our book corner shelf - Sausalito Presbyterian Church
our book corner shelf - Sausalito Presbyterian Church
July 1 2016 Sausalito Presbyterian Church Direc ons & Parking Leadership Our Website facebook.com/SausalitoPresbyterianChurch Sunday School has recessed for the summer. Nursery childcare will resume on Sunday, August 21. LAST SUNDAY AT SPC A service with P RIDE! This was our first Pride Sunday since I became your pastor in December 2011. It seemed the year for it even before the tragedy in Orlando inspired even gay‐unfriendly churches to hold vigils in solidarity. It turned out to be a wonderfully moving service. With excellent music selected and played movingly by our Music Director, Ralph Hooper, and beau ful solos by Mary Grogan, with a deeply personal story by Diana Ferrone that moved all of us, with wonderful sound and music from Don Koc, and gorgeous flowers arranged by Alison Deal, and a fes ve exterior ‐‐ balloons from Ross Graham and a rainbow umbrella from Don Koc, who found it at a garage sale the day before for a buck!, and a lovely reading of Psalm 139 by Victor Ryneveld and Kar Wong, and a sermon I have been told hit the mark ‐ ‐ it was a terrific morning. Especially moving for me personally was the enthusiasm with which the congrega on urged me to hurry out of the sanctuary so that I wouldn't miss the ferry to San Francisco. It was also especially wonderful to have a whole gaggle of SPCers rushing along, too!! We marched together for a couple of hours along Market Street and had a blast! In addi on to me, Joey, Ellie, and Ana, we had a lively party of Jean & Bill Pa erson, Victor Ryneveld & Kar Wong, Ross Graham, and Erin Burs ng with Pride. Brenner! We all agreed that next year we will plan ahead and see if more folks want to join us. We will make some signs to carry that celebrate the big, inclusive rainbow of SPC. And we will have fun! Our masterful web master and social media director, Robin Sinclair, has already posted a video of the sermon on the home page of our website. To see it, CLICK HERE. And when we have collected all our photos, we will upload them as well. Lean on me: Kar Wong and Pastor Paul When I was in the process of searching for a call, I told Joey that we would be a bit of a hard sell ‐‐ an openly Gay pastor (the denomina on had just made it legal five months before I was called to SPC), a Jewish partner, and a first‐ me call. But I told him, "I don't know who will call us, but I promise you this ‐‐ they'll be special!" And you are! Thank you for all your love and support! I am honored to be your‐‐ Pastor Paul Oh, happy day! (l‐r) Erin Brenner, Ellie Mowry‐Silverman, Jean Pa erson THE BAPTISM OF ZOE ELIZABETH NAVARRETE Baby Zoe melted hearts There were widespread reports of deep joy and peace at the bap sm of Zoe Navare e! Mom Lynn and Dad Dave were cool and steady, and big brother Jack was looking sharp and par cipa ng in the bap sm. Zoe had a thing or two to say and was blissful as Pastor Paul walked her, newly bap zed, up and down the center aisle ‐‐ introducing her to the congrega on and symbolizing her place in the en re Church. Her calm spread over the congrega on like a blanket of peace and quiet. The godparents, Samantha and Michael Leo (Zoe's aunt and uncle), were a en ve and ready to accept their responsibility. Zoe's grandparents were there to share in the love, too ‐‐ Dave's folks, Doris Hurtado and Ignacio Navarrete, and Lynn's mom, Marybeth McMahon, and the memory of Lynn's dad, Patrick. Welcome Zoe to your church home! GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETS IN PORTLAND Biennial mee ng makes history The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) made history when it convened its General Assembly in Portland, Oregon, last week. The Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, a third‐genera on Presbyterian pastor, was overwhelmingly elected Stated Clerk of the PC(USA). He becomes the first African American to lead the na on's largest Reformed body, a largely white denomina on. To read more, CLICK HERE. The church also made history when it elected two The Rev. Gail Porter Nelson with women to serve as co‐moderators: Denise Anderson her husband, the newly installed and Jan Edmiston are both "teaching elders" (i.e., Stated Clerk J. Herbert Nelson ministers; the elders who serve on a session are called Photo by Danny Bolin "ruling elders"). This is the first me the posi on has been shared by two people, and the elec on came in the 60th anniversary year of the ordina on of women. The first General Assembly was held in Philadelphia in 1789. The denomina on's first moderator was the Rev. John Witherspoon, a Founding Father of the United States and president of Princeton University. He was the only ac ve clergyman (and the only college president) to sign the Declara on of Independence. Later, he signed the Ar cles of Confedera on and supported ra fica on of the Cons tu on. If you have never visited the denomina on's website, CLICK HERE. SUNDAY, JULY 17 FELLOWSHIP POTLUCK Bring goodies to share for Fellowship On Sunday, July 17th, we will all have a chance to help create one of our favorite rituals at SPC ‐‐ Sunday Fellowship! Mary Grogan, Claudia Webb, and Margo & Lee Kirkpatrick relessly provide wonderful snacks every Sunday of the year! The session jumps into the game whenever a month has a fi h Sunday. Well hold onto to your muffin pan! Because in three Sundays from now, the cookie dough lands at all our feet. We, the congrega on, are being asked to BRING A SNACK TO SHARE on Sunday, July 17th. Fresh baked, homemade, store bought ‐‐ it's all good! Please mark your calendars now! If you have ques ons, please contact our chair of Sunday Fellowship, Mary Grogan, at mg744318@gmail.com YES USHERS AND GREETERS ROCK! Last Saturday night found some of the cheeriest people gathered around the picnic table on the SPC pa o! These are some of our ushers and greeters ‐‐ o en the first face a visitor sees when they come to SPC. BBQ hamburgers, a delicious salad, watermelon, and more filled the plates un l it was me to visit the ice cream sundae bar. Laughter and good conversa on confirmed that the ushers and greeters are people people. If you would like to consider being an usher or greeter, write to Mary Van Dyke at mvandyke@mcguire.com Raise a toast to just some of the "faces" of SPC (l‐r): Beverly & Woody Anderson, Ross Graham, Pastor Paul, Ellie, Hank & Mary Van Dyke, and BBQ Master Joe Silverman. ‐Photo by Ana Guyman‐Proust THE WEDNESDAY COMMUNITY LUNCH NEEDS PLASTIC FOOD CONTAINERS Recycling is great. Re‐using is even be er! Bring your containers such as peanut bu er, mayonnaise or co age cheese, and we will use them to help our hungry neighbors take home the le overs from our Wednesday Lunch. Please leave them in the kitchen when you are able to contribute. Thank you, Diana Ferrone SPC SUMMER CAMP FOR CHILDREN AGES 512 AUGUST 1517 SIGN UP NOW A HEARTWARMING STORY Homeless mom honors Vallejo cop, a son of Sausalito The Sausalito Police Department has a volunteer squad called the VIPS. A "VIP" is a Volunteer in Public Safety. They receive special training and go through the thorough background check required of people who work for the police. It is the VIPS that provide traffic and crowd control during big events, conduct house checks for people on vaca on, and help out with various du es to support the work of the police department. Two notable VIPS are Bill Pa erson, husband of Jean and o en found volunteering at SPC events as a bartender or all‐around helper; and a more recent addi on, Diana Ferrone, who completed her training last year and has been busy on "the beat." One Sausalito "VIP" is Karin Williams, whose son is a police officer in Vallejo. Watch this story about him ‐‐ it is a real heartwarmer: h p://www.ktvu.com/news/160608079‐story If you are interested in volunteering with the police department, call 415‐289‐4102. SAUSALITO VILLAGE PROGRAM FOR FREE CANES OR WALKING STICKS HOW DOES IT WORK? Sausalito Village launched a FREE CANE program by having a receptacle at WATERSTREET HARDWARE at 318 Caledonia St. from which anyone who needs a cane or walking s ck may take one free of charge. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Help by DONATING A CANE OR WALKING STICK in good condi on to WATERSTREET. Just drop it off in the container. If you would like a tax le er for your dona on, contact Lois Pren ce at 415 ‐ 272 9699. Third is an HONOR SYSTEM based program. When finished with use of cane or s ck, return it so others can use it. THANK YOU Sausalito Village www.sausalitovillage.org JAPANESE PRINCESS MARRIES HER PRINCE It was a weekend of love and honor at Sausalito Presbyterian Church. On Saturday morning bride Eri looked and felt like a princess in her sparkling ara, full ball gown with applicayed flowers, and silver slippers. Groom Masahiro seemed ready for a formal GQ photo shoot. Their families traveled from Japan for the SPC wedding ceremony. Four year old nephew took his me down the aisle guarding the rings to the sound of bells. And his six year old sister followed the bride holding the lace trimmed chapel length veil. Eri and Masahiro knelt during a special blessing given in front of masses of wedding candles. A er enjoying the sites of California, the families will return to Japan. Story and pictures by Shirley La a, Wedding Director Click on www.sausalitopres.org/weddings for more stories and wedding videos! CELEBRATE WITH MUSIC On a recent warm Sausalito a ernoon Adam and Rebeca were married at Sausalito Presbyterian Church by their Pastor/Friend who flew in from Riverton, New Jersey for the weekend. Family from Libya and Mexico joined 80 guests ‐ many traveling from around the country to celebrate. The church was filled with masses of candles, and the six bridesmaids carried bouquets of wild flowers. A er the ceremony, ladies were encouraged to exchange their s le os for colorful sandals that were arranged by size in a basket though ully provided by the bride. This made the stroll from the church down Princess Street to the waterfront Ondine recep on carefree and fun. The procession was led by a Mariachi Band; so the tourists in town for the weekend also enjoyed an unexpected musical treat. It was Sausalito at it's best on a day with the most sunlight of the year! Story and pictures by Shirley La a, Wedding Director JUNE AND JULY ART SHOW (ends July 11) Reception July 10 from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM Betty Heschong Fine Art Marin resident, Be y Heschong, grew up in Santa Barbara and moved to Marin in 1981. She has been pain ng in oils for more than 20 years and has studied with many noted and inspira onal ar sts, including Daniel J. Keys, C.W. Mundy, Qiang Huang, Sadie Valerie, Jove Wang, Timothy Horn, Carol Myer, and Ning Mercer. Whether landscapes or a wide variety of s ll lifes, her pain ngs are bold and bright, with rich color, texture, and warmth. Among the work in this show you might find poppies, pigs, pitchers, roses, lilies, lilacs, pears, apples and onions, eggs, sunflowers, tangerines and tea, chicks, barns, and birdhouses. Meet the ar st at a recep on on Sunday June 12th, from 12:00 to 3:00. For more images of her work, visit www.be yheschong.com. THE WISDOM OF YOUR DREAMS A recommenda on from our Pastor Emeritus Are you interested in dreams and what they might mean beyond your sleeping hours? Check out The Wisdom of Your Dreams Newsle er by CLICKING HERE. This newsle er is wri en by Jeremy Taylor, D. Min. Once you click on the link, you can read the current newsle er and then go to Jeremy's home page for more informa on or to access his newsle er archive. COMMUNITY BULLETIN BOARD Found a new job? Ge ng married? Your child made the honor roll? You lost an earring? The community bulle n board is a way to share what is going on in your life with the SPC community. TURN YOUR EVERYDAY SHOPPING ON AMAZON INTO SUPPORT FOR SPC! SPC will receive a rebate at no expense to you! If you are doing any Amazon online shopping this year, consider joining smile.amazon.com. Your shopping experience will be exactly the same as it is now, but Amazon will give a small rebate to the church! If we all do it, it can really add up! A simple and automa c way for you to support SPC. Select SPC as your charity and do your usual shopping. It's that easy and doesn't cost you anything. Amazon donates 0.5% to SPC ‐ no cost to you. Sign‐up today 1. Visit smile.amazon.com 2. Sign into your Amazon account 3. Choose your Charity: Either, enter or choose: Sausalito Presbyterian Church Click 'Select' That it! 'Suppor ng First Presbyterian Church' will now appear under the search box 4. Begin shopping! ‐ There is no cap on the amount Amazon will donate ‐ Most products are eligible, excluding digital goods ‐ "Eligible for AmazonSmile dona on" appears on product detail page Remember: you always have to shop via smile.amazon.com. If you shop via amazon.com your purchases will not generate a dona on. Smile Tip: When you are on Amazon.com and you find a product, try replacing the www. with smile. and see if the product page s ll works. Many of them do and you can easily switch to Smile this way. Ques ons? Julie Carlson will be happy to help you. carlson.juli@gmail.com; 415‐383‐5037 eSCRIP REMINDER Whole Foods, Mollie Stone's, Woodland Market, Macy's, Big O Tires, Round Table Pizza, and many others. There is no cost to you. You shop the way you like to shop for groceries, clothing, travel, and entertainment. It's simple and convenient, all you need to do is register your grocery club card and credit/debit card(s). Simple Registra on‐Register Today! Log on to www.escrip.com and go to "sign up" Designate our group to receive contribu ons. Our Group ID is # 500018745. Register your grocery club cards from a par cipa ng merchant and your credit, ATM and debit cards if you wish. If you are already enrolled and have designated your contribu ons to another group (such as a school), please consider adding SPC, thus enabling the church to receive a por on of your designated contribu ons. That's it! Visit eScrip merchants to shop. It's automa c! We can poten ally receive hundreds of dollars from your par cipa on alone! Even thousands of dollars if we enroll a significant number of the congrega on. Mill Valley Market ‐ no registra on needed. At check‐out, just say SPC, or give our designa on #7066 and they will donate 2% of your purchase to SPC. BOOK CORNER If you are reading a wonderful book that you would like to recommend or share please email the office at sausalitopres@gmail.com and we will put in our Book Corner. Email subject: Book Corner If you like. you may write something about it or just the tle and author and with or without your name. Thank you! NEW IN OUR BOOK CORNER Mary Van Dyke recommends: "Flight Behavior" by Barbara Kingsolver Bu erflies in crisis "The novel is a heady explora on of climate change, along with media exploita on and poli cal opportunism that lie at the root of what may be our most urgent modern dilemma." Set in Appalachia, with characters and lessons we can't forget. OUR BOOK CORNER SHELF Help, Thanks, Wow: The Three Essen al Prayers by Anne Lamo Kneeling in Jersualem by Ann Weems. Just Mercy: A story of Jus ce and Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson (2014) Between the World and Me, by Ta‐Nehisi Coates SPC FINANCIAL REPORT The Session is charged with administering the church and its resources. It is made up of representa ves called elders who are elected from and by the congrega on. The Session meets on the fourth Tuesday of almost every month. At every mee ng, there is a review of the church's finances. Here is a summary of this month's financial report, the final report for the year 2016. SPC FINANCIAL SUMMARY through May 2016 2016 Annual Budget for Income: $194,255.00 2016 Annual Budget for Expenses: $193,717.00 ACTUAL YEAR‐TO‐DATE (April 30, 2016) Total Income YTD: $99,118.45 Total Expenses YTD: $74,731.52 BIRTHDAYS TO CELEBRATE In an effort to get to know each other be er, we would like to run short profiles on those celebra ng birthdays. When is your birthday? Please let us know! In the mean me, Happy Birthday(s) to: JUNE BIRTHDAYS 30‐ Kevin Corbe , Michael Graham July Birthdays 1‐Suellen Barne 2‐Linda Woodbury 3‐Simone Adams 4‐Ellie Mowry‐Silverman 8‐Mar n Gustavson 10‐ Jerry Rampelberg, Leif Kos 11‐Candace Berthrong 12‐Ross Corbe 16‐Larry Whyman 17‐ Paul Meade 18‐Sherwood Cummins 21‐Patricia Ascher 26‐Mryl Despot 27‐ Robin Sinclair 29‐Barry Hovis 30‐ Kathy Hooper, Dana Wadsworth, A on Thatcher PARKING BEHIND THE CHURCH IS BY PERMISSION ONLY The limited parking spaces behind the church are now RESERVED for specific people with physical challenges so they can a end church without fear of pain or further injury. If you have an accessibility issue and need to park in the back, call the church office at 415‐332‐3790. Thank you in advance for your compassionate coopera on. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO SUBMIT SOMETHING TO SPINN If you have an announcement for the SPC community or would like to share news or a photo of interest (photo as a jpeg, please) in SPINN, please email it to office@sausalitopresbyterian.com. THE DEADLINE IS Tuesday at 2:00 PM, every week. Submissions are reviewed and edited by the office for publica on. Thank you. MARK YOUR CALENDAR Tuesday, July 5 at 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM Prayer and Healing Group. Come join us for one hour of Prayer and Medita on. All prayers are kept confiden al. Wednesday, July 6 at 12:00 PM Community Lunch All are welcome to help out or just to enjoy a hot lunch with neighbors. Monday‐Wednesday, August 15‐17 SPC Summer camp And of course, Sunday services are at 10:00 AM Direc ons & Parking Leadership Our Website Sausalito Presbyterian Church 112 Bulkley Avenue Sausalito, CA 94965 415‐332‐3790 office@sausalitopresbyterian.com h p://www.sausalitopres.org Email: paulmowry@sausalitopres.org Cell: 415‐890‐3144 Of course, if you have an emergency you should call him right away regardless of what day or me it is. The regular church office hours remain the same: Tuesday ‐ 2:00 PM ‐ 5:00 PM Tuesday ‐ 2:00 PM ‐ 5:00 PM Wednesday ‐ 1:00 PM ‐ 5:00 PM Thursday ‐ 1:00 PM ‐ 5:00 PM Friday ‐ 2:00 PM ‐ 5:00 PM Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.
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