000 boum dovornio has p,5, Ill so uppn mOnomIo uro ssolotrulionolbhollo endroiks II nus onpor0000r IA p0:0000000 mr:lenJumno Jorco, ni 15e hold ab rol a,sduale aal elle) esdai005 11100 la050mn nilo oua: du -loso Ion expon- puloernonl 10001 tnslsslrullIlOrnIs,n louche CodeO ICI lun, oso ,0005nl onao.isns dards, aims and nlnsn900l- 105 dunnorsouusnn: lus Irum Juno lend R0000nnals tno:nian keith llmrsspbIan510n:sisrnOlisn ,rIa noaor psrIonma0500,unnnpl000fob 20-taro) If. euSlion uppa:olnonls na k-los rio mol to sono. Coil Si000usis earn, (Ill) Vl? 1001, to 0500dalo un asdi liso CoCo Kay 01010m Reala ann tasI oso r ulionnido 5000cl 10m Ihn soul orna 1:00 runS lion aiilr7ngloiemrhs sisado In s:nsllllll las:nVl OJRE OLTNG 1ISSItG SYOU II[R, A[I'f l-WO-3AA-1005, meehnIi0"°'nolaro lIlA Ir '4,:. Mdust moo Di5500. l,9O,lO9* Cal 0d7-OO'e.00If Aor,I,.,iluliililb mol2s a000ebend :0 Juos IS-by bon do- man) Hull 110E WahooS Ado.. Chide90.110 lramn:st ornioulne lar Oui 0I5, s,hnlUloesatd lins, co 115111 SOI 1111 Tdssonbaoe Ilosoln FollI ns-taoadlllieC:lyfnundoliOn oh olp acides pnsnann for posplo rliblisut ilion 100:on C Icons Osmio JacobS Ch Idredo 000 sinon li sod unO 000011 ospdalusaidl onnlill ooilyAauks101oaOs. The 111k 0000e( sa lIllo' el loe JaIls ldo 01:110 aro 0100 en,aarsgsdbosl- WO-2l6-7565am nunnn.Sudddoiuuoo.000 Pn Juno O-Il Pis000da 000elil Oho asnos lou mnnnoninlo:olisliosud:lidyni up:er:sl orli du piu,:ded Ar Hey 25-2 sed Jam 6 01 Susdaul lye- isoli oin,sd,na,lesnlOi.iuil i.05h,2- shsngoa loom fai Ihn 000cl ono l-il mai01 oSPina Innern Inno tonsin ont one eolo) also soohing noel lOir slnueonlslsr lansemrnsoussnnv un,os's ls,00ls Osal000 loes On 010,10 roo .eanopl un upoming sight Or da H Ahl)-tnoinsd salo sod breis punmonarond,i000:aul Ire ins loi Is RR A--ItbeThaOEooyO liSle DIy F000dsilue Asad bask Sale, aune b olor o Dt looslior a ty,In Spore sr Chiaagn in n oeiin3 Destinations nns & Resorts BOORS K POETRY Ipreugh Jun16 OSIElheuorr000sm'rnyuinar IlansiSl000wnis Ido MAtIf ICOR laib Fill - lit UDIIli Geeeabeisecuosolop lorca &Sndloa,Eolons iddl5hl re Jumlbol Ive (liso Omorisum ionlagoCon100.dilOO Anon Ase 11100- 10. 00 ssoOi005s510smnulioSsnru 5w, PAGE OIS l-VlO-IlI-OISI so n. p nacuobsia r, rrleioa. so iv Msodeo MyaOorp 01 iuooaiOyhpolo_ ALLG5UERS / 'Oli THE dlk'Eopoosll s'iue,oesooily-upeio$n.aom 21u-mI-050a CHECK USI 555 EXCITINS NEW BISSES MENU) LsAJhrgosI 10140er: niuiae undl,istocrbRuonrll nron,a,sLvLonro,u',,uto Comcdy Spccials canoro- '.Ivu Slih'ilSlbS SOUTHTOW1R bgluaabnlyonouabll lentlyweccamong thelopmIed uhows on 1h11 artwork. Eaaucll neacks bec und topical, perfvrming slaud-up comedy while aeeampanyinghi,narll au thu piunx Curtain llaiserEernt:A dcoorr'tmccplicn?cr donors fulloova thu yeriormunec. Line Entertainment on Weekends rnem.be71smnrrioa.aam tur! nnssu.sdnlmniesdmninu cam 705.452.6040 tSVG ]ncoo'lell3 15 Allgusen'u io praad la offen dolai dirk) capdbiadCi Hthoklls Lake 60000e, 1h01 aombrneo naqsis:le Cabine, o klaalI110kif) almxophcne and isopugnublftutraboc Idsr'Joaf'e beso be Plasel USDA PRIME-AGED STEAKS W3pAMASUI FRESH SEAFOOD EXQUISITE PASTA PIONEER Psiss iI)S ElniIn5i RSSERVATIOP6S HIGHLY SIJSGESTUS 847.664.7999 ,nneJoksge000areiaoa 2S55 Stoll, Ml(waskoe Ave, 000bbloak, III ovil 05003 Adluaenl II tbd 6(10? ChICugn NirIlibrOik ,rurlhblookill5au8I5 Corn o,,ula,: I-000-900.1020 AOIVDSI1ENSTHIOOEGHITI eon Ii'iieRIOTSe;0uI 219-8363255 all of Your Events Cslslosg POS 'l-eOO-Glu,,-I,nle. Oli yKen 0noepk, sell 219-136-325G -Pi,nnnl lud od a,,dreaunnl2l )Oullyourd:nucralienl. Dolid " Daily Deer specials apunoulillonaill bnheldbnoel-Spm. dilanIo Llhopioallpnn JulAll.50 Juin IC Ile uir-nil bolsee,, Ito Isar dsoe,s sCuso, (ran ossO lidios nui punt SS ycacs au Public Tile- LBanquet Room for 16 Beers on loup NISEttAoo ROAS IosUghhfl,suireCoepeflys li hnld usi llora IonIse thsps,t's ,ursqaltuad' ron 110 pn June11 $2Ò.00E GIFT CERTIFICATE 1 ARTISTS Ilrsn'RlCKtlu,s,ssloo ay asotusl lun HARK RRSSELL - Every Day! Bring Dad to deIweiss for Father's Day, loslh apealo und usden, dun sg Irish fool, JuIN 15-ID Csolssls nIt porinre u Cull bun edluls lam Ile lauCo AmI Cd Ils d011 erra si AmI Oui,. la tu held 005d,boumnulsnn000r10005al pausea, ant e, upponlutily Io he s un O looming CoCO (ny nonne aloi indMds ola e,d groups ab all ages ore ersanrugod lu porI $5015 PonIlo pools non lind out mono 51001 1h01 ,nl000mpslillsnlr ciad ng CnCo Roo irr so, ll-onsnndi o' Call Slop000bo KarO 11111 0252161. O all li. loss Ano, Chinop s. 0111 10cl $54 One uf The New York ums reluit OC nul liso nil mtl te soon. The Irish tonel san 80510go Cooler, Cenlirund fous PAGED? HIRE RURSTYRI & MAL Z. LAWRENCE MUSIC/COMEDY RANDY COHEN SPEAKER SERIES SORbOS go. tliYerAioIS 1H11 www.pIRReerIocaI.CRW 0 PIONES) PRESS ptItICAIltN lord vnan vaxuorl). Mu:m,oan purailase al IWO anibsnO ° ONEI haaail,aoIs pnr leSta nid hoy fol Sn aHd ncu,,la:rllran will, airy aIller aSno 7:llanrliIiCnIO dr aouplfl. fIel alud al Oun,lsy (aspen Mml, Fi duo Oouf nul & Pneu 0,1 NulIrl or HolidAys $x,sr basa ycur Iralaily 0,1 Ilinavoaml belumn li a 111er iO oyylikd Aepirno OS-2V-29. - OF r0nnn.00eenoo0O1lse0m0O.b0m Theatre sog e l-ouO-00I-olcO I,w&naoI000pla,oroamlicii,:giooi:rniona,cliaalio,io I,i,o&Cnu,b,mb,00 pl,,ico,enii,anfuu,i,ieoayhecnrls,staeiiv 1541 RIdge Ruek Muescar, PI aaiasai'odau pIso rnuiiaaa:ono:lnlblauo-roar www.ploneerlocal.com 812 THURSDAY, MAY 2t, t009 go. 3rd Annual Summerfest CeniiOued item PACE Sil June 6'° at 6:00pm * Enjoy music from Elevation (The greatest U2 tribute band on the pianeti ii Summer Intensive's Summer Session & Outcast Jazz Band MsrIul1ImonDorsirtt-6S0ps Junu22nd-fagsnb20nb Location St. Francis Xavier School 808 Linden Avenue, Wilmette (Adult oniy event) Contest bnnhhodloytysbnnlebatnnn or uegetawaltmun@comcast.net for tursher dotalts. A P ObIER PRESt PUtIICATION Betteln lwusondiselopdte-Olepe Antistiohom goIng on ree tnrlseyenrytolkrttt-t.00po hip Hop Itt-itt soi ant ow embua otetand on roil toi Inh onl ederA at o OlIn U or North Shore Dance Center 160076 847-674-2216 www.nerthsheredancecenter.com t40l Ctomlo,d 75v holm Www.pionnerlocaLcom Musiese nu100sted ade Oolorrpor bully io 510 Alto Cnamfornlnyn orn 0115ml Iron lO;010m.'rose Ausoum CorroSion AlOCO RalO mn lis Common Seth Plopem all'mIe nags IroU mo numb Sensolnum luonmullheshooeall pm. mm shorts allowed, Hunt On Dl ornldon ullols 000nsunenr plotmon,Tosteol Josalollhrylnsetomplooe 1110011 Co II 11721 0mO-0111 mm niAit menililtem' slattern und oslun loom Idol mnlorenl Tmirily rash 010100 nsrkstnp in de- hull 00010m, siles lleknlsar0000rlablo wurknhnpsmhnrnohildion noroto bunsb:0005som.iplsm'nSdnnoo io signed tu Inlmoduce dm95 00011m sI lhelhoalonhnnntllsosntol Moy SD. 20001 hs en Chi0005 loe so sono I'll lo ho mslId 07 Irish tonno ssnslrustnieploonrslsnsollrotirien- osmIO lt000000lo onn, onnneNl'rsn.JulytvCaillhotnl ins er Polli 111am Is mill loa mr Iho balms 01 sis Ihn mob Ile tsr lelo Is, lInt tonAn. 'i o sIdling pmopnm les hoipuos 01m 000eeni SO 110 Iflemlmyhle sresrtosneprosortndbbrotuh es al lotion Peeniono o bisets and eno ne o lramthms000mnlhsutlo antelAs community TisHotuarn SIA ant sto to 0arihnondrt Is door CatI 17711 2801015 erslortomo rieb-amori,nflorO in 0110m hondo- er ooliolllrs rolslod Is OaIisn 051lIre. 0dm insito is in dud od mito sr notrusso donation Io Ihn ou- any 09 Jo na tI-tb July 1-0 a od 71e; sene.Kdn traIl ysnkshopo err russe' mendndtsrrtildr000ensdond up, but t terr in ts minimum ano ie7oitomnrh Porlidpontnmssl 60 assoepooinrl by on adulI Po pro-rogistisl'uniusroonoard.JutolS Moiaturn messo rues. Modon Eroso ParIr Dlutriot Ioni yler noblem, Jul98 ritto Ituh Fnoily O Ohr, urn hold Iron 6:lA-nl1D pm. st montre 1900 01 nalnoflt Ass. Chisa- Ihn Promis Iioeçoeeurily 200101. 1030W. CorrOsIon tine Json2lr 05gb CHILD'S PLAY Tmnderolta' mill lo prousrted by Chests Rids Cse7Ony alit tOnnO ne Tiinstsilll Co11l170120d-95000r ,rtnnnm.lhi0000drtss000000.lsdl. Irish teortsunhtoritnçotonhrr,4621 N Roes 000.Ch'oato 71111 052-7016. Ay Rundb. JuIyAOueH Rel oy July 27 Sumnry100uoPuppelenru Aug.11 Corro Faod100,'JutA mo osoot ele- emm.nishneh0000 JutyttOOdile PIONEEItPREsS sm'S pm Tsnodat'ldursdatleurotoor 1601 bloom Ene slice br Pits ir CAsato Ihetirn-osol pros arr ads- lnmhIIIyld Theatre 000dearR at Ito Merlo Store tonton tsr Ito Porlsrming Ads, OSAI Shekot od.Sbodn 10171 t toot loo eta Oros Stool-It Partiel Alt-0h35 ommrorlhl ettore Ornino lOo noimnoal lrponmootlnn rapiosonlino utlmictmunms Oa,lIsoas 000misso' aoulnarbollronmtnnsomu, Urnson tu- s ludo mith a Ihm usuta sprArsi par- oies al 1:00 pe;danrinlmseRt1-ll pm Moins su 10 escOdo librAnmomIsIn Otsollega uludarts o'ill IO lnn000so 10m 151511e arI minoIs, Au p srio u u 000,0 0 Apelo h50 in r eles OsmIo munis 10m all swing, lalbo nod Damd Jsly tI-Oug.brl Ihn 11ml 40011' eIn 15051500167 0010 And bsllrnnnldonmos Portmsrunslrnqsiol sahhnrl500tantalollbpRnso, Mot 00 Domo prnennlst ONOopaou -n molos noisome 005inninl Os000lo 06110go. Coso lOI sis'oIaou neslon nl Ioll-loulrsrtrso Inmolo tour. oulnurn0ed 15m iotnmmolino. osI 10011 0710110 nnaidlmnn,.00t0000uhisa' bob el ,hmnmludeuolmimitnl-nhimt, Irgiolmal 50 In il Pt50lO5L 00111031 IlolioThontre TOUeUioIslnOeo. SkoO n Cull lO1l 6771161 09 oisil oimnnslnk'Otheotrr loor Tioluls amo lb ro stnurlm. CeS el the anno stIess 00 In t nlhovnlon 1000 5-20 Hilo Isomomms TOO Ho." Portsi000sss oto p.m lriduyoonteutsmdsys. p m,r Ssc bol doe on nl lete mo Inh 00000- r Ysiltmr,lo nie oslo Ir brIn Pro' oleo art ssupins AgIto uh. 59bhp1 I impmeoioollun sod musirn vostre us runhlasoimmiweaodlioldlrrps Io Clisada ulon 16551mo. bolet Comp tom AmIss T-lA dutt 10-July 12 sod July 14-AsgO, tnulsdr005somblo-bassd onlinE. PIO IntImi mee It Ont ihrProal nation, mOsiOaI Ilaalroant antibon tocho nun hua lion lyorhnhsp tor troc preseNts Slaemoa nI Curios Ip. lerhog no Isp 050110. sIs Ihm tuO 1901 arm oOnOOtie mol" Thotolo 01001015m and sod other cuoio prssidot 5900.5 Onodon 0-ID, Jab 14-AsO. 7. termed Attimo pnrlmipsnlmh Ins Jump O IrlIn J ois P sIno Cs sun eAr sud osrrohsorsolntt pm. eaturdoy. 15110055 hO ta porinneunse atA pm. Ibis tostemerastepo aro Dinnnyo 555 sIt and t 6e n nanti July h-11; dyStonino"YslnrPariA JulblS 'Ihn Ape lb otnrï OtallerR omJslyCO Inge 'es mous Pa rl OmIS n Opon to srl- nludoolo ant don omm W47l 0011101 on Am 5550i lush ban 11151 005 064201 000la0000srl500utamm oIs JaOo2O, Juni pObmIrol 10169i000 Ion' mom leteos vol Oslo Pnrlor00000. mr ommkrintnoudanmopsmlnolm intomomol nOnio mg inslutonunep rdi0050sdueao onthikAunsstsJuim hmm loue 0930 00, Aednusdayo al Ihr PirAl imiled Arihodist Cslrotmml yhtthe sass PIll'pot repellt'I per- pmuorem lornlorunt oIr Isodnasood rnbnLdnrossPmoo JsnelT 00m: loop 09lIre Ions Irslool. $ OS LaI ka niP y n n hslmhua' daron mo mol- sume 1100e age IV a rd oller ir lernst- Ins PluMeu. 615 umana ont 50e Os grusrda00050promnnoo 5m psrlOor nomos' loñtnseotymo UnlsnrorlytmnOlnnbolim donUPo s sossoes ChinaIs tonno Club 10011 611-0110. OsmIo Is OU mulo lmnmtbo'Slslnte' dut Iron 1.10-1mb p.m Oalsrbsyuul Aeofl000 10h50 tubi 0161 rullio Ama. Omaollo toil. 15511150 00 Inne np Ward luishull DanleConlootblmlo Cimnlrbrino,00000toe JurA4-0,Opn Srrmnlhesl Cr000 fl ho Rsrl6 Oug.121 Opon lo 0300 21 and nil or 15 en u' Oelen pu rl, Clossnu o ro hold ir Jellmsy Ihn lIest. derubiln0000mhnls.aomdnrsr p Club a slub 15m soup los aod linplon, toe 120. IpnomrrO loIns mr Indo Jolt daosnc Ihn 0000nd oOd InuIt Osolaya st tberlmonlh oli yoa1l5o nI Ito Pamlymd0000miamosslol,l020 Soot' orn 90e. ParI Ringo 005010 stamI sI s-1,-n Spuo rs Sports & Polo tAu000 Ososo CAlsogo'o ciadA City JmlOsr055 Club CJ Odhumu Dong Imiti IlmO Wilmolto holdrdaneeslnthreufls 011tO'eOs lone lecIte 10011 0A6'btII. J0001, tIll 130 pa.' o salin 5005dioo Deb- ROs Ort name, IronS pm-mido odIaI Ils 000ruramluç no hall 9151W Pa- Itt po milhnqusnoslmumO-lO pm diur,lllltontralet, Enonotsmlehll 4lO-leOS.mooetobn tenseur nro. bie Sue Cs etusA pmesonts n ohne 0100 One Prank mu Pall, sr Le 00 str et' 7lrl400'lSon.Jumtu PairrulmsPa Au 27rolud d nnolioo is At a dulls; hehl bonodsn her lomar honRo. IIMII'oQIe n're noted OIn'rssisn lo slob doPons mador Moor 00110115 101510, June 00 ron mousson nlsdento sod ohildrnr. n nO 11h11 latino AO ounot IsAl loi montura: All sr yeomen- 'Omoollorlem Solio" M sheLl M0000e olthe boy bao In- www.mysteryltd.com I Alar pmosonle Atomisa st Csrimouly: my aN500m is bnu ILlasto' bib Alb III stu000ts and menuoro 104Th 491-IlSe sr enmidanoo oeltheostarm 0dm nrnry hold norellod it the esrI000p COMEDY Reservations Limited Oorl000slemn Inumomo ly Ososo Pro- Thnronronsuud linon 1er rotos non seme hoi rann, Iul'n nnO lino daromol. Clue Hunt, Murder Mystery and Dinner Call Mon-Fri (773) 267-6400 1616 TIraI lonoh000s Op tIno 515m Sollinnon OuWAPsoInt Ciross- The IRAIt 069'6ADI I sony, Call 10011 027-110601 10411 AOl- SS-DO. Bye Byn sind n." July 27-Asyl. moo L 2h LOpOro WO r Is ose an roll Jtii F' LYIII iii i Pol inlommolbon. loll lItlTtS'OOOTsr L .5 1mmI liii .1 1 Ilium I OurlAs A0000PorOy,131-lIpm Moi Is 'ro Je Il t 'dm1. July 271 Mogis eniosrkshsp.Rnmstoneo ire 01 Mio. PASE 017 0h00 nio:Jatyte-la. 'Ido Music lyon, Jolt OrsnslcvTbotnoislets porstudent n osa a no o 09101ml Mg hursy. In pa000001ansnlnmuua sr 11001 159- andJulylt-Auo.ti soIn atad ne, ye usrduythrasol trIsTi niihati- area. floor TonOS 410050. PIsspeel Os- lIbO Codos Sen, laporor lo.0000duPERFORMANCES Iludas srl molernos Hold trips nod srot, with discounts ocal odio tsr martora Insole lise 9.10 on-711 Tabbo nO ParS OIgo mill be held J514 9-bl rs Polk OdiOs 101000 000Lneno Sus sI donAn al Ostato Ososo Canlal Thuredayu at Ihn Pork edin 07mO. II W EkolleThoutne, Toll Insolm ten Okays Coli 11411 617-hAl el eidl cousAnt iolhOeltmesm. Aemmor booth Ptogmuo.milh psilolmunens al 1011 u.n. lislols aro AO im stranIo. UI al Ihn dsst, te tor Arles 100rehip olidarts unlosn 01 horn so ootad Jalyt. ellIot ldm00000lrsmtmnn and pentormo nono ht Ihr n000Iu Ihnalma duoS Ilirr ulyiristd 55500535 n, 10011 All-lOOP Juro et, I'll-lIp er MARICE enYdmonlala imioomitysaiboris Wnrdlamohn Llanos 000101 II Orts CilIo Drmmo,Cnaoolsn J0001-diIpm.. OIS eilt earn soHne tuo,rne and ostn t'n píe Relation loto lItho onttummonle nsmin-eusisoipesrnoperslnnnn'onokeerknhepsmi Ihr nlterod, to, od or a hit musiral IonI 510110000 and 0011400 deel aro, liso 010go a otarIo 'omont Pill la aIs ng 10e trmamblomnylmumilylarme osar. Oinrl OmlOO wono.irlelolubda000usoor 01017100 Ihr lomo lealsoes omliclm loom losni lsSteOlOsIO, aod lles maim- n09-y4lO.ent US.ena'esil etst000snThSOO Ini 00550027e. CAohOlOLaSOtIsol Pestinol091bre 0095 10 Pn 'N pm, J500 20-21 In Ihn Prospoll sod Chub onAllnuruamell amtl Ire, 1011v Snobs wily lora onomo June10. INnils nl ISO 01010095 stet osts in orados 3-IO; rotirlrulisr is ir prsornss. Cames un, udn Jun or Ceno lcr yrad005 s Juoolt-JoIylD Inht A gym Wer ku in es iront Lb toying nary.Ounniomcnuilbnleldl000tb-JeIy at 100 CanIn 01 OblII P001. 10000 Od' drsOn 010011 010ml JOhtduT.b0'lt Otterirgi. atraed sporlod nestle, tale orlI treturollouro, Visit museums sod tots 0515mb les. 0016 Oui shid 0 nom le ont tul its ateo Muoreol Too' alor e semer Worl000p. Its dotto dunn Using your favorite color, fill in only the shapes that have a grey dot ( °l to find Out where your Pioneer Press newspaper comes from nl 000li,loteaolem,om Or 11121 SSS1011' 11011101 prions Ifllndhelsode ne 1911510 rare or Inno Ohr 0510 lernst nnobsnl Ihn bouler, oeIl 10411 6111120 Jero It'll. O p mc: Gonrur LIpon Tali Os IAC9'mOnsTnul.imok- FAIRS M FESTIVALS loo onIon loir St moot Slatinm lIsp pioo Clbal020nsoClaptonolltpoaroo, sumeor port nne 00 arts eaepo tor otdtirn 01 loo tree I-S P.C. hidden picture 0500eooI000trpOyICl. Olor The TmlmuhW 00510eS at Irish Harns Road.0500esol Irslolssmoaoaulablo pu cts nil coplero Chits tins su lIn rai lain lint rile moro Itas see third attorerosronhlassrors0sn 156101er dovoJrsioyio IBiS Ii 'i 50 DIII 01 II UIl 0 21 MAY 20,20091 PIONEER PRESS NEWSPAPERS Oneoctecly NowOl000ec of Kohl ChIIdpen'o Mnuoos.fln of Oceoton ChIcogo PIONEER PRESS noue I.0CAL SOURCE V' boHUCIIeLunsruO I5ÇJs\ 2100 POnOlOt SOULEVas 0, G LE5VIEW, IL 60025 I (847) 832.6600 I w ww. koblo bild ronumu ovum .0 ng nt5l Grow Ûutstde and Play! onch b000rtlles, climbing struoturas that allow ahilaron to mimic and acplore arimat movement, a elate wall tor yolntlng with wotor, and a senso gardon with plants ta engogn night, hosting, smell, and touch. "Noture prouldos o totally altIer- eel setting, with ditterent learning outcomes than in an anol050d indoor onuitonmeot," sayo Many Piñon, Vice Preoldant at Programs st Kohl Chudran's MAccam. "Try taking traditional Indoon entloitles Outsido Ond sso what dlftonent skills d000lOp. How anos ploy- me with ta pecare differ In tine green trom an o loor? How dann anunenen nurtave affect building blocks? There areno many diffatent teoturon, sounds, and emails that affect howa child moms whoa tin in outdoors." Picture some at your favorito play eaperlences when you wereachltd. What ara the memories you most fondly cherish? Perhaps they mactue climbing trees In your backyard, building tarts In the snow, en008lag In neighborhood hide and seek gamno. What Is lolling Is how many et them inastoed getting outside and nvplanng the World atoand you. OntOnunately, thoee ano memories that mey be sadly absent tar many at the rent generation ut adults. Visits to national parke ara dowa, tentais at camping equipment have plummeted, ovar sa les atoblidnee's cognitive, psychological and physicol wollbelng at children. Having lash Outspaces whet o children con nun, jump, end engoge In phynicol play Is guito sim ply no longer a nicety, bat a aritical tantor lo d000laping ond ptcmotingathrlolng, curious mind and hnalthy body. The loch at these essenlial capehonoRs vor haue 0h01. aun results, suob ea tho tise la childhood obealty, but also loss obvious ronulte. gloSera Labo, an copeO on ootvro del- lait disorder, natas that bicycles haue dropped proolpltously In lovant yOOts. Meanwhile, well.mesnlng patents 0h00 000tschodble their chu' drOn wit h 06er-sohoal actlollies, toscans, or programming. White by themIdols, these are not borootui, they can deny children the chance ta simply go booming medical sta- ploy Outdoors, engaging la a oarlety of probtem soloing, risk taking soalat lotaractlans, all at which are skills chil- fehl Children's Mu. dren need to be 00000nelul. A growing body at ouideocosuggents that access t o natore end time spent ootdoors enhances the social, donts hove had 4161001- lysedetatandlog how fha homer head works because thay'oo anvor playa 0 wIth ahane or tried slphoolag water. scum lsaddneeslng this need ton outdoor 00000ctlono with the reopening st Its evyondod and lmproued 2.00re outdoor Habitat Path Letter from the President A personal flote from duck, duck goose support both physical odueatlon and deueicpmont at social Intanaction skims such as toamwvrk old coeperamlue play ire wey hot the Msasoum Prosldent, 01055100m can only bsgin to touch open. Sheridan 'Turner, NoI only orn we erpandlng Habitet Park's physIcal Interactivu eiemenls, we ara dooelopisg ThIs summar tha Kohl ChIldren's Museum ouhibit on Jano 3. Now oddillans with the ro.openlng include an Imagination hut, milkweed garden to ottraut mon' Whan children go outside to play celobrutOn the grana re-opanlng ot Hobltat Park SpotIiht on Learning 'In thin and spoorolng issues of Leariniog fa Grow, We'll show how elomnnts ara built into oaoh oohibit to enooarage teemIng ot msltiple 080 18001e, Below aro uotinitlon Io the Hobilet Park onkiblt that promote learning at esoh age (eaRl, Oonvons tar the Whale bomily. Maey thenbs to our generous sponuoms who haoe made 1h ess wosdentul will como and enjoy thIs addod teaturo to the oppoounllios yosslbia. in shah, Habilel Park glues children thu chance to loam through Ihe bed moelle uuafubla te thorn'ployl I hopo you will visit and oopamlenoe this greet new orru end dl50000r Jost hew notumol leorning musoum's collnctien at rich eeyarIencos. van be. Come gr cw wIth usi childhood obenlly, end look oh oppontucltlon ton children to ton, jump. 011mb and do all those aondnrtul vhlldhoad actiuitles, We hope thor you You will also sor menu new progroms and avtiultles outside, ail designed ta engage ahilaren in lbs wondsrs and beauty et the natural acrid around SHORT CUTS News and flotes on happenIngs In and around the museum communlhy Campa FIllIng Feats WIlS plogmomming naoiusiuely tom e to 5-iear'OldS, sum SammOm OIn000nmy Csmps (manolo g June 15 through August 21) tenture nmnr full weeks of ndvontionsl ectloitles and lessons, sIl semed up In a oniqusly oppneilng end latamactine Musnum 000lmormsnt, Onsslocslnclodegmoupmnssonslroptluate room, ealdoem ectluitles in' Hebltaf Park wadder parmittlngl, sneaks, end slnff-aupemleed aeplonatlon in ISO Museum cohlbits. Cheese one Weak altar, or sign on for ail nleei Cali (040) too-coOs for detalle, Tour Partnerin oduvatlon, un. Sature s000engem hunts deuelOp monlel mapping ok//Is, curiosity, and language skillu. Meanwhile Oneri/o, Tlniror Sensory eaplorero organiond gamos such os tag, hldo.end-uooh and PraoiaolllanaCyvñnll/Cll/lalen'sMcoourn I Phytivally ohallenga seit by climbing hIlls/mounds EnJoy seosory Input lilie the tael of I Walk through the gross moza with WfleTcachas Ice Teachars? OAt the Museum's blunnuet Chiv000lund preludI Appr000h Summer Irstiluta on July 23 S 24, early chfOhaad aduostore can jo/o nalionoliy renowned coperte, Or. LIlIan Kate, Or. ludo Marlis helm and 0m. SyluiO Chata, 5100g wIth sopeminnond pmojeut approoch resaler s, lam two days el Inter00050 workshops and oepeñunvee. Teechems moli gaIn insIght loro making T000h end oaplorn properties of the noulptures 3005 yenrs Thoy maintairl physIcal Rtness. Perhapt mont Imponently, they build momanias Eaptore batutas und soents ut plants In touch and emell b000e H Climb on the small er climbing loot a IltotIme. wñlch features o whoio new artay el wondertul ocpnnionces tor children loanatural, sate and stImulatIng uattlrug. We 000ntsntly hoar about eco programming os well, Indu ding dully snIf. guidea aoliuItlos, stalled natums domenstratloen and auen o onmlso at spaviul eaening outdsat Bln'th2years they do moro than just buto ahanergy or mIndlessly tun otound. They d000lop 000tldsnca. They hone social skills. and set yatterne ter learning hot will KOHL CHILDREN'S MUSEUM I LE005tOG TO GROW Problem solvers hein olussmooms mame olbmall end eblectboc by lopping into child men's innora ouciosity and direoting helm learning lhmough hondean eopemioOtiel projects. The toada0 workshop, which eotns CPOO vtndils her boodhols, costs oIly AtOO. Coli iO471 002.08Pn fon mere lnfotmstlon, The Institute has bean spansobod In pan byl I Determine how to stag Old stop spinning on tho spin botole TIre Abbau Poca Bunk etdiOadcs Founastion Prendo OeldlerFavttdotion Tot FoundatIon grand Wotorie FeacdstlOo LefkoSOpFomil*Fovndsrieo Naulgate through the lirons mozo H 008 9mars Inquirers, eoperlmenlòra I Ploy orgenmzed somos of Imagination I boamine ora oomyote propoolen and media of the soulplusen I Uopetlenoo how acimots moue end bnlenoo on the otlmbing sttactunan I Eoplora how ivelon changas the look at the water pemntlog 0011 Veulmtl Pork las aeon aororullsh undoran?len Oy lilt u/anuo, alla OrcEn V Vuuvrr 10101V Tut vu/anon 0111171110 WOrn nit Otoll ulstn Onmutuuaapzllrl/y lvn/rmcryorc'lltnlooy u/luto Alldlllolrtl 01100011 provIded uy lut PñOycM/lvnvnl caplla/ulollloproorarll, Uonarinlclllolhulu,zlñotcu,ceo, I/I/oslo ulule MuOoullÇ I/lu yrcl,lllrtnloluacurllallduorury lilt 000001 InnI/lu Poulldzllclu 011nllyllovc, TorIl Vra umlor 111101110cr u lun E/aura y, Vra Mor/u L 80/rulos rollndzlion, Il1011/IlIvIn C/ncllEllnlvyGOmlnllll/ryFavllOtl/olr: allo flIldelVall l'noi OclIll/ol,o. Mali/usaI prvurulrlll,dlu Ill VuOI/Vr Pala Ilndtllnrllen uy IISdC 'tlorlll lllIltnL't. Sueane Hauts Att REnnt e EnteJase its Ausser 31, intL CttLOtslt't MUtnUrs alti nnrnsn its oeuns re encele Open M nnnnrs ema 5t30 ea. untiv 5P.M. M nennst eitt en nsalnnts on nintmss en gO0 s.s, Ohaks oIt the blues and get ready te poInt the town tad wEh the now trauallng euhibit Calor Play, now oc dIsplay at Kehl Children's Museum through September 5. Partact fon buddIng artIsts, young onirntlstu er sep chIlates with curiosity to spare. This eshiblt Ints Visit ors ocplefs noI only Ihn mogle end beauty et robing old matching valons, bat else the scIence behInd how our ayes percebe color. 'the eohlblt Is onchotod by the Color Play House, tlmroe artistically pointed end specially lit reame thet ehem all colon In amozieg ways and demonsttate how light affects celer pnrceptloo. Turn the lights on aed off In the Yellow Light Room to make comets appear and dlsappOar. Or tuln o cran k in the uitraoloiet Light eaom touscouer moni bld des nur prlsnn not alslbie to the naked sua. Emnoñy, Ihn sambas Room sends harets ob 0010m 11cm aptismatic chondailet chewIng guests to see 3-dImensIonal holograms on the wails. Once you've ocplared 1ko heuso. there ore piahty of ethos cvlcr-orlsntod stations to eeplomn. Including: IA Elashlog Neon SwIrl lotemootiveooeipture that chIlates oar operate IA Paiarmned Window that makes colors magIcally oppnam Imom cleat objects IA Soap aubblo Window, wIleS highlights Ike swIrls 01 colon in as 000msiaod bubble Cool Colar Spinners hot make fue paeomns when ohlidron turn them IA Celar Storm mavhlne that lets hi as crank up a tlummy et 0010001 tool hams and bluff I Thu 01g Kaleidoscope thaI 1ers you put yoam focs Isla he changing assigns Even pamonls will haue fun with optioa1 IllusIons, noplenotlons at how color taleulsien sOd colar pmlaling Wer k, and 00100er psychologivol colorfast 1h01 looks simple but we'll bat you ocal pans en your hmst tryl 5000mo neplome Calor Play wlrh your family. Who knows, yau usI mlghl ba tickled p10kb tissus JuLr 40 Ptosnn Earn ron Mssnsa sILL ou utennn co tstunnsu JUL14 P55 trio MaI00 Family Faandstion M000rmiek FoundatIon C. Louis Meyer Family Founautiao Polk awe, F005datloc Ekglrns et Suecaes O Kohl Chlidrnn's fufueeuw would lIks to m000ghius lbs gtatlturts to IWO 5mar05 supp000rs et the Museum whe ata taking bald onto nIppe In 1101m 110es. Decid Gr0000, CEO ob the MoCemmioh Feundahlan, bss on000nced his tnllmernenr, whIm Amina Slchomson, snnbor Dimeotom fam Cerpcmure Community invalvamoof at aran roads, hun decided to moue on to eno oentemos. Roth Sean been oIent tminnds lathe Museen aUnt Ihn postran aeon, und we alsh them well, te additias, ths Mvsoum'n Womem's Honra would 115010 recagnlce the gonnmoun support of our many sponsors tam sur sucoosnful Touch o Truck Family on Oundey, Moyo, lnsluding/ Michnot ana CarolIna Surco Mr. sra Mro. MivyOol 0. Manlomon The Owed Famyyr ThaMsrllerFamlh' Lavroa000nonFosnor JenOItOr ana genl/ev Rico Ton Henry FOrnty The Sstrerwhltn Family The LolkabeIqi FamIly Toe Zabel Fomily The McLsughiln Family - Sect forget nel membnrs-atsty sondeO (epeOnored by Polyform Prndaete), hem 5u30-5I35 pm. ne FrIday. Jaty 311 sonst, teas sot user trio tnEnPOeestlen Sur Pesuaa su en unLnnnutn tun Rs-apodoso sp aun f ermnt Pans nssiorm. P1040tH PRESS NEWSPAPERS P MAY 20, 2000 P3 bEbERlOS TO GROW P KOHL CHILDREN'S MUSEUM Summer Outdoor Concerts Announced The hills of Habitat Park will be alive with the Sound ot muslo this summer os Kohl Children's Museum debuts usarlos G Uttltt 3 Oce,rmus T roiDIr 4 of apon-aircnncertS in Its newly-reopened outdoor uohlblt. w mo tun kicks ott on Friday, Juno lo at 5:30 p.m. won a Grand Opening 7 concert headlined by Clammy-nominated t4 II 21 22 lunnyreoording artist, nuiph'a World. Featuring songs from the lutent release The nhyrrring Circus, singer Ralph Causa (pictured) nno hin band will have kids daacing on the lawn in this apociul canoed hundrolsar presented by the Museum's Board at Governors, wOh thu suppatl at HhAdvuntogn, Goldberg Kahn und Fidelily lnveotrrruntu. Food will bo available for purchase from Marcelia's, o Fathar and Son Restautont. Tickato una $25 por puruon tor the rain on shine show; proceeds will support m000um operations and outreach. Latan lathe summer, Habitat park mill bathe hamo tor Music at rho Museum, o serinant three outdoor cuncorts pr050ntad by thu Ruuinia Feutical. Classical, tnurbiouknu1000.rorIi:nrnirmondub June 2009 o.asus,, h A 16 Jan, and pap music are in erare tor this turnhly-triendly serins: July 10K The Lincoln Trio prosee ta clussicul sntncttoss July 30K Orll000t brings back the music ot Ihn Saunas August 20) 7-your-old pionier, Emily Oean, pertorms jura und odginel 0000S 12 13 20 26 /Iw '-'I H' mOclln OId0e.lum 21 24 2829 m*ctm 6 18 soee:n.ef ouoo_oa,.a,s J3 tOTO Raer 27 n.0,oOm,.I a0==0u July 2009 tI000t 0000er hurten Tickets tor the three-cascen sones uro vulon pricad ut $10 yen parson, or $5 tun ouch individuol ccncurt. Mombere raceicaa 2% discount on ticket prices. The museum doors wilt open at 5:30 p.m. At 0:30 p.m., rho ochibits will close and the cuncans will boOm un rho lawn in Habitat Park. ctacttcct ' tourber _______ Far morn intesnatian or ta purchouu tiokets tar any st these caceta, call 6 1 (047) a32-Oot7ar visit www.kahlchtldreesmuseum.nrg/hahoat. cunirvur Irmcuu rn 8 7 0o.en 5,.Owm,r 9 Oird'r Rest MoErt Build a runt liku a bird r would trum Icurd motrtials. Syateku: Point und p6mb , Oird's Nest glaubt: iturtùgolt tiro Votirty ut tasis crrolnd by d trient birds tu itunt how thnit hAbitai inliuntuno thrir nrtt-muidn5 practican. JULY K Solids and Liquids 26 20 27 11 eSusammsa giekini aed Flouting: $aroatioeol Senses'. Thurcdnys ai 2:30 p.m. Discount buuyaccy by Hobilal Porti 001lulont: Ourday ihtuugh : iot=t0Odl0l looter r rollctn utocon 2 cicelicct tueur :Hunuccn 4 3 CHA5O August 2009 onma. sITuaDA? iduhonedlarhtttlgoFteh001daio rODal lAti Oli corroan antrllga 010111 PIi pi Irlo und ei dr, calaltral Woermr Cn cIel lar Ii:n Arlo chut 511fr 111000 buI lilninnq lonitu000 011mo. Tel inbelnolien el Imeietmabien oiu i C,nlr:NkluN Kcathomoat,Chioaqc lAorvilH. FlOE Oblat PatIn nnlim- mennohbnsedoluLinrea i/MI/rai' hou o a nu peu lriuhl hidapi M1NOO"SOioeor Oodhrup'aOdyoaOc.' 9000, Intel O Acolen TouhnieoeeIOlT sots uldrmeht Salardair ltd caen T lhdosBedet001dm-lamno','Tnool mmooTh010iKnnsOhollHrC Jam bu"Adannnienlaouan. 1100101' 10011/ 111mo ene la nie 0110m null lu1 rl CarOl Alunn, Birra iortt and inn Ilari OnuiTtit Haken and spa r truhtte mt Cloront lmaumnta,Chmlu' q, CoBo HOn tank SIan can Iron ra Onrindrpmdontriboordddlefu' nOnkbeullr 00011100.0 10000,90 msartpbcumnit annld nindire unda' 0101310 ObRO 01 000901mo Teneohip pnrdattlmalotn.debunttbulHlod H go hohcaiiuCb DeIgn OIr, AdnoeIlo CalIno leo io 3151 dnrdbtn idol 9pm Doch The Hr Il 510mm tu rd ihr badaud al irrok Maolu, Orad 111,0lire ale lelnd b? d;ueuuioro nrlhbhraodinnerli 000llmue contro' o lolo IllS als iii ealtighIn Lola r Ihn sali Anhalt Iaeau'u tardead nein mrcornlaiooin;iadrolhmuaik TaeLs 1h dtnculitalmenuolidtimio obanrnlu.Itruaulutorub amonts inquotnbtnelam3.ISOIO0 '09mm TonooUSb,'Ohonlbti. Padbb IrnoireelaIIuOnlIbodlllcbhlUO ih:ar brIol talio antat allOts Ita' IT 19oLm,c,, 2,uom,,m us,,, Vice President 00 Adcartleieg Mike Opening Marketing CaardlnutnrfGraphio Artiut Koilp Thomaa Graphio Artist Jesniter Williams 2tuwao,, 30 21 ' vbut'Lacsm9,..,.,C°'ï 2kuu,oro LFlSBCD fO-- na buIdtIln hollino Toe atlhobonnul o :0110n rotc 11:0 lIbo ara velo cl the 1101 1h10 cO, bnl Olnnnh 110,1ro Ihr 1196 taurO d000ebalmOlu Cb 0000 fula' ori0001blr Tou,1010liale100bt 110512 bollan Hrdnllduro, alatI' nakol Ja It I flor buono o A boot) lo mo Jun03. lb Ihn 0111000 PalkO e' rraidonl rho oltncObn Ic 01010mo Ils iluol, 999 Glenn Doy EeoC Gienbee Coerallnbuu 001011111 lun len, l'uI oots e. Mblaaokee Mue. OILES, 01 oaeno.mosnlnl0eOolIen.bne.1ao bi Newspapers ti0u0lnuObbO0d0Iblrn,blib n" blond Ih001rnnrncoiookcltnndt Nodo OBero Order codirl, 161 hulIb gunnar Dddmr Modo, robaI: eq laniitbmimualdanhla cummdrp.nl onmtynndtrldae,JO9004'Aat,lO on leid RouE nollhbrmid C dull Irr re Ihr Enel oem allo ot nl Io N etho ir 1100100 dim onnklccbbo,nroiIileeNlS'k.iOPn Eoanolauldniueilt loller in Ihr ulokin lihtely and vAllon Ha UtIlIR dalles Inalar ce o::gltti l'tn ad, 11cr nuoro loi Itur p,:ditg 11109 10dm. lIOne Onto Amliesi mearlO a. Jal0 tonel at blur, Fine ni lun eoinonod al unIdo Cetlnro ubcmmniuk Iad:tOnon Muden cieco Path Dlettid 9100 Modio hrehbualthrldlllilrhutttl Pala lieue br co 1h01:10 brIm ro lati chal 0.19 ubunno Park, Shtddcc coed und Ch: mhsirnnl,uuacolao.10npinlhu 1001:00 60000. Otnpubet, al Ike mille. n0000bt pI:cuionnlrhled Oil' noobbear10100lu 910111010 T000pOO Aldo1" 999 T: ' Folti IcI InSIlI Ihn 1111 ei r Oil Cocon Colo PO llar 000e." Ihbluehdbodoirpo and rm;oidLnIe di o ruler orp/,dn. LECTURES 111110 eduilollrldabbdnldPOlIOlO bn000n,iIaanHotbInCnnlnt,b616 or: noi rodons mlndlrçJanlo /bstO'bbOhl and hob huehundelluOl orehl010h 001mb, ebb lInO Ion noS l'li:: lentI Poll, Sb ndduu Boni Juhmm0001rIiiOlh'lIbiìlG blJOEO TiuGlolInS oladrmÇJoln4, unI O u:thtirnnl,ueanolan hallt os vo hbbynemnbhanblO:ainlatlitio, ORGANIZATIONS i ercuuoaipnmiemnarmnoa:Idnsun olIaI OrO, entri aaoi on, load lttn io' Dot P111mm, Ont 00111 dm011 1110 5 1110 lIc 00010e hI lun lIeB lenin lkUiCVOiIbroeeeon lIrmIOreOIJO' en ihr OrlcddTabldlN el Il ohetlb Benn Othubillrr CrIB und nuo eon9eb' al blue P bailO lahoc Ce 5000119 Cm lIeb, dt loch J00000 Clrrulian, Carl ABO po 0510101 amid nro oie Il ndlnann 100 bIoel000atnruiolhaPuok laudabrcb' duleluocalllumlloek uuonooio/Ol. Nudhnmllale UnivanoMd4O Odd 01110 anteo. Deane tas 10411 4910001m pankOldtohlLmeDlmacoil 01100 pu.bhollIndFnldaOetlblnlmIhin Dm1,50 011016 1H01 tOC lIlt. 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IlIB oreenon WEEK ALL NEW iHOW nnoelklee,dU/0001rI01 Iht thaw iron launlabteikuotnrrcmltubl' 0cl rl umnn'evubl boni cdnuoioniu f:nc/thIlddO'DldO ornnnvmtyebr' .EXT Fe9 u rIo bellen odour Ihr Da r: leo Pleolac loi; t011 105 101O 01 eLlI Ihn boiIh'IO" July00 '0,19901011. "limo laonrre. FlmrrdO ei lubIe Oui cahIll." 0 dtoaue cc und ordII pmo' (047) 699-0999. beonro al 6e Ikokur banqul. TOi li 10011e con lIeb n Dan 1h00 laCo Smnnn bnlrnrnlima mneliIbidltde aoiloltlao,ani001Ir 1740 MilwaUkeE Aoeeue (at Lake Use.) - GIOUAIEW CALO. 040.405.7JteboO (bal. OnttenCoeelnilycdlaçr Enmlrlue Ottbubr ColItE 1991 Cenqul 01100, enwihtubuibbeo.JInOTO.OP0' PloEIdR PRESS codetbuono, 11011mo Jons I, ab Ihm n ibrhridlronlec.e'Opn.JaIOT' 11011e Fruluder 110/InnI aml;ele,i to lF9 d lr,uutdtrllnbrcaouunpan:rd O Orbo neon CAucaso 1T11i37'lOih Or Prime Top Sirloin D(VERE Juit 9, unu aie AT. Froc adniltico lob Om:l:urd. 4199 lA Orob rId Canten, Everytay Special Parmesan-Crusted Tilapla lOrroloen000ul: Ihnaodold,rut ura laib nr ob ouunldoceponn nelle ulobrO haSh Iren ,clorlecnnnr art mo:rmoui;tonomkliropohdn:ooleniu Prime Top Sirloin Steak & Broiled Lobster Tall uaeat0nny_anolnoniy-AcoledOoeOlOr mob, led Orale nID suo'iii oc alIBI' mo::bo.dnror,orakmnnerdo lull lilt Surf & Turf Menoays (ellO 257-55 Ss lIlIA the 01111 loO Imnu dod 9na nq e ul hero Ihrr huot doto Il bO il ond coptodleol Glenn Icalhnind ort FILM urus:,,, Call Sae hr OnIdolEol Paliad holco, 00101 900 hand 01h01 IndIe n u:hmnc000mcant jmnniy. 3131110e rollh otd tIllo hold hcl:ird Hnllnr PouiJIi(lB 'JeotrnylblhnCbriomat Graduations, showers & more Call for our Full Catering Menu 0111011 nno edIlI al 0110101 P011' olorrioma:mdod;ntcan i orli inch Inialory art hsnnn:eItnuluun bnoue CATERING )We're Cookin' For any occaslon.. CATERING & PRIVATE ROOMS 0W TO 150 piqoorl Io p1111 001km, obI 0901 000 Pobbo CubIlo 1h11 004011 111111 Obunhin On ano Hoettonlle h mn Doll CASH ONLY fleece nomme piobln nr orth o Ibar noldoi e no al' Oonolor amo/ado 3D CnhinolLhi nIele obphaleernqholo nolecan Call/Bell 011602e nel lot tenulnaoFar el 11100 10P011 aantai"qnnnohOil"IonnoIOaldlnOO 11:11: and enuncIo food lodai nIl, lirruaghuat ihn nutkmfld, n od d borro Oomnmtoelubaelo,alenliy coIioityolna 29 27 IBId lob/mol lIeu and eldoeo. En oh Itle000 meson 0001. stoll lb Ibokin Vniuqn 11011 50T H. Tnc'ernk bee on nonIo lube l'AdO on Tomedlnu 01111100 JI000II OnanelorT,null: pOreh ioIcci 1600 OdIno leo, Itorolon C cUllI loo ru lnkrotntmortvpnnl'noi,lue.'hpn iku,uuru, SOURCE tattnncoseadlecnli99robIrlo hi' bi 010110 lioeadniednu IDOlI Ilk' 01Db crrurnocbotp:blauILOouobn Friday al tD:t5 am. (weattio'pennilltivg) PIoER Piuss LOCAL r:andirnnenmol CIurkChbimtiuTht ptagrannui/inuiadoennmnnlalybd un tIn JOlt 2020 at RabbI nid Old 6 Cmettuogremetiee: Turadeyo at 2:30 p.m. our du clin g sink WORKSHOPS & CLASSES 00111m Ohutt A050ni et Out fron IO 230 p.m. cr11001 rnprrlmrnts. YOUR 3Ie.u,,,,_ .oFnloennb Calar Crioer Cnmoetlagr Cailets: Stery Time: Mondays und Wndtruduyu ut null and nninr nIele qilohru oInts' oro euh dtno:up Ihr aa000d 1,1,10 laIne Onubaal and Ita Skan'RCCK OlaruT ng cc 0101001 lanuhi Irrt a301 nl.orun'eonuoun outmully. loe Cabe Paletiri: Evptrlmsrt with cc or mluing volts uciunod lut cubes lu ncpiote adido and i qulds and tiro annuls et trmprrvturn. dun mml crol ah troua aodoititbal lItag re Pulk Fe r ial ont olios, dall omîautetinuiha 11Dm coo. .HI4WIWGOSRO 00 30 29 trod toral Juptnnoa art Additional programming led by Museum eehiblt gelded OrlI acmo,SI dolora, Phi 010410, taIe IO or o ultrim urmlhfoelehvago 000. Okaka Out Sumido ctlhaureal edEl t abnut ccitt nnldng 1h this LtFrlrs pityomu ineludiro Htmllir Mace, Ted rn hondoy.ltrbrutiaailtatana 20% OFF ShOAl Pnlnbnçnaphla Owinle alobo ab ChIps IlehirdTbutsdoyet,aoh rItale lc:etnmotcmlmlttt, und Irlam' hropa:lada I Coli 1110) 2001010, ouI orth Ysti trpïcus to iram Mmnbttl'Ol:lrecaundeladonlanaldo orsanmutrmao Add sr hat spalMi Orb ;eolhttai ncildr Ihr 000119 Hook up auulthnokin0000nl slim Ter mu' All at these Art Odseelures oat gaily gisseuerg antialtios will bu held ir ton Ottoerloros in Ag eehiblt. Gehaltlos are apee tram 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. ned otra rom 1:00_4:00 p.m. during mAuler museum aperating hours (12:00-4 p.m. te Sundays). AUGUS'rlCeler Minieg OlrIane9bedicen JbnaOl,lpsu bolos. $1111 01 thons ait pm., Irireo ulueur;lr Darn cIt lcparh Oder aa:maotatot murada? ituludror Il :t and odo le. Cohobo 114 pnr dar; scOu.ms atntdttadaciuni0iDcialtatrd Sbtrotirg II 1110 line Irte he Eton' bail Foil ,lnlaElAnnulnooirgniii tabla levo dl Ihr nvod'o 9111111 ¿1%e Summer Programs JUNE I Bird Habitais Irlos tttrcumnroilaihrpathBdur tonAr Od Eldid vomie ob Ihn ikohuo PlbOhlrbla1H,ItbSOaklenSI 60 IntO nr bosE nom mnbclnatinr. n'so lira' rclmdelbnun ooJunlg,lpn; 1 TI TO go. Cuntinued (nom PAGE BiO divorsious 1H17 www.pioiioerlocal.com A F1010000 FOCOS PUtLICASION gv., PARE BIO 'bnnn,n'intrkT B19 BIB ittiveroioaas www.ploneerlocal.com Coniiooad 170m PAGE BiT liuilui7800bduolO,olHnllrr000ond loo u 160. Ito honor/ob 0010,00 640 lu 11001,01 uluru-JedyGnrI,r0 61k- 020-Shbuur4040/holrio und000lceusiOui cochlritulions 01 Guam/o suo sonñoncüunu are oil010d:lO 10165m. leoth000r 18000-neol courue 00018 ChblnI00001i 10411 070-0717 tuesday,, Otacilna jupo a, ut CInochE onoo./ppiorg @Wl&ruun'tp.OI by Yeah, 2100 bIg, Garce. Glenneln Rooldnnso boIlsulh,Gborcuban-usol- CooreoleehuSlhGohl010n,o-Tho 2:15 801 7uocdu9a,uiurIiflJunopul 999 Croon Our Road, 0h00h00. 00000 OaokulMooio euubrubu hl/GM959lro' coloran1011ale. Ilur/hbr006. Coursa hum is 090 I. i 000plulnaoPhbhl029r,ry,150l bnpurind 01100/ 01/heI Arar/ti/oId por/onsoIrcthoGnIh000luboI SñnkIuTho*otfoolapoaodafloo ioYnYnnrlbafld"inoISdounurrOhhOm prooeo/nyrooramu /nibu56o6e1in ponebnhorhdoccnron/orY0Ion,0rih' builou,000rO.01a70.m hohk000ru' ahre,T011GinsobnOsESñuOe Cdii cnphìnn,brona9ehlmun,odoinnhlor i5471671'TTliorviuiieroosknkly/On u/renom.0ay29'10,Spo.,undMmy /19 la000l Gorrnun 90190 hold il Mcd I09010ConIor/orlisinryand Col/uro, 202pm.Jn 70,10 Mord Too 00,0 noIi oumpu do/na World leer Il bi Ihn sill 0900k ,bnul Iho 501009 P091 co' i6,Gou7/1r9 tour. 520-200. hbohdinihro/learilacd" iruvo4ngns- 01104180 FROGS PGBLICAT1OH 7- UNE Premiar Lve- Theater Guide Chioago-1and ¿ o,ni000inoninlulosuoourhtuiwib ET CETERA 09 Rounoy und Cono 90115 71es loor' Irornh't.OG pra.I000day5000rtlof Guru 1, xi Ihn GInnIco Puri Or/risi, P CQrUr THURSDAY, MAY08 0029 www.piuneedoCal.com NOW PLATINO AT TIlE APOLLO THEATER Ie1 tELI I I : Lt - PRESENTED :6 j18 lt O SRI lIAS N i SU N R N MAN 12v17tl t4WtEN.'i' SEtN FAGO ack- ß'-"' 9, ON SALE NOWt NEO RL.ANOS BOO!74538OO E - flANS tHEAtER r Ofti' 73Um 1773103 5. 0 100 w 1111810l01112110lh103'llOm E 'Boo Office 773.348.4000 312.002.1500 1.800f LUEScIAN.bluOrnxn000ln- '1ER Reso! U oheIm a 92e r. co o 3133 North Haisled. Groop Solex 773.348.3300 Cflicao PRI ..: :. i Convert Specl.lPoékagO .............. TODAY Call (312) Bs75-O6Ç, aeioitxar18299l or texN SIAY9I)to 20101 before A L,o(i-g i. N1o7111 - FoetlduetstoTeflilOdad00flA0gtl,OO rníd!Olght tonight for your chance to wint W'/7o650,, 55505rlT0,ñ . . Two WIld Roso Hotel KIng Doluoe rooms for.o SigilO $100 gaff EoOtIflCOtOiO CouChes Comer 3 Stay & Play Packogee Wild Roso Hotel uccommodatfOnS for a light Breakfast alad dm00, forS ut 810e Sawmill Buffet $25.00 In Wild Rose Bucks 'f5040095 ilrnOblleh,n9,'nonoo'ssS 4,111/inh ri,rrrihenlrn lop 0700820974117911 419065k 01o01h1o50400oW 58900. ksruw5kmg, t,r9,nlmnolr,orr 1fl980080800K orSI /1ro"n lOnOdso,:-.0 1150 n1,4.iOl,I, I inrmooy ny roi'ulda 010,1060/ TICKEIS. 312. 95,7/00 //'OSh.lhbhG os iakeo.s 'Ii May30 Co&O0 pon MAY31 @4100 pm °L1V1 JAMIS" Ir S. 00, Slmeo7/.fllo..oI o JUNEÍ. 300-600.004e BOX OFFICE Mp.nrc.Tlosuou.SoG 37/ 7 p.m. Sosuoloyn p5cc SQUARti 15580. Goon, Cl,i000 A,, kg5 6Q,l(;;: :0 ,r11 /3/tAUT 773-752-3955 /117/ 7/IY/ /413/tOlTi i+/ /1090/sd or Reeakfustonddi0000rfnr2ottl0000wmlhiffufbt '19,50 moods of golf at Valley Oaks Golf Club One minuter trono revolee the UllImoafo Sfaye.atton Prte. P0e90ua3. 110601m, sien. corn/clang ña h Groups 10+ 577-447-7040 IONEEWPRESS April 9.-May 31 312-664-0713 0000PO 15+ r GRAND PRIZE Poll IGe4I Show tOW Flee OpirsuJsupe3 lhof.10 at 9a PIEDI Ikkor,o.nso. 801.745.3000 or hh4,,/lohoori,+0,o,o, MA CAS I N O o 0050"' Ion rs. Wild 100000 eon1, 9#0 "r 2 StaY end Play, Golf Special Packages Wild Roso Hotel acoomnoodotf ens tora night UT 1 VV s07 r O'iiOot'i07' 'f'lornoulrrn Ceonupossoy íiy edernfl Tun Son or t;lo, SOIS Suo cl 1:90 ARI' I ho'000'olo/o'MoOs'ooc'r0000Oooro oc'epoloon'c siclo 'co/c 0000.io orrnoreChfl coolly of rnoliiofroo'oo0000/n O-1 xt'Tw°ekS tOcWUi° Diorotoni by Rick Snydor 13/broury S-Jon5 7,20908 Call 312-335-1650 or wnvW.stüloprnnwoif.org Tò Advertisé;- Please Cal! Greg Tardi @ 312-321-2490' cossuosruu,osW100nm 050 Ood.ho,.yhk:O6 5510,100 0n900hih0101101b0001b00000016900060(OShOl 5107105°°100010000500,00510011oo1u,3.01,00,0i0fuO5 nonnlunñ000.00,OiJuyHsO0/39,Whu0/u0Ju00ndb0dba0b0o1bo0r0oboth05 Oprnuio,ul000000cbIIlOsh 56515,Obo,0Oc06l0om04n1 w.oboo.bthsIisnieruo/içods0000:sloe.101n10100000019C oodco,nhoJoo,uriolrurbolobn 50o,uinlu,11001ee60 l000Olb.th,odolcdodioa.akdor.,nIoIc100thtOIru0u000I olos,591o505o,Oeoe000d,oncns,0505*aocl060Corgdb000uboohdh0011000cbOroo oodkouIl00000O*ondG00InOIo0DO0OJ6Oi000kb0E1019n/001bO/0000 l8duino,dsgoo9, 140k10451o905009801505 ,,nOOon,bnuoc.uoror,,oIhl.oIYlunlerop0lun0r106n4e,1401005d15. odJo,louo,iccJoencdos000burcb,580400600,b00b0150000.106rrcM0b0b 020 ftversons www.pioneerlocal.com Super Crossword ACROSS RIGHT ON PEW 94 Dell 5 CaravanS delicacy sary 59 Now Look" 85 Part 3 of 6 '70 Crosby, remark designer Stilts, Nash 60 cog 99 Game & Young (blunder) name hit 101 KIdney61 Swath7 Fond du rotated WI buckling O Fury novelisl 102 Corn portion 103 Ridiculous 63 Man, for 9 Large tub one 105 Bloom or 10 McCourts 64 GI's Danes Angela's 108 Hut address 111 OxIdize 65 Exactly il "Hopatong 66 Kevin of 112 BorIng tool Cassidy" 113 Zest "SNL" star 68 Service 114 38 Down's 12 Important member? symbol numero 70 Admln115 Author 13 Type of istered Umberto stew anesthesia 118 End of 14 Long for 74 Pangolin's romark 15 Variety morsel 125 Compass show 75 Cavern pt. 16 Villain's 78 White 126 Subway look House 18 PuccinI unit spokesman 127 Disturbed heroine Fleischer the peace? 20 Aromatic 79 " Doll" 128 Singer Dion plant ('64 hit) 129 Shorten a 24 Warty one 81 Harvest slat 26 Summer 85 Stiller's 130 Conceit wear partner 131 African 26 Terse verse 86 Carl of antelope 31 Word form "Cosmos" 132 Improve for "all" 88 Cruise 32 Excuse 89 "The Egg " DOWN me" ('47 film) i Runners 33 MoIsten the 90 Symbol ot carry it marIgolds sturdiness 2 Breaker 34 Fragrance 91 Tiny 3 Sherman 35 MIt. unit Insectivore 36 Viva Homaley 92 Cut and sitcom 37 Tenor dried? 4 "MaI de " Beniamino 57 Balloon material? i Guru 6 Outfielder Tony 11 Bother 14 Con. segments 17 Regret 19 Bother 21 Lennon's widow 22 Velvet fInish 23 Start of a remark 27 Cozy room 28 Canais 29 Heavens to Betsy?' 30 Cowboy star Lash 31 Spotted rodent 33 Deteríc'rate 36 More like a peacock 37 Lancelors son 40 Fruity beverage 41 Newsstand 43 Castle or Dunne 44 Part 2 of remark 50 Rock band's stint 51 Composer Gustav 55 Russell of A Beautiful Mind" 56 Cohen or Wallach ." 38 Zodiac sign 39 SanctIoned 42 Dubuque denizen 45 Renown 46 Overused , 47 San , italy 48 Tribe 49 nibs 52 Roll with " 91 Auid Lang 92 ER exclamatlon 93 Emcee's sito 96 Took a shot at 97 O'Hare's From the the punches 95 Itch 53 With it loo Big bang 54 Gigi" letters author 103 League 58 Furnishings 104 Poisonous 60 Don plant Giovannr 105 Java joints setting 106 Verdi's 61 Rowan or Miller Rather 107 Ford's pro62 Marino decessor leader? 109 a ff to 67 Bald bird Larry ('61 69Actress tune) Hagen 110 Skirt shape beaver 113 Cipher 71 72 Texas talk 114 Funnyman 73 Cart Foxx 75 EquIpment 115 Perry's 76 Autumn victory implement site 71 Actor 116 Neighbor of Milo Mass. 80 Distress 117 Had bills 82 Zhou 119 Droop 83 Doll up 120 Cambodia's 84 Elf Len 85 Janitor's 121 La-la load-in item 122 Coop critter 67 Salt-water 123 Middling lake mark 88 It may be 124 Alphabet tall sequence A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) 5L tHURSDAY, MAY 28, 2009 II.I IlII20 alu. dl uI _I uul .uR. i i.... I.. a..0 iii IR dUU uII Ii. II llIUU II I . .I.I ÎII.I - You may send 11 10 AlfaSSct, Phyllis F. Phyllis F. Alfassa, a 47-year resident of Skokie, passed away on May 15, 2009 at Batavia Rehabilitation Center5 in Batavia. Mrs. Alfassa was born on November 23, 1924 in Milwaukee, WI, Phyllis was a homemaker who was very active as a volunteer for the Girl Scouts, Skokie Blood Bank and past-president of the Skokie Art Guild. Beloved 30 28 ß° . 65 ° .. IR .. 10111.1 105 106 107 10211 kind thoughts with the family kind thoughts with the family kind thoughts with the family and loved ones and loved ones and loved ones of those of those of those who have who have who have passed away passed away RYAN- passed away by signing the by signing the by signing the PARKE online guest book: online guest book: online guèst book: www.legacy. www.legac!J. www.legacy. pioneerloca (.com pioneerlocal.coin pioneerloca ¡.com PIONEER PRESS PIONEER PREss PIONEER PRESS f)I il i()(i i.fli ocr (847) 486-7479 Robert J. Birkenheler, age 64, of Northfield. \ç___' Beloved husband of Janice (nee Kies); dear father of Diane (Brian) Carroll, Joseph (Julie), Richard and Susan; loving grandfather of 1O4UIII Jeremy; fond brother of Lorraine, the late Emil, Jr. (Patricia) and Gerald (Suzanne). Visitation ...0 EI.. ' ..... uI.IIu.. .I. uIIIl IIlI. '° II II UI IIIl iui Funeral Home i 20 S. Northwest Hwy was held Friday, May 22, 2009 at HABEN Funeral Home & Crematory, 8057 Niles Center Rd., Skokie. Mass was ori Saturday, May 23, at St. Peter Church, Skokie. Interment private. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to Rainbow Hospice, 444 N. Northwest Hwy,, Suite IL, 60068 145, Park Ridge, Cancer Care or (www.rainbowhospice.org) Center, P.O. Box 4651, Skokie, IL, 60076. Funeral Park Ridge Funeral . 120 129 Share your infrniiition Birkenheier, Robert J. 108 109 110 . Share your Sigit Grtestbo(,k ut kgactff?hllu'4'r!wuI.esnu . . ì\ Share your Memorial Chapel, (800) 588-1132. ea . \: orcall 4245 N. Fairfax Dr, #100, Arlington, VA 22203 (800) 628-6860. Memorial services will be held this Fall. For info call DuPage Cremations, Lfd. and IIIU UIIU. lI ivaiiiui 90 deathnoticcs @pioneerloca (.com (Robert) Weiner Rost, Zachary and F',ticholas Seale, Ian and Nicole Nelson; 9reat grandmother of Love and Zion Seralah; dear sister of the late Pat (the late Sheldon) Strull; fond aunt of many nieces and nephews. Tributes mciv be sent to: Nature Conservancy, Phyl lis Alfassa-Acct #134832 50 7g a death notice to wife of the late Solomon; loving mother of Hillary (David) Weiner, Victoria (Joseph) Seale and AIissa (Eric) Nelson, Helen Alfassa; proud grandmother of Megan (Steven) Lang, Heather 40 . Thursday, May 28, 2009 www.pioneerlocal,com Info: (847) 673-6111. SuburbGn (847) 823-171 Chicago (773) lfl-lsll www.ryan-parke.Com (fiI, ifi(AL sui ff( F 111 K iUÇÂi. ,OiifCF Sigii GIIft!,O,, fil k'ncpitiiwt'rItie«I.co:ii Answers: Inside today's classified section HOROSCOPES ø_ For the week of June 1 - June 7 tt1 .,i ARIES (March 21 to April 19) s There's nothing an Aries Lamb likes less than having to tackle a humdrum task. But finding a creative way to do it can make all the difference. A more excitinq time awaits you this weekend. 'I TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Finishing up a job on time leaves you free to enjoy your weekend without any laurean guilt pangs. A romantic attitude from an unlikely source could take you by surprise. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Moving in a new career direc tien might be seen by some as risky. But f you have both the confidence to see it through and the tacts to back you up, it could prove rewarding. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Holding back on a decision might be difficult, considering how long you've waited for this opportunity. But until you're able to resolve all doubts, it could be the wiser course to i, take. I 't I I I J' LEO (July 23 to August 22) You still need to move carefully where financial matters are concerned. Better for the Lion to move slowly than pounce on a "promising" prospect that doesn't keep its promises. avoid unnecessary spending for at least a little while longer. CAPRICORN (December 22 VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A rejection of an some unwelcome workplace decisions begins to show up, and continues to build, so that by week's end, the gregarious Goat is as popular as ever. idea you believe in can be upsetting. But don't let it discourage you. Get yourself back on track and use what you've learned from the experience to try again. LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) The early part of the week could find you looking to balance your priorities between your family obligalions and your career responsibilities. Pressures begin to ease by week's end. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) An associate's problem could cause unavoidable delays in moving ahead with your joint venture. lt so, use tite time to look into another project you had previously set aside. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Although a financial problem could be very close to being resolved in your favor, it's still a good idea to You will meet these people under difficult situations... s to January 19) Support for But that is when they will do their bestfor you. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Congratulations. Deciding to attend a social function you might have earlier tried to avoid could turn out to be one of the best decisions you've made in a long time. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Getting into a new situation could prove to be a more difficult experience than you expected. Don't hesitate to ask for advice in coping with some of the more irksome challenges. BORN THIS WEEK: Your strong sense of duty makes you a valued and trusted member of your commuffity. Have you considered a career in law enforcement? fc) 2009 Ith Iat*tes Synd., kic. s . oscph G. Donnelian Davtd F. Babczak Grace Donnelian Martinsers s I t s Mkhad E. Lauritsoii FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 PRE ARRANGED & PREMED FUNERALS AVAILABLE f. M,k,w RCj, \VdkuIì .KIusT bnnellan FAMILY FUNERAL SERVICES O,,a,ed,uu(O/fl,Wdh% e/is 1)ou,,.//a, Iv,,ji,fisr,,ser ÇOve,,,i 1571 Maple Avcnse, Evanston (847) 869-2900 10045 Skokj,, Blvd., Skokie (847) 675-1990 Visit sis at www.donncltanfuneral,coi" Cooney Funeral Home FUNERAL DIRECTORS To Be WOrthy of Your Confidence 3918 W. Irving Pk. Rd. CHICAGO, IL 60618 Phone (773) 588-5850 Fax (773) 279-9802 625 Busse Hwy. PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 Phone (847) 685-1002 Fax (847) 685-1005 t A SUN-TIMES NEWS GROUP SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION New Homes MAY 27-29, 2009 NORTH EDITION ¡nside iu National builder announces grand opening in South Barrington A sense of community Belle Plaine Commons offers seniors affordably priced condominiums with upscale amenities. New secfion of luxury homes ¡n The Woods now available Page 2 Times of easy credit and a booming economy have given way to a culture of thrift, and American families are putting more into savings. Brothers Inc., a leading na tionat luxury lionic buil(tcr, an- nottnee; tiic grand opening of Toit the newest section of IlOffles at 'lite %Vooc1s of South Barrington in prestigious South Barrington. 'l'he exclusive enclave is locMcd north of Penny Roil between Roule 59 (New Stillon Road) and Bartlett Road and viil feature the builder's award-winning Signature and Estate Collection homes. Those ready to take advantage of historic low mortgage rates and the 'tIflhl tIltIIItH 111th Read Don DeBat, Page 6 bestvahies ever offered by'l'bii Brothers should visit the community ctui Gtenn Gutnayer home tour proceeds benefit Habitat Ing the graiul opening we1ceiid, Friday May 29 thfl)Ugh Sunday May 31 at the community siIes center lo- for Humanity Lake County. cated on the east side of Route 59 a halfniile south ofl'enny Roach. "Tite opening of (his highly-an- Page 5 The lavish five-becheom Hampton Is a hixihions home now available at the Woods of South Barrington. online m ticipatccl HCW section niarlcs the re- turn of our largest semi-custom hones," said Andy Stern, senior vice president. "We've been sold out of titese incredibly popular home de. signs for over a year and we are thrilled to finally offer them once i again." nies, secondary staircases, and spacious mastersuites with private dens. crediblevalue for today's home buyer. views are available ranging from to 11/2 acres. Several Parcels offer l'rices start atjust over $1 million. Also available are 29 Estate Collection ½-acre minimum home sites. Priced from the upper$700,000s, the elegant 3,000- to 4,100-square-foot walk-out or look-out basements. The spectacular homes have four to five bedrooms, 3½to4½baths, and 3,900 to over 5,000 square feet of luxurious space, as well as an impressive list of Market news, expert advice, neighborhood profiles and more. Visit: Currently under construction, the Duke Lexington model home is open for hard hat tours and scheduled to open hate summer. Estate homes showcase two-story Sixteen Signature Collection home sites vithi gorgeous scenic included features providing an in- family rooms with overlook balco- ,, SEARCH A TurntoTHEWOODS, 8 CHICAGO ) .com y more online at www.TollBrothers.cqm/lllinoi searchchicago.com/homes New Section of Home Sites NOW OPEN f Estate & Signature homes is sui roun nest ivaster I)Ianiled conununi ties . -A I..._ TJIELSTÄT1 COlECTION j'ia,n lin zippei S 70(h .. Sing1c-f1t11) h1c)))('. I tnging IU)Ifl 3,OO() to t lOt) q lt VV'lk-out tui lookour 1) iLfl)t11t a\ nl ibk the nçw t'ltrding. 4t fìÇ)Ì)\\tÇfl()lì)c cIcíg.ps. fl(!lil(i.fl ;I'Ft E $INA'PURE ...........m o.zp 8.1 ìnìI/io,i 'iug!t-1 iiud l%Ç)111y ringinu, hotu ()nls twi " ulL-tit 1) ii niint honk MItts . .... _. . (S47) 81-4700 ' OpLu 1' Lt S DlV i 0-6 ToiP&otherÑQrn 'AmericasLuxuryIiome Builder IGL Etrokeis W(lßofl1e ' Homes AyaIIobIt Nt(ionwicl 900 to ,t)t)t) ClL Ii ()I) 'L LU hvnc h ion ut hiding tui ittToday' Thrcc. \\?ocl O'ik l)rive, Sçuth B trt tugton, U 60010 Piics Subji;t to CIiìngo WítriI Notice Ttis n (.)flt':rriq PwI:biU'd 3y Law ON U Cutnlì t '.nd un 2 MAY 27-2Y, 2009 Todays New Homes hURTOS SUN-TIMES NEWS SROUP BELLE PLAINE COMMONS A sense of community for seniors 55 and better A diange in lifestyle hai,pen who risenior S reevah,alu lieft I iotisiii I,'11CC dsancl elicit yearn io lowosi7eio mnollcr, core acces- To visit this Todays New Homes Conveebrrcv ishrpiniiniegin vra saciad la tina 5011db9 Piaitie Colo loto is! an ollordolily st 2335 Wrsi Brlle Piales. Hnurn ars Baturday ihraugh Grand Dominion, Wndrasday lOare, 05 Msoadelebm icrii,volcilai223iiW.Bciic Pivitiv (ill tite Nocili Sitie viCiticago in ita heart vi lic Sortit Cetitet iteigitboritooti i2evcioptttcni ntltrttitics ill. chum o Conitttitttiiy loom, iitracy anti fttltcsscetttce. 'litenditsc(ilcotttnttttliiynnti it galtilinc iilrstyiv citatign orn p.m. The novias in vloasd cellire iii all soriol hrbivgboelhe lblinoisDiyiaioaol Folle Slomes. Pbane'l\oaalGmulii I)ounmnion braluera il aeleclios nl 12 rancIt- - mors range Irom $1S4,SSU la Farsvninaciiizvtt iiiitt Coreyranbityingat Bella Halite Cotti- 8212,990 loe orr-brdrrarn cris. tiomittittms mula 848 to SSO mnits wns n way to d vwtasiar to iwo-level iowvltvme litai she $204,551 lo $240,995 lue oarbetiroom pias den gondrmini. Belle Plaise Commons upscale building amenities Include a famisiroal løbllyr soraimuolty term, Oteess center arid a library. Tics lower altered with Arriate htobond lw dowttsiaittg. liiiivkeoevy- ttmswiiiaSdlio 1,011 sqnsee IerI brai uf the beildlrg contains 58 heated parking sprees and ied'nddual resident storege echoic. The 43 actdaer peeking spaces end 11 hung vn var invIi Agood' sviti nl livitt n 5115cr; altd $245,951 to guest partalag opones are lenetert loo pausIng let eentigncss to the building. $205,005 loriara-brdroom voli' Coeevronwitcvavvvssivgheeiìleiohile Narlil CvltieySaieliilv Srchange ouiivoh. Site itioced leoni Ilotnilrioms with 1,131 to 1,268 iar in Chicago. Cottovttigttt sitop- most recel tIly, my loo ne000lt- boctteoriy ii yrtur, sqover lerloiliving spavr. pillE im inihitir o ivm blochs ai lotti. Bvvryhliivg is righh livrc," "I call ih011esily soy I Ivar thy niar Cenlet; n Oacilily itrovidril a l,S50-stytaev-lnoitittpiexcvndn Alipricesinviativ oar osidove Roscar Village, lltr Addisott Taylce said, conibn," Boil atuial. "Tile reason- by hue Chicago IJeparlmest ni in tite Linovin Park nvighboritood TIte mainivnnnce becc iiaitlg able paigivg otttb cttvelrrn ijie- Settior Saroicra. iooiwv-hvdrovmtino-iiatitcondn parhiag space. Heated garage Mall and Biovccirw Piano on Tile Se iba Cctuier nblren a boll' with 1250 rqooee Ian of living parking in available Ive an addi- WeabvenA00000,witicit includes ni a condaminichm olso is n pillo aiyla na rd ilhullonuible In paso uy. Jewel Ponds, Dotrtinich's Pinvr bar Taylor. Pitia, I loar Ibid Sortit Crohee rallgraibtvallbl, lrrenivgand nospace and o hoicony aiBnile PirAte Iicnai $15,955. Perna oder poechanrd a iwv- Protis ann a Waig erelt 's Pitar"Bahiter ir.snnyen il lia IrS an uteigilbarlhaoul. Tilis is a qulirt dial aohio mlles, mIlo lading eurecise bedroom, two-baib cornee allii macS, among viiIrrer tail oslab- lite ttphrep ob niy I,'oct lett attti anul catloc'nie vi ovioltboellood. ycogeams willI person Il umlIwith 1,134 novare Irrt oliivisg lishmeols, 'Pon ybart vahos che parti, I y,nttttowettjoybitrvirnob We'acsleys beonI lunobhiseolihrs ccr,wvli ayune'liai'al'loll, ccmpclA complete community vosbttuernlu rd Ieaioirtgcnluerrs, arI classes, lite vommotúip is anilin 5- space cod norr050ded by win- miuitinisaiitingdish.lycralBeiie hitv benttiibuliy laadseopvtl paria aval there acePinIto Commons. Irom lite baicany ai lIly caoua, tinti outre plttvrs abhlhsioess all litunOr I 0550115, group I cilia , md alee North Cenirn Senior ContAnua Pemandreklamuly wemTheLincoin Uqitareneigllbor- Tnyioe void. WibIlith malbing disbnsce." ava! bottrded ky Irving Podia berp,Saliyantiaevhonbnnd,Dani. lloyd ioopindjastio 111v noehlt al. "While stulon at,Solle,Plainc A spoctacalae nrn,btali-acer Rood, and Wentern Onhicy and lo, cjlvse.titFsame eesideiA ölt Belie Plaine Coiantovn bruIras. Exploring the town Cuumlcovo ulm oravivg 111v bUpru'- parh la neaciog complehiott at Seile Plome larmier. Mttluiuug Icietuds mitit litelleux, cellulula ak,ilucvç abilI iv unidc 5v- SyIIcb'lailtyCclnmolts.'b'luayoe Tite ermittle aviquviy pro- hie ib ivi dooe, j osi above their sis- Titv Olil 1jan11 5011001 ob 5vlh icI. Vioieivottd Miguel boagiri a Mosin, 'l'ho Dvois Tllealet; boia- arigltbacu,'' tIto is atteoi'royior's lcciiao ai OI1C'-kctlraom, ceiollalld isibr secosli anlb largeiden parks, loaoiaios, govtletts, ono-hodroom condo trilla a den, rvirs,deiicnlvsovvluvrlanoriely buvorile'tillo lelia thOn t lidIa auue-bedcoomplasdeo auld itcui- cnh ol lino iiorhs 00 Ihn, waihways, and acaliayaevas Ss6vqsaroleetnliieingspace and olnitops alld resiotlrnsls. Plaise Commons. badroah000sitivvcrv,"Wcrbcobreg vqsaca-bloch setlior Ilnaniog saidjodpWesivtberg,sniesmatio baicooy on dte second Oooencee' Bnile 11laineCotllw000 is aIro "Boer.yctre is ncicouving loti vtuid,"bul luiliivsv ricos, du'tabos calapaslbloIrncnln posses IbrIle agerlor (',areinoit Partners Lid., looitirgihoparh. in visse prosittlity lo hile mojoe uvigitborly. Atad, werceaglhiec cturetlypechaniiyillalwall'lbasl." Piainy Comoh005, lite lUd-Ilnil the enclonive raies atid machotAbmitam and Eden nay they're rnprvssmays os well an cuervo- O011apyreobaleiheoniqtuattrnsob ibviiv i'baiite C Orll000s all' Morilla Wttsllbnghao renIai aparting agent. clluir sil Ivhhar ilhsiubcobhllell'ocre alruls , 11111 lIlo Sii-unii 5h. VilI"My arm loado opens io a delighted wiih titnie new var- lise rosies io ond leotti 111v cr0- 011v counmuilhity, "'ropina said. Irai lily. Spi traue omesho Belle i1lnitur Noelil Celtivr S olliar 'utlibtus, colli DdPtltlI Beobdcvcv. hnasiiloiiy ivsdscoprd poiiv bedroom eondomiih a den. "Ii's on titv Seni Ooor and me Tb hyltrua ibnrh is al ihe hob ol The CTA'a leaiog Pooh tinti Coalmoos, "whai's thai ta libe," bouunubeui by leaiag i'arit Road, whocr mn cor eri as anti enjoy irnoe a largo palio emito oalside," Weutrett boa iiovsonvconoe- 50111 Hariuld Ocobareb, mba Wasleelt Ave'1111 d, Ibcilv Plaine Ihy Iltree aeblioe h ohlnill g bItilbIsmrwing Str drveiopinent'sloottlIgo, wilile Ihy elcgnitl Srrb 0011 nienhiylocatvd nvaeillebthiidirg. huogiti, tuc wovttcio OilIly drscl Av rae noII OohlvyAacnur. talo and park' anti bayer Pot Abeelhanterd Eden said. Belie Plaine Commoer' loca- The Melva antI CTA Bise Line aptihevi with hisoniic, Claice. Sienkil crcv c005chuivoce s'tlullal ivarll is odonogcauxplrKassntan, mito boogiti ocraition itt the North Center neigit- .avociose by, peonitling access la "We'vv al uvaysl' evtl in IligilAtioncahe Sictulhit Cc'111v e iv lion al Otthlyy vIllI BrIle Piabvy. draye mitlir Helen Dichson. "SodI payb mill lIter O loso' The couple reps dtni itt addi- borhood ia alan a major buyer and Iroin ihr Loop ovil Oblata risos in iltr Bvllvoltt Hnellae villi IlarI ahilo Nocill CevlveSvnior lnlrenaiionai Airport. Lillcoin P.'urisueigliboritaods. e,'11111111 5, 1151 II bvm nleirsubnay Itlin 11101 isbeiulg ihn yodelI beom Beile Plaine Commiinabuyce Soi uve ucallbed a qtuieleettel'glt- bain Ibellv I'loitiv Comlilvhts. Normort Taylor nays 110's ilaypo boriuoad lilIa Noelit Cc'tIle I lItai "All lucy Itace la tbo io wallt lnretueuloltisvldNoeibCvtllre ihaslessbmbflcavdpe tise laso lo vidlIl 0111 Ihe door, OhId litey oea ariglabuehood altee nelliltg Ihm roevybbing," saiti Claire Gro- ai lita dociar," void Waalvvbrrg. honte on Chicago's Par Wesi bucab. "Io lttcl, nuntt y ai ava rnsidvnls Bide, TAylor boagitl u iwo-bad"Wr'rvvnjoyivgrnploeitlghha add dltaogillg thyme tboclors lv Adconio residenvr ai Bello Plomo urna. iwallaiolltv l'beavy antI mo oactule SlealIlu Cvoirrsn osto lue have Itutt irying lIt vraioas rea- cl aserio liuvivobUcr." "Igernspio ibis oeraond tar h nuran is. Ii's ro conceltivvi to "We'er uotiv-sbapnbap hoe Inh londral menlovy as a hid was laane lite SI adose titre locohvd roach, X-cayu aocI nuore, na neye playing aparls nhWrilrs 11arh. I itver ill Ihr buildittg. Atlub, hue eettlly seviav-lcivoilly," void nomgo Io morIr oulat hIte Welles sveaioebyhlieuvot agvmevl utIli Hevublcr Ceugiui, colvmavily reParh fleallit Club," soid Taylor, ualvvlvaotincoceuu 'lull tul," Clttive iaii005eepervctultuuioe InvASIC. milO noled litaI he also rojops Geobttveb said. II Ita, wv'cc on"It's libe o swtull buorpihal bull Nortit Ceuler'u nvighborilood joyittg gvtiing In men oar utois thlllilvl,'ucilihies'lIclaIldlb.011ejob nilopying, rrniaomnh alld ruler- ueigbuh neo." tlapil psiciun s islo irralpuuiirvls lainmenisphiona. Jib Sai tivasat e ob illeUrsl bol 00v gaol a lo yreuclll," 01111v ii "I was very liard ab deising bvyerslo inoseilll Brlieyluuine Du;Aroníu. and tom Icor tnoilc eocepwltvce Cattimotto. Bubi ad itia Jiucit Cohtaeoiaoov is hry al Belie loe my tiajiy lIvello ,.. Iloirculs, Busseli'rereiee, Amy llave boca Plaina Columolls. Biglli oulside groorvies,geoahrvntaamuhs,alld living ah Bcilv Piaille Cnatal000 111e BvllePlaiveComtllooullooas Iltirope, no less," Wvsierbeeg REAL ESTATE AUCTION 'o- - L.Sota eN BEHSLPOFNOBWOOD BUILDERS APEILIOIES NEW CONSTRUCTION DEVELOPER CLOSEOUT JUNE 23 NEW CONSTRUCTION JUNE 24 REAL ESTATE AUCTION MT. PROSPECT 22 Corete Or 22mo Br, oser West oe Mnass LBMBARS Vae,00r Smvar 14 TtwaatMEs Elrnem Sneer GHAYSLAKE s t'oßrOew Heoaiera Rccaasucss ai Foins sr Pesi 1,2, E 3 BR, 15h15 ZIa 3 BR, 216 8H, lp te tROd sq R, In 216 BA, up to 1,855 irlgitly'rabad Sraeslakn Fecal nuco Police Ir Te $127,035 Sommare Orirlme Blm Fssu $100,050 Oeo 1150110 JsoryT4&SI,Ilus-Ino; Juni 9,4.Bra; Juae 18, lIer-leu I' I Mila WusT ai Milo, Reese Bras 137 LIBERTOVILLE Te HuSmo Ascsiutc Rione uiccc oq R, welds shspc, reutaarartsamere V,croatit Pion S Towrrooco Sehuol 0155151 Pecaialca Puisse Or Cu b To Be Seta A Puise Orle Houons Jan 7, 14 & 2f, lieu-bru; Jsasg, d-Bru; Jeer li, 11cc-les UTI lAScyboN rordaaeuoarr Ibcauedrorer 2f Cors occluso tEorema O maorI Ore OeSotaAaaumeoruarraemu"Peaa lss,l csnccs 2es; 1,516,2 NOVes, s- oc CEtBso.n,,Prol sscn Pulire Ar le 509,900 Salimos OnrissOao Essa $090,500 Fresaron Rgw-'--3Row000fealeneaoa& Crasosti 3,5 ORr,SbS-ebSgAr, ap 1n4U4l St, PremorIr Petare Ii TeBIO4,000 Blare too nroeles Blur Pros $450,010 Ore IlcucirFor Crccou O sraaraao Jacu7,04021,2llI'dllOru; buarO, eroi-ire; Jars 10,4-Oar adouBer er beoni wletlrscldoeiaeeer 2s,beouder,21c PLus LEOiidr'-UwÑlo rOREELOÍIIOPRBPEiIRIIS' O -e nrc $27A,900 Sssccsmn Ortatse Bac Posa $85,500 A- Brcl9nrd far anBau SISOA,rpbeZISSst, ° alus Ri s Free $12A,000 Orni llorera +SCHILLER PARK 4 CSNBOSt lBs, Och 0355a.lralreParlu. eenerelriutiarssruf SPItE I TagrgooeArrrtose, OaaoretraaeePeee, Praaleariy PrIori up 058220,050; OagfecledOpeoirg ello FIent $50,000 JuItsO,rc520,lao-e:scprr;Juss isa-Mn +LINCOLNANIRBl VACARY llOMESlTBOEncrlwtrnoe Idol aal, iiyuoe. 44,eOa 55 et, raarlcurlr Prieto so to OcsO,saa Jsaso,13 820, 00000sledalaolroeid: trac_7m CHIC000tOSVONTCOMREICIULPaRCBL Jaco 17 4-ero Sur-05 ri. Cirera, Spine, loar na Sn. IL, Phosirusil Piloso SOtu$590,c05 sueerstrd Oporbeg Bit: tl0t, llrs-lrs; earn prolsage onlbaisting al any ilailylsll000esr maalandsCnnhineolaibrerhbssl,lmiceamonhh lb000yhrrpingreesigeaod basin slylr 11015mo acailtible io Ioule ne' yivs, mvgihu g brow 1,157 Ia 2,853 otielloorlivingleoin itrelarmvr novare Inri nl liviag spoor; FuoaraeSomre plana hhrougiuosi a ordIre 78tisil Itoilding, Conulominbums ras ha puuealtnard or evolad, Brnlal Ivenill clarion nuppoelior aile peeabiivnl ob sales nod mar. itt otte innnmr branhnt." nlivinm drvnioytnrati,' Aityni citase Pcices al Belle Haute Cvm. fleotrcsceu ge Thur conlmullily olIves bine rhodia ne anr'brlievom llore rIt lldry s nimbe," sr lui C llr is Na nie, w tsattittqtteapporisnilpiopnr- Kreping lite Iaotily iogeihrr neue ihr upscale housingrn IS and oidrr rrsiiirrla mninlojs goud pltynical attrl melrl Ilvolbb, ban lisIes lillo 005(15er willI renidrluls and their grord- anti a leve iiivstyie citatig Inder imnrvdiaiely lt vcultsv we were ai leocielIto ilreaeeaasdpeice,ll was importavi locAnita Preran- doors olSi. Ben's, Bavvttswoo der and her siblittgs. lite close- and Lincoln Square. Nrw resiotteants and ahoy ly-ltnitlamiiy,oeigioniiylrotoihr Philippinen, bvogbi lose anita ri hase made this area une olib Beile Plaire Commons io "ho leslesi growing antI musi pspv laiuti000pcdgrouhtllnha cesser il lO0tl !!ill iocittvevsvolcotvtvtotity riecitieti io yorcitaae oar anus noediern vdge al Lahr Virm an The Colllboatmvialon ab Willow Falls io Cnrsi Full lIon virloally cocryiluingunilbin ilobysluiibuily hIerbal recrraliollab Itucibily bilai lIns laemeil 111e Iodla ob lita tv- lilo Grand Dominlcs ledge feaforroc bosue ball ood tondis courts pto. o patio and leewge that reodmko 53-arre Labe Itcor,bnbon. The liar allulllileslyln llene al Grand aommonlly0owalklpg end bflllrrg paths lead tu sed Irennthe lodge and er, pert nf o beeollfellp landsoapad nelgirborhrud bayant thot InDottlilnios ovIl, Iluere will Ile aludes mure than 100-arreo el opon opaco end sotomb wetlands. "We vaine to lite sairsvenireaitd and 100w buse a nrw hIe hcrr." The Condominiums of Willow Fulls, Crest Hifi s ZSbs.'Elbvey oIr sboyrobvnsbohlally Ile'cor abrIl 111111 I0il buy. Nortit CeotiAvvocioivs, lite tir- Pech antior, lita rideri sibling, rooms, lwa haUts und 1,116 devadra, and are iooioing loo ward lo ntaintnnancv-Irre an square Ieri oliiuing space. "Theeoprrirncroilioingitree caecIere condominium living,' itas Inh ra str dswn aornues i Appri maid. BrIle Plaitrv Commons isla never natinipoird," Ksssman said, Dicitoon saya, "lining ai catediv the braci 01 ihn NovO Beile Plaine itan shntsiairti mr Croire tteighboeicood, vn lb oaowjlaaurcveyluosrosoom, an 325 nervo, peicell Iroto lilo "Thy icesl uiring aborti ihear iiciilahittg' sviti Setta Aitpvi oi condos is lutcpvivea," aaitiAniia couple liveti itt their larme more Belie Plaitte Commons ore pro titan 30 prora beber moving mio pie who have resided in 1h their arm contin. lihns iwo brtl- Noedt Cettler ovighbovhood Io tills, enti 030-28I-dr3S or cisil 111e d onhlilori ihp in lulonllyit huy til0O lila II 5011 ellllcit. sI pic brIm witivit um revide tusare rolvyar- New lite, same tranird ta "get rid 01 tIte enorm baggage" that orme Iront using neiglibodeond "Thrwajurityolthebuprena in a single-Inmily home. The lii 111e S320s. Por male ivluirino' (brand Ilolnivion ill Mondolriir, ora psraoral appoiriereet, pierra vail Judy Wssirrbrrg ei 773-d42-6905, ahicachico. rooms, 1mo Io lIIerv balbtr, allachyil IWo-say garages sntb bosentrvhr lin ceillmmlllr$2400 olbonal oeiioilbva hslliligplIlor rl wmw.belieplsivrnnmmeova. nom. Fon marr ivtormauiav iSeile Plaine Commons, ihey also MiillaltyClabioamoisirnonaebrav vommtihuilywibll vigili Arne plalhs Inilib bedIentI Iwo-sloop nlynigiuu. Homrs iealue 2,11910 3,351 squuaey lcd, tIlt halourbell- 11111 recry- litlily. "iihrLnhenidrLoltgainownn- tion is ihr bttcoiiv artiing ai siiy,"lirsaiul, '111e l,aksiil Liiibgeishlir api. Iharrday rod Friday, Prosprslbvr buyera may claw livor plana and emrvlulrs si luisllvub ivoulels olivo bot' bolles voanirvviloll, oiloedabiv cattily- hlbOtr avlovihias ore already on anti 0111cc l5 lite Cboicogolostl nessrd by lite grooitaciiviiics! iiortirs, intiticiln, lliovid vigilia! and voriottsoiiteevnenis-botit itiannvd tutti syottiaovotts - iii cliisvriogciitee," lite illspirotian bririnti iitis nrw sI lite gym irpirygnlf, becrave 5015e c010mohlihien 1er Itose SS truly bccotttittg o reoiity, os lvii- veiopees. "Hawrowuers nlnr,'l haar In Ieoee lite commulllily Io woeh osi or dnlolombnissln, idvev arr ai ceibos llY cecinen Ices_ il Beile ilesigvsivil for Il titre 55 votI Ad- a olobhstlsn cominrinily, Poe iralnvilayven rgrll 55 ovIl btellre, loca lion onu allhcrihies aerlary, anam ihr sirvolliontes community - - . ,. .. ........ REAL ESTATE AUCTION DEVELOPER ÇLSSESSF Ail ycdubrocea al Belle Plaine Collll000s irolorr 5-luol demIusgs; cyramic-iilv Roaring is 111v byrd, hi Icilell 01111 bollte000rs; cnryyhiagillilhelioitlgr000l, um- isg count alld brulyaoats; ittdiaidoally cvutrollatl OgRO tinti btiglu-vpved laIe dlv I copobilily. Manhyasill cacen itaveloilconies, Jltlivl balcnllbvs or palias. Kilcllcas Ira yrmoillyrll WillI 0.5, tIpilliOOccv, inclaiiing rv. leigevalat' ucilh icetoahey, gas saennollranon, liisilmaslree, dist lasa I OstI bluill-in miceouvuar oyelt,tlnirellasdrdgurccabine- cabIo, The allypaelior doer pach- sqllarn Irai. The Ilonies incluullr Iwo inlhecebeilenoms, molo 29a baIlla, doss, spacious llildhenn ognis nIna an nylias Irr condo uoilbthreahlamlsoahs,lusorynlaslyesobhenwilblvvalh.incloseinovd puimle ballls plus liso nelbevy-car ahlociuedgseagrs, TIle 17,500 'sqonrv-1001 Labesilly Lodge lealnevo on nollboor hohrsrrsillenlntn sllrypillgoen- 'Flue cmornllaity lIana bus 1h01 1ers, grayrry mIstes, vhurvh reo' pool, iodaoeynol,itulltub, locher roomsmilh niIohlerO,Stavssovlr laywiilsnbrla-oI'hha'oelesveoisa linsldents of Midloon Club In Wedssneotk cas enloy a satIety et enrqttlpmesi, ballroom, g005l site amenItIes, ireludlag an 10-tacit golf coarse, tennis courte dod eoOm, lobby area wibh a Iwu- a olebhod050 with a swimming moL siuied iirrpince, molhiporyosr roams sud buisinesa caolla. Poe mocy mb rIblaI'tan, calli8b8-Sd3-ASSI ne visil mwm.uiyImrbh.cnuv. oiles, dacmne appoislmerds, libraIre peoducliono, cosvrels and more. A braslp shop, post olSar, bnnh, geanrrl 515er, liidnoenwinlmisgyovl, tot IsA, Ii' brayyaod dmnirgenom ere oli an to It'rta MercieS's aerrob fer an active senior nemmeolty, she tosed Ihr yryminen, TItrer ere always her neo fifa 000ld brujo again atThe Condominiums of Willow Falls cardgawes,birgal oueno menus, Wii bomlillg hoarrumeotn, Tal in Crest 0111, CIti eseryiseclassena od Pumpe' nuts olhar appoelsnìhiro ta hrrp snoebll oIlers sown olthr same wiihnwimmisgyonl,Slnrasern- on bellyr placr Io bob Iban a celan and hil ube hobo ve smim Ihr mird and body salive looseicits ammolliesas n resort, tee sod mallipIr grthveiug ciubhooarvnbomooiuy,"ssidjim milh lIte bamily while or an es- iblroaghoill Ihr year, Loceled on Iho nile ol Midlase arras CIlill500, chiebSorvviml nlOcre plombe oucotioll, residrols ob Por ubre irloymalina aboul C000hayCluib,whirhindludrsao "Ib baye ronce Inohiog hoc r and vo'loonlirr al Nepeerille' Mililalle Club van enjoy enssel- TIle Cosdolhtiniums oIWiIIaw. 16-hole gall aouenr, brining lome where Ihm con 'escape it basrshj, Lawrence Homes,'' style Smenilies whrnni'ey lIbeS Polls, call 515-725-SSAA nroisit, , Midlann Cpb, Wadowo'th, lIly Midloso Chub ill Wad- range, tennis loads, elubltosoe all' isYudr sod osI, litro Illeyr's "Insleaub obasly hei'ng aUn io &h'f MODEL wool, Wralblrt'yerrnihiIg 01 000'tv.Willnuoballs,dam. '' ' '5ftl5IrB GRAND Reducedl s f AM.s A :ir: ,o ", OPENING IN p/i-_'letm rob ber,Inrr.:,,il,rol LIBERTYVJLLE Downsize into a Custom Home that Suits your Lifestyle Wholhee ysulo a 01015m buyos or a young peUfessusnaj, The Esclave has Iho perfrCl home WhnT 5501e ready lo dowTsjge. Sol omidsi oopassioe greeT oiSlaI, YOST home will be surrounded by Ihe acclaimed Merit Club golf coutso, Icy, MonI bolbs include e'era mie hile, cvcyaiard lulirroes, lineo cloavis hId desigilvecrbilldlrp, . ,:- . . ..Aqo., TF,." ., A ftpîis REAL'ESTATE , AUCTION ' y 'inn lroelllSllOrELOeOiRP loo esniocs sieso por 000rb , ' llasar,eeoni,asl airare rar WO 01 00e rOd WoibIlle FOrO ""DEVELOPEII'CLOSEOUT IEW CONSTRUCTIOI JUNE 25 NEW CONSTÁUCTIÒN JUNE 27 Or rrrelrrrSrrislareo er MCL Cnepauss Or rodete as Strsuoirs ne Bco Ocas Houes A NEW NEIG6S0ON001 IO 0010E SCENE MoIra Pi,aca io CHIcAB0 Titi Erriror aIr Snis000a ceorrinsc Isis RrrnOaeri . Rasch K 2-story homos, 151 Fl. Bedlooms 1 S, Courent & RarsEaELn) CHICAEOiUnoec&i000atrt Miusrrs reco Denorone, ber, Mvoraus, Passs,Siinrrrio, EnrIo, Osorr,unsiro taruor , Soase Cireuotrn . CUn000ieTI groonds mainlonance-free l'miog 6 Si secs- PumIce Homes 3 To Ou Arlo A er010ru , Rearroitco re Prias osarono, red oeIl 11mai05 In unoa, lIrIrr raaro diriOgu 000murikitanrrnlls aranbloeauelt arai, oetlgluaraarveilec Is badrrunr&ienlir rene, urslrleulha,Oarttrepiear,eeaeoleuystre, 2-oea retador ocraeri add nma multi eisulnuuiredsrd Ip To t5tO, UuOctrISd trenne OIls errs'soon,oao 6 Carieemiraiumo 5 tO sa p, ru ro Silas, ruor 0050 OF, rambla ruoli, Ortimrllulln000elrlelniroeetralappiloraee, ecolrrealto, P'aardctaelad Sestee eseoieooir Paired 00er 0505,100 paloise epuro 100155er, rlrelasrloeoaed UeT000cO,50a SuOeeot000perI000IOo runol$Isn.000 ro 050,26'IlIdOopIeSdaOIECOoore mn iOuOiU 11001 Ir see sa' aloe 1001er or tra 11110001 20' nIlo 00040. Pius Paar odeca ProeleurlrerlceOl 500005,590 0Er BOAussr Pdn o-oes, a-ira, oie Storer, cr001055 llrboeldlslis a ra o, isoslol e suo, u orare 0(01000, erirrle geloso pon, ProrboorbI raised il 000slO,IOoococlod bruna PIdo ymn;57d,090 liess Caucus iS"FLA5S Araiiaein. Arco Hawurl JmrS, 03 8 20, 2-dee Wed Il B OB, 4'Oret Julio10, lb au-ceo rj So rTT 0S o Grand Opeoioog Pricing from $588,550 17 Tewsonrass 4 Tr Be Srio descasto, Hoosneacos sr Prior Juan ott, te o os, iran-Ire aunorsslo r-ope Rick LEvIN.'& ASSOCIATES,INC. 773 252 4500 www ricjdevin corn follow . 1,905-3,500 Sf of flexible l09Ol Soaeootr0000alralldo Pren:0t05,500 Ossge oteo Oloeleg O Ide emia sr at usa 2 Tn 0m Soir A , Rsosnuiros or F5105 005,255,O'lIeslitsOe,erumeikiaSartoriaiOOs talonear ibropisee, teucali sIstro, ont collera os on Facobool S l'pplttnr loo o . Award-winning Resolve al bhe MenI Clob 2 Or Rn Arie Aesriarm, Rsuaieiooai re Pine 13 Bloslr-rouor Hoces Eposor CA-UP Aomlsvslc ON Moss PonPEdslnI 3 dolIere,' Cllihlae050ill, By Merop Memo Ihr Baila Plaies Commons ralas renter red madri llllii cotillo bill O ititic velo ici i MAY 27-29, 2009 RUN.TIMES NEWS GROUP Senior commLlnities create comfortable homes sil,icicsiilciiceo, cxericay. liiniswiiyiiioiiyseiiiorl,iiycrs ricci, bcooiïloily nypoiricd 92- NORTH.0 5Il LAVEE 'IalItiSERVE ' ' I ' r flO I t, ' i t Et,itt tt]Ll0t,fl l I n,,'01 FItOI1IIIIIIII Cl 1,1 i t 000 ISO ur,,lio}'rOOl ' i t'i ]Ar,I',5,pstittttit o t ¡t]tt t,, I)a110[Jtl]tttts I Salie. teiLt ''Ill ' i , , I al'd 'cul st vlrttll'r cil_vit (847) 680-0090 mnrjùhonoes,not l.9d io Rl. 1 37, Wort to On. 21 IMiltroekon Avsl ordii t Yr reilas in eahenne. Fallaw sigoo la Svduu Coaler opas doily 10.5, obased Tuo. R Wrd. 583 4700 ,vvÁoptls'8rrivJeb.co 4 MAY 27-29, 2009 Today's New Homes NORTH-U SUN-TIMES NEWS GROUP C1A DEVELOPMENT Two valua-conscious mode homes open Today's valite-consciotis sin- gracious foyer and a powder gle-family homebuyers are seek- ÍO()IU. 'l'he kitchen features a Ing affordable new residential granite breakfast bar opening io (lesigns that 1)0th ncet the nee(ls a great room with fireplace. 'Flic of their growing family and their (lining f00111 overlooks the living room. A 22-funi-wide decid adjoins wallet. That was the motivation driv- the great rooi and overlooks tut' ing developer Paul l3ertsche of backyard aiul Private (Irive. C,A. Development when he ask Upstairs, the niaster suite with his architects o design two new vaulted ceiling features a private affordable single-family home balcony, (thai closets and a luxurimodeisthat showcase luxury fea- OtIS private batl with soaking tures, yet reflect buyers' needs 1(11), SCh)arat e shower 811(1 double and changes in the market. niarbie vanities. 'Pwo more bed"This is fttbulous opporttinity rooms 811(1 a secondi full bath forbttyers to ¡nove Into a fully complete the second level. graded luxurious new lioie at a 'l'hie home has a lisctiìeiit fainvery affordable price," l3erlsche ily moni that can be tIse(I as a said. "Coupled with available low home oftice or guest rooiii with interest rates and new liomeboy- optioiial third ltlh. l'he ilickory I- er tax credits, there's no belier is base pricedl at $499,000 at Maytime to buy." fair Crossing and $545,000 at On May 16, CA. l)evelopmcnt Edgebrook (;lei. Families interested in iitiichasgrand opened the two-story Linden model at Edgebrook Glen a ingat Mayfair Crossingnay tour (levelopment of (14 luxury single- the new HU)dCl home and sales family homes located at 5200 W. center located al 4219 N. Kilpat- Armstrong Ave. in the Edge- rick from I l)1i. to 3 P.fli. Sunday, brook/Forest Glen neighborhood on the Northwest Side. O1 by appointment. For muore information, please The company also grand call 773-777-8910 or visit www. opened the three-level hickory cadcvelopmnent.com, or call C.A. model at Mayfair Crossing, a new I)evelopnient's exclusive brolcem-, Barbara O'Connor of Koenig & Sircy GMAC Real Estate at 773360-3600. dvelopment of26 new-cunstructhon single-family homes at Kilpatrick and Berteau avenues in the Portage Park neighborhood on the Northwest Side, CA. Development's spring "Homebuyer Stimulus Program" Here are details on the two offers a special mortgage buydown foi qualified buyers that new models: aThe IJnden.This new efficient lowers the interest rate to 4 perthree-bedroom model has 2½ cent for two years on conforming baths with a third bath "roughed- loans at EclgebrookGlen, Mayfair in" needingonly tile and cabinets, Crossing and the Residences of and an attached two-car fiont- Old Irving Park. "Qualified buyers may choose load garage. "The Linden has a contempo- a second financing incentive that rary floor plan with an airy and offers six months of free moriopen main level," Bertsche said. gage paymentsincluding loan All homes at Edgebrook Glen offer luxumy finishes, Including kitchens with cherry cabinets and granite countertops, marble baths and hardwood floors and stairs. Oversized homesites aro standard. principal nudi interest on conform- Fiere are the details on the im- "A highlight in the living room is a wood-burning fireplace." Ing loans, or a $15,000 closing mediate occupancy homes now The kitchen-great room fea- credit on immediate occupancy available at Edgebroolc Glen: tures soaring ceilings, cherry homes or on new homes to be u A two-story Arbor II design cabinets an(l granite counter tops built at Edgebrook Glen and May- has four bedrooms, 3½ baths, 3,635 square feet of living area with a large island and a nearby fair Crossing," said Bertsche. "We also can offerjumbo loans amici an attached two-car frontpowder room. Patio door OCfl îjithèkreatroorntoadeckand with rates currently at 5.5 per- lqad.mr. Lpt 62, a corner 1rgeback yard. Theowei-level cent," Bertsche said. hiñisit, at the beginning of fmi1y room and opthifai third "Ho'vevet, our hestitentfr Yyide-sac street which bath also open directly into the still is the 'No Lot Premiums Pro- dead ends at the gracious rear yard. gram' on the best homesites at forest preserve. This home, Upstairs, the master bedroom Edgebrook Glen and Mayfair previously priced at $780,000, is features a private balcony, his and Crossing," l3ertsche said. "We now priced at $630,000. hers walk-in closets and a five- have solch three homes in last six I The top-of-the-line Oak HI, a piece marble bath.Two more bed- months on oversize lots which fully decorated model on Lot 44, rooms and a second full kith previously would have had has six bedrooms, 4½ baths and complete the second level. l'he $75,000 to $125,000 lot premi- 4,934 square feet of living area Linden is base-priced at um." with a full brick elevation. Bertsche said these incentives This home lias every imagincoupled with new pricing that is able luxury and upgrade includa residence that is much larger," about 20 percent or muore under ing walnut floors, marble entry said Bertsche. "By removing un- previous pricing makes for un- and a gourmet kitchen. and an necessary hallways and watts we precedented value opportunities attached two-car garage. This were able to eliminate square at Eclgebrook Glen, Mayfair home, previously priced at $1.15 footage and reduce construction Crossing and Residences of Old million, is now priced at costs while maintaining the fea- Irving Park. $895,000. The homes have four to six ATudor-style Chestnut H with tures and room count of larger similar home designs priced bedrooms, 3½ to 4½ baths and 5 bedrooms, 3½ baths and 4,477 $50,000 to more than $100,000 feature premiere luxury finishes square feet of living area is lothroughout. Imniediate-occupan- cated on Lot 7. 'Çhis home, previmore." The sales center and niodels at cy homes, previously priced as ously priced at $830,000, is now 5200W. ArmstrongAve. are open high as $1.15 million, are now of- priced at $725,000. $575,000. "This home lives and feels like Saturday and Sunday from 11 ferecl at prices starting at C.A. Development's spring Homebuyer Stimulus Program offeN a special mortgage buy-down for quai ¡lied buyers that lowers the interest rate to 4 percent for two years on conforming loans at Edgobrook Glen, Mayfair Crossing and the Residences of Oid irving Park. on display at Edgebrook Glen. These discount-priced homes Furtherinformationis available include many custom upgrades at www.edgebrookglen.com. ranging froni upgraded kitchen cabinetry and Brazilian cherry The Residences two-car garage with a 20-by-20foot roof deck, plus private deck off the master bedroom. 'The home has a great room, a family room with awet-bar, wine refrigerator and surround sound at $795,000. floors to a fireplace in (lie master of Old Irving Park Final two Estate Homes are and two fireplaces. The home available for immediate occu- waspreviouslypriced at$849,000 A Craftsman-style two-story bedroom, Other homes planned at EdgeOak H is a spacious six-bedroom a.m. to G p.m., orby appointment. $535,000. Formore information, please call Details on the homes and de- design with 4½ baths, 4,968 brook Glen are pre-construction 773-631-9225 or visit www.cade- velopnientswhere the homes are square feet of living area, a cus- priced from $545,000 to velopment.com. up for immediate sale follow: tom marble shower base in the $830,000, and offerd in three levThe Hickory. This new threemaster batti and an attached eis of finish and pricing, the Sil- and includes snore than $100,000 pancy at The Residences of Old Irving Park, located in the Old in installed upgrades. The home Irving Park neighbothood on the is final clearance priced at $550,000. Northwest Side of Chicago. The alt brick two-story Green- N A two-story Elm design show- ver, Gold and Platinum, Edgebrook Glen two-car garage. The secluded 1 1-acre site adThe home is built on Lot 6, a according to Timon Bernstein, joins the western border of the corner homesite anchored by sales manager for Garrison PartIndian Woods Forest Preserve at two mal ore pear trees. This top- ners, the exclusive sales and the edge of the Edgebrook and of-the-line home, previously marketing agent for Edgebrook 13-foot ceiling ìs to the left of the Forest Glen neighborhoods. priced at $955,000, is now priced Glen. Thro furnished models are level Hickory model at 4225 N. Kilpatrick showcases three hectrooms, two-and-a-half baths and a two-car attached garage. The living room with soaring wood model, on a corner lot at cases five bedrooms, a great 4000 N. Kolmar, is a fully deco- room, a family room, 3½ baths rated four-bedroom, 3½-bath and 4,126 square feet of living model home with 3,080 square . Turnt0VALUE,8 feet of living area, a detached ; REAL ESTATE AUCTION NEW CUSTOM NORTh S'IDR RESIUENCE .. K BROOK ESTATE HOME SITES ' ' '' . . ESTATES. ExciusivoEnclave for Estate Homes DEVELOPER DIRECTS IMMEDIATE CLOSE-OUT OF 4 REMAINING SITES 641 Ambleside Drive - Deerfield, IL ., ._- ---- FlSh1lNGliLA\\ti(\ hOA'l'ING u Brk& stonew/6,IXYJ+ Sq Ft. ':. r L) 4 rooms, 5 bed! li I Kl N (ï' t\ SW! MMI NG heated 3caf garage o Gouuoet Kitchen with u Polk Audio, nceiliog speakers custom cherry cabinets u Structured wiring all rouas u lavish Master Suite u 2 Fireptaces Cable Internet Phone RD CC1V Cariera víewin Dana Park Estates - Meyers Rd. & 31st St. LI 2/3 + Acre, Wak-Out & Look-Out Sites u Private Gated Cul-de-Sac u Fully Improved: Water, Sewer, & All Utilities o Build Now or Hold for Investment LI Low Oak Brook RE Taxes Bidder's Seminar This Sunday AUCflON JUNE 141K Open House This Sunday RID DEADLINE JUNE lUTH o'. 2 CALL OR VISIT US ON-LINE FOR DETAILED PROPERTY ANO AUCTION INFORMATION I www.newport-eove.corn or call 847.726.2727 Niw Aimiu,c,tr' Ionts Jew. u Exercise Roui tir: Previously Priced: $1,425,000 Homt- itcs froni $ i 20,000 - $450,000 Ilonw/lot pickmgcs from $365,000-S i .2 million 1Íü(e(s 0/WI! SrI(, & Sun. flOO1l-5J)? i Or t')' (l/)/)1. Grass Lake R'I. in ,uiralAnlloc/., Io liIiWLake Rd., lo I/U' SbO)VS ()fBilJJI.(IkVJ Originally Priced: $815,000 OPENING BIOS AT AUCTION: $475,000 4 tuU'3 paFtial baths! u I1aidwood floors AT LEAST ONE SITE TO BE SOLD ABSOLUTEI Z . e -. . . 0 I 'I O . I today's New Homes NORTH1J SUN-TIMES NEWS GROUP Spirit of freedom, good times 850 Lake Shore Drive built into new community for ctive seniors I The classic character oftwo of Northwestern decide(I to sell the a build lag, Integrated Develop- the most important common ment Group LLC seized the op- areas, the Lake Shore 1)ining portunity to retain the grandeur Room and Lake Shore Club of the property while creatively adapting it for another purpose, exceptional residences for disreining seniors. 3: * Room, will blend modern innovalions with the elegance and style MAY 27-29, 2009 iiìñí pui fi 1*1 i ii of Hunt's original (lesign, OilIer community spaces include a o Eight lnIn(lred fifty Lake state-of-the-art fitness cellier, 1Jnc of Ilic C()Uflhly' greatest Shore Drive svili set a new s(aii heated indoor pool, full-service ttirn-of-the-ccnlury architects, dar(l for luxury senior living in Sl)fl and salon all(l surroundJarvis liant, built 85() 1i1ce Shore Chicago," sai(l Matt Phillips, sound theater, Plans also cali for Drive (Itiriug the l)arit1g 'I\vcii- l)resi(lent alOi CEO of North- green roofs to provide outdoor brook-based IDG, the conitutini- arcas for rcsidcnts and their vivai architectural style was the ty's devehper. "OUI locfltíøfl vili guests to enjoy lakefront living, perfect set t ng for il s orig'i i1 allov residents to revel in the 'l'lIe btiilding's traditional inuse as the 1iIce Shore Athletic benefits (if (lie 850 lifestyle while tenor (lesign vihl be continued Cies. The 1)Uikliflg's Classical Re- Ckth. experiencing the excitement 811(1 through (hie 128 independent 11v- Today it is being rejiivcnatctl cilergy of North Michigan Ave- ing 811(1 1 1 assiste(l living resi- and revitalized lo hccotne the pille aiitl (loWiltoWil Chicago." (lences, Independent living centerpcce oía rich alUl rewaid'I'lte building's premier lake- resì(iences will range in size Ing way of life willi spacious res- 1iøiìt location will also afford fu- from 1,100 to 3,800 square feet. idences nati an ainenhty-I)acice(l turc residents and their guests I-high-end finishes selected for lifestyle foi- active senior a(lults spectacular views of not only COI1)flIOII areas will be carried Luxury Independent and assisted living Is available at the historic 850 Lakeshore Drive, which offers who know how to enjoy (lieni- LaIte Michigan but also Chica- through to the residences willi such amenities as the Lake Shore Dining Room, Lake Shore Club Room, heated Indoor pool, fuII-ser selves. go's skyline. Renowned Chicago top-of-tile-line appliances and vice pa and ston, and surround-sound theater. Green roofs will provide outdoor common space for residents and guests. Situated along Lake Mich- architecture firm Booth 1-hansen materials. gao, the 20-story building stands is (lesigning the building's luteAt 1,600 square feet, tile averin the front yard of Chicago's riors, including residential apart- age size ofihue independent hiving lifestyle," said Phillips. Deposi- will offer a breadth of first-class a Washington, D.C.-based penStreeterville neighborhood, ad- nients 811(1 COiflh1011 SM1ceS. residences at 850 Lalce Shore tors can customize their homes services including a doorman, sion fund, to redevelop this buildjacent to the famed Gold Coast. "1 believe 850 Lake Shore Drive is significantly larger most and floor plans if they make a personal trainers, porter anti Ing. which is scheduled to open Once the site of the 11)28 Olym- Drive Presents an incredible op- other senior living communities. commitment early in the (level- package delivery, scheduled in 2012, PIC trials, the Lake Shore Ath- portunity to demonstrate how "The variety ofiloor plans and opment process. transportation, iiotisekeeping/ Schedule an appointment at letic Club was 1)urchased by tradition and innovation belong ample square-footage will allow Entrance fee pricing at 850 linen service, valet parking and the sales center at 900 N. Dewitt Northwestern University in the together in design," said Lau- 850 Lake Shore Drive residents Lake Shore Drive is 90 perce iii 24-hour security. Pl. by calling 312-915-0850 or 1970s and conveitcd into grado- rence Booth, leach architect for to dlo%vnsze from their current refundable and starts at upprox¡DG has ptrtnered willi tite vsht www.850LSD.com for more ate student housing. When tile project. home without downsizing their. iniately $900,000. 'Fhe building National Electrical Benefit Fund, details. Home tour to raise donations for Habitat for Humanity Lake County Glenn Gutnayer Construction, Inc., amenities. Gracious sun-filled rooms bring a and Habitat for Fhiinanity Lake County present the "Home of Distinction" by sense of warmth throughout, and spotGlenn Gutnayer Construction. While light tile magazine quality finishes. Sudisplaying the latest in new home con- pei-ior custom crafted cabinetry is structon and design trends, the public featured throughout to accent the beautour will raise funds for Habitat for Ihi- tiful interior arches and curving walls. manity Lake County. The future homeowner viii enjoy luxuThe home will be open for tour May ries such as six heclroonis, six full-baths 28-31,June 4-7, andJiiiìe 11-14. toJune aIId two half-baths vi1Ii radiant heat, a 14. Hours on those clays are Thursdays screened porch, billiard room, media faniilics to hell) themselves. 'l'hrough 1)artnerships with diverse members of tile community, Habitat for Humanity builds homes, builds community and builds lives through volunteer labor and generous donations, Upon compietion, Habitat sells homes to families at no-profit and no interest. Before becoming homeowners, families coni1)lete 500 hours of sweat equity. They complete a financial literacy and home through Saturdays from 10 n.m. to 5 room auici wet bar. maintenance educational program. p.m., and Sundays from noon to 5 p.m. "It has always been my philosophy They volunteer in the Habitat ReStore Lake County Habitat for Htinanity vilI that great design need not be more ex- 811(1 by they build their own houses receive all proceeds from lotir ticket pensive than average design," said with Habitat volunteers. Since 1989, sales. Tickets are $10 atthe door or $8 homebuikler Glenn Gutnayer. "We I-habitat for Humanity LaIte County has in advance at Sunset Foods locations. strive to bringto our clients great de- built over 120 homes, providing per 'Flic Homeof Distinclion,localed at sign at the most effective cost." mancai housing fo almost 500 people 1590 Hawthorne Lane, is a iiéw English Habitit for Humanity Laite County in the United States. 'Iuidorhoine that boasts more (loin 9,000 is a Christian housing nlìnistry that For more information on the Home - square feetofliving space. Priced at $3.85 welcomes all people dedicated to build- of Distinction by Glenn Gutnayer Con- Glenn Gutnayer Construction presents the Home of Distinction home tour on exmillion, one will iniinecliately get the feel Ing decent, affordable housing with struction, visit www.homeofdistinction. tended weekends May 28-31, June 4-7, and June 11-14. Proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity Lake County. of old world charm, but vi1li the latest families in need, v,hile empowering corn. www.ReserveOneHoñics.coin : L Operi 10-5 Daily. Brokers 1nvtcd. 815.759.0808 S1'()NØII. OI t1thiTvr QR I1UMA\ n NO SSA TAX! lnJu/,,isburg: Take Rt. 31 north o ttc. 120 Es ½ mile on Rie. 120 w Rivcride Dr., noull 2 miles to Runningbrook Blvd. rollow signsto Saks Ceiucr, I 86G7 I 5.1358 iLcom "ornes 2 BED 2 BATH CONDO MORTGAGES FROM 649/mo P+I onIy . MauaeabIe monthly payments e LIMITED TIME OFFER! CLICK NOW! e GOOD TO MISS! GOING FAST! e LITTLE OD NOTHING OOIN! FRESII FIORIZIIII REALlY LIMITED TIME SPECIAL FINANCING 3.99% 30 year fixed, (4.06% APR) with 20% down! 4.24% 30 yearfixed, (4.31% APR) Blended Rate with 10% down! 4.41 % (4.48% APR) Blended Rate with 5% down! 4,99%, (5.09 APR) with O Down! - Yes 100% Financing! * Monthly payment calculated with a purchase price of $205500, 25% down, 2.99%, 3.04% APR. Does not Include the estimated monthly teas of property tax at $215 or the condo assessment at $163. .* Residential loans provided through Lincoln Mortgage + Funding Corp. (Ii. Residential Mortgage Licensee) MLS. Broker Cu-op Helcome U MAY 27-29, 2009 Today's New Homes SUN-TIMES NEWS GROUP Today's New Homes NORTH-u SUN-TIMES NEWS GROUP MAY 27.29, 2559 7 ,i i ...th5 A recent Samuel, Homes prelootfeaturus a cedar pangofo connnlng a walkway to e freestanding Omen ream. The weight and substanca of the purgata ensures an attnectiea link between the home und the saraaaed parch, Adjoining thu kitchen is a spacious lamih mom with a dramatic, mnnd.haamed cathedral railing, grand Ampiano, and huiltin media conter. Radaliff Ridge la a heand new community In Elolotaatadnga endete et eemt.aastem hemaa that ran be baiA by Abhart ConstructIon, hnahedingthe Dance Cautnw hplat,,rod al anether csnmmunityl. The spaatcaalar outdoor opaue fcatl,ras a larga stane terraae a daalale'olliad, belch trepioca and a waadartul SacaSe. Fancy families Find yourself somewhere special noes booldeen mb a pond, atol fenbanes By Mercy Meneo oiews ohlaslihy pbanleil lerneces, evergeeensondsliedrbeees, ssnellosaloon- SPECIAL to SUS-emeS SEWS GROUP Thrre'nulolllint goes ieloboihlisgn lInO home. Fron, 11cc ouiche, of bedFoe eluse iehormaiion, call 847-441rooms, lo Ihr sloe 01111e family room, 7890, Corey hule dchoil is imyoelool lo Ihr looioebuyor. Willi 100cc Fr01110 spend- ic,glhooalhomr,arosstdlho home 11101 can ho enjoyed by oil is also iolporlool, Hoer are Rocio local bailolres Iliai arc bailding all lypen oiGyecial spaces loe homoboyers Io enjoy. Buyers find something different in special homes Jeff Samuels Noehli Slices canton, hiomeboibler, and piesideololSamneln Honirn,jrhlfionio- sleuelino ob many cesohivo oalilooe All hlolneboyces baos nomo' ibaing dibbermal in miad wilma Ihey sInn saumclliag bue iltrie pmeleci lonuep tome. Hmrr ore spmo braI commosilims lo con' Accordiog io Norihi SitUes orohilecl ceenlr o cubani londscapr 11ml is in hesOiarlosPage.lho opilomeohiodoor/oul- monyveidi ihie hnineownre's desires as door lining isa scrooned-in porch. Tice inelbaslheawhitechneenllhehioine,"Soiesoneon room lias eenclied ils aechileclueai open io Ihie Page's now 9,U00-sqoare- heel personal resideooe inWinuriha. "Noi only is Ihr screen molo in mp new heme ihr moslelsboenle I liao'e reco crested bal ii is also hie musi eUrclioc is cre- nli000closerelaiionshiiobeltnernicdooe aed ooldaor lieisg," Page said. 'Thin is the Unni linie! linee denigseil ahiomo where ihn enlire wall belueen Ibis screen room aod the kiichen/gallioring area apron apiolaonrgmod lioiogspace.The renallisoprclacoiadybrooiilalasd pon- cidenagrralyiacrloeeleeloin." A ociiidnw n'all and nlidiogglass dones hid provide access ieoni the hilchien/ gnlhèeiog noca define iho serren room. Thdeoomoveeiooiasannleelaiiloimhling oem said. "OmcTenlncanconsolimilh one oblhehuidmapeanebdleobscaeieenammnd nebsiog in oes obihiele own penierence, Whaleceelbo case, Oie hnyin caonhinafion borthomosimomnihcl," According In Uamuehs, screened-is poechos conlinno lobe cosy popuiar, mhiho posgoios and sweoping leoni paechesaeegainingispopnlaeiiy.Mony clienlu aro interested in lheee- oc loor' season rooms ihat are healed and air- . SfoflngslahadarahitrctChasteo Pagehasdaitgaad niahureta scenes rnnmsthetere eeoangtha mast pnpalenteaharencftdsac. claimed lunurycustam hamen.Tho lndaur.autdncrl'singame In his nene persanai rosidencatakestheeenaayttn its erctdtactural - apeo. le Nnslhbrooh, o eheleco-mnspierd sssidsenosaempliUes the hisd nlUour oreo hal itnoeidco addihionol speer bum entsetomning. boutiqor-siyls ivolk-in closet anti spa mame ioknnotion, cantad Joan MeGoinona both. Alun no bbs srcontl loon ole hiere orVo!ecimbGstnobmhemoil(oeflrg' &SleeyThe Uesb Oboe also iruiomesageand, nu- nuitn boni jo o nun , oho on httayno o nl/oh- GMACDjidSntatoalyh7-212-bJAS receive inhorcuntion, eau biS9f3.57jy or niaib www,tltniima- Tea East Delaware, Chicago Ton Rash Deharnaer is a new ningsmslaiss.enm, lanurybonlique high siso iethla Theendale Estaten, Laine Forest Thneuololo Estaban is I 00g' Gold Cocal desigsmd by re. nnwumd architmet Luden La' oihieost propesly on 99 acres in llochCrmchflnmmsnnwolbrrs Lohr Poemsi comprised ah nut his. saveS oeïqnr roach loue pIous Ionic mason hoosm on sin acces, is The Hanniugs comaounilp a coach houss na aecalp iwo erar Hunihep. Tihe huomea pro- aerruend sencralonsiomloosry cnsthowiaiow building devel' nids 2,169 to 3,300 ntioane bmmtnl s pacecnih see bioa pnicmd brow brow 2,541 lo 3,055 sqoaee brat, Peicesaasgebrom $h,2S4,910 la The Henniags, Huettley lvco.slosy inamblm boyci; boritlol liv ittg O itti Ucc/beilnaonn and second laovdry mompianosdspecioioiIoecslhebareppro1i condilbosed. lo lodays lovony homebuyses, Froto ahi tbitiing ra oios, powtlsn room, lililony, S sel- wilblcitchenrlte. 'hie sio-bsdmoout, sin foil and 00m-linS For mees isbnnmnlinn un Samnels open kitehme astI oa6egareaatljocnnthv lInos bedmoom oerneci Hoc oblìcc wibli Homes, call U47-480.U47U. agcamrooshysiachbbomityrooni,thtohontr otbjoieing lobi bulb, ceci bawitlry rooln. betbimsidruccis-locatrtballlh5Ootsobentoecsonooldoomiiniilgotidd'ltuiltg TIle etoslee svitn bon o peinote balcovy, Sooth oeil is obtered loe$2,3d8,bbl. Fon Nerthbroek Residence lion, mail Hralhna Mishals ail3b482-0500, mont lo view ibIs ecmunssilp 0e galbering spaces over lbs yearn. "Whim weser denigiiing allume, wo meohinmlywithialaedncopeaiehilecllo Charles Page ere can also modiby asp anailoblm Onus plaiu. Tu sel op no oppuinh. By Marcy Macru ein line ansisled in Ihir design antI con- Tha Thuredate Esteta, cuetam lacren sitas scott eli of the beauty ctthie scenic estate with carahil attention paId te fand csneousatian and teno presaroafien. Each sIte maintains Ihn odginal character cttha praperty with toeedng ceta and peineta iones, end the saetta. Westen, edge sffhe ostato tentons the Skskte Ricen Natura Preeenao, I 53 5,101 la more hilan Known asThuendabe Manor, Ihic manor hanse in o gmaeious $585,008. "Wehrhieces,inebuonoecgaiii- Ouhiule honlm limsigOed by Hum' ord Van Doren Sate dIaling back gwngc.Ilnweboyemacanchuasa from 13 hn,aes in the S5-stnry oped byThue Prime Groap loa, The building's 151 residences include oar., 1mo- os three-bed. eoowlloorplaon easgingia alee $5,6 million, and odour parlaing isanoibablr brow $65,000. Residesis will rujup accesa ta TheTnu Chah, un rseloniue maul' iop'lnnebclohhnosèthetmacludes o priealr dining anow, 5101e-ohtlum'umt fitness center, osiduar woltopsm'aowingpooh,naedank iogmoeeappealbecoosrpmcple to bRh6. Tluorndalc Manor is a ars gehting heed ob climbing sia-brdruonu, bine loll and hwn stai runner p duyeed limp apyrmelote hhr boom bassnucais that cen be Soishsd ns gamo r000is, udditiounl,bedenouns, woskooi holb-babla hews withi abh Ihie ciassic cnnsh ruleta'on ond asebihec10mal drtulba. Large bormab rooms tons high cmiliugs, mushbm fian. ruomsoed none," Sold Ryan Van pinces, incredible opoem bue andgaedans, Denidnuls will chao. Lus, peesideat ob Sodi Ceesk gouudentmrloiningoed magail' Within the Hnnelngs eummanity, tloakCrcokttomes oRees ail hcmebuyers the appontanityto catan. Humes. "Saechrs ulso ohtom cv ehiteets hic beneduin lo pot vol. Omm ordeamaliesuoltmd ceilings ineinloahiycvery soond bscaosc tbieyiho not baco lo worry shoal Downturn forces Americans to save for a rainy day l_' onle iaeg-losliiig good Don DeBat poetionalto Ihr bale vo overiimitvieiolioa. Caed issuers couid nul choegn ovse' limit maybians pub o cloud ove, ihe Ai oeeirne D seam oihiomrown- ON THE HOME FRONT 'tened debi, which repeeneols abfiewutively ognmcd to oiinw oeme-hiniil leansaolions. I Ilocap Ucean si conlhy paymeat apphleali ou melbods. Coed compauien WOltihI lace to apphypaymrnls io evcsus ni onanen age debi oh aree Ihe mivimom am000i ta hie $h7,bløboe the oppnonimately 5Umillion hoonshoids thaI do not pay Iheircoedit caed baldoces in bull mosey muetli. The eombsc uhbomiiirnhhlat ore behind im payiughhcie cerdit cand balance wihh hie resiiip, hoi il is forcing lamihies h neeiaen lo o colture aihlielbi ihai some ecovuecisln say may weil last bug nbisrliaerecuccry, Uoneaoisrsvperls nay. Woei'ied abooi poienliai job ions and weinging lune hands abaaibaiiiiig home peices and slorhi mnrhrh si eciines , Ameni- ca usaresoving more money. U ooingse elms boce ioviird op bees nohens Ihis camdholdrr lins highesleals ohinlreest, I Usbniebiiiisg prachern. Coed Companies could nob use credih coedhilis o sign olas- line abababoucs hhiot is utoid by was o negoiioe 2.7 pmeernl. Thai oleans ihm aoerage Amesicon glembolly spenl mors Iban he u esiiseaso ed, wbiiie hue sive crodil tu coovommrs 0011er bhm ogs 0121 Oho do nul bacs ingoh i4peeceuiiohhs ocholent 15750, aod eeeiaiiaed'in iioobis digits into bbc h981s. S edooneconvo woe spending mahes op about 70 itrecenl oltbe nohion'R gnous domestic ycoduch, ec000mislv soy bbs big qosviius hs Whiat mlii huy- IcajO umIli I nnoo'e neo 850 Lake u Abase olpooegconnomnrs. C,odihcord i sstieeuc ovid nel Wioci1 niet'S uoc spending doss i ramo punsibly evheud aggecv- wjll catre 850's vecelces mid ube abililylo ropsy debi. The yuoagpennun tnocld lince io holdero' Bili ohlbighhsAcl with hace an inihepsudeah durano lo repay Ibis boon, anthiese most he a cosigeenwhn laos noch abibihy, Cunsoniemsuntima tite nom uhu cnold chinons whisili' crIn arcaico eneduh nord uotici' huge bipoehisan soppoet by a vole obSb'S. The bill woold corb ,oms olthmniuei aebbleasy, abasine and onloincasdil cand ieodiog psacuiems 1h01 ioap coosnmess in aviemos cycim uldebl. Gene ars major peuoisioes ohthe acE B Unjostifiod and eelrooctine in eresIebanges. Cord eempa- aira conid nolbihe inlorosh sotes seie000hivsiy on balancee occeord brboer a cole mncreass ho seecohuals Unoociul cabes for ihocados. Wih we iwaben lo iogo bill. hilo diebe afhhcilt? Soyreis say cony c0000mee ea occon, card mssoecs moat lomen lbs cabe abhen abo monlbs cesthil in 00e ob luce uiajoe pit' obun-lime poylunnln lollowing balls liai soub Ihn acerado thur ineccose. Caed ecwpanies mould nah br able ho aaise ishemmt rahms in he Unsi pror titee a caed accoueh is opened, singbs.bnmily lione plan io fierI boor and wibl obIer 24-houe room service, calmeinguerviers and poolsiube lining. "Besh ob ali, homebupers cae noloci a home nom and woos in by ihr end ob 2009 on Tmu Dust bulbs, ormmic hIe coblorllwouth coesrroahiaa and irrepecaenvaflooring in boyer, Kohilee bothl/ Ridge, a beaud new cummunihy 0h21 eveco6nehnmesbnbebaill lhiugbnrenneyuer," soidHealhrn home includes Iwo ho boor bedMishmlm,aalrumueogerlCrAirhina-1, rooms, too to 4½ bothueonmn, hitchsn plombieg lv ioresan si Tlirmuiinrhame islocalrd ou bpAiehorl. Lnruled within high- "brow empty nestene seehiog ho gnurmmtkitchen, boll hansweol, baiacmtn ondWlftelpool applionr. hSbl Green flay Rood iv pnicmd ut lyeouhcd NoparviblmflehoolDis- dcwesiae to o more wonagroblo iwo. to bees-car garage, fire. $4.4 million. Thm cnuch hoose mich 553, the S-acre pmopreiy is mesideveelo prolrnni000lcouylms placo oeuf moee. Roch Creek Homes oleo obleas and coslom home siten ore ab- nicely bundseoped und beaboaena socnringalunoeynloce-upoppomEnery home bibi mmmtal leant 'a easinip ob 1½- lu imo-slvey lered sepemalely, Pon 'attdi6onob slightly rulbing hopogeaphy und hoeltyin o prime seiting lo grow- the gravar lmceb olthr National hiounsswilh3,SllInh,ibbvqourn ìulerinahiou,cnelachJeuuuAndem- aconic pond. ing lamibi rseagee lo seed brin Ausociolios nl Hamm Duibdees' leer, priced beam $4b9,hlb to non at Ihn Labuc Parent Wrnb eh. norm thou $715,115. Houuebuy' hice 01 Koenig E Steep GMAC obleijug dc biner p dates bue this yade," said MichamhW. Resehhr, CEO and eheirwan olThe Prime Irony Inc. The desiga and vaheo center loeTmo final Dehawormislacaled al 33 W. Dehawarn Place. Pan mano inbonwation, call 312-357- Per-caestmoclioe sales arr childoen to quahily schools Ihn No- Modo! Uncen Home Building 1510 oncioilwwm.leueasl now undeawoy on esstom single- pewilte Nurlb High School." Guida lilies . Por wons ioboewa- s C Below Cost! 'olltri they tejil krcp me sonore thom coccerajeed. ColorI 850u ialen teiller today to leoni tiort obooi this 1111-.lrUcttIIIc,. mc,,uar'kobie senior t011ltIIOlIily lIttIltr cltvelapltutllm in Stmteler'vj//e. lion iapan8eoboely iimrby os lomgm credilcurd cunhphlniev beve onjunhip raised tuns ratesrocoelly, ubbocting nillions dAm eeicnns . tite CPA repueled, Many coonomees ame neny houaI unhnss ihe coedhiolden is more thou lb ilnys balm in pay- ongry bai ibir houka hey boon I Universal dslwtilt on coinlhilg hcionoev, Cerdil card issocea binmebuyer500s ohoose boom OielOa]lyaO ymancbu oeloeo-sioey enmned noaiaueant Bice Mare will belneated ou the building's , iliiactmesi oblhis legislo- lahes cilenI lwiiii mincccvi'rp- lisochl 010mal role ines000- bamily home-plan-lot parkagen. Peicen spaa boom the low $551s ho the $SSbn, wilh bonde Sises chuding hnaaeheeping. Re' brow ISIS to more hIlan 4,110 Airhuri'ventennio rpoetboliu, is, Sqoara Irrt, clodingthe Medabist and Siguo- Deinmanc is ono nl only therm ing, 0db trim, ceramic hiled sites pop camebul alimelina to land Smoeloymeulln lauahehEadebibb "Thiscommonilyohbens some- tose Series residmuema. bachI dvwntowu cuado devehupweals make icy owo, cemeis now approaching obose. On Moy 1h, lbs 11.8. Senole pasned Iba Cerdil Cand- wholisgoingon opsloie,." beiekhomm lias a alohe eonbmilh Deal Salate, 547-255-8415. Amonitien iuclodc boll banc- 0100F original leotorcu, is oiho' mnshwitbil-loolcriiingo, oplion- Olmd anac only two ocres olihe Radcliff Ridge, Lisle ah wabluooh bas rolen t, wavcncy rabio ieith ils own goisd CoonAirhoel Cvnrhroctinn iS pantSrrplaee, croIraI aia condilinii. FantI ganden. Thm custom home nering with hslaod Deal Enlate snenie es from Tolboll Hotel, in' il lv co Nocy Pjcr, bild I lnvn lItai l'li llave b beanljh'vli lome ro Ihm duc dote. hie higheshleorl un record, the CPA sopado. Now, Congress is acting leginiotius ho pncneniceeditaord sigaellcorriagehoonnwilbuaraeIP 8,000 550am bed ob biniug space. Datitig hoch Io 1811, Ihm staate mcd'dy esa analiahle Heer pian, 055k Crank Homes will aleo etfar ru, estensivo aaeiaty st option. al tantures inoiedingskyllglata, tasr'cargarages, addtiuoat aaialao ceilIngs, auerslaed oustane mill. waeta, laundry chales nest mano. Slnomn Drjvc, Side iovno hone dovs ti my oIIJcAtItg sidos Usonciai problems lo pee ilynopir doni slosh spsnding agnio alice Fresidroi Obumo's stiivolun endel Thir Iioedshipv oilhe Greal Deutrsssioe breed Amceicoeo A,nneicon into debh, Accoediog ho lhc Coitsomes Fs«besotic,n olAviceican ICpAI, hic InduiS auth heichs ihiul credA connu cotupenies non loiecneosc their h,e0Ut5 are coosiog csochìl canI boioocns hoe maiiy bomilicv lu bailooii oui oh cunirol, pushing Iheni towards Unanciol cotonhaophic. Ame,ic'asu nom c'tneyo whiopyi,ig $850 loilion inc cred- My geotncldaitglvver and T cmiv dnoble-cpelebilliug on impone inter rslehaeg es on any per- ho lanes bao 4 yreceiii ni oliosloxiecouis 'lueur iv 2h08 brom pmchicciiy aero. he 2h05, doeinglbie prob ob Iba bnslbooin, Ihm vaoings raIe Chi nesasoreaboo I a qooetrr obwhiut ihey corn. Socings soirs honrflochoaled middy 00er lie pani 3Syeorn, psab. Senior living that's more exciting for me. bInes to be reos000bic'a od pro- _ may come from 1hserUmsN_P sion'v impeel 00 ihe Amreicon wallst. Thr scononlic dowvioen coniviews oh Ihm gandsa. The cocob hausm isa Shaw-dm- brodI loom hhr 6 la corle hnlel bren noppoehieg ivihh Iheic loo dollars biaor cewardnd ibiol as' oisboncc by conhinuiug lo unna naeielp olabasive peocliesa Iv oveechenge lltsin, tIle CPA Please tall 3 12.915.0850 br Sibil www,85o/ad.tyio. s New Homés Beléw Builders Cost!! . 2 Bed bath and larger homes' . Beautiful Upgrades Included! -n Finañcing Available.fàr YOU! LAKE SI-jORE 1)RIVE L 000r y otd C cItliclo I olin Ocoos'sy psp_Sil Sibili/CibI FIl/bU Ihn Hema FIoRI, Dan Du- 5° Sat's weakly roel autatu eut- oren syodinalnd by Panal Madia Scrutons, aeraoelo Ihn cumylaaltlau at baron cnolib noI ioeecess o cardbiohd' er_s mnbrarst mIe ou roislieg bahhancrs dosed nia adverse inboemalinii noi enicheil lo coad liehauion, buying, martguga chopping, n Sxcessioe oud growiag peooiiy beco. Penalty beco would Wab attn ut wwco.0000nbut. hurnnnwnershlp, rnntinR, bulling, tanecotino und In' mudallog. Por mena hama' buying inturmatiun oialt Sia taker Cosy 91110es SOLiS CIINT011 900 NO11TH pinYin 'LaCht CI-lICAcO, IlLINOIS 80611 LIMITED 3,R9% 30 5551 hioohh, (4,RSa/o APR) Willu 2S/ hIOWIb! TIME! 4.41% 4.48% APII) Blatmuhed 11511 mibll 1% 11001v! 4,24% 30 5151 uSd1, (4.30% APrI) Bloumbod ISolo Willi 14% dowtm! 4.RSc/a, 5.09 API1) with S Ihowuil - -866-7 1 5- 1 358 s 100% Fnancingl * a liasldnsllal loans pwoldad through LIRIDIJ1 Marlyaga + Psodlng ClIp. (Il, iloaldaslial Mbmhguga Llceason) iiiit1 8 MAY27-29, 2009 SUN-TIMES NEWS GROUP Today's NOW Homes NORTH-U The Woods Value FROM PAGE 1 FROM PAGE 4 Prestigious Sottili i3arrington area, and an attached two-car garage. provides the 1)crfect 1)len(1 of quiet Built on a 63-foot-wide lot, the 21-foot-wide side yard country living, easy access to the Meira and expressways, and city is like having an extra lot. The home features two fireplaces, an all marble master batti suite, a kitchen with conveniences that so many are mocha maple cabinets and granite counter tops and stainless-steel appliances. The home also has a wraparound frontporch, anti an attached two-car garage. It was previously offered at $869,000, but is now final searching for today. Surrounded by beautiful walk- ing trails and preserved 0j)Ct More on Space, The Woods of South the Web Barrington is ToliBrothers. corn/Illinois exceptionally locatedjtist two -I . .v ':';'' r- .- priced at $650,000. The decorated niodei home and sales center for the Residences of Old Irving I'ark is open at 4000 N. Kolmar. Sales center hours are i p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday, amici by appointment during the week. - ;: miles from I- For more information, call 773-777-8910 or visit www.cadeveloprnent.com. Or call broker Barbara O'Connor of Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate at Barrington school district, 773-360-3600. 90, is in the Mayfair Crossing ami is within walking distance lo the lligh-en(l Three imornes are available for immediate occupancy at Mayfair Crossing. The 2.3-acre infili site is one block north ofthe "Marketplace atSix Corners" shopping center on Irving Park Roacljust east ofCicero. It is walking distance to the Mayfair Metta stop, accord¡ng to Bertsche. I3asepmicesrange from $499 900 forathree-bedroom home and range upwards to 575,000 for the largest four-bedroom residence at Mayfair Crossing. Here are details on the homes available for immediate move-in: shopping and (lining at 'l'he Aiboreturn lifestyle shopping center. Community walking trails lead into (he new 35-acre South Barrington Nature Conservancy with its cultural center, walking and bik- UnIquely styled cablnotry that Includes a two-tone design that differentiates the stunning kitchen In the Carniing trails, and ponds. Families will ei model, opon for touring atThe Woods of South Banington. enjoy the new village park, with multiple athletic ¡lekls. "lt is no surprise that this luxuri- exclusively for Regency residents, builder ofluxury homes. 'flic corn- ca's Best Builder from the National Otis community has developed into vitlm a lìtiiess centei activity rooms pany began in 1967 mfl(l becante a Association of Home Builders, the one ofthe most sought-after neigh- amul locker revins as well as an otmi- PUblic company in 1986. Its corn- National 1-lousing Quality Award, borhoods in Chicagoland," sai(l doorimeated 1)001, tennis, bocce and muon stock is listed on the New York and Builder of the Year. Stern. To visit the community in South shuffle board courts, and a putting Stock Exchange under the symbol In addition to the single-faiily green, "i'OL,"The company serves move- Barrington, (alce I-90 (e Route 59 homes within this master-planned 'l\V() models are open to tour. Six up, empty-nester, active-adult and north and go 1½ miles to (lie encommunity, is a separate enclave of low-nìaintenance single-family second-home honie buyers, amici op- trance. The sales centers and modhomes for those 55 and older. Re- ranch home designs are available crates in 21 states. eis are open seven (lays a week gency atThe Woods ofSommth Bar- ranging hunt 2, 100 to 2,500 square'Foil Brothers is the only publicly- from 10 a.rn. to 6 p.m. Call 847-381rington boasts a gated entrance feet honics and pi'iced fromn the low traded national homue building coin- 4700 for single-family homes anti and resort-style amenities incluci- $500,000s. pany to have won ali three of the 847-381-6600 for Regency homes, ing a 7,500-square-foot clubhouse, fo11 Brothers, is a imtioim-leacling industry's highest honors: Amen- or visit TollBrothers,com/Illimiois. I 4219 N. Kilpatrick. 'The Avonclaic floor pian is a fourbedroom home with 3½ baths anti 2,736 square feet of living space.This fully decorated model home features include acherry anti granite kitchen and two fireplaces, a marble master bath and a wet bar. Previously offered at 630,000, the home is now final priced at $535,000. u 4650 W. Berteau. The Berteau floorplan with G old- level finishes lias four bedrooms with 3½ battis and 3,080 square feet ofliving space, It features a beautiful cherry kitchen with breakfast bar. The home is priced at $575,000. Further information is available at www.mayfaircrossing.com. s..- V?i' rQ I / sI Luxury hmes D . Stevenson High School . Walking distance co Metta trainstation A A , . FROM ( A II $694,990 . Zoned heating & A.C. 4-6ßcdrootns s Spacious island kitchen s First-floor study . 3,170 - 3,840 Sq. Ft. . Luxury master bath and sitting room (tcrpLin) north to Ajnakisic Rd.. east '' ( .. f irr 'Íir i',' - ciÁe óexì E_-s T A T E S IN BupmuioGnovE: P4fIo Çryc Sds dC. - WWWt_ ' g The time to buy is now, the place IO buy ¡s ' -" tO. r VISIT OUR FiruiD Coworvffl'iiuivi OF THE WEEK AND ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL OFFER! MEADOW RIDGE BELLE PLAINE COMMONS New Condominiums for those 55 and better from the $190s . Maintenance-free Living . Spacious Floor Plans e Balconies or Patios Available - . Fitness Cénter s Community Parks with Fountains . Convenient Location Near Transportation e One-of-a-kind Opportunity First Floor Master Suites Available Spacious attached residences in a private gated community with 6 dîfferent plans to choose from, priced from just $495K. Onsite sales center located (n Northbrook at the corner of Techny Rd. and Founders Drive. Come see how valuable we really are at Belle Plaine Commons! - For the latest information call our model hotline at Koei1Mn F*Jnn (847)5599800 - 2335 West Belle Plaine 773.442 p6995 Model open for walk-ins or call Judy Westerberg for an appointment ,)oltç I)',' BellePlaineCommons.com r,' IBSON '__.T & JAMEs wwwMeadowRidgeNorthbrookcom Sales Center Open Saturday-Wednesday lOam-5pm. Just east of Western, i block noith ol Ir1ng Park Brokers welcome. Dovoloped by: North Centor Auoclates lic Developer license #1647104 (ilUil5Jt'i ltl-NIs . A NICHE PUBLICATIONS ADVERTISING SUPPLEMENT 2010 Camaro quietly led pack at Indy 500 MAY 28,2009 N (oo) BY JEFF TAYLOR SearchChkago - Autos Writeî 1ts liard to imagine anything associated with the 2010 Camaro as uÌct, 1ut Uflulke previous yeirs Gcrtcral Motors did not firc up the publicity machnc to hype Camaro's participation in the recent 93rd running of the "Grcatest Spcctacic in Ricing" Do not waste your time looking for a rcp)ica of the 2009 lndian'ipolis 500 pace car at your nearest Chevy dca)er - none ;, ; , ::e i:, . :' . . t:Th :i' ji- ::.:_j. vi11 be offered. The Camaro is one of the most anticipated vehicles in recent years, bUt the Indy 500 is still the premier motor racing event of the year, so a little respect seemed to hein order. Helio Castrooevcs took the pole for this year's race, and for the first time in many years a Corvette did not pace 5the race. The 20 0 Camaro pace car was unveiled during a ceremany at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway 1-laU uf Pame Mu- j . '-k therford, A! UnserJr. and Eddie ChcevcrJr. in attendance. "The Chevrolet Camaro first paced the Indianupois 500 in 1967, with one of the must loved pace cars of all times, followed by the 1969 Indy 500 Camaro pace ear with the hugger orange paint scheme," Chinvood said. "Just 40 years after titar car made its mark as a pace car favorite, we're pleased tO have Camaro return to the streets and to the track at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway to start our ecntcnnial era." The Camaro made iust its fifth appearance as the official pace car; it was the first pace car of the IMS' three-year Centennial Era: 2009 (100th year the track has been in existence) to 2011 (the 100th anniversary of the first Tndy 500). l've been fortunate enough tu drive as Judy-spec Camaro well, sort of. I tested a 2010 Camaro SS in March that has the identical drivetrain as the three Indy pace cars preppcd for track duty The on-track car featured the same production (t.2-liter LS3 all-aluminum Chevy V-B, with a race-ready 426 horsepower at 5,900 rpm and 420 pound-feet of torque at 4,600 rpm. The race-day Camaro featured a Tremec six-speed manual r. transmission and 3.45-axle ratio. No drivctrain or suspension modifications vere required to prepare the Camaro for its pace car duties, 'lhc only modifications to the vehicle included a fully itstcgrstted strobe system, including a GM-designed continued inside + A I II t It t -- °j',---.:,; . - SCOOTS With IMS President and Chief Operating Officer Joie Chinvood present as ueJ) as lisdy 501) winners Johnny Ru- t -: :- N 0o' NISSANCHJCAÓOCOM ca û- s WWW.IGOLFMILLFORD.COM . WWW.GOLFMILLFORO.COM . WWW.GOLFMILLFORD.COM ID .., .. ,,. EVEN BIGGER NEW ZERO NISSAN FOR 90 NATIONAL flfiI I $16,579 f}ÏL fr7j\ .t C.) OU'RE GONNA SAVE,MUCH,MUCH MORE AT GOLF MILL FORD WITH OVER 2,000 NEW & USED.VEHICLES IN STOCK! . dt. 1r' 2009 NiSSAN 2009 NISSAN ALTIMA NISSAN SENTRA VERSA * 9,.9W' ;; 2009 NISSAN ROGUE 11Ro* !I J338-1 ', MOOL 52059, 4 AT ThtSPRICE 19,178 .uI_,J £ .,. :' '., 36 TO CHOOSE 28 TO CHOOSE ZERODOWNy PER AM-.-lI:-_ ITRT:M . J $ß,995 $7,995. 05 Nissan Snn C6 Scion tCcoup I 08 ZERO DOWN' used kP55 S7O82 MID :CITYN1SSAN USED OUTLET $5,995 I '02 Mazda Protego5 8995 Nissan Sentía .ß Toyota Cijwjja 8,995 [O Nissan Santia 1O,995 . 06 AItjm . - C, EATFORDOU0IR o I WHILE OTHERS TELL YOU ThERE'S NO CREDIT AVAILABLE. FORD CREDIT IS READY IO HELP YOU FINANCE YOUR FORO VEHICLE. I- . BUY DR LEASE A NEW VEHICLE AND WE'LL CUVER YOUR PAYMENTS FOR UP TO 12 MONTHS F Voli LOSE YOUR PAYCHECK r r BMND NEW 20C9 FORO FOCUS nAIw2O® FORD FUSION S wraTwvEwroeøfr I o sflWUIMROUIAYlUttW BOS11IflRJV r*CDRY(BUPPEOfNcU 5TSl 510CC FUR IMMEIIATE OE1Niifl .DAPK AVAfl.ADLEl' .O%APR'ÁVAILA!LEl' tiQ%APRAVA1UeWt lIlNuaw 30 TO CHOOSE 7w' .L Follo, .0% APR AVAILA8LE . ON ALL CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED VEHICLESI ; visn us 24(7 AT WWW.GOLFMH.LFORD.COM TOTLL liCINIO A DOC FILI' C, .':.. ' AWSIJJ IRlA POI l AC- pacac ICcx pcaa acaffl,c I01a,S1. 0210140)0 IOWD022 toLlos, ID W 1* Soliti Cf a;. catcaC-s'.c2c o r¶1 01001. 010MO 10010X0000,011. 1g1E111d511. (IlIWlID U?VI0C-LUW0011.t1lIAlIl?0 01398900X299' '7,989 ..'169 o l?p1prlaio,k 1RWØ. Ifajo lrSl!i5 r' a,t Auww1 WCR ,accj i va,*t I,j. tac, i ModeI9Dk#SU23. rnotd,a icats sr,oua r 0105001E 02DtE0 0100(0 ,twt« t011 DittY tYIILC-tttO UtlLttItt I1Nt05S III, DOtO. III lin COD LOW MIII 100000200 112 989'1279. I9.989..1219 8,989199' 010000110M 04 tC C*WTO caw CA SIE o OS 00*0 F-lOU 00*0 Cli 410 IlIAS 0101W CM KIT 4X4 (M5I 1f -'naln IIIOYvIL1A aR IC I (IT can. a,a,o pcoJt MOEl 1r11fl35( Power wjflhIok ¡Cillais; CD; keyless entry & ¡Cale! '1OEU89.1239 NEW 2009 SUBAQU TRIBECA 5 Pass. ik.#O3D.thO5Ä S_Icc. Itiltium mccacaavi JLIOT tYDILC- AC- CD YAC S1IIM $1 2989-279 07 CHYTILIR TOWN 03 VOW E-35 MdeI 9T& äSU2386 cAa codifY, LX OS YAN 1* 0101 01(1W FIMO tOtAls OWW0 (LI, (lIZ cIl, LO p40_I 001.0, (101(01! IOI111D 00000 LOW_I I 0000511. TRI,tDIIOl. WOO 1011. 011001E 0011. 010? 100000231 '139ß9,'299 DI. E000150 00001* CD lOW 01.1* 0040(05? £00111111 1151003101.01000100200000700 Iv. I10L11L01L 1011(1 00W '22,989 .1429' '489.'459' '14989 '299' 0001 bOlD 110111370 : 2O989389' .111(00000TU000U 0g 00000V OS 00001 h o 1100AVlCfl001 11110010GO 0*00101.01 IlL l0l001TXI0lIt E5000A01000* 01*110 011160*5 lIT 0500100. 24,93 , OS Nis,an RòCiiè ù:edStkp7R4, STARNISSÄN USED OUTLET. SI4lIA..........$4,995 g5 Jp Libeiiy ........ $5995 04 Dodge neon...................$5995 YWLMflO(tA a,tic tUa,Ic IC-tO iu1CtiTtIIStA ,989S149. '04 Mitsubishi 13,995 08 Nissan Rog ...............15,995 '09 Cubani igaiy 15,995 888-59O8666 midcttynssa 'ntifrIrt & corn .OIIDIIAI& lijo AC- tillO P0%1tD. IODIO? 010*110110 OÇ99 239 11I.uon0000aro'oc'aotsa 00OI000I011C 000X150? 010a&0l13A '12989tY27ø' CU;keyless eiiiiy & ¡Core! 0311001V 00. 14101E, £1. 0500110000510020. WO 001*00110 RUDI, 0010*05? 00001110 ID?OUAflClDiSlOOODi3O0 IX 15023 0010 (ODI0U10300E6?I5A i5,989Ef3l9' $0000Ef1N50510*1I APIO O8 Nissan Sn 04 Nissafl Murano Ovandor...........$7995 ..................p8,995 07 Mi(subishj frIip 08 Nissan Senlia I1A......1O,995 SlIE...........1O,995 SE93............11995 SUBARU. 11,995 13,995 Volkswagen Pasat O5 Nissan litan 4x444 R6 Toyota RAV-4 05 Honda Pilot S1 07 PJissan Majma t6,995 i9,995 5757 W TOUHV AVENUE i NILES starnissan corn 888.5987491 '18,989349' '219ß9-'499 0010117Ot1k100102001 ti0L000 l.l2OM0.00LLCI 00021.1. PIlIlO, DIAI*GOUN000031110001400N , 28ß'vi'4Oø', cviii ias cwla. cOJEO? 00050 ONEROSO! 11.1 414 LTD 4X4 OS FIORD £010000105 XLI 4X4 10011.1. LIllItE000. AUOD ADtOD1(cp.DthAt I ': :g GOMIIIG FUOM THE . -''.'94CDMIHß FROMTHE' Piclores thy illusitaijeo only. Elfers en 3 dyi Iro pb C, 000011. AC- 11001W 01X00010 o '18,989'349' r rr' L OIT OEMPS!LI0 E AST lOMiLWA : ' U4FROMTHE'NORTHOR' , '&kIT.I1SMP$O00IyyO IQM1WAU 000(11. WAllt 0511. 10? DI 181 1101f 010011013 '159ß9«'319 WFOSTOLJDIOIO2QODLI(r CIJDC-000C-I0IUl.1101013131 '15989 tY'319' 16,989'tY'339 SALES HOURS: MON-FRI 9AM-9PM, SAT 9AM-7PM SERVICE & PARTS HOURS: MON-THURS 1AM-1OPMFRI 7AM-7PM, SAT 8AM-5PM JUST SOUTh OF GOLFI RU LUuN'O'IEtN . Ø5 5 AS1IAR .. .$TIeflMYRUeÀA*VGÉ:SPARSN MISC RVSI?.N ; ciu yJØj AUTHORIZED QUICK LANE DEALER '. 9401 N...MILWAUKEE AVES NIL.ES' ir " i' 000V itoi'o.,Xw57 00 MIL WOO tDADD 110111100 t14989'1299. rl 888-598-7467 Ie 10001413101.0410101(100100* 000001510 101X10002100, Il) RDWWA0, 100011* ON DOlAD 1(000500 - 4330 W. IRVINC PARR CHICAGO Rilar 00001011? 211101101 '15,989' tY1319' LiffYAcJ t(JtO0a,It1IY tc,ttt, at ct Icto' SCtI,2't! (a Tille, U. R doc, lee to quIiIíeduyr vIOîediL 1eFeird Payentay affecifiyI price or ayey. All lehale! ocelrve aori No ILA0It 15121000, 002 1(11000 TOI, (01100. 101101(1 E OOt7OtWWOAATC- 0(00105 . . CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE FOR NEW AND USED CAR SPECIALS; AII otIer yIu 00 ADII001DI000101Et10i1 '15,989' 319' 14,995 5ì MISSAi 'lumrnuu 11050 r4OttOti ttOt TAT, tEtAD. DStCAttI DAD.LtA(Ill SItIADI Powet win/baRs miliolS 9/k.............11,995 ,Q Volkswagen du I . i:.u.856.3'7644OO' RMeOIR:;ioa . bto - ifft(1ual ¡Iii'are &O4 lwNra yueUi 72 uI4 TNT.4OI lo 2008 jìctati ro II3y5JtIC UtIet 4 M11tEU Pyaçro.i ee teller tiyit 1MO300flLIOEfl1WJI1O9MMM 047-470-9800 . ;J \ . : 4OrOv0on.. y k 2OflwfleyareOa i!a$ tPayaiIahzyr 15OR oj Iv 1,9'ai&S5OOdo) rier.t i1Wijood aieL Byi« *R s!bcsi o p yTeasfl$ i.'n1ryPL Pllli UTy 7 o,sh ooto at iib un o ' QuITcA:4!n.- !E$ÌrSlOkolçah! O N ROC ?o ill, Oalkt,íaeIÌ.toItyoI oiro1irtr rbty.l9 Fw Fcs. OQR 1ordcO3'fEayo. STIl ' o C o (o C, o z 2008 FIJfW F-350 _._ muck MILE WARRANTY.' DELIVERS!t VEHICLES ONLY AT GOLF . 6 YEAR/i 00,000: ONLY S500 DOWN SpEcIAL RIIAIScUIG AYAfl.ABLE ON PRE-Ow'IED ,1,9WPP8AVA!L*BLEI b o IA 11W 2009 FORD ESCAPE mil rcranw,irn wyooiirs rn W6O*IiE'WRODVSflW . Jt.'tt':. It.(I' II..,.lL)nl, . (I, u" UTOMAIIC IRARSM!SSION, AC, RIT. BOX e, wiiwi ltu1mcM roansgwo SA1tWIE RAO,w U 21 991 S379f UBARUCiiICAGOCO - * * * *.* APR AVAILABLEI .EYThHONOAOQTqYoTACi 03 18,199' viî. MODEL 1121g, 4 AI THIS PRICE '02 Mitsubihj Ga!ant . . 04 Nissan Xtrru................12,795' 05 nfinj JX35 u 'ff4 Nissan I1jjS - rOUIlTflV ' FOLY FAC1OR' EQUIPPEDI ll$IO %.APR.X8OMII01)A A LA.KEI 2OO9 .a:- % PLAN) 02 Pontiac Sunfire '08 Honda aeinent .95 Nissan Mjma RY33 MI. Honda Acconj i '07 friS I '02 Teycta RAV-4 - E2 UTD :ø&Veia usedStk#P7O5 SPGS2O 111 Volkzwagen Reelle 3H& NEW 2009 SUBAfflJ OUTBifJft 2.51 wil,, . s UC 000005. MC'i&9FA /_ », Power Windows, locks, mirrors; CR; keyloss entry; O way nianual sea MOfl[[ OS69, 4 AT ThIS PRICE ZER000WN! FORD EDGE MOTÖRTREfjD, SPORT/U1ILflY OR LEASE FOR RIia,rr MODEI42719 4 t ThIS PRE 22 TO CHOOSE .. 'I' , I5li E,IIi ¿C TOP100 .w,w2oueFORD F-150 IAAND NEW 200R .-. NEW 2009 SUBARU FORESTER 2.5x S/.6Il -5Ø$NlNG!. -- - (ALTAGE FORD DEALERS . '.((.' 3VErRSINAROWI AMERICA'S SAFEST CAR COMPANY "- ' VITFr Chor rr TCIr 'j WITH THE MOST VEHICLES WITH A FIVE STAR RATING! -E _ . - -,' ,- -1.- F, OR LEASE FOR NEW NEW NEW 2009 ' . ,, 1' Moö&9JA,sV; lMPREZk 2.51 Il ÇÀ. - PAYmI lENTS DAYS' NEW 2009 SIJBARLJ :..-.T--. j_t,,. r . . !R *S2II *m'a, t. aa I!Ois,394p tte rtlTaothaH la!l ILS!1 e S!III fÇI.XtJfß. ! IyflTO rpo0esr,r,0 oy y'r to, ato4s. IMO3tYaøOEfI1flMflOEMMM . IA1O3UBOJ11HIbF1O9MMM h o s YEFOI4EY () 1% % APR for 60 Months 2 . 000 vehicles now © grossii-igertoyotanorth.cörn '' ' No.1 of Northbrook f Thanks to your Loyalty, we've been chosen to represent GM & Cadillac into the Future! We're celebrating with a In IllInoIs . NEW '09 PRIUS NEW 109 VARUS NEW '09 SIENNA .,. SeeWby 3Day 32 years it? a Row! ,, Sale! THURSDAY 9am-9pm , Nobody has Sold More Cadillacs in IllinoIs SATURDAY 9am-6pm FRIDAY 9am-6pm 1191211 2.5E 4 yI Eng. S2Q50 down plun ia IT122O 5 1td Manual 4 Cyl lou. $2225 down pTos 1 mo. pint tax thin lic. & doc oe(S15U). Sec dep. mo. irnt, lax fille lic. & doc Iee(S15D). Sec cci 12k niiíyr, 25C over. Rcsidual $13.250. dep. bd 12k IllijVT. 25C over, flesidual $B4O03. 910516 . SIEVE EOICY DISCOIJN1 "$MSI1r' Sale Price: p , $331* *;; $38 635 $2,500 53 235 Current Lease Customers $ Save an Extra '6M OWÑERS .: :' SAVE AN .$i.000y DFT000fl $2500 down plus 1 mo. pm tax lillo lic. B doc tee(S150). Sec dep. mcl, 12k mi/yr. 25C Over. Henidual $14305. $23,995* $379n 'D 1191211 2.5E 4 Cyl Eng. $2000 dowli plus 1 S101910 3.5l VB Eno. $2500 down plus 1 nro. pirr mo. pert lax Ihue lic, & doc lee($150). Sec dep. tax title lIc. & dec tee(S150). Sec dep. ¡ccl. 12Km1/vr, 25 over. fletidual S12808. ¡ncl 12K miivr, 25C ever. Reildoal $13,250. IW' Lease Customer Price: .ADD;TIONA,: 2i;926s $20,995* 239 $1 9,895* 259 'NEW O9 'HIGHLANDER -'j Vvf.' $12,495* 119 u' I , DEALER . 'D ' "A ¿" i. TILî' ''; f311 * ew 20b9 CTS andget 7,OOOtowards your Down, Pyme New 2009 New 2009 DTS $44 900 Current Lease Customers V18At S6OO s1v 1OLYO.SC1 51,901 Save an Ext,a 2,5f1 SW' Lease Customer Price: Sale Price: SAVE AN ADDITIONAL Current Lease Custornei Save an Extra $51 P53016 31105 FOLLY 1) C0PhI 34 Lease Customer Price: M bWI1E:. 0 SA VE 4N,.Y; 'ADQt11Ql1At' $34259* $1 OUO CADILLAC PRE-OWNED SPECIALS! CTS 2005 CTS 3.6 PLATINUM $17,995 P9373 2005 ESCALADE AWO WHITE DIAMOND $28,995 P9340 P9247 2005 CTS 3.6 MOONSTONE $16,995 9251C 2007 ESCALADE AWD QUICKSILVER $29,995 F'D32B 9084A 2006 CTS 3.6 SAND STORM $18,995 P0366 2007 ESCALADE ESV WAITE DIAMOND $41,995 P9345 P9146 2006 CTS 3.6 $19,995 P035 1 2007 ESCALADE AWO BLACK $42,995 00329 BLACK 2006 2006 2006 2007 PO3DI 2007 ESCALADE ESV TOSSITE DIAMIÌND $44,995 P9325 2007 SIS AWD VG P0335 2008 ESCALADE AWD B LAC KID LACK $47,995 P9202 P0300 2008 ESCALADE AWD QUICKSILVER/CASIIMEVE $47,995 P9352 2008 ESCALADE AWD WHITE OIAMONB/CASIIMEVE $50,995 P9177 2006 CTS 3.6 PLATINUM $21,995 P9369 2007 CTS 3.6 IN $25,995 P9182 2008 CTS VE D WHITE DIAMTND $27,995 DTS P8923 2007 OTS P9310A 2006 DTS SiS ESCALADE P9100 Snx PLATINUM $24,995 PLATINUM $25,995 Srs AWO VG BLACK SIS AWD V6 SIS AWD V8 DARK GREY BLACK $25,995 $28,995 STS AWD VG WHITE DIAMOND $28,995 GOLD MIST $28,995 2008 SIS VB CRYSTALVED $29,995 P032 7 2007 SIS VB WIllIE DIAMOND $32,995 P914 2 2007 2007 2009 2009 2008 STSAWDV8 BLUE CI1IPICASIIMERE $32,995 SIS AWD VB BLACK/GREY $32,995 STS AWD V6 GOLD MIST/CASHMERE $38,995 SIS AWD VG BLACKI9LACK P0144 09357 P0304 2005 SRXAWDV6 SILK OREEN P0341 2006 SRXAWDV6 WilliE DIAMONO $20,995 $23,995 P93.8 2006 DTS WIIITE DIAMOND $25,995 P0009 2006 SRXAWDV8 DARK BLUE $25,995 P9211 2006 DTS PEARL RED $26,995 P9323 BLACK $29,995 p9357 2007 DTS PLATINUM $27,995 P9355 2007 SRX AWU VG 2009 SRXAWDV6 CRYSTAL REDICASIIMERE $34,995 SiS P9372 PU 543 P9003 SIS AWD V8 2008 SIS-V $40,995 PLATINUM/BLACK $47,995 INFRARED $40,995 $57,995 P9170 2006 XLR 09161 2008 XLRPLATINUMEDITION BLACK $27,995 2006 DTS BLACK $28,995 65579 2005 SIS VB DARK GRAY $19,995 P9368 2007 UTS WHITE DIAMOND $28,995 8577A 2005 STS VB CAShMERE $19,995 2007 DTS 0'E5A PLATINUM $29,995 P9349 2006 STS AWD V6 2004 MERCEDES-BENZ 0320 4MATIC GOLD P9303 PLATINUM $21,995 9393A 2008 MERCEDES ML320 2006 PORSCHE 911 S 2007 BMW MS P9310 $31,995 B7I4A 2009 DTS WAITE DIAMOND $32,995 P0252 i 00 Skokie Blvd . SILVER SMOKE $21,995 10769 2005 SIS VB SANO 51011M $22,995 94060 NORTHBROOK, IL 60062 one block west of the Edens between Lake Cook & Dundee roads CRYS7AL RED '09 ACURA 2.3CL 1920900 IMPOITIS 2006 SIS AWO VG Your First Choice for Cadillac 35KMILES V'.. , ' #YQ85 '08 NISSAW ItTERBA p #Y9067 . You CAN DRIVE A BElIER GAR TODAY IF YOU CALI OUR BLACK BLACK GRAY $18,995 $40,995 $51,995 $57,995 visit us at stevefoley.com '80 JEEP WRAIdELER rnii '09 MERCURY BRAND M*fiQUi 7109M S4,995 01 TOYOTA 4RUNNER S4,995 '02 ACWIA 11. 1511319 5,995 '02 JEEP LIBE 8,995 SPORT 4X4 neu 59,995 '02 SATURN 1300 sousA S9,995 '05 DODGE RAM 1500 PU. ISOlA '99 SUBAIW LE6ACY 459M115l1I31400S6,995 'as cenen coevn'nocoNvT, I5HtT1lI9tL59,995 ,57,995 '02 WYO1 RAV-4 4X4 1VIBOO .1 1,995 '02 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 19213M All Certified Toyotas come with 7 yr! 100,000 mlle Ilmitod waiTu nd roads3do assistance & 160 Ì,OInI quality Inspection --...-.-----2004TOYOTA jII4' COROLLA I66U 2005 TOYOTA SOLMACONVL T919g86 'l 7,495.. 'ZSSl.D 200BTOYOTA ,C0ROLLALE .-. 2009 TOYOTA CAME! LE 98'27ß; $1 2007 TOYOTA '-r.- 2006 TOYOTA 1D,OS5'32 '2 ' '05 TOYDIA CAMRY LE 1171416 HICHLAIIDIR 05900 197569* i ,995' 1 5,995 'ea NIA 5(09NA osi '08 DODGE JOUNNEY ss S1 5,995 51 5,995 S1 2,995 '05 HONDA PILOT EXL 191932A '07 TOYOTA CAMRY oun S12 995. 'UN CHRYSLER 300 REMI O8MAZDAG ys& '05 SMC ENVOY VENAli 5925W , 1 Î ,995 '08 DOD6E AVENGER no 09099 '11.005__$1 O2 RAy-A --- 404 190193* '07 HYIJNDAI TIBURQN 01102 .. 13,995 l 5,995 15,995' 'Dl HONDA CIVIC BEN00055 19I356A.5l 6,995 '09 CHEVY MALIBU LT ososa l 8,995 . 800R29513576 /# "/ ofNorthbrook G6Ott25O5 Monday-ThMruday 9am.Opm Friday and Saturday Oam-Opm ERV1Q]-I0URS Monday-Friday 7:3Oam-6pm 7225 N. CICERO AVE., LINCOLNW000, IL 'Pleast add tax, luit, license and $151.65 dac lee. '0g CHEVY IMPALA CJIEDIT HOTEINE: 866-612-1810 2007 OTS WAITE DIAMON[' .N[D:Cß[Ditp9WE'eflN HEEP! XLI3 P9360 2008 UTS '06 NISSAN ALTI MA Y9O19 PLATINUMIBLACK P9362 p9359 CHOOSE FROIVI! VER M Tol Conlidence is a manufacturer sponsored proraffl Sce dealer for details. Sales price inclades all applicable rebates and in lieu of linancing. Price not availasle with special GM/IC financing or lease offers. compotor lesseewithatease contractending betore 1O1/O9 is eligible, prooloflease requiredatpurchaso. Notrade-rn required. 0%APR for60 nronthson now2009 DIS, CTS, Escalade, ESV, Exlarrd hybrid. $16.67 por monthper$1000tinanced. Financing rate varies based on ced worthiness otcustoinorasdeterrnined by SMAC. Sarao cuslonrers taillant Any GPI'LA valily. $1OOO donpayroentassisnce wheoyou lease a new 2009 CTS (and excladesCTSb and cannot be cobioed itblease tohey rebate. flotavaible with OYBAPR or nranuurer rebates. tease on, good with any tinanclinstituon.4MustbecurrentowneroI '99orneer6Mvehicleto qualilor$1,OOO ownerloyaItysh, IO lieuol tinaingand$1OOOdown paymentassìsnce. Doalerwillnothonorprcngerrors inthisad. Olternotavaible onpriorpubases & sobjectlocP2ngeithoulnotice. See dealer lordeils. 011erenpires 5!3Oi9. o 60712 FAMILY OWNED S OPERATED FOR OVER BO YEARS lessen or subjecttocredapprovaIand insurabiliand in lieu nf rebates, Finance We've Been Here For A lifetime.. We'll BackYcu For A lifetime! .UrO*siuig,eflO.vp;auO.rt... h Mlinrenlnel apIieto neNvehiall! Firdeitarrt [ O 915Oda TOYOTA SCION NORTH tee. tOlAllilnr tI Unir ualirtutere or ltlectnrels buoi Itretairi O irentieel. 'urlai, tifl bc do tee lee llmanitr it 16%I?0 e/90!OdOWINP.411el 5l0!0PaaiceÒlenarpriadcrei1 0raleteidnrtrnul berutaiioe ate. , ¿ì c'J c.J Parents magazine, Edmunds.com pick 15 best family cars for 2009 model year , . VISIT US O p TO VIEW OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY! , .1 )J CHEVROLET MEGASTORE 85 YEARS AND STILL GOlIG STRONG ; 0 cts NP'SV YORK - Parents magazine and Ed -;__ -C I- - . . fl z E o o o i Ì ;'' friendly features. I In addition to analyzing, test driving an comparing specs, Parcnts/Edmonds.con took into account feedback from parents wItt o\vn and drive these vehicles every day. All o the cars on the list are budget friendly - tic start at less than $20,000 and one checks in a less than $15,000, .. . -C o . o I 'h CI) t0 selected 15 top models - three each in th budget, crossover, minivan, sedan and SU\ categories. Each car was judged on safet performance, interior, exterior and famil ¿ ¼ o o t) o o munds.com recently revealed their annual Its of best family cars. i-having tested csscntiall3 every vehicle in the marketplaçe, the exper o, PAYMENTS ON NEW CHEVYS! FOR 90 DAYS! I COBALTS ' EQNOX 5)JADO5 IPA1 e TAHOES i TRAVERSES I UPLAM3ES MALIBUS MEGAMARKEDDOWNTO MEGA MARKED DOWN TO s TRAILBLAZERS I CARGO VAllS SUBURBANS BUDGET: h-Ionda Pit, Mazda 5 and \'olk WiY1 swagen Rabbit (left to right): 1967, 1969, 1982 and 1993. custom light bar using Whcicn 500 sedes linear strobes. While I didn't gct a chance to drive the Camaro around the 2.5 mile oval, I have driven other pace cars on the track, and this car definitely bad the horses to acccicnttc and the handling to stay ahead of the pack. The steering, braking and heft to this car seemed ideal for track duties. Vollowing tradition, Poye won the nice and thus received a pace rar, which he jeportedly sold because it was not equipped th air conditioning, .A.J. (continued from pagel) the and the fiery Texu would not dtive a car without air conditinning Chevrolet built less than lOO replicas for public consumption. In 1969, Camaro was back once again in white, but vith blazing orange stripes and a striking orange hound's-tooth interior. The 396 V-8 \vas back this time with 375 horsepower and a three-speed automatic Indy 500 pace car driver vas an entertainment figure. Por 2009 Ernmy Award-winning actor Josh Duhamel was the driver, leading the held of 33 transmission. Four-wheel disc brakes, posi-traction rear axle and i 5-inch tires were new racers to the green flag. Duimmel has starred ín eno- 11i don pictures and television since his breakthrough role as Leo du Pres on the ABC daytime drama 'AlI My Children" from 1999-2002. He is set to reptile his role as U.S. Army Maj. Lenfox in Michael Bay's upcoming action spectacular "Thtnsformers: Revenge of the Pallen." The 2009 Indy 500 Camaro pace car has a strong legacy to uphold. In the Camaro's very lin;t production yctr of 1967, that year. The 1969 race vas the year Mario Andretti von first and only Indianapolis 500. h-Ic reportedly still owns the pace car he was awarded as the race winner. Chevrolet built 3,675 replicas in I 969. Past forward to 1982 when Chevrolet introduced an allnew striking third-generation Camaro dubbed "the shadow." Under the hood, Chevy replaced the stock 165-horsepower 5-liter V-8 with a hot rod 5.7-liter \'S with 250 a white convertible with a blue horsepower. A striking silver! blue exterior paint scheme was complemented by an equally interior paced the 51st lndy' 500. Four cars were prepped with 396 cubic-inch V-8s producing well flashy silver leather interior. Only two Camaro Z28s were prepped for pace car duty with in excess of 375 horsepower. the first car being the very first 19h12 Z28 off the line. Race Gordon Johncock MrNIVAN: Toyota Sienna, I-honda Odyssey and l-Iyundai Entoorage took lComc a pace car that year. SEDAN: Honda Accord, Chevrolet Malib Chevrolet produced 6,000 replicas; they stickercd for a base price of $7,925 (sign me opi). and Maada (i bright multicolored paint scheme. The sleek body style and performance image \vere a perfect combination for a pace car. Emerson Pittipaldi added a big trophy and a Camaro ON NEW ON USED m Certified i 00 000-M1LE/5-YR IOWERTRAIN - USED VEHICLES UMITED WARRANTY When it comes to combining ftunily friend liness with value and performance, Honda was controls. Maada followed with three models, Indianapolis 500 in 1967 (white with blue trim) Toyota nd Chevrolet each had iwo models on the list, Nine of the I 5 models are newcomers to the annually opdatcd list. "With the 2009 list, Parents and Edmonds as one of the most beloved pace cars of all times. BELOW: lt was followed by the 1969 lndy 500 Camaro pace car with the unmistakable hugger orange paint scheme. Parents. "If your family is in the market for t new car, now is actually a good time because duty and built 645 replicas for the Street. Due to the lack of replicas, steep dealer discounts make this a buyer's in 500 history. If you do Come efficient gas mileage and easy car seat installation are all "must haves" for parent drivers. In addition to the 15 cars featured in the ittag- across ' any litcramre/ads/information/toys regarding tItis car, save then because they are rare today and vi1l be very hard to find tomorrow azine, six additional budget car recommendations are featured online at wwwparents con/bestfarnilycar. , 312:21 2061 ciyer@)suntutiescor,i Nicho Publications Director ()n Lìhiifl 85 CHEVY EOUINOX LS AWO RN, PL, ALLOYS, #10725A 05 ChEVY TRAILBLAZER 4X4, LS, ROOF-RACKI #1OCSOA 08 PONTIAC 6 GT, LOADED, ALUM. WHEELSI #10697A 9P955 DII CHEVY MAUSU LS, LOADED, FULL PWR! 41 10604A '14,995' '10,458' DO CHEVY MAliBU LT, FIN, PL, PWR SEATS! #10701A '15,595' \J '11,950' 09 CHEVY MALIBU LT, LOADED, LEATHERI #10700A 12,450 05 CHEVY TAHOE IS 4X4 LOADED, 3RD SEAT, #10727A '18,450' '18,450' 92,750' 08 CHEVY COLORADO CREW CAB, LT, LOADEDI #290454A '18,995' '21,550' 13,950' 05 CIIEVY TAHOE LT, LOADEDI #290343A 06 CHEVY EQUINOX LT LOADED, LTHR, SUNROOF, #10714A 113$95' 08 CHEVY TAHOE LS 2WD, LOADED, REAR AC, #10733A '28,750' '30,950' '14,995' 08 CHEVY SUBURBAN LT, SUNROOF, 4X4! #10716A 08 CHEVY MALiBU LT, PW, PL, ALLOYS! 4110699A '13,950' 05 CADILlAC CTS pw, PL, LTHR, SUNROOF, #10568A 07 CHEVY SILVERADO WORK TRUCK, 2WD, AUTO, AC, BEDLINER, CERT., #290238A '13,950' '14,950' 04 FORD F-150 40R 4X4 ALLOYS, TOW PKG, #100292A'14,950' 04 HONDA CRY AWO PW, PL, AC, AUTO, CRUISE, #290430A '14,995' 05 JEEP CHEROKEE LAREDO 4X4 Pw, PL, TOW PIG, ROOF RACK, #10682A '15,795' 05 CHEVY AVALANCHE LS 4X4 TOW PKG, CERT., #10648A '15,995 08 0006E ORAND CARAVAN SXT Pw, PL, ROOF RACK, REAR AC, #10693A 08 CHEVY TRAILBlAZER LS 4X4 Pw, PL, REAR AC, TOW PKG, CERT., #10892A '10,595' 08 0006E DURANBO SIT tw, PL REAR AC, TOW P1<0, 3RD SEAT, ALLOYS, #10702A '17,45D' '18,950 09 0006E JOURNEY pw, PL, LTI-IR, REAR AC, 3RD SEAT, ALLOYS, #10706A '10,995' 08 CHEVY COLORADO LT 4X4 4DR, PW, PL, TOW P1(0, CERT., #2eO454A 11,995 '12,750 '12,950 '13,450' '13,495 '13,950' 04 CHEVY CORVETTE CPE TARGA TOP, FULL PWR, # i 70433A 09 CHEVY SIIVERAOO l-71 LT 4X4 t'w, PL, BEDLINER, ALLOYS, CERT., #10735A 08 CHEVY TAHOE LS 4X4 w, PL, REAR AC, CERTIFIED, ALLOYS, tI i 0733A 00 YW TOUAREG 4X4 PW, PL, LTHR, SUNROOF, #2904805 '23,995' '27,550' '20,750 '29,950' D I , ,,_ ''--r 4s-'ú MUI*STOHE I' I J I I s II I I l?321 2775 I I I I,,,, I I I I I I D e S - ' I I I , _, e I V.P. Classified jiri Dyer 84 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 4X4, LS, LOADED #10657A 02 6MG ENVOY SIT 4X4 pw, PL, LTHR, SUNROOF, #10859A oli CHEVY IMPALA SS pw, PL, LEI-tR, SUNROOF, ALLOYS, #190070A 08 CHEVY IMPALA IT pw, PL, CD, ALLOYS, CERTIFIED, #10738A 09 CHEVY UHR IT 4 CYL, PW PL, CD, CERTIFIED, #281292A 05 OMC ENVOY SIT EXT 4X4 Pw, PL, LTHR, P/, TOW PKG, #10879A 08 PONTIAC 66 81 Pw, PL, ALLOYS, CD, #10897A market. This list plus our money-saving carshopping tips will empower you with all the information you'll need." According to the Parents/Edn)onds.cons h3esr Family Cars research, superior handling this year's Camaro lndy 500 pace cars vill become some of the most sought-after cars 68 CHEW CARGO VN VS, AC, ROOF RACKI #10628A '2,995 94 CHEVY CAMARO T-TOPS, PW, PL, CD, STK#280005A 1945Q' 02 JEEP CHEROKEE LAREDO pw, PL, L'fi-tR, SUNROOF, ALLOYS, #290486A 04 00lIRE RAM 1500 HEMI 5.7 HEMI, AC, AM/FM STEREO, SPORT WHLS, #290412A1 tfl,959' 8,995 02 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER 4X4 Pw, PL, ALLOYS, #160891A 18,995 07 CHEVY COBALT 40R, 4CYL., PW PL, AC, CRUISE, CD, TILT, #1O73BA 19,350 00 DODSE DURANGO LT 4X4 LTHR, A/C, TOW PKG, #10670A 19,975' 01 CHRYSlER PT CRUISER TOURINS pw, PL, CD, 4tl0005A 110,450 04 FORO RAII8ER XL 2W0 pw PL, ALLOYS, CD, i OWNER, #281042A 110,950 07 CHEVY COBALT LT 2DR, PW, PL, i OWNER, #190130A corn made an extra effort to highlight the smartest, safest and most budget-conscious cars," said Dana Points, editor-in-chief of to his collection. Chevrolet prepped three cars for pace car 04 PONTIAC 6R AM ci, SUNROOF, PW, PU #10688A . Courtesy liansportatlon e 24-!our GM RoadsIde Assistance s Special GM Financing Available s And More" Reviewers raved about these models' spaciousness and thoughtful features such as convenien cup holders and steering-wheel mounted audio the Mazda 5, 6 and CX-9 making the list, while AEROSMITH, THE FRAY, O.AR, CREED COLDPLAY, . , JONAS BROTHERS 05 CHEVY MALIBU MP,XX REMOTE START, ALLOYS, #10684A t10,695' 08 CHEVY TRAIlBLAZER LS 4X4 PW, PL. TOW PKG, tI i 0692A '161595 the leader: the Fit, Accord, CR-\' and Odyssey all made the Parents/Edmunds,com list. ABOVE: The Chevrolet Camaro first paced the .WIN CONCERT TICKETS ' ,L::AJ_)- 1r.is-erse mato stuck around until 1993 when the fourth-generation Camaro debuted on the street and on the trick. For 1993, Chevrolet unveiled a splashy black/white and multicolored striped pace car for the 77th running of the 500. This car \vns so colorful ir appeared I FRIDAY 5PM-7PM & SATURDAY lOAM-NOON. SUV: Ford Flex, Mazda CX-9 and Chevrole 'lhe third-generation Ca- that it would glow at night. The interior carried on the '1TiZXjiC! CROSSOVER: 1-londa CR-V, Toyota RAV 4 and Subaru Forester winner I I I I I I I II I I II I I II I III II, o o Et o > C o o I AVALANCHES ' CORVEr1ES MSRP $24,050" MSRP $3O,O75 C) C, 0 AVEOS e COLORADOS 1MpI. A LS According to the Parents/Edmunds.coni TOP: Previous Indy 500 pace car Camaros are $,000 OWNER LOY REBATE 2009 CtfVY survey, the I 5 best family cars are: 2010 Camaro quietly led the pack at Indy GET AN ADDffONAL tZt - - AU NCN4 REVOWUON a GROSSINGERAUTOPLEX'COM e WE'L_ BEAT ANY PRICE! 3OTH! LAST CHANCE! OFFERS END MAY A u I A CD urne otors 73 44 uvahlabie available ltv,mng available aICeiA '03 Ford F-150 Pickup OO Jeep DEVILLE ONLY .%OODOWNI 99 Mercury Sable 5,995.891 s7995 129 ONLY '500 DOWN! . ONLY'SOO DOWNI X645A $3,995' 'O4CbeayNaIIbu 17 fadai Barn Peu. 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PIP MO 42 MOO .... 81W 2009 CADILLAC UTS NEW 2009 BUIO( LACROSSE $34,gg5' sO, iI 5561590050 s $20,995' I s,', I ¡ t.i s, O ;_ s. s I S f' I .,-,- 26 available 'I ry9 ,, preecA j, WE fiRE NOT Ovailablo Pfl8TICIPATINI st V,r9Aflg ItITHE : Oiofoar8PasoeoOi 5061090051 NEW 2008 FORD NEW 2003 FORD EDGE Stk. bi-12335 NEW 2009 FORD FLEX Stk. hW276 - DAYTONA WT OEmia 2003 NISSAN PATHFINDER LE 4WD s&e5o 2002 GMC SIERRA 2500 SIE EXTENDED CAB 4WDssoosi 2006 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Sot29370 2006 SATURN VUE s&oso9l 2001 GMC YUKON DENALI AWD SUc29513 2005 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4WD S&l459 2004 CADIUAC SRXstKo29400 2006 MERCURY MONTEREY LUXURY 595JFS8192 2006 FORD RANGER SPORT 4WD S&*F08078 2007 FORD ESCAPE HYBRID S&829516 2005 FORD EXPLORER LIMITED 4WD s&tFs5 2007 TOYOTA TACOMA CREW CAB S&120012 2005 CADILlAC ESCALADE AWD S&829440 2007 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 3500 LS star sifm 2007 FORD EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER s&irsaiai 2007 FORE EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER 4W0 s&rsi9m 2008 MERCURY MARINER LUXURY 4WD s&ssian 2008 NISSAN FRONTIER LE CREW CAB S1LV542 '.., 2006 TOYOTA TACOMA SPORT CREW CABsoes 2006 FORD ESCAPE HYBRID AWD SS0089 2007 TOYOTA EJ CRUISER sossa 2006 FORD EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER 4WD 2007 CHEVROLET C3500 CHASSIS BOX TRUCK Sceo472 2006 DODGE tai%m(fLfm Y'u6r44'IPuo2Toe6aVlO SIb. 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ATTENTiON: GM, Pontiac, Saturn, Chevy, Chrysler, Jeep, and Dodge Sales Associates! 245 lbevUBa $6,995 . s Payment Protection7 EKÓff1LNE POLICY FUSION Stk. #R51 I avalhabha $5,995' OBChav Nouba LI VERY LW ML! TODAY! . . $12,897 $1O,643* OlCb7ysIuSabrthgill $4,995' O5HoailaAccard 03 Chevy Ceaclier 150 MILE $ß,995 GEl APPROVED confidence X5930A -,. ' 3-DAY '01 Cadillac GRAND CHEROKEE 5 YEARS IN A ROWI , NEW 200$ FORD . FORD DEALERS INTHECOUNTRY z9 JL11-4; aviArAs, price,'. FOCUS Stk. 41P1303 TOP 100 i 22 21 HybrIds Available! NEW 2008 FORD VOTEDONOFTHE Th .4 -4 nvaJlabho .-' .=u 52 ar)lng pr IC e, BUY WITH COUFIDFt10E! Ti of 0% APR for 72 MOflths is Back with a Vengeance!!! 116 a I S R I a ONROVIl :3oL CO N HWY o WHFN A GREAT DEAL MATTERS, SHOP ROB PADDOR'S... EVANSTON SUBARU c0 SUBARU D-0E-MON E INCENTIVES ' o o, NEW 2009 SUBARU FORESTER 25X o u t:(ì 'r .- (I) . ,., ,, . .. . 2OO9:Mòi'QR1TREND PORT/UTILITY of the YEA . . $52,805.00 $47,663.95 MSRP Invoice Classic Discounted Price $40,663.95* Tofu! Discouut MSRP $22,325.00 $21,568.83 MSRP $18,590.00 $17,962.45 Invoice Stk #D36960 Stk #D36960 Stk #D36555 Stk #D36185 Invoice Classic Discounted Price $1 5,988.58* Classic Discolinted Price $1 2,496.95* Total $12,14105 V1couint 75 to Choose $12,675.00 MSRP $12,181.08 Classic Discounted Price $9,581 33* Air Conditioning, VDC, Traction Control. CD, ABS, 170-hp Subaru Boxer Engine, Side Curtain Airbags, Keyless Entry All-Wheel-Drive & More. MSRP $20,660 9FA, #4826 Invoice % IWR *1* ALL UEW 2009 SUBAIW IMPHEZA 251 SEDAN $6,33642 s o UTO îOO ., ;, o IvIoa 36 monili lease, $2,495 due at signing. 36 month lease. $2,849 due at signing. . - - ) I . I,. , t I I ¡io one will be turned away from, a Loan Applìcationl O4 Mercedex C320 4MMJc Wagon..............................Ixathor, Stiiroof, mack. P3291A 07 Mazda5 Sport Mio., Sunroof, 2-t000se. Gon o Blue, P33Th/71 ß5 Honda Element LX AWO JuitomaUc Uke Now, Orange, 47K, P338 '08 Mazda 3 '01 Suzuki Grand Vitara 4x4 '05 Hyundal Santa Fe LX AjtoiiaUc,Nloys,U10 Now, Black, P374 MPG H Hwy, MSRP $24,931 9AD, #4673 'O2To 4 . e I e . IIl.hlander4x4AWfl ..............................Aajto AIrFuilPoworRod NP3315A lo 995 s. F -" , ' 00500 & ) .. . a NO SECURITY DEPOSITI . ,,- . Don't Do Footodi Our Loasen Inc ode the #cquisitlon ree 0-. 10,995 I S O s Toll Free 9995 9,995 7995 7,995 995 495 '01 ThIsta Goolia L .............................Mtomauc'Jr,FullPoweiThlla,58K. 492M 8ChyyS-1OLSuck ...................................MtomauAk,RoatCap,4943A SUBARU TRIBECAS $28,995 '09 Subaru Thbeca DVD/XAVI ............................... ... .1 Paaonor, Black, 9k, P3352 $24,995 '09 Sobare Thboci Ltd.....................................7 Passeoge 1oaeoe Doarco 9 P3400 '08 Suhaw Thbeca Ltd.................................7Pass , Sunroof, Leatho Bosnio P3290 .. . 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P3'O3 $12,995 Nuto,oaii 1eaU% SuNset, SUyos, 4950A $9,995 SUBARU LEGACY AND SUBARU OUTBACKS '09 Sobare Outback Ud.....................Low, Ssnil.,PJloys, 3'ta'Oisoso, Nl Celso, P3370 09 Subaw Outback.................AaIs,naucM Full Powoç MColso, 5.toc1loose '09 Siabaru 1e93cy 2.51 SE '08 Siabam Outback 2.51 $21,995 18,995 Souri Mayo, Aulo, 3toQwose, 0P3303/64/65 .. .. $10,995 Jaitomati Full Por, Blue o Cold, P320003305 '08 Subaru Legacy SE Sedan ........................sioirnot,Autoeiatl; Moyo, 4O13PJP3300 $16,995 $15,495 ,r5AIT4vtng Daffy. Check onne at EnnstonSubana.com EVANSTON SUBAR )8TELLAR Ask about: College Graduate Program- email: dnewman@evnsi.com Doni.slor Main SI. Call . - OUTBACK 2.51 WAGON ' '04 Honda Civic HT8IIID ...........................................Automatic, Ñ Full Powor, 45410 '02 Mazda PrQteq 5 Wxgon...................Aails, Sunroot, Nloys, 30K, Yollow, P3312 '04 Sallare Ion 4-Doo'.....................teauwo, Surousi, Astomatic, Misti, Black, 1P3223A BB -r-- Check out our Weekly Internet Specials ____ L MIMW - Mto1xaWor, Bonmot, Borundy, 35k 4860A 1095 ;_ A e ' ActomaUc, Must Seo Black, P3375 $24,995 19,995 19,995 19,995 18,995 15,995 15,995 14,095 12,995 13,995 12,995 12,995 12,995 12,995 12,495 Loather, k.wro.of, 1Owner, Nloys, SAlK, 482M oitomau Loather, 38K, SlIver, 4858A Jkjtoniallç tdr, Loather, Surioot, 71K. 1474M O4 WI Pauat CLX Wgn '02 5MW 325 CI 1 Mth., Loathoi Sunr.ot,Moys, SIe 4807A Auto , Leather, Siwoof, Low Mdûs,, Wfllto, 4801B O2 Volvo XC7O AWD Wgn ALL HEW 2009 SUØARIJ Air Conditioning, Power Windows & Locks, CD, ABS, 170-hp Subaru Boxer Engine, All Wheel Drive & More! MSRP $22,960, 9DA, #4474 All Wheel Drive, CD Player, Mud Guards, Alloy, 26 MPG MPG H LUir, A c1, Sun, 39k. 6Q6A '07 Toycta HIqhIand HYbM Navi 44 5Speed,Leatho Loaded,6ey, P3391A o4 BMW 33ffc1 cONVERTiBLE Leotho Sunroof, Powte 14904A '07 Mercedes Benz 230G Spoil Auto , 1eatho Sunroof, Loadod, Grey, 14375A '07 Honda Accord HYBRID .kjto, Leather, Sunroof, 24K. Black, 1P3243A '07 Voku S60 T5 Iwtomatic,tdr, Full Powor, 4724& '07 Honda Accord LX lOwner, Sliver, 21K. Uke Uew 482M '06 Honda CRV LX 4x4 Mto, SunrTof,AiIoys, JIoy, 28X Blacic, P9 07 Vo'vo S40 2.41 confidence Don't 13e Fooled! Our Loases Include tile Acquisition Feo . n.........Ñitolnatk,Ak,Silvoo,Nloy,P3l54 ...... We've been servicing vehicles ¡n Chicagoland for 30 Years! 36 month lease. $2,849 due at signing. Auto, Sunroof, Power Seat, Pwr. Windows & Iocks, ABS, 26 flnn'tiTh Footedi Our I nasno lnr.Iodn Ua As31llisIIon Fn '04 BMW 3251 NO SE URIP( DEPOSITI ' o; 26 NO SECURITY 'EPOSITI .,,". NO SECURITY DEPOSIT! '05 NIssan Anima 2.5 FL .. AU. NEW 2009 SUØrRU LEGACY 2.51 SPECIAL EDOM SEDAN Air Conditioning, Power Windows & Locks, CD Player, ABS, 170-hp Subaru Boxer Engine, All Wheel Drive & More! MSRP $18,190, 9JA, #4715 Bank Representatives will be on hand . EVANSTON 715 CHICAGO AVE. IN EVANSTON , Seedoalerfortaxc(odltdetals.Addtax, Uo icensoand $151.65docleo,rebatosappliod.ßas mileage isEPAEstiinatos. Leasu on approvedcreditscore Lease, lOkmilesperycar, l5contsaiter. Lessee responsible foexcesswearand eartyterminationsi lease. Optioil topuichase; FolesIcr $11, 793, itnpreza $11,879, Legacy $14,459, Outback$11,940,'"Finance on approved credit score, subject to vehicle Insurance and availability. fBassd on New Subaru retail sales Irvin SOA. in Illinois, for all nl 2009&JanApñt 2009. All utters end le 3 days. 1.25 FOR SALE DOMESTIC s- 5 AIRPLANES S-10 BOATS POWER 5.11 BOATS SAIL S:I2 BOATS SUPPLIES S-20 SEASONAISPORTS S-22 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES S- 25 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS REREA11ONALVtHIES Herlingo 01 Notthwoodi Tomahawk Resort on leased land at Blackduck labe. sleeps u to 8, A/C furnace. completely turn., fireirlace, S41.cXX. 21&34O634 S-25 MOTORÔYCLES SCOOTERS 07 Morda Spend G Turbo Slack. Low ML, Call far Pde, 630.95.O35O grandsuhnrtl cern MAZDA 9fl (128 LX nota. white, 4 door, fall power, CD greet run- ncr 522)8 77309)2261 Mercedes '99 $420, auto, Ihr, kcytcss entry, CO 4C ir chrm, 519165 oho 31242h82i8 MERCEDES '87 4205E1. Runs gootll Good bodyl 103k CALL NOWI 588-698-7313 MITSUBIShI '99 Ectlpan OS, CASH PAID!! z o t,) ra HO. '06 V-Rod. Excellent coed .!. Custom euhaost. 6000 mlles. .0: j2,00. Call 847.312-8474 NINJA '02 VX129 clean, reudy u to ride. $5& OVO. 7O8-12855 II w CI) i T 5 FOR SALE IMPORTS T. 6 CUSTOM MODIFIED 7 SERVICE 9 ANTIQUE CARS T. T T. 10 VANS T. li. SUV T. 3.2 TRUCKS T. 1.3 TRAILERS T. 14 RENT T. 15 LEASE T 16 FINDERS SER VICE T. 3.7 SERVICE REPAIR T- 18 TOWING T. 19 PARTS AND ACCESS T. 21 LOANS T 22 INSURANCE T 23 AUTOS WANTED T- 25 FOR SALE DOMES11C T- 26 LIMOUSINES .TrSFOR SAIE IMPORTS ACURA '99 IL, 3.2, looks/runs cxc, ItS,, sann CO rebuilt Irons, asklfl $4&O 773629-415t BMW '07 5251 *sPi4828 828.995 or S493/Mo CALL COWl 88&695-7313 Cars from $5CO! PolIce sun power, roof, 1O3h miles, clean, rebuilt, $3960. Morton Grove great. Must 50cl $1XI. CHEVROLET '03. Impala , Cuslom dash, tinted windows. $7503 OVO. NISSAN 'OOQsntt SE blue, '7 pats, sun roof, Oli por, olloys, CO/cannelle, cold AC, gorgcoos 7135580173 - CALI. NOW! 886498-7313 '03 Snntra 08E, 4 NISSAN T.9 ANTIQUE CARS CHEVY 71 VEGA bOX factory stock. beauf liai body & let, no rust, runs A drives. 53500 OVO. 773633.3985 CORVETTE WANTED 18531872. Ally Condition. Compcllve Buyer. 1-830.8503596 WANTED: British Earo ****** Classic Cars 1933-1930, Any tond,, Cali Pub 7084864313 55.30 rano 'es Mccli 1. 773.447.7555 utiles, 302, 2v. nIce car. A/C. 524,600 080. 6332993378 NISSAN '97 MAXIMA OLE 4 dr, lIhr. CII, roe cf. trw,. likc new. $25X6. 773681-1354 fully NISSAN '96 AttImo GXE loaded. remote start. alano, 127K, $1295. 700714-2399 CHEVY 'OSAstro MinI Von, 7 pass.. loaded, rear A/C A heat, CO, ecc. coad., 1. owner, $5,700 OBO. 7003724454 ASTRO CHEVY 2000 Conversion Van, Silver, tali 8w), tannIng boards, CO, cans, alloys, libe rrowi Must soci 53500. 773271-7246 SAMt '84 Doy Police Impounds & Repeal Acuras. Nissans, Chcs & more '36& from S5O' For lIslings 0124 est L215 HONDA '95 Accofd Wagon 5 sd Stick shill, runs great. new clutch, lochs good, $25W OVO. Call 773.557-8764 . 4(1), HONDA 'SS Cicle Eli auto, all power, A/C cotta clean, 160th mrles, 25l. 773-619-1982 Mortoe Grove Hvundoi '08 Sonata LTD #P14875 $14,995 or S2591M0 CALI. HOWl 88&695-73i.3 great, gas saver, sunroof, brown. $600. 700244-2274 Scion '09 AD 52104258 $14 995 or S259/MO CALL HOWl à8&695.73.13 Scion '05 cA #210537A $8,495 CALL NOW! 886498-7313 '09 Strbaw Legacy Special Edt 4 ta Choose. Roof, Low Ml $18,495 6365964250 grandsob4rir.cam '06 Sabaru Legacy 2.5 OT Ltd 11h,. Root, Turbo, Loaded $17,995 6305950250 grandsubaro.com '06 Subara Outback 19 33k ml Slicer, Auto, Healed Seals $14,995 6365964250 grandsubars corn '06 Subaru Outback Brillant Silber, Low Ml 514,995 6395964250 grandsotcurri.com '03 Sabaru Forester 25X5 AWD, Mnrof, Great Coed 59,995 630.595.0250 grandsobaro.com SUDAVO '99 Forester L - ali wheel drive, low rolle', green. lull power. Runs oulslandin 1 owner. $2500. 773583668 . 2-dr, VS, TOYOTA '00 Solara auto, 1601, ail power, clean, re built, $3950. 773-619-2982 Me4on Grove loyola '99 Corolla #21-83519 55.500 CALL NOWI 886498-7313 TOYOTA '97 Cam9 8314 rei, AT, all por, go cand. 1 owner $4000 080. 313.225.3225 CHEVY 1.994 ASTRO EXT Ings 9X1.473-7523 nC434 _J Acorn '07 RDA #p14881 $24,905 or $435/MO CALL NOWI 886498-7313 CHEVROLET 133 BLAZER LS. 404 blaCk, 4 door. fall power. sIleys. great auto. $2495. Call 7734090275 CHEVROLET '98 Tahoe Must pwr, gorgeous. $15130. 77327172413 7733163982 or Pacitlea 'O9Ch 800-407.135.1 Aaron, 7737583 '98 and 7 Pass. Red. full power, sharp, must Country 115er, Town 1.31, see. $2500. 773607-2276 '08 Dodge Grd Caravan op6791 $12,995 866407.1361 '02 Grand Caravan DODGE SE, Quad 4. Runs, looks ene. CD. 3 3. $4500. 7004&h994O Dodge '02 Ram Coon Van AP14738A $5.500 CALL HOWl 886495.7313 DODGE '01 shOrt wheel baso, 111 K mlles, 6 cylInder. $3333. Call 7736229 DODOS '98 Grund Caravan In great condition In A out. $21330. 77339237 DODGE '97 Grand Caravan SE, Rally E, blue. lpasSenger. lull power, alloys. CD. Cass., nice. 51900. 773.5836684 Auto. DODGE '90 Caranan must drive, $1500 OBO. 773- "Second Chance FInance" Bad Credit? OnorI Job? "24 HR. LOAN BY PHONE" Dir (773(3486263 't.Z CredIt" .Aùto Loññ HAVE YOU BEEN TURNED DOWN BY A BANK1. CAR DEALER OR FINANCE COMPANY? Daranno SLT '08 866407.1351 Ford '00 Soplare, 110570A $5.995 CALL NOW! 888095.7313 FORD '00 Soplare, ALS, 4x4 red, 'SIrs, CO, cassette, alloys, cold AC. beautiful $2500 847-93341049 FORD '00 Explorer ALT 4x4, blue 4 dOor, full power 011aos cb Cass Most Sed $1 773588.1.280 FORD '99 ExpedItion 4x4. Eddie Bauer, BIk. lthr. geod conci $3850. 6337065464 FORD '94 EXPLORER SPORT 4o4, white. 2dr, sun roof. mast sed $1.203. 773583-6642 Jeep '01 Grd Cherokee 1104019 $3.995 CALL HOWl 886498.7313 JEEP '98 Orand Cherekee Laredo, 4a4, 44,, sheet, full pvvr, alloys, CD, gnreeous, $2700. 7737'2$9539 JEEP '94 Grand Cherokee LTD Ed. 4x4, red, 4 doer, Alloys. lull power. roust vecI 1IX*D. 7735090275 2 lv's, na'/g, sate radio, piping llhr, sunrt. $25.900. 5874867518 MitsubIshI '94 Outlander #P1463544 $4,995 CALL HOWl 886498.7313 '03 Mitiubtstrt Montera Ltd Rod, ABS. Leather 512.995 6365950250 grandoobars.conc Toyota '07 Rae 4 #P14754 $17,495 or $303/MO CALL HOWl 886498-7333 fol, S2. 773-809-8261 cd, Ihr. sann, iv. radio, wAft navigation. 20' rIms, loOks,/wOs eue. $7500 7736294159 . fully loadt.EXUS '94 68300 ed, blh nt A cut, runs grout, 140k. 53995. 7008680071 LEXUS 90 1.5400 . Vilver. ddr. sunroaf, full per. nice, muSt seo, $lcext. 773729639 ,t.11nys, great co.rdillon, 51403. 7735630275 DODGE '99 MAX IVAN 3 Sects, 1500 serles, clean, $950. Cell 708698-3160. DODGE '95 RAM 1.500 I.ARAMIE SIT Pick up red, toll por, alloys, CD, nice, most Senf $1,500 773271-7246 regular FORD '03 F150 XL, cab, mint corrdillen, lealher. $4650 OVO. 773.4336777 We Pay Cash for Junk Cars W/ or W/O 1111es 700 - 22,000 Cash In :1_ l'sri For Good Cars! $400 for Boaters Cefi! 24/7 773-240-3077 Orts perfect. $4600090. 31_35661904 or 352-388-5153 NISSAN '95 4WD King Cab 6 O32.989'4. Buick I'otttiac GMC AUTO GROUP 1LtUI.1ÑitøL - . . . . OR CALI. OtJf DODGE '97 Noon . 13111 Kay Ford L 1OElO. 773271-7736 $500.$25,000 Wagen ZTV,l . aura, air, Icalh- 773588.1280 '00 Conoliar aulo, 441, gold, gas saver, rriust ',cc, 51209 773-4630946 er, croise full power. 1 owner. garaged. f4850 31281X3-7302 FORD 'OilCrxwe VIctorIa '52 Beretta, Many new purIn. 8775 o vecI 51950 0130. 773433-6777 CHEVROLET Police CHEVROLET PORO 'OlTaurus 565, 71.930 mis, blue, 4 div, tall power, CD, alloys, 1 n-finer. gorgeous. $3463 77393y-2276 Chevy '07 MalIbu FORD '94 ESCORT GT Green, 2 dr, slick, runs encellcvtl Fast curl $93X3 7737258261 FORO '94 Escort LX now engine, very good 5o4y, 51275. 773468-$212 HONDA CIVIC 95 Auto, 4 dr. sort, pwr. oc, cd, runs, looks cccl 572)3.3 7007107532 For all Cars & Trucks, GET CASH 7 Doy, 708-975-0035 s NOW! /*1*1*1*1*1 Chovy '0G Impyrla "Second Chonco Ftnaece" Bad CredIt? 0*04 Job? "24 HR. LOAN UY PHONE" Uncols '07 Iowa Ctrr #1204414 $18.995 or 5329/MO CALL HOWl 8885957312 LINCOLN '98 Mark LSC white, goad condition, 1071. reiles, leather Interior A/C, alt power. moon roof. $3X33. DIr 17731348-6263 "E.Z Credit" CHEVY 'OS CobOlt 4 cyllinder, low miles, 49.3 miles, silver. TOP DOLLARS PAID W/ OR W/OUT TITLES! QUICK CASHII Atlas TowIng 7739OS4i.37 Did Your Car Stop Ruenlng? Need new Iranlpeflallon? We Goaruntee $1000 for your fradgIl 04 207s3 caro avail, free towing w/purchase. 99% approved. Free 633-545-1 Credit Chock 4 dour, in very good condilien, like new, $4950. 6337065154 2 CHEVY '02 Monte Carlo 1)001 coupe, all power, mast see, $3800 080. 773.433-6777 CHEVY 2030 Impala IS, black, 4 doors, lull power, A Trucks! Free Some Doy P/UI 7O&65&9831 I 7001958815 '89 TonrocO, SIg. nature Ed, linnraculatc, show. LINCOLN ollays. CD, cassetto, cold AC, outstanding. $3203 room new cond, 4 II,. lunory sedan, moonrl, whIte W/ blun lun' Call 7736090218 CHEVY '98 Mallhu LS silver, 4 door, lull power, allo sirnilutcd urious volver let, blue factory NOW? DONATE YOUR CAR to SPCCIAL KIDS FUND Help Disabled Chlldreo With Comp and Education Noir Runners Oie Quickcil Free Towing, Erce Cnjlse/ilolel Voucher fan Deductible. Call 1866445.3251. convertible convas top. Mast be seen and driven be belloved, garage fo kepl/dealer somiced, Driven ho novsn3okintt senlvr, 47K, $5503. 63027879931 '99 COUGAR V6, Slver leather, lull pwr stIch, 5240ó Mtisl vecI 847-67.l168 MERCURY s DLDS 1992 REGENCY ELITE CHEVY '95 Monte Carlo LS, green, fuIt pur, alloys, CD. cans., .1 sllowm Cand. 170% reliable 52503. 773375-6759 nice. $1400 7737259639 CHEVY '84 55 MoxIe Carlo High Performance 350 melar, super clean, runs perfecl. S2. 117314164161. . OLDSMOBILE '98 IntrIgue Cl t OL, 4 d's, silver, ithr, sunrl, 9914391 533,905er $324/MO lull power, oi1oys, CD, cas CALL NOWI 886698.7312 '08 Chrysler 300 Iv, #P6792 $12.985 866407-1351 Chrysler '08 300 ltP14871 $13,905 or $242/MO CALL HOWl 886498.7313 Chrysler '08 PT CruIser #P14871 $10,995 or $109/MO CALL NOWI 888695.7313 '08 Chrysler PT Crotter 1P579$ $13.981 IS t Ill 1ii', I . OId,rr*obilte '55 Cullata SIerra Only 51K milesI Great shone, lull per. $2,14X1 7734609726 OLDSMOBILE '95 CUTLASS SUPREME 441, blue, lull pwr, I'. . .1 'I S .. i n III i r, i ' i I S s i r. r a :1. alloys, nice, must vecI $1,470 773 7.1 1-7246 s Search VehIcle titIs Call 7738161.1361 PONTIAC '00 Grand Am OT, 85,7403 ml. White, 4 dr, lull pew- or, CD, alloys, Cold A/C. Corgnous. $3200. 5876761168 050 7737164518 ' e. I Il Zu Lcs4 ,.'n --- -,;_--------- greatl cleonl $1,/0VO. minis. 19-r i,'ats, green $71X33 I I , o..n-...---.,fl-n,p-'va..zìn-!en- --r vr OLDSMOBILE 'lid Cullavo Cinta. 6 cylinder. 97K. looks A guns 866-407-1351. I I I I solle. Irrust neo. $5600. 8479339049 '08 Chrn,ler Sebriag Caen #l'B815 $12.958 866407-1351 CHRYSLER '01 PT Crulier 52K ml, new lires. allemulo, bull i s OldsmobIle 01 Aorcra leather, sunroof, clean 2570 050 7733107244 NEED Touareg LINCOLN '97 ContInental Red, 4 door, teather, sunroef, lull $2170. power. Chry'OS Crssslirrc Ltd ConcI P-: 2009 Volkswagen 708.204-1.1.19 CD. Cass., nice. Must See $2400. 773588.1230 CHEVY '95 Caprice runs groat, looks good, VB eng. very dependable, $28X1 OVO. We pay the boxt for Junk Cors eu 2009 Volkswagen Interceptor. black, must hint tiller, Call 77362744h00 Bad CredIt? Good job? "24 HR. LOAN lIP PHONE" Dir 17731348-6263 'T-Z Credit" I PAYTHE BEST! Passat '03 FOrd Toan,, SEL Mn,!, Sols mIles, Red $12.995 6365950250 grendsobaw.cern '02 Sexttnn FoCos FORD PAY FOR YOUR CAR 708-799-5880 2009 Volkswagen corndillorr. 31X105177316631928 alloys, super nice. $25133. STIMULUS PACKAGE IS HERE! " b' ford focas 283 2001, automatic, black olloy wheel, cadent "Second Chance Finance" M(dloffitan 14633 S. Cicero Awe. Routan red, 4-dr, lord '06 Foslon SEL yP14883 512.995 or $224/MO CALL NOW! 888.6957312 FORD '04 Crown Victoria. PolIce Interceptor. entrereely gorgeous. extremely clean, oncellent runner, $1.308 only. Call 7738186634. FORD '04 Crown Vtctnrta police Package, 51400. Call 31.2.3886915 elderly driven. roes great FORGET THE REST 81i.4----1-366 2009 Volkswagen $1850 oho. 332-715-8189 DODGE '97 IntrepId , retI, 'Str, lull power, ecc mpg. must see. $t2fx3 7724830946 140 rust BUICK '95 Lesabro er dents, garaged. runs great $1900. 633925.1506 CADILLAC '00 DenlIle OIlS 39n origInal nil, mint cnodition, 599310 ORO 7731674150 CADILLAC '96 Deville Northitar, leather, ton, 4 door, carriage lop. full pwr, TRANSMISSIONS FOR SALE - 4 DODGE '99 Seen, 81k, super clean In/oct. 1 owner. gar knot, runt great. sIl ver. '96 Bulots LaSobro Trock Caps Fiberglass, 1 4HOURHOTLtNE... Das Auto 6365880280 grendiubara cow 7b725.&434 $23X3 773-681-1384 Cheoy 07-09 shOrt bed, while, $675. Ford 9907 saper duty exlended cob sIteS bed, 83 long, $475. Days 773585.2001. evenings 633257.0870. www.GetApprovédNt*ork.co.m .. s Dodgo '02 Neon 1tP546'74A $449$ CALL NOWI 888-69g-7313 salo or oller 773936507G APPLY ONLINE AT CDg3200 Low Ml, Alf Wheel OrIne $12,995 power libn new, $321X3. lOES, BUICK '98 Lesabre looks A runs libe new. Ice cold A/C. $24133 7735269590 $1850 Coli 70851(14423 ALL APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED! tIlde 4 dr, 3 II, ¡ond corel $2770 6337035464 '06 St,tum Improve Wrigos DODGE '02 IntrepId low mllage. WIllIe. 4 door. CD, lull WANTED, BUICK '99 IASABRE 'kir 90K drb 11. olnrnn. crins/Iks like now -T49 PARTS AND ACCESS fannIng or not, CALL NOW stick CD. runs A lonks great. 4 '98 Seville, CADILLAC deer, VB, clean. trins good. ::Tg3AtT$ WAÑTÈD.. #P14412 $12/MSorS22(Mo PONTIAC '04 Oread Am VO, 4 door, excellent condltlnn, $42133, 173-3480047 $3290080. 77.34300771 or Mercory vii $49333 773-7.t28013 Trucks from $5001 Police Impounds! For LIstings 830473.7523 o6 RIMS S TIRES Brand New Cirrusler 3930 Chrome Wheels. $8X1 ORO. 773.719-3994 $3470 ODO 77433G777 PONTIAC GRAND AM 2001. 4 dr, Culo. DODGE '03 Neon maroon, oli por, 11004 mIleage, Vil. 5 Stet, 22lit. Gd molsr/4W0 $1160. 832515.1868 Reconditioned A Rebuilt '94 A up, Foreign A Domestic, $3cC A up. Il I donI haue it. t can rebuild ill 633922-85.33 RIMS A TtRES 24. 6 lag, bib w, grau lip, Ford bolt pattern, $13c03 ceo. 772-5530764 3O6O124 PxntIc 'OB 05 Cxntpe Aulo, 'kir, por, oc, CO, nlllyn. loaded runt, looks ere $21033 0110 7007767572 '08 Saturn Vue SIlver Auto Wood TrIm TInted Glets $12,995 630-S95OS0 grendtl,bnnt cern SATURN '9-Stun, 60 mIlos. gold, 4 dont, full vower, 995 866407.1351 $5$ Most Cash Guaranteed For Your VehIcle!! 783969-JUNK 5835 $3566/0130, 7084015535 BUICK '03 Regal runs and looks good. Pii power opts. $38X1080. 7738164884 QUICK '02 Park Ace loaded, leather. nunroel, CD/Cans. 708 $11X10 080. 773.3265108 LAND llOVER '87 Dlecacery Runs excellent, 8311 mlles, $1031 For Llstingi ext. 1213 PONTIAC '03 Greed PrIs 4 doer, low mIleage munI drIve, PONTIAC 98 GRAND PRIX OT '08 DoMøom SE BUICK 'Oft Century dcCnllenl condition. Gold. runs great. OMC '85 SIe,,, Cloosic 8 feat bed, 4WD, 4 0*4.. #P148138 $4x195 CALI. HOW! 888-595? CARS PICK UP SAME DAY 2979-2995 119K, 51375- 71371.55790 Pontlnc '03 Ornnd AM CALL NOWI 88889.73I3 Ocdqe '08 Cherger R/T 7739346213 CELL 7 DAYS CoprI OLDSMOBILE '94 CuISis Wagon Clean, tons well Pollco Impoondi (or Scie! Horrdn CIvIC 2031 only S1 (ccxl sllnt Hondo Accord 1996 (crolgslltt) Hondas, only 1801es, Nlssann & More fr $6114 14 $fl,99$or MMO WE PAY DIG CASH FOR JUNK FORD Musteng OLDSMOBILE '94 Cutlass Suptemc Convertible, trIpla blech, isle. runs greal, looks good. new lires und brakes. $2600. Cull 7762251442. 8136407.1351 708-2687159 T.25 FOR SALE DOMESTIC GooD CREDIT? BAD CREDIT? No CREDIT? Howa rd Juok Cals "R" Ut an cenrillion 414.607-8884 WE WILL GET You APPROVED! '09 Klo Spectra 866407.135.1 folly loadLEXLJS '99 05300, T'il TRUCKS At.a4IaIj I/ I In MidlothiaB loaded, $3995 7OHSO877 ¡73907.2201 Chrysler '59 Sehring Cxxv 110530A $4995 CALL NOWI 888-thS.7313 '09 Dodge Avenge, SE IW6794 $12.995 paid, $190S100 for your car. 7724162535 4PPR 8P14882 $26,995 or $479/MO green, runs groat, 4-dr. tuly per, ahoyo, otulntandingl $361X3 Call 7735578764 Cyl.. $3200 080 R126O6.t19 InfinitI '07 035 AWD CALA. HOWl 888-695.7312 hunter JAGUAR '94 XJ6 i BUY JUNK CARS. lop dallar for yourjanb cars. suino day pick up, Chic A Suburbs. Cash 77370.3 97213 . HYUNDAI '00 Sonata Excellent shape, 755, auto. 4 11P6793 $12.095 Nat! WIll ?Ick up lODAVI Runner, auto, O cyl. Clean lfl&OuI. $15130050. Call Ngzwø.... WE OWN TElE FINANCE ÇÖMPANY green, stick, CO. alloys. boaati- CHRYSLER 'O2Seb,leg OTO Convertible, runs saper nicol Bik owner. 81K orIg ml. S eren 54,500 OVO. 776417.1782 CHRYSLER '99 376M 4 dr SIIver, 11h? ounreof, CD, cold rió, full 708.289-8490 866407.1.35.1 1.480 ROVER '03 RANGE RO. VER, Pewter, 24 In now Avanti Rims, chrrmo grIll w/ chrome pbs, -WE-..CAN HELPYOU! , HYUNDAI 03 Accent, 2 door, w/ or W/Or lilies' RunnIng or TOYOTA '91 Four '08 Klo Sorento #p6800 $14.581 433.13777 1996 Dodge work van V6 Runs greatl Rusty but trvtstyl 7000) I bay took Trucks. Vans, Cars $5COI POLICE IMPOUNDSI T-1G FINDERS SERVICE Chrysler '06 PacIfIca sed CHEVY '92 Sport Ven. clean. good running $2500. CHRYSLER , Very clean, low miles, $4995 abo ConversIon Von, burgundy, lull OVO (7081845.1754 . $5001 Police Impounds! Vans from $SCOI For List $12.995 -473.7523 xC435 5500f HONDAS & TOYOTAS FROM 55001 $34037739073251 OUtS '00 Silhooette 01.5, whIle, leather, full power, gold alloys CD gorgeons, $2400. T.1OVANS 900 TURRO . runs Impounds! for ListIngs Ccii 7735)330275 ¿3011 '73271.7233 corveflebuler corn edition, runs like new. needs nolhiogt No msI or dents, CD. ail power. $2007 080. 89.X nils, blue, 7 pass. toll T-G CUSTOM MODIFIED COnd. $2650. 8477915859 oho. 7734162135 NISSAN '97 AllWo linhiled o CHEVROLET '97 510 PIchep, 3 dr, CO, 4x4. new floes, looks/runs cxc, $3200. 773915.7665 CIIEVROLET '93 3.500 foIl Clic pickup, 4x4, entra cab, While, CD. all SUDARU '98 Forrestirr 4 cyl, 1.200, RarI now tiresibelt Nice Call 6306600511 u) power, runs/looks ecc. $151X1 773271.7236 MERCURY '95 VIllager OS, WIrilo. nulo. Runs & looks $2200090. 7739'48-u)5 VOLVO '03 540 . 4.Jr, auto MITSUI3ISHI '93 Dlnrnrinte StatIon Wngon - nato, VO, u)31t mileS clean, $1275. Morton Grove 713--815.198 NInsan '08 Mactwa NISSAN '01 ALTIMA Lfd Ed, 5 syd, 109k. 1. owner. clean InI & body, ea rust or dents. $2603 o u FORD '00 Wiedite, 7 passenger White, fall power, CD. Nice. kiust seal 51600. Cali 843078-1268 FORD '91 Wtvdstar, Was/drives weil, clean ln/Ovt, $1100. 312437.2436 MERCURY '97 Villager OS, For Listings aY3473-7523 *4351 TOYOTA '94 CAMARY dclr, alilo, i Oser, A/C, 5cv saver, clean $2393. 7733569209 T-7 SERVICE door, 5 speed. 111,020 mlles. $3900. Cdl 347.22649% E SIN'S, Trucks from 5OI S18.M '73.M36725 All Makes & Models! will Pick Up! CALL HOWl h884;9S7313 713-619-1982 silver, lthr, nomi, ntick, CD, cosselte. olIava, mont neo $2370. 581.9339049 MITSUOISHI '06 Gallant S 4 dr M, oIl pwr spoiler and rims Von ap14779 $16 995 or $294/Mo Cana-y ' good '94 runnInG Condition, 112k mIles, miles, VB, $1850 7737659548 MItsubIshI '09 Lnncel 52078895 53.1.995 or $207/MO Ford '08 12-Pa 40eer, niant see, TOYOTA #P14884 $*99S or $329/MO MOTORCYCLES WANTED Corolla , cuto, '95 TOYOTA a ., r°r r Honda(cont'd) , lc,.c o, o- C) HONDA CITY 4950 S. Pulaski, Chicago 773582 5000 www.hondacltychicago.com O'HARE HONDA r'J .-A ANCIP . DRIVEN .oh USED!, 0 BRP1D NEW 2009 Grosslnger Hiundal 6747 N. Lincoln Ave, Lirìcoinwood, IL Sbb-2384771 grosslngorhyundal.com LOREN HYUNDAI l6lOWaukegan Road $* sll,9 WV NEW 2010 TOYOTA I4EWPRIU5 MPGi ' . ORAM NEW 2009 TOYOTA LRAY: 4x2i 4 o BRANO NEW flM1 NEW 2009 TOYOTA rsrnrI&O, 2009 RIZZA HUMMER 8425West159th , APR FOR u, a, Grosslnger PontIac 6900 N. McCormick r') Lincolnwood 866-670-2599 www.grossingerpontiac.com C) n-'--_-''"p- PorsChe % APR JOE RIZZA PORSCHE 8130W. 159th Streeet, Orland Park 708-364-2400 rlzzacars,com I PRICEOtIN RIZZA SAAB 8425 West 159th St., Tlnley Park, IL 866-3604575 www.rlua corn 2008 HYUNDAI JAGUAR ELMHURST 22,998 490 VI. Lake St. Eimhurst wwwjaguarelmhurst.com 888-287-6211 LAUREL JAGUAR OF TINLEY PARK 800-734--3205 w.northbrooksclon,com NORTHBROOK SCION 1530 Frontage Rd Ogden Ave. 636-306-5000 www.patrickJaguar.com CD 4D 4CYt,M CountrysIde 15 mInutes from Downtown Chicago) 708-497-3999 www.theautobarn.com CThn,EO yu. t5 Sted Cbee Iioen Hea3ffÇ SHERMAN JEEP DODGE 7601 N. Cicero Ave., Ot Stehle 1888) 738-9744 www.drivesherman.com BaWL, NEW 2009 TOYOTA 93 AVAILAULE' 6flA NEW 2009 TOYOTA t AM3 NEW 2009 TOYOTA s I3'Spd 11l._ltIj al to &WE wruJ O flflO). WO M1 ifli Sozuity t BERMAN'S MID CITY SUBARIJ 4300w. Irving Pk. Chgo 888-598-7467 subaruchlcago,com EVANSTON SUBARU #1 Subaru DIr In IllinoIs, ENZAM :: 715 Chicago Ave., Evanston 60602 1-888-473-1603 r*u,4c, MMSP TMS Bill Jacobs Kia 2525 W. Jefferson St,, IT AVALAI3' idiot 806-6307607 ww.8IllJacobsAuto.corn EVERGREEN KIA 9205 S. Western Ave.,Chicago 23,488 OR EASE lOft $2.154 c VI%W1 IßAVA1LMLC J*tIC NEW 2009 TOYOTA L3flA - HY35o, used Grand Subaru York Rd. & Grand Ave., Elmhurst, Bensenville www.Grandsubaru,com 630-5950250 (866) EVER-idA, wvw.evergreenkIacom JOE RIZZA KIA 159th&BOth Ave. Oriand Park, 708-4030300 rizzacars.com Grosslnger Suzuki 6900N. McCormIck Llncolnwood 866670-2599 www.grossingersuz.com JACK PHELAN SUZUKSee Jack 5859 S LaGrange, Countryside 7 VISITUS piiolan.com Bill Jacobs Land Rover Hlnsdale 300 E Ogden ONUNEAT Ave Hinsdale, IL 60521 866-516-8045 iandrovers.com Bill Jacobs Land Rover Hoff Est. 1051 W. 5625 NORTH BROADWAY CHICAGO, IL 8 88 532 -2904 ATTENIJON: SERVICE DEPARTMENT NOW OPEN EXIENDED HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY lAM - 9PM SAIURDAY 8AM . 6PM bll S151 aitOTAth." i nEtaOYtPtct88 vi TOYOTA uh iit1 8 ht1tak B vi h iiïtv1 rii i h inui- PATRICK LAND ROVER 1559 W. Ogden Ave.NapeMlle Il vnz1y2jsi b Higgins Rd. 60169 866-516-8035 Iandrovers.corri LAUREL LAND ROVER TInley Park 1-806-509-7439 Now Open! 8031 W. 159th St. Iaurellandtover.com 633i50OO www.landroverotnapervIIIe.com tyI8atJ IItLsf A3S5Ù E ikri PiÙs ídthfl bau- Buick (con't) JOE RIZZA ACURA 8150W. 159th Street _í Orland Park 888-261-8642 rlzzacar5.com . AUDI OFTINLEY PARK 8021 W. 159th St. RIZZA BUICK 8425 West 159th St., Tinisy Park, IL 866.3604575 www.rizzacars.com BIlI Jacobs Cadillac 2001 W. Jefferson St., Jouet 86&3795929 audhtinleypark.com 80O921-65O7 LAUREL AUDI OF WESTMONT 276 E. Ogden Lincoinwood 866-670-2599 www.grossingercadiuiac.com Ave. 866-3833044 www.laureIaudt.com 6MW BILLJACOBS BMW 1564 W. Ogden Ave., Napervìfle, IL 1-8665168015 www.bUjecobsbmw.corn BMW OF ORLANO PARK 8470 159th St. Orland Park. 88&5002369 bmwop.com w.buuUacobs.com GROSSINGER CADILLAC 6900N. McCormick HERITAGE CADILLAC 303 W. Roosevelt rd., 5 11W JE LEXUSOFORLAND Llbertyville Toyota ScIon il80 S. Milwaukee LAUREL BMW OF WESTMONT 430 E. Ogden Ave. 86&3859527 bmwotwestmontcom PATRICK BMW 700 E. Golf Road, Schaurnburg 88&768-9770 www.patrickbmw.com 708.795-7900 www.Anderson8rosFord.com BREDEMANN CHEVROLET 1401W. Dempster ARLINGTON HTS. FORD www.ahford.com 801 w. Dundee Rd, Arlington Heights (847) 346-3042 14633 S. Cicero Ave. www.billkayford.com CURRIE MOTORS FORD-FRANKFORT #1 In Midwest lit.30845 fordoffrankíort.corn 866-YESFORD JOE RIZZA FORD OF NORTH RIVERSIDE JOE RIZZA FORD OF ORLAND PARK WEBB CHEVROLET 8885450275 MCCARTHY FORD, INC RIZZA CADILLAC 8425W. 159th St., Tinley Park, 866-360-4574 www.rizzacars.com :Chejoò. ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET i 55 & Route 53, Bolungbrook 888-655.5359 wvm.advantagechev.com ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET LaGran'e&Joiiet RHI Jacobs Chevrolet 2001W. Jefferson St., Jouet 800-507-6841 wvm.BillJacobsAuto.com 9440 S. Cicero Ave., Oak Lawn www.webbchevy.com AUTOBARN MAZDA CountrysIde 6060 S. LaGrange Rd. 708-354-2700 www.mazdauys.corn Evanston 1015 ChIcago Ave. 847-866-9666 wwwmadaofchIcagoland,com MeÑedè$-Sènz' BILL KAY FORD MIDLOTHIAN 800804-3558 RIZZA CHEVROLET 8203 S. Harlem, w.advantagechev.com Lincoinwood 86&670-2599 www.grossingerbuick.com Downers Gre/Lisle 630968-2980 blllkaychevrolet.com PHILLIPS CHEVROLET Rtes.30&45, Roads, CountrsÌde Auto Mail 8O961-7. Grossinger Buick 6900 N. McCormick Mazda. ANDERSON FORD 8539W. Ogden, Berwyn, IL Bridgeview, (888) 560-7799 www.rizzachew.com Mancan Chrysler-Jeep In Oaklawn SHERMAN CHRYSLER DODGE 7601N Cice ro Ave , Skokle (888) 738-9744 www drivesherman.com 2100 S. Harlem, 1-888-400-1222 rizzacars.com 8100 W. 159th St,, 866-933-7850 rlxzacars.com il400 S. Pulaski, p,'. SHERMAN DODGE JEEP 7601 N. Cicero Ave., Skokle (888> 7389744 www.drlvesherman.com 6AUOI NORTHBROOK TOYOTA l53Olrontage Rd. 800-734-3205 www.northbrooktoyota.com OAK LAWN TOYOTA 4320 W 95th St. 800-NEW TOYOTA 800639-8696 www.oakiawntoyota.com GROSSINGER GMC 6900N. McCormick 159th St., 866-259-6000 www.mercedesoforland,com Mercedes-Benz of Westmont 200 E. Ogden Ave. 866-368-1522 mbofwestmont.com Naperville, IL 1-866-516-8015 www.blBjacobsmìni,com CHICAGO 773-274-1777 www.carshonda corn CASTLE HONDA 6900W. Dompster, Morton Grove (847) 965-7070 www.castlehondacars.com' ACCENT PLANET TOYOTA l-57 & Rt 30, Matteson Auto 3 DR Mall, 800625-7012 www.planettoyotaonllne.com f1190553 TOYOTA SCION ON WESTERN 6941 S.'Western Ave. Chicago 773-884-7200 www.toyotaonwestern.com Volkswagen' SBESTVALÜEJ 6191 Joliel Rd. 708-354-6BOOjOnly 15 mInutes from Downtown Chicago) ww.vwoIchlcagolnnd,com Evanston 1033Chicago Ave. 847-866-7600 Mt. Prospect 333 W. 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HEW 2009 HYUNDPJ Av, Naperville, IL 1866-516-8025 www.bllljacobsvw,com Lincobiwood 866-676-2599 wvw gossingergmc.corn . PALJLY TOYOTA 1035 S. Rt. 31 One Mlle South of Rt. 14, Crystal Lake 815.459-71Ob 847-658-9050 Mercedes-Benz Napervllle 1569 W, Ogden Ave Autobarn Volkswagen CountrysIde MERCEDES-BENZ Of ORLAND PK 8430W, eue INJACIRYeERA1ES Tinley Park, IL 708-342-6429 www.0rlandToyota.com www.OrlandSclon.com Northbroolç 800-716-6517 autohausonedens.com 885769-5484 . mbofnapervllle,com Chicago 773-239-7900 wv.mccarthyfordInc.net s 6 CAOIU Av, I.Ibertyville 877-311-3817 wvw.11bertwlIetoyota.com AUTOHAIJS ON EDENS 1600 Frontage Rd BiLL JACOBS MInI 1564 W. OEden Ave. 4630 W 95th St 1-7084230910 7225 N. Cicero Ave., Llncolrrwood 860-610-8608 Grosslngertoyotanorth.com JOE RIZZA LINCOLN/MERCURY 2055 West Orland Toyota/Scion 8505 W. 159th St. Ogden, Naperville, IL 888-7534262 rizzacars.corn PATRICK CADILLAC 526 Mail Dr., Schaumburg STEVE FOLEY CADILLAC 100 N. Skokie Blvd. ELMHURST BMW 466W.LakeSt., Eimhurst 888 Northbrook 866-372 3654 www stevefoley com 2876555 vww.eImhurstbniw.com hwølflMercury Lombard 88881&572d vw.heritagecadïuiac.coni 877-7499921 wvw.patrickcadiiiac.com ELMHURST TOYOTA "The Low Price Leader" 888-2058340. http://www.elmhursttoyota,con) GROSSINGER TOYOTA NORTH Division 877-866-3887 www.mcgrathiexus.com he*öJét(còpt',i Franirfort 866-281-0769 www.phillipschevy.com 5625 N. Broadway 773-728-5000 chlcagotoyota.com BREDEMANN LEXUS IN GLENVIEW 2000 MCGRATH LEXUS OF CHICAGO Hennedyat BILL KAY CHEVROLET 601 Ogden & l-355 St. Park Ridge 847-698-1234 Next to Lutheran General Nospilal www.bredernann.com 7901 Currie Motors Chovy Forest Park W. Roosevelt Rd., 888-294--3409 www.curriechevy.com "You Gotta See Jack JACK PHELAN CHEVY 4880 S. Harlem Lyons 708442-4000 jackphelan.com CHICAGO NORTHSIDE TOYOTA 3 MERCI ES E320 5 MINI C 8300 W. 159th 708-342-6475 ww.lexusoforland.com New Car Buyers Guide Park Ridge 847-698-3700 www.bredernann.com Fox Lake 847-497-9875 www.foxlaketoyota.com N. Waukvgan Rd. 847-729-6000 www.bredemann.com D1s BREDEMANN TOYOTA 1301W. Dempster, FOX LAKE TOYOTA 75 S. Rte 12 /Rand Rd exus All et(ert le quIitiedhfcrs. iflie, lic & doc fees. RiAl U IHPRIU MI "-w. U.. LINCOUIW000 . 60712 "Se,, cloaier tcdtiMIrFD iVAnJC4NrYetaIis t-IYUflORI Assurance us Ia III{e, lic, & doc tee. 10% APH o 3 mo. 2111per $2000 dOiVf p'ut Ia lilie, lic & d tnancedi, 80f tinaned$&uO, ft S393down Iut Ia tees, 79% APA tat fl Raht wiih aprewed treii I) Seedaalei 01 piagia ceulica!e loi COR- pleut delails. + On ¡oleclaewmatolt 2Dn buoI '00-'09uuuoe!s. No prior sales. Oealeiwill aol honor priamo triais n this ad, Ohtoisend 3days hou pob 'II II i o a, o C C, AUTOBARN SUBARLJ 6070 S. LaGrange Rd., Srida C-) o DRIVE Subij PATRICK JAGUAR OF NAPERVILLE 1559 W. . w.bredemann.com F') o o Co FINANCING GOT A JOB & $399 DOWN? SONA BREDEMANN SCION 1301W. Dempstor, Park Ridge (847) 698-3700 8031 W. 159th St. 866-451-0812 laureljaguar.com TOYOTA Pontiac 4OAtl1L4C) IVIIS (3 AVPJLA&31E! 19,988 DOM) x1 S:txdy Dcxsd wrfui HIghland Park Northshorecars,com 847-433-7900 SI , Tinley Park, IL 866-3604576 www.rizzacars.com 4) AVAILE1LU signrg (ist rm paíTO, thie at 1020 E. Golf Rd. w patrickcars.com 866-314-4539 Schaumburg 36 o C-) ;: TOY%&ITtWAV PATRICK HYIJNDAI o BRAIC NEW 2010 TYOTA . NORTHSHORE NISSAN 1350 Park Ave, West, Hyundai HUHDREOSOFORANDNEW TOYOTA E a '. Ogden Ave, (Rt. 34) 630851-5700 valieyhonda.corn Gienview 847-729-0300 www.iorenAutoGroup.com O'HARE HYUNDAI RIver Rd & Qakton, Des Plaines. For The Lowest Prices Call Direct 888-419-9567 BETIER GAS MLEAGE, BIGGER ENGINE, MORE HORSEPOWER WHY BUY LAST YEARS MODEL? oo, TIMING . : 'O CD RiverRd&Oakton Des VALLEY HONDA In Napervllle/Aurora 4173 SHOP IN .. TOYOTAS ARE 4444W. livIng Pli. Rd Chgo. 888-5908669 mldcltynissan,com BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN 5157W. Touhy, Plaines. For The Lowest Prices. Call 888-274-b425 NIbs (888) 601-2789 Www.stamissan.com PLANET HONDA l-57 & Rt. 30 MAITESON AUTO KELLY NISSAN 4300W. 95th St. MALL ww planethondaonllne.com 8b0-7804139 Oak Lawn 708499-1000 ww.keIIidssan,com SCHAUMBURG HONDA - Automobiles "A Bob MARTIN NISSAN S24OGoIfRoad, SkoiJe Uoirrman Dealership" 750 E. Golf Rd. 847-8&HONDA 866-838-2300 www.rnartinnissan.com USED TOYOTAS NEEDED DURINGThIS i TiME SPECIAL EVENT! YOUR TOYOTA TRADE-IN WILL. NEVER BEWORTH MORE! oo c'J grossìngerbyundajcom BERMAN'S MID CITY NISSAN I bM 30Th All The RIGHT. Qoors! All The RIGHT Models!. 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All lease vehicles require tax, title, license & $151 65 dociev due atInase signing $13201 O9CRVR 09 Civic Residual $11 733 O9Accord Residual d l$1410015 390d 'R d 1116574 Mdl I extra Lessee is responsible for excess weaeamaintenance and insurance Subject to early termination penalty Valid bree days troni publication Dealer will not honor errors in this adveisement Not available with .....................any previous oNers. Eq71t5$rViCe . - £icceediag Your I3Jiepèctitios For Over 35 Yeirs! P I! SII)N TS AWAM) B Thursday, May 20,2008 www,pioaeerlocal.com A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) A Pioneer Press Publication (nc( Thursday, May 28,2000 Www,pinneerloral,com PioNrER Parso monsler Neu marking moth Monsler! p)otaerioaal,aam/monster .NJ': NEO Yc1 J'RU :LIL NDEX i ZONE l-Iooes/Loc'atimns 'l'o p1,5cc 0 Rcs'oaituoo'o,/ ao/ Call-I,, loon: 8:30 am 0:00 poMo,: - Poi P05-I,, 0,,,,: 530,0,,- 0:30 pos 34n,,-Pd II,: i:,,: 047-486-72)il /0,0o,3000W. Loir Ao.. 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Buying or Selling, Buying or Selling, Pioneer Claesified Pioneer Classified is the place s the place f or you! for you! 847) 998-3400 Our Our Automotive Automotive Section Section han the Car has the Car you are you are looking fur. looking for. Buying or Selling, Buying or Selling, Pioneer Classified Pioneer Classified is the place is the place for youl for yaul (847) 998-3400 (847) 9983400 A Pioneer Press Publicafion (oc) AP(00000 Press Publicutsofl (DC) svssw.pisoeerlscal.csns Thursday, May 25, 2000 Real Estate (847) 998-3400 ru r IIIIjI 'II Thursday, Mey 28, 2009 I A Pioneer Preso Publication ssvw.pioseerlocai.com ÒAnnaE/H0USEUULES ase (DCI Thureday May28 2009 weìw.pioneerlocal.cans APiOeeCr Press Publication (DC) B31 p.ieia.Ill LEGALNOTICES /HO5SESBSBS MARKETPLACE AA .. Foreclosure Sales Real Estate r t -- u- - - nttefl l ne w rs, Ad eTChED LEAdS t- t 0l5T55ETTd nO n se 24/7 24/7 On n coe lo PAìÏGE ES n sonor PIONEJRPRESS esa sassa Es 91ge ¿PteIW 5° d se 55Td S PO TS M ART n5 WcÍnt. ti... ANTIQUE AUCTION e 's ed know ho the GoverninId is sr nd £pendh%g your ttnc dolkirs? s nd n PARK RIDGE 555 PPJNEER PRES 50 444 CTThIrUSSAUES n no ACCESS has never been easIer ree and Online 24/7: 0J3!e 09asitsn ,,em,laTh?RNAlEPaaI1S JrTLCE iLLINOIS PU BLiÇZL° n i oc SlLnlgA S II s's d AUTOMO BlIES WANTED ïRDSL I oc : s' Press, The A public seMce provided by Pioneer & the IllinOis Press Associ'0fl Dings Buying or SeIIng Ooneer Ctutoi0ed BuyIng or SellIng is)he poce Pioneer Classified for yowl PIOÑEER PRESS sis,ss,nsr n s s'ni r son sis. silierillnssssis. Iss'gh s cow s n/srfeys Psss,ClslalriheTinisrrsn Psis'0,, lilsihepOelsires 500e L?Cls 90UOCF ':Ete !tx hyInga IdlIng 841 9983400 Pisen nr Classi ed (99 s ihn pLaie (si rasi isthe place f or yowl F Thursday, May 28,2009 APioneer Preso Pulalication (Oc) wooitpioneerlocau.com ThsorsdsY,1055Y39r990° wsootpioneentoca).00m Apin010r Press Pttbliout100 (OC) (r5:Mto)rui 0n°2ry't Sq0,p0,,C'iRRÇ ("°°aCo t.itoEiiX40dSSOooO Our Automotive Section hoe the Car 5,pdg sr Soling, Ploies, CJ,,i190J Buying or Selling, Buying or Soiling, Pioneer Classified Pioneer Classified is the place is the piace Inn youl for youl i, tIr ploon for pool IHioC toll looking fon. Pior CoLIiL E, Ri pito 8, lot Pionerr Press's ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK ADOPTION CLASSICIANTIQUE assay no LOSE OpPMONCeeRTAC,CN. 1500 O,10ic,00O,0,tyor,ot eRo, lOO C, COROEO 50V FINA NC IA LILEGAL SERVICES 0,00 00000,,,. 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PÁJRESS is the piace Buying or Soiling, for youl Pioneer Cioseihed 5500E LIIC,S0. 5(01 OLE. is the piace (B47) gl(gymgmr0rg ru00ru For Private PoorLy Aoloerliscrs Billy. for youi 998.3400 El 'll ill ii 't t I uilil l'i 9E lI Ei B3 I Thursday, May 28, 2009 Sold by Pioneer Classified Get Our Garage Sa' e Kit 24"" Long II tirintii huir SIio Girl Wig Crati Ment Sticks Coyote Fur Coat 32 Variety of Largc IlealtJiy Trees Sod by Pioneer Classified 24"" Long I h iimaii hair SItua' (;irl \Vig Ciib leai St irks Coyote Fur Coni 32 Variety of Large i heult by 'lites Poiiies Potiiei, Alaskan Bear hule Alaskan llear hide Cheesecakes, Baklava Video 'Iìlegraliis l3eeliivc Urns Louis XVI Aritichairs Muskrat Stroller Coat %/rucco()ii collar 4 It Ceramic 'Figer Seehiirg 1950s Jukebox Baril L ber Chteenecaki's, Baklava ,yo 1' -- l'layer Pianos Buckskin Qiiarterhiiirse Elvis l'resley Decanters . *2 a,I ;:"::»' j ' 196! 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Chinese lirass liiceiisu Hunier Massage 'l'alile Billy lIter Canlhrass lhtittons froiii Eiighuul Key Ring frotii Easten,i Steanishijj, Lines Cigar Box Collect 1(111 Frozeii Ciistanil llacliiiic ll issioii Library 'l'aide Cliagall Lithograph l',,lar Hear Skiti Spiral Stairs We Deliver Results! Sold by Pioneer Classified Sold by Pioneer Classified 21"'' lnug Il otilan ham Show Girl \Vig Criih, Meat Sticks Coyote Fur Coat 32 Variety uf Large llealthiy 'l'nees 24"" Louig I lainait hair Show Girl \Vig Crab Meist Sticks Coyote Fui Coat 32 Variety of Large l'outies l'oides Alaskaut Bear luth Cheesecakes, lhaklava Video Tehtgraiiis l3iehiivc liriis Louis XV I À rinchains Muskrat Si roller Coat s/racet)oii collar 4 ft Ceraiiiit \'lihco 'h'ehcgrauuus Seebiirg i 951).s Jiikehiux Seelourg l950s Jukeltox lIant Linuiber Barn Liinihet \Vhi iLe hjiirlier Sink A pioneer Pres A Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) wwwpioneerlocaLcom 'hiite Harh,tr l'eihi'si al ' Sink Player Pittitos llti('kSkili Quart erhnrse Elvis Presley l)ecunti'rs I 96 I Stiidehioker Oriental tele1ihiiiiiï chient lhechtive Unis Louis XTl Anuiichiair Ptliiskrat Stroller Coat \u'/raccoun collar 4 ft Cerauuiic \Vhuite hiarh,er Pedestal Sink Bell Chiiuiesc Brass lucense Bunter Massage 'Fable Hilly Beer Canilnass Buttons fnouuu Eiiglaiuui Key Ring fruiuui Eastern Steauiishiip 11juin Cigar Box Collection Saddle Peruvian Guinea Pigs Lucky Bingo Necklace Russian Brass Samovar Butterfly Collection Long White Mink Scarf French Legioui of hloutor Medal BFKitchiing Orchestra ¡IdI Chinese Brass Incense Burner Muissuige 'Fable Billy Beer Can lIre55 Buttons froua Englaunl Key hug fiotti Eastern Steanushui1, Lines Cigar hhox Collection Frozeui Ciustanti Ïdnchihue ld insinui Library 'l'tibIe Cliugull Liiliiigra1ihi Frozeii Custard Polar Retir Skiii Spiral Stairs l'olar lhcar Skin We Deliver Results! tl achitie Mission Library 'InItIe (hingahh Lit liographi S1tirah Sinirs We Deliver Results! I I s LOREN HVUNDAI O5,fl. NF,IFI SI*' IS c't'a , 1G2OWAUKCGAN ROAD, GLENV1EW - O'HARE HVUNDAI 1509 RIVER RO, DES PLAINES, IL (888) 486-7151 wvdw.oIuARcttYUNOAu.COM JOE RIZZA ACURA 2Q5EWEST 159TH SThEET, Ahaskaut Ilear hlidc Cheesecakes, 4 OnLAND PARK PATRICK HYUNDAI 7084037770 SIZZACARS .COM Baklava Video 'l'ehegranis Beehive Unis Louis XVI Armchairs AGORA 1099 WEST HIGGINS ROAD HOerMAN ESTATES, IL Muuskruut Stroller Coat s'/rliccoouI collar 'I- ft Ceramic 'l'iger Seehaurg 1950s Jukebox 847519-9550 MULLiUCACS.COM 2699 SKOKIE VALLEY ROAD HIGHLAND PARK, IL \Vhiite Barhier Pethestah 2490 SKOKIE VALLEY RO, HIGHLAND PARK - (847) 432-5020 AuruIcxcHANGE.COM THE'EXCH4N.,GE FIELDS INFINm 1847) 2667000 LIDERT'YVILLE 2300 Skokie Valley Rd. Highland Park, IL 60035 FIELDSAUTO,C0M www.4porsche.com FIELDS INFINITI GLENCOE Hours: M - Tb 9AM - 8PM, Fri 9AM.6PM, Sa 9AM - 5PM TOIAER Ro. & l-94, (866)435-5110 FIELOAUTO.COM J1J r CADIILA loo SKOKIE BLVD. 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BELVIDEFIE ROAD, GRAYSLAX, iL 60030 (688) FUNCHEVY SHEPARD CHEVROLET 1075W. GOLF ROAD (847) 831-4200 MU LLC RCARS .0 O M OHARE HONDA 1533 RIvER RD. DES PLAINES, IL (888) 750-1134 WWW.OHAREtIONOA.COM HOFFMAN ESTATES (888) 823-2498 INFINITi OF USLE . Rl-E. 53 1 ELK. S. OF l-88 (EJVV1Ó1IwBY) (630) 241-3000 WWW.ThEINFINITISUPERSTORE.COM (847) 623-3000 THE HONDA SUPERSTORE OF USLE UBER1Y AUTO CITVI DOGE 1OQO E. PARK AVE., RIE. 53 1 I3LK. S. Ou' i-88 (6./W ToItway) (630) 852-7200 wwW.rHEtuONOASUPER5T000M LJBERTYV1L1.E (866) 474-4313 t.IBtRTYAUTOClV'.00M JAGUARi HOWARD ORLOFF JAGUAR KENNEDY Exp. AT ARMIrAGE (888) 510-0669 ORLOFF.COM PAULY HONDA 1111 SOUTH MILAUKEE AVE LIBER1'tVILI-E (847) 362-4300 WWW.IAULVHONOACGM JAGUAR ELMHURST 466 WEST LAKE STREET, ELMHURST (888) 287-6211 JAOUARC 1M H U F,ST.COM ROCKENBACH CHEVROLET AND MEDIUM DUTY HIGHLAND PARK FORDI LINCOLN MERCURY 1333 PARK AVE ST HIGHLAND PARK. iL (8471 433.7200 IIu'FLM.COM .HYUNDÄI; GREGORY 1-IVUNDAI PATRICK JAGUAR 490 SKOK1EVALI.E'' RD., 1569 OGDEN AVE HIGHLAND PARK (866) 861-9716 PATRICK.IAOUAR.00M (800) 770-6578 NopeMilo, iL 60640 mUCK CENTER Key Ring fnouui Eastern Bm 43 AT Rid 176, LAXE BLUFF (847) 234-7900 8UICK. GROSSINGER BUICK 6900 N MCCORMICK BLvD. BILL STASEK CHEVROLET LINODLNW000 700 W. DUNDEE RD. WNEEUNG 83 (866) 670-1654 CIIOSSINGE RB U IC K.CO M cx,NU, OF DoNut RD ANO RI. (847) 537-7000 BTASEKCHEVROLET.COM Chuegahl Lithograph 847-9983400 847-9983400 847-998-3400 847-998-3400 7255 GRAND AVE (708) 594-6400 MEGASTORE 700 EA'ST Goii' RD. SOIAUMBURG, iL 60173 OF: HOFFMAN ESTATES A Motor Works Company 650 SKOKIE VALLEY ROAD HIGHLAND PARK. iL uW. INF INIT H OFF MAN CO M 8200 SOUtH HARLEM Avoid. LAKE BLUFF PATRICK BMW (847) 395-3600 ww.ttAVMON0u1t000M RIZZA CHEVY HouïF 41 @ Rl. 176, Chinese Brass lucense Bunter ANOOCH, IL 60002 INF)N111 MULLER HONDA DUPAGEJ(EP.00M (847) 567-3300 Lotig \Vhiite Mimik Scarf (888) 287-6555 [LMHUflSTUMW. COM (866) 388-0387 (800) 359-7700 GROSSINGCflCtM GROSSINGER CADILLAC 1E64 W. OGDEN AVE., Ni'ERvUJ-E DODGE DuPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP 6150 S. LAGRANGE Ro., H0000KINS (708) 579-5000 BILL JACOBS BMW CH EVRO. RAYMOND CHEVROLET 11BW.ROT 173 We Deliver Results! HoNDk - STEVE FOLEY BENTLEY 4GEWEST LAKE STREET, IILMHURST Spiral Stuuirs GLENCOE t- ELMHURST BMW h'(,hiur Ihear Skiut 1121 S. 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Biuckski» Quuuurterborsu I 14 A o 2OO Fauche Curs NoctII Ntie,ia Inc I'ssth IcR,SIs ti,tI,eII osa, r5 AR,,Iso 04 1 t,,thc laws Biickskiji Qiutirienhiorse chient p HYUNDÄI AUJ Rkw: Player l'itinos 1500 hInt Candle Wax Butterfly Cohhcciion p BZ Thursday, May 28, 2009 wwwpioneer1oca1.com si p Sink Player l'iaiios 1500 lbs Caiidle \Vax I 14 PCS King Richard Log Splitters 2-one-way tickets in Las Vegas French Candelabra Bonibay Chest Steamer 'l'riink 60s Life Magazine 1926 Dodge 1935 Louis XV Steinway Grniitl l'inno English Junipiiig Saddle Peruvian Guinea ligs Lucky Bingo Necklace Biissitiii Brass Samovar Pu1Ìithtïon (ji) KNAUZ BUICK I(NAUZ AUTOPARK utoura 41 @ AT. 176, LAKE BLUFF (847) 234-2800 KNAUZ.COM RIZZA BUICK B425Wis 159m S1BEET. TINLEWARK (708) 429-6000 IIIZZACARS.COM BREDEMAN CHEVROLEl 1401 W. DEMPS1ER, PARK RDGE. IL (847) 698-1234 U ROE MAN N. COM CLASSIC CHEVROL 426 N. GREENBAY R0, WAUKEGA. iL ß47CLASSIC CLASSICDEALE ut G RO U P.COM JOE RIZZA FORD LINCOLN MERCURY DuPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP 800 EAST ROO$EVELT 2100 SOURi HARLEM AVENUE, Noam RWERSIDE (7008) 442-7000 R IZZACARS CO M (ONLY 3 MILES WEST Of' 355) GROSSINGER HYUNDAI 6747 N LINcOLN AVENUE, LINCOLNW000 (866)648-7442 OROSSINGERNYUNOAI.00M DuPAGE DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP 800 EAST ROOSEVELT (ONLY 3 MILES WEST OF 355) (866) 388-0387 (866) 388-0387 GURNEE HVLJNDAI OU FAG EJ E E P .COM DUFAGEJCEI'COM 6251 GRAND AVE GREGORY CI-IRVSLER JEEP ou'u'OSflE GURNEE MILLS GREGORY CHRYSLER JEEP (847) 249-1300 OURNEE t-tv NOAI.COM 18836 WEET GRANO AvE., (800) 770-6582 GREGonyAUrooutOUrCOM UBERT' AUTO CIVIl Lfih GROSSINGER GMC CHRYSLER 6900 N MCCORMIC1( BLVD. UBERrYV1LLE (866) 670-1654 RO5SiNGEuI0MCCOM 1000 E. PARK AvE., (866) 474-13 LusEu;rYAU10CC0M LINOOLNNOOD 18838 WEST GRAND AVE.. 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ROLLS rgo )Ol0)300.S000 $10 sol, lOs Tree appb SThVE FOLEY IOLLS-ROVCE (0001 710-MSS Available n else and Silver (906) 799.0300 LENCO MERCUR e SAAB ?i??'70° PONTIAC (041(031.5030 GES l'OFFO AC (037) 079-1000 ÌME9CURY if (000)024-nfl Alcatel .lLuceflt- tf1tt5 (941(431.7900 lODO) 3S0-ICSS believe in something better' hi0 (000)901.6603 SULUVAN PONTIAC (047)492-6600 MAZDA Tilo AUTOBARN COUNTRySIDE, Ir li i.-1 ij 17031 354-2700 MITSUBISHI DIGGERS MAZDA F-'ti [l1Ctyu: (9471 699.3700 r-i i' NAPLET'ON MITSUBISHI BARRINGTON VOLVO (700) 429.0000 (04e) 676.1000 JOE nIZZA PORSCHE I.-1I1auI:iWi (000(5,0-0609 lcr Solaris od1 01lire eroI or lar 0)111051 Seoul, erlernen! So vors bou),! hIlo saI) 11)11) and 110111151 IcOrOSOs plisse dIn Il III11 nnoln III pr5511(110 Cera 11,5111 brplan. 1507 1)5 eAnc. Irise ls-Ir 11110. epprrualinn an) dIll mIrar1 01551 Isali00010 l'or SoaUS eroso oem Inh aiT InInrosI Plan sil))) 001 Mnls0I)( )uIUIull (0191111) and II(srIEI Previas cahill Ishrl Carl osad by 0)1(11.11131111 less, Is(s), IrIn, PIll, olIn II $0,)) pIr011II.arlo) OS CnllulIr. lulled Is (nno)' S.S. 0,110111 VIlsirr del 11111 sous). Colusilsd ball roa(oslr)I semer) (ECO) 570-1054 CONTINENTAL SCION VOLVO OF USLE uelliurlr&IU. PnssrOIllflal PIlone rire prI)sr) all lair Carda CarS 11111 luI sad 11115 1111151 lie loa DedIl aller, rrad101rdl Irin) enrsSIlI ballon 1h11 0)0111 uppli)llIs0- Cimirnl'ILOn OrIels Irle aurbe0s( IllealsI (706) 354-2400 r I r'''' 18l11eW0 www.pioneerlocal.com CONGRATULATIONS TO NILES TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOLS' NEWEST BOARD OF EDUCATION SUPERSTARS! prs.ne. IlaV.1I, OPUsO Calendar Cortinoed ron PACE 16 Rsflhsn Ea,a-Habonim, Ihn Mimi Tseseship SI, Suhl,, i/tiri lnlroi,itisri leJu' soOn nid OnOre/ne adult HeNrio i/miei or toison irk ner/h/y H/s dish. Mieter, und nurne000rs ero Our winners (from lètf' rôle fOA* -. .Ìy, Academics; Nimra Elahi, Community SpirIe1Cillzershl; and liulr' p, Atll&iticp/Actlsitles. From lilies North, Inri P000syar, Çommanity Splrt(/Citlorrnhtp; and Peter Resemoyer, AcademiAs. Also wisnirf truie North but not pictured; Art Cramse, Community Spiriticittnrnshlp; ard Terry Turre,, AthtelicslAcliattles.. Thanks to our Superstars for making a positive difference in their schools and in our community! S eccoti .nnua1' 9\/ortFt Silore Women 's Conference and 'TE'çpo OrganieedTby the !D!ZñíRjpnd Wilmette Chambers of Comnoerce Ce'spsrrsonrf ñg Otro °rtist° grove, Oies O'fairrn,r, £05901 on, Ç(rrrrroe, C3/'onvrow, rh/g/i(o,víOhorf, Laty goons, Lad/i BOfiÇ Lirreo(rso/'riro, Linoetrrnroor(, Of/co, Olfrrsfrñooñ \Syp0tfS modiO/lino O-mai/ mr/OmOdOilgehL000, 5/saIl Salbe Ondomo Mai50 Ir/II 01550/I 1/ hns rod or ïln. Send inl,900/iieto tse Co/ronon, allori rninrir s/nit, Saros let liOrdry. Con/oil Jurry Nr,sue. 1/Osi 0616660 ir phresi3Oron- li/n nrrb,,t SitiaS Olor, /9i0, ii p/scOrn irsu,io, or Ji/y 2/0/ill loss/no/sr miei s/sober, llore 1/rs rliir.II'rnlsrrrlsd irr il' s/ill P00,1/ li/li/Oli, Sshoo/ 6/06 S. John Oeebeul'a arnual Surin e lislnOeO Osi., C/loops II, 605tO Elsa MonkO/ mill benito riO p.o. or in/ari iso/ssqn500dso/idiiist. 5v mlsonr'h//srnu/Ien lire oir be J000505 1/e mrhnul pormnug loO 000rl050,d I/i/e Ihn 515ml pego n/ rye sn600l's Inh srio, onnnrsmhiri' dor mEsoni nay n/I/i Sn nssitoOln io/I IbOTI 966-0h15 0/1140/ 4/0024 IbIs 8001 N. la/loe Osn saisis ion len- 050nir5000umnted by Ire Ida rio/h 0000uoa'O Odone 010/ 051/oIt 5/055 il lyry 0111 n/il, u/o 50/b'/iiulsr rn/is/i/Ion Join /55/ //005ssy irr Our rslry und ron 11001 /rsnp 17h (900010000 OttOMAN r/lrld ma/Opio n e 0 01050 LO 0/9 h/I/JO Ill N/leo Noesh pespSe weee inuring cooing old Ceiendn when we gos to' llevo Ce/ondeen 5 5977 1611cc Non/h grsd ohs Sines thongh/ P onoid Srs onoro hun/eve ill/i, he sind, 000030 peo. P0/k. 0/2/ 0/mr/id Orn, Chirrio Cor' 0/ parliml lilian arr,rlrl, TI/o lilI- In I/i, Ms/O/o nsnpito/r/r sol/, JO/I Od, lili Li/ir Ordii al lryderurlborbiil irs ir sell il/I ins "dey nIlsr" psn/y ais rl/a i/I/I lo On dnlo/olrnd Ji/y Ok/Inlets Sso 9003160 da//or WI/I Sound 0/5/er/i moo sl/II 9/osso/o 1h15 bean I/oem 1000gOrsOl plIhIll or prlsslo IllIrsIn hIgh ss/noi 0//O per pnyion or Oms T5 roupIe, /00000/Is oili li si/erlod or I/o eu' md Oir/e ps/rhaonl lbsnnliOrs 5/s st Onondel ines: ss/O/il/il CO/rigor m/l/rio I/mild Es/I lOot n//COO/s y/lb//rs Is/k. 050 L Sr/os/ o/Il hold lis 40/h list cIrri, ori 01/ list W/rrt, [agio Sector/sir 5/, dIrt 9/0, [hisopo IL 60/tI ha/n orlinil/os mn rigS rs/miel slrlmrrng slranorint oso lnodst' OhIO 00 il/FimsSn/h ponsiralnssay: uno Iarml/rrososmmnlmrlmns /01 Op Ini/nr, Ihn Irgo oirdbnteioedsd iurlrrvnii i/Iron Ni/on NonbIs," 0mm/iiion105smfomnr/900roir/on, pllsmlioe,usrlusl Ihm IllinoIs locust /101 /oSnloliuS 10000, 144/h O/ese, Orlons Paroli 6500C nr/O n sol/nsOrninO stooped onmOIsgv nr n'muri ri Niloo Noplh oiuovk on Ilir/oboob 0/nIl rooulsed is rrr100 1h00 doubling Oho rrooirinrosrnrotsrno/isrsndnam,o israillasis,m The dielline is Jsly L 0/ sl05005/es Oho Sisn nel yil heno Nnnnnis nIh bono//lsd On Osi 01 Olor Clasr,ri/,s pining ny Osp, SI orli i, shined /00:/rs s/ni 1,0/.1 Ion INn I/olroay Irr mml 10110/ 0005rsi id//er dinner m'i//, isr// bc/i buoI 5/' rssm rd/no/s 000niloo: soit io/li I/ri, lesi, ira 0,/rom,, 0/ill lisoiri Irr ron, oi500o sIssies/es roy r,ieiri/ror000rr/ir/ /h,000n'r/r,e il /i//h,/06000n,i/ sn/e sr sill lOiti i/S'SODO lire 9nO 500, 5154010 er IO//I 6/l'i/Od. /909 CoO' 1515105 ra/I 1101/ leOus,, 1650i 090- nO/Ini menhirs irnos, he/Ny tusk' S00/ 00. Jihi ancona! is Inuhlng Ion mil Irr normS. Or,, 00,0, 0,0/irr had' iii. L,rry 4,011/ Jerry Mi/nl/ng wh,enr,rd sn/hoots Ci/so/si CN- OL John Orohnul trh,nl a/soro 0lire' or shosll 01./mol s//br Oydar lITI E55-0000 nr 000/ lrndnysn)isrhoolo/g 505 isbol/lIrlo/eamu, soit ir006uleO aol/os,, O//Ono nonbu calde, noon lit appllrid101 md snail iddrnuo, oes may ihoro a s/my 00130/i /ron INNI /hrngh 1976 and on /0, 055 C,Ionbis 1500752/, pal rd Orsool, o/t//ion/le mOi, 0/s Oil, O imnn500anair Cisrorphiare 00/ost io 1/iris, Piggy Ni/Or/S horrOr/lis 05/i/pio/O Isle/n 5/min loscoosdi, lui/i/ Thorn, nuise irs Tie acri, Sensori The Mason remit/p aarnnS/resmors progtam oIlers moa/lely 110000/' ton 10500,/s ISard oIdor. nl HoUd,y Irr 5,1,5/, i aohsilln. Ten. ralso/I ionIen in Chinapo / oi/arliuh- (0,1,0/ hIlen hopo. presidorl, liza liNon Pond, Es/I Wuys, lOO/lIS, roo on Alumni Oum,ss/ioee, ir i/epuro. Onuhenmelp 'r55i5505 Si/ii sabio/mp' lise Im Ibi Oainestno, en/moos /5/y nono/or/ss ndish Ontoils os/msi/iii tsr /hnmpssnlomnonnh, 6051 os/InI/los eto al Nnleo lino Hml/ 700 bulln/d PuuO Purh 65go, mi/iou no/od, Cui/msI I/i Muinot/resnanu, 10401 OrTOS/O 0900 /eoOewuine/awnuhip000, -'u Tubo nome" /9,0/o Onoanduln, nur tir i/n /02/h -aoci serian selobribin Ibe ishoil 'ro ieorshirp lin i/s Iii, mill 1011mo T un, /06300,0 Joe, /60910 Pa/o (090 000ben,, m'nosuoOaliunl, Ir bio n/ronded lo' ni 50005/ion, sin l000siIaIi C,,- Inn soci/o Oruondalo IS 00/lsd he (ui//mod (apr/01 mt/ho Coon/ny and no/od ion o,rqsn OroIheard' husmo In ntis/i Ihn mohr/ost psnp000ly podlloreS /5e honns loI abon/en oieo, Tsar mrs//s u/mho Oulman listo Cooor und Taire u//lomo Outlet im doce lino Gluey Suie Tyero mslIIli/ime/sr ihepplep nil/i oorusoan/ allo/sanO Lush null bma//heeuenner Os/arlmul Ourdeenin onori Ihm dIning 50005 userliodlni li/n qendonr 005/ i/op is 05/ion 75951m, T011 1.00100//Ose. Ohisamu /05005/, Suhninsisus may il- u lis/irlo Idohum lann oid J eremi' ahi 00/lain boise/one pursed min Nary as/O Maden Corps ib/mi/ns loiti 450720/ hopell9/ Os,nro/,ee/. 000,0/ ls/odias/ng nOie Omens ins op,r5od by loss, Mons/rip Hip/i 00/iso/i. 011/ silidra/o 50 near, sI Orsodoisliri Oroidsus/ng/I000 elI bon IL John irrtest motear IO/noi on I/ill Il/i narilmro (mono/mn is/mI en heim sne,,nn 005010 iou/I iCnl000iOis' pahsh.fln/, in mIl hi rorIir 0001 OrS-0050 0/soll 0/00/e/nr li neon/i lho asuaulo/iop by mo/I eno n05001- uiod /0 mid b011 inu/. moidul ir lo/mio/i pl/ib, noosor o'moil usd900. rho cent In nhioh hie pnadum/ed. sloop or/h 11141 lao/lie IConca' y ied /ossrr/o IC leirinur. Io IC 9/unI' ge/her i/n Josnusryt, so I neri/so /b015 Cour Limes s l'o'urn nsr'/h "o hunoh nP sOd high in/noi Eeioodo" Snos' oiirlinyenr/ remSnince,U00' rorlr ir, os/i isoles s 551k/dl psi/y urns/s pori/In Is PInnlIrs SOIS end Ir' 01151, 05005 Onsrinn in momo 005' rinse wibh s/nt of wy high school íriendo," Uniondor said, "t sow how much loo 0/ 10100 gnade nod spopu' lurr nooiir/'nodWOei5k5U Web gnl./ogolhono, Botsoiies Olio ve. Jirr, rtsl/5,rs/lr'iir lOirs, uniOn Eor ali closseo sE sEno S/oohis high school, "i'masill L'urrrnloetlinn, Shun/n 55050 The nItnalo Seenot 11a1y PsunOoIirn im slloring 5100/ rol/no, rrlelarmhlor /0 OlMr 15011 inns/ri unii hIs, Is/I /180,1i re/uni s OS'y,iiroinlo, i/O - b/nd oC so informal no' Ill9010l' lrrno Isst msosh /0 ir OIIITIOII On010, oe her e . Cniendo and noqoudssne000 II/II/sOl Oro/o wosh dowe COngo Msrt 91055, 01/0 Ûileors 1/., lO /irunlsnr Chiispo. 1/n 10000e, o/il bes/O 0/000 Orn 01001000 Or/osso or lryOoiOi/dsohnslep St. John eroheus S,n500i. Clair of cia Facebook r rloJ Irlo, sldoeded thom WMffN-FM lins IOMTI/'151 tiro brih ,,ur,irrr&:, am peuple chi worm olaoomatea RILES NORTH Sobo/ano/reo IrIs/nO lilI/in, /1559 Ordii /it/i ioirnibihnoisnioin, 2R oe001ui/rouihon/9505a0, l5/tdaoud Sahani uloumuo o//sOl 011/ iioOlobnu/Iei heIr SO/h nnssion in Joue 200E, Jamoery nod Juni mudo- it limo it/ho Insel ir Ini000ts i500t //dioryl/ PIONEER PRESS POEWS SO. Robeco eelsaennln,/s plairont un dIrIons Olsuni Reun/on /09 sprint 90600 SeO a/ns e-no/i ada/oir siano uro a/sn sidos Meli//o, Cloio sl/srs. sOdico all' yont color T'IO po, OiL It irrarr,iii', 10010, 0005. Oiling/on InfO/i Paid, 0/11,010 heipl/i, Cirl io Idi por po/sor losludns appo/ir' irr, One el/rio end si// 01/OsI Orni/i rese irross icy,,, o/ekmrdeasielfai mmi, 0/51550' 9009 gndou/mi, add/nm, Ehem ans Unis, nidos SONSOS I/arises 11(OfRE ya/ono area, irsis005iomilien bus seni lire05 ti /osaln sit Io/nel 0h00-5M alion/ Cir/isl nei niOi590 /9 ilion sin. i ene/inc he/mo nr kodeniahen nod nigh/h gtado, Sol eonod oouy he/ire Orljrrslifiety (M'onoro grove, Tnr&/lljrfiye, Sk0rlfio, snot Wirsrresdfis Ctrar,rforo ofcomrrrerso ossrnrr,rrs or 1007/ tnm-P/000 in OrnI Meyer, nun- non nilo or eine/lt ippssnblni No/id. Sponsored fig tite Pioneer Tress cf' So/n Tintes i7/lewi Çroup Pit tenleli Lu/i, po/Io/iosiosuoLnnt. S,p/.55-S7 Ir/ho Ri/k erdgn)tni wweihn/ ori. TIre Jun.1969 iridsi/iri olas, il hankyou' to tile sponsbrs of tfi-e' in lomil pi/be/loO le i/odes/i ned anilIn i/ill nenNen nOi hold mi/I he/On St/N nonio tepL 24-Or, Cs,Enui Lunry Ma/i/i il /i/rnenmgu400enit in /0001 444-005/ u/Ini tison mill On 'renlidnO ii null rd ,idr/roral er/in/in ir, punid .iF uil te/esisi,n a/sdloi o/res/it/ho 2/50 010001 iti aided I sued oarrin/aol litirOO/Iii, iroludire will rioni/i Oui 5/and 00g, sri//N, Emiirry tsr/ii ir Os,r/rnld, spis,, pu/y i, Nphlroh/,d IiI Erd irnrirp - tOr. 201959. 3,01/Ire pio/SP yinti ihn s/a/inn hin 0/ame In inelide udii 005a dmpped sl/o//he IC Purlih initoreduniep nonmal boslnnao Suini sra//os Moaouu se tutuS raft Hiel, toSsai unu 0/ 2mo 1059, noisier 2,/I tiri 000-NOI. argo/i January ,iass550nl,a sI Chingos 000issi// O/ql School Clos, o/lily r-. 001/ o/e dio it NOei Oasi H/ph Oshooi /hn n/nil 5/nOun elio i/ted HIpO isboili. Plu, orn onda/mie Eon (mirs so Rods, Oes F/aires,' or os/I lOdi) 2973000 JimiO Cirpinlniion. 4ttt Odnpslor t' TH/I9SDNY, NAN 00,0009 gnlsp IssI mot in Jonnory, rho /rv1000 imoeeueed to siros/HO. "I signorod up toboso Flow' /rrr/r/o poor sgn und never ovnI rn il," Uo/oodor sold. "I o/or/od vo IS obmut two 111100 shot "bo/rtsodlOg" luurnnmrrLsL,Es05500'y'e Cniend' 1/' 1o5'OriiOOhO/, Usiondor rurlu/, lv, SlIp 0000000F woo lv/is/llOov0000eFsoebOoh sol up irr any toeooe Ndlen Nrrollr esodoobn leoeersebed 'rnnseorssooting with sSd it bheonmgh Fsoobsuh, 0 tout thought it would be loo," people boom nbnat Tho en/un5 on Apoll tO, "Sor Some Old Friendo Being Sorno Now OmAs," nos held el Lincslnuhire'n Fias' iondoes. And a/sob around a nerp crowded ber/rsat0000nl modo IS quiSe clasp ShoL thons io ut/onda000 mero havisg 5/nSY of Pun, "IO ins Lot of Oslo ta come o/il friendo," said Voleri IConbir out and neo o Ist ni Cahon, sil?A Nileu Nsotli grad mhs I/los so Liv' os/nehine. t found suO sbori Chia throsgh Facebooll, Too oouidn'L baco dm00 earns' ihimg like Ohio ofewyosn/' ago be/bee they had Ihi000 lillo Fosobsok, Ph000 ss/hl just wouldn't ds it Sogno/bis many peoplo togetlsen" Coheo said ohs won pur' ticulsely inteeentrdioot tandiog loso mvnLh'S go/IS' P00111ennnluonIn/h Cliii nITO, ont000er5 I/amo IriOns onrog rrCfurwsv Niloi Nsnlh ntailsrtnbscavoeahc mond honhoshaod, Novel Cohon, vuuin/ly haIr is bunch of NrlonN000louInmnilhsnaP OaodIrpolc0roi0h005mlm5O 01 Ihoin 000000 hoL dog ssurod, lìgNvvm'O A lot OC/n00P/0 Ir/le tonlos ,ld friends," Valor/c <celais ÇshoO oold, "lin pm/LI °' opodibic how this worhed sol," Slrironlil locros Moilor, ° i//N dwh Pace/rIch. SuL friends wh noreoo there. Word ubsu titees Sly goO priog0000sinilssne000c' yeso, Soot UoisndrP isn't sUPO what Shah will moor furonO Ossureguihardug pi0000. 7 thiuk /50 call lb/b os mmsoy pssplm Oaaod out shout thin nod 0050v suS On Osuno io good b/mo," he soid, "M' b' Sb' s )lk ' 'bib' 05m osnorogh Inn cormm0050,0t0 Inmsmclnauh,'O'hrY slninsk nero 1110m iaL t6nio," ollo su/nl, "i l/rr,Ig/li IL muro giri/bl Lo ho, Ii briol, but ihlOi'5 doSslSciY ' book, sod sLhpmhraoll term goL,LllI1ntb55P loll oInonsrrS bibs mo gorIrri Linos, pho/nirOpOOni famsdnotuborstitse fuco' wish /r000plo nnrm bscualc rn Il 00006 hiel lnnnonitloii pla/op,aprini noLbho sub.0 iototpeonpls 0110011 uyunI mlrrlslirbo'5 pvoxnrL bco frrrm lob lo'urn mirlo mrbiroil Im1 onu lull LII 000ul nid Ilmo 059111 lOo is/u Jubo/ron I/e//I aid SuearOin000 /0001 nIh LnsolOmh//O, orpeemoud irruvoli snillis,aI Sr/ns 001/h mmyioo an Flollol/tona le O/asini T00000 u s/ral darles lb ornar/ron 1/sol LemorISOalT SouPe ro m mh wO sisees. got it sapo msorhed 015155051 tsr slnnight." canrnrrrenrl:Pi0nnn00bm5i.055 Ibm Is/nod en onm/ lire usi/at unleork/og 'mnirOdir Il/o 051/h booby un NOS mIme Eaoohme/ li 0015nISO bol - 20 y 1110101 pR SSS PU BIICOTIOII Www.pkilfleerlocaj.com i Lt. Jeremy L. Monroe Jeremy, e 1500 gradltole or Maire South 111gb School, received his U.S. Marine Corp pilot's wings on April30. 2000 in Corpus Christi, TU, lloro the Aseisrant Commendant at rho us Morrrn Corp Goreral Jomas P. Anros. LI. Monroe hoe been aesignad te lip rho AV-Se Merrier Junrp Jet at MCAS Cherry Point, NC. Ha hod c001pletad his cerner lending quetigoorlens earlier on rhs USS Truman. LI. Monroe ins graduare cl Embry-fliddia Aeronaulinel University In Preseno, AZ. Upon vonrpletlen el OCS and TOS vI Ouonllve, VA, Aviation Pro-FughI instruolien el SAS Pensacolo, FL, Lt. Meeroo wee occignad to Prinrory Filgirl Trainvrg with SF20 al NAO Ccrpuo Christi, 10, and leier ter at lralning 10111 SF21 at SAS Singevilie, TU. Ir. Mearon Is the sen el Fiebert end Jannia Monroe, nl Mundelain. Lt. Modes's brerher, Timothy, bobeo military piler With rho us Air Force, end i s currently en inetruoter pilot. HILES TOWNSHIP SCHOOLS 10009005, MAY 25, 200 70th Wedding Anniversary Adam and itethanina StAmpI, thirty-lour year lesldsnts nl Morton Grove, celebroted hell 7Slh Anntvnrsory Oh TMey IS, 20091 litait large eStended Iemniy evysints 014 ahlidrev, O grandchiidrev, and Il great-grand Ohildeen wha am preod aed henolad tobo blessnd with suas loving perenlo Reduced debts still a budget burden for special ed district pup. "Wane bud m000tiago, end the undnnavsenswuvtn 5v light Would norwulip lova She overull 000senavv from beco released f 00e lest pose Druyitm omInuuefveeeuoto cli the aoperi050sdeots in but mur delayed until Moreb Vinos and Anno Fuete, el Narwoed Perk Township, are piaessd to announca the angogement 011hair daughter, Angale, te Jatte10 Escha at Chlcngo, non al John Esahar and Meuroen end Tony Moinsrnay at Chicago. curlier this spring from ofFulvio in vorne uf its wembtrotkvvl distrinSo, She tnll Shot She enevien wee nondarod, und Shop eno willing Sepoy" she seid. "t do think whether peupla eon offord - in luego plirt because vi The brido-lo-be isa 1055 graduote al Meine South High School, e 2003 grodunta Irvm Ils Unlynrolty al titneir, Champaign, and she tacalued a Meeter's In Oncupatiarel Tharapy in 2000 Item the Snivarnity cI Illinois at Chicago. She io currently employed eso PedIatric 000upallonsi Therapisl lee Amy Zier and Aesoeletas. they pevivoklp 0mo te Niles Se papis osethor quentico Shot wust be dealt with," n le o-lev t ovid. district udministrstoeo The tutore groom loo tese graduate cl Notre Sema H15h Scheel, 02003 grodyata Irvin the Snivernity nt Illinois, Champaign, end 02006 Sesduote Item ChicoSe. Knut Cviiege st lee. Hals employed asen Asome2 leI Couenngh Law Group, In downtown Chivago, Fha couple hoe planned B Wadding ter Juva 0,2010er lmmauuIsta Cenoaptien Catholic Chvrch, Svmn uf thvun ostimutee t.ingrd from tSaS,SSS fur Ike oon-svhvol Pork Viuw Gritty1 Dioteiyt 70 io Mor- worlting with ICeodrich to Tholproblnm surfaced in 2000, when tIte Illiceis Seponlweotof0evllhearo and Family Saroideo Sold S/ThUS otte/eis they had cuoco'Itnrgnd the stato by improperly Sling Medicaid Evola - Escher and grandpamantst By Itdf IO 0000LIFFO, ORE ttAACS ad KICK KdTZ vlivtdvortrotlyvnpeidbille Tomnship Syoniol Sdonotito OlntnirtHS7mayautbe quite vr high ou veigisvlly friend, titoS districtS oteper- ito Grove, tuvo much vo - - eeb000e Ann Presser, daughter el Varlin end Judy Preasce, es Bourbonnais, and Even gould Sharanoeu, son al Lorry erA Lynye Altman, al 19010111e, NT and tha lete Stued gharsnaw ware maldad October 5,200001 The Hsmmlngton inn, In genaue, Rau. gr. Pee itsckisr ehictated. Etleebeth Ssohker, was tha meld-al-honor, end Brian Shuranovo, was the bastman. Bridesmaids wars Amy Connoily, Seras Pressar, and Sirs Purohak. Groemsmas were Deve Cenraty, end David Presson, The Itawergiri was Jsssloe Sheranow. The brida wera a Jasmine Haute Coutura designer gown in luory silk Basin, with e sweetheart neckline and cup staaues. it leetused e gathered bodice elth embroidery and beading an the Weistbend end sash. The coud length traie eutondad out trae a bubbia-harn ekie. Tha bride's chspal-Itngth Ivory oeil was edged in ivory satin. Sebaoce earned a Bachelor al galancete Graphie Design rem Illinois Stete Unluereity. She is currently amplaynd ase Graphic Designer. Evan earned a Bachelor al Ade lv English Item the UnIversity at South FlorIda. 0e Is eurrendy en odvedising nepyvatitar, The Oeopie honeymooned in Cebe San Lucas, Mealvo, and resIdas in Oak Park, Schoden Wayne and Marlene Scheden, of Mgrehead City, NC, and She ate Susan Joslyo Schodem, anageace Oie engagement et their daughter, Ceplale Sasnentha Schoden, to Captain Frad Odishe, sen of Dr, and Mrs. Edward Odishe et Meilen Greve, Samantha is correnigy aGegding Loyola University Chicago werkieg teward a Master of Arts in Crimisgtegy. Fred recently leceinad his Master of Arts le Pelitical Sciesce frani Northeastere Illinois Uoieersity, Beth are carfeatly employed in the Usiled States Army Reserve. '0/ The couple wit wedge Sunday, ." the twenty-fifth day of Octeber Swo th500and and eine, WIN1.V.PiOflOorl000L corn Fer Insrgtglsroggfion f052001 Liz Maier of 'tvvthip Vo-h lot for Sprii iuiloovllito, vr NIDOS) sills 01 111f Sysioioo, loo., lo liti) fiCO high 0022.2 mii- leagues viso emphvsiocd thutthnehorUvllovveo'l Ivy to 00f' improper erli000, l'liuto numb ri's or y, hep and referrod qocotl000 ohcut She vittlOtl'Ov IO Grades l-8 Challonging Carricalum Excellent legt Scores Computer and Science Labs School Chvïr Beautiful Chapel, Auditorium and Gym Facilities Btf ore/After School Caro A Variety at After School Pfegranis l-lot Lunch Program and Fvreign LangUage Art & Music Joan McCain, Principal for more information call (047)673-0918 www.stpeter-skokio.nef -r OilOtpOl 0010 11101011111 111e volo ileililellog 11011v lion u 1100 i,ti 011110,111 elI elIOt 0011 t'OI'ltlil Ou 11111v II liii Ititvtr," Diotrict '1117 Sllutoi'ivlrodevt Tarin Koodrick odd weeb, NTDUS's 0007-09 oodit re- 1110011111v Covlt Cooloty Cie- tii'illll'lvktliid "Wo hvyn 10 ulf vi I0000uhip noperin- ynrl, completed io March 5209, 'evoclod ihot il didn't roiled nnoogh t'cveoav from member uuhccl dio- Tilo wore ho-io pi'obleto oouliooed tobe lIlo k'doce' el bibliog wioevlenlliltoO. f(rnili'toh ovpleivetl utili, levileuLt 00MeV 13." Itou ever, Kcvdriokh very Iritis to 000er vopenoco for She pout foto- Voeu) yevro lv li_nY fao lion oocvorhilbit'o lint 111110 0 hitimiom dono out lOOIiS-00, 2000.27,2027-08 toil CeibO. oporuliono, mrwhcr d'lttrins irr billnil qti,toletiV I eDity 1ko' ytolity Ihot cive Nitre I'vtvttohip olemeotury and 000y-02). The ondeo- feo-id iiviolltil bnvod oolito' ooaeoswect deltc'll Woo 00' jotted ory000tou dotrt'iotioo/ l'lIlIlil diolrietr will yrob- aeerbvted b000000 uomo - Ivi1' Ilote iv pay moro thon member diulrittu wert dttriog Ike betigoliog iteoecvs. Docit ilioleiol'a 1)107' oxpeetyd to fop orPeit- given rebalso for vehvoi rye l'le ely bily vg io hoed1 0v 00 blOb' operiol edovotiov peore 0002-06 ved 20260f. ntllilrvttlneeivedfrvvt Dio. tIte 10111 eulii000lctl billion loo iLs vledent,n. Voti of olio- IoulAiT over the peat these Surlier tltiu upriog shy avid tIte miscaltelvti000 boll llevilriyh uykuowl- btgan eftvr the pulIssi frilm S/TOSS by IGlou Towoohip loiti olUileOln ott sino cogtthdy lilIloil, 00 110 fl NT'llSiìbtltlfol ilsi'If lobbo-etl vo hired eOyOlIOl' vilolilOu) i,iii'blollly CHAMBER OF. COMMERCE AND IAVUSTRY Welcome NeW' chamber Members! toce ololvo nObiOinnll101. 'rilo Oltit 10001 fllt',l J ', MORTON GROVE lo uobooil Mrtlieoiill o1iivcio tnuprvunreieitsv lctsi pori, foe the 05000rliuw. 'the aodii vvbieh brought All Day and 1/2 day 3 and 4 year old Pfeschosl All Day Kindergarten ho Grove-boned DtbV Con- 111,11 voivb,evs arr peobobly ulf tile 'iiteoley of lumen lun 101'veitel for ilteir uwo op illiliuov, ntay not be able tu Como and toe everything 5f. Peter has te ofter ysur child - NTDSD boo s'tuo- no-d Moe tCoodpioit. High School Diuleict 212, up vollI liven the viogle lltrgrsu mewbet; und Ooltotiitti cup- - stenighlcoyd ouI, und Ihn 011011,750 Ovvi lib G, I liii' i' 11111v IbIrlyleto, vireody lito- Zv noins steif for Sodiog the 00000cling wiatebes Shot gecerot- wnvk. fClaivoyy coil his ovi. Olifeli lito li000ibiIilP thAi 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Register for the 2009- 2010 School Year 2003 cod 0000. Allhoolghbhc problem toen '1117 muyo cito-t'o va the Tlityo 847-486.7230 or MONDAY THRU FRIDAY pepwevl oloiwn betmeon ,,iyi'dbl' dirk ivie to Diatciot celebrate@p loneerlocol corn PIONEER PRESS redreon She shortfall goon high works Sober und her oeils brIo-li, too o-croit of Il io tioleonding 11111 ' lito ltttuctl vumbnys iontvll,lod 'cody for omenS- - Odisho Muny elewentery school colowood Tlvmeotvry School Diotriol 74 neid levi lull not torme), ond Ihr oc Presson - Sharenow Billing errors volt_note, o OoioPilltP il tilt to tiny shuttfvll TOURS ARE AVAILABLE EVERYDAY self contributed tu the dvooein whyS sho'a dolo5," SupS. Moeft ffie'tsoec of Liti- hit blinti'ivl Oh notimolnd We Celebrate Service 824E 811es Cent tr Road, Skokle, IllingIg 60077 nhonttull 000sorliow repaid thy niolr, tltm'u iorgeot memknP divirivt,íqkitkie UehovlDiatniyt liS. 'l'bn buvioerv m000ger St. Peter Catholic School snvthce peuhiew whielt it- ed thr problem. "t eue vey unequivocally thvt Ihone complete euch- )'Ilty,OUO for Sbece050n- Cbka tithoogls Et Www.ploneerlecal.com u, Allnfafe Ineerance - Michael Mollige Agency 9218 Woekegan Rd. Olioe Branch Espreas 940g Waakegan Rd. Pence EteaIria, lee. 8342 W, Holbroate Ave,, Chicago Crystalina Carpet Cleaning 0138 NewcOsile Ase. Quintessence Aadlo Ltd. 0701 Oempsfer St. Oeebwuy, 0041 Dempeter 004g Dempster St. HBf ping Haads Home Health 8700 Waukeoan Rd. Ste. D208 Alliance Insurance Agency gli E. Touhy, Des Plaines lIcor reseed lieht, telele omIt 01471 965-lITRI nor 'esotici! Muotvbtlelievetoonluerervet,oeng rlttot,oeegve'o,eee USAI Coe5esetioeos. Olnelmeet Delle, PAGE 00 The Swansea FIrm, Lt 4. 0001 Dempster St., Ste. 200 close', II. hllilg3 i 22 I WWW.pjoneerlocagcom . Sued billing consultant in good favor By KATHY ROUTLIFFE KRoutfiffe@pjoneergocaicom A Nues Township High School District 219 official said eailier this spring that he believed a Morton Grove- based medical billing consultant now being sued for alleged billing mistakes by the township's special edu- cation consortium would Continue to servé the high school district's own special educatkjn program well. The agrceme, for fee for You can relax at the beach krìcwing your money is earning a very picturesque rate with Cole Taylor Bank's Summerjme CDs. i $10,000 - $49,999 2.50% APY Visit us today: Chicago - Loop 20 5. CIa* Street Chicago - North 2.40% APY 1965 N. Milwaukee Avenue Chicago - South 2.25% APY 1542 W. 47th Street Burbank 55c': w. Street Lombard Three Yorktown Center Rosomont 9550 W Higgius Road Skokie 4400 W. Oakton Street 4801 W. Gotf Road WheeUng 350 E, Dundee Road To open a Summertime CD, call or visit a Cole Taylor banking specialist. Already a customer? You may be able to open a CD by phonel Call 847-653..797Ø to learn more. Member FUIC , XT . t ColeTaylorBank ChIcago business banking specialists AnnuaÇ Perentage Yield (AP') s accurate as of 05/28/09 and is to open and earn the iubect to change at any time. Minimum $1O, .tated AF The rate Will remain in deposit amount New money only. Substantial penalty for effect (or the onbre term and b based upon opening is a limited time offer and early withdrawal Fees. if any, may reduce earnings. This subject to diange at any timo. Also available for individuai Retirement Accounts (IRA). Debts THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2009 A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION 23 Www.pjoneerlocaf.com for work in District 225 NTDSE to reimburse that, while he wasn't familservice, and admjnjstiatjve forced the state's Department of iar with the NTDSE case, outreach Medicaid claims, Healthcare and Family would give R&G payment of vices for Medicaid Ser- such requests were similar 5 percent ofall moneys col- ments it should not havepay- to IRS audits and not, of re- themselves, unusual. Consultants, hired by Dis- lected on behalf of trict 219 four years ago to 219 from Medicaid.District ceived. "There's been a consistent In 2007, illinois demandhelp it process Medicaid effort on the part ofthe fedEarlier this year, attoi- ed repayment of claims claitns on behalfofstudents neys for the Niles Township which R&G mistakenly eral government to audit, and it's not uncommon that On April 28, District 219 District for Special billed it for on behalf of the Educadistrict have had to pay school board members ap- tion sued R&G, demanding NPDSE _- and which the money back," he said. proved a two-year contract $160,580 they claim the consortium was forced to District 219's extension for R&G, a divi- company owes the district reimburse after learning of with R&G alsoagreement had some sion of RB Systems, Inc. after company mistakes the problem in 2007. The safeguards against such sitNTDSE eventually cleared uations, Marcello suggestup the problem, but could ed. not reclaim $160,580 from He emphasized that the the state. district has used R&G staff Marcello said last week to train its own employees Pete Marcello, Djsrjct '' :.::z:., $50,000 - $99,999 , 2111's assistant superintend. eut fbi' special education expressed confidence in R&G Énjoythe summer. And our Summertjm Cfl r+ $100,000 and up _; tium or not." to work with the same sys- tem, and suggested that process could also help prevent the kind ofbilling missteps at issue in the NTDSE suit. "We've adopted a 'trainer-trainer' model. When we Raie Pnyarn Points Fere sln %Down AMI Piogom 708531.8317 UNITED HOME LOANS Points Raie R&G staff come out and train our staff in some (of the billing) codes. Every year, Medicaid makes hllp://www.gsù. corn 30 yr fixed Call for Rates 0.000 $1370 20% 4.822 Call for Rates 5/1 ARM Call for Rates 3oyrflxed 3oyrfixed 4.750 5/1 jumbo ARM 4.500 1.000 $1370 20% 4.658 7/1 jumbo ARM Call for Rates 7/1 ARM Call for Rates l5yrfixed 4.375 0.000 $1370 20% 4.500 10/1 jumbo ARM Call for Rates 15 yr fixed Call for Rates 5/1 jumboARM 4.500 0.000 $1370 20% 3.576 from R&G," he said, "as well (B) 3 Westbwok Corp. Center, Westchester, IL 60154 M8.0006479 847.9518288 AMERiCAN BANK & TRUST Restrictions apply, please inquire. First Time Buyer Programs, No Money Down, Upside down 01<11 FHAII (C) 800 Waukegan Rd. , Gionview, IL 60025 (8) 718 E. Schaumburg Road, Schauniburg, IL 60194 630.812.2100 KENILWORTH FiNANCiAL, INC. htlp://www.ma!Inyman.com Frendreis said there had work, or if it would be posbeen talk about changes in sible; since District Continued from PAGE 21 807 does the governance structure of not carry a balance on its NTDSE, but the NTDSE own books. services, physical plant fees Board rejected those The Superintendents, he and instructional fees. The changes. "The governance said, also are looking at miscalculations were for in- structure doesn't work or budget issues, in structional fee amounts, she particular something doesn't work," the amount ofreserve said. funds he said. District68 Board Mem- . Kendrjck said earlier this the special education disber Una McGeough, who spring that her staffis now trict needs to have on hand. sits on the District 807 working closely with staff They also want to look at Board, said earlier this from member special education disdistricts, the spring that the NTDSE "and we are seeking trict's every well. overall funding as costs for membei districts amount ofadvice we can." will go up in the future now "They don't need to sit on She praised former District that the problem has been 74 business a whole lot of money," he manager Virdiscovered. gifla Clarke for help she has said. "As a general philosMcGeough said there ophy do they need an ongohave been financial con- provided the consortium ing fund balance?" District 70 Superintezi ceras with the special ed- dent Gary Zabilka, "We need to take a look at said earUcation district in the past, lier this spring that the whole system," although there has never ship superintendentstown- said. "Maybe thereZabilka should disbeen any accusation of incussed the issue during a be a better budgeting tentional wrongdoing. A regular monthly meeting process in place that doesnew administration caught April 27, so far haven't n't allow for a surprise fifth the accounting mistakes, figured out how the new payment situation. which reflects better overCosts should be paid. Skokje School District He sight, she said. said it's possible that a por- 73.6 Superintendent Kate tion will be paid this year Donegan, however, said DisManaqemen issue? and the rest added to next trict 807 is a composite of District 68 board Presipayment to help dis- all the Participating Niles dent John Frendreis said year's tricts with extremely tight Township districts. "We are earlier this spring that the budgets. (District 807)," she said. "If district will have to bear a Zabilka said he and his there's anger, it's at oursubstantial cost because of school board must look at selves," the mistake. the District 70 budget and Donegan said she believes «Ifthjs were entirely within our own district, there determine where to find the that the bottom line is extra money. "Maybe they what's best for the would be consequences for will accept partial payment Ifby districts student.. not paying something like this," he said. and add it to "I've always felt we've had s essment." nextyear as- their full shares over the years has deprived special a very difficult time exerting Control over NTDSE. 6 Like officials in District education students, then 8, Zabjlka also talked she favors paying They provide services. We about that a possible pay money, but at the end of h ow NTDSE overhaul of money. "That's the way I governs or 'oak i at it," she said. "I think the day, our only choice is runs itself. we all want to do what's best whether to be in the consor Kendrick said she didn't tor the students." 800.664.1414 PINNACLE HOME MORTGAGE hIIp://www.PinnacfoHorneMortgago. corn Call.for Rates changes, but we get updates know how such a plan would APR % Down Fees Pointa Rate Proqesm 3Oyr fixed For a personal quote call Mike Dulla, President as from other sources, and from our Own admjnistra tors." APR 847.7291900 GLENVIEW STATE B4NK hltp://www. IJHLoans.om pulled out (ofthe special education consortium), we had 'f. Dsws Fees hftp://www.KenI/wor!hFlnanc/al. coni . 847.901.0808 THE GLEN FiNANCiAL, INC. lillp://www. TheGlenFínancial.com 3ûyrfixed 4.750 0.000 $1189 20% 4.813 3Oyrfixed 4.750 0.000 $1495 20% 4.829 30 yr fixed Call for Rates l5yrfixed 4.500 0.000 $1189 2O% 4.608 3oyrfixed 4.500 1.000 $1495 20% 4.665 30 yr fixed Call for Rates 30yrjumbo 6.125 0.000 $1189 20% 6.181 30 yr FHA 4.875 0.000 $1500 4% 4.955 15 yr fixed Call for Rates 5/1 jumbo ARM 5.375 0.000 $1189 20% 5.428 5/1 ARM 4.250 0.000 $1395 20% 3.941 10 yr fixed Call for Rates Lower rates available. All costs guaranteed. Call for quote. GREAT JUMBO RATES CALL FOR DETAILS or visit www.maffnyman.com FHA and VA Approved- Call us for Details (C) 25811 FoxIleld Road, Suite 202, St. Charles, IL 60174 (B) One Oakb;ook Tetrace, Sulle 210, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181 MB.6750321 847.384.9221 BANK OF AMERICA HOME LOANS 847.7366583 PARK RIDGE COMMUNITY BANK lzttp://inortgage.bankolanieríca.co,n/marllnmaa(ta P48.0004181 MO 6759906 (B) 255G Compass Rd. Sie 0, Glenview, IL 60026 847.849-8800 LLC THIRD COAST MORTGAGE 3Oyrfixed 4.375 2.000 $1200 20% 5.145 30 yr fixed Call for Rates 30 yr fixed 4.750 0.000 $570 20% 4.780 5/1 ARM 4.500 0.000 $1300 20% 4.598 15 yr fixed Call for Rates 5/1 jumbo ARM 4.375 0.000 $850 20% 3.514 0.000 $850 20% 4.185 4.875 0.000 $850 20% 3.918 3OyrFHA 5.000 1.000 $1300 4% 5.561 511 ARM Call for Rates 5/1 jumbo ARM (inlerest oo) 4.625 5/1 jumbo ARM 5.625 0.000 $1300 20% 5.698 7/1 jumbo ARM Call for Rates 7/1 jumbo ARM Stuart L. Cohen at 847-580-5555 or scohen@3rdcoastmortgage.com marlinmaatta@countrywide.com 60777 (8) 3100 Dundee Road, Ste 406, Northbrock, IL 60062 (C) 626 Talcoft Rd., Park Ridge, IL 60068 (C) 954 Harlem Avenue, Glenview, iL 60025 MORTGAGE UPDATE Mortgage rates down; more help for buyers By Holden Lewis . Bankrate.com points to 4.76 percent. The benchmark 5/1 adjustablerate mortgage fell 26 basis points to 4.81 percent. Mortgage rates have been remarkably steady in the last few weeks. The Obama administration successfully adopted a policy of driving mortgage rates down and announced on Tuesday. Depending on the buyer's tax- keeping them there. Observers believe that the Treasury filing status and the price of the home, the tax credit can and Federal Reserve are keeping rates in a narrow range by buying mortgage-backed securities whenever rates be as much as $8,000. This year, some first-time homebuycrs will charge their down payments to the taxpayer. Buyers vil1 be allowed to use their first-time homeowner tax credits as down payments when they get FHA-insured loans, Housing Secretary Shaun Donovan The National Association of Realtors hailed the threaten to rise. Tax credit becomes down payment Under the plan announced Tuesday by Donovan, buyers can get a piggyback mortgage or an unsecured bridge loan for the amount of the tax credit when they get a Federal Housing Administration-insured mortgage. The piggyback or bridge loan can take the place of a down payment. Typically, Ft-lA-insured loans require a down payment of at least 3.5 percent. Borrowers will be expected to pay off the piggyback or bridge loans when they claim the tax credit on their 2009 returns next year or their amended 2008 returns this year. To claim the tax ciedit, buyers have to buy by the end of 2009. Donovan, secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, boasted about the effort to keep purchases, and notjustfor first-timebuyers. mortgage rates low when he spoke Tuesday before a The decision to fitnèe first-tithe homebuyers' down meeting of the National Association of Realtors. "And payments with tax dollars was a highlight of a week that "We think the policy is a real win for everyone, we are taking action to further help the housing market saw little change in mortgage rates. ensuring that borrowers can tap into the numerous recover," he said as he introduced the down payment The benchmark 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage fell 6 organizations that are already part of the FHA network basis points to 5.21 percent, according to'the Bankrate. subsidy. this yeàr's to receive this additional benefit," Donovan told the The down payment initiative is built onto coni national survey òf large lenders. A basis point iS in which qualified Realtors. He cited a homebuilders' study that claimed one-hundredth oft percentage point. The mortgages in first-time homebuyerS' tax credit, buyers can get an income tax credit of 10 percent of the that the tax credit will stimulate 101,000 sales to firstthis week's survey had an average total of 0.4 discount home's price, or $8,000, whichever is less. (The credit time buyers, and another 59,000 home sales to people anti origination points. One year ago, the mortgage index filing separately and the crcdi who will be able to buy homes because first-time buyers is half that for spouses was 6.19 percent; fourweeks ago, it was5.18 percent. bought their homes. Thebenchmark 15-year, fixed-rate mortgage fell2 basis phases out for higher-income filers.) announcement añd asked taxpayers to subsidize all home S CALL ØAÑKñATECOM eAt I I I I , I I i h1 I t s llttlgw I I ' I,n 5 ,k tl, I I " Lui M $l i lXl J \IR I) I Il L I W Ñ,,,,nret Iw In I sI I I nI py d I I Y fl I I 11(1 I I II )O, l,oIr dIIIY I.. I I f fl I Cflfl' %X) I' i S I J II II )' I Yw I II I I l$I I i V d I i II hI b l' l" mp.r t D I Ifl I l I p Ill tMl II tI A I ti K I I I hI Il ) o I l,I, (.hk. r,lI N)w94á6. To pod .flf InU Ih Ii .dll s1 I ) ' DEPÁRTMEÑT ,Ó8ÒÒa5Ò9a4636 I Il , i,,) fI1ll ' I t f rI All thi . q I Cl) d IAKMI 15AIll, , l I I I Y f fllfl t l ydll I i o u,., k I All I I 7I luc u IlI,,nI I p 24 www.pioneerlocal.com dab EDISON PARK I WCe k ly NoRwooD PARK THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2009 A PIONEEIcATION Wo rs h ip PARK RIDGE -- ' Weekly 1Vorsh1p fl' t - -t- ?-'$ - -SKOKIE SKOKIE CHÍCAGQ k : Edison Park Lutheran Church ELCA Holy week services + 6626 N. OliphontAvo., 773-631-9131 Palm Sunday- (Sunday of the Passion- www.edisonparklutheran.org April 5-10:00 AM.) Sunday Morning Worship Schedule Blessing and Distribution of Palms Park Ridge Presbyterian Church 1300W. CrescentAve., (847) 823-4135 Liturgical Worship with Holy Communion Maundy Thursday-April 9, 2009 7:30 PM 8:00 AM and 9:45 AM Holy Communion with the Stripping of Contemporary Worship with Holy the Altar Good Friday- April 10, 2009, Communion 11:15AM. 2:00 PM Good Friday Liturgy (The Sunday School ages PreK thru 61h grade Church will be open for private donations 9:45 AM. Attended Nursery for Sunday from 12 Noon to 2:00 PM). The Day Services. Handicapped Access of Resurrection of Jesus Christ (Easter) from south parking lot SundoyApril 12, 2009 www.parkridgeptesby.org Nursery care during service Children's : - ì . Church and St. Richard's Episcopal Church will ombine their Holy Week services as follows: : Maundy Thursday Agape Supper at 6:30 PM followed by church service -: -- St. Richard's Good Friday service at 7:00 PM st. Alban's. Holy Saturday, Great Vigil at 7:00 PM St. Alban's. Easter Sunday, Holy Eucharist at 9:30 AM :: : St. Alban's. St. Richards Episcopal Church is located at 5101 W. Devon, 8:15 AM. Mass ofAnticipation: 5:00 PM Saturday. Sunday Masses: 8:30 & 1 1 :00 AM ; Sunday School & Adult 9:45 AM (September thru May). Christian Day School Coder-Westminster United Presbyterian Church 4950 W. Pratt, (847) 673-4441 :. : the presentations ofiesus' parables and Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 1 1 :00 AM (School Alex Wkkell, Director of liturgical elements. Your child is welcome Year), 8:30 & 10:00 AM (Summer) Thursday Youth Ministries Office Hours: Mon., to join us for morning song at 8:45 AM Worship (Summer) 7:00 PM Sunday Tues. & Thurs. 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Rev. Dr. Stephen M. Larson, Lead Pastor. Rev. Kristina C. Weber, Associate Pastor. 8237 Kenton Avenue, (841) 673-1311 Rev. Dr. Malcolm Minnick, Jr., Pastor. www.skokiccenlralumc.org (773) 631-2860 Emeritus, Anne Krentz Organ, Director Sunday Worship 10:30 (Street level &cessibility to main Church) of Music Ministries Melinda Ramseth Sunday school 9:30 AM. Children & Adult Sunday Services-1O:OOAM Hoiland, Director of Children's Choirs, Adult Choir Practice 8:30 AM Sunday (Holy Communion celebrated P', 3td, and Nancy Olson, Member Care Coordinator Fellowship 1 1 :30 AM 51h Sundays. Service of the Word 2' & 4th Sundays). Sunday Church School-9:OOAM (With Confirmation Ministry classes for 7 St. Mary's Episcopal Church 306 S. ProspectAve,, (847) 823-4126 and 8" grades) www.stmaryspr.org Nursery room (with P.A. hooked up to Sunday Services: 8:00 & 10:00 AM ; Church). Available during worship services. - Sunday Worship 1 0:00 AM. Sunday School 9:00 AM. . - Chair lift Available Parking in Rear. The Edgebrook Church 12:00 PM Hebrew School Grades 3-7 6155W.TouhyAvenue, (773) 631-1155 Tuesday4:15-5:15 PM htlp://edgebrookchurch.Org Sunday Worship 10:30 AM - Ensemble Practice, Wednesday 6:30 PM Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler Praise, Prayer & Bible Study Cantonal Intern Beryl Bellows Wednesday 7:30 PM Sally Gold Terry J. Kane Education Director Bethel Community Church Executive Director Adult Education Multi-faith Families Welcome Community Theater 7601 W. Foster Ave., (773) 775-2355 www,bethelcommunity.Org Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11 :00 AM High Holiday & Festival Choir Director Joseph Poprawski Fridays 7:30 PM; 9000 N. Kildare, (847) 676-1300 Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30 PM www.sttimothyskokie.com Adult Bible Study-9:45 AM Youth Choir 9:15 AM Sunday Accessible Church Building On 3Id Friday of the month Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Kabbalistic Prayer/Meditation Service Choir Practice, Thursday 7:30 PM Senior PastorPastor Paul Jorden Associate PastorPastor Rob Bukowski; Encounter Gathering: Sunday 6:00 PM Sunday School & Student MinistriesPastor Shawn Clark Lenten +Midweek Services Youth Fellowship 3601 W. Dempster St., 847-675.0951 Esther Knapp Religious School. Sundays Youth Christian Educaton 3" Sunday at The Rev. Sarah D. Odderstol, Rector www.tbiskokio.org Music & WorshipPastor Andy Clifton Wednesdays-11:OOAM with Soup 9:00 AM-12:OO PM 10:30 AM. Rev. Erik Weber Luncheon following WHERE ALL ARE WELCOME! Likrat Shobbat/Kabbalat Shabbat, first Hebrew School Sunday 12-1 PM Birthday Sunday 3d Sunday (March 4, 1 1, 1 8, 25, and April 1 ") Check website for all activities. Friday of each month, 5:30 PM Children's Model Seder of each month Sunday. AnnI 5. 10 AM ArccihIe Riuitdinn Çt tt ' ,. t t ' '.t r"t-,.$.- -' ,. 3- Daily Moss: Mon Childcare available for all services. (. Seniors & Women's Bible Studies September thru May. Call for information or seethe website. practice Thursday 7:00 PM 708-453-3514, Fox708- 456-8818 .ziouinorridgeiI.org NORTHBROOK Temple Beth-El 3610 Dundee Rd. (847) 205-9982 Fox (847) 205-9921 Fellowship Sundays i 1 :00 AM. Adult Choir Practice Sun. 9:00 AM Friday Shabbat Evening Services: I :30 PM Handicapped Accessible Shabbat Service at B PM 3:00 to 3:45 PM Second Friday Wine & Cheese Baptism: 1" Saturday and NILES Adoration First Fridays 9:00 AM-3:00 PM reception at 5:30 PM followed with 3rd Sunday of the Month Saturday Confession 4:00-4:30 PM Lutheran Church of the Resurrection Kabbalat Shabbat Service at 6 PM or a Rev. Ted Schmitt, Pastor 8450 N. Shermer Rd. Hiles Il., 60714 Third Friday Family Service at 7 PM (847) 965-8210 Saturday Shabbat Morning Services: Baptism 2nd 4th Sundays of the Month Rev. Richard J. Klujbor, Pastor Our Savior Lutheran Church Rev. Andrew lzyk, Associate Pastor Fr. James O'Brien, In Residence William Holbrook, In Residence 6099 N. Nolicoll Ave. ( at Nickerson & Hood Avenues) (773) 631-1100 8, (773) 63 -1 606 Sunday Worship 9:00 AM. Sunday School and Adult Bible Study 10:30 AM Advent & Lenten Worship Services- Fr. St. Paul Lutheran Church 5650 H. Canfield, 60631, (708) 867-5044 (Sept-June). www.stpaulconfiOld.Org Carolyn H. Sanderson - Minister of Music Street Level, Air Conditioned Sunday Worship 8:15 & 10:45 AM A member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Sunday School & Adult Bible 9:30 AM Saturday Warship 6:00 PM Christian Day School 7958 W. Foster Ave., (773) 775-6659 SHARING GOD, TOUCHING LIVES, www.stmkhaelniles.Org jw,sfeugeflO.Org EVERYWHERE Sunday Worship 10:00 AM. Sat PM Sun - 7:00, 9:30, 1 1 :30 AM & 4:30 Confession: 4:00-5:00 PM Sat Baptism: 1 :00 PM 1' & 3td Sunday al the month, Rev. George Rev. Jerome Twarog, Koeune, Pastor; Associate Postor; 3750 N. Nova, (773) 205-3787 first Christian Church yyw.vic,oryworshiP0fle0m and the fourth Friday of the month at Rabbi 6 PM Sideny Flelbraun, Senior Rabbi Jeffrey Weill, Assistant Victor Weissberg, Fobbi Emeritus Kim Harris, Cantor To List Your congregation please call founded. By the Lord Jesus Christ and Sunday Morning Worship i i :00 AM Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM. Marsha Garrigan described in the pages of Friday Worship 7:30 PM. Youth Service .... r" nwis, I :u DU ' n. (krictnnhr - - Postor, Rev. Romona Dorsey siblings ore welcome to participate. Second Saturday of the month at 9 AM Discover the ancient faith and rich traditions of the Orthodox Church the Victory Worship Center Frielay up to ages 6 and their families. Older 7313 N. Woukegan Road (847) 647-8398 8:30 AM & 5:30 PM, Shabbat Yeludim Introduction to Temple for children st. Michael's Orthodox Church Pro-KGrade 8 Weekend Masses: 10 AM Traditional Shobbat Service Rev. Dr. Bruce T. Anderson - Pastor Rev. Walt Schoenfuhs St. Paul Lutheran Torah Study 7:30 PM - Jazz Vesper Service St. Eugene Catholic Church En-630 & 9:00 AM 9:30 AM Casual Shabbat Service & (June-Sept) 9:30 AM, 1" Sunday of Month. Wednesday at 7:00 PM Daily Masses: Mon thru traditional Shubbat Service at 7:30 PM Sunday (Sept.-June) 10:30 AM tiorwood-Park LCMS I - First and fourth Fridays Traditional ,. EVERYONE IS WELCOME Confessions: Saturday 3rd Sunday of every month Choir omplebefheI.0rg 4:00 PM Polish liturgy Mass: Sunday - Bajus, Pastor Communion service Worship Service Sundays 10:00 AM. 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, and 12:00 PM Sunday 8600 W. Lawrence Ave. Bible Study Sundays 9:00 AM. Fri 8:00 AM Weekend Masses: Saturday Wednesday E.mail: SkokieCentral@UMCNlC.org 6:15 PM w,st,nonicachicago.c0m olmo,hrchurch@a0I,C0m Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors. St. Timothy Lutheran Church 3: 3W' ti. .4' 8944 Austin Ave., (847) 965-2982 Friday 8;00 PM www.beneshalom.org Liaht Nosh 5136 N. Nottingham, (773) 763-1661 Methodist Church is a church with Open Pastor, Reverend David L. Haley itttht Presbyterian wwwi.templejm.org Bible Study, Monday 10:00AM .t :t C-y St. Monica Catholic Church Performances. Edison Park United 10:30 AM. On 2nd Saturday of the month. Handican Accessible V.)?LL ----t,s..tyt-. .1 . t3t*.C3kt3-g.SÇ.3 JS.t.t3 t,J43t t Morton Grove Comiiunity Church .ourIadymotherchurth.00m Temple Beth Israel t Education for Children and adults. 8701 W. lawrence avenue, (113) 625-3369 Sunday School & Nursery during worship, .e- .'-t Featuring our Praise Bund Meets once a month on 4th Tuesday of Rev. Robert C. Johnson-Postor Theme: "At the Cros? wonderful programs of Religious Susannah Wesley Club (Women's Group) 4435 Ookton, (847) 677-3330 Wednesday Service: 9:00 AM .Last Sunday of euch month Perpetual Help Novena Eucharistic (September thru Muy) Congregation Bene Shalom 1 2:30 PM through 8th Grade School. And offer TMCelebrating God's grace and merry for Fellowship Hall James Downing Theatre Rev. Richard Lanford. Childcare provided. Air Conditioned Sanctuary Praise Service "Our Lady Mother of the Church Two Sundays a month 10:15 AM www.stpoteruccskokio.org We have a Preschool (3 yrs. Old) Children's Sermons 2nd Sunday of the Month Choir Practice: Sundays, 9:30 AM Religious School Prel( (847) 673-8166 Central United Methodist Church (School Year) Child Care Provided Teen Praise Bond Rehearsal Doys 8:30 AM & 7:00 PM. Tuesday 9:00 AM Sundayll:45AM- 1:15 PM Oakton Street & aramie Avenue Rev. Gregory Sackowicz, Pastor over 86 years in old Norwood Park." Religious School Grades 8-12 Church of Christ Christian Education for all ages. 9:45 AM Church(ELCA) e St. Peter's United Friday 8:00PM Youth Group and Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:30 AM Grades K-7 Sunday 9:30 AM Adult Choir & Handbell Choir Holy Days 6:30, 8:00, 9:00 AM & 7:30 PM Sunday, 12:00 PM : Small Group Ministry Hour. Michael Scott Porter, Senior Pastor Wednesday 7:3OPMCh0ir Rehearsal Young People's Liturgy ol the Word Holy Family Shabbat Religious School Traditional Service, 12:00 AM Fellowship Holy Days Vigil 7:30 PM Nornlyn Baroja Senior Exercise Class, Second Friday of the Month 7:00 PM www.stlukespr.org Email: office@stlukespr.org Sunday Schooli 1:00AM Promised Jewish Messiah. Variety of Worship Formats, knowledge of the Holy Spirit through Confession Saturday 3:30-4:15 PM. Sunday 8:00, 9:30 & 11 AM, Sunday 11 :00 AM 9:00 AM Contemporary Service, 10:00 AM Sunday School (for all ages) i 1 :00 AM Wednesday 10:30 AM. Luther John Duna Sumova Musical/Youth Director, A Reconciling in Christ Congregation 205 N. Prospect Ave., (847) 825-6659 Sunday Worship-10:OOAM that Yeshua (Jesus) is the Good Shepherd Sunday school program, September thru May. lt is a Montessori- Midweek Bible Study - MonFri 6:30 and 8:00 AM. Thursdays, 10:30 AM & Fridays, 7:00 PM (847) 676-1566 8 Academy Principal Judy SmithWorship Director Pastor Joyce M. Kissenger, Diredor of Music 861 0 Nibs Center Road, Rev. Matthew Conrad Sunday 10:45 AM and noon Weekday Masses, Friday 8:30 AM, Saturday 5:00 PM Temple Judea Mizpah 9:45 AM Youth & Adult Bible Class Jeff NelsonYouth Pastor Pastor, Rev. Jerry Miller Organist, The Church is Handicap Accessible 59] 7 N. Nina Ave, (at Nickerson) : Sundays 9:00 SaturdayVigil Mass 4:30 PM Sunday Mosses: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM 5h Mass Schedule: Weekdays Monday through Sunday Morning Worship Schedule: i : Sunday School & Bible Study Class, Sunday School 10:35 AM Robin JonesSenior Pastor L wwnsmow.org 3rd Sunday of every month community ofiews who believe and teach 9:45 AM. Sunday Worship 9:30 AM 50jfkescccsbCglOb0l.fl0t Linstaffed Nursery available Sunday from the month. Youth Worship Sunday, NORRID MORTON GRoVE 7033 N. Mosolle, (773) 763-0206 & Nursery Age Bible Study, Rabbi Kirk Gliebe Devar Emet Messianic Synagogue is a Sunday Morning Worship 1 0:00 AM Dale Luksha, PK ; : For K_5h Graders at Devonshire School in St. Luke's Lutheran Church (EL(A) Norwood Park Lutheran ;:- -: Club Maccabee Children's Club St. Alban's offers the Catechesis of the and class at 9:00 AM. ' : Youth Wednesday 6:30 PM John Schuman, Minister of Music www.cmupc.net - - 591 7 N. Nina Avenue (at Nickerson) (with Confirmation Ministry) Youth Sunday 1 :00 PM, Young Adults Bible Study, ''' - 9233 Shermer Rd., (847) 966-9233 9:45-1 1 :00 AM, Rev. Robert C. Johnson, Midweek Religious Studies for Adults and Congregational Learning Sundays 8:45 SKOKI E Pre-Kindergarten thru 8 Grade based program that enriches your child's i Lori B. Sagarin Director of Fellowship Hour, Vespers: Monday 7:30 PM - - Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Sundays. Sunday Church School-9:OO AM School for Preschoolers - St. Luke's.ChriStiufl Community Church Sundays Service of the Word on 2 & 4 (High Sthool) Bible Study, Wednesday6:45PM Saturday Evening Worship 5:00 PM August 9:00 AM -- Saturday 10:00 AM Shabbat Morning Services web.mac.com/stpaulskokio Chicago, ft 60646, Ph.: (773) 774-4519 - www.dovaremet.org Cantor Pavel Roytman Grade - Before & After School Care Ongoing Contemporary Worship: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7800 NilesAvonue, (847) 674-9146 Rabbi Michael A. Weinberg 5201 Golitz Street, (847) 673-5030 High School Youth Ministry Program Days & Hours Worship Sundays, 10:30 AM, Potluck, 11:30 AM . Devar Emet Messianic Synagogue 6:00 PM Additional Information: School: Pre-3 thru 8h September through Muy 8:30 & 1 1 :00 AM, June Handicap Accessible t'3-#-«n Yt . fl3 tt., '. ÇVt St. Mary of the Woods Catholic Church Sunday Services-10:00 AM www.edisonparkumc.com EmaiI:pastor@edi50nP0«m0m , -: Nórwood Park Lutheran ChurchELCA Holy Communion celebrated 1, 3' & All services sign language and voice 7 Grade St. Paul Lutheran Church Faith Formation - Kindergarten thru 8t Grade Sunday Worship: alk - - CHICAGO (773) 631-2860 Chicago, IL 60631 rhone: (773) 792-3030, Fo (773) 792-3031 i 1 :00 AM Pastor: Rev. Curtis A. Lambert 260 N. Mohwest Highway www.standrewsparkridgo.org Friday 7:30 AM Volunteer Choir High Holiday Services N. Wheeling Rd., (847) 255-7452 6740 Hodh Oliphant Avenue Interfaith Families Welcome Youth Groups Adult Education Koleynu Worship Days & Hours: Monday-Saturday (847) 823-6656 Choir Director Nona Morning Minyan Monday EdisonPark United Methodist Church Cantonal Soloist Charlene Brooks children under the age of five. and Wednesdays 4:15 PM www.saintalphonsus.com Church & School Assi. Rabbi Shari Chen Sundays 11:10AM 12:10 PM St. Aiphonsus Liguori Catholic Church 41 1 Holy Eucharist: Sundays al 9:30 AM The communities of St. Alban's Episcopal Shabbat Katan, third Saturday of each Hebrew School Grades 3 -7 be offered. To God Above Be All the Glory www.saintalbanschurch.com (773) 763.8845 Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer Sundays 9:00 AM PROSPECT HEIGHTS Special music and Children's Sermon will PARK RIDGE st. Andrew's Lutheran - Shabbat Service Saturdays 10:30 AM Religious School Pre-K Rev. James P. McCracken St. Alban's Episcopal Church 6240 North Avondale, Noiwood Park. Illinois , High School. Adult Education 9:15 AM Holy Communion at 10:00 AM. NoRwooD PARK Temple Family Seder Thursday, April 9, 6:00 PM month, 10:00 AM for families with Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Programming for Ages 3 Kubbalat Shabbat service Shabbat Service Fridays 8:15 PM t tM . 2- ...- CHICAGO - 3- - ------------%' 25 , wwi.ploneerlocal.Corn The New Testament. Today her 63O978-829O Apostolic doctrine, worship, email mgariigan@stng.com and structure remain intact. Rev. Philip Grib, SJ, Resident I t I i I' !I I II t I ' F CONTACT: Rich Martin, Managing Editor 26 I schoo's www.ploneerlocai corn OAKTON BRIEFS Oakton Community Cofleqe observes summer hours effective May 29. The college will be closed Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, thcouqh Auq. p.m. Mondays through Fridays; and O am, - 5 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays. 9. 847-635-1741 (Des Plaines) or 847-635- starting June 4, at Oakton's Des Plaines campus. Course fee is $49. Other available courses Include: Bartendinç Certification (BAR Toi-33) Freelance IVriling /(COM E72-31), Conversationa! Spanish I (LSP 808-31), For additional assistance, contact the Advising and Counseling Center at Summer registration continues at the 1417 (Skokie). Des Plaines campus, 1600 E. Golf Road, and Skokie campus, 7701 W. Lin- coin Ave. Eightweek courses beqin the week of June 8 and seven-week courses begin the week of June 15. Detailed course information may be found in the Summer 2009 Credit and Noncredit Class Schedule. During summer hours, students may register in person at both campuses, 8:30 am. - 7 p.m., Mondays through Thursdays. Online registration is available at my.oakton.edu, 6:45 am. - IO Enroll in a variety of continuing education courses offered by the Alliance for lifelong Learning at Oakton Corn- Stained Glass Art (ART E12-31), and rnunity College. For a complete Alliance for Lifelong Learning class schedule, visit Sinq, Sinq, Sing.- Creative Vocal CoachIng (MUS 525-31). Introduction to PC and Windows . www.oakton.edu/all or call (847) 9829888, press 3. . (DPR A51-31) ¡s a hands-on course that demonstrates how to use the new Windows operating system. Five-week course meets 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays starting June 2 at Oakton's Des :, Plaines campus, 1600 E. Golf Road. Register now for 'Wit and Wisdom," a series of lectures designed to examme the lives of four optimistic Amen- ; . cans - Eleanor Roosevelt, Mark Twain, Dorothy Parker, and Will Rogers. This . Course fee is $140. four-week series, offered by the Emeritus Program at Oakton, meets 10-11:30 am, Tuesdays starting June 9 Pablo Casals (MUS C44-31) offers in- :, Acupuncturè &. Holistiç Heàling sight into the life and music of the Ingrid Ardito, R.N., t.A.c., M,S.O.M Registered Nurse, Licensed Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist June 3 at the Glencoe Park District, 999 Green Bay Road, Glencoc. Course . iReflexology Acupressure (PED 80831) introduces this elegant dance form without putting stress on joints and ligaments. Students must wear comfortable clothing and supply their own ballet shoes. Eight-week cello master. Two-week class meets iO-Ii:30 am., Wednesdays starting f ne is $39. : Lincoln Ave. The series begins with "Before . Hillary? Eleanor!" and continues with Salle! for Fun, Fitness, and Grace 'Healing Touch Reiki . Nutritional-Herbal Therapy Natural Facial Rejuvenation . House Calls Available course meets 5:15-6:15 p.m. Wednes- For-Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Allergies, Aslhma, Chronic FatIgue, Headaches, Weight Loss, Iniurles, Pain Twain (June 16), Parker (June 23), and Rogers (June 30). The fee for the "Wit and Wisdom" series is $45: individual lectures are $15 each. For additional details, call the Emeritus Program at (847) 635-1414, days starting June 3. at the North Road, Northfield. Course fee is $146. First Time Home Buyers (REL Ei9-3I) The Emeritus Program at Oakton offers a variety of fine arts courses at various locations this summer. teaches money-saving techniques for purchasing your first home. Two-week course meets 7-IO p.m. Thursdays The Life and Operas of Richard Strauss (MUS S47-91) considers one of music's most controversial characters. Shore Senior Center. 161 Northfield $iOQFF,thru 6130109. 1. at Oakton's Skokie campus, 7701 N. . FREE CONSULTATION :: . ,,.'ÖaII847L825i89i .... LET US HELP YOU Cete brate! 7',*t Att' Announce Your Special Family Events: I- -, a Birth ngagcrncnts IAnnouncements Weddings Anniversaries Bar & Bat Mitzvahs Birthdays -1r. Graduations Special Retirements For more information, ca!!: (847) 486-7247 or celebrate@pioneerlocal.com Submit your ads online at: www,pioneerlocal.com- "Send Us Your News" PIONEER PRESS YOU R LOCAL SO tJ'tCE Oakton starting In June, Featured courses meet at Oakton's Skokie cam- Eight-week course meets 11 anm. - 110). For none Information, call (847) 12:30 p.m. Thursdays starting June 4 at the Chicago Botanic Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Road, Giencoe. Course fee 635-1426 or visit www.oakton.edulall. Set sail on a seven-day study/tray- The New Yorker(HUM E93-91) focuses Is $110. el Alaskan cruise offered by Oakton Community Collego. Tours in 2009 de- on selections from the sophisticated magazine established In 1925. A subscription is required. Six-week course meets 9:30-11:30 am. Mondays starting June 1. Course fee Is $15. The Genius of the Bach Famllj'(MUS C42) focuses on the lives of Johann Sebastian Bach and his composer sens, Johann Christian, Carl Philipp Emanuel, and Wilhelm Fniedemann, Two four-week sections are offered: i-2:30 p.m. Thursdays starting June 4 at Covenant Village, 2625 Techny Road, Northbrook; and 1-2:30 p.m. Tuesdays starting June 9 at Classic Residence by Hyatt, 2500 Indigo rane, Cienview. Course fee Is $70. "Gotta Oance' The Magic of Mo vie Musicals (HUM 859) revisits the Golden Age of Hollywood and its greatest stars - Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney, and Gene Kelly, Two four-week sections are offered: 10-11:15 am. Tuesdays starting June 9 at Classic Residence by Hyatt; and 1-2:15 p.m. Tuesdays starting June 9, at Covenant Village. Course fee is $60. The Immortal Beloved (MUS C35-9l) surveys the life and vast musical contributions of Ludwig van Beethoven. Seven-week course meets 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays starting June 'i at the Glencee Park District, 999 Green Bay Road, Glencoe. Course fee is $90. For details, call the Emeritus Program at (847) 635-1414 or visit www.oakton.edu/emeritus. pus, 7701 N. Lincoln Ave. part in June, July, August, and Septomber. Visit the state's oldest Russian Or- thodox church in Juneau, then head into beautiful Glacier Bay and experience a 65'mile long fjord sculpted by the retreat of ice and snow over two centuries, Don't miss the world's largest collection of totem poles at Ketchikan. For complete itineraries and information about upcoming 2009 and 2010 tours, call Bea Cornelissen at (847) 635-1812, or visit www.oakton.edu/news/first/travel.htm. Registration tor fall 2009 classes is open at Oakton Community College, The fall semester begins Aug. 24. Fall class listings (including late-start course information) may be found online at www.oakton.edu or in the Fall 2009 Credit and Noncredit Class Schedule, available at the Des Plaines campus, 1600 E. Golf Road, or Skokie campus, 7701 N. Lincoln Ave. Register in person at either campus Mondays through Thursdays, 8:30 an-7 p.m.: Fridays, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.: and Saturdays, 9 am-noon. Register at Oakton. Featured courses meet at Oakton's Des Plaines campus, 1600 E. online at www.oakton.edu. Students with a current application on file may register online at my.oakton.edu. For more information, call the Advising and Counseling Center at (847) 635-114f in Des Plaines, or (847) 635- Golf Road. 1417 in Skokie. Register for summer [SL courses Fee-based ES classes are for intermediate students whose native Ianguage is not English. In-person registration is required, 2 - 4 p.m. June 4. Conversation I (COM A2i-34) provides an opportunity for students to develop practical communicational skills. Students will learn how to converse in everyday situations. Twelve-session course meets 2 - 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays starting June 9. Course fee is $15. Conversation Il (COM A22-34) allows students who have gained basic conversation skills to learn how to cornmunicate with greater fluency, Twelve-session course meets 2 - 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays starting June 9. Course feo is $75. Conversational English Practice (COM A50-34) is geared to help students improve listening and speaking skills to function moro effectively in business and social settings. Seven-week course meets 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays starting June 9. Course fee is $65. Practical Reading and Writing Skills (COM A53-34) helps students develop their literacy skills. Course focuses on various examples of business and social correspondence. Seven-week course meets 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Thursdays starting June 11. Course fee is $65. Summer courses available at Oakton's Skokie campus, 7701 N. Lincoln Ave., include Composition for Interinediate ESL Students (COM A61-lio), TOE- ' THURSDAY, MAY 28, Z009 FL Prep Seminar (COM A45-3I), Improve Your Pronunciation (COM A2931), Intensive Grammar Review (COM A10-31), and Intensive ESt (COM A19- Enroll In continuing education courses at Evanston Township High School, 1600 Dodge Ave., Evanston, of- fered by the Alliance for Lifelong Learning at Oakton. Selling Your Home in This Market (REL Eh-31) oilers the perspectives of a real estate broker and an accountant on how to prepare your home for sale. One-session class meets 7-9 p.m. May 28. Course Fee is $28. Fresco Techniques (ART F05-31) shows how to mix water with pigment to paint on a thin, wet layer of fresh lime mortar or plaster. Founiveek course meets 7-9 p.m. Tuesdays starting June 2. Course fee is $159. Yoga (PED B2l-91) introduces yoga postures with fitness movements. Class also focuses on breathing and relaxation. Students are asked to bring a yoga mat to class. Six-week course meets 11 am-noon Tuesdays starting June 2. Course fee is $72. It's De-Porter (MUS S48-91) highlights the life of composer ColePorter through video clips and recordings of his memorable songs. Each session covers a different decade in Porter's life. Four-week course meets 10-11:30 am, Wednesdays starting June 3. Course fee is $60. For more information, call (847) 6351414 or (847) 982-9888, press 3. For a complete list of Emeritus classes, course fees, seminars, and events, visit www.oakton.edu/emeritus. Abraham Lincoln is the focus of a series of lectures offered try the Emeritus Program at Oakton this June. The Life and Times ofAbraha,n Lincoin (HIST T43-031) pays tribute to the different facets of the 16th president of the United States. This four-week session meets 7-8:30 j.m. Tuesdays starting June 2 at Oakton's Skokie campus, 7701 N. Lincoln Ave. The series begins with Lincoln in Springfield, which concentrates on Lincoln's early political career as a lawyer and state legislator. Other lectures include: Lincoln: Commander-inChief (June 9): Lincoln the Writer (June 16); and Lincoln for the Ages (June 23). The fee for the entire series is $80: individual lectures are $22 each. For more information about the Emeritus Program, call (847) 635-1414 or (847) 982-9888, press 3. For a cornplete list of Emeritus classes, course fees, seminars, and events, visit www.oakton.edu/emeritus. Learn the principles of renewable American Divas (MUS 825-31) spotlights Lena Home, Beverly Sills, and other famous female vocal superstars from the United States. Two'weeh course meets 1-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays starting June 2. Course fee is $43. Italian I (ITL BOl-31) teaches basic italian vocabulary and grammar. Eight-week course meets 6-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays starting June 2. Course loe and alternative energy technologies is $154. power. Students in this hands-on class will build and test an alternative energy power source for household appliances. Some knowledge of electronics and electricity is helpful. Windows Applications (Windows XP) (DPR A23-37) shows how to manage files and customize desktop. Basic Word applications also will be ccvored. Five-week course meets 5:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesdays starting June in a popular course offered this summer and fall at the Des Plaines campus of Oakton Community College, 1600 E. Golf Road. Overview of Alternative/Sustainable Energy Resources (ELI 290) examines trends in alternative energy and the evolution of solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal, and nuclear For a complete Alliance for Lifelong Learning class schedule, visit www.oakton.edu/all or call (847) 9829888, press 3. The eight-week summer course (ELI 290-850) meets 6-9:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesday starting June 8. The 16-week fall course (ELI 290-050) meets 6-9:20 p.m. Wednesdays starting Aug. 26, Registration for both courses is now open. EnrcH in a variety of courses of- For more information, contact Majid Ghadiri at (847) 635-1909 or 2. Course fee is $150. fered by the Emeritus Program at p: 841.486.1481 e: rnartifl@i3iOfleer10Ca0m IPAGE 27 ollege coachès on alert Corey's back with big plans -t for Demrns wha(flesS@Pi0fleerl0Cal.00m Not many understand the I)QPb0 Maine East piogram better than Gabe Corey. \Vhen he first arrived in Pam-k Ridge, crossing Dempstel' IL i-ush hour unharmed proved ofthe decision, and he's more determined than ever to get the Demons back Josh Myeos and George on the right track. "Its like the twilight zone," Corey said of the similar situation he's found himself in for the second time- "The of' turning teams al'OUfl(I, and he did the same fol' FOOTBALL - Despite play- Ing on varsity teams that never won a game, two Maine East playei's earned scholarships to compete at the next level. to football. Corey's wife ap- was easier than winning gaines. But Corey had a histOI'Ç mharneSS@PiOfleetlocaI,c0m convinced Corey to return By MATT HARNESS FOOTBALL By MATT HARNESS the Demons- While they never made the playoffs, East shed its first time was the hardest job of my life, but we became competitive. We're coaching following the 2002 e;lson. Alter six seasons a\vay froni the sidelines, he's again help the Demons out ol' their hole. are optimistic about odds of success this season. The Demons, who've been pol)- ulating the weight room . three mornings a week for \Vhen I Look the job, it was '& bad as it is now' said Corey, who inherits a team on a :9-game losing streak, 'ighth-longest streak in tui' state and only one that's attive among the top 10 ',',--Ì,,aA1.s 1onI' pwyuul u}.)p:i -. . --- cv -. :mnct' came in 1977. A CI)fl\'CI'SitiOfl with East's alhlt4ic director Pat Ryan Saturday BOYS TRACK - is graduation at Notre I)ame, and senior Kyle Eng- lish is hoping to miss the cememony. Why? '['he event - occurson several months now, welcome back seven starters on both sides of the ball. At least one veteran can't wait for Aug. 28, the first Friday of'the fall season. the culture. IfI don't get ready, thephysicalPart won't come" them mentally the coach said. "IfI don't get much confidence. Fie tells them mentally ready, the us without blinking that we physical part won't come. iaism'e going to win. That But I ['eel good about what es everyone's spirits." Other starters who will they arc doing." schedule East's sUrnlflCl take the field June 15 when Iilfls to ,Jiily 24. The team insumniet' camps opens gets a break until two-ac'lode juniors Alex l3ojie, in an cf- "(Corey) speaks with so the same day as the state linais at Eastern Illinois, and English is the only Don to ha'e qualilled. rrhe G-foot-3, 23Opound1'm' ealfle(t a ti-ip to Cliallesloli when he finished second in the discus (153-10) at the Loyola Sectionat' English \vill compete in Friday's piCof' liais, hoping to earn one 12 spots in Satuiday'S finals. hope he misses grado- ation," coach Mike ,Jankovsiiiakes it Id said. "I hope he all miss SaturdaY, and WC on graduation togetliCt." :1 at East, Gims was hired to change the culture of losing that was tormenting the Ti-ojans. Maine East coach Gabe Corey "Everybody is so excited," saidjunirn' Jeremy UnionJOSt1 sky, vIìo will ieplaCC centt'i'. Myers unclet "1 NAtA college in Deerfleld. Teinity \vill begin its second season with Mike Gims in charge. Like Gabe Cotey "Tile biggest thing Ls I have to change Nathan Canie',lU, Skye Kim, Nlm-1 Nune"-, Joe U'aclal amul Alex Utìi'imi- Corey plans to ICtU1uhu1g mOVO sC\'C)'ul startet's to t)thei positiOflS. "lut the biggest thing is I have to change the culture," "They ao-e trying to build something, too," Corey said. why can't we?" Cooey said. "Kids love doing anything different, and we vill have (lO,'s begiti Aug. 12. fort to itjec't energy into the seasOn'S oI'licial sta rt, Coiey the cheeoleadels here, the pep band here anci fans here. While everyone else is sleeping, \Vi are going to get n hendstart." UmanskY loves the idea. "Fie has fl bunch ot' clazy viil hold a niidnight proctice that kicks off at 12:01 oui. Aug. 12. " 1 f' basketball can do it, ,J.,IIl«)\\'Slci salit the semìtt, \'lU) D See(le(i 1(5th, has a chalice to O(i\'OIiCe if'he can replicate the tiìiOV"S he niakes iii practice. "l'he "aY he practices if he Ct nialce tlit luippeli citi t-ing the meet ,Janko\'sl(i sai(l. "'l'ho bighe get the meet, the better And this seCiliS to 1)em'forniis the biggesi it gets in high SeniOl 1101(11e1 MOU. IMU- coni had also hoped to niake the j001fley to CharlestOn. Ills 1)eI-toi-nlances (1U1t11g iìnich üf'tlie seIsOli suggest- cd he had a decent chance of doing so. But a foot inj 111Y late in the cam}uhig that 1o1ce(l ncl he him to the sidelines, ne\'el fully reco'cred. 13115Coni finished sixth in the 110 hurdles (15.18) nd tïfth in When Corey took over East plOglam for a second time at'tel Len LaBonar's fotolLh winless campaign in a i-ow, he explored college options with Myers and Odielio. ideas," UmanskY said. r1li.1ts his way ot' turning us aioitid and llViflg t'un doing it." (Joinment: pjOflcC1l()CU!.L'0111 toskip forgood excuse hopes Dons' English By DAN SHALIN dshalin@pìoneerlocal.com rri.inity International, an He playing career this fall at Deerfleld's Trinity International. Josh Myers will continue his Odicho. (Jerry Daliege/For SING) will be joilled by lineman George 2004, a 22-0 win over Niles North, a team that went on to finish 0-9. But Corey and the players I)flC'k and ieady to once . Former Maine East quarterback snap the losing streak this yean" East's last win came in An everexpandiflg family ('arced Corey to give up '4fl , going to do it again. We will losing label. ,ì , Odicho both made their futurc intentions official May 14 when they signed with hol the 300 liuldleS ('10.6(i). "My foot Vi15 okay. It hurt a little, but I took Some Ad'i1 and fought thi-ough the pain," sOicI l3ascoli1, \\'ho siid his fitness sul'feied as a t-esult of the layoff. "My speed wasn't what it tosed to be (bef0lC the injury) and my Cfl(lUlO1Ce \VOul(l have been lot better had it not been tor my toot." Coiim ,,oc'nt : piwoec'r1OCOl.001 l3oth wanted to continue playing football, and Cooey (lid his best to help by contacting coaches. rII.i1jty cOniC in anl watched filmii of the two and tt'ele inipressecl enoUgh to of'ler 111()lC,' tovard a college educti01i. "Both of those kids didn't \viti, but they dedicated theiilsel\'CS and worked so unbelievably haod. 'l'lie Ti-inity coaches sat' that \VOlk ethic. 'I'heil best footbail is yet to come." East's most recent college players al-e Andy Kozlo\"s- ki and Matt l3acoUliS. A 2008 East graduate, 011iOle yenl- as an ot'terlsiVO lineman at Illinois Wes- leyan. Another lineman, Bacoulis, a 20()3 graduate, till- ished his college careel at Buf'fhlo last tall. school." Q O&:II!rweIL_U' I ' ' mghadinl@oakton edu I I i M I i I Ko- zlowski 'i1l start his sopIi- 28 I sporto www.yourseason.com I P10111611 fOltI PIPtICSIION 129 WWW.VOUrseason.com THtRSDSY, MAP 28,2009 Demons' Walker heating up for state playoffs Ny ROK MOSMAN By DAN GRAtIN dsfaliooyseneefleeaieem fesse pttctsers," Solnoy said. Csslsibttsr "We got tired end ttsey hit BASEBALl - Mssisse tfasth Dass Waltsnc saved Isla heut tsitatsissg f,?,' Isis nonios' urss- 'tise listeol arid roce s'asso May IO. Itcutsita iooissgS't h, ltiglstssssl l5arl,, tisa No.1 sced et Iba ltssrcisgtos, Sen' li,sss,,l, Wisllsac kept Ilse Ciesito ssl'bssie,,ce thsnssghosst. itt' ucorod tWo asses in the scvanllsiss,sissg but better slclnsssa could liase gssttess W,sllscrosst afthajans. Msse0000lsdcs,ao in Isis cisssssgcop l,,s l,cipe,l Wisib- crssssrl, hatless bettor "'Ilse change ahlons'u him ta thcs,s,' an off-speed pitch thsst looks lilac sstkotbalt,' voacis Sao Dalocy soisi. "Hais gcttissg Isilt ecu osso no thesc S'noi loot ssssd thsey're not skie to adjust. lt hou toessod into ono oi bis better pitches." Consb,ne Wolker'n pitch' log saith 0.870 butting n'os'isge, and st's no uus'prise Neylon's six goals punctuate regular season's end tisis Oppis ens onacossod tIse nss'h. They've dssne ttust tos lot of people." Ooot 19-171 otaoa,l oat Ilse s'agsst,'ss- aess,0,sss sr's'tts a 7-S 55e ni iso OssI plssrrs solstlod lloieieellso loss to Waotsegos,. The - Walker sr Ihe Ints. fliftse Dasossna, Nu li saod, begin Whealsis N,srlls le Iba IA Di- Neeibsisla Peep. triplo Muslhocws,s Ilse reg' olee'snns,,n fsnsilo foe lbs Noise Dame leans, May 25 ol.00 temed ouI In vision Stste Te,senoment The finos got mss guaIs npieee from Rnb Neyton, Neylne. With his leem trailing S- bcnoh Soisth st the Nilou West Itegionol this weeb, 55it snassnd, the Bloc Damons ste hin nme bende. He scored is 't-S victosy over sIse Cosseh Sam I5helpa Uitessss's tise regular sea- necead Ova aneaswered gnats, and later edded se' Jan. other, Ic 59-S sidney. on the "It mass grast performasee (by Neylsnl," finns conch Sam Phelps nsid. "The big Iscy In high erboot beoebatl io pitcisiog sss,d lsiclsis,g 5515 liso ball," Dsslncy n,sid. "IMelberl mes all ever him, they nerned is eu him. Bel "Wt,eo sacre dosse tIsaI )Neylsni isa teemendnos athlete end he dido greut job dedging, bebbing and sveva kssd oosnn eesslly nico olden05, bot oc lsancn'I l'nand thsst annnistcnay ans, weuding. He fvusd lhe seo end hept going boak toil." d,,y by day botin" Lsstely Ossut san bean lead, leg Tbeeo of NeyIons gnuls anlousIly noss,e es fu,eebmeuhe off senior Derek Homard, n'ho entorod loornasssost meob hatting .860 soilh "se l,oseer and nis,a that eessited teem fsen-nffs Heery Johnson, Raes Pis- dos,htes. Groaset, "Il mus ese st nue better parbarmeseen," Phnlps cold. "The eenmieg won eneoly often.5° Wsstlsac a si,,glc slriho faurn Kyle We scored ea ny rind essentially Isob Ihn gsme Wills Phil Neylos, Jehossin, Tony Beipodlo und Oeehsed, end was one ofour be/Íerperforn.ances. o afIne nse qusrlsr, Neylne spread, We naaemd esehy and sties." Phelps said his learn appeeeed te he gathering acme mnmentumas it headed 1w As of Bssdsy, Ihn specific dste ssd sito nflhe gerne ward the peolseases and has tnhes some significant steps this season. ti,ane bets reel pleased mere skill yet lobe determined. Naperrilis Cosleal likely awsits the minsee Iwith the ucases), und we've bedan embilieussehedole," Prior Is fueing Mnther, NO dropped e 10-S decision oaid the Orst-ynoe coach. leA finiamo eppnnnnl Pen- "The team oaae I-Id lest year mich os May 19. We hess sigeifinuntly im- "We just bind of let demo pruned 1h e emceed ossd guys mestslly lin that gomel," ace ploylog meal Iaerenoe. The fsndemestu,ts ace solid Phelps seid. "We didn't reenuer esce me got damn fas the saonebouedl." Oes Ihn sevesmusemuab und I'm real happy sallh that." ter nnd Micab Orchard he earned oil-confceenee»Hes really pietsed il sip honors, over tise last mouth; he's Chris Ripple alsn snos se- been sac hottest hills,;" lected oll-to;sgue. Iv lbs eeeond game nt'the FtP socias, the Cienlu' rs,at ad tise Blue Deenuss 10-4. "We've liad isles' injuries, sed sveva trsed to get ths'ough Iba tant 1mo o'eabs sf the cagotocueaso Wills recors lesi e 12-0 minorer LACROSSE - I,s,et mecho Sens jnoisr middis Rob PlsIslrsehesl tssslssy ag_-stool No.6 Glen- preciso sly, soben it woe scheduled In fuses bea dsylersmesssherfoe Wslllssst It t a f Ilse IslamS's at 4;SS pse Issptsiav Ssc N,,tee Dssmc the s,)) i's,'a,,sol, S-4 in the Chia,,' gss Metro Csseferenac. ND added goats for NS. Defeedecu Jsshe Jumbech, Sedes Sol uey saisI. "I-tn snos hitting in the One Muicrone, Paul Janhse'nbi and 'I'yice Nieholses osd goaltender Tommy O'Brien slot,asd he's done euch o gnud 1kb thol he's nettled into tise third slot. lIe's sot helped In hold Muthee ssningingotesonybadpilavi en." finI belon 555151 sis t,nas is a neenssbls sefesertesson 9nale Ass 15 IC. Istsn DsneshFss STOnI scerelens in the final thene qosrlees. Summer Intensipees Thn Duns Sninbed the mgOlor neesen with s S-Boner- Maaolhbas?eloesnnlshosalfi,SI-iSlys Gesnssscsst;pjooees.tnml Oese isrnlllh'Ikseffith Summer SRsdon - IntInn5a Inrasn,sdlaJs hap 100-9,11 pa? Iansmpaauetallasf,CO.hllys iena 22e1.Ssguse bfse RIlsernens olap as saw dIll 55 ssabeiTa ile Asp iII-fIl 95 ae5asd so sdllarlafooed teslfiaup Demons' season ends, but future only Dy MIKE CAMERON Ceflirjtttor TENNIS - Maine Rast's young boys tennis temo scoot sectes stsr caseta of its best season in more tisas tn's decodeo, l'tsr Sloe Demons beltece they've aid the geoosdmork foe amaine bceahthroagh neat l'oas, Ilant blanked St. Patriots t-S May 19 for ita ttth utrasght dossI sssatals victo. to gntah nttls as tO-I record, includi50 '18 in tisa Coach John Sehnao, mhs ovilI nveteosse boots his 1mo best siegten ptayers and sis of his eight best dossbteu performers seat ueauss, seid it's tisne to brersh into Itse Srs t division, "Tb oua ase the so-cotted country etub oahools, I'm sot suce nse'oo euer beatos any of them in esssfas'esae, but tisaI mttt be ossr goat. We cisme a long mssy mith sue heut pes'fos'mance is at least 20 yassrs, end sva'tt tiare most at' this team hoch sent COL NorIb, bnhtsd ehossspt. - pese," esstd the foaflb-yese on Dees'gatd end Hightond mentar, mhose 2509 095504 Pas'k and Glenbeseb North. tmpeaved 1010'S bofoen tiro progresso 900ntuso leap tIsis nisrsssg. "Vf0 hes,t teases 00cl, 'su Day's Miso Chong u-1, ii-o befuca bule0 0-1,0-Oto Nom 'Icier's Andeam Scholssieb, miso bs'eesad ta tise singlen Maleo South, Niles West sind Wtsestissg that iva ls,,d'acs,ms,. n'i bes,tes iva long tsose,""t 50555551 uoed t,, sitting Subman addad. it sous no surpdlue that Ilse Desesses-' OOtntasdiegue,a sen nested qssichly P,'ids,y is the s'uggad ecaisonol sit fIsIco Nani5, l5umeclsuase Hem Tciaraslas,sced oil fa,,e ei ito ontriru to Ilse stole sedal, and Loyola's 1mo slosslstau does usIno slOs,tiflcd. Maine Oustjoniuc 51,5mlsut Jeremy Usnonslsy doesmotad North Shos'e County against his pomoc," Usnosshy sssi,t ofSat,olnich "OssI Iumos-d tise cod Iaatuelly thoagist it svos lseatty cres,. Ile wan jouI tos, isv obcad sst tissu paisut, thoagi,." lim,snntsy Ossenad ssll-Cb'L isofls,,'o for Ilse neaun,l si s'oigl,t seisniss. A third. maar oeles-an aud ths'eoulsort st,,s', he aspires to qoalifyi'osuts,tceeotaprissg l'tsr Dessoes' ullsor sea- beginning tiosol win miis s'oans'dael by jossioc Chriotian Mens,oio eo,snd," nssid Sabman. Sssphomo,'o J000ph Clsol vobo eea,saeved frema bout orith Ilse fia I,, defeat isis Lsyala fao li-S, 6-4. and ueeior Albert Cbs In dssulsieu,j,,sior Jung. The Ns,. 4 peii'ing nfjussior Scones Leung and nosiur Il,sj L oaas'ss, seen ootid, Vet- ghon Sls',s sed suphum,sea Snsshun Lee fell in uis'aigl,t sets, sso did juniorn 000cm Hssroon assI Andre Colori- 'Wo hind uf liad te jost tuba sac snedloinc, bet lt muss good l'oc sas' yssssngar Isida tu gets, loots st stete aompetiiion Wosnun tise sissgbes motabas t enpnclnd 0010 wins and thess rae s'sto loIs sae,ls in tIse sacond tlsrinast s,, N,,. I dussbtes ths'aogh dio sngols,rs'esisen, ar an urn loe Jssnes Lea wsss stelts,r',,l Na. S singles. Se- sissru Slsivassi l'alci and Jaune t5ihlai fuceistiad envi- seas By DAN SRALIN tshsls v9pin ne e r In calco n BASEBALL - 't'ho Nolde Sama defeoted tIr'esey ilBoss Solnrdoy to 055mb Ilse cegulee season voith 0S4IS eeaord. Lnssding the soap f,sr Ilse Dono mes-c Billy Keebee IS' foc-S, Ies,no, 8001), Dass Prias 12-lue-61 od Joe Re end nf the neones, www.northshorodanceeenter,com a Isst oh energy Io os,r teusm l,itting third foc on sil usild oeotev5" he nusiitt. "We'ee toogh offensively, and pitehiug le pretty net. yeos'," 000toeb said. We knaso ma suce a Nss.l sind No.2 otortee," Fnistay Ilse Dono Seldad sss ail-senior lineup iss an l,lchesl up tise vieteep. siaual,00lisi,,es,sd 000llbed neuseets aans,eittee, susisI ltdo 000eslnelflkogolMosiss, flrnsefLlvcalronsl Lads facsOlMuednlelslPalolleeilsn,fIoId S'S Sestee Night loss tu goseston, three. The victos-y goon ND on conobbe thought sahusal ,i- Ias,ielleo'Lsel OnseIfollIrl Mssdnes RemaIn meold huste si oondi' II'S Ptnst raeord ïn the tiered hin teem, mhirh wen One nf ile fienI sto regulsetssuesgsssss, was plsying Senisr Joe Rumanos tws-run mslh.olf hemee enme afile best ballai Ihe seer St, Violer se Wednes' gsnn the Dans e 5-4 win Staff ace Silly Koebee naasst the disl,enae and Iles'lsec gisaa ist, fuav a,snn un eight hits, sod he BSS C. The Dons finished filth is the centnenne e. .1 DEMONS NEARING HIRE FOR Hoops COACH hove gatten past lhe early siriheonts and ero mohing "Honestly, lIsis loom lion beco hbeaessi,vbos' dream," Ilse aoaah said, "these lods malted to be Out Iheso and sippeceisslceoarythisg» \,,, fløea Shohit, 1100070 847-674-2216 mills Ihres OSI. "tRemassi hssu brought able daptts, merb ocal' h,sed, assit they're homann West I-for-4, 845f Csnnlasd Ace. "Ttsin gs are definitely coming tugether defesnicety. tlitting-m'iso, nue mane )S'foi'-d, lte,,,ss, Osti. Cneeh Ssh Kssluult be' day in Nilen. ho na) Its dye ap OASKETBALLI Mssioa IDol feotb,sll musaIs Cuske Cssrey believed 15551 ISo ,sdmis,io- Isa ti,,,, is doom tu, is,ving a boye aoi'vssy bonbsolkssli vessaIs t55 cal,i,-,de tilcissi Clean, ml,,, lelo to ts,lsa Ilse usssOO isub usi Nues N,,etls. Cssecy, pulcI if Os,ul'e 2009 SUMMER TENNIS Osais Caspe In baoelsss CaSsrsl mora Ionasaionlaaaksal Cosesssent:pie,seerleenl.aein st 'lassa ssoue Laaasaa SaossOdals Frisase 'souls 5asuaa Osaml' rrisasa tasases s The Bell Chicaga Area Value Foc 20 VIOlI CaO 847/933-0002 date in placato presenito the Itinteiel 207 beard by Monday's meetieg. 5Iu55 troue sassosa sodass Cas595'."' www.tranKsackstonnis.com "Sea wlesnnm olla Frack" I sports Www.yourseason.com THURSDAY, MAY 28, 2009 5.29% TAXFREE* Sevéral tòp marks highlight sectional By BOB GOSI4AN Contributor Metropolitan Pier & EXpOSjtj Authority, JHinois Dedi9ated Star Tax Revenue Bond ., Price: BOYS TRACK $389.56 per bond elected to mix it up. 6115/27 Cali Price: Non-cal labte Rating: A2/AAA Howard D. Goodfrjend Branch Manager i Financja Advisor FINANCIAL SERVICES. iNc. Uo,b.., t I1rIA/SIpC 53 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 319 Chicago, Illinois 60604 "My (running) technique http:ffwww.raymondjamesco1Owaddf. M'nimun; itJrcJ'j appears to be a good decision. A'though Myers competed mostly in the throwing events, he spentpart of his practice time running with the team's sprinters. Email: Website: may ipply As ot loo/oo'oo> 1lu cld s tIro ks.or ol reId lo maluNy or yreld o cIi fflcrst is 'rot subjci to tcdcral ocorijo lax bui may ho subject toNti, stale or II laxes ftrIin try 5 l'oois. Sui,cct to 000Iabrsly and price eJano nuranco ann interest No represefriatlorl is nra(e riz lo any insurers abilily ta nient Is tinanclal tonImUmonts lire ,atin5 and the Insuraaca do not remove is a lot better now," said Myers, who dropped his 41)-yard dash Linie from 4.8 to 4.75. pera,rrs ooly o thu irrrrdy paynieni 01 lvrorgiroi market asir ornee It does not guarantee For market certainly did a z'espcctable job throwing. His personal best in the shot, put. was 479. "I thought he might have For the last three years, an outside chance of qualhe played baseball in the ifying (for state)," Spring. But after Myers, a Chris Peters said.coach "He two-year starting quarter- made Some nice progress back for Mairie East corn- during the season." miLLed to Trinity InternaFor Maine East, it a Llena!, he started thinking season measured by was small track might best prepare steps forward and merehim for college football. mental improvement The It certainly Maturity Date: RAYMOND JAMES Maine East Nenior Josh Myers Coupon; 0% (312) 922-3769 And for a flOVICe, Myers Demons' Season came to an end Friday at the Loyola Sectional. Although they did not ad- vanee any athletes to this week's state meet, there run. www.pioneerlocal.com A P0NEER PRESS PUBLICATION _ì section/il. "1-Ic's a real competitor," 'i-le missed a lot of the base training that is so cruci/il (listance runners," PoLors stud if Szyrnoniak, who was slowed at the sëa Special urchase Peters said. "He doesn't show a lot ofemotion; he jtist wants to win." Sophomore Pedro Lopez had a leap of38 feet in the fracture. "If he wasn't in-m triple jump. jured, his goals would have "1-Je's made huge strides been much higher. It was ' in terms of his strength and gro/it for him to break conditioning," Peters said. 4:40." "I'm (excited) to see him Sophomore Tre Gandy continue to develop." son's start with a stress , Queen Set cleared 5-8 in the high 'qmljs was his first year Freshmen Andrew Lee and Xavier Levy gained valuable experience this Season and should be fix- Very versatile, and I look years to come. ,Junior Cyra- jump. out. ¡nd he has a lot of.potenti/mi," Peters said. "He's for him to make big im- provements." Alfred Joseph, who formances. Peters was an impressive 5:04 in ran the proud of the way senior 1600 meters at the freshBlazej Szymoniak (4:38.28) man/sophomom.e conferclocked his best Lime of the erice meet, ran the opening season in the 1GOO-meter leg ofthe 4x800 relay at the Were still some notable per- SeMais, lic , rrenco MiApr. gg jj0g2 fttIs 04/Do Twin Set $199 Full Sot $279 King Set $499 tures in the sprints for rio Roche had a time of Into your fyoft -.. I\' £ti*ii a ig offensive output 1-shirL A TENNIS Notre Dame coach Steve Jankowski said multiple peers at the May 16 ESCC tournament asked who his team would (C encounter at the section- ai r ti u Posturcpcdic OE' SWEEPSTAKES "It was nice to see him have a personal best. in the last meet of the season," Peters said. ty When Jankowskj mentioned his Dons were grouped with powerhous- West's invite. Queen Size mattress flw 0n4 $ 1Iì O/?/7 (in the sectional). It's probably es New Trier, Loyola and Evanston, each coach exthe bestfinjsh in2O years." pressed his sympathy. Coach Steve Jankowskj But despite the top-class Opposition, ND emerged from last weekend's Nues North Sectional with its of the regular season, but nent in the first round. head held high. ND (14 rebounded and played well Hebda then was eliminated by Niles West's Vova points) tied Evanston for in the tournament. "I've been coaching third in the lO-tearn event, Zverkovskiy (6-2, 6-2). The finishingjust a point be- eight years, and this is the match lasted three hours, hind second-place Loyola. best we've ever finished despite the somewhat lopNew Trier (34 points) took (in the Sectional) lt's sided score. probably the best finish in the crown. ND sophomore Ronnie The Dons did not have 20 years." Wing defeated a NorthEach of ND's four en- ridge Prep any qualifiers for this opponent beweekends state meet. But trants at the sectional won fore losing 6-O, (i-O to NT'S the third-place finish was a first-round match before talented Robert Stineman. another accomplishment losing a quarterfinal. A If nothing else, the in a fairly memorable sea- victory in the latter match match was good preparason, which also saw ND would have earned quali- tion for next season, when Capture the crown at. Niles fication to state. The sec- Wing will take th leap tional's top four seeded from second singles to help." Jankowskj said Wing re- sponded to the challenge by playing some of his best tennis of the season. The ND doubles team of junior Gino Recchia and sophomore Kyle Smith had their typical rough start, dropping the first set oftheir opening match against Northrjdge But tWin Size Full Size ' mattress $57920 FREE boxspring 1ivin Size 71 920 FREE FuliStac $75920 FREE .JngslzeS111920 FREE $559O FREE ': KIng Slze1 Q3920 FREE y . : liithe,real n'orld i'm'rè.!iikyI/i geImlX,. : -:m- ' .,» - :-' ,*tr: . 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ND senior David Hebda was the No. 5 seed enter- Piliowlop Queen SPzo mattress Comment: piwzeer/ocal.co,,z first singles. "We kicked around the ridiculous and we're very idea ofWing and Hebda excited about that," playing doubles to create Jankowskj said. "We had ing the competition. He a pretty good year. We hit opened with a 6-4, 6-2 win a strong team," Jankowski said. "But then we dethe skids toward the end over an Evanston oppocided this is what Ronnie will be up against next "I've been coaching eight years, year, and ifthere is anything he can learn from and this ¿ the best we've everfinjshed this experience, it will "Finishing third was ELITE SWEEPSTAKES Firm or Plush Dons exceed expectations at sectional dshalin@p loneerlocal corn newspaper cUpping ì/j .' - 42.41 in the 300 meter hurdies. 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