31 Pine Avenue North - Bates Design and Build Ltd.
31 Pine Avenue North - Bates Design and Build Ltd.
31 Pine Avenue North Mississauga, Ontario loretta phinney team L o r e t t a P h i n n e y . c o m P ort Credit. Now is your chance to customize your upscale custom designed semi with occupancy available 6-12 months. Walk to shops, restaurants, lake, lots of recreational & sports facilities...It’s a lifestyle in an easy to maintain home with lots of new construction underway in the area...quickly transitioning community! *Pictures included in this brochure are of the show model home located at 29B Pine Avenue North and these finishes will be similar to newly constructed properties. loretta phinney team loretta phinney team loretta phinney team loretta phinney team 31 Pine Avenue North Mississauga, Ontario áá Pictures are of the show model home finishes of the new semis will be similar with the buyer being able to choose finishes from builder’s samples during the preconstruction phase. áá Pre-construction pricing and if purchased early enough the buyer will have choice of finishes from Builders selection. Pick your finishes and add your wish list requests... We will try and work with you to create your dream home! These are easy lifestyle freehold properties with no maintenance fee. áá Bates Design and Build Ltd. carries a full Tarion Warranty with its newly constructed properties. This series will differ from former property just sold as follows: áá It will have “long” architectural brick exterior with stucco accenting áá Main floor on attached floor plan will be “one” level with 10 foot ceiling on main, 9ft in upper level, 8 ft lower áá Choice of 4 or 3 Bedroom design with 3 upper baths. 4.5 baths total. Some custom changes may be permitted if purchase is early enough áá Finished basement with full bath áá Custom Kitchen in this plan is 7ft longer in the new layout from existing show home to create an eat-in area áá Family room will have large walkout overlooking backyard and fireplace installed on the side wall áá Approximately 2,400 square feet plus basement for a total living space of 3,400 3,500 square feet. L o r e t t a P h i n n e y . c o m 31 Pine Avenue North Mississauga, Ontario áá Brick and stucco exterior, stucco around and a returned covered vestibule áá 10 foot main floor áá 9 foot upper level áá Hardwood throughout main floor and upper level with tiled foyer and baths áá Kitchen can be hardwood or tile áá Kitchen is 7 feet longer to allow for eating area áá Heated master bath áá Designer tiles in bathrooms, marble in master bath áá Open floating staircase áá Choice of railing from builder’s samples (show home is glass and metal) áá Cabinetry in kitchen, baths and laundry áá Closet organizers L o r e t t a áá áá áá áá áá áá P h Fireplace in family room Walkout to backyard Master with glass shower and separate tub Broadloom in lower level Open concept lower level Some optional features may include áá áá áá áá Electric fireplace in lower level Roughed in home theatre Screen speakers and wired for theatre room Smart home wiring i n n e y . c o m #1 Tea m in C anada for Royal LePage 2013 ∙ 2012 ∙ 2011 ∙ 2010 ∙ 2008 ∙ 2006 ∙ 2004 Loretta Phinney team was Royal LePage’s top grossing team in Canada in 2013 with the all-time Canadian sales record for one year in Royal LePage’s 101-year history! In addition, the team achieved #1 status in 2012, 2011, 2010, 2008, 2006 and 2004. Loretta has consistently placed in the top five sales representatives in Canada throughout her career. The team continues to be an industry leader in Mississauga, Oakville and Burlington, having sold several of the most distinguished homes and properties. Loretta Phinney, B. Sc Sales Representative loretta phinney team * Kimberly Phinney Sales Representative 905.822.6900 ∙ 1.877.822.6900 Loretta@LorettaPhinney.com LorettaPhinney.com Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage Proven Dedicated *14 members ALL information contained herein has been supplied by the Seller to the best of his knowledge and while deemed accurate is NOT guaranteed by Royal LePage Real Estate Services Ltd., Brokerage. ALL measurements are approximate. dr ea mhous e@ba t es des i gna ndbui l d. c om ba t es des i gna ndbui l d. c om Onl i neAc c es sf or Bui l di ngy ourv e r yownc us t omhomei s a nex c i t i ngex pe r i e nc e !The r ea r eal otof i mpor t a ntdec i s i onsy ouwi l l needt oma k e f r omt het i mey oua ppr ov et hei ni t i a l dr a wi ng s , t omov i ngi nt oy ournewhome ! Wek nowhowi mpor t a nte v e r ydec i s i on y ouma k ei s , a ndhowi mpor t a nti ti st ha t y ouc a nf ol l owe v e r ya s pec toft he bui l di ngpr oc es s . 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