lochridge marshall
lochridge marshall
Number 58 October 2007 www.copley.oh.us Copley Hires Fire Chief M ichael Benson was appointed Fire Chief of Copley Fire Department on August 29, 2007. Chief Benson is an 18 year veteran of the fire service. He began his career as a volunteer firefighter with the Uniontown Fire Department in Stark County and became a full-time firefighter/paramedic with the Barberton Fire Department in 1993. He served as a firefighter and a fire officer at both departments. Chief Benson graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelor’s Degree of Applied Science in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology. During his career he has been a Fire Investigator, Public Educator, Disaster Planner and Grant Writer. Additionally, Chief Benson is a Lead Fire Instructor for the University of Akron Training Center for Fire and Hazardous Materials conducting certified firefighter training throughout Summit and Medina Counties. Chief Benson, a lifelong resident of Northeast Ohio, currently resides in Wadsworth with his wife and three children. Election 2007 In November of the odd numbered years, Copley Township holds an election for either two Trustees or one Trustee and the Fiscal Officer. In 2007, the Fiscal Officer and one Trustee position are open for election. The only persons who filed for the offices were Janice Marshall and Helen Humphrys, respectively. Both these names will appear on the November ballot even though they are unopposed. Ms. Humphrys’ new term will run from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2011 and Ms. Marshall’s term will begin on April 1, 2008 and run through March 31, 2012. There are other issues on the ballot for Copley residents. • Proposed Tax Levy (Replacement and Decrease) at a rate not exceeding 2.95 mills for mental health and recovery programs for children, adults, and families for the County service district, for six years, commencing in 2008, first due in calendar year 2009. • Proposed Tax Levy (Replacement and Decrease) at a rate not exceeding 2.25 mills for the purpose of the protection and placement of abused and neglected children by the Summit County Children Services Board, for six years, commencing in 2007, first due in calendar year 2008. For more information about voting in the November election, please contact the Summit County Board of Elections at 330643-5200 or go to their website, www.summitcountyboe.com. In This Issue... Service Department..................................... page 2 Document Shredding ......................................... page 2 Police Department ....................................... page 3 Halloween In The Park ....................................... page 3 Share-A-Christmas ............................................. page 3 Fire Department ........................................... page 4 Pancake Breakfast ............................................. page 4 Zoning Department ...................................... page 5 Comprehensive Land Use Plan .......................... page 5 Public Hearing .................................................... page 5 10 8 7 1 1 12 6 5 1 4 2 3 November 4th Service Department News... CURB MARKERS You might have noticed that markers have been placed on the catch basins and drains near your home. These are reminders that the storm water system is not to be used as a dump station. Always dispose One pint of of used waste oil, old used motor oil paint, or any other can pollute an hazardous material at area the size of a recycling location. You can contact the two football fields, Household Hazardous Waste Facility 330affecting your 374-0383 for information on proper disposal water, and killing of hazardous waste. We all need to be in- numerous plants volved to keep our waters clean, so toand animals. gether we will make a difference. CHRISTMAS TREE PICK UP Copley Township Service Department will be picking up live, discarded Christmas trees from township residents again this year. All live trees must be placed curbside prior to 7:00 a.m. on Monday, January 7, 2008 NO RETURN TRIPS WILL BE MADE In order to prevent damage to the chipper, and for the safety of our operators, please remember ALL items, such as wire, plastic bags, twine, and decorations, MUST BE REMOVED from trees. Please DO NOT BAG tree. Check your tree thoroughly for decorations before placing them curbside. Please contact the Copley Township Service Department at 330666-0365 or www.bgemind@copley.oh.us with any questions or concerns. SNOW REMOVAL The Service Department is responsible for clearing 53.90+ straight miles, (112.4 lane miles) of Township roads. Either the state or the county maintains the remaining roads. Mailboxes, driveway entrances, cul-de-sacs, and limited space for plowed snow, make it very challenging for the plow drivers. On a normal snowfall day, it takes eight people, eight trucks, and 70-75 tons of salt to cover the Township roads. A two-pass plowing system is used so that residents are guaranteed access to emergency services. Residents are urged to remove any obstacles that present dangers to the traveling public. Hazardous obstacles include vehicles on the road, large rocks, stakes, and other landscaping items placed along the edge of the road to prevent damage to lawns. Property owners may be subject to liability in the event an accident occurs. Residents are also urged to avoid parking on the roads when snow removal becomes necesssary. When plowing your driveway, please do not place snow in the road. DOCUMENT SHREDDING PROGRAM Through a grant from Summit/Akron Solid Waste Authority, Copley Township residents will once again be able to take advantage of one very important step in protecting themselves against identity theft by effectively destroying sensitive information through document shredding. Iron Mountain will be providing an on-site, secure shredding vehicle at the Copley Town Hall, 1540 S. ClevelandMassillon Road, on the south side of the building. The site will be open on the following dates from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. November 3, 2007 February 2, 2008 May 3, 2008 This program is for Copley residents only and proof of residency will be required through a valid Ohio driver’s license or current utility bill. Copley Township Brick Order Form COPLEY TOWNSHIP BRICK ORDER FORM The Copley Heritage Day Committee sold bricks during the Millennium as a fund raiser for Heritage Days. The bricks are now in the walls of the announcement signs that are erected in Copley Circle. The Township Trustees plan to continue the sale of bricks. This new program will compliment the brick walls. The bricks sold now will align the walkways to the walls. Your inscription is limited to three (3) lines and 20 characters per line. Character count includes spaces between words. Cost per brick is $25.00. Please make checks payable to Copley Township. Name Address Daytime Phone Number Inscription - Please Print Please complete the form and mail with check or money order to: Copley Township Brick Program 1540 S. Cleveland-Massillon Rd. Copley, Ohio 44321 Your inscription is limited to three (3) lines and 20 characters per line. Character count includes spaces between words. You will be notified when bricks are placed in the Circle. 2 OCTOBER 2007 Police Department News... ANNUAL HALLOWEEN FESTIVAL IN THE PARK HOLIDAY ASSISTANCE FOR LOCAL FAMILIES The annual Copley Safety Halloween Festival, sponsored by the Copley Police Department, will be held this year at the Copley Community Park, 3232 Copley Road, on Saturday, October 27th, 2007 from 2 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Copley Police Department will distribute free Trick-OrTreat bags, glow sticks and pumpkins, while supplies last. There will be Copley Township Police and Fire vehicles on display. There will also be hay rides, games, hot cider and donuts for everyone and a trick-or-treat “trail” for kids 10 & under. Kids, wear your costumes and join us for an afternoon of fun in the park! In case of rain, the festival will be held at the Copley-Fairlawn Middle School at the Schoolcraft entrance. Would you like to be sure that your Christmas charity contribution really benefits those in need? Would you like to see your donation help local families? Perhaps a neighbor has had a bad year, or your child may have a needy classmate. The Copley Police Department will be accepting donations for its annual “Share A Christmas Program” which benefits needy families in the Copley area by providing toys and gifts for children at Christmas time. Last year over two hundred fifty children who may not have received anything at all under their Christmas trees awoke to find an assortment of toy and gift items on Christmas morning. Donations of cash and new toys will be accepted at the Copley Police Department, 1280 Sunset Drive, beginning Monday, November 26, through Wednesday, December 19. Checks or money orders may also be mailed to the Police Department. Copley Police Officers will also “Share- A-Christmas” with senior citizens again this year. Elderly adults living on their own in homes in Copley receive a gift and a visit from a Police Officer during the Holidays. The Police Department will be accepting names of needy families and senior citizens (not necessarily needy) for participation in the “Share-A-Christmas” program. If you could use some assistance, know of a family that could, or know a senior citizen who would appreciate a visit from a Police Officer, please call the Police Department at 330-670-2725. Application forms and further information are available online at www.copley.oh.us after November 26th. These programs are for families residing in Copley and/or the Copley-Fairlawn School District only. Proof of residency may be required. All of the money raised benefit those in need. Please help us make the Holiday season a little brighter for those not as fortunate as ourselves by giving generously. “Share A Christmas” ComDoc CEO Lochridge to Speak to Business Executives Riley Lochridge, CEO and Chairman of ComDoc Inc., will be presenting “A CEO’s Perspective on the Privilege and Responsibility of Leadership at Home and at Work” at a breakfast meeting for business executives. Mr. Lochridge has been featured in “Smart Business Magazine” and believes ComDoc’s greatest strength is its dedicated employees. This event will take place on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 from 7:30 a.m to 9:00 a.m. at Fairlawn Country Club, 200 North Wheaton Road and is hosted by Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Bath-Richfield and Healthy Communities Healthy Youth Copley-Fairlawn, community-based organizations working to foster positive youth development. Cost is $15 per person, corporate sponsorship opportunities are available ($100/$250). Corporate sponsors at time of printing include Hemminger Construction Company and Robert Baird and Company, Inc. For your invitation, please visit www.copley-fairlawnhchy.org or contact Marcie Mason at 330-666-4218. Reservations are necessary by November 1, 2007. You won’t want to miss this valuable presentation, the opporRiley Lochridge tunity to network with peers, and an elegant buffet breakfast. 3 OCTOBER 2007 Fire Department News... Winter Fire Safety Tips For The Home Winter is approaching and now is a good time to check your furnace, fireplace or woodburning stove. Furnace • Have your furnace inspected annually. • Change your furnace filter on a regular basis. • Keep trash and combustibles at least 3 feet away from heating system. • Leave furnace repairs to qualified specialists. Woodstoves and Fireplaces • Be sure the stove or fireplace is installed properly. Wood stoves should have at least 36” of clearance from combustible surfaces as well as proper floor supports and protection. • Woodstove must be UL approved. • Have chimney inspected annually and cleaned if necessary. • Do not use flammable liquids to start or accelerate fire. • Keep glass or metal screen in front of fireplace to prevent sparks or embers from jumping out. • Before you go to sleep, make sure your fire is out. Never close your damper with hot ashes in the fireplace. A closed damper will help the fire heat up again and will force toxic carbon monoxide into the house. • Never discard hot ashes inside or near the home. Place them in a metal container outside and well away from the home. 7 1 1 12 6 5 1 4 2 3 Turn Clocks Back One Hour November 4th “Change your clocks, change your batteries.” Smoke Detectors The early warning provided by a working smoke detector can be the difference between getting out or not getting out safely from your home in case of a fire. Here are a few tips to ensure you receive the maximum protection from your smoke detectors. • Use only UL approved smoke detectors. • Install detectors inside bedrooms as well as hallways. • Install detectors on all levels, including attic and basement. • Test detector at least once a month. • Develop and practice an escape plan. Set up a meeting place outside the home for all members of the family to ensure that everyone got out safely. Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detector Carbon Monoxide is an invisible, odorless gas. Any fuel-burning device has the potential to produce dangerous levels of CO. Examples of these commonly used devices around the house are non electric furnaces, hot water heaters, gas stoves, fireplaces, woodstoves, and non electrical space heaters. To provide warning of a potential CO problem, you should have at least one CO detector installed near the sleeping area of your home. For maximum protection, you should also install a CO detector on each level of your home. Copley Fire Department Pancake Breakfast Sunday, November 4, 2007 8 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Please Join Us 10 8 Copley Township Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony Sunday, December 2, 2007 6 p.m. at the Circle Christmas Carols by the Girl Scouts Santa Will Be There!!! Sponsored by The Copley Fire & Rescue Association This will be our 40th year!!! 4 OCTOBER 2007 Zoning Department News... Comprehensive Land Use Plan Moves Forward The Comprehensive Land Use Plan Open House was held on June 21, 2007 at the Copley Community Center. The event was very well received. The Township would like to thank all those who attended, participated or volunteered their time to make this event a success. Since the Open House, the Comprehensive Land Use Committees, in conjunction with the Consultants and survey results, have been working diligently in assessing the Township in terms of existing (prevailing) land use, appropriate (proposed) land use and natural resources. The process has included dividing the Township up into approximately 11 “Concept Areas” with a coinciding map. By examining the existing character of each of these areas and the potential use that may be implemented, suggested goals and objectives have been offered by the various Committees involved for the land in those particular regions of the Township. The Committees are studying different developmental “tools” that will assist in the implementation of these goals and objectives in order to build a foundation in which to achieve the appropriate land use for the different areas of the Township. The adoption of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan will be held through a series of public hearings to gather additional public input before the Township Trustees finally approve the document. The Comprehensive Land Use Plan is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2007, beginning of 2008. Once adopted, the Township will then turn its focus to drafting a new Zoning Resolution. This will not only comprise of updating and revising the zoning code, but also make the new Zoning Resolution compatible to achieve the desired goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. For information on the Land Use Plan future meetings, you can access the Township website at www.copley.oh.us. OPEN HOUSE June 21, 2007 PUBLIC HEARING - NOVEMBER 5, 2007 AT 7:00 P.M. The Steering Committee will hold a public hearing on Monday, November 5th at 7:00 pm on the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan at the Copley Community Center, 1278 Sunset Drive. The purpose of the hearing is to hear comments, suggestions, or ideas from our residents. The consultants on this project, Jeff Kerr and Laura DeYoung from Kerr-Boron, Inc., will be giving a PowerPoint presentation with the highlights of the proposed Land Use Plan. A draft copy of the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan can be downloaded from our website at www.copley.oh.us or you can stop by Town Hall to pick one up. Copies will be available at the public hearing. If you cannot attend the hearing, please email your comments or suggestions to township@copley.oh.us no later than November 12, 2007. 5 OCTOBER 2007 Motor Vehicle License Tax to Copley Township Please remember - when renewing your annual license plate/sticker, make sure you state you live in COPLEY TOWNSHIP so the Township rightly receives its portion of the license tax fee. Copley has six zip codes that range from Akron 44320, Akron 44333, Barberton 44203, Copley 44321, Norton 44203, and Wadsworth 44281. The registrar will write the city address name on your driver’s license in the jurisdiction area unless you state you live in Copley Township! Meeting Notes Regular Board of Trustee Meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month at 8:00 p.m. except in the summer months, when we meet at 7:00 p.m. Please visit our website http//www.copley.oh.us for updated meeting times. The Zoning Commission meets on the first Monday of the month at 6:00 p.m. as needed. The Board of Zoning Appeals meets upon application. All Meetings Are Open To The Public. This is an official newsletter published as a service to residents under authority of the Ohio Revised Code. Copley Township Trustees review and approve the contents. Please direct comments and improvements to the Township Trustees C o p l e y To w n s h i p Te l e p h o n e N u m b e r s Emergency Police & Fire ....................9-1-1 Non Emerg. Police & Fire........330-666-8866 Administrative Officers Fire ............................. 330-666-6464 Police .......................... 330-666-4218 Zoning .........................330-666-0108 Service/Roads ...............330-666-0365 Tr u s t e e s Scott Dressler Helen Humphrys .......330-666-1853 Dale Panovich Fiscal Officer Janice Marshall ............ 330-666-1853 To w n s h i p A d m i n i s t r a t o r Peggy Spraggins ............330-666-1853 } COPLEY ONLINE WEBSITE: HTTP//WWW.COPLEY.OH.US EMAIL: TOWNSHIP@COPLEY.OH.US OCTOBER 2007
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so the Township rightly receives its portion of the license tax fee. Copley has six zip codes that range from Akron 44320,
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